"Solidworks Simulation Linear & Non-linear (Part-1)" |
"FEA . ."
Price: 19.99

"Gemoloji Kursu" |
"Gemoloji, doal ve yapay deerli ta malzemelerle uraan bilimdir. Bir jeoloji ve bir mineraloji dal olarak kabul edilen gemoloji, baz kuyumcular ve deerli ta ve metalleri ileyenler ve akademik olarak eitilmi gemologlarca devam ettirilmektedir. Mcevherleri tanmlamak ve deerlendirmek iin bir niteliklidirler.Kuyumcular ve mcevherciler iin gemoloji alannda temel eitim ondokuzuncu yzylda balad, 1929'da Gem-A'nn Diploma Kursu'ndaki ilk ABD mezunu, daha sonra hem Gemological Institute of America'y hem de American Gem Society'yi kuran Robert Shipley'dir. Dnyada birok profesyonel okul ve gemolog ve dernek sertifikasyon programlar bulunmaktadr.Bu kursta, balangcndan devamna, tarihi ve kullanm, eitleri ve ekonomisi ile deerli ta bilimi gemolojiyi ileyeceksiniz."
Price: 79.99

"The Complete Supply Chain Management Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn Complete information related to Supply Chain Management. It is the best course for Supply Chain Management. This course of Supply Chain Management will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Topics you can learn and get Explanation are :Supply Chain ManagementSupply Chain Management ProcessProcess FlowSales ServiceDecision PhasesPerformance MeasuresStrategic SourcingMake vs BuyNetworksInventory ManagementPricing and RevenueIntegrationAgile and Reverse Supply ChainThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course ! Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Marketing Management Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to Marketing Management. It is the best course for Marketing Management. This course of Marketing Management will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Topics you can learn and get Explanation are :Marketing ManagementConceptsProcessFunctionsEnvironmentPorter Five ForcesPlanningResearchResearch ProcessConsumer BehaviorThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course !Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"Structural Engineering: Design of Steel Connections 4" |
"Course overviewIn this course the theory and application involved in designing an angle-seat simple connection is covered. As a practicing engineer you may have used software to design steel connections. Understanding and keeping track of the endless design checks can be a major challenge. This course will aid in unravelling the confusion you experience when reading software outputs.Prior knowledge requiredLearners should know how to design bolts and understand the basics of structural steel designCourse contentThis course is essentially divided into three sections: The first section provides an introduction to simple connections used in steel structures. The second section covers the principles involved in the design of an angle-seat connection. Of particular importance in this section is ensuring that the simple connection does not unwittingly become a rigid connection. In the final section that practical design of an angle-seat connection is covered.Course aimsGain an understanding of how a simple connection behaves and is designedCreate less reliance on blindly accepting computer outputLearning OutcomesLearn how to design angle-seat simple connectionsConfidently scrutinize software output and be comfortable at presenting results to clients"
Price: 24.99

"Australian Maths Competition Senior paper" |
"Join us in our preparation for the AMC senior paper which involves going through competitions like AMC 12 and others.It will be strange for us to go back to 75 minutes after all the 4.5 hour exams but we will try and it should be a fun process. Once again we are back to a contest where fake solves can be a good thing!"
Price: 59.99

"MOORA ok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknii Eitimi" |
"u sorular siz problem savalarnn karsna kmyor mu?""irketimizin yeni retim hattna hangi makineleri almalyz?""""Ofis bilgisayarlarn yenilememiz gerekiyor. Hangi bilgisayarlar tercih etmeliyiz?""""Ara filomuza yeni aralar ekleyeceiz. Hangi aralar alacamza nasl karar vermeliyiz""Vd***rnek bir diyalog...Mdr: ""Aygn Hanm, Aralk sonuna kadar, retim hattmza yeni makineleri almamz gerekiyor. Be adet teklife ait dosyay ltfen alnz. Bir hafta sonra bana bir rapor vermenizi ve hangi tedarikiyi seeceimize dair nerilerinizi raporda grmek istiyorum.""Aygn: ""???""Aygn Hanma yardm etmek isterseniz, bu eitim size faydal olacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"Infectious Disease: Virology" |
"Medical Virology (Part 2) is the systematic study of viruses causing human pathology. The various groups of viruses and the different systems they attack are discussed with respect to clinical features, pathological changes, clinical findings, lab diagnosis, vaccination, and antiviral chemotherapy. More material will be added in the course of time."
Price: 19.99

2020-xvn |
", ?"" , , , ! "" ! . - , , , , , , - , . , . , . . , , , . - , , . . . , . - . , . , , .. - , , . . , . , , - "" """
Price: 19.99

