"5 Decision-Making Techniques for Success" |
"This course, 5 Decision-Making Techniques, is part of a series which also includes Introduction to Problem-Solving and Decision-Making for Business. And, is basically the part that completes the circle as it was originally designed in the more extended Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Strategies courseThis course gives you the most effective and popular tools for decision-making: nominal group techniquereturn on investment techniquedevil's advocate techniqueplus-minus-interesting analysis and ease-and-effect technique.The course You will have 2 hours of video content that includes examples and exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge. Everyone will benefit from the course, professionals, business men and women, students, or simply the curious ones.It's all about providing a practical framework for improvement and for creating positive habits in decision-making,This time by giving you the tools of techniques that you can use when appropriate to improve your decision-making effectiveness and achieve success.I encourage you to include these tools in your decision-making practice and use them until they become a habit, one that will make your professional and personal life easier and more productive.The course comes with a 30 days no question asked money back guarantee. Just, go ahead, press that ""Take the Course"" button, and see you inside learning about the decision-making tools and techniques Or, if you are not yet decided, try the free preview and decide later.Thank you!"
Price: 99.99

"Using Emotional Intelligence and Managing Aggressive People" |
"This a combo course, reuniting to different but related courses: Using Emotional Intelligence on the Job and Working with Aggressive People.Using Emotional Intelligence on the JobYou feel that everything is wrong at work? Are you frustrated by your job? Is your working environment conflictual? Is it difficult to work with your colleagues? Do you feel like skipping work today?If your answer is yes, the solution is simple: work on your emotional intelligence and everything will change. Take a short course with high impact.After completing this course, you will be able to:understand the impact of workplace emotions,communicate with empathy,apply key emotional intelligence skills in a confrontation scenario, andhelp others to develop self-awareness and empathy.The course includes video materials, written documents and quizzes to facilitate optimal learning, and reinforce your understanding and practical skills.In less than 2 hours you are going to learn how to use your 4 key emotional intelligence competences on the job. So, ff you want to better understand, develop and use your emotional intelligence skills, you will greatly benefit from this course.This is high intensity training for your career success!Working with Aggressive PeopleIf you feel frustrated by the interactions with your co-workers or people outside your work, and you feel that you cannot fight daily aggressions, don't despair. Hostile and passive aggressors can be defeated.This course teaches you how to handle with success:verbal assailants,dirty diggers,hotheads,knowledge wardens,unresponsive aggressors, andwafflersboth in the workplace and in your life.We are going to analyze together 6 types of aggressors to understand their characteristics and strategies to deal with aggressors. For each type we are going to practice coping and response strategies.The course includes video lectures, case studies, written materials and quizzes, and teaches you, in not more than 2 hours, 17 strategies to deal with the openly hostile and the sneaky passive aggressors.So, if you are looking to improve your working environment and your life by managing aggressors, this course is for you."
Price: 174.99

"Developing Effective Work Relations and Time Management" |
"The course on Developing Effective Work Relations and Time Management is a composite course requested by students. And, it includes two already successful courses: Getting Results by Building Relationships and Developing Effective Time Management Habits.Getting Results by Building RelationshipsHave you ever been frustrated by your work relationships? Do you find it hard to integrate in a new job? Do you need to build or maintain a professional credibility? Do you want to be part of a professional family?Here you will find an answer. Getting Results by Building Relationships is a very focused and extremely practical course, for the use of business and industry professionals.In this section, you'll learn how to build good relationships and achieve results by:laying a strong and effective collaborative foundationbuilding professional credibility, anddeveloping ethical reciprocity patterns.You are going to learn how to make a good first impression, build an effective and lucrative rapport with your co-workers, win confidence and and deal with conflicts to get results.The video lectures and documents that form the course include practical examples and tolls for getting results by building relationships.In not more than 2 hours of study you will master 9 techniques that will boost your career and, and maybe more important, make your life easier.Developing Effective Time Management HabitsDo you want to work smarter and have more time for yourself? Do you want to consistently achieve good results and reach your objectives? Do you want to spend more time with your family and friends?Stop wasting your time!Change your work habits! It's easy and you can learn here how. You just need to acquire or develop good habits in three areas: work environment, technology and time-stealers.""You will learn how to control your work environment, how to use technology to help you be more efficient, how to respond to unreasonable demands of others, how to prevent procrastination and avoid time-stealers"".You will learn how to develop the habits that you need to be in control of your time, and stop reacting inefficiently to demands that are made on you. And, you will learn how to organize your work environment, and how to employ technology so that it is serving you and not waste your time.You will also understand ""time stealers"", and develop strategies to prevent the waste of time they represent. Good time management habits don't happen by accident. Learn, practice and be consistent. You will get here the exact techniques to do so.You will have video lectures that include real examples, exercises and case studies; quizzes to check your knowledge level and a small optional course project to help you practice your time management skills.You have a 30 days money back guarantee, no question asked. And, the discounted access to many other management and personal development courses.Apply now!Now, go ahead. Apply for the course! Just hit the Take this course"" button, or if you want to find out more take the free preview and then decide.Thank you! And, see you inside the course!"
Price: 174.99

