"Contract Management for Beginners" |
"Contract Management is a neglected element of the Procurement Cycle and a lot of Organisations are not effectively implementing Contract Management. This course has been designed to cut through the legalese of Contract Management and focus on the practical implementation of Contract Management within your Organisation. Contract Management can sound difficult and you might think you need to be a legal expert to be a good Contract Manager but that is not true. We have purposefully removed any kind of focus on contract law from this course. Whilst it is important to understand contract and commercial law you can undertake effective contract management without it. We're going to cover both Pre-Signature and Post-Signature Contract Management. Most people forget there is such a thing as Pre-Signature Contract Management but it's all about setting yourself up for success in the Post-Signature phase of Contract Management."
Price: 49.99

"Guia de Preveno ao Covid-19 para retorno das atividades" |
"Esse curso objetiva instruir empresrios e colaboradores em geral quanto as medidas de preveno e combate COVID-19, a adequao dos ambientes de trabalho suas medidas de controle a serem implementadas e o uso correto e consciente dos EPIs equipamentos de proteo individual especficos conforme a atividade de comrcio, promovendo a SEGURANA e a SADE no trabalho como uma ferramenta fundamental a ser praticada em qualquer processo produtivo existente.Roteiro do curso1. Introduo2. Sobre o Coronavrus3. Sintomatologia e Casos suspeitos4. Meios de Transmisso5. Principais Dvidas6. Preparando seu ambiente de trabalho7. Estabelea medidas gerais de preveno8. Programe medidas de controle no ambiente9. Defina recomendaes de acordo com o risco de exposio10. Definies11. Equipamentos de Proteo Individual12. 1 PARTE - Tipos e funcionalidades de EPIs frente a preveno ao COVID-1913. 2 PARTE - Tipos e funcionalidades de EPIs frente a preveno ao COVID-1914. Encerramento"
Price: 39.99

"3D House Illustration with Adobe Illustrator for beginner" |
"Do you want to learn how to create vector illustration faster & effectively and create the vector as an asset for either animation or any social content? Well, you can do it by learning the fundamentals of the Adobe Illustrator CC by creating a 3D / isometric view on a house! This class is designed for graphic designers, illustrators, artists, or anyone who would like to create a vector design."
Price: 69.99

"1-Minute Chinese: Beginner Mandarin Conversation Essentials" |
"What you get: Start learning the essentials of beginner's Mandarin Chinese with a unique and effective approach that will make it simple, easy, and engaging from Teacher Fang who specialized in teaching foreigners Mandarin Chinese. In 1-minute lessons, you will learn: - to read, write, and speak simple conversations in Mandarin Chinese - introducing yourself, what the weather's like, what foods you like, what do you like to drink (see previews) - build a solid foundation with the linguistic basics of Mandarin Chinese- learn the Beijing Dialect, which is the official standard of Mandarin Chinese pronunciationWho this course is for:Novice or beginner Mandarin Chinese students, no previous knowledge is required.About us: Teacher Rita Kuen Hung Fang is a second-generation Mandarin Chinese instructor and a native of Beijing, China. Trained and certified by the leading liberal arts university in China, the Beijing Language and Culture University in Beijing, the Beijing Normal University, and the Hong Kong Baptist University, Rita Kuen Hung Fang has more than 25 years of international teaching experience in both classroom and private settings. Rita Kuen Hung Fang specializes in curriculum design for targeted Mandarin Chinese learning."
Price: 99.99

"Intro to Automotive functional safety( ISO26262)" |
"This course gives you an introduction to Automotive functional safety and ISO 26262.it doesn't require any prior experience , it starts from scratch and gives the concept in a very simple way to understand.you will get familiar with Automotive functional safety life cycle and you will be able to start reading and studding in details Automotive functional safety and ISO 26262 on your own."
Price: 19.99