"Azure Databases para Iniciantes" |
"O que voc aprender neste curso: Conceitos de cloud Criar uma conta gratuita no azure Criar uma conta de estudante no azure Provisionar um Azure SQL Database Provisionar um Azure SQL Database for MySQL Provisionar um Azure SQL Database for MariaDB Provisionar um Azure SQL Database for PostgreSQL Conectar o Azure SQL com Management Studio / Visual Code/ Dbeaver / Azure Data Studio Modelos de migrao de uma base de dados para o Azure SQL Tarefas de um DBA no Azure Como utilizar o Azure Data Factory"
Price: 459.99

"PHP with PDO: Build Task List Project with PDO, PHP & MySQL" |
"Welcome to the ""PHP with PDO: Build Task List Project with PDO, PHP & MySQL"" course!In this course you are going to learn how to work with and how to implement PHP Data Object or PDO wherever you need PDO is the best way to access databases in PHP among other option exists. PDO is not database specific, so we can use it to connect and control data for a very broad selection of databases. PDO is most secured and easy way to access any database.PDO stands for PHP Data Object. PDO is built in with Object Oriented feature. No worries if you don't have OOP concept. It's great to have but not required.In this course you will learn how to use PHP Data Object (PDO) to Create, read, update, delete data database and more.In this course I goes right to the point so no more wasting time.What do I mean by task list?I mean, we will be building a task list that would be a task(crud operation) with a list of users!My ApproachIn this course I use simple examples that can be easy to understand the concept of PDO.COURSE CONTENT:Section 2: CRUD Operation with PDOIn this section you are going to learn basics about PDO. And how make CRUD Operation with PDOSection 3: Let's build a task list projectIn this section of this course we are going to build a simple task list project.See you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Coding Interview Questions + Solutions + Excercise" |
"As you prepare for your next coding interview, have you ever thought:I wish someone will just walk me through some of these problems and explain whats going on.I wish there was a set of the important coding interview problems so I can practice them easily.I wish there was easy to hard to level question that are asked most often in an interview.If your answer is yes, then this course is for you!Course content:Im going to walk you through the essential coding interview questions and their answers.Ive picked these particular questions because they are the types of questions that are asked most often in an software engineering interview on Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Uber etc.Im going to cover problems that use concepts such as arrays, strings, linked lists and trees.Youll get a coding exercise in Python and Java for each problem, so you can get feedback on your solution right away.If you want to use any other language to follow this course, thats fine too! Just remember to run your solution on your computer to make sure it works.If you think youre ready for this course, watch the preview videos and see if you can solve those problems!No worries! Udemy have 100% money back guaranty, so nothing to lose! See you inside!"
Price: 99.99

"LeetCode in Java: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions" |
"Welcome to ""LeetCode in Java: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions"" course!In this course, you'll have a detailed, step by step explanation of classical hand-picked LeetCode Problems where you'll learn about the optimum ways to solve technical coding interview question. This is the course I wish I had when I was preparing myself for the interviews. This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So nothing to lose!What is LeetCode?LeetCode is a huge repository of real interview questions asked by the most popular tech industries( Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Quora, LinkedIn, Bloomberg, Uber, Goldman Sachs, Twitter and more ).Interviewers from the most popular companies(like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Uber, Twitter etc.) often directly ask questions they find on LeetCode. It's hard to navigate through the large amount of problems(around 1500) to most important questions, this is what this course stand for.I spent countless hours on LeetCode. From my experience, I'm telling you that you don't have to do the all problem and still be able to get a job at a big tech industry.By the time you're finished with the course, you will be prepared for common technical coding interview questions.See you inside the course!"
Price: 134.99

"Paisajes Digitales y Diseo de Escenarios de Fantasa" |
"Aclaracin IMPORTANTE: La versin del curso aqu publicado dejar de incluir feedback de los ejercicios a partir del 1 de Julio del 2019. Para la versin con feedback sobre los ejercicios, adquirir el curso a travs de mi sitio web.Si te gusta pintar Paisajes, este curso te va a encantar. Te voy a ensear a pintar los distintos elementos de la naturaleza como montaas, rocas, rboles y nubes. Y tambin vas a aprender conceptos clave como perspectiva, composicin e iluminacin.Se trata de un curso completo sobre este tema con el objetivo de que aprendas los fundamentos y todo el conocimiento necesario para desarrollar tus propios escenarios y paisajes desde la imaginacin. Te voy a ensear a estudiar a los grandes maestros, te voy a ensear nuevas tcnicas de trabajo y por sobre todo a desarrollar un proceso creativo slido y profesional."
Price: 59.99

