"beginner to advanced - how to become a data scientist" |
"So you want to become a data scientist hm? But you do not know how and where to start?If your answer to these question is : Yes that's correct,then you are at the right place!You could not have chosen a better time to introduce yourself to this topic.Data science is the most interesting topic in the world we live in and beside that also highly rewarding. It will shape our future and therefore it's better to act now than regret later.Any kind of machine learning(self driving cars, stock market prediction, image recognition, text analyzing or simply getting insights of huge datasets - it's all part of data science.The jobs of tomorrow - self employed or employed will encounter exploring, analyzing and visualizingdata - it' s simply the ""oil of this century"". And the golden times are yet to come!""From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you aquire some skills in the data science field. Diving into this topic can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!""With this in mind it's totally understandable that smart people likeyou are searching for a way to enter this topic. Most often the biggest problem ishow to find the right way master data science from scratch. And that's what this course is all about.My goal is to show you and easy, interesting and efficient way to start data science from scratch. Even if you have barely started with coding and only know the basics of python, this course will help you to learn all the relevant skills for data science!Together let's learn, explore and applythe corefundamentals in data science for machine learning / deep learning / neural networksand set up the foundation for you future career..Can't wait to start coding with you!Meet me in the first lecture!BestDaniel"
Price: 199.99

"Power BI Masterclass - beginners to advanced" |
"Microsoft Power BI in 6 hours beginners to advancedBusiness Intelligence / Business Analytics is in high demand. Companies are constantly searching for ways to make better and faster decisions. Therefore they rely heavily on data. Data driven decision making is the key to success for any business in the world of tomorrow.Because of that companies are constantly searching for skilled employees and freelancers with the necessary capabilities to help with analyzing data and creating valuable highly profitable insights. This will be the key advantage to succeed in business.MS Power BI is an andvanced yet easy to get started self service business analytics / business intelligence solution provided by Microsoft which is currently in very hot demand. From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you master Power BI. Diving into data & analytics can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!Power BI is also a great tool for datascience too. A lot of data scientists like to use it for visualizing and presenting the findings. Therefore learning to use this tool can also be a valuable skill for datascience jobs.That is why I created this course to help you get started to dive into on of the hottest and best business analytics / business intelligence software currently out there. Starting from scratch we will learn all the relevant PBI basics and also master more advanced concepts step by step. Power BI has a very strong active community and with Microsoft pushing this solution to it's enterprise customers, Power BI has a bright future ahead. And you can be part of this future!There is no coding required! Power BI allows you to do that but it's not necessary.In this guided learning course you will start form zero to hero in 6 hours and you will learn:the ETL capabilities of Microsoft Power BI (""get messy data easily into the right format"")Master simple and very advanced DAX (Power BI language, similar to like excel formulas) calculationsCreate outstanding visualisations and reportsDerive valuable highly profitalbe insightsWhat we learn in this course might also help you later with your Power BI certification exam.You can follow along with the provided learning material in Power BI on your own computer at your own pace. Much better then only reading a book right? Exited? You should be. So how to learn Microsoft Power BI Desktop? Buckle up and meet me in the first lecture starting today!Update: The complete Power BI Masterclass Series on udemy1.Power BI Masterclass - beginners to advanced2.Microsoft Power BI Masterclass - Expand Excellence3.Power BI Masterclass - Data Analysis Deep Dive4.Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI5.Power BI Masterclass - DAX, Excel And More6.Power BI Masterclass - Your future in data analytics7.Power BI Masterclass - Learn Advanced DAX, R and Gateways8.Power BI Masterclass - Python, Finance and advanced DAX9. Power BI Masterclass - How to use CALCULATE in DAXTips and Tricks courses:10. The Power BI Masterclass - Tips and Tricks11. The Power BI Masterclass - Additional Tips and Tricks12. Power BI - Tips for your next data analytics project13. Microsoft Power BI Desktop - simple tips and tricks edition14. Power BI Desktop - Data Prep Challenges The complete Masterclass Series which covers all relevant features in Power BI consists of 13 courses now. This one is the first.The other consecutive classes are available here on udemy. Each course covers additional DAX insights, Power BI features, tips and tricks and best practices in report creation. If you find this course helpful then feel free to check them out as well. You can easily find them by checking out my Instructor profile.best regards and happy learning."
Price: 199.99

