"Social Work 202 - The Foundations of Social Work" |
"Learn the crucial information you will need to successfully start your social work career. This course provides foundational descriptions of the historical, theoretical, and philosophical underpinnings of the Social Work profession. It also includes real life examples as well as some participatory elements. Anyone who is wondering if Social Work is for them should consider completing this course before enrolling in the higher educational levels required for most professional Social Work positions. Individuals who have already started their Social Work career will find value in the real life examples and practical applications of theoretical concepts."
Price: 149.99

"After Effects : Creating a 3D Epic Scene" |
"In this series of After Effects tutorials, we learn how to add depth to 2D image and video using Mask, Camera and Composition tricks. We'll start by discussing the best types of images to use in similar shots, then discussing how to determine where we are going to unpack our photo. After hiding our layers to split them, give them some Z depth and camera activation to revive our scene. From there, we add elements such as water, shark, and lion that add to our depth and help sell reality in our scenery. By the end of the training, we will have gone from two-dimensional picture and videos completely into a live scene."
Price: 99.99

"Practical Machine Learning, Twitter-API & Map Visualization" |
"How to start with Machine Learning?Machine Learning seems to be a very complex subject - and yes, it is, but...That does not mean you cannot make awesome projects using Machine Learning....but you need to understand the steps and basics behind it.Theory with limited practice is not efficient learning.Practice without theory gives questionable results.Optimize your learning by the right balance of understanding and interesting projects.Why Twitter API?Twitter is the most amazing place to gather fresh data and make awesome analysis.The data on Twitter is free and open to all and is a goldmine of opportunities.Therefore developers and data scientist love Twitter.In this course we are going to analyze over 40.000 tweets using Machine Learning to categorize them.Also, you want to master how to program up against an online API.But why Python?Python is easy to masterIt is easy to solve complex problems in an elegant mannerUsed by data scientists and has various awesome libraries including to Machine Learning, Twitter API...and it is a used by many professionals in most professionsLearning processThe best way to learn is by getting involved.Lectures are structured that we go through the setup and coding together in incremental steps.Then you should do the coding to see if you fully master it.If not, you can go through it again or ask for help in the QA or directly to meImportant steps in Data Science/Machine Learning.Get a source of interesting data - here we use Twitter APICreate useful Machine Learning models - like the Sentiment model that can say whether a text/tweet is positive or negative - very useful for determine how people think of your brand.Apply the model on lots of data - here se use it on 40.000+ unique tweets to test our model.Visualize the data to present it in an easy digestible way - we will present it on interactive leaflet map in for your browser.Result of this course?After this course you will have the following.How to use the Twitter API.Create Machine Learning models - the full process in easy steps.Using a Sentiment model to determine the mood of tweets - whether it is positive or negative.Extracting locations from tweets and get GEO locations using an online API.Visualize the data on an interactive map.How will you benefit from this course?Master how to get access to the Twitter API.Creating Twitter bots.Understand the Machine Learning types.Creating Machine Learning models.Train and test models.Transform raw data into data a Machine Learning model can use.Visualize data on an interactive leaflet map.Lookup geo-locations using an online API - and optimize this process (as it is slow due to 40.000+ online lookups)....and an awesome project on your portfolio.What will we cover?Setup your professional integrated development environment (IDE)Setting up your Twitter Developer account.Register to get your Twitter API key to get access to the Twitter API.Creating your first Twitter Bot.Machine Learn basics.Play with data in simple examples with Machine Learning.Create your first Linear Regression modelMake a K-Means model.Understand Sentiment analysis.The process of creating the Sentiment modelGather the dataClean the data: remove links etc, lemmatize, remove stop wordsTransform the data to fit modelCreate training and test setsTrain the modelTest the modelSave the model for later useUse the model on big set of data 40.000+ unique tweetsUnderstand how the Sentiment model works.Learn how CSV files can be used to store processed dataVisualize the data by reading the processed CSV dataCreating a map with color representation of countries by mood.Plotting locations of all the tweets.You code along - you only learn by trying yourselfAt each small step you make the implementation along with me.You implement it on all stages to increase your understanding of the data structures.Basically, we learn along the way.Who is this course for?You have some Python experience.Want to get started with Machine Learning.Would love to try using online API's like Twitters.Like to learn by doing projects.The course has a 30 day money back guarantee that ensures if you are not satisfied, you will get your money back. Also, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions."
Price: 99.99

"Deep Learning in Practice I: Basics and Dataset Design" |
"You want to start developing deep learning solutions, but you do not want to lose time in mathematics and theory?You want to conduct deep learning projects, but do not like the hassle of tedious programming tasks?Do you want an automated process for developing deep learning solutions?This course is then designed for you! Welcome to Deep Learning in Practice, with NO PAIN!This course is the first course on a series of Deep Learning in Practice Courses of Anis Koubaa, namelyDeep Learning in Practice I: Basics and Dataset Design (this course): the student will learn the basics of conducting a classification project using deep neural networks, then he learns about how to design a dataset for industrial-level professional deep learning projects. Deep Learning in Practice II: Transfer Learning and Models Evaluation (to release on August 2020): the student will learn how to manage complex deep learning projects and develop models using transfer learning using several state-of-the-art CNN algorithms. He will learn how to develop reusable projects and how to compare the results of different deep learning models in an automated manner. Deep Learning in Practice III: Deployment of Deep Learning Models (to release on September 2020): the student will learn how to deploy deep learning models in a production environment. We will present the deployment techniques used in industry such as Flask, Docker, Tensorflow Serving, Tensorflow JavaScript, and Tensorflow Lite, for deployment in a different environment. Despite important, this topic has little coverage in tutorials and documentations. Deep Learning in Practice I: Basics and Dataset DesignThere are plenty of courses and tutorials on deep learning. However, some practical skills are challenging to find in this massive bunch of deep learning resources, and that someone would spend a lot of time to get these practical skills.This course fills this gap and provides a series of practical lectures with hands-on projects through which I introduce the best practices that deep learning practitioners have to know to conduct deep learning projects.I have seen several people developing deep learning projects, but they fail to make their projects organized and reusable for other projects. This would lead to losing huge time when switching from one project to the others. In this course, I present several tips to efficiently structure deep learning projects that make you generate results in one simple click, instead of losing time into manual processing data collected from deep learning models.The hands-on projects explain in detail the whole loop of deep learning projects starting from data collection, to data loading, pre-processing, training, and evaluation.By the end of the course, you will be able to design deep learning projects in very little time with a comprehensive set of results and visualizations."
Price: 19.99

