"Costes para no especialistas" |
"En el presente curso se espera que los participantes adquieran conocimientos relacionados con Contabilidad de Costes y su rol como herramienta de apoyo a la Direccin de Empresas, distinguiendo claramente los mtodos de costeo y su aplicacin a los sistemas de costes. Lo anterior, permite a los participantes conocer la realidad en su contexto integrando los aprendizajes disciplinarios"
Price: 24.99

"Master Class para agentes de bienes races" |
"Para quin est dirigido?Para aquellas personas que no trabajanen el sector inmobiliario, que estn interesados en desarrollarse como agente de bienes races y saben que este sector les puede proporcionar la estabilidad financiera que buscan.Profesionales que busquen adentrarse en el negocio de bienes races.A los agentes, corredores, asesores y consultores inmobiliarios independientes.RequisitosSolo se requiere tener inters en aprender y desarrollarse continuamente, no se requiere conocimiento de la industria inmobiliaria, puesto que los trminos se irn explicando uno a uno y el curso ser de fcil aprendizaje."
Price: 29.99

"Speed Reading Bootcamp Schneller Lesen + Mehr Verstehen" |
"Wrdest du gerne schneller und effizienter lesen? Dann bist du hier goldrichtig.In diesem Kurs lernst du alles rund um das Thema Speed Reading. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Form des Lesens, bei der wir nicht mehr Wort fr Wort lesen, sondern einzelne Chunks (Wortgruppen) lesen und dabei versuchen unser Gehirn 100% auszulasten.Das fhrt zu folgenden zwei Effekten:Du liest schnellerDu liest konzentrierterDa Speed Reading aber, wie die meisten Fhigkeiten, sich nicht ber Nacht lernen lsst, findest du in diesem Kurs neben interessanten, komprimierten Theorievideos auch zahlreiche bungsaufgaben, Lesetests und andere Praxisbungen, die dir das Lernen von Tag 1 erleichtern.Dieser Kurs soll dich wirklich weiter bringen! Daher ist die gesamte Struktur auf maximalen Lernerfolg ausgerichtet. Ziel ist deine effektive Leserate, d.h. die Anzahl an Wrtern, die pro Minute in der Lage bist zu lesen (und zu verstehen) so hoch wie mglich zu bekommen. _________Dieser Kurs ist fr dich, wenn DU:gerne schneller und effizienter Lesen lernen mchtestmehr verstehen mchtest und lernen willst, wie du deine Konzentration aufrecht erhlstkurze, prgnante Kurse magst, die schnell zum Punkt kommen, ohne Stunden deiner Zeit zu verplemperneher praxisorientiert bist und mglichst das Gelernte auch gerne in der Praxis umsetzen mchtestZeit sparen mchtest, die du z.B. fr andere Dinge verwenden kannst als Lesen_______Freue dich auf:Full-HD VideolektionenZahlreiche bungsaufgaben und QuizzesTipps und Tricks zum schnellen LesenLebenslangen Zugriff30 Tage Geld-zurck-GarantieUnd vieles mehr!_______Gehen wir es gemeinsam an!Dein Luca"
Price: 49.99

"Contemporary Strategic Management" |
"This course is a complete package on Strategic Management which will help students to gain complete knowledge on Strategy formulation & Implementation. Without anchoring all tasks and requirements part of the strategy organizations will fail and miss the necessary actions for their future. This course teaches you the essentials of business strategy and tools needed for the analysis. Strategy Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers can carry so as to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization. Strategic Management gives a broader perspective to the employees of an organization and they can better understand how their job fits into the entire organizational plan and how it is co-related to other organizational members. The latest updates in this course include real-life examples and cases for the tools and techniques you learn during the course. Together with research about trends and arising technologies from leading consulting companies like Flipkart and Uber. This course directs you to the next level in your career."
Price: 3200.00

"Power BI: Introduccin y diseo de un Dashboard en 20'" |
"Aprenders como funciona Power BI y como te puede ser de gran ayuda en tu da a da a la hora de realizar y visualizar informes. Con este curso, sers capaz de manejar Power BI con soltura y de realizar informes sencillos de una manera muy rpida e intuitiva. Como objetivo, nos marcamos conocer las herramientas esenciales, aadir clculos DAX y crear un dashboard interactivo en 20 minutos."
Price: 19.99

