"Freelancing 101: Teaching you what you need to Succeed" |
"Let me teach you how I earned $1,120 in my first month freelancing only part-time!This course is designed to show you the most lucrative freelance jobs you can do with little to no experience or skills. Oftentimes courses promising to make you thousands of dollars a month will require advanced web design, development or skills that require extra courses to master. My goal is to give you the resources to actually get started making decent money quickly by targeting the right freelance opportunities without competing with hundreds of others trying to bid the lowest cost just to get work.What to expect from the course: Well talk about the types of freelance/flexible work that I focus on to make the most money without signing up for dozens of freelance sites, bidding on work, and all those other time wasters that dont make any money.Each type of freelance job that I feature will have a resource PDF that gives you links to the companies that hire for those jobs as well as some great training links (if necessary) and other tips for that particular type of work.Ongoing Support, Im here to help with all your questions about freelancing and also will frequently update the course with new opportunities and tips as I find them.What do I need to get started? -To get started in most cases you just need a laptop, reliable internet connection and the willingness to learn. -There is no need to market yourself, build a website following or a portfolio, there is great freelance work out there that doesnt require all that up front work.-This course is mainly geared to U.S. residents as many of the companies I feature in the course hire primarily in the United States."
Price: 24.99

"Make Your Own Ukulele" |
"This course is about creating Ukulele in steps that are easy to followI teach using some common hardware tools but avoid using expensive, specialty tools. This course does not leave out any steps. Most items are built using ordinary hand tools, found in every other garage.You will need access to a small workshop or a garage with some basic woodworking tools. There are also places where you can buy specialty tools to make some parts of the build go smoother. You will also need wood, strings, tuners and other materials to make the instrument (there is no cake without the ingredients). There are videos covering which materials are needed and if you are starting I do recommend buying wood kits (these are kits where all the materials have been sorted for the type of instrument you are going to build - explained in greater detail in one of the lessons). This course is definitely for those who want the experience of playing their own instrument, handmade by themselves, for their own pleasure.The first step in this course is to download a drawing to print, and I will show you how to use Adobe Illustrator for that step of the way.When it comes to actual woodworking, first we build a small jig but most stringed instruments are build using jigs. One section of the course will have extra material and answers to some of the questions that might pop up along the way. Please be active by asking questions if you feel you need more information on certain parts during the build. I create small recordings to answer your questions and I will post them as extra material. Remember I am here for you.Ukulele is a great first instrument to build. Ukulele uses almost every concept used in acoustic guitar making. Everything from learning to print out drawings, making a jig and bending sides. And after the course you should be confident about creating other musical instruments."
Price: 84.99

"Fiverr: Freelance on Fiverr & Become a Top Rated Seller" |
"""Daragh leads you straight into taking action. I made $140 on Fiverr even before finishing all the provided content"" -Qistina TajuddinIn this course, we'll tackle everything, from set up to getting more exposure, so you'll be able to create a hugely successful Fiverr business from scratch or enhance an existing one.Design a Hugely Popular and Highly Profitable Fiverr Service How I Became a Top Rated Seller in 6 Months & You Can Too! How to get started selling on Fiverr even if think you have no marketable skills 6 Tactics That Will Help You Get More Sales on Fiverr 5 Strategies to Gettting More Reviews on FiverrOnce enrolled, you'll also have access to myself, a Top Rated and Featured Fiverr seller, so you can get feedback, advice and support as implement these strategies.Save Yourself Time by Knowing What Works on FiverrThis course will show you what it takes to be a truly successful Fiverr seller. You'll cover the ins and outs of developing your offer so you'll understand what it takes to create and launch a service that sells. With the tips and strategies you'll learn, you'll be able to save time and effort so you can generate a second income from one or more Fiverr servicesContent & OverviewWhether you're looking to build a side income, get paid to learn a new skill or test business ideas at a micro level, this course will help you achieve your goal.I'll reveal every tactic, trick and secret that I have learnt over the last 1.5 years selling on Fiverr.This course is a valuable investment to make in yourself especially when you can earn back the cost of it in just a quick few sales on Fiverr.So when you're ready to start your Fiverr business go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button.But don't wait too long, because every moment you hesitate you're missing out on cold hard cash!Believe me, the only regret you're going to have is that you didn't find this course 6 months ago or your money back!See you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Google Analytics for Beginners Hands-On Training Course" |
"Enrol today to grow your business and career with Google Analytics!Student Reviews ""This course gave me the information our company has needed for ages. No more big bucks to outsource this."" - Sue Freyvogel ""Amazing and usable content! ..Chock full of insights and helpful ideas. I learned so much."" - Jolie Hasson ""Laser focused exactly on the essentials I needed to hit the ground running with Google Analytics, highly recommended."" - Adolfo ForondaGo from Beginner to AdvancedBy the end of this Google Analytics course, you will be using Google analytics as a powerful tool to monitor the health of your business and identify growth opportunities.You'll go from beginner to advanced and your instructor will take you through each step on screen:Create a Google Analytics AccountInstall Tracking CodeLoad Demo Data from a Real Online StoreAdd Filters to Remove Internal TrafficAnalyze Real Time ReportsAnalyze Audience ReportsAnalyze Acquisition ReportsAnalyze Behaviour ReportsDeep Dive Into Data with Dimensions & SegmentsTrack Marketing Campaigns with Campaign TaggingAdd Colleagues to Google AnalyticsConfigure Goal TrackingRemove Spam TrafficSet Up Custom AlertsMaster new features like Analytics IntelligenceThis Course Also Comes With... Lifetime Access to All Future Updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!This Offer Won't Last ForeverEnrol today to grow your business and career with Google Analytics!"
Price: 199.99

