"Build 10 Python Beginner Projects from scratch" |
"Python is a popular and versatile programming language.What can Python do?Python can be used on a server to create web applications.Python can be used alongside software to create workflows.Python can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.Python can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics.Python can be used for rapid prototyping, or for production-ready software development.Python can be used in Data SciencePython can be used to create desktop and console applicationsPython can be used for web scrappingPython can used in Machine learningHere are the projects we will build from scratch:Currency ConverterImage sliderLoan CalculatorDigital ClockMusic PlayerHeight conversion Random Password GeneratorCalculatorCountdown timerTip Calculator"
Price: 34.99

"Html 5, curso completo y guia de referencia rapida" |
"El curso inicia desde lo basico de html5, mostrando las caracteristicas mas importante y basandose en la comprension de este lenguaje de marcado hasta llegar a conceptos mas avanzados pero fundamentales como el agregar video y audio a nuestra pgina teniendo el control completo de lo que sucede. Html5 es el estandar de todos los dispositivos sea pc, tabletas y telefonos inteligentes para mostrar de forma estructurada el contenido de todas las pginas web."
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 Curso completo y guia de referencia" |
"El curso te ayudar a aprender como usar las hojas de estilo para dar el aspecto grafico que deseas para tus aplicaciones web, ademas podrs dar un aspecto profesional a tu trabajo con el uso de todas las herramientas estandar para el desarrollo web.Conoce todas las posibilidades que esta herramienta te puede brindar y optimiza tus aplicaciones para su velocidad a pesar de un grandioso aspecto grafico"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering the Psychic Power in Playing Cards With Cartomancy" |
"A simple do-it-yourself guide to using cartomancy and traditional playing cards for seeking specific answers to life's most burning questions.By taking this course, you'll learn the proven and ancient art of cartomancy with a modern and relevant twist. It offers experienced and beginner readers alike an easy, a by-the-numbers method for consulting traditional playing cards for practical insights into pressing issues including love, work, finances, and key relationships, as well as timing for important events to practical everyday tasks. This innovative approach will help boost your confidence, as well as bring greater precision, depth, and accuracy to your psychic readings for personal and/ or professional use.This course walks you through the simple steps to mastering this intuitive language of traditional playing cards. Included are memory tools such as printable flashcards and quick reference guides, as well as tips, examples, quizzes, and exercises to help you get up to speed as quickly as possible.We begin with establishing that special energetic bond for you with your divine deck. Next, youll discover the significance of the colors, suits, and numeric energies, as well as learn clear modern definitions and interpretations for each card. From there, youll master simple spreads and effective multidimensional techniques for consulting with the cards for quick answers and in-depth insights for important decisions. with outlooks 3-5 years into the future.From quick yes/no/ maybe, intentions, and timing questions to descriptive and description inquiries by the end of this course, youll be proficient with spreads and techniques for delivering in-depth accurate readings using traditional playing cards. Know how to best approach the cards when facing important choices. But most importantly, experience how the cards can help you better your life!Love: If single, finding and choosing your best partner. (Is he/ she ""the one""?) And if in a relationship, discovering lessons and growth opportunities.Relationships: Viewing intentions of family members, friends, and colleagues from a place of awareness and empowerment.Career & Finances: Recognizing favorable outlooks of opportunities whether to stay the course or make a change.Timing: Identifying life cycles and affects on important life events, major moves, or just practical everyday tasks.Home: Looking at outlooks of pending or upcoming changes involving your home.And much more!So enroll and enjoy furthering your own psychic abilities for personal and/ or professional use. And discover the opportunities of a life experienced with greater clarity and confidence.******Students completing this courses will receive a certificate of completion and accreditation from the Psychic Learning Academy.******Disclaimer: The course instructor/creator is not responsible for any interpretations and decisions made or used by the recipient of the information from this course. For financial issues, consult a tax or financial professional. For medical or mental health issues, consult a medical or mental health professional. For legal issues, consult a legal professional."
Price: 69.99

"ASP.NET Core Blazor" |
"In this course, we will cover all basic techniques and mechanisms you need to create sophisticated web applications with ASP.NET Core Blazor. You get an overview of the framework and what is important. After the introduction, we will start writing a Blazor WebAssembly app. The main focus of this course is on Blazor WebAssembly but don't worry. If you want to write Blazor Server apps then you can also attend this course because almost every technique we cover is appliable to Blazor Server apps. In some topics, I will cover the differences between Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server."
Price: 154.99

