"IT Support & Troubleshooting Tips for Clinical Environments" |
"Over this course, we'll be covering some of the unique aspects of working as an IT Support Technician within a clinical environment such as a hospital.Topics covered include the following:* Various types of hardware & software typically found in clinical environments* Data protection with regards to GDPR and sensitive data* How infection control procedures apply to IT Support Technicians* Some tips on using Windows Compatibility ModeAlso included on this course are some real-world case studies relating to typical support tickets that you might encounter when working in a healthcare setting."
Price: 19.99

"Spring Data JPA" |
"1Spring Data JPA2Spring Data JPARepository3Spring Data JPA4EasyUI +SSH + SpringDataJPA"
Price: 29.99

"Design Grfico Eficiente e Simples" |
"Um curso fcil, dinmico e capaz de fornecer informaes valiosas para que voc adquira j nas primeiras aulas a capacidade de trabalhar com o design grfico, em casa ou at em viagens, podendo lucrar com pouco tempo de trabalho e baixo investimento. Portanto, aqui voc poder iniciar sua carreira de modo prtico e seguro, ampliando significativamente sua renda."
Price: 39.99

"10 ADHD Truths That Every Mother of an ADHD Child Must Know" |
"Being a mum is tough. You have so much to juggle. Being a mum of an ADHD child, it doesn't matter how old they are, is infinitely harder. Mistakes made in a moment can take years if ever, to repair. Learning about ADHD, what it is, and what it isn't will turn your frustrations into understanding. It will bring you from confusion to clarity.Are you helplessly watching in horror as your ADHD child as they dig themselves deeper into their self-made pit?.Being a mum is not an easy task. Being a mum of an ADHD child is excruciating - if you lack the correct ADHD knowledge and ADHD specific tools to help your child. This course will provide you with clear no-frills, no fluff knowledge about ADHD .When you know the truth about ADHD, you will start to accept your child's ADHD, so that you turn your ""why is my child doing that?"" into ""what do I need to do to support my child?"" Yes, you CAN succeed in raising your ADHD child to become emotionally mature and responsible.Click on the button below to start your journey that will take you from confusion to clarity.Have you been told by a medical professional, or your child's teacher or a family member, that your child just needs a firm hand? Have you been told that you are a bad parent? In the medical world, and in the general public, there is still a huge stigma and shocking ignorance surrounding ADHD. As you may have already realised when you got your child assessed for ADHD, there is still huge gaps in understanding among the medical profession. You may have been told by a medical professional that your bad parenting has caused your child's ADHD or worse. Yes this still happens. You will not stand by helplessly and let your ADHD child's potential go down the plughole, taking you down in the process. You are your child's only advocate in this big scary world. You can do this. And it's easier than you think. The first step is to arm yourself with the truth about ADHD. Click on the button below to start your journey that will take you from confusion to clarity."
Price: 99.99

"Metrado de Edificaciones en Arquitectura" |
"El curso de metrados desarrollado para el rea de arquitectura abarca la cuantificacin de los recursos por emplear durante un proyecto edificatorio, mediante las medidas acotadas de los planos de este y analizando las diferentes partidas de detalles. Por ello, se elaborar un metrado que proyecte cantidades muy bien aproximadas y que permita obtener un mejor informe del desarrollo del proyecto para as evitar los mrgenes de error."
Price: 19.99

"Minimalist Lifestyle" |
"Do you want to learn how a minimalist lifestyle can help to create mental clarity, calmness, and increased productivity?Do you want a home that is beautiful, stress-free, and easy to clean?Do you want to go beyond Expensive Interior Design and Start From Where you are?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I encourage to check out this course! Minimalist is becoming efficient and just like your computer, becoming Optimized as you Free Up Space, and for good reason. In this course, I will show you exactly why it's not only becoming popular but more importantly, Great for Mental Health!Use 3 Easy Ways to Begin your Minimalist Journey Today!Understand MinimalismUtilize my Favorite Decluttering TechniquesEffectively Deal with Favorite Collections and Sentimental ItemsCreate a Focal PointUse Negative Space as a Design ElementAchieve Balance and Harmony in a RoomThe magical effect when people right-size the number of their possessions in the process, the people themselves are changed in positive ways.This is a great course for all levels of individuals who are interested in learning how to become minimalist to help improve their homes, their minds, and their lives. Join me for a journey, see you inside!"
Price: 49.99

