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Price: 209.99

"Alemn B2 - Alemn intermedio" |
"Aprende alemn con una profesora de alemn experimentada! El curso comienza con una introduccin a la parte ms fcil de la gramtica alemana B2 y avanza paso a paso en la materia. Este curso est enseado exclusivamente en alemn (con subttulos en espaol y alemn).Adems de las 43 lecciones de gramtica, este curso tambin contiene videos sobre modismos en alemn, trabalenguas (pronunciacin), mnemotcnicas, cmo deshacerse de los bloques de aprendizaje, citas en alemn, dictados, palabras relacionadas y exmenes. Tambin hay un maratn de preguntas en el que prueba si todava tiene lagunas con respecto a los niveles de idioma anteriores. En general, este es un curso muy interactivo en el que tambin aprenders vocabulario avanzado al nivel B2.Objetivos: Ser competente en la gramtica alemana B2 Aprenda ms sobre la cultura alemana a travs de modismos y citasReciba valiosos consejos sobre cmo aprender alemn de manera ms eficiente Aprenda el vocabulario B2Aprenders lo siguiente: Gramtica:Futur II Nominalisierung von Verben mit Nomen Adjektive mit Prpositionen Modale Zusammenhnge verbal & nominal Nomen mit Prpositionen Erweitertes Partizip I & II dass Stze Adversativstze Zweiteilige Konnektoren Negation durch Vor- und Nachsilben Partizip I als Nomen Mittelfeld im Hauptsatz - tekamolo Indirekte Rede als ob Konditionale Zusammenhnge Fugenelement ""s"" bei Nomen Konzessive Zusammenhnge nominal & verbal Zustandspassiv von und durch Wortbildung - Vorsilben bei Nomen Alternativen zum Passiv Generalisierende Relativstze Feste Verbindungen von Nomen und Verben Subjektlose Passivstze Konsekutive Zusammenhnge Feste Nomen-Prposition-Verbindungen Indefinitpronomen Kausale Zusammenhnge Verweiswrter im Text Nachsilben bei Adjektiven Uneingeleitete wenn-Stze Vergleichsstze Temporale Zusammenhnge Subjektive Bedeutung des Verbes ""sollen"" Wortbildung -weise bei Adverbien das Verb lassen Verbverbindungen Konditionalstze Wunschstze Plus:Modismos alemanes cmo deshacerse de los bloques de aprendizaje Citas en alemn Dictados Exmenes mnemotcnicas I trabalenguas palabras relacionadas Este curso es para todos los estudiantes que estn aprendiendo alemn y ya han completado el nivel de idioma B1.Si no est familiarizado con el Marco comn europeo de referencia para las lenguas; Aqu hay una descripcin general:A1 - Principiante completoA2 - nivel bsicoB1 - nivel intermedioB2 - Nivel intermedio superiorC1 - avanzadoC2 - competenteEspero verte pronto como un nuevo alumno de mi curso!Inscrbase en este curso ahora!"
Price: 99.99

"WEB Level2Flexbox" |
Price: 10800.00

"Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud Online Training Course" |
"Oracle R13 Fusion Cloud Financials Training Course Videos/ Oracle Financials Cloud Training with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday (for Oracle Fusion) and Sunday (for Oracle Apps R12 Modules). You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.Oracle R13 Fusion Cloud General LedgerOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts PayablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts ReceivablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Cash ManagementOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Fixed AssetsFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of User, User Types, Assigning the Roles, Creation of Implementation Project, Defining the Currency and Calendar, Creation of Chart of Account Value Set, Defining the Segments, Creation of Chart of Account Structure Instance, Deploy the Flex Field, Enter Value Set Values in Segments, Defining the Legal Entity and Location, Assigning Legal Entity to Primary Ledger, Review GL Role Template, Assign GL Roles, Opening GL Periods, Creation of Journals, Journal Post Process, Creation of Foreign Currency Journal Setup, Journal Process, Primary Ledger Definition, Assign Data Access Set to Primary Ledger, Creation of Cross Validation Rules, CVR Journal Process, Security Rules Setup Process, Creation of Ledger Set Setup Part1, Reporting Ledger Setup Process, Creation of Reporting Journal, Secondary Ledger Setup Process, Auto Post Setup Process, Auto Reversal Setup Process, Introduction to AP, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of Business Unit Setup and Process, Assigning AP Access Roles to User, Run LDAP Job, Defining the Procurement Agent, Payable Roles, Manage Common Options in Payables, Creation of Distribution Set, Creation of Supplier, Supplier Site Details, Creation of New Bank, New Branch and Account, Assigning Data Roles to User, Run LDAP Program, Introduction to Invoice, Invoice Setup and Creation of Invoice Process, Creation of Debit Memo Setup and Process, Creation of Credit Memo Setup and Process, Prepayment Setup Process, Apply Prepayment to Invoice, Withholding Tax Setup and Process, Receivables System Options, Define Transaction types, Define Transaction Sources, Auto Accounting Configuration, Define Payment Terms, Create Statement Cycle, Collector Creation, Customer Profile Class, Define Customer, Customer Site Address, Create Remit to Address, Memo Line Creation, Create Receivable Activities, Create Receipt Classes and Methods, Create Receipt Sources, Assign Receivable Data Roles to User, Submitting LDAP Job , Open Receivable Periods, Create AR Transaction, Create Receipt and Apply, Creation of Debit Memo Transaction Process, Charge Back Setup and Transaction Creation, Miscellaneous Receipt Setup Process, Standard Receipt Reversal Setup and Process, Introduction to Fusion Cash Management, Creation of Manual Bank Statement, Manual Reconciliation, Automatic Reconciliation Setup and Process, Generating External Cash Transaction, Creating External Cash Transaction, Introduction to Fixed Assets, Discuss Different Type of Fixed Assets Flex Fields, Creation of Category Flex Field, Enter Values in Category Flex Field Segments, Defining Fiscal Years Calendar, Defining Depreciation Calendar Setup and Process. Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Knowledge on Oracle Apps R12 Financials"
Price: 4480.00

"Oracle Apps Financials and Fusion Cloud Financials Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Financials & Fusion Cloud Financials Bundle Consists of Oracle Apps R12 Financials Course and Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday (for Oracle Fusion) and Sunday (for Oracle Apps R12 Modules). You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.DescriptionOracle Apps R12 FinancialsOracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on ERPOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Financials Training Course Videos/ Oracle Financials Cloud Training Consists of Below ModulesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud General LedgerOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts PayablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts ReceivablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Cash ManagementOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Fixed AssetsFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of User, User Types, Assigning the Roles, Creation of Implementation Project, Defining the Currency and Calendar, Creation of Chart of Account Value Set, Defining the Segments, Creation of Chart of Account Structure Instance, Deploy the Flex Field, Enter Value Set Values in Segments, Defining the Legal Entity and Location, Assigning Legal Entity to Primary Ledger, Review GL Role Template, Assign GL Roles, Opening GL Periods, Creation of Journals, Journal Post Process, Creation of Foreign Currency Journal Setup, Journal Process, Primary Ledger Definition, Assign Data Access Set to Primary Ledger, Creation of Cross Validation Rules, CVR Journal Process, Security Rules Setup Process, Creation of Ledger Set Setup Part1, Reporting Ledger Setup Process, Creation of Reporting Journal, Secondary Ledger Setup Process, Auto Post Setup Process, Auto Reversal Setup Process, Introduction to AP, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of Business Unit Setup and Process, Assigning AP Access Roles to User, Run LDAP Job, Defining the Procurement Agent, Payable Roles, Manage Common Options in Payables, Creation of Distribution Set, Creation of Supplier, Supplier Site Details, Creation of New Bank, New Branch and Account, Assigning Data Roles to User, Run LDAP Program, Introduction to Invoice, Invoice Setup and Creation of Invoice Process, Creation of Debit Memo Setup and Process, Creation of Credit Memo Setup and Process, Prepayment Setup Process, Apply Prepayment to Invoice, Withholding Tax Setup and Process, Receivables System Options, Define Transaction types, Define Transaction Sources, Auto Accounting Configuration, Define Payment Terms, Create Statement Cycle, Collector Creation, Customer Profile Class, Define Customer, Customer Site Address, Create Remit to Address, Memo Line Creation, Create Receivable Activities, Create Receipt Classes and Methods, Create Receipt Sources, Assign Receivable Data Roles to User, Submitting LDAP Job , Open Receivable Periods, Create AR Transaction, Create Receipt and Apply, Creation of Debit Memo Transaction Process, Charge Back Setup and Transaction Creation, Miscellaneous Receipt Setup Process, Standard Receipt Reversal Setup and Process, Introduction to Fusion Cash Management, Creation of Manual Bank Statement, Manual Reconciliation, Automatic Reconciliation Setup and Process, Generating External Cash Transaction, Creating External Cash Transaction, Introduction to Fixed Assets, Discuss Different Type of Fixed Assets Flex Fields, Creation of Category Flex Field, Enter Values in Category Flex Field Segments, Defining Fiscal Years Calendar, Defining Depreciation Calendar Setup and Process. Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Knowledge on Oracle Apps R12 Financials"
