"Ace Contract Law: How to Answer Questions Effectively" |
"Ace Contract Law: How to Answer Questions Effectively!Whether you are a new student starting Contract Law this year or someone who is just about to sit for your Contract Law examinations, ""The Law Simplified"" course on AcingContractLaw will give you the tools you need to successfully attempt and ace your examinations!Many students who study the Law, find it difficult to understand as to how to apply the theory they've learned into an examination question. This comprehensive course aims to, with examples, showcase how to do the following:Effectively breakdown and analyze a question presented to youStructure your answers in a manner which is cohesive and impressiveUtilize ""Spider Graphs"" to visually decipher which path is most appropriate to take in answering a question in Contract LawThis course has been adapted to suit the needs of LLB students worldwide!Remember, this is not a substitute for thorough learning, but it will be a great resource for students who want to understand how to apply the Law, into real-world problem question scenarios.Features:- A guided series of video lectures showcasing examination techniques in practice- Digestible chunks of knowledge: everything you need to know on each topic, simplified- Downloadable ""spider graphs"" that will give you the bigger picture of the subject- A set of sample questions and answers to provide context and guidance"
Price: 24.99

"Ace Constitutional Law: How to Answer Questions Effectively" |
"Ace Constitutional Law: How to Answer Questions Effectively!Whether you are a new student starting Constitutional Law this year or someone who is just about to sit for your Constitutional Law examinations, ""The Law Simplified"" course on AcingConstitutionalLaw will give you the tools you need to successfully attempt and ace your examinations!Many students who study the Law, find it difficult to understand as to how to apply the theory they've learned into an examination question. This comprehensive course aims to, with examples, showcase how to do the following:Effectively breakdown and analyze a question presented to youStructure your answers in a manner which is cohesive and impressiveUtilize ""Spider Graphs"" to visually decipher which path is most appropriate to take in answering a question in Contract LawThis course has been adapted to suit the needs of LLB students worldwide!Remember, this is not a substitute for thorough learning, but it will be a great resource for students who want to understand how to apply the Law, into real-world problem question scenarios.Features:- A guided series of video lectures showcasing examination techniques in practice- Digestible chunks of knowledge: everything you need to know on each topic, simplified- Downloadable ""spider graphs"" that will give you the bigger picture of the subject- A set of sample questions and answers to provide context and guidance"
Price: 24.99

"Website Traffic Without SEO: 3 Traffic Boosting Case Studies" |
"When you're starting a new online venture, it's a very exciting time. It's easy to feel motivated as you're setting up your site and preparing for the massive growth you're about to have but when it comes to actually getting visitors to your site you feel stuck.You could go the SEO route and spend months working hard to rank your website highly in search engines but what about now?What if you don't want to wait or what if SEO isn't the best plan for your site?Well, you don't have to wait. There are so many strategies you can use to generate targeted traffic to a website. And that's exactly what we focus on in this course so here's how we're going to do that. The key here is to create a strategic and specific plan that is unique to the website you're working on. No one size fits all approach here.So here we look at the exact steps you need to take to create your master traffic plan and then exactly how to implement it so you receive the traffic and income you want from the website. We're going to do this by:determining how to set-up your plan for successthespecific websitetraffic generationstrategies to usewhat strategies work best for different types of sitesTHE CASE STUDIESThen I'm going to walk you step-by-step through the traffic generation process using three real case studies. So here I'm taking 3 brand new sites (no traffic at all) that are all different in nature and I'll let you look over my shoulder as I create each site's unique traffic generation strategy plan. Then once that plan is in place, you can watch asI actually implement the plan and see real traffic results.Here I'll be working on the site's one at a time (as focusing on one is the best for results). As each site grows I will share the results with you along with what's working, what's not and how I plan to scale the site's growth even further. Then we'll continue on to the next case studies.THE RESOURCESAs a part of this course you will also gain instant access to a variety of invaluable resources including:Website Traffic Generation Strategies &ResourceListSpecific search queries for finding new traffic generation opportunitiesList of websites, resources and tools you can useMarketing strategy templatesWebsite Traffic Generation & Revenue Goal Tracking Sheetand lots more in the dedicated documents & resources sectionTHE ACTION STEPS Now, As part of this course I expect for you to not only learn but I expect for you to begin taking action by creating your traffic generation plan as you go through the course and begin implementing it so you will see results. I am active inside this course and I'm available so you can ask questions as you learn, plan and implement. So if you're not sure how to move forward or you get stuck along the way, ask questions and get feedback so you keep the results coming in. You really have no excuse for not seeing results. Now that you know exactly what you can expect from spending your time with me here, let's start taking action together.Come join me now."
Price: 174.99

