"Informatica Data Quality Developer Fundamentals" |
"Informatica Data Quality (IDQ) Developer is a beginner level course created to give you the foundation for Informatica Developer tool. This course is an extension to the Informatica Data Quality Analyst course (hosted on Udemy by Inf Sid) and covers the steps of UNIX/Windows installation service configurations for both the server and the clientbasics of data quality transformationstransformation languageexpressions,relational data objectsflat filesparametersworkflowsobject migrationdeployment and basic of Command Line Interface (CLI) etcThis course assumes that you have little knowledge of Informatica tools and relational databases but that is not mandatory. The course is meant for beginner level students and remains at a very basic level through out and offers step-by-step guidance with a business use case.NOTE: Purchasing this course does not entitle you for free software from Informatica. Students should procure the working VM or a valid license key to practice the exercises."
Price: 199.99

"Painel Administrativo E-Commerce" |
"O curso de Painel Administrativo Ecommerce possui 63 aulas, este o quarto mdulo do projeto completo da criao da loja virtual com PHP PDO, Ajax, Bootstrap e outras tcnologias web, neste curso voc vai aprender a trabalhar com a parte do Painel cadastrando combos de produtos, promoes, alertas, email marketing, backup e outras funcionalidades que vo te ajudar muito a gerenciar sua loja e seus produtos, adquira j nosso treinamento e comece a desenvolver sites e sistemas de forma profissional!"
Price: 339.99

"Corso Avanzato di Meditazione sul Respiro e Pranayama Yoga" |
"Il corso avanzato di meditazione e pranayama Yoga offre 25 meditazioni incrementali, organizzate in 8 fasi, per un percorso di pratica libera con focus sul respiro e sul movimento dell'energia vitale. Pu essere impiegato per un minimo di 5 fino ad un massimo di 36 settimane, consigliato a praticanti con esperienze precedenti e che desiderino praticare intensamente. Marco Cattaneo GOTAM, Ipnotista, Maestro di Meditazione e Mindfulness, propone un approccio avanzato alla meditazione, ispirato alla tradizione Yogica originale e incentrato sul potere del respiro."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Windows Privilege Escalation with Hack The Box" |
"New FallWinter 2020 Launch!This is a 100% hands on course as you will be using the same tradecraft and techniques Red Teamer's and advanced adversaries use to escalate privileges on Windows endpoints after they have gained initial access and established a foothold. This course is not ""death by PowerPoint"", in fact there is not a single Powerpoint slide in the course. This course is aimed for intermediate to advanced users who are hungry to know how to discover and exploit novel escalation paths on patched fully patched Windows 10 endpoints. Everything is carefully, explained - step-by-step.Additionally, although Metasploit is used in some attacks, we will be using less Metasploit and more manual walk-throughs because I wanted to take the time to carefully explain WHY each method works and detail how common misconfigurations happen in enterprise environments.Where Metasploit is used, everything is carefully explained and deconstructed so you can understand why and how it works. Exploits start easy and escalate in difficulty as you progress through the course.The TechniquesYou will quickly learn and execute the following escalation of privilege techniques across 1 vulnerable machine (although up to 10 are being added at an average rate of one per 10 days):Windows Kernel ExploitsInsecure Registry Permissions (Lectures done by September 20th 2020)The ToolsYou will use msfvenom, netcat, smbserver, wfuzz, gobuster, dirsearch, Burp Suite Pro (advanced features), Python 3, Powershell 7 on Linux and more. My dream for youBy the end of this course you should be able to use these techniques in:Your day to day workOSCP preparationCTF hackingAbout the labThere are 10 vulnerable machines.No lab setup is required as the entire environment is already established in HackTheBox VIP labsI wanted to make this course as realistic as possible while removing as many barriers to entry as possible so I've partnered with HackTheBox VIP labs to make it as easy as possible to get started.Yes, HackTheBox is an additional charge but it offers hundreds of pre-configured vulnerable machines in a lab which is accessible via a VPN connection. This means you can get started right away and don't have to waste time fumbling with VirtualBox and VMWare settings on your local system. Most of the systems are also licensed which provides the best environment for realistic exploitation.Tip:I made these videos so all commands are zoomed in close so you can watch on a mobile phone while you follow along on your laptop."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Completo de Excel - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Esse curso possui enfoque nas principais funcionalidades do Excel e na produtividade que ir profissionalizar o aluno por meio de execues, atalhos e facilidades que so ensinadas ao longo das aulas. Sero desenvolvidas planilhas, anlises e execues em casos semelhantes ao dia a dia dos profissionais.No h como dominar o Excel sem conhecer minimamente o poder das suas funes. Neste curso abordado as principais funes para agregaes de valores, clculos condicionais e funes lgicas, clculos estatsticos e matemticos, manipulao de datas e hora, uso de referncias relativas e absolutas e como depurar erros. Essencial para quem quer subir um degrau a mais no uso do Excel no dia a dia.Esse curso est dividido em 4 mdulos, que sero acrescentados na medida que voc vai avanando no seu aprendizado. O mdulo bsico onde voc ir aprender o como o Excel funciona e as principais frmulas. O mdulo intermedirio, onde voc ir se aprofundar e trabalhar de forma mais profissional. O mdulo Avanado, com funes que voc poder automatizar vrias funes do Excel. E por fim, o mdulo avanado com VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), onde voc ir aprender a programar dentro do Excel."
Price: 159.99

