"Cryo Therapies in Skin" |
"Cryotherapy, sometimes known as cold therapy, is the local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy. Cryotherapy may be used to treat a variety of tissue lesions.The most prominent use of the term refers to the surgical treatment, specifically known as cryosurgery or cryoablation. Cryosurgery is the application of extremely low temperatures to destroy abnormal or diseased tissue and is used most commonly to treat skin conditions.Cryotherapy is used in an effort to relieve muscle pain, sprains and swelling after soft tissue damage or surgery. It can be a range of treatments from the application of ice packs or immersion in ice baths(generally known as cold therapy), to the use of cold chambers.While cryotherapy is widely used, there is little evidence as to its efficacy that has been replicated or shown in large controlled studies. Its long term side effects have also not been studied.["
Price: 12800.00

"000-324 IBM eServer zSeries Technical Review Practice Exam" |
"174 UNIQUE practice questions for 000-324 IBM eServer zSeries Technical Review Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 000-324 IBM eServer zSeries Technical Review Practice ExamTotal Questions : 174Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (130 of 174)"
Price: 154.99

"JK0-702 CompTIA E2C A + Practical Application Review Exam" |
"297 UNIQUE practice questions for JK0-702 CompTIA E2C A + Practical Application Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JK0-702 CompTIA E2C A + Practical Application Review ExamTotal Questions : 297Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (222 of 297)"
Price: 179.99

"' Web scraping : Python Beautiful Soup Web scraping Bootcamp" |
"Beginner-Friendly and Projects-Based LearningBeginner-friendly and project-based learning content is hard to find on the web. This course is designed for you to start from the zero-knowledge that you have on Web scraping and a little of Python and Data Science to working on real-life projects and building your portfolio. Why Web scraping (Application and Case Studies) The first part of the course focuses on how web scrapping is applied in different industries to bring value. Web Scraping is a tool for automating the collection of data or building datasets for analysis and modelling. If you are looking forward to mining data on the internet in your job or to start a business that applies this tool, this course will bring more light on how to do it.Web scraping ProcessBefore going into detail, there is a summary of how to approach web scraping. Once you understand the thought process, you will be able to tackle challenging projects. Its always good to know the fundamentals before going into the application part.Requests & Beautiful Soup LibrariesThese are the libraries that you are going to learn in this tutorial for web scraping. They are taught from scratch and you don't need lots of python programming skills to master them. Basic knowledge of python is essential.Python Pandas Library: Building a DataFrameTo do further analysis and modelling you must build a dataset. By using the Python Pandas library, you can build a DataFrame that you will use for your analysis or machine learning models.Python Web Scraping ProjectsThe projects in this tutorial contain various concepts that are key in web scraping. After these projects, you will be able to tackle your own projects and solve challenges on your own. You are simultaneously building a little portfolio as you work on these projects."
Price: 19.99

"Python Beginner to Master in Smart, Simple & Fast Way" |
"Covering every essential part needed in Python to go from Beginner to MasterSimply, Shortly, and in the easiest possible way to understandMostly programming as a whole Unique methods to solve some complex real world problems with easeBuild, Debug, Handle Python Programs in any Programming Field you are heading inAce it in python in the shortest time possible out there in the world"
Price: 199.99