"Instagram Stories Ideas" |
"Spice up your Instagram stories and grow your creative business!I started using Instagram 3 years ago, and it quickly became my top social media channel to connect with my fans and followers.In the beginning, I focused mostly on Instagram posts, but when Instagram overhauled Stories and made it such a cool experience, I realized that its an awesome way to connect and engage with my almost 150,000 followers even more.In this class, I will share with you 10 Instagram Stories ideas you can use to spice up your Instagram profile, engage with your followers and grow your creative (or another type of) business.You will learn hands-on tips and tricks on how to record, zoom and use the grid, how to use the markers and text tools to the full potential, how to make your stories more fun with stickers and gifs.I will share about how you can engage Instagrams algorithm using advanced features like Instagram live, filters, reels and boomerangs. And you will also learn how to engage and grow your community using features like polls, questions, quizzes, challenges and re-shares.Instagram stories will help you:Maintain visibility in your followers feed, because Instagram shows them firstStay top of mind of your followers, because you can share them on a daily basisConnect with your followers on a deeper level, because while you share stories of your life, they get to know you much better and create a better bond with you.Are you ready to spice up your Instagram stories and grow your community?Enrol and lets get started!"
Price: 24.99

"Marketing para Instagram: Essencial e completo para crescer" |
"Se voc feito eu, j est cansado de ser massacrado por tantas propagandas e anncios com promessas de mudanas de vida no mesmo?Sou Terapeuta formado tambm em audiovisual e marketing, e aps iniciar um curso de Arteterapia me vi cercado de colegas que no entendiam nada sobre redes sociais ou marketing digital. Comecei assim a dar aulas, prestar servios e ajudar dezenas de clientes que se tornaram verdadeiros amigos. Acompanhando assim, verdadeiras transformaes em suas cartelas de clientes graas as tcnicas que aplicamos em seus perfis do Instagram. Eu conheo a sua rotina, sei como TEMPO algo precioso para ns. Alm disso, gostamos de qualidade. Por isso, seja voc profissional da sade, artista, empreendedor criativo ou terapeuta. Saiba que aqui existe tudo que voc REALMENTE PRECISA SABER para tornar suas redes sociais profissionais e de sucesso!"
Price: 249.99

"CompTIA Linux LX0-102 Certification Practice Exam Part - 2" |
"119 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA Linux LX0-102 Certification Practice Exam Part - 2Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA Linux LX0-102 Certification Practice Exam Part - 2Total Questions : 119Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (89 of 119)"
Price: 154.99