"EXPERTO en Diseo de Cocinas Abiertas o Americanas." |
"Experto en Diseo de Cocinas Americanas. Convierte en Profesional del Diseo, Decoracin, Organizacin y Planificacin de Cocinas Abiertas al Comedor y el Saln.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta de Interiores Mariangeles Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Itinerario Formativo:Introduccin y Bienvenida al EXPERTO en Diseo de Cocinas Americanas.Historia, Tendencias Actuales y ReferenciasDiseo y Organizacin del Espacio InteriorMobiliario, Mobiliario, Iluminacin y AtrezzoPrincipales Conceptos sobre Dibujo Tcnico ArquitectnicoDibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD en Diseo de Cocinas AmericanasModelado 3D de Proyectos de Diseo de Cocinas AmericanasRenderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseo de Cocinas AmericanasEdicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShopMaquetacin, Presentacin y Documentacin Tcnica de Nuestras Propuestas de DiseoMedicin y Presupuesto de la Ejecucin Material del Proyecto Creacin de un CV y Portfolio Creativo Impreso y DigitalConsideraciones sobre Seguridad y Salud en las ObrasRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de Cocinas AmericanasEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin del EXPERTO en Diseo de Cocinas Americanas.Sobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos interioristas lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco . Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"EXPERTO en Diseo de Dormitorios Juveniles." |
"Experto en Diseo de Dormitorios Juveniles.Convierte en Profesional del Diseo, Decoracin, Organizacin y Planificacin de Dormitorios para Usuarios Jvenes. Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta de Interiores Mariangeles Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Itinerario Formativo:Introduccin y Bienvenida al EXPERTO en Diseo de Dormitorios Juveniles.Historia, Tendencias Actuales y ReferenciasDiseo y Organizacin del Espacio InteriorMobiliario, Mobiliario, Iluminacin y AtrezzoPrincipales Conceptos sobre Dibujo Tcnico ArquitectnicoDibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD en Diseo de Dormitorios JuvenilesModelado 3D de Proyectos de Diseo de Dormitorios JuvenilesRenderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseo de Dormitorios JuvenilesEdicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShopMaquetacin, Presentacin y Documentacin Tcnica de Nuestras Propuestas de DiseoMedicin y Presupuesto de la Ejecucin Material del Proyecto Creacin de un CV y Portfolio Creativo Impreso y DigitalConsideraciones sobre Seguridad y Salud en las ObrasRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de Dormitorios JuvenilesEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin del EXPERTO en Diseo de Dormitorios Juveniles.Sobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos interioristas lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco . Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"EXPERTO en Diseo y Organizacin de Espacios de Almacenaje" |
"Experto en Diseo y Organizacin de Espacios de Alamacenaje.Diseo, Decoracin, Organizacin y Planificacin de Armarios, Cajoneras, Espacios de Almacenaje, etc. Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta de Interiores Mariangeles Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Itinerario Formativo:Introduccin y Bienvenida al EXPERTO en Diseo y Organizacin de Espacios de Alamacenaje. Historia, Tendencias Actuales y ReferenciasDiseo y Organizacin del Espacio InteriorMobiliario, Mobiliario, Iluminacin y AtrezzoPrincipales Conceptos sobre Dibujo Tcnico ArquitectnicoDibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD en Diseo de Espacios de AlamacenajeModelado 3D de Proyectos de Diseo de Espacios de AlamacenajeRenderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseo de Espacios de AlamacenajeEdicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShopMaquetacin, Presentacin y Documentacin Tcnica de Nuestras Propuestas de DiseoMedicin y Presupuesto de la Ejecucin Material del Proyecto Creacin de un CV y Portfolio Creativo Impreso y DigitalConsideraciones sobre Seguridad y Salud en las ObrasRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de Espacios de AlamacenajeEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin del EXPERTO en Diseo y Organizacin de Espacios de Alamacenaje.Sobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos interioristas lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco . Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"EXPERTO en Diseo de Terrazas y Pequeos Jardines Domsticos" |
"Experto en Diseo de Terrazas y Pequeos Jardines DomsticosConvierte en Profesional del Diseo, Decoracin, Organizacin y Planificacin de Espacios Exteriores en Viviendas. Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta de Interiores Mariangeles Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Itinerario Formativo:Introduccin y Bienvenida al EXPERTO en Diseo de Terrazas y Pequeos Jardines Domsticos Historia, Tendencias Actuales y ReferenciasDiseo y Organizacin del Espacio InteriorMobiliario, Mobiliario, Iluminacin y AtrezzoPrincipales Conceptos sobre Dibujo Tcnico ArquitectnicoDibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD en Diseo de Terrazas y Pequeos Jardines DomsticosModelado 3D de Proyectos de Diseo de Terrazas y Pequeos Jardines DomsticosRenderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseo de Terrazas y Pequeos Jardines DomsticosEdicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShopMaquetacin, Presentacin y Documentacin Tcnica de Nuestras Propuestas de DiseoMedicin y Presupuesto de la Ejecucin Material del Proyecto Creacin de un CV y Portfolio Creativo Impreso y DigitalConsideraciones sobre Seguridad y Salud en las ObrasRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de Terrazas y Pequeos Jardines DomsticosEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin del EXPERTO en Diseo de Terrazas y Pequeos Jardines DomsticosSobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos interioristas lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco . Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Anlise Tcnica: Essencial" |
"Este curso aborda o tema de investir a partir da perspectiva da anlise tcnica de maneira especial e tem o objetivo de ensinar os investidores a lucrarem nas mais diversas condies de mercado, inclusive em tempos de crise.Ensinar ao aluno que, para ganhar dinheiro, no importa se o mercado est em alta ou em baixa, mas sim saber como operar em cada situao diante do diagnstico de certas oportunidades.Este curso aborda o tema de investir a partir da perspectiva da anlise tcnica de maneira especial e tem o objetivo de ensinar os investidores a lucrarem nas mais diversas condies de mercado, inclusive em tempos de crise.Ensinar ao aluno que, para ganhar dinheiro, no importa se o mercado est em alta ou em baixa, mas sim saber como operar em cada situao diante do diagnstico de certas oportunidades."
Price: 369.99

