"jQuery for Beginners - Create Website Animations Easily" |
"ADD NICE FEATURES TO WEBSITES OR APPS EASILY......Over 3,000 Students taking this course already.........This jQuery for beginner's tutorial or course will teach you what jQuery is and how to start using it to create animations and advance features for your websites or applications.jQuery is all around us, everywhere you see a slider, photo gallery, navigation menu, special effects, pop up boxes with photos or videos with plugins like lightbox or prettyphoto or anywhere you see nice animations on any website, jQuery its there.Do you need jQuery? If you want to add the best awesome Javascript features and animations to sites or apps without the complicated code then YES.If you are new to web development and don't know Javascript or have very little knowledge then this jQuery tutorial / course is for you.Here is what my students think about me and my courses......Fantastic cource once again!!Edwin you are the best teacher, thank you so much!! Guys don't think just enroll to this course and you will love it like i do! I cant wait for more courses on PHP from you my best teacher.Best course I've taken on Udemy!!I'm an absolute beginner in Javascript. I had started other courses on Udemy but got lost early on due to the instructor not being able to clearly explain what they're teaching. As a result I became discouraged thinking I just don't get Javascript. Well I have just completed this course (the first course I've actually seen through to the end) and I feel a lot more confident now. The teacher (Edwin) is what makes this course enjoyable. He explains the content so clearly and gives good simple examples, which we then build upon as the course progresses. His encouraging, cheerful and down-to-earth approach make for the perfect learning environment. He also responded to my questions very quickly. I can't recommend this course highly enough!! It's perfect for the beginner to build a good solid foundation to then move onto move advanced courses. **Take this course you won't be disappointed** :)Excellent ClassThis class provides a very good introduction to the basic concepts and building blocks of javascript.The instructor, Edwin, is very engaging and enthusiastic about the subject which makes the class very enjoyable.I would highly recommend this class for anyone just stating out in javascript.It's magicHi , I finished this tutorial successfully . The way of teaching was really good and understandable . The main plus point of this course is the syllabus . Yo have focused on very important topics for a beginner so it will be easy for him to jump to advance level easily with little bit of practice . thank youMy PromiseI will do my best to teach you jQuery and to answer your questions promptly.If you spend anything on this jQuery Course Tutorial, your money will be multiplied over and over again.jQuery helps make website and apps alive with all the animations and advance features with simplicity. This course will help set you apart from the rest of designers and developers that don't know jQuery.100% Money Back if you don't like itDon't like this jQuery Course? If for some reason you don't like the course within 30 days, Udemy will return your money and no hard feelings from me.Are you still reading? What are you waiting for? Join now and learn jQuery the easy way."
Price: 99.99

"PHP OOP: Object Oriented Programming for beginners + Project" |
"Hands on Real Life Project inside!On Demand OOP Skills InsideOOP is a must for everybody period!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you have the PHP basics, but need something that will propel you to a new level? Then thiscourse is for you.You took some other courses that unfortunately did not provided real world experience?Then this course is for you.You need full prompt support from your instructor?Then this course is for you.Do you want NEW updated PHP code?Then this course is for you.Do you want easy to follow lectures?Then this course is for you.Do you want an instructor that caresand answers promptly?I am here for you :)How would you like to finally get all the knowledge you need to make all the money you want freelancing? This course will give that knowledge and more.How would you life to get a top paying job building dynamic web applications?This course will guaranteed you success if you apply yourself, and take the time to learn everything included. PHP has allowed me to make a really great income, so much that It gives me time to teach others about it. You too can become a professional in the field, and create the life you always dreamed of.PHP is one of the best web programming languages in the world, and all the big important websites, like Google, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia and many more, use it for their web applications.Commonly asked questionHow much money can I make if I learn PHP?Starting salaries in the US, it ranges from 60,000 to 150,000 a year, but freelancing can make you a lot more than that, if you know what you are doing.New PHP code New lectures added all the timePrompt support No boring lectures here :)Advance Project CreationI care about my students Education100% Money Back if you don't like itWith 100% money guaranteed within 30 days, you have NOTHING to lose and a world of possibilities for your future. If for some reason you don't like the course or me, you can get your money back from Udemy."
Price: 199.99

"PHP for Beginners: How to Build an Ecommerce Store" |
"Hands on Real Life Project inside!On Demand E-commerce Skills InsideAfter creating a very successful PHP for beginners course, I'm back with another Amazing course that will take your basic PHP skills to another level.This course comes packed with new tricks and code format that would take your basic PHP skills to different heights.On this course you will learn how to make a complete e-commerce store that will communicate with Paypal to send requests for processing and will also receive data back to the admin for sale reporting.If you have taken my other PHP courses, you will notice that this course's project is more function based, more secured, we have more techniques, more organized and we upload our final application to the web.MORE MONEY ......Completing this course will prepare you to build E-commerce stores online for clients that would gladly pay really good for your work.My first PHP course prepares you with all the knowledge but this course will polish all that knowledge and at the same time show you new tricks and grow your skills."
Price: 99.99

"PHP MVC Framework CodeIgniter Tutorial for Beginners Project" |
"UPDATEDas of March 2016BIGGEST CodeIgniter Course in UDEMY!Hands on Real Life Project inside!Do you want to really master PHP dynamic applications and website development? Then this course will speed up the process by allowing you to learn how to use the most popular PHP framework in the planet, ""CodeIgniter"".Coding in PHP or any other language can be time consuming, especially for common tasks. Using a framework is the best way to apply common tasks, like:SecurityForm validationDatabase configurationsDatabase queries (CRUD)If you want to be a head of the competition and get paid more, then using a FRAMEWORK is the way to do. High paying jobs require knowledge of frameworks, since speed and accuracy are crucial for the development team and company. Having knowledge of using frameworks will allow you to find a hight paying job, or find a job easier than not having the skill at all.My Personal ExperienceMy first job interview required a codeigniter knowledge and because I did not have the skill, I did not get the job even though I knew how to code in PHP.That jobs started at 75K per year in the US and that could've propelled big time in my career, it wasn't until after I acquired this skill that jobs were pouring in from everywhere. I created this course with the intention to provide you with the knowledge you need to use codeigniter to develop applications fast and efficiently. I also create this course to help you provide a great skill that will propel you in your web development career.Why Codeigniter? Because is the most popular PHP framework and is on demand for jobs and freelance projects."
Price: 99.99

