"Data Science : Complete Alteryx Bootcamp (Hands-on Alteryx)" |
"Since we, human being got the cognitive ability, we keep making tool which automate a different task.In 18th century, industrial revolution has completely changed the faces of industry and shows us the real power of automation.Now in the 21st century time for Digital revolution and Automation in a digital world.In a daily routine, many big IT companies like Google Facebook Microsoft Apple keep automating there software job for data analysis, reporting purpose, image processing text mining.So if you want to do Data science and Machine learning and if you don't know about the coding. There is a great tool available in the market (Alteryx) with which by just drag and drop you can build complete data science or machine learning project workflow.If you want to learn about complete a-z features of Alteryx studio, you are at the right place.Welcome to the complete Bootcamp course on Alteryx.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is Alteryx?Alteryx is process automation and data science workflow design tool without need to worry about any coding part. No coding is required. Just drag and drop and get your job done. Rather than focusing upon software engineering part of data science, concentrate on how to analyze data, trying to find some intelligent information from your data, and build some predictive analytics tool.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------What this course contains :This contains 80+ HD quality video having a 6 hours of video content plus exercise to test your understanding.In first will begin with complete installation step of AlteryxWe will see how to import data from varieties of different sources and put it into Alteryx environmentNumber of data preparation and analysis tools like data cleaning joining munching, summarization, organization, sampling, selection, sorting and many more tools.Text mining tool palette to deal with textual data for sentiment analysis text preprocessing topic modellingData Parsing from XML, with Regular Expression.Different reporting tool to generate complete report for the end userIn database tool to interact with the database with Alteryx design studioApply machine learning algorithm light linear regression logistic regression support vector machine random forest decision tree with assisted an expert mode on a different data setI will teach you all majority of highly used tools available in a AlteryxAt the end of the course there will be an exercise to check your understanding about the Alteryx.------------------------------------------------------------------This course Has following stuff : Certificate of completion after finish 100%Q& A discussion forum (I will be with you)So What are you waiting for, enroll Now & Lift your resume.Happy LearningRegardsAnkit Mistry"
Price: 199.99

"Positive Psychology - 4 essential skills" |
"In this course you will learn 4 essential skills of positive psychology i.e. Optimism, positive thinking, positive attitude, and positive self image.This is not an academic course, this is a self help course. In the course I present to you various theories of positive psychology and how you can use them in your practical life.Some of the topics we will be looking at in this courseWhat is Positive PsychologyModels of Positive PsychologyUnderstanding Optimism and PessimismUnderstanding 3Ps Model of OptimismFundamental of Positive Thinking Ways to think positively and overcome negativity bias8 Limited Thinking PatternsPsychology of Positive AttitudeRoot of all negative attitudes and emotionsPsychology of self image (How it is formed?)How to improve self ImageSelf image building exercisesBuilding happiness habitUnderstanding success mechanismUnderstanding failure mechanismHow to become tough mindedHow to unlock your real personalityTap into the power of your subconscious mind toImprove self image learn to use your positive past set and achieve worthwhile goals develop compassion self respect and forgivenessCultivate the power of rational thinkingDiscover the key to a happier more successful life"
Price: 109.99

9-udncrg |
"9 . ."
Price: 19.99

"python from scratch for beginner - build real smart apps" |
"since you're on this course landing page reading the description of this course. these means you want to become a python developer!!!whether you want to become a developer, or you just looking for another skill to learn, this course is an amazing start point for beginners!!!this course is the best investment for you. you can start now to secure your knowledge and investing in yourself and in your mind and in your knowledge!!!!a few years later from now, you will never regret taking courses and invest in yourself!! because you will be so comfortable using python!!!!this course contains;contains examples, tasks, and exercises to learn python and how to code.and as an example: we will together program and code an app or a website that distributes tickets of a party to only people who are 18 years old or above. and we will code this program using the python language and I will teach you how to do it by yourself, by explaining every single code line.this is the most suggested python course for you if you know nothing about python at all. however, as a beginner, you will be guided, from how to download python to how to use python and how to write shortcode lines on the phyton program!!!!!in other words, If you're new to python, start with this informative course to learn the concepts and the basics first.and if you already watched other python courses and you didn't understand them and you had difficulties follow the instructor, I suggest you start with this course asap!!!!you will learn by doing and by exploring how things work on python!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Start a Home-Based Business 8 steps to start" |
"8 steps to start your business , this course will teach you the 8 steps on how to get your business started. You will learn about organizing , funding, structure , employees, legal , and marketing. Many people don't know how to start, but after you take my course you will know the necessary steps to begin. Building a business takes time, and its a process to build your business. You have to start small."
Price: 29.99