"Interactive Online Lessons with Articulate Storyline 360" |
"This course has been specially designed to show learners how to create a fully interactive lesson using Articualte Storyline 360.I'm going to begin the course by showing learner's how to download and install Storyline 360 on their own computer. This will be used throughout the course so that you can test and try all of the things I teach you.I will explain what Storyline is, and how to create an online lesson from exsisting content. I will discuss Peadagogies and Methodogies, Learning Objectives and ssessment.Next, I will show learners the Storyline 360 interface. I will explain all menus and ribbons, as well as the timeline and layers. Towards the end of the section, I will show learners some examples of Storyline 360 lessons - and inspire you to create amazing online lessons.Then the fun begins, with the adding content section.First up, we are going to looks at configuring slides and scenes, before downloading and editing some templates from the online content library. Then, ill show you how to add text, images, audio and video and we will begin to build our Inner planets online lesson.The adding interactivity section is specially designed to show learners how to add triggers, layers, buttons and shapes. We will continue to build our Inner planets course towards the end of the section and add buttons and interactivity.Adding quizzes is up next, and ill show learners how to add mutliple choice, multiple response, true/false, drag and drop and hotspot question types.Finally, ill show learners how to publish their lessons and courses, using both Review 360 and SCORM, as well as various different publishing options.So, if you want to create amazing, interactive online lessons using Storyline 360, why not sign up today?"
Price: 19.99