"Cooking a Variety of North Indian Breads" |
"Welcome to Indian Cuisine! This course is Basics on Indian Bread. Have you ever noticed the number of different choices for breads with your curries? If you are wondering which ones you should choose, you are in the right place! This course describes the background, cultural significance and how to make the variety of breads in Indian cuisine. "
Price: 54.99

"Alexa, aplicaciones de voz. Curso bsico de Amazon Alexa" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones de voz para dispositivos que tengan instalado Amazon Alexa.Alexa es un servicio de voz ubicado en la nube de Amazon, que te permite crear aplicacines que puedes controlar con la voz y as poder manejar mltiples dispositivos que tengan Alexa instalado.Alexa est disponible en los dispositivos de Amazon (Echo dot, Echo plus, Echo auto, Echo spot, Echo studio)Alexa tambin est disponible en otros dispositivo con Alexa instalado, como cmaras de vigilancia, bombillas, enchufes, climatizadores, despertadores, etc.Alexa tiene funcionalidades o aplicaciones de voz que se denominan skills, que te permiten crear aplicaciones de voz y utilizarlas en tus dispositivos con Alexa.Aprenderemos haciendo 4 aplicaciones de voz de Alexa, para facilitar el aprendizaje. Ser muy sencillo y divertido.Todo est explicado mediante ejemplos para facilitar el aprendizaje.Podrs obtener un certificado de la realizacin de este curso.Tienes una garanta de devolucin de 30 das, en el caso de que no quedes satisfecho con el curso.Apntate hoy y nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 194.99

"Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours" |
"Hi there,Are you ready to gain new cybersecurity skills to improve your career opportunities? Are you looking for a career in penetration testing?If you are planning an Ethical Hacking career and if this is something that interests you then you are at the right place.OAK Academy wants you to know were here to help. Last year, Penetration Testers ranked as one of the 3 most in-demand jobs in the growing cybersecurity job market, and with our guided learning youll gain real-world, hands-on experience with the latest technologies. Our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours provides you with the latest free tools and resources to grow your knowledge and achieve your career goals. Our video courses cover a broad range of topics and are accessible anytime, anywhere. You can gain real, hands-on experience from the comfort of your own home.No experience? Not a ProblemIf you dont have any previous experience in Ethical Hacking, not a problem! Our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours is for everyone! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to pro hackers. With this course, you will have a chance to learn to identify and expose weaknesses in an organizations network with the same methods black hat hackers use to exploit their victims.And if you are a pro-Ethical Hacker, then take this course to quickly absorb the latest skills, while refreshing existing ones.Free Ethical Hacking ToolsThe good news is: All applications and tools recommended are free. So you dont need to buy any tool or application.This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing and ethical hacking but I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software on your machine. When you finish this course you will learn the most effective steps to prevent attacks and detect adversaries with actionable techniques that you can directly apply when you get back to work. So you will also learn all the tips and tricks so that you can win the battle against the wide range of cyber adversaries that want to harm your environment. Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you'll also be very confident, and hungry to learn more. TVideo and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionDive in now to our Become Ethical Hacker in 15 Hours courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized. "
Price: 199.99

"Oracle 12C Release 2 Backup and Recovery Using RMAN" |
"Hey there,Welcome to my Oracle 12C Release 2 Backup and Recovery Using RMAN course.Recovery Manager (RMAN) is an Oracle Database client that performs backup and recovery tasks on your databases and automates the administration of your backup strategies. It greatly simplifies backing up, restoring, and recovering database files.RMAN also reduces the administration work associated with your backup strategy. RMAN keeps an extensive record of metadata about backups, archived logs, and its own activities, known as the RMAN repository. In restore operations, RMAN can use this information to eliminate the need for you to identify backup files for use in restores in most situations. You can also generate reports of backup activity using the information in the repository.Through my Oracle 12C Release 2 Backup and Recovery Using RMAN course, youll learn everything for using RMAN to manage backup and recovery activities on Oracle databases. After every concepts lecture, you will have a chance to implement a hands-on practical exercise.This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn how to install the tools. Then the show will start and we will start with introducing the Oracle RMAN architecture, this course will take you all away from performing basic database backup up to implementing advanced backup options on the produced backups. In my RMAN course, you will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. At the end of the course;Backup and recovery concepts in OracleSetting up the laboratory environmentCreating and managing the recovery catalogUsing flashback Technologies in OracleBacking up the databaseReporting on RMAN operations.Managing RMAN backupsUsing Data Recovery Advisor of OracleRestoring and recovering database and database objects.The point-in-time recovery concept in Oracle will be crystal clear for you.Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the Using RMAN and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you'll also be very confident, and hungry to learn more.uVideo and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionDive in now to our Oracle 12C Release 2 Backup and Recovery Using RMAN courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn about Azure Storage Security : Secure Data in Azure" |
"Azure Storage is a Microsoft-managed cloud storage service, that provides highly available, durable, scalable and redundant storage, at a fraction of the cost, if you were to manage it manually. In this blog on Azure Storage, you will learn the different storage offerings from Azure such as tables, blobs, file storage and queues!Organizations leverage Azure storage to store variety of Data like business use, PII or even confidential data, therefore is critical to understand the various options Microsoft provides to secure the data stored in storage account using tables, blobs, file storage and queues.Course Introduction:Before learning about Storage account security we have introduced lecture on ""CLOUD SECURITY SHARED RESPONSIBILITY MODEL"" and reason is Azure storage is PAAS service wherein securing Storage account is shared responsibilities between MICROSOFT AZURE and CLOUD CUSTOMER. Given detailed lecture will help you to have solid understanding on security and compliance in CloudIn this Course you will learn:Azure Storage account overviewMethods for Securing storage accountsSecuring Access using Azure Active DirectoryConcept of Management PlaneConcept of Data PlaneAzure storage Data plane Security.Azure storage Management plane SecurityLimitation of using storage account KeysSecurity using SAS KeysAzure storage security layersSecuring access using firewall and Service Endpoints"
Price: 19.99