"Starting Agile - Step by Step" |
"Start now to create your agile product development! This course has all the required steps to create an agile product development environment for your organization. Each of the sixteen steps includes the mini-steps to get you closer to an agile shop, plus a template, and an example to guide you. The course is based on years of experience Joanna Tivig and Peter Monkhouse helping organizations to be agile and executing strategy."
Price: 74.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: 6 Real Practice Exams 2020" |
"Are you ready to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam on the first attempt? Find out by testing yourself with these SIX high-quality AWS Cloud Practitioner practice exams on Udemy. Each of the six AWS practice tests in this set provides an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take the exam.These practice exams are the closest thing to the actual AWS Cloud Practitioner exam you will get on Udemy. Most of our students reported that our course covered all questions that were on the actual test.These 6 Cloud Practitioner practice tests have been put together carefully and reflect the actual difficulty level of the Amazon Web Services Cloud Practitioner exam questions as demonstrated by over 12000 students enrolled in this course. Tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test, youll receive a list of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly along with a detailed explanation of correct answers and incorrect answers to help you prepare for the actual exam.Our students love these high-quality AWS Cloud Practitioner practice exam questions because they simulate the actual certification exam and help them understand the important AWS exam domains which are Cloud Concepts, Security and Compliance, Technology and Billing, and Price. Our AWS cloud practitioner practice exams will prepare you thoroughly for the real exam so that you get to pass the first time with confidence. Don't forget to check out the reviews confirming that our AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam questions closely match the AWS exam pattern and difficulty level.AWS Practice exams are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam changes and the feedback received from our students.Take a look at these student reviews: These sample tests are giving real time scenario while preparing for Exam. Questions are really competitive, but at the end, the way Answers are being explained with reference document and logic behind correct option is unbelievable. I appreciate !!Sagar Bhagwat Best practice tests ever for CCP. Appreciate the author. Thank you.Thavasi Varatharaj I just wrote & passed the exam. These exams played a big part in passing, in conjunction with the Whitepapers. Practise & learn, then you're good to go. Explanations came in handy to brush up on the gaps. All the bestKatleho Sibanyoni While I never expected the same questions to appear in the actual exam but this set of practice exams prepared me pretty well for the actual exam. It is mainly due to the explanations provided at the end and in my opinion, reading through incorrect options is equally important. Well thought out questions and covers a wide spectrum of topics. Questions were at almost the right difficulty level.Humzah=======================SAMPLE AWS CLOUD PRACTITIONER EXAM QUESTION:A client wants to use an Elastic Load Balancer which is capable of handling millions of requests per second with ultra-low latency. Which load balancer is most suitable?Application Load BalancerNetwork Load Balancer Classic Load BalancerUltraFast Load BalancerWhat's your guess? Scroll below for the answer...Correct Option:Network Load Balancer ExplanationNetwork Load Balancer is best suited for load balancing of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Transport Layer Security (TLS) traffic where extreme performance is required. Operating at the connection level (Layer 4), Network Load Balancer routes traffic to targets within Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and is capable of handling millions of requests per second while maintaining ultra-low latencies.Incorrect Options Application Load Balancer Application Load Balancer is best suited for load balancing of HTTP and HTTPS traffic. Handling millions of requests per second and ultra-low latencies are features of Network Load Balancer. Classic Load Balancer Classic Load Balancer provides basic load balancing across multiple Amazon EC2 instances and operates at both the request level and connection level. Classic Load Balancer is intended for applications that were built within the EC2-Classic network. UltraFast Load Balancer There are only three types of load balancers; Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, and Classic Load Balancer. UltraFast is not a valid Load Balancer option. And reference links to help you learn further!=======================Welcome to the practice exams to help you prepare for your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 exam.All questions have been written from scratchYou get support from the instructor if you have questionsEach question has a detailed explanation for correct and incorrect answersYou can retake the exams as many times as you wantMobile-compatible with the Udemy appThis is a huge original question bankI hope that by now you're convinced!... Happy learning and best of luck for your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam!IMPORTANT NOTEThese AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice exams have a passing score of 70% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 80% or higher on each exam.We regularly update our exams with any new services launched by AWS.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!. So get lifetime access now and fast-track your AWS exam success - risk-free!"
Price: 19.99

"AP Calculus AB: Steps to a 5" |
"Hi everyone! This is a rigorous college level calculus course designed to prepare students for the Advanced Placement exam in May. Students will learn how to solve questions graphically, numerically, and verbally and also find different approaches to each problem. The students will study derivatives, integrals, and limits in depth by using approximation techniques, graphing skills and the knowledge of important theorems as ways for understanding rates of change and accumulation. This course can be used as a means of studying for the AP Calculus exam as it follows the College Board curriculum as well as uses College Board problems to study concepts. It is also following the same guidelines for undergraduate students taking Calculus 1."
Price: 19.99