"Laravel - Create a user registration with email notification" |
"Learn how to activate users account via email with yourLaravel app.On this course we coverRoute model bindingSending email via SMTPLearn about email testingt server (how we test our email sending)Queuing emails for faster user interactionAnd lots more.....You can use the knowledge of this course to create a really awesome user registration that activates and notifiesusers in Laravel apps.Laravel has become one of the best and mostpopular PHPframework on the planet. For a time it seemed that PHPwas boring and and just plain old. Laravel brought back the joy of coding to the PHPcommunity.Laravel has many functionalities right out of the box, but it is lacking the account user activation which in my opinion isnecessary for applications to have since there is so much SPAM.On this course, we aregoingstraight to the point and build an account activation small app where the user registers, gets an email to activate their account and if they did not get it, they can ask for the code again.If you ready to learn thenI'm ready to teach, lets do itEdwin Diaz"
Price: 49.99

"Wordpress for beginners :Build Websites Fast without Coding" |
"Let me ask you a few questions!!!!Want to learn how to create amazing professional websites that can even process payments online?Want to do it with NO coding experience?Want to create a part time income and maybe even a full time business?If you say YES to the above questions, this course will make your dreams a reality.It doesn't matter if you are 100 or 7 years old, you can learn this easily!It doesn't matter where you are in the world, you can use this information to make money online.As long as you understand and write, you can do this!My Story........Hello my name is Edwin Diaz and even though I am a successful software and web developer it wasn't alway like this. The Information I'm going to show here on this course could dramatically change your life; if it is applied.I'm giving you a shortcut into what took me a long time to do. This is your chance to take what is yours and live your life at your own terms."
Price: 49.99

"Node.js for Beginners - Become a Node js Developer + Project" |
"Idon't know about you,but regular classes bore me, and that is why on this Node.js course we make itfun tolearn LOTSof cool things. This course is meant for total beginners in the NodeJs world.This is course is for you if..................You are total beginner toNodeJsYou are looking for a better careerYou are looking to UPyour salary as developerYou have tried to learn NODE,js before and it was too hard - Imake this EASY!You are trying to get into the Angular WorldYou want to become a great Web Developer with a lot of successYou just need to make some serious income as developerWhat is NODEjs or Node.js ?First of all let me just say that Node.js is the most popular technology right now, and it's REPOwebsite is the biggest in the WORLD, now let's begin......Some of uscall it Node.js, NODE, or just NodeJs but they all mean the same thing. NodeJs is a runtime to useJavaScript on servers. A runtime acts like a middle-man and in this case NodeJs is helping us use Javascript to handle system processes, files and even databases. NodeJs is written in C++ which is a powerful high level programminglanguage that does LOTSof cool things.My approachI'm profesional but not boringI'm a regular person just like you - your mentor, teacher!I joke sometimes, so that you won't fall asleep (I know how that is)My teaching methodare Unorthodox - look it up :)My goalOn the contrary on why other people teach, Ido it to help people succeed in life and also because Ilove teaching. I feel successful when my students become successful. Ourgoal is to teach as many people as possible and at the same time having a blast.My promise to youIf you give me your time, I will make this learning experience something you will not forget. This course was created to change lives with all the knowledge included.All your questions will be answered in a timely mannerIwill not bore youIwill make it funYou will get LOTSof knowledge from this courseCommonly Asked Questions.......................Question: Is NODE.jsworthlearning?WHAT?of course, Node.js is the hottest technology to learn right now. NodeJs jobs are some high in demand, there are not enough developers to fill them. As the matter of fact weget TONSof emails from recruiters askingfor NODE.jsdevelopers.Q: Can I make Money know NODE.js?Excuse me?Money comes automatically once you have this skill. You walk by an ATMand money comes out just for you, JUSTkidding :) . Really! you do not have to worry about JOBS, or projects when you know NODE.js you can choose who you want to work with. This course will teach everything you need to know to start really making it happen for you, trust me. Of course you have to get yourself some a resume and show your skills to your future employers but that is why we are here, to help with the skills.Your $MONEYinvested in this course will be multiplied over and over again.Udemy makes courses SUPERaffordable for anyone.A course like this would cost thousands of dollars on the market place but here you can grab it for a fraction and with a 30 day no questions asked Guarantee."
Price: 199.99

"PHP Login and Registration System - Email Confirm Activation" |
"UPDATED ALL THE TIMENEW LECTURES ADDED ALL THE TIME, JUST FOR FUN :)---------------------------------------------------------Are you ready to learn how to build a complete login and registration system using PHP and MySQL? Then you are at the right place at the right time. No Water cooled chatter!We don't do a lot of chatting on this course and always go straight to point. We take a very practical approach and get things done. We love helping!Have a problem in one of the lectures? No problem we are here to help. Need personal assistance from a lecture? Tells us the problem and let's get it done. Main Features1. User activation by email2. Always logged in feature (Remember me)3. Encrypting Passwords (NEWBCRYPT) we don't use MD5 anymore!4. Password Recover by email system (NICE)5. Token Generator security feature (Good stuff)6. Did I mention an awesome instructor that loves his students ? 7. Features added to the course all the time-----------------------------------------------------------------On this course we will the use the latest PHP syntax along with the latest MySQL with the latest Bootstrap as well. You will have a lot of fun in this course and learn a lot. You can also recommend any feature you would like implemented and they will be considered to be included in the course."
Price: 99.99