"Case Management Training 101" |
"Training course educates case managers on the fundamentals of case management. This course enhances the skills of case managers. Case managers will learn case management definitions, skills, and functions of a case manager. Case manager will understand the various case manager occuptation, and education needed to begin your career as a case manager in human services."
Price: 44.99

"Case Management Training 102" |
"Students will learn the process of case management, Case managers will understand the intake process, developing client plans, writing client goals, completing assessments and understanding case records compliance. Case managers will learn various safety procedures for case managers to follow when working with clients in the community. Students will learn how to identify safety issues during home visits"
Price: 54.99

"Case Management Leadership Training" |
"This training course is for Case managers looking to transition from case manager into management. Case managers will learn about supervisors' skills, Job duties, data collections, supervising a team, managing a budget, and networking in the community. Case managers who are qualified with experience and education should enroll in this course Case managers without any experience should enroll in our 101 course"
Price: 59.99

"How To Start Your Own Case Management Business" |
"Are You Ready To Start Your Own Case Management Business?Enroll in this Course You will learn how to start your own business. Learn the various steps of starting your own case management business. Your Idea could bring you passive income. Students will learn how to structure your business, build a team and become your own boss"
Price: 19.99

"Work From Home Teleworking For Case Managers" |
"Are you interested in working as a case manager? Have you thought of working from home? Do you know there are available jobs for case managers to work remotely? This course is designed for all case manager who has an interest in working remotely as a case manager. This course will provide information on the various job duties, and day to day job function of a virtual case manager"
Price: 19.99

"Law Enforcement in the USA" |
"This course teaches students about the difference between all the law enforcement agencies in the USA. There are more than 18,000 local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies that employ more than 420,000 officers. There is an average of 2.2 law enforcement officers for every 1,000 individuals living in the United States, and the size of police departments varies largely by location and population. Students will learn about various police structures within a law enforcement department. Law Enforcement is an excellent career to pursue, there are lots of opportunities in law enforcement. The rise of law enforcement agencies has also created a demand for formal police training and increased professionalism among members of the law enforcement community. Every year over 660 law enforcement academies provide basic, entry-level training for future law enforcement officers. Many institutions of higher education also provide programs for law enforcement careers."
Price: 19.99

"Nurse Case Management How to become a Nurse Case Manager" |
"This course is designed for nurses who are looking to becoming a case manager. RN case managers are registered nurses who are responsible for the coordination of the various services that are involved in the care of a client. Nurse Case Managers use resources and services in the best way possible. They provide services inside the hospital, Residential Homes, and the Community."
Price: 44.99

"Learn OneSignal Notification SDK for Android" |
"In this course you will learn how to configure OneSignal SDK in your Android app properly in Android Studio.- We use Java for this course- We use Firebase (Required by OneSignal)Once you learn using this course, you are able to understand how to handle In-App messages, Push Notifications on their dashboard."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+(FC0-U61) EXAM Question" |
"CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+(FC0-U61) EXAM Question UPDATE September 2020 Prepare for the latest updated exam Surely passed the exam. Thank you. I wish you all success. Everyone passed the exam."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CompTIA in any way.""Best of Luck for your bright career ."
Price: 1800.00

"Excel VBA -" |
Price: 3000.00

"SAP ECC EH7 IDES Instalacin Completa + Acceso Al Servidor" |
"EL ERP SAP actualmente es el lder indiscutible en la industria del software empresarial.El sistema SAP divide las distintas reas funcionales de la empresa en mdulos que agrupan diferentes transacciones.Los mdulos ms importantes son el mdulo de Finanzas, Crontrolling, Logstica y Recursos Humanos.Con muchas diferencias de mayor valor entre sus competidores, SAP, se ha convertido en un estndar en las grandes empresas.Actualmente :1- Est implantando en ms de 440.000 empresas en ms de 180 pases.2- Es utilizado por el 92% de las empresas pertenecientes a la lista Forbes Global 2000.3- El 98% de las marcas ms valoradas confan en l para gestionar sus procesos.4- Sus clientes producen entre otros muchos productos: El 78% de la comida mundial El 82% de los dispositivos mdicos mundialesTodava no sabes sobre este gran ERP. Esta es tu oportunidad."
Price: 99.99