"MS-900 Practice Test: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals" |
"Preparing for the MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals exam? Need to get Microsoft 365 certified? These two 35-question practice tests were designed to closely mimic the type of questions you'll see on the real exam. I guarantee that if you can pass these MS-900 practice tests, you WILL pass the real MS-900 exam.Although these MS-900 practice tests are intended as a complement to my complete Microsoft 365 Fundamentals course, they are a fantastic resource all on their own. Because the actual exam usually hovers somewhere around 30-40 questions, I've built these practice tests with 35 questions each.These MS-900 practice tests prepare you for the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals exam by covering the following exam objectives:Describe cloud conceptsDescribe core Microsoft 365 services and concepts Explain security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365 Describe Microsoft 365 pricing and support To get the most out of these 35-question practice tests, you should:Complete each practice test in one sitting (do not guess at any answers)Identify the answers you've gotten wrong, read the explanations, and visit the reference links to review the topicRetake each practice test and repeat the process until you can score 100%Each question/answer includes a brief explanation of the answer and a link to official MS documentation on the topic. Once you can score 100% on each practice test (without guessing at answers), you can schedule your real exam."
Price: 19.99

UnityUnityStandard |
Price: 24000.00

"La iglesia en los medios sociales" |
"Cmo la iglesia puede usar el internet para alcanzar a los sin iglesia?De qu forma se puede evangelizar a travs de los medios sociales?Vemos estas y otras cuestiones en el curso online La iglesia relevante en las redes sociales.En total son 14 clases totalizando casi 4h, vamos aprender cmo definir un plan de marketing, de queforma un ministerio puede usar Facebook para tener un alcance mayor, vamos a ver paso a paso cmo crear un anuncio en tu fan page, cules son los mejores horarios para postear, la importancia de un logo profesional, cmo integrar el sitio web con las diferentes redes sociales, vamos a conocer mejor instagram, twitter, youtube, las herramientas de Google y varios tips de cmo potencializar sualcance online, vas a aprender todo eso y varios otros tips para crear campaas que realmente funcionen, adems de aprender diversos aspectos de produccin de video!Es un curso online, completo y enfocado en ayudar a las iglesias en desarrollarse en la web. El instructor es Rodolfo Mir, diseador, autor del libro La iglesia relevante en las redes sociales y pastor de la Iglesia Amor sin lmites en Buenos Aires."
Price: 39.99

"A igreja nas mdias sociais" |
"Como a igreja pode usar a internet para alcanar os sem igreja?De que forma possvel evangelizar atravs das midias sociais?Estas e outras questes so abordadas no curso online a A igreja relevante nas redes sociais.Ao todo so 14 aulas totalizando quase 4h, vamos aprender como definir um plano de marketing, de q forma um ministrio pode usar o Facebook para ter um alcance maior, vamos ver passo a passo como criar um anncio em sua fan page, quais os melhores horrios para postar, a importancia de uma logomarca profissional, como integrar o site com as diferentes redes sociais, vamos conhecermelhor o instagram, twitter, youtube, as ferramentas da Google e vrias dicas de como potencializar seu alcance online, voc vai aprender tudo isso e vrios outros macetes para criar campanhas que realmente funcionem, alm de aprender diversos aspectos de produo de video! um curso online, completo, e focado em ajudar as igrejas a se desenvolverem na web. O instrutor Rodolfo Mir,designer, autor do livro A igreja relevante nas redes sociaise pastor da igreja Amor sin lmites em BsAs."
Price: 39.99

