"Be Your Own Social Media Guru" |
"The social media landscape changes every 6 months, and the smartphone is only accelerating this change. Dont blindly follow the latest social media fads and gurus to guide your social media strategy. Fortunately, there is a ton of engagement data around what people are doing on your site (on Google Analytics) and social platforms/profiles (on Facebook Insights and other native analytics platforms). Learn to look at your organizations own data to see what is driving real value. If your organization can gather, analyze, and act on its data, it will be ready to jump on the next trend in a way that drives real impact.Well start with the 5 truths that apply to all social media platforms. Then, well walk you through the Big Three platforms: Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. For each, youll learn:What are the basics? How does this platform work?Insight into the backend: Understand the platform in order to optimize your strategyAdvanced tips to boost your engagementCase studies: Steal ideas from other organizations that are effectively using the platformWell answer the age-old question: How to be human on social media. Lastly, well dive into how to use data to enhance your approach. Youll see walkthroughs and insights from:Youtube AnalyticsFacebook InsightsTwitter AnalyticsGoogle AnalyticsOther external social media toolswhich will teach you how to use each platform to find insights about your users and turn those insights into action. Well give you strategies to engage your whole team in the process and begin to build a Data Culture at your organization!This course is currently in the process of being updated buy now and get first access to the updated course this fall."
Price: 39.99

"How To Sell Products Online Using PayPal" |
"If you want to sell a product or service on your website, you will need a payment solution to accept and process payment. If you are selling more than one product or service, you may also need a shopping cart program to let your customers buy multiple products and check out. This course teaches you how to create a PayPal account to start selling products and accept payment online and how to create Buy Now and Add to Cart buttons on your html website or Wordpress site. It also teaches you how to manage your transactions such as disputes management, fraud prevention and keeping transaction records for tax purpose. This informative and easy to follow course will help you to integrate PayPal payment gateway into your website fast so you can start making money online quickly. Who Should Take This Course? This course is for anyone who wishes to use PayPal as their payment gateway for selling online without the need to pay for complex and expensive shopping cart program. This step-by-step and easy-to-follow course contains 40 minutes of video tutorials spread over 30 lectures to help you start making money online. What are the requirements? This course is structured for beginners and covers the essential of using Paypal as a payment gateway. All you need is to know how to surf the web and clicks on the web browser. Topics include: Setting up an account Creating Buy Now buttons for your web site Setting up a simple shopping cart using Add to Cart buttons to sell multiple products Requesting payment via email and creating e-invoice Withdrawing funds from a bank account Set postage and shipping charges Issuing refunds Download and keep detailed records for accounting purpose How to handle customer dispute How to prevent online fraud Understanding PayPal protection for buyers and sellers Introduction to the new PayPal interface"
Price: 44.99

"Basketball for Beginners: Improving Your Basketball Skills" |
"Do you want to pick up basketball as a hobby?Do you want to improve on your basketball skills?Do you want to be a better basketball player?Well, this is the course for you.Welcome to the Basketball for Beginners Course!Although this course is titled for beginners, it is open to anyone at any skill level. The reason why this course is open for everyone is because this course is about learning the basic fundamentals of basketball; the fundamentals are the foundation to any basketball player at any level. Expectations from this course.The course is split into four sections which are knowing what to knowing what to do on offense and defense and learning drills to improve your offensive and defensive skills. Whether you are on a offensive or a defensive possession, you will learn what to move to make in a specific scenario. Furthermore, you will learn drills that will help you make those moves efficiently in live action. In this course, you will also learn basketball terminologies. This course will consist of lectures that are about 1 hour long in total. Why take this course?!Take this course because basketball is just a fun sport/hobby to get involved. It will also be a great learning experience. I guarantee if you apply the things I teach to you from this course, then your basketball I.Q. and skills will improve dramatically."
Price: 19.99

"Fantasy Basketball (Season): Tips to Winning Your League" |
"Do you want to start playing fantasy basketball with friends, co-workers, and online competitors? Do you want to learn how to play fantasy basketball?Do you want to learn strategies to help you win?If so, then you should definitely enroll in this course.Welcome to the Fantasy Basketball (Season) Course!This course is for anyone that wants to learn to how to play fantasy basketball for the whole NBA basketball season. When you take this course, you will gain a better understanding of how to play fantasy basketball and how you can give yourself a better chance to win.Expectations from this course.You can expect to learn the basic rules of how to play fantasy basketball which will be helpful for those that are just starting off. In addition, you will also learn some strategies that can put you in a position where you can win on a consistent basis.Why take this course?!You should definitely take this course because you will learn a tremendous amount about the game of fantasy basketball. If you want to be a winner in your league, then you will be provided with strategies that will definitely give you a better chance of winning.DISCLAIMER: THIS FANTASY BASKETBALL COURSE IS FOR THOSE THAT WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY SEASON LONG FANTASY BASKETBALL, NOT DAILY SPORTS FANTASY. IF YOU JUST WANT TO LEARN DAILY FANTASY SPORTS, THEN THIS IS NOT THE COURSE FOR YOU."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Basketball: Offensive Post Moves" |
"Do you want to learn some post moves to improve your offensive game?Do you want to be a betterfundamentally sound, post player?Do you want to learn advanced basketball moves that canelevate your skills?If so, then this is the course that you should enroll in.Welcome to the Advanced Basketball: Offensive Post Moves Course!This course is for anyone that wants to learn offensive post moves. In this course, I will show you over thirty post moves that you can learn and practice on your own. You might not find some of these post moves anywhere else but here in this course since these post moves are very advanced and challenging to master.Expectations from this course!Despite the challenges that are possibly presented in this course, anyone is still capable of learning these moves. The post moves do range from basic to advanced levels. In addition, the advanced movesgenerally do require excellent footwork, ball control, and balance. Many of these moves are gathered from extensive studying of the basketball games and drills. I have learned many of these post moves personally from other great basketball coaches and from watching great NBA legends likeHakeem Olajuwon, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan, and etc.Why take this course?!Because I have a considerable amount of knowledge about post moves, I have the desire to want to share them and teach these moves to others that want to learn. Theselectures will provide step-by-step instructions on how to master thetechniques for these moves. Through constant repetition and practice, you can master these post moves and use these moves in games where you can be an dominant offensive player. And who knows,you might draw comparisons to the likes of Hakeem the Dream or TimDuncan ""the Big Fundamental"" and just shine as an effective post player."
Price: 19.99