"Rumba professionelle Basictechnik" |
"Rumba - Ein wundervoller und harmonisch Tanz!Es ist natrlich schn wenn man Figuren tanzen kann, aber mir wre das nicht genug. Ich mchte meinen Krper so gut wie mglich in Einklang mit der Musik bringen. Die weichen Bewegungen mit den schnellen Akzenten setzen knnen.In diesem Kurs geht es um die Basics, aber auf einem professionelleren Level!Erst wenn ich mich bei jedem Schritt super fhle und ich sagen kann, wenn ich in den Spiegel schaue, sehe ich genau die Bewegung und Ausstrahlung, die ich gerne sehen mchte, kann ich einen Schritt weiter gehen."
Price: 64.99

"Two Hands e Tapping para Contrabaixo" |
"O curso destino a todos os baixistas que buscam o desenvolvimento na tcnica de Two hands e Tapping no instrumento. Os exerccios so focados no Baixo, mas podem ser aplicados em outros instumentos como guitarra e violo. O curso composto por exerccios iniciais, bsicos, intermedirios e avanados. O objetivo dos exerccios desenvolver a independncia entre as mos direita e esquerda para a aplicao da tcnica efetivamente. Abordaremos tambm a aplicao do Two Hands e Tapping em conjunto com outras tcnicas como Slap e arpejos."
Price: 89.99

"Traveler's Sketchbook: Adding Watercolors to Your Sketches" |
"In this course, I will teach you how to create a series of thematic, painted sketches that tell a story or feature a particular location. The instruction will focus on adding watercolors to your ink drawings of buildings, trees, sculptures and other landscape features. I will travel to Santa Fe, New Mexico where I will show you how to create a series of sketches that bring to life a particular place. You can use your previous sketches, create a series from past photographs or make a new series from a place around you. I will introduce the idea of creating a thematic border around your sketches and you then you will watch me create my sketches. Half of the class, eight lectures, are dedicated to watercolors. I introduce watercolor techniques like flat and graded washes, glazing and creating value charts and creating study paintings. I will cover the materials and techniques that I prefer, and then you will watch me paint, with step by step narrated instruction instruction of how to paint your sketches. If you are a beginning painter, you can stop at any stage, and if you are up for more of a challenge, watch as I turn my sketches into finished paintings!"
Price: 39.99

"Feature Engineering with Excel & Python Machine Learning" |
"Machine Learning is getting increasingly famous for new aspirants to learn. I have seen many start this journey of never-ending learning start using Python or R to begin their journey. Due to all coding and no visual cues many often miss the joy of creating features and experimenting with data using Excel.I started my journey of Data Science with Excel, which helped me create a visual memory for creating features. My love for Data Science began with this simple yet powerful tool and a plethora of opportunities to solve new problems.In this video series, I will extract features using the Titanic Data from Kaggle. Excel will be used to do missing value treatment, engineering new features, creating test and train datasets. Python is our choice of tool for modelling. Hopefully, as a beginner, you will begin to discover Data Science as I have."
Price: 19.99

"Fotografa mvil: tomar y editar fotos como un experto" |
"En este curso te voy a ensear a sacarle el mximo provecho a tu telfono mvil, tanto para tomar como para editar fotos como un profesional!Vamos a empezar con los conceptos bsicos de composicin, iluminacin, exposicin, aprenderemos cmo tomar fotografas en modo automtico, como as tambin en modo totalmente manual.Tambin dedico toda una seccin a cmo mejorar tu fotografa de retrato, que es algo que vas a usar muchsimo.Luego, entraremos de lleno en el mundo de la edicin fotogrfica, donde te voy a compartir todos mis trucos y secretos para explotar tu telfono al 1000%. Y voy a ensearte a usar las aplicaciones que uso a diario para editar mis fotos.Para tomar este curso no necesitas ningn conocimiento previo, solamente ganas de aprender, y una cmara o telfono mvil con el cual poder obtener y editar tus fotografas."
Price: 79.99