"XWIKI - a free, open source, self hosted Confluence" |
"The course will teach you to install XWIKI in your Home and office environment. This will be a game-changer in the way you document and control your data either on your premises or at home rather than using old fashioned note-taking products like Microsoft OneNote. This product once deployed will be a true game-changer in the way you have stored and managed your content properly."
Price: 19.99

"Der komplette Prsentations-Kurs. Prsentieren von A bis Z" |
"Herzlich Willkommen,Wenn Sie lernen mchten, wie Sie interessante Vortrge gestalten, die einen echten Effekt auf Ihre Zielgruppe haben und wie sich dabei so sicher beim Prsentieren fhlen, dass Sie sich komplett auf den Inhalt konzentrieren zu knnen, anstatt dass Sie es immer wieder zu vermeiden und frchten Ergebnisse prsentieren zu mssen oder immer wieder aufgeregt und unsicher sind, dann sind Sie hier richtig.Mit den Inhalten, die so von mir auch an Hochschulen und in Unternehmen gelehrt werden und die ber die Jahre immer wieder verfeinert wurden, lernen Sie alles ber das Prsentieren, die Technik der Planung, ber Storytelling, ber pyramidalen Aufbau und mehr. Und Sie bekommen Anleitungen, um vom Zuschauen ins Tun und Loslegen zu kommen, mit Checklisten, How-tos und vielen Tipps per Video.Unter anderem das werden Sie hier im Kurs lernen:1. Wie Sie das Ziel Ihrer Prsentation definieren und warum Sie das auf jeden Fall tun sollten.2. Wie Sie sicher definieren, fr wen Sie denn ihre Prsentation halten und was Sie alles an die Zielgruppe anpassen mssen.3. Wie Sie Ihre Prsentation strukturieren, ob Sie lieber den Trichter oder Pyramide whlen und wie Sie die Dramaturgie von Star Wars oder Herr der Ringe fr sich nutzen knnen.4. Wie die berhmten TED-Talks und Keynote-Vortrge aufgebaut sind und warum Sie deren Aufbau nicht als Vorlage fr alle Arten von Vortrgen benutzen knnen.5. Wie Sie einen berzeugenden Medienmix vorbereiten und warum Hightech nicht alles ist, wenn Sie Menschen erreichen wollen.6. Wie Sie Ihren Schluss gestalten sollten, um Ihr gesetztes Ziel zu erreichen und warum Sie jederzeit ein paar Schlussstze vorbereitet haben sollten.7. Wie Sie mit unterschiedlichen Strungen ruhig umgehen knnen und warum Zwischenfragen nichts Negatives sind.8. Wie Sie die hufigsten Fehler bei Online-Prsentationen / Interviews vermeiden und wie Sie vor der Kamera souvern wirken.9. Wie Sie spontan Vortrge halten, wenn Sie darum gebeten werden und wie Ihnen dabei VEGAZ hilft, trotzdem strukturiert und verstndlich vorzutragen.10. Wie Sie ihre Zuhrer begeistern und warum Krperhaltung und Gestik berschtzt wird.11. Wie Sie sich sinnvolle Stichwortzettel erstellen und warum Sie Ankerstze einbauen sollten. Ziele, Zielgruppen und Publikum Inhalt, Aufbau und Strungen Medien, Visualisierung und Handout Skript, Sprache und Lampenfieber ben und Zeitmanagement Sonderformen, wie Elevator Pitch, AIDA, VEGAZ und Prsentieren aus dem Stegreif Literaturtipps+ Extra Kapitel ber OnlineprsentationenSchreiben Sie sich hier direkt ein und profitieren Sie von gut strukturierten und klar vorbereiteten Prsentationen im Beruf, im Studium oder sogar in der Schule.Ihr Florian DaumllerHochschuldozent und Trainer fr Soft-Skills"
Price: 149.99