"Learn To Juggle 3 Balls (+25 Other Tricks!)" |
"Have you ever tried to juggle? Have you ever been frustrated because you couldn't figure out the secret to something so simple? If so I can relate with you. I remember learning to juggle several years ago and dealing with the same frustrations. It doesn't have to be that way though. I can now juggle 6 balls and have performed for audiences as large as 200. Juggling doesn't have to be difficult. It can be extremely easy and straightforward if you understand the secrets behind it. That's why I created this course for you.If you've ever wanted a step-by-step guide in learning how to juggle this course is the perfect tool for you. In the first lesson you'll learn the secret to juggling three balls, and by the end of this course you'll have learned 25 more tricks! Also included in this course is an entire section on how to put together a routine and entertain an audience with your newly acquired skills. Of course, there's many reasons to juggle even if you never intend to get on stage and perform. Juggling is a good form of cardiovascular exercise, learning to juggle can boost self-esteem (by showing you you're capable of things you previously thought impossible), and many say that the meditative repetition of juggling helps them destress. Regardless of why you want to learn to juggle, however, you'll no doubt find the 30+ videos included in this course useful. The lessons were put together using knowledge I've acquired from years of practice and thousands of hours invested in the field. The lessons are sequentially ordered so that you're never trying to practice a trick that's too difficult for you. This allows you to rapidly improve as well as avoid frustration. You'll also notice a consistently positive vibe throughout these videos because having fun while you learn is important too! :) If you've ever wanted to learn how to juggle you should enroll today along with the 1,000 other Udemy students that have already begun learning how to juggle. Once you complete the first lesson and are able to juggle you'll also be able to learn another 25 tricks at your leisure. There's no risk. If you decide juggling isn't for you a full refund awaits. Sign up today."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete WordPress Theme Development Course" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to customize a WordPress theme or plugin so that it looks and works exactly the way you want it to? Most times our ability to build a WordPress website depends heavily on what options are available to us by the theme and plugins we use. This course aims to break through this barrier by teaching you how to build your very own WordPress functions and templates. Quick Summary of What You Will LearnIn this course, you will learnHow WordPress works behind the scenes to display content on your websiteHow to build your own custom page templatesHow to write WordPress functionsHow to work with custom post types and advanced custom fieldsHow to work with WordPress template tagsHow to create and display your very own custom sidebarsand so much more .....Reviews from Students ...""Fantastic course. Covers a wide range of subjects related to WordPress development - and in greater depth than I was expecting to be honest. Alex doesn't try to impress you with what he knows (like many instructors do), but just gives clear, concise information which follows a logical structure - with plenty of real-world coding examples which are easy to follow along with. At no point was I left wondering what he was talking about, or how we got there (another common problem). He also responds remarkably quickly to questions. Really enjoyable. "" -- Paul BrantAlex is the guy. 1 - Always answer your questions. 2 - If you're novice (the kind of novice that only knows how to install wordpress), he takes you by the hand during the videos. VERY VERY WELL EXPLAINED. 3 - Even if you have experience building wordpress themes from scratch, im sure you'll have some quite good insight about WP structure. 4 - That's obvious, but lots of content you see here you can find on internet, but Alex makes easier and faster to understand... So... Worth every penny :) -- Guilherme SoaresThe WordPress LoopThe WordPress loop is the single most crucial and important function of WordPress and in this course, you will learn exactly how it works and how you can modify the loop to customize how your post and page content are displayed.""Great course, perfect after a little playing with WP on your own and some PHP knowledge. Although you could probably pick up the PHP as you go. I like Alex's instruction style, it feels like he is invested in your success. The exercises are easy to follow, seem to be clearly explained. I haven't found anything like this for free, it's all set out for you so you don't have to hash through multiple resources to level up. The course is really helping me to understand the inner workings of WP and with a little prior experience I am building a theme for a hostel for free then I'm sure I am ready for my first paid job."" -- Trevor JoelWe are going to use a starter theme (underscores) to build a complete WordPress blog about movies.The first section will introduce you to the core template files that you will find in every WordPress theme and also the WordPress template hierarchy which determines what template file displays content.We will then move on to learn about WordPress template tags and the almighty WordPress loop which is responsible for displaying the content of your post types. We will then learn how to create custom image sizes so that you will have total control on how media files are displayed on your website. We will round up section 4 by learning how to customize the WordPress query and post excerpts.We will cover custom post types and advanced custom fields in the next section which are crucial to your arsenal as a WordPress developer. You will then learn how to create your very own custom template files so you can determine how content is displayed on your website.Custom sidebars and how to create and display them comes next. We will progress to start building our custom home page template and also learn how to properly load custom style sheets.You will then learn about taxonomy templates and conditional tags before we take a look at global variables and how to work outside the WordPress loop.I will then proceed to show you how to write your very own custom WordPress functions. We will write the followingA function to display the current timeA function to add Google AnalyticsA function to add a custom gravatarA function to add profile authorsA function to hide the WordPress versionWe will then conclude this course by taking a look at the WordPress installation directory and database management.Bonus SectionYou will be given the opportunity to test your new found skills by applying them onto a real world project. You are going to build a food menu for a restaurant with advanced custom fields and post types. You will also display this menu by customizing the WordPress loop and page templates.I cannot wait for you to enroll in this true WordPress development course. I hope to see you on the inside.Alex."
Price: 199.99