edharproairbnb3 |
". . . . . . 30 29. . . . . . 30 ."
Price: 149.99

"Airbnb . CRM - !" |
", . . , . CRM - ! . . 500 ."
Price: 149.99

"Understanding Computer Programming (Beginners Roadmap)" |
"This course is meant to introduce people who have no programming experience to the world of computer science. With the tech industry becoming one of the most trending fields in the job market, learning how to program can be one of the most important and meaningful skills. This course will teach the basic, foundation concepts of programming in an easy-to-follow manner.The first part of the course will get students acquainted with some basic concepts used in programming and will lay the conceptual groundwork that the rest of the course will build upon. After learning the basic terms and concepts of computer programming, the next sections of the course allow students to practice these concepts hand-on.This course wont make you an expert programmer, but it will give you an exciting first look at programming and a foundation of basic concepts with which you can start your journey learning computer programming.Why Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A Developer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful programmer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of Computer programming and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Software developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Flask Framework Complete Course For Beginners" |
"Flask is a popular Python web framework. The tutorials in this section are intermediate to advanced tutorials that cover key aspects of Flask development. *Flask Framework: Flask Web Framework, In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of web applications .so that you can start building API and develop web applications using Python Flask Web Framework.How to build Python web apps with FlaskHow to use the Jinja template language to create the look of your appsHow to use the SQLite database to start developmentHow to use other databases with Flask by using Flask-SQLAlchemyUsing Flask to process incoming request data. Course OverviewFlask Framework - URL BuildingFlask Framework - HTTP MethodFlask Framework - TemplatesFlask Framework - Static FilesFlask Framework - Request ObjectFlask - Request.from ObjectFlask Framework - CookiesFlask Framework - Session Object And More..."
Price: 104.99

"Zero Auto-Sabotagem" |
"O Curso todo estruturado com base num conjunto de tcnicas de Psicoterapia Cognitivo-comportamental, hipnose, programao neuro-lingustica, yoga, terapia de campo de pensamento, neuro-cincia, filosficas e mesmo fisiolgicas, envolvendo vrias dimenses do ser humano.Este curso ir fornecer uma serie de ferramentas ao nvel psicolgico, provadas e validadas cientificamente, para ajudar a controlar melhor a auto sabotagem e por sua vez atingir mais os seus objectivos.Com este curso, proporciona um caminho de auto-conhecimento, de crescimento e evoluo. Promovendo uma serie de competncias emocionais, proporcionando um maior equilbrio e uma menor auto-sabotagem."
Price: 49.99

"Incredible Painting with MS Paint in Windows" |
"Hi DearI am crazy to do new Things Paint is my hobby i made these tutorials to show you how I used it as a Hobby.If you are crazy to draw Natural Scenes then this is very best option for you to get this course you will find it very Realistic Painting and will Appreciate it with big hand too.If you Know About the Paint or if you are Beginner of Paint then you are looking best for you."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Turkish for Beginners Step by Step Language Course" |
"Learn Turkish IMMEDIATELY and EASILY.Learn Turkish with a native speaker. Complete Turkish course (A1, A2)Acquire easily your Turkish course for beginners to intermediate level.In this course we cover the following topics:The Turkish alphabetThe numbers in TurkishSpeaking Turkish with a native speakerThe Turkish pronunciationWriting in TurkishThe most important grammar rules with lots of examplesTurkish conversation and communication skillsFormation of singular and plural (very easy)You will also learn:Your Turkish course includes: Complete HD Video lessonsYour Turkish course includes: Everyday situations and most commonly used words in TurkishYour Turkish course includes: The easiest way to master the Turkish languageYour Turkish course includes: Full lifetime access to the HD Video lessonsI look forward to presenting you with the simplest and most effective methods!Sincerly yours,Hulusi Carsanbali"
Price: 199.99

"Grundlagen Elektrotechnik - komplexe Wechselstromtechnik" |
"In diesem Kurs geht es um das Verstehen lernen von Induktivitt Kapazitt und Widerstand und Wechselspannung. Es werden Blindwiderstnde dieser Komponenten mit der komplexen Mathematik, welche auch in diesem Kurs erklrt wird berechnet. Anschlieend werden kompliziertere Schaltungen mit komplexen Spannungs- und Stromteiler berechnet. Hier wird auf das Zeigerdiagramm und die Phasenverschiebungen eingegangen. Abgrundet wird der Kurs mit dem Thema der Blindleistungskompensation."
Price: 34.99

