"Full Stack Kotlin Development" |
"Kotlin brings many advantages to Java developers. Spring framework has taken Kotlin as one of their supported languages, and that makes Kotlin a perfect pairing with Spring for web application development. A strongly typed language like Kotlin brings safety to Javascript development. Creating a React application with Kotlin gives developers superior IDE support and type safety of a statically typed language.This course will take you through the development of a full-stack application with Kotlin. First, well create a back-end Spring MVC application with Kotlin. Well show you a generic Spring framework structure, how it maps to Kotlin, and how to enhance our application with Springs brilliant data access, security, and web service support.Later, the course walks you through React application development with Kotlin. Well touch on the overall React application structure, data flow, and communication with the server over XHR. In the third volume, well look at both back-end and front-end architecture and give you some ideas on how to make a seamless full-stack application with enhanced server-side rendering, data sharing between layers and reactive programming around Spring frameworks new reactive capabilities.About The AuthorJussi Hallila is a Kotlin fanatic living in Ireland. As a Finland native, he is naturally a hockey fan and is always keen to discuss Linux and mock Apple, and he also gives lectures on open source.Jussi has been in the software development game for over ten years and has been working with multinationals as well as small start-ups. His experiences among the development sphere have ranged from full back-end heavy Java development and implementing DevOps practices to the most hipsterish implementations of the newest of the new front-end frameworks. He has extensive experience developing with Spring, Vaadin, React, and Vue.Js, and advocating Kotlin server-side usage.When he is not creating courses or tasting craft beers, Jussi works as the head of front-end development in VSware, creating the most innovative SAAS-based school management software. He also provides consulting, training, and software development services through his company, Ilities co."
Price: 124.99

"Infrastructure as a Service Solutions with Azure" |
"Microsoft Azures Infrastructure as a Service provides users with the flexibility and freedom required for scaling and automating their virtual machines on demand for powerful cloud management. This video tutorial takes you through the core of Infrastructure as a Service with Microsoft Azure, and equips you with the practical know how to manage various Azure Services for effective business over the cloud.Youll dive into Subscription and Resource Management in Azure, and learn to work with various resource groups and policies through the Azure Portal. Youll explore Azure Storage services, and employ various storage options for your Virtual Machines that work best for your business.Youll also explore Azure Networking, set up your Virtual Networks, control network traffic with the help of Azure Traffic Manager and Security Groups, and host your domain name server with Azure DNS. Finally, youll learn to leverage Azure Compute, work with Azure Virtual Machines, and download specialized Virtual Machines from the Azure Marketplace as per your business requirements.By the end of this tutorial, youll be ready to leverage different services core to Azure IaaS, enabling your business to thrive over the cloud.About the AuthorBrian Christopher Harrison has been involved with Microsoft Azure since 2012, and is currently a Cloud Solutions Architect at Microsoft. He has been involved in Microsoft training, has actively blogged and spoke about Azure on Microsoft's site, and also has his own screencasts."
Price: 124.99

"Learning Path: Artificial Intelligence for Apps and Games" |
"With the emergence of big data and modern technologies, artificial intelligence has acquired a lot of relevance in many domains. The increase in demand for automation has generated many applications for artificial intelligence in fields such as robotics, predictive analytics, finance, and many more. So, if you're a developer who wants to upgrade your normal applications to smart and intelligent versions, then go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Make your applications intelligent using artificial intelligence in your day-to-day apps and become a smart developer Learn how to implement artificial intelligence in your games and puzzles Let's take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path starts off by explaining artificial intelligence in brief. You will then learn basic search methods such as DFS (Depth First Search), BFS (Breadth First Search), and A* search to make intelligent decisions when the initial state, end state, and possible actions are known. You will also understand how to formulate a problem, which involves looking at it and identifying its initial state, goal state, and the actions that are possible in each state. Next, you will explore data structures involved while implementing these search algorithms which form the basis for search exploration. You will then learn what is heuristic search and how it decides the quality of one sub solution over the other to help you decide which steps are to be taken. Going ahead, this Learning Path teaches you to design games. You will understand how to design the various stages of the evolutionary algorithm that will control performance. You will then implement these various stages of an algorithm in a sample Tic-Tac-Toe game. Next, you will learn to apply various algorithm concepts in the sample game. Finally, you will be glanced through a trip planning application wherein you will see how the application is solved through evolutionary algorithms. By the end of this Learning Path, youll be able to make your searches and games more responsive and smarter by applying artificial intelligence to it. Meet Your Experts: We have the best work of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Devangini Patel is a Ph.D. student at the National University of Singapore. Her research interests include deep learning, computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. She has completed masters in Artificial Intelligence from University of Southampton, UK. She has over 5 years of experience in the field of AI and has worked on various industrial and research projects in AI including facial expression analysis, robotics, virtual try-on, object recognition and detection, and advertisement ranking."
Price: 199.99

"Performing Complex State Management with Redux" |
"Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps which helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. It also provides you with a great developer experience, such as live code editing combined with a time-traveling debugger. Redux can be used together with any view library, not just React! Managing state in an application is critical to developers and is often done unsystematically. Redux provides a solution which will help your applications behave consistently. It is an evolution, helping you avoid the complexity found in Flux on how applications are built with the Elm language.This course starts off with a practical introduction to Redux and how it fits into the JavaScript ecosystem. Moving ahead you will understand how to use Redux with your application and work with ES6/7, Reducers, firing actions, Thunks and Selectors. You will learn the rules of working with Redux and advanced concepts to configure your application. We will spend the last half of the course applying the Redux concepts we have learned to a real-world application - a messaging board similar to Reddit that is written in React. By taking this completed example application you witness how Redux can dramatically simplify the development of your application.By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to apply all the concepts used here to a real project and you will know exactly why you should use Redux for building larger applications.About the AuthorColibri is a technology consultancy company founded in 2015 by James Cross and Ingrid Funie. The company works to help its clients navigate the rapidly changing and complex world of emerging technologies, with deep expertise in areas such as big data, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing. Over the past few years they have worked with some of the world's largest and most prestigious companies, including a tier-1 investment bank, a leading management consultancy group, and one of the world's most popular soft drinks companies, helping each of them to make sense of their data more effectively and process it in more intelligent ways. The company lives by its motto: Data -> Intelligence -> Action.Richard Gill is a Full Stack JavaScript developer. He runs ZDEV, a software consultancy that specializes in building websites and apps for small- and medium-sized clients. Richard has a Computer Science degree from Imperial College and started his career building technology at investment banks and hedge funds; he then moved on to consulting before founding his own development shop. Richard has spent three years working with React, React Native, and Redux to build websites and apps for real-world clients. He considers himself a generalist programmer who initially was expert in Java, C#, and Ruby on Rails before spending the last few years in a JavaScript/Node based environment. His company follows an apprenticeship model and all his staff were trained by him from scratch."
Price: 124.99