"Kennzahlen im Einkauf" |
"AllgemeinIm Einkauf spielen natrlich die Wareneinsatzkosten eine wichtige Rolle. Aber wie kann der Wareneinsatz gezielt verbessert und gesteuert werden? Nicht immer ist es hilfreich Rabatt-Aktionen durchzufhren, weil die Gewinnmarge sinkt und ber die steigenden Umstze nicht aufgefangen werden knnen. Des Weiteren muss hierbei erst eruiert werden, wie hoch die Rabatte maximal sein drfen, um den Zielwert der Rohertragsmarge nicht zu gefhrden.Als Controller und Assistent der Einkaufsleitung habe ich sehr viele Projekte im Einkauf begleitet und dieses Wissen speziell fr die Kennzahlen werden Sie in diesem Kurs lernen.InhaltBasis-KennzahlenPreisreduzierungenWareneingangs- und LagerspanneLagerumschlagBreak Even Mengeund viele mehrDie Prsentation der Kennzahlen findet ber Excel statt. Somit haben Sie direkten Zugriff auf alle Kennzahlen bzw. deren Berechnung."
Price: 49.99

"Git - De 0 con GitHub Primeros Pasos" |
"Aprender controladores de versiones es algo fundamental en el desarrollo web actual, muchas empresas van a valorar esta habilidad en tu perfil, el conocimientos que adquieras en este curso te abrir muchas puertas para tener mas oportunidades laborables, o simplemente empezar un proyecto como emprendedor, empieza a aprender ya mismo.*****Aprende sin miedo*****"
Price: 19.99

"Robot and Advance Steel from scratch(Under construction)" |
"Robot structural Analysis In this course, you will learn how to model and analyze and design a steel warehouse from scratch using Eurocode. you will learn how to design all elements (columns, rafters, bracing, wind columns, side rails, purlins...) you will learn how to draw the cladding, assign loads and generate wind loads. you will learn how to design connectionsBeam - beam connectionbeam - column connectionbase connection. In this Course you will learn how to use the Advance steel program perfectly. 1-Grids creation and editing by many methods. 2-Elements Modeling (Column,beam,Welded, double sections, Folded beam, tapered , Aluminum Section and others) 3-plates Creation and editing. 4-Extended Elements (Portal frame, mono-pitch frame, bracing, purlins and Truss) 5-Connections (Anchor, holes, shear studs) Base plate Connection, Frame knee connection, Apex haunch, Clip Angle, Gusset plate at one diagonal, Gusset plate in center, 4 diagonals connection, Purlin connection, purlin connection with plate, Two purlins with bolts, Vertical purlin plate,Double purlin splice plate6-Numbering 7-GA and assembly Drawing. 8-Assembly list."
Price: 149.99

"Azure DevOps fr Anfnger" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du im Team Deine Software automatisch erstellst und auf anderen Computern bereitstellst. Du erfhrst, was mit DevOps und mit Continuous Integration (CI) und Continuous Delivery (CD) gemeint ist und kannst es praktisch in Azure DevOps anwenden.Dazu solltest Du schon einfache Programme in einer Entwicklungsumgebung in der Programmiersprache C# oder Java geschrieben und grundlegende Kenntnisse in HTML und Datenbanken haben. Am Ende des Kurses kann Du Software im Team kontinuierlich ber eine Build Pipeline testen und erzeugen, auf anderen Computern bereitstellen und dort automatisierte Tests durchfhren.Du beginnst mit den grundlegenden Begriffen zu agiler Softwareentwicklung, DevOps, Continous Integration und Delivery und erstellst dazu bereits praktisch eine Organisation und ein Projekt in Azure DevOps. Danach begleitet Dich das Fallbeispiel des neu gegrndeten Startups ""Lebensmittelretter"", das eine Webanwendung im Team entwickelt. Dazu plant es zunchst ber Azure Boards das Projekt, stellt den Quellcode der Webanwendung im Versionskontrollsystem von Azure Repos bereit, erstellt die Webanwendung zentral ber die Azure Build Pipelines und stellt sie auf einem zentralen Entwicklerrechner bereit. Parallel dazu kannst Du Dein eigenes Azure-DevOps-Projekt erstellen und lernst praktisch die einzelnen Bereiche kennen."
Price: 24.99

