"Vietnamese Idioms & Phrases" |
"Recent Testimonials:""I am a 28 year old Vietnamese born in America, with parents from Southern Vietnam region. I've lived my life with an OK ability to converse and a good amount of vocab, but I never learned it properly. Unfortunately, there's very few resources for learning English-> Viet Southern Dialect, since the Northern/Hanoi dialect is the official preference and more relevant for business. Since there were very few resources for improving Southern dialect, I mostly gave up on developing my own Vietnamese. So I was very happy to see a course specifically aimed for Southern dialect on Udemy! After completing this course, I am really pleased with the quality of the lessons. Greg is comprehensive, thorough and attuned to the tonal nuances of the language.So if you're like me, a Viet Kieu with a desire to improve, this is an excellent course and I highly recommend it."" - Kim T""Although I have not completed the course yet,I have already benefited greatly from Greg's insight of the Vietnamese language."" - Gerald Morton""I've taken lessons from several Vietnamese teachers andthis one is my favorite by far!""- Tiffany Bennet""Love the building-blocks approach.""- Tony LuvonneIn Vietnamese Idioms & Phrasesyou will learn colloquial and very natural phrases to use when visiting the country on vacation or while living in Vietnam as an expat.All of the phrases in the course are useful from the moment you step foot in Vietnam and will be understood by the locals as they are phrases and idioms that are used everyday by native Vietnamese speakers.In the course you will learn:1. Phrases to meet and greet locals2. Idioms to express various thoughts, ideas, and feelings3. Traditional sayings and proverbs4. Phrases to help you get around the country5. Phrases to help get you out of troublesome situations that sometimes arise6. Phrases to generally communicate effectively while visiting or living in VietnamI have helped hundreds of students like you improve their Vietnamese by using the same methods I used when first beginning to study the language over ten years ago.If you are serious about learning Vietnamese or just want to have some useful phrases ready for your brief visit to the country (and be able to pronounce them correctly), Vietnamese Phrases & Idioms will help you achieve your learning goals.See you in the course!"
Price: 194.99

"Real Estate Strategies of the Wealthy" |
"Recent Testimonials:""Great course!Instructor breaks the Probate process down step by step in an easy to follow format. No fluff, instructional and offers the fundamentals. Enough information to take massive action!"" - Ronnie Hok""I thought it was great!I had great sound quality on my home speakers and very understandable on instruction. I'm putting my plan into action next Monday!"" - Angela Y McLoud""Great info! Great course!I can't wait to get the courthouse!"" - Andre Vitalis""Very good, basic information for beginners.The course is very thorough on the topic. I liked that marketing letters were included and motivation was given to use them consistently. The pep talk was appreciated!"" - TRIn Real Estate Strategies of the Wealthy you will learn:1. How the wealthy invest in real estate2. How the wealthy save thousands of dollarsper year through their real estate investments3. How to get started in real estate with little or nomoney4. How to analyze properties to recognize a good deal5. Why real estate is perhaps the best way for the average person to build wealth6. Why some people lose money in real estate and how to avoid itReal estate is perhaps the oldest form of investing, but it is one that will never go out of style.There will always be people who need housing, therefore values of real property will always increase over time. It doesn't take a genius level IQ to make money, and even get rich, in real estate if you apply the basic principles that you will learn in this course.Join Real Estate Strategies of the Wealthy, and start building your fortune!"
Price: 194.99

"How to Get a Job Teaching Abroad" |
"In this course your will learn:1. How begin looking for a high quality job teaching in a foreign country2. How to successfully apply for an English teaching or other international school job3. How to identify the best international schools and English language centers around the world to work for4. How to avoid getting hired by a low quality school5. How to negotiate a high salary with good benefits6. How to choose which country to work in7. The amazing benefits of teaching abroad!It's no secret that teachers can feel underappreciated, underpaid, and overworked. This is largely the case throughout the western world. However, perhaps the best kept secret among those of us teaching at international schools is that, it doesn't have to be this way!Whether teaching English as a foreign language or working on a full-time contract with a top flight international school, teachers get paid much higher salaries and wages, receive excellent benefits, and get to enjoy living in an exotic or interesting place.Teaching abroad is an exhilarating experience that will change your life. And the great thing about it is, you canactually receive the level of pay that all of us hard working teaching professionals deserve.In this course, How to Get a Job Teaching Abroad, I will teach you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW to get hired with a high salary teaching in a foreign country."
Price: 194.99

