"Topluluk nnde Konuma ve Etkili Sunum Sanat" |
"Kursuma katlan rencilerle belli periyotlarla canl ve cretsiz online eitimlerle de bir araya geliyoruz. lk canl eitimimizi 18 Eyll'de gerekletirdik: ""Kendine Koluk Yapmak"" Sradaki webinarmz yaknda!..Kendinize yapacanz en nemli yatrma hazr msnz?Yamz ve mesleimiz ne olursa olsun topluluk nnde konuma yapmann kanlmaz olduu bir adayz. Daha da tesi bu konumalarn etkileyici olmas ve fark yaratmas, modern zaman insannn sahip olmas gereken en nemli niteliklerden biri. nsanlara ilham vermek, bir doruya ikna etmek, bir srece dahil etmek, bir rn satmak, onlar etkilemek...Topluluk nnde ilham verici konumalar yapmak, doutan gelen bir yetenek deil. Kendimize gvenerek, alarak ve doru teknikleri uygulayacak renip gelitirebileceimiz bir beceri. Bu kursu tamamladnzda:Konuma iin ihtiyacmz olan zgveni nereden ve nasl bulacamzEtkili bir konuma ieriinin oluturulma admlarnSahne performasna ynelik hazrlklarn nasl olmas gerektiiniSlayt ve grsel unsurlarn pf noktalarnSes tonu ve beden dilinin etkili kullanmnletiimin temel zellikleriniEtkileyici konuma stratejileriniKonumaya nasl balanp nasl bitirilmesi gerektiiniSunum performansn st dzeye karacak nemli taktikleriSeyirciyi avucunuzun iine alma yollarnOlas aksaklklarda neler yaplmas gerektiiniSk yaplan hatalar ve bunlara dmeme ipularnrenmi olacaksnz."
Price: 249.99

"C Programlama Dili(Uygulamal Anlatm)" |
"Bu kurs yazlma yeni balayanlar ve orta dzeyde yazlm bilgisi olanlar iin hazrlanmtr. Kurs boyunca belirtilen konularda C bilgisi verildii gibi, ayn zamanda bir rnek kodlama ile konu pekitirilmitir. C Programlama Dili kursunu bitiren renci ok rahat bir ekilde gml sistemlerde ve sistem dzeyinde uygulamalar gelitirebilecek ve dier dilleri renmek iin ok nemli basamak olmu olacak.Eitim Boyunca Uygulamal Anlatm gereklenmitir."
Price: 49.99

"Digital Marketing Strategy for Managers" |
"A time-saving, visual explanation of the major aspects of online marketing for the non-technical, busy manager. SEO and Cost per Click advertising are presented by using explanatory images which simplify the information overload produced by the internet. Upon completion of this course you will understand how social media, website development, e-commerce and mobile marketing fit into overall business strategy. The content is geared towards managing online marketing from a strategic perspective, not performing specific detailed tasks. The focus is on cultivating management behavior. You will acquire the skills of prioritizing the amount of time spent on different online activities, you will invest ad-spend dollars judiciously, you will research appropriate content with insights which persuades consumers, and you will identify keywords which maximize traffic. You will also align online marketing activities, to specific pages on your website, by applying marketing principles efficiently. By the end of the course, you will be the architect linking all your digital platforms ; you will also be the archer (deciding which target segments to hit) with each advert. As both architect and archer, you will exercise strategic and tactical thinking, in order to formulate a sound digital marketing strategy. "
Price: 39.99