"After Effects CC 2020 - do zero ao alm" |
"A ideia desse curso ensinar a ferramenta com um direcionamento para alunos que querem aprender do zero os fundamentos do Adobe After Effects como tambm alguns conceitos avanados. Esse curso rene tanto conceitos e prticas dos fundamentos da ferramenta como tambm alguns conceitos e prticas avanadas da ferramenta. SUMRIO DO CURSOSEO 01. ApresentaoAula 1. Apresentao do cursoSEO 02. IntroduoAula 2. IntroduoAula 3. Configurao InicialAula 4. Transformar - Posio. Exemplo: Lower ThirdsAula 5. Exerccio - Lower ThirdAula 6. Efeito TritnicoAula 7. Espaos de trabalhoAula 8. Nova composio a partir de um vdeoAula 9. Nova composio do zeroAula 10. Identificando arquivos perdidosAula 11. Teclas de atalhosAula 12. Criar e editar textosAula 13. Criar e editar FormasAula 14. Formas vs. CamadasAula 15. Preferncias - Centralizar ponto de ancoragemSEO 03. Crie sua primeira animaoAula 16. Introduo da SeoAula 17. Reviso e dicasAula 18. Metodologia utilizadaAula 19. Fase Criar - Desgin e LayoutAula 20. Fase AnimarAula 21. Fase SequenciarAula 22. Apresentao do Exerccio: Notcia - Suspeita de Adulterao de gasolinaAula 23. Exerccio - Soluo: Fase Criar DesignAula 24. Exerccio - Soluo: Fase AnimarAula 25. Exerccio - Soluo: Fase SequenciarSEO 04. Exportar os vdeos do After EffectsAula 26. Introduo - Exportar vdeosAula 27. Exportar o vdeo no After EffectsAula 28. Reconfigurar a composio para exportaoAula 29. Exportar vdeos no Media EncoderAula 30. Exerccio - Exportar vdeos no Media EncoderSEO 05. Composies, Camadas e procedimentos recomendadosAula 31. Introduo - Composies, Camadas e procedimentos recomendadosAula 32. Criar uma composio a partir de mltiplos arquivosAula 33. Recortar camadasAula 34. Deslocar vdeosAula 35. Dividir CamadasAula 36. Aparar composio para espao de trabalhoAula 37. Sequenciar camadasAula 38. Levantar e Extrair Espao de TrabalhoAula 39. Painel de Gravao - introduoAula 40. Painel de Camadas - introduoSEO 06. Interpolao Espacial e Temporal (Bezier)Aula 41. IntroduoAula 42. Trajetria do movimentoAula 43. Interpolao Espacial (curvas)Aula 44. Interpolao TemporalAula 45. Grfico de VelocidadeAula 46. Grfico de ValoresAula 47. Interpolao Linear vs. BezierAula 48. ExerccioSEO 07. Tcnicas de revelaoAula 49. Tcnicas de revelao - introduoAula 50. Fosco de Controle AlfaAula 51. Fosco de Controle Alfa InvertidoAula 52. Fosco de Controle LumaAula 53. Fosco de Controle Luma InvertidoAula 54. Animando o Fosco de ControleAula 55. Pr-composio (Precomp)Aula 56. Regio de interesse em pr-composiesAula 57. Fosco de Controle com mltiplas pr-composiesAula 58. Exerccio 01 - ApresentaoAula 59. Exerccio 01 - SoluoAula 60. Exerccio 02 - ApresentaoAula 61. Exerccio 02 - SoluoAula 62. Exerccio 03 - ApresentaoAula 63. Exerccio 03 - SoluoSEO 08 - Predefinies em textoAula 64. Predefinies em texto - introduoAula 65. Desfoque (Blur)Aula 66. Salto de TextoAula 67. Loop de 360Aula 68. Processador de TextosAula 69. Empilhar: direita - esquerdaAula 70. Animate in - Animate outAula 71. Exerccio - IntroduoAula 72. Exerccio - Soluo 01Aula 73. Exerccio - Soluo 02SEO 09 - Tipos de Camadas e outras predefinicesAula 74. Camada slidaAula 75. Slidos e predefinies de fundoAula 76. Predefinio CC VignetteAula 77. Predefinio Degrad GradienteAula 78. Camada de Ajuste - IntroduoAula 79. Apresentao do exerccio - Camada de AjusteAula 80. Soluo do exerccio - Camada de AjusteAula 81. Transformar em Principal (Parenting)Aula 82. Camada Objeto NuloAula 83. Apresentao do exerccio - Roda GiganteAula 84. Soluo do exerccio - Roda GiganteSEO 10 - 3D em After Effects - IntroduoAula 85. Configurando o Espao de TrabalhoAula 86. Modo de eixo LocalAula 87. Animando com a posio em 3DAula 88. Animando com a rotao em 3DAula 89. Exerccio 01 - ApresentaoAula 90. Exerccio 01 - SoluoAula 91. Exerccio 02 - ApresentaoAula 92. Exerccio 02 - SoluoSEO 11 - Cmera 3DAula 93. Apresentao - Cmera 3DAula 94. Configuraes - Cmera 3DAula 95. Ferramentas - Cmera 3DAula 96. Eixos X, Y e Z Aula 97. Exerccio - Apresentao Aula 98. Exerccio - SoluoSEO 12 - Luzes e Sombras 3DAula 99. Luz AmbienteAula 100. Luz ParaleloAula 101. Luz de PontoAula 102. Luz Spot (Holofote)Aula 103. SombrasAula 104. Exerccio - ApresentaoAula 105. Exerccio - Soluo - Parte 01 - organizando as camadasAula 106. Exerccio - Soluo - Parte 02 - incluindo as luzesAula 107. Exerccio - Soluo - Parte 03 - incluindo as sombras"
Price: 39.99