"Laravel Architect YouTube-Like Platforms" |
"Laravel is on the top when it comes to PHP frameworks. There are multiple reasons for this. One of this being that it can handle heavy data with ease. This makes a perfect choice when you are dealing with applications with video steaming.Laravel: Architect YouTube-like Platforms provides a step-by-step guide that will help you create your very own video sharing application much like YouTube and Vimeo right from scratch.We begin this course by setting up the required environment and tools to that we would require to complete our project. We then start by building components one-by-one. We start by creating the user account component that deals with authentication, account information and other essentials. We then move on to build the search components and channels. We will also learn how to include features like subscriptions, history page, like and dislike buttons, comment sections, and so on.Finally, we will learn how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) for video transcoding and storage. By the end of this course you will have a solid platform that I will teach you to launch to production.About The Author :Markus Gray is a front-end developer/designer with 11 years of experience based in Philadelphia. He has diverse and deep interests in most of the trending technologies. He spends most of his time helping public and private companies and has also worked with the federal government through the department of education. Currently, he is the CEO of Syncware Technologies, Inc. He is extremely passionate about teaching, and hopes to spend more and more time helping young developers in the community become proficient at front-end development."
Price: 124.99

"Go : Building DevOps Tools" |
"A lot of new tools focussed for DevOps practices are getting built in Golang because of its focus for system programming. Docker, arguably one of the hottest container technologies right now, is written with Golang. With awesome support from Google, Go is set to be one of the most popular languages for DevOps for a pretty long time.In this course, you will first start with learning all about REST APIs. Then, you would be building a REST client library, during the course of which, you will be learning many new concepts. Finally, we will develop a command-line tool that would help developers interact with GitHub easily, and perform tasks like searching, cloning, and forking repositories, as well as a lot of other conventional tasks. Needless to say, your tool would be interacting with the GitHub API heavily. Lastly, we would be looking at integrating our REST client library with this tool.By the end of this course, you would have become a master at Go, and would be able to seamlessly use it for your DevOps tasks."
Price: 124.99

"Fundamental Algorithms in Scala" |
"Scala's functional programming features are a boon to help you design easy to reason about systems to control growing software complexities.In this course, you will look at some classic simple algorithms. Most algorithms are traditionally defined in an imperative manner, typically consisting of repetitions in the form of conditional looping and altering states. Writing these in a functional manner is not always a trivial process. Moving ahead, you will learn to implement these elementary algorithms using a combination of functional concepts instead of the traditional imperative approach. After covering the important functional concepts in Scala you will move on to the decimal to binary conversion and generate sequences algorithms. Further, we will look at implementing a series of algorithms such as generating prime numbers, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, and functional infix to postfix conversion.By the end of this course, you will be well versed in the functional concepts of Scala and would have implemented all of these.About the Author :James Cutajar is a software developer with interests in scalable high performance computing and distributed algorithms. He is also an open source contributor, blogger, and tech evangelist. When he is not writing software, he is riding his motorbike, surfing, or flying light aircraft. He was born in Malta, lived for almost a decade in London, and is now working in Portugal."
Price: 124.99

"Automated Machine Learning Pipeline with Mesos" |
"Mesos, with its semi-centralized infrastructure, sustains the skeleton of Silicon Valleys Netflix (Fezo), Airbnb (Airflow), Heroku, and Apple to name a few, and has established itself as a staple in any automated machine learning pipeline and distributed heterogeneous data pruning.In this course, we will learn the foundation of Mesos within the automated pipeline on fault-tolerant cluster semaphores. We will set up a virtual cluster running Marathon and Zookeeper and a concurrent Docker application. We will establish a master-slave infrastructure, experience real-time debugging, and learn how to automate cluster arbitration via Soliton automata. We will then see an iterative queue manager for indexed tasks dispatched concurrently inside a poset topology.About The AuthorKarl Whitford has been involved in the tech industry for 10 years as a software engineer. He has a background in statistical machine learning, deep learning, and A.I. from Columbia University. He also has knowledge of computational physics/mathematics from DePaul University and UT Austin. He is a professional in the fields of game A.I, compression, machine learning, and distributed cluster computing. Karl is an open source contributor to SMACK, Pancake Stack (PipelineI/O), and Pregel-Mesos, among others. He has previous work experience with Microsoft, Coca Cola, and Unilever to name a few; he is also an indie game developer and founder of Esquirel (Black-Squirrel) Studios in San Francisco, California. He was also handpicked by UploadVR as ""one to watch"" and featured at Mountain Views 2016 VR Showcase."
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Spring Boot" |
"In this course, you are going to learn more about WebMVCs configuration, Jackson Views, and other advanced features. In the course, Spring Boot Getting Started, you have learned the basic knowledge to create an application with spring boot. This course will build on that and extend it even further. We are also going to dive deeper into Spring security and store users in the database, use distributed sessions, and our own user classes. Youll learn how to test Spring WebMVC applications and how to include your Spring security configuration in your tests.We are also having a look at Spring Data which we have only covered briefly in the database section before. AOP allows you to effectively tackle the famous cross-cutting concerns, so we are having a look at Spring support for AOP. As last section we are adopting Spring boot Actuator to our needs by adding our own metrics and health checks and revisit the Actuator configuration.After completing this course you will be able to use the advanced Spring Boot features to deliver more complex, feature rich, and operations-friendly applications.About the AuthorPatrick Cornelissen is a software developer at heart and the founder and CEO of the Orchit GmbH. He has written a number of applications in various languages and platforms and is specialized in microservice-based applications and the transition of monolithic applications into microservices. He is using the Spring Framework since 2009 and is a big fan ever since. After his family, Software craftsmanship is one of his passions that he is pursuing whenever he has spare time. For this, he has organized for example code retreats and open space conferences in the past. He likes to learn as much as to teach new things in the filed of (agile) software development."
Price: 124.99

