"Revelations, Practices and Ethics of Leading Founders" |
"Inside the Founders presents 14 case studies of highly successful enterprises. In each of the 7-12 minute case studies, the company founders will share their stories, philosophies, advice and inspiration, covering topics such as business planning, marketing, people management, sales, and more. These highly crafted segments are the result of hours of on location shooting with each of the founders. The companies featured cover a wide array of market areas, such as consumer products, food, law, accounting, ecommerce, advertising, retail, and others. While some content contains industry specific advice, the case studies assume no prior industry knowledge and all feature practical business guidance that will prove useful to everybody from a student to a CEO.FOUNDERS AND COMPANIES FEATURED:Birchbox Started in 2010 by two business school students, Birchbox is a leading online subscription service that sends its over 1 million subscribers 4-5 samples of beauty products a month. The company now generates over $125 million in revenue and is valued at $485 million.Blinds(dot)com As the worlds largest online seller of blinds and window coverings, Home Depot subsidiary blinds(dot)com embraced technology to grow a mom and pop blinds store into a close to $200 million a year business, while still staying true to its original culture of service.Waze With over 50 million users, the leading real time traffic navigation app Waze was acquired by Google for over a billion dollars. Co-founder Uri Levine has now moved on to another venture, FeeX, a website that helps users track financial service provider fees.WeWork Israeli born Adam Neumann helped grow WeWork from a single co-working office location in 2010 to over 50 locations and 40,000 members in the US and abroad. The rapidly growing company is now valued at over $16 billion. He is number one on Forbes 40 under 40 list.Zappos After selling his internet advertising network Link Exchange to Microsoft for $265 million, Tony Hsieh grew the online shoe and apparel site Zappos from $1.6 million in revenue in 2000 to over a $1 billion in 2009 through his innovative approaches to customer service and company culture.Nannies by Noa 15 Year old Noa Mintz created an elite Nanny AgencBrafman and Associates A strong work ethic drove Benjamin Brafman from his humble beginnings as the son of working class Holocaust survivors to being one of the most renowned criminal defense attorneys in the world. His firm Brafman and associates has represented prominent figures such as Sean ""P. Diddy"" Combs, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Jennifer Lopez, and Michael Jackson. New York Magazine has named him as the best criminal defense lawyer in New York.KIND SNACKS Daniel Lubetzky learned the value of kind acts from his father, a holocaust survivor. In 2004 he decided to bring that same mentality to the world in the form of a healthy snack bar. Today KIND has an annual revenue of $1 BillionBronner Group, The Gila Bronner, president and CEO of the Bronner group, has leveraged minority set asides to expand her professional services firm from a one woman business to over 10 offices, practicing in a dozen states and 400 jurisdictions.Communispace Diane Hessan has grown the online focus group service Communispace from an idea to a company that sold to the world's largest advertising agency Omnicom for over $100 million. Communispace now has over 200 clients and 500 employees. Diane now teaches people how to gain employment and thrive in a startup environment through her role as the CEO of the Startup Institute.Honest Tea As the nation's number one organic bottled tea, Coca-Cola subsidiary Honest Tea generates over $100 million in revenue, while still maintaining thesocial values that it was founded upon. It is currently found in over 100,000 stores across the US.LIDS/Rue La La As a Junior in college Ben Fischman started LIDS, which grew from a hat cart in a mall to over 1,000 locations and $800 million in revenue. He sold his members only online shopping service Rue La La for over 350 million dollars. He's now created Launch, an ecommerce business incubator that aims to create 1-3 e-commerce companies a year.Project Regeneration At just 21 years of age, Bed-Stuy native Barnabas Shakur founded project regeneration, a non-profit that provides over 500 at-risk youth an alternative to the streets, through educational workshops, job training,and martial arts classes. Participants in this social entrepreneurship venture generate the revenue to fund many of these programs by cleaning the exteriors of homes for property owners in the neighborhood. Pursuit of Excellence Leaving a corporate job to take more control of her life, Marie Diaz has grownher human capital management company Pursuit of Excellence from a one woman business to a company with hundreds of employees and millions in revenue.y before she had graduated middle school. Named to fortunes 18 under 18 the company now services NYC and the Hamptons."
Price: 39.99

"How to Really Scale A Business for Performance" |
"A new in depth video series featuring the guidance of over 30 Founders who successfully developed fast growth mid-sized and large companies. These strategies delivered in 14 chapters running approximately 90 minutes in total, were culled from over 35 hours of content. Some featured business leaders are from recognized organizations such as: Stonyfield Farms, Waze, Pandora, Kind Healthy Snacks, Dogfish Head Brewery, Black Entertainment Television, JetBlue, Pandora, WeWork, Rue La La, Zappos and many others. The subjects among others include strategies and processes for hiring, people performance, sales process, sales team development, customer service, marketing, scaling culture and more.The program also features business professors from Yale, MIT, Babson, Wharton and Northwestern Kellogg."
Price: 34.99

"Street Jitsu - Self Defense for the Street" |
"The last thing you want to do is get in a street fight, but sometimes they are not avoidable. Street Jitsu is a practical martial art designed specifically to handle the most common types of fighters you will encounter on the street.It took years of street fighting to develop this art, which is a mix between Maui Thai, Boxing, and Jiu Jitsu. Every move is practical and easy to learn. Even my fiance, with zero fighting experience, is learning the moves quickly. Most martials arts are not good against the unpredictability of a street fighter, and most of them are not practical and are hard to learn. Street Jitsu is not. Its also very effective, proven by years of it being used in street fights. Check out the intro video."
Price: 134.99

"Authentication component with PHP" |
"What you will learnIn thiscourse we will be learning how to build a simple framework with the authentication modules including:RegistrationLoginForgot and reset passwordRestrict access to designated sections of the websiteWho is this course forThis course is for Intermediate users, who have a good understanding of the basic concept of PHP programming.During this course we will alsowrite unit tests using PHPUnit in order to ensure our components work the way they supposed to.What do you need to knowTo build our authentication component we will use Object OrientedPHP and some packages available via composer such as illuminate/http,illuminate/support, illuminate/database, nesbot/carbon, swiftmailer/swiftmailer etc.To be able to complete this course, you have to have a good understanding of PHP fundamentals and be familiar with Object Oriented PHP. You will also need to have your virtual environment set up with either Apache or Nginx and MySQL / MariaDB database."
Price: 19.99

"Horizontal Feed Component with Sass and VueJs 2" |
"VueJs is a progressive javascript frameworkfor building modernuser interfaces.It is one of the most popular frameworks these days with a fast growing community.In this course we will explore one of its most powerful features: Component.We will learn how to create a reusable feedcomponent, which you'll be able to use anywherewithin the structure of your html document.During this course we will be using Vue 2, which differs slightly from its previous version and we'll code it usingEcmaScript 6 (latest version of javascript).This course is for those who have a good understanding of JavaScript fundamentals, some Css and Html knowledge."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende el API IndexedDB de HTML5" |
"En 2010 se dej de dar soporte a WebSQL (SQLite en navegadores). La especificacin de HTML5para el manejo de base de datos en navegadores es IndexedDB. Tanto WebSQL como IndexedDB son soportados para dispositivos mviles. Tambin se puede utilizar LocalStorage y SessionStorage, pero son ms bien para almacenar cadenas. Esta base de datos, que no utiliza el lenguaje SQL, nos permite de manera potente, el manejo de datos de manera sencilla.Los objetivos de este curso son:El alumno se familiarizar con los principales trminos en el manejo del API IndexedDBEl alumno realizar una sencilla aplicacin de Altas, Bajas y Cambios con IndexedDBEl alumnos aprender a manejar las versiones, aadir ndices entre otras actividades con IndexedDBEl alumno desarrollar una aplicacin de control de actividades con IndexedDBRevisaremos trminos que no se manejan en las bases tradicionales como MySQL, donde desarrollamos nuestras estructuras con tablas. En IndexDB utilizaremos almacenes de objetos, donde podemos guardar estructuras de datos diferentes. Tambin utilizaremos cursores para almacenar la lectura de los mismos.Este curso no es un curso bsico. Usted debe tener bases en las herramientasHTML, CSS3 y JavaScript. Este curso est dirigido a desarrolladores web que desee crear aplicaciones con el manejo de base de datos. Los presentes ejercicios son fcilmente exportables a dispositivos mviles con herramientas como Phonegap."
Price: 270.00