"Siemens NX CAM - Talal malat Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim program Siemens NX program ile birlikte bilgisayar destekli imalat konusunun katlmclara aktarlmas amacyla hazrlanm zel bir eitim ve sertifika programdr.Siemens NX yazlm eski adyla Unigraphics olarak bilinir. Mhendislik programlar ierisinde amiral programlardan birisidir. zellikle otomotiv, beyaz eya gibi sektrler nde olmak zere birok farkl alanda kullanlan bir CAD/CAM/CAE platformudur. NX, Kavramsal tasarmdan retime kadar entegre ve detayl zm setleri ile, tasarmc, rn ve retim mhendisleri arasndaki sreci inovasyonu artracak ekilde dzenler, kesintisiz veri paylam salar.Bu nedenlerden tr Siemens NX programn kullanabiliyor olmak ve tasarmn yaptn paralar talal imalat ile retebilecek bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmak byk bir ayrcalk kazandrmaktadr. Bu eitimle ilk olarak Siemens NX programnn ara yz tantmndan eitime balayacaksnz. Sonrasnda ise adm adm srasyla hem iki boyutlu hem de boyutlu tasarm iin gerekli tm komutlar tek tek anlatlmaktadr. Bu aamadan sonra ise tasarmn yaptn bir paray Siemens NX CAM modlyle nasl ileyebilceinizi reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Completo De Negociao Para Iniciantes" |
"Curso Completo De Negociao Para IniciantesVoc j teve a sensao de que merecia muito mais do que tem hoje?Ou ento, j teve a sensao de que tem muita gente que no merecia ter aquilo que tem?Um dos grandes aprendizados que voc adquire quando comea a estudar negociao que na vida voc no ganha o que merece, ganha o que consegue negociar!Isto quer dizer que a capacidade de negociar decisiva para o sucesso ou fracasso de qualquer profissional. Voc pode ser muito bom naquilo que faz, mas se no conseguir negociar da forma correta, ser muito difcil realizar qualquer coisa.Mas, aprender a negociar no faz parte da nossa cultura, e por isso to difcil voc encontrar bons negociadores no mercado, e quando eu digo ""bons negociadores"", eu estou me referindo queles que negociam com conhecimento, com metodologia.Por isso, minha proposta te apresentar conceitos, tticas, tcnicas e estratgias que vo te ajudar a negociar de uma forma profissional, e com isso, negociar cada vez melhor e obter sempre os melhores resultados.Descrio dos mdulosNo mdulo 01, voc vai conhecer algumas definies de negociao segundo alguns autores consagrados e como estas definies so importantes dentro de um contexto profissional. E mais , voc vai entender o porqu o Saber Negociar e negociar de forma tica sempre ser a melhor forma de negociao.No mdulo 02 voc vai aprender a identificar trs tipos de postura e 4 tipos de perfis comportamentais que um negociador pode adotar durante um processo de negociao e com isso, voc poder adaptar o seu prprio estilo e lidar com cada situao de uma maneira muito mais fcil.No mdulo 03 voc vai conhecer as etapas e as sub etapas do processo de negociao, E que na verdade servem como um mapa, um roteiro passo a passo que que uma vez seguido, a probabilidade de sucesso ser enorme.No mdulo 04 voc ser que durante as negociaes, estresse e conflito so situaes que em maior ou menor grau, em algum momento, voc vai ter que lidar com elas, e neste mdulo voc vai descobrir como fazer isso.No mdulo 05 voc vai aprender que quem no est disposto a ceder na verdade no est disposto a negociar mas, que ceder demais ou de menos pode prejudicar e muito qualquer tipo de negociao.E neste mdulo voc vai aprender a utilizar as concesses de uma maneira estratgica, para cada vez ceder menos e poder exigir cada vez mais em uma negociao.No mdulo 06 voc vai conhecer a Trade da negociao que so trs foras que sempre estaro presentes em qualquer tipo de negociao e que podem te deixar em vantagem e desvantagem ou igualdade de condies em relao ao outro negociador.Seja muito bem vindo, seja muito bem vindo, ao Curso Completo De Negociao Para Iniciantes - Um Guia Definitivo Com Conceitos, Estratgias E Tticas De Negociao Utilizados Em Ambientes ProfissionaisTe vejo na prxima aula!"
Price: 99.99