"Quora Marketing: 7 Steps to Increase Website Traffic Fast" |
"Student Testimonial:""Excellent course on Quora! Really the best explanation of how to use Quora to generate traffic that I've seen"" -Josh Gwin, MBACourse ProjectAnswer a question on Quora following the 7 step processoutlined in this course.This is a simple but effective marketing strategy to increase your website traffic. Rinse & Repeat for best results!What is Quora?Quora is one of the largest question and answer websites in the world and its growing fast!In the first quarter of 2016 alone, monthly visitorsjumped 20% to 100 million.Now is the time for you to get in. Quora is much less competitive than other social sites like Facebook and Twitter.Quora of Business:3 Ways Quora can grow your business:Quora is a source ofLong-TermTraffic.Top answers get huge visibility, there's an in built viral-effect andQuora also ranks extremely highin Google search.Quora lets you establish yourself as anAuthority. Earn a widely respectedQuora badge when you become a top writer.Quora can get you noticed by major publications. Quora answers have beenfeatured in TIME, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Forbes and many others.7 Steps to Drive Long Term Traffic From QuoraLearn how to :Join Quora & Optimize Your ProfileChoose or Createa Blog Post to Link Back ToIdentify Questions That Are Worth AnsweringStructure Your Answers For Maximum ClicksPromote Your Quora AnswersTraffic Quora Traffic & ROI in Google AnalyticsRinse & Repeat (Just 5 Mins a Day!)Click the ""take thiscoursebutton"" toincrease website traffic now!"
Price: 99.99