"Bootstrap para verdaderos principiantes" |
"Bootstrap es sin dudael framework ms utilizado para hacer pginas web responsivas de manera rpida y profesional en el mundo, pero no solo nos permite adaptar nuestras pginas web a cualquier dispositivo, sino que nos brinda una enorme gama de herramientas para simplificarnos la vida de diseadores y desarrolladores web.Este curso est enfocado para personas que no tengan ningn conocimiento sobre el tema, hasta poder lograr pginas flexibles y poderosas. Es necesario que se tengan conocimientos bsicos sobre HTML y CSS, pero no necesitas ser un experto en el rea. No necesitas tener ningn conocimiento en JavaScript, ya que no utilizaremos este lenguaje.Al final el curso podrs:Comprenderlos inicios de Bootstrap, cmo instalarlo en la computadora o desde un CDN, usar bsicamente la cuadrcula para hacer una pgina responsiva.Aprenderlas diferencias de tipografa y de estilo entre HTML y Bootstrap en etiquetas como abbr, mark, pre, kdb o blockquote.Aprendera crear listas agrupadas, paneles y grupos de paneles, mens dropdown, listas colapsables, crear un acorden, men de tabuladores, men de pldoras, mens verticales, as como tabuladores y pldoras centradas en Bootstrap.Crearbarras de navegacin normales y en colores invertidos, aadir un dropdown, crear opciones a la derecha e izquierda de la barra, agregar botones, un formulario y hacer una barra colapsable para un dispositivo pequeo.Aprendera crear y modificar los objetos media, centrando verticalmente, justificarlo a la izquierda o derecha o anidarlos.Crearun carrusel de imgenes y posteriormente agregar subttulos, crear ventanas modales, aadir un tooltip a un elemento HTML, crear ventanas popover, as como una barra ScrollSpy y un componente Affix.Crearpginas responsivas de varias columna para dispositivos pequeos, medianos, computadoras de escritorio y de pantalla ancha. Conocer el uso de las clases hidden, visible, clearfix, offset, pull y push.En el curso encontrars los apuntes a cada seccin, as como ms de 100 ejercicios que te ayudarn a lograr nuestros objetivos. Para este curso necesitas una computadora con Internet y un navegador moderno, as como un editor de cdigo como SublimeText, Brackets, Dreamweaver, etc."
Price: 270.00

"Aprende Google Chart con PHP y MySQL" |
"Muchas veces podemos ser expertos en PHP y MySQL, pero cuando necesitamos hacer una grfica, sufrimos porque no tenemos la herramienta. Google Chart es una maravillosa herramienta (y gratuita) que nos permitir hacer muchos tipos de grficas, modificarlas de muchas maneras, tomando los datos de muchas posibles fuentes, como una base de datos MySQL, un archivo en formato JSON, un archivo plano o en formato CSV, un documento XML o incluso una hoja de clculo de Google Drive.Este curso no es bsico. Es necesario que tengas conocimientos bsicos de PHP y JavaScript, as como cierta prctica con MySQL, pero no necesitas ser un experto. Tambin necesitars un editor de cdigo como APTANA, SublimeText,Dreamweaver o uno similar, as como un navegador moderno.Los objetivos de este curso son:Aprender a conectar Google Chart y PHP desde MySQL, Archivos planos CSV, JSON y XMLAprender a crear grficas de rea y conectarlos a los datos con PHP y MySQLIncluir anotaciones, tooltips, alcances, dominios, certezas y nfasis en las grficasRealizargrficas de barras, sus opciones y sus diferentes rolesCrear las grficas con cuatro variables o de burbujasCrear grficas de calendario, cargar los datos desde una base de datos MySQL desde PHP, modificar el aspecto de los cuadros de los das, los nombres de los das, meses y aosAprender a realizar diferentes tipos de grficas con Google Chart como:Grficas de velasLas grficas de cascadaVisualizacin de una tablaLas grficas de donaGrficas de GanttLos indicadores o grficas de GaugeGrficas geogrficasLas grficas de lneaLos histogramasLas grficas de mapasLos organigramasGrficas de dispersinLneas de tiempoGrficas de tendenciaGrficas de rea escalonadarboles de palabrasConectar las grficas con los objetos de iniciacin de JavaScript y a una hoja de clculo de Google DriveTodas las grficas las conectamos a PHP y a alguna tabla de MySQL para que puedas hacer poderosas aplicaciones web."
Price: 270.00

"How to Put Ads Into Your Apps - AdMob - Xcode, Swift, iOS" |
"I want to make money with apps. - the main reason why people enter the world of app development.The proofIn the past 6 years I have built a five figure brand / app empire: Rebeloper. Ive been selling source codes on all the app marketplaces. Ive been building simple apps for clients for $199 and huge games for $25.000. My team and I have been building a consistent, strong brand for Rebeloper. (You can read about our values on our site) Most importantly, we have tested a plethora of monetisation systems. Weve tried everything that we could think of. From ads to content marketing, from In-app purchases to posting on Instagram; you name it we most probably have tried and tested it. This is how we managed to survive and now its time to give back to the community.Its time to show it all to you.Its time for you to not make all the mistakes we made.Its time for you to learn from our 100.000+ hours combined experience.Want to start making money with apps today? Read onWhy should you enroll into this course?The thing that no-one is talking about is how to make money with apps. There are aton of tutorials and courses on coding and design, but there is a huge shortage on courses about how to actually make money with your apps. I have decided to come out and create a series of courses that explores, discusses and teaches you how to actually make money with apps. I call them the How to make money with apps series.Who am I?I have been a professional iOS developer for more than 6 years now. Ive experienced the highs and lows of the industry. Now its time to share my knowledge with you and other likeminded appreneurs just like you.My 2RulesI have settled on 2rules that these series must meet. All of the courses in the How to make money with apps series must fulfil both of these 2rules:You need to make money the next day you finish the courseYou need to be able to implement the course in one day or lessLets take a closer look to these rules one by one.1. You need to make money the next day you finish the courseIll start off with the cheesiest quote ever: Time is money. But you know its true. And I dont want to waste your time. With my experience in the field I have distilled these courses to be actionable right away. Its simple: You watch the course today; implement the knowledge you gained the very same day and instantly earn money the next day. No BS here. It doesnt matter if you earned 1 cent or $10.000 the next day. What matters is that the money started rolling in.2. You need to be able to implement the course in one day or lessNo 30 day trials here. No half a years of development. No upfront costs. You need to make your move in one day or less. This is important because of automation too. The more times you can replicate the strategy the more money pours into your bank account.My goal for 2017 is to help 1000 small business owners (or entrepreneurs) to make their first $1000 till the end of the year.About this courseThis course is part of a series on how to make money with apps. It teaches you one way to earn money through advertising. The ad network of our choice is AdMob. You will learn how to integrate AdMob into your projects so your app may show ads the very next day.Most people are stuck when trying to figure out how to make some money with their apps. One of the easiest ways to do it is through ads in their apps. I will cover all the steps needed from signing up for an AdMob account to showing all the ad types supported by AdMob.Now its your turnYou can choose to:Enrol into this courseTake a look at my author page to see my other free courses from the How to make money with apps series"
Price: 94.99