"Russir votre transformation en devenant agent du changement" |
"Si vous cherchez une dmarche complte de A Z qui propose de vrais outils du changement tels quils sont utiliss en entreprise...Si vous cherchez des informations concrtes et des outils qui seront immdiatement utilisables dans votre activit...Si vous recherchez rebondir aprs la crise conomique lie la pandmie de Covid-19...Si vous cherchez un cours passionnant qui ne sarrte pas un type qui parle seul devant une bibliothque...Ce parcours exclusif sur la conduite du changement est pour vous !Il vous emmnera de San Francisco Roissy et de Sydney Fontainebleau pour vous guider pas pas dans une dmarche agile de conduite du changement en interrogeant votre rle personnel de Change agent dans ce changement !Ce cours sintressera toutes les dimensions du changement :Le changement comme un tat desprit que tout collaborateur doit adopter et cultiver pour construire sa carrire et obtenir des promotions.Le changement comme une comptence individuelle que tout manager se doit de possder pour dvelopper ses capacits de leadership.Le changement comme une capacit dquipe car le changement est un sport collectif et collaboratif.Le changement comme un processus dorganisation qui implique un changement de culture de lentreprise souhaitant devenir plus agile et innovante.Ce cours est le plus complet que vous trouverez en ligneCe cours est modestement le plus complet que vous trouverez en ligne, et vous avez de la chance, il est en franais ! Tous les outils, modles et approches ont donc t traduit en franais et vous permettront de mettre en place une dmarche de changement tape par tape, pour vous, votre quipe ou votre entreprise.Toute cette approche est conue sur la base de mon exprience de manager du changement, dirigeant et consultant en France et en Australie. Je ne vais donc pas vous donner une recette toute faites mais vous aider vous familiariser avec les ingrdients qui vous permettront de construire votre propre parcours de conduite du changement.Alors cliquez sur Ajoutez au panier et attachez votre ceinture !"
Price: 49.99

"Fr Eltern: Mathe 5. Klasse Gymnasium Komplettkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihrem Kind alle Themengebiete der 5. Jahrgangsstufe am Gymnasium inklusive vieler Aufgaben nherbringen knnen. Egal, ob wegen des bertritts auf das Gymnasium, oder um Wissenslcken langfristig zu schlieen- in diesem Komplettkurs wird ihr Kind die 5. Jahrgangsstufe Mathematik meistern.Wenn Sie als Elternteil Ihre Mathematik-Kenntnisse und die Ihres Kindes auffrischen wollen, dann ist dies der richtige Kurs dafr!Wichtig! Dieser Kurs richtet sich in erster Linie an Eltern, die Ihre Kinder beim Lernen untersttzen wollen. Dennoch ist der Kurs auch fr jeden Schler verstndlich, da nur Mathematik-Kenntnisse aus der Grundschule vorausgesetzt werden!"
Price: 29.99

"Understanding Leadership Decision Making" |
"Understanding Leadership Decision Making is a series of short videos explaining the mental road maps and pitfalls that can influence management at all levels. Using cyclical proven processes such as the OODA Loop and JESIP joint decision making model, we will walk the steps of senior leadership and understand how decisions are made under pressure then through case studies analyse the effects of good and different decisions made and the reactions of those that they impact."
Price: 19.99

"Learn ETABS & SAFE in the Structural Design of 15 Stories RC" |
"This course not just a tutorial on software ETABS and SAFE but it is a complete understanding about structural design analysis, how civil engineer must begin with the project, how he/she must think, how we can determine the dimension of the element before modeling them check it in the software. In this course we will design a 15 stories of a residential buildings, within the work we will define and design all types of slabs such as (waffle slab, one way ribbed slab, two way ribbed slab, flat slab and solid slab), all types of foundations such as (isolated,combined,strip and mat), earthquake with static and dynamic case, wind loads, columns and beams and shear walls + Advanced lectures in ETABS + Advanced lecture in SAFE and AllPile (design piles deep foundation of a tower of 25 stories) + design a swimming pool in ETABSExample 2 Design a mosque with the Dome and minaret + piles foundation of the minaret to resist tension stresses in foundation we will use in the design ETABS, SAFE, SAP2000 software + learn how to design beams using SAP2000 + how to model the dome in ETABS or SAP2000How to Model dampers in ETABS (Fluid Viscous damper FVD) and show the effect f using this type of damper on story displacement of the building How create report and detailing drawings in ETABS"
Price: 99.99

"OCI Architect Professional (1Z0-997) Practice Exam" |
"OCI Architect Professional (1Z0-997) Practice ExamOracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Professional Exam Simulation is designed for all candidates, including IT Professionals responsible for designing and developing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, cloud architects, and consultants. who want to validate their knowledge and skills to pass 1Z0-997 exam.100% Pass Guaranteed. Please leave your feedback once you successfully complete this practice exam."
Price: 29.99