"Como fazer faculdade de graa nos Estados Unidos" |
""Parabns ao Raiam pela iniciativa de ajudar e guiar jovens brasileiros a realizar o sonho de estudar fora, e pelo timo curso produzido, com abordagens diretas sem enrolao, bastante informativo, pois fala de assuntos ou situaes em que no conhecamos, ou tnhamos alguma ideia errada sobre aquilo, e s quem j teve essa experincia pode nos falar como realmente . E timo ter dicas e o passo a passo para ajudar na hora de fazer a inscrio no SAT e outros testes, que vo nos levar a brigar por uma bolsa em faculdades americanas, com certeza depois desse curso sairemos com uma boa vantagem contra a concorrncia. Muito obrigado pela oportunidade."talo Augusto Siqueira, aluno"Esse curso, sem nenhuma dvida, um divisor de guas! Estou na metade dele e com certeza, ele j mudou a minha vida e a perspectiva do meu futuro pra sempre. O Raiam um cara sensacional! Muito carismtico, explicativo e bem humorado durante o curso, sem falar que est sempre disposto a conversar e tirar dvidas. Se voc quer mudar a sua vida, e ter uma chance de estudar nas melhores universidades americanas e do mundo, entre j no curso, dou a minha palavra que voc no ir se arrepender".Alexandre Krum, alunoJ sonhou em estudar em uma grande universidade americana? Assistir jogos de College Football no estadio, freqentar festas de fraternidades e ter amigos de dezenas de pases diferentes? J pensou em conseguir um diploma de universidades como Harvard, Yale, MIT e Princeton? A hora agora! O workshop Como ganhar bolsa para universidades americanas tem todas as ferramentas que voc precisa para estudar em uma universidade americana sem pagar nada. So 70 lies e mais de 3 horas de curso com informaes preciosas sobre o processo de admisso das melhores universidades do mundo! No workshop voc vai aprender: - Como conseguir bolsas de estudos de at 250mil dlares - Tudo sobre os principais testes de admisso para faculdades americanas - Como usar sua nacionalidade brasileira a seu favor no processo de admisso e na conquista de bolsas - As diferenas entre o sistema universitario americano e o brasileiro - Como preencher um COLLEGE APPLICATION do inicio ao fim - Quais so os temas dos COLLEGE ESSAYS das principais universidades - Que universidades so as mais festeiras dos Estados Unidos - Como se preparar para fazer o SAT, o ACT e o TOEFL - De onde vm os recm-graduados com os maiores salarios dos Estados Unidos - Como escrever um COLLEGE ESSAY que te destaque do resto dos candidatos - Que universidades oferecem bolsas para estudantes brasileiros e o que fazer para entrar l - Que instituies brasileiras patrocinam jovens cujas familias no conseguem bancar uma graduao nos Estados Unidos? Tudo isso explicado de uma maneira clara e descontrada pelo apresentador de TV, especialista em intercambio, atleta da Seleo Brasileira de Futebol Americano e ex-bolsista da University of Pennsylvania Raiam dos Santos. O QUE ESSE CURSO NO COBRE: - Bolsas de curto prazo do governo brasileiro em programas como Ciencias Sem Fronteiras - Intercambios de high school - Cursos de Ingls no exterior - Negociaes com tcnicos de programas universitarios"
Price: 294.99

"Excel Bsico: Criando um fluxo de caixa passo-a-passo" |
"Do que trata este curso?Este curso um guia bsico para quem deseja aprender a manipular planilhas eletrnicas, como o Excel. Se voc trabalha em um escritrio, lidera um equipe, gerencia projetos ou precisa processar algum tipo de dado, este curso pra voc!Como sero as aulas?As aulas sero 100% em video com alta qualidade de imagem e som. Voc ver na prtica como executar cada passo e no ficar perdido em um mar de termos tcnicos.Qual a durao do curso?Este curso foi feito para, em pouqussimo tempo, capacitar o aluno a desenvolver planilhas extremamente teis no seu dia-a-dia. Todos temos pouco tempo disponvel diariamente, portanto perfeito para quem no quer perder tempo e quer irdireto ao ponto.Por que fazer este curso?Simples! Para garantir sua colocao no mercado de trabalho, ou conseguir um emprego melhor. Excel um dos principais requisitos para a grande maioria dos trabalhos de maior retorno financeiro. No h espao para desperdcios de tempo. E tempo dinheiro.Est em dvidas?Este curso gratuito. Matricule-se e faa um teste agora. ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Normal Procurement Process in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Basic Procurement Process Steps.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course: I will show you how to create the purchase requisition and how the requisition is released and further processed.- In addition, you will learn then how to create and send the request for quotation (RFQ) to selected vendors.- You will learn how to enter quotations, compare quotations.- Also, you will learn how to issue the purchase order (PO) to a vendor.- Later in this course, you will learn how to post the goods receipt from a purchase order.- Finally, you will then learn about the Invoice Verification, which is part of the accounts payable (AP) process, and where the vendors are paid for materials or services.This course is structured in three forms:-1. Presentation on the Topic2. Demo video on the subject3. Quiz part related to the subject."
Price: 94.99

"Learn SAP Query Step by Step" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - What is SAP query and why do we need queries? Many times a need arises for SAP Users and Functional Consultants to generate quick reports without getting any ABAP coding done time taken to complete the coding in development, transport and test it in QA system and then transport to production is sometimes too long. In such cases, SAP query is a tool provided by SAP for generating these kinds of reports. Overview of the course: - I will start talking about the basic SAP Query Creation concepts. SAP Query Creation with some real LIVE examples. What separates this course from other SAP courses is a focus on clarity and presentation. All lessons are easy to follow and feature a step by step guide to help beginners."
Price: 94.99

