"Di dalam bisnis retail ada dua divisi utama yaitu Merchandising yang kita bahas di Modul 3 dan sekarang kita akan membahas divisi Operasi di modul 4 ini.Pada modul ini pembelajar/pebisnis retail akan mempelajari hal-hal sebagai berikut:Tugas dan Tanggung jawab divisi Operasi yang membawahi seluruh operasi toko retail.Apa beda Store Manager dan Store KeeperBagaimana divisi operasi menjalankan setiap tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam:- Mencapai Sales dan Profit sesuai target perusahaan.- Mengendalikan sumber daya manusia- Mengendalikan barang dagangan- Mengendalikan aset perusahaan- Memberika pelayanan yang luar biasa baikMembentuk store ambience dalam rangka membuat toko yang menyenangkan bagi pengalaman berbelanja pelanggan."
Price: 420000.00

"Di Modul 5 Basic Principles of Retail Business Pebisnis Retail diperkenalkan dengan aspek keuangan perusahaan dan segala upaya untuk menyelamatkan aset perusahaan dari penyusutan.Dibagi dengan 2 sesi yaitu:DIVISI KEUANGAN:Tugas dan tanggung jawab divisi keuanganPentingnya membuat laporan keuangan sebagai alat ukur atau indikator utama apakah perusahaan menuju ke sasaran yang sudah ditetapkan atau sebaliknya.SHRINKAGE HANDLING DAN LOSS PREVENTIONPengendalian shrinkage (penyusutan) dan Pencegahan KehilanganJenis-jenis kehilanganPenyebab KehilanganCara mencegah kehilangandan akan ditutup dengan materiMenghadapi Kompetisi"
Price: 490000.00

"Complete Microsoft Project Training & Certification" |
"This course helps the participants to understand how to use MS Project in the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK Guide) Sixth Edition, Project management Institute, Inc., 2018 process. Building project schedules, developing WBSs, and understanding Critical Path. Understand various report types and how to customize them Managing Resources and Multiple Projects. Resolve multi-project resource conflicts, keeping projects on track, develop baselines and Accurately represent project status."
Price: 4800.00

"Corso di Mitigazioni Tecnico-Operative per Piloti di APR" |
"Corso sviluppato secondo il programma di Mitigazioni Tecnico Operative e Gestione del Rischio previsto dall'Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile nella Circolare LIC-15-A del 14 Aprile 2020.Il corso non propedeutico al rilascio dell'Attestato di Pilota APR.Per maggiori informazioni contattare il Centro di Addestramento ENAC.CA.APR.043 oppure il relatore Ing. Fazio Michele"
Price: 19.99

"Pre-Calculus Explained" |
"The course of Pre Calculus by learn do explain includes all the topic for the entire class curriculumWe will start with:Trigonometry, where I introduce the trigonometric ratios, the unit circle, and the inverse trigonometric functions. Additionally, I give you some tips so you dont memorize any of the values from the unit circleThen we will move to Polynomials, where I introduce arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and long division, as well as factorization, binomial expansion, quadratic polynomials, and much moreThe next topic would be functions, where we will talk about parent function and their graphs, transformation of functions, we will learn how to graph the rational function and reciprocal function, and then composite functions and inverse functionsThe next topic is vectors. We will study the arithmetic operation of vectors, graph a vector, the unit vector, and tons of exercisesWith this, we will start with the topic of matrices. We will study the order of a matrix, the arithmetic operations such as addition subtraction and multiplication of matrices, then we will learn the determinant, inverse matrices, solve systems of equations using matrices and transformations using matricesThe next topic would be conic sections, where we will talk about the equation of the circle. The equation, parts and how to graph parabolas, ellipse, and hyperbolasThen we will move on to sequences and series. We will study arithmetic and geometric sequences as well as arithmetic and geometric seriesAfter this, we will start with probability and combinatorics, where we will study the fundamental of counting principle, the multiplication rule, mutually exclusive events, overlapping events, permutation and combinations, and probability using pascals triangleFinally, we will talk about imaginary and complex numbers, where we will study the conjugates of complex numbers, arithmetic operations, conjugate zero theorem, the complex plane, polar coordinates of complex numbers, Eulers formula, dividing complex numbers in polar forms, and power of complex numbers in polar forms"
Price: 49.99