"Movement-Based Strength and Conditioning for MMA" |
"Success in sports is always relative. As a high school athlete, I was relatively successful. I was a national champion wrestler, an all-state football player, and I could bench press 400 pounds. I traveled the world competing internationally, I set high school records, and I earned a scholarship to wrestle at Purdue University. As a student athlete, I was the team captain of the wrestling team, and I earned two degrees in kinesiology, Movement and Sports Science, as well as Health and Fitness. Despite my relative success, I was relatively unskilled. Wrestling isn't a sport where you can get by without skill, but I was usually much stronger than most of the competition. I often bullied my opponents with my strength, using poor technique to blast through the opponent. If I wasn't so strong and fit, I wouldn't have won so many tournaments or scored as many touchdowns.However, when I started wrestling in college, my strength had begun to peak, and my mobility had taken a nosedive. I had actually become too strong, and too inflexible, as my competition caught up to me physically. My big, strong muscles had actually become a detriment to my success, as it became more difficult to move fluidly and dynamically. Not only that, but I had also begun to suffer from a string of injuries. After college, I became a professional mixed martial arts fighter at the American Kickboxing Academy for nine years. I had fought for Strikeforce, which was eventually bought by the UFC. I trained with the likes of Kabib Nurmagomedov, Daniel Cormier, Cain Velasquez, Luke Rockhold, Jon Fitch, Herschel Walker, and many more. During my career, I learned a great deal about how to create movement that is powerful, balanced, and efficient, because functional movement is so necessary in MMA. No other sport is as unforgiving and punishing, and it eventually broke my body in many ways. MMA exposes your weak chain links like no other, and it had shown me that I needed to change the way I think, live, and train. Since then, I have been focused on recreating particular strength training exercises, to better fit my needs as a mixed martial artist. I put down the heavy barbell, and began moving lighter weight around my body, instead of pushing away or pulling towards my body. I focused on core rotation and functional movement patterns, instead of size and strength. I learned how to move again, by performing movements that are more appropriate to human biology.Building muscle mass and lifting heavy weights can be very beneficial to your health and ability to perform as an athlete. However, it can easily be over done, leading to decreased performance, pain, and injury. Becoming big and strong isn't that difficult, but moving with power, balance, and efficiency is. This course is a quick overview of my training philosophy, followed by demonstration of my favorite, most unique movements. This course is is for people that want to learn something completely new. I guarantee that you will learn something new and begin to see things in a different way!"
Price: 69.99

"Nutricin ptima y equilibrada" |
"En este taller online de nutricin ptima y equilibrada, comprende 5 mdulos en donde:Aprenders los conceptos bsicos sobre nutricin que te ayudarn a comprender esta ciencia de manera sencilla.Obtendrs el conocimiento necesario para optimizar tu estilo de vida a travs de la eleccin asertiva de alimentos. Adems podrs entender la dinmica de cmo intercambiar adecuadamente los alimentos de tu dieta con el uso del Sistema Mexicano de Alimentos Equivalentes.Descubrirs la importancia de cuidar tu peso a travs del monitoreo correcto y comprenders cmo tus emociones pueden influir en la manera en la que comes. Te compartir algunas soluciones que te podrn ayudar a comer conscientemente, en paz y sin remordimientos.Aprende nutricin fcilmente! Qu esperas para comenzar?"
Price: 34.99

"5. Snf ngilizce (mfredata uyumlu)" |
"Kursumuz 5. Snf ngilizce (mfredata uyumlu) kelime bilgisi , konu anlatm, altrmalar ve alma katlar ile rencilerin 5. snf ngilizce dersi ihtiyalarn ve dil becerilerini gelitirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Kurs srekli gncellenerek eitim yl sonuna kadar olan btn nite ve konularla ilgili ierik yklenmeye devam edecektir.Hem rgn eitimde okuyan hem de ak retimde okuyan renciler iin uygundur. 6. snfta olup da 5 snf konularnda eksikleri olduunu dnen rencilerde bu kursu takip edebilirler."
Price: 19.99

"Devenez incollable sur l'asynchronisme en C#" |
"L'asynchronisme est devenu un sujet la mode. A tel point que certains dveloppeurs pensent qu'il s'agit d'une recette magique permettant d'amliorer les performances de leur application de faon exceptionnelle.Seulement voil, il arrive parfois qu'on rencontre des dconvenues... Pourquoi ? Et bien tout simplement car l'asynchronisme n'a rien de magique, et ce cours va vous montrer et expliquer pas--pas tout ce qu'il est possible de faire avec l'asynchronisme (et ce qu'il n'est pas recommand ou inutile de faire galement), et nous irons en profondeur sur les aspects avancs, pour que vous compreniez rellement l'impact de l'utilisation de l'asynchronisme sur votre projet !Ainsi, nous reprendrons les bases de lasynchronisme, sujet connu par une large majorit de dveloppeurs C#, puis nous verrons des cas d'usages avancs, comme l'annulation, le paralllisme ou les nouveauts lies l'asynchronisme en C# 8.Le sujet est vaste et vari, c'est pourquoi il est recommand d'avoir des connaissances sur le langage C# pour pouvoir suivre les explications et les exemples. Si vous avez des connaissances XAML et/ou IL, c'est encore mieux. Toutefois, ce n'est pas obligatoire, car les choses seront expliques en profondeur pour que mme les non initis puissent comprendre.Si vous souhaitez vraiment comprendre et maitriser l'asynchronisme en C#, ce cours est pour vous et vous amnera un autre niveau de comprhension. Vous ne verrez plus async/await de la mme faon aprs ..."
Price: 69.99

