"Crie seu Currculo vencedor - Seu Marketing Pessoal" |
"A Insero ou reinsero ao mercado do trabalho, se d em primeiro momento por meio de uma ferramenta do marketing pessoal, chamada de currculo, que nada mais que o seu histrico com a descrio cronolgica de sua evoluo intelectual prtica e terica.Voc ter uma excelente oportunidade de entender melhor sobre o assunto e ter condies incrveis de elaborar este fantstico documento histrico, com uma estrutura limpa, objetiva, organizada, capaz de chamar mais a ateno e torn-lo mais competitivo no ambiente corporativo."
Price: 54.99

"Data Storytelling" |
"Apreenda a contar a histria do seus dados e realizar apresentaes mais eficientes. Utilizando metodologias ativas, tcnicas de apresentao e storytelling voc vai criar uma apresentao arrasadora.Aplicando o conceito de self-service business intelligence, o curso voltado para profissionais de Cincia de Dados, Negcios e diversas outras reas que precisam apresentar dados em reunies, eventos ou outras situaes no dia a dia.Este curso ensinar voc a planejar a histria dos dados utilizando o Data Storyteling Canvas, ferramenta gil utilizado em vrias empresas. Voc apreender conceitos de Anlise de Dados, Visualizao de Dados, Storytelling com a Jornada do Heri, storyboard, apresentao e oratria.O contedo desse curo ajuda voc a planejar sua histria de dados para ser aplicada em apresentaes, reunies, dashboards, websites, artigos ou notas tcnicas."
Price: 339.99

"Negotiation For Retail Business Modul 1" |
"Mengapa Anda harus belajar Negotiation? Negosiasi adalah life skills (ketrampilan untuk hidup Negosiasi bukan hanya untuk bisnis namun keseluruhan aspek hidup kita berisikan negosiasi Barang siapa tidak bernegosiasi berarti Anda siap mengalah terus menerus. Negosiasi tidak selalu untuk menang tetapi memperjuangkan hak AndaYang Anda pelajari:Membahas secara mendalam: Apa dan mengapa kita bernegosiasi Tugas dan tanggung jawab serta peran negosiator Bagaimana syarat negosiator yang hebat Mengetahui Prinsip-prinsip Negosiasi Mengetahui langkah-langkah negosiasi Bagaimana menegosiasikan trading term/perjanjian dagang bisnis retail Mengetahui apa-apa saja yang bisa dinegosiasikan dan bagaimana caranya Bagaimana menyusun Negotiation Plan Tips dan Triks Negosiasi Bernegosiasi dalam posisi lemah Kapan No Deal is A Good Deal"
Price: 490000.00

"Negotiation For Retail Business Modul 2" |
"Mengapa Anda harus belajar Negotiation? Negosiasi adalah life skills (ketrampilan untuk hidup Negosiasi bukan hanya untuk bisnis namun keseluruhan aspek hidup kita berisikan negosiasi Barang siapa tidak bernegosiasi berarti Anda siap mengalah terus menerus. Negosiasi tidak selalu untuk menang tetapi memperjuangkan hak AndaYang Anda pelajari:Membahas secara mendalam: Apa dan mengapa kita bernegosiasi Tugas dan tanggung jawab serta peran negosiator Bagaimana syarat negosiator yang hebat Mengetahui Prinsip-prinsip Negosiasi Mengetahui langkah-langkah negosiasi Bagaimana menegosiasikan trading term/perjanjian dagang bisnis retail Mengetahui apa-apa saja yang bisa dinegosiasikan dan bagaimana caranya Bagaimana menyusun Negotiation Plan Tips dan Triks Negosiasi Bernegosiasi dalam posisi lemah Kapan No Deal is A Good Deal"
Price: 490000.00