"Vedic & Mental Math - Addition & Subtraction : Full Course" |
"HOW CONFIDENT AM I? Take this course. If you don't GET INSPIRED TO BE MORE INCLINED TO DO CALCULATIONS MENTALLY in the next 30 days, I'll refund every penny!This course is a perfect amalgamation of VEDIC MATH, The Trachtenberg system , Calculation Shortcuts, Tricks & Hacks for MENTAL MATHS..This is the level 1 of Mental math / Vedic math course. That is Addition and Subtraction. Many surveys all over the globe have suggested that people who do good in math, have a better sense of understanding of all the other topics and hence, have a better probability of success in life and that is why, we believe that it is necessary that ever since childhood, a person must have an inclination for playing with numbers.Question: What is the first thing that we all learn after learning counting?Answer: Basic arithmetic operations like ADDITION and SUBTRACTION.But sadly, not all of us know that it is much easier to add and subtract from LEFT TO RIGHT, rather than from RIGHT TO LEFT, which was the way we all had been taught in schools.LEFT-TO-RIGHT ADDITIONThere are several good reasons why adding left to right is a superior method for mental calculation. For one thing, you do not have to reverse the numbers (as you do when adding right to left). And if you want to estimate your answer, then adding only the leading digits will get you pretty close i.e will give you an approximation.For most of you, if you are used to working from RIGHT TO LEFT on paper, it may seem unnatural to add and multiply from LEFT TO RIGHT. But with a little patience, practice and conscious effort, you will realise that it is the most natural and efficient way to do mental calculations.ONCE YOU GET THE HANG OF LEFT TO RIGHT ADDITION, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO EXTEND ALL THAT LEARNING FOR LEFT TO RIGHT SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION AS WELL.The methods taught in this course are going to teach you, how to do math in your head, with confidence, accuracy and speed, sometimes faster than a calculator .The abilities to do rapid mental calculations, offers lifelong advantages.Also, we will be devoting a significant amount of time on pen and paper techniques, in which you will learn multiple SHORTCUT ways of solving every question, because we believe that solving math does not only mean, to be able to find the answer using a fixed set of rules. It is so much more than just the answer.Trying to solve a particular problem in several different ways, and getting the same answer every time, sharpens your brain, improves concentration, enhances logical thinking abilities, and increases mental agility.Math doesnt have to be boring; it doesnt have to be all black and white. And thats why, this course is made on colorful slides and has all the ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION concepts of THE VEDIC MATH, THE TRACHTENBERG SYSTEM OF SPEED MATH, CALCULATIONS SHORTCUTS, TRICKS & HACKS.And also, we have added a MAGIC TRICK on 4 digit numbers for you, so that you can astonish your friends and family with your new acquired knowledge.Anyone who learns to think about numbers like we do in this course, will approach more advance math with better number sense and more confidence and enthusiasm.***** Recent Student Review ********** "" Thank you so much for taking the time to put together an amazing course bro. This course has reduced my dependency on calculators and has provoked me to think and solve simple day today calculations in my head.""***** ""Happy to say that my son no longer fears math, rather enjoys it and is more focused towards concepts and less bothered by calculations. Gonna recommend it to all his classmates.""***** ""Thanks for a well made course. The progression of topics is well structured and goes from beginners to advance level. There is something for everyone in this course.""***** ""I'm self tutoring my twins (8 years old) and mathematics was a pain for me as well. But thankfully, now, not only my kids , but I am also learning a lot. ""***** ""This definitely is the most comprehensive mental math addition and subtraction course available anywhere. The title says it all , I didn't believe it at first, but you have definitely improved my calculation speed a lot.""***** ""AWESOME TUTORIALS! GREAT COURSE! DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED!.""AND HERE'S WHAT YOU GET INSIDE OF EVERY SECTION:Videos: This is the easiest and the most convenient way of learning math.Notes: Describing some of the bonus theory parts before/after a particular video.Workbooks/Quizzes: Want even more practice? Want to check what youve learnt so far ? When you've finished any lecture, just start solving the corresponding workbook, because, excellence in math doesnt come in seconds but needs a lot of practice and time.YOU'LL ALSO GET: Lifetime access to MOST COMPREHENSIVE MENTAL MATH COURSE ON ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. Friendly support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion available for download Everything you need to go from beginners to intermediate to expert level in mental math. 30-day money back guaranteeWHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:1) Everyone especially students because students who master these math techniques, have a competitive advantage over their peers. It can also lead to higher standardize test scores.2) Aspirants of competitive exams like CAT, SAT, MAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, BANKING etc, where time is of the essence.3) They also come handy for people in all walks of life, be it a businessman trying to make sense of sales figures in a meeting, or a parent trying to buy groceries, or just the owner of a new house trying to calculate the mortgage. MATH IS EVERYWHERE AND ITS TIME, WE ACCEPT THIS FACT.4) And for our senior citizens, because researchers say that it is essential to keep our mind busy by engaging it in activities that keep our mind active and sharp, hence is the saying IF YOU DONT WANT TO LOSE IT, THEN USE IT, becomes more and more appropriate in this modern era."
Price: 79.99