"Vers les certifications ITIL V4 Foundation & ISTQB Syllabus" |
"Cette formation comprend la prparation pour: ITIL 4 Foundation & ISTQB Syllabus niveau fondation1/ ITIL c'est quoi ?ITIL ( Information Technology Infrastructure Library pour Bibliothque pour l'infrastructure des technologies de l'information ) est un ensemble d'ouvrages recensant les bonnes pratiques ( best practices ) du management du systme d'information.Le niveau Foundation est la premire certification qui vous permet d'acqurir une connaissance gnrale des lments cls, des concepts et de la terminologie utiliss dans le cycle de vie du service ITIL, y compris le liens entre les tapes du cycle de vie, les processus utiliss et leur contribution aux pratiques de gestion des services.2/ ISTQB c'est quoi ?Les plans de test logiciel font partie du processus dune campagne de test. Ils permettent de dfinir ce qui sera test, pourquoi tester, comment les tests seffectueront, quand et qui teste. Le but est dtablir lordre dans lequel chaque composant est complt, test individuellement, et intgr avec les autres composants du systme.ISTQB Pourquoi tester ?Les plans de test logiciel doivent rpertorier les objectifs atteindre (dfinition des tapes du processus de test, identification des problmes ou des risques, dtecter le maximum danomalies)Quoi tester ?Dans le plan de test on doit retrouver le primtre dintervention de lactivit de recette associ au projet. Ainsi, il faut lister les lments du produit/ logiciel qui seront tests et il faut dfinir les lments qui sont exclus de la stratgie (en spcifiant les raisons)Quel contenu ?Test 1 ITIL : 40 questions en 1hTest 2 ITIL : 40 questions en 1hTest 3 ITIL : 40 questions en 1hTest 1 ISTQB : 40 questions en 1hTest 2 ISTQB : 40 questions en 1hTest 3 ISTQB : 40 questions en 1hCette formation ne contient pas de matriel pdagogique et vous propose 3 tests pratiques corrigs TIL et 3 test ISTQB passer en conditions relles d'examens pour un total de plus de 120 questions ce jour pour ITIL et 120 questions pour . ISTQB avec leur correction dtaille. Cette formation est volutive et sera rgulirement enrichie de nouveau contenus."
Price: 29.99

"Computer History : The Journey of Computer" |
"We are living in an Information Age. That reflects other things that computers do: store and retrieve data, manage networks of communications, process text, generate and manipulate images and sounds, fly air and spacecraft, and so on. Deep inside a computer are circuits that do those things by transforming them into a mathematical language. In this digital culture, whether by using an ATM card, composing and printing an office newsletter, calling a mail-order house on a toll-free number and ordering some clothes for next-day delivery, or shopping at a mega-mall where the inventory is replenished just-in-time. For these and many other applications, we can use.That an invention should find a place in society unforeseen by its inventors is not surprising. The story of the computer illustrates that. It is not that the computer ended up not being used for calculationit is used for calculation by most practicing scientists and engineers today.In this course, Computer History : The Journey of Computer, you will see - Strengths of Computers, Evolution of Computers, Types of Computers and Generations of Computers. 80 Questions (objective type, 60 minutes)."
Price: 69.99

