"Mastering Core Image: XCode's Image Framework!" |
"Why CIImages?In this course, you learn how to add unique features to the images in your apps. A CIImage is a representation of an image that can be altered with Core Image filters. These filters allow users to change and interact with images in cool and useful ways. CIImages provide a lot of power that other image types do not.Why Xcode?Xcode is Apple's FREE software for app development. Xcode is user-friendly and has the tools you need to make apps for the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. In this course, you learnhow to add User Interface (UI) elements, including text fields, sliders, and buttons, to make an app. You learn to code in Swift 3.0, Apple's programming language, to make the app function.Is this course for me?By taking this course, you will gain the tools you need continue improving yourself in the field of app development. You will be able to apply what you learned to further experiment in Xcode and make your own apps able to perform more.Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Full Stack Sales 101" |
"Full Stack Sales 101.So glad you found it.Full Stack Sales means owning the entire sales process end-to-end while leveraging technology to achieve your sales goals.Predictable Revenue is a major teaching of Full Stack Sales. Predictable Revenue is still underutilized by most businesses today.The premise of Predictable Revenue is role specialization.You have a Sales Development Rep (SDR) who is100% focus is on lead generation and qualified opportunity creation.You take this Predictable Revenue mindset and combine it with the sales hacking trend to create a power combination.Sales hacking is leveraging new age apps and advanced sales processes to drive revenue.My name is Matt Smith and I will be your instructor.I used these exactly lessons to scale my last company from $0 to $30M in sales in 3 years.I have closed deals with Hulu, Rosetta Stone, NBC, DJI and 1000s of other brands.My process to do this involved reading Predictable Revenue then becoming obsessed with finding the best sales apps out there to help me get stuff done. Currently I run my own sales hacking services firm, Full Stack Sales. My clients include companies like Sales Hacker,Tanga, and Surkus.These teachings and lessons truly changed my life and I hope you find them as valuable and impactful as I have.Cheers,Matt"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Veritaban Programlama : SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Mimarisi" |
"""Birisine bir ey retemezsiniz, ancak kendisinin onu kefetmesine yardm edebilirsiniz.""{GalileoGalilei}Bu kursOracle veritabann ve Oracle'nprogramlama dili olan PL/SQL'i anlatmay hedeflemektedir.NEML : Eitmenin bu kurs ile hedefi Oracle veritaban programlama yeteneklerini anlatmaktr. Ancak eitlilik olmas ve renciye daha fazla bilgi aktarmak adna Oracle DBA(Veritaban Ynetimi) konularnda da onlarca video hazrlam ve anlatmtr. Bu kurs adndan da anlalaca zere bir veritaban programlama kursudur. Oracle veritaban ile ilgili mimari, kullanc ilemleri, alt yap ve ynetimsel eitimlerin tamam veritaban ynetimi konusudur. Ancak greceiniz zere bu alanlarda da onlarca eitim hazrlanarak eitmen tarafndan rencilerine sunulmutur.Kurs ile birlikte reneceiniz teknolojiler aadaki gibidir;- Oracle Mimarisi : Oracle servislerindenmimarisine kadarderinlemesine bir ok konuyu ierir.- Oracle SQL :Standart SQL- Oracle PL/SQL :Prosedrel SQL- Oracle SQL*Plus : Oracle firmas tarafndan gelitirilen konsol tabanl istemci aracdr.- Oracle SQL Developer : Oracle firmas tarafndan gelitirilen Oracle Developer IDE'sidir.- Oracle Apex : Oracle Express Edition iin gelitirilen web ynetim arayzdr.- Oracle Database Control :Oracle 11g ve sonrasnda web ynetimini gerekletirmeyi yarayan gelimi ynetim arayzdr.KURS GNCELLEME POLTKASI : Yaynladm kurslarn ieriklerini belirli aralklar ile gncelliyorum. zlediim politika ise aadaki gibidir :Mevcut yazlm projelerim haricinde bilgi paylam salamak iin kurslar retiyorum... Bunlarn says bu yl ierisinde ciddi oranda artacak... Zaman ve emek ynetimi asndan artk ""beeni kadar gncelle"" yntemini uyguluyorum. Yani eer kurslara puanlama yaparsanz, bu kurslarn takipilerinin daha fazla eitim istediini dnerek belirli aralklarla bu kurslar gncelleyeceim. Eer beeni says az ya da yeteri kadar olmazsa, bu kurslar herhangi bir gncelleme olmadan mevcut ieriklerle yaynlanmaya devam edecektir. Eer satn aldnz kursun gncellenerek size daha fazla deer katmasn isterseniz, bu isteinizi bana ileteceiniz en doru yol puanlama sistemidir."
Price: 299.99

"Golang Programlama Dili" |
"""Birisine bir ey retemezsiniz, ancak kendisinin onu kefetmesine yardm edebilirsiniz.""{GalileoGalilei}Bu kurs Go(Golang) programlama dilini anlatmay hedeflemektedir.Bu kurs ile birlikte aklayacamz konular aadaki gibidir;- Go Programlama Dilini Detayl ncelemek- alma Ortam ve Editrler- Deikenler, Trler, Go Diline zg Sz Dizimi ve Kurallar- Ak Kontrol Mekanizmalar- Dngler- Hata Ynetimi- Diziler- Slice (Dilimler)- Maps- Paket Ynetimi- Struct(Yaplar)- Interface (Arayzler)- Fonksiyonlar- Metodlar- aretiler- Nesne Ynelimli Programlama- E Zamanllk (Concurrency)- Test- Reflection- Go Paketleri- Veri Format ve Dosya lemleri- Go ileVeritaban Programlama- Go ile RESTful API ve Web Programlama (rnek Uygulamalar)- AlgoritmalarKURS GNCELLEME POLTKASI : Yaynladm kurslarn ieriklerini belirli aralklar ile gncelliyorum. zlediim politika ise aadaki gibidir :Mevcut yazlm projelerim haricinde bilgi paylam salamak iin kurslar retiyorum... Bunlarn says bu yl ierisinde ciddi oranda artacak... Zaman ve emek ynetimi asndan artk ""beeni kadar gncelle"" yntemini uyguluyorum. Yani eer kurslara puanlama yaparsanz, bu kurslarn takipilerinin daha fazla eitim istediini dnerek belirli aralklarla bu kurslar gncelleyeceim. Eer beeni says az ya da yeteri kadar olmazsa, bu kurslar herhangi bir gncelleme olmadan mevcut ieriklerle yaynlanmaya devam edecektir. Eer satn aldnz kursun gncellenerek size daha fazla deer katmasn isterseniz, bu isteinizi bana ileteceiniz en doru yol puanlama sistemidir."
Price: 299.99