"Learn SAP LSMW Step by Step" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Legacy System Migration Workbench(LSMW).The Materials Management functionality is the main component of any SAP implementation. The Materials Management can be described as the train that drives the supply-chain functionality within SAP. It also integrates with other SAP modules as well. Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Functional Areas.Overview of the course: -Basic Concept of LSMWRecording Method Usage of LSMWSession on Material Master Creation from LSMW Recording MethodDifferent Applications on Run Batch Input Session.What separates this course from other SAP courses is a focus on clarity and presentation. All lessons are easy to follow and feature a step by step guide to help beginners."
Price: 94.99

"Learn SAP Material Master Archiving & Mass Change" |
"This Course consists of two main areas of SAP. :-1. Material Master Archiving2. Mass Change in MaterialsFirst article describes a process called Material Master Archiving in simple method. It is very simple and minimum time consumption process for Material archiving. Second Article explain about the process of executing the Mass changes in Material Master.I have used the Power Point Presentation along with SAP Demonstration.This course consists of more than 15 videos which are very easy to understand.Students should opt for this course as it will help them in their SAP Career and SAP Learning."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Service Procurement Process in SAP MM" |
"Every organization acquires goods to complete its business needs. Besides these goods procurement, an organization may require occasionally some kind of services. These services will include small maintenance task like changing the lights, painting and housekeeping. These services are carried out by external contractors and hence the whole process of procurement of services is known as service management. The key points about service management are as follows.Services are meant for direct consumption instead of keeping them in inventory.Service description along with unit of measure is stored as master data in a record that is known as service master record.System stores the services that have been procured as a record in a sheet called as service entry sheet.Complete LIVE demonstration of all the Lectures on SAP.You should opt for this course to have some better understanding on the Service Procurement Process in SAP MM."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Automatic Purchase Order Creation in SAP" |
"Auto PO means creation of Purchase Order Automatically in SAP while doing the Goods Receipt. Business Requirement is the possibility of receiving the materials for which there is no purchase order in the system.This course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of automatic purchase order creation in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"SAP MM Inventory Management" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Inventory Management.The Materials Management functionality is the main component of any SAP implementation. The Materials Management can be described as the train that drives the supply-chain functionality within SAP. It also integrates with other SAP modules as well. Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Inventory Management.Overview Of Inventory Management:-Inventory management is used to manage the inventory for the goods. It is based on several key processes. Definition of movement types, reservations, goods issue and goods receipt.We have already done basic goods receipt process in the purchase order topic, referencing it to a PO.There are a number of functions and transactions used in the Inventory management processes, and we will cover the most important in this tutorial.Overview of the course: -I will start talking about the Reservation.Then I will start talking about the Goods Issue and Goods Receipt which are at the core of the Procurement, Inventory Management.Next, I will show you the usage of different movement types.Parallely i will show you the related SAP tables and SAP Reports.What separates this course from other SAP courses is a focus on clarity and presentation. All lessons are easy to follow and feature a step by step guide to help beginners.This course consists of 30 videos and of around 1Hr content.All the SAP functional consultants should opt this course if they are looking for an expertise in Inventory Management scenarios."
Price: 94.99

"SAP Evaluated Receipt Settlement -ERS" |
"This course will give you the better understanding of Evaluated Receipt Settlement Process in SAP.Evaluated Receipt settlement (ERS) in SAP R/3ERS allows settlement of a goods receipt without receiving the Actual Invoice from the vendorUsing Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) means that you have an agreement with your suppliers that they do not create invoices for purchasing transactions, but you post them yourself based on the information contained in purchase orders and service entries. Thus, ERS has the following advantages:Purchasing transactions are closed more quickly.Communication errors are avoided.No price and quantity variances in invoice verification.This course is structured in two parts:-1. Process steps of Material Settlement in ERS2. Process Steps of Material and Planned Delivery Cost Settlement in ERS."
Price: 94.99