Price: 6400.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training(Tech,Finance,HRMS" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course, Oracle Apps R12 Financials Course and Oracle Apps R12 HRMS Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course DetailsOracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From this course, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseThe following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.senior architecture and developers java and non java background. senior IT Software professionals FreshersThe following job roles will get benefited from this course:Functional Consultants Technical Consultants Business Analysts Finance Functional Implementers End Users Candidates interested in taking up a career under Oracle Related Jobs and Positions in the IndustryOracle Apps R12 Financials Course DetailsOracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on ERPOracle Apps R12 HRMS Course DetailsOracle Human Resource Management System is shortly called as Oracle HRMS. The functional areas of Oracle HRMS are to build the common platform of the Organizations as well as people structures. The Configuration process is started by defining the legal entities in which it includes the organizational framework. Oracle HRMS together holds the largest amount of HR data that can make easy with the enterprise management system as well as decision making. The audience can also arrange the predefined reports and can also define the owner reports.Who is the Target Audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on HR DomainFrom this course you will get an idea of Oracle R12 HRMS FundamentalsOracle R12 Core HROracle R12 PayrollOracle R12 Absence ManagementOracle R12 SSHRSubtopics include the followingIntroduction to Oracle Application E-Business Suite and its Architecture, Understanding Multi-Org Concept in Oracle Application, Understanding Oracle Apps R12 MOAC (Multi-Org Access Control Model), Creating Application Users, Functional Security and Application Security, Creating role based Responsibilities, Creating Custom Menus, Request Groups, Data Groups, Creating and managing Concurrent Programs and Reports, Standard request submission(SRS), Profile Options in Oracle Applications, Value Sets and Flex fields in Oracle Applications, KFF and DFF, Overview of Alerts, Core HR, Oracle HRMS Solutions, Business Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Information Model, Creation of Locations and Organizations Overview, Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures, Representing Financial Reporting Structure, Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting, Defining Descriptive Flex fields, Extra Information Types and Special Information Types and in Oracle HRMS, Defining Job, Grade and Position Hierarchy, Representing Grades and Their Relationship to Pay, Representing Jobs and Positions, Position Hierarchies, Introduction to Payroll Processing, Defining Payment Methods, Defining Payroll Elements, Reductions, Balances, Making Batch Element Entry (BEE), Employee Creation, Element link to Employee, Flex Fields, Define Payroll, Link Payroll to Element, Payroll, GL Flex field mapping, Assign Payroll to Employee, Employee Details Setup, Introduction to Functions, Menus, Fast Formulas, Creation of Fast Formulas and Payroll Process Run, Introduction to Absence Management, Setting Up Absence Management, Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure, Managing Leaves, Administering Accrual Plans, Register Employee with Plans, Accrual Formulas, Changing the Net Calculation Rules, Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, . Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory."
Price: 7040.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Course Bundle and Oracle Fusion Financials" |
"Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion Cloud Course Bundle (9 Course Bundle) Contains Oracle Apps R12 Technical, Oracle Apps R12 Financials, Oracle Apps R12 SCM, Oracle Apps R12 Manufacturing, Oracle Apps R12 HRMS, Oracle D2K (Forms and Reports), SQL, PLSQL and Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday (for Oracle Fusion) and Sunday (for Oracle Apps R12 Modules). You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.1. Oracle Apps R12 Technical CourseOracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From this course, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseThe following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.senior architecture and developers java and non java background. senior IT Software professionals FreshersThe following job roles will get benefited from this course:Functional Consultants Technical Consultants Business Analysts Finance Functional Implementers End Users Candidates interested in taking up a career under Oracle Related Jobs and Positions in the Industry.2. Oracle Apps R12 Financials CourseOracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on ERP3.Oracle Apps R12 SCM CourseOracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.Oracle Apps R12 SCM Consist of Below ModulesOracle PurchasingOracle Inventory ManagementOracle Order Management.From this course, you get a clear idea ofProcure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation..4.Oracle Apps R12 Manufacturing CourseFrom this course, you will get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Apps R12 Manufacturing, Introduction to Oracle Applications, Versions, Multi Org Structure, Introduction to P2P and O2C Cycles, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials Applications, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Subinventory Overview, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Explaining Lot Control(Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with two Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer Charges, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Introduction about BOM, BOM parameters, Resource Groups, Department Class, Creation of items and assign cost to item, Overheads and Routings, Define Discrete jobs, Define Bills, Types of Bills, Option Class Bill and Where we use item in BOM, Bill Comparison, Where we use resource in bill, Setup of Alternative bills, Introduction to WIP, WIP Parameters, WIP Accounting Class, Schedule groups, Supply Types, Supply Type Push, Supply Type Operation Pull, Supply Type Assemble Pull, Supply Type Bulk, Supply Type Panthom, OSP.5.Oracle Apps R12 HRMS CourseOracle Human Resource Management System is shortly called as Oracle HRMS. The functional areas of Oracle HRMS are to build the common platform of the Organizations as well as people structures. The Configuration process is started by defining the legal entities in which it includes the organizational framework. Oracle HRMS together holds the largest amount of HR data that can make easy with the enterprise management system as well as decision making. The audience can also arrange the predefined reports and can also define the owner reports.Who is the Target Audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on HR DomainFrom this course you will get an idea of Oracle R12 HRMS FundamentalsOracle R12 Core HROracle R12 PayrollOracle R12 Absence ManagementOracle R12 SSHRSubtopics include the followingIntroduction to Oracle Application E-Business Suite and its Architecture, Understanding Multi-Org Concept in Oracle Application, Understanding Oracle Apps R12 MOAC (Multi-Org Access Control Model), Creating Application Users, Functional Security and Application Security, Creating role based Responsibilities, Creating Custom Menus, Request Groups, Data Groups, Creating and managing Concurrent Programs and Reports, Standard request submission(SRS), Profile Options in Oracle Applications, Value Sets and Flex fields in Oracle Applications, KFF and DFF, Overview of Alerts, Core HR, Oracle HRMS Solutions, Business Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Information Model, Creation of Locations and Organizations Overview, Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures, Representing Financial Reporting Structure, Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting, Defining Descriptive Flex fields, Extra Information Types and Special Information Types and in Oracle HRMS, Defining Job, Grade and Position Hierarchy, Representing Grades and Their Relationship to Pay, Representing Jobs and Positions, Position Hierarchies, Introduction to Payroll Processing, Defining Payment Methods, Defining Payroll Elements, Reductions, Balances, Making Batch Element Entry (BEE), Employee Creation, Element link to Employee, Flex Fields, Define Payroll, Link Payroll to Element, Payroll, GL Flex field mapping, Assign Payroll to Employee, Employee Details Setup, Introduction to Functions, Menus, Fast Formulas, Creation of Fast Formulas and Payroll Process Run, Introduction to Absence Management, Setting Up Absence Management, Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure, Managing Leaves, Administering Accrual Plans, Register Employee with Plans, Accrual Formulas, Changing the Net Calculation Rules, Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, . Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory.6.Oracle D2K Course (Forms and Reports)DescriptionFrom this course you will get a clear idea of Forms 10g and Role in Oracle Apps, Fundamentals of D2K, Creation of Data blocks Through wizard and Manually, Creation of Different Types of Canvases and Working with Canvases, Types of windows and working with windows and changing windows properties, Different types of Triggers, Working with Triggers and Applying to Different Controls, Creation of alerts and Calling of Alerts Changing Properties at runtime and Re-using Alerts, Creation of Editors, Types of Editors and Calling editors through Code, Creating and Using Object Groups . Creating and Using Object Libraries, Creation of Lov through wizard and Manually, Working with Lov Properties, Creation of Record Groups Based On Query and Using Static Values, Creation of Master-Detail Data Blocks, Parameters, Creation of Menus and attaching menus to Forms, Working with Procedures, Functions and Packages in Forms, Usage of PL/SQL Libraries in Forms and Attached Libraries, Reports 10g, Introduction to Reports, Fundamentals of Reports, Advantages, Features and role of Reports in D2K, Creation of Different types of Reports, Creation of Reports with different Parameters, User Parameters, System Parameters, Working with Formula Columns, Working with Summary Columns, Working with Place Holder Columns, Working with Data links, Developing Reports Manually, Reports in Triggers, Creation of Layout in Reports, Drill Down Reports, Calling Reports from Forms, Calling Reports from Reports.Who should take this oracle D2K CourseAny Professional with Basic Knowledge on SQL &PL/SQL7.Oracle SQL CourseTopics covered are Introduction to RDBMS, Introduction to SQL, Oracle data types, classification of sql, DDL and DML Commands, DDL and DML Commands Continued, Integrity Constraints, SQL Functions, Character Functions, Number Functions, SQL Functions Continued, Date Functions, Group Functions, Joins, Sub Queries and Clauses, Database Objects, Database Objects Continued, DCL and TCL Commands .8.Oracle PLSQL CourseIntroduction to PL/SQL, Data Types and PLSQL Blocks, Looping Structures, Looping Structure While and Nested Loops, Looping Structure Continuation, Conditional Statements, Cursors, Exceptions, Exceptions continued, Procedures, Functions, Packages. 9. Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials CourseOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Financials Training Course Videos/ Oracle Financials Cloud Training Consists of Below ModulesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud General LedgerOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts PayablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts ReceivablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Cash ManagementOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Fixed AssetsFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of User, User Types, Assigning the Roles, Creation of Implementation Project, Defining the Currency and Calendar, Creation of Chart of Account Value Set, Defining the Segments, Creation of Chart of Account Structure Instance, Deploy the Flex Field, Enter Value Set Values in Segments, Defining the Legal Entity and Location, Assigning Legal Entity to Primary Ledger, Review GL Role Template, Assign GL Roles, Opening GL Periods, Creation of Journals, Journal Post Process, Creation of Foreign Currency Journal Setup, Journal Process, Primary Ledger Definition, Assign Data Access Set to Primary Ledger, Creation of Cross Validation Rules, CVR Journal Process, Security Rules Setup Process, Creation of Ledger Set Setup Part1, Reporting Ledger Setup Process, Creation of Reporting Journal, Secondary Ledger Setup Process, Auto Post Setup Process, Auto Reversal Setup Process, Introduction to AP, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of Business Unit Setup and Process, Assigning AP Access Roles to User, Run LDAP Job, Defining the Procurement Agent, Payable Roles, Manage Common Options in Payables, Creation of Distribution Set, Creation of Supplier, Supplier Site Details, Creation of New Bank, New Branch and Account, Assigning Data Roles to User, Run LDAP Program, Introduction to Invoice, Invoice Setup and Creation of Invoice Process, Creation of Debit Memo Setup and Process, Creation of Credit Memo Setup and Process, Prepayment Setup Process, Apply Prepayment to Invoice, Withholding Tax Setup and Process, Receivables System Options, Define Transaction types, Define Transaction Sources, Auto Accounting Configuration, Define Payment Terms, Create Statement Cycle, Collector Creation, Customer Profile Class, Define Customer, Customer Site Address, Create Remit to Address, Memo Line Creation, Create Receivable Activities, Create Receipt Classes and Methods, Create Receipt Sources, Assign Receivable Data Roles to User, Submitting LDAP Job , Open Receivable Periods, Create AR Transaction, Create Receipt and Apply, Creation of Debit Memo Transaction Process, Charge Back Setup and Transaction Creation, Miscellaneous Receipt Setup Process, Standard Receipt Reversal Setup and Process, Introduction to Fusion Cash Management, Creation of Manual Bank Statement, Manual Reconciliation, Automatic Reconciliation Setup and Process, Generating External Cash Transaction, Creating External Cash Transaction, Introduction to Fixed Assets, Discuss Different Type of Fixed Assets Flex Fields, Creation of Category Flex Field, Enter Values in Category Flex Field Segments, Defining Fiscal Years Calendar, Defining Depreciation Calendar Setup and Process. Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Knowledge on Oracle Apps R12 Financials"
Price: 12800.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Course Bundle (Tech, HRMS)" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Course Bundle Contains Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course and Oracle Apps HRMS Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. DescriptionOracle Apps R12 Technical Online Training Videos Oracle Apps R12 Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From this course, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseAny Professional with Basic Knowledge on SQL and PL/SQLOracle Apps R12 HRMS CourseOracle Human Resource Management System is shortly called as Oracle HRMS. The functional areas of Oracle HRMS are to build the common platform of the Organizations as well as people structures. The Configuration process is started by defining the legal entities in which it includes the organizational framework. Oracle HRMS together holds the largest amount of HR data that can make easy with the enterprise management system as well as decision making. The audience can also arrange the predefined reports and can also define the owner reports.Who is the Target Audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on HR DomainFrom this course you will get an idea of Oracle R12 HRMS FundamentalsOracle R12 Core HROracle R12 PayrollOracle R12 Absence ManagementOracle R12 SSHRSubtopics include the followingIntroduction to Oracle Application E-Business Suite and its Architecture, Understanding Multi-Org Concept in Oracle Application, Understanding Oracle Apps R12 MOAC (Multi-Org Access Control Model), Creating Application Users, Functional Security and Application Security, Creating role based Responsibilities, Creating Custom Menus, Request Groups, Data Groups, Creating and managing Concurrent Programs and Reports, Standard request submission(SRS), Profile Options in Oracle Applications, Value Sets and Flex fields in Oracle Applications, KFF and DFF, Overview of Alerts, Core HR, Oracle HRMS Solutions, Business Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Information Model, Creation of Locations and Organizations Overview, Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures, Representing Financial Reporting Structure, Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting, Defining Descriptive Flex fields, Extra Information Types and Special Information Types and in Oracle HRMS, Defining Job, Grade and Position Hierarchy, Representing Grades and Their Relationship to Pay, Representing Jobs and Positions, Position Hierarchies, Introduction to Payroll Processing, Defining Payment Methods, Defining Payroll Elements, Reductions, Balances, Making Batch Element Entry (BEE), Employee Creation, Element link to Employee, Flex Fields, Define Payroll, Link Payroll to Element, Payroll, GL Flex field mapping, Assign Payroll to Employee, Employee Details Setup, Introduction to Functions, Menus, Fast Formulas, Creation of Fast Formulas and Payroll Process Run, Introduction to Absence Management, Setting Up Absence Management, Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure, Managing Leaves, Administering Accrual Plans, Register Employee with Plans, Accrual Formulas, Changing the Net Calculation Rules, Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, . Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory."