"Das hebrische Alephbet und das griechische Alphabet" |
"In diesem Lehrgang lernen Sie alle hebrischen und altgriechischen Buchstaben kennen. Schon nach etwas ber einer Stunde kennen Sie nicht nur smtliche Buchstaben der beiden uralten Alphabete, sondern wissen schon vieles ber die Besonderheiten dieser antiken Schriften, die fr viele klassische Werke der Weltliteratur verwendet wurden. Das gilt insbesondere fr die Bibel, die in hebrischer, aramischer und altgriechischer Sprache abgefasst wurde, wobei die aramischen Teile mit denselben Buchstaben wie die hebrischen Schriften geschrieben wurden. Doch auch die berhmten Schriften der griechischen Philosophen wurden in der altgriechischen Schrift abgefasst, die Sie hier lernen knnen. Diese Schriftzeichen sind seit Tausenden von Jahren in Gebrauch und werden auch heute noch in Israel und Griechenland verwendet, wenngleich sich die Aussprache an manchen Stellen ein wenig verndert hat. Denken Sie daran: Sie knnen die Lektionen jederzeit anhalten und so oft abspielen, wie Sie mchten. Nutzen Sie die Wiederholung, um die Buchstabenfolgen auswendig zu lernen und die Zeichen selbst von Hand zu schreiben. Alle Schriftzeichen werden nicht nur am Bildschirm angezeigt, sondern Sie lernen auch, wie Sie sie am besten von Hand schreiben knnen. Sie bentigen dazu nicht mehr als einen beliebigen Stift und etwas Papier. Die Kenntnis dieser Alphabete steigert nicht nur Ihr Allgemeinwissen und hilft bei Rtseln oder bei Fachliteratur, die hebrische oder griechische Wrter oder Stze anfhrt. Sie werden auch bei Ihrem nchsten Urlaub in Griechenland oder Israel merken, dass die Tafeln und Inschriften viel vertrauter wirken. Auch wenn Sie mit der Kenntnis der Buchstaben die Wrter nicht automatisch verstehen knnen, werden Sie doch Klnge entdecken, die Ihnen bereits vertraut sind. Nutzen Sie Ihr neu erworbenes Wissen auch dazu, hebrische und griechische Wrter beispielsweise in theologischen Lexika nachzuschlagen. Dieser Lehrgang eignet sich auch zur Vorbereitung auf Hebrisch- oder Altgriechischkurse auf Universittsniveau zum Erwerb des Hebraicum und des Graecum. Wenn Sie die Buchstaben bereits lesen und schreiben knnen, bevor Sie solch einen prfungsvorbereitenden Kurs belegen, haben Sie einen groen Vorsprung vor anderen Studenten und knnen sich frher auf Vokabeln und Grammatik konzentrieren. Nutzen Sie die bersichtslektionen und die PDF-berblickstafel der letzten Lektion, um beide Alphabete auswendig zu lernen. Da viele Nachschlagewerke fr hebrische und griechische Wrter nach diesen alten Alphabeten geordnet sind, werden Sie sich leichter und schneller zurechtfinden, wenn Sie auch diese antiken Alphabete wie das deutsche ABC aufsagen knnen."
Price: 19.99

"IPv6 Essentials - Foundations of the new Internet Protocol" |
"IPv6 is not only the future of networking, it is already here today! All the big players on the Internet are already IPv6 enabled and it is now time for you to join the party!Apart from the Internet, all other networks - from corporate to your home network - also run IP and are affected by the change that is happening right now as you read this!This course covers all major aspects of the new Internet Protocol and what changed, compared to IPv4. You will understand the fundamentals and be ahead of your peers that are still on the sinking ship of IPv4! As of today, there are no IPv4 addresses left and we have no other option but to go ahead and deploy IPv6.Your trainer has 14 years of experience deploying, engineering and running IPv6 and you will directly benefit from this!The course is divided into 8 topics and spans over 31 videos with a combined length of more than 2 hours. Additionally over 50 PDF documents for quick reference and review are provided for your convenience.The length of the training is optimised for a quick look into IPv6, covering everything you need to know and without getting too much into details that you don't need to know today.Enjoy - and welcome to the future of networking!"
Price: 159.99

"Cmo escribir guiones de ficcin de manera profesional" |
"Las grandes historias del cine, aquellas que han tenido gran aceptacin por parte del pblico y de la crtica, comparten una serie de elementos. Y eso es precisamente -el anlisis de estas grandes historias y los elementos que comparten- sobre lo que se generan los contenidos de este curso. Como vers, a este curso tambin lo llamo PEGAMENTO EN LA BUTACA. Y es as porque la parte ms importante es la que te explica qu debe tener una historia para atrapar al espectador de principio a fin de la historia, para conseguir que se quede "pegado a la butaca". Eso es algo imprescindible para entrar de forma profesional en el circuito comercial. Al final del curso sers capaz de crear guiones de ficcin que enganchen al espectador y te ayuden a ser parte de la Industria Audiovisual como guionista,"
Price: 94.99