"Learn to Play Chess Like Bobby Fischer" |
"In this course we will go through and analyze Bobby Fischer's famous ""Game of the Century"" in order to learn:1. How to analyze simple and complicated chess positions2. How to make a long term strategic plan3. How to recognize tactical opportunities to gain material4. How to think like a top chessGrandmaster5. How small mistakes lead to a weak position6. Much more!By analyzing one of the most amazing chess performances of the last century, we can reveal deep insights of the game. These insights will allow us to improve all aspects of our chess game so that we can become strong all around players, rather than just excelling at one or two aspects of chess.By taking this course and applying its lessons, you are guaranteed to become a better chess player as you observe the moves and the ideasbehind them fromfrom one of the greatest players of all time!"
Price: 194.99

"Investing Strategies of the Wealthy" |
"Famous author and real estate investor Robert Kiyosaki talks about what the wealthy teach their kids that the poor do not.There is a large segment of society that has been taught that studying money and finance is bad or somehow makes you greedy.This very unfortunate for those who are taught to think this way because we all need money to survive in the modern world.In this course, you will learn how the wealthy think about money and investing.We will cover specific examples of how they make very safe low-risk investments that have a very high probability of success, as well as how they avoid losing money.One of the reasons investing seems so complicated to most people is because all of the ""talking heads"" on TV make it seem like some sort of mystery by using complicated finance vocabulary that most people never learn.In this course, I will explain things in a way that is very clear and easy for anyone to understand.You will learn:1. How the wealthy think about money and investing2. How to choose safe investments3. How to identify risky investments4. How to build a successful stock portfolio5. How to invest successfully in real estate6. How to use the tax code to save money and increase wealth7. How to avoidgetting scammed by con artists selling get rich quick schemes8. How to build wealth over time with little riskWarren Buffett has said that it's pretty easy to become ""well-to-do"" slowly, but it's very difficult to get rich quick.In this course, I will teach you how to invest no matter how much money you have starting out, or even if you have no money at all.Most people don't become financially independent due to lack of financial education, not because it's impossible for the average person.I will show you how Iwas able to quit my job and live off of my investments, and anybody else with a strong desire to be financially free can do the same!"
Price: 194.99

"Study Skills for the Student and Lifelong Learner" |
"As a master teacher and lover of education, I have spent many years in the classroom as both a teacher and student. What we educators have learned through experience as well as a large amount of empirical research is that there are study skills and strategies that make all the difference between being an average and an excellent student.Perhaps more importantly, improving as a student through the use of these strategies will make you ENJOY THE LEARNING PROCESSMORE while achieving better results.In this course YOU WILL LEARN:1. How to identify your specific learning style or styles2. How to increase your GPA through proven study strategies and tactics3. How to increase your test scores through proven study strategies and tactics4. How to enjoy school more so that you will become a lifelong learner while achieving high scores and grades5. Learn any subject faster6. Remember what you've learned longer7. Enjoy the learning process much more (we enjoy what we're good at!)8. How to apply these skills to life in general to help make you a happier, more fulfilled person!Don't wait to take advantage of this opportunity to improve your life by improving your study skills!"
Price: 194.99

"Eastern Philosophy: From Buddha to Gandhi" |
"Recent Testimonials:""Hope he comes out with a longer, more detailed one. This is awesome."" - Vilde Sjotveit""The content is very informative and interesting."" - Kim Tuyen Huynh""I love this stuff. It's so applicable to everyday life!"" - Steven JohnsonI have studied Eastern Philosophy and religious traditions my entire adult life and have found them to be very useful and applicable in the modern world.For literally hundreds of thousands of years, human beings have been confronted with the problems of survival, raising children, developing relationships, and overcoming endless obstacles on a daily basis.The greatest thinkers of the past have much to teach us about how to deal with these problems psychologically and emotionally. In many cases, they have given us very specific examples and teach us how to apply these strategies to our everyday lives.Eastern Philosophy can help you:1. Reduce stress2. Reduce worry3. Live a more fulfilled life4. Be happier5. Accomplish your goals more easily6. Overcome life's challenges more easily7. Improve your relationships8. The list goes on...In this course we will cover all of the above and look at how you can apply the teachings of some of the greatest minds in history to your everyday life.See you in the course!"
Price: 194.99