"C# Programlama Dili : Temel, Orta, leri Seviye" |
"""Birisine bir ey retemezsiniz, ancak kendisinin onu kefetmesine yardm edebilirsiniz.""{GalileoGalilei}Bu kurs C# programlama dilini retmeyi ve C# ile yazlm gelitirmeyi retmeyi hedeflemektedir.Bu kurs C# Programlama dilini anlatmaktadr. Dier grdnz tm balklar eitmen tarafndan rencilerinin daha eitli evre teknolojileri hakknda bilgi sahibi olmas iin eklenmitir. rnein, WPF, XAML, ADO.NET ve ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web API,Silverlight balklarnn tamam eitmen tarafndan rencilere HEDYEamacyla kursa eklenmitir. Bu balklar ayr kurs olacak kadar detayl ve geni konulardr. Bu nedenle, hediye olan kimi balklar detayl, kimisi de bir ya da bir ka videodan oluabilir. Eitmen ya bu konular iin anlatmlarn yeterli olduunu dnm ya da farkl bir kurs olarak daha detayl anlatmay planlam olabilir.Bu kurs ile birlikte reneceiniz konular aadaki gibidir;- Programlama Dillerine Genel Bak- Programlama Terminolojisine Genel Bak- Derleyici, Editr ve Framework Kavramlar- C# ve .NET Framework'e Genel Bak- Deikenler, Trler, Kapsam, Enum vb.- Operatrler- Ak Kontrol Mekanizmalar- Diziler (ok Boyutlu ve Dzensiz Diziler Dahil)- Koleksiyonlar (Generic ve NonGeneric)- Dngler- Nesne Ynelimli Programlama ve leri Seviye Snf Kullanm- leri Seviye C# Yaplar- leri Seviye .NET Framework Yaplar- Reflection ve Eklenti Tabanl Programlama- Windows Form Programlama- WPF ve XAMLile Uygulama Gelitirme- ASP.NET ile Web Programlama : HTML ve JavaScript- ASP.NET ile Web Programlama : Standart Kontroller- ASP.NET ile Web Programlama : Validasyon- ASP.NET ile Web Programlama : Veritaban Operasyonlar- ASP.NET ile Web Programlama : Veri Kontrolleri- ASP.NET Web API ile Uygulama Gelitirme- ASP.NET Web API ile GelitirilenAPI in Masast Uygulama Gelitirme- Silverlight ile Uygulama Gelitirme- LINQ (Language Integrated Query)- ADO.NET- AlgoritmalarKURS GNCELLEME POLTKASI : Yaynladm kurslarn ieriklerini belirli aralklar ile gncelliyorum. zlediim politika ise aadaki gibidir :Mevcut yazlm projelerim haricinde bilgi paylam salamak iin kurslar retiyorum... Bunlarn says bu yl ierisinde ciddi oranda artacak... Zaman ve emek ynetimi asndan artk ""beeni kadar gncelle"" yntemini uyguluyorum. Yani eer kurslara puanlama yaparsanz, bu kurslarn takipilerinin daha fazla eitim istediini dnerek belirli aralklarla bu kurslar gncelleyeceim. Eer beeni says az ya da yeteri kadar olmazsa, bu kurslar herhangi bir gncelleme olmadan mevcut ieriklerle yaynlanmaya devam edecektir. Eer satn aldnz kursun gncellenerek size daha fazla deer katmasn isterseniz, bu isteinizi bana ileteceiniz en doru yol puanlama sistemidir.BAARI HKAYELER- T.C. Savunma Sanayii Bakanlnn hazrlad ""Vizyoner Gen"" projesindeki tek yerli programlama eitimi.- Milli Eitim Bakanl'nn oluturduu FATIH projesinde binlerce retmen tarafndan on binlerce dakika izlenme.- Yusuf Saha - Bilgisayar Blm, C# Snav, Faklte Birincilii- Savunma Sanayii'nde Uzay ve Endstriyel Alanda alan renciler (Bunlarn isimlerini veremiyorum)- uan birok akademide karlaacanz ve zamannda tarafmdan yazlm eitimi verilen onlarca danman ve eitmen.Baar hikayelerini yazmaya yeni baladm. Buraya adnzn eklenmesini ve dierlerine motivasyon kayna olmak isterseniz bu eitimi aldktan sonra neler yaptnz bana mesaj yoluyla iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 299.99

"GIT: Branching and Merging" |
"This course is an introduction and overview of branching and merging with GIT.By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to understand what it means to create branches locally or at a remote repository.You'll have a great command of keeping your branches up-to-date and cleaning up both your local and remote repository.By the end of the course, you'll be in command of working with teams at GitHub and using Pull Requests to validate changes by multiple developers.You'll know how to make sure you get their changes as well, and finally you'll be able to resolve merge conflicts locally and at GitHub.Why should you learn the command line when tools are available like Visual Studio, E-Git, GitHub for desktops, and many others?Because all tools are just wrappers around the commands.If you use the tools youshouldbe fine, but what about when things go wrong?Who will help you then?Knowing the commands makes it EASY to go to using any IDEwith Git.Not knowing the commands could be the difference between doing something wrong or just not knowing what to do at all.Here are someof the commands we'll be interacting with during this course [and you'll get good at using them -- however --we won't MASTERany of them, but --after this course --you'll be able to take the study deeper on your own from here for any of these commands!].git addgit commitgit pushgit pullgit fetchgit statusgit loggit showgit checkoutgit diffgit difftoolgit mergegit mergetoolgit configAdditionally, this course will show you how to setup a default tool for editing, git difftool, and git mergetool[VSCode in this course, but you could use Perforce P4Merge or another tool if you want]."
Price: 49.99