"Quickly Unlock the Enormous Power of AdMob - SpriteKit Swift" |
"How can I build a sustainable app business?- the most burning question anindiedeveloperhas.One way of doing it is through taping into the power ofad networks.Over the past few years I have been messing around implementing all sorts of SDKs including ad network SDKs. It turns out it can be really tricky to implement. I have decided to create a framework to make it as simple as possible.This is how I came up with the idea of the ""one line of code"" implementation.One line of codeThe idea is simple: Make it possible so anybody - even those who have no prior programming experience - can implement the AdMob SDK in one line of code. The hard part is to make it so simple that it can be implemented in one line of code but be flexible enough to cover all variations. This is how SmartAdMob came into existence.About the SmartAdMob frameworkDoing is better than explaining; let me show you how powerful SmartAdMob is.Here is how you show a top banner ad:SmartAdMob.shared.showBannerAd(at: .topWithStatusBar, on: self)Here is how you show an interstitial:SmartAdMob.shared.showInterstitialAd(on: self, withFrequency: .preset)Yes, only one line of code. Go ahead and take a look at the free preview lessons to see it for yourself.When you enroll you will get your hands on SmartAdMob. Here is a list of the features this course offers:get the SmartAdMob frameworkget a UIKit example projectcoded in the latest Swift 3step by step videos showing you how to do itBONUS: get a SpriteKit example project with step by step integration guideSpriteKit game example project includedWhile all of the tutorials out there on the net cover how to add AdMob into a UIKit project, there is not a single one explainingyou how to do it for a SpriteKit game. With SmartAdMob this course shows you just that. You'll be having SpriteKit games with AdMob ads in no time.You work only one hourWhen I created SmartAdMob I had fast integration in mind. I've worked on writing and perfecting it over 137 hours, so you don't have to.You can go through the course in less than an hour and after that you can add AdMob ads to your projects in about 20 minutes max. Time saved for youfor more important stuff!My backgroundIn the past 6 years I have built a five figure brand / app empire: Rebeloper. Ive been selling source codes on all the app marketplaces. Ive been building simple apps for clients for $199 and huge games for $25.000. My team and I have been building a consistent, strong brand for Rebeloper. (You can read about our values on our site) Most importantly, we have tested a plethora of monetisation systems. Weve tried everything that we could think of. From ads to content marketing, from In-app purchases to posting on Instagram; you name it we most probably have tried and tested it. This is how we managed to survive and now its time to give back to the community.Its time to show it all to you.Its time for you to not make all the mistakes we made.Its time for you to learn from our 100.000+ hours combined experience.Want to start making money with apps today? Read onWhy should you enroll into this course?The thing that no-one is talking about is how to make money with apps. There are aton of tutorials and courses on coding and design, but there is a huge shortage on courses about how to actually make money with your apps. I have decided to come out and create a series of courses that explores, discusses and teaches you how to actually make money with apps. I call them the How to make money with apps series.Who am I?I have been a professional iOS developer for more than 6 years now. Ive experienced the highs and lows of the industry. Now its time to share my knowledge with you and other likeminded appreneurs just like you.About this courseThis course is part of a series on how to make money with apps. It teaches you one way to earn money through advertising. The ad network of our choice is AdMob. You will learn how to integrate AdMob into your projects so your app may show ads the very next day. That is fine and all, but here are the top threereasons why this course is for you:with SmartAdMob you'll be able to show ads with only one line of codethe projects are written in Swift and always updatedyou'll be able to show ads in a SpriteKit game tooMost people are stuck when trying to figure out how to make some money with their apps. One of the easiest ways to do it is through ads in their apps. I will cover all the steps needed from signing up for an AdMob account to showing all the ad types supported by AdMob.Best support in the marketplaceI answer to all questions within 24 hours or less. If you are stuck or just have a simple question I'm here for you.Its your turn to build a sustainable app business: Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Make an App Extremely Viral - Facebook App Invites" |
"Finally, You'll Have a Step-By-Step Plan For TurningYOURAPPInto...ANEXTREMELYVIRALMACHINE(HINT: It looks something like this...)User downloads your app -> Suggests it to his friends -> Friends download your app -> They suggest your app to their friends -> ... it never stopsOrdinary app developersjust don't get it...There was a time when having an app published on the App Storewas enough, but today (if you actually want to generate free, targeted traffic to download your app) you need to do more.So how do you do it?How do you do you build a ""machine"" that turns yourexisting app usersinto advocates that market, share and actually make your app viral?Fortunately, that's exactly what you're about to learn...FACT: App Businesses Need Viral Apps to Generate Substantial RevenueI'm not going to sell you on the importance of why an app needs to be viral.If you're here, you already know it's an essential aspect of any appbusinessstrategy, because when your app is viral:It drives constantdownloads...It leverages its users by making them marketers for your app (for free!)...It enables you to focus on making better apps rather than agonise on your marketing...In other words,a viral app delivers downloads, leads and customers for free: The lifeblood of any business.So that's why appbusinesses need apps that go viral.There's just one problem: Most so-called ""app business gurus"" don't know what they're doing.Thats where you come in.What You'll Learn In This CourseWhy you should definitely build your apps with being viral first in mindHow to set up your Facebook App to enable App InvitesHow to implement App Invites into your app (astep by step guide!)This course isan eyeopener. It simplifieswhat was previously a complex and confusing web of tactics into a clear set of actionable strategies. With Facebook App Invites your app vill get that boost it has been longing for.Now with Swift ANDObjective-C example projects!Make your app viral today! Enrol now!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Add Facebook Login to Your App- SpriteKit, Swift, iOS" |
"An easy to follow, step-by-step guide about how to quickly add Facebook Login to your iOSapp or game in Swift.Finally, You'll Have aPlan For Making Your App Truly Social.If you're looking for a course that covers setting up and adding Facebook Login into your UIKit apps AND SpriteKit games...... than this course is perfect for you.FACT: 70% of your app users would rather log in with their Facebook account than to provide you with their email. The Facebook SDK in Swift enables people to sign into your app with Facebook Login.But implementing it into your app can be a quite hard and time consuming. That's why this course was born.I will take you by the hand and show you everything you need to know to add Facebook Login within an hour.Leverage the Power of Facebook LoginEnabling Facebook Login in your apps will boost user retention with at least 160%There's just one problem: Most so-called ""app developers"" on YouTube or around the web don't know what they're doing. Thats where this ExecutionPlancomes in. We will guide you through what works and what doesn't. We will show you the exact steps you need to make in order to integrate Facebook Login in your UIKit app and your SpriteKit game.Step-By-Step Walkthroughs of EverythingWell never tell you to go hire a developer or go do it in a SpriteKit game on your own. Instead, we walk you through the entire process soyou know exactly what to doand you feel confident implementing every step of this highly effectiveprocess.You will get two example projects: a UIKit one and a SpriteKit one (because we all know everything is a bit harder in SpriteKit)What You'll Learn In This CourseWhy you should definitely build your apps with social loginHow to set up your Facebook App to enable Facebook LoginHow to implement Facebook Logininto yourUIKit app (astep by step guide!)How to implement Facebook Logininto yourSpriteKit game(astep by step guide!)Make your app social today! Enrolnow!"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate ASO Guide - App Store Optimization in iOS 11" |
"I have a fewquestions for you about ASO...Are You Just Winging It?, Improvising?, Practicing hope and pray marketing?Or do you have a clear-cut plan to grow your business?If you are winging it, dont feel bad...youre not alone. For the better part of my career, thats what I did, too. But as my business expanded and moved into more and more markets, winging it just didnt cut it anymore.So I Did Something Most Business Owners Only Dream Of DoingI assembled my entire team and I had them carefully systemize each and every aspect of their job.For example:My marketing manager created the list of tips and tricks.My traffic manager crafted advanced ASO plans which includeBlack Hat ASO tricks too.My editorial manager put together an ASO Growth Hacker Guide.Heres a quick look at the course plans that are already waiting for you...Localize your metadataRepeat Your Keyword Phrases That Reactivates and Re-Engages Dead and Neglected users (which means more opens, more clicks and MORE TRAFFIC for you!) Target Competitors App Names That Bumps Conversions Make your app exclusive with the power of A/B Testing everything Apple Search Ads This is an efficient and easy way to help people discover your app on the App Store for iPhone and iPad Black Hat ASO Tricks called The Apps Gone Free Hack: Schedule the Free Dates, Collect Email Addresses, Search Boost Campaign... and thats just to name a few!Become an ASO Specialist Today!Enroll the course and be part of the Rebeloper learning community!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Virtual Reality Game Development Course" |
"Interested in creating VR games with Unity but dont know where to start? In this course well put together a simple game and cover the building process in Unity for all the main VR platforms (mobile and desktop VR):Google Cardboard (Android and iOS)Gear VROculusHTC Vive / OpenVR-compatible headsets (standing experience only)Two complete projects are included in thisone of a kind online curriculum:Flying platform experienceNight with mosquitos experienceBy the end of this course you'll have an understanding of what is involved in building VR games for Unity. Also, you'll be familiar with some performance and optimization techniques.Course author Pablo Farias Navarro is a game developer and founder of ZENVA, where he has taught game development to +250,000 students and authored +50 courses. As part of his work in game development education, Pablo was invited to join the Intel Software Innovator Program, and has run game programming workshops in San Francisco, Brisbane and Bangalore. Pablo has been making games since 1996 and has been obsessed with VR since he saw The Matrix."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Course: 2020 JavaScript Essentials From Scratch" |
"*** Learn real lifeJavaScript to help you get a job as a front end developer! ***""[E]ven not being an English native, it is very easy to understand and I don't feel lost in what he's doing and explaining. I recommend."" Marlon K.Interested in learning the #1 programming language in the world?Are you sick and tired of unhelpful articles, YouTube videos that don't teach you anything new and can't find a course that ACTUALLY teaches you JavaScript?Or do you struggle with applying JavaScript to real world projects?If you answered YES to any of those then this course is FOR YOU....So what's in this course?This is a complete rewrite of the original JavaScript course I created years ago and goes beyond what all other JavaScript courses on Udemy are willing to teach you.I will take you from JavaScript novice to JavaScript ninja. You will learn how to write JavaScript, and you'll gain transferable skills that you can take to PHP, Node.js, Python and many more programming languages... all of this with one purpose: to give you real-world useful programming skills to help you get a job as a developer!Join me as I go through programming fundamentals and how they're applied in JavaScript. I explain everything along the way (and in great detail), PLUS you get to practise what you've learned in 3 projects!Here you will learn more than ""how"" JavaScript works, but you'll also learn the ""why"" it works. Additionally, you'll learn about the softer side of being a developer, such as dealing with imposter syndrome.To achieve the goal of becoming a front end web developer, we'll go through the theory with real world practice and projects, followed by a final exam. Becoming a full developer means writing andknowing JavaScript, inside and out. That's what's going to happen in this course!This course isn't just about writing code. It's about becoming a real world developer. And I share my secrets of success in this industry. Between writing code, the code examples, 3 projects, a final exam, and learning about the soft skills you'll be completely prepared to apply for a front end web development job.And if that's not enough, I share 5 life hacks for earning a living as a junior JavaScript developer that you can apply throughout your entire career. (you DON'T need to wait a year before getting a job!).By the end of this course, you'll be a a confident JavaScript developer because you'll be able to write, read, debug and fully understand JavaScript: the most common and popularprogramming language in the world....Here is exactly what you'll learn in this course: JavaScript and programming fundamentals such as variables, comparisons, programming logic, data types, if/else statemenets, functions, objects, arrays, try/catch statements, classes and more. Everything you need to know to get a job as a front end web developer. What you should learn after this course and why you might not want to listen to other developers when they give you ""certain advice"" (hint: there's a lot of bad advice in Facebook groups) How to make your webpages interactive using JavaScript. More advanced JavaScript topics such as closures, hoisting, inheritance, self-invoking functions and anonymous functions. Introduction to ES6 with arrow pointers, const, let and proper classes. How to earn a respectable living WHILE you learn to code. People say it takes a year or two of being broke before you can pay your bills: they're absolutely WRONG. Developers often face problems such as imposter syndrome. You'll learn how to deal with that....This course isn't for everybody but this course is a perfect fit for you if... You want to learn JavaScript. You want to become a web developer by writingJavaScript. You want to change careers. You want to learning programming concepts that work for Python, Java, PHP or Node.js....Now it's your turn to decide if this course is for you. This is what you get: Lifetime access to my HD videos. No monthly subscriptions. Learn JavaScript at your own pace. Downloadable code examples. Practice coding with 3 projects! A final exam to test your memory. A certificate of completion, stamped by Udemy! Access on mobile, TV, tablet or computer!This is a HUGE offering and I've built this course from the ground up after listening to hundreds of developers talk about what they want to learn.If this sounds good to you, click the green ""Buy Now"" button and join me and hundreds of others in the only JavaScript course you'll ever need as we progress through the world of JavaScript."
Price: 199.99