"Agile Masterclass: Scrum for Product Owner and Scrum Master!" |
"If you are looking for Scrum certification quick tips, or if you are looking to find a job in one of the Scrum roles or just want to learn more about Scrum and Agile software development, you are at the right place.Isn't it frustrating that you fail the Scrum certification again and again? Don't you hate when you are getting rejected in a competition for one of the Scrum rolls?Hi everyone, my name is Dejan. I am a Professional Scrum Product Owner, Professional Scrum Master, Agile Coach, and Trainer of trainers.Based on my previous experience, I have created this User-friendly Course so I can help individuals and teams to get better results at what they are doing.This Masterclass Course saves money, and it is short and clear enough. You will learn:Introduction to Agile and Why Agile?What is Agile in theory?You will find out what defines an excellent product, what Product Vision, Product Strategy, and Product Roadmap are,What Scrum framework, Scrum roles, responsibilities are, Scrum events, purposes, duration, what to pay attention toScrum artifactsDefinition of Done and Acceptance criteriaI will present to you my recommendation on Scrum certification, which Certification body is best for you to choose and how to pass the examination - the easy way. YOU GET YOUR FIRST JOB AS A PRODUCT OWNER - THAT IS GREAT. I WILL SHOW YOU WHERE TO START BUILDING AN EXISTING PRODUCT OR WHERE TO START IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD A NEW PRODUCT FROM SCRATCH. After all the sections, we will have a short knowledge test - Multiple choice questions.You will surely find some essential things in between the lines, too, namely, my love and effort invested into making my communication with you original, useful, and attractive, as well as a promise of continuous improvement.I promise you that I will not waste your time. We will be very productive and efficient. So let's start your Agile and Scrum Journey right now. WELCOME TO MY COURSE and don't forget to grab your Certificate of Completion at the end of the Course!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Linux als modernes alternatives Betriebssystem" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die gerne auf Linux umsteigen mchten und hierzu ein paar Hilfestellungen bentigen. Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du Linux auf deinem PC installierst und welche Linux-Distribution fr dich besonders gut geeignet ist. Gemeinsam richten wir deinen Linux-PC so ein, wie es fr dich perfekt passt. Du lernst, wie du das optische Design deines Linux-Betriebssystems absolut individuell gestalten kannst. Ich zeige dir, wie du Programme ganz einfach installierst, warum du auf nichts verzichten musst und welche zahlreichen kostenlosen Programme dir auf Linux zur Verfgung stehen. Auerdem steigen wir in die Arbeit mit dem Terminal ein und du bst die ersten wichtigen Befehle. Zum Abschluss gebe ich dir einen berblick zu deinen umfangreichen Gaming-Mglichkeiten auf Linux."
Price: 29.99

"Complete 4th Grade Curriculum Walkthrough" |
"During the e-learning that followed the rise of the pandemic, it is estimated that students across the board are going to enter the next grade level 90 days behind in their learning paths. With this in mind, I have created this course to help fill the gaps of students going into middle school next year. This is a comprehensive instruction into every standard covered in the 4th grade standards."
Price: 49.99

