"Supervisor Operacional de Servios (facilites) e Segurana" |
"Supervisor de Segurana Patrimonial ou Facilites (Servios).Se voc atua ou gostaria de atuar dentro da rea de Segurana Patrimonial ou Servios como Supervisor, este o curso mais completo que voc ir encontrar entre tantas possibilidades.Feito por instrutores com mais de 18 anos de atuao dentro das reas especficas, conta com vdeos explicativos que iro abordar os mais distintos assuntos ligados a rea escolhida.Os vdeos contam com temas do dia a dia da superviso, expondo dicas e apresentando formas de trabalho dentro das dificuldades encontradas pelos profissionais em anos de trabalho.Quadro de vdeos:Histria da segurana no BrasilApresentao do curso e objetivosSuperviso na prticaAo chegar na empresaImplantao e desmobilizao de postosVisitasVistorias e resilinciaPunies e recolhimentosEscalas e uniformesRotas e danos a vtrFriasReciclagemPapel do supervisorProcedimentos em caso de disparo de arma de fogo, com e sem vitimaRequisitos desejados para funoGesto de pessoasLder e lideranaGesto de conflitosEstratgias de lideranaVdeos extras:Primeiro socorrosSocorro a vitimacombate a incndioEste curso com certeza possui tudo o que voc precisa saber para atuar na rea como Supervisor.Certificao oferecida ao final do curso com validade em todo o territrio Brasileiro."
Price: 99.99

"Etsy & Printful + Printify - Print on Demand Course 2020" |
"Are you ready to start a succesful Print on Demand store with Etsy & Printful ? Etsy & Printful is the easiest POD business model that you can start today. Why ?It doesn't require a high budget to startYou can even make sales through organic traffic without paying for Ads (if your product is in high demand)Built-in Advertising Platform That is Easy to UseOff-site Ads (Etsy Will Advertise Your Products On Google & Facebook Automatically And You Will Pay a Fee Only If This Leads To a Sale- 12-15% Fee)You Can Easily Find Winning Products From Your CompetitionIt's a Great Platform That is Easy to ManageOnce You Grow You Can Drive Your Followers To Your Own WebsiteHow I started & My BackgroundIn 2017 I started to work as a Digital Marketing Consultant for Google Digital Hub where I taught over 300 entrepreneurs how to run their Ads for their business and build their online presence. As years have passed I started to love eCommerce and how the entire space works.Fast-forward, in 2019 after watching lots of YouTube videos and reading forums I started my First Etsy Store in February. I bought hundreds of designs from random websites thinking that these designs look great and they will sell. Guess What ? I was WRONG. These designs are saturated, everyone is buying them and everyone will try to sell them. I was uploading 20 designs a day, I was spending lots of HOURS everyday hoping that I will sell these designs. After 2 months I started having a few sales but none of these were from the designs I bought, they were all coming from designs that I found through research.As of May 2020 I have made over 57500 EUROs / 64000$ in sales (20% Net Profit give or take) - I Will Show You These FiguresThis is not a huge figure, but if you want another source of passive Income this is a great choice! I live in Eastern Europe and I'm making 1000$+ a month right now from ETSY alone (~6k$ in sales a month). You can make even more than the figures that I achieved so far but I also work as a freelancer in Web Dev & Digital Marketing and this is taking most of my time therefore I'm not trying to work harder on Etsy right now (I barely upload 1-2 designs a month right now).How Will This Course Be Presented To You ?I'm a very practical individual, and I do not like rambling and wasting time just to make others think that some made up info will make you milions. I will explain everything that I learned so far and I'll get straight to the point with each subject that is presented in this course.How Long Does It Take To Get Your Store Up and Running ?If you know Photoshop or any other Photo Editing software at a Basic level you will be able to start your store in a few hours and you will save A LOT of money by doing the designs yourself.This course includes all the information you need to start a succesful store. Consistency and Hard Work are the key to your Success!"
Price: 19.99