Price: 4800.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Functional Training (Financials, HRMS)" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Functional Training Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Financials Course and Oracle Apps R12 HRMS Courses with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle Apps R12 Financials Course DetailsOracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on ERPOracle Apps R12 HRMS Course DetailsOracle Human Resource Management System is shortly called as Oracle HRMS. The functional areas of Oracle HRMS are to build the common platform of the Organizations as well as people structures. The Configuration process is started by defining the legal entities in which it includes the organizational framework. Oracle HRMS together holds the largest amount of HR data that can make easy with the enterprise management system as well as decision making. The audience can also arrange the predefined reports and can also define the owner reports.Who is the Target Audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on HR DomainFrom this course you will get an idea of Oracle R12 HRMS FundamentalsOracle R12 Core HROracle R12 PayrollOracle R12 Absence ManagementOracle R12 SSHRSubtopics include the followingIntroduction to Oracle Application E-Business Suite and its Architecture, Understanding Multi-Org Concept in Oracle Application, Understanding Oracle Apps R12 MOAC (Multi-Org Access Control Model), Creating Application Users, Functional Security and Application Security, Creating role based Responsibilities, Creating Custom Menus, Request Groups, Data Groups, Creating and managing Concurrent Programs and Reports, Standard request submission(SRS), Profile Options in Oracle Applications, Value Sets and Flex fields in Oracle Applications, KFF and DFF, Overview of Alerts, Core HR, Oracle HRMS Solutions, Business Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Information Model, Creation of Locations and Organizations Overview, Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures, Representing Financial Reporting Structure, Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting, Defining Descriptive Flex fields, Extra Information Types and Special Information Types and in Oracle HRMS, Defining Job, Grade and Position Hierarchy, Representing Grades and Their Relationship to Pay, Representing Jobs and Positions, Position Hierarchies, Introduction to Payroll Processing, Defining Payment Methods, Defining Payroll Elements, Reductions, Balances, Making Batch Element Entry (BEE), Employee Creation, Element link to Employee, Flex Fields, Define Payroll, Link Payroll to Element, Payroll, GL Flex field mapping, Assign Payroll to Employee, Employee Details Setup, Introduction to Functions, Menus, Fast Formulas, Creation of Fast Formulas and Payroll Process Run, Introduction to Absence Management, Setting Up Absence Management, Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure, Managing Leaves, Administering Accrual Plans, Register Employee with Plans, Accrual Formulas, Changing the Net Calculation Rules, Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, . Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory."
Price: 4800.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Functional Online Training (SCM, HRMS)" |
"Oracle Apps Functional Training Bundle Contains Oracle Apps R12 SCM Course and Oracle Apps R12 HRMS Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. DescriptionOracle Apps R12 SCM CourseOracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.Oracle Apps R12 SCM Consist of Below ModulesOracle PurchasingOracle Inventory ManagementOracle Order Management.From this course, you get a clear idea ofProcure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation.Oracle Apps R12 HRMS CourseOracle Human Resource Management System is shortly called as Oracle HRMS. The functional areas of Oracle HRMS are to build the common platform of the Organizations as well as people structures. The Configuration process is started by defining the legal entities in which it includes the organizational framework. Oracle HRMS together holds the largest amount of HR data that can make easy with the enterprise management system as well as decision making. The audience can also arrange the predefined reports and can also define the owner reports.Who is the Target Audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on HR DomainFrom this course you will get an idea of Oracle R12 HRMS FundamentalsOracle R12 Core HROracle R12 PayrollOracle R12 Absence ManagementOracle R12 SSHRSubtopics include the followingIntroduction to Oracle Application E-Business Suite and its Architecture, Understanding Multi-Org Concept in Oracle Application, Understanding Oracle Apps R12 MOAC (Multi-Org Access Control Model), Creating Application Users, Functional Security and Application Security, Creating role based Responsibilities, Creating Custom Menus, Request Groups, Data Groups, Creating and managing Concurrent Programs and Reports, Standard request submission(SRS), Profile Options in Oracle Applications, Value Sets and Flex fields in Oracle Applications, KFF and DFF, Overview of Alerts, Core HR, Oracle HRMS Solutions, Business Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Information Model, Creation of Locations and Organizations Overview, Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures, Representing Financial Reporting Structure, Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting, Defining Descriptive Flex fields, Extra Information Types and Special Information Types and in Oracle HRMS, Defining Job, Grade and Position Hierarchy, Representing Grades and Their Relationship to Pay, Representing Jobs and Positions, Position Hierarchies, Introduction to Payroll Processing, Defining Payment Methods, Defining Payroll Elements, Reductions, Balances, Making Batch Element Entry (BEE), Employee Creation, Element link to Employee, Flex Fields, Define Payroll, Link Payroll to Element, Payroll, GL Flex field mapping, Assign Payroll to Employee, Employee Details Setup, Introduction to Functions, Menus, Fast Formulas, Creation of Fast Formulas and Payroll Process Run, Introduction to Absence Management, Setting Up Absence Management, Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure, Managing Leaves, Administering Accrual Plans, Register Employee with Plans, Accrual Formulas, Changing the Net Calculation Rules, Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, . Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory."
Price: 4800.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training (Tech, SCM, HRMS)" |
"Oracle Apps Techno Functional Training Bundle Consists of Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course, Oracle Apps R12 SCM Course and Oracle Apps R12 HRMS Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. DescriptionOracle Apps R12 Technical Online Course Oracle Apps R12 Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. Oracle Apps Technical Video Tutorials Course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From oracle apps technical course content, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseAny Professional with Basic Knowledge on SQL and PL/SQLOracle Apps R12 SCM CourseOracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.Oracle Apps R12 SCM Consist of Below ModulesOracle PurchasingOracle Inventory ManagementOracle Order Management.From this course, you get a clear idea ofProcure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation..Oracle Apps R12 HRMS CourseOracle Human Resource Management System is shortly called as Oracle HRMS. The functional areas of Oracle HRMS are to build the common platform of the Organizations as well as people structures. The Configuration process is started by defining the legal entities in which it includes the organizational framework. Oracle HRMS together holds the largest amount of HR data that can make easy with the enterprise management system as well as decision making. The audience can also arrange the predefined reports and can also define the owner reports.Who is the Target Audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on HR DomainFrom this course you will get an idea of Oracle R12 HRMS FundamentalsOracle R12 Core HROracle R12 PayrollOracle R12 Absence ManagementOracle R12 SSHRSubtopics include the followingIntroduction to Oracle Application E-Business Suite and its Architecture, Understanding Multi-Org Concept in Oracle Application, Understanding Oracle Apps R12 MOAC (Multi-Org Access Control Model), Creating Application Users, Functional Security and Application Security, Creating role based Responsibilities, Creating Custom Menus, Request Groups, Data Groups, Creating and managing Concurrent Programs and Reports, Standard request submission(SRS), Profile Options in Oracle Applications, Value Sets and Flex fields in Oracle Applications, KFF and DFF, Overview of Alerts, Core HR, Oracle HRMS Solutions, Business Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Information Model, Creation of Locations and Organizations Overview, Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures, Representing Financial Reporting Structure, Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting, Defining Descriptive Flex fields, Extra Information Types and Special Information Types and in Oracle HRMS, Defining Job, Grade and Position Hierarchy, Representing Grades and Their Relationship to Pay, Representing Jobs and Positions, Position Hierarchies, Introduction to Payroll Processing, Defining Payment Methods, Defining Payroll Elements, Reductions, Balances, Making Batch Element Entry (BEE), Employee Creation, Element link to Employee, Flex Fields, Define Payroll, Link Payroll to Element, Payroll, GL Flex field mapping, Assign Payroll to Employee, Employee Details Setup, Introduction to Functions, Menus, Fast Formulas, Creation of Fast Formulas and Payroll Process Run, Introduction to Absence Management, Setting Up Absence Management, Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure, Managing Leaves, Administering Accrual Plans, Register Employee with Plans, Accrual Formulas, Changing the Net Calculation Rules, Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, . Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory."