"Python 4 in 1: Basics, Data Structures, API, REGEX, Scraping" |
"Learn python basics by practising Basic syntax, Regular Expression, Data structure & Algorithm and APIThis course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who pursue to increase their career options by learning Python.Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world Huge companies like Google, amazon use it in mission critical applications like Google Search.By the end of the course youll be able to code with confidence using Python programming. This will help you understanding the usage of python in different circumstance.Become a Junior Python Programmer and land a job in silicon valley.Get access to all the codes used in the course.This course will contain all 80+ videos explaining necessary things a beginner needs to know in a programming language.This course will get continuously updated for beginners to get learn more. I promise to get at least 1 video section to be added per quarter for the next 2 years.Objective of the Python basic content:Giving confidence that any student they can be a programmer.Detailed Installation processCovers syntax in Python.Decision making and loopsPython basics like Data types, functions, Modules.Excel OperationPython file handling.Regular Expression.Programming with OOPS Concept.Tools required for a Junior python developer job.This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screen cast and a corresponding code notebook! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!Help you in enabling processing the data from different source.File handling from different sources.The course covers basic algorithmic techniques and ideas for computational problems arising frequently in practical applications: sorting and searching, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming. You will learn a lot of theory: how to sort data and how it helps for searching. How to break a large problem into pieces and solve them recursively and it makes sense to proceed greedily. Objective of the Python data structure content:Recursion.Algorithm run time analysisArraysStack Linked listData StructureBinary TreeBinary Search TreeAVL TreeHeap treeQueueSortingHash TableGraph TheoryMagic FrameworkComputer ProgrammingDynamic ProgrammingAPI Python:This section help you understand the working on API and how to implement the same using Python.Here we will learn how to get and post the request using API and implement the same.Will create a simple currency conversion calculator.We will also cover API for website which we need to sign in. We will be using the API keys and ID to login and fetch the details.We will explain how to structure and export the data in CSV using Pandas."
Price: 99.99

"Breathing Techniques and Therapy Course" |
"The right breathing techniques greatly affect your body and its functions in different ways. Did you know that? Yes, you may be unaware or unaware of your sleep, mood, digestion, heart, nervous system, muscles, brain, and even the development of your teeth and facial structure.On the other side of the coin, there are countless benefits of learning to breathe correctly. These include more energy, better health, less anxiety, less fear, better relationships, and a happier life in general. How nice it sounds, right? Let's take a quick look at what is the right breathing and how you can use the right breathing methods to use your health, well-being and performance in the most appropriate way.Correct breathing means breathing physiologically optimally for your body. You have already been created in the most suitable way to breathe correctly in design; you just don't know how to take the right breath. Or you have not yet been taught how to breathe correctly.If you are someone with ordinary features like most people, you probably have some problems with your breathing habits, such as excessive breathing, chest breathing, and holding your breath. In fact, such breathing habits cause a shortage of oxygen and energy in the long run. This means excessive stress for the body.We all know that breathing is vital for us, our cells and our vessels. Man breathes in a cyclical way from the first moment he is born until the last moment he will die. We breathe 8 liters of air per minute and 11,000 liters a day. Breathing correctly prevents many diseases and prolongs our lives. Well, do we breathe right? Answer is no. And Breathing Therapies are beginning to be given to breathe correctly. What is breathing therapy? What are the benefits? Are there any side effects? What should be considered?You will find much more in this course."
Price: 24.99

"Pattern Making for Fashion Design -PART 3-Collars, Necklines" |
"This Course is 'PART 3' of Pattern Making for Fashion Design. It shows how to draft Collars and Necklines. It shows the drafting of Button Extensions and Buttonholes. It explains the use of Bias grain lines as used in the Cowl Neckline. And how to finish the edge of a neckline using Bias-Binding, and Piping. Also Facings, Interfacings, Under-stitch.The Course will show you how to draft Collars:Mandarin collarPeter Pan collarSailor collarConvertible collarAnd: how to draft a:Cowl necklineScoop neck and FacingV-neck with FacingBoat neck an facingA-symmetrical necklinesFacingsInterfacingsUnder-stitchBias-BindingPipingPattern Drafting is a very important aspect of the design process, it takes years of practice to perfect the craft. If you've taken PART 1 and PART 2 and you gained knowledge, then this PART 3 will build on top of that, and will definitely increase your skills necessary to perfect the art of pattern-making. Included in this Part 3, there will be some DRAPING involved as you will see in the making of the COWL neckline, which is very beautiful (if I may say so myself). You will also see how to use BIAS Grain Line, which is how we create the Cowl Neckline.Working on half the dress form is standard (and normal) in the industry except when creating A-symmetrical designs, in which case we have to work with an ""open"" pattern, meaning including the left side AND the right side of the pattern.I will be demonstrating using the Dress Form and the White Board and Dotted Paper, so you will definitely learn how to create all these ideas.We will cover the drafting of a Facing, and an Inter-facing, and the use of an Under-stitch when finishing the edge of a neckline.We will review the TOOLS used in Pattern Drafting, such as: Hip Curve and French Curve and Notcher. And of course scissors and Dotted Paper for drafting purposes. We will be combining what was covered in Pattern Making PART 2, such as YOKES, bringing Yokes into the picture and adding fullness to a garment an adding a Yoke to it to create a new idea/design."
Price: 29.99