"I Believe Good Play Activities Is a Right" |
"Helpful practice activities.This is something that all students ask for everything especially if they are counselors or teachers.This course is showing what is useful or helpful activities for play.Also in this course, you will find what creativity is?Is there a connection with Helpful practice play activities, creativity productivity, inner reward system?You are always trying to create new activities. You give a lot of money to buy new activities. To buy new Helpful practice activities and you are always hungry.You always want more and more helpful practice activities.But when I ask under which theory these helpful activities are created you do not know. What just consume, you do not produce. Because you never have listened that you have to be the creator of your food, the food which will be biological and correct. We are in a new era that nothing is stable we have to recreate and transform. I teach my students of all ages from 4 years old to 55 years old to learn to create useful practice activities. This course will help you understand what helpful practice activities are."
Price: 199.99

"Build Smart Chatbots in Python" |
"This courses will teach you how to build a chatbot using Python programming language. Python was described as the language that is capable of doing anything and everything. The good news about this course is that you don't need advanced knowledge in Python nor in any programming language. All you need is just simple knowledge of how to create simple Python functions/scripts.Being able to create Python web applications on your own is so important if you want to take your Python skills to the next level. And this course gives you the opportunity to accomplish that by honing in on a Python's chatterbot module. It's is a super powerful module that is capable of creating awesome chatbots quickly and it's also an easy to module with no complexity.By the end of this course you will have built a chatbot web app using Python programming language that is capable of answering user's questions and sending appropriate responses.Why should you take this course?There are many reasons why this course is extremely important. First and most prominently is that you will learn one of the most amazing Python capabilities. As you know, Python is pretty much able to do anything! Secondly you will improve your python skills by creating a complete project. Third you can highlight this particular skill in your CV which would potentially make you stand out from the crowd.What you will learn in this course?1. How to install Python2. Create functions.3. How to create a simple chatbot.4. How to create QA chatbot.5. How to build a chatbot that can help your business/website.6. How to integrate chatbot in a web app using Flask.7. How run web app.8. How to design your chatbot UI.9. Much much more...Note: The project that will be created throughout this course will be provided so that you can download it and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes."
Price: 199.99

"Impariamo da Zero il linguaggio T-SQL del Sql Server" |
"Benvenuti nel corso ""Impariamo da Zero il linguaggio T-SQL di Sql Server""Il corso rivolto a tutti coloro i quali, dopo aver acquisito sufficienti conoscenze del SQL, hanno l'esigenza di espandere le proprie conoscenze imparando ad utilizzare il linguaggio T-SQL del Microsft Sql Server.Questo linguaggio procedurale permetter all'utente di creare potenti ed utili moduli utilizzabile in impegnativi e svariati progetti e contesti di sviluppoAl termine del corso lo studente avr una chiara conoscenza dei seguenti argomenti:Che cosa il T-SQL e quali sono le differenze rispetto al linguaggio SQL La basi del linguaggio T-SQL (variabili, espressioni condizionali, i cicli, la gestione degli errori)Creare ed utilizzare le VisteCreare ed utilizzare le Funzioni scalari e di tabellaCreare ed utilizzare le Stored ProcedureEsempio di creazione di un sistema CRUD completo con l'uso delle Stored ProcedureCreare ed utilizzare le Query Dinamiche nelle Stored procedureInterazione fra gli oggetti del Sql ServerCreare ed utilizzare i TriggerCreare ed utilizzare i CursoriIntroduzione ed analisi del Query PlanOttimizzazione delle query con l'uso del Query PlanUtilizzare le Dynamic Managment Views (DMV)Tutti gli argomenti verranno trattati utilizzando un database con dati reali* analizzando, commentando ed eseguendo il codice T-SQL con il Sql Server Management Studio.Il codice compatibile con la versione 2019 e 2017 del Sql Server*I dati provengono da un database di produzione sottoposto ad alterazione casuale per preservare la privacy e la riservatezza dei proprietari dei dati."
Price: 159.99

Python |
"10/29 $4200Python - 500Piazza(5)PythonPython - Piazza level 1 level 2level 3 / level 2, level 3 (Python- ) Python"
Price: 3200.00