"Western Philosophy: From Renaissance to Enlightenment" |
"Western Philosophy has a rich tradition of wisdom and clear thinking about ideas related to Justice, Consciousness, Freedom, the Nature of Existence and more.In this course, you will learn what some of the greatest thinkers in history discovered about life and the nature of happiness including insights and realizations of:1. Leonardo da Vinci2. Francis Bacon3. William Shakespeare4. Thomas Hobbes5. Michel de Montaigne6. Petrarch7. John Locke8. Voltaire9. Spinoza10. Benjamin Franklin11. Mary Wollstonecraft12. David Hume13. Kant14. Jean Jacques Rousseau15. Adam Smith16. And MoreThe modern world and Western society have largely been shaped by the ideas of these individuals and their contemporaries.In this course, you will learn how they contributed to modern thought and how you can apply their powerful ideas to lead a more fulfilling, happier, and enriched life."
Price: 194.99

"Chess: Learn to Play the Sicilian Defense" |
"THE SICILIAN DEFENSEhas long been one of the most popular chess openings played at all levels. And for good reason, it's a very fun opening to play while also being extremely effective.In this course, you will learn how to play the Sicilian Defense with both the black and white pieces, including:1. Must know tactics2. Must know positions3. Key defensive moves to avoid checkmate4. Key attacking patterns to crush your opponent's king5. The Yugoslav Attack6. The Keres Attack7. The English Attack8. The Adams Attack9. The Closed Sicilian10. The Dragon11. The Najdorf12. The Scheveningen13. Much moreUnderstanding the opening phase of the game of chess is fundamental to becoming a strong player and will help you tremendously in blitz chess as the first several moves of the game can gain you a huge advantage and need to be made quickly in order to save time on the clock.Once you finish this course and apply what you learn, you will be a relative expert at the Sicilian Defense and easily defeat most players that will not be as familiar with its many variations and intricacies. of this very effective opening.LEARN TO PLAY THE SICILIAN DEFENSE, and drastically improve your overall chess performance!"
Price: 194.99

"Vietnamese Slang and Colloquial Southern Speech" |
"Recent Testimonials:""I am a 28 year old Vietnamese born in America, with parents from Southern Vietnam region. I've lived my life with an OK ability to converse and a good amount of vocab, but I never learned it properly. Unfortunately, there's very few resources for learning English-> Viet Southern Dialect, since the Northern/Hanoi dialect is the official preference and more relevant for business. Since there were very few resources for improving Southern dialect, I mostly gave up on developing my own Vietnamese. So I was very happy to see a course specifically aimed for Southern dialect on Udemy! After completing this course, I am really pleased with the quality of the lessons. Greg is comprehensive, thorough and attuned to the tonal nuances of the language.So if you're like me, a Viet Kieu with a desire to improve, this is an excellent course and I highly recommend it."" - Kim T""Although I have not completed the course yet,I have already benefited greatly from Greg's insight of the Vietnamese language."" - Gerald Morton""I've taken lessons from several Vietnamese teachers andthis one is my favorite by far!""- Tiffany Bennet""Love the building-blocks approach.""- Tony LuvonneOnce beginning to study, Vietnamese Language Learners (VLL) quickly discover that there are two dialects of Vietnamese: Northern and Southern.While most language teachers will tell you that the Northern dialect is ""correct"" or ""standard"" and that the Southern dialect is ""wrong"", this would be news to the MAJORITY of Vietnamese speakers in Vietnam who mostly live in the South in major cities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho, Nha Trang, Dong Nai, Da Nang and others.The truth is, although Vietnamese people from all parts of the country understand each other, it makes sense for aVLLs to study in the dialect that they will be using in the place in which they live.Unfortunately, almost ALL Vietnamese language textbooks and materials use the Northern so-called ""standard"" Vietnamese, which makes it very difficult for someone living in Ho Chi Minh City (AKA Saigon) to learn the language to fluency.In this course, YOU WILL LEARN:1. VIETNAMESE SLANG2. VIETNAMESE COLLOQUIAL SPEECH WITH A SOUTHERN ACCENT3. COMMON PHRASES USED EVERY DAY4. NATURAL SPEECH FOR IMMEDIATE USE5. HOW TO UNDERSTAND SOUTHERN VIETNAMESE6. HOW TO PERFECT YOUR PRONUNCIATION7. HOW TO SMOOTHLY AND CORRECTLY SAY THE TONES8. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE SKILLS QUICKLYI have been studying the Vietnamese Language for over 10 years and have helped hundreds of expats become fluent because I had to learn from scratch while living in Saigon and understand the difficulties of learning Vietnamese, especially with a SOUTHERN ACCENT.I also have a Teaching Certificate, Master's Degree of Education, and many years of professional language teaching experience.If you are serious about learning Vietnamese and are either planning a trip to the southern part of Vietnam or even planning to move here permanently:THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU."
Price: 194.99