"The Easy Information Product Creation System" |
"Information products are the easiest products to create and sell on the internet. Many people want to start writing an eBook or pamphlet but don't know where or how to start. They may be an expert in their field but don't know how to begin writing a book. Or, they know they want to write a book but have no idea of what to write about. By far the hardest part of creating an information productis getting started. How do you get your PDF written? Because, once you have it written the rest is easy. My Easy Information Product Creation System will get you past that ""I dont know what to do or how to start"" sticking point. So that you can get your first pamphlet/report/eBook written and then repeat the process over and over again. If you follow the guidelines, you could be writing your book today and making a nice income. PDFs or eBooks are the set and forget business model. They are digital so there is no inventory. They pay you over and over again without any more work. Thus ensuring yourself of a recurring passive income and a info product empire."
Price: 24.99

"Build Your Sustainable Online Business" |
"To build a sustainable internet business you need a solid foundation. The foundation is the same whether you are selling health related products, internet marketing products or golfing products. The internet successes I know have all used this 5 step process to build their online businesses. Before you even think about generating traffic to your site, you need to make sure that you have a system in place. Once you learn how to set your marketing system up correctly, you can do it over and over in any profitable niche market. You will discover the 5 pillars to online success. You will learn how to set up a squeeze page that converts. You will learn about the different autoresponders and how to use them to set up your squeeze page. You will know what types of products you can give away to get the most opt-ins to your list.You will learn what constitutes an irresistible product. And you will learn about the different traffic strategies both paid and free. And you will see how to monetize your list in the back end and after the squeeze page.And best of all, you will be given homework after each section. Thehomework isdesigned to guide you through the process of creating a solid foundation for your now sustainable business. Do the homework as you go along and you will have the necessary ingredients for success in your online business."
Price: 24.99

"10 Steps To A Healthy Self-Esteem" |
"What do you imagine someone with a healthy self-esteem think, feel, say and do? Do you have people in your life that have a healthy-self-esteem?The fact is that people with healthy self-esteem are those who are comfortable with who they are and can move forward in life even if things dont turn out the way they expected.My name is Sandra Graves, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker and the Host of EnVivoLive a motivational show. Although today I am passionate about motivational speaking, life coaching, helping others and enjoying being a wife and mother;I can assure you that my life wasn't always joy joy happy happy. I was a model who walk the runway with confidence and then went home to cry because she felt ugly, useless,and alone.That is not the case today because I learned to love myself and allow myself to live who I am. Doing so I gain aconfidence that have support my journey toward achieving success andhealthier self-esteem.It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, the fact is that we all have experience unhealthy self-esteem at one point or another and each one of us have the ability to cure ourselves. With my course you will learn the 10 steps you must take to achieving a health self-esteem. This includes some questionnaires to help you move forward faster."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing to Introverts" |
"Increase your understanding of psychological diversity and its impact in business. If youre in business and love hanging out with other people as much as you can, its essential to recognize that not all customers think and feel as you do. Some 25 to 50 percent of the population are introverts, and overlooking this misunderstood category of people in marketing and sales can damage your income and your success. In this groundbreaking 90-minute course, learn about introverts attitudes, behavior, preferences and beliefs as they pertain to buying products and services and carrying on business relationships. Find out which stereotypes of introverts are myths and which correspond to actual tendencies. Discover the implications of introvert leanings for lead generation, face-to-face selling, promotional copy, training, meetings, content marketing and more. Absorb the insights from four in-depth case studies of business professionals who have developed a deep sensitivity to the needs of their introvert clients and colleagues. Just a few of the eye-opening and useful points you'll learn:Why being an introvert is not a deficiency, a disability or a condition that can be ""fixed""Should you go out of your way to welcome both extroverts and introverts? (Surprisingly, that depends...)The ""bigger is better"" bias and how it affects introvertsWhy aggressivefriendliness can backfire with some of your customersThe pauses that help introverts participate fully in interactionsThe importance of trust for introvertsConsequences of relying too heavily on what marketers call ""social proof""Extrovert/introvert differences on privacyAn alternative to pushy marketing and why it succeeds with introvertsAuthor Marcia Yudkin, who has published well over a dozen books on business and communication, estimates that 70-75 percent of her clients over the decades have been introverts. Marketing to Introverts incorporates results of surveys and interviews she has conducted as well as her observations and quotes from experts. After implementing the suggestions in this course, youll experience fewer interpersonal misunderstandings and conflicts. Youll make better connections with a wider swath of people and enjoy more productive business relationships. You may expand your flexibility, empathy and offering options. And the payoff will include more relaxed and satisfied customers who stick with you."
Price: 34.99