"Kombucha: A Arte do Ch Fermentado!" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo introduzir de forma terica e prtica a arte de elaborao do ch FERMENTADO chamado de Kombucha. A Kombucha um probitico poderoso, que ajuda a potencializar o sistema imunolgico, e um potencial substituto para os refrigerantes por ser uma bebida refrescante e gaseificada naturalmente aps a segunda fermentao."
Price: 24.99

"Data Management Essentials" |
"The course ""Data Management Essentials"" is based on the Data Management framework created by DAMA, the most important association of Data Managers at international level. The lectures explore the various components of Data Management, blending theoretical lessons with a very practical content, a case study of application of interventions and solutions on the topic of data management. The course is intended for all those who wish to enrich their competence and their mindset on the subject of data, going beyond the more traditional topics of data analysis, touching with hand how many and what are the fundamental components to make real data management in organizations."
Price: 54.99

"Forensic Trichology" |
"If you are interested in investigations or investigative films/series, then this course is for you. This course is designed in such a way that the students can understand all the concepts of Forensic Trichology in a simplified manner & in a short period of time. What will the students who enroll in this course gain after the completion?Basic knowledge in anatomy of hairHow to differentiate between hair and fiberWhat are the differences between human hair and animal hairHow to identify the person from hairComment the possible weapon from the injury on the hairOpine the cause of deathDetermine the time since deathSample collection methodsForensic examination proceduresThere will be three assessments & a final course assessment to verify whether you have understood the topic clearly & correctly."
Price: 1280.00

"Cisco Certified Network Associate(200-301 CCNA) Pratice Exam" |
"Welcome to our Cisco CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Cisco CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam. This practice test has 245 High-Quality Questions to prepare for your Cisco CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam. What Special About This (Cisco CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam)1.High-Quality Question to crack your Cisco CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Cisco CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money-back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Cisco CCNA (200-301) Certification Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Applied Computer Architectures" |
"This class will cover the Topics of Computer Architecture: Basic Processor Architecture, the Memory Hierarchy, Pipelining, Virtual Memory, Superscalar Processors (ie Out of Order Processors), Vector Architectures and Parallel Computing Architectures. The Last Part of the Class is about the Architecture Design Process and How to Design your own Architecture for a given application."
Price: 79.99

"Stock Sector Investing Via Quantitative Modeling In Excel" |
"Do you think professional methods of investing are beyond your reach because it involves the state of the art infrastructure, rocket science, and a huge amount of money? Have you tried replicating someone else's trading style and method only to end up with drastically different or inconsistent results?Do you find it difficult to implement investment strategies that you learned because (a) you have no confidence about it, (b) you still don't know how to execute it, and/or (c) you have no time?THIS COURSE WILL CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION ABOUT THE APPROACH TO INVESTING.We will teach you in-depth a stock investing strategy known as Sector Rotation, from concept to implementation, whose principles are used among hedge fund professionals. While stock sectors generally tread in the same direction as the broader stock market, their individual performance can differ. We will see in this course how to select the right sectors using ETFs to improve investment performance. Then we will learn how to incorporate a natural hedge into the system to make it more resilient against stock market shocks and downturns. The end result is a robust portfolio that is much lower in risk, yet yielding comparable or even higher returns than the broad stock market. Sector Rotation is a powerful quantitative strategy that is grounded in well-established theory and common sense. There are no chart reading, no thick annual reports, no constant monitoring of market news, and no forecasting. All investment decisions are driven by the model we will build in this course. The completed model requires less than 5 minutes of your time to update. With a good understanding of the strategy through hands-on learning, this will keep your discipline in check and prevent you from falling prey to emotions during times of market stress. The end result is consistency. We will build the model up in Excel using inbuilt Excel functions. No programming experience is required. Neither do we need expensive tools or data subscriptions. We will use only free resources.WHAT YOU WILL LEARNWhy investing purely in a portfolio of stocks is riskier than it looks.What are the different stock sectors.What is the concept and rationale behind sector rotation.How do we pick the correct stock sectors.What can we do to hedge against stock market downturns.How do we size our allocation to the sectors and hedge.How to use critical Excel functions e.g. data lookup, logic operators, math and statistical functions, etc. What is the intuition and math behind key financial concepts, e.g. returns, volatility, correlation, marginal risk contribution etc, and how to implement them on Excel.Where and how to get price data.How to model a buy and hold portfolio.What is rebalancing and how to model a portfolio with periodic rebalancing.How to build a scoring system for the sectorsHow to incorporate a dynamic hedge into the modelHow to incorporate transaction costs, borrowing costs, and leverage into the model.How to calculate key performance metrics and create a performance analytics worksheet for tracking model performance.How to create a dashboard to extract and display key information for making investment decisions.WHAT YOU WILL GETOver 8 hours of lectures developed with more than 15 years of experience in the asset management, hedge fund, and banking industry.Practice sheets on financial mathematics and excel functions with solutions.Guided step-by-step model building process complete with templates.Fully completed sector rotation model file that you can use or improve on.Free Excel-based resources (from the web) to download price data from yahoo finance in bulk.VBA scripts to automate the data updating and weight optimization process. Unlimited lifetime access.Full 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.Online Q&A where you can pose your questions to us.An investment in the right education is one of the best investments one can make. The earlier you start, the better you will be in the future. So take action now and ENROLL IN THIS COURSE!"
Price: 209.99