"Mib Majr Dikteler - Mib Majr Dictees (english subtitle)" |
"Klasik Mzik eitimi veren konservatuarda okuyan renciler iin Mib major ve Do minor tonlarnda dikte kaytlar ve partisyonlar. Sekizlik, onaltlk onaltlk triole, sekizlik triole, byk-kk senkop ve bunlarn es deerlerini ierir. Tm diktelerde 4 l vardr ve her l 2 kez alnr. Durdurabilir veya tekrar oynatabilirsiniz, ancak seviyenizi tam olarak anlayabilmeniz iin bunu ok fazla yapmamaya aln.Dictation recordings and partitions in Mib major & Do minor tonality for students studying at the conservatory providing Classical Music education. The content includes eight, sixteened, sixteened trioles, eight trioles, sencopation and their rest values. All the dictees has 4 bars and is played each bars 2 times. You can stop or replay it, but try not to do this too many times so that you can fully understand your level."
Price: 69.99

"Real Estate Financial Analysis and Modeling" |
"Learn how to use Excel for the analysis of real estate investments and how to make investment recommendations using the outcomes of your analysis. Practice and perfect your new skillset with four real life cases included in the course materials.What makes this course different? Its focus on learning by doing. Less hours of video and more practice exercises together with response to your questions within 24h.The course is specially designed for students in the UK and Europe, where the approach to the analysis of real estate investments is different from the one used in the US. If you are preparing for an interview in Private Equity Real Estate, this course will help you pass the Excel test that is the first stage on the interview process."
Price: 59.99

"SAP FICO S/4HANA Periodic-End Closing activities (Month-end)" |
"SAP Periodic Activities-Month-endOpen and Close Periods in Finance(FI)Open and Close period in Controlling(CO)Open and Close in Material Management(MM)Accrual, Deferral,Depreciation Postings in FinanceCost Account Allocation(Re-posting, Accrual Calculation, Actual Overhead, Assessment, Distribution) in Cost Center AccountingCosting SheetInternal Order Management, Difference between real order and Statistical orderOrder types, Settlement Profile, Settlement rules, Result Analysis Calculation.Settlement of Internal OrdersProduct Costing/Cost Object Controlling: Product Cost by Period, Product Cost by Order, Product Cost by Sales Order: WIP (Work In Progress), Result Analysis(RA), Variances Calculation and Settlement for Product Cost Collectors, PP-Order, CO-Order and Sales Order."
Price: 54.99

"Gestin Continua de la Calidad del Software con SonarQube." |
"El Northeast Blackout fue un apagn en Estados Unidos que dejo a ms de 50 millones de personas sin energa elctrica causado por un BUG en el sistema de alarmas.Situaciones como estas son evidencia de la necesidad de implementar mejores prcticas de calidad en la construccin de proyectos de Software, es por eso que en este curso abordamos SonarQube, una herramienta para realizar anlisis esttico de cdigo, sin embargo en este curso vamos mucho ms all de ello y es por ello que usted aprender a:Identificar los Issues que reporta SonarQube, de esa forma interpretar los diferentes tipos (Bugs, Vulnerabilidades, Code Smells) y las severidades para definir una estrategia inteligente de mejora.Interpretar las mtricas de calidad como la covertura de pruebas, duplicacin de cdigo y complejidad de las funcionalidades.Gestionar la deuda tcnica para mantener la calidad del proyecto con altos estndares de calidad segn los atributos de Confiabilidad, Mantenibilidad y Seguridad.Usar la escala de SQALE (Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations) para evaluar la calidad del proyecto.Definir compuertas de calidad en SonarQube para determinar si un proyecto esta listo o no para ser desplegado en produccin.Por otro lado el curso tambin cuenta con un componente tcnico importante con el cual al finalizarlo usted ser capaz de:Instalar el servidor web de SonarQube desde cero usando un servidor Ubuntu soobre un proveedor Cloud como Azure.Inspeccionar la calidad del cdigo fuente con SonarQube Scanner o en diferentes plataformas (Java, Node, .NET) y sus respectivos plugins.Crear un pipeline de Integracin Continua con BuddyWorks o Jenkins y asociar SonarQube al proceso, de esta forma el proceso de inspeccin suceder de forma continua a lo largo del ciclo de vida del proyecto.Integrar los IDE's ms populares (VS Code, Eclipse, IntelliJ) con SonarLint y crear un estndar de calidad compartido entre todos los desarrolladores.En BDTech creemos firmemente en los beneficios de ensear tecnologa sin olvidar las bases tericas, este curso es una combinacin maravillosa de esos dos mundos."
Price: 24.99