"Applied Machine Learning in R" |
"This course offers you practical training in machine learning, using the R program. At the end of the course you will know how to use the most widespread machine learning techniques to make accurate predictions and get valuable insights from your data. All the machine learning procedures are explained live, in detail, on real life data sets. So you will advance fast and be able to apply your knowledge immediately no need for painful trial-and-error to figure out how to implement this or that technique in R. Within a short time you can have a solid expertise in machine learning. Machine learning skills are very valuable if you intent to secure a job like data analyst, data scientist, researcher or even software engineer. So it may be the right time for you to enroll in this course and start building your machine learning competences today! Lets see what you are going to learn here. First of all, we are going to discuss some essential concepts that you must absolutely know before performing machine learning. So well talk about supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques, about the distinctions between prediction and inference, about the regression and classification models and, above all, about the bias-variance trade-off, a crucial issue in machine learning. Next well learn about cross-validation. This is an all-important topic, because in machine learning we must be able to test and validate our model on independent data sets (also called first seen data). So we are going to present the advantages and disadvantages of three cross-validations approaches. After the first two introductory sections, we will get to study the supervised machine learning techniques. Well start with the regression techniques, where the response variable is quantitative. And no, we are not going to stick to the classical OLS regression that you probably know already. We will study sophisticated regression techniques like stepwise regression (forward and backward), penalized regression (ridge and lasso) and partial least squares regression. And of course, well demonstrate all of them in R, using actual data sets. Afterwards well go to the classification techniques, very useful when we have to predict a categorical variable. Here well study the logistic regression (classical and lasso), discriminant analysis (linear and quadratic), nave Bayes technique, K nearest neighbor, support vector machine, decision trees and neural networks. For each technique above, the presentation is structured as follows: * a short, easy to understand theoretical introduction (without complex mathematics) * how to train the predictive model in R * how to test the model to make sure that it does a good prediction job on independent data sets. In the last sections well study two unsupervised machine learning techniques: principal component analysis and cluster analysis. They are powerful data mining techniques that allow you to detect patterns in your data or variables. For each technique, a number of practical exercises are proposed. By doing these exercises youll actually apply in practice what you have learned. This course is your opportunity to become a machine learning expert in a few weeks only! With my video lectures, you will find it very easy to master the major machine learning techniques. Everything is shown live, step by step, so you can replicate any procedure at any time you need it. So click the Enroll button to get instant access to your machine learning course. It will surely provide you with new priceless skills. And, who knows, it could give you a tremendous career boost in the near future. See you inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Vegas Advanced - Animated Planet" |
"Unlock the incredible power you didn't even know was in Vegas! Create, from scratch, this animated ringed planet, using no outside resources whatsoever. That's right, everything you'll see is generated in Vegas itself, and the end result will be a simple .veg file that can be shared and opened by anyone using Vegas Pro. Join Vegas expert David Jimerson as he takes you through the process, step-by step in easy-to-understand lessons!"
Price: 19.99