"Eastern Philosophy: From Confucius to Yogananda" |
"I have studied Eastern Philosophy and religious traditions my entire adult life and have found them to be veryuseful and applicable in the modern world.For literally hundreds of thousands of years, human beings have been confronted with the problems of survival, raising children, developing relationships, andovercoming endless obstacles on a daily basis.The greatest thinkers of the past have much to teach usabout how to deal with these problems psychologically and emotionally. In many cases, they have given usvery specific examplesand teach us how to apply these strategies to our everyday lives.Eastern Philosophy can help you:1. Reduce stress2. Reduce worry3. Live a more fulfilled life4. Be happier5. Accomplish your goals more easily6. Overcome life's challenges more easily7. Improve your relationships8. The list goes on...In this course we will cover all of the above and look at how you can apply the teachings of some of the greatest minds in history to your everyday life.See you in the course!"
Price: 194.99

"Business Management: Motivating Workers" |
"Business Management is a broad term that covers a wide range of business activities. It's also a skill that is essentialfor a small or large organization to thrive.Many small business owners believe that by simply starting a company and perhaps having some skills in sales &marketing and the like, success is virtually guaranteed.But nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is, Business Management is a skill that needs to be learned through training and practice, just like any other skill.In this course, you will learn:1. What motivates people to work (and therefore how to increase their motivation)2. The managementtheories of Taylor, Herzberg, and Maslow3. How to use financial incentives to increase motivation4. How to use non-financial incentives to increase motivation5. How to manage your staff to increase job satisfaction, financial results, and improve the overall environment of the workplaceNo matter what type of business you manage, this course will help you improve it's results. The course is based on proven management theories and practices that are taught in top business schools throughout the United States as well as on my many years of experience in the business world."
Price: 194.99

"Business Management: Recruitment, Selection and Training" |
"Business Management is a skill that can be applied across any profession and even used in your personal life as we all have to manage people at one time or another (managing children, employees or even friends!).But in Business, Business Management is a skill that can make or break a company and also lead to enormous long term success for those that take it seriously.In this course, you will learn some of the most important business management skills:how to recruit, select and train employees.Understanding these core business management topics will go a long way to improving your business results and ultimately boost profits as management theory is increasingly upgrading the importanceof hiring and training highly skilled people in effective organizations.Simply put, the serious business person simply cannot afford not to be an excellent manager. And the most important aspect of managing people is to recruit and train the best that you can find. And that is what this course is all about!Do yourself and your business a favor and upgrade your management skills with this course on how to effectively recruit, select, and train top performers for your team!"
Price: 194.99

"Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Nimzo-Indian Like a Master" |
"TheNimzo-Indian Defenseis a powerful weapon used as black as a response to 1. d4.This chessopening, first made popular by the legendary Grandmaster Aron Nimzowitsch, has been used by players of all levels for decades andis still a favorite of the top chess Grandmastersin the world due to its very effective results.By playing aggressively against white's choice of 1.d4 as an opening move, black puts white on the defensive immediately and has many ways to play for a win.In this course, you will learn:1. The principles that make this opening so effective for black2. The specific moves toplay for a great position no matter what your opponent does3. The powerful Rubenstein System4. The super effectiveKasparov Variation5. TheSaemisch Variation6. The f3 Variation7. Much MoreJoin the courseand add the Nimzo-Indian Defense to your arsenal of chess weapons!"
Price: 194.99

"How to Become a Successful ESL Entrepreneur Abroad" |
"I have been involved with the English as a Second Language (ESL) business for over ten years in Vietnam. Throughout that time I have taught ESL, built up and sold a successful ESL business, and been involved with advising others to do the same, also with tremendous success.In this course, I'm going to teach you everything that I have learned throughout the years in this business so that you too can learn how to become a successful ESL entrepreneur abroad.In this course, you will learn:1. How to get started in the ESL business2. How to launch your own business from scratch with little or no money3. How to quickly recruit a large number of paying customers4. How to keep customers coming back for more5. How to recruit great ESL teachers that stay for the long haul6. Little known marketing hacks to turbo charge your business7. How to find investors and other partners8. How to sell the business for a large profit9. How to deal with business regulations in developing countries10. How to succeed in all aspects of the ESL business abroadJoin the course and find out how myself and thousands of others have successfully built ESL businesses in countries throughout the world.Whether you have business and teaching experience or not, the opportunity to launch an ESL business is there for anyone with the desire to go out there and make it happen.THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW"
Price: 194.99