"Ritual de La Luz Celestial" |
"Te presento el ritual de mi luz celestial un ritual de abundancia salud y amor que ayudara a que tu puedas lograr vibrar en energias poderosas que ayudaran a sanr tu mente cuerpo y alma Es creado basandome en mi propia iluminacion ,cambio y transformacion gracias a mi metodo Reflexiones de Gloria con el cual logre creer , crear y desarrollarme plenamente y obtener cambios reales de vida .GLORIA TU GUA ESPIRITUAL UN SER D LUZTe presento mi ritual de la luz celestial el cual atrera a tu vida todo el poder y la energia de la abundancia , salud y amorLogrando que permanezcas siempre asiEste hermoso y poderoso ritual trae un kit especial de una vela celestial que debes encender y a la vez que realizas una Reflexion especial y personalizada que te entrego en el ritualademas tre una meditacion que haras despues de leer la Reflexion y esto por un periodo de 21 dias que deben ser constantes y sin descansar hasta llegar a eso 21 diasTe regalo tambien el libro de la sanancion de la mente el cuerpo y el almaYa que con el obtendras sabiduria para poner en practicaSi desea adquirir mi ritual de la luz celestial debes ponerte en contacto directo conmigo Recuerda hacertodo por 21 dia paso a paso para que logres el efecto deseado 1:) Primero enciendes la vela blanca 2:) Luego lees y repites por 3 veces la reflexion de luz 3:) escucha la meditacion deluz4:) Lees el libro de sanacion de mente cuerpo y alma .Y de esa forma empezaras a vibrar en abundancia salud y amor ."
Price: 69.99

Python: |
"""Python: "" Python. . . - . Python , Python ."
Price: 11299.00

"Microsoft WORD - Crie Documentos Completos (Verso Atual)" |
"Aprenda na Prtica a Utilizar os comandos essenciais do Word. Alm de aprender Recursos Avanados como Macros e Funes de Tabelas.Neste curso voc aprender a trabalhar de forma profissional com o Software da Microsoft WORD, explorando seus principais comandos e funcionalidades.O Word o principal programa de edio de texto da atualidade, sendo muito utilizado para trabalhos acadmicos e escritrios.Com ele voc consegue criar documentos simples e complexos como Livros, TCC's, Cartazes ou qualquer outro documento que um editor de texto permita criar!Alguns tpicos essenciais que o Word Permite:Salvar Documentos em PDF;Criar Sumrios / ndices de forma automtica;Inserir vdeos do Youtube;Inserir imagens e ilustraes em 3D;Edio Avanada de texto;Inserir cabealhos e Rodap;Criar listas sequenciais;Inserir Tabelas e Grficos;Colocar notas de rodap com numerao automtica;E Muito mais...Enfim, esta poderosa ferramenta oferece tudo que voc precisa para criar um documento completo.Este WORD s tem vantagem... T esperando o que!?Inscreva-se Agora!"
Price: 39.99