"Semua video sudah dicek .Jika ada segala informasi yang salah sampai mohon dimaafkan karena manusia tempat nya salah dan khillaf. Semua materi sudah berusaha disampaikan dengan bahasa yang sesederhana mungkin mengingat nanti dikelas sesungguhnya dosen akan sangat cepat mengajarnya.Silahkan belajar dengan seksama dan pelan pelan saja jangan terburu buru entar gak ngertipahami konsepnya jangan cuma bisa jawab soal aja"
Price: 280000.00

"Pengenalan Komputasi (Python)" |
"Silahkan pahami pelan pelan kala perllu dicatat.Cara boleh beda , logika boleh beda tapi hasil harus samajangan putus asa belajar python bagi yang logic nya lemah . semua bisa diusahakan asal ada kehendakSemua video sudah dicek .Jika ada segala informasi yang salah sampai mohon dimaafkan karena manusia tempat nya salah dan khillaf. Semua materi sudah berusaha disampaikan dengan bahasa yang sesederhana mungkin mengingat nanti dikelas sesungguhnya dosen akan sangat cepat mengajarnya."
Price: 280000.00

"Use Canva like a pro : From basics to advance" |
"Hi, my name is Divyy, and I am a self taught designer. I will be your instructor throughout the course and help you understand how to use Canva from basics to advance.This course is for people new to graphic designing, and want to learn canva in detail. It is for people who want to self learn graphic designing, like me! You can download the project file from the resources of all the videos.We will start by learning basic tools available on canva and how can they be useful throughout the course. Slowly but effectively we will move our way up by learning advanced tools in canva and incorporate in our designs.After completing this course, I promise that you will be able to create better and professional designs within minutes. We will learn various tips and tricks including how to design fast, what all things need to be in your design and what you can exclude from the same.In this course we will cover how to make travel poster, event poster, a fancy instagram story, a picture collage, professional presentations, and a birthday video. In addition to this, we will also see where can we get high quality images, and inspirational ideas for designs and gradient colouring.We will understand various features on canva including how to add fonts and elements, using gradients on our designs, choosing the best background images and perfect font sizes, creating customised dimensions for our templates, using grids, converting our designs into various file type, using animationos for our videos, adding audio music to designs, and tips to keep in mind while designing."
Price: 39.99

"Quick French: What You Need to Know For Short Stays (part 1)" |
"Ce que vous devez savoir si vous voyagez en France pour interagir dans des situations de la vie quotidienne. Thmes : - Comptences sociales : * Salutations et politesse* Se prsenter* S'excuser* etc.- Se dplacer : * En avion * En train * Louer une voitureetc.What you need to know if you travel to France to interact in everyday situations. Topics : - Social skills: * Greetings and politeness* Introduce yourself* Apologize* and so on- Moving : * By plane * By train * Rent a carand so on"
Price: 59.99

"UX in one Gulp" |
"It is not just the UX designer's experience matters, the overall success of User eXperience projects depends on the knowledge and the right culture / mindset prevails in the environment with the key stakeholders in a project/product. There the team of Managers, Architects, Entrepreneur all must facilitate UX implementation in the right way. It needs a kind of Wisdom to achieve this. Else it's end up like a story of Elephant and 5 blinds who has seen the Elephant in different angle and think what they say is right without even able to grasp the perspective gained by other. This training material would help all to get the awareness of overall UX wisdom for better integration ! UX designer gain confidence in what they believe and drive the team when purposes of the deliverable is understood better."
Price: 29.99