Price: 7040.00

"Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion Cloud General Ledger Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion General Ledger Training Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger Course and Oracle Fusion Cloud General Ledger Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday (for Oracle Fusion) and Sunday (for Oracle Apps R12 Modules). You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.DescriptionOracle Apps R12 General Ledger CourseThis course covers all the key areas of functionality provided in Oracle General Ledger. Routine tasks such as journal processing, inquiries and running reports are all covered within the syllabus, with extensive opportunities for learners to practice as the course progresses.From this course, you get a clear idea ofKey Flex Fields, Segments, Designing Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Defining Currency and Calendar, Defining Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Ledger Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set.Who should take this courseThis Oracle R12 General Ledger course is suitable for delegates who have no previous knowledge of Oracle Financials. It incorporates navigation skills training and thus fulfils a pre-requisite for most of the other Oracle Financials courses. Its intended audience comprises finance staff, those who provide support to them such as Systems Administrators and those whose role includes some financial or budgetary responsibility which requires them to use Oracle Financials.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Minimum Knowledge on AccountingOracle Fusion Cloud General Ledger CourseOracle Fusion R13 General LedgerFrom this Course You Get a Clear Idea of Creation of Implementation Project, Defining the Currency and Calendar, Creation of Chart of Account Value Set, Defining the Segments, Creation of Chart of Account Structure Instance, Deploy the Flex Field, Enter Value Set Values in Segments, Defining the Legal Entity and Location, Assigning Legal Entity to Primary Ledger, Review GL Role Template, Assign GL Roles, Opening GL Periods, Creation of Journals, Journal Post Process, Creation of Foreign Currency Journal Setup, Journal Process, Primary Ledger Definition, Assign Data Access Set to Primary Ledger, Creation of Cross Validation Rules, CVR Journal Process, Security Rules Setup Process, Creation of Ledger Set Setup, Reporting Ledger Setup Process, Creation of Reporting Journal, Secondary Ledger Setup Process, Auto Post Setup Process, Auto Reversal Setup Process.Who is the target audience?Professionals with knowledge on Oracle Apps General Ledger or Financials"
Price: 1280.00

"Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion Accounts Payable Training Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps and Oracle Fusion Accounts Payable Training Course Bundle Consists of Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable Course and Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounts Payable Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday (for Oracle Fusion) and Sunday (for Oracle Apps R12 Modules). You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.DescriptionOracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable TrainingIn this course, you will learn how to set up and use Oracle Payables to manage the accounts payable process. They learn how to create and manage suppliers and supplier bank accounts, process individual and recurring invoices, match invoices to purchase orders or receipts, use multiple distribution methods, and process various types of payments.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, Overview of Multi Organization Structure, Business Group Setup, Defining Operating Units, Defining Inventory Organizations, Defining Sub Inventories.Oracle Fusion R13 Accounts Payable TrainingFrom this course you will get a clear idea of Introduction to AP, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of Business Unit Setup and Process, Assigning AP Access Roles to User, Run LDAP Job, Defining the Procurement Agent, Payable Roles, Manage Common Options in Payables, Creation of Distribution Set, Creation of Supplier, Supplier Site Details, Creation of New Bank, New Branch and Account, Assigning Data Roles to User, Run LDAP Program, Introduction to Invoice, Invoice Setup and Creation of Invoice Process, Creation of Debit Memo Setup and Process, Creation of Credit Memo Setup and Process, Prepayment Setup Process, Apply Prepayment to Invoice, Withholding Tax Setup and Process."
Price: 2240.00

"Oracle Apps and Fusion Accounts Receivable Training Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion Accounts Receivables Training Bundle Consists of Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable Course and Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounts Receivable Training Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday (for Oracle Fusion) and Sunday (for Oracle Apps R12 Modules). You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.DescriptionOracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable CourseThe Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable course is designed to give students practical experience of working with the Oracle Accounts Receivable module. It is end-user focused and includes all the day to day tasks such as setting up customer accounts, raising invoices and credit notes and applying cash together with making inquiries and running standard reports.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customers, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, Transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Create Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, Month ending process.Who is the target audience?This Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable training course is designed for personnel working within Finance and Accounts Receivable departments. It is suitable for end users or their supervisors, or equally for management or financial accountants or first line support staff. Learners should have knowledge of the accounts receivable function within their own organisation.Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounts Receivables TrainingFrom this course you get a clear idea of Receivables System Options, Define Transaction Types, Define Transaction Sources, Auto Accounting Configuration, Define Payment Terms, Create Statement Cycle, Collector Creation, Customer Profile Class, Define Customer, Customer Site Address, Create Remit to Address, Memo Line Creation, Create Receivable Activities, Create Receipt Classes and Methods, Create Receipt Sources, Assign Receivable Data Roles to User, Submitting LDAP Job , Open Receivable Periods, Create AR Transaction, Create Receipt and Apply, Creation of Standard Invoice , Transaction and Apply the Receipt, Creation of Debit Memo Transaction Process, Creation of Credit Memo Transaction Process, Charge Back Setup and Transaction Creation, Miscellaneous Receipt Setup Process, Standard Receipt Reversal Setup and Process"
Price: 2240.00

"Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion Fixed Assets Training Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets and Oracle Fusion Cloud Fixed Assets Training Course Bundle Contains Oracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets Course and Oracle Fusion Cloud Fixed Assets Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday (for Oracle Fusion) and Sunday (for Oracle Apps R12 Modules). You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.DescriptionOracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets CourseThe Oracle R12 Fixed Assets Management course is suitable for managers and end users such as Fixed Asset Accountants or those who provide first line support to them, who need to set up and use Oracle Assets. It would also be useful for Payables Supervisors so that they can appreciate the integration between Oracle Payables and Oracle Assets. An understanding of basic accounting concepts and the asset management function is required. Knowledge of Oracle Accounts Payable and the General Ledger would be advantageous.From this course, you get a clear idea ofFixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting. Asset Transfer, Revaluation, Mass Additions, Retirements.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate who has an understanding of basic accounting concepts and the asset management function. Knowledge of Oracle Accounts Payable and General Ledger would be advantageous.Oracle Fusion Cloud Fixed Assets CourseFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Fusion Fixed Assets, Discuss Different Type of Fixed Assets Flex Fields, Creation of Category Flex Field, Enter Values in Category Flex Field Segments, Defining Fiscal Years Calendar, Defining Depreciation Calendar Setup and Process."
Price: 2240.00

"Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion Cloud Cash Management Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 and Oracle Cloud Cash Management Course Bundle Contains Oracle Apps R12 Cash Management Course and Oracle Fusion Cloud Cash Management Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday (for Oracle Fusion) and Sunday (for Oracle Apps R12 Modules). You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.DescriptionOracle Apps R12 Cash Management CourseThe Oracle R12 Cash Management course is designed to give students the knowledge to set up and use Oracle Cash Management. They will learn how to import bank statements, reconcile them and post updated information to the Oracle General Ledger. Students will also learn how to create cash forecasts.From this Course you will get a clear idea ofCash Management Overview, System Parameters, Creation of new bank, Creation of new branch, Creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer.Who should take this courseEnd UsersFunctional ImplementerOracle Fusion Cloud Cash Management CourseFrom this Course you will get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Fusion Cash Management, Creation of Manual Bank Statement, Manual Reconciliation, Automatic Reconciliation Setup and Process, Generating External Cash Transaction, Creating External Cash Transaction."