"Cmo ser un Lder Escolar del Siglo XXI" |
"Cmo dirigir nuestra escuela hacia el xito?Cmo formar equipos docentes de excelencia? Cmo deberan ser las instalaciones de la escuela para favorecer el aprendizaje?En este cursoanalizaremos las mejores prcticas mundiales en el tema de liderazgo escolar y pedaggico, partiendo de literatura cientfica y las investigaciones del Dr. Eduardo Andere, nuestro instructor, y autor de 11 libros sobre educacin comparada. Al terminar este seminario conocers a fondo los principales retos que enfrentan hoy los lderes escolares en el mundo y sabrs cmo responder mejor ante los desafos que imponen tanto las escuelas como los sistemas educativos. Hablaremos sobre la motivacin, el fenmeno del bullying, el desempeo acadmico de los alumnos, la relacin con los padres de familia, entre otros muchos temas que impactan la labor del director de escuela y lder educativo."
Price: 124.99

"Dance Grooves For Men (level 2) -" |
"Hey man,I've created the dance groove (and sexy dance moves) course to teach guys how togroove and get down to slow music. By slow music, I mean R&B tracks and the songs you do dirty dancing moves at the club to.Each dance move is broken down in a systematic, logical way. This means that you won't experience overwhelm or frustration when learning the moves!"
Price: 69.99

"32 Footwork Dance Moves for Parties and Showing Off" |
"This course was created for guys that are looking to take their dance skills up a notch; for guys that are looking to jump inside the dance circle at the next party!The dance moves taught in this program are from the dance styles of Hip Hop, House Dancing, Shuffling, Charleston and C-walking.Each move is broken down into a step-by-step, easy to follow format so you don't get overwhelmed or confused when learning the dance moves."
Price: 64.99

"Party Dance Moves For Guys - Basic and Intermediate Moves" |
"Hey man,Have you ever wanted to learn to dance likecelebrities like Bruno mars, Chris Brown, Usher and the like?If so, then I have something that you might be interested in...I created a program called the Popular Party dance moves series!This program is like adding rocket fuel to your dancing.Specifically, you'll learn 30 of the most popular, most versatile party dance moves. These are the moves that you've seen performed by celebrities in music videos and on TV.They are iconic dance moves that everyone recognizes.As the name of this program suggests, these dance moves are perfect for... parties!These moves are like inside jokes of the language of dance.If someone busts out one of these moves at a party, and you join in with them, you're considered to be someone who ""gets it""!It's an instant way to connect with people and make friends.I can't tell you how many new friends I've made in the club and at bars by knowing these dance moves.It's gotta be one of the best social skills to have under your belt.These dance moves go best to songs you hear at weddings, bachelor parties, Christmas parties OR 90's themed parties.In the first part of the program,I teach you the 5 fundamental dance grooves that make up all the other dance movesIf you've struggled trying to learn how to dance before, it's because you've haven't learned these 5 fundamental dance grooves.After learning the fundamental movements, I will teach you a collection of oldschool dance moves. These are the moves done by artists from the 90's to the 2000's.From there, I will show you a collection of newschool dance moves -- these are the moves that you see on TV from the late 2010's until now.This is Brian B, your living room dance teacher, see you inside the course"
Price: 69.99