"Implementador Lder en Gestin por Procesos de 0 a Experto" |
"Implementa, Gestiona, Controla y Mejora un Sistema de Gestin por Procesos, para Aumentar la rentabilidad $ de tu empresa.Aprende a implementar un Sistema de Gestin por Procesos paso a paso en una empresa manufacturera o de servicios; y convirtete en el Lder en Gestin por Procesos de tu organizacin.Despus de ver este curso ya no volvers a tener dudas sobre la Gestin por Procesos, te llevaremos por este proceso de principio a fin, paso a paso, desde cero hasta ser un Experto en la Gestin por Procesos, con una combinacin nica entre: Teora+Prctica+Casos reales +Tareas+Plantillas+Soporte de dudas+Actualizaciones permanentes, exclusivos para los inscritos en este curso.Veremos un caso real de implementacin de un sistema de gestin por procesos paso a paso en una empresa, que consigui un beneficio anual, despus de la implementacin, de ms de S/18 Millones de Soles, equivalente a un incremento porcentual del 32% respecto al ao base (antes de la implementacin).Este tiene un alcance de los siguiente temas:Nivel 1. De dnde venimos, dnde estamos y hacia dnde vamos con la calidadLeccin 1 - La calidad se controlaCmo surge la calidad?Ejemplo de la calidad se controlaPara que sirve que la calidad se controle?Bajo que circunstancias se justifica que la calidad se controle?Leccin 2 - La calidad de autocontrolaQu es el autocontrol de la calidad?Ejemplo de la calidad se autocontrolaLeccin 3 - La calidad se aseguraDnde surgi el concepto de que la calidad se asegura?Importancia de que la calidad se asegureLeccin 4 - La calidad se gestionaEjemplo de la calidad se gestionaPrincipio causa - efectoCules son los modelos o referencias de trabajo de la calidad?Leccin 5 - Evolucin de la calidad en la empresaEl pasado y presente de la calidad.Caractersticas de la calidad a travs del tiempo.Leccin 6 - Actualmente: Organizacin PiramidalPersistencia de las organizaciones piramidalesLeccin 7 - Visin estratgica del desarrollo de la organizacinLas 3 fases de la gestin por procesos en las organizacionesLeccin 8 - Gestin por procesos: Una forma avanzada de gestinIntegracin de la calidad y la empresa, bajo en enfoque de la gestin por procesosLeccin 9 - Lecciones aprendidasNivel 2. Qu es un proceso?: lmites, elementos y factoresLeccin 1 - Qu es un sistema?Leccin 2 - Qu es un proceso?Leccin 3 - Cmo interactan los procesos?Leccin 4 - El trabajo visto como un procesoLeccin 5 - La visin del clienteNivel 3. Procesos y procedimientos. Herramientas de normalizacin o mapeo de procesosLeccin 1 - Cmo documentar un procedimiento?Leccin 2 - MatricesLeccin 3 - Diagrama de bloquesLeccin 4 - Diagrama de flujo funcionalLeccin 5 - Mapa de comunicacionesLeccin 6 - Planning del procesoLeccin 7 - Cuntos procesos formalizar?Leccin 8 - Diseo de procesos: Check ListNivel 4. El Mapa de ProcesosLeccin 1 - Tipos de ProcesosLeccin 2 - El mapa de procesos de la empresaLeccin 3 - El mapa de interaccionesLeccin 4 - Caso prctico: Enfoque a procesosLeccin 5 - Gestin de CalidadNivel 5. Qu es gestin? y cmo se gestiona un proceso?Leccin 1 - Ciclo de la gestin y PDCAQu es el ciclo de gestin?Cmo se desencadena el ciclo de gestin?Leccin 2 - Identificacin de variables a gestionarEjemplo de identificacin de variablesImportancia de las variablesLeccin 3 - MedicinQu es medicin?Ejemplo de Medicin de variablesLeccin 4 - ControlQu significa Control?Ejemplo de Control de variables en la fabricacin.Leccin 5 - Lo que activa el ciclo de gestinQu significa Control?El Ciclo de DemingObjetivos SMARTEjemplos de objetivos SMARTLeccin 6 - La Planificacin del PDCAQu hay que hacer?Quien?Cuando?Con que recursos?Leccin 7 - La Ejecucin del PDCAPorqu es importante la ejecucin?Leccin 8 - La Comprobacin del PDCACmo comprobamos si la ejecucin fue efectiva?Ciclo negativo de la comprobacinCiclo positivo de la comprobacinLeccin 9 - El Actuar del PDCALa toma de decisiones para actuarAccin versus reaccinLeccin 10 - Qu es gestin? - PDCAQu es gestin bajo el ciclo PDCA?Leccin 11 - Ciclo de la gestin de procesosDesarrollo del ciclo de la gestin de procesosLeccin 12 - Explotacin del CicloEficienciaEficaciaSin objetivos no hay gestinGestin y DireccinGestin y liderazgoMedir para mejorarLa frecuencia de la rotacin del ciclo, a mayor frecuencia de la medicinEl ciclo sigue las actividades clsicas del proceso de resolucin de problemasLeccin 13 - La Gestin es cuestin de herramientasPorqu la gestin es cuestin de herramientas?Cules son las herramientas para gestionar un proceso?La gestin estratgica y sus componentesLeccin 14 - Cmo se gestiona un proceso?La gestin estratgica y sus componentesAsignar y comunicar la misin del procesoFijar los limites del procesoPlanificar el procesoIdentificar, caracterizar y comprender las INTERACCIONESAsegurar la disponibilidad de RECURSOS FSICOS, MATERIALES E INFORMACINDurante la etapa de EJECUCIN del procesoMEDICIN Y SEGUIMIENTOMEJORA CONTINUALeccin 15 - El sistema de gestin y su valor aadidoLa importancia del valor aadido en el sistema de gestin por procesosLeccin 16 - Cmo se, si un proceso esta bien gestionado?Check list para saber si un proceso esta bien gestionadoLeccin 17 - Lecciones aprendidasNivel 6. Medir para gestionar efectivamenteLeccin 1 - Eficiencia y Eficacia para competirLeccin 2 - Contenido del sistema de medicinLeccin 3 - Cmo podemos controlar la organizacin?Leccin 4 - Cmo fluye la definicin del objetivo?Leccin 5 - Qu medir?Leccin 6 - Para que medir?Leccin 7 - Ejercicio de como disear procesos + Lecciones aprendidasNivel 7. Medicin y seguimiento de procesosLeccin 1 - Medicin del productoLeccin 2 - Medicin de satisfaccin del clienteLeccin 3 - Prctica de la medicin de satisfaccin del clienteLeccin 4 - Indicadores y MedidasLeccin 5 - Caractersticas de indicadores y medidasLeccin 6 - Tipos de indicadores y medidasLeccin 7 - Objetivos e indicadoresLeccin 8 - Prctica de Causa - EfectoLeccin 9 - Perspectiva para la identificacin de mtricasLeccin 10 - Prctica: Identificacin de MtricasLeccin 11 - Perspectiva integralLeccin 12 - Ficha del procesoLeccin 13 - Ficha Tcnica de indicadores de un sistema de gestinLeccin 14 - Ejemplos de Ficha Tcnica de IndicadoresLeccin 15 - Diagrama de Pareto con MinitabLeccin 16 - Lecciones aprendidasNivel 8. Herramientas para la medicin y el seguimiento de los procesosLeccin 1 - Auditora InternaLeccin 2 - Autoevaluacin del procesoLeccin 3 - El cuadro de mando del procesoLeccin 4 - Propsito del cuadro de mandoLeccin 5 - RolesLeccin 6 - Diseo y uso del cuadro de mandoLeccin 7 - Prctica de cuadro de mandoLeccin 8 - Lecciones aprendidasNivel 9. Identificacin de procesos claveLeccin 1 - Identificacin de procesos claveNivel 10. Organizacin por procesosLeccin 1 - Para que organizar por procesos?Leccin 2 - Factores de xitoLeccin 3 - La organizacin por procesos y por funcionesLeccin 4 - El equipo de proceso y nuevo rol de mandoLeccin 5 - El responsable del procesoLeccin 6 - Mecanismos de coordinacinLeccin 7 - Gestin del cambio + Lecciones aprendidas+Bonus. Caso real prctico de implementacin de un sistema de gestin por procesos paso a paso en una empresa.Leccin 1 - Caso aplicado a un proceso logstico con un beneficio anual, despus de la implementacin, de ms de S/18 Millones de soles, equivalente a un incremento porcentual del 32% respecto al ao base (antes de la implementacin)!Nuevo estreno del curso completo sobre gestin por procesos! Quieres aprender Gestin por Procesos?Quieres aprender a implementar con excelencia, un sistema de gestin por procesos?Quieres aprender a Controlar los procesos?Quieres aprender a Mejorar los procesos?Toda la comunidad de ADNLean ya complement su formacin con este curso.Cunto ms vas a esperar para completar tu formacin?Si esto curso es para ti, !Bienvenido a esta oportunidad de aprender a gestionar procesos como un experto!, con un mtodo desarrollado por ADNLean.Si este curso no es para ti, te invitamos a seguirnos en nuestro blog y redes sociales: adnlean, del mismo modo, comntanos aqu abajo, que curso te gustara aprender, y ver si podemos trabajar juntos, recuerda que: !Juntos somos imparables!Atte.Team ADNLean"
Price: 79.99