"Kotlin Design Patterns" |
"Kotlin is the main development language for the Android system.Knowing how to build well structured programs and apps, that are scalable and robust is essential for every developer.That's why I've created this course on Design Patterns for Kotlin.Here you will learn how to apply popular patterns to your code, such as Builder, Adapter, Abstract Factory, as well as lesser known but very useful patterns, such as Composite, Decorator, Strategy etc.This course will teach you how to structure your code so that it is more maintainable as it grows, and that it's easier to debug and test.It will also teach you the terminology that you need when you communicate with top level developers. When they say they implemented a factory for a piece of code, or the added a builder pattern for the creation of a certain object, you will immediately know what they mean.This course covers 3 types of design patternsCreationalStructuralBehaviouralWe will also include code samples at each step of the way, so that you already know how to implement these patterns in practice.Sign up today, and let's learn how to use Design Patterns in Kotlin."
Price: 49.99

"Finland's Teaching Secrets to Success & Excellence" |
"The Finland educational model is a wow spectrum towards benchmarking in a global manner. It relates and exhibits the narration of quality practices in particular. The module encapsulates the strategies being adopted by the Finland edu spectrum towards quality oriented conduct and assistance in practice. The joyful learning is the priority."
Price: 19.99

"How to quality IIT Entrance Examinations?" |
"The modules talks about strategies and tips towards making a plan of action to prepare for the IIT Entrance Examination, a prestigious examination in INDIA on priority. The module defines and explores the possibility of making learning as a priority. A must for all students who aim at qualifying the entrance examination in particular. The objective is towards making learning a priority."
Price: 19.99

"Academic Excellence - A system based approach" |
"The module featuring Academic Excellence- A system based approach reflects the identity towards having a Quality framework and execution towards Quality as a practice rather than an occasional occurrence in particular. The objective is to explore opportunities and strategies to monitor the framework and make a joyful learning and teaching climate within the campus as a practice."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media In The Classrooms" |
"The module envisages the importance of social media in classrooms towards connectivity with the students and teachers locally and globally with the notion to make learning wow and creative for the both the parties. It dwells learning as a priority for the schools to emulate and conduct the reference towards development and assistance in order to implement Quality as a priority."
Price: 19.99

"10X Success: From Goal Setting to Growth Setting" |
"""Growth is the only hope for a better tomorrow"" - John C Maxwell.It is no longer news that only 3% of the population set written goals based on Harvard Business study. Many people who set written goals don't achieve their goals. Among many other responsible factors, is no/weak capacity of many to do what is required to achieve their goals.One key component in achieving your goals is YOU. Developing your capacity is critical to what you will be able to DO or HAVE!This course will guide you on developing the necessary capacity to achieve 10X success.During this course; 10X Success: Moving Goal Setting to Growth Setting, we will cover the following:- What are the fundamental differences between Goals Setting and Growth Setting- Benefits of Growth setting, how to produce superior results.- Understand the Seven Growth Principles that always works- Identify your Growth priorities in critical areas of your life- How to Use Growth enablers to your advantage and Fast-track your Growth- Growth Focus in the new normal, how to position yourself for global relevance.- In Part 2 of this course, you will begin the hand-on Growth setting Practical sessions- You will use the Growth setting worksheet provided in the download session of this course to conduct a Growth Level Assessment, this will show you where you are on your growth journey- You will identify what's work and why, also areas that need improvement and what to do- You will create a bespoke Growth Plan that speaks to your priorities- You will discover growth enablers that you can use in areas where you desperately seek changesLastly, you will create a growth plan, that can be broken down into months, weeks, and daysRemember, Growth is the only hope for a better tomorrow, today's investment in Growth is what guarantee tomorrow's success.Join the 10X Success: Moving From Goal Setting to Growth Setting now.Let us create tomorrow's 10X success with today's growth strategy.See you in class."
Price: 64.99

"Adobe Dreamweaver CC: Build Responsive Websites without Code" |
"In this complete Adobe Dreamweaver CC course you will learn, how to create advanced & responsive websites within a matter of hours. This course covers everything that is required for you to get started in Web Design Field.In the beginning of the course you will learn all the essential HTML and HTML5 tools available in Dreamweaver. Them we will get into the advanced parts of Dreamweaver where you will learn to use CSS designer and its features.Once you are clear with that you will learn to create a fully functional web page with Adobe Dreamweaver.Then we will get started with Bootstrap, one of the most important features of Dreamweaver. We will learn all the components available in Dreamweaver's bootstrap and then we will build 2 live projects with it."
Price: 4800.00