"Shuffle Dance Master Class Vol 1. How to Shuffle Dance" |
"Ever seen one of those pro Shuffle Dancers bust out a move at a festival?People gather around, to cheer them on.Everyone pulls out their phone to record them and they get featured on YouTube and the EDM online forums.It's gotta be pretty sweet being the center of attention right?Well, if you're lookingto also become the center of attention at the next music festival, then I've created this Shuffle Dance Masterclass for you!How is it different from these other 6-min dance tutorials out there?When you're trying to pick up a new language -- let's say French for example --you can't really watch a ""Top 10 useful French phrases"" video to learn how to speak French right?Instead, if you want to learn how to speak French,you need to learn the Frenchvocabulary, get the right amount of practice of these words,and then, you need to learn how to put the vocabulary together in the right order.After doing all these things, you can begin to start constructing sentences and speaking speaking French, right?Learning the language of ""Shuffle Dancing"" is the same way!The free 6-minute Shuffle tutorials out there teach you singular dance moves, but it doesn't teach you how to actually Shuffle DANCE.The Shuffle Dance Masterclass on the other hand, teaches you..The right dance moves in the right paceGuides you through the right amount of repetition so you can perform the moves effortlesslyShow you how to connect the dance moves togetherHow to finally become fluent in the language of Shuffle DancingAlso, you'll learn a 20 second Shuffle Routine so you have something ready for the next music Festival right away!Once you've gone through this course, and follow through with the exercises, you will be ready for the Shuffle dance circle at the next event.Get started with the course now!"
Price: 49.99

"Deep Travel: Have Adventures No Guidebook Can Tell You About" |
"Have life-changing travel adventures noguidebook can tell you about. Dive DEEPinto foreign cultures and enjoy authentic, rich connections with the people who live in the places you visit.Taught by a professional travel writer, world explorer, and former Rick Steves tour guide ~ Dave Fox has been featured for hisknowledge of foreign cultureson the History Channel, Channel NewsAsia, National Public Radio in the United States,and ABC Radio in Australia.Have you ever known somebody who goes on vacation and comes home with larger-than-life tales to tell every single time? Have you ever wondered why some people have incredible adventures whenthey travel, while othershave a good timebut never seem to go beyond the generic tourist experience? Have you ever wished you could be one of the peoplewho has all the incredible adventures an intrepid explorer who plunges deep into local cultures, connects with fascinatingpeople, transcends cultural differences, and comes home with wild stories?~ This course teaches you how to make that happen ... even if you're an introvert! ~Huge, crazy, life-changingtravel experiences don't happen by accident. Yes, there's an element of chance involved as to when they occur, but they happen far more frequentlyto people who travel with a certain mindset, a special attitude, a willingness to venture beyondthe usual guidebook recommendationsand dive deep into locallife.To some people, that might sound scary, but if you follow the tips in this course, it won't be. You'll discover how to slowly, gently stretch the boundaries of your cultural comfort zones, tiptoeing lightly at first until you gain the confidence to plunge deeper into the enthralling world of culture shock.You'll discover how to...Travel with themindset necessary to transcend mainstream tourism and dive deep into unfamiliar places.Explore the challenges (and thrills) of culture shock, andflow with those challenges so that traveling in a foreign environment doesn't feelintimidating.Connect with people who live in the places you visit inauthentic ways that are far more sincere and intimate than anyscripted tour company activity.Make yourself approachable as a traveler, soyou meet new friends and gain invitations into people's lives.Meet people safely, reading their attitude and body language, and developing a sense of when it's okay to trust a stranger or a potential new friend.This course also includes an interview with Beth Whitman, author ofWanderlust and Lipstick: The Essential Guide for Women Traveling Solo,abouttravelsafety concernsspecific to women.Dave Fox is a professional travel writer and bestselling author ... and he's one of those people who has deep, rich encounters with the local culture whenever and wherever he travels. For years, Dave has been exploring the world, seeking out unique, sometimeswacky adventures, and teaching aspiring travel writers how tocraftamazing tales.Now, in this course for non-writers and writers alike,he explains his techniques for plunging deep into foreign environments, immersing himself confidentlyin cultures he doesn'tunderstand, andconnecting with the people who live in the places he writes about.And hey, Dave believeslearning should be entertaining ...so hislessons aren't just full of useful tips for connecting with people in the places you visit. He alsoweaveslively personalanecdotesinto each lessonto illustrate what he teaches!He offers talesfrom his journeyson five continents as he reveals how he connects with people wherever he goes.Whether you're an experienced explorer seeking a deeper level of excitement in your travels, or a new adventurer planning your first trip abroad, you'll discover how to transcend mainstream tourism, break free from guidebook ""must see"" checklists, andconnect with local cultures in authenticways thatmost travelers wish they could do, but don't know how to.If you've read this far, that probably means you love to travel. You're curious about the worldand you want to have the biggest, boldest travel experiences you possibly can. The skills you learn herewill enrich your life with extraordinary adventures as you discover how to connect in any culture with people who are different from you.Most tourists just skim the surface of the places they visit. If you want to dive deep and come home with big tales to tell, join us in this three hour workshop and get ready to travel like you never have before!--------------------------------------------------Also check out mywriting courses on Udemy:Globejotting: How to Write Extraordinary Travel Journals (and still have time to enjoy your trip!)Travel Writing:Explore the World & Publish Your StoriesProfessional Humor Tricks for Writers, Speakers, and Other MisfitsThe Writing Mind 1:Defeat Writer's Block & Write ConfidentlyThe Writing Mind2:Overcome Distractions & Get More Written"
Price: 34.99