"Publish Your Research In Academic Journals And Conferences" |
"""Very much helpful for someone like me just embarking on a PhD project"" - Paliani ""What an amazing course! I have learnt how I should first organise myself properly before start with preparing on article writing. This course really helped me to understand and distinguish between the research work and preparation of article (different tone for the article). I feel so relieved and ready to start with articles preparation. This has been the scariest thing to do, but after finishing this course, I have confidence. Thank so much Dr Peter Alkema."" - Flora ""It gives a lot of guidance and tactics on how to publish your research, absolutely valuable."" - JosephineIn this course I teach you exactly what I did to get my academic work published in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. You will complete an assignment that will get you thinking about your next article by developing a title, abstract and three options for journals that you want to get published in. I have been rejected many times from academic journals well but I have figured out why that happened and in this course I teach you how you can improve your chances of getting published. Learn how academic publishing works and how you can become part of it so that you earn the credibility you need as a researcher. Make sure your years of hard work at a post graduate level have the maximum impact by seeing your work in a recognised journal. You will have a better chance of achieving this goal by learning about the following;The changes tracker technique and a demonstration of examples from my own academic submissionsDifferent types of journals; predatory, open-access, traditional, peer reviewed and conference proceedingsHow to research suitable journals and gain a better understanding of how you should position your workWhy you shouldn't submit the same paper to multiple journals at the same timeHow to save time in future submissions and how to plan for a re-submissionBeing a co-author and dealing with co-authors and how to manage a resubmission with themA systematic process for making changes to your article based on multiple sets of feedbackOther aspects of submitting a paper to a journal and additional requirements you may need to meetWhy writing for an examiner is different from writing for a journal and how to make this distinctionA systematic literature review and how you would approach this as an option for publishingHow to approach your own work in the best possible way to get part of it publishedThe points system for published academics and how this works for different journalsLearn from my own experience of getting rejected many times and ultimately getting published. I've combined all these insights and skills into a series of lessons that will teach you how to achieve the objective of getting your work published in an academic journal."
Price: 109.99

"Market Research Fundamentals" |
"The primary goal of any company is to do more business with the existing and new customers. Customers will find value from a company's products or services only when the company strives to understand these customers. Marketing and consumer research are essential tools for any company to understand the various aspects of its customers.This course covers the fundamentals of market and consumer research. This course covers the following points:How micro-environment forces impact the marketing environment of any company?How macro-environment factors such as demography, economy, natural and technological forces influence the marketing environment of any company?Define the Marketing Information System and identify its various components.What are the various ways to gather competitive marketing intelligence?What is marketing research and what are the various steps in marketing research process?What are the different methods of gathering data for conducting a marketing research study?What is consumer behavior model?What are the characteristics that affect consumer behavior?What is the nature of business markets?Understand the business buyer behavior and decision process."
Price: 39.99

"Stock Trading Price Based Strategies- Technical Analysis" |
"In this course we will discuss multiple Price Based oscillator, which measures both the speed as well as the rise or fall of price movements of a stocks.In This course I will explain how strategies are formed; How to check if it works and how to tweak it for better performance.Commodity channel index (or CCI), MACD & Bollinger Bands are one of the top Technical Analysis Indicator. In this Course these technical indicators are not only shown as merely a indicator but a Complete System for trading.Commodity channel index (or CCI), MACD & Bollinger Bands is used by professional to identify the trend, Selling or Buying conditions through Reversal, divergences or simple Buy and sell techniques.This perfectly designed course will enable the participants to gain a thorough knowledge on the basics of Commodity channel index (or CCI), MACD & Bollinger Bands indicator.I will give you the simplest way to trade using Commodity channel index (or CCI), MACD & Bollinger Bands with complete buy sell entry points using advance techniques that form a advance indicator. You can use it on day trading or use it within a specific time frame i.e daily or weekly."
Price: 19.99

"Ten Steps for Perfect Presentations" |
"We guide you through ten steps for creating the perfect presentation. This course is ideal for new presenters, or for those who have some experience but think there is room for improvement. Although focused mostly on ""face to face"" presentations, the steps are equally applicable to online or virtual environments.As well as the tutor lectures, there are activities for most of the steps and a useful summary/preparation sheet for all your future presentations.The steps covered are:1. Agree your objective. 2. Research the audience. 3. Decide on content and flow. 4. Plan a compelling opening and a memorable ending. 5. Create your visuals. 6. Prepare for questions. 7. Finalise your notes. 8. Perfect your personal presenting skills. 9. Plan the logistics. 10. Practice and get feedback."
Price: 34.99