"Jornada contra a ansiedade" |
"Durante 28 anos observo o comportamento e as consequncias na vida de pessoas ansiosas, eu claramente posso ver o quanto os sintomas podem impedi-las de estarem em paz dentro de sua rotina. Quem sofre de ansiedade nem consegue explicar com clareza tudo que se passa em suas cabeas, so tantas prises que elas alcanam a exausto emocional. Durante muitos anos eu sofri com TAG ( Transtorno de ansiedade generalizada ) , perdi as contas de quantas vezes desisti de projetos simplesmente por medo que algo sasse do meu controle. Quantas vezes evitei situaes e pessoas que pudessem me gerar algum desconforto. Eu sei exatamente o que sentir seu humor mudar na velocidade da luz e simplesmente no saber como lidar com isso. De tudo que vi e vivi, eu s posso afirmar que uma questo de escolha permanecer em estado to negativo , como o estado que a ansiedade nos deixa. O processo de Coaching possui diversas tcnicas e ferramentas capazes de ajudar o indivduo a olhar para si de uma forma mais cautelosa e compreender melhor tudo que acontece dentro dele. Sem dvida isso faz com que os sintomas diminuam e que o indivduo consiga realizar mais tarefas, por mais tempo, sem o desgaste avassalador dos sintomas da ansiedade.Imagine ter uma vida plena? Conseguir terminar o que comea, ordenar os pensamentos, planejar e cumprir uma rotina diria, conseguir expressar claramente os sentimentos, domar o medo, dormir profundamente durante a noite toda ? Tenho certeza que s essa possibilidade j te deixou com o corao cheio de esperana.Ningum precisa passar o resto dos dias escravos de mal estar, corao acelerado, falta de ateno, medo constante, insegurana, dvidas, falta de nimo e fracassos. Uma deciso pode mudar sua histria, e eu sugiro que decida por voc, que escolha cuidar daquilo que te atrapalha a expor seus talentos e viver seus sonhos.A nossa jornada consiste em 5 mdulos, aonde iremos atravs de ferramentas identificar o seu nvel e perfil de ansiedade, ento iremos trabalhar juntos para reduzir drasticamente cada sintoma."
Price: 84.99