"Die Schreibwerkstatt" |
"Schreibe Texte, die funktionieren!Lerne jetzt:wie du kreative und unterhaltsame Texte schreibst.die Grundregeln, Prinzipien und Tricks des Handwerks ""Schreiben"".wie du Blog, Website, Content Marketing oder Pressetexte mit deinen Text-Skills verbesserst.Jeder kann professionell schreiben. Fr das Texten sind weder eine journalistische Ausbildung noch ein Studium notwendig.Ntig sind Mut, Flei, Leidenschaft und natrlich meine Schreibwerkstatt ;)Dieser Online-Kurs enthlt:32 Videos, die aufeinander aufbauen und dich durch diesen Kurs fhren.12 Praxis-bungen, mit denen du deine Schreibfhigkeiten bereits whrend des Online-Kurses aktiv verbesserst.3 praktische Checklisten fr deine tgliche SchreibroutineLerne jetzt besser schreiben mit meiner Schreibwerkstatt!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete 10 Day Task in 1 Day: Time Management For Everyone" |
"*New and Innovative Approach to Time Management From The Bestseller Instructor*We know that the time is the most precious asset we have but do we really give dignity that it deserves? Do we analyze every dead time like an investor?Our goals and dreams can be achieved by using the time properly. We all have 24 hours a day but while some of us change the world, some of us can't even take action. Time management is understanding the body and the brain. By learning the reactions of the body and the brain, we can direct our attention and energy to the right hours properly to earn hours.The real importance of the time management can't be seen from distant. From the outside, everybody works in the same way. That's why, when we work, we think that we work without any mistake. Actually, there are many problems and mistakes in our common work type, and in order to solve them, we have to hear them.Our time management course analyzes the most common problems that waste our time starting from long term plans to daily life. By questioning these problems, we give scientific or tested solutions and make you earn time. We dont want to get stuck in theory, so, we have many practices that also encourage the student to take action and increase productivity.When you finish the course, you'll learn investing your time, working by understanding your brain's requirements, managing your mood, and many more topics. With scientifically proven techniques, you'll learn giving compeller deadlines, taking action for a goal by making detailed and realistic plans. Thus, you'll learn completing more jobs in less time, drawing an efficient way to reach a goal, analyzing your plans, and results to increase productivity.There are 14 sections, 39 lessons, and 7 tests in the course. Every lesson is based on scientific works and experiments. In order to trust tactics completely, besides many resources, there are practice videos that you can apply to your life and prove the results personally.Time management courses that made by now were mostly about simple and common suggestions like ""make a plan"", ""take a break"", ""be productive"". Those courses don't teach reason behind their suggestions and so, their suggestions are easy to forget and hard to personalize for our own life. In our course, we put 2 main differences after analyzing them. Firstly, for every technique and advice, we additionally give logic behind and made trainees learn better and personalize, if necessary. Secondly, we put topics into practice in order not to get stuck in theory.We have many tactics and topics throughout the course in spite of a short amount of time. We don't want any trainee to strangle with every piece of information about topics, instead, we gave only the necessary things. Thus, we used trainee's time effectively while teaching how to control time.Why Time Management Course Is Better As An Online Course?For every video of our course, there are many working hours behind it fixing even the smallest voice mistake. Sentences and words are being controlled many times. Thus, the viewer gets much useful information in a small amount of time. If we compare it with a training center, 10 hours of a training center equals minutes of a well made online course.The trainee can get updates to the course for free and be updated about the topic. Moreover, the course becomes better in time with updates based on trainee feedbacks.Price is almost free if we compare it with training center prices.Benefits can be understood by comments of other people known as social proof.You can start instantly to our course so there is no waiting time to meet with an instructor in a classroom.More fun for the viewer because it includes animation, moving objects, and sentences.Question&Answer section makes it possible to get help one to one.Thank you so much for reviewing our course. I am personally ready to work hard for you to learn techniques that are crucial and beneficial for your working life.Please don't feel shy to contact me. (Other than Udemy: Instagram: @wabyilmaz)If you are still hesitant you can watch our free lessons and after that if you want to control your time you can buy our course.One purchase will make you earn full and unlimited access including future updates."
Price: 149.99