"Graphic Design Bootcamp: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign" |
"Welcome to the Graphic Design Bootcamp! This course has over 6,000 5-star reviews, and has been a Udemy bestseller for more than a year!Do you like to learn in a project-based environment?Do you want to learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign?Do you want to tackle BOTH print and web design projects?Youre in the right place! This course is for anyone who is interested in becoming a graphic designer, and especially geared towards beginners. When you enroll in this course, you will have access to over 15 hours of on-demand content, as well as the opportunity to join a private Facebook group with over 13,000 members.I move quickly through the content, since many students enjoy a quick learning pace. Prefer a more laid-back pace? Many students find that re-watching lectures or pausing the lectures during key learning points is a helpful way to digest the information.I also make use of shortcuts something that all great designers learn how to do to increase their productivity and maximize their workflow so once you enroll, be sure to download the course shortcut hotsheet: a PDF listing many of the most-used shortcut codes so that you can follow along easily and get ahead quickly.In this course I'll also show you how to make some of the most popular projects in the industry, like: custom logos business cards brochures flyers web graphics and more.What Students Are Saying About This Course: ""I have used Adobe CC for a few years now, but everything I've learned I've learned from doing. While some of this has been basic as I'm already familiar with the tools, there are tricks and advice that I would have never known that make life MUCH easier (the ""content-aware"" fill is a game changer) and I really enjoy the pacing and manner in which he explains the tools, techniques and theory!"" - Nikki Tetreault ""This course is good. The tutor is really nice and clear (US accent is alien to me so I sometimes find it difficult to understand - the tutor here is great, doesn't speak too fast & is clear, without too many colloquialisms). Enjoying the classes. Feel prepared enough for the purpose I took the course. Would definitely recommend and also do other courses by this tutor"" - Alvira Kiss ""I started this course with little experience and thankfully I have learnt a lot throughout this course. I can't wait to learn more about this industry and make my mark on the world and its all thanks to this course which has kickstarted my journey!"" - Charles Vaughn ""So far it's been great. I'm a student that struggles largely in traditional school settings, the ability to pause, take notes, rewind, and move back and forth as I need has been great. The instructor has been clear and precise, and has given plenty to think about as we're creating files."" - Samantha Finn ""For a guy whove been working with photoshop for nearly 10 years Im still learning from this course."" - Aryne Neil CabatanWhat to Expect:We will be using Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator; the industry-standard applications for graphic design. I'll also review relevant terms and design practices to help you create pixel-perfect projects for print and web, with the goal to get you up and running as soon as possible so you can start your new and exciting career as a graphic designer.If you aren't looking to learn design for a job, don't worry - this is a great course for you too! Many of my students are moms looking to make fun cards or invitations, or students looking to spice up their resumes and social media graphics, and teachers looking to add some creative elements to their homework materials - the list goes on and on. Design is for everyone! And this course is, too!There is also a private Facebook group with over 13,000 students and counting, which is an awesome resource for you to take advantage of while you go through the course. The group is an excellent place to post projects, get insightful critiques, and network with other like-minded students and working professionals all over the world.All project files are included as a free download at the beginning of each section, and you are welcome to use the files however you want, or simply to follow along with the projects as you move through the lessons.As mentioned before, I cover a lot of program shortcuts in this course as well!For the most part, all of the principles you will learn in this course transcend the tools you actually use - There are students using Adobe versions from CS3 up to CC 2019, and there are even students using apps like Sketch and Pixelmator to make some of the projects in this course.If you see anything in any of the lectures that no longer apply with the software update, please let me know! Im doing my best to keep this course up to date and continue to add value for you.Instructor Qualifications and Background:Derrick has spent his entire career in the creative arts and marketing sector. Starting back as early as high school where he turned homework into paying gigs, his love for all things art and technology driven has continued to grow. Working with brands such as MTV, Nintendo, and Netflix while employed as an intern for Seven 2 Interactive catapulted his career. His branding work and graphic design has been included in international publications for the design industry and regularly featured on trending websites.Derrick is the owner of a small design agency, Mitchell's Garage Creative Media Chop Shop, located in the heart of downtown Kalispell, Montana. Mitchell's Garage has been successful in reaching and working with clients all over the world, including Washington D.C., New York, California, Calgary, Austria, Australia, Washington, Colorado, and of course, throughout Montana."
Price: 199.99

"Quickly Batch Export & Package Logo Files for Clients" |
"In this course, I will walk you through exactly how I package up a logo when I'm finished with the project so that the client has everything they need to put their brand new logo to use. These techniques can be used with any type of artwork you want to create and export from Adobe Illustrator, but for the purpose of this course,we are justfocusing on logos.You will learn to:Take a client's idea and create a varied and organized artboardTake the client's design selection and move it carefully and quickly to a new artboard so that everything is organized and easy-to-find down the road, if neededQuickly batch export the design into multiple file formats that you can deliver to your clientLet's dive in!What Students Are Saying About This Course:I found this class very interesting and so helpful to see design work/flow in action. I don't mind that it was presented kind of quickly because I can always go back and re-watch or slow the video. I haven't found any other class quite like this and I'm glad it is available. - Tracey D.I can not emphasis how good this is. This is a template how files should be sent from a design studio, freelancer. This has so many golden nuggets it's unbelievable. You're crazy if you skip this course. - Peter Cairns"
Price: 19.99

"Diseo de logo para principiantes" |
"Objetivos del curso: Aprende como disear un logo Aprenders a disear tu logo o trabajar como freelance Aprenders sobre los tipos de letras o tipografia Conoceras los colores a utilizar. Aprenders que formatos utilizar al hacer tus logos o enviar el logo al cliente para que no tenga problemas al momento de abrirlos."
Price: 19.99

"Designing logos profitable" |
"You know how to do logos but you dont know how win money, I am going to teach you how to win money doing logos.Normally there are times that we can be very creative, we do very beautiful and attractive logos but we gain nothing by that. It would be good that we pay for doing what we do and enjoy doing, here will teach you how to make money doing logos in a fun way. So we will all have fun"
Price: 19.99