"After Effects - 35 Expresiones Imprescindibles" |
"AVISO: Este curso es para usuarios con conocimientos intermedio a avanzado de After Effects. No es un curso sobre expresiones y como crearlas desde cero.Este curso es una recopilacin de 35 expresiones que he ido utilizando a travs de los aos y como manipular estas expresiones para conseguir resultados profesionales. Veremos como nos pueden ayudar las expresiones para crear animaciones complejas, animaciones aleatorias e incluso herramientas para mejorar nuestra experiencia en el rea del 3D. Empieza desde ya a trabajar con expresiones como time, wiggle, y linear.Acompaando al curso hay un pdf y documento word donde estan todas las expresiones, preparadas para que sean fciles de modificar, y solo tengas que copiar y pegar.Da un salto de calidad a tus animaciones en nada de tiempo. Aprovecha esta oportunidad de tener al alcance de tu mano las expresiones ms valiosas que he utilizado en toda mi carrera."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Online de Adobe After Effects CS6 e CC" |
"Este curso ir surpreender mesmo o profissional mais experiente.Recomendado para reciclagem do conhecimento ou capacitao em busca de colocao profissional para Publicitrios, Jornalistas, Professores, Blogueiros, Cineastas, Fotgrafos ou Empreendedores.Especialmente desenvolvido por 4 professores e o aluno ainda ganha de presente o curso de cinema 4D.Os alunos iro receber treinamento sobre diversas verses da plataforma o que capacita o mesmo de forma mais ampla para qualquer demanda do mercado de trabalho.Em alguns momentos os professores podem repetir uma temtica com objetivo de apresentar um mesmo assunto sobre uma perspectiva didtica diferente, mas em muitos momentos os professores trazem dicas exclusivas de sua experincia profissional e isso muito enriquecedor para o aprendizado do aluno.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 149.99

"Curso Online de Adobe Illustrator CS6 e CC" |
"Nosso curso de Design Grfico e Ilustrao com Adobe Illustrator foi desenvolvido por 4 professores.Em alguns momentos os professores repetem temticas sobre perspectiva didtica diferente e em muitos momentos trazem dicas exclusivas de suas experincias profissionais, pois todos tem pratica no mercado e como instrutores.Um dos fatores mais intrigantes e positivos sobre esse curso que o mesmo abrange de forma plena diversas verses da plataforma do Adobe Illustrator (CS6 at CC 2018) e o aluno fica mais apto para lidar com a demanda do mercado sobre essa perspectiva.O aluno ir receber certificado ao final do curso.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 149.99

"Get Your Tarot Online Business for Beginners" |
"RECENTLY UPDATED: January 21, 2019Join over 1,240 students who are already benefiting now!Have you already tried to start your own business but haven't seen any results?Have you spent tons of money on other business courses and you areconfused and overwhelmed?Here is a course that is so simple you can set up a full running business in ONE DAY.NO trying to figure out analytic traffic and demographics.Don't bother with monitoring conversions rates or complicated and expensive ads!All you need is the mindset to do your very best. That's it.So, enough with the excuses!This course is super easy to follow and provides you with step bystep instructions on how you can start being a successful tarot business owner.Stop wasting your moneywith businessgurus who tell you complicated tactics that don't work.No more trying to get none buyers to buy.Get totally caught up with the newest and most recent successful online strategies, today!I'm always updating my courses with new information - you will know the newest online business trend that works.Hello my fellow tarot readers and psychics,My name is Jessica Brown and I am so happy to share with you my experience with online tarot business. I am a professional Tarot Reader and Psychic for over 15 years. I once struggled with a very crowded social media along with other desperate people trying to sell. One day, I just said, this is nuts! There has to be a better way to make my money without feeling like I'm one of millions of cattle being herded to one spot all year round.I have successfully broken FREE of that herd after 2 years of starting my tarot business. I wish I've known what I know now. It has been 3 years since then and I've hit financial goals that I thought were impossible.I know what I have for you is so easy you will probably hit yourself across the head for needlessly struggling with trying to get your tarot business off the ground. I know I did.It's ok. Even if you've never tried starting your own business before, never been to any business classes or business coach sessions YOU CAN DO THIS!Start the course now."
Price: 64.99