"(PMI-ACP) Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Prep" |
"PMI-ACP Training includes collection of eight courses aligned with ACP exam objective developed by Project Management Institute and Certified Scrum Master Learning objectivesAgile Project Management EssentialsAdopting an Agile ApproachThe scrum developement processProject Initiating and Requirements GatheringPlanning and Monitoring IterationLeading an Agile TeamManaging Stakeholder EngagementValue and Quality in Agile ProjectsPMI ACP Tests are very similar to the questions that appear in the actual PMI ACP certification exam. It will make you understand the PMI-ACP certification exam pattern. Thus, appearing in the PMI ACP free test will make you familiar with the actual exam.PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI ACP) Free Test is composed of 1000 unique questions. So, trying it will let you know your current preparation level for the PMI-ACP certification exam. And you will be able to continue your preparation according to that."
Price: 99.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Practice Exams" |
"This practice exam course is designed around the official exam guide for ITIL 4 Foundation from Axelos, weighting the 12 Knowledge Areas properly, so you can pass the actual ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to pass the exam, saving you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS your certification on the first attempt and avoid costly re-scheduling fees.After each practice exam attempt, you will receive your total final score, along with feedback on each and every question -- telling you exactly why each answer is correct so that you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and perform some additional studying.You will learn about the following topics in this course: Introduction to service management. Service management lifecycle. Introduction to Service Strategy. Service Strategy Concepts. Service Strategy Processes. Introduction to service design. Key concepts in service design. Service design processes. Introduction to Service Transition. Service Transition Processes. Introduction to Service Operations. Service Operations Processes. Functions. Introduction to Continual Service Improvement. Key Principles and Models."
Price: 99.99

"PMP EXAM - 1000 Practice Questions (5 Comprehensive Exams)" |
"5 Comprehensive Exams - 200 Questions in each Exam Based on the latest PMP Exam released March 2018 (PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition)Detailed explanations and page references to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) for every PMP questionPMP Practice Exam - Carefully selected PMP Exam Questions to help you pass on your first attemptPractice the most Highly Tested PMP Questions from topics that appear on the actual PMP exam.Full Practice Exam with High Quality PMP Questions and Answer ExplanationsExam syllabus:The PMP exam is based on the PMP Examination Specification, which describes tasks out of five performance domains:Initiating the project (13%)Planning the project (24%)Executing the project (31%)Monitoring and controlling the project (25%)Closing the project (7%)You will learn about the following topics in this course: Project Management Professional Prep Introduction. Project Management Framework.Project Management Processes. Project Integration Management. Project Scope Management. Project Time Management.Project Cost Management.- Project Quality Management. Project Human Resource Management. Project Communication Management. Project Risk Management. Project Procurement Management. Project Stakeholder Management. Process Group Review. Professional and Social Responsibility"
Price: 99.99

"Rhino Grasshopper - HUMAN UI plugin for Data Visualization" |
"HUMAN UI is a great plugin developed by Andrew Heumann which allows us to create Interactive and dynamic graphical interfaces of our grasshopper scripts.In this course you will learn how to create professional graphical and customizable user interaces using this plugin. With this plugin you can make your grasshopper definition more understandable for architects, designers or clients who does not know grasshopper being a great tool for presentations. When you finish this course you will be able to:Understand the logic of how this plugin worksLearn how to use the most important tools of this pluginHow to create customizable graphical interfacesHow to show the information inside of your grasshopper definitions(like numbers of panels in a paneling subdivision.)Prerequisites for this course:You need to have a basic to intermediate knowledge of grasshopperUnderstand about data trees structuresBasic modeling knowledge of rhinocerosWho's this course for?Architects, designers, engineers or computational design enthusiast who wants to enhance they computational design knowledge"
Price: 24.99

"Die Formel fr Musikvideos Videobearbeitung fr Musiker" |
"Lassen wir mal bei Seite, dass ich einen Masterabschluss in Audiovisuellen Medien und meine Thesis ber Musikvideos geschrieben habe. Akademische Bildung muss nicht unbedingt etwas heien, denn man kann durch ein Studium hindurchgehen, ohne dabei etwas gelernt zu haben. Dieser Videokurs beinhaltet vielmehr, was ich mir die letzen 10 Jahre mit unzhligen Musikvideoproduktionen selbst beigebracht habe. Ich habe in meiner Freizeit nichts anderes gemacht und war 2017 mit einem Musikvideo fr den Filmpreis Baden-Wrttemberg nominiert. Da das eigentlich ein Festival fr Kurzfilme ist, spricht das definitiv fr die Art meiner Videos. Mein Ziel ist es die Dinge so zu erklren, dass sie direkt umgesetzt werden knnen, ohne, dass ich unntige Details erzhle um mich selbst zu beweihruchern.Viel Spa beim umsetzen und ich hoffe, dass dein Musikvideo der Hammer wird."
Price: 34.99