"Hands-on Malware Analysis by Coding Malware" |
"Did you know that Cyber Security researcher jobs demand is increasing year by year? Did you know this demand is not covered and the salaries are the highest in the technology sector?This course (we customized the english captions for your convenience) will teach you everything you need to know to start your career as MALWARE ANALYST and put you on the highway to one of the most well-paid sectors in the cyber security industry.Based in the premise: ""You can't analyze something you don't understand how it works"". You will be provided with full malware source code (proof of concept). We will walk you through our malware samples (Injectors, malicious DLLs, Keyloggers and Ransomware) line by line.We will use our own malware samples to teach you stealth techniques, obfuscation, armoring and persistence.We will take you step by step from Static to Dynamic Analysis, to learn how to catch, an examine our own malware samples in your system and network.If you are not a beginner either way, you will enjoy and gain knowledge by analyzing our malware code and technical explanations.This course was designed by experimented malware analysts, cyber security researchers and academics. It is meant to be didactic and easy to follow, then is full of resources that you will find in the correspondents sections.So far, we added these resources (could be more later):1. Rams1: is a Ransomware malware sample (full code provided for academic purposes).2. DecryptRams1: software to decrypt files encrypted by Rams1 (full code provided for academic purposes).3. Ransomware Help: is a small document to help you out if you are infected.4. TotalAware2: is a Keylogger able to steal Facebook credentials and connect to a Command and Control Center (full code provided for academic purposes).5. TotalAware3: is a Keylogger coded in C++. (full code provided for academic purposes).6. Injector7: injects malicious code into a legitimate Windows process (full code provided for academic purposes).7. Dll4: is a sample malware coded into a dll (full code provided for academic purposes).8. Dll8: shows how to use export function in a dll (full code provided for academic purposes).9. Practices: is a document containing the lab exercises guide.10. Lab Requirements and quick guide: is a document to help you set up a safe lab for malware analysis.11. Web Resources: is a document with web pages will be using along the course.12. CriticalPatchWin1.0: is a malware sample to trick users into download malware (full code provided for academic purposes).Just a little something: Crackers are unwelcome! We are the good guys. Our malware samples are not meant to be weaponized."
Price: 199.99

"Become an E-Commerce Entrepreneur" |
"What's your life like at the moment?The 9-5 disease has become an epidemic and only a few escape. If you feel like your not reaching your full potential and want to start an e-commerce empire to change your life in every possible way, then don't just keep it as a fantasy and, let's turn it into a reality. The hardest part about starting a business, is starting the business. People have quit their dreams just because they could not locate a product to sell or don't know the first thing about contacting a manufacturer.What does this course do for those types of people?You can picture this course as an escape. Malonda has provided a WORKING step-by-step method to create your online empire, covering every section along the journey. You will learn and morph into the traits of an entrepreneur, use special formulas to determine what your main product will be, contact internal manufacturers to create samples/bulk orders, gain tertiary freight forwarding knowledge for importing and exporting, creating your website and hitting the launch button.These sort of opportunities don't come every day and one of the main questions that we get asked is ""What difference is this course to the other e-commerce courses available?"" and we simply reply with ""Other online entrepreneurs will tell YOU what to do, but they will never tell you what THEY do"". This is not a teacher-student course, this is a lifestyle change and we jump right in the passenger seat with you, while you drive into the future. Excitingly, offering unlimited support through phone, chats and emails. You will have the ability to make comments on each topic/session should you need assistance.How every part of the course applies to the average salary and lower.Sounds crazy, but it's not. We have to remind everyone that we understand that you are not a millionaire and don't expect you to rob a bank in order to start this business. Many other courses have been described as unreasonable with the expectation that anyone learning can afford a $10,000 shipment in one purchase. The average salary in USA is $43,000 and in Australia is $85,000 and we take this into consideration and every approach is budget friendly to ensure you aren't spending large amounts of money that will be financially detrimental. If you are earning lower than this average, that is completely fine as every method taught is via a FREE approach or a cheaper alternative. We also cover methods on obtaining business funding, if you do require it."
Price: 24.99

"Complete Forensic Lie Detection" |
"Law enforcement experts deliver focussed training in the detection of deception. This model is utilized to great effect worldwide in the forensic detection and analysis of deceptive behaviour. The course covers verbal and nonverbal indicators of deception as well as effective questioning techniques. It teaches the interviewer the necessary skills to not only identify deception but to also uncover the truth. "
Price: 24.99