"Davinci Resolve 16 Beginner's Guide To Learn Video Editing" |
"Hi there, my name is Kamran Safarov and I am going to be your instructor for ""Davinci Resolve 16 Beginner's Guide To Learn Video Editing"" course.This course is the best course if you are beginner in Video Editing in Davinci Resolve. You will quickly learn the fundamentals that are needed to start editing and color grading your videos. One of the main advantages of this course is that I designed it to be less time consuming.Learn Davinci Resolve 16Want to learn how to edit and color grade your videos? Then you've come to the right place! Davinci Resolve is one of the BEST free video editing and color grading software you can use.Learn video editing and color grading in Davinci Resolve without losing your time on unnecessary topics. Use your creativity after completing this course to make awesome videos!You are going to learn:How to import your media to the Davinci Resolve Cut page Edit pageTitlesTextTransitionsHow to Color Correct using Davinci Resolve How to do Color Grading in Davinci Resolve16And Everything you need to start using Davinci Resolve 16Enroll now to start learning Davinci Resolve 16!"
Price: 49.99

"Skill Developmental Therapy for children with special needs" |
"Child development based on five domains Cognitive skill, Motor skill, Speech and Language skill, Social skill, Self-help skill and Sensory skill. Strategies to achieve age appropriate developmental milestones. A guide to care givers handling children with special needs to achieve their maximum functioning potential, the ultimate goal being successful integration into society."
Price: 2240.00

"Developing a Quick Basic CV using Online Tools & Templates" |
"In todays world it often gets frustrating and time consuming to develop a good looking professional CV with ease. In most of the cases the software that needs to be used in order to develop good looking CV's are professional and not easily understandable by many of us. This Beginner Level course is designed to help you get few basic guidelines and get few templates of Word Document to start editing your CV fast. This course also includes some basic guidelines to use online tools that are very easily available for Free and could help you in easy and quick development of a basic CV.Making a quick and basic CV will not Guarantee in better results for successful Job Landing but can assist you in development of a Basic Good Looking CV as compared to a non-professionally designed CV. If you wish to get a Quick Overview of developing of a Basic CV you can join this course and if you are Willing to Master in Depth the Art of CV Building with detail on what to add and how to add then join our other Advance Level Course named ""Master the Art of CV Building, Cover Letter & Job Interview"".A lot of different learning opportunities available but what makes this ""Basic Course"" different is its relatable Basic Content and Guidelines.We would be having a Basic Learning Experience in following order in this course;1- Basics: Understanding EmotionsHere we would understand and learn about the basic minor Emotions and few tips on how to a keep a check on them.2- Basics of InterviewIn this section we would briefly go through the interview Scenarios & Settings in which we might have to give an interview in. Also we would go through some tips in-order to prepare our Strength & Weakness for the interview in advance.3- Understanding Self DiscoveryHere we would go through some basic tips in-order to understand our Personality type and then try to get the job accordingly.4- Basics of CV DevelopmentHere we would be having some editable Templates, some guidelines and we would learn to use basic online tools in order to develop a Quick brief CV/Resume."
Price: 19.99

"PHP for Beginners" |
"This course is design specially for beginners. Learn in-depth knowledge of CORE PHP with MySql as a Database. This course help you to build strong base of PHP as a programmer. If your base will strong, you can easily learn any advance Open Source framework design in PHP MySql. So let's start it now..."
Price: 1280.00

"Meditation for Balanced Chakras" |
"This is a course to have for life, assisting on finding your balance, and living a better healthy and happy life.The course consists of a brief overview of the main chakras. Then, you will practice seven guided meditations to balance each of the chakras.The course can be followed in accordance to the need of the student, doing the meditations of the chakras one each day, or going deeper into really balancing your energy centres by focusing one chakra per week. The meditations can repeated as many times as wanted as each student see the need to balance one specific chakra or the entire subtle energy body."
Price: 19.99