"GIT: Advanced commands" |
"This course is a deeper dive into GIT.As such, it is expected that you would have at least some working knowledge of GITbefore you take this course.For example, you should be familiar with basic commands like""add, commit, push, pull, fetch, and merge.""You should also have a basic working knowledge of working with a REMOTE repository like GitHub or BitBucket.The first part of this course will just make sure we're setup for the remaining part of the course and serve as a simple review.This includes basic stuff like getting an account at GitHub, setting up our machine for working with GIT, and setting a few default configurations.Feel free to skip this part of the course if you are already good to go.The bulk of the course will thentake a deeper dive into the following commands:git commit --amendgit refloggit rebasegit config --globalaliasgit fetch --prunegit reset [both soft and hard resets]git cleangit revertgit cherry-pickgit stashgit tagAdditionally, we'll see what it looks like to perform different merges at GitHub to complete a pull request, includingSquash and MergeRebaseAt the completion of this course, you'll be proficientwith some of the more advanced GITcommands that we encounter when working with GIT repositories on a daily basis in the real world.You'll also have been exposed enough and understand enough about the commands to take your skills to the next level when working with GIT. You'll alsoknow what it takes to make and keep your tree linear in your GIThistory, and you'll have tools to rescue your repository when things get a bit tricky."
Price: 59.99

"Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach" |
"Are you willing to design a project proposal in response to a call for proposals issues by a funding body such as the European Commission? Do you have some ideas about what to do but you do not know where to start from?Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach (and Matrix) are methodological tools helping you in this phase. And, in many cases, the Logical Framework Matrix is mandatory!In order to support you in this process, this Course is structured into two main sections:Project Cycle Management, andLogical Framework Approach.Project Cycle Managementor PCM is a project design methodology which is widely adopted by many International Organisations mainly in the area of Cooperation for Development. As there are different version of this methodology adopting slightly different terminologies we have adopted the one used by the European Commission, one of the major donors in Cooperation for development. The methodology is structured into six main phases and the course will take you through these, highlighting which ones concern those who submit proposal in order to get their projects funded by the donor. Actually one of the most popular tools of PCM is the so called Logical Framework approach which forms the subject of the second lesson.TheLogical Framework Approach is a methodological tool which is part of the Project Cycle Management methodology and it is used to define the main items of a future project in terms of objectives, results activities and indicators to monitor the progress. It is used both at design stage for framing the future project and at project implementation stage for evaluating the level of achievement of the projects objectives and results. It is mandatory in many funding programmes managed by the European Commission especially in the area of cooperation for development."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013" |
"During this introductory course on using Microsoft Excel 2013, we'll teach the basics of using Excel 2013. We'll start with navigating the Excel 2013 interface, including the Ribbon, Backstage View and the Quick Access Toolbar. Discover concepts to help you understand how enter data into a Excel spreadsheet, using Flash Fill and working with worksheets."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Microsoft Access 2013" |
"During this introductory course on using Microsoft Access 2013, we'll teach the basics of using Access 2013. We'll start with navigating the Access 2013 interface, including the Ribbon, Backstage View and the Quick Access Toolbar. Discover concepts to help you understand how a table organizes information into rows and columns."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Microsoft Project 2013" |
"During this introductory course for Microsoft Project 2013, we'll teach the basics of using Project 2013. We'll start with navigating the Project 2013 interface, including the Ribbon, Backstage View and the Quick Access Toolbar. Discover concepts to help you create project tasks, dependencies, the basics of working with resources and working with your project file."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Microsoft Project 2010" |
"During this introductory course for Microsoft Project 2010, we'll teach the basics of using Project 2010. We'll start with navigating the Project 2010 interface, including the Ribbon, Backstage View and the Quick Access Toolbar. Discover concepts to help you create project tasks, the basics of working with resources and working with your project file."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2013" |
"During this introductory course for using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, we'll teach the basics of using PowerPoint 2013. We'll start with navigating the PowerPoint 2013 interface, including the Ribbon, Backstage View and the Quick Access Toolbar. Discover concepts to help you create a presentation, adding content to your slides, working with text, and different presentation views."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Microsoft Word 2013" |
"During this introductory course for using Microsoft Word 2013, we'll teach the basics of using Word 2013. We'll start with navigating the Word 2013 interface, including the Ribbon, Backstage View and the Quick Access Toolbar. Discover concepts to help you create a word document, entering data, different views, and keyboard shortcuts."
Price: 19.99

"Learn PHP Programming for Beginners" |
"These days, youre nowhere without a website, so theres a huge value to web development skills. PHP is one of the most widely-used scripting languages around, and this course will help you master the basics of the language so that you can build your own website, or help refine your companys. Discover the power of PHP as you take your website development skills to the next level. During this 6.5 hour PHP beginner course, discover the fundamental concepts beginner PHP developers need to master. Your professional instructor combines practical lectures that ensure you have a solid grasp of the basics with coding examples that include exercise files so you get real hands-on practice. Follow along as you learn the PHP syntax, development environment, and other basic concepts. Discover more advanced topics including database storage, object oriented development, using the standard PHP library, and basic SQL language commands. This course includes exercise example files, certificate of completion, and quiz.What People Are Saying: The course was good and to the point. It was informative. It's a beginner course but you learn quite a bit. This is a professionally-explained PHP course so it's very methodical. I enjoyed it. It added to my PHP knowledge. -Jeremy Mwangelwa Presenter is very clear and easy to follow. I find the course very useful -it covers all the areas I am interested in and the exercises are interesting to do and informative - all good! - Stuart Ferguson I was expecting a beginners course. I took this to make sure there weren't any gaps in my understanding. But this goes a lot deeper than other beginners courses and I've learned a lot more than I was expecting to. Great course, well structured. It would be good if there was more homework/practices, but that's stuff I can do on my own. - Mike Haydon This was for me the best beginners course of PHP. I already had Beginners PHP but it was like just to have an idea about PHP. But with this course I really learned PHP, how it works and how to code, Im now ready to go Learn Advanced PHP Programming. Thanks Luis Miguel Marques da Silva Pinheiro"
Price: 74.99

"Introduction to PHP Programming Language" |
"PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development. During this PHP beginner course, discover the fundamental concepts beginner PHP developers need to master. Your professional instructor combines practical lectures that ensure you have a grasp of the basics with coding examples. Follow along as you learn the PHP syntax, development environment, and other basic concepts"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to MySQL Database" |
"Interested in learning more about the world's most popular open source database? During this introduction MySQL beginner course, discover the fundamental concepts of working with MySQL. Your instructor will discuss the MySQL architecture, installation of MySQL, and designing a database."
Price: 19.99