"Steuererklrung selber machen - Steuern einfach erklrt" |
"Wolltest du schon lngst dich mit dem Thema Steuererklrung selber machen beschftigenund weisst nicht, wie es geht? Du weisst nicht, wie du anfangen kannst?Wenn du den festen Willen dazu hast, wirst du es mit meiner Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung endlich schaffen. Spare dir das Geld fr den Steuerberater und die Zeit fr die Fahrt zu ihm. Vergiss die mhsame Parkplatzsuche und erledige es selber ganz bequem von Zuhause.Ich habe es mir zur persnlichen Aufgabe gemacht, Arbeitnehmern dabei zu helfen,die maximal mgliche Steuererstattung vom Finanzamt zu kassieren.Rentnern mchte ich dabei helfen, die Steuerlast so gering wie mglich zu halten odergar keine Steuern zu zahlen.Mit meinem Kurs sollen die Menschen Zeit, Geld und Nerven sparen. Zeit, die sie dannfr die Familie oder fr Reisen zur Verfgung haben.Ich will dich dazu ermutigen, das Thema Steuern selber in die Hand zu nehmen und kein Geld mehr zu verschenken. Du sollst dir das, was dir zusteht, vom Staat zurckholen, ohne dafr studiert zu haben.Mein Wissen und meine Erfahrungen aus fast drei Jahrzehnten mchte ichauf leicht verstndliche Art weitergeben. Aus diesem Grund habe ich die ""easy Steuer-Box"" inForm dieses Video Kurses erstellt."
Price: 109.99

"After Effects: Amazing Infographics and Data Visualization" |
"Hello and welcome to infographics and data visualization course.By the end of this course, you can create amazing infographics in after effects.You dont need any previous knowledge in After effects or any motion graphics experienceWe will start the course by the basics of After Effects you will learn everything you need to know to start working with After Effects .In this Course We Cover: Infographics Motion Graphic Creative Text animation. Easing and motion blur. Create Nice Background Working With Shape Layers Design Infographics Working with Keyframes Motion Graphic techniques Working with Effects Expression Masking Animate Infographics Graph Editor 10 Real Project Zero to Hero Render ProjectIn this course, we are going to work on 10 real projects. You will learn step by step how to make each of them. Not only this you will have access to the project files and dive deep into them.Download all the project files now, you will need it from the first lesson.What you get in this Course: Downloadable projects (10 Project) Premium support from instructor to answer any questions Premium support from instructor to answer any questions Mounthly updates of the courseIf youve been excited by the world of motion graphics but still havent started. This beginner course is perfect for you. Enroll in the course I see you in the first lessonCheers.Motion Royals Team"
Price: 24.99

uatxyvcw |
Price: 3600.00

"Analisis de inversiones inmobiliarias en Excel" |
"Aprende a realizar anlisis de inversiones inmobiliarias en Excel y a hacer recomendaciones de inversin en base a los resultados del anlisis. Practica tus nuevos conocimientos con los cuatro casos reales incluidos entre los materiales del curso. Que diferencia a este curso de otros? Mi enfoque practico, aprende haciendo, y respuesta a tus preguntas en menos de 24 horas.Los exmenes y casos de Excel son cada vez ms comunes en los procesos de seleccin en el sector inmobiliario, este curso te ayudar en tu preparacin al estar basado en exmenes de Excel a los que yo me he enfrentado en procesos de seleccin en el pasado. Asimismo, este curso est indicado para inversores particulares que quieren aprender a analizar oportunidades de inversin inmobiliaria."
Price: 59.99