"WeChat fr Unternehmen: Lernen Sie WeChat besser kennen" |
"Sie haben schon fter von WeChat gehrt und mchten als Unternehmer mehr davon wissen? Oder Ihre Firme betreibt schon einen eigenen WeChat Account, der aber noch keinen groen Erfolg erzielt hat? Mit dem Kurs zum Thema WeChat fr Unternehmen knnen Sie sich einen umfangreichen berblick ber WeChat verschaffen und gleichzeitig erfahren, wie Sie als Unternehmer in WeChat einsteigen knnen. Auerdem wird noch erklrt, wie Sie mit Hilfe von WeChat potenzielle chinesische Kunden besser ansprechen und Ihre Produkte bzw. Dienstleistungen vermarkten knnen.Nicht zuletzt bekommen Sie noch am Ende ein paar praktische Tipps, die Ihnen bei der Gestaltung und Optimierung in Zukunft helfen werden. Durch den Kurs werden Sie mehr ber folgende Punkte erfahren:Die aktuellen vielfltigen Funktionen von WeChatWeChat Accountarten und ihre UnterschiedeRankingfaktoren und wie Sie damit umgehen solltenRegistrierung als Unternehmen Vorschlge fr Auswahl der Accountartbliche WerbemglichkeitenPraktische TippsDieser Kurs richtet sich an alle Unternehmen, die WeChat fr ihren Marketingzweck verwenden mchten. Die Inhalte sind sowohl fr Leute ohne Vorkenntnisse als auch fr diejenigen mit Erfahrung geeignet. Seit 2016 beschftige ich mich schon intensiv mit dem Thema WeChat. Meine Kunden sind in verschiedenen Bereichen, von Tourismus ber Dienstleistung bis hinzu Handel. Ich mchte ber Udemy meine Kenntnisse weitergeben und damit Unternehmen helfen, sich mit dem Thema vertraut zu machen."
Price: 24.99

"Como montar um restaurante?" |
"O curso ""Como Montar um Restaurante"" voltado a empreendedores que querem se aventurar no mundo dos bares e restaurantes, que no conhecem muito o mercado nem os principais requisitos para empreender no ramo. Durante o curso veremos temas muito importantes e relevantes para essa fase. - Passos inicias para abertura de um negcio de alimentao.- Aspectos legais para a abertura de um restaurante.- Como escolher a localizao do empreendimento.- Como analisar a concorrncia.- Como escolher um nome para o novo negcio.- Como escolher seus colaboradores."
Price: 99.99

"IBM C2040-925 Installing Configuring Lotus Notes Domino Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What protocol must be enabled on the Domino server to support RSS-feeds for mail files?a) RSSb) HTTPc) IMAPd) LDAPe) NoneQ) What is the task reads mail.box for new or modified messages that require treatment?a) SMTPb) Amgrc) Asminpd) routere) NoneQ) No problems SMTP server manual reset, how often it will automatically check for changes to the configuration settings of documents?a) Neverb) A couple of minutesc) hourlyd) Every day at midnighte) NoneQ) iNotes require any of the following server tasks must be running?a) IMAPb) SMTPc) DOLSd) HTTPe) None"
Price: 149.99

"PMI-001 PMP Monitoring Control V5 Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) risk response strategies, in which the project team moves the impact of a threat, along with ownership of the third-party response, called:a) softenb) takec) transferd) to avoide) NoneQ) What type of relationship is set based on the knowledge of best practices in a specific field of application, or some unusual aspect of the project, in which it is desirable to sequence-specific, although there may be other acceptable sequences?a) externalb) interiorc) compulsoryd) discretionarye) NoneQ) While the processes in the planning group seeking to team feedback and determine the project documents for the project work management, organizational procedures dictate when the project planninga) endsb) beginsc) delayd) rejectede) NoneQ) When painting the bedroom, wall preparation can be done while the paint is selected. This is an example of a:a) leadb) lagc) mandatory dependencyd) internal relationshipe) None"
Price: 174.99