"PHP with PDO - ULTIMATE Crash Course" |
"PDO is the best way to access databases in PHP among other web programming languages. PDO is not database specific, so we can use it to connect and control data for a very broad selection of databases. PDO is most secured and easy way to access any database. PDO stands for PHP Data Objects and a little Object Oriented Programming understanding is necessary but not required to follow the course.In this course you will learn how to use PDO to Create, read, update, delete data from any database and lots more. The best thing about this course is that it goes right to the point and it doesn't waste much time on trivial matters.If you are ready to get started learning how to use PDO with PHP, lets go......"
Price: 49.99

"PHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in Laravel" |
"Right now on Laravel 7.10 but of course as new versions come out, I will keep updating the course. Over 30,000 students in this course and over 600,000 students here at Udemy.Best Rated, Best Selling, Biggest and just baddest course on Laravel around :)Oh, it's also the best course for complete beginners and of course regular beginners :)Laravel has become one of the most popular if not the most popular PHP framework. Employers are asking for this skill for all web programming jobs and in this course we have put together all of them, to give you the best chance of landing that job; or taking it to the next level.Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug (packages) into our Laravel application to make it even better. There are many reasons why Laravel is on the top when it comes to PHP frameworks but we are not here to talk about that, right? You are here because you want to learn Laravel, and find out what course to take, right? Alright, let's list what this course has to offer so that you can make your decision? Benefits of taking this course (I promise to be brief)1. Top PHP instructor (with other successful PHP courses with great reviews)2. Top support groups3. An amazing project that we will be building and taking to Github4. Lots of cybernetic coffee to keep you awake.....5. Did I mention I was not boring and you will not fall asleep?Ok, Let's break each of these down, shall we?Top Instructor.....I don't like boasting but my other PHP courses can speak for me :)Top support groupsI make sure everybody helps in the class and we also have Facebook support groups if needed.The Amazing project / real-life application...On this project, you will learn everything you need for creating awesome applications the easy way with Laravel, and new features will be implemented all the time, just the curriculum and look at the updates section.Full Source Code is available at Github Oh yeah, we take this to Github (An app repository online) and even show you how, so you will learn that too.----------------------------------------Practicality.......................Lots of practical skill with some theory so you get more experience that its essential for becoming a Professional Laravel Developer. This course will take your game a new level. Imagine being able to create the next Facebook or Twitter, or even getting the developer job you dream of? What about just a programming job? You can achieve all that if you study with us and really focus. We will help you along the way.Here are some my lovely students (Not to show off of course) :) REVIEWS ------------------------------->Rating: 5.0 out of 5*****Understood MVC in one sentence after so many years! Great job Edwin. A great deal of effort has been put by Edwin to create the content in two parts, first for understanding the basic components (eloquent relationships, views, controller etc) and then actually using it in a project. And he loves teaching. We love learning from him!---------------------------------------------------------Rating: 5.0 out of 5Great Course! Everything was explained well and if you will have any questions they will give you good answers, or you will find the answers in Q&A.---------------------------------------------------------Rating: 5.0 out of 5I would recommend this course to Laravel beginners like me, it covers a lot and the idea of learning on short-manageable videos + learning from errors that follow is a home run best approach! I am satisfied with course and especially with teacher Edwin who is extreme motivator.......Rating: 5.0 out of 5I loved the course!! Learned a lot and actually applied it, I'm very happy. 10-stars!!!---------------------------------------------------------Get it? Not every course its perfect we do get the best reviews for a good reason, of course you can't please everybody but we try.Are you ready to to create the next Facebook or Twitter? ................Lets start with the fundamentals Downloading LaravelInstalling it with composerLets also use Laravel HomesteadWe learn about Routes, Controllers, views, models, migrations, template engines, middleware and moreLets learn the CRUD, create, read, update and deleting data :)Wait, lets also learn the CRUD with all the ELOQUENT relationships,Lets learn so database stuff :)One To OneOne To ManyOne To Many (Inverse)Many To ManyHas Many ThroughPolymorphic RelationsMany To Many Polymorphic RelationsQuerying RelationsRelationship Methods Vs. Dynamic PropertiesQuerying Relationship ExistenceQuerying Relationship AbsenceCounting Related ModelsInserting & Updating Related ModelsThe save MethodThe create MethodBelongs To RelationshipsMany To Many RelationshipsLet me break down some things from the projects but not all, cause my hands are a little tired :)Authentication systemMulti-users with roles, Admins, subscribers and whatever you want :)User profilesUploading photos, multi picturesMultiple input selectionsUser, CRUDPos CRUDCategory CRUDPhoto CRUDPretty URL'sCommenting system, reply system with treeDisqus commenting systemSessions, and flash messagesEmail SendingEMAIL testingRestrictionsDeploymentLots more, too many to listOh did I mention we keep updating the course with new versions? Did I also mention this LARAVEL course is the best-rated course, the best selling and the biggest of its kind here in Udemy?Let's start this and let's create big things :)"
Price: 149.99

"Crash Course - Learn to Create a PHP MVC Framework" |
"Want to learn how to create a PHPMVCFramework from scratch and don't want to spend countless hours trying to figure it out? Then this course is for you.This course was designed for those starting to learn about PHP MVCframeworks, On this course we will jump right to the point with no fillers, just code.On this class you will learn how to create an MVC framework you can extend and have available for others to use. Who knows maybe you can be the next guy with the most popular framework out there.One of the best things about this class, it that it isshort and right to point, but is packed with very useful knowledge that can make a worldof difference when using and creating frameworks with PHP."
Price: 49.99