"The Complete SQL Database in Tamil" |
"This course fully done by Tamil language for Tamil students. This course contains many assignments and projects. so you can learn SQL course effectively. if you complete all assignments and projects, you can assume that you learnt full Structured Query Language. SQL Database is very important thing when you entering into Programming language or when you doing Real time projects. so SQL is important thing to learn before programming language. All the best."
Price: 1280.00

"Open-Source Contribution: Guide for Developers" |
"The Open-Source ecosystem is booming and is driving innovation at a much faster pace. Open-Source is the best means for developers and techies to showcase their skills and constantly update themselves with the latest trends and rapidly evolving tech landscape.Utilize your ability to code and build solutions, and take it to the next level by grooming yourself into becoming an Open-Source Contributor.As your progress on your Contribution streak, you:Enhance your developer profile by showcasing your skills to potential leadsMonetize on your new-found skill to generate an additional revenue streamTake advantage of potential Open-Source initiatives and sponsorship opportunitiespick up other learnings such asThe best software development practices and design patterns usedInteract, communicate and collaborate more effectively with project owners, maintainers and other contributors as wellFamiliarize yourself with Build pipelines, Task automation, and Testing tools such as for Code Quality, Coverage, etc.Note: Previous background in programming and software development is expected, so please ensure the same before enrolling in this course."
Price: 10240.00

"Positive Discipline Craft" |
"This course will help you as a parent to understand more your kid and encode their misbehavior and also understand parenting with positive disciple and build a new strong connection with your kids while doing craft activity and teach them life skills through craft.I included craft activity with my kids to show you real examples of how teaching your kids life skills and how using positive discipline tools with your kids.Also, I included many tips to help you doing craft activity with your kids without any stress."
Price: 29.99

"Active Directory: Everything About Computer Accounts" |
"This course is aimed to anyone who works or is going to work in an Active Directory Domain as a Help Desk or Network Admin.It's goal is to define as many aspects of computer accounts as possible & teaching how to join computers (Windows, Linux, and Apple) to the Windows Server 2000 ~ 2019 domains & TShoot the problems."
Price: 99.99

"Distance Learning Videos Made Easy" |
"Want to make amazing instructional videos for your students? Let me take your step by step through the process. We'll learn about lighting, cameras and editing. I'll show you how to use the tools you may already have to make professional looking videos for your students. This course is specifically geared toward the complete beginner, but there's something here for everyone regardless of your skill level."
Price: 19.99

"Chinese Characters Bootcamp 1: Best Way To Memorize Chinese" |
"It is not easy to learn everything about Chinese. The tones, the characters, and pronunciation are always a challenge to get the hang of in a day. This course saves you much labor by introducing and focusing on a fun and entertaining way to learn Chinese characters and awesome tips to remember Mandarin Chinese characters. Have fun learning Chinese characters by breaking, building and merging them with other components forming memorable characters you cannot afford to forget. This method starts at the core of your language journey by not focusing on all the nitty-gritties but rather one core theme: Characters."
Price: 29.99

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Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel Course - Tips & Tricks For Data Analysis" |
"Excel is most popular Spreadsheet Program in the world. Many Industries & Business use excel day to day work. Also Excel is most popular & powerful analytical tool for Data Analysis. Because this helps to manage; analyze & understand data easily & simplify complex tasks. Microsoft Excel has so many techniques & tips which are very helpful when we work with data. About this courseThis Course really helps to expand your knowledge about Excel Tips & Tricks which you need in Data Analysis. That helps to speed up your work , reduce manual works & become smarter Excel User.Learning very important Excel techniques which you should know when you work with large Data Sets & Multiple Data Sheets in order to speed up your work & reduce manual works.Learning Excel Basic but very Essential Ticks & Tips which you should know when you work with data tables. That helps to easy & quick your work.Learning Excel Techniques which you should know when you analyze your data using excel. Getting knowledge about How to apply conditional formatting ,Grouping Data & Getting summary of your data set, Getting Quick insight about data set before doing the Analysis & etc.Learning that how outcome of formulas is changed based on different inputs.Learning that how to protect Excel Data from Other users unnecessary actions. Learning that how to control what can be entered in our worksheet by other users.Learning that how to use Excel Wildcard Characters practically.I have created this course using Microsoft 365. But you can use Microsoft Excel 2019 & 2016 also.If you have basic knowledge of Excel is recommended, But that is not required."
Price: 99.99