NR-35 |
"A Norma Regulamentadora 35, ou apenas NR 35, estabelece os requisitos mnimos de proteo para o trabalho em altura, envolvendo o planejamento, a organizao e a execuo.Aprenda sobre a Norma Regulamentadora 35 e gere seu certificado ao final. Conhea os principais aspectos envolvendo trabalho em altura. Aumente seu conhecimento e sua segurana para execuo de trabalhos em altura."
Price: 69.99

"Channel Sales World: Recruiting Cloud Partners" |
"To succeed in today's cloud world, you will need to understand HOW to identify, recruit and enable these new Born in the cloud partner types to get your products to market. Recruiting these new partners requires a STRONG VALUE PROPOSITION to convince them invest in selling your cloud products vs. all the other cloud vendors in the marketplace. In this class you will learn the tools of a proven partner recruitment process to reduce your recruitment time by 2X!"
Price: 19.99

"Channel Sales World: Channel Enablement" |
"You will need to ensure that the network of partners you form are properly enabled and have the capabilities to BE AN EXTENSION of your sales force. In this class, we will teach you HOW to define the scope of your enablement program and the importance of having simple processes in place to ensure that your partners successfully complete the certification process so they can get to revenue as rapidly and effectively as possible"
Price: 19.99

"SAP FICO - Best video tutorial with exclusive explanation" |
"This course is designed in such a way that any beginners, freshers or candidate from any other domain will be able to learn SAP FICO easily.With the help of this video tutorials students will be able to learn and understand all the end-to-end implementation steps e.g. how to configure SAP Finance modules for any organization.The course also highlights the necessary documentation and methodology which are used in SAP FICO implementation projects.After this course, the students will be able to identify and analyse the business requirements of any organization and will be able to work as SAP FICO consultant modules accordingly.Disclaimer: SAP and other products of SAP mentioned in the training is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP SE, Germany. I am not related or affiliated to that."
Price: 199.99

"MicroPython for everyone using ESP32 / ESP8266 (Beginner)" |
"This course is a kick-start to MicroPython. Micropython is a lightweight version of Python 3 programming language designed for microcontrollers with a minimum of 256KB of ROM and 16KB of RAM. MicroPython supports chips like ESP32,ESP8266,STM32,nRF52,W600 etc.This course mainly covers the basics of MicroPython with different sections, Python 3 syntax, GPIO controlling, WiFi connectivity.The highlight of this course is MultiThreadingIn this course, the software used is free of cost."
Price: 19.99

"Achieve Successful HR Technology With The 5 Pillar Framework" |
"""I can concur that these pillars will surely make HR technology a true enabler in any business."" - Bernard ""Awesome stuff, really valuable information."" - Josephine The course is fantastic"" - LyleThis course presents the 5 pillar framework and world class case study for developing HR technology that best supports your employees and an HR shared services team. You will lean about employee self-service, case management, portals, knowledge management and talent acquisition. The course also teaches mobile technology for employees, automation for shared services and there is a case study that shows how all of these were successfully put into practice.Become a better HR professional today by learning about all of these fundamentals of how to create world class employee solutionslEmployee expectations of slick and simple technology is based on their experience in their own livesUser interface design thinking that is based on the volumes of employee transactions and queriesMobile technologies such as SMS, USSD, App and Mobi for delivering convenience to employeesTechnology as an enabler of employee experience, and how it needs to work seamlessly with an HR support functionHow you can automate, digitise and improve employee support processes with fit-for-purpose technology and solutionsThe use of technology in acquiring new talent into your organisation and how to treat new employees like new customersCost reduction in shared services and across an HR function in a medium to large organisationHow to choose the right mobile strategy for rolling out a new employee self service front endThe importance of de-cluttering and re-arranging screens to improve employee's user experienceTracking and tracing of employee queries using solutions that manage hand-offs and produce meaningful management informationHow to improve case management processes with immediate customer feedbackSelf-service solutions for employees and how to improve their experience of all the HR functions they needThe importance of combining systems into a single, consolidated portal for employeesHow technology needs to bring all the automated HR support functions together into an intuitive user experienceSaving time and money in a shared services environment by empowering employees with self-help when they need itThe importance of integrating HR systems like Oracle with recruitment platforms like LinkedInHow a knowledge management system should work and what employees will expect from itThe widespread use of Sharepoint for company intranets and how its new features support advanced employee portalsTake advantage of my experience in actually building and running these solutions for an organisation of 40,000 employees. I've packaged all my skills into this course to provide you with an incredible learning experience and help you become a better HR professional. Regardless of your knowledge of HR Technology, if you are interested in how to better leverage technology for HR then this course will help you!"
Price: 169.99