"fait le yoga" |
"Voici une premire approche trs gnrale et trs simple pour prsenter le YOGA :DEFINITION :Cest une discipline du corps et de lesprit qui comprend une grande varit dexercices et de techniques.Les techniques employes utilisent des postures physiques (appeles asanas), des pratiques respiratoires (pranayama) et de mditation, ainsi que la relaxation profonde (yoga nidra).ORIGINE :Le yoga est une cole de philosophie indienne qui se pratiquait en Inde ds le III millnaire avant J.C.Bien que dorigine orientale, il a t trs bien intgr et mis en pratique en Occident, que ce soit sous sa forme originale ou sous une forme adapte.LES EFFETS :Cest un systme essentiellement pratique qui peut profondment aider les gens dans la vie quotidienne et dans lexploration des aspects plus profonds de la vie. Il propose des rponses aux problmes de lhomme moderne face au stress et aux situations de la vie difficiles grer.- Dans sa forme la plus pure due au contact de loccident, on compare le yoga de la gymnastique douce, un moyen efficace malgr tout pour obtenir la sant et le bien-tre.Sa pratique a des effets bnfiques en profondeur tant sur le plan physique que sur le plan mental : il peut soulager divers types de maladies si rpandues aujourdhui, telles que lhypertension, les problmes respiratoires, les troubles digestifs, les migraines, le mal de dos, la dpression, lanxit etc..Il nous donne les moyens de grer le stress et damliorer sa relation aux autres.- Dans sa forme la plus profonde, plus prs du yoga dorigine, il peut nous veiller la vraie sagesse, la joie et la compassion.En approfondissant les pratiques (avec les bandhas, les drishtis, les mudras, les bijas; au niveau de la mditation des visualisations sur les chakras ou les nergies subtiles, des rcitations de mantras) et des techniques plus pousses en pranayama, telles quenseignes en Inde, nous avanons ainsi dans une exploration de notre intrieur et sur le chemin de notre volution personnelle, nous touchons ainsi une dimension plus vaste que nous-mme.Lorsqu'on dsire pratiquer ainsi un yoga plus traditionnel, il est intressant aussi d'tudier les textes classiques de l'Inde, en rapport avec la pratique et la philosophie du yoga (voir pour cela la catgorie ""textes de l'Inde classique"", cliquez ICI)ETHYMOLOGIE :Le mot sanscrit YOGA signifie unir , relier . Par sa pratique, un adepte peut commencer quilibrer et relier tous les aspects de son tre [ physique, nergtique, motionnel, mental et spirituel ] cest--dire tous les lments ncessaires pour avoir une vie pleine et harmonieuse.La recherche dharmonie est trouver en soi-mme, mais galement avec ce qui nous entoure : notre environnement immdiat, la nature, lunivers ou quelque chose de plus Absolu.Dans le mot HATHA YOGA = HA signifie le soleil, et THA la lune. Hatha-Yoga a donc le sens de : relier (yoga) l'nergie solaire (ha) et l'nergie lunaire (tha). La pratique se situe ce niveau-l sur le plan nergtique.Mais Hatha est galement traduit par ""effort"". Hatha-yoga signifie aussi le ""yoga de l'effort"", parce qu'il s'agit d'une pratique posturale.LA PRATIQUE DE BASE :ASANAS (ou posture) :La pratique du yoga commence avec laspect le plus extrieur de la personnalit : le corps physique.Les asanas nous aident maintenir le corps en bonne sant en relchant les tensions, en massant les organes internes, en amliorant leur fonction et en procurant une plus grande souplesse la colonne vertbrale, aux muscles et aux articulations.PRANAYAMA ( ou matrise du souffle) :Les techniques respiratoires sont importantes non seulement par lapport en oxygne quelles procurent au corps ( tous les organes et aux cellules) et la fortification des poumons, mais aussi parce quelles ont un effet direct sur le cerveau et sur nos motions, en quilibrant le systme nerveux et en nous mettant en contact avec des nergies plus subtiles (comme l'nergie solaire, lunaire et la kundalini) et dautres aspects de notre tre.DHARANA et DHYANA (ou concentration et mditation) :Cette pratique cherche stabiliser le mental en lui vitant de repartir dans les penses ou vers toutes les proccupations du moment. Elle va dvelopper une conscience de linstant prsent, qui va permettre au mental de relcher toutes les tensions et de se laisser immerger dans un apaisement intrieur.La concentration est la premire tape vers la mditation, avec entre autres des exercices de visualisations sur les chakras et les nergies subtiles.Dans les tapes suivantes, diffrentes techniques plus approfondies vont permettre au mental de se librer de tensions plus profondes et de dvelopper ce cheminement intrieur alors plus spirituel, qui mne la notion de tmoin (purusha) ou Conscience Pure, la notion d'ETRE."
Price: 19.99

niveau-a1 |
": . 7 :- 7 : : : : : : : :- 43 - 80 - - - 15 - + - 7 - :- - :- - - - - - - . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Concept Art Prop Design in Photoshop 2020" |
"Learning Concept Art is amazingly fun and in very detailed videos I will guide you through the process of designing props for videogames, animation, and more! I want to make the learning process easy for you, going through all the tools and fundamentals in an easy and detailed way.In this course, we design props from scratch. From looking at references to drawing techniques, this is the course for you.We will do a series of exercises, to make sure that after finishing this course, you'll have the knowledge required to design your own props for any projects you might be working on.You'll learn tips and shortcuts that will accelerate your workflow and make you understand the fundamentals of concept art.I will be available for you through the whole course, feel free to send me a message if you encounter any issue. I will help you solve it and understand why it presented itself.So please, take this course now."
Price: 69.99