Price: 2240.00

"Oracle Absence Management and SSHR Training Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Absence Management and SSHR Training Bundle Contains Oracle Apps R12 Absence Management Course and Oracle Apps SSHR Training Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. DescriptionOracle Apps R12 Absence Management CourseFrom this course you will get a clear idea of Introduction to Absence Management, Setting Up Absence Management, Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure, Managing Leaves, Administering Accrual Plans, Register Employee with Plans, Accrual Formulas, Changing the Net Calculation Rules.Oracle Apps R12 SSHR CourseSelf Service Human Resources SSHR in oracle allows your workforce to update and use employee-specific information, online via a browser, that is personalized to an individuals role, experience, work content, language, and information needs. Self-service means that the originator of a task is also the person responsible for that task. Using a standard web browser, the user accesses HR data and performs a specific task, for example, registering a change of address. By transferring the responsibility for the task to the originator of the task, data accuracy is increased and administration costs are reduced.From this course you will get a clear idea of Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory."
Price: 1920.00

"Oracle Apps R12 SCM and Manufacturing Training Course Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 SCM and Manufacturing Training Course Bundle Contains Oracle Apps R12 SCM Training Course and Oracle Apps R12 Manufacturing Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. DescriptionOracle Apps R12 SCM CourseOracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.Oracle Apps R12 SCM Consist of Below ModulesOracle PurchasingOracle Inventory ManagementOracle Order Management.From this course, you get a clear idea ofProcure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation..Oracle Apps R12 Manufacturing CourseFrom this course, you will get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Apps R12 Manufacturing, Introduction to Oracle Applications, Versions, Multi Org Structure, Introduction to P2P and O2C Cycles, Introduction about BOM, BOM parameters, Resource Groups, Department Class, Creation of items and assign cost to item, Overheads and Routings, Define Discrete jobs, Define Bills, Types of Bills, Option Class Bill and Where we use item in BOM, Bill Comparison, Where we use resource in bill, Setup of Alternative bills, Introduction to WIP, WIP Parameters, WIP Accounting Class, Schedule groups, Supply Types, Supply Type Push, Supply Type Operation Pull, Supply Type Assemble Pull, Supply Type Bulk, Supply Type Panthom, OSP."
Price: 4800.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course +Interview Questions" |
"Oracle Apps Technical Course + Interview Questions Explained Clearly through Videos Course Bundle with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. 1. Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course2. Interview Questions on Oracle Apps R12 Technical Explained through Videos Please find the below details1. Oracle Apps R12 Technical Online Training Videos Oracle Apps R12 Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. Oracle Apps Technical Video Tutorials Course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From oracle apps technical course content, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseAny Professional with Basic Knowledge on SQL and PL/SQL2. Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions are Clearly Explained through 40+ VideosWhat is ERPWhat is Architecture of ERPWhat are the Different Types of API'S for Customer InterfaceWhat are the Parameters in PLSQL Stored ProceduresWhat are the Steps Required for Customizing the FormWhat are the Steps Required for Attaching Report with Oracle ApplicationsWhat is Data LinkIn which Tables the Flexfields are StoredWhat is the Difference Between Key Flexfield and Descriptive FlexfieldWhich Procedure should be called to enable a Descriptive FlexfieldWhat is the Difference between Flexfield Qualifier and Segment QualifierWhere do the Concurrent Request Logfile and Output file goWhat is Apps Schema. Differentiate Apps Schema and other SchemasWhat is the Purpose of US Folder in Appl DirectoryExplain Custom.pll, forms, reports, sql loader, control fileWhen will we use custom.pllHow do you find whether Multiorg is InstalledWhat are the Data HandlersWhat are the Steps for Customizing the Standard Oracle ReportDifference between Bind Parameter and Lexical ParameterHow to find the Report short name for customizing the reportwhat is the structure of visapplHow to migrate the custom tables from 11.5.10 to r12What is the Difference between Conversion and InterfaceHow to register a table and columns through backendExplain the Functions fnd_req, submit_reqWhat are Cursors, where we have to useExplain about the Report triggersWhat is tokenWhat are the Steps Required for Registering the Report into AppsWhat are Security Attributes, ProfilesWhat are the Steps for Developing the FlexfieldsWhat are Profile Options. At what level we setup the profile optionsHow can you know the form(fmb) nameWhat is the Relation between Responsibility, Menu and Request GroupWhat is a Function, Appl_topWhat are the Supported Version of Forms and Reports Used for Developing an Oracle Apps Release 11i/r12What is the responsibility, request group, dffWhat is a Data Group and where we have to useWhat is ResponsibilityWhat is E Business Suite What are Different Types of Responsibilities What is a TemplateWhat is the adhoc reportWhat is Value SetWhat are the Different Validations TypesWhat is Multi Org StructureWhat is the Maximum number of records we can display in one page in xml reports What is Primary LedgerHow can we call standard interface program Where can you find the release name from backendTell me what are the base tables in AR ModuleWhere do we create tables, sequenceWhere do we create views, procedures and new profile optionsWhat is Formula Column and Summary ColumnTCA (Trading Community Architecture)What is Flex Mode and Confine Mode What is Place holder ColumnWhat is Apps ArchitectureWhat are the API'sDifference between Application Developer and System AdministratorUse of Triggers in Forms and Types of Triggers What is TCA (Trading Community Architecture)Difference Between Inbound and Outbound Interfaces Form PersonalizationWhat is MRC (Multiple Reporting Currency)What are the Different Types of InterfacesWhat is the Difference between Operating Unit and Inventory OrganizationWhat is Item Validation Organization"
Price: 3520.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Technical,Financials,SCM, HRMS Course Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Technical, Financials, SCM, HRMS Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Technical, Oracle Apps R12 Financials, Oracle Apps R12 SCM, Oracle Apps R12 HRMS Courses with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course DetailsOracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From this course, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseThe following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.senior architecture and developers java and non java background. senior IT Software professionals FreshersThe following job roles will get benefited from this course:Functional Consultants Technical Consultants Business Analysts Finance Functional Implementers End Users Candidates interested in taking up a career under Oracle Related Jobs and Positions in the IndustryOracle Apps R12 Financials Course Details Oracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?End Users Business Analysts Sales Consultants Support Engineer Technical Consultant Functional ImplementerOracle Apps R12 SCM Course DetailsOracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.Oracle Apps R12 SCM Consist of Below ModulesOracle PurchasingOracle Inventory ManagementOracle Order Management.From this course, you get a clear idea ofProcure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation..Oracle Apps R12 HRMS CourseOracle Human Resource Management System is shortly called as Oracle HRMS. The functional areas of Oracle HRMS are to build the common platform of the Organizations as well as people structures. The Configuration process is started by defining the legal entities in which it includes the organizational framework. Oracle HRMS together holds the largest amount of HR data that can make easy with the enterprise management system as well as decision making. The audience can also arrange the predefined reports and can also define the owner reports.Who is the Target Audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on HR DomainFrom this course you will get an idea of Oracle R12 HRMS FundamentalsOracle R12 Core HROracle R12 PayrollOracle R12 Absence ManagementOracle R12 SSHRSubtopics include the followingIntroduction to Oracle Application E-Business Suite and its Architecture, Understanding Multi-Org Concept in Oracle Application, Understanding Oracle Apps R12 MOAC (Multi-Org Access Control Model), Creating Application Users, Functional Security and Application Security, Creating role based Responsibilities, Creating Custom Menus, Request Groups, Data Groups, Creating and managing Concurrent Programs and Reports, Standard request submission(SRS), Profile Options in Oracle Applications, Value Sets and Flex fields in Oracle Applications, KFF and DFF, Overview of Alerts, Core HR, Oracle HRMS Solutions, Business Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Information Model, Creation of Locations and Organizations Overview, Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures, Representing Financial Reporting Structure, Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting, Defining Descriptive Flex fields, Extra Information Types and Special Information Types and in Oracle HRMS, Defining Job, Grade and Position Hierarchy, Representing Grades and Their Relationship to Pay, Representing Jobs and Positions, Position Hierarchies, Introduction to Payroll Processing, Defining Payment Methods, Defining Payroll Elements, Reductions, Balances, Making Batch Element Entry (BEE), Employee Creation, Element link to Employee, Flex Fields, Define Payroll, Link Payroll to Element, Payroll, GL Flex field mapping, Assign Payroll to Employee, Employee Details Setup, Introduction to Functions, Menus, Fast Formulas, Creation of Fast Formulas and Payroll Process Run, Introduction to Absence Management, Setting Up Absence Management, Understanding the Accrual Plan Structure, Managing Leaves, Administering Accrual Plans, Register Employee with Plans, Accrual Formulas, Changing the Net Calculation Rules, Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, . Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory."