"Create a PHP Login and Registration System From Scratch 2020" |
"This course will teach you how to create a full login, logout and user registration system for your website. You'll learn about PHP, MySQL, JavaScript (jQuery and Ajax), and Git (using GitHub).Learn how to create a website login and registration system using PHP, JavaScript, Ajax, JSON and MySQL. This course will show you everything you need to know to make a full login-logout system with a user registration bonus.This is a fast paces course, but you'll a lot of advanced concepts that a typical ""build a login system"" course won't teach you.You'll learn MORE than justhow to make a login system.This course includes topics on:How to use JavaScript and jQuery to create an Ajax request to register and login users.Create a login and user registration system from scratch using PHP and MySQLAll the code is on GitHub for you to view at any time (the real code and it's history).Downloadable code after each lesson.Lessons on security and password protection.How to create members-only pages.How to create Classes from basic functions.Secure database connections using PDO instead of MySQLi (PDOis the OOP way, and is considered ""better"").What to build next on your own.You'll learn how to code a full login system, with registration, logout and member-only access pages.Almost every website on the planet has a login system. It's about time yours does too. The best part about creating your own login system (and taking this course) is the skill you'll gain: you'll be able to put a login system into EVERY website you design in your future. It's very easyonce you learn how to do it -- and that's why you're here: to learn how to code your own login system from scratch.I look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Get a Job As a Web Developer: A Step-by-Step Guide" |
"**Updated for 2019**I've updated this course to be more updated as technologies have changed over the last couple of years. The old course (based on Frontend Web Developer) is still available as a bonus module at the end (there's tonnes of great knowledge in the old course).This course now includes the secret way to get a job interview without submitting a resume. It's not really a ""secret"" it's just a technique that nobody talks about until now. It'll change the way you look for a job as a web developer! ------------------------------*** If you're interested in becoming a web developer, this course IS for you! ***This course is the result of a web development job study I did and I ended up getting 12 interviews in 12 weeks. Yes, I'm serious. Of those 12, most of them offered me a job and in the end I was able to pick which company I wanted to work for. The goal was to learn what skills companies are actually looking for, and I found those... and much much more. I found a formula for getting interviews quickly. I even had The City (that I live in) interview me. Twice! Update: I'll teach you how to bypass submitting a resume to strangers, and how to get an interview with your dream company.This course goes over everything I did, in a simple step-by-step guide. You'll learn:The secret way senior developers get job offers so quicklyThe hidden coding tool all developers use, but nobody talks aboutHow to stop blindly submitting resumes and get a real interviewHow to work your way into your dream companyHow to find what skills are ACTUALLY in demand in your cityHow to filter the noise and bad advice in Facebook groupsThe REAL truth about crazy job postings with insane qualificationsThe REAL skills you need to get a job as a web developer (hint: it's not necessarily coding)If you REALLY need a GitHub account and a portfolio websiteHow to NOT get stuck on small things (hint: stop being a perfectionist, it's holding you back)How to find companies that are hiring in your cityWhy remote jobs are NOT as awesome as people think (this is a common trap people fall into)How to apply for your first jobHow to manage your first interviewHow to manage your nervousness in interviewsHow to get TONNES of interviews. I got 12 interviews in 12 weeks.How to negotiate your salary and how to deal with the dreaded ""how much money do you want?"" questionWhat companies are REALLY looking for (hint: it's not what you think)Can't get any interviews? There's a lesson on how to climb out of that holeSoft skills vs. technical skills -- which should you focus on?How to get a job by making friendsWhat to do once you land your first web development jobThis course is action-orientated. If you are willing to do the work, this course WILL work for you and get you a job soon. All the techniques I'm teaching in this course I have actually used. There's no smoke or magic, and I'm not preaching without experience.You will learn about some nasty truths about getting an interview in any industry and how to handle them. Don't get discouraged when somebody doesn't call you back. But most importantly, you'll learn the secret to always having a job in web development. Actually, it's not a secret, it's just something nobody openly talks about. If you're serious about getting a job as web developer then this course is definitely for you."
Price: 199.99