"Drawing the Astrology Glyphs" |
"The planets in astrology all have their own symbol of representation. These symbols are often used as a means to refer to the planets, or connect to the energy signatures of the planetary bodies.In this course we explore a square grid, in order to construct the planetary symbols used in astrology."
Price: 19.99

"Sosyal medyada Mutfak Kitap ile balayan eki mayal ekmek serveninde geni kitlelere ulamamzla ortaya kan farkndal, imdi bu online ile daha da fazla insana ulatrmak iin hazrz. %100 eki mayal ekmek yapma konusundaki bilgi ve deneyimlerimiz, yalnzca Mutfak Kitap takipileri ve eitime gelenlerle snrl kalmamalyd. Zira dnyann en ok ekmek tketen nc lkesinde yayorsak ve ekmein yaad deiim ile ciddi salk tehditlerinin hedefi haline geldiysek, ekmek konusunda anlatacaklarmz da lkemiz iin ok ok nemli demektir.Bizler, ocuklarn vatana millete hayrl evlat olsun dualaryla bytld bir toplumda yayoruz. Bu yzden her birimizin asli grevlerinden biridir faydal olmak. Ben de bir ef olarak gnmzde git gide trmanan beslenme ve gda sorununa en ok tkettiimiz ekmek ile bir k yakmay gnlden istiyorum. Bu amala ortaya koyduumuz Bir Lokma Ekmek ile tpk eskiden anneannelerimizin, dedelerimizin yapt yntemlerle yaplan ekmeklerin evimize, bedenimize ve muhabbetimize kataca scakl sizlerle paylayorum.Bu eitimi alrken; ekmein tarihinden, eki mayann ilk ortaya kndan balayacak; ardndan bir buday tanesinin derinlerine yolculuk edeceksiniz. Buday anlamak ekmein tm srlarn size fsldayacak. Evrende hi bir ey ylesine yer almaz. Gluten de bunlardan biri! Ancak nasl ilendii nemli! Bu online eitimde son zamanlarda ad ska alnan gluten hakknda bilinmeyen gereklere deineceiz. Bunun ardndan ekmek yapmna ve eki mayaya dair her eye grsel anlatml tariflerde yer vereceiz.Ekmek yalnzca bir besin deildir. Bir nimet ve bereketi temsil eden bir semboldr. Bu yzden ekmei anlamak iin ona gnl gzyle bakmak gerekir. Bu yzden kltrmzde ve tasavvufta ekmek konular ile ekmein gnllerdeki yerini kavrayacaz. Son olarak, eitimlerime katlanlar ekmek iini ilerletmek adna motive eden szlerimi siz deerli okurlarm iin de kaleme aldm naizane motivasyon konumalar ile baarya ulamann anahtarn birlikte arayacaz."
Price: 259.99

"PowerBI: Informes Dinmicos para Decisiones Inteligentes" |
"Curso prctico de PowerBI! Con este curso dars un salto de calidad en la construccin de informes y en el seguimiento de los datos relevantes para tu negocio o labores diarias. Empanzaremos desde cero en esta poderosa herramienta de Microsoft y alcanzars un nivel totalmente funcional. El prximo informe que presentes ante colegas, clientes o jefes te posicionar como un profesional a la vanguardia con el BIBA (Business Intelligence y Business Analytics). Anmate!Descripcin del curso:Empecemos por decirte qu es PowerBI. Es una herramienta creada por Microsoft hace apenas 5 aos y se ha convertido, a pesar de su juventud, en la ms poderosa herramienta para la inteligencia de negocios en el mundo. Es muy intuitiva, con un buen tutor puedes aprender a usarla muy rpido. Su flujo de trabajo es el siguiente: mltiples fuentes de datos (Excel, Access, paginas web, pdf, SQL, Odata, entre muchos ms) + PowerBI (ya sea en su versin de escritorio o en versin web) + vistas dinmicas consultables por cualquier persona. Y, sorprndete, su versin gratuita es suficiente para dar un gran salto de calidad en lo que haces.El curso cuenta con 6 mdulos, cada uno con 3 o 4 vdeos en los que te ensearemos a utilizar la aplicacin a travs de ejercicios prcticos que t mismo podrs ir haciendo para afianzar tu aprendizaje. Todos los ejercicios hacen parte de un proyecto que culminar con la publicacin de un informe dinmico en la web, que podrs compartir con quien quieras.Para este curso tendrs un tutor totalmente entrenado en la herramienta, pues la ha usado en el ejercicio de su profesin desde el 2016. Es un joven psiclogo con mster en educacin universitaria, que lleva ms de 5 aos trabajando en formulacin, medicin y evaluacin de proyectos y servicios, cuyo xito ha estado mediado por el uso de esta herramienta. Conoce ms de l y de su empresa Miner Datos en el apartado instructores.En el apartado de contenidos podrs echarle un vistazo a los temas y visualizar algunos vdeos de manera previa."
Price: 59.99