"Illustrator - Typography Effect Advance Art" |
"Basics of Typography Classes and Anatomy Create meaningful fontsHow different Moods or Voices of Fonts worksHow to use gradient effect and Vertical Rhythm Learn about modern Typography and understand different method of desighningTurning text into vector artworkMastering advanced Illustrator tools and techniquesVectorizing and colorizing Text Working with type in creative ways"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Tcnico para Implementadores" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Tcnico para ImplementadoresSi deseas poder instalar Odoo como todo un experto este curso es perfecto para ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y s un experto en Odoo.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti."
Price: 19.99

"Guitar School Level 1" |
"In one sentence, what is Guitar School?Guitar School is the ultimate journey's end for those on an odyssey for limitless guitar learning.Why should you listen to me?I've spent over thirty years learning from topnotch guitar players and teachers through private one-on-one lessons with G.I.T. (Guitar Institute of Technology), and the world renowned Berklee College of Music alumni. I've studied blues, country, rock, metal, jazz, classical, pop, funk and many more genres. I'm a lifelong student and teacher. That's fantastic, but what does that mean for me?I realized not everyone has the opportunity or the money to spend several years taking private one-on-one guitar lessons with the best teachers on the planet. With that in mind, I've taken everything from my studies with G.I.T. (Guitar Institute of Technology) and Berklee alumni and applied that guitar handbook and knowledge and crafted it into easy-to-follow video lessons. I've spent over $200,000 to acquire this information. Guitar School is your 99% discount on that preposterous amount, and it will be yours forever.Why shouldn't I take another course or just watch free YouTube lessons?The reason has two parts: 1) your time is valuable, and 2) my instruction is based on the most successful and credible system there is. Other courses may have certain great information or certain great guitar players, but they also may not. On top of that risk, the structure of every Guitar School course is in place to optimize your learning and understanding. The right information presented in the correct way in the proper context. Don't waste time sifting through lessons that may not be teaching you the right way -- Guitar School has you covered.I like that freedom. Can you give me some specifics?Guitar School includes relevant PDF attachments to nearly every lesson, so you can follow along with no problems. It's also recommended that you print out or save most of the attachments, so you might use them for practice outside the videos. In each Section, new concepts are introduced, accompanied by play-through examples. You'll be testing your knowledge with real exercises used by the most outstanding minds in music. Also included are professional quality downloadable audio and video backing tracks for you to apply your learnings over. Did I mention all this content is yours forever?What youll learnPlay all seven modes of the Major Scale in any keyUse the Major Scale to improvise your own solosUnderstand music theory behind the Major ScaleUnderstand the construction of different key signatures in written musicConstruct and recall closed position Major, Minor, Augmented, and Diminished Triads in all keys and inversions on one string setPlay and recall multiple versions of the most popular chord forms in written musicPlay one-octave Major, Minor, Augmented, and Diminished Triad Arpeggios in all keys and inversionsPlay one-octave Four Part Arpeggios of the most essential varietiesUse all learned knowledge to apply to real-world guitar playing, including songwriting, live band collaboration, improvisation, studio performance, and moreAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?You will need a guitar, preferably electricIt is recommended but not required to know the names of the notes on the guitar neckYou should know how to read tablature, but knowledge of standard music notation is not requiredYou should be able to practice with a metronome and understand basic musical terms such as ""sixteenth note"", ""eighth note"", ""pull-off"" and ""hammer-on""Who this course is for:Those who want to learn how to improvise using their ear and music theoryThose who may be great players by ear, but want to know more about music theoryThose who hope to pursue a career in guitar performance or songwritingThose striving toward higher education in music, either in high school or collegeDo not take this course if you're unwilling to practice, or if you're a complete beginner"
Price: 54.99

"Tranding Avanzado, aprende tcnicas de inversin Profesional" |
"Este mdulo de Trading Avanzado est enfocado para personas que quieran convertir esta actividad en su profesin. Este curso presenta la estrategia de trading que utilizamos para operar los mercados, la cual nos da seales muy precisas del movimiento del precio.Aprenders con este sistema profesional de trading tcticas para dominar cualquier eventualidad del mercado y direccionar en tu beneficio para generar altos ingresos en los mercados financieros."
Price: 199.99