"Final Cut Pro X - The Complete Beginner's Course - 2020" |
"Who is this course for?This course is specifically designed for people who are wanting to learn how to use Final Cut Pro so they can edit and produce professional looking video.What's the course about?This course is all about Final Cut Pro - one of the world's leading video editing suites. In this course you will learn everything from the basics up to some amazing advanced features. Final Cut Pro is used by many professional movie makes to edit their movies - it's time you discover how you too can learn to edit like a pro.Why this course?There are lots of courses that teach you video editingand of course I suggest you do as many as you can. However, if this is your first time, or if you are wanting to get into videography,then this is the best course for you. Why?Firstly it will befun! Learning that is not fun is not funOK, I suppose that makes sense ;-) We want you to have fun during your learning and will not only show you what is vital - but we plan to keep it fun and interesting too.Secondly, we know that not only do you want to enjoy your learning, you want it to be easy to follow and meaningful. As such we are careful to go in a step-by-step way through the content, ensuring you understand everything before we move on. And if at any stage you are lost, then we are here to help. Just drop us a message and we will get back to you.Thirdly you are about to be taught - not just by one person - but by I unique father-son team. We have been working together for years on online courses (check out our programming courses and others).I (Craig)have a PhD in educational technology and have been involved in technology and teaching it for over 30 years. I will share withyou the benefit of my knowledge of teaching ensuring that the teaching is engaging, professional and effective. Joshua, has worked with me for years on video editing projects - from small to large scale and has immense skill in using Final Cut Pro.Together we are going to guide you on your learning journey withFinal Cut Pro.What kind of materials are included?The course includes everything you need. The lectures are professionally created, as people have come to expect from my courses. We willexplain everything to you and give you access to additional files/content where they are needed.How long will the course take to complete?There are 4sections to this course, with each section providing short powerful videos on individual concepts. Learning to become proficient in using Final Cut Pro takes time. But, by following the course and working through each section, you will move from the basics to mastering some truly powerful advanced features.How is this course structured?This is an action course. So the course starts with getting to the doing straight away. The course is structured in the following way:Section 1 Final Cut Pro Basics- The purpose of this first section is to introduce you to the basic of Final Cut Pro so that it feels like home to you and you know how to easily get your way around it.Section 2 Adding effects- In this section we will look at many of the powerful video, audio and text effects you can apply to your videos, including transitions, stabalization, and lots more.Section 3 Getting advanced- This section now lifts your editing skills to the next level as we look at advanced features using text, clip speed, etc.Section 4 Skilled- And now you are in the skilled zone. This does not mean this is hard, it just means that these are things that normally only really skilled videographers do like using multicam, cloning, screen recording, etc.Why take this course?It is quite simply the best course, covering the key content, in the most engaging way,by a most unique teaching team!"
Price: 154.99