"Sales and Business Case Development" |
"The Business Basic: Learn Sales and Business Case Development course is already online in the form of two smaller but connected courses: Introduction to Sales and 12 Steps Business Case Development.The Introduction to Sales section builds on the important role that the sales function plays and describes how marketing and sales relate to each other.It outlines the roles and responsibilities of a sales department, what makes for effective sales, and the trends affecting sales today.The course also provides insight into the importance of the sales cycle and how it affects sales planning and business development.Target audience for this course are all who want to gain knowledge in basic sales techniques and anyone who wants to develop or refine their existing sales knowledge and skills.After completing this section, you will be able to:distinguish between the roles of marketing and sales,match the key competencies to how they contribute to success in sales, andrecognize the effects recent sales trends have had on the buyer-seller relationship.You will also be able to:recognize the differences between organizational and consumer buying,recognize the benefits of understanding consumer buying behavior, anduse the stages of the sales cycle.You will have video lectures, exercises, quizzes, practice and a small optional project if you want to put your skills to work and do more with the knowledge you will receive.Understanding what is a good business case will be followed by a description of the functions and elements of a business case. You will learn how to research and what to research in order to prepare yourself and how to align business case with organizational strategy.Finding the best angle and making an effort to polish your business case will increase your chances. So, you will learn about the principles of business case design to respond to your identified decision makers.A 12 Steps approach will guide your learning and practice:Choose your business idea,Define your business objective,Determine the functions of your business case,Prepare a generic structure of a business case (marketing components included),Research your business idea by needed topics and using appropriate research methods,Analyze and compile results of research,Align business idea, strategy and processes,Determine the best angle to sell your business case,Write your business case content,Adapt your business case to various decision makers, Emphasize high impact elements, andPrepare to 'sell' your business case.So, if you want to learn how to develop a business case, for work or in your personal projects this course is for you. It's simple, compact and guides you step by step.If you are interested, go ahead, and hit that apply button! Thank you and see you in the course!"
Price: 174.99

"Operations Management: Supply Chains, Products and Services" |
"The course Operations Management: Supply Chains, Products and Services is constructed, based on student feedback, from two already successful courses: Operations and Supply Chain Management and Product and Service Management.Operations and Supply Chain ManagementThe supply chain is a network of operations running across an organization, which are needed to design, make, deliver, and service products or services for customers. Production, inventory, location, transportation, and information are performance drivers that can be managed to produce the capabilities for a given supply chain.As a part of their overall strategy, organizations also employ many supply chain strategies to survive and compete in a dynamic and competitive marketplace. However, it is also essential from an organization's point of view to use effective performance measures to ensure continuous improvement of the supply chain and also to set directions of its current supply chain strategies.After completing this course, you will be able to:sequence the components of the supply chain,identify the key drivers of supply chain management,identify the characteristics of supply chain management in service organizations,match supply chain strategies of service organizations with their key characteristics,identify criteria for selecting and combining different supply chain strategies, andmatch supply chain areas with key indicators of their performance.You will have not much more than 2 hours of video lessons, written documents, quizzes, examples and exercises, and a small course project.This course provides a basic understanding of supply chain management in manufacturing and service organizations. Key characteristics of common supply chain strategies and criteria for their selection are also presented. This course also introduces key performance metrics for supply chain management.Product and Service ManagementProduct and service management is the process of designing, creating, and maintaining a product or service through all stages of its lifecycle. It involves a wide range of operations, marketing, and sales related activities.These activities encompass the entire range of product life cycle from the conception of a new product or service idea, to its design and launch, and later through its growth, maturity, and decline stages. After completing this course, you will be able to:match phases of the product life cycle to actions that should be taken at each phase,sequence the stages of the new product development process,match current best practices in new product development with their description, andand match strategies used to manage existing and mature products and services with examples of the ways they are used.Operations aspects of product management are vital to the success of new and existing products and services. Every organization conducts product management activities, whether knowingly or unknowingly, that integrate operations, marketing, and sales functions to deliver desired products and services to customers.This course provides a broad overview of the product and service management functions from an operations management perspective. More specifically, it walks you through the phases of product life-cycle and stages of new product development. This course also introduces some examples of strategies for managing existing and mature products and services.The target of this course is anyone working in operations management or another functional area, who is looking to gain a working understanding of the operations functions in a service or manufacturing organization.You will have 4 hours of video lessons, and written documents, quizzes, examples and exercises, but also a small course project. Now, go ahead, and register. Or, if you want, try a few minutes of course preview and decide after. See you inside the course!"
Price: 174.99

"Performance Under Pressure - The Right Attitude" |
"The Performance Under Pressure - The Right Attitude course helps you recognize the events and situations that cause you to feel pressure. It explains how you can understand your reaction to pressure, and how excessive stress can impair your performance.Finally, it covers the principles for managing your attitude so you stay in control and maintain a success-oriented mentality. Because, meeting high-pressure challenges is an opportunity for you to excel and build your reputation as someone who can be counted on. Professionals and all who want to develop their abilities to manage the stress that comes with working under pressure and anyone who wants to develop or refine their skills for performing under pressure.After completing this topic, you should be able to:identify the factors that in a situation are likely to trigger pressure,recognize how your response to pressure can impair your performance,conduct a stress profile, andmanage your attitude in pressurized situations.This is just a first part of a series of courses on Performance Under Pressure. Next courses will focus on taking action under pressure and achieving relational performance.The course includes video lectures, quizzes, examples and exercises and a small optional course project. All should take you not more than 2 hours to finish.The course comes with a 30 days, no question asked, guarantee. Now, go ahead and hit that ""Take the course"" button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 174.99

"Performance Under Pressure - Taking Action" |
"This is the second part of a series of three courses on Performance Under Pressure and focuses on Taking Action. And, in this course, you are going to learn not only how to take action under pressure, but also how to avoid over-thinking and over-confidence, and understand what exactly the challenge is.Acting effectively in high-pressure situations is not easy. Over-confidence can lead to poor judgment, and over-thinking the situation can lead to paralysis. Also, your perception may become clouded by negative thoughts and emotions in times of pressure. But it's exactly at these times that you need to perceive the challenges most clearly so that you can set appropriate goals and take effective action to achieve them. This course sets out some principles to help you avoid the dangers of overconfidence and overthinking, which can impair your performance when under pressure. It then teaches a technique for clarifying your perceptions in such situations and creating an action plan to optimize your performance under pressure. Professionals who want to develop their abilities to manage the stress that comes with working under pressure, and those who want to develop or refine their skills for performing under pressure will benefit from this course.After completing this course, you will be able to:avoid over-analysis and over-confidence in high-pressure situations, understand the challenge in a high-pressure situation from emotional reactions,manage automatic thoughts to optimize perceptions in high-pressure situations,use appropriate steps in the process of taking action in a high-pressure situation, and take action in pressure situations to match every challenge.So, thank you for considering this course. The course includes video lectures, quizzes, examples and exercises and a small optional course project. All should take you not more than 2 hours to finish.The course comes with a 30 days, no question asked, guarantee. Now, go ahead and hit that ""Take the course"" button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 174.99