"Comprendre le web et la nouvelle conomie (2020)" |
"Ce cours s'adresse tous ceux qui ont envie de comprendre le web et la nouvelle conomie.En tant que dveloppeur et formateur, et en toute humilit, j'ai cr ce cours pour rpondre toutes les questions que l'on peut se poser sur le web et pour vulgariser cet environnement numrique qui nous entoure tous mais qui reste mystrieux pour beaucoup d'entre nous.L'objectif est de comprendre le fonctionnement du web, sa raison d'tre, ce qu'il a profondment chang dans notre socit et tout ce qu'il a engendr dont la nouvelle conomie."
Price: 29.99

"Food videography: Shoot and Edit food videos at home" |
"Have you ever admired the cooking and baking videos on Youtube and Instagram? Well, you too can make them at home, with the camera you have or with your phone!Daniela Lambova, a food photographer and blogger, will show you a simple process to make food recipe videos at home. You will get practical instructions in order to start producing your own cooking videos right away!What you will learn in this class:The process steps of making your own cooking or baking videoRequired equipmentShooting tipsHow to edit the video on iMovieEditing tips applicable for any other softwareWhere to find royalty free music and how to add it to the videoand more!During this class you will observe in details how Daniela is creating one of her videos.This class is perfect for food bloggers who are just starting with video, for Instagram foodies or for anyone who wants to show their mouthwatering creations in action on social media."
Price: 59.99

"Art for Kids: The Drawing and Coloring Activity Course" |
"Art has never been so much fun! Instructor Chanel Bouchard and Kevin Gardin have made this course perfect for all families! If you are looking to draw, color or paint, then this course is for you as well! Do Fun Activities with Pencils, Markers, Scissors, Rulers and more!Kevin is a Canadian illustrator from Windsor, Ontario. He is an alumni of Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning and holds an Honours Bachelor of Illustration.Have FUN!"
Price: 199.99

"Career Choices" |
"Subject selection a important aspect of Career. Whether you opt for a career in jobs or prefer to be on your own, remember that there is fierce competition for getting a space in the world of work. Remember the old adage: Survival of the fittest.Various vocational courses are available in different areas. The most sought after ones of course are the polytechnic courses of three-year duration leading to diplomas in different branches of engineering and technology."
Price: 19.99

"Anlisis de Estados Financieros: Crucial Business Analytics" |
"La posibilidad de implementar el Bussiness Intelligence en todas las reas de la organizacin, por supuesto incluye a la Gerencia, Contabilidad y Finanzas, creando un gran aporte para facilitar el anlisis y la interpretacin de la situacin financiera de la empresa y la visualizacin de contextos que era difcil y conllevaba mucho tiempo prepararlos sin el uso de las tecnologas de la informacin.En este curso integramos la capacidad de transformar datos en informacin del Microsoft Power BI, para crear un informe analtico y dinmico con el que el que la tarea de realizar los anlisis de estados financieros de las empresas sera una experiencia nica; y esto es 100% aplicable a toda empresa ya que todas realizan contabilidad de manera obligacoria y la misma es una actividad bien estandarizada a nivel mundial.El analisis financiero es la utilizacion de los estados financieros para analizar la posicion y el de- sempeno financieros de una compania, asi como para evaluar el desempeno financiero futuro. Varias preguntas facilitan enfocar el analisis financiero. Una serie de preguntas esta orientada al futuro. Por ejemplo, cuenta una compania con los recursos para ser exitosa y crecer? Cuenta con recursos para invertir en nuevos proyectos? Cuales son sus fuentes de rentabilidad? Cual es su capacidad futura de producir utilidades? Una segunda serie incluye preguntas que evaluan el record del de- sempeno de una compania y su capacidad para alcanzar el desempeno financiero esperado. Por ejemplo, que tan firme es la posicion financiera de la compania? Que tan rentable es la compania? Cumplieron las utilidades con los pronosticos del analista? Esto incluye un analisis de las razones por las que una compania no estuvo a la altura de las expectativas (o las supero).El analisis financiero se compone de tres areas amplias: analisis de la rentabilidad, analisis de riesgos y analisis de las fuentes y la utilizacion de fondos. El analisis de la rentabilidad es la evaluacion del rendimiento sobre la inversion de una compania. Se enfoca en las fuentes y los niveles de rentabilidad, e implica la identificacion y la medicion del impacto de varios generadores de rentabilidad. Tambien incluye la evaluacion de las dos fuentes principales de rentabilidad: mar- genes (la porcion de las ventas no compensada por los costos) y rotacion (utilizacion del capital). El analisis de la rentabilidad tambien se centra en las razones de cambio en la rentabilidad y en la sustentabilidad de las utilidades.Analisis de estados financieros comparativosLos analistas realizan un analisis de los estados financieros comparativos revisando los balances y las declaraciones de ingresos, consecutivos de un periodo a otro. Esto por lo comun implica una revision de los cambios en las cuentas de los balances individuales en un intervalo de uno o varios anos. La informacion mas importante que a menudo revela el analisis de estados financieros comparativos es la tendencia. Una comparacion de los estados a lo largo de varios periodos indica la direccion, la velocidad y el alcance de una tendencia. El analisis comparativo tambien compara las tendencias en partidas relacionadas.Analisis de razones financierasEl analisis de razones financieras se encuentra entre las herramientas mas populares y mas ampliamente utilizadas del analisis financiero. Una razon expresa una relacion matematica entre dos cantidades. Aun cuando el calculo de una razon es simplemente una operacion aritmetica, su interpretacion es mas compleja. Para que sea significativa, una razon se debe referir a una relacion economicamente importante."
Price: 24.99