"HTML Programming For Beginners (THE Easy and Fun 3Hr Course)" |
"Who is this course for?This course is specifically designed for people who are wanting to learn how to use HTML to create websites and for people who want to kickstart learning to program.What's the course about?This course is all about HTML, and how you can easily learn HTML to code in HTML to produce websites.Why this course?There are lots of courses that teach you HTMLand of course wesuggest you do as many as you can. However, if this is your first time, or if you are wanting to get into HTML and web development,then this is the best course for you. Why?Firstly it will befun! Learning that is not fun is not funOK, I suppose that makes sense ;-) We want you to have fun during your learning and will not only show you what is vital - but we plan to keep it fun and interesting too.Secondly, we know that not only do you want to enjoy your learning, you want it to be easy to follow and meaningful. As such we are careful to go in a step-by-step way through the content, ensuring you understand everything before we move on. And if at any stage you are lost, then we are here to help. Just drop us a message and we will get back to you.Thirdly you are about to be taught - not just by one person - but by I unique father-son team. We have been working together for years on online courses (check out our programming courses and others).I (Craig)have a PhD in educational technology and have been involved in technology and teaching it for over 30 years. I will share withyou the benefit of my knowledge of teaching ensuring that the teaching is engaging, professional and effective. Joshua, has worked years and has developed numerous courses on programming and video editing.Together we are going to guide you on your learning journey withFinal Cut Pro.Fourthly, and maybe most importantly, is the approach we use. Unlike other courses, this course is based on aspecial teaching approach, designed for digital-age learning,called the Activated Classroom Teaching approach. This proven approach results in more effective learning because you are more engaged. You'll find out more about it in the start of the course.What kind of materials are included?The course includes everything you need. The lectures are professionally created, as people have come to expect from ACT Academy courses. We willexplain everything to you and give you access to additional files/content where they are needed.How long will the course take to complete?There are 4sections to this course, with each section providing short powerful videos on individual concepts. Learning to become proficient in HTMLtakes time. But, by following the course and working through each section, you will move from easily through the essential basics and emerge a confident HTML coder.How is this course structured?This is an action course. So the course starts with getting to the doing straight away. The course is structured in the following way:Section 1 Introduction to HTML 5 and an HTML editor- By the end of this section you will understand the basics of HTML and beable to use Sublime HTML editor to code in HTML.Section 2 Building a webpage with HTML- By the end of this section you will be able to create a basic webpage in HTML including images.Section 3 Making your webpage look good- By the end of this section you will know how to improve the look of your website using background images, as well as how to create and display a website logoSection 4 Creating additional pages- By the end of this section you will know how to create additional webpages and then link the pages together with text and imagesWhy take this course?It is quite simply the best course, covering the key content, in the most engaging way,by a most unique teaching team, using a proven approach for teaching with technology!"
Price: 99.99

"iPad iOS : hyperPad" |
"iOS AppStore iPad iOS iPad STEM , hyperPad iOS App Store1. 2 hyperPad 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. hyperPad3 hyperPad 3-1. hyperPad 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. hyperPad 4 hyperPad 4-1. hyperPad 4-2. 5 Canvas 5-1. ScreenViewBackground5-2. Global Properties6 Scene, Overlay, Layers7 : , , , ...8 : , , 9 10 App Store11 : 12 :"
Price: 34.99