"German for Seafarers Cruise Ship Crew Logisticians A1" |
"A warm welcome, bienvenido, , vlkommen, velkommen, welkom, maligayang pagdating, .... I'm am proud to have you here in my team!This is a German language beginner's course especially for seamen, sailors, shipping, cruise ship and logistics sector. In no other German language course you will be offered more content than here. I'm eager to get to know you and I'm hungry to bring you forward. I'm an Austrian engineer and I have fallen in love with a seaman - I have developed this course for him. Then it came out so well that I have started to put it on sale. You can be sure that still this course is my absolute heart business. You will learn the German language along the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in the A1-Level. There will be a constant focus on vocabulary which is useful for people working in shipping and logistics sector. This course includes:Videos about vocabulary and grammatic topicsA great workbook with lots of exercises and solutionsDeep learning projects (real life projects based on texts, videos or audios to deepen you knowledge and to enable learning transfer)This course includes the following content:Persnliche Informationen (present yourself, talk about your home country and the languages you speak)Familie und Kinder (talk about your marital status and the members of you family, talking about preferences)Beruf und Tagesplan (talk about your profession and your time table)Essen und Trinken (talk about food and drinks, go to a restaurant and order something to eat and drink)Here you will learn the following grammatics:the definite and indefinite, negotiating articlesthe gender of the nounpluralconjungation of verbspersonal pronounsposessive prounounsnegociationgenitiveNominalkomposita"
Price: 114.99

"ABC of Mutual Funds (India)" |
"Mutual funds is one of the financial instruments which is popular due to its inherent characteristic of diversification, professional expertise and options. The individuals with not very high risk appetite, are drawn towards Mutual Funds.This course is for the ones who want to know the basic grounds and functioning of Mutual Funds."
Price: 1920.00

"Shrm-cp practice exams 2020 workplace cluster" |
"Included in this Shrm-cp workplace cluster Test course:- 5 practice tests- Practice like the real Shrm-cp workplace cluster TestShrm-cp workplace cluster Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 150+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 50+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Character Concept Art & Design in Photoshop 2020" |
"Learning Character Design can be very time-consuming when doing it by yourself. I want to make the learning process easy for you, going through all the tools and concepts of Concept Art and Character Design in very detailed videos.In this course, we will create a Character and Call Out Sheets from A to Z. From planning the concept, exploring ideas, developing views, exploring colors, and all the necessary callouts to create and design professional characters.We will do a series of explorations, from poses ideas and color explorations, to make sure that after finishing this course, you'll have the knowledge required to design your own characters.You'll learn tips and shortcuts that will accelerate your workflow and make you understand the fundamentals of character design.I will be available for you through the whole course, feel free to send me a message or post any questions in the Q&A section if you encounter any issue, I will do my best to help you solve these issues. So please, take this course now."
Price: 74.99

"REAL BUSINESS ENGLISH: Energy, Environment, and Technology" |
"Learn English and study real information about real companies. You probably studied English for hundreds or thousands of hours now you can talk, read and write.. but you still need to keep improving.. and you probably want something interesting to look at!!! If you believe THE BEST WAY to LEARN English. is to USE English to Learn, this course is for you! The Problem Most English courses try to teach words and grammar but no real life information... That's boring!!! It's hard to pay attention and easy to forget what you learned.Our SolutionLearn about real life business information! Look at real numbers and graphs! Each lesson is about real companies, technologies, industries and people that could change our future. After this course you will:have real knowledge about the Food, Energy, and Transportation industriesLearn over 300 advanced words, slang, and idioms useful for businessImprove your reading, writing, listening and vocabulary skillsMaster making specific examples and comparisons in your writingImprove your ability to describe numbers, graphs, and dataThe information about these companies is all connected. So we use the same language again and again in different lessons. By the end of the course, you will be able to review and remember everything you learned without feeling bored!!!"
Price: 24.99