"Segredo Revelado - Lightroom e Photoshop Completo" |
"- Quer ter um feed com cores harmonizadas nas redes sociais?- Gostaria de criar seus prprios Presets?- Pretende aprender o tratamento de pele perfeito?- Quer editar centenas ou milhares de fotos, de forma prtica e gil?- Deseja se destacar no mercado da sua regio?ENTO CONHEA O 'SEGREDO REVELADO'>> BNUS: Apostila em PDF com o resumo de todas as aulas do Workshop Online.- Domine o Lightroom e o Photoshop;- Conceitos fundamentais e ferramentas essenciais;- Correo e colorizao de imagens;- Criao de presets e edio em massa;- Limpeza de cenrios e remoo de distraes;- Modificaes corporais e correo de posturas;- Tratamento de pele profissional;- Efeitos de luzes e sombras;- Alterao de cores e sobreposies;- Aplicao de contraste e nitidez;____________________________________>> Download da apostila em PDF Segredo Revelado, disponvel em anexo na Aula 2.>> Recomenda-se a utilizao de fones de ouvido para melhor imerso no contedo.>> Workshop ministrado e legendado em portugus, com total de 5h de aulas separadas em 9 mdulos."
Price: 579.99

"AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Practice Exam" |
"Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise in designing and implementing solutions that run on Microsoft Azure, including aspects like compute, network, storage, and security.Responsibilities for an Azure Solution Architect include advising stakeholders and translating business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable cloud solutions.An Azure Solution Architect partners with cloud administrators, cloud DBAs, and clients to implement solutions.A candidate for this exam should have advanced experience and knowledge of IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platform, budgeting, and governancethis role should manage how decisions in each area affect an overall solution. In addition, this role should have expert-level skills in Azure administration and have experience with Azure development and DevOps processes.Skills measuredImplement and monitor an Azure infrastructure (50-55%)Implement management and security solutions (25-30%)Implement solutions for apps (10-15%)Implement and manage data platforms (10-15%)"
Price: 19.99

"IFRS - A Complete Course on IFRS" |
"This course is an advanced course on International Financial Reporting Standards. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR:1. Students taking ACCA SBR Exams2. Students taking ACCA DipIFR Exam3. Students taking ACCA Cert IFRS Exam4. Working professionals responsible for preparing financial statements based on IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards.LEARNING OUTCOMEParticipants develop knowledge and skills in understanding and applying accounting standards and the theoretical framework in the preparation of financial statements of entities, including consolidated financial statements."
Price: 59.99

"Montessori Teachers' Sensorial Exam for Learners & Teachers" |
"Introduction of Sensorial educationThe objective of sensorial education is to empower the child to work from their own observations or ideas and to have liberty in doing things and respond properly to the environment. This helps them to understand their senses and know how to use them. This is done so as to adapt the child to be a useful individual for society. Sensorial education also helps the child to acquire clear information and be able to make classification in their environment. It also leads the child to make his own experiences.What this exam is about?This exam is offered to all sensorial education teachers and candidates who are willing to join any course related to sensorial education. This exam is based on following composition: Preliminary exercises Activities Resource materials Care of senses Care of environment (COE)For Sensorial TeachersIf you are a Sensorial Teacher, this course will help you refresh your learning on Sensorial exercise and education. Moreover you can also share your queries and experiences in Q/A.For Students Aspiring as Sensorial TeachersIf you are taking official sensorial course from any recognized institutes then this exam of sensorial education will definitely help you to appear in official exams .We do not claim that this course exam is an official one, but however it will surely help the individuals of sensorial education to learn."
Price: 39.99

"Serverless Application On Google Cloud : 2020" |
"Build a Serverless Application by using a Docker Container, Google App Engine, Google Cloud Functions, and Google Cloud Run. Serverless computing will shape the future of web development since it allows you to get rid of many issues ""traditional"" web hosting posesServerless allows us to focus on our code and deploy more. What's better, our serverless applications only cost us money when they're used.The modern way of codingAre traditional serverless platforms restricting the way you code? Google Clouds serverless platform lets you use your favorite language, runtimes, frameworks, and libraries. You can even choose to deploy as functions, apps, as source code, or containers.Serverless ways1) GAE(Google App Engine): Stay more productive and agile by using popular development languages and tools. With zero server management or configuration deployments, developers can focus on building highly scalable applications without the management overhead.2) GCR(Google Cloud Run): Run stateless HTTP containers on a fully managed platform or on Anthos. Knative, an open API and runtime environment built on Kubernetes, enables you to run workloads anywhere: fully managed on Google Cloud, on-premises, or on a third-party cloud provider via Anthos.3) GCF(Google Cloud Function): Spin up code on demand in response to events originating from anywhere. Connect and extend all Google and third-party cloud services and build applications that scale from zero to planet-scale without provisioning or managing a single server.4) GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine)Why learn Serverless?Only practical hands-on course available on the internet till now.Serverless computing will shape the future of web development since it allows you to get rid of many issues, ""traditional"" web hosting.Now's the time to dive into this exciting new technology!Unlike in traditional web hosting, where you spin up servers, configure them and then deploy your code, in serverless applications, you don't manage any servers! Instead, you only provide your code and define when it should get executed. Done!how to deploy your web app in a serverless manner.So if you are interested to start with Serverless concepts of cloud, google app engine (GAE), google cloud run (GCR), google cloud functions (GCF), Kubernetes, google Kubernetes engine (GKE), docker, scheduler, google sdk usage, google cloud shell, google cloud serverless containers, serverless architecture, serverless computing, serverless microservices, serverless application model, serverless web application this is the course specially designed to cover the model and provide basic/intermediate skills for starting with the serverless model.After finishing the course, you'll be able to easily implement the serverless framework for web/mobile applications."
Price: 99.99

"C_TERP10_65 SAP Associate Business Foundation Integrate Exam" |
"121 UNIQUE practice questions for C_TERP10_65 SAP Associate Business Foundation Integrate ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TERP10_65 SAP Associate Business Foundation Integrate ExamTotal Questions : 121Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 121)"
Price: 149.99