Git&Github |
"Git,,LinuxLinus TorwalsGitGitGitGitGitGitGitGitGithubGit...GitGitGitGitGitGitaddcommitHEAD^~hardsoftmixedrebasemerge...GitGitGitGitSHA-1Git...GithubGithub--ssh-clone----...GitlabGitlabGitlabGitgitkSourcetreeGithub Desktop..."
Price: 199.99

"YOUTUBE : 59 hacks pour avoir plus de vues [NEW EDITION]" |
"Vous tes ici parce que vous voulez avoir plus de vues sur votre chane YouTube ?Ce cours YouTube est fait pour vous. Ce cours complet est conu pour les apprentis ou confirms de YouTube qui ne connaissent pas les rouages de YouTube et qui ne savent pas comment positionner leurs vidos.YouTube est la plateforme idale pour se faire connatre et vivre de sa passion tout en profitant du confort de la libert. Que vous souhaitiez lancer votre chane dans le gaming, la mode, le marketing ou une autre thmatique, vous pouvez en vivre grce YouTube.Mme si YouTube peut faire peur et que vous pensez ne jamais russir obtenir des vues, ds que vous connaissez les bonnes techniques, vous vous rendrez compte que ce n'est pas si compliqu que a pour obtenir vos premiers rsultats sur la plateforme. Tout, du rfrencement l'optimisation de vos vidos peut vous permettre d'avoir vos premires vues, et c'est ce que l'on apprend dans les premires leons de ce cours.Avec ce cours YouTube, vous n'avez pas besoin de faire de la publicit pour devenir visible aux yeux du monde et de votre audience. Je vous montrerai comment avoir ou augmenter votre nombre de vues et d'abonns grce des hacks qui ne prennent que 5 minutes et qui peuvent tre entirement automatis.Pourquoi Apprendre les secrets de YouTube avec Moi ?J'ai publi plus de 1000 vidos sur diffrentes chanes YouTube et j'ai ralis de nombreux tests pour voir ce qui permet d'obtenir des vues et des abonns de qualit qui s'intressent vraiment au contenu que l'on propose.Cette formation est le rsultat de plusieurs annes de tests et de nombreuses heures d'analyse.Maintenant, je n'utilise plus que ce qui fonctionne et je n'ai plus peur de crer de nouvelles chanes YouTube car je sais que peu importe la thmatique, qu'il y ait ou non de la concurrence, il est possible de toucher des personnes et montiser sa passion.LE CONTENU DU COURS YOUTUBECrer des titres optimiss pour le rfrencementCrer des descriptions adaptes au SEO YouTube et GoogleLes astuces pour rfrencer une vido grce des hacks mconnusRechercher des mots-cls qui cartonnent en quelques secondesAmliorer le Watchtime et le taux de rtention de vos vidosPublier des vidos au bon momentApprendre connatre vos spectateursCrer un branding qui met en avant sa chaneProfiter des playlists pour capter son audienceAutomatiser avec des outils comme Zapier ou IFTTTRussir tre visible en profitant des rseaux sociauxExploiter le trafic des grosses chanes concurrentesCREER UNE CHAINE YOUTUBE QUI ATTIRE DES PERSONNESQuel que soit votre objectif avec YouTube, je veux m'assurer que vous tes en mesure d'atteindre ces objectifs. C'est ce que je vous promets de vous aider atteindre.A qui s'adresse ce cours YouTube ?Ce cours s'adresse aux personnes novices sur YouTube ou ceux qui ne savent pas comment mettre en avant leurs vidos pour leur offrir les rsultats qu'elles mritent. Peu importe que vous soyez nul en technique ou expriment, je vous montre pas pas comment mettre en application tous les hacks que je vous prsente. Dans ce cours, on s'axe sur la cration d'une chane et de vidos optimises qui apporte des visiteurs qualifis et non en quantit.Avec ma garantie de remboursement 100 % pendant 30 jours, il n'y a aucune raison d'hsiter. Inscrivez-vous maintenant, essayez-le et voyez si vous aimez le cours !J'ai hte de vous aider mettre en place vos hacks pour booster votre chane YouTube!Jonathan"
Price: 199.99