"QuickBooks Pro 2017 Training: Manage Small Business Finances" |
"Get Confident in Using QuickBooks Pro to Efficiently Manage Your AccountsHave complete control over your accounting and bookkeeping needs by customizing QuickBooks to work the way you wantCreate your companys books in QuickBooks and produce a variety of reports to help you summarize and analyze your business dataSet up accounts and create lists to keep track of customers, vendors, employees and moreUnderstand financial reports and reconcile bank statements with absolute easeInstantly create accurate bookkeeping documents such as estimates, invoices, statements and depositsExplore QuickBooks tools that will help you run your business effectivelyDiscover the Power of QuickBooks Pro 2017Having an accurate, easily accessible set of books is vital for business. Without proper accounting records, you could find it very difficult to know where your business stands financially. Using our easy-to-follow course on the newest version of QuickBooks Pro will help you avoid common mistakes that even some of the most elite entrepreneurs tend to make.Geared towards small business owners who do not have formal accounting training, QuickBooks is by far one of the world's most popular accounting programs.But it comes with some hurdles.That's why we're offering Master QuickBooks Pro 2017 the Easy Way to help you get past those hurdles and feel confident about using this essential financial management tool. Our goal is to give you in-depth information so you can tailor your accounting system to meet your needs.This comprehensive course will reveal how to minimize the time you spend on routine tasks so you can have more time to grow your business. As you watch the step-by-step videos wherever and whenever you want, you'll see how to quickly create and access profit and loss statements, balance sheets and customizable reports. You'll be able to make better-informed business decisions by having accurate sales, profit and individual customer and vendor data right at your fingertips. When you equip yourself with categorized income and expenses that youll learn to create, you will be better prepared at tax time.So, if you're a small- or medium-sized business owner, or even a freelance bookkeeper, you can use our QuickBooks Pro 2017 course to keep track of your business financials like a pro.Overview and ContentsWith easy-to-follow steps found in each video tutorial, you'll become a master of QuickBooks Pro. The tutorials will give you the core fundamentals of using this essential accounting software. Once you get set up, you'll quickly see where your business stands financially. QuickBooks gives you many indicators to help you determine the health of your business and produces reports for you to make sense of it all. Whether you're an advanced user of QuickBooks, or just trying to finish some last minute bookkeeping, or you're a freelance accountant wanting to get more done in less time, QuickBooks handles it all. Its streamlined workflow helps you from beginning to end.What people are saying: Heres what our students are sayingVery informative lectures. Good even for total beginner like myself. Brian Chan""Very good introduction to QuickBooks. I have no previous knowledge of QuickBooks, but the first module answered some of my general questions and even highlighted some issues that I had not even thought about. I am anxiously awaiting the next module. Bradley J. Keneson Very easy to watch and follow the training on QuickBooks. I found it very helpful. Ana ChairezDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!** Updated July 2017. English close captions added** Updated June 2017. Course transcripts now available."
Price: 99.99

"Master Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 the Easy Way" |
"Get Confident in Using Photoshop Elements and Make Your Photo Memories Magical Improve your images so they look spectacular, even if you dont take a perfect shot Personalize your use of Photoshop Elements to suit your specific needs Navigate the Photoshop Elements interface and discover updated and newly enhanced features Import and organize your images so you can easily find them for future use Apply basic and advanced techniques for correcting and enhancing your photos Discover the Power of Photoshop Elements 15We've all seen amazing photos of people, places and events that look absolutely perfect and lead us to believe they've been ""Photoshopped."" Now you can have the advanced skills necessary to use Photoshop Elements like a pro. Designed for entry-level photographers, image editors and hobbyists, Photoshop Elements contains most of the features of the professional version but with simpler options and at a much lower cost. This gives you the freedom to benefit from the most essential and useful features of Photoshop without the hurdles of complex, elite features at a cost that is prohibitive to most of us. Overview and Contents Our course, Master Photoshop Elements 15 the Easy Way, gets you started right from the very beginning showing you how to download the most recent version of this powerful software and get it up and running. From there, you'll be guided every step of the way toward becoming a true Photoshop Elements power user. Our practical tips and tricks will show you how to make quick edits, add artistic touches, or transform your photos into expressions of your vision and creativity. Youll understand that to maximize your Photoshop Elements experience, you can organize pictures by importing them into a centralized catalog, where you can tag photos with keywords and insert them into albums for easy use in the future. This means youre just a few steps away from creating beautiful books, cards, photographs and more that you can share with family and friends. With easy-to-follow steps found in each video tutorial, you'll become a master of Photoshop Elements. The tutorials will teach you the core fundamentals of using this digital image editing software. By learning basic techniques in addition to more advanced skills, you'll be able to take these in-demand skills to your job, hobby, or even to start your own creative business. As part of the course, you will receive exercise files so you can practice what you've learned and gain confidence as you go. Get ready to make your photo memories magical! Heres what our students are sayingHe gives a lot of information so that somebody with no experience can start to understand how to get it and how the course is going to be presented. Jim SmithAlready gave you my rave review, of Toby in any course, but especially in this timely update on the latest version of PSE. John B. WrightGreat teacher! He explains everything extremely well. There is so much to learn in this program and the way it is taught makes sense. Patricia JoaquinDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!** Updated July 2017. English close captions added ** Updated June 2017. Course transcripts now available."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Microsoft Windows 10 the Easy Way for Beginners" |
"**UPDATED: June 2020 - Brand New Course Added!**Learn the essential features of Windows 10 during this 7+ hour course. This comprehensive, 7+ hour Windows 10 for Beginners course helps you master the most recent and feature-packed version of Microsoft's operating system. As you explore the Windows 10 interface, you'll cover everything from installing the system to your computer and customizing it to suit your needs to working with files and applications. With this course, you'll see just how easy it is to manage folders, share via a home network, configure security, privacy, and multiuser settings, work with Mail, Calendars and People, and troubleshoot the system. Follow along as you're guided through some of the new features in Windows 10, including the return of the Start Button, Metro App, and Continuum, also known as Tablet Mode. You also will be introduced to the new Action Center and Cortana, Microsoft's personal digital assistant. Course updated in 2020 to included new Windows 10 Features.Heres what our students are saying""Excellent instructional! Enjoying the layout and pace of the instructor."" - David Thuroff""Awesome course and a great and knowledgeable instructor!!!"" - Rita Bowman""It was really easy to understand everything and was very useful."" - Kirti Kher""The course was very enlightening, although being a novice I am sure that will have to review it at least once."" - Michael Mosier""While I have been using Windows 10 without this much detailed knowledge, it is amazing how little I actually know about something I've been using for a while..."" - Jose RiveraDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 74.99