"Build Responsive Real World Websites with CSS3 v2.0" |
"You can launch a new career in web development by simply learning HTML and CSS. You don't need a university degree or any paid software, everything can be learned for free with free software and a few hours of your time. This course also comes with my full CSS Masterclass e-book, as an added bonus!This entire course is designed to take you from a beginner to a CSS expert in order to prepare you for a job as a web developer. Don't limit yourself with those terrible site-builder tools. They are cool tools, but ultimately the limit your creativity. By learning CSS you'll be able to unleash your creativity!THIS COURSE COMES WITH:Over 170 lessonsOver 140 tasks (found at the end of each lesson)My CSS Masterclass e-book that has interactive code examplesOver 25 self contained modules so you can skip around if you likeDirect access to me through the Q&A sectionUnlimited 24/7 Access through the website, the app, your phone or even your TVA certificate of completionAccess to my Developer Support Group where you can ask me questions directlyQuizzes at the end of each moduleThis course does not assume any prior knowledge in CSS, but it's also broken up into small section that allow you to skip around (so you don't have to watch everything you already know about).I've taught over 225,000 students on Udemy, so you know you can trust me and what I'm going to teach you. Here's what some people have said about my other courses:""This course is worth doing it like what i call baby steps ... i did the course again and practice a lot i sometime refer to some video if i struggle well done""""very clear explanation how things example with alot of examples. Very good!""""absolutely love this course! Perfect! You can't go wrong with this Udemy Instructor.""""Great info. I think it breaks a lot of the myth of what you should and need to know to get a job doing front end development. A++""""It was a good experience. This course was excellent for me as beginner. Now, I am looking to create my first website. Thank you Mr. Kalob Taulien.""Are you looking for the best way to learn how to build beautiful websites with CSS3? What about websites that look even better on your phone?Do you want to learn everything in one course? (no upgrades, no up-selling .. just me and you, a bunch of code and some great projects)Have you taken other CSS courses but didn't actually learn how to build beautiful and responsive websites? Or did they teach you things that you can't apply in real life?If your answer is a big YES... Then this is exactly the course you are looking for! This is the one-stop-shop for all your CSS learning needs!This course is very hands on. Over 140 lessons have tasks at the end of them so you can gain immediate experience with everything new you've learned. YOU'RE GOING TO LEARN AMAZING ADVANCED CSS3 SUCH AS:TransitionsGradientsTransformations Animations FlexboxResponsive Web DesignCSS Transitions:You'll learn how to slowly animate website components using transitions. Like when you put your mouse over a link and it slowly changes color (instead of being instant.. it looks like a fading effect!)Gradients:No Photoshop required! We'll learn how to master gradients from scratch. It's a lot easier than you think and adds a nice visual aspect to your websites!Transformations:You'll learn about 2D and 3D transformations. Like making an element bigger but keeping it's height and width proportional. Rotating elements has never been easier! Change the perspective on an element adds a nice angle to your elements, and can make your text look like the intro to Star Wars. Animations:CSS3 animations let you create full CSS-only animations (no JavaScript required). You can do more than just change sizes or colors... you can turn your website into an app-like website with cool animations. And we'll go over each animation property one-by-one with lots of practice in between. By the end of the animations module, you'll be an animation PRO!Flexbox:Flexbox is probably the most important CSS3 property. It lets you set an element's base size and allow it to grow or shrink depending on other content. You can vertically align content without tables or CSS ""hacks"". It makes responsive web design SO EASY. You can re-arrange your HTML elements without writing any HTML (pure css!) With transitions, you can make a VERY nice website. You'll get real life practice with flexbox AND how you can make a website responsive (there's a project based on creating a Flexbox layout!)Responsive Web Design (RWD):Learn exactly how we make a website ""responsive"", which really just means ""the website transforms when you view it on a phone or a laptop"". We'll dive into Responsive Web Design, media queries, and get hands on practice creating our own responsive website!"
Price: 199.99

"Getting Started with Ruby on Rails" |
"This course covers all you need to get started with building Web applications with Ruby on Rails. It takes you from basic material on the best practices that are embedded into the Rails framework, through to advanced material on developing real time applications with Rails.The course contains screen casts and practical examples. We show you how to get coding right away using Nitrous - a cloud based development environment. So there is no need to spend time on the tedious business of installing tools on your own machine.I am not a full-time teacher. My courses are informed by extensive real-world application development both in industry and academia. So I teach you what works in practice, and by following this course you will benefit from my 35 years' experience in a wide range of software engineering projects."
Price: 19.99

"Using Wireless Speedlights in Adventure & Nature Photography" |
"Are you passionate about your landscape and outdoorphotography but unhappy with your photography results because the photos dont look like you hoped for?Do you have any idea WHY they dont look like you wanted?If you are like me youve been out in the field photographing some amazing scenery or action adventure only to return to your office with disappointing results and then wonder what needs to change? It could be the exposure, composition or one of the biggest reasons photos fail:lihting!The anser just migt be that you need that special sauce added to your photos! What If I could show you some techniques that take your outdoor and nature photography from ho hum to wow, and at no risk to you, wouldnt you want to know about it? I have been photographing for over 30 years and many times I did not get the results I wanted. I would photograph then analyze the photography trying to figure out why the photographs didnt look as cool as they did when I was in the field. Often the problem was lighting so I tried software like HDR and others, but soon realized that HDR was limited and that software does not really create quality light. It was so disappointing! Then one day I decided to incorporate a pretty simple technique of adding light to some of my scenes and what I learned was, in many cases the results were more dramatic outdoor and nature photography. So, I began to experiment by adding light to many of my outdoor subjects and during this time I developed some techniques that allow me to show my subjects the way that I envisioned in the first place. I also learned that flash is not just for photographing people indoors. Flash can create amazing lighting effects for outdoor scenes and subjects. What you need is someone to show you how to get creative with your lighting by not solely relying on mother nature to provide perfect outdoor light. By giving me a chance, I will show you today how to take control of lighting and create the images you envision so by tomorrow your photographs will look better and more dramatic. In this course, I will show you: The tools of the trade from flashes to mounting devices How flash light works with outdoor light and lighting fundamentals How to make your subject stand out How to photograph wildflowers in the field with added drama How to add light to landscapes photographs How to photograph outdoor portraits with multiple flash How to light a camping scene How to create dramatic action sports photographs like mountain biking or rafting using multiple wireless flashes. How to get creative with light like Light Painting and spotlighting techniques. I will show you all this right now so by the next time you photograph you will be looking at better photography in simple and complex photo setups Please understand this course is not for you if you only watch one video and never apply what you learned with your photography. This course is for people who love to photograph and want to apply the techniques demonstrated in this course. Yes, while you can certainly watch YouTube videos and read blogs here and there and probably learn something, you can get this course right now packed full of examples and information, and all for a very low price. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Whos the Instructor? There are many courses on how to be an amazing photographer, but how many are taught by true professionals who have a career and worked as a photographer? I was formally trained at Brooks Institute in the 1980s and have worked every day since. I have been published in countless magazines (youve no doubtheard of), calendars,outdoor product manufacturers, and had my outdoor images used thousands of times.I have taught photo workshops across the USA and Middle East. Founded two stock photo agencies, and sold thousands of stock photos. I love to teach and want to insure you succeed and love photography like I do. You can trust me to teach you photography!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Take your photography to the next level!The mission of this course is to show you techniques you may not have been aware of and apply those techniques for more dramatic photographs. Are you ready to discover simple and easy-to-follow strategies for creating beautiful photographs that I have used for 30 years in my professional business?Want to learn more about this course?Click to watch the video above.Enroll today! JustclickTake This Coursenow so you can get started right away!And you can review this course for FREE!Did you also know that if you dont like the course, you can get a 100% refund, meaning there is NO RISK TO YOU!"
Price: 34.99