"Curso de EFT Nvel 1-Liberdade Emocional" |
"Este Curso de EFT- Tcnicas de Libertao Emocional de fcil compreenso e aplicao. Vai proporcionar-lhe uma experincia de aprendizagem e resultados prticos de forma acessvel.As Tcnicas de Libertao Emocional so reconhecidas a nvel cientfico em vrias reas, com resultados surpreendentes. As suas aplicaes so muito abrangentes desde benefcios na rea do bem estar, relacionamentos, vida profissional e desempenho desportivo, artstico ou outro. Destaco a gesto de stress, alvio de ansiedade, libertao de fobias, dores, depresso,pnico, traumas, insonia, falta de auto confiana, bloqueios financeiros e muito mais.Pessoalmente a EFT libertou-me de situaes gravssimas de problemas de sade e bloqueios de prosperidade. Com a sua aplicao tenho uma carreira maravilhosa. Posso agora a minha misso de vida, ajudando outras pessoas, tal como fao desde 2013. Tenho sentido e observado maravilhosas experincias de transformao em centenas de pessoas. Voc tambm pode alcanar isso e muito mais.Como formadora Certificada com CCP e em Tapping para Abundncia recomendo a aprendizagem da EFT para que possa aproveitar melhor os seus benefcios.Vai encontrar neste curso material em vdeo, udio e pdf para baixar.Inclui ensino terico e exerccios prticos.Vai poder ter para sempre uma excelente ferramenta de auto ajuda para enfrentar qualquer tipo de desafio na vida e poder ajudar outras pessoas.Vai poder viver com mais e melhor energia, sentindo fluir o seu corao na direo certa, no bem estar, num autoconhecimento melhor e uma relao melhor com a vida e tudo ao seu redor.Mais auto confiante e maior valorizao pessoal.Sou grata por estar aqui e poder proporcionar-lhe a oportunidade de alargar os seus horizontes e lev-lo onde precisa.Aproveite bem este curso e todos os benefcios que vo alm do que possa esperar. hora de alargar os horizontes e elevar a sua virbao para construir uma vida melhor."
Price: 109.99

"Certified Dance/English Online Including Free Sessions" |
"These are course tests, a compiliation of lessons, as an assessment of all that you have learned in the other course and also, a learning lesson by itself through the format of questions and answers.Multiple choice questions and answers to choose from the right options have been given.It covers Indian cultural heritage theory and practical lessons, on which the dance items are based. It also is inclusive of English learning chapters, to enhance your vocabulary and pronounciation aspects of your language skills. Spot the error in each sentence, leaving out those and choose the option that is absolutely accurate, to arrive at the answer.In some of the choices is seen more of recent career oriented training admission exams format, that are the trendy more popular type questions, from which the student is to choose from all correct options and spot the one that is incorrect, marking that as the right choice answer."
Price: 1600.00

"How to Attract the Press" |
"The world is full of stories. The key is making your story the one that stands out! This course will tell you exactly how to make the media choose your story over countless others, even if its not the biggest news of the day. Two former television journalists share inside secrets so you know how to get your message on-air, online and in your best light. You will discover how a newsroom works, what reporters are looking for, how to write a click-worthy news release, what you need to do to prepare yourself and turn your interview location into a reporters dream. The tips and tricks shared here could even have the media coming to you first for future stories."
Price: 79.99

"How To Shoot Super Videos" |
"You're frustrated! You know how important video is today as a communication tool, whether it's used for entertainment, or knowledge, or making money. But your videos, quite frankly, look like crap. And they sound lousy too. That's all about to change for the better with How To Shoot Super Videos. Take a few minutes to watch our free sample tutorials and you will immediately learn techniques you can use to shoot better videos. For example, the module on How to Shoot Video Like a Pro includes 4 key fundamentals of composition used by all the best photographers that will make your videos look striking. Adding some slick camera moves, such as panning and booming, will give your videos that Hollywood look. But they've got to be done properly using basic techniques you will learn in Module 2.And you want your video to tell a story, don't you? That's what it's really all about. Module 3 will give you 7 steps to add interest and excitement to your video productions, whether you're shooting Sarah's 4th birthday party or planning to sell a new aeronautical device. We'll literally take you into the field - on the golf course in this case - and show you shot by shot how to shoot a wide, creative range of video clips in Module 4. Often, people overlook the need for pleasing lighting in their videos. In this course you will learn how to use 4 qualities of light to create memorable images, and how to recognize and overcome dreadful backlighting problems. Sound quality can make or break your video, and it too can be remedied using the simple but effective tools and techniques covered in Module 6.You are moments away from beginning to learn basic fundamentals that have stood the test of time. How to Shoot Super Videos has helped thousands of people learn and benefit from this course. So, take a peek at the free stuff and jump right in. You've got 30 days and there's a no risk money-back guarantee."
Price: 19.99