"Diving Deep into Swift" |
"Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux.This course takes you deep into the Swift language. It aims to take you beyond the fluency you need for everyday Swift development, and towards becoming a true master and understand how the language works at a deep level.You will learn Swift development, mostly using Xcode on Apple platforms, along with the ability to port your knowledge to Ubuntu Linux. You will learn stylish tricks to write elegant, professional and powerful Swift code.With this Swift course, you will have a working understanding of how the Objective-C heritage of Apples platforms shapes many of its APIs. This is essential knowledge to take you past from an intermediate level into true mastery.By the end of this course, you will be working heavily with Xcode, and will be ready to tackle graphical user interface development on macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS. Finally, you will be ready to build your own Swift applications with easeAbout the AuthorJonathan Crooke has been a professional developer for Apple platforms since 2010, and has shipped successful apps with user-bases in the millions, working for companies such as SoundCloud, Zalando, Memrise, and EyeEm. He has worked on the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and MacOS, and has a number of popular libraries available on GitHub. With a previous career in teaching, Jonathan has considerable experience putting himself in the shoes of the learner, and communicates clearly without excessive use of jargon."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: R: Complete Data Visualization with R" |
"R is one of the most widely used language for data and graph analysis. It is platform-independent and allows users to load various packages as well as develop their own packages to interpret data better. This Learning Path is packed with practical recipes, designed to provide you with all the guidance needed to get to grips with data visualization with R. So, if you're a data science professional and want to learn about the powerful data visualization techniques of R, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Create simple and quick visualizations using the basic graphic tools in R Visualize data using different kind of Maps Generate sunflower plots, hexbin plots, Chernoff faces, and so on Explore network, radial, and coxcomb plots. Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. You will start with the basics of R plots and an introduction to heat maps and customizing them. After this, you will learn to create interactive maps using the googleVis package. You will then generate choropleth maps and contouring maps, bubble plots, and pie charts. Next, you will dive into constructing 3D plots and be introduced to packages such as rgl and animation, which are used to create interactive 3D plots. Moving forward, you will focus on techniques to create word clouds, phase tree, and comparison clouds in R. You will also learn how to use the XKCD package to introduce humor in visualizations. Finally, you will be using the XML package to extract and visualize data as well as using shiny package used to create interactive applications. On the completion of this Learning Path, you will be well versed with powerful data visualization techniques of R that you can incorporate in your applications. Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Atmajit Singh Gohil works as a senior consultant at a consultancy firm in New York City. After graduating, he worked in the financial industry as a Fixed Income Analyst. He writes about data manipulation, data exploration, visualization. He has a master's degree in financial economics from the State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo. He also graduated with a Master of Arts degree in economics from the University of Pune, India. He loves to read blogs on data visualization and loves to go out on hikes in his free time."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Docker: Dockerization with Docker" |
"Docker is an open source containerization engine that offers a simple and faster way for developing and running software. It is one of the worlds best software container platforms. The use of containers in Docker makes it easy to develop, deploy and execute applications. If you're interested to gain practical knowledge on how to orchestrate and deploy scalable applications with Docker, then you should surely go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Develop containerized applications using Docker Explore advanced build options and image tagsDeploy and test your Docker containers and put them to work in productionLets take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path begins with setting up the Docker environment. You will be introduced to the basic Docker commands and how to work with images and containers. You'll then quickly learn how to write a Dockerfile, build an image from it, and then launch a container from that image. You'll also get hands-on experience with common Docker tasks such as pushing images to remote repositories, and using port mappings and the image caching layer during builds. You'll also explore how to run Docker services and learn how it can be used to run a group of related Docker containers. This Learning Path also covers advanced topics such as sharing data between containers, Docker services to run a group of related Docker containers etc. You'll also gain knowledge on how you can contribute to the image repository by publishing different images. This will accustom you with the image building process and you'll be able to successfully run your programs within containers. By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be confident in building and deploying your applications using Docker and have a clear understanding of techniques to get it running in production systems. Meet Your Expert: We have combined the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Viktor Farcic is a senior DevOps consultant at CloudBees, a member of the Docker Captains group, and an author. He codes using a plethora of languages starting with Pascal (yes, he is old), Basic (before it got the Visual prefix), ASP (before it got the .NET suffix), C, C++, Perl, Python, ASP.NET, Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, Java, Scala, and so on. He never worked with Fortran. His current favorite is Go. Viktor's big passions are Microservices, Continuous Deployment, and Test-Driven Development (TDD). He often speaks at community gatherings and conferences. Viktor wrote Test-Driven Java Development by Packt Publishing, and The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit. Randall Smith is a senior systems administrator at Adams State University. He has been administering Windows, Linux, and BSD systems since 1999.He has been active in helping other sysadmins solve problems online and off. He has presented at the Colorado Higher Ed Computing Organization and Educause conferences on topics including Linux KVM and Ceph. In his spare time, Randall streams Let's Play gaming videos at Music Free Gaming on YouTube and Twitch."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Master Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Ease" |
"Continuous Delivery is used so as to have a constant flow of changes into production through an automated software production line. The combination of Docker and Jenkins improves your Continuous Delivery pipeline using a few resources. It also helps you scale up your builds, automate tasks, and speed up Jenkins performance with the benefits of Docker containerization. So if you are a developer or DevOps engineer and want to master the techniques of Continuous Delivery Pipeline, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Learn how to dockerize an application for the continuous delivery process Understand the principles and technical aspects of a successful continuous delivery pipeline Combine Ansible with Docker and Docker Compose Implement server clustering using Docker Swarm Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. You will start off with an introduction of continuous delivery. You will then set up a Docker server and configuring Jenkins on it. You will work through the steps to build applications on Docker files and integrate them with Jenkins using continuous delivery processes such as continuous integration and automated acceptance testing. Next, you will be introduced to continuous delivery pipelines in depth and improve the continuous integration and delivery process of app development. Finally, you will build a complete continuous delivery pipeline. On the completion of this Learning Path, you will be able to implement a mixture of different aspects related to the continuous delivery process in your application. Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Rafal Leszko is a passionate software developer, trainer, and conference speaker living in Krakow, Poland. He has spent his career writing code, designing architecture, and tech leading in a number of companies and organizations such as Google, CERN, and AGH University. Always open to new challenges, he has given talks and conducted workshops at more than a few international conferences such as Devoxx and Voxxed Days."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Electron: App Development with Electron" |
"Electron is a popular open source framework that allows you to build desktop applications using the skills you already possess as a front-end developer. So, if you are a web developer who wants to build modern apps with Electron, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Build your Electron application and debug it Create high quality desktop experiences using web technologies Automate your deployments using continuous integration services Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. You will start with the introduction of Electron. You will then dive into all you need to know to start writing your first Electron application, where you will learn the main APIs provided by the platform and how to apply them to real-world scenarios. You will then know how to test and debug Electron applications, and will conclude with an in-depth knowledge of how Electron works, and how its architectured, so you have all the necessary knowledge to tackle even the most challenging problems. Next, you will go through detailed explanation on how to properly package, sign, and distribute Electron applications. You will also cover every single major operating system in detail by using tools that automate the whole process. Finally, you will address how to set up an auto-updating infrastructure, and discuss various tips & tricks related to packaging and distribution. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be well versed with building and distributing applications using the Electron framework. Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Juan Cruz Viotti is a software engineering team lead at resin .io. He is an active member of the open source community, and is the maintainer of several open source projects, most notably Etcher, a cross-platform image writer desktop application focused on IoT. Juan approaches software engineering with a focus on testability, and maintainability, and has extensive experience with web technologies on browser, server, mobile, desktop, and embedded applications."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Modern User Interfaces with React and Flux" |
"Every great website needs a great user interface. This Learning Path focuses on how to build amazing user interfaces for your websites using React and Flux. React stack is the perfect tool to create amazing modern dynamic user interfaces. Flux fits seamlessly with React. In MVC terms, Flux is the Model and Controller to Reacts View, but it actually goes much deeper than that. So, if you're a developer who want to build modern user interfaces with React and Flux, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Create different UI components for your sites such as buttons and jumbotrons Create applications with Flux and React Learn how to build a user interface using React and Flux Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path begins with building a simple user interface in React. You will then learn to integrate Bootstrap 4 and third-party tools into React to make your user interface look even better. You will also see how to integrate and componentize CSS into React using Sass which enables you to style your components using web standard techniques. Next, you will dive into animation wherein you will understand events and states to create reactive user interface components. You will explore how to connect a server to MongoDB using Mongoose and learn more about nodemon, express, and EJS. You will also learn to build some of the critical components required to create a To-Do list. Moving ahead, this Learning Path shows how to integrate a Flux application with any backend. Next, you will gain hands-on knowledge on how to migrate your applications to different database services. Finally, you will understand how Flux can be used to scale applications. By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be able to build modern user interfaces using React and Flux. Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Ben Fhala discovered his passion for data visualization six years ago while he was working at Parsons in New York, in their data visualization department, PIIM. He is the owner of the online video training school, and an Adobe ACP. He enjoys spending most of his time learning and teaching and has a love for visual programming and visualization in general. Ben has had the honor of developing applications for members of the US Congress, prime ministers, and presidents around the world. He has built many interactive experiences for companies such as Target, AT&T, Crayola, Marriott, Neutrogena, and Nokia. He has technically directed many award-winning projects and has been part of teams that have won three Agency of the Year awards. Manish Sethi works as an engineer in Bangalore, India. Over the course of his career, he has worked for startups and Fortune 10 companies, helping organizations adopt a cloud-native approach to architect massively scalable products.He regularly spends time learning and implementing new technology paradigms and actively finds himself solving practical problems using serverless architecture, machine and deep learning, and so on. He contributes to Bangalore DevOps and the Docker community by writing blog posts, giving talks in meetups, and so on."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Game Development with GameMaker Studio 2" |
"GameMaker Studio 2 is a game engine that is used to publish games to a variety of platforms. It is one of the most versatile and friendly game creation tools for beginner and professional game developers. It is used for the creation of cross-platform and multi-genre video games using a scripting language known as GameMaker Language (GML). So, if you are a beginner who wants to a get a kick-start in you gaming journey with GameMaker Studio, then go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Export your games to multiple platforms including Windows, mobile, the Mac, and more Create animations in GameMaker Studio 2's sprite editor Understand the basics behind programming in GameMaker Studio 2 Learn complex hardening and migrate security infrastructures Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. You will first learn all about GameMaker: Studio 2s interface and general workflow. You will then be looking at the available resources in GameMaker Studio 2. You will understand the various options of objects and how they change the way your game will work as well as how to create your own simple object for use in a game. You will then learn about rooms, the resource that we use to set out levels, menus, and much more. Next, you will deal with the different types of variables available and about functions and statements. Next, you will learn about loops and scripts. You will then learn to create base assets, player and enemy creation, and finally scoring in the game and exporting your game as a standalone executable so that anyone can play, even if they don't have GameMaker. On the completion of this Learning Path, you will have an in-depth understanding of GameMaker Studio 2 and have acquainted with the GameMaker language. Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Nathan Auckett is an independent game developer and a moderator at @gamejolt. He is an advanced GameMaker user and has been using the software for over 7 years now. He started using GameMaker during its seventh version and has been using the built-in programming language ever since to create his own games. In 2012, he began creating small tutorials on various topics in GameMaker and has since then created over 50 tutorials helping people achieve a variety of different tasks in GameMaker. You can find him on Twitter: @NathanAuckett"
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: R: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with R" |