"JN0-103 Juniper Networks Certified Associate (JNCIA-Junos)" |
"Special Offer : get 1 Pratice exam and pick 1 for free from our Practice setsWelcome To The JN0-103 Junos, Associate (JNCIA-Junos) Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From I-Certified : Note 1 : All our practice exams are based on our team members after preparing and successfully passing the exam and it's periodically updated based on our team members Note 2 : Explanations are alawys there for tricky Questions and u can feel free to ask our team Exam details;Exam Title: Juniper Automation and DevOps [ JNCIA-DevOps ]Exam Code: JN0-103Number of Questions: 65 Questions Duration: 90 min. Availability: Pearson VUE Testing Center Test Format: Multiple choice Passing Score: Variable (65-70% Approx.)Language Exam: EnglishJuniper JN0-103 Exam Topics:Junos OS FundamentalsIdentify the concepts, benefits or functionality of the core elements of the Junos OSSoftware architectureControl and forwarding planesRouting Engine and Packet Forwarding EngineTransit traffic processingException trafficUser InterfacesIdentify the concepts, operation or functionality of the Junos user interfaceCLI functionalityCLI modesCLI navigationCLI HelpFiltering outputActive versus candidate configurationReverting to previous configurationsModifying, managing, and saving configuration filesViewing, comparing, and loading configuration filesJ-Web (core/common functionality only)Configuration BasicsIdentify the main elements for configuring Junos devicesFactory-default stateInitial configurationUser accountsLogin classesUser authentication methodsInterface types and propertiesConfiguration groupsAdditional initial configuration elements, such as NTP, SNMP, and syslogConfiguration archivalLogging and tracingRescue configurationDescribe how to configure basic components of a Junos deviceOperational Monitoring and MaintenanceIdentify methods of monitoring or maintaining Junos devicesShow commandsMonitor commandsInterface statistics and errorsNetwork tools, such as ping, traceroute, telnet, SSH, and so onJunos OS installation and upgradesPowering on and shutting down Junos devicesRoot password recoveryDescribe monitoring or maintenance procedures for a Junos deviceRouting FundamentalsIdentify basic routing concepts or functionality for Junos devicesTraffic forwarding conceptsRouting tablesRouting versus forwarding tablesRoute preferenceRouting instancesStatic routingAdvantages of and use cases for dynamic routing protocolsDescribe how to configure or monitor basic routing elements for a Junos deviceRouting Policy and Firewall FiltersIdentify the concepts or functionality of routing policy and firewall filters on Junos devicesDefault routing policiesImport and export policiesRouting policy flowEffect of policies on routes and routing tablesPolicy structure and termsPolicy match criteria, match types, and actionsFirewall filter conceptsFilter structure and termsFilter match criteria and actionsEffect of filters on packetsUnicast reverse-path-forwarding (RPF)Describe how to configure or monitor routing policies and firewall filters on a Junos device"
Price: 19.99

"iOS13&Swift 5: Karlama,Giri ve Kayt Ol Ekran(Firebase)" |
"iOS13 & Swift5: Karlama Ekran,Giri ve Kayt Ol Ekran(Firebase) kursuna ho geldiniz. Bu kurs batan sona tam fonksiyonlu alan uygulama yapmak isteyenleriniz iin hazrlanmtr. Kurs dzeyi Xcode ve Swiftte (3-6) Ay tecrbesi olan rencilerimiz iindir. Ancak yeni balayp temelini atan rencilerimiz de bu kurstan faydalanabilir. Bu kursta yapacanz iskelet yap , her uygulamaya entegre edilebilecek. Karlama Ekran, Giri Ekran ve Kayt Ol Ekranmz tasarlanarak koda dklmtr. Bu iskelet yapy olutururken analitik dnme becerinizi ve mimari yap ile alma becerinizi gelitireceksiniz."
Price: 59.99

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Price: 39.99