"Rich Mind...Rich Man. Poor Mind...Poor Man: Shift Your Mind" |
"September 2020 Updated***** Top 50 Udemy Authors in the Business Finance Industry - eSkillsToday Award ********** Ricardo is one of the best Instructors and my favorite when we are talking about Passive Income and Business Development. Hands down. - Mike Robinson *****__________________________________________Who is this course for and why you should take it (in 1 minute):Hello and welcome to the Course, where Ill take you through the entire process of thinking on a different new way, the way that rich successful people do, from scratch. My name is Ricardo Ribeiro and Im an awarding winning Instructor in the Business Finance Industry, with more than 15 years experience, owner of several successful businesses, with thousands of dollars made on Passive Income, and an enthusiast of Personal & Business Development.This certified course is for you that seeks to improve your life. Throughout the course we will cover techniques used by Successful people and professionals in NLP and Coaching throughout the world, and walk you through a step-by-step process for creating new habits in your life while removing others, that you will successfully improve the way you see the world and your relation with money and Ill even include a few secrets of the pros.--------Millionaire minds think different, and so can you.Do you know why some people are such a success and make such money and you don't? Why everything they touch turn into gold? Why they seem to have born with a lucky star?Well, I do. What I will be telling you on this course will change your life forever. It is proven that Millionaire Minds think different from others.You will learn what is the SECRET of rich people, and how, at the end of this course you can start thinking and being one of them.This is the course for you. Do you want to have the ability to create more money in your life? want to improve your life in general and be happier? If you want to change your life for better, start having success and stop counting cents every month, I will share the secret of rich people, for you to achieve all your goals in life and create wealth.You will have the confidence to launch that business or investment you've always wanted but were afraid, make more money and feel better about yourself and others.This course was created using only the best Coaching and NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Program techniques that are available, and that is real groundbreaking and helpful to you as you will only learn what it is proven, by the personal development community, to works best. This means that you will save yourself from long and hard hours taking seminars, courses or reading hundreds of books, like I did.You will see significant improvements on all areas of your life, health, wealth, career, relations (family and friends), knowledge, love, creativity, travel and personal grow.At the end of this Certified Course, you will be able to take control of your life and improve your financial situation in a way that you thought it wasn't possible. It is structured in the simplest and cleanest way in order to be understandable and to engage you into completing all the self reflexion exercises that are asked.You will be provided with powerful and useful tools, resources and eBooks for achieving your success, for you to gain conscience of what you are doing wrong and it is keeping you from fulfill your goals, and what you can start doing right now so that you can use all your potential and and achieve success.I'm here to help you and I'm available to answer your questions and advice you along the way. Together we can make sure you have great success in your life. Thanks for your interest in this course. I put my hearth and soul on everything I do so you have my personal guarantee that you will absolutely love it as the happy students already enrolled, or you have 30 days money back guaranteed with no questions asked, so you have nothing to loose. I hope youre as excited as I am! If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. See you in the course!"
Price: 149.99

"Master Photography: From Shooting to Selling All Your Photos" |
"***** Top 50 Udemy Authors in the Business Finance Industry - eSkillsToday Award ********** Ricardo is one of the best Instructors and my favorite when we are talking about Passive Income and Business Development. Hands down. - Mike Robinson *****__________________________________________Who is this course for and why you should take it (in 1 minute):Hello and welcome to the Course, where Ill take you through the entire process of shooting and selling all your photos online, from scratch. My name is Ricardo Ribeiro and Im an awarding winning Instructor in the Business Finance Industry, with more than 15 years experience, owner of several successful businesses, with thousands of dollars made on Passive Income, and an enthusiast of Personal & Business Development. This certified course is for you that seeks to improve your overall photography skills and sell all your work effortlessly. Throughout the course we will cover techniques used by professional photographers throughout the world, and walk you through a step-by-step process for creating quality photographs on your own, with your camera or cell phone, that you will successfully sell on the major online agencies in the world, and Ill even include a few secrets of the pros.--------This is probably the most enjoyable source of passive income you will ever come across. The big boom for photography is now, there has never been a higher demand for photographs as today.After finishing this Certified Course, you will master photography and your life in this area will change forever. There is a before and after you taking this course. You will start noticing every details around you, looking for new perspectives, being conscious about lighting and photo composition. You will master photography like a pro.What you will do is take the best pictures you possible can applying the techniques covered in this course, upload them to the agencies websites covered in the course and start building your portfolio and selling your photos, getting paid month after month for years to come by each one of them, and that means great income to you.In case you are wondering, there is no need for expensive investments, you use what you already have. You can use any digital camera, iPhone, iPad or Android phone or even if you have one, a DSLR.Businesses spend millions marketing they're products or services and most of all they want to be original and buy new material, and that's where you come in. They are desperate for new photos, because there is a high demand for them, imagine the millions of companies around the world wanting new photos every day to fill they're needs.In this Certified Course I will reveal to you, using a simple step-by-step method, all the inside secrets to master photography and becoming a Pro in this field, making really good money from your photographs. This can be your part-time or full-time job.You will learn what photos to take, the best Pro techniques, all the aspects of a photo composition, and all the process on selling them online, building your portfolio and collect the money for years to come. You will also have valuable resources like guides and books for a deeper knowledge on some specific parts of the photography world.Don't worry if you have no experience in photography, you will learn exactly what photographs to take and how to take them and in the meanwhile you can start by selling the best photos you already have. You will be submitting your photos to several agencies, you don't need to worry about messing invoices or deal with customers, they will get all this for you and the only thing you will do is count the money they send you every month to your account.If you are wondering if this is possible, my answer to you is YES, it is as you will see if you take this course. You will learn from someone that already achieved this goal with great success.I'm here to help you. I'm available to answer all your questions and advice you along the way. Together we can make sure you have great success. I'm with you on this!Thanks for your interest in this course. I put my hearth and soul on everything I do so you have my personal guarantee that you will absolutely love it as the happy students already enrolled, or you have 30 days money back guaranteed with no questions asked, so you have nothing to lose. I hope youre as excited as I am! If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. See you in the course!Sources: Course cover photography by Photographer Oleg Magni."
Price: 199.99