"Performance Under Pressure - Effective Human Interactions" |
"This is the third and last part of a series of three courses on Performance Under Pressure and focuses on Effective Human Interactions. And, in this course, you are going to learn to prevent and deal with negative pressure, manage your reactions, deal with colleagues and stressful situations.High-pressure environments can be hard on professional relationships. You can so easily get caught up with a major project or looming deadline that your interpersonal skills slip. Under pressure, you may start to make instinctive emotional reactions as your awareness of others' feelings fades.This course helps you develop skills you need to recognize your personal reaction to pressure and how it impacts your relationships with others. It shows how you can consciously control your interpersonal reactions when under pressure and how to avoid unnecessary tensions. And it details a step-by-step process you can use to stay in control when you're faced with a high-pressure interaction. This all enables you to recognize the importance of professional relationships, and it helps you to stay in control and make the right moves when you're performing with others under pressure. Professionals who want to develop their abilities to manage the stress that comes with working under pressure and anyone who wants to develop or refine their skills for performing under pressure.After completing this course you will be able to:understand negative reactions to pressure in the workplace and not onlyuse a step-by-step approach for managing your reactions in pressure situationsdeal with a colleague, a friend or anyone else under pressurebe prepared to manage potentially stressful interactionsThis course includes video lectures, examples, quizzes and some learning support documents, and it will take you not more than 3 hours to finish. And, as usual you have the 30 days money back guarantee, no question asked.Now, if this is something that will help you, go ahead and press that ""Take This Course"" button. And, see you inside the course!"
Price: 174.99

"Performance Under Pressure - The Full Course" |
"Performance Under Pressure - The Full Course includes all the three courses already published:The Right AttitudeTaking ActionEffective Human Interactions1. The Performance Under Pressure - The Right Attitude section helps you recognize the events and situations that cause you to feel pressure. It explains how you can understand your reaction to pressure, and how excessive stress can impair your performance.Finally, it covers the principles for managing your attitude so you stay in control and maintain a success-oriented mentality. Because, meeting high-pressure challenges is an opportunity for you to excel and build your reputation as someone who can be counted on. Professionals and all who want to develop their abilities to manage the stress that comes with working under pressure and anyone who wants to develop or refine their skills for performing under pressure.After completing this topic, you should be able to:identify the factors that in a situation are likely to trigger pressure,recognize how your response to pressure can impair your performance,conduct a stress profile, andmanage your attitude in pressurized situations.The section includes video lectures, quizzes, examples and exercises and a small optional course project. All should take you not more than 2 hours to finish.2. The second part of a series of three courses on Performance Under Pressure and focuses on Taking Action. And, in this course, you are going to learn not only how to take action under pressure, but also how to avoid over-thinking and over-confidence, and understand what exactly the challenge is.Acting effectively in high-pressure situations is not easy. Over-confidence can lead to poor judgment, and over-thinking the situation can lead to paralysis. Also, your perception may become clouded by negative thoughts and emotions in times of pressure. But it's exactly at these times that you need to perceive the challenges most clearly so that you can set appropriate goals and take effective action to achieve them. This course sets out some principles to help you avoid the dangers of overconfidence and overthinking, which can impair your performance when under pressure. It then teaches a technique for clarifying your perceptions in such situations and creating an action plan to optimize your performance under pressure. Professionals who want to develop their abilities to manage the stress that comes with working under pressure, and those who want to develop or refine their skills for performing under pressure will benefit from this course.After completing this section, you will be able to:avoid over-analysis and over-confidence in high-pressure situations, understand the challenge in a high-pressure situation from emotional reactions,manage automatic thoughts to optimize perceptions in high-pressure situations,use appropriate steps in the process of taking action in a high-pressure situation, and take action in pressure situations to match every challenge.3. The third and last part of a series of three courses on Performance Under Pressure and focuses on Effective Human Interactions. And, in this course, you are going to learn to prevent and deal with negative pressure, manage your reactions, deal with colleagues and stressful situations.High-pressure environments can be hard on professional relationships. You can so easily get caught up with a major project or looming deadline that your interpersonal skills slip. Under pressure, you may start to make instinctive emotional reactions as your awareness of others' feelings fades.This course helps you develop skills you need to recognize your personal reaction to pressure and how it impacts your relationships with others. It shows how you can consciously control your interpersonal reactions when under pressure and how to avoid unnecessary tensions. And it details a step-by-step process you can use to stay in control when you're faced with a high-pressure interaction. This all enables you to recognize the importance of professional relationships, and it helps you to stay in control and make the right moves when you're performing with others under pressure. Professionals who want to develop their abilities to manage the stress that comes with working under pressure and anyone who wants to develop or refine their skills for performing under pressure.After completing this course you will be able to:understand negative reactions to pressure in the workplace and not onlyuse a step-by-step approach for managing your reactions in pressure situationsdeal with a colleague, a friend or anyone else under pressurebe prepared to manage potentially stressful interactionsThis course includes video lectures, examples, quizzes and some learning support documents, and it will take you not more than 3 hours to finish. And, as usual you have the 30 days money back guarantee, no question asked.Now, if this is something that will help you, go ahead and press that ""Take This Course"" button. And, see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"PMI-ACP Certification: Agile Project Management Essentials" |
"Welcome to the Agile Project Management Essentials course. This is the first course of a series of eight that will form the Agile Project Management - The PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) Certification Program.Why Agile Project Management?Agile projects are characterized by the use of short work iterations and incremental development of products, made possible by focusing on business priorities and customer value. The course provides an introduction to common agile methodologies, describes the relationship between defined and empirical processes, and highlights the key difference in regard to the triangle of constraints of agile versus traditional methods.Guidance on how to take steps towards adopting an agile project management approach for those who currently use a traditional, plan-driven methodology is included. The relevant section discusses some common myths and misconceptions about agile development approaches, identifies factors to consider when deciding whether to adopt agile practices, and explains the general agile practices that a company may want to adopt.Who is your instructor?My name is Sorin, and I will be your instructor. I am a trainer and project manager with more than 10 years of experience. Before Udemy, I trained hundreds of people in a classroom environment civil servants, managers, project workers, aid workers and many more. And I managed projects in the fields of justice, corrections, regional development and human resources development.How will you benefit?And, this course is intended for project managers, program managers, or anyone who wants to efficiently participate in agile projects. It is aligned with the Agile Certified Practitioner exam objectives developed by the Project Management Institute and Certified ScrumMaster learning objectives.The course includes training videos, examples, exercices and quizes. And, if you take your time to go through all the learning materials this will entitle you to claim 5 PDUs for the PMI certification exams and to maintain your PMI certification.So, thank you for condidering this course! Now, go ahead, and hit that ""Take This Course"" button. And, see you on the inside."
Price: 174.99