"-Complete Ethical Hacking From Scratch" |
"Hi FRIENDS, Welcome to my courseI am an Ethical hacker I will teach you from beginner level to intermediate and this course will be completely in Tamil so, you will be able to understand properly So,don't worry if you want to make career in cyber security this course is good choice for youNote : This course is going to be completely in TAMIL This is comprehensive Ethical Hacking course! This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking and by the end of it you'll be able to Hack systems like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory; we'll start with ethical hacking basics, breakdown the different penetration testing fields and install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X), then we'll dive and start hacking straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by analysing and exploiting different systems such as networks, servers, clients, websites .....etc, so we'll never have any boring dry theoretical lectures.At the end of each section you will learn how to detect, prevent and secure systems and yourself from the discussed attacks.All the techniques in this course are practical and work against real systems, you'll understand the whole mechanism of each technique first, then you'll learn how to use it to hack into the target system, so by the end of the course you'll be able to modify the these techniques to launch more powerful attacks, and adopt them to suit different situations and different scenarios.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 1 hours.NOTES :This course is for educational purpose only in this course I will test my own systems for penetration ..."
Price: 1280.00

"Certificate for Spiritual Indian Dance & English learning" |
"This course is for all those of you, who have requirements for learning English, as a means to communicate with all your brothers and sisters, around the world. Spiritual Indian Dance is a huge part of this course too, with various themes and methods of variation in steps being used to this effect. This attempt to bring together, in an inexpensive yet comprehensive way to make access possible to all from every walk of life, irrespective of their status in society, on a global educational platform like Udemy is an effort from me, which is but like a tiny seed that I am planting, for the gigantic shady tree that I wish it to grow into, in order that it may give its solace and enlightenment to all those who desire to come into its benevolent shade.The course, brought to you, after holy Indian ceremonies, performed for its blessings it holds within as a devoted well wisher to all here, at the Udemy family, the course approvers, the instructors, the students and all others along with those who also wish to be part of the extended family here, seeks to be a useful and insightful tool for you here, to help and guide you along the path to better learning and wisdom.Brought to you all with the support of many of my well wishers, after surmounting intial serveral difficulties in it's processing, the course is a heartfelt promise, fulfilled by me to a departed dear one's soul, in memoriam and as a tribute to the guidance of the angel of the loving spirit, for me in its making."
Price: 1600.00

"Learn Organic Chemistry (Part III)" |
"The third part of Learn Organic Chemistry focuses mainly on the various species formed during organic reactions starting with electrophiles and nucleophiles. The nature and action of these electrohilic and nucleophilic species is explained elaborately through different examples.The next section is about the short-lived intermediates formed during organic reactions by homolytic and heterolytic bond fission carbocations, carbanions, free radicals and carbenes. Each of these have been discussed in detail with regards to their reactivity, geometry and stability order.The last section focuses briefly on the importance and correct usage of curved arrows while writing organic reactions.Each of the above section is supported by solved practice problems and NOTES (downloadable)."
Price: 99.99

"Whole Genome Variant Calling @ Linux" |
"This course will untangle mysteries of students stands alone on the boundaries of molecular genetics and bioinformatics, they will come to know that why life sciences researchers are direly needed computation skills, on which type of biological data computation will apply, how Linux operating system compute multi-omics problems in a jiffy, and how the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology are evolving to circumvent modern biology problems. In the time to come, biologists will not restrain to the wet labs only, so let's come and modify yourselves with data science tools for analysis, visualization, and inferring crux from your big genomic datasets. This is the right stop, that will help you to overwhelm your transition from wet to dry labs and facilitate you to analyze the whole genome NGS data for variant calling... that speaks loud around. "
Price: 69.99

"Sand Bottles ART" |
"First of all ,when you master the sand bottle art you will be called artist . Then you can use this art the bottle sand art as a second job, that will help you in increasing your income .That kind of art you will love it and you will feel definitely creative and you will have the ability to learn others how to do such art and you will become patient and having more flexibility in hands skills . Finally this art is easy to do it in anywhere you might be"
Price: 194.99

"Invest Like A Millionaire" |
"An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth. In finance, an investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or will later be sold at a higher price for a profit.In this class we will try to understand why should we invest, how can we invest with the help of fundamental analysis.Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating the intrinsic value of an asset and analysing the factors that could influence its price in the future. This form of analysis is based on external events and influences, as well as financial statements and industry trends.To become a better investor with the help of fundamental analysis, we will cover in details the topics mentioned below:Introduction to Fundamental AnalysisHow to read the Annual report of a companyUnderstanding the Profit & Loss StatementUnderstanding the Balance sheet statementCash Flow StatementThe Financial Ratio AnalysisInvestment Due DiligenceEquity Research"
Price: 189.99