"Uygulamal Modern Web Gelitirme Eitimi" |
"Bu eitimde sfrdan balayarak uygulamal olarak, zenle ve sizi hedefinize en ksa srede hazrlayacak ekilde konular oluturulmu bir web gelitiricisi olabilirsiniz. Eitimde, gncel yazlm gelitirme aralar kullanlarak hazrlanmtr. Microsoft'un cross-platform(windows, linux, mac) gelitirme arac olan Visual Studio Code ve Visual Studio kullanlmtr. Visual Studio Code ile temel web programlama bilgisi olmayan ve web gelitiricisi olmak isteyen ya da eksiklerini kapatarak kendini daha ileri seviyeye tamak isteyenlere ynelik olarak eitim hazrlanmtr. Visual Studio Code ile en hzl ekilde her bilgisayar da yazlm gelitirmenin keyfini kararak, Visual Studio Code 'u kullanmay ve web projesi gelitirmeyi renebilirsiniz. Visual Studio Code ile Front-End tarafnda gereken gelitirmeleri tamamladktan sonra Back-End tarafnda Visual Studio ve MS SQL Server ve C# yazlm dilini renerek, web gelitiricisi olma yolunda daha st bir seviyeye ulaabilirsiniz.Eitim de bilgi seviyenize gre herhangi bir aamasndan devam edebilirsiniz.Front-End geliitiricisi olarak adlandrlan, web projelerinin arayz dediimiz sayfa tasarmlar konusunda kendinizi gelitirmek iin HTML-HTML5, CSS-CSS3, JS-JQuery, Bootstrap 4 ksmlarna,Back -End gelitiricisi olarak adlandrlan; web projelerinin sunucu tarafnda alan veritaban ilemleri ve i srelerini ileten C#, T-SQL ve ASP NET MVC ksmlarna,Full-Stack olarak adlandrlan, hem Front-End hem Back-End gelitiricisi olarak kendinizi gelitirmek istiyorsanz eitimdeki tm blmlere arlk vererek dorudan ilgili konudan eitimi iletebilirsiniz. Sras ile izlemenizi neririm.Eitim farkl IDE(Gelitirme aracn) iermektedir. Front-End tarafnda Visual Studio Code ile tm konular ilenmi, Back-End tarafnda Visual Studio ve veritaban ynetimi tarafnda Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio'nun gncel versiyonlar kullanlmtr.Eitim boyunca ama ve uygulama olarak, eitli tasarm rnekleri ile beraber bir E-Ticaret site tasarm mobil cihaz uyumlu(responsive) olarak Bootstrap 4 ile tasarlanm ve Back-End ksmnda bu tasarm kullanlarak ve veritaban yaps SQL zerinde oluturularak, gerekli C# kodlamas yaplarak uygulama rnei oluturulmutur.Projenizin ve veri tabannzn yaynlanmas noktasna kadar anlatlarak, kendi kurumsal sitenizi, blog sitenizi, e-ticaret sitenizi ya da farkl bir alanda faaliyet gsteren projenizi gelitirerek hayata geirebilirsiniz.. Eitim de, Aklnza taklan konularda soru sormak isterseniz ncelikle Soru-Cevap blmnden aratrarak ""daha nce sorulmu mu"" diye bakmanz neririm. Aradnz cevap yoksa sorularnz ""ne yapmak istediinizi"", ""nasl yapmaya altnz"", aldnz hatay ya da kodlar grsel ile veya yazarak faydal olabilmem iin detayl olarak anlatnz.Herkese faydal olmas dileklerimizle..Kadir Murat Baeren & Fatih Grdal"
Price: 409.99

"TOP TIPS for watercolor painting. Save time expense & stress" |
"These tips which I have picked up or discovered over the years could save you a lot of time, frustrationandexpense.Some of them are just common sense, but I don't know what you don't know.Take a look and just remember to think of these things every time you start a new painting and during the process. And ifyou discover any other helpful or interesting tipsthat I could add to the course just let me know and then we can all benefit from your discovery.Whatever enjoy your painting and if you think the information you gain from this course is valid and helpful please leave a friendly review.Enjoy your painting, love Nicola"
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress paso a paso" |
"quieres aprender a desarrollar paginas web ?Con este curso en linea puedes aprender a crear paginas web en menos de 20 dasEste curso va paso a paso, te enseo comohacer la instalacinComo usar el cpanelA configurarlo paso a pasoAgregar pluginsInstalar plantillaAgregar texto, imgenesExplicare que es un dominioExplicare que es un hostingComo obtener un dominioComo obtener un hostingOfertas especialesY responder las preguntas que tengas del cursoTodo en linea con videos , son mas de 10 horas de videoTodo desde la comodidad de tu casa u oficinaTotalmente confiable y garantizadoSi no te gusta el curso puedes pedir tu reembolsoPero estoy seguro que no sera necesario porque aprenders paso a pasoY te ahorraras en contratar a un desarrollador para hacer tu pagina webO sinoPuedes empezar tu propio negocio de desarrollo web con lo que aprendas de mi curso.Ademas si tengo nuevos cursos tendrs 50% de descuento en tu compraEstoy seguro aprenders algo nuevo y te ayudara en tu trabajo o negocioMs informacinSeguramente te haz preguntado si es posible que tu puedas crear una pagina web para ti o para tu empresaPero te diste cuenta que para eso es necesario mucho cdigo y lenguajes de programacin como php, javascript o de lenguajes para maquetar como el famoso html, y sabiendo esto dijiste que te tomara mucho tiempo aprenderlo o que no es posible para ti aprender todo eso.Claro lo que tu quieres es tener una pagina web, de calidad para ti o tu empresa que tus visitantes sepan de ti, de lo que haces y ofreces, recibir correos de los visitantes a tu pagina web preguntndote por los servicios que ofrecesEntonces, si no quieres pasar horas aprendiendo a programar y quieres resultados ya mismo que en menos de un mes puedas tener tu pagina lista, es te curso es tu solucin.*crearas tu pagina web*sin aprender a programar*en menos de un mes"
Price: 44.99