"PMI-ACP Certification: Agile Project Management (Beginner)" |
"Welcome to the PMI-ACP Certification Agile Project Management for Beginners. This course includes the already popular course 1 and 2 of that will form the Agile Project Management - The PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) Certification Program.Course 1 of 8: The Agile Project Management EssentialsThis is the first course of a series of eight that will form the Agile Project Management - The PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) Certification Program.Why Agile Project Management?Agile projects are characterized by the use of short work iterations and incremental development of products, made possible by focusing on business priorities and customer value. The course provides an introduction to common agile methodologies, describes the relationship between defined and empirical processes, and highlights the key difference in regard to the triangle of constraints of agile versus traditional methods.Guidance on how to take steps towards adopting an agile project management approach for those who currently use a traditional, plan-driven methodology is included. The relevant section discusses some common myths and misconceptions about agile development approaches, identifies factors to consider when deciding whether to adopt agile practices, and explains the general agile practices that a company may want to adopt.Who is your instructor?My name is Sorin, and I will be your instructor. I am a trainer and project manager with more than 10 years of experience. Before Udemy, I trained hundreds of people in a classroom environment civil servants, managers, project workers, aid workers and many more. And I managed projects in the fields of justice, corrections, regional development and human resources development.How will you benefit?And, this course is intended for project managers, program managers, or anyone who wants to efficiently participate in agile projects. It is aligned with the Agile Certified Practitioner exam objectives developed by the Project Management Institute and Certified ScrumMaster learning objectives.The course includes training videos, examples, exercices and quizes. And, if you take your time to go through all the learning materials this will entitle you to claim 5 PDUs for the PMI certification exams and to maintain your PMI certification.Course 2 of 8: Adopting an Agile ApproachThis course provides guidance on how to take steps towards adopting an agile project management approach for those who currently use a traditional, plan-driven methodology.It discusses some common myths and misconceptions about agile development approaches, identifies factors to consider when deciding whether to adopt agile practices, and explains the general agile practices that a company may want to adopt.The Adopting an Agile Approach to Project Management Course provides project leaders with general guidelines on how to develop an agile way of thinking, one of the first steps in transitioning a team. The course also looks at some guidelines for obtaining buy-in from organizational stakeholders so they also embrace agile practices.Adopting an Agile Approach to Project Management is intended for project managers, program managers, or anyone who wants to efficiently participate in projects that experience frequent change in the project requirements.After completing this topic, you will be able to:understand and correct common misconceptions about agile project management;determine whether your organization should adopt agile practices;identify factors to consider when deciding whether to adopt agile practices; andrecognize and apply the key principles of agile practices.You will be also able to:develop and champion an agile mindset; andfacilitate the buy-in of stakeholders in implementing agile practices.The course duration is not more than 3 hours and you will have video lectures, written materials, quizzes, examples and exercises, to lear and practice, but also a small optional course project if you are interested in getting the most out of this course.The course includes training videos, examples, exercices and quizes. And, if you take your time to go through all the learning materials this will entitle you to claim 5 PDUs for the PMI certification exams and to maintain your PMI certification.Thank you for considering my course. If you are interested, please register now. Or, just try some sample videos and make a decision after you have a better picture."
Price: 174.99