"Professional Forex Technical Analysis for Beginners" |
"You get to learn the following topics:1.Introduction to Forex2. Knowing your Tool bars and Currency pairs3.Support and Resistance4. How to pick a trade5. Trend Line and Channel6. Candle reversal patterns7. Divergence8. Money and risk management9. Fundamental analysisand 10. Successful trading strategies.You can as well sign up for my professional classes to fully trade like a pro"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Oracle PLSQL desde 0 hasta nivel intermedio" |
"En este curso aprenders a escribir cdigo PLSQL desde 0 hasta un nivel intermedio, lo cul, te ayudar a desarrollarte en tu carrera como programador de Software. No pienses que es un curso como cualquier otro de PLSQL en donde desarrollan el curso utilizando esquemas ya existentes como el usuario HR, si ya todo est hecho qu sentido tiene?, si ya te ensean con usuarios creados por default, en dnde est el aprendizaje?En este curso te ensear como crear una base de datos desde la instalacin de las herramientas bsicas hasta la creacin de usuarios, tablas, ndices, grants, procedimientos, funciones, vistas, vistas materializadas, entre otros mltiples temas que s te encantarn.Anmate a ser parte del curso y descubrir el mundo de PLSQL junto conmigo como tu instructor!Los mejores xitos!Randal Coto J."
Price: 19.99

"Learn English Through Story - English Language Course" |
"Hi! I'm Dr. Don, an English professor who focuses on teaching English to non-native speakers.Are you interested in improving your English language skills? Do you want to improve your English Grammar? Do you want to improve your spoken English? Do you want to be able to read stories in English, watch movies in English, or listen to music in English? If so, you might find my Three Way English program helpful. I've taken a story-based approach to learning English that has been around for awhile and adapted it to an online learning environment. In this course, I take you through a short, easy-to-understand story three different ways. First, I present the story at a very basic English level so that even beginners can understand. Then I present the story twice more with increasing difficulty. The third time through, you will be able to understand the story presented in native-level English. After introducing you to the story, I have several lessons that use the story to expand your understanding of English. You will learn English vocabulary words, English grammar structures, and common English expressions. In my experience, students who learn English in context like this find the information easier to remember and use. At the end of the course, I have a lesson on some cultural insights that you can gain from the story.All the lessons are presented in English spoken slowly and carefully by a native speaker. Check out the Introduction video for a sample."
Price: 29.99

"Xamarin Forms with MVVM and Prism" |
"This course will help you to build up a modern and professional Xamarin Forms mobile application from scratch.We will create together Android and iOS applications by using Xamarin applying MVVM design pattern and later Prism framework.Moreover, we will go through several aspects of Xamarin applications and mobile development like:- How to create and start a completely new application using Visual Studio- Application Lifecycle- Page lifecycle- Navigation Stack- Navigation between pages- Passing data through navigation- Building up and following MVVM architecture- Installing and integration of a complex Nuget package for Media Player to play video- Fetching data from embedded resource- XAML and essential Xamarin Forms controls- Databinding- Dependency Injection- and so on---- What technology we useXamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, PrismHow it worksThis course is not a theory course but we will learn by doing and practising. The instructor will show you many aspect and corners of Xamarin mobile development by writing down code, solving problems and sharing his knowledge to you.What you will be able to do After completing this course, you will:- be confident about the development of Xamarin Forms mobile application- be confident when you need to face with new complex 3rd Nuget package (how to setup and how to use, troubleshoot)- be confident to construct and design your mobile application following MVVM- be confident to use PrismSign up the course today and enjoy Xamarin.Forms with me!"
Price: 79.99