"Kalbelia, Danza Gitana del Norte de India" |
"En este curso podrs conocer y explorar los pasos bsicos de esta maravillosa danza gitana de la India. Sers capaz de realizar estos elegantes movimientos con dinmicas combinaciones y re descubrirs la belleza ancestral que habita en ti.Aprenders acerca de la mstica cultura de la Tribu Kalbelia, sus creencias, costumbres y mucho ms.La danza y msica Kalbelia fue reconocida por UNESCO, el 2010, como ""Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad"". Las danzas de la India son conocidas internacionalmente por su delicadeza, devocin y esttica.Anmate y bailemos al ritmo de la Cobra."
Price: 19.99

"Working with Containers using Docker (Aug 2020)" |
"Docker is open source OS-level virtualization software platform for Developing, Shipping and Running applications quickly. Docker packages software into standardized units called containers.Containers consists of the software needs to run such as system tools, libraries, runtime and code.Docker Image is a file which is read-only template and comprised of multiple layers that defines the containerThis course takes you through working with Docker.You will also learn about Docker Objects, and learn how to create an account in Docker Hub as well as repositories in Docker Hub, Pushing a Docker Image and pulling the image from Docker Hub, Containerize the Application using existing image, creating a custom Image using Dockerfile, and how to Compose a Docker application, creating docker clusters on AWS using ECS-CLI tool, different types of network and Creating Docker Rules for Iptables ,and different approach to create ipset and also how to Configure proxy for containers, Configuring External Authentication and how to limit the containers.Our focus is to teach topics that flow smoothly. The course teaches you everything you need to know to how to work with Docker containers with hands-on examples. Every day is a missed opportunity. Hurry Up!!!"
Price: 2240.00

"CISSP Certification: Most Detailed CISSP Domain 3 - 2020" |
"Have you heard that the CISSP is the hottest cybersecurity certification?Are you looking for the most detailed course on CISSP Domain 3 - Security Engineering?Are you interested in cyber security?--> If the answer is YES, this course is for YOU.Top three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!CISSP examination: This course will prepare you for the CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification Exam.Taught by a certified cyber professional: On top of the theory, I will share with you my insightful experience and illustrate it with concrete real-life examples.Next career step: This course will enable you to reach your next career step, to get an appealing cyber profile and set your learning journey into motion.OverviewOn a high-level, the course has two sections:Cryptography and Symmetric Key AlgorithmsPublic Key Infrastructure and Cryptographic ApplicationsWhat's in it for me, in detail?The course is divided into two sections, subdivided into topics as following:I. Cryptography and Symmetric Key AlgorithmsHistoryBasics of CryptographyModern CryptographySymmetric CryptographyCryptographic Life CycleII. Public Key Infrastructure and Cryptographic ApplicationsAsymmetric CryptographyHash FunctionsDigital SignaturesPublic Key InfrastructureAsymmetric Key ManagementApplied CryptographyCryptographic AttacksThe 2nd part of the CISSP Domain 3 Security Engineer is about to follow very soon. Stay tuned on your favorite social media platform!Related information security certifications:This CISSP course is perfectly designed for the preparation of IT Security certifications, ethical hacking penetration testing and for the following cyber security certifications:CISM Certified Information Security Manager certification from ISACA, CRISC Certified in Risk and Information Systems Controls certification from ISACACCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional certification from (ISC)CISSP concentrations: CISSP ISSAP, CISSP ISSEP, CISSP ISSMPCSSK Cloud Security certification from CSACompTIA Security+ certificationIn addition, you will also get: Unlimited Access to the course and all course updates. High quality support in the Q&A section. A Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download (CPE/CEUs). BONUS: 10 CISSP practice questions for Domain 3.What's next? Hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to cart"" button to start your CISSP course today !See you in class !"
Price: 29.99

"Your business, from idea to results" |
"Discover how to take your business idea or business from an abstract idea in your mind to a tangible and executable business with 3 tried and tested business model design tools, The Business Model Canvas, The Lean Canvas and The BASE board. Join me on this journey as we unpack these tools in developing definite strategies around building a desirable, feasible and viable business."
Price: 19.99