"Machine learning is a subfield of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Deep Learning is the next big thing and a part of machine learning. Its favorable results in applications with huge and complex data is remarkable. R is one of the most popular programming languages among the data science professionals. So, if you're a data science professional who wants to learn machine learning and deep learning with R, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Classify data with the help of statistical methods such as k-NN Classification, logistic regression, and decision trees Learn to develop machine learning applications and distributed jobs with SparkR Dive deeper into deep learning and artificial neural networks Let's take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path starts off by explaining different learning methods such as clustering, classification, model evaluation, and performance metrics. You will then dive into the general structure of the clustering algorithms and develop applications in the R environment by using clustering and classification algorithms for real-life problems. Next, you will explore elements of deep learning neural networks, types of deep learning networks, and frameworks used for deep learning applications with building an application in TensorFlow package. You will learn to develop machine learning applications and distributed jobs with SparkR. Moving ahead, this Learning Path teaches you how to leverage deep learning to make sense of your raw data by exploring various hidden layers of data. You will understand the basics of deep learning and artificial neural networks. You will then explore advanced ANNs and RNNs. Next, you will deep dive into convolutional neural networks and unsupervised learning. Finally, you will learn about the applications of deep learning in various fields and understand the practical implementations of scalability, HPC, and feature engineering. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to build powerful machine learning and deep learning applications with the help of R. Meet Your Experts: We have the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Olgun Aydin is a PhD candidate at Department of Statistics, Mimar Sinan University. He has been working on Deep Learning for his PhD thesis. He is also working as a Data Scientist.He is familiar with Big Data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark and is able to use Hive, Impala. He is a big fan of R. He loves to work with Shiny and SparkR.He has many academic papers and proceedings about applications of statistics on different disciplines. Vincenzo Lomonaco is a Deep Learning PhD student at the University of Bologna and founder of ContinuousAI .com an open source project aiming to connect people and reorganize resources in the context of Continuous Learning and AI. He is also the PhD students' representative at the Department of Computer Science of Engineering (DISI) and teaching assistant of the courses Machine Learning and Computer Architectures in the same department. Previously, he was a Machine Learning software engineer at IDL in-line devices and a master student at the University of Bologna where he graduated cum laude in 2015 with the dissertation Deep Learning for Computer Vision: A comparison between CNNs and HTMs on object recognition tasks""."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Cisco:Voice Solutions for Business with Cisco" |
"Network engineering has seen an increase in demand, and businesses are always on the lookout for engineers who can configure networks that meet their needs and provide support once theyre set up. Cisco provides a number of options both in terms of hardware and software to address these networking needs at various levels. So, If you are a novice in the field of network engineering or are simply looking to set up an efficient and cost-effective voice network for your own business, then go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Work with the perfect dial plan to maintain your network's cost-effectiveness Learn how to connect the analog telephone adaptor for connecting your Cisco phone to the network Know how to validate your calls over the network Let's take a look at your learning journey. To start with, you will explore the different hardware options over your network, and how they are brought together to create your basic connection. You will then learn to install and work with modems, routers, and analog telephones. You will also dive into implementing gateway and trunk connections with various hardware options provided by Cisco. After that, you will dive into different topologies and learn to implement each of these depending on the requirement. You will learn how to configure your network, practically manage your devices IP addresses, and work with different Cisco dial plans. Next, you will learn to set up Cisco command-line interface connections, and work with the hardware feature sets that fulfill your organization's various needs. From there, you will explore the different software you will need for your network. You will learn to work with the Cisco Unified Communication Manager Express, Cisco Unity, and Cisco Configuration Professional Express, as well as the different file sets you will encounter on a daily basis. After that, you will learn to design your SME topology, and configure various devices for your network. You will set up your own dial plans, and also set up accounts with the help of the Cisco GUI Admin. Finally, you will learn to use Cisco Unity Connection to manage voice calls and messages over your organization's network. On the completion of this Learning Path, you will be well versed with building, securing, and maintaining your own voice network for small to medium-sized enterprises. Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Joseph Sullivan is a Professor at Joliet Junior College. Joe is a certified Cisco Netacad instructor and has received numerous Instructor Excellence Expert awards from Cisco; this is awarded to top instructors globally. He brings his field experience into the classroom and is an engineer with Motorola. In his role as a System Architect Senior Engineer for Motorola, Joe designed authentication systems for KDDI in Japan, E911 Public Safety Access Point Number portability, and enhanced Push-to-Talk services. He is also the principal innovator of two applied patents in the method and apparatus for packet discard selection and the management of paging resources associated with a push-to-talk communications. Joe is currently studying Cloud Infrastructure and continuing his work with collaboration-secure video and voice communication systems."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Powerful User Interfaces with Unity & Canvas" |
"Unity is one of the most exciting and popular game engine in the gaming industry. Unity will ease your way of creating highly-optimized and beautiful 2D and 3D games by speeding up your development process. Canvas is a virtual learning environment that has been adopted by organizations of all kinds. Its flexibility and ease of use are unparalleled, and it has proved especially useful in situations where collaboration between individuals and in groups, with feedback on many different levels, is a must. So, if you want to become an expert in building interactive user interfaces with Unity and Canvas, then you should surely go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Learn to build the gaming interface by adding basic elements to Canvas Animate Canvas elements and develop reusable UIs to cut down on development time Create responsive UI for different resolutions and platforms by using the new video component offered by Unity 5.6 Let's take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path starts off by diving deep into the entire Unity UI system. You will then walk through the core components and elements which will enable you to build exciting games using Unity. You will also understand how unitys components and elements interact with each other. Next, you will explore animating a Canvas. You will learn how to create reusable UI elements. You will also learn to design a game in Unity that will run on multiple devices. Finally, you will learn UI editing and scripting. By the end of this Learning Path, you will have a strong understanding of how the UI system works as a whole. Meet Your Expert: We have the best work of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Keith OMalley is a Unity and Web developer/designer who loves coffee, music and games. He likes to be able to do everything, with a background in Web, VR and Graphic Design. He has been studying and working in multimedia for 6 years, including image manipulation, vector graphics photoshop/illustrator and sketch, making games and VR experiences in Unity, using IOT hardware such as Arduino's and creating a variety of web programming languages and frameworks. Keith graduated with a first class honours in multimedia programming from IADT in June 2016, and has two student of the year awards, one from the same degree and another from a Creative Multimedia Diploma completed in 2013."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: AWS: Database Administration with AWS" |
"Amazon Web Services is a bundled remote computing service that provides cloud computing infrastructure over the Internet with storage, bandwidth, and customized support for application programming interfaces. AWS provides a broad range of services to help you build and deploy big data analytics applications quickly and easily. AWS gives you fast access to flexible and low cost IT resources. Implementing these services to efficiently administer your cloud environments is a core task. So, if you're interested to master the administration techniques of AWS, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.The highlights of this Learning Path are: Install, configure, and administer computing, storage, and networking in the AWS cloud Automate your infrastructure and control every aspect of it through infrastructure as code Learn to manage the tools in AWS such as e-mail alarms, dashboard and budget Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path will help you build and administer your cloud environment with AWS. Youll begin with the AWS fundamentals and learn how to manage multiple accounts to set up consolidated billing. Youll then learn to set up reliable and fast hosting for static websites, share data between running instances and backup your data for compliance.Moving on, youll learn how to use the computer service to enable consistent and fast instance provisioning, and will see how to provision storage volumes and auto-scale an application server. Next, youll discover how to effectively use the networking and database service of AWS. Youll also learn about the different management tools of AWS along with securing your AWS cloud.Further, youll begin with the monitoring and alerting which is the critical part of using AWS-based infrastructure. Next, you will see database services provided by AWS cloud. Youll then learn networking which is foundational component of using other AWS services such as EC2, RDS, and others. Moving on, youll learn security which is one of the most critical areas of using the cloud. Finally, youll learn to estimate the costs for your cloud.By the end of this Learning Path, youll be able to easily administer your AWS cloud with networking, security and database services. Meet Your Experts: We have combined the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Lucas Chan has been working in tech since 1995 in a variety of development, systems admin, and DevOps roles. He is currently a senior consultant and engineer at Versent and technical director at Stax. He's been running production workloads on AWS for over 10 years. Hes also a member of the APAC AWS Warriors program and holds all five of the available AWS certifications.Rowan Udellhas been working in development and operations for 15 years. He has held a variety of positions, such as SRE, front-end developer, back-end developer, consultant, technical lead, and team leader. His travels have seen him work in start-ups and enterprises in the finance, education, and web industries in Australia and Canada. He currently works as a senior consultant with Versent, an AWS Advanced Partner in Sydney. He specializes in serverless applications and architectures on AWS and contributes actively in the Serverless Framework community."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Java: Data Analysis Made Easy with Java" |
"Data analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. So, if you're looking forward to master the data analysis techniques with Java, then go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Get to know the statistical data analysis techniques and implement them using the popular Java APIs and libraries Learn to perform graph analysis with real-world graph analysis examples Let's take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path starts off with showing you how to obtain, understand, and evaluate the text. You will then look at different files and learn to apply analysis techniques, so that your software programs can make sense of information to gain valuable insights. You will also learn different methods to analyze text, big data, and other types of multimedia such as image analysis, facial analysis, and pattern recognition. Next, you will explore various techniques for pre-processing your data. You will learn to apply the basic analysis to your business needs and create time-series predictions. You will then see how to implement statistical data analysis techniques using Java APIs. You will also use JDBC to connect Java to SQL and MySQL databases and learn to work with NoSQL databases. Moving ahead, you will understand how to track data in a graph form so that you can take advantage of the graph analysis techniques and understand the various graph database components. Next, you will learn how to make a basic graph and view, interact with your graphs, and perform analysis such as cluster detection and statistical calculations. Finally, you will walk through a real-world graph analysis problem using Java to read your email communications and graph them for cluster detection. By the end of this Learning Path, you will have a strong knowledge on data and graph analysis techniques of Java. Meet Your Expert: We have the best work of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Erik Costlow was the principal product manager for Oracles launch of Java 8. His background is in software security analysis, dealing with the security issues that rose to the surface within Java 6 and Java 7. While working on the JDK, Erik applied different data analysis techniques to identify and mitigate ways that threats could propagate through the overall Java platform and overlying applications."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Visual Studio: Master Visual Studio 2017" |
"Visual Studio 2017 brings powerful tools for testing and debugging, which help developers concentrate more on writing better code than finding loopholes in their code. This Learning Path exposes best in class techniques to test and debug applications using the tools and techniques within Visual Studio 2017. So, if you're a .NET developer or a test engineer who wants to master the tools and techniques of Visual Studio 2017, then go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Focus on coding with the new, improved, and powerful tools of VS 2017 Test for performance, load, and continuous delivery, all at one place Master every tool to improve the effectiveness of manual testing Let's take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path begins with an introduction to the new features of Visual Studio 2017 and C# 7.0. You will then understand how to work with source control repositories. You will also learn to plan and create a test suite. Next, you will learn how to perform unit tests. Once you are comfortable testing, you will learn how to automate your tests as well. You will learn how to test your application for performance, running, distributing, and analyzing load tests. You will also learn the use of Microsoft Test Manager to streamline your tests and then go on to test web performance and write code to customize it where needed. Moving ahead, this Learning Path teaches you how to perform continuous testing that fits in line with DevOps practices for cloud environments. You will be introduced to the tools that can improve the effectiveness of manual testing. You will then work with Microsoft Test Manager to organize test processes more effectively; (IntelliTrace for easier reproduction of issues encountered; and UI tests, to automate repetitive regression testing). Next, you will learn to configure Visual Studio Team Services to automatically build code and run unit tests whenever a change is committed to source control. Finally, you will focus on tools for improving application performance, that is, profiling and load testing. After the completion of this Learning Path, you will master the tools and techniques of Visual Studio 2017 to test and debug your applications efficiently. Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Kunal Chowdhury has been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional since 2010, starting with Silverlight to Windows app development. He is also a renowned public speaker, active blogger by passion, and a software engineer by profession. Over the years, he has acquired profound knowledge on various Microsoft products and helped developers throughout the world with his deep knowledge and experience.As a technical buff, Kunal has in-depth knowledge of OOPs, C sharp, XAML, dot NET, WPF, UWP, Visual Studio, Windows 10 and Microsoft Azure. He is also proficient in entire Software Development Life Cycle and Scrum methodology. He has written many articles, tips & tricks on his technical blog for developers and consumers. Damir Arh is a software architect and developer, who is interested in using new technologies and methodologies to make development processes more efficient and improve the user experience in software.He is a big proponent of TDD (test-driven development) and unit testing in general. He regularly uses NUnit and MsTest unit testing frameworks and is very fond of the NCrunch continuous testing tool. It really changes the way you look at unit tests. He has a lot of experience with setting up continuous integration servers (CruiseControl.NET and TeamCity), and has used and administered different source control tools (SVN, GIT, TFS, and VSS). He has been working with Microsoft development tools all of his professional career. He has lots of experience with most parts of the .NET framework: client-side (WPF, Windows Forms), server-side (WCF, WF, and ASP.NET), and data access (ADO.NET, Entity Framework)."
Price: 199.99