"Build a free/paid membership website - fast & simple" |
"Learn how to easily build a membership website from scratch with WordPress. No coding or website experience needed and have a fully functional, professional membership website set up within hours. Have you always wanted to create your own membership website? Then this is the course you need.This course will teach you how to set up free and paid memberships, limit access to pages and articles within each membership level and even set up payment gateways so that you can get paid automatically. Your membership website can be for any sort of business! Fitness, health, travel, beauty.Whatever you want.Learn how to create articles, add videos, add downloads for users and much more. Not only will you learn how to design the full website exactly how you want, but you will also learn how to set up your online business so it runs on auto pilot! When customers make a purchase, they automatically receive a login and you automatically receive the money into your account. This allows to literally earn while you sleep and run your new online website from anywhere in the world.This in depth, simple step by step tutorial will teach you how to set up your dream website within hours. It will also teach you 'how' and 'why' to do everything, allowing you to update your site how you want, when you want.There is no coding or website experience required! You just need a computer and be able to drag things with your mouse.Is it worth it? In my opinion yes. We will be going over how to use WordPress to build a beautiful, fully functional website. Web developers can charge up to 2,000 to create a similar site.Furthermore, to provide even more value and help provide additional tools to manage your website, I am including exclusive bonus sections:Setting up analytics so you can target the best traffic sources and increase the number of visitors to your siteHow to make your website mobile friendly, so your website will look perfect on a phone screenWho the course is for:Anyone that wants to learn WordPressAnyone that wants to start an online businessNO coding or website knowledge neededWhats covered?How to set up your domain nameHow to set up low cost hostingHow to install WordPressHow to use WordPress FeaturesHow to use a free membership program that does all the workHow to set different membership levelsHow to set up custom discounted/free trialsHow to limit access to each levelHow to hide or show any information for non membersHow to set up login/register pagesHow to set up payments, so you can get paid automaticallyHow users automatically receive their logins straight after paymentHow the member areas work i.e. cancel/change memberships, invoicesHow to set up recurring paymentsHow to use and manage reports on members and paymentsHow to set up customer contact formsSet up email addresses with your domain name 'admin@yourdomainname'How to create a blogHow to add social media share buttonsHow to write and design blog posts and limit accessHow to use the tools that give you full control of design and layout fo the websiteHow to create video galleries and limit accessHow to upload digital files for members to downloadHow to set up menus and sidebarsHow to develop and customize your website design furtherHow to design your website so that it is mobile and tablet friendlyHow to set up an use website analyticsFull test on how users sign up and how you get paidExclusive bonus sectionsHow to design your website so that it appears perfect on a mobile deviceHow to set up website analytics to target your audience and traffic streamsDon't waste any more time! This course has everything included above. Start your new online business today!"
Price: 19.99

"Essay writing for university and IELTS students" |
"This video series will teach you how to structure a coherent, logical essay. Workbook activitiesThis course has a workbook with 10 activities which you are invited to completed as you watch the videos. The activities will teach you the techniques needed to create a coherent and structured essay. This video series will provide cover the following key concepts: Session one What is an essay? Discussion essay How to conduct research Different reading strategies Brainstorming and planningSession Two Overview of planning and organizingSession Three Analyse title Mind map Linear essay planComplete Workbook Activity 1 4 in the workbookSession Four How to structure paragraphsSession Five How to write a topic sentence Explaining the key terms: Analyse / compare/ discuss / describe / critique / evaluate / justify Complete Workbook Activities 5 and 6Session Six How to write the introductionComplete Workbook activity Activity 7 Session Seven How to write the Main Body of the essay Paragraphs organization Linking words to improve the flow of your essay Signposting statementsSession Eight How to write a conclusionComplete Workbook Activity 8Session Nine General points about writing an essay. Omissions and common mistakes made. Points about a good essay Session 10 Write your first draft of the essayComplete Workbook Activity 10"
Price: 99.99

"Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse" |
"The course covers the legal provisions related to Child Sexual Abuse in India with specific focus on Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, the offences and punishments for the same. The course is relevant for law students, teachers and anyone who is passionate to learn about child protection. As child sexual abuse is increasing day by day, 53% children suffer child sexual abuse in India, it is crucial to be legally aware about child sexual abuse."
Price: 1280.00

"ngilizce'yi Anadilinizi rendiiniz ekilde renin" |
"Kurs srasnda kullanlan tek dil ngilizce olacaktr. ngilizce seviyeniz ne olursa olsun, eer yeterince sabr gsterirseniz, ksa srede ngilizce sylenenleri nasl anlayabildiinize aracak ve ngilizce'yi Trke kullanarak renmenin aslnda ne kadar byk bir hata olduunu fark edeceksiniz. Kurs ngilizce'yi hi bilmiyormusunuz gibi dnlerek planlanmtr. Eer balang dzeyinde de olsa bilginiz varsa ve anlatlan konular size kolay geliyorsa, yine de izlemeye devam etmenizi ve ngilizce anlamaya odaklanmanz tavsiye ediyorum. Unutmayn ki asl hedef gramer konularn retmek ya da kelime ezberletmek deil, ngilizce'yi eviri yapmadan anlayabilmenizi ve konuabilmenizi salamak."
Price: 19.99