"Ultimate Microsoft Access 2016 Course - Beginner to Expert" |
"Get An Advanced Understanding of the Many Access 2016 Features That Will Enable You to Gather and Interpret Data Faster.Sorting Information and Running QueriesCreating Tables and RelationshipsDesigning Forms (and Advanced Form Options)Generating ReportsSplitting the Frontend and Backend of a databaseMacrosVisual Basic for Applications (VBA)Contents and OverviewThrough 118 lectures, 18 hours of quality content, andquizzes, this 18-hour class starts with the basics, teaching students to add and delete records to their database. Students then learn to create desktop databases and apps for multiple users before diving into importing data from other sources. Budding Access 2016 users will be taught how to build forms to capture information online, and implement pre-designed templates that track projects, employees, issues, or task details. Students are then lead through protecting their databases with permissions, and learn - in detail - important safeguards and restrictions. The focus then turns to running reports that provide valuable business intelligence. Exercise files are built right into the curriculum, giving the student working knowledge of the program and building confidence for real-life application.This course is appropriate for both those brand new to Microsoft Access or database technology, and for those who have been using Access for their entire career wanting to improve their data management skills. Students completing the course will learn all the functions needed to become a data rockstar, and will have the tools to potentially boost their team's efficiency and output immediately.Plus, when you sign up for this course, youll also get these extras: Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material.Instructor demo files use the same database files used by your instructor.Online quizzes - to test what you've learned.A certificate of completion - to tell everyone you've aced the course.Contents and Overview for the 10-Hour Access 2016 Beginner CourseMicrosoft Access 2016 for Beginners: Master the Essentials starts at the very beginning, showing you where to get your copy of MS Access and how to install it on your computer. Before going further, you'll get a quick tour of all of the new features and improvements in 2016. You will learn how to get started easily with database templates that make the entire process faster. Then you'll see how to create, save and open databases. After a tour of the Access Workspace and Backstage, you'll get a complete explanation of the toolbars and ribbons. Next, you'll gain a strong grasp of keyboard shortcuts that will greatly increase your speed and efficiency. You'll progress to creating your own working database with step-by-step video instruction that takes you through the entire process, helping you master details while understanding the big picture. Later the course goes into importing data from Excel and creating and working with forms and sub-forms. As you become more advanced, you'll learn how to use queries and validations, create reports and print your projects. This course contains comprehensive instructions through 70 professionally produced videos within ten chapters. You'll supercharge your database projects and learn valuable new skills for complex data projects at work. Get started with this course now and easily become an expert at MS Access 2016. Contents and Overview for the 8-Hour Access 2016 Advanced CourseYour Microsoft certified professional trainer will show you how to use macros, advanced forms and queries, and other tools to create a professional, working database. Follow along as you learn to create and maintain macros, then see how to effectively link to other data sources. Get helpful techniques that allow you to link, report, and package your data quickly, and discover how to split a database by splitting the frontend and backend. With this informative course, youll learn the skills you need to make an impact with sleek, high-performing databases that help you do your job efficiently and competently. If youre ready to master Microsoft Access 2016 and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or try some of the free videos by using the Free Preview feature. We look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 149.99

"Master QuickBooks Pro 2016 & 2017 the Easy Way" |
"Uncover The Many Benefits of QuickBooks Pro 2016 and QuickBooks Pro 2017Have more control over your accounting needsInstantly create accurate estimates, statements, and depositsQuickly keep track of incoming and outgoing paymentsReceive tools to help you run an effective businessReconcile bank statements with absolute ease and moreUse This 2-in-1 Bundle to Quickly and Effortlessly Manage Your AccountsHaving an accurate set of books is vital for business. You should always want the right data and the right records because anything inaccurate or disorganized can make it very difficult to file your taxes, or worse, get you in big trouble. Using our easy-to-understand courses on QuickBooks (both the 2016 version and 2017 version), will help you avoid common mistakes that even some of the most elite entrepreneurs tend to make.QuickBooks is by far one of the world's most popular accounting programs.But it comes with hurdles.That's why we're bundling our courses so that you can master older and newer versions and really get the hang of it. You'll essentially be getting a comprehensive crash course on data reporting, organizing accounts, measurement methods, incoming sales, payroll, payment cycles, and more. Our goal is to provide in-depth information so that you can tailor your accounting system to meet your needs.This will ensure that businesses and individuals manage revenue profitably but legally. Because as the economy stabilizes and new federal financial regulations are introduced, accountants knowledgeable with QuickBooks will be increasingly necessary to the management and oversight of capital - and long-term growth.So, if you're a small or medium sized business owner, or even a freelance accountant, you can use our bundle of QuickBooks Pro 2016 and 2017 to keep track of everything. From accounts payable, down to receivables, and monthly debts. All of this is packaged in our unique and informative bundle to help you feel ultra confident.Overview and ContentsWith the content, and easy to follow steps found inside, you'll become a master with QuickBooks. You'll get extremely helpful tutorials, too. Tutorials teaching you about the core fundamentals behind using this special accounting software.Once you get set up, you'll discover the inner health of your business. QuickBooks gives you many indicators and lengthy reports to determine which direction your business needs to take in order to grow in the coming year. Whether you're advanced with QuickBooks, or you're a complete newbie that needs more practice, this is the right deal for you. Our 2-in-1 bundle shows you how to handle it all, without getting a massive headache.Great for those who love numbers and is looking for an organized method to doing their books. At the completion of these courses, you will receive a certificate, as you will have grown your accounting skill-set. And be fully prepared to use QuickBooks Pro 2016 and QuickBooks Pro 2017 for every single one of your business needs. Heres what our students are sayingNice and complete overview of QuickBooks. Makes learning QuickBooks much more approachable and manageable, then learning it on your own. This is a great and cheaper alternative than taking a more expensive course. Definitely recommended if you want to learn QuickBooks and have no idea where to begin. Armanda Lopez""Great class. Learned a lot about QuickBooks. I enjoyed taking this QuickBooks class. The instructor was very clear and easy to understand. Maureen Carless Vou can't teach an old dog new tricks. I have been using QuickBooks for over 10 years and I still found this course very helpful. Great choice of voice, perfect pace and breakdown of content. Thank You.. Travis Tandy Did you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Access 2016 Intermediate/Advanced Course" |
"Become a Microsoft Access database expert with this easy-to-follow course featuring 8 hours of professionally produced videos. Exercise and demo files included. Practice what you learn with included exercise files.A full 8 hours of professional video instruction.48 easy-to-follow how-to videos. Everything explained step-by-step for quick comprehension.Complete database projects at the advanced level.The next step after completing Microsoft Access 2016 for Beginners.Enables you to complete projects on time and within budget.Increase your value at work.Starts with basic advanced features. Discover how to effectively link to other data sources.Learn how to split a database by splitting the frontend and backend.Follow along as you learn to create and maintain macros.Explore the use of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).Discover advanced options for the use of forms and queries.Dive into options for packaging your application for distribution.Practice with bonus Access 2016 exercises.In todays data-driven world, effective data management is crucial, with no room for error. If youve already taken our beginner Microsoft Access 2016 course, or have a beginner knowledge of Microsoft Access 2016, youre ready for our Microsoft Access 2016 Advanced course. Get ready to become a data management expert as this 8-hour class takes your skills to the next level. Youll boost your knowledge significantly as you get acquainted with Microsoft Access 2016s most sophisticated features. Contents and Overview Your Microsoft certified professional trainer will show you how to use macros, advanced forms and queries, and other tools to create a professional, working database. Follow along as you learn to create and maintain macros, then see how to effectively link to other data sources. Get helpful techniques that allow you to link, report, and package your data quickly, and discover how to split a database by splitting the frontend and backend. With this informative course, youll learn the skills you need to make an impact with sleek, high-performing databases that help you do your job efficiently and competently. Plus, when you sign up for this course, youll also get these extras: Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material.Instructor demo files use the same database files used by your instructor.An optional online quiz (45 questions) - to test what you've learned.A certificate of completion - to tell everyone you've aced the course.If youre ready to master Microsoft Access 2016 and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or try some of the free videos by using the Free Preview feature. We look forward to seeing you in the course! Heres what our students are sayingInstructor is really knowledgeable. The course is indeed advanced access and covers a lot of topics. By definition none of them in depth, but it's all about giving us the bearing points to pursue our own learning with the 3 key p's: practice, practice and practice! Totally recommended. Moises Redondo Very descriptive/informative and easy to follow steps. Love the accent. Brenda BachtoldWell prepared and clearly presented by arguably the best instructor on Udemy. Bill Dam Did you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!Just search ""Simon Sez IT"" to see our full list of individual courses and incredible value multi-course bundles on Udemy. "
Price: 74.99