"Ethernet from scratch" |
"Ethernet is one on the used protocol in Automotive and recently most of the companies started to use in many applications instead of CAN.it is a new protocol for Automotive industry and unfortunately too many engineers don't have the required Ethernet knowledge.This course will teach you the Ethernet Protocol fundamental starting from scratch.In this course you will learn the network fundamental like addressing protocols and OSI Model. you will learn the Ethernet frame and how Ethernet is used in Automotive. so Let's gt started."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Astrology With Psychic Daquan Jones" |
"The course is a follow-up of the Beginner's Level Course from Learn Astrology With Psychic Daquan Jones. This part of the class goes deeper into the how-to-use Astrology for Prediction and into Additional Vocabulary. If you have not taken the Beginner's Level course and have no previous knowledge of Astrology, it is recommended that you go back to the previous course. In this course, you will learn about Asteroids, Astrological Points, Predictive Astrology, Karma, and Eclipses."
Price: 29.99

"Aprende estructuras isostticas" |
"Aprende la definicin de vectores, principio de transmisibilidad, nmeros y cosenos directores, tipos y sistemas de fuerzas, clasificacin de los sistemas de fuerzas, teorema de Varignon, grados de libertad y tipo de apoyos en estructuras, determinar la hiperestaticidad en vigas hipostticas, isostticas e hiperestticas, equilibrio en vigas y cantilivers isostticos con todo tipo de cargas y sometido a diferentes cargas, definicin de fuerzas normales, fuerzas cortantes y momentos flexionantes, clculo de diagramas en fuerzas normales, fuerzas cortantes y momentos flexionantes."
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Mutual Fund Course" |
"The complete mutual fund course is designed to provide you in-depth knowledge of mutual fund. It is need of the time to explore more on mutual fund investment. If you do not know ABC of mutual funds, no worries. After the course, you will end up buying mutual fund schemes without taking anyone's help. "
Price: 199.99

"Empoderamiento del paciente en enfermedades crnicas" |
"El estilo de vida tpico de las sociedades modernas occidentales produce incontables problemas de salud para sus individuos. Segn la bibliografa se calcula que un 10% de individuos padece algn tipo de enfermedad autoinmune. Incontables personas padecen asma, alergia o algn tipo de eczema en la piel, dolor y muchos otros problemas cuyo diagnstico es muy complicado. El nmero de casos de cncer o de diabetes es alarmante en las sociedades modernas y aumentan cada ao.Estos problemas de salud se incrementan dependiendo del grado de occidentalizacin de una sociedad.Las poblaciones que viven segn un estilo de vida ms ancestral, no padecen estas enfermedades en el mismo nmero.Nuestra medicina moderna hace autnticas maravillas para erradicar problemas de salud que tradicionalmente han daado a sus individuos, como traumatismos o infecciones. Pero desgraciadamente, segn el autor del curso, est fracasando en muchas enfermedades crnicas, que no dejan de aumentar. Son unos problemas de salud para los que la medicina moderna no acaba de encontrar una solucin definitiva obligando a los pacientes a tomar en muchos casos, medicacin durante toda su vida.Este curso intenta transmitir al alumno que las enfermedades crnicas son responsabilidad del paciente. Son enfermedades relacionadas con la manera en que vive un grupo social. Por eso reciben el nombre de enfermedades de la civilizacin moderna, porque afectan a los individuos que siguen un estilo de vida moderno.Y mientras se contine con este estilo de vida, la enfermedad estar con el paciente.La intencin del curso es transmitir esta idea desde el punto de vista de un paciente empoderado. El autor transmite las bases para entender el desajuste evolutivo y que este desajuste produce la enfermedad. El objetivo es concienciar al paciente de su responsabilidad en su estado de salud, as como concienciar al paciente de que es posible luchar contra este tipo de enfermedades si se modifica el estilo de vida que las produce.El autor del curso padece esclerosis mltiple y se considera un paciente empoderado que trata de compartir el trabajo que est realizando para dejar atrs su enfermedad, con la intencin de ayudar a todas aquellas personas interesadas tambin en superar problemas de salud que la medicina oficial afirma no tener cura.Este curso no profundiza en cada uno de los aspectos de un estilo de vida moderno que estn perjudicando a los individuos, si bien menciona los principales. Este curso slo trata de exponer el problema, ponerlo encima de la mesa para abrir los ojos al alumno y que este comprenda el origen de la cronicidad de la enfermedad: La forma de vida en las sociedades modernas.Slo comprendiendo el problema, el alumno ser capaz de trabajar en ello."
Price: 29.99