"PHP Date and Time with Carbon by Edwin Diaz" |
"Have you even struggled with dates and time in PHP?Have you everwished there was an easier way to implement dates and time in PHP?Then this course is for you.In this course you will learn techniques that will allow you to create really awesomedate and time functionality for your PHPapplications using a great PHPAPIextension for DataTime called Carbon.Say good bye to complicated timestamp modifications and complicated code. No morecoding for hours building a time / date feature for your application with Carbon this is a thing of the past.With this course you will create time / date features for your applicationin minutesif not seconds.Why I created this course?I created this course because Isaw myself spending too much time with dates and time when building my applications, so Ineeded a better solution. A solution thatwouldtake little time and a solution that was easy to implement. I figured if I was spending too much time on this, others probably had the same issue, right?Enjoy!I love all my students and my success depends on theirs, or I should say on yours.Come join me in this course and learn to create date and timethe easy way."
Price: 39.99

"PHP Security" |
"Building PHPapplications its fun and can be really rewarding but we need to make sure that this applications are secured. There other programmers out there looking into hacking our apps because maybe they have nothing to do or they enjoy it. Whatever the case may be, we need to educate ourselves on PHPsecurity so that we may protect our data but most importantly other people's as well.This is a crash course in PHPsecurity which it's solepurpose its to teach you the main security issues with any PHPapplications and at the same time how to fix it. We don't waste alot of time with slides and jargon since we go straight to the code and start creating mini apps to demonstrate the attacks and the defense against it.Come join me and let's create more secured PHPapplications together!"
Price: 49.99

"PHP : Learn to upload files to Amazon S3 and use CloudFront" |
"This is a small course focus on uploading filesto the cloud in this case Amazon S3 which standsfor Amazon Simple Storage Service. The great thing about S3 is that is very cheap and very scaleable.Wether you are building a blog, video or photo application as your application gets biggeryou might need to start saving your data somewhere else rather than inyour server.Hosting your videos and photos with S3 can really improve your application speed, hosting prices and even your SEO results.This course focuses on Amazon S3 but after you learn how to do it wth S3 you will find easier to do it with other cloud space providers."
Price: 49.99

"Using a Third Party API to Send SMS with PHP (SMS)" |
"The course has been UPDATED in April 9th, 2020. I created all the lectures brand new from scratch.In this course, you are going to learn to implement an SMS feature to any PHP website or application. Most web applications are using SMS to verify user identity these days and these feature has become necessary to any application. As more people get online these days, more hackers and bad people as well, and they are after user identities. Companies have understood how important is to secure their user data and that's why more features are being implemented all the time.We more security questions, more Recaptcha code, email verifications, and no more phone call verifications than ever before. You as a developer should know how to implement this to your applications. Come join me in this new adventure and let's get ahead of the game today!"
Price: 49.99

"Javascript Intermediate level 3 - JSON" |
"The whole web has JavaScript so that tells us the this skill is a MUSTin web development. If this skill is so needed, imagine the demand for developers.JSON is derived from JavaScript and it's supported in many different languages. JSON is one the best toshare data between applications.Learning JSON in JavaScript will be serve you well because most modernapplications use JSON extensively in their front-end.In this course we are going to learn all the basic things you need to get to know JSON personally, and the best part is that we are going to build a project at the end of the course.Building a project after learning JSON allows us to reinforce everything we have learned so far.Ibelieve that knowledge is more usefulby applying it!"
Price: 99.99

"How To Build a Successful Service Business" |
"Finally, a Small Business Essentials course aimed specifically at Service Businesses.This course is packed with information you will use for the rest of your career. A small investment to make for a lifetime of success.Are you thinking about starting a small service based business?Maybe you're already in business and you want to know how to better present, market and advertise your business.Yes? Then this is the course for you. In this course I'll show you how to successfully build and market your business using proven strategies that helped me take my service business from a complete start up to a successful operation. I'll discuss things like How to handle new customer enquiries in a way that will give you the best chance of winning the job, How to perform in a meeting and leave the customer loving you, How to present your business to gain customer confidence and make you really stand out from your competitors, Marketing and advertising strategies that are specifically designed for service businesses rather than retailers of physical products, The value of a well designed website and how user experience translates into sales,How imperative testimonials and showreels are to your business,How to manage a budget to ensure you're always in the black, A professional approach to quoting, that will give you the best opportunity with your customers, andMuch, much more! Plus I'll also dive deep into detail on the hot topic of online video marketing and the secrets of gaining better performance on YouTube that will help to skyrocket your business to success with your target audience.This is the information I wish I had access to a decade ago when I was starting my business. With this information I'd have avoided many mistakes and been on the road to having a successful service business years sooner. Now it's available to you in a format that's been designed for easy consumption, with practical examples and strategies that you can implement into your business immediately. If you're serious about being successful in your business, then this is the information you need.Give yourself your best chance for success by enrolling in this life-changing course now.Every moment you delay is literally costing you business opportunities. Simple as that. Invest in this course now. The price of this course is nothing for the information that you will literally use for the rest of your career. How much is your future career worth to you? Plus, if you're still not sure, there's a 30 day absolutely no questions asked full money back guarantee - my personal promise of your happiness and satisfaction! You really cannot lose!So enroll now, and take hold of your future in business."
Price: 19.99