"Fundamental Color Mixing for Painters" |
"Genuine experience of moving color in the color space is mandatory to an artist. Through hands-on exercises you will learn how to manipulate colors according to your needs. This part will cover: how to vary the hue, chroma, and value in a controlled way. With a demo, you will see the strategy of color matching in a real painting situation."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel leri Seviye Dersleri (10 DERS)" |
"Microsoft Excel leri Seviye Kursumuza HogeldinizBu kursta excel yeteneklerinizi ileri seviyeye getirecek zellik ve fonksiyonaliteler renmeniz amalanmtr. Bu kursu satn almadan nce ltfen kurs gereksinimlerini ve kurs ile ilgili ierikleri gzden geirin. Eer Kurs esnasnda anlamakta zorluk ekerseniz ncelikle cretsiz bir ekilde ulaabileceiniz "" Microsoft Excel Balang Dzeyi Dersleri (10 DERS) "" balkl eitimimizi almanz nerebiliriz.Balang eitimlerimizi aldktan sonra dilerseniz "" Microsoft Excel Orta Seviye Dersler (10 DERS) "" balkl eitimlerimize de kayt olarak excel yeteneklerinizi orta seviyeye getirebilirsiniz.Bu kursta aadaki dersler ilenmitir ;DERS -1 : Kitap-Sayfa-Hcre KorumalarMicrosoft Excelde kullanclarn girilerini kstlamak veya engellemek amacyla sayfa ve hcre korumalar kullanlmaktadr. Hcre, sayfa veya alma kitabnn tamam korumaya alnarak ifrelenebilmektedir. Bu derste korumann nasl yaplaca ilenmitir.DERS -2 : NDS-KAINCI FormlleriBir tabloda aranmak istenen verinin ekilmesine yarayan Deyara formlne hem alternatif hem de daha ileri seviyede arama yapabilmemizi saylayan ndis ve Kanc formllerinin kullanm ilenmitir.DERS -3 : Baml ve Deiken Listeler (L-LE)Excelde dinamik ve birbirine baml listeler oluturmak mmkndr. Bu derste veri dorulama, ndis-Kanc, EerSay gibi birok excel zelliini birarada kullanarak birbirine baml ve dinamik listeler oluturulmakadr.DERS -4 : Dinamik Grafik OluturmaVerilerin grselletirmesine yarayan en nemli aralardan birisi grafiklerdir. Grafiklerin dinamik hale getirilerek birden fazla grafiin birletirilmesi sonucunda daha verilerin daha iyi analiz edilmesi salanmaktadr. Bu derste iki grafiin birlikte kullanlmasnn yan sra verilerin deikenlii ile grafiin yapsnnda deimesi salanmaktadr.DERS -5 : Durum zmlemesiExcelin en nemli zelliklerinden birisi de veri analizinin yaplabilir olmasdr. Bu derste verilerimizin farkllamas durumundaki senaryolarda, ktlarmzn nasl etkileneceinin ve deikenlik gstereceinin analizleri yaplmaktadr.DERS -6 : Macro KaydetmeTekrarlayan ilerin otomatize edilmesine ve kod kullanmadan yaplmak istenen iin excele aktarlmasna yarayan macrolar excelin nemli zelliklerindendir. Bu derste bir macro oluturulmas ve daha sonra altrlmas srelerinin tamam ilenmektedir.DERS -7 : Macro AtamaKaydedilen bir macro birok farkl ekillerde hayata geirilebilmektedir.Bu derste Macronun farkl ekillerdeki altrlma yntemlerinin yansra, macronun farkl bir tr olan Greli Bavuru macrosu kaydedilmekte ve hayata geirilmektedir.DERS -8 : Visual Basic For Application - HELLO WORLDMicrosoft Excelin kodlama arayz olan Visual Basic for Application (VBA) hakknda incelemeler salanlarak giri yaplmaktadr. VBA arayznn tantlmasnn ardndan ilk kodun yazlmas salanmaktadr..DERS -9 : VBA IF KOMUTUKodlama atmosferinde en ok ihtiya duyulan komutlardan birisi olan IF komutu mercek altna alnmaktadr. If komutu kullanlarak rnekli bir ekilde kodlar gelitirilmektedir..DERS -10 : VBA FOR KOMUTUKodlamada kullanlan For dngleriyle ilgili anlatm salanmaktadr. Sonrasnda for dngleri kullanlarak kodlar rnek kodlar gelitirilmektedir.yi Dersler Dileriz."
Price: 49.99

"Certificate course - Indian Dance with spoken English lesson" |
"English class online and Bharatanatyam Indian dance classes in a blended learning format are fused here together in a series of video lectures.The video lessons each serve to explain out in active demonstration, the basics of the Indian classical dance form and also in alternate lessons, teach spoken English, through various types of lessons from different subjects to appeal to students, professionals from all fields and walks of life."
Price: 1600.00

"AZ-303: Azure Architect Technologies - Prc Test:UPDATED 2020" |
"Welcome to the best practice exams to help you prepare for your AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam.Features of the practice exam:Simulates the actual examYou can retake the exams as many times as you wantThis is a huge original question bankYou get support from instructors if you have questionsEach question has a detailed explanationMobile-compatible with the Udemy app30-days money-back guarantee if you're not satisfiedWe hope that by now you're convinced!... And there are a lot more questions inside the course.Happy learning and best of luck for your AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam!"
Price: 29.99

"How to paint a watercolor painting Lighthouse & Seascape" |
"If you want to learn how to paint colorful seascapes in watercolor, then this lesson is for you. I will show you how to make a tonal pattern, mix colors, which brushes are better to use at one time or another. And of course I will teach you to make glare on the water!Enroll now and start using watercolor like a pro!"
Price: 69.99

"Calligraphy Masterclass-learn A - Z about Modern Calligraphy" |
"Welcome to the Calligraphy Masterclass.In this Calligraphy course, you will learn basics as well as professional Calligraphy. You don't need to buy expensive brush pens for doing Calligraphy, any kind of affordable brush pens and some A-4 size sheet will perfectly work.I will be teaching you important grip exercises and strokes which you might have never even heard of.We'll learn some modifications and variations to enhance your Modern Calligraphy skills.I'll also be sharing with you a fake version of Calligraphy which is very helpful in practicing lettering styles.The course will start by introducing the basic Calligraphy strokes and will go through the letters, words and quotes writing in Modern Calligraphy.What will you get in this Calligraphy course:Proper guidance by the Instructor.Printable practice sheets for strokes, basic and pro calligraphy.Lifetime support for your Doubts & Queries.Full Lifetime Course Access.Most effective Calligraphy techniques and modifications for better grip and strokes.Interactive Quizzes to keep you on track and motivated.Lots of Happiness after gaining the Calligraphy skills.Extra content - faux Calligraphy is a creative and easy way to get your lettering styles on point.Follow my instructions throughout this Calligraphy course, you just need to concentrate and practice.After completing the course, I guarantee that you will be able to:Consider yourself a Modern Calligraphy master.Impress your friends and family with your wondrous Calligraphy skills.Decorate your room with awe-inspiring Calligraphy pieces and make greeting cards for your loved ones. Write beautiful quotes in Calligraphy and decorate your life with art.Take your Calligraphy skills to the next level with the Calligraphy enhancement videos included in this course.What are you waiting for then? Enroll in the course now."
Price: 2240.00