"Ultimate Guide to Landscape and Nature Photography" |
"2020 Updates: 2 new videos on travel photographyDo you love the outdoors, landscape, nature, and travel photography? If so, you are in the right place. Welcome to The Ultimate Guide to Landscape and Nature Photography. In this course jam packed with p[hotography tips, you will learn the key ingredients to creating amazing landscape and nature photos. You will learn about the gear best suited for landscape photography, how to obtain a perfect exposure, how to develop your Eye to see striking compositions, and how to see the light. Join me as I share 35 years of landscape photography experience from across America. Well look at how to photograph mountains, rivers, the desert, sunsets and sunrises, forests, all four seasons, and much, much more. In this course you will learn: Everything you need to know regarding photography equipment for landscape photography How to master exposure settings How to creatively use Depth of FieldVisual strategies for stunning compositions Finding the best light for a subject How to make the image pop with processing And effective assignments for you to practice and expand your learningWhy learn from me? I will share the same techniques I used to create landscape photographs that have appeared in over 500 calendars, hundreds of magazines, advertisements, web uses, books, and more. I have photographed in every state in the lower 48 of the U.S. and will demonstrate the necessary techniques to create stunning photographs. I will show you how I created quality photography that resulted in being published in National Geographic, Outside, Sports Illustrated, Backpacker, Snow Country, Outdoor Photographer, and many more. Wait, theres more.. Also included, are multiple lectures all captured while photographing in the wild. They are called Field Trips and are designed to demonstrate important techniques included in the course lectures. Ill take you with me as I explore and employ a variety of approaches for creating beautiful photographs while in the field. There are Bonus lectures as well. Having traveled the entire U.S. photographing, I certainly have my share of favorite places and that is what these bonus lectures are all about. I will show you not only the photographs I captured but where to find those locations and in many cases, including the directions to get there and/or GPS coordinates. In some cases, other information is included such as when to go, the best time of day, and even technical details will be included. Are you ready to create stunning nature photography? Then join me in this online adventure and in no time, you will gain a better understanding of how to create great landscape photographs. The mission of this course is to stop letting the camera control you by providing you the knowledge that shows you how to take control of the camera. Are you ready to discover simple and easy-to-follow strategies for creating beautiful photographs that I have used for 30 years in my professional business? Want to learn more about this course? Click to watch the video above.Enroll today! Just click Take This Course now so you can get started right away! And you can review this course for FREE! And in case you did not know, there is a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee, meaning there is NO RISK TO YOU!__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Whos the Instructor?There are many courses on how to be an amazing photographer, but how many are taught by true professionals who have a career and worked as a photographer?I was formally trained at Brooks Institute in the 1980s and have worked every day since. I have been published in countless magazines (youve no doubt heard of), calendars, outdoor product manufacturers, and had my outdoor images used thousands of times. I have taught photo workshops across the USA and the Middle East. Founded two stock photo agencies, and sold thousands of stock photos. I have taught over 30,000 photography enthusiasts including photo workshops across the USA and the Middle East. Founded two stock photo agencies, and sold thousands of stock photos. I love to teach and want to ensure you succeed and love photography as I do. You can trust me to teach you photography!___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read what they are saying:I am an amateur photographer and have been taking landscape photographs during hiking trips for the past 7 years. Coming into this course, I had a basic understanding of landscape photography but relied much of the time on intuition rather than a technique to compose and frame my photos. Sometimes this worked well, other times, less so. This course really helped to give me a much more solid foundation in landscape photography. In particular, it gave me a fresh awareness of how to look at a beautiful scene and identify various ways to capture that beauty in a photograph. Charlie Borland presents each topic in an easy to understand, practical way that I found engaging and easy to follow. The course is comprehensive and well structured and the topics are well thought out and to the point. Charlie's been a landscape photographer for a long time and that came through in his presentations. No hype, just good information, and inspiration. No course can ever cover everything, but I'm glad I chose this course as my first photography course with Udemy. It's re-ignited my interest in photography and helped me to think about where I might go next. Thank you, Charlie!-David R.I've taken a number of Borland's classes, so when I saw he was offering a class in Landscape and Nature Photography, I signed up. His classes are always very clear and concise. He has a knack for making complex topics understandable. And all his classes always are full of his beautiful pictures. This class is no exception. It is packed with critical information that is crucial for the beginning photographer to understand but also an important review for the more experienced and knowledgeable photographer. This is a class that every photographer starting out should take.......Fran Gallogly...5 starsCharlie is always 5 stars!Dick Ryerson....5 starsCharlie is a good instructor.Todd Reeb....5 stars"
Price: 59.99

"iOS7 Programming: Fast Start!" |
"In this Fast Start course we'll look at some of the new features of iOS 7 and Xcode 5. In less than 2.5 hours, you'll get up to speed and get a bird's eye view in what lies under the hood in Apple's biggest iOS update in 7 years! The iOS 7 update makes significant changes to the look and feel of apps running on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices. As a developer, you need to be prepared for these changes. In this course, we assume you are already familiar with iOS development: we will only cover the most important changes and new features of the iOS 7 version of the operating system. There are a total of 14 videos and each session will have a small quiz and assignment at the end of it. Source code, examples and power points for reference are provided for reference. Section 1 - In the first session we'll cover the changes that have been made to the look and feel of iOS, along with a discussion of why these changes were made. We'll also take a high level view of the topics covered in the remaining three sessions. Section 2 - Will cover Airdrop, a new API that allows file sharing between iOS devices. We'll also take a look at some of the changes made to the multitasking APIs. Section 3 - This will be all about SpriteKit, an exciting new API that simplifies game development using a native 2D graphics engine. We'll also look at some of the changes in the GameKit framework as well as Game Controller integration with apps and devices. Section 4 - In the final session we'll look at changes made to the Camera APIs: the ability to scan barcodes as well as the capability to shoot 60 FPS video at 720p resolution. A topic wise overview - Section 1 - An Introduction Introduction - Welcome - Where to get Xcode 5 and iOS 7 - Benefits of joining the Apple Developer network User Interface changes - What has been changed - Why have these changes been made (why buttons don't look like buttons anymore, etc...) Overview of what's new in the API (What will be covered in the four weeks) - Airdrop and Multitasking - Core Motion and Core Location - Sprite Kit, Game Center and Game Controller + Hello World Demo Section 2 - Airdrop and Multitasking - What is Airdrop? - Sharing files with airdrop - Changes to the multitasking API - Demos Section 3 - Spritekit, Game Center, Game Controller - Integrating with Game Center - Using Game Controllers - Spritekit Introduction - simple sprites, sprite motion, collision, and a mention of physics bodies is about all we'll be able to cover, due to time. - Demo: A simple spritekit app Section 4 - Camera updates - video at 60 FPS / 720p ...Demo: detecting best video capture rate and frame size - scanning barcodes ...Demo: setting up barcode detection and decoding barcodes"
Price: 34.99