"LEARNING PATH: Docker Swarm: Journey from Novice to Experts" |
"Docker Swarm is a cluster manager solution developed by Docker. You can use it to quickly deploy a cluster of Docker hosts running either on your local machine or on supported cloud platforms. Docker provides a fast and robust way to deploy applications. At present it is very popular as it makes it possible to get many applications running on the same server. It is a clustering and scheduling tool for Docker containers. With Swarm, IT administrators and developers can establish and manage a cluster of Docker nodes as a single virtual system. So, if you're interested to build and manage containers in a highly-available cluster to deploy multi-container services to a Swarm, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Create, update, and remove services from the Docker Swarm cluster Discover how to use Docker Swarm to manage many containers across multiple servers Enhance your orchestration skills with Docker Swarm and Compose to orchestrate containers Deploy containers in a highly-available environment and scale them Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. In this Learning Path, youll first learn how Docker Swarm works. You will then use Docker Machine to create Docker hosts on your local Mac or Windows box, in your datacenter, or on cloud providers such as AWS or Digital Ocean. Youll also learn about Docker images, and how to manage services in the cluster. This Learning Path will cover Docker Secret, a safe encrypted place to store and inject credentials and secrets into containers. To run tasks in the cluster, you will learn about Docker services and Docker Stack. Further, youll learn the new orchestration features to build, test, and deploy your app using Docker. Youll learn how to use Docker Swarm to manage many containers across multiple servers. Youll get familiarized with local and shared storage and multi-host networking. Youll then learn about the Docker Swarm Remote API. Youll find out how to retrieve information from the cluster, and deploy and scale services using the API. You'll then know how to build your centralized logging and how to send data. Finally, you'll learn how to search for logs using Kibana, and collect metrics to monitor containers running in the cluster. Towards the end of this Learning Path, youll be able to use Docker Compose to create and deploy multi-container services to a Swarm and also send logs to a centralized place to monitor your Docker Swarm cluster. Meet Your Experts: We have combined the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smooth: Alberto Guimares Viana is a DevOps Engineer, based in Hamburg, Germany. He has been working for 11 years in the IT field and has worked for many companies in Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom, and now Germany. He specializes in infrastructure as a code, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and software development. Email: albertogviana@gmail.comRandall Smith is a senior systems administrator at Adams State University. He has been administering Windows, Linux, and BSD systems since 1999.He has been active in helping other sysadmins solve problems online and off. He has presented at the Colorado Higher Ed Computing Organization and Educause conferences on topics including Linux KVM and Ceph. In his spare time, Randall streams Let's Play gaming videos at Music Free Gaming on YouTube and Twitch."
Price: 199.99