"Comprehensive Data visualization with Matplotlib in Python" |
"Hello, and welcome to the course on Comprehensive Data visualization with Matplotlib in Python. This course has been designed keeping in mind the working professionals, students and even hobbyist, who wanted to get meaningful information from the data and take appropriate action.This course contains Quizzes and assignments, which will help you to evaluate your learning periodically. Python code for each module is included with this course as well, you can download them as base code and you can fully customize it.If you are a student and wanted to participate in Datathon, Hackathon and similar competition as well as you wanted to analyse & visualize data as a part of the project. Then this course is for you.If you are professional and working on a daily basis to explore data to get more insight and you are required to present the key information of the analysis with the help of several charts and plot. Then this course is for you.If you are a hobbyist and always wanted to understand the raw data, available from various source (datasets), as a pro then this course is for you.This course is power-packed with all the information that you need to from absolute basic to advance level. After finishing this course, you will be able to1. The plot, visualize and analyse data in 2D as well as the 3D plot.2. Handle, plot and visualize linear as well as Non-linear data3. Get exposure on various plots such as bar chart, stacked chart, XY plot, Pie chart, Histogram, polar plots, logarithmic plot and much more4. Get exposure on working with Time-series data (mostly from the finance field) and plot them as well as analyse them.5. Work with Audio signals and plot, visualize and Analyse them6. Work with Images up to certain extends and play with basic image manipulation such as extracting channel, applying colouring scheme to get more information.7. Handle and visualize all sort of Data in Matplotlib.Tools used in this Course- Python 3 (any version >3.7 is perfect)- Jupyter Notebook (IDE)- Matplotlib (Data Visualization Library)So, Lets get started.Visualize and Explore the Data together."
Price: 39.99

"Musical Terms, Harmony & Music Arrangement" |
"This is a tutorial of music theory for intermediate or higher level music students.(If you are a beginner, then you should check out the theory of music part-1 tutorial, it is free.)Who want to know musical terms to writing music in proper way.I focused on teaching the advance contents of musical terms melody and harmony.How to write bass line and use of triad and broken chord during music arrangement.You will learn the writing melody and harmony by the end of the lecture."
Price: 19.99

"AYT MATEMATK hakknda doru bir yerden alacanz bu eitim sayesinde matematiin en nemli konularn ok rahat bir ekilde kavrayacaksnz. Her konuda vermi olduum yeni nesil soru tiplerini renecek ve ayt matematik korkulu ryanz olmaktan kacak.. Konu sonundaki mini denemeler ve ayt byle kar serisini muhakkat izleyin.Tek yapmanz gereken odaklanarak kursunuzu dinlemek. Hepinize iyi seyirler diliyor ve hedeflerinize ulamanz temenni ediyorum."
Price: 69.99