"The Ultimate CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Practice Exam 2020" |
"Welcome to the CompTIA Network+ Certification (N10-007) Practice Tests. from Nick Gorgotsias and Examsdigest.Are you ready to pass the CompTIA Network+ Certification N10-007 exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 6 full practice tests in this set provides an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your CompTIA Network+ Certification N10-007 exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test, youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual CompTIA exam.In this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in Network+ N10-007 exam objectives such as:Networking ConceptsNetwork InfrastructureNetwork OperationsNetwork SecurityNetwork Troubleshooting and ToolsMake sure you are ready to pass the Network+ exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the CompTIA exam.KEY FEATURES OF OUR PRACTICE EXAMS100+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 5 sets of Practice Exams available on Udemy and access to the online Exam Simulator from Examsdigest with a pool of 100+ questions to assess your exam readinessEXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 70%) mimicking the real exam environmentDETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrectPREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasantALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questionsACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileMONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: 30-day money-back guarantee - no questions askedACCESS ON OUR PLATFORM: After purchasing the practice exam from Udemy you can request access on our platform examsdigest[dot]com"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Gesto de Escritrio de Advocacia 2020" |
"A maior dificuldade para os advogados iniciantes gerir um escritrio de advocacia com eficincia, o que sem isso, na maioria das vezes acaba levando ao fechamento nos 06 (seis) primeiros meses sem noes bsicas para suportar e administrar um escritrio jurdico.Com esse curso, aprender como gerir seu escritrio de advocacia, com quem j atua h 14 anos na advocacia consultiva e contenciosa.Aprender sobre gesto de tempo, finanas, software jurdicos, pblico de atendimento, qual rea de atuao escolher dentre outros pontos fundamentais para sustentabilidade na carreira jurdica."
Price: 189.99

"Flutter Tutorials - Latest Packages and Components" |
"Learn about latest and stylish flutter components and packages along with the source code.Flutter Packages and Components in this tutorial :1. Bubbled Navigation Bar2. Widget With Code View3. Circular Bottom Bar4. Color Picker5. Curved Navigation Bar6. FL Radial Menu7. Foldable Side Bar8. IntroView9. Lamp Navigation Bar10. ListWheelScrollView11. Navigation Rail12. Scratcher13. Shrink Side Menu14. Snake Navigation15. Speedometer16. Spin Circle Bar17. Stepper18. Vertical Card Pager19. VideoPlayer20. WaveDrawer21. Svg Icons22. Url Launcher23. Custom Clippers24. Carousel Swiper25. Story View like WhatsApp26. Share Plugin27. Quick Actions28. Text to Speech29. Gif DialogsIn this tutorial, you will also learn about how to upload flutter project on Github.Bonus - Speed Course - Covid-19 Tracker App Using Flutter Along with the source code."
Price: 1280.00

"Gestin Estratgica por competencias" |
"Descripcin del curso:La sociedad est cambiando y nos reta de cara a lo que algunos han llamado nueva normalidad. Las empresas son espacios de posibilidades para el cambio. Ese cambio surge de las aspiraciones de los interesados en la organizacin, enfocados en lo que se quiere. Se necesitan personas capaces de dar respuesta a los desafos actuales de una forma diferente para poder crear un futuro. As, es importante entender como generar cambios a travs de equipos desde una perspectiva positiva, con las competencias necesarias de los colaboradores en el contexto actual. El curso busca generar procesos estratgicos fundamentados en las competencias en concordancia con los propsitos de la empresa. La reflexin e indagacin concretan las estrategias y objetivan los resultados para el cambio organizacionalLa reflexin sobre las competencias, especialmente las conversacionales, contribuyen a la creacin de una nocin cognitiva de los colaboradores de las empresas acerca del desarrollo de las mismas para asumir el cambio organizacional.Objetivo general del curso:Construir una agenda de gestin para el desarrollo de competencias, desde una perspectiva de formulacin de estrategias efectivasObjetivos especficos:Discutir el modelo de Competencia profesional, que permita mejorar el proceso de desempeo del colaborador, basado en competencias para el cambioEntender la gestin del talento humano emergente y el modelo de competencias requeridasExplicar los elementos definicionales de las estrategias y los procesos de su formulacin.Elaboracin de Plan de estrategias a travs de la matriz FOAR (Fortalezas, Oportunidades, Aspiraciones y Resultados)Discutir la gestin estratgica por competencias para la calidad organizacional"
Price: 79.99