Price: 8320.00

"Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger and Accounts Payable Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger (GL) and Account Payables (AP) Course Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger (GL) Course and Oracle Apps R12 Account Payables (AP) Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger (GL) Module Training DescriptionThis course covers all the key areas of functionality provided in Oracle General Ledger. Routine tasks such as journal processing, inquiries and running reports are all covered within the syllabus, with extensive opportunities for learners to practice as the course progresses.From this course, you get a clear idea ofKey Flex Fields, Segments, Designing Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Defining Currency and Calendar, Defining Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Ledger Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set.Who should take this courseThis Oracle R12 General Ledger course is suitable for delegates who have no previous knowledge of Oracle Financials. It incorporates navigation skills training and thus fulfils a pre-requisite for most of the other Oracle Financials courses. Its intended audience comprises finance staff, those who provide support to them such as Systems Administrators and those whose role includes some financial or budgetary responsibility which requires them to use Oracle Financials.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Minimum Knowledge on AccountingOracle R12 Accounts Payable Module TrainingDescriptionIn this course, you will learn how to set up and use Oracle Payables to manage the accounts payable process. They learn how to create and manage suppliers and supplier bank accounts, process individual and recurring invoices, match invoices to purchase orders or receipts, use multiple distribution methods, and process various types of payments.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, Overview of Multi Organization Structure, Business Group Setup, Defining Operating Units, Defining Inventory Organizations, Defining Sub Inventories."
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps General Ledger and Accounts Receivable Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger & Accounts Receivable Course Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger Course & Oracle Apps Accounts Receivable Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger (GL) Module Training with Live Meeting SupportDescriptionThis course covers all the key areas of functionality provided in Oracle General Ledger. Routine tasks such as journal processing, inquiries and running reports are all covered within the syllabus, with extensive opportunities for learners to practice as the course progresses.From this course, you get a clear idea ofKey Flex Fields, Segments, Designing Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Defining Currency and Calendar, Defining Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Ledger Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set.Who should take this courseThis Oracle R12 General Ledger course is suitable for delegates who have no previous knowledge of Oracle Financials. It incorporates navigation skills training and thus fulfils a pre-requisite for most of the other Oracle Financials courses. Its intended audience comprises finance staff, those who provide support to them such as Systems Administrators and those whose role includes some financial or budgetary responsibility which requires them to use Oracle Financials.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Minimum Knowledge on AccountingOracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable Training with Live Meeting SupportThe Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable course is designed to give students practical experience of working with the Oracle Accounts Receivable module. It is end-user focused and includes all the day to day tasks such as setting up customer accounts, raising invoices and credit notes and applying cash together with making inquiries and running standard reports.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customers, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, Transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Create Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, Month ending process.Who is the target audience?This Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable training course is designed for personnel working within Finance and Accounts Receivable departments. It is suitable for end users or their supervisors, or equally for management or financial accountants or first line support staff. Learners should have knowledge of the accounts receivable function within their own organization."
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger and Fixed Assets Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger & Fixed Assets Course Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger Course and Oracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger (GL) Module TrainingDescriptionThis course covers all the key areas of functionality provided in Oracle General Ledger. Routine tasks such as journal processing, inquiries and running reports are all covered within the syllabus, with extensive opportunities for learners to practice as the course progresses.From this course, you get a clear idea ofKey Flex Fields, Segments, Designing Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Defining Currency and Calendar, Defining Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Ledger Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set.Who should take this courseThis Oracle R12 General Ledger course is suitable for delegates who have no previous knowledge of Oracle Financials. It incorporates navigation skills training and thus fulfils a pre-requisite for most of the other Oracle Financials courses. Its intended audience comprises finance staff, those who provide support to them such as Systems Administrators and those whose role includes some financial or budgetary responsibility which requires them to use Oracle Financials.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Minimum Knowledge on AccountingOracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets Module TrainingThe Oracle R12 Fixed Assets Management course is suitable for managers and end users such as Fixed Asset Accountants or those who provide first line support to them, who need to set up and use Oracle Assets. It would also be useful for Payables Supervisors so that they can appreciate the integration between Oracle Payables and Oracle Assets. An understanding of basic accounting concepts and the asset management function is required. Knowledge of Oracle Accounts Payable and the General Ledger would be advantageous.From this course, you get a clear idea ofFixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting. Asset Transfer, Revaluation, Mass Additions, Retirements.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate who has an understanding of basic accounting concepts and the asset management function. Knowledge of Oracle Accounts Payable and General Ledger would be advantageous."