"Beginners preparing for CSIR NET & GATE -Physics" |
"Aspirants those who are preparing for the CSIR NET (physical science ) and GATE (physics) entrance exam this course will help them to learn the concepts in very easy and short way. They will learn the new way to solve the problems. In this course students will get flavor of problems how to deal with it. Aspirants will get an idea how to approach further for this exam."
Price: 19.99

"LA BOLSA DESDE CERO: Instrumentos argentinos de inversin" |
"Conoces solo el plazo fijo y comprar dlares? Termina con eso y comenz a invertir en la bolsa de valores, vas a encontrar varios instrumentos al alcance de tu mano, para que tus ahorros crezcan mucho ms. Pero por algn lado hay que arrancar y es por ese motivo que cree este curso llamado "" LA BOLSA DESDE CERO"" para que adquieras todo el conocimiento necesario y puedas empezar de una manera mucho ms sencilla. Sumate ya mismo a esta enorme comunidad de casi 100.000 personas !"
Price: 19.99

"Valor en riesgo en inversiones en Crystal Ball" |
"Bienvenido!Si quieres aprender cules son los riesgo implcitos en un portafolio de inversin y como medirlos mediante tcnicas estadsticas, este es el curso para ti.Soy Andrey Gonzlez, CFA Charterholder, y si te interesa conocer cules son las caractersticas ms importantes de un portafolio de inversin para ti o para tu familia, los riesgos que se asumen y cmo modelarlos de forma que los puedas usar en la vida real, ests en el lugar correcto. En este curso te ensearemos cmo a travs de una metodologa en crystal ball, podrs generar un modelo de valor en riesgo utilizando una de las tcnicas estadsticas ms reconocidas a nivel internacional en este campo: simulacin de Montecarlo; usando como base de datos los precios de activos financieros que reflejan el comportamiento de las acciones en Estados Unidos.Esta tcnica la podrs aplicar para cualquier portafolio de inversiones que ests pensando crear, con diferentes tipos de activos sobre los cuales tengas la base de datos adecuada. Inscrbete !Lo que aprendersQu es un portafolio de inversin y los tipos de activosQu es crystal ball y cmo descargarlo Cules son las utilidades de Crystal ball para nuestro modeloCmo generar un modelo de valor en riesgo por simulacin de Montecarlo en la herramientaHay requisitos para realizar el curso?Un ordenador con conexin a internetMicrosoft ExcelPasin por las inversiones y la medicin del riesgo"
Price: 24.99

"27 Program Manager Job Interview Techniques:Detailed Answers" |
"Heres the Perfect Solution If You Want to Ace Your Interview and Get Your Dream Job as a Program ManagerAre you looking for a new position but your interviews are not going well and youre not sure what to do?Do you need to refresh your knowledge of program management and get the hottest industry tips from a person who interviewed hundreds for this position and his work has been published in Forbes?If thats the case, read on!Program managers do highly complex work and carry a lot of responsibility. Its a coveted job for many professionals around the world, and for many, its definitely a dream job. So how come people with such amazing skill sets can be failing interviews? The fact is, theres an art to giving a good interview. You need structure, a bit of charisma, and a sprinkle of insider knowledge.As a seasoned veteran of program management, with a certificate from Harvard Business School., I've worked in the field for the past 18 years, and in this course, I reveal everything there is to know about program management and how to ace your interview. Through 27 laser-sharp questions with comprehensive and well- written answers that will impress any employer, you can finally succeed and get your dream job!Heres what youll learn in this course:What are the 3 key responsibilities of a program manager and how to describe each of themHow to answer questions about handling conflicts, chaos, and unpredictable situationsWhat is agile management and how to manage requirementsHow to answer the question of why you want to work for that company withexample answersAND SO MUCH MORE!A great interview is all about meticulous preparation. With these 27 questions and answers, you will be absolutely ready to impress your future employer and snag your dream job!"
Price: 19.99