"PhD Workshop - How to Navigate the Doctorate Process" |
"This Doctorate Workshop by LEEA in partnership with SSBR is packed with content and resources that allow you to pursue your doctorate dream.'This course has allowed me to focus on my research methodology - Dr Larson practically walks you through each stage of the course' - Manny Moreno (PhD Student)THIS HAS TO BE THE MOST PRACTICAL COURSE ON RESEARCH METHODS ON UDEMY!This course allows you to gain knowledge and insights that will allow you to:Start your PhD or Doctorate program, understand the pitfalls involved and use your time efficiently!Understand the workings of the main Research Software packages such as SPSS, R, MPlus & StataTake the opportunity to get your Doctorate in Business Administration from the Swiss School of Business Research (Partner institution for LEEA) for a large discount.Understand the main steps the overall doctorate process includingFormulating the research questionHow to write and structure the thesisPitfalls in research formulationFraming the research/ scale and scopeHypotheses testing/ validity and methodologiesStatistical Analyses using correlation/ regression and data samplingDesigning the data sampling strategiesPractical step by step run through of the main data analysis software packagesHow to do a literature review efficiently without the main pitfallsAND MUCH MORE!We are really proud of the fact that this Doctorate workshop has a practical approach which runs through all the areas with real examples and has tons of resources that cover all aspects of the course. Moreover, our collaborator who designed this course comes from a successful research background.FOR THESE REASONS WE BELIEVE THIS IS THE BEST VALUE ONLINE DOCTORATE COURSE ANYWHERE!Why choose this course:We believe that the best investments are the ones with high returns and low risk. This course will give you the best return possible in terms of making efficient use of your time and resources as you embark on the doctorate process.This course comes with Udemy's 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. So, you have nothing to lose! ENROL NOW!"
Price: 179.99

"Como montar um Curso online Profissional" |
"Vou o guiar passo a passo, para que no final deste treinamento voc esteja equipado com todas as ferramentas e instrumentos prticos que o tornar apto a criar o seu prprio treinamento.Este treinamento 100% prtico. Voc vai poder definir o seu prprio contedo dentro das esferas das ferramentas que lhe sero oferecidas para desenvolver e criar o seu prprio contedo. Este contedo trs um diferencial, este diferencial Humanizado. Um Treinamento que vem para quebrar esta barreira que muitas vezes existe entre o instrutor e o aluno."
Price: 114.99

"Google Meet - Mdulo Bsico" |
"Voc j conhece o Google Meet? Ele o novo aplicativo de videoconferncia do G Suite, e novo pois vem com diversas novas funes que vo facilitar muito o trabalho dos usurios do G Suite. Com a descontinuao do Hangouts o Google Meet passa a ser conhecimento obrigatrio para quem tem ambiente Google, aproveite este curso para introduzir a plataforma mais moderna do Google no seu dia a dia e experimente o ganho de produtividade nas reunies que ela trs. Neste curso voc vai sair com um conhecimento panormico da ferramenta alm de uma viso clara de como interagir com participar, configurar, apresentar, gravar e transmitir uma reunio em vdeo."
Price: 19.99

"Elliottwave Temel Dalga Karakterleri ve Dalga Yaps" |
"6 videodan oluan 4.5 saatlik Eitim Videosu.- Elliottwave Temel Dalga Karakterleri- ve 5. Dalgalarn Temel Karakteristikleri ve zellikleri ile Ksa Dzeltmelerin (a,b ve c dalgalarnn) temel karakteristikleri- Dalga Yaplarnn Temelleri; Monowave, Polywave, Macrowave ve Multiwave Dalgalar Nedir? Neden nemlidir? KAZANIMLAR: Elliott Dalga Teorisinin ve Temel Dalga Karakterleri ile Dalga Yaplarnn Temellerine Hakim Olma...."
Price: 219.99

"REST Assured with Java: From Beginner to Expert" |
"Testing and validating REST services in Java is harder than in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. REST Assured brings the simplicity of using these languages into the Java domain.The library has solid support for HTTP, starting of course with the verbs and standard HTTP operations, but also going well beyond these basics."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle PL/SQL Especialista: do Bsico ao Avanado - Completo" |
"Perfeito para iniciantes!Este curso direcionado para formar especialistas Oracle PL/SQL do bsico ao avanado iniciando literalmente do zero! Elaborado para ser o melhor curso para voc aprender e dominar o Oracle PL/SQL a nvel de especialista, incluindo teoria e prtica.ltima verso do OracleO curso foi desenvolvida na ltima verso do Oracle que a verso 19c, mas seu contedo abrange tambm as verses anteriores 11g, 12c e 18c.O que voc vai aprender?Voc ir aprender desde onde realizar o download dos softwares da Oracle (Oracle Database XE e SQL Developer) para estudo e pesquisa, realizar o download dos softwares (Oracle Database XE e SQL Developer), instalar o banco de dados Oracle Database XE para Windows 64 Bits, configurar uma conexo ao Oracle Database XE utilizando Oracle NET, instalar e utilizar as principais ferramentas utilizadas para desenvolvimento em Oracle PL/SQL, tais como SQL Developer e SQL*PLUS, configurar conexes no SQL Developer ao banco de dados Oracle.Alm disso, voc aprender a linguagem Oracle PL/SQL do bsico ao avanado iniciando literalmente do zero! Todos os conhecimentos tericos apresentados sero totalmente demonstrados na prtica, todas as prticas alm de demonstradas sero disponibilizadas para download para que voc possa tirar quaisquer dvidas e executar todos os comandos realizados no curso.A segunda etapa para um desenvolvedor Oracle ou DBAEste curso a segunda etapa na preparao para um Desenvolvedor Oracle que poder atuar em desenvolvimento de sistemas corporativos, aplicativos, Business Intelligence ou Data Science. Este curso a segunda etapa na preparao para um Administrador de Banco de Dados Oracle (DBA). Enfim, este curso se destina a quem quer iniciar do zero e aprender na prtica Oracle PL/SQL a nvel de Especialista, ou para quem deseja iniciar a preparao para conquistar certificaes Oracle.Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoArquivos scripts de todas as prticas realizadas no curso disponibilizados para downloadCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasA Udemy possui uma poltica de reembolso de 30 dias"
Price: 579.99