"Learn Microsoft OneNote 2016 the Easy Way" |
"Learn how to effectively use OneNote 2016 to create and manage notes and keep your information organized with this easy-to-follow course. 6 hours of professionally produced videos, with exercise and instructor demonstration files included. Practice what you learn with included exercise files.A full 6 hours of professional video instruction.46 easy-to-follow how-to videos. Everything explained step by step for quick comprehension.Discover how to use the OneNote interface.Organize notes and other information into a virtual junk drawer.Learn how to create and manage notes.Discover how to effectively insert images, screen clippings, and OCR.Follow along as you learn to use handwriting in OneNote.Explore the benefits of using tables to help organize your information.Discover how to protect your notes.Dive into spellchecking and AutoCorrect options.Learn how to tag your notes and how to search them.Integrate notes with Microsoft Outlook.Practice with bonus OneNote 2016 exercises.In todays information-driven world, effective management of your information is crucial. This OneNote 2016 course is for beginners who are new to OneNote 2016. Get ready to discover how to turn your notes, files, recordings, clippings, screenshots and more into a virtual junk drawer thats easy to access at any time. Contents and Overview Your Microsoft certified professional trainer will show you how to effectively use OneNote 2016. Discover how to navigate through the OneNote 2016 interface, including using Backstage View. Get helpful techniques for creating new notes, in addition to managing your notes. Learn how to use OneNote to manage various types of information you deem important to store, including images, screen clippings, OCR (optical character recognition) information, audio & video recordings and more. Follow along as you learn how to search and find the information you need as your instructor teaches practical tagging and search techniques. Discover how to share your notes with others, and also how to protect your notes. With this informative course, youll learn the skills you need to use OneNote 2016 effectively, efficiently and competently. Plus, when you sign up for this course, youll also get these extras: Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material.Instructor demo files use the same database files used by your instructor.Optional quizzes - to test what you've learned.A certificate of completion - to tell everyone you've aced the course.If youre ready to master Microsoft OneNote 2016 and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or try some of the free videos by using the Free Preview feature. We look forward to seeing you in the course! Heres what our students are saying""Very comprehensive overview of OneNote. I get a blistering amount of work-related emails and documents daily; OneNote has transformed this unorganized mess into an efficient tool. I thought I knew a lot about One Note. But this course has taught me a lot of tools that I didn't even know existed."" Michael Coccia I am in the middle of this Udemy course. To say that I am impressed is a gross understatement. Toby, the instructor, is fantastic as is the Udemy presentation. I am using an iPad with Udemy and drafts running in slide-over mode for note taking. I am 68 and learning a lot and having fun. This is making OneNote so powerful and so easy. Bob CookGood intro to OneNote. Im surprised how powerful it is. Good job Jim MckeeDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!Just search ""Simon Sez IT"" to see our full list of individual courses and incredible value multi-course bundles on Udemy. "
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft Office 2016 Essential Training: 9 Course Bundle" |
"Unlock the Power Of Microsoft Office 2016 and Watch Your Productivity Soar!A KILLER TIME & MONEY SAVER! Equip yourself with in-depth knowledge of online Microsoft 2016 training courses and save precious time on class attendance! Get the skills required to skyrocket your performance at the classroom or the office with a COMPLETE bundle of 9 online courses that will turn you into a pro computer user from the convenience of your own home! THE PERFECT CHOICE FOR BEGINNERS OR ADVANCED USERS! Whether you already know enough on the most popular Microsoft programs or you are an absolute beginner, this is the product for you! Get hands-on experience in using Access, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, and Word 2016 and meet your full potential on the demanding work market! WE ARE REVOLUTIONIZING ONLINE LEARNING! With our long expertise in STRESS-FREE e- learning, at Simon Sez IT we know how to help you make the most of your home learning! Get ALL practice you need with the EXERCISE FILES, find useful info in the comprehensive VIDEO TUTORIALS, keep TRACK OF YOUR PROGRESS and get the CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION as reliable proof of your knowledge! TURBOCHARGE YOUR SKILLS THE EASY WAY! Acquiring the MUST-HAVE skills for the modern market requirements has never been easier! Get ALL 9 online software courses in one GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY pack and plan your own training based on your specific time schedule! Flexible, easy to follow and eye-opening both for BEGINNERS and ADVANCED users, this Microsoft 2016 course bundle is made for smart e-learners! A THOUGHTFUL GIFTING IDEA! If you are in search of a gift that will thrill every computer user, your quest is ending here! Offer your best friend, teenaged kid or office co-worker this stunning gift and help them open new horizons in their work! Equip their arsenal with the best Microsoft 2016 software bundle on the market and have them thankful for your excellent choice! Do you feel embarrassed every time you are asked to make a file in Word, Excel or Access? Do you wish you could be a competent Microsoft Software user but are deterred by the COST and TIME spent on classes? Are you looking for an EASY, CONVENIENT way to conquer solid knowledge on the most sought-after programs and skyrocket your work potential? With expertise in the last advances in e-learning, Simon Sez IT is now offering you the ultimate e-learning software training tool in a COMPLETE 9 in 1 bundle! We Are Turning You Into A Software Savvy From The Convenience Of Your Home! You dont have to spend a fortune on classes anymore; you can save yourself the time spent on commuting to training institutes! We are making hands-on knowledge of 9 training courses a breeze, teaching you in your own SELF- PACED learning environment: Microsoft Excel 2016 - Beginners Microsoft Excel 2016 - Advanced Microsoft Word 2016 Microsoft OneNote 2013: Microsoft PowerPoint 2016: Microsoft Access 2016 Beginners Microsoft Access 2016 Advanced Microsoft Essential VBA for Excel VBA Intermediate Training- Discover Excel Automation Secrets Why Take This CourseMost work today happens on a computer optimize your effort by learning useful software tips and tricks that you'll apply for decades to come! And that will save you valuable time, money and effort.Want to get noticed by your boss or earn the respect of your colleagues? Become the office superstar by becoming the go-to expert on everything related to MS Office 2016!Individual video training for these programs would easily cost hundreds of dollars, but this 9-in-1 package is available at one unbelievably low price. Tremendous learning at tremendous savings.Heres what our students are sayingI'm really enjoying this course. I've done a little bit of work with Microsoft Office in the past but never really knew all the details and exactly what it can do and this course is excellent for showing me this. The instructor explains everything very clearly and at a perfect pace for me. And because this is videos I can also skip along if I get to things that I already know. A very good course indeed."" Tracy Somers""I signed up for this course to more fully understand office for my work. Even the beginner modules had a few pieces of information that were new and useful for me.."" Joseph Ketellapper""What a great course, nice calm voice, easy to understand..... Lucky I have found this course, it is a life saver for me at my new job ReginaDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!Just search ""Simon Sez IT"" to see our full list of individual courses and incredible value multi-course bundles on Udemy."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Microsoft Access 2013 & 2016 Mastery Course" |
"Become a super star Access 2013 & 2016 user everyone relies on with this mega 37-hour course with 4 courses, over 200+ video tutorials. No Microsoft Access experience needed4 courses for learning Microsoft Access 2013 & 2016200+ expertly produced videosA full 37 hours of instructionMakes all aspects of Access easy to masterCovers exciting features new for 2013 & 2016Learn to use full program, not just basicsGet up and running quicklyImmediately learn things you can use at workSupercharge your personal projectsBecome the MS Access expert everyone appreciatesWork at your own pace in your spare timePractice what you learned with included exercise filesContents and OverviewThrough 200+ lectures, 37 hours of quality content, and quizzes, this 37-hour class starts with the basics, teaching students to add and delete records to their database. Students then learn to create desktop databases and apps for multiple users before diving into importing data from other sources. Budding Access 2013 & 2016 users will be taught how to build forms to capture information online, and implement pre-designed templates that track projects, employees, issues, or task details. Students are then lead through protecting their databases with permissions, and learn - in detail - important safeguards and restrictions. The focus then turns to running reports that provide valuable business intelligence. Exercise files are built right into the curriculum, giving the student working knowledge of the program and building confidence for real-life application.This course is appropriate for both those brand new to Microsoft Access or database technology, and for those who have been using Access for their entire career wanting to improve their data management skills. Students completing the course will learn all the functions needed to become a data rockstar, and will have the tools to potentially boost their team's efficiency and output immediately.Plus, when you sign up for this course, youll also get these extras: Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material.Instructor demo files use the same database files used by your instructor.Online quizzes - to test what you've learned.A certificate of completion - to tell everyone you've aced the course.Contents and Overview for the Access 2013 beginner and advanced coursesThrough 96 lectures, 19 hours of quality content, this training starts with the basics, teaching students to add and delete records to their database. Students then learn to create desktop databases and apps for multiple users before diving into importing data from other sources. Budding Access 2013 users will be taught how to build forms to capture information online, and implement pre-designed templates that track projects, employees, issues, or task details. Students are then lead through protecting their databases with permissions, and learn - in detail - important safeguards and restrictions. The focus then turns to running reports that provide valuable business intelligence. Practice files are built right into the curriculum, giving the student working knowledge of the program and building confidence for real-life application.This course is appropriate for both those brand new to Microsoft Access or database technology, and for those who have been using Access for their entire career wanting to improve their data management skills. Contents and Overview for the 10-Hour Access 2016 Beginner CourseMicrosoft Access 2016 for Beginners: Master the Essentials starts at the very beginning, showing you where to get your copy of MS Access and how to install it on your computer. Before going further, you'll get a quick tour of all of the new features and improvements in 2016. You will learn how to get started easily with database templates that make the entire process faster. Then you'll see how to create, save and open databases. After a tour of the Access Workspace and Backstage, you'll get a complete explanation of the toolbars and ribbons. Next, you'll gain a strong grasp of keyboard shortcuts that will greatly increase your speed and efficiency. You'll progress to creating your own working database with step-by-step video instruction that takes you through the entire process, helping you master details while understanding the big picture. Later the course goes into importing data from Excel and creating and working with forms and sub-forms. As you become more advanced, you'll learn how to use queries and validations, create reports and print your projects. This course contains comprehensive instructions through 70 professionally produced videos within ten chapters. You'll supercharge your database projects and learn valuable new skills for complex data projects at work. Get started with this course now and easily become an expert at MS Access 2016. Contents and Overview for the 8-Hour Access 2016 Advanced CourseYour Microsoft certified professional trainer will show you how to use macros, advanced forms and queries, and other tools to create a professional, working database. Follow along as you learn to create and maintain macros, then see how to effectively link to other data sources. Get helpful techniques that allow you to link, report, and package your data quickly, and discover how to split a database by splitting the frontend and backend. With this informative course, youll learn the skills you need to make an impact with sleek, high-performing databases that help you do your job efficiently and competently. If youre ready to master Microsoft Access 2016 and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or try some of the free videos by using the Free Preview feature. We look forward to seeing you in the course! Heres what our students are sayingFirst course I completed on Udemy. The package of lessons are well thoughout and to the point. Great instructor. Set the bar high for other instructors on this site"" John Meaney""I took this class as a requirement for a new job. I have never touched access before and I was able to pick it up very quickly with this video. The course flowed very nicely and started with the very basic information first before moving on to more complicated tasks. The instructor was very easy to understand and everything was presented at great pace. Since learning how to use access with this class, I have been to create my own database to practice my skills and learn new ones. I would recommend this class to anyone who would like to get a great understanding of access."" Greg Wehner""I've taken both the basic and advanced course and found both very helpful in refreshing my Access skills and introducing techniques that were very useful in my actual work situation"" Ron WoodsDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!Just search ""Simon Sez IT"" to see our full list of individual courses and incredible value multi-course bundles on Udemy."
Price: 199.99