"15 ways to boost your confidence: Mindfulness for your life" |
"***** Top 50 Udemy Authors in the Business Finance Industry - eSkillsToday Award ********** Ricardo is one of the best Instructors and my favorite when we are talking about Passive Income and Business Development. Hands down. - Mike Robinson *****__________________________________________Who is this course for and why you should take it (in 1 minute):Hello and welcome to the Course, where Ill take you through the entire process of completely changing your life for better in 30 days by following 15 easy steps, from scratch. My name is Ricardo Ribeiro and Im an awarding winning Instructor in the Business Finance Industry, with more than 15 years experience, owner of several successful businesses, with thousands of dollars made on Passive Income, and an enthusiast of Personal & Business Development. This certified course is for you that seeks to improve your life. Throughout the course we will cover techniques used by professionals in NLP and Coaching throughout the world, and walk you through a step-by-step process for creating new habits in your life while removing others, that you will successfully improve every single area of your life and Ill even include a few secrets of the pros.--------It is well known that the human being takes approximately 30 days to form a new habit.This is the course for you. Do you want to be more Productive? have the ability to create more money in your life? balance your work and home life? want better Health? want to improve your life in general and be happier? At the end of this Certified Course you be able to master 15 powerful steps and new habits, and you will be able to do all those things that you always wanted and never could because you were stuck with past beliefs and concepts that didn't allow you to grow and evolve to a better you.You will have the confidence to get into shape, to launch that business you've always wanted but were afraid, make more money, feel better about yourself and others and learn to enjoy life and appreciate the best of it.This course was created using only the best Coaching and NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Program techniques that are available, and that is real groundbreaking and helpful to you as you will only learn what it is proven, by the personal development community, to works best. This means that you will save yourself from long and hard hours taking seminars, courses or reading hundreds of books, like I did.With this course you will see significant improvements on all areas of your life, health, wealth, career, relations (family and friends), knowledge, love, creativity, travel and personal grow.The first step to get what we want or dream, is to have a strong will and a clear intention. The simple fact of dreaming about something does not have enough energy to make it happen. You need to want and throw the intention - ""I WANT ..."" And not just ""I wish ..."" or ""It would be so nice if I could ""At the end of this Course, you will be able to take control and improve your life in a way that you thought it wasn't possible. It is structured in the simplest and cleanest way in order to be understandable and to engage you into completing all the self reflexion exercises that are asked.You will be provided with powerful and useful tools, resources and eBooks for your self development, for you to gain conscience of what you are doing wrong and it is keeping you from fulfill your goals, and what you can improve even better so that you can use all your potential in life and and achieve success.I'm here to help you and I'm available to answer your questions and advice you along the way. Together we can make sure you have great success in your life. Thanks for your interest in this course. I put my hearth and soul on everything I do so you have my personal guarantee that you will absolutely love it as the happy students already enrolled, or you have 30 days money back guaranteed with no questions asked, so you have nothing to lose. I hope youre as excited as I am! If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. See you in the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Yoga For Anxiety" |
"Do you suffer from anxiety? Panic Attacks? Are the ways you deal with anxiety not effective? Yoga For Anxiety is designed for those of us who deal with anxiety disorders, such as General Anxiety Disorder or panic attacks. For 24 years I've dealt with panic attacks, two of which hospitalized me. Teaching yoga for the last 12 years has helped me deal with my anxiety in a proactive mannernot only do I have less panic and anxiety, but I'm able to deal with it more efficiently when it arises. The 12 techniques in this program including breathing, yoga postures and meditation. No previous experience is necessary to partake in this program. The 12 videos are simple to use and require nothing more than your attention (a bolster or pillows won't hurt). Three short accompanying lectures set the stage for how and why you'd want to use these yoga techniques. If you're tired of feeling anxious and stressed out, this course is made for you."
Price: 19.99

"How to Obtain a Business Loan" |
"Learn what lenders look at when making business loan decisions. Business loans are not like personal loans. While many people are familiar with personal or home loans, loans in the business world do not work the same way. The information is crucial in understanding how to work with a bank, and what the bank will look for in terms of making a decision on your business loan application. Also, this helps you determine if you need a loan, if you will qualify, what do do if you don't quality. Additionally there is information on specific kinds of business loans, and a special section on working capital loans"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Cisco Networking - CCNA Prep" |
"Master these topicsNetwork FundamentalsLAN Switching FundamentalsRouting FundamentalsInfrastructure ServicesInfrastructure MaintenanceStudent Feedback-""I've gone through skillsoft and Cbt Nuggets, the differance between this is that its in laymans terms and very easy for me to understand, compared to others,""-""I am slowly starting to understand I am anxious to get to the next video. The training videos I watched from other companies didn't go into detail like he does"""
Price: 149.99

"Cisco Networking Fundamentals - CCNA Prep" |
"Master these topicsLAN Switching TechnologiesRouting TechnologiesWAN TechnologiesInfrastructure ServicesInfrastructure MaintenanceStudent Feedback-""I think this course is great, I've been studying for the ICND2 using skillsoft but this course explains some thing different which has been easier for me to grasp""-""So far I find this to be well explained and cuts down a lot from the book into what you really need to know for the exam and is saving me time. He really knows his stuff for this course and would recommend his to anyone"""
Price: 149.99

"Cisco Network Security Master Class" |
"***This course contains all of the lectures from my ASA Firewall Fundamentals course***In this course you will learn how to maintain integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices. Master these Cisco Network Security topicsSecurity ConceptsSecure AccessVPNSecure Routing and SwitchingCisco Firewall TechnologiesIPSContent and Endpoint SecurityNothing is getting in the way of the network security market. The demand for network security appliances and software continues to grow. The network security market finished the first half of 2016 with a flourish, Worldwide revenue of $2.2 billion was up both sequentially and year over year. For anyone who wants to join the rising network security market, this course is a great place to start.Student Feedback-""Nice tutorials.. Easy way to learn the security topics. Thanks to the trainer for giving a detailed explanation on each required security topics."""
Price: 199.99