"Executive Coaching and Business Case Development" |
"About the CourseThis course has two main sections: onefocused on effective businesscoaching, and the second focused on developing a successful business case.Two separate courses that already have more than 2000 students registered together.The sectiononThe Key Stages of Coachingwill involve learners in the process of discovery, goal setting, action planning, and follow-up that distinguishes coaching from other development methods.After completing the second section, you will be able to build aneffective business case.You will understand what makes a business case, how to prepare one and how to design business cases to persuade decision makers.Understanding what is a good business case will be followed by a description of the functions and elementsof a business case. You will learn how toresearchand what to research in order to prepare yourself and how to align business case with organizational strategy.Finding the best angle and making an effort topolish your business casewill increase your chances. So, you will learn about the principles of business case design to respond to your identifieddecision makers.Course TargetThis course is for anyone in an organization who has a role in improving the performance of co-workers, keeping in mind the fact that coaching is not solely a top-down activity.Typically, coaching involves team members, team leaders, and supervisors, including senior managers and CEOs. But, everyone can benefit.The InstructorMy name is Sorin, and I will be your instructor. I have been working as a manager and trainer for the last 10 years, and I used to coach young professionals.And, the plan is to share with you what I have learned from my experience, and to pass on what I have learned during my training, a while ago.Course StructureThere are 3 stages of coaching to learn: preparing to coach, structuring and delivering coaching sessions, and following up on the coaching session.A12 Stepsapproach will guide your learning and practice:Choose your business idea,Define your business objective,Determine the functions of your business case,Prepare a generic structure of a business case (marketing components included),Research your business idea by needed topics and using appropriate research methods,Analyze and compile results of research,Align business idea, strategy and processes,Determine the best angle to sell your business case,Write your business case content,Adapt your business case to various decision makers,Emphasize high impact elements, andPrepare to 'sell' your business case.Apply now!So, if this is of interest for you, go ahead and hit the Register button. Or, if you are not yet convinced, please try the free preview lectures first. Thank you, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 174.99

"Understanding Human Interactions Under Pressure" |
"This is part ofthe third and last part of a series of three courses on Performance Under Pressure and focuses onEffective Human Interactions. And, in this course, you are going to learn to prevent and understand whatdealing with negative pressure means.High-pressure environments can be hard on professional relationships. You can so easily get caught up with a major project or looming deadline that your interpersonal skills slip. Under pressure, you may start to make instinctive emotional reactions as your awareness of others' feelings fades.This course helps youdevelop skillsyou need to recognize your personal reaction to pressure and how it impacts your relationships with others.It shows how you can consciously control your interpersonal reactions when under pressure and how to avoid unnecessary tensions.After completing this shortcourseyou will be able to clearlyunderstand negative reactions to pressure in the workplace and not only.This course includes video lectures, examples, quizzes and some learning support documents, and it will take you less than 1hourto finish. And, as usual you have the 30 days money back guarantee, no question asked.Now, if this is something that will help you, go ahead and press that""Take This Course""button. And, see you inside the course!IMPORTANTIf you are already registered for the full course ""Performance Under Pressure - Effective Human Interactions"" you already have this section."
Price: 99.99

"Managing Your Reactions in Difficult Situations" |
"This is part ofthe third and last part of a series of three courses on Performance Under Pressure and focuses onEffective Human Interactions. And, in this course, you are going to learn to prevent and understand whatdealing with negative pressure means.High-pressure environments can be hard on professional relationships. You can so easily get caught up with a major project or looming deadline that your interpersonal skills slip. Under pressure, you may start to make instinctive emotional reactions as your awareness of others' feelings fades.TheManaging Your Reactions in Difficult Situations coursedetails astep-by-step processyou can use to stay in control when you're faced with a high-pressure interaction. This all enables you to recognize the importance of professional relationships, and it helps you to stay in control and make the right moves when you're performing with others under pressure.This course includes video lectures, examples, quizzes and some learning support documents, and it will take you less than 1hourto finish. And, as usual you have the 30 days money back guarantee, no question asked.Now, if this is something that will help you, go ahead and press that""Take This Course""button. And, see you inside the course!IMPORTANTIf you are already registered for the full course ""Performance Under Pressure - Effective Human Interactions"" you already have this section."
Price: 99.99

"Curso completo de terapia con cristales: moda para sanar." |
"Este curso de ofrece las principales herramientas para comenzar tu aprendizaje en el mundo de la Gemoterapia. Lejos de dogmas y cualquier tipo de religin, ofrecemos educacin, recetas, consejos y rutinas para ampliar y acelerar el proceso de transformacin y equilibrio que el ser humano debe vivir. Al completar mi curso los estudiantes sern capaces de aprender que la gemoterapia es una solucin para re-establecer el equilibrio natural del ser humano porque las gemas contienen una composicin de minerales y otros compuestos que producen energa vibracional o oscilaciones que impactan el campo electromagntico del ser humano. Este curso es para todos aquellos entusiastas de temas esotricos, as como, temas de moda, estilo y salud porque podrn incluir la gemoterapia como un arte para modificar las frecuencias de vibracin del ser humano, colocando gemas en el cuerpo. Cmo es posible? Todo lo que ves est formado por tomos y los tomos, tienen cargas positivas, neutras y negativas, sujetas a las leyes de magnetismo. Los minerales y su vibracin son capaces de influir en las energas que los rodean. Si vistes una gema, el magnetismo de sus tomos influir en las frecuencias de luz y color en tu cuerpo, modificando esa energa segn la gema usada, lo cual transforma y equilibra. Por eso cuando acercamos las gemas (con sus composiciones de minerales particulares) a nuestro cuerpo y nuestro campo electro-magntico, sus formas geomtricas y sus colores actan como verdaderos catalizadores de energa. Para este curso, los estudiantes no necesitarn ningn tipo de material para conocerlo bsico ya que es una gua para comenzar en el mundo de la gemoterapia."
Price: 74.99

"Master de estrategias para dominar tu mente y crear ideas." |
"Te haz preguntado sobre el potencial de tu cerebro sin explotar? En promedio, el ser humano slo utiliza aproximadamente el 3% del potencial de energa de este milagroso rgano. Este porcentaje representa los mensajes que nuestra mente consciente recibe y entiende. El otro 98% de nuestra capacidad cerebral est escondida en nuestro subconsciente. Cada uno de nosotros tenemos el potencial para aprovechar este poder oculto, y utilizarlo para enriquecer nuestras vidas. Aprende cmo lograrlo AHORA con poderosas tcnicas de memoria, juegos mentales, afirmaciones, nutricin, mente positiva y ms."
Price: 79.99