"Photoshop Composite Mastery" |
"Learn everything you need to master creating composites in photoshop! I will walk you through the process from beginning to the end and give you some useful tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I first started. At the end of this course, you will have created your own composite and have the skills and know-how to create many more!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time I've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you Learn Photoshop Composite Mastery and to get you started with creating stunning composites in photoshop. I also want to give you all the skills you need to create any kind of composite that you can think of! This class is designed for those who want to master the skill of photoshop compositing. It's in depth enough for those familiar with photoshop, but also beginner friendly and I walk through my whole process, I am sure you will be able to follow along. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that I've learned over the years that have helped improve my workflow and that have helped me create pieces that caught the eyes of some very cool clients! Whether you want to make composites for yourself or for other clients, this class will be useful to all of you! And don't worry, I will provide you with all needed material for this project, such as the images, brushes, and textures.This course is made using the creative cloud version of photoshop, specifically Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 is what I use in this course, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Photoshop CC from their websiteIn this course you will learn:How to use the photoshop interface and toolsWhere to find free and paid images and brushesHow to edit in a non-destructive wayHow to setup your file properlyFast and effective ways to composite multiple images into oneEasy ways to color match many images to all look the sameHow to dynamically light a compositeHow to do final color grading on a project to create a cohesive imageProper way to save your final image for both digital and print purposes"
Price: 94.99

"Produtividade e Gesto de Tempo Na Prtica" |
"Ainda mais agravada pelo contexto no qual o mundo est vivendo, a falta de produtividade resulta em sentimentos de incapacidade e desnimo, impedindo que voc conclua suas tarefas e atinja seus objetivos.Com este curso desenvolvido pela Fundao Estudar, que especialista em seleo e desenvolvimento de jovens h 30 anos, voc vai descobrir qual o seu estilo de trabalho e aprender os gatilhos mentais das pessoas produtivas. Por meio de vrias tcnicas, esta experincia vai possibilitar que voc crie hbitos para uma vida de mais impacto e realizao.So 2 horas e meia de curso em vdeo, distribudas em aulas curtas para otimizar a sua aprendizagem."
Price: 99.99

"Signals And Systems - That Will Break Your Fear" |
"DO YOU WANT TO LEARN FROM BASICS ?DO YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE NUMERICALS ?DO YOU WANT TO ANALYZE CONCEPTS WITH BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE PROBLEMS ?DO YOU WANT TO CHECK HOW MUCH CONTENT YOU HAVE GRASPED AFTER EACH LECTURE ?DO YOU WANT TO PRACTICE MORE ASSIGNMENTS ?DO YOU WANT TO SOLVE QUIZ QUESTIONS AFTER LEARNING EVERY TOPIC ?THEN MY DEAR STUDENTS THIS COURSE IS THE ONE STOP SOLUTION FOR ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS.Signals and systems is the basis of all control and signal processing engineering. It will allow you to take a real world machine, process (the system) and create a mathematical model, at which we apply stimuli and analyze it's response (stimuli and response being signals).Examples of systems that manipulate signals are speech recognition, video streaming, cellular networks and medical scans such as MRI. The disciplines of signal and image processing are concerned with the analysis and synthesis of signals and their interaction with systems.Students will Be able to describe signals mathematicallyUnderstand mathematical description and representation of continuous and discrete time signalsBe familiar with commonly used signals such as the unit step, ramp, impulse function, sinusoidal signals and complex exponentialUnderstand how to perform mathematical operations on signalsBe able to classify signals as continuous-time Vs. discrete-time, periodic Vs. non-periodic, energy signal Vs. power signal, odd Vs. even, causal Vs. non- causal signalsUnderstand system properties - linearity, time in variance, presence or absence of memory, causality, bounded-input bounded-output stability and invertibilityBe able to perform the process of convolution between signals and understand its implication for analysis of linear time-invariant systems. Understand the notion of an impulse responseDevelopment of the mathematical skills to solve problems involving convolutionUnderstand and resolve the signals in frequency domain using Fourier series and Fourier transforms Further, be able to use the properties of the Fourier transform to compute the Fourier transform (and its inverse) for a broader class of signalsUnderstand the limitations of Fourier transform and need for Laplace transform and develop the ability to analyze the system in s- domainApply the Laplace transform and Z- transform for analyze of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and system"
Price: 9920.00