"Master Microsoft Visio 2016 the Easy Way" |
"Do you need to stay up-to-date with the latest upgrades to Microsoft Visio 2016? Are you an individual or office professional who wants to leverage the capabilities of this diagramming software platform? Create Elegant, Informative Diagrams with Microsoft Visio 2016! You can use Microsoft Visio 2016 to communicate in a wide variety of visual formats: Flowcharts Organizational Charts Technology Asset Maps Network Visualizations Process Enhancements Floor Plans Seating Charts All the Tools You Need to Master Microsoft Visio 2016 When you sign up for this course, youll gain access to 10 hours of video content as well as special exercises and quizzes. After absorbing this comprehensive tutorial, you can impress your colleagues and clients with complex and attractive diagrams of all kinds. Of course, youll get a certificate of completion when youre finished to let others know of your accomplishment. We present all the videos in this course in crisp, easy-to-watch HD for optimal learning speed and clarity. With these tools, youll find out whats new in Microsoft Visio 2016, the basics of diagram-creation, and how to work in the user interface. From keyboard shortcuts to grids and rulers, youll discover the pro techniques that save time and effort on this sophisticated software platform. Youll learn to create, size, and connect shapes and text and add compelling images to your diagrams. Precise object alignment, layers, and shape data management can turn an amateur effort into a professional presentation. With this course, youll learn to seamlessly integrate hyperlinks into your designs. You can easily collaborate with co-authors in Microsoft Visio 2016, save your work in a variety of formats, and share your diagrams on many popular platforms. This course describes how to create time-saving custom templates, optimize print settings for Visio drawings, and produce large-scale diagrams. Youll even find out how to manage shape sheets and perform basic coding in Microsoft Visio 2016. Whether youre new to this software platform or just need an update on the latest features and pro tips, this course has everything you need to create sophisticated and compelling diagrams! This course includes: Exercise filesDemo files used by the instructorAn optional quiz to test what you've learnedCertificate of completionHeres what our students are sayingI was able to build large stakeholder mapping using data files linked in Excel. This allowed me to create work of a massive scale. Linking multiple data sources is quite an exciting capability. Not only do I feel more advanced in basic shortcuts but I will be saving so much time in creating visuals for numerous processes and presentations.I have recommended this course to a number of fellow BA's and friends.Great job!John"" John Meaney""I enjoyed the program very much. I've used Visio. I learned new things about Visio and how to more effectively use it. I also learned a couple of good pointers on other Microsoft Office software."" Richard Mowery""Best investment I have ever made towards learning a tool. I like the way instructor explains the concept with an example and follows it up with an exercise.Thanks for putting it together!"" Venu BhamidiDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!Just search ""Simon Sez IT"" to see our full list of individual courses and incredible value multi-course bundles on Udemy."
Price: 99.99