"The Best Little Filing System for Small Business" |
"This course is directed at small business people who are having trouble with managing their documents - especially document retrieval.They're not alone. ""Time spent mishandling paperwork detracts from a company's ability to service customers, increase sales, and improve the bottom line. Small Business Administration""The average office spends $20 in labor to file each document, $120 in labor searching for each misfiled document, loses one out of every 20 documents and spends 25 Hours recreating each lost document"" Price Waterhouse CoopersAccording to the Gartner Group:""400 is the number of hours per year the average employee spends searching for documents.""""The average document is copied 19 times.""Why? No system that works for everyone and the system is not controlled by the owner. The problem is accentuated when the money they earn depends on collecting and using collected information and data to provide results to their clients. Small business people get so frustrated that the stress mounts more and more. Their self-confidence takes a hit and soon, they wonder if they can ever get organized enough to be really effective in their business. This course teaches how to create a solid foundation in a filing system designed as the learner progresses through the course. Step by step, the small business person will put a system together which suits the way they think about their business, how they understand their business and how they recognize words. Based on an alphabetical system, over the course, the learner will complete a system that works for both paper and electronic - a special magical formula that is so simple and straight forward, it will be ""unreal"". Not only will the small business person create a sound filing system but the course will also show them how to keep their desk clear. The bonus is a special tip that, if adopted, helps to prevent the mounting piles of paper in the first place and the multitude of information on their computer. Everything is included in the course including which equipment will be required, how to label, and what to do in the event that the small business person has employees. If, as a small business person, you're frustrated with your inability to manage your documents, then this is the course for you. If you follow through, you'll be able to find your documents in both paper and electronic formats quickly and easily."
Price: 124.99

"To Do List Busting - do more, better" |
"Many people struggle every single day of every single year with to do lists. They take action: Some people stomp on them out of sheer frustration. Others lose them Some ignore their listsSome don't even bother making a list any more because it's way too stressful to see an ever-ending stream of all that has to be doneSome avoid to do lists altogether and hope their brain will remember to do what is necessarySome have learned to hate the words, ""to do list"". What's the point? A to do list for most people is just an endless pit of things that chew up your time and make us feel bad with only small ""glimmers"" of excitement. The reward: more things to add to the already jammed to do list! This system is a unique system I've designed and taught to many people in my workshops. People have used this simple little system to help them get control over their to do list and control over their time and their lives. People in my workshops were astonished by its powerful simplicity. In fact, most thought it was way too simple except for one little thing - they tried it. They liked it. And people were thrilled to finally get a sense of achievement by accomplishing the tasks on their to do lists. Why? Because there was ""oomph"" behind the to dos. Finally, they understood the realities of human existence and why they were fighting a losing battle doing what they were doing In one day, you can do the course. There are PDFs to work from, each building on the previous exercise. While involved in completing the exercises, the learner will notice changes in their thinking and attitudes. There will be ""aha"" moments and there will be moments of ""why didn't I think of that?"". By the end of the course, you'll have a much better sense of how to construct your to do lists in a sane and rational way. You'll come to realizations which help you build a much better tomorrow, feeling good about your day every day."
Price: 19.99

"Creating Mission Statements and Beyond" |
"Most non-profits have Vision, Mission and Values Statements. Very few have a business philosophy statement and yet, more than in any other business, a business philosophy statement is critical because of the huge turn-over of people at every level on a continuous basis.In my workshops to boards of directors, I have discovered that most often the Vision, Mission and Values Statements don't align and, frequently, don't reflect the work of the organization as it exists today.In this course, you'll:the point of spending the time to develop memorable Vision, Mission, Values and Business Philosophy Statementsbe taken through a process, adaptable to your group, in developing these statementsfollow through a series of steps which build upon one anotherbe given some supporting videos and other materials to help your thinking processcome to understand that these statements affect every single part of your organization and provide the stability necessary to sustain the upheavals of turn-overs of people in various work within the organizationsee the value of taking the time to work on these statements on a regular basis and why they should be front and center of all activities and decision-making activities"
Price: 54.99

"100+ Fundraising Ideas for Your Non-Profit" |
"This course is about stimulating your creativity and imagination in service of the non-profit with which you are associated. Board members are charged with fundraising. Often, they get stuck. The old ways of fundraising aren't working any longer. They don't know what else to do. First things first are contained in the first part. Your organization's foundation must be well-structured and sound before thinking fundraising.The second part gives you loads of ideas - some old - some new. Whatever idea you have make sure it fits your group. You can combine some of these ideas to make your fundraiser even more spectacular. The third part contains some ideas which may stretch your ideas about fundraising or you may say - ""It's so obvious. Why didn't we think of it?""There are a million and one fundraising ideas out there - this course is simply a stimulus for your group to put your brainstorming caps on and decide upon something. You can watch it over and over and over again - use it annually - and share your successes. I can add them to the course and help other groups."
Price: 34.99

"You At Work - Are You Absolutely Sure your Career is Helped?" |
"You at Work - Look After Yourself will provide you with knowledge about successfully navigating your workplace. This course talks about topics that are often not discussed and often not understood until it's too late. Better armed than not. If you know and understand where you might harm yourself at work, then you have the knowledge that may avert a disastrous consequence.You'll find exercises in the lectures to get you to:think about yourselfthink about situations you might encounterwatch for the others' behaviors to identify their ""hidden agendas""understand why people, you least suspected, will stab you in the backbecome very conscious of your words and actionI've created this course and the subsequent courses in this topic to help anyone who must work with other people in a job. Whether that person is a receptionist, a manager or hold any other position in a company or non-profit, everyone should be aware and alert to how they themselves might jeopardize their job without knowing it.I've worked in large multi-national companies, small non-profits and big government. Each workplace has its own ""customs and culture"". However, there are basics which employees in any of these workplaces can master to successfully navigate the sometimes turbulent waters as well as the calm seas with as little wear and tear as possible. The learning in this course begins your awareness - what should you be looking for? How should you behave at work? What forms the foundation and gives you the inner fortitude to handle situations at work? What do you need to do daily?"
Price: 19.99