"How to Draw Folds, Clothes and Drapery" |
"Hey there! So you want to learn how to draw FOLDS and CLOTHES? Well - you've come to the right place! In this drawing course, I will take you by the hand and teach you how to draw folds and clothes, from the very first step, and until you are able to draw them on your own, from imagination or with the help of reference (I always advise using reference, as you'll see!). In How to Draw Folds and Clothes you will learn: The basics of cloth and folds How to draw the seven major types of folds How to draw a full clothed figureHow to draw cloth in motion What really makes this course unique from ALL other resources on this subject, including books, websites, YouTube videos and other online courses, is that I actually show you how to draw all seven major types of folds separately, and how to put them together into a full clothed figure.This is something I wish I had when I just began. Here is some additional useful information about my course: The heart of this course is VIDEOS, lots of them. In addition to the videos, you'll also receive other resources such as images and text, all based on my published book on this subject, and my knowledge. Also, you may ask me questions and I'll personally reply and provide assistance, because I want you to learn and succeed. Bottom line: This is the course you want to take in order to learn how to draw folds and clothes. Now c'mon! Let's begin this journey together! - Liron Yanconsky Published How-to-Draw Author"
Price: 54.99

"MYOB AccountRight Essential Training" |
"Update:Ive significantlydropped the price of the course to the lowest tier possible ($20)on Udemy for a limited time! Those poor college students who approached me, Ive got you guyscovered! :) All the fundamentalskills and principles will always be super helpfulno matter which MYOB version youre currentlyworking with! This MYOB training course consists of a series of training videos, case studies and practices. It focuses on the fundamental skills required for you to build your own company files and cope with daily bookkeeping affairs. This course is suitable for all learners, especially for students with some basic accounting knowledge and small business owners. You will start with setting up your company file, and then learn how to manage your daily operations by setting up accounts related to service, inventories, customers and suppliers. You will understand how to create invoices and manage purchases, sales and funds transfers. This course will show you how to create purchase orders and pay bills as well as record sales and payments received. Also, you can track your own inventory and manage all your banking tasks. Additional working materials are provided which allow you to follow along with this course throughout the lessons. Besides the basic use of the accounting software, more advanced contents such as prepayments, depreciation, bad debts, contra entry adjustments and GST return will also be covered in this course. At the end of each section, you will learn how to generate various reports related to your business. By the time you have completed this online MYOB course, you will have a clear understanding of how to set up and maintain your company's finances on a day to day basis, as well as access to the financial information you need to help you succeed in your business."
Price: 199.99

"5 Easy Steps to Make the Most of Your Finances" |
"Learn and master the five steps to successful personal finance and budgeting! Do you feel like you don't have control of your finances? You're not alone! Many people struggle to maintain strong personal finances while building savings and lowering debt. In this step-by-step video training course, Ashley Corley, a management consultant at a Fortune 500 firm, a volunteer overseeing leadership development of 5,000+ women across the Southeast, and founder of the Foundation First concept, shares her secrets to success in managing personal finance.I've watched multiple people in different stages of life struggle day to day because of not understanding how to manage their personal finances. I don't want anyone else to struggle, which is why I created this course for you.There are countless benefits to developing, managing, and maintaining strong personal finances from understanding your current financial picture, to optimizing your cash flow to achieve maximum potential, to creating spending plans that match your financial goals.In addition to the compelling lectures, video trainings, and templates/resources, I am also available to answer questions on how to build your financial picture. Nothing is kept secret; I reveal all I know. Additionally, I constantly will be adding to the course at no extra cost to you! I look forward to working with you!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Photoshop : Basics to Advanced (13 projects included)" |
"========= Over 2000 Happy Enrolments =========REVIEWS:Perfect Delivery. If I were to re-title this course for you I would call it Photoshop Made Easy"". The instructor has designed and taught the course in an easy step by step method that made understanding very easy. For someone sitting through an application for the first time, I think the course was delivered perfectly. Learnt a lot!Awesome place to start! Been looking for a photoshop course that really covers the basics! I've found some youtube tutorials, but nothing that really puts everything together like this one! Loved every minute of it! Thanks Supriyo!Amazing! The comprehensive Photoshop course! Every popular photoshop function is described and shown how to use! Saves days of studying the software manual!========================================Make photoshop your friendly software by learning it step by step . We will cover everything , starting from basics to advanced projects.We will cover the followings :Familiarize with Photoshop InterfaceCreating Shapes in PhotoshopMastering all the Tools in DepthHow to Blend Images SeamlesslyHow to Decorate an ImageHow to create Reflection EffectHow to create Awesome Text EffectHow to create Rain Effect , Cloud EffectHow to create Pixel Perfect DesignsHow to Increase Height of BuildingsHow to create Blur backgrounds , Polygon BackgroundsHow to create Whirlpool Effect , Bokeh EffectIn a few hours , you will not only learn Photoshop in depth , but will also be able to create awesome effects in Photoshop.So, Lets dive in."
Price: 149.99