"Cloud Adoption Essentials: learn the 8 step roadmap" |
"Cloud Adoption Essentials: Learn The 8 Step Roadmap"Companies are adopting the cloud, but find it hard to navigate the process. After this course you will be able to plan that process and see how the various nuts and bolts fit together. Understand How To Get More And Quicker Benefit From Cloud Computing In Your Company And Less Risk Learn why cloud computing is here to stay Understand how cloud characteristics drive business value and risk Identify the important steps in any cloud adoption process Understand the most essential technology and cloud architecture components Recognize which services are more valuable and less risky Bring all the steps together in your plan Overcome resistance to cloud initiatives Learn how to temper overenthusiastic people Getting to cloud benefits quickly and safelyCloud computing is the leading IT delivery revolution. Picking up speed from 2010 onwards, we can expect that it will be the dominant IT delivery model in 2020. There is a lot of confusion around cloud, cloud models, fears around security, inflated expectations and 'cowboys' promising the moon. This course will help separate hype from applicability.Who is this for? Cloud computing fundamentally reshapes the jobs of everybody working professionally with IT, whether you are an IT professional, an auditor, or a business IT user. Learn how to update your skills to work in the cloud.Content and structure of this courseBased on hundreds of examples and questions from students of my earlier cloud courses, I have distilled the essential elements for navigating the cloud journeyThe course currently has 8 sections, 20+ lectures with more than 2 hours of content and is regularly being expanded.The first section explains how the cloud came to be and how it is another disruptive innovation.Then we give an overview of the 8-step cloud adoption roadmap.Technology examples is another section, in which we have both architecture diagrams as well as suggestions for hands-on exercises.Cloud is about service, and in the section on service engineering we will find out how to analyse these services for quality.No cloud training is complete without learning to identify the important risks and how you can start handling them.We can then revisit the 8-step cloud adoption roadmap to see where all the bits fit in.The course also has an extensive extra resources section, dedicated to more specific situations.What you will get out of this courseThis is the quickest way to get you and your team focused on the right steps in cloud adoption. The instructor is also regularly adding content on the basis of your feedback."
Price: 24.99

"Ubuntu Linux Server Basics" |
"Linux is the fastest growing operating system in the world. Get the Ubuntu Server skills you need to succeed, in only 3 days.Let's be honest; technical books are boring. Sure, you could learn Ubuntu Linux server administration from some long-winded encyclopedia, but why waste all that time?Udemy's video content delivery system will have you operating your own Ubuntu sever in mere hours.If you want to increase your IT skills, this course is a great place to start. More and more companies are utilizing Linux servers in their day-to-day operations. So, don't be left behind!All course updates are 100% FREE. Buy this course one time and you own it for life. Not only that, but you will also gain lifetime access to me as your personal instructor. Have a question about Ubuntu Server? Just ask! You, as my student, will always be my #1 priority.Wait, are you still reading this?! The course comes with a genuine 30 day, no hassles, money-back guarantee. So, there is absolutely nothing to risk here. Enroll today!"
Price: 94.99

"Network Marketing 101" |
"Inside you'll learn: How the Network Marketing platform differs from traditional businessWhat a good compensation plan looks likeHow to harness the power of your natural abilities and personality typeSteps to setting achievable goals and achieving your dreamsTried and true methods for promoting your MLM businessNew-school internet marketing methods for online promotionI've been around the Network Marketing industry for nearly 20 years now, and have seen lives transformed through the residual income that is possible with hard work and a desire to grow.My own father has made more than $250,000 a year in residual income through Network Marketing!Some people say Network Marketing, also known as Multilevel Marketing is a scam. Well, I'm here to tell you that's just plain WRONG.Network Marketing has been around for more than half a century and it isn't going anywhere. People are becoming millionaires right NOW, while you're reading this.Still not convinced?See what the United States Federal Trade Commission says about Multilevel/Network Marketing:""There are multi-level marketing plans and then there are pyramid schemes. Before signing on the dotted line, study the company's track record, ask lots of questions, and seek out independent opinions about the business.""Source: United States FTC WebsiteMy course will teach you exactly how to spot a pyramid scheme from a mile off, and equip you with the knowledge to generate real passive income with Network Marketing.Enroll today and begin your journey toward a more independent financial future."
Price: 19.99

"CentOS 7 Linux Server: Alternative to Red Hat Enterprise" |
"Linux is the fastest growing operating system in the world. Get the CentOS Server skills you need to succeed with this comprehensive course.Let's be honest; technical books are boring. Sure, you could learn CentOS 7 server administration from some long-winded encyclopedia, but why waste all that time?Udemy's video content delivery system will have you operating your own CentOS sever in minutes.If you want to increase your IT skills, this course is a great place to start. More and more companies are utilizing Linux servers in their day-to-day operations. So, don't be left behind!Inside, you'll learn:What a computer server is and how it worksHow to download and install CentOS 7 (it's FREE!)To master getting around in a shell/command-line environmentHow to connect to your server remotely with SSHBasic Apache web server configuration and implementationThe process for creating basic Samba sharesHow to configure 'mdadm' and form software RAID arraysand so much more!All course updates are 100% FREE. Buy this course one time and you own it for life. Not only that, but you will also gain lifetime access to me as your personal instructor. Have a question about CentOS? Just ask! You, as my student, will always be my #1 priority.Wait, are you still reading this?! The course comes with a genuine 30 day, no hassles, money-back guarantee. So, there is absolutely nothing to risk here. Enroll today!"
Price: 94.99

"Learn VirtualBox: Step by Step (Install 5 Operating Systems)" |
"Oracle VM VirtualBox is a program for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris, which enables you to install alternative operating systems within your current (host) operating system.You can run Linux side-by-side with other operating systems, including BSD, Solaris, and Windows.Inside the course you'll learn how to:Download and install VirtualBox (it's 100% FREE)Create virtual machines to run other operating systems within your current OSUnlock guest additions that add even more powerful features to your VMsShare files between your host and guest OSUse mouse integration for seemless work between host and guest OSI'll walk you through 5 complete operating system installations. Each OS will be thoroughly treated, from virtual machine creation, to installation, guest additions, and more! The following guest operating systems will be covered in the course:Windows XP ProUbuntu DesktopCentOS 7FreeBSDOpenSUSEGet started today with Oracle VM Virtualbox, and start playing with new operating systems, learning how they function, BEFORE you perform a local installation!Virtualization is a great way to familiarize yourself with new operating systems.You can learn valuable skills, including server administration and networking, all within a safe, virtual environment.There's no need to worry about breaking anything within a virtual machine! You can always choose to start over in VirtualBox. It's a safe. and effective way to learn just about anything. Plus, the software is free forever. So, you never need to worry about licensing or other fees.I know you're going to love this course. As a student, you are my #1 priority. So, don't hesitate to contact me with any question you may have concerning the course. It would be my pleasure to serve you.Ready to get started? Let's go!Cody"
Price: 94.99