"Complete Belarusian Language for Beginners A1 Part 1" |
"Have you always wanted to learn the Belarusian language? Are you planning a trip or any other travel plans to the Republic of Belarus? Well, you have come to the right place! This course is a complete and detailed Belarusian Language Online Course structured professionally.The Belarusian language is one of the most beautiful Slavic languages and there are unfortunately not too many formal courses out there for English speakers to learn it. With our course, we will take you from zero knowledge to the A1 Beginner Level where you can easily expand on your Belarusian proficiency. This is Part 1 of the two part A1 course. How To Learn a LanguageWith so many apps, vocabulary builders, and other popular brand name language learning software, there is no wonder why not only is the average language learner overwhelmed, but convinced that the best way to learn a language is to simply tap the right word on their mobile devices. I may be a bit old fashioned with my methods, but they work. I have basic language knowledge of over 20 languages and I speak 4 conversationally or fluently. I self taught myself the languages I know and with my proven method, I'm ready to share with the community my approach with the language company I started, LingoTala. Even though I speak Belarusian, it's always a plus to learn the language from a native speaker of that language. That is why I partnered with a Belarusian native speaker, Aliaksandra, who has been teaching languages for over 12 years and joins us straight from the beautiful nation of Belarus. So you get two classroom style experienced educators who developed a great curriculum just for you so you can learn this Online Belarusian Language Course. Quick Belarusian Language Facts- Spoken by over 5 million people as a native language- Spoken by over 6 million people as a second language- Official language of the Republic of Belarus- Used in communities in Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States- Found in a lot of official documentation from BelarusWhy Learn Belarusian?- Heritage or Ancestry reasons- A friend, spouse, or loved one may speak it- You are rusty with Belarusian and want to improve it again- You are planning on moving to Belarus- You are planning a trip to Belarus- You want to expand your language arsenal - You may want to use Belarusian as a stepping stone to easily pick up Ukrainian, Polish, or Russian- You want to try to read Ruthenian or 13th century Old Slavic documents that may have similarities to Belarusian- Just for funYou may have read that Russian is predominantly spoken in Belarus. This is true, but Belarusian has equal status in Belarus. Because of this equal status, you will find documentation, paperwork, and even public transportation in Minsk will be in Belarusian. The language is also used as a primary language of business for the US Embassy in Minsk. While Russian is the preferred language of the Belarusian people, the Belarusian language is definitely on the rise with the younger generation, especially in Minsk, and those who prefer to use Belarusian will absolutely appreciate hearing a foreigner speaking in the Belarusian language. You visited this website for a reason - if you are interested in learning Belarusian, stay motivated and take the jump - you will have the pleasure of knowing one of the most beautiful Slavic languages in the world and after knowing Belarusian, you will easily be able to pick up Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian if interested.Materials Required- A method to watch this course (PC, tablet, mobile phone, etc.)- Pen- Notebook/Notepad- Set up a Belarusian keyboard or use a search engine for an online Belarusian phonetic keyboard so you can practice typing in the languageWith these simple tools, be prepared to practice writing the letters and words out as you learn with us. Studies show that it takes about 30 repetitions to commit something to memory, so have a goal to write a little bit each day of your vocabulary that you will learn in our videos.Course Structure- Introduction Lessons (learn the basics like Hello, Goodbye, and Thank you)- Alphabet (Since Belarusian uses the Cyrillic alphabet, we'll teach you how to read and understand the alphabet)Units- Vocabulary (You will begin each Unit with a few lessons of vocabulary to learn)- Grammar (Don't be intimidated, we will touch on some grammar rules to apply to the language so you can build your own sentences)- Culture (An important chapter often missed in other language tools, learn about the people who speak the language, and a chance to pick up some extra Belarusian vocabulary)- Quiz (Quick review of the unit so you are confident with moving onto the next unit)How to Use This CourseUnless you have a photographic memory, to be a little realistic here, don't expect to just watch the videos and become fluent. Learning a language will take time. Be prepared to repeat lessons, pause, take notes, write down the words you learned, and drill the alphabet. I spent a lot of time putting together the resource guides in PDF format which will also assist you. Please utilize those guides! The good news is you have this course for life after only a one time charge. So you can take your time and not feel frustrated that you have a time limit to meet to finish all the lessons as well as have something to refer back to in case you forget a word or topic. I recommend the following for the average language learner:- Have a comfortable environment set up, like a desk, your device, a notebook used only for your Belarusian studies, some scrap paper, and of course a pen. Grab a coffee, tea, beer, or wine to relax your brain - whatever works for you and your routine- Watch the tutorial. Pause to take your own organized notes and repeat after the speaker. I recommend one video a day or one unit a week, but you can always do more or less depending on your schedule and comfort level- Download the resource file, take down any additional notes you may need from it, and review it. Print it out if you'd like to keep in your notes- Write down the words over and over again on a scrap paper, make flash cards, test yourself, speak the words out loud, whatever method you prefer and works for you to memorize the vocabulary- Before bed and in an even more relaxed environment, watch the lesson you did earlier in the day again. Go to sleep immersed in the language If you have experience learning a language, you can of course adjust the routine according to what works for you! End of Course GoalsThe Common European Framework (CEFR) defines the A1 level as:- Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type- Can introduce themselves and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and things they have- Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to helpBy the end of this course, you will be able to do just that and meet the CEFR A1 criteria. You will know:- How to read, write, and understand the Belarusian alphabet in Cyrillic letters- How to introduce yourself and ask information about another person and their family- Basic understanding of grammar and how to construct Belarusian sentences and its appropriate syntax- Learn about the culture, people, and geography of Belarus- How to tell dates and count from 0 to 1,000,000- How to say food and drink items, what you want and have, and about Belarusian cuisineThis course will bring you halfway through the knowledge you need to consider yourself at an A1 level. Once completed with this course, move onto the second part of the A1 level to finish the journey.Learning a language can be a daunting task. It will involve a lot of self motivation and interest from the student's part. That part is challenging enough, so why should the material be any harder? Trust us with your Belarusian language studies and we will deliver you a relaxing and fun method to learning the Belarusian language and we'll try to simplify things as much as possible so you can focus on achieving your language goals. and welcome to the world of the Belarusian Language!"
Price: 29.99