"Masters' Guide To Tarot Combinations" |
"Course UPDATED: January 11, 2018**Must know some meanings of the Rider Waite tarot cards.**Worried About Your Accuracy?Are You Struggling With Trying to Understand More Than One Card Meanings?Tarot Reading Made Easy....The Hard Work Is Done For You.Never Fear Ruining Someone's Life Because Of A Bad ReadingNo More Second Guessing YourselfYour Clients Will Trust You and Come Back For MoreBe One of The top Tarot Readers Online, NOW!Tap into the most popular asked questions I have received in my 15 years of doing tarot readings.This course provides over 45 popular questions that clients ask me every day!You will have Unlimited Access to this course. Hello. I'm Jessica Brown I have over 15 years experience with tarot and I am an Expert Psychic. I enjoy teaching tarot from a the Rider Waite Deck point of view. Ido my very best to make sure each of my courses are simple but compact with all the value you need to have confidence as a tarot reader.I know when you're about to do a reading the first thing that comes to your mind is, ""Will this be accurate?""Masters' Tarot Combination Course takes you to that next level so that you won't have that feeling of uncertainty anymore.This course will help yougain details in your readings that clients are looking for quickly without feeling frustrated or confused. You will be amazed how learning combinations with help you get see secrets that are hidden that even your clients don't want you to know.Grab this course and have the predictions pretty much done for you with definition and cheat sheets you can print.This course is not for beginners. You must already know some details of each card (Rider Waite)."
Price: 69.99

"How to Get More Buying Clients Using PDF's, Videos & More" |
"Course Updated: 8/12/2017Over 150 Students already enrolled!This course is for beginners who:Just starting out your business for the first time.Never tried using PDF's, E-books, Videos or Audios as a selling tool.Unsure how to get people to your free offer or to a sell.Have difficulty understanding what attracts people to buy.Struggling with making the money you want for your service or products?Are you tired of competing with 5 million other online sells that are basically scamming the crowded market?You don't have to compete with others anymore!No more guessing on how to get your sells up each month!You can have consistent client or customers coming to your website DAILY!Very easy methods that will cost you ZERO but gain you plenty $$This course is super easy to follow and provides you with step bystep instructions on how you can start getting the attention to your service or product deserves.Stop wasting your moneywith businessgurus who tell you complicated tactics that don't work.Get step by step easy instructions that you can use NOW.Get totally caught up with the newest and most recent successful online strategies, today!I'm always updating my courses with new information - you will know the newest online business trend that works.Hello,My name is Jessica Brown and I am so happy to share with you my experience with social media and emails. I have been fortunate enough to figure out how to make sells without competing with the increasingly crowded sell-chasers on social media.I have successfully broken FREE of the frenzy posts and Facebook live sales online after 2 years of starting my own business. I wish I've known what I know now. It has been 3 years since then and I've hit financial goals that I thought were impossible.I know what I have for you is so easy you will probably hit yourself across the head for needlessly struggling with trying to get your onlinebusiness off the ground. I know I did.It's ok. Even if you've never tried making your own PDF's, audio, videos or e-books before ....YOU CAN DO THIS!Start the course now."
Price: 49.99

"How to Get Consistent Clients with Social Media & Emails" |
"Recently Updated: October 21, 2017This course is for beginners who:Never really used social media or emails for their business.Tried posting in social accounts to sell but failed.Not sure how to lead people to sign ups to increase email list.Not sure how to attract buyers from email list.Are you NOT getting results from your Facebook and Twitter posts?Do you work hard to entertain followers and members, but find yourself running out of ways to get a sell?You can get consistent income by using my simple tools to attract people to your website and buy.No begging.No getting stuck with people that are just not buyers.Very easy methods that will cost you ZERO but gain you plenty $$This course is super easy to follow and provides you with step bystep instructions on how you can start being a successful online business owner.Stop wasting your moneywith businessgurus who tell you complicated tactics that don't work.No more trying to get none buyers to buy.Get totally caught up with the newest and most recent successful online strategies, today!I'm always updating my courses with new information - you will know the newest online business trend that works.Hello,My name is Jessica Brown and I am so happy to share with you my experience with social media and emails. I have been fortunate enough to figure out how to make sells without competing with the increasingly crowded sell-chasers on social media.I have successfully broken FREE of the frenzy posts and Facebook live sales online after 2 years of starting my own business. I wish I've known what I know now. It has been 3 years since then and I've hit financial goals that I thought were impossible.I know what I have for you is so easy you will probably hit yourself across the head for needlessly struggling with trying to get your onlinebusiness off the ground. I know I did.It's ok. Even if you've never tried using Facebook or any other social media, never achieved a money making email list, never been to any business classes or business coach sessions YOU CAN DO THIS!Start the course now."
Price: 29.99