"Automao de Testes Mobile com CodeceptJS e Appium" |
"Se voc que sonha em aprender automao de testes mobile, e quer levar a sua carreira para o prximo nvel, aqui o lugar certo! Voc vai aprender tudo sobre automao de testes Mobile, do zero ao avanado. Vamos desvendar muitos mistrios e dvidas de alunos sobre automao de testes. Vamos abrir o jogo para voc sair do cho com a automao de testes mobile! Voc vai aprender a automatizar testes mobile para Android e iOS!E o melhor: COM O MESMO CDIGO!"
Price: 39.99

"Operacionalizando o Google Classroom" |
"Atualmente, as ferramentas digitais esto sendo amplamente utilizadas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Dessarte, entendemos que novas habilidades e competncias sero requeridas aos profissionais da sociedade da IV Revoluo Industrial, ainda mais conectados em trilhas de aprendizagens compartilhadas. A educao trouxe novos desafios e com eles vieram novas prticas pedaggicas. Este curso proporciona uma experincia na operacionalizao de algumas ferramentas da Google, mais especificamente o Google Classroom."
Price: 39.99

"Relaciones Extraordinarias para Construir Familias Felices" |
"El curso de Relaciones Extraordinarias para Construir Familias Felices ayuda a las personas con problemas en sus relaciones de pareja a lograr reestablecer la armona y felicidad, para que se enfoquen en el cultivo de una relacin sana, extraordinaria y armnica.Este curso les dar herramientas, para Reflexionar sobre su situacin actual, para Internalizar que se es el escultor de nuestro destino y, para Actuar en la construccin de una vida de pareja donde se le d cabida diaria al amor, armona y felicidad. Al finalizar, tendrn un conjunto de herramientas espirituales, psicolgicas y emocionales para iniciar un proceso de transformacin y mejora continuas, en el mundo de las relaciones de pareja.El curso est estructurado en tres sesiones. La primera trata sobre la Ley de la Siembra, Creencias Limitantes y Modificacin de Estrategias. En La segunda se hablar del cultivo del amor diario, la decisin de estar juntos, el dilogo, el proyecto comn y la autoridad compartida. Y la tercera abarca el desafo del compromiso, la magia del enfoque y la accin marca la diferencia.El curso es especial para aquellos que tienen problemas en sus relaciones de pareja y quieren recuperar la armona; tambin para los que tienen como meta construir una relacin extraordinaria. Igualmente para los que han tenido fracasos amorosos y quieren darse una segunda oportunidad. Finalmente, es una opcin para los que desean capacitarse en herramientas para construir relaciones de pareja armnicas y felices."
Price: 39.99