"Start an effective daily drawing practice" |
"Drawing is an essential skill in various aspects of life and I am not talking only about art.For example, drawing is done to create art, to create plans, to design websites, to describe concepts, to learn a subject, to express feelings, to communicate effectively, to eliminate day to day stress, to just have fun and the list goes on.Good drawing skill is achievable with just 10 minutes of practice daily. When I tell this to people, first question they have is ""what should I draw?"" If they can't find an answer to this question, they just don't draw anything.So, to answer this question everyday for 30 days, I have created this course. In this course there are 30 lectures and in each lecture, I draw an object and then show you the reference photo I used, for you to draw from. Though most of the drawings are done with pencil on paper, there are a few done with a ball point pen and a few done on an iPad using 5 different drawing apps.After 30 days you'll be able to find subjects for drawing on your own because it is not important ""what"" you draw or how accurate each drawing is but what's important is that you put in the time to practice drawing regularly.If you want to develop a daily drawing practice or just need 30 prompts for drawing, you should join this course. It does not matter if you are a student or a professional or a homemaker or a finance person or a fighter pilot or a school teacher. All you need to have is a desire to draw, draw and draw.Remember that quality of your drawings is directly related to quantity of your drawings.So, enroll in this class and kick start your daily drawing practice."
Price: 59.99

"Master Watercolor Techniques And Paint Stunning Landscapes" |
"*** Last Update: 30 Jan 2019 : 4 Watercolor Landscape Demo Videos added as BONUScontent ***Painting with watercolors is easyif you know the right techniques. It's a unique medium that needs minimal supplies and can produce a wide range of effects on it's own. Every artist paints in a unique way and the goal of this class is to show you the techniques and show you my process of painting. Once you see and practice these techniques, you'll develop your way of painting. There is no right or wrong way.Exploration is the key to progress.In this course, I show you the techniques specific to watercolor painting and then using those techniques show you demonstrations of painting. I start with a simple sketch and show you each and every stroke that I make to take the painting to completion.I'll show you 3 complete watercolor Landscape Demonstrations with audio commentary.What you'll learn:We'll go through all the steps one by one.Overview of supplies:Only the things you'll need to start. I keep this simple.Watercolor techniques:Transparent washes, wet-in-wet, dry brush, glazing and wet over dry.Color mixing:Mixing the required colors and paying more attention to value than color3 Full length demonstrations of painting with my commentary:Watch me paintingover my shoulder and listen to my accompanying commentary.Come, enjoy the adventure!"
Price: 59.99

"Sketchbook Everyday - Fruits in Watercolor" |
"Welcome to the Sketchbook everyday Series of courses. In this first course, you will learn how to draw and paint 8 different fruits using watercolors. My name is Mandar, a fine Artist and a sculptor. I will be leading you through this course.I've designed this course for the artist in you who wants to improve your art but has limited time to practice. Sketchbook is your best place to practice and hone your skills. Its your private space; and your aim here is not to produce a gallery ready painting but to try out new things, have fun and improve your art.In this course we will draw and paint 8 different fruits having different colors and textures. By doing simple sketches like this every day you will learn to draw things in a simplistic manner, understand the light & shade; and gain the confidence to use watercolors more effectively. Painting like this will give you the joy and satisfaction of creating something beautiful every time. Ill show you how to draw an outline of each fruit using a pen, create light & shade using a pencil and then how to paint the entire fruit with a few watercolor strokes. This method of painting gives best results and improves artistic confidence very quickly. This way of practicing is great for people who want to do something creative everyday and also for those who want to pursue art as a career. You will see every line that I draw, every brush stroke that I make and I'll also be talking to you about my process.This course is for you, if you want to improve your art and are willing to spend at least 15 minutes every day, practicing. It doesn't matter if you are a student, a professional, a homemaker or a retired person. No prior art making experience is necessary to take this course. Just having the interest is enough. I look forward to seeing you inside the class."
Price: 59.99