"Understanding Product cost in Odoo V8" |
"This course is about product cost and how it is used in Odoo. Warning: this has nothing to do with sales and purchase price! It's accounting related. As the course demonstrate processes from the creation of the product up to the sales and invoicing, it is suitable for people new to the Odoo system. In the first two sections, you will discover the process of acquiring goods and the economics behind the product cost. In the next sections, we will go together in the system and use the different types of costs in order to see their impact in all aspects. If you are about to implement Odoo, or just are looking into discovering Odoo, or if you are a technical person willing to understand a bit more the product cost, this course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"Importing and Exporting Data to and from Odoo V8" |
"Odoo is very open and one of the greatest feature of the software is to allow you to import your data into the system from a CSV file. Unlike other systems, Odoo has all done, so that mass changing data, whatever data it is do not require a complex knowledge. If you know how to use excel to create a csv file, you will enjoy to see how easy it is to mass change any data without being a programmer. We will show you all this through detail examples, that you will be able to realise following our instructions."
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to plan and run your physical inventory in Odoo V9" |
"Do you have Odoo Warehouse management in place?You will learn how to initialise or adjust the stock during the regular physical inventory. You will first discover the full process, inside and outside Odoo, and then see how this is carried on in Odoo V8. At the end, you will see the full process for an annual inventory.The course has a duration of around 30 minutes.Next to the videos, you will get a full presentation that you can download and use as a reference.You will also get access to the teacher to answer any course related question within 24 hours.Let's start it now!"
Price: 19.99

"Employment Law Compliance Made Easy" |
"Learn the basics of employment law so you can legally hire, evaluate and manage employees as a manager, supervisor, small business owner, human resource specialist, or corporate executive. Learn the difference between an employee and independent contractor; the basic types of employee benefits; effective hiring, evaluation, and termination procedures; methods to resolve employment disputes in and out of court; discrimination and union laws; and workplace safety rules. You'll gain an inside view of the law with case examples, real situations, and prevention strategies that prepare you to effectively resolve workplace issues. You'll learn effective communication techniques, negotiation strategies, and the legal tests applied if you do go to court. This course is a must for anyone who is (or aspires to be) a supervisor, manager, or human resources professional."
Price: 19.99

"7 Steps To Excel Success - Excel Skills And Power Tips" |
"***Con subttulos en espaol!***What is this course about?Learning7 Steps To Excel Success - Excel SkillsAnd Power Tips, is a sure way to build a rock solid foundation that will catapult you into the next level of Excel proficiency. You will learn how to write basic formulas, and understand how they work. Even a 3D Referencing formula will seem simple. Learn how to make a Macro with just your mouse.Ever wondered how to Sort and Filter (just right click)?What would it be like to dominate keyboard shortcuts (Power Tips)? Learn Power Tips from Printing, Universal Shortcuts to Navigation Shortcuts, and more. Never again wonder what the AutoSum does.Be confident building error free spreadsheets using thousands of built-in templates.Want to become a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), and watch your earning potential explode? Its easy, just ask your instructor--Billy Wigley (MCT, MOS Expert, MCP)--how to do it!What kinds of materials are included?This course is skillfully designed to be followed along with a pre-formatted Excel workbook. Download the Dont Get Mad..Get Skills! Excel Skills workbook in the very first lecture. How long will the course take to complete?You can learn at your own pace, and ask your instructor for help when you are ready. You will always be on track, the course is continually being improved, and you have access to it for life!How is the course structured?Each lecture can be viewed as a standalone video, so you can skip around most videos in the course, and focus only on the skills you want to strengthen.Why take this course?I wiselyprepared this course for you, based on feedback from thousands of students.It is a result of my experience from 5 years of travelling to citiesacross the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico, presenting two-day Excel seminars to over 45,000 professionals; including on-line students in over 105 countries. I am aMicrosoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with over 5 years of experience teaching Excel. This is all I do, and I am committed to helping you achieve beyond what you believe you are capable.Think of me as your Excel coach!I love to know you are making your dreams come true, soI make sure to maintain regular office hours to serve you, and all my students worldwide. Take this course, and lets keep on learning!"
Price: 124.99

"Easy Excel PivotTable Skills - PivotTable Power Tips" |
"No fluff here, just skills!Unlike other courses, wewill not get intothe history of PivotTables, instead we just start learning right away.Have you been using Excel regularlyfor over 1 year? Jump right in - you are ready to take your data analysis/reporting to the next level!Would you like to create an interactive report that can quickly be used to summarize large amounts of data? Then look no further than a Pivot Table. Are you swarmed by the mountains of data you have? Do you want to see trends and patterns at a glance? Your bosses want answers (QUICK!) from your collection of data and each of them want something different out of those numbers. If you have ever been in any of these situations, then PivotTable reports are just the thing for you. We just get right into it here. Ready. Set. Go!Don't Get Mad...Get Skills!"
Price: 34.99

"Steps to Become ""Rookie of the Year"" in Real Estate" |
"This course is designed to walk you through your very first day in the business through your future years. You will learn seemingly basic things like how to most effectively design your business cards as well as advanced techniques for getting buyer and seller leads and managing your business to be most effective and therefore, most successful. Anything and everything that you need to know to get going in your new real estate career is covered. The average agent in the US sells 2 houses per year, and it takes the typical new agent 6 months to get their first closed transaction. Learn how to avoid this future, and create your own, bright, accomplished one! In addition, the instructor has negotiated ""deals"" with service providers to save you money! More than 2 hours of lessons!"
Price: 49.99