"S o sidime, dmelo. Spanish accent mark." |
"Course descriptionSpanish accent marks.This course is about Spanish accent marks and stress rules. The Spanish accent marks and stress rules are vital within the Spanish language. You cannot ignore these rules. As a language teacher, I know that many learners ignore these rules for a variety of reasons. Either they think that written accent marks and stress rules are not crucial within the Spanish language or they do not know how to use them correctly, or even what they mean either way, the point is we are here to learn them!I have done this course because I want you to have a full grasp of how to pronounce Spanish words, i.e., verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms and so on. As an illustration, you will learn how important it is to understand and learn the Spanish accent marks and stress rules to feel integrated within the amazing Hispanic culture. You will be able to know words that have the same sound and writing, but their meanings are different because their stressed and accented syllables change. As an illustration, we have the term nmero 1)Nmero 2)numero -3)numer1)Nmero= number (it is a noun).2)(Yo)Numero= First-person singular present indicative. It comes from the verb number.3)(l/ella/usted)numer= third-person singular past indicative.The last two words: numero and numer, both come from the verb to number, meaning to count the things in a series by order of the numbers, although they belong to different verbal tenses.In this course will be explained in detail the two uses of the written Spanish accent mark called tilde diacrtica and one spoken Spanish accent mark called acento prosdico. La tilde de la ee () o virgulilla de la ee (~) will be taught from Spanish point view and English point view. It is significant for your learning process to make things crystal clear. In the last two lessons, the diaeresis ()= la diresis and the peculiarities typical of the Spanish alphabet will be seen.A proper understanding of Spanish accent marks and stress rules is therefore essential if you want to read and write Spanish appropriately. Thus, your pronunciation and comprehension skills will be enhanced exponentially speaking. The positive news is that they are easier to learn than they seem. Spanish spellings follow very systematic rules. It means that when you learn them, you need to follow them, and they are not difficult to pick up. Understanding Spanish accent marks and stress rules enable you to appreciate one of the many fascinating aspects of this beautiful and magical language, making Spanish unique.Somebody said: Practice makes perfect 30 minutes of your time every day, your dedication to learn the Spanish accent marks. My adoration, linguistic knowledge and teaching skills will be more than enough for you to master the Spanish accent marks. You can be the best Spanish writer that you can be.I, as a facilitator of your learning, I break down the Spanish accents marks and stress rules, for you. So, you will build up your Spanish accent marks knowledge step by step, starting with your desire for keeping on learning the Spanish language, for keeping on extending your linguistic knowledge. The process is, as follows:Desire + dream + faith + commitment + action=success.Alongside with this, your internal process, you need to have lots of self-love, love, patience, and practice. It is the only way to make your dreams come true.My tip to you is to enjoy every step of this, your learning journey. Please do not try too hard to learn it, keep yourself light-hearted, fun, and hopeful.Mi consejo es disfruta cada momento , cada paso de tu proceso de aprendizaje. La vida esta hecha de pequeos momentos, de pequeos pasos y la suma de ellos dar como consecuencia que cada vez tengas un dominio mayor del espaol.With this course, you will develop your four linguistic Spanish skills in all areas of your life, personal and professional speaking:Listening skill- by listening to my explanations in Spanish and English, languages used in all my comments.Reading skill- by reading the different learning resources assigned for you.Writing skill-by doing the different ejercicios appointed to you. Reading and writing are link; the more you read, the better will be your Spanish writing. Besides, by doing this course, your Spanish writing skills will be developed, exponentially speaking.Speaking skill- after permeating your brain and mind with this beautiful language, you will be able to produce the Spanish language on your own. Firstly, you will improve your pronunciation and intonation, by knowing, for instance, the different between and n because these two letters are two completely different Spanish letters. Secondly, you will know the difference between solo and slo. Thirdly, you will speak Spanish more confidently because you know now that every Spanish speaker can understand you, without going round and round explaining the meaning of a word I know it can be thwarted!.Cultural input-through the different quotations at the end of each lesson together with extra-explanations of typical Spanish expressions. Mi querido amigo Don Quijote de la Mancha"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Professional in 3ds Max" |
"Here you can test your knowledge of 3ds Max software & Tools . This Practical test includes most of the shortcuts, tools, and software related information that you will need to understand in order to be an expert in 3ds Max software. this can also be utilized by students currently pursuing 3D Architectural Design or any Multimedia courses related to 3ds Max."
Price: 19.99

"HVAC Lessons Learned" |
"I tried to put my experience for HVAC systems into this lecture. It includes my know-how I have earned while working as a HVAC engineer for EPC projects in Middle East for major oil refinery and petro-chemical companies since 2010. I had lots of trouble when I stared work as a HVAC engineer in Qatar in 2010 since there was nobody who let me know about functions of the HVAC system. After finishing 4 EPC projects I get to understand about how to handle the HVAC projects.I added 14 cases of failure I have encountered while working for EPC projects. After checking them and their solutions, I believe that you will get to know what the HVAC functions are and how to configure them. Furthermore, I hope you would get hints for finding the cause and solution easily and fast when you need to handle the HVAC system with problem.We will discuss about the equipment and instrument to configure the below HVAC functions during the lecture. Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning Controlling Air Quality Preventing Fire & Smoke Spread Humidifying Energy Saving Noise Control Flow Control PressurizationAnd I will explain the requirements for each HVAC function. For example, fire dampers shall get certified from UL to be used an EPC project. And if you have any query, please let me know through feedback or email.Good luck."
Price: 99.99

"Lo Yoga dei Sette Chakra" |
"Lo Yoga dei Sette Chakra un corso adatto a tutti che ti insegner a riequilibrare i chakra attraverso una serie coordinata di asana. E' uno strumento utile sia per il neofita, sia per l'insegnante esperto che cerca nuovi spunti per le proprie lezioni. Ogni lezione seguita da un percorso guidato di rilassamento e visualizzazione, accompagnato dal suono rilassante delle campane tibetane. I moduli associati a ciascuna lezione approfondiscono le particolarit di ciascun chakra, evidenziando i benefici che si ottengono da un corretto equilibrio.Completano il corso un video dedicato al riscaldamento consigliato prima di ogni lezione e la registrazione delle musiche utilizzate nei video."
Price: 29.99