"HTML Email Mastery - Build Responsive HTML Email Templates" |
"HTML Email Development is one of the less talked about front-end development skills yet it is highly desirable. Being a freelancer or having a career in HTML Email is HOT right now (2020). Freelancers make upwards of a thousand dollars to build responsive HTML email template layouts and developers are making over $50 per hour ($100,000 per year) building client-tested HTML emails.In this course we'll build a Responsive Dark Mode HTML Email Template that has been test on 80+ email clients including new and old versions of Outlook. No need to worry about paying $100 per month for email client testing software services, during the course the code we layout for our email template will be tested live! This way you'll have a complete understanding of why we need certain coding practices to be compliant with all email clients.In addition to the completed course project you'll receive 9 different HTML Email Template layouts and a professional HTML Email Signature that have all been tested and rigorously checking for email client compatibility :).Tested Across All 82 Available Email Clients:MOBILE CLIENTSiPad Air 3 iOS 13iPad Pro (11-inch) iOS 13iPad Pro (12.9-inch) iOS 13iPad Pro (9.7-inch) iOS 13iPhone X iOS 12iPhone XR iOS 13iPhone XS iOS 13iPhone XS Max iOS 13iPhone XR iOS 13 - Dark ModeiPhone 7 iOS 12iPhone 7 Outlook iOS 11iPhone 7+ iOS 12iPhone 8 iOS 12iPhone 8 iOS 13iPhone 8+ iOS 12iPhone 8+ iOS 13iPhone 11 iOS 13iPhone 11 Pro iOS 13iPhone 11 Pro Max iOS 13iPhone SE iOS 12Pixel Gmail Android 6Pixel Gmail Android 7Pixel Gmail Android 8Samsung Mail Android 7DESKTOP CLIENTSApple Mail 12 macOS Mojave - Dark ModeApple Mail 13 macOS CatalinaApple Mail 13 macOS Catalina - Dark ModeLotus Notes 8.5 Windows 7Outlook Office 365 macOS CatalinaOutlook Office 365 macOS Catalina - Dark ModeOutlook Office 365 Windows 10Outlook Office 365 Windows 10 - Dark ModeOutlook 2007 Windows 7Outlook 2010 Windows 7Outlook 2010 (120 dpi) Windows 7Outlook 2013 Windows 7Outlook 2013 (120 dpi) Windows 7Outlook 2016 OSX 10.8Outlook 2016 Windows 10Outlook 2016 (120 dpi) Windows 10Outlook 2019 Windows 10Outlook 2019 (120 dpi) Windows 10Thunderbird Windows 7WEB CLIENTSAOLComcastFree .frFreenet .deGmailGMXGoogle AppsLiberoMail .ruOffice 365Outlook .comT-Online .deWeb .deYahoo!Sign up today and code along with me :)-Drew"
Price: 199.99

"Dnde estn mis Talentos?" |
"Con una metodologa precisa y profunda podrs identificar, diferenciar y develar tus mejores herramientas. El curso incluye meditaciones que te guiarn a descubrir tus Talentos a la vez de obtener una comprensin simple y profunda sobre los motivos por los cuales muchas veces nuestras mejores herramientas permanecen ocultas y las estrategias para develarlos."
Price: 19.99

"3D Objects in Apple Motion 5 a 2020 Update" |
"Hello and Welcome back.With the new update to Motion 5 in September 2020 we can now import and use 3D Objects inside of the Motion interface!This brings us new and exciting opportunities to bring more animation and flare to our everyday projects.Join me as we first learn what objects we can use, their limitations and how to think outside of the box whenit comes to making the most out of our NEW 3D tools.Take a look at the trailer!You will see how to build the whole trailer from scratch! We take a look at FCPX (Final Cut Pro X) towards the end to see how I put the whole thing together.Theres a lot to learn so lets jump in..Hold on tight! its going to be an EPIC Quest!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda circuitos eletrnicos, do simples ao projeto!" |
"O curso foi pensando para resolver justamente essas dvidas que voc mais tem. Como ligo um transistor? Como ligo um LED? Como controlo a velocidade de um motor eltrico?Isso e muito mais sero tratados no nosso treinamento que dividido em 3 sees:A primeira delas visa acessar a plataforma online de simulao e o site do instrutor com as simulaes prontas.A segunda parte trata sobre especificamente de cada componente, como LED, transistor, capacitor, diodo e muito mais, visa entender o funcionamento independente de cada componente.A terceira parte vamos trabalhar em cima de projetos, para estudar como os componentes estudados na segunda parte interagem entre eles para o controle de iluminao, velocidade de motores, teste de circuitos e monitoramento de carga de baterias.Ento, o treinamento foi pensado e voc ter a disposio todo o material e suporte, seja pelos meus contatos ou pela Udemy para o melhor aprendizado, as simulaes prontas e demais suportes sero fornecidos.Est esperando mais, se inscreve e confere l."
Price: 39.99