"Retire from Real Estate! Build a business that sells." |
"Most agents don't have any "exit strategy" and wind up working their business until they are too old to work it anymore. Most agents don't have a retirement plan. Most agents don't know that they can earn money from their business long after they have stopped working themselves. You are not "most agents"! You now have the resource that will enable you to retire with an income. This course is your answer."
Price: 49.99

"PREZI: Crea presentaciones Premium" |
"Cansado de crear presentaciones lineales y predecibles? Pues, preprate para sorprender a tu audiencia. Te invito a salir de tu zona de confort con PREZI. Hola, mi nombre es Amanda Jusino y esto es Pizca Educativa. Bienvenido al curso de PREZI: Crea presentaciones Premium! Y estoy sper contenta de que ests aqu. Quizs te estars preguntando: Este curso es adecuado para m? Pues, 1ro lo 1ro. Te pregunto:Quieres impresionar y captar la atencin de tu pblico objetivo?Quieres crear presentaciones dinmicas y profesionales sin mucho esfuerzo?Deseas proyectarte como un recurso de alto nivel que domina la tecnologa?Si es as, llegaste al lugar correcto! Junto a m aprenders a dominar una herramienta online que te permitir manejar un Canvas Ilimitado como todo un artista. Y lo mejor? Es rpido, fcil y divertido. Este curso es excelente para profesionales como t que ofrecen o desean ofrecer talleres, cursos, seminarios o conferencias de forma presencial o en lnea.As que si eres coach, conferenciante, consultor, profesor, estudiante, vendedor, entre muchas otras profesiones en general este curso es para ti.Por qu? Por que es totalmente prctico y dinmico. Est basado en vdeos, pdf's descargables, quizzes y tareas que podrs realizar a tu propio ritmo. Comienza desde lo bsico de PREZI y te lleva poco a poco hasta un nivel avanzado con el que podrs lucirte en tus prximas presentaciones.Aprenders de diseo, diagramacin y animacin bsica para que seas capaz de realizar presentaciones impresionantes.Como profesora de diseo grfico, todo el tiempo debo estar preparando presentaciones para mis estudiantes. Es increble como se maravillan cuando ven mis presentaciones realizadas en PREZI vs las que realizaba en el tpico PPT. Inclusive, se motivan y me preguntan: Profe, dnde usted hizo esa presentacin? De igual manera me ha pasado esto en los diferentes talleres que he tenido la oportunidad de ofrecer a colegas profesores, entre otros profesionales.Deseo que t tengas las misma oportunidad que ellos y que lleves tu imaginacin a otro nivel. Esta herramienta es la clave para captar y mantener la atencin de tu pblico objetivo.Mi experiencia como profesora me ha llevado a realizar un curso completamente dinmico. Los videos son cortos y van al grano. Adems, las tareas son divertidas lo que te ayudar a aprender con mayor facilidad, e inclusive podrs recibir mi feedback y el de tus compaeros del curso al realizar tus tareas.En este curso logrars:Disear presentaciones digitales dinmicas e interactivas de alto nivel que proyecten profesionalismo y calidad.Crear presentaciones que podrn ofrecerse tanto online como presenciales y de manera remota con su celular, tableta o laptop.Editar las presentaciones ya realizadas desde cualquier computadora con acceso a Internet donde y cuando quieras.Para quin es este curso?Este curso es para profesionales que ofrecen o desean ofrecer talleres, cursos, seminarios o conferencias de forma presencial o remota y desean proyectarse como recursos de alto nivel que domina la tecnologa.Es excelente curso para coaches, conferenciantes, consultores, profesores, estudiantes, vendedores, lderes y profesionales en general que deseen dominar una herramienta ms poderosa que el tpico Power Point.Este curso no es para profesionales que ya tienen conocimiento avanzado en la herramienta online Prezi.Qu conocimientos previos debes poseer?Los estudiantes deben tener conocimiento previo bsico en el uso y manejo de la computadora y el Internet. Los estudiantes deben tener acceso a una laptop o computadora desktop.Los estudiantes deben tener acceso al Internet."
Price: 39.99

"Design Launcher App Icons for iPhone (IOS) & Android Devices" |
"UPDATED 01st Feb 2018 ***********************************************************Added 1 Lecture on Using Adobe Illustrator Assets Panel to generate icon sizes**MUST have previous knowledge of Photoshop & Illustrator**-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you think that designing App Icons is difficult task using Photoshop. OR you know the basics of Photoshop or Illustrator and want to create App Icons for your IOS App or Android App; then this course is for you. This course is All about IOS & Android App Icon Design from basics to exporting all different sizes to support all devicesThis course will cover all the do's and donts of App Icon design, you will see a lot of examples of bad and great app icons in this course. You will also learn about all the different IOS and Android App Icon sizes and specification.There is whole section on Android App Icon Design in this course. In Android App Icon Design you will learn the whole process of App Icon design from Sketching and Ideation to converting it to shapes in Illustrator and finally generating all the different sizes for all Android DevicesCourse Exercises------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We will design Elegant IOS Mail App icon during this course. You will also learn all the technical problems newbies face when they try to start designing IOS App Icons. You will Design two icons for Hydration App and learn the process behind it. In the end, you will generate all the different sizes for Android Apps and which size you are going to submit to Google App StoreI will include all the Resources and PSD files for app icon creation process.Who is this course for?DesignersPhotoshop UsersApp DevelopersApp DesignersAnyone who wants to launch an appNow lets dig in and Take this course to start Designing Awesome App Icons in Photoshop and Illustrator"
Price: 109.99