"Portrait Drawing The Smart Way" |
"""Portrait Drawing The Smart Way"" is a complete video course on drawing portraits designed for beginner and intermediate artists. The goal of this course is to provide the learner with a rich learning experience through ""easy to digest"" modules consisting of video demonstrations and accompanying ebooks. Designed for beginner and intermediate artists, this course lays the foundation required for success with portrait drawing.Let's face it. Portrait drawing can be intimidating to some. You sit down to draw a representational drawing of a person and something goes horribly wrong along the way. You're not sure what happened, but you know that the drawing you just created just doesn't quite look like the person. Fortunately, this doesn't have to be case. With a bit of knowledge, practice, and few ""secrets"" used by the pros, accurate and realistic portrait drawings can be created by anyone - including you!It doesn't require talent to create amazing, lifelike portraits. It only requires knowledge and practice. This course gives you the knowledge required to create accurate portraits by exploring the ""ins and outs"" of each feature, the underlying structure of the face, how light effects the form of the face, strategies for locating facial proportions, and techniques used by artists and illustrators to ensure accuracy every time.This course has been designed to accelerate learning by teaching to many different learning styles. Not all of us prefer to learn from watching videos. Some of us prefer to learn from books as well as videos. Each course module includes an illustrated ebook that corresponds with the video. Every step and concept is clearly illustrated and described in each downloadable ebook. The ebooks are a fantastic compliment to the comprehensive videos."
Price: 34.99

"Slider Revolution for WordPress" |
"Interested in engaging your WordPress website visitors with slideshows, interactive quizzes and whiteboard videos instead of just showing them images, text, or a video?Then this course is for you!This course will start byshowing you the basics so you can start creating slideshows. Related features of Slider Revolution have been grouped together into short how tovideos to serve as reference videos. Sowhen you ask yourself how to align background photos within your slideshows or how to adjust how the slides look depending on the screen resolution of the device of your website visitors, you can quickly refer to the relevant video and get your Slider Revolutionquestionsanswered.Then you will learn how to take your slideshows to the next level with interactivity and animated whiteboard videos. Ideas such as using Slider Revolutionto create interactive quizzes or for adaptive sales funnelswill be demonstrated so you can get creative and wow your visitors."
Price: 19.99

"Instant harmonica - play Auld Lang Syne the neet (tonight)!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play the wonderful Auld Lang Syne now!There is alecturein this course on learning to play single notes and more on chord playingso you might choose to study those before learning the tune.If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good."
Price: 39.99

"Instant Harmonica - play 'Can't Help Falling in Love' now!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play 'Can't Help Falling in Love'now!Respect and thanks to Elvis and the originatorsfor writingand performingthis amazing song.If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.COPYRIGHT POLICYRespect and thanks to all the artistsfor writingand performingtheseamazing song that you want to learn.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)I quote:""Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.SoAny recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.If you are a copyright holder and feel I have used too much of your work please contact me on benhewlett@me.com or 07973284366 and I will remove whatever you feel is inapropriate without question.."
Price: 39.99

"Instant Harmonica - play the Irish anthem Danny Boy today!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play the wonderful Danny Boy right now!If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say. You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good."
Price: 39.99

"Instant Harmonica - play this classic 8 bar blues tune!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play the blues right now! The song we are using is 'Trouble in Mind'If you have a subject ortune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the Bluesinstantly. No musical experience needed.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good."
Price: 74.99