"Um guia de Tecnologias Habilitadoras para a Indstria 4.0" |
"Nesse curso voc ir visualizar as metodologias utilizadas para implantao da indstria 4.0 a sua empresa, quais os impactos positivos que isso ir trazer e como a maneira de produzir e consumir est mudando, entender que se trata mais de uma evoluo que uma revoluo, e descobrir que as tecnologias so de fcil implantao e que diversos conceitos tratados no so novos e como podemos utilizar os mesmos para a aplicao em nossas empresas, alm de todo o suporte do professor, o curso visa uma explicao de todas as suas ramificaes da indstria e que o assunto muito extenso e que vamos ter mais treinamentos especficos visando a implantao de cada uma das tecnologias. Se inscreva agora e fique atualizado no ramo que mais cresce no mundo."
Price: 39.99

"Azure Administrator - AZ 104 - En Espaol - Actualizado 2020" |
"Este curso ensea a los profesionales de TI cmo administrar sus suscripciones de Azure, crear y escalar mquinas virtuales, implementar soluciones de almacenamiento, configurar redes virtuales, hacer copias de seguridad y compartir datos, conectar Azure y sitios locales, administrar el trfico de red, implementar Azure Active Directory, seguro identidades y supervise su solucin."
Price: 19.99

"How to be confident with resilient mindset" |
"Hello all! Welcome to this course of how to be more resilient in life. Have you ever wondered how you can be more resilient in life in difficult situations? Well then maybe it's time for you to find out!This course is for those who are managing lack of confidence and need to be more resilient in life. This course is to help those who lack confidence and need to grow with learning basic resilience. It is to also help you understand more about your own emotions and how you can manage it better by facing up to problems in areas. There are so many different topics so go with each one carefully. The course is to help you to learn the theory of things when you have setbacks in life and how you can pull yourself back up again.It is for you to learn and understand yourself more how you deal with things. It is all about how you can keep going and not give up. In this course you will learn these steps by steps below: - Introduction- What is resilience?- Example video of anxiety and how you can manage it better to move forward- Why do people turn to drugs to feel good?- The benefits of resilience- How does resilience affect mental health?- What does it mean to have resilience?- How do you overcome a setback?- How do you develop resilience?- How to learn from your mistakes and failures?- How can I be resilient in life?-Steps to building beliefs-How to train mind to be stronger than feelings-How to be resilient in a work environmentIn these step by steps you will learn different ways to handling resilience and how you can manage it better in your daily life.It is about learning the steps by steps and using it into your life. There are also some assignments for you to do and quizzes to learn more about each topic. After the course kindly please put a review and we really hope you enjoy this course."
Price: 19.99

"Grammar charts, phrase sentence colour boxes, idioms explanatory picture boxes, Prose and Poetry videos and audios files, typed word transcripts of lessons, Essays with emphasis on health related topics or medical articles with fitness and exercise topics as subcategories and creative writing as extra curricular activity project. Personality development tips, interview help, confidence building and motivational aid and leadership training, Tests and assignments, self explanatory notes and model question papers"
Price: 1280.00

"Indian Classical Dance-Bharatnatyam Basic Steps Course NO:1" |
"The courseThis is the first of the Indian Classical dance courses, by her for students here. It is her sincere attempt at popularizing the dance form from her native country, with the good intentions to spread its various health and holistic physical cum mental benefits due to complete coordination of all body parts, involved and required.The course is her personal contribution to bring about more awareness on the diverse cultural heritage of her Motherland, as a patriotic citizen. For those who are dancers from various countries or India wanting to learn the first fundamental lessons.Starting steps and beginners lessons of Namaskaram, Thatadavus, Natadavus, Hasthas or Mudras - hand gestures and its meanings and uses in the dance. etc.Dance course for beginners of the art form of Bharatnatyam, an Indian classical dance from South India, mainly TamilNadu. About the teacher The teacher has been taught by revered teachers from Kalakshetra, a premier institute of music and dance in Chennai, formerly Madras that imparts instruction in traditional art forms of India. She has been learning from her Gurus, the late Shri Arvind and Smt. Vasanta Aravind for several years ever since she was a small child. Her gurus learnt from Smt. Rukmini, the founder of Kalakshetra. The couple have a dance school called Koothambalam at Chennai and Coimbatore that is now run by their daughter, Saatvika, an accomplished danseause and have taught many students at their school of art; some of whom have gone on to teach and perform later themselves.Sarita Wariyer has performed both in India and Abroad, in both group and solo dances on stage, before various audiences.She holds the title of Nanmani. Sarita has learnt the dance from the tender age of 7 years and continued learning ever since. She later gave solo performances for various organizations, several of them, being at literary persona!ities's gatherings, sport enthusiasts get togethers and medical professionals cultural functions.She has also learnt the basics of other classical dance forms of India, Mohiniattam and Kathak.Sarita has been teaching students for cultural performances and celebratory functions. She has also choreographed many dance pieces, as her original creative art items for performances on stage.Her debut solo performance, the Arengetram with all the dance items learnt has been completed by her followed by many other such performances on T.V also.She comes from a defence personnel family background. Both her grandfather and uncle served in the Indian army, as chief heads.She is also a published writer, teacher for dyslexic students, volunteer for the blind and a mother to a cricket player and state level athlete."
Price: 1600.00