"Learn C and C++ Bootcamp for Beginners" |
"This course is an introduction to the C andC++ programming language.The C programming language has spurred many language developments since its invention by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970s. Many modern programming languages owe their syntax to C.C is still a very popular programming language after over 40 years.C++ is based on C, but extends the language with features such as function templates, namespaces, and (of course) classes.In this course, we'll explore the C and C++programming language.We'll start with data types of C, then quickly dispel the mystery (and fright) that surrounds C's most powerful element, the pointer. Understanding pointers first allows us to grasp the underlying nature of arrays and structs, parameters passed by reference, and many other things hidden by other languages but exposed in C.Then we will move to streams inC++, which simplify input and output a great deal.Here's a brieflist of what you'll learn:C Topics :Data types and operatorsPointers and arraysCommand line argumentsDecisions and loopsFunctionsStructuresThe stack vs. the heap, and dynamic allocationC++ Topics :Primitive data types and variablesHow to create and use namespacesBasic I/O in C++ using streamsFile input and output using streamsFunction templates - a look at writing generic codeClasses and objectsConstructors and DestructorsInheritance (Single and Multiple)If you've been thinking about learning C andC++, then this course is a good first step."
Price: 194.99

"Programmers 8 in 1 Bundle" |
"This course covers all leading programming languages, starting with C, C++,Java, JavaScript,Python, PHP, Ruby andSwift2You are meant to watch 1 hour per day for 14 days. This is a commitment you must set aside before you start this course.We will start withC and C++programming language.We'll start with data types of C, then quickly dispel the mystery (and fright) that surrounds C's most powerful element, the pointer. Understanding pointers first allows us to grasp the underlying nature of arrays and structs, parameters passed by reference, and many other things hidden by other languages but exposed in C.Then we will move to streams inC++, which simplify input and output a great deal.Then we will start with PHP where we will cover basic syntax, variables, loops and decision constructs. Then we will learnobject oriented features along with string functions. After this we will move to arrays then after understand howREQUEST, GET, and POST works with server variables. Next will be how to connect to MySQL database.JavaScript is a programming language that can be run by all modern web browsers. It is downloaded alongside the HTML code of a webpage. Unlike HTML, which can only be used to display content, JavaScript allows web designers to add functionality and interactivity to their websites.We will begin the Python sectionby installing the Python 3 interpreter. We will look at how to run the interpreter in the command line, as well as how to execute our Python source files.After that, we will learn about how to manipulate some basic data types. We will learn about how use Python to do simple arithmetic. Then, we will learn about working with words and characters, using a data type known as the ""string"". We will also cover the Boolean type, which is a representation of True and False inside of a programming language.In Ruby section we will learn how to run Ruby interactively at the command prompt. Then understand variable,constant, variables, methods, classes and control structures. We will also cover attribute specifiers, then learn implementing inheritance and how method access in Ruby works.Next section covers version 2 of the Swift language. Swift is a powerful language used to develop applications for iPhone, iPad, and OS X. In this course, youll learn about Xcode 7 (Apples integrated development environment), and learn to write short programs in Swift, which will prepare you to start learning to develop full applications for Macs and Apples mobile devices.I hopeyoull join us for this exciting course."
Price: 194.99

"Advanced Cold Email Selling" |
"How I generate over $100K every single month with zero audience and zero ad budgetHi, my names Mike Hardenbook. For the past 3 years Ive made a healthy living driving traffic to my own products and banking big.You may have seen my products and interviews on sites like FOX, INC. and Forbes. And after working with dozens of startups and helping eager newcomers to their income goals, one thing is crystal clear to meCreating a predictable system for sales is the missing link for thousands of ambitious entrepreneurs online.Its what holds people back from getting the profits they need to run a crazy-successful business...So thats why its important for me to share everything I know hereNothing is cheaper, faster, or easier than cold email.Cold email is the perfect marketing strategy for small businesses and solopreneurs on a budget - You don't have to risk an ad budget upfront, setup ad campaigns, watch them like a hawk, and hope for ROI. Cold email will transform your business with the least risk. Ive taken the same fundamentals I teach my clients and have transferred them into a simple step-by-step system anyone can apply to their business.Proven strategy to convert sales on a tiny budget or zero budgetWorks for 99% of products in the business-to-business space.Anyone can learn, no coding or rocket science needed.Skip expensive traffic generation. Jump straight to sales conversions.Most people just waste time and money on blogging, social media, and crossing their fingers paid ads have ROI.With cold email it's possible to tap into an unlimited amount of targeted leads in places that refresh monthly (without a big budget or lot's of risk). Not only is it possible to target your customers, but it'svery possibleto build alead generation systemthat creates reliable results.Find thousands of leads every monthAutomate the entire leads system (for little to no-cost)Target your competitors customers and turn them into your prospects for free.The irresistible Thank You Formula"" for writing emails.When you do cold email ""The Right Way"" people thank you for emailing them. It's very possible to learn exactly how to be a welcomed guest in people's inboxes with proven techniques. Then how to turn those new relationships into quick sales. Think about what email could do for you...generate sales, grow your list, recruit affiliates, form partnerships, and secure investor money, to name just a few. Writing emails that have people thanking you is very LEARNABLE.Expect 50% to 70% open rates when you get the ""insider eye"" on these methods.No need to invent the wheel by using templates, follow-ups, and email scripts to automate your results.Automate your entire email process to save time + scale.Do you need to send all these emails one by one? Of course not. Over the years I've gone from sending each and every email from my gmail.... to automating it all with a VERY simple tech setupIf you're like me, you're hustling ""on"" your business, you have no time to spend ""in"" your business. This system makes that possible.Look over my shoulder at the exact tech setup I used to drive 1.2M in 12 monthsSend at scale with complete compliance. There is right and a wrong way to use automation, I make it super simple.Access to the little-known automation tactics I've gathered over the past 4 years.How I used cold email to build 4 businesses, makeover $2M in sales,andpartner with a foreign government.Business #1: Growth Hacker TVIn 2012 we decided to be the first platform dedicated to learning about growth hacking. And the best way to do that was leveraging the knowledge of others. Did I have a network to tap into? NO. So I rolled up my sleeves and started emailing.Email Strategy: Business Development, Influencer Marketing, Strategic Partnerships, Affiliate RecruitmentOver 180 Of the Worlds Top Growth Hackers BookedBuilt a List of 20K+ SubscribersOver Total 4k Paid MembersBusiness #2: Dental DestinationsIn 2007 I was cutting my teeth on business. I set out to start an international dental network to allow patients access to safe and deeply discounted dental care in Costa Rica, Panama, and Mexico. I set out to build a network of dentists starting from scratch with cold email.Email Strategy: Business Development, Strategic Partnerships, Press Releases.Over 40 Offices in 4 Countries EnrolledSecured Investor Funding (yes with a cold email)Saved Patients Over 600k in Treatment CostsPartnership with the Government of Costa RicaBusiness #3: KnowledgelyIn 2010 I wanted to take all that I learned marketing my company Dental Destinations and give other small businesses access to all that knowledge. But I also wanted to make it really special by recruiting rockstar instructors to contribute their knowledge.Email Strategy:Business Development, Influencer Marketing, Strategic Partnerships, Affiliate Recruitment, Press Release.8 courses launched in just 10 months on platformFeatured on TechCrunch UniversityOver 250k in Sales in First Two YearsBusiness #4: Growth GeeksIn 2014 our user base on Growth Hacker TV was begging for done-for-you marketing services. So we set out to build an on-demand marketplace of freelance marketers. Email Strategy:Direct Sales, Fundraising, Business Development, Strategic Partnerships, Affiliate Recruitment, Press Release.Over 1000 freelancers enrolled to our marketplaceAdmitted to the Famous Techstars AcceleratorOver 1.2M in Sales in 12 months."
Price: 194.99

"Adobe Lightroom for Beginners" |
"Learn theEssential Lightroom Methods and Toolsto Organize, Select, Edit and Output your Photos usingAdobe Lightroom with this Fast Track Course for Beginners by Ken Schultz (Creator ofEasyDSLR Digital Photography Course for BeginnersandEasyDSLR Digital Photography Course: Advanced).Discover theKey Tools and Techniquesto rapidly improve your Photos as well as Organize and Output your Masterpieces! Ken focuses on the 20% of Tools and Tips you need that make the 80% Difference to your shots for an efficient and effective workflow.Join me in thisFast Trackto dramatically improving your Photos withAdobe Lightroom."
Price: 34.99