"Serverless JavaScript by Example" |
"Serverless architecture is viewed as the savior of future web development, as it makes it possible to avoid many problems that traditional cloud hosting faces. The time has come for you to join the revolution!In this course, you will learn how to use AWS and the Serverless framework, which simplifies the process of creating serverless applications significantly. This course will take you step by step through the process of creating three real-world applications, as well as configuring AWS and the Serverless framework to work locally on your machine. Youll also see how to deploy your applications to AWS, as well as learning how to monitor your application.At the end of this video tutorial, youll learn to create an image resizer on AWS, which will automatically resize images.About the AuthorAdnan Rahi is a Full-Stack JavaScript developer, teacher, and mentor. He is a co-founder and developer at the online education start-up bookvar. He has been using AWS for over a year, focusing on Serverless architecture and DevOps. As a teacher, he teaches courses on topics such as JavaScript and MySQL, but is also an active speaker at Meetups.His way of giving back to the programming community is by leading Sarajevo's local freeCodeCamp community and hosting pro-bono events such as the first Hacktoberfest Hack Day in Sarajevo. Adnan is very passionate about writing technical blogposts about his coding adventures, and misadventures."
Price: 124.99

"Graph Algorithms for AI in Games" |
"Graphs arise in various real-world situations as there are road networks, computer networks and, most recently, social networks! If you're looking for the fastest time to get to work, cheapest way to connect a set of computers into a network you will need algorithms on graphs.For using the efficient algorithm to automatically find communities and opinion leaders on Facebook, you're going to work with graphs and algorithms on graphs. This course will serve as an introduction to graphs and present their increasingly complex algorithms that work on graphs. In the course, you will start by understanding how graphs can be used in games to represent various states and how searching graphs can help us. The course will introduce you to pathfinding, which is one of the most commonly solved problems in game AI. The course will then show you how to Optimize the pathfinding.Finally, at the end of the course, you will learn the concept of meta-heuristics which can be used to find general solutions in complex domains.About the AuthorDaniel Jallov loves developing games with a flair for artificial intelligence and procedural content generation. He wrote a Masters Thesis on how to procedurally generate artificial intelligence and how to build a game where the uncertainties of procedurally generated AI are used to engage the users rather than scare them away.He is by no means a competitive gamer, but he enjoys games as a way to relax, to get challenged and to be entertained. I love the cinematic feel of modern AAA games, and he loves the intense game play experience of Super Hexagon and Hotline Miami. He loves getting lost in a deep story, and grinding for loot in a deep cave. He loves isolating himself in another world and playing local multiplayers with friends."
Price: 124.99