"Legal English for Business and Law - Contract Law" |
"Study the vocabulary of contract law while using and learning about legal documents. This legal English course is designed for intermediate English language learners who want to increase their legal vocabulary fast. Improve your legal vocabulary while reading and listening about important points in contract law. This course covers topics such as the parts of a contract, types of contracts and what are essential elements of a legal contract. At the end of this course you will not only know a lot more about contract law, but you will have also learnt the key vocabulary and grammar for this topic. Improve your English with Engliscape."
Price: 19.99

"path of life" |
"Earth is a facing a difficult situation then COVID-19 called ""society"", people are not changing their mindset, society judging humans faith, students are losing their dreams because of society, and some people are losing the more valuable word ""help"", everyone can learn c language but no one can learn life, life is something you should learn with failure, so I started this""path of life"" where failure learns life"
Price: 1280.00

"Re-imagining Productivity: Learn to Increase Productivity" |
"This course aims to provide some practical guidance on increasing productivity that can be implemented and prove beneficial in your personal and professional lives. It focuses on key areas such as time management, multi-tasking, work and life balance, understanding different learning styles and approaches to each as well as dealing with procrastination."
Price: 19.99

"E-Commerce Masters Course - Setup your own Online Business" |
"E-Commerce Masters Course trains you to build step by step professional E-commerce store using WordPress and Woocommerce with multivendor functionality with ZERO coding and owning ready-to-use products under your own brand.-- Build a professional E-commerce Multi vendor Store-- Implement advance Web Security for 99% protection from cybercriminals-- Sourcing and creating security, educational, and leather products.-- Implement SEO-- Own a live business in Leather, Cybersecurity, Software and Education verticals with ready-to-use products-- Add web promotion-- Learn to create your software and security products and ready-to-sell under your own brand"
Price: 59.99

"Educacin Emocional para nios de 3 a 5 aos" |
"Es un curso dirigido a maestros de educacin infantil y padres de familia, diseado para que conozcan la importancia y los objetivos de la educacin emocional y se apliquen tcnicas especficas de conciencia emocional, regulacin emocional, autonoma emocional, competencias social y habilidades para la vida y el bienestar en nios de 3 a 5 aos. Adems, se incluye la evaluacin del programa de educacin emocional para valorar sus efectos."
Price: 19.99

"Inside Happiness - Die Power der positiven Psychologie" |
"Steigere dein inneres Glck durch Tools aus dem Bereich der positiven Psychologie, wie zum Beispiel Dankbarkeit, Selbstliebe, Vernderung deiner Glaubensstze, transformierende Meditationen, tiefe Entspannung und viele weitere sofort anwendbare Techniken! 90% unseres Denkens und Fhlens werden von unserem Unterbewusstsein gesteuert. Aber wer seinen 'Autopiloten' kennt, kann ihn ausschalten und bewusst in ein glcklicheres und erfllteres Leben starten. In diesem Kurs lernst du wie das geht. Traust du dich, dein Glck selbst in die Hand zu nehmen? Ich freue mich auf dich, dein Nils"
Price: 99.99