"Conversational English with wisdom lessons and practical advice from great men. Enlightenment and personal development along with spoken English skills. Learning English through spirituality and philosophy. Wise sayings, chapters for inner mind growth and attaining happiness and peace in your lives. A new way to learn the language by hearing discourses and speeches taught as lessons in English to both learn the language, as well nourish the mind and soul."
Price: 1280.00

"English language learning fundamental lessons with a medical base. Welcome to the course. Hope you enjoy learning here. You will get better confidence in the language, as well as get a grasp on medical terms that are useful for you in your immediate learning or working environment. Try to listen carefully and stay alert by keeping a notebook and pen to jot down important points, as the course progresses.You will need to ensure that your internet connection works well wihjout hitches and that you are able to hear the lessons clearly, in a quiet peaceful environment without too many interruptions. Share the course with your friends and family, if they wish to learn too. Make your family and friends realize gently the importance of your learning the course properly and your wish to have their support in your learning the subjects well.The dual advantage of this course is that you will gain a better mastery over the language as a subject to learn other courses with, while also getting some insight into medical terminology that will come in handy at your health services area's immediate needs.Ths is a basic English course with medical terminology as a sub category subject of interest for students in the health field of education or as part of their job.Best wishes for completing your course. Keep practicing what you learnt. You will get a certificate of achievement, while also having the satisfaction of learning something practically useful."
Price: 1280.00

"Learning English through word buildingThe Course tests will enable you to assess where you as a student, need to improve and give youban idea of your weaknesses and strengthsENGLISH VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR FUNDAMENTALSBasic Word Pronoiunciation Skills and sentence formationSpoken English skillsThe below will happen automatically when you get better in EnglishLanguage improvementSelf confidence in English through slides and videosInterview skills polishingLeadership enhancement Personality development"
Price: 1280.00

"English language learning and literature for beginners" |
"English and lessons with storiesShort stories, prose summaries and contemporary fictionSPOKEN ENGLISHAcademic progressStudent and user friendly courseEasy to follow and simple course structureLANGUAGEPersona!ity development, confidence building, leadership skills, facing interviews TargetAll to reach improved levels for meeting future goalsBEGINNING LEVELAPPRECIATION OF LITERATUREMODERN AND CLASSICSBook readings, explanations, summaries, reviews, etcDiscussions Questions to recall important aspects CREATIVE WRITING Writer's block issues solutionsStory startersReading comprehension"
Price: 1280.00

"English fundamental course" |
"Englsh Fluency and Basic first AidLearning English pronunciation and proper verbal communication skills. Helping someone in distress until the doctor or ambulance arrives.Practicing a dialogue and skillful conversation Correcting errors in vocabularyHow to help someone in distressENGLISH FUNDAMENTAL COURSE WITH FIRST AID LESSONSSpoken English basic survival sentence formations Better confidence in speaking the languageImproving job potential and profile with mastery of the essentials"
Price: 1280.00

"English Lessons for online learning at your own pace with explanations of words. Vocabulary lessons to hear with captions to read. ENGLISH PRONOUNCIATION, SPELLINGS AND MEANINGSSpoken English CourseProse chaptersAudio lessons as resourcesVideo lecture of tales, stories, interesting articles for better personal developmentTeaching of academic English notesBeginner levelUser friendlyEasy to learn courseFree and at no charge"
Price: 1280.00