"Stock Transport Order and Account Assigned Order in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Stock Transport Order and Account Assigned Procurement Process.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the complete flow of Stock Transport Procurement Process and Account Assigned Procurement Process.This course is structured in three forms:-1. Presentation on the Topic2. Demo video on the subject3. Quiz part related to the subject."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Consignment Procurement Process in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Consignment Procurement Process in SAP MM.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the complete flow of Consignment Procurement Process in SAP MM.This course is structured in three forms:-1. Introduction2. Execution Flow of Process Steps3. Quiz part related to the subject.This course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Consignment Procurement Process in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Release Strategy Process in SAP Materials Management" |
"This course will give you the better understanding of Release strategy Customizing and execution of Release Processes in SAP.SAP Standard system allows only 8 levels of release codes.Release procedure is of two typesRelease Procedure without classification This procedure is applicable only for Purchase Requisitions. Here PR is released Item by Item only.Release Procedure with classification This procedure is applicable to PR, PO,Contract and scheduling agreements. Item by Item and Header level releases can be configured For PR - both item by item and Header level release can be configured For external purchasing documents - Release is possible only at Header level. This course is structured in two forms:-1. Customizing2. Execution of processYou should opt this course if you want to have a strong command on the Release Strategy concept of Purchasing Documents."
Price: 74.99

"Learn Organisation Structure Set up in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Organisation Structure Set up in SAP MM.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the set up of organisational elements in SAP MM.This course is structured in three forms:-1. Introduction2. Definition and Creation of Organisational Elements3. Assignment of Organisational ElementsThis course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Enterprise Structure in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"Vendor Master and Material Master Customization in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Vendor Master and Material Master Customization in SAP MM.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the set up of Material Master and Vendor Master Customization in SAP.This course is structured in three forms:-1. Introduction2. Vendor Master Customization3. Material Master CustomizationThis course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Vendor Master and Material Master in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Purchasing Documents Customization in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Learn Purchasing Document Customization in SAP MM.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the set up of Document Type, Number Range, Screen Layout and Text Types for Purchasing Section in SAP.This course is structured in three forms:-1. Introduction2. Purchase Requisition Customization3. Purchase Order CustomizationThis course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Customization of Purchasing Section in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Split Valuation in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Learn Split Valuation in SAP MM.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the Customizing and Process Flow of Split Valuation in SAP MM.This course is structured in three forms:-1. Introduction2. Customizing3. Process FlowThis course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Split Valuation in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Physical Inventory Process step by step in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Learn Physical Inventory Process Step by Step in SAP MM.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the Customizing and Process Flow of Physical Inventory in SAP MM.This course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Physical Inventory in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Microsoft Excel : Advanced Tactics for Professionals" |
"If you are looking for an Excel Course for beginner to Experts then this course is all about the small Tips and Tricks used in Microsoft Excel. This Course has some important tips for every beginner to expert.Excel is the spreadsheet application in the newest Microsoft Office suite. In the videos you will learn the basic techniques including the maths, statistics and logical functions and many more other areas. You will also learn the advanced techniques like VLOOKUP , PIVOT etc.Once you are enrolled i will always be there to assist you in case of any doubts."
Price: 44.99

"Learn SAP Automatic Account Determination-MM-FI Integration" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Learn SAP Automatic Account Determination - MM-FI IntegrationTaking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the set up of new Valuation class, G/L Account Settings.This course is structured in the following method1. Introduction2. Sample Scenario Details3. Setup and Execution of the newly created dataThis course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Automatic Account Determiation in SAP MM or MM-FI Integration in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Subcontracting Process in SAP MM" |
"SAP MM Material Management - Welcome to this training course presentation of the SAP Materials Management - Learn Subcontracting Process in SAP MM.Taking this MM course will help you with everything you need to start your career in working with SAP Purchasing , Inventory Management, Invoice Verification, and many other important areas of any Business.Overview of the course:This course will help you to understand the complete flow of Subcontracting Process in SAP MM.This course is structured in three forms:-1. Introduction2. Execution Flow of Process Steps3. ConclusionThis course consists of detailed presentation along with the Live Videos demonstration of the course content.Anyone who wants to understand the concept of Subcontracting Procurement Process in SAP, he should opt for this course."
Price: 94.99