"Sketchbook Everyday - Leaves in Watercolor" |
"Welcome to the Sketchbook everyday Series of courses. In this second course, you will learn howto draw and paint 5 different leaves using watercolors.My name is Mandar, a fine Artist and a sculptor. I will be leading you through this course.I've designed this course for the artist in you who wants to improve your art but has limited time to practice. Sketchbook is your best place to practice and hone your skills. Its your private space; and your aim here is not to produce a gallery ready painting but to try out new things, have fun and improve your art.In this course we will draw and paint 5 different leaves having different colors, shapes and textures. By doing simple sketches like this every day you will learn to draw things in a simplistic manner, understand the light & shade; and gain the confidence to use watercolors more effectively. Painting like this will give you the joy and satisfaction of creating something beautiful every time. Ill show you how to draw an outline of each leaf using a pencil and then how to paint it with watercolors. This simple method of painting gives best results and improves artistic confidence very quickly. This way of practicing is great for people who want to do something creative everyday and also for those who want to pursue art, as a career. As I paint, I'll also be talking to you about my process and you will see every line that I draw and every brush stroke that I make.This course is for you, if you want to improve your art and are willing to spend at least 15 minutes every day, practicing. It doesn't matter if you are a student, a professional, a homemaker or a retired person. No prior art making experience is necessary to take this course. Just having the interest is enough. I look forward to seeing you inside the class."
Price: 59.99

"Sketchbook Everyday - Painting Feathers in Watercolor" |
"Welcome to the Sketchbook everyday Series of courses.In this third course, you will learn how to draw and paint 8 different bird feathers using watercolors.My name is Mandar, a Fine Artist, and a sculptor. I will be leading you through this course.I've designed this course for the artist in you who wants to improve your art but has limited time to practice. Sketchbook is your best place to practice and hone your skills. Its your private space; and your aim here is not to produce a gallery ready painting but to try out new things, have fun and improve your art.In this course, we will draw and paint 8 different feathers having different colors and designs. By doing simple sketches like this every day you will learn to draw things in a simplistic manner, understand the light & shade; and gain the confidence to use watercolors more effectively. Painting like this will give you the joy and satisfaction of creating something beautiful every time.Ill show you how to draw each feather, shade it using a pencil and then how to paint it using different watercolor techniques. This method of painting gives best results and improves artistic confidence very quickly.This way of practicing is great for people who want to do something creative every day and also for those who want to pursue art or illustration as a career. You will see every line that I draw, every brush stroke that I make and I'll also be talking to you about my process.This course is for you if you want to improve your art and are willing to practice art making for at least 15 minutes every day. It doesn't matter if you are a student, a professional, a homemaker or a retired person. No prior art making experience is necessary to take this course. Just having the interest is enough.I look forward to seeing you inside the class!Happy painting!Mandartopics covered: Drawing and sketching, shading, watercolor, painting"
Price: 59.99

"Sketchbook Everyday: Painting Birds in Watercolor" |
"Welcome to the Sketchbook everyday Series of courses.In this fourth course, you will learn how to draw and paint three (a Robin, a Kingfisher and a Paradise Flycatcher) birds using watercolors.My name is Mandar, a Fine Artist, and a sculptor. I will be leading you through this course.I've designed this course for the artist in you who wants to improve your art but has limited time to practice. Sketchbook is your best place to practice and hone your skills. Its your private space; and your aim here is not to produce a gallery ready painting but to try out new things, have fun and improve your art.In this course, we will draw and shade 3 different birds todo complete value studies of the birds and then draw and paint the birds with watercolors. By doing sketches like this every day you will learn to draw things in a simplistic manner, understand the light & shade; and gain the confidence to use watercolors more effectively. Painting like this will give you the joy and satisfaction of creating something beautiful every time.This method of painting gives best results and improves artistic confidence very quickly.This way of practicing is great for people who want to do something creative every day and also for those who want to pursue art or illustration as a career. You will see every line that I draw, every brush stroke that I make and I'll also be talking to you about my process.This series of courses is for you if you want to improve your art and are willing to practice art-making for at least 15 minutes every day. It doesn't matter if you are a student, a professional, a homemaker or a retired person. No prior art making experience is necessary to take this course. Just having the interest is enough.I look forward to seeing you inside this class!Happy painting!Mandar"
Price: 59.99