"Creative Thinking - How to Get Great Ideas on Demand" |
"If you've ever wondered how some people seem to have ideas whenever they want them, then this course will help you. During this course you will learn (and try out)a series of creative thinkingtechniques that will enable you to come up with ideas on demand. Whether you are looking for new ways of being more creative personally or ideas for yourbusiness, there's something for you.We'll go through creativitytechniques that will help you get ideas for many things including:business, products, marketing, art, design andblog postsYou will learn:How to get ideas from your every day lifeHow you can combine things in different waysto get ideasHow coming up with bad ideas can help you get good onesHow random input can inspire fresh new ideas How to get visual inspirationPlus many other creativethinking techniques which will mean you never have to stare at a blank page ever again."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering QuickBooks 2017 for Lawyers Training Tutorial" |
"If you are needing to get more familiar with the Quickbooks software because using QuickBooks in a law firm comes with unique challenges, then we are here to help with that. This QuickBooks training tutorial includes the introductory-advanced material for the complete software, plus training specific to the practice of law. From setting up and maintaining a legal company file to managing trust accounts, QuickBooks includes several powerful features for attorneys and law professionals. You will learn how to create and effectively be able to manage a legal company file as well as use QuickBooks for trust accounting. Mastering QuickBooks Made Easy for Lawyers features 23 video lessons with 1.5 hours of instruction for QuickBooks Pro version 2017. It is easy to be able to watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step on your own time. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises to do in your own copy of the program."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Photoshop Elements 15 Made Easy Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc.Mastering Photoshop Elements Made Easyfeatures 183 video lessons and over 6.5 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our two printable classroom instruction manuals (Introductory and Advanced), additional images and practice exercises. You will learn how to use all of the various tools, advanced layer techniques, manipulating images and much more.Whether you are completely new to Photoshop Elements or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch the easy-to-use interface, click to start a video lesson or open one of the manuals and you are on your way to mastering Elements."
Price: 29.99

"Mastering Microsoft Project 2016 Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Microsoft Project 2016 & 2013 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Project Made Easy features 101 video lessons with over 6 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our two printable classroom instruction manuals (Introductory and Advanced), additional images and practice exercises. You will learn introductory through advanced concepts including assigning and managing tasks and resources, tracking project tasks, developing dynamic reports and much more. Whether you are completely new to Project or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch the easy-to-use interface, click to start a video lesson or open one of the manuals and you are on your way to mastering Project."
Price: 19.99