"Complete HTML & CSS: Learn Web Development with HTML & CSS" |
"In todays world, more and more people want to learn some HTML and CSS. Joining the professional web designers and programmers are new audiences who are required to know a little bit of code at work and also those who want to make their personal blogs and websites more attractive. Many courses teaching HTML and CSS are dry and only created for those who want to become programmers, which is why this course takes an entirely new approach.Created by leading teachers in the field and designed for everyone, this course is a practical approach and comprehensive insight into the practice of web development. It covers HTML & CSS structure like text, images, tables, links, forms, useful options, fonts, colors, thinking in boxes, adding style with CSS, styling lists and tables, formatting, layouts, and grids. It also includes the required ACM web development topics, aligned with real-world web development best practices. You will also learn how to use fluid design and media queries to implement Responsive Web Design so your pages will look good and work right on any screen, from phone to tablet to desktopEnroll now and master the fundamentals of web development!What youll learn in this course: Master the fundamentals of HTML & CSS Build and design professional looking websites Use bootstrap to produce responsive websites that can adapt to any size. Learn simple web design tips to make your website stand out from the rest Kickstart your web developer career easily"
Price: 199.99

"Cambridge English for Beginners - Movers - A1" |
"This course aims to enhance the whole 4 skills for you: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is designed based on Cambridge curriculum supported and tested by Oxford University.This course help you achieve more than 500+ new word and you can use English for daily conversations because this course contains 50+ structures, sentences used frequently in daily life.There are plenty number of Materials for you to practise in this course including homework sheet, test, mock test.....This course is also suitable for learners who are studying for Movers test, equivalent to A1 Certificate"
Price: 99.99

"Windows Server 2016" |
"Windows Server 2016 RemoteApp"
Price: 199.99

"Certified Information Security Expert-Hands on" |
"Website Security :- Web application security is a branch of information security that deals specifically with security of websites, web applications and web services.Mobile Phone Security :-Mobile device security refers to the measures taken to protect sensitive data stored on portable devices. It is also the ability to prevent unauthorized users from using mobile devices to access the enterprise network.Network Security :-Network security consists of the policies and practices adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources."
Price: 1280.00

"JavaScript tutorial" |
"Javascript is the most widely used language around the world because it is the web language that all browsers understand! It is also the most language in which work is available, either as a function or as a free work.JavaScript - HTML 5 - CSS 3You will learn how to use JavaScript to build websites with HTML - CSS and basic JavaScript and Advanced JavaScript.You will learn step to step until advanced level of JS .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Javascript ! . - HTML 5 - CSS 3 JavaScript HTML - CSS JavaScript . ."
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop CS" |
"PhotoshopCS Photoshop CS : for Beginner to Advanced Photoshop CS Photoshop - Adobe Photoshop 1 - - 10 - Photoshop CS (CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6) Mac PC- ! - !- 10"
Price: 69.99