"The Work From Home Professional" |
"Working from home has long been the Holy Grail in the world of employment. On the surface, it sounds wonderful. After all, you can wear what you like, set up your workspace exactly as you want it, and can snack to your hearts content.It even sounds good from a social standpoint. You think youll be able to spend more time with those you love. You wont have to pay for childcare for the kids, and you even get to enjoy your pets more. In short, you get to enjoy all the benefits of being home all day, while getting paid to do exactly what youre doing now. Right?Maybe not. Working from home, whether for yourself by setting up your own business, or working remotely for another company, has its own set of challenges. For some people, they find themselves distracted by the home setting and unable to concentrate, while at the same time seeing others thrive and with their productivity go through the roof. It can be frustrating and not the right thing for you at all.How can you tell before you make the plunge whether this is right for you?First, you need to determine if you have the right personality to be happy and efficient working from home. No matter whether youre working for yourself or remote working for someone else, youre going to need to be able to pull yourself together and keep going, even when you dont feel like it. For this reason, being a self-starter with a robust entrepreneurial spirit is the most important trait youre going to need to need, coupled very closely with our next trait, self-discipline.Think youve got what it takes? Hang on! Before working from home in any capacity, you need to ask yourself a few questions:Have you considered all the angles?What are your expectations?Can you finish what you start?Can you concentrate?Where will you work from?What about the equipment?How organized are you?What about child care?Can you separate your work-life from your home life?Its a lot to think about, isnt it? But working from home can also be a rewarding experience. To the right type of person, theres no life like it. No matter what you decide, remember, whats right for you today might not be right for you tomorrow.Dont be afraid to reassess your needs periodically.It could be you wind up working from home for a year or two and going back into the workplace.Or vice versa.The key here is to do whats best for you.Now, let's start the course and help you become a work from home pro!"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Meetings" |
"Dave Barry once said: ""If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be meetings.""And Peter Drucker once said: ""Meetings are the symptom of bad organization. The fewer meetings, the better.""Now those might sound like pretty pessimistic observations but it's true. A lot of time get wasted at meetings. In fact several studies have shown that poorly optimized meetings are an enormous drain, not just on companies themselves but even on the economy as a whole. So how do we ensure that your organization doesn't fall victim to this?How can we guarantee that meetings in our organization are effective, efficient and ultimately a benefit to our businesses rather than a liability?In this course, we're going to show you how to do exactly that!"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Time Management" |
"Jim Rohn once said: ""Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money but you can not get more time.""Time is the most valuable asset we have at our disposal. Every hour in our workday translates to dollars spent, dollars gained or dollars wasted. Our ability to produce, to profit, to grow and scale are all dependent on our ability to manage and dominate time.But how can we truly take command of this golden asset?How can we ensure we're making the absolute best use of the minutes and hours in both our businesses and in our personal lives?In this course, we're going to show you how to do exactly that!"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Company Culture" |
"Brian Kristofek once said: ""Being a great place to work is the difference between being a good company and a great company.""The success of your business is largely dependent on your company culture, the atmosphere of your workplace, the traditions, the routines, the values. All have an undeniable effect on the performance of your teams, the morale of your workers, and even your bottom line.So what can you do to foster a positive company culture?How do you ensure that when your people show up in the morning they're both happy and proud to be there?On this course, we're going to show you how to do exactly that!"
Price: 39.99

"Don't Overthink It! Sell Salt. Business Start-Up Course" |
"This is an easier way to select a business idea from your everyday products that will create an ongoing business like selling salt. This course is for experts and also people just starting in business. Its short and well explained and easy to follow and it gets you great results."
Price: 19.99