"True Forgiveness - A Course in Miracles - C-A7.C" |
"This is one of three (Legacy) courses of which Onefeather is accompanying Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne around the Fireside, within Open and Clear Community's opportunity to extend their knowledge and mastery. This specific course is focused on discussing the Truth of Forgiveness. Often a misunderstood concept, they teach from the first-hand experience of the natural effects and benefits of the power of forgiving. Forgiveness has many degrees, to pardon someone of their ""wrongdoings"" is barely even the first. Often referencing the teachings of ""A Course in Miracles"" forgiveness is for ""personal benefit"" and a segway to divine-realization."
Price: 49.99

"Power of Silence - A Course in Miracles - C-A7.A" |
"This is one of three (Legacy) courses of which Onefeather is accompanying Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne around the Fireside, within Open and Clear Community's opportunity to extend their knowledge and mastery. This specific course is focused on discussing the power of silence. Often a misunderstood concept, they teach from the first-hand experience of the natural effects and benefits of this powerful practice. Silence through prayer and meditation has been used to deepen spiritual practice for eons. Often referencing the teachings of ""A Course in Miracles"" silence offers ""personal benefit"" and a segway to divine-realization.Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because they are recorded back to back."
Price: 49.99

"Receptive Willingness - A Course in Miracles - C-A7.B" |
"This is one of three (Legacy) courses of which Onefeather is accompanying Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne around the Fireside, within Open and Clear Community's opportunity to extend their knowledge and mastery. This specific course is focused on discussing the power of Receptive Willingness. Often a misunderstood concept, they teach from the first-hand experience of the natural effects and benefits of the power of willingness. Willingness branches to many degrees, ready to go where you believe you shouldn't. Often referencing the teachings of ""A Course in Miracles"" willingness is for ""personal benefit"" and a segway to divine-realization."
Price: 49.99

"2, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditations / ACIMM #15-30" |
"This is part two (2) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations."
Price: 19.99

"3, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditations / ACIMM #31-45" |
"This is part three (3) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations."
Price: 19.99

"4, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditations / ACIMM #46-60" |
"This is part four (4) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details."
Price: 19.99

"5, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditations / ACIMM #61-75" |
"This is part five (5) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details."
Price: 19.99

"6, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditations / ACIMM #76-90" |
"This is part six (6) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations."
Price: 19.99

"7, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditations / ACIMM #91-105" |
"This is part seven (7) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details."
Price: 19.99

"8, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditations / ACIMM #106-120" |
"This is part eight (8) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details."
Price: 19.99

"9, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditations / ACIMM #121-135" |
"This is part nine (9) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations."
Price: 19.99

"10, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditation / ACIMM #136-150" |
"This is part Ten (10) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details.- Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. - For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details."
Price: 19.99

"11, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditation / ACIMM #151-165" |
"This is part eleven (11) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details.Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations.Gain access to all 24 parts of this meditation series, 3 to 4 given every week - join the patreon-membership program; see Rev. Devan's website for details."
Price: 19.99

"12, A Course in Miracles, Lesson Meditation / ACIMM #166-180" |
"This is part Twelve (12) of a twenty-four (24) part set consisting of a total of 360 guided meditations (MP3). You simply need to participate in the meditations to benefit from this course. The videos are duplicates in these courses however, 15 hours of meditation files are unique ONLY to this course. Make sure you download the attached files.Course Key: When you experience fear, you are beginning to grow beyond your perception. For best results: Relax through the fear and continue.***Remember to Download the Zip file(s) attached, which contain all the unique MP3 Meditations.***This course is experiential and not informative. It consists of guided Meditations to train the deepest facets of the mind to experience the spiritual-universe. They are inspired by each lesson of ""A Course in Miracles"" and are most beneficial when done in sequence. While they do go in correspondence to the lessons, they can be done alone. However, if you do them with the lessons you will find the experience expedites the training to awakening the divine within. ""A Course in Miracles, Intensive"" has many additional discussions on each lesson and is provided by Udemy, available on Rev. Devan's Profile. There are 24 parts to this set. Each of the parts consists of 15 meditations, a total of 360 meditations."
Price: 19.99