"Photoshop: Real World Learning" |
"By now, you should be fairly familiar with the various tools that Photoshop offers. Now it's time to put it to use! This course teaches you how you can use those tools to create, retouch, and design! This course doesn't follow a traditional structure. Instead, it's broken down into the categories that students are most interested in, and each video stands on its own. There's no need to watch them in order! Simply choose the video that contains what you want to learn, and enjoy! While you'll likely be able to follow along using older versions of Photoshop, it's recommended that you're running the latest version of Photoshop CC, part of the Creative Cloud."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign & Design Grfico" |
"Est preparado para aprender algumas tcnicas utilizadas em Design Grfico? Quer ser um criativo? O Design Grfico uma rea criativa e tcnica que consiste em utilizar imagens e textos para comunicar uma determinada mensagem. O Designer Grfico tem como funo recorrer a programas de edio grfica para produzir os suportes visuais tanto em papel como em formato digital. Neste curso ir aprender algumas tcnicas para trabalhar como especialista em Design Grfico recorrendo aos softwares Photoshop, Illustrator e InDesign da Adobe. Poder aceder s diversas vdeo-aulas, exerccios prticos e questionrios para desenvolver as suas capacidades criativas e tcnicas. Prepare-se para entrar no mundo imaginrio das composies grficas! "
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop Design Techniques" |
"In this course you will learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop basic tools. You can view some of the high quality training videos for photo manipulation, retouching, text effects, and much more. This course is easy to follow and it has some practical examples. In the end, you will be fully versed in the use of the basic tools of Photoshop, and able to open, edit and prepare images for use in print, or digital media such as PDF's or the Internet. Included are full work files, to allow you to learn right along with the instructor using the exact same files that he does."
Price: 19.99

"Crea vdeos para Youtube de calidad y gana dinero con ellos" |
"Este curso pretende ensear al alumno a crear vdeos de alta calidad para su uso en canales como Youtube, Facebook, o incluso para uso personal en otras redes de inters comunicativo audiovisual. Cualquiera puede ser pblico objetivo. Desde el chaval que desea mostrar vdeos de videojuegos hasta el profesional que necesita mostrar sus conocimientos en su canal, pasando por simplemente aquella persona que quiere muchos fans a partir de contar su da a da, o usar su vis cmica. La terminologa tcnica es sencilla, y no requiere de conocimientos previos. Se ponen muchos ejemplos, desde vdeos o tcnicas de marketing. El curso son un total de 2 horas de contenido visual, y 1 mes de prcticas con los diferentes programas, incluyendo el seguimiento del xito del canal de YouTube. Est estructurado en 5 partes: -Rodaje del material. -Montaje con Premiere. -Cortinillas con After Effects. -Sonido con Audition. -Marketing de nuestro contenido. Hay muchas razones para realizar este curso, desde mostrar contenido personal, opiniones, dar credibilidad y profesionalidad, video currculos, muestra de videojuegos, charlas, trabajar haciendo vdeos para YouTube, etc..."
Price: 29.99

"Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing MASTERY 2020 Coursenvy" |
"Want to become a Facebook Ads expert? JOIN THE 500+ COMPANIES I HAVE CONSULTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND INCREASED CONVERSIONS FOR VIA FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM ADS! Facebook Marketing is a REQUIRED skill for anyone with a business, product, service, brand, or public figure they need to PROMOTE! Join our 300,000+ modMBA students who have MASTERED Facebook advertising with this COMPLETE Facebook Marketing Mastery Course! Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now! You get lifetime access to lectures!You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the Social Media Marketing strategies I implement for my clients daily, including what social media pages are right for you and content management options that will streamline your posting process. This course will also layout how to optimize your Facebook page and Facebook ads therefore enabling you to reach any type of target market! Make the most of social media marketing and make it easy... so you can get back to what you do best, running your business! In this course, you will learn Facebook Marketing from beginner level to advanced! We delve deep into EVERY aspect of Facebook and the Facebook Ads Manager. Learn how to use and optimize every type of Facebook campaign, Facebook custom audience, Facebook pixel... the things you will learn about Facebook are truly amazing and will instantly help advance your presence online!You will be able to optimize your Facebook ads for increased conversions and decreased costs. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of Facebook ad. You will be able to grow your Facebook page likes and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand to new heights via online marketing. Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Facebook Marketing! TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS... LEARN HOW FACEBOOK MARKETING, FACEBOOK ADS, AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WILL MAKE YOUR BUSINESSES A HOUSEHOLD NAME! ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99