"Kelas Manikur" |
"Di Kelas Online Pixie Dust ini, kalian bisa belajar seni menghias kuku dengan harga yang lebih murah daripada harga biasanya. Di materi kali ini, kita akan belajar bagaimana caranya manikur dengan baik dan benar, serta apa saja material yang harus kita perlukan sebelum memulai manikur. Dan yang paling menarik adalah, kalian bisa dapatkan 2 desain kuku gratis."
Price: 840000.00

"Spanish for Beginners - Grammar, Vocabulary & Practice" |
"MASTER ALL THE BASICS OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE IN UNDER 2.5 HOURS!Learn how to master the Spanish language with this easy to follow course with plenty of vocabulary examples and tips to make you progress at a fast speed! You will learn Spanish from me! My name is Nuria and I am a NATIVE SPANISH SPEAKER from the Capital of SPAIN, MADRID! In this course you will find:o VOCABULARY for the day to day useo Follow along EXERCISESo DOWNLOADABLE exercises with SOLUTIONS to practice anytime anywhereo SHORT CLASSES with TIPS and TRICKS to speed your learningThis course will teach you all you need to know in a practical way! You will be practicing your Spanish from the very first lesson. No need to sit in your laptop for hours and NO LENGTHY or BORING explanations.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?This course consist of 2 hours and 30 minutes video content. For each of the 17 lessons you will find a short explanation with insights to the SPANISH GRAMMAR and CULTURE along with exercises that you will do with me. In addition to this each lesson will have downloadable exercises for practicing at you own pace and in your own time.Dont miss this OPPORTUNITY and JOIN ME today to start your SPANISH SPEAKING JOURNEY!Who this course is for:BEGINNERS or those with very little knowledge of Spanish.Anyone who has started their Spanish journey with an app with no luck. I got you covered!Those who would like to speak Spanish in their NEXT TRIP and want to have a conversation with NativesANYONE who wants to MASTER THE BASICS and want to be able to read and speak in Spanish without having to sit in a class for hours!"
Price: 69.99

"Create a 2d android game by MIT App Inventor 2" |
"In this course you will learn how to develop a beautiful android game without knowing any type of programming languages. We are going to develop an android game by the help of MIT App Inventor. MIT App Inventor is an opensource web based platform where anyone can make android app without knowing of any programming languages.What we are going to learn ?Three layout game developmentThree level game development (Easy, Medium, Hard)Beautiful designBug free gameUsing less blockResponsive game design (Working on any android devices)Learn with funWhich components we are using in MIT App Inventor 2 ?ScreensHorizontal and Vertical layoutButtonsImagesCanvasImage SpritesLevels"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Blog Writing Course" |
"Are you struggling to get website traffic to your blog?Confused on how to write a great blog post?Just wanting to improve your writing skills?Look no further! The Complete Blog Writing Course, packed with hours upon hours of video notes and real life examples is here to help ensure that you get the most out of your blog posts and maximize your writing skills.Did you know that blogs were ranked as the fifth best source for trusted information on the internet? Now has never been a better time to start your own blog, and if you have one now, to elevate it to new heights. Wouldn't you like to get paid to write about your passion?Learn how to have an irresistible headline, build perfect cover images, write with a voice, market your work to the world, and so much more.Lessons are taught in a practical way, using a combination of slideshow presentations, pdf examples, and even breakdowns of real life articles. Each lesson section also comes with downloadable notes and a quiz to ensure that you get the most out of your learning. Since this is a complete course, we're going to cover virtually every aspect related to writing blog articles, which include:Writing an eye-catching introductionUsing sub headingsImplementing keywordsOrganizing your ideasArticle formattingFinding the right imageMaking your own graphsCover imagesUsing effective languageBecoming an efficient writerGrammar mistakesUsing a conversational voiceUtilizing humourFinding ideasWriting a conclusionQuick and concise wordingAffiliate linkingSubscriber promptsWriting with a voiceAdvertising your workAnd so much more!Did I mention that you'd also get lifetime access?This course also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee in case you don't feel like this course will benefit you. Why keep waiting? Sign up now and start building the foundations to creating a successful blog today!"
Price: 49.99