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Price: 10800.00

"Oratria e Homiltica na Arte da Pregao" |
"A pregao no apenas indispensvel para o cristianismo, mas essencial. O cristianismo existencialmente uma religio da Palavra de Deus. Baseado na pregao a Igreja se sustenta ou cai. O pregador um cativo da Palavra de Deus.Resgatar o verdadeiro lugar da pregao no mundo atual deve ser a maior preocupao da Igreja.O mundo est sem gravidade. H um desassossego no ar. Vivemos com uma sensao neste inicio de Sculo de que o futuro ainda no nasceu e o presente est confuso.Vivemos num intervalo de tempo com uma sociedade em transio de paradigmas. H uma certeza desinstalada no mundo atual, vivemos procurando uma ilha de certeza num oceano de incertezas. neste contexto que a pregao procura por um sentido de referncia em meio s confuses de vozes.Este a meta da Teologia da Pregao, colocar-se como teologia publica caminho em meio s incertezas da vida humana.Este curso nasceu da preocupao com a arte da pregao no mundo contemporneo.Tem como pressuposto bsico o fato da teologia no poder prescindir nem de sua fonte, nem do contexto cultural para o qual deve comunicar-se."
Price: 324.99

"Talend Data Integration using Talend Open Studio" |
"Talend is an open source data integration desktop application. This course is designed to help you build your Talend theoretical as well as practical concepts in a very efficient way. There are 11 Sections of this course and every section is very logically designed to help you build your practical concepts in the most organized and effective manner. Kindly look at the Course Introductory Preview Video to get insights about the learning outcomes of this course. Enjoy the Course & Happy Learning!Muhammad Azam"
Price: 19.99

"Intuitive Awareness Development LEVEL 1" |
"Intuitive Awareness Development educates you on how to recognize, notice, and develop YOUR intuition so you can TRUST when it is your intuition speaking to you instead of your ""Thinking Mind"" . This introduction along with exercises, assignments, and (2) 30 minute scheduled Live practice sessions EST with instructor to help you get positive results right away. Many people spend months and years trying to learn to tap into and use their intuition reliably. You will learn valuable tools, skills, and information that gets results quickly. Each lesson building upon the next . This is level 1 beginner. There are 2 other levels available after this course if you want greater results (level 2 intermediate and level 3 advance.)"
Price: 199.99

"Stop Believing Your Big Screwup (BS)!" |
"Welcome to this course that within the first 6 days of launch saw over 300 student enrollments! Have you ever wondered why things dont quite work out how youd like them to?Do you struggle with a lack of vision all or some of the time?Have circumstances reached the point where you seem unable to cope?Do you accept youre capable of achieving more?Do you believe that your life in general could be a lot better with just a little push in the right direction?If you answered yes to any of the above or if they sparked a feeling of wanting to improve your present situation, then this is for you.In taking this course you will discover how your instructor Georg Voros completely changed his life potential and destiny for the better in following the simple universal law of truth below, and how YOU could achieve similar results for yourself.Your reality is a reflection of your thoughts, words and beliefsWhile there is convincing weight behind Georgs words in having achieved considerable success as a performing artist with these accomplishments:a member of an award winning UK band playlisted on MTV Europeappearing on an album nominated for a prestigious UK music industry awardauthoring a book endorsed by artists with association to world famous acts such as Genesis, Yes and Paul Weller.What is even more compelling is how Georg conquered a severely debilitating every-day limitation, that led to him becoming an in-demand educator and mentor, thereby transforming his career prospects and destiny for the betterforever.This course has been specially crafted for YOU!With an easy and amicable manner, Georg shares the approach and strategies he used to turn his life around and points you in the right direction to achieve similar spectacular results. You will learn to identify how your thinking could be working against you right now, and why your reality (your life) may not be working out the way you intended.There is no theory or speculation involved. Everything that Georg shares is based on real life personal triumphs and experience. In his own words: If something has not worked for me with success, then I really dont want to tell you about it.With over 45 minutes of on-demand video content and downloadable self-improvement tasks that include an eBook, this course is an effective introduction on how to gain a clearer perspective of your present situation and how to confidently move on to a brighter future that you deserve."
Price: 49.99