"Runas: El Orculo Nrdico" |
"El presente curso comprende un recorrido histrico y mstico acerca de las Runas, su comprensin, utilizacin, construccin y lectura oracular.Las runas fueron el sistema oracular y de consejo de los antiguos escandinavos, popularizndose como medio de comunicacin de los habitantes de las zonas nrdicas y germnicas (y posteriormente la zona de Reino Unido) debido a los viajes de negocios y viajes de conquista que realizaban los vikingos.El curso permitir un acercamiento a la historia de los pueblos Nrdicos/Germnicos, la expansin de las Runas en el Continente Europeo, en Reino Unido y posteriormente la conservacin del sistema simblico Rnico en Islandia hasta el Siglo XVII.Tambin analizaremos la historia mitolgica de la aparicin de las Runas en el mundo fsico y la utilizacin mstica oracular que usaban los sacerdotes y magos de la poca para trazar el rumbo de las acciones de sus pueblos.Luego de afianzar los conocimientos histricos y mitolgico-religiosos abordaremos todo lo concerniente a los smbolos rnicos.Analizaremos cada uno de los smbolos y los significados (Histricos, mitolgicos y mgicos), los materiales utilizados para su creacin, la forma de construirlas, sus usos; sus variantes entre el Futhark Antiguo, el Futhark Joven y otros smbolos que dieron paso a otras lenguas.Habiendo comprendido cada uno de los smbolos y sus significados, estaremos listos para aprender a tirar las runas y comprender cada una de las formas de Tiradas.Practicaremos las formas de lectura de las runas y cmo comprender el mensaje que envan, la forma de formular las preguntas, adems de variantes de lectura que se han ido creando a lo largo de los aos con la influencia del Tarot.Finalmente, estudiaremos las Runas en la modernidad, sus variantes, las modificaciones que se les hicieron a lo largo de los siglos y entraremos al mundo de los Talismanes Rnicos. Analizaremos los talismanes conocidos y encontrados en vestigios arqueolgicos, comprenderemos sus poderes y sus usos."
Price: 139.99

"Inciate en Keyshot, todo lo que necesitas para renderizar" |
"El renderizado 3D dentro de las industrias de productos, marketing y animacin ha aumentado con los aos debido a su facilidad y realismo que proporcionan.Keyshot es un software de renderizado 3D con imgenes estticas y animaciones 3D, el cual provee una versatilidad en su fcil uso y curva de aprendizaje corta. Nos provee de un motor de renderizaje interno con el que nos muestra productos de gran calidad y con modificaciones en tiempo real. facilitando as el proceso y reduciendo tiempos de entrega.En este curso, el estudiante aprender a realizar un render paso a paso, a travs de una gua prctica de video cursos en el cual se impartirn temas esenciales y un flujo de trabajo en el programa. Conocer la interfaz, como importar un modelo 3D, aplicar materiales y editar sus propiedades, aplicar iluminacin y sus tcnicas avanzadas, conocer los secretos de las cmaras virtuales y por ltimo a generar un render de alta calidad en corto tiempo."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Salsa Cubana Nivel 1" |
"Este curso esta diseado para todo tipo de publico y para quienes a pesar de su gran amor por el baile no han podido encontrar un lugar, instructor o tiempo que se adapte a sus necesidades. Deseando siempre lo mejor para mis alumnos he estructurado este curso desde ceros, esto permitir al alumno adentrarse al baile desde sus races permitiendo desarrollar todas las habilidades necesarias para reproducir un baile tcnico, limpio, bonito y fluido. El curso se va desarrollando con rutinas bsicas individuales para posteriormente ver la estructura del baile Cubano y as llegar a la conexin de pareja, despus nos adentraremos poco a poco en la tcnica de giros, tcnica de guas (manos) hasta la ejecucin de figuras mas complejas y vistosas ( bonitas ) El alumno tambin aprender como se estructura la base rtmica de la msica ya sea Salsa, Son Cubano y Timba para poder entrar a tiempo musical y no tener un desfase o error rtmico a la hora de bailar, a travs de rutinas desarrollara el sentido auditivo con respecto al genero musical con el que se baila y eso le permitir obtener un baile mucho mas fluido y en armona con la msica."
Price: 24.99