"PW0-270 Certified Wireless Analysis Professional (CWAP) Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) IEEE 802.11 which two objects may be used for separation of successful transmission within EDCA TXOP? (Select 2)a) SIFSb) AIFSc) ACKd) CAPe) mutual fundsf) RIFSQ) What is the format of the HT PPDU is shown at the exhibition?a) HT-mixed formatb) Format HT-Greenfieldc) Format Non-HTd) Format duplicate Non-HTe) Format dual training fieldf) ERP-OFDM formatQ) What information elements (IE), contained in the IEEE 802.11 Probe Request frame? (Select 2)a) RSN IEb) SSIDc) status coded) Association IDe) Supported speedQ) WMM-PS frame trigger may be, what type of IEEE 802.11 frame? (Select 2)a) QoS Nullb) reassociationc) QoS datad) CTS"
Price: 154.99

"LSSBB Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A ___________ is mainly used to monitor the stability of the average value of a metric of interest.a) NP Chartb) Chart Xbar-Rc) I-MR Chartd) Chart CQ) For his project of injection molding a belt needed to monitor the percentage of deficient of a particular set of samples so she used a ___________ to display data?a) individual Chartb) Chart Cc) Xbar Chartd) P ChartQ) Which of these graphs shows the conditions that would be sufficient to enable OCAP for the process?a) Xbar Chartb) Chart Time Seriesc) Neitherd) BothQ) Control Charts were developed by Dr. Shewhart to track data over time. To detect special variant Causes Charts control the use of these?a) shift analysis datab) methods of analysis Outlierc) Limits Center Line and Controld) .No previousQ) City and ______________ Cause Changes are at the center of the statistical process control.a) Rareb) Ordinaryc) Speciald) Selective"
Price: 169.99

"LSSGB Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The use of signal lights railway, tool and jidohka devices in the application of Lean realize that these principles?a) Minimizing theftb) visual Factoryc) knowledge managementd) operator AttentivenessQ) A lean principle that addresses efficiency by the process worker is called ____________________?a) visual Factoryb) supervisionc) Trainingd) standardizationQ) While the management of a company must prepare the ground for all improvement efforts, which of these 5NTs is mainly driven by the management?a) Straighten upb) To sortc) Shined) To sustainQ) As part of a visual factory floor __________ cards are created and used to identify areas that need cleaning and organization.a) Kanbanb) Kaizenc) Poke-Yoked) WhoSaiQ) The use of kanban work best with extraction systems to determine the timing of which produce products or services.a) TRUEb) FALSE"
Price: 174.99

"LSSYB Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When a process has been proven to work at a level Six Sigma This means that there are less than ________ defects per million opportunities.a) 1.7b) 2.6c) 3.4d) 10Q) Six Sigma refers to a process whose output has at least 95% of its data points within 6 standard deviations from the mean.a) TRUEb) FALSEQ) require Training cost of the project is $ 3,000 and an initial investment of $ 12,000. If the project produces a monthly savings of $ 1,800 beginning after three months, what is the payback period in months (gross of fees and costs money)?a) 04:17b) 08:33c) 11:33d) 28.28Q) The ROI of a project is a metric measurement that stands for return on investment and is one of the methods used to measure the success of a Lean Six Sigma project.a) TRUEb) FALSEQ) The DMAIC approach to solving problems is to define, __________, analyze, improve and control.a) Handleb) To measurec) To memorized) Manipulate"
Price: 179.99

---Shoppee() |
"! ! :!-Shopee.?! ! !!"
Price: 1400.00

"Python Programming Skills Test With Explanation" |
"Python is a multi-paradigm programming language. Object-oriented programming and structured programming are fully supported, and many of its features support functional programming and aspect-oriented programming (including by metaprogramming and metaobjects (magic methods)). Many other paradigms are supported via extensions, including design by contract and logic programming.Python uses dynamic typing and a combination of reference counting and a cycle-detecting garbage collector for memory management. It also features dynamic name resolution (late binding), which binds method and variable names during program execution.Python uses duck typing and has typed objects but untyped variable names. Type constraints are not checked at compile-time; rather, operations on an object may fail, signifying that the given object is not of a suitable type. Despite being dynamically typed, Python is strongly typed, forbidding operations that are not well-defined (for example, adding a number to a string) rather than silently attempting to make sense of them.About the test:This test divided into two tests.1) Python Test: 01 (50 MCQs) (With Explanation)2) Python Test: 02 (50 MCQs) (With Explanation)This test will help for interviews and exams preparation. Best of luck!Course Instructor: Ramish Masood Computer & Software Engineer"
Price: 24.99