"Instant Harmonica - play this classic GAME OF THRONES theme!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play GAMEOFTHRONES right now!Respect and thanks to Ramin Djawadi for writingthis amazing song.If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.COPYRIGHT POLICYRespect and thanks to all the artistsfor writingand performingtheseamazing song that you want to learn.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)I quote:""Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.SoAny recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.If you are a copyright holder and feel I have used too much of your work please contact me on benhewlett@me.com or 07973284366 and I will remove whatever you feel is inapropriate without question.."
Price: 39.99

"45 minutes to learn quick and easy blues on harmonica today!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play the wonderful 'Wee Baby Blues' by Big Walter now!There is alecturein this course on learning to play single notes and more on chord playingso you might choose to study those before learning the tune.If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good."
Price: 74.99

"EASY Harmonica - play 'I just called to say I love you' now!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play Stevie Wonder's'I just called to say I love you'now!Respect and thanks to Steviefor writingand performingthis amazing song.If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.COPYRIGHT POLICYRespect and thanks to all the artistsfor writingand performingtheseamazing song that you want to learn.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)I quote:""Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.SoAny recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.If you are a copyright holder and feel I have used too much of your work please contact me on benhewlett@me.com or 07973284366 and I will remove whatever you feel is inapropriate without question.."
Price: 39.99

"The complete 12 Bar Blues HARMONICA course - easy and fun!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play the Blues right now!If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantlyit istaught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good."
Price: 74.99

"HARMONICA mastery - Learning the Basic 12 Bar Blues Bassline" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play the blues bass lineright now!If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good."
Price: 74.99

"Harmonica MASTERCLASS: 27 cool ways to improve your TONE!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play better now by building your tone. Tone is the holy grail of any instrument and we will explore 27ways to improve your tone.If you have a tune or subject that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)(5)Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.Any recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music."
Price: 74.99

"Easy 12 bar blues on harmonica. Learn now, perform tomorrow!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA learn to play BigWalter's famous song now!Respect and thanks go out to Big Walter Horton for creating this beautiful piece.If you have a tune or subject that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)The Library of Congress broadly give the same view.(5)Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.Any recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music."
Price: 74.99

"Learn 9 smart ways to play HARMONICA with a band/duo/group!" |
"Do you want to play with a band? Are you in a band?I had that as a goal early in my career and have enjoyed playing with many bands and groups - probably around 100 different settings!The picture on the course is me playing with Kid Anderson andthe amazing 'Nightcats' - Rick Estrin's band no less. It was just a guest slot but I needed some skills to cope with the pressure!In this course I'll teach you how you can get the confidence to play with a band.You will need to be supportive, be a team player, take the spotlight sometimes and above all have a great time.Money back in 30 days if I'm wrong.If you have a tune or subject that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)The Library of Congress broadly give the same view.(5)Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.Any recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music."
Price: 74.99

"Master the HARMONICA! How to study Sonny Terry's 'Lost John'" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA learn to play Sonny Terry's famous song now! We are going to study parts of Lost John - not all of it, just a small section. We will use fragments ofa lesson from Sonny himself to help figure out what he's doing.Respect and thanks go out to Sonny for creating this beautiful piece.If you have a tune or subject that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)The Library of Congress broadly give the same view.(5)Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.Any recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music."
Price: 39.99

"30 day challenge - learn to play the harmonica in one month!" |
"30 day harmonica challenge.2 minutes a day only.Do one lecture a day (just2 minutes) and a little practice, and you will be playingokafter just one month.I know it sounds bonkers but that's what will happen if you follow the course and do a little practise.Money back in 30 days if I'm wrong.DO NOT take this course if you have already taken the 7day challenge. No videos in this course are used in any other course. However, whilst all the teaching, approach, videos, and scheduling are different, both courses are for beginners so cover the same beginners basics soDO NOT take this course if you have already taken the 7day challenge.Take this course and play the harmonica instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune or techniqueper course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly itistaught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.If you feel any copyright has been infringed please contact me immediately and I will take action to rectify. To the best of my knowledge and belief there are no infringements as set out below.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)The Library of Congress broadly gives the same view.(5)Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.Any recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music."
Price: 74.99