"Scala Beginner Programming Recipes" |
"Scala is a powerful multi-purpose programming language that is much appreciated for its simple object-oriented, functional style.This video starts with recipes that explore core language principlescovering topics such as strings, classes, types, methods, and arraysbefore getting into concepts such as Object Oriented Programming. From there, you'll learn about functional programming techniques and how to handle files and processes. You'll go on to master concurrency in Scala, making use of the Akka framework. You'll learn about working with databases, and then about Reactive programming in Scala and how to use it to build robust microservices and distributed systems. You'll also use the Scala REPL to achieve a better feedback mechanism.Abojut the AuthorAntonio Salazar Cardozo is a developer who has led small teams from his classes at Georgia Tech and through each company he has contributed to. He is a software pragmatist and perfectionist who values great software that is written for humans first, and loves to help teams find the development and interaction styles that make them deliver the best software to solve the roblems they are solving. Between startups and larger companies, he has worked on most aspects of web and non-web systems, and loves to see how each piece of software is received and how it can improve. When he's not leaving honest, extensive code review, he's been known to travel and enjoys visiting both new and old places far from home."
Price: 124.99

"Learning Path: Kotlin: Android Development with Kotlin" |
"Kotlin is a language that helps developers build amazing applications in an easy and effective way. So, if you're a developer who is looking to build mobile apps quickly with minimal intrusion from boilerplate syntax, then go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Path is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Get acquainted with the fundamentals of Kotlin and build effective Android applications Learn how to make development much faster using a variety of Kotlin features, from basics to advanced Embedded with real-world examples that will take you on a smooth journey developing Android apps Let's take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path starts off with a brief introduction to Kotlin. You will then learn object-oriented programming with Kotlins new features. You will also create a simple Kotlin app project with its layout. Next, you will learn to connect those layouts and widgets to Kotlin functions. You will learn how to use IntelliJ IDE, which plays an integral role in Kotlin development. Finally, you will learn Kotlins programming concepts such as functions, lambdas, properties, type parameterization, and concurrency. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be proficient in using Kotlin for Android application development. Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Brandan Jones has been an Adjunct Assistant Professor for the University of Cincinnati since the 2000-2001 school year. He has taught many courses in programming, from introductory programming to full stack development. Brandan proposed and created the first Android programming course at the University of Cincinnati, and has been teaching it ever since. He reapplied this course and taught it at Northwestern University's School of Continuing Studies as well.Brandan is the creator of the Android app PlantPlaces .com Mobile, which allows users to search for plants by color, and GPS plants. He wrote this app in 2012, using TDD principles. Marko Devcic is a Software Engineer currently working as an Android developer for Austrian company mySugr in Vienna. He holds a Master's degree in Engineering from University of Zagreb in Croatia. Over the years, he has worked with various technologies and languages, mostly C# and Java. He is passionate about technology and software development. He loves reading about programming languages and writing simple and clean code. In his spare time, he writes code for his personal projects, and contributes to open source projects. Jussi Hallila is a Kotlin fanatic living in Ireland. As a Finland native, he is naturally a hockey fan and is always keen to discuss Linux and mock Apple, and he also gives lectures on open source. Jussi has been in software development for over ten years and has been working with multinationals as well as small start-ups. His experiences among the development sphere have ranged from full backend heavy Java development and implementing DevOps practices to the most hipsterish implementations of the newest of the new frontend frameworks. He has extensive experience developing with Spring, Vaadin, React, and Vue.Js, and advocating Kotlin server-side usage."
Price: 199.99

"Web Developer Toolbox- Essentials for Modern Web Development" |
"This course will teach you everything you need to know about the essential tools you need to become a better web developer. Through a series of real-life practical examples, we will explore a range of tools that form an essential part of your web development toolbox. We will start off by understanding Complex Dependency Management with NPM and YARN and how it will help you simplify application development and deployment. Moving along, we will cover essential tools and frameworks (such as moment.js, a modern date time calculation library) and fetch a high-speed HTTP request library, along with other relevant tools for your developer toolkit. Finally we will set up Webpack.By the end of this tutorial, you will have all the tools necessary to simplify application development and deployment, enabling you to focus on creating apps with improved capabilities and spend less time worrying about meta problems such as dependency management, deployment, and code bundling.About the AuthorsColibri is a technology consultancy company founded in 2015 by James Cross and Ingrid Funie. The company works to help its clients navigate the rapidly changing and complex world of emerging technologies, with deep expertise in areas such as big data, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing. Over the past few years they have worked with some of the world's largest and most prestigious companies, including a tier-1 investment bank, a leading management consultancy group, and one of the world's most popular soft drinks companies, helping each of them to make sense of their data more effectively and process it in more intelligent ways. The company lives by its motto: Data -> Intelligence -> Action.Richard Gill is a Full Stack JavaScript developer. He runs ZDEV, a software consultancy that specializes in building websites and apps for small- and medium-sized clients. Richard has a Computer Science degree from Imperial College and started his career building technology at investment banks and hedge funds; he then moved on to consulting before founding his own development shop. Richard has spent three years working with React, React Native, and Redux to build websites and apps for real-world clients. He considers himself a generalist programmer who initially was expert in Java, C#, and Ruby on Rails before spending the last few years in a JavaScript/Node based environment. His company follows an apprenticeship model and all his staff were trained by him from scratch."
Price: 124.99