"Nutrition Essentials: Vitamins & Minerals" |
"Your body requires a variety of substances to function properly. Learn about all of them in one convenient course!Let's be honest; we all desire greater health and vitality. Vitamins and minerals may be able to help you achieve it.Did you know that, according to the Mayo Clinic, mild vitamin B6 deficiency is ""common""? But who thinks about their B6 intake on a daily basis? Few to none, I'm afraid.Iron deficiency, which produces anemia, is quite common among women.Potassium deficiency can produce painful muscle cramps, especially in the feet.I could go on and on... but I want you to know...This course is all about a balanced approach to health and nutrition.I'm not going to tell you that vitamins and minerals are the cure for everything. That's just ridiculous.However, many people are living in a fantasy world, where they believe they are getting enough of the vital nutrients their bodies require from their typical western diet.That just isn't the case.Would you like to learn what foods to eat in order to develop a well-rounded and balanced diet? Enroll today, because that's what this course is all about!All course updates are 100% FREE. Buy this course one time and you own it for life. Not only that, but you will also gain lifetime access to me as your personal instructor. Have a question about vitamins and minerals? Just ask! You, as my student, will always be my #1 priority.Wait, you're still reading this?! The course comes with a genuine 30 day, no hassles, money-back guarantee. So, there is absolutely nothing to risk here. Enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"Ubuntu Linux Server Troubleshooting" |
"Linux is the fastest growing operating system in the world. Get the Ubuntu Server skills you need to succeed with Ubuntu Linux Server Troubleshooting.Things break. That's why companies hire IT professionals like YOU! Learn how to fix common errors in Ubuntu Server without even breaking a sweat. Whether the issue is hardware or software related, you'll be able to tackle it with the information and shell commands I'll teach you.In the course I will cover:The Basic Principles of TroubleshootingReading the Kernel Ring Buffer with 'dmesg'Obtaining Hardware Information through the ShellRepairing Networking IssuesResolving Dependencies in Software InstallationsHow to Systematically Diagnose Hardware ProblemsIf you want to increase your IT skills, this course is a great place to start. More and more companies are utilizing Linux servers in their day-to-day operations. So, don't be left behind!All course updates are 100% FREE. Buy this course one time and you own it for life. Not only that, but you will also gain lifetime access to me as your personal instructor. Have a question about Ubuntu Server? Just ask! You, as my student, will always be my #1 priority.Wait, are you still reading this?! The course comes with a genuine 30 day, no hassles, money-back guarantee. So, there is absolutely nothing to risk here. Enroll today!"
Price: 94.99

"Ubuntu Desktop for Beginners: Start Using Linux Today!" |
"Linux is the fastest growing operating system in the world. Whether you're interested in Ubuntu as an IT professional or just wanting to experiment with a new operating system, you'll love Ubuntu Desktop!Let's be honest; technical books are boring. Sure, you could learn about Ubuntu Desktop from some long-winded encyclopedia, but why waste all that time?Udemy's video content delivery system will have you working inside Ubuntu Linux in a matter of minutes!If you want to increase your IT skills, this course is a great place to start. So, don't be left behind!Inside, you'll learn how to:Install Ubuntu DesktopUse VirtualBox for installing Linux inside Windows/Mac OSNavigate the Graphical User Interface (GUI)Install programs with Ubuntu Software CenterRun Windows programs inside LinuxUse the terminal for advanced operationsTroubleshoot basic system issuesAll course updates are 100% FREE. Buy this course one time and you own it for life. Not only that, but you will also gain lifetime access to me as your personal instructor. Have a question about Ubuntu? Just ask! You, as my student, will always be my #1 priority.Wait, are you still reading this?! The course comes with a genuine 30 day, no hassles, money-back guarantee. So, there is absolutely nothing to risk here. Enroll today!"
Price: 94.99

"Create Your Own DVR with Mythbuntu (Ubuntu + MythTV)" |
"Would you like to build your own DVR for use with over-the-air, digital TV? Are you looking to learn (or increase your knowledge of) Linux with a hands-on, do-it-yourself project?Look no further! This practical course for beginners will teach you everything you need to know about building your own DVR. You don't need any previous experience with Linux or DVR systems; I'll show you how to install a powerful operating system called Mythbuntu. It's a fusion of Ubuntu Linux and a popular, open-source DVR program called MythTV.PLEASE NOTE: This course requires that you have a spare computer (to use as the DVR) with a TV tuner card. You'll also need a digital TV antenna. The course will not teach you how to build a computer, but I will help you install your tuner card if necessary.Once you have the necessary hardware, installing Mythbuntu will be quick and easy with my step-by-step instructions. You'll be watching TV in no time!If you have questions about anything, I am here to help you. So, just ask! Creating your own DVR may sound complicated, but it's relatively simple once you know how to configure MythTV. Once everything is configured, you'll have a reliable DVR system that will run for years, is fully customizable, and easy to upgrade!You can also play DVD movies, view picture slideshows, listen to internet radio, and watch videos with MythTV!IMPORTANT: This course covers digital (over-the-air) television capture and streaming ONLY. Cable and satellite signals are encrypted and it is illegal in many locations to even attempt to decrypt them. I will NOT teach you how to do this, as it is against the law where I live and I do not condone illegal behavior.Get started today! With Udemy's 100% moneyback guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose... and something super cool to learn! All course updates are included and 100% FREE. Access to the instructor is also included at no additional charge."
Price: 19.99