"Data Visualization & Storytelling" |
"With its foundations rooted in statistics, advertisement, and data science, practitioners in medical, engineering and business use ""dataviz"" to explore, understand and convince with data. This course shows you how to better understand your data, present clear evidence of your findings to your audience, and tell an engaging story. Based on the acclaimed textbook eponymous Amazon Bestseller[1], parts of this courseware have been used in universities and biz schools in Finland, Barcelona, USA, Korea, Canada and the Middle East; and in executive trainings of companies like Halliburton TX, Agilent, Orange and PropertyFinder, after this course you are expected to be able to to transform data into not just information, but valuable knowledge. You will learn by example how to visualize the fascinating topics of gender equality, inclusion, solar energy and bias. You will also learn, What is the role of a narrative in a graphic; The foundations of visual narratives and what is the relationship between data, information and knowledge. The authors (a Kaggle master, a Bloomberg ex bureau chief and a psychology professor) bring together concepts of Data Science, Design Thinking and Strategy to take the student on a journey where the destination is nothing less than great visual storytelling. You might be an MBA candidate, an instructor, a strategy consultant or an entrepreneur, this course explains the visual fundamentals for building graphics that convince decisively. Designed as a series of Socratic exercises, this book is for you if you work with Excel, SPSS, or Tableau; no data skills or special math skills are required.Main Outcomes1. Identify the role of a narrative in a chart2. Transform data into information3. Synthesize knowledge by linking frameworks4. Apply visual thinking tools for decision making5. Select visual communication techniques to persuadePraise from previous students""I was going through the book and it looks great!"" Mauricio Zanotti Director ONG La ruta Solar""Here in Argentina the community in data science is really growing, and I love visualizations and find the way to tell the story."" Agustin Blacker""Along with greeting and thanking you for such a good contribution delivered through the book I am reading (now in its translated version)."" Rosa Velasques""An eye opener"" Benjamin Jon, Wales.""A holistic approach to how to create knowledge with classic rhetoric."" Birgitta EdbergAbout the authorsMarybeth Sandell is a Swedish-American journalist and has been, among others, bureau chief of the Bloomberg London office. He has worked in Stockholm, Zurich and New York; and has taught at the University of North Carolina. She has a Masters in Communication and Technology from UNC Chapel Hill and his work focuses on creating data-driven stories for global corporations and non-profits.Ali Fenwick is Dutch and is Professor of Organizational Behavior and Innovation at Hult International Business School in Dubai. Her research focuses on the psychology of organizations and administration, and explores how psychological interventions can be applied within the workplace.Jose Berengueres is from Barcelona and a doctor in robotics by TokyoTech. Since 2011 he works at the U.A.E University in the Emirates where he combines teaching design thinking and ethics in IT with mentoring startups. He is also a Kaggle master.Bibliography (extra materials included with this course)when you enrol in this course you will get a free copy in English or Spanish of the following books:Berengueres, J. (2019). Introduction to Data Visualization & Storytelling: A Guide For The Data Scientist.Berengueres, J. (2020). Visualizacin de Datos & Storytelling. (B. Covarrubias, Ed.)Reference books (not included in this course)Now you see it, Stephen Few, 2009Show me the numbers, Stephen Few, 2012Storytelling with Data, Cole Nussbaumer Knafflic, 2015Good Charts (HBR), Scott Berinato, 2016Data Visualization & Storytelling,Jose Berengueres, Ali Fenwick, Marybeth Sandell,2019DataStory, Nancy Duarte,2019Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making Informative and Compelling Figures,Clause Wilke,2019Storytelling with Data workbook,Cole Nussbaumer Knafflic, 2020"
Price: 19.99

"Performance: How to Give and Receive Feedback Effectively" |
"Giving and Receiving feedback is an essential part of today's performance management culture across organisations. Doing this well can result in increased performance levels, engaged employees, boosted morale and supports individuals achieve their potential.In this course, you will learn key aspects of giving and receiving feedback. The learning outcomes cover:1. You will understand what is performance management and the context in which it exists. You will also understand how to enhance the performance review experience by focusing on making it purposeful performance management.2. You will be introduced and understand the concept of ""Always On"" conversations around performance and feedback.3. You will learn how you can prepare and have effective performance discussions by following a 3-step approach focused on Expectations, Feedback and Development.4. You will learn top tips on how to have performance discussions remotely if you and your team/manager work in this way.5. You will learn how to have inclusive and open feedback discussions.The purpose of this course is to help you develop the skill of having performance discussions, using a simple structure which can help reduce anxiety and maximizes the opportunity for learning and continuous improvement on the part of the individual.This course is intended to be very concise and direct, focused solely on this important skill of having performance discussions and both giving and receiving feedback."
Price: 89.99

"Revit Architecture" |
"This course is for the civil and architectural students. In this course you will learn how you can create an architectural model, shop drawing, creating schedule, drawing sheets and render view of the model. while going through this video lectures you will understand the fundamentals of revit architecture and the uses of architectural tools."
Price: 1280.00