"Sketchbook Everyday: Painting Flowers in Watercolor" |
"Welcome to the Sketchbook everyday Series of courses.In this fifth course, you will learn how to draw and paint three different flowers (two Daisies, a Poppy and a Bluebellvine flower, ) using watercolors.My name is Mandar, a Fine Artist, and a sculptor. I will be leading you through this course.I've designed this course for the artist in you who wants to improve your art but has limited time to practice. Sketchbook is your best place to practice and hone your skills. Its your private space; and your aim here is not to produce a gallery ready painting but to try out new things, have fun and improve your art.In this course, we will draw and shade 3 different flowers todo complete value studies and then draw and paint the flowers with watercolors. By doing sketches like this every day you will learn to draw things in a simplistic manner, understand the light & shade and gain the confidence to use watercolors more effectively. Painting like this will give you the joy and satisfaction of creating something beautiful every time.This method of painting gives best results and improves artistic confidence very quickly.This way of practicing is great for people who want to do something creative every day and also for those who want to pursue art or illustration as a career. You will see every line that I draw, every brush stroke that I make and I'll also be talking to you about my process.This series of courses is for you if you want to improve your art and are willing to practice art-making for at least 15 minutes every day. It doesn't matter if you are a student, a professional, a homemaker or a retired person. No prior art making experience is necessary to take this course. Just having the interest is enough.I look forward to seeing you inside this class!Happy painting!Mandar"
Price: 59.99

"Ruby On Rails: Understanding Ruby and The Rails Controller" |
"In this course we'll learn how to build apps (web sites) with Ruby on Rails.We'll build this fun little superhero name generator website that will allow us to connect with a third party APIto generate data and images, then we'll learn how to manipulate that on our app.I'll also teach you the Ruby programming language. Most people get Ruby on Rails and Ruby confused, but they're two different things. Rails is a web framework for building apps, Ruby is a programming language...we'll learn both in this course!We'll also really dive into the the Rails controller (the ""C"" in the Rails MVC system).Learning how to work with the Controller gives you all kinds of power over your app to do really cool things.Finally, we'll also learn how to use the hugely popular Bootstrap CSS framework to style our app.Bootstrap is easily the most popular CSSframework in the world, and you'll learn everything you need to use it right here in this course.If you already know a little Ruby on Rails, this course will make you a much stronger developer. If you've never seen or used Rails at all; you'll fit right in too! I take things slow and explain absolutely everything you need to know!See you inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99

"Intro To Ruby For Game Development" |
"Game design and development with the Ruby programming language is great fun...learn how in this course.We'll be using the Gosu library for Ruby to create a simple 2D spaceship game.Follow along and build your own copy!We'll start out by learning Ruby. You don't need any prior knowledge of programming to take this course, we'll start from the beginning and teach you everything you need.After we have a solid understanding of Ruby, we'll move into Game programming using the Ruby Gosu Library. Gosu does most of the heavy lifting for us, allowing us to create games quickly and relatively easily!"
Price: 199.99

"Intro To PHP For Web Development" |
"In this course you'll learn everything you need to know aboutPHPfor Web Development.PHPpowers most of the Internet, and using it is much easier than many other programming languages.PHP is completely free to use, and you'll be up and running building cool web apps in minutes.In this course I'll walk you through the PHPlanguage itself. You'll learn computer programming fundamentals like:-Variables- MathOperators- Comparison Operators- If/Else Statements- Arrays- Loops- Functions- And more!We'll also learn how to set up an online development environment where you can write your code, and learn all about version control using git and github.I'll also show you how to host websites for free on the popular Heroku web hosting platform.PHPis an incredibly useful skill to have, and learning has never been easier!I'll see you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Ruby On Rails: Stock Market App" |
"Ruby on Rails can seem overwhelming at first, but it doesnt have to be! In this course Ill walk you through it step by step and youll be building your first web app in MINUTES. Youll be amazed how quick and easy it is to create very professional looking websites, even if you have no programming or web design experience at all.Watch over my shoulder as I build a cool Stock Market appstep by step right in front of you. Youll follow along and build your own copy. By the time were finished, youll have a solid understanding of Ruby on Rails and how to use it to build awesome web apps.The course contains 42 videos and is just over 3hours long. Watch the videos at your own pace, and post questions along the way if you get stuck. You dont need any special knowledge or software to take this course, though any experience with HTML or CSS is a plus. You dont even need to know the Ruby programming language. Ill walk you through EVERYTHING.Ruby on Rails is a great web development tool and learning it has never been this easy.What We'll Build...We'll build a cool Stock Market app that let's you look up stock quotes and financial information and save it to a database.Users can create an account andsign up to your website, log in, add stocks, check stock prices and all kinds of other cool financial information.We'll style the website using the popular Bootstrap CSSframework (I'll show you how to use it!)Sign up today and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Program an Arduino as a Modbus RS485 Master & Slave" |
"If you work in the Automation Industry, you will know that automation equipment is very expensive. And many a time, especiallyfor small applications, you simply cannot justify the use of very expensive equipment.This is where the Arduino comes in!The Arduino development board allows you to create very simple, but very powerful, Modbus master or slave devices through the use of relatively simple ""C"" programming. With the Arduino, you have full custom control over the program design allowing you to create very lean and very efficient devices for very specific purposes.Put simply, mastering Modbus on the Arduino is going to take your skill level and value in the Automation Industry to a whole new level.That is what this course is going to do. At the end of the course, you will know how to:1. Choose the appropriateArduino hardware.2. Interconnect Arduino hardware with other add-on hardware.3. Write ""C""applications to implement Modbus master and slave functionality.4. Use software and hardware to test each application that you write.All of the programs written in the course are freely downloadable and give you a perfect starting point for further development. At the end of the course, you will have the knowledge to create your own products, your own custom Modbus master and slave hardware.Looking forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99