"How to Build a Custom Gaming PC" |
"Learn how to build your very own custom gaming PC from the ground up! No prior experience or knowledge is required to enroll in this do-it-yourself project course.My name is Cody Ray Miller, an IT professional and complete computer geek. I'll be walking you through the process of building your own PC step-by-step.The course covers everything from selecting custom parts, to putting it all together. Plus bonus sections to help you DIG DEEP inside each piece of hardware and understand how it works and why..Although intended for absolute beginners, anyone can enroll in this course and follow along to build an awesome gaming PC for less than $1,000.After taking this course, you'll know exactly how to DESIGN and BUILD a computer system of any kind, for any purpose. You'll be fully equipped to create systems for other people, according to their specific needs.You'll also increase your knowledge of all system components, thereby improving your ability to diagnose, troubleshoot, and repair PC hardware.All course updates are 100% FREE. Buy this course one time and you own it for life. Not only that, but you will also gain lifetime access to me as your personal instructor. Have a question about building a PC? Just ask! You, as my student, are my #1 priority.Wait, are you still reading this?! The course comes with a genuine 30 day, no hassles, money-back guarantee. So, there is absolutely nothing to risk here. Enroll today!"
Price: 94.99

"Java Programming for Humans!" |
"Java for Humans is a course designed with the complete beginner in mind. No previous programming experience is required. You yes, you! can start programming today. Whether you want to learn how to write code for fun, or to get ahead in your career, this course will help you achieve your goals. All instruction is in plain, simple English. No technical jargon or complicated terms to memorize. Learn as you code! If you've ever struggled to figure out a programming textbook, this course is designed with you in mind. I hated those huge, clunky books and you know what? They never helped me learn a programming language no matter how hard I tried. What finally helped me was an instructor who explained everything to me in plain terms. In this course, thats exactly what Ill be doing for you! I cover everything you, as a beginner, need to know. You'll write 5 complete Java apps (and many smaller apps) along the way and well have FUN learning Java together. Dont forget that there is a 100% moneyback guarantee on this course, so you risk absolutely nothing. Try the course out for a full 30 days and if you arent completely satisfied (Im confident you will be), you get every penny back. Youll also receive free course updates. When something new is added to the course, youll get it for free! So, what are you waiting for? Start learning Java today. Enroll in this course and lets get going! If you have any questions prior to enrollment, please send me a private message and Id be happy to assist you in every way possible. Cheers,Cody"
Price: 19.99

"How to teach online courses - a practical guide from a pro" |
"This course will give you the skills you need to teach online courses with confidence, even if you don't have a background in teaching.Have you seen courses on Udemy, Skillshare and YouTube and thought, ""hey, I could make a course about that!""... but then didn't follow through because you weren't sure of exactly how to approach the full learning design or structure or weren't sure about what sort of equipment you'd need?Or perhaps you've seen all those ""passive income"" blurbs and suspected that there's probably a bit more to it than just shouting your general knowledge into a microphone?This course will help you to plan, create and teach an amazing online course that students will love, and it's taught by someone who has over a decade of experience in creating online courses and teaching others how to do the same.Why choose this course over any of the others?The other top ""teach on Udemy"" courses are wonderful, and I have incredible respect for their instructors. This course stands out from the others through a much greater focus and detail on those starting steps for thinking of your ideas, connecting with your passions, and helping you understand how to best connect with your future students.If you're considering taking multiple courses to best understand how to make online courses to sell through Udemy, then I suggest pairing this course with one of the others that focuses on marketing - that way you'll get a great educational approach for making a fantastic course here with these methods, and then follow with solid processes for marketing and launching your course with one of the others.STUDENT REVIEWS: ""Ricky takes a step-by-step approach to explaining how to plan and structure a course; how to design a course for maximum student engagement; and how to foster a good rapport with students throughout the course."" - Autumn Gal ""Ricky showed me ... how to structure my course and how to make my courses engaging and interesting for all who will be watching."" - Zoe Martin You will discover how to create your course from start to finish in easy to understand and simple practical steps: What to teach that connects with your passions and expertise How to test if there's a market for your course idea How to develop a teaching approach How to develop a detailed course plan Various ways to present lessons so that your students engage more What to actually say in a lesson to improve your students' understanding Essential production tips Methods to evaluate your course How to use student feedback to improve your course Every lesson in this course has a practical skill that you can learn to develop your own course plan and teaching approach. You can get started pretty quickly and work on your own courses progressively while learning here. So, if you'd like to teach online then take this course now, and I'll see you inside!"
Price: 29.99