"Effective Online Teaching" |
"Due to COVID19 more and more institutes and universities are going towards online teaching but teachers and professors are facing many challenges to teach online effectively. In this short course you will learn about the problems associated with online teaching and how we can address all those problems. In addition, you will learn important tips for effective communication to your students, better students engagement and learning."
Price: 24.99

"Power Automate en espaol" |
"Aprende cmo usar Power Automate desde 0, sus principales mdulos, cada concepto, todas las buenas prcticas y empieza tu transformacin hacia un maestro de la herramienta. En el curso aprenders a manejar los componentes fundamentales de tal forma que sers capaz de crear flujos por tu cuenta, como si fueras un programador.Solo necesitas tener una cuenta de Office 365 o Microsoft 365, no importa si tu carrera profesional no es la de programador o desarrollador, el curso est diseado para que entiendas conceptos fundamentales de desarrollo y los apliques en flujos de trabajo."
Price: 59.99

"Marketing Digital: Fundamentos de Publicidade Digital" |
"Ateno: Este um curso introdutrio e terico sobre Publicidade Digital. Este no um curso prtico com passo a passo para criao e gesto de campanhas de Google Ads, Facebook Ads e outros. um curso sobre conceitos principais, objetivos, anlise e otimizao de Publicidade Digital como um todo e no especfico sobre plataformas.Gostaria de aprender sobre Marketing Digital e como criar anncios online mas no sabe por onde comear? O curso ""Marketing Digital: Fundamentos de Publicidade Digital"" fornece uma introduo aos conceitos principais de Publicidade Digital. Este curso fornece a base necessria para qualquer um interessado em iniciar o aprendizado em Publicidade Digital ao descrever todos os passos necessrios para criao e gesto de uma campanha, desde a definio dos objetivos, conhecimento das principais mtricas e indicadores, descrio dos principais formatos de anncio, configuraes gerais de campanha, otimizao e anlise de resultados.SEES DO CURSO:Introduo e MercadoObjetivos e Indicadores (Impresses, Cliques, Converses, ROI, ROAS)A Jornada do Consumidor (+Funil de Converso)Formatos de Anncios (Texto, Imagem, Multimdia)Tipos de Anncios (Pesquisa, Display, Vdeo, udio)Gesto do AdTech StackConfigurao das Campanhas (Oramento, Perodo, Programao)Veiculao das Campanhas (+Monitoramento)Anlise de ResultadosOtimizao da CampanhaConsideraes FinaisMesmo se voc nunca trabalhou com Publicidade Digital ou Marketing Digital poder acompanhar este curso e se preparar para posteriormente aprender sobre as plataformas especficas como Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Amazon Ads e Instagram Ads.Inscreva-se e nos vemos no curso!Roger Pike"
Price: 69.99

"Lightning protection in Revit" |
"This course is for Revit users who wants to learn how to design lightning protection system in Revit according to IEC/EN/BS/DIN 62305-1/3 standard.You willl learn how to create Revit families for: vertical rod air termination system with its protective volume according to different LPL (lightning protection level ), solid tape or flat conductors, holders to ensure the distance between conductors and surfaces, clamps and others.You will learn the fundamentals of the standard EN 62305 -1/3, mechanism of lightning discharge and understand the concept of lightning design using Rolling Sphere Method and make the simulation in Revit using intelligent families.Training materials: Revit families, acces to standards EN 62305-1/3.This course is life time access, you can come back and watch the course any time you want."
Price: 24.99