"Mastering Retouching and Restoration (15 projects Included)" |
"=============== Over 2000 Happy Students =========REVIEWS :Increasing Your Skills - Earn More!If anyone is thinking about increasing their skills and earning more money by working as a retouch artist, this is a great course to study. It starts from teaching the basics of retouching then goes on to more complex types of work. I particularly enjoyed the teeth and lips retouching. Perhaps because I always wondered how it was done! Excellent course for the beginner or those who want to brush up their skills.Great Course Thank you for this excellent course. I wanted to repair damaged old pictures.I retouched some pictures after learning from this course.Amazing course I use photoshop for quite some time now for retouching, but i've always wondered how to do Highend Beauty retouch. I'm glad i found this course, i've learnt a lot. Thank you Supriyo!===========================================Do you think "Restoring" a "Damaged Photo / Old Photo" is impossible ?Are you spending lots of "dollars" for "removing pimples , wrinkles , white spots on teeth" from your image/photo ?Do you like to improve your image quality ?Do like to retouch your skin, hair , eyes , lips , teeth ?Are you a Photographer and you want to satisfy your customers and clients with your Retouching skills ?If answer of any of the above questions is "YES", then you should take this course , and also you will love it .Learn Master Techniques of Beauty Retouching and Photo Restoration in Photoshop .This is a project-based course , and hence we will be doing 15 Projects .We will start with the tools , which we will be using through out the course. Then , we will see, how to retouch skin, lips, hair , eyes, teeth .We will also see how to Restore a Damaged Image .We will also see how to Improve Image QualityAfter taking this course , you will have enormous confidence in yourself to take up any Project of Retouching and Restoration .We will cover the followings:"Master Techniques" for Retouching and RestorationMastering Skin RetouchingMastering Lips RetouchingMastering Hair RetouchingMastering Eye RetouchingHow to Turn a "Normal Eye" to a "Vampire Eye"How to Remove PimplesHow to Smoothen up our skinHow to Whiten our TeethHow to Remove White Spots from TeethHow to Brighten our SkinHow to Restore a Damaged PhotoHow to Improve Image QualityIn just 3 Hours , you will become Master in "Beauty Retouching & Photo Restoration" by Learning Master Techniques. So, Lets Dive In ."
Price: 99.99

"Learn CSS Transition and Animation" |
"=============== Over 2000 Happy students =============Reviews :Thanx for this usefull information and clear explanation! This teacher clearly explains what CSS-Animation is and how to set the properties. Step by step .. so you can apply it yourself.Very Nice And Detailed This course gives the knowledge from grounding to a good level in various topics. Thank you other.Quick basics Good for those who need to jump start CSS3 transition and animation basics.===================================================================Do you know javascript / jquery animations are outdated nowadays as it takes much time for page loading and also mobile devices comes into play.Do you want to increase the standard of your projects by including Css Transitions and Animations like fading in / fading out /sliding in / sliding outAren't you taking advantage of Modern browsers solution which comes up with Css Transition and Animation.So, Learn Css Transition and Animation with examples and finally we will create an animated banner in Css.We will cover the followings :Css Transition and AnimationExploring all the CSS properties of Transition and AnimationHow to create cool effects using transition and animationCreating Animated Banner in CssIn just 1-2 hours , you will know how to do cool effects using Css Transition and Animation"
Price: 99.99

"Learn Designing Business Cards in Photoshop with 10 Projects" |
"Do u want to INCREASE your NETWORK ?Do u want to BUILD your BRAND ?if your ANSWER to any of these questions is YES , Then this Course is for YouEverybody should have a business card as this helps in increasing network , it helps in building brand .In this course , you will learn how to design business cards by doing 10 projectsFirst , we will see why business cards are important .Then we will explore some important information regarding business card like ideal size , print ready size , types of business cards etc.Then we will design a business card template .You will get this template in resource section by which designing business cards will become much easier for u .Then we will create 10 business cards of varying designs. Even you will get these designs also .So why waiting . lets dive in and learn a new skill that can help u growing your network and also earn some money. So hurry up !!!"
Price: 149.99

"Masking Women Hair in Photoshop (5 Projects Included)" |
"============== REVIEWS ==============Awesome Course .Learnt a lot about Masking. Thanks Supriyo . Will surely recommend this course to friends :)Very Clear ExplanationVery Nice ,Clear and Detailed Explanation .Really the best techniqueSupriyo Teaches the best technique for masking women hair . It really helps in masking very detailed images.============== DESCRIPTION ==============Do you Find it Really Hard in Masking Women Hair ?Are you searching for the best technique of Masking ?Do you want to take your masking skill to advanced level ?if answer to any of these question is yes , then this course is for you.In this course , you will learn the best techniques for masking women hair.Learn by doing 5 Varying Projects Step by stepWe will start with the techniques that we will use through out the course .Then we will start doing projects .First , we will mask hair of a woman on white background.Even though its white background , it has lots of hair details .Then we will proceed to the next project , where we will mask woman with short hair with many details in it .Next we will mask blonde hair on Light Background and I will show you how to handle these kind of projects .Next we will mask woman who has Spreaded hair and also the hair is blurred in some position . So , here also , I will show u how to handle this project .Next we will mask dark hair on dark background and also the background has varying colours.So we will start with basics and we will proceed to advanced level step by step.You have will have 30 days money back guarantee .if you dont like the course , you will get 100% refund with no questions asked.But believe me you will enjoy the course and also you will learn aswesome stuffs .So Enroll in this course and boost up your confidence in masking women hair."
Price: 149.99

"Photoshop Project : Long Shadow Effect (5 Projects Included)" |
"Do you want to Increase your Photoshop Skill ?Do you want to Learn a New Skill which is popular in this trend ?Do you want to Learn how to create Long Shadow Effect ?If your answer to any of these questions is Yes , then this course is for you .Long Shadow Effect is a concept , which is borrowed from flat design and is emerging as one of the popular characteristics of Flat designIn this course , we will learn multiple ways of achieving Long Shadow EffectLearn By Doing 5 ProjectsYou will have 30 Days Money back Guarantee . If you dont like the course , you will get 100% RefundSo , enroll in this course and boost your design skill by learning , how to achieve Long Shadow Effect in multiple ways."
Price: 74.99