"How to talk to camera with confidence, warmth and look good" |
"Would you like to record yourself as a talking head, talking directly to camera for a YouTube video, website intro, Kickstarter promo, or perhaps your own online course?Are you completely freaked out by the thought of recording yourself? Or perhaps you've got confidence, but are looking to refine your technique and camera presence?This course is designed to get you up and comfortable in front of camera, and to speak with confidence and warmth.How does it work?An engaging camera presence is a mixture of technique, comfort, camera setup, and a well crafted message that you believe in. All of this can be learnt, refined, practiced and achieved.The great thing about video is that you don't need to get it right the first time - you can try and retry as often as you like, and people only ever see the bits that you decide to release.I recently launched a course about creating online courses, and every bit of feedback I received included glowing compliments about my engaging camera presence. The thing they didn't see is how many times I forgot my lines, or scratched my nose and decided to re-take.What they did see was the result of my years of experience in filming and training presenters, helping talented by shy people to step up to camera, and of course my own experience in talking to camera.In this course, I lead you through the steps that have worked for me and others I have helped to captivate an audience on camera.These steps start days before you start your ""real"" filming, by helping you refine your message, get comfortable with the idea of talking to a camera, develop your speaking tone, and a method for practicing that's far better than simply talking to the mirror or a friend.As you get closer to filming, the course also explores a range of tools and ways you can setup your camera, lights and sound to evoke a particular mood, and even explores how clothes and sleep can affect your videos.You will get coaching on your body posture, how and when to emphasise your voice, and what to do with your hands.Each lesson in this course gives you practical skills that can help you improve your camera presence, starting from right now.Remember that taking this course now gives you access for life, and this is indeed a living course, where I'll be on hand to answer questions, keep you motivated, and create bonus extra lessons based on your feedback.Hope to see you inside, and let's get started on improving your camera presence!"
Price: 24.99

"How To Stop Procrastinating & Start: 3X Your Productivity!" |
"StartYourWorkNow Com has moved to Udemy! Watch the video above to learn a step-by-step method to cure procrastination, and watch the course previews below to get a sneak peek at the course content. You'll understand why you procrastinate better than you ever have before, and you'll get the 4 steps you need to take to make sure you never do it again, in a concise and compact course. You'll never have to force yourself to get things done anymore. Instead, use these simplified techniques to 'kick-start' your productivity along with the calendar 'designed for procrastinators' you're about to learn.""Hi Richard,I just finished listening to your course and I am:1. SO impressed!2. SOOOO grateful!!!!3. SO inspired!I listened to the entire course, but I also just printed all the materials (transcripts) so that I could highlight whats relevant and review it over and over again.... Your course is going to help me get back to who I truly am WITHOUT the subconscious crap thats going on inside me.Thank you SO much for this!!! You are amazing!!!""- Milena H. (student) Welcome to How To Stop Procrastinating & Start Hi, I'm Richard Rawlings. Procrastination used to make me feel like a complete loser at work and school. I felt like I was talented and smart, but for some reason I never accomplished much compared to others around me. I couldn't compete at work and my grades were never even close to where I wanted them. I was getting pretty desperate, so a few years ago I started reading about the psychology of motivation, productivity and procrastination. I got a little obsessed with it. I spent hundreds of hours reading and over $700+ on books... And it took me about a year, but eventually I developed a system to stop procrastinating permanently without forcing myself or using extra willpower. Now, I've taken the golden nuggets from that experience and crammed it into a short course you can watch in just a few hours. I've done all the legwork for you already, so you just need to watch the course videos to get all you need to escape the procrastination habit for good. I discovered there are 4 steps to stopping procrastination, so the course is organized into 4 'Modules' - Watch the first video above where I explain what the 4 steps are and what you need to do to make sure you stop procrastinating. Here's what you'll learn in this course: How to stop using willpower and trying to force yourself to get things done (which just backfires!)The hidden subconscious reason you procrastinate (I take you through an unusual, but effective process to find these reasons). A simple-yet-elegant time management schedule that actually works for procrastinators (most scheduling systems work for people with ORGANIZATIONAL problems but are not targeted at the PROCRASTINATION problem). How to stop perfectionism from creating procrastination problems. How to break down projects and goals into almost insultingly-small chunks so they're simple to complete How to manage your energy throughout the day How to prevent burn out How to use time management software effectively, and a selection of the most effective software you can use (but still keep it simple) Who is this course for? Students, freelancers and entrepreneurs who have to motivate themselves to work, but constantly get stuckStudents with open minds Anybody who puts important things off, but isn't sure why People who are ambitious, but can't find consistency Who is this not for? Anybody who never puts important things off to the last minute. Anybody not willing to change their habits and routines a bit in order to get results Remember, if it doesn't work for you, you have 30 days to get your money back with Udemy's Guarantee. I don't believe I deserve your money if you aren't absolutely delighted with it, anyway. Click ""Take This Course"" now, and I'll see you on the other side! - Richard ------------------- The course has been online helping students for about a year now at StartYourWorkNow-com. Here are a few STUDENT EMAILS:""I just wanted to write to you and say how much of a big help your procrastination videos helped me with procrastination. Ive been to a lot of self-help sites but none of them were quite as helpful as yours. I learned a lot of stuff in listening to your videos and whenever I need a boost in motivation I watch your videos and its like magic."" - Heidi W. ""Hello Richard. Let me introduce myself, my name is Daniel Aljure and I'm a 31 years old online marketer from Bogota (Colombia). I saw your ad in one of my FB profiles and I decided to register myself because I was aware that for a long time (maybe my whole adult life) I've had a procrastination problem that has caused me a lot of negative consequences (although, eventually you learn from everything, and that is a positive consequence itself). Anyway, I tried a lot of stuff, I even hired a business coach that offered to help me and she actually did, but not as much as I needed, and your offer appeared interesting to me and I decided to give it a shot. I have to say now, that it was a very good decision, because I enjoyed the course very much, and I decided to apply most of the stuff contained in the modules. I wanna thank you for that, and congratulate you on a job well done."" - Daniel Aljure, Bogota, Columbia ""I watched all your modules a few days and they have given me new hope to break my current pattern of procrastination. It's the best resource Ive found, and really spoke to me! ..."" - A.R., San Diego ""Hello there Richard! Firstly, I would like to thank you for this awesome website and the things youve shared theyre amazing. (: ... Your information has given me lots of inspiration."" - Adel R., Singapore ""I really like the information! I found this program yesterday and finished watching it just now. I might go through it again, most of the information is new to me. I hope that it will make changes in my work habits. Cant wait to try the advises! Thanks again!"" - Ada M. -------------------"
Price: 69.99