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps General Ledger and Procure to Pay (P2P) Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger & Procure to Pay (P2P) Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger Course and Oracle Apps R12 Procure to Pay (P2P) Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger (GL) Module TrainingDescriptionThis course covers all the key areas of functionality provided in Oracle General Ledger. Routine tasks such as journal processing, inquiries and running reports are all covered within the syllabus, with extensive opportunities for learners to practice as the course progresses.From this course, you get a clear idea ofKey Flex Fields, Segments, Designing Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Defining Currency and Calendar, Defining Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Ledger Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set.Who should take this courseThis Oracle R12 General Ledger course is suitable for delegates who have no previous knowledge of Oracle Financials. It incorporates navigation skills training and thus fulfils a pre-requisite for most of the other Oracle Financials courses. Its intended audience comprises finance staff, those who provide support to them such as Systems Administrators and those whose role includes some financial or budgetary responsibility which requires them to use Oracle Financials.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Minimum Knowledge on AccountingOracle Apps R12 Procure to Pay TrainingDescriptionProcure to Pay process which is also known as P2P cycle is followed by any organization in any ERP system if they would like purchase any products for example raw materials, office supplies, infrastructure etc. When there is a purchase there should be a payment. This entire process of purchasing a product and making payment for that product to supplier is called procure to pay process.From this course, you get a clear idea ofPurchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Basic Knowledge on Purchasing"
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger and Cash Management Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger and Cash Management Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger Course and Oracle Apps R12 Cash Management Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.Oracle Apps R12 General Ledger (GL) Module TrainingDescriptionThis course covers all the key areas of functionality provided in Oracle General Ledger. Routine tasks such as journal processing, inquiries and running reports are all covered within the syllabus, with extensive opportunities for learners to practice as the course progresses.From this course, you get a clear idea ofKey Flex Fields, Segments, Designing Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Defining Currency and Calendar, Defining Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Ledger Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set.Who should take this courseThis Oracle R12 General Ledger course is suitable for delegates who have no previous knowledge of Oracle Financials. It incorporates navigation skills training and thus fulfils a pre-requisite for most of the other Oracle Financials courses. Its intended audience comprises finance staff, those who provide support to them such as Systems Administrators and those whose role includes some financial or budgetary responsibility which requires them to use Oracle Financials.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Minimum Knowledge on AccountingOracle Apps R12 Cash Management Module Training The Oracle R12 Cash Management course is designed to give students the knowledge to set up and use Oracle Cash Management. They will learn how to import bank statements, reconcile them and post updated information to the Oracle General Ledger. Students will also learn how to create cash forecasts.From this Course you will get a clear idea ofCash Management Overview, System Parameters, Creation of new bank, Creation of new branch, Creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer.Who should take this courseEnd UsersFunctional Implementer"
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable Course Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable Course and Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable Bundle with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle R12 Accounts Payable Module Training DescriptionIn this course, you will learn how to set up and use Oracle Payables to manage the accounts payable process. They learn how to create and manage suppliers and supplier bank accounts, process individual and recurring invoices, match invoices to purchase orders or receipts, use multiple distribution methods, and process various types of payments.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, Overview of Multi Organization Structure, Business Group Setup, Defining Operating Units, Defining Inventory Organizations, Defining Sub Inventories.Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable Training The Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable course is designed to give students practical experience of working with the Oracle Accounts Receivable module. It is end-user focused and includes all the day to day tasks such as setting up customer accounts, raising invoices and credit notes and applying cash together with making inquiries and running standard reports.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customers, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, Transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Create Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, Month ending process.Who is the target audience?This Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable training course is designed for personnel working within Finance and Accounts Receivable departments. It is suitable for end users or their supervisors, or equally for management or financial accountants or first line support staff. Learners should have knowledge of the accounts receivable function within their own organization."
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable and Procure to Pay Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable and Procure to Pay (P2P) Course Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable Course and Oracle Apps R12 Procure to Pay (P2P) Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle R12 Accounts Payable Module TrainingDescriptionIn this course, you will learn how to set up and use Oracle Payables to manage the accounts payable process. They learn how to create and manage suppliers and supplier bank accounts, process individual and recurring invoices, match invoices to purchase orders or receipts, use multiple distribution methods, and process various types of payments.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, Overview of Multi Organization Structure, Business Group Setup, Defining Operating Units, Defining Inventory Organizations, Defining Sub Inventories.Oracle Apps R12 Procure to Pay TrainingDescriptionProcure to Pay process which is also known as P2P cycle is followed by any organization in any ERP system if they would like purchase any products for example raw materials, office supplies, infrastructure etc. When there is a purchase there should be a payment. This entire process of purchasing a product and making payment for that product to supplier is called procure to pay process.From this course, you get a clear idea ofPurchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Basic Knowledge on Purchasing"
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable and Fixed Assets Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable and Fixed Assets Course Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable Course and Oracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle R12 Accounts Payable Module Training DescriptionIn this course, you will learn how to set up and use Oracle Payables to manage the accounts payable process. They learn how to create and manage suppliers and supplier bank accounts, process individual and recurring invoices, match invoices to purchase orders or receipts, use multiple distribution methods, and process various types of payments.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, Overview of Multi Organization Structure, Business Group Setup, Defining Operating Units, Defining Inventory Organizations, Defining Sub Inventories.Oracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets Module TrainingThe Oracle R12 Fixed Assets Management course is suitable for managers and end users such as Fixed Asset Accountants or those who provide first line support to them, who need to set up and use Oracle Assets. It would also be useful for Payables Supervisors so that they can appreciate the integration between Oracle Payables and Oracle Assets. An understanding of basic accounting concepts and the asset management function is required. Knowledge of Oracle Accounts Payable and the General Ledger would be advantageous.From this course, you get a clear idea ofFixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting. Asset Transfer, Revaluation, Mass Additions, Retirements.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate who has an understanding of basic accounting concepts and the asset management function. Knowledge of Oracle Accounts Payable and General Ledger would be advantageous."
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable and Cash Management Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable and Cash Management Course Bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Payable Course and Oracle Apps R12 Cash Management Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle R12 Accounts Payable Module Training DescriptionIn this course, you will learn how to set up and use Oracle Payables to manage the accounts payable process. They learn how to create and manage suppliers and supplier bank accounts, process individual and recurring invoices, match invoices to purchase orders or receipts, use multiple distribution methods, and process various types of payments.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, Overview of Multi Organization Structure, Business Group Setup, Defining Operating Units, Defining Inventory Organizations, Defining Sub Inventories.Oracle Apps R12 Cash Management Module TrainingThe Oracle R12 Cash Management course is designed to give students the knowledge to set up and use Oracle Cash Management. They will learn how to import bank statements, reconcile them and post updated information to the Oracle General Ledger. Students will also learn how to create cash forecasts.From this Course you will get a clear idea ofCash Management Overview, System Parameters, Creation of new bank, Creation of new branch, Creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer.Who should take this courseEnd UsersFunctional Implementer"
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps Accounts Receivable and Procure to Pay Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable (AR) & Procure to Pay Course Bundle (P2P) includes Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable Course and Oracle Apps R12 Procure to Pay Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable TrainingThe Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable course is designed to give students practical experience of working with the Oracle Accounts Receivable module. It is end-user focused and includes all the day to day tasks such as setting up customer accounts, raising invoices and credit notes and applying cash together with making inquiries and running standard reports.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customers, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, Transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Create Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, Month ending process.Who is the target audience?This Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable training course is designed for personnel working within Finance and Accounts Receivable departments. It is suitable for end users or their supervisors, or equally for management or financial accountants or first line support staff. Learners should have knowledge of the accounts receivable function within their own organization.Oracle Apps R12 Procure to Pay TrainingDescriptionProcure to Pay process which is also known as P2P cycle is followed by any organization in any ERP system if they would like purchase any products for example raw materials, office supplies, infrastructure etc. When there is a purchase there should be a payment. This entire process of purchasing a product and making payment for that product to supplier is called procure to pay process.From this course, you get a clear idea ofPurchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate with Basic Knowledge on Purchasing"
Price: 1600.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable and Fixed Assets Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable (AR) and Fixed Assets Course Bundle includes Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable Course and Oracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle Apps R12 Accounts Receivable TrainingThe Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable course is designed to give students practical experience of working with the Oracle Accounts Receivable module. It is end-user focused and includes all the day to day tasks such as setting up customer accounts, raising invoices and credit notes and applying cash together with making inquiries and running standard reports.From this course, you get a clear idea ofAccount Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customers, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, Transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Create Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, Month ending process.Who is the target audience?This Oracle R12 Accounts Receivable training course is designed for personnel working within Finance and Accounts Receivable departments. It is suitable for end users or their supervisors, or equally for management or financial accountants or first line support staff. Learners should have knowledge of the accounts receivable function within their own organization.Oracle Apps R12 Fixed Assets Module TrainingThe Oracle R12 Fixed Assets Management course is suitable for managers and end users such as Fixed Asset Accountants or those who provide first line support to them, who need to set up and use Oracle Assets. It would also be useful for Payables Supervisors so that they can appreciate the integration between Oracle Payables and Oracle Assets. An understanding of basic accounting concepts and the asset management function is required. Knowledge of Oracle Accounts Payable and the General Ledger would be advantageous.From this course, you get a clear idea ofFixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting. Asset Transfer, Revaluation, Mass Additions, Retirements.Who is the target audience?Any Graduate who has an understanding of basic accounting concepts and the asset management function. Knowledge of Oracle Accounts Payable and General Ledger would be advantageous."
Price: 1600.00