"Basic Statistics and Data Mining for Data Science" |
"Data science is an ever-evolving field, with exponentially growing popularity. Data science includes techniques and theories extracted from the fields of statistics, computer science, and most importantly machine learning, databases, and visualization.This video course consists of step-by-step introductions to analyze data and the basics of statistics. The first chapter focuses on the steps to analyze data and which summary statistics are relevant given the type of data you are summarizing. The second chapter continues by focusing on summarizing individual variables and specifically some of the reasons users need to summarize variables. This chapter also illustrates several procedures, such as how to run and interpret frequencies and how to create various graphs. The third chapter introduces the idea of inferential statistics, probability, and hypothesis testing.The rest of the chapters show you how to perform and interpret the results of basic statistical analyses (chi-square, independent and paired sample t-tests, one-way ANOVA, post-hoc tests, and bivariate correlations) and graphical displays (clustered bar charts, error bar charts, and scatterplots). You will also learn when to use different statistical techniques, how to set up different analyses, and how to interpret the results.About the AuthorJesus Salcedo has a Ph.D. in Psychometrics from Fordham University. He is an independent statistical consultant that and has been using SPSS products for over 20 years. He is a former SPSS Curriculum Team Lead and Senior Education Specialist who has written numerous SPSS training courses and trained thousands of users."
Price: 124.99

"Learning Path: Django: Modern Web Development with Django" |
"Python is the language of choice for millions of developers worldwide, due to its effective learning curve and its vast applications in day-to-day programming. Django is a powerful Python web framework designed to develop web applications quickly, from simple prototypes to large-scale projects. It encourages clean, pragmatic design, and provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools to build scalable web applications. Django's primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites. If you're interested to build maintainable, scalable, secure web services and applications using the best tools and techniques of Django, then go for this Learning Path.Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.The highlights of this Learning Path are:Develop powerful web applications quickly using the best coding practices Integrate other technologies such as Redis, Celery, Solr, and Memcached into your application with clear, step-by-step explanations and comprehensive example code Add authentication and permissions to a RESTful API built in the Django framework Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. This Learning Path begins by showing you how to build a blog application, before moving on to developing a social image bookmarking website, an online shop, and an e-learning platform. Youll learn how to build a search engine and implement a user activity stream. Youll then create a recommendation engine, an e-commerce coupon system, and a content management system. This Learning Path will also teach you how to enhance your applications with AJAX, create RESTful APIs, and set up a production environment for your Django projects. Youll learn how to develop RESTful APIs using the Django framework combined with related libraries and tools. Youll delve into the Django framework to build various web services. Youll learn everything you need to successfully develop RESTful API's with the Django framework such as request handling, URL mapping, serialization, validation, authentication, authorization, and databases. Finally, youll build a simple e-learning platform, including content management, student registration, and a restful API. By the end of this Learning Path, you'll have an acquired practical knowledge, of how Django works and how to integrate it with other technologies to build powerful web services, applications and RESTful web services. Meet Your Expert:We have combined the best works of the following esteemed authors to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Antonio Mele holds an MSc in Computer Science. He has been developing Django projects since 2006 and leads the django. es Spanish Django community. He has founded Zenx IT, a technology company that creates web applications for clients of several industries. Antonio has also worked as a CTO for several technology-based start-ups. His father inspired his passion for computers and programming.Ren Fleschenberg is a web developer/sysadmin hybrid with a focus on back-end development in Python and Django. He has been working with Django for about 5 years and has built a variety of Django-based websites. He co-maintains an open source Django-based e-commerce solution.Gastn C. Hillar is Italian and has been working with computers since he was eight. He began programming with the legendary Texas TI-99/4A and Commodore 64 home computers in the early 80s. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (he graduated with honors) and an MBA (he graduated with an outstanding thesis). At present, Gastn is an independent IT consultant and freelance author who is always looking for new adventures around the world. He has been a senior contributing editor at Dr. Dobb's and has written more than a hundred articles on software development topics. Gastn was also a former Microsoft MVP in technical computing. He has received the prestigious Intel Black Belt Software Developer award eight times."
Price: 199.99

"iOS Developer Essentials - TableViews" |
"One of the pillars of iOS development is learning to work with a TableView. TableViews allow us to show a list of items to the user. We can see this in the Music app, the Settings app, Twitter, Facebook, and almost every app on our phones. This course will teach you the basics of TableViews, which are essential to making iOS apps in a fun-filled and engaging way.Well also help you to strengthen your Swift skills along the way.Well dive into the topics of arrays, loops, and functions. Well show how arrays are immensely helpful when working with TableViews and are the backbone for displaying data. Well also learn how loops help us harness Swift to do an insane amount of processing that we as humans could never do. Well also cover functions which allow us to organize our code and make it more efficient.Then we bring it all together in an Emoji Dictionary app. This app lists a bunch of emojis that we find interesting.When a user taps on an emoji, well then show the emoji magnified to see all details. Well also provide a definition of the emoji to the user. This course will help you learn some awesome iOS techniques.By the end of the video course, youll know how to build simple iOS apps using the TableView structure and also know the intermediate swift programming language.About the AuthorNick Walter is an iOS developer who has been focused on mobile app design and creation for over 5 years. His involvement in the iOS community started off with a bang, and in 2013 he was one of the 25 students worldwide to be invited to Apple's ""Cocoa Camp."" Within the community, he is also co-president of an Apple developer group called ""Cocoa Heads.He always wanted to transform brand new ideas into reality, but growing up in a small town, he had limited access to the required programming resources. This led to his early interest in online education. After experimenting with various companies, learning styles, and teaching processes, he adopted the best strategies and applied them while creating his courses.Since the announcement of the new Swift programming language by Apple, he devoted himself to the Apple documentation and any online resource that was available. Prior to teaching the internet's first course on Swift, he created five iOS apps from scratch that are currently live in the App Store and are being used by thousands of users worldwide."
Price: 124.99