"Back to the Futures: Futures Trading 101" |
"**New For 2020 - Futures Trading Course taught by in-the-industry quants and traders**Are you ready to make more sense of the financial markets and harness the opportunities offered by futures? Futures have long been a valuable financial instrument used by professionals and lesser-known to non-professional traders. This concise trading course aims to unlock the potentials for traders of all backgrounds. You will learn about the backbone of trading futures, from the mechanics of futures contracts/markets, to building a real-life futures trading strategy that you can implement.This course is taught by a team of experienced and active traders, who have distilled all the important topics about futures trading into easy-to-understand essential components.We will begin the Futures Trading journey by walking through:The fundamental building blocks of futures contracts and markets;Futures trading activities, e.g., who trades futures; what products to trade, etc. all through real-world examples.Advanced futures concepts and scenarios leading to abundant trading opportunities (various applicable futures trading strategies).The last chapter is designed to integrate basic concepts with quantitative analysis using Python: a taste of algorithmic trading geared towards experienced traders and those who want to take it beyond retail level. We will build a futures Pairs Trading strategy and backtest from scratch.At the end of the course, you will have the necessary tools to start trading futures, whether in a traditional or quantitative way.For the price of a coffee, you have the power to supercharge your trading and gain a competitive edge. Enrol today and enjoy:High-quality, up-to-date video lecturesPython Jupyter Notebooks for the trading strategy30 day, no questions asked, money back guaranteeGet an edge in futures trading now!"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete TikTok Advertising Course for Marketers" |
"Join me as I distill my knowledge from working directly with TikTok for over a year into easy steps for brand grown and virality.TikTok is growing faster than any other social media platform in the history of the internet. Millions more join the platform every month, and smart brands and marketers are jumping in everyday to reach new and engaged audiences. The window of opportunity for your brand is still open!We'll cover everything from the history and controversy surrounding the company to the specifics steps you can take to make your brand go viral on the platform!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Use Instagram for Business" |
"Learn how to use and grow your Instagram account for business. Learn why you need to use a business account vs. a personal profile account. You will also learn how to schedule Instagram posts to save time and how to use hashtags on the network.You will learn how to engage and understand how direct messages work on this social networking site. Stories features will be covered so you can use this feature as well as the latest reel feature from Instagram. You will also see how you can use your desktop for Instagram from time to time too!"
Price: 24.99

"ORGANISER SON PROJET VIDO DANS Adobe Premiere Pro 2020" |
"Une fois les images captures, on a tous envie (surtout quand on dbute) de trs vite drusher, monter et talonner pour arriver le plus rapidement possible ce moment o votre film est termin. Mais je vous garantie quavant de vous prcipiter sur votre drush, une bonne organisation est primordiale pour tre efficace et kiffer ce moment si fatidique du montage vido. Je vous explique ici comment jorganise mes projets vido sur mon ordinateur ainsi que dans mon logiciel de montage."
Price: 29.99

"Bootstrap 4.3 - Curso Completo" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender como utilizar o framework Bootstrap na verso 4.3. O objetivo deste framework tornar muito mais fcil o desenvolvimento de cdigo para a gerao de pginas de interface com o usurio em sistemas web que precisam ter uma boa aparncia em dispositivos mveis e em computadores desktop. O conhecimento deste framework essencial para quem deseja ingressar ou se aperfeioar na rea de desenvolvimento de sistemas."
Price: 39.99

"The Personal Branding Flywheel: Create the life you desire" |
"Imagine traveling the world, being greeted as an authority in your industry, and rubbing shoulders with inspirational business leaders like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.This might seem like a pipe-dream. But the truth is this lifestyle isnt as hard to achieve as you may think...The secret is building a powerful personal brand that follows you wherever you go and now, theres never been a more important time to have one. In todays information economy were all drowning in data.We live in a time where everybody now shares their lives online, and the last thing you want is to end up as another blur in an endless newsfeed.I encourage you to stand up and take ownership of how the world perceives you. To proactively curate your brand, making sure you stand out for doing the things that you're passionate about.The problem, of course, is knowing how to build your personal brand in the most effective way possible. And, hopefully, that's where I can help.My name is Adam ONeill, and over the past two decades, Ive been lucky enough to have lived and worked all over the world meeting business leaders of the stature of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Paul Allen. I've also spearheaded advertising campaigns for many of the world's top brands, including Red Bull, Rolex, LG Electronics and Unilever.Time and again, Ive leveraged my own personal brand whenever I've needed to forge new connections, grow influence within my organisation and most recently gain more visibility for my own business.In this course, I'll be teaching you how to get similar results through a simple methodology I've used to create thousands of marketing campaigns for big multinational brands, and which will help superpower your own personal brand.By the end, you'll know exactly what it takes to rise above the noise and break into circles that, at first sight, seem impossible to access.You'll also gain the confidence to clearly articulate your personal brand in any situation you encounter and to connect with the sorts of people who could powerfully support your vision.Unlike other courses on personal branding, this one won't shower you with endless theory that leaves you adrift in the real world.I'll give you a simple and actionable framework that uses visualisation techniques, networking tools, and communication skills needed to bring your own personal brand and vision to life."
Price: 129.99