"Practice Bold Allyship and End Racism in the Workplace" |
"Are you ready to commit to helping to create change within the workplace and ending systemic racism while practicing allyship?Are you excited about helping to substantially be able to drive impact around diversity, equity, & inclusion (DEI) efforts at your organization?Are you an employee, senior leader or HR, L&D, and/or a DEI ambassador wanting ideas on how to take action and strategies to focus on from (recruiting/retention and accountability) to drive impact at your organization?Netta Jenkins was listed in Forbes as one of the top 7 impactful diversity anti-racism educators in the world. Netta was also selected to speak at the DEITech Conference, October 2020, alongside powerful anti-racism educator, Jane Elliott, who is known for her Blue eyes/Brown eyes exercise and for transformative appearances on Oprah Winfrey show. Netta founded Holistic Inclusion Consulting LLC; and offers diversity sessions to companies with a focus on anti-racism, product inclusion, and systemic bias globally. For more details on Netta scroll below.THEN PRACTICE BOLD ALLYSHIP and END RACISM in the WORKPLACE COURSE is for YOU!Do you know when the construct of race as an inherited distinction was started? In the 1400s during the Spanish Inquisition as a means to discriminate against converted Christians whose lineage included Jewish ancestors. The Spanish city of Toledo issued an official order targeting them based on this ""bloodline"" factor, marking it as the first discriminatory law based on a ""race."" The Spanish and Portuguese carried this new construct of race to the so-called ""New World,"" as a means and justification to import and enslave people based on inherited skin colors. This false distinction holds its grip through today.Though we started off as one race, the human race, we've been made to believe we belong to different ones. We do not. We are ONE. Yet we still suffer the impact of this false construct - especially as it plays out between Black and white people. It is deeply rooted in our power structures, and this racism has seeped into the workplace, further oppressing Black people. It must be reversed through education - by adults and in schools. This vicious cycle must end.We all experienced a defining moment, while locked in isolation and social distancing. The world watched an unarmed Black man, George Floyd, being murdered by a white police officer kneeling on his neck LIVE for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. As a result, the WORLD erupted in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. There have been worldwide protests against systemic racism, and many companies and people have committed to efforts in support of racial justice.Now is the Time! Let's End Racism Together!SO, ENROLL TODAY and equip yourself with the tools to create change within the workplace which will translate into the world. We must end systemic racism! This can only happen if YOU educate yourself to make grand IMPACT!In this course, you'll learn all about how you can practice allyship to create a fair inclusive workplace that allows people to thrive and have ZERO tolerance for racism by putting a bold end to the systemic gaps that exist. You will learn how to leverage your privilege and power to drive impactful change.Claiming you are an ally is extremely limiting and you are setting up yourself for success. However, I recommend practicing Bold Allyship. You will be equipped with the tools to make grand change within your organization, even as an individual in this world.WHILE PRACTICING ALLYSHIP YOU WILL:Continue to educate yourselfAmplify Black and brown voicesUse your power and status...Champion and advocate for...Educate others in your circle1. Driving Impact with Privilege and Power Session: This session provides historical context, focuses on systemic racism and actionable steps people should take to create change within the workplace. This session equips people with better understanding on what to say to employees on their team, what not to say, and best practices.2. Bold Allyship Session: This session helps people to understand how to leverage their privilege and power to drive impactful change management.3. Microaggressions Session: This session helps people detect microaggressions and equips them with the tools to disarm this discriminative act in a tactful way.4. Managing through Black & brown Trauma Session: This session shows how to navigate the vast intricate levels of trauma, and changing the tide of work environments while living in unprecedented times.This course comes with a detailed outline, overview playbook, and a test for each session.Additionally, I've also included lots of great resources (books, movies articles).Im excited about you helping to make the world a better place! Now is the time, we all just experienced a defining moment, George Floyds Murder and the impact of Covid-19.LET'S CREATE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE AND BE!"
Price: 199.99

creativity-vs-innovation |
". . ."
Price: 49.99

"Numerology : Logic Behind Numbers" |
"This course will give you basic idea of how Numerology works. At the end of this course you will have knowledge of what is Numerology, How to calculate Basic Number, Destiny Number & Name Number, What is Chaldean Numerology, Why Chaldean method of Name Calculation is perfect way of getting Name Number, which Name Numbers are good for which date of birth, which name numbers everyone should avoid, strengths & weaknesses of psychic numbers, how Destiny Numbers affect people and secret tip of Numerology"
Price: 1600.00