"PHP 5 and 7 & SQL Queries with MySQL database hands on" |
"Learn PHP, write SQL Queries, Normalize MySQL Database, Model Data within MySQL Database. More so connect to MySQL Database with PHP, Write SQL queries, complex Queries, and see the dimensions in Developing a Website. Step by Step approach from understanding PHP, SQL queries, MySQL database, to developing websites / web applications."
Price: 19.99

"Power Plant Substation Installation" |
"The substation is a vital part of the transformation of electrical energy. We use electrical energy in our daily life which comes through the transmission line connected to the substation. How a substation can be installed? This course starts with a step by step approach covering from planning, management, basic documents, electrical items to be installed, installation and checking process, testing, and finally handover. Will give you the capability to handle the installation process. We then go on to study, finally, you will be confident to handle the installation project."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Python for Absolute Beginners in Tamil ()" |
"The all basic concepts of python programming language is explained in very easy way in Tamil. This course is absolute for beginners. So any kind of people can learn complete python from this course. Once you watching the video then you must implement the code in yourself. The python programming language is very easy when you practice yourself. You can implement the more logical programs by using the course.The OOPS concept are explain line by line in this course. After complete this course you will get a perfect knowledge in python programming language.The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world Huge companies like Google use it in mission critical applications like Google Search.And Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need an expert knowledge of Python, and thats what you will get from this course.By the end of the course youll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers."
Price: 3520.00

"Ancient History of India -" |
"In this course we have covered the complete history of ancient India in a very comprehensive way. The language used is very clear and understandable. Please do watch the syllabus and Free previews prior to enrollment. :"
Price: 19.99

"How to reach advanced level in English as a foreign language" |
"In this course, we will learn about the things we can do to improve or English as a foreign language and the steps we can take to reach advanced level at English. During this course, I will share all my knowledge and useful tips that helped me in the past to accomplish my goal to reach advanced level and I'm sure it will help everyone who enrolls in this course just like it helped me. After completing this course, you will get a lot better at English and how much you work at it will determine how long it will take for you to reach advanced level and be able to prove it in related tests."
Price: 29.99

"Exam DA-100 & 70-778 : Power BI Practice Sets Year 2020" |
"Welcome to practice sets for DA-100 & 70-778 - Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power BI This practice test course contains 4 real time environment tests, of over 160 questions, based on the exam syllabus as you will see in the official exam. Post exam, you can review your answers and check correct answers with extensive explanations of each question, having links to Microsoft official documentation and articles.Questions have been updated as per latest exam pattern from year 2020.The exams are formatted in accordance with the real time environment . Apart from MCQ and multi select questions we also have drag and drop questions, however because of constraint on Udemy site, we can not add those formats. I assure you, you will be fully prepared for the exam once you would have finished these practice sets.The test covers all the sections which are required for both the exams.Skills measured for DA-100Prepare the data (20-25%)Model the data (25-30%)Visualize the data (20-25%)Analyze the data (10-15%)Deploy and maintain deliverables (10-15%)Skills measured for 70-778Consuming and Transforming Data By Using Power BI DesktopModeling and Visualizing DataConfigure Dashboards, Reports and Apps in the Power BI ServiceNote: - Exam 70-778 is going to retire in Jan 2021. These practice sets cover both the exams.My best wishes for the endeavor.Look forward to a valuable feedback."
Price: 24.99

"Medical Writing for Healthcare Professionals" |
"This course will give healthcare professionals everything they need to launch their medical writing business. It will cover the following topics:Finding the Work:The types of work availableMaximizing the use of job boardsMaximizing your current clinical roleUsing LinkedInUsing company career and contributor pagesGetting the Work:Pitching to clients - demonstration and downloadable sample emailsBuilding and presenting your portfolio - demonstrationUsing the Tools:Google Docs - demonstrationMicrosoft Powerpoint and Google Slides - demonstrationWriting the Work:Working with editorsWriting for the web - demonstrationSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Writing CE/CME needs assessments - demonstrationCreating CE presentations - demonstrationWriting CE monographs - demonstrationThe Business of WritingLegal considerationsTax and financial considerationsResourcesInvoice template (for billing clients) - demonstration video and downloadable templateAccounting template (to keep track of payments) - demonstration video and downloadable templateHelpful links"
Price: 49.99