"A Practical Introduction to the BACnet Protocol" |
"BACnetstands for ""Building Automation and Control Network"".With the issue of energy conservation on the rapid rise around the world, thousands of buildings have monitoring systems in place to measure and maximize energy efficiency. This is done by the effective centralized monitoring andcontrol of systems like Lighting, Security, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and so much more.The BACnet protocol is used heavily to interconnect that type of equipment in buildings so that energy efficiency goals can be achieved. Thousands of buildings in the US, Europe and around the world use BACnet.You should get to know this protocol as it will allow you to expand your expertise and opportunities in the field of Building Automation.There is quite a bit of info on BACnet available on the Internet, but not much showing BACnet communications in a very practical way. And that's what I am going to do in the course.At the end of my course, you are not only going to understand the BACnet theory but Iam going to show you how to use BACnet hardware and software in my usual practical approach."
Price: 34.99

"How to Program an Arduino as a Modbus TCP/IP Client & Server" |
"If you work in the Automation Industry, you will know that automation equipmentis very expensive. And many a time, especiallyfor small applications, you simplycannot justify the useof very expensive equipment.This is where the Arduino comes in!The Arduino development board allows you to create very simple, but very powerful, Modbus clientor server devices through the use of relatively simple ""C"" programming. With the Arduino, you have full custom control over the program design allowing you to create very lean and very efficient devices for very specific purposes.Put simply, mastering Modbus onthe Arduino is going to take your skill level and valuein the Automation Industry to a whole new level.That is what this course is going to do. At the end of the course, you will know how to:1. Choose the appropriateArduino hardware.2. Interconnect Arduino hardware with other add-on hardware.3. Write ""C""applications to implement Modbus master and slave functionality.4. Use software and hardware to test each application that you write.All of the programs written in the courseare freely downloadableand give you a perfect starting point for further development. At the end of the course, you will have theknowledge to create your own products, your own custom Modbus client and serverhardware.Looking forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Write a PLC Program for a Box Sorting System using GRAFCET" |
"Learning how to write PLC Ladder Logic applications frequently involves attending classes which costthousands of US dollars. And the reason you have to spend so much is that you have to pay for the use of a physical PLC (like Allen Bradley, Siemens, Omron, ABB, etc) as well as Plant Equipment.But there is another way!... and you don't have to own a PLC or any equipment, just a Windows laptop with the right software, that's all.In this course, I am going to introduce you to software applications that are able to brilliantly simulate a PLC and plant equipment. The applications work with each other to allow you to write PLC programs, run and test them as if you were using a real PLC with real equipment.Specifically, the course will take you through the analysis of aBox Sorting systemand show you how to use a design method calledGRAFCET,to create your own Ladder Logic application. You will then run and test your ladder logic application on the Box Sorting system to see that it works.Both software application can be downloaded in trial mode and can be used as is to perform the exercises in this course."
Price: 19.99

"How to Program Microsoft Excel as a Modbus Master HMI" |
"If you design and implement projects in the area of Process Automation or SCADA, you will know from your experience that ""one size does not fit all"" when it comes to data acquisition and Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs). There is always some type of customization to be done. Always some feature that the standard HMI software does not offer.And sometimes, using a very expensive HMI with all sorts of bells and whistles for a small project can just be overkill. There are times when you just need a very simple application that acquires a few data points from a Modbus network and displays them on a computer screen.These are the reasons for this course!I teach you how to useMicrosoft Excelto create your own Modbus Master application and Human Machine Interface.If you apply yourself in this course and execute all that I ask you to do, then at the end, you would be essentially be creating an application withall of the superb data analysis capabilities of Microsoft Excel and applying it to Modbus data!This is the start of your journey into a whole new area of Process Automation / SCADA and one that isincreasingly in very high demand!Looking forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99