"Storytelling y pitch para negocios" |
"No importa cual sea tu preparacin profesional una de las habilidades mas importantes con las que debes contar es saber vender efectivamente tu trabajo. Este curso es un compendio de experiencias pitcheando proyectos para gobierno, levantando capital privado, en eventos nacionales e internacionales as como incubadoras y aceleradoras de negocios.Veremos temas como:Planeacin /Diseo efectivo /Comenzar fuerte /Credibilidad /Identificar tu audiencia /I.D.O.A.R.R.T /Storytelling /Presentacin comercial /Pitch /Lenguaje corporal y oral /Improvisacin. Imparte Gerardo Garca, CEO Akinaba Games, fundadorde Fat Panda Games y socio de Qualium, actual maestrante en innovacin de negocios. Con experiencia constante presentando proyectos comerciales y realizando pitches en las principales capitales de Mxico,Estados Unidos y Japn presentando proyectos multimedia.Capacitado ya a mas de 10 generaciones de estudiantes y grupos corporativos como Ryvadeneira y Asociados, Megamedia entre otros."
Price: 570.00

"Planeacin y produccin de videojuegos" |
"En este curso el estudiante aprender una metodologa funcional de diseo de juegos, as como temas relacionados a la conformacin de un equipo independiente de desarrollo. Se ver no solamente la creacin de ideas o conceptos creativos en la realizacin de juegos, sino en general tipos de juegos y consumidores, as como herramientas necesarias para llevar a cabo esos proyectos. Veremos ejemplos reales de juegos de FatPanda Games, as como los errores y aciertos que cometimos en cada uno. Analizaremos los videojuegos como negocio yal final del curso el alumno estar listo para desarrollar su Game Design Document y comenzar un proyecto de videojuego."
Price: 720.00

"How to Make Your Own Children's Interactive eBook!" |
"Have you ever wondered how those awesome interactive books and apps for the iPad and Kindle are made? Or even better, have you ever wanted to get a story or an idea you've had into an eBook format, but have absolutely no clue of where to start?!Well, have I got news for you! I can show you how you can create a simple children's interactive ebook in as little as a week, or even a weekend! We can even show you how to get your eBooks on the Apple, or Google App store!Imagine that you canpublishan eBook for the iPad that can read aloud"", and has a Drag and Drop game, or even has a coloring book! All of this is possible without having to write a single line of code!In this short course, we can show you that bringing your eBook idea to a reality is possible, even if you've never published a physical, or digital book before!When it comes to children's eBooks, some of the best interactive, or Enhanced eBooks are put out by large companies like Disney, Sesame Street, or Mattel. We teach you how you can get the same level of interactivity, and without breaking the bank!So, SIGNUP for our course, and let us show you how to get your stories from out of your head, and into an eBook for the iPads & Kindles of the world!About 2 years ago, I was watching my little girl reading along and playing games with an eBook on the Kindle. With all of the sounds and animations, it reminded me of the interactive CD-Roms I used to create in the 90sandhow cool would it be to make eBooks for my daughter!So, I wondered, what software were they using to create these eBooks & apps, and could I learn and teach it? After months of searching, and some trial and error, I came up with a way tomake my own interactive eBooksbut, it was far more complicated than I wanted. Theproblem was it involved several programs, as well as writing and tweaking code.Then I found it,an eBook publishing solutionthat handled EVERYTHING, andI didn't have to write a single line of code!This software does all the heavy lifting on the back-end, and leaves your mind free to create your masterpiece!Actually, this software is so simple,I can even teach you the basics in just over 30 minutes!"
Price: 94.99

"How to Animate to Music using Toon Boom Harmony" |
"Have you ever wondered how you could animate your favorite character or motion graphic to music?Have you ever been curious about how animated music videos are done?Last, but not least, if you've ever wanted to know how to use the same animation software that shows like The Simpson's, Bob's Burgers, or even Disney uses, look no further.In this course, How to Animate to Music using Toon Boom Harmony, you will learn how simple it can be to animate to a beat! I'll not only show you how to animate to music, but I'll be showing you how you can do this in the award winning animation software, Toon Boom Harmony.My name is Tony Ross and Im the owner and creator of tonyteach*com, and I have over 2 decades of experience teaching digital animation, and my Toon Boom tutorials have been showcased on O'Reilly, Toon Boom, and Lyndacom.In this course, Ill show you tips and tricks, like comparing beats per minute to frames per second, as well as how to animate a simple dancing character moving to the beat.Lastly will put together a short clip, animating a bandNow, in a music video, there are certain things you can fake, or hide when animating, or even filming a band. But if the drummer is hitting cymbals, when the music is calling for drums, the illusion is lostIll show you how to get the drums animated correctly, and on beat!If this is your first time working with Toon Boom Harmony, or even if youre using a program like flash or adobe animate, these timing and music tips and techniques can still be applied.What's in the course???Animating to Music using Toon Boom HarmonyStep-by-Step HD video training covering:Beats per Minute & Frames per SecondCreating a Cycle based on BPMImporting our characterStop motion vs motion keyframesBouncing to the beatCreating a dance cyclearm movementAdding the head movementOffsetting secondary motionsSetting key posesLip-syncing a songTips for animating a guitar playerTips for animating a drummerand much more!Covers ALL 3 versions of Toon Boom Harmony (Essentials, Advanced, Premium)"
Price: 99.99

"How to Work for Yourself" |
"Join expert Judy Helm Wright on her online course as she walks you through the steps of adding extra income to your bank account. As a student, you will be guided through ten lectures devoted to different ways you can earn extra money, whether it's with travel, working online, or doing arts and crafts and selling your products. And, as a special thank you to our readers and students, everyone who enrolls in the ""How To Make Fast Cash"" Udemy course will get all the content from Judy's newest book of the same title at no extra cost! Top Three Ways to Earn Money This Weekend1. Sell stuff on Craigslist, eBay, Etsy or your online classified listing It is amazing what people are looking for and are willing to buy. You bought it once, and so will they. Look around your house and office and spend a few minutes taking a photo and write a compelling review listing all the features, benefits and reasons for selling. This week, I sold a camera that I hated because I couldnt figure it out, a long dress coat that I had bought at a thrift shop, and a teapot that once belonged to a relative. BingoI made $187. I am comfortable having people coming to my home, but my friend Tee always has people meet her in the Costco parking lot. We both ask for cash.2. Sell at craft and art shows In order to make a profit from a handmade or wholesale product the markup is four times what it cost you to produce. If you buy a bunch of earrings online for $1.00 then you have to sell them for at least $4.00 to cover costs and make a profit. Many new entrepreneurs forget to figure in their time. If you make jewelry while you are watching a movie, you can figure a lower hourly wage. If what you are doing is labor and time intensive, you should be figuring a salary to cover your costs. My friend Kay loves to take photos, and she has them printed on cardstock and sells them as cards, singly or in a package. She buys the envelopes wholesale and can usually sell $300 to $400 worth in a heavily trafficked art show. She also sells them online but figures in the cost of mailing and time to go to post office etc. It is getting competitive to get into art shows and craft venues, so plan ahead and have your products ready to go.PS: Stand up and greet every person with a smile. You want them to buy your products as a gift, so give them the gift of being proud of your product.3. Do services for others I am going to go into greater detail about the many ways you can profit from doing something you like to do that others dont. Most people take it for granted if they are handy, organized, good cooks, know how to clean a house, wash windows, plan a party, clean a garage, detail a car etc. Trust me, not everyone knows how to do those things, and would be willing pay to have you perform your service for their benefit. My nephew has a small pickup and advertised Have Muscles & Truck-Will Help You Move. He worked during the week, but could usually pick up a couple of hundred dollars on a Saturday helping people move from one house to another. He even sub-contracted with his girlfriends to help people pack for a fee.See Solutions Where Others See Problems What could you and your family do to bring in an additional $200 this weekend? Brainstorm some ideas, set an intention and get to work. We all have choices and those who are happiest in life are those who choose to be pro-active and go after their goals."
Price: 49.99