vymvgsal |
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Price: 24.99

"Corso HTML5" |
"Questo corso ti permetter di apprendere l'utilizzo base dell'html5.Particolare enfasi posta sui principi e le tecniche di programmazione, sulla sintassi di questo linguaggio molto diffuso insieme ad una logica di utilizzo che consenta di operare in autonomia, e che consenta allo studente di integrare le nozioni di questo corso con la programmazione javascript / typescript.Consiglio di avere una base di programmazione Javascript in modo da poter capire al meglio l'intero corso."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Power BI Paginated Report Builder" |
"Do you need pixel perfect, highly customizable reports in Power BI? Is the basic Power BI drag and drop not cutting it? Do you miss creating your highly customizable and flexible reports in SQL Server Reporting Services?Well Microsoft has release Power BI Report Builder which finally bridges the gap between Power BI and SSRS for your reports and analytics. A detailed look at Power BI Report Builder to build tabular and paginated reports in Power BI just like you used to in SSRS."
Price: 29.99

"Earthing Design Calculation for 380/132/11kV Substation" |
"Dear All, I have prepare this course based on actual design calculations for actual 380/132/11kV Substation.Explained in detail topics step by Step.IntroductionCollecting information of substation , total line and transformer etcCollecting Network DataExplaining Short Circuit Level, Fault Clearance time, Thermal Time Collecting Data at Site for Specific Soil ResistivityAEMC - Wenner Soil Resistivity Testing Explained - Using 6472Difference between resistivity and ResistanceHow to Calculate Thermal Design of earthing electrode and conductorsCalculating Area for Conductor as per IEEE Std 80 2000 Discussing Fusing temperature, Ambient temp, Material Constant, Thermal Capacity, Thermal CoefficientDiscuss the Design Software Used for CalculationsIntroduction to SES CDEGS _ FCDIST - Getting StartedCalculation of Grid Earth ResistanceStandard describing Minimum Requirement of Earth ResistanceTolerable Touch and Step Potential Formula for Step & Touch Potential Determination of Maximum Grid CurrentDetermination of Ground Potential RiseDesign of earth grid with respect to touch and step voltagesSingle-Electrode/Touch Voltages/Worst Spherical Design Criteria for step & Touch PotentialFoundation Earth ElectrodesIndoor Earthing SystemOutdoor Earthing systemInput to softwareThanks Muhammad Kashif"
Price: 54.99

"Google Optimize Course 2020 - From Beginner To Advanced" |
"Google Optimize is a free testing and Personalization product. The paid version is called Google Optimize 360. Google Optimize can easily be integrated with Google Analytics making it one of the best tools for running A/B Test, Multivariate Test, Redirect Test, Personalization and Banner Templates. In this course we will be covering :1. Introduction to Google Optimize2. Different Types of experiments you can run in Google Optimize3. Creating your Google Optimize Account4. Google Optimize Interface Overview5. Google Optimize Account Structure6. Connecting Google Optimize with Google Analytics7. Adding Google Optimize tag to your website8. Adding Google Optimize Chrome Extension9. Creating A/ B Test using Google Optimize10. Creating Multivariate Test using Google Optimize11. Creating Redirect Test using Google Optimize12. Creating Personalization experience on your Website through Google Optimize13. Creating Banner Templates on your Websites through Google Optimize14. How to create a Multi Page Experience using Google Optimize15. Analyzing Google Optimize Reports"
Price: 19.99

"User Story Mapping" |
"Con este curso podrs crear un plan gil de un producto, podrs crear una historia en donde el actor principal sea tu usuario y podrs identificar el producto mnimo viable que puedes desarrollar para salir al mercado. Todo esto a travs del uso de la tcnica del user story mapping."
Price: 29.99