"TikTok Marketing Made Easy" |
"TikTok Marketing has become the best technique for marketers to make the most from their advertising efforts, and if not given adequate importance to, it can prove fatal for your business. Not only does it give you more opportunities to enhance your credibility, but you can easily stay on top of minds of your targeted audience on a long-term basis.Guys, TikTok marketing is the hidden key to reach out instantly to widely scattered customers & boost ROI in a convenient manner.Lets check out some fascinating facts that will get you glued to it-1. TikTok has 500 million active users worldwide.2. It was the third most downloaded app in the first quarter (Q1) of 2019, with 188 million new users.3. As of Q1 2019, its the most downloaded app on the Apple App Store, with 33 million downloads in a single quarter.4. Users spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the app.5. 90% of all TikTok users access the app on a daily basis.Buddy there's no hype hereonly cold hard facts.Truly, thats just a small piece of the immense possibilities that it holds for business owners of all shapes and sizes. Yes, benefits are getting BIGGER AND BIGGER, so the opportunity to reach potential customers & promote your offers to increase sales & profits*.And you know what the best part is, now you dont need to worry about the complexities and high cost involved in mastering these techniques. I have this revolutionary blueprint that takes you by the hand and ushers you safely through the complete process fast and easy.PresentingTikTok Marketing Made EasyThis step-by-step training guide will take you by the hand and teach you how to create high converting TikTok Marketing campaigns to boost leads, sales and profits.With its proper use, you can learn easily increase reach by cross promoting your TikTok content on other social platforms.And,MOST IMPORTANTLY,Youll discover advanced TikTok Marketing Tips and Tricks to boost sales and profits.Well this is a proven, tried and tested method and...It works todayIt will work tomorrowIt will work for months and years to comeIt works for product creatorsIt works for service providersIt works for me and will work for youAnd all you need to do is to follow the exact steps mentioned in the training guide. And as they say, rest will be history.Heres a brief insight into the great assistance that we are providing you with our info-packed training guide:TikTok Marketing Made Easy 1 What Is TikTok all about?2 Signing Up For TikTok3 TikTok Walkthrough4 Switching Your TikTok Personal Account Into a TikTok Pro Account5 Branding Your TikTok Profile For Business6 Creating Your First TikTok Video7 Using Discover as a Powerful Marketing Tool8 Creating A Hashtag Challenge9 Increasing Reach By Cross Promoting Your TikTok Content On Other Social Platforms10 How Businesses Use TikTok In the Real World11 TikTok Web12 Tips For Setting Up A Profitable Influencer Marketing Campaign For TikTok13 Best TikTok Video Ideas To Boost Your Brand14 Encouraging TikTok Users To Generate Content For Your Brand15 Running A Contest or Sweepstakes On TikTok The Right Way16 Best TikTok Marketing Strategies To Increase Followers17 TikTok Marketing Dos And Donts18 TikTok Marketing Premium Tools And Services To Consider19 TikTok Marketing Success Stories20 TikTok Marketing Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 19.99

"Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 6.2 (2020)" |
"## Special Offer: You will get free access to the NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 6.0Welcome To The Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 6.2 (NSE5-FAZ-6.2) Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From I-Certified : Note 1 : All our practice exams are based on our team members after preparing and successfully passing the exam and it's periodically updated based on our team members Note 2 : Explanations are alawys there for tricky Questions and u can feel free to ask our team Exam details;Exam Title: Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 6.2 (NSE5-FAZ-6.2)Exam Code: NSE5-FAZ-6.2Number of Questions: 25 Questions Duration: 50 min. Availability: Pearson VUE Testing Center Test Format: Multiple choice Passing Score: 70%Language Exam: English"
Price: 29.99

"Differentiability - 2 -ISC- CBSE- Class 12 -Mathematics" |
"For those of you , who have attended my first course on Continuity and Differentiability, this course is a sequel. For those of you, who haven't, you will learn a lot of differentiation by just enrolling.The course unravels with the Chain Rule and how it is used to calculate derivatives of composite functions. We then move to inverse trigonometric functions and how to differentiate them. You end with implicit functions, what are they and how do you differentiate them. The course is filled with examples for you to understand and practice!A must watch for CBSE, ISC students of class 12!"
Price: 19.99

storysellingcourse |
"(1) (2) (3) (4)"
Price: 64.99

"Citrix NetScaler 10.5 1Y0-351 Essentials and Networking Exam" |
"281 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix NetScaler 10.5 1Y0-351 Essentials and Networking ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix NetScaler 10.5 1Y0-351 Essentials and Networking ExamTotal Questions : 281Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (210 of 281)"
Price: 179.99

"Anime Studio" |
"Workshop for Rigging SMART BONES TARGET BONES Sound In Moho Workshop for Sound & Lip Syncing Lip Syncing Animation ? walk cycle Walk Cycle Camera & Depth of field Moho Render 100 MINI COURSE FOR PARTICULAR 1. 1000 :PNG SEQUENCE : .. Moho Animie Studio Premiere2."
Price: 99.99