"How to Create an Online Store. Volusion eCommerce Scratch" |
"How toOPEN A SHOP ONLINE EASILY? How toMAKE MONEY selling your products with Volusione-commerce?And you do not know how to do it?JOIN THIS COURSE AND MAKE YOUR BEST ONLINE SHOP WITH VolusionE-COMMERCE!Volusionis a best website to open your custom e-commerce.Why pay Hundreds, if not Thousands of dollars for training OTHER ECOMMERCE When You can receive high quality, interactive, web-based Volusiontraining at a fraction of the cost?Introducing excellent, online training Volusion that allows you to learn at your peace without spending entire days at a time away from the office or your college. The course includes basic introductory lessons toVolusione-commerce. You learn commands and techniques for store setup, Adding new products, create categories, Tax settings, shipping methods, Payment methods, Changing page layouts, and more with VirtueMart with ease. You will become familiar with the Volusioninterface,customization Store,Adding pages to store,Adding productsto the home,precious Menu details,managingyour store,processing orders,Paypalandothers payments,Making store live!The course is presented via an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, Allowing you to learn at your own pace.ARE YOU READY TO OPEN SHOP ONLINE NOW !!The course package:+ 17professionalvideo tutorials (about 3:00 hours total!)+ 1 exercise tutorials: step by step, how to create your amazing online store+ Videos always available, 24 hours on 24+ Learn When You want (every day or week -end)+ Open your first free website eCommerce with the power of Volusion!The course outline:+ What Is Volusion ecommerce?+ Installation+ Lets Get Started+ The Dashboard+ Supportonline+ StoreSetup+ Add Item to Store+ Add Category+ Check Out Options+ SettingTax+ Shipping Methods+ Making Store Live+ Payment Methods+ Payment Options+ Paypal Payment+ Adding Pages to Store+ Changing Page Layout+ Adding links to NavBar+ Adding Products to the Homepage+ CustomThemes+ Using Custom Domain Name: URL+ Processing orders+ Managing customer database+ Maintenance Mode+ Managing Users and Permissions+ Managing Store & Search+ Product ratings+ Customer reviewsLearn Volusion eCommerce Scratch andCreate Your Professional Online Store!_____________________________ * UPDATE * _________________________________Add thefree ebook""10 Viral Marketing Strategies"" to increaseyour sales.PS.: If you finish this course, in the last lesson, there are special awards for you! Start now!"
Price: 99.99

"SAP CRM 7.0 CR100" |
"SAP CRM 7.0 is the flagship SAP product that is used by a majority of Fortune 500 companies.You get complete coverage of the 12 topics in the CR100 SAP Academy course: SAP CRM 7.0 Overview; Account Management; Organizational Management; Product Master; Transaction Processing; Activity Management; Partner Processing; Actions; Pricing Fundamentals; CRM Billing; CRM Middleware; CRM WebClient UI"
Price: 49.99

"Kali Linux ile Szma Testleri Eitimi" |
"Firmalarn biliim alt yaplarnn gvenlik aklarnn tespit edilmesi iin yaplan testlere penetrasyon yani szma testleri deniyor. Bu aklklar bilinerek nceden tedbir alnabilir ve kt niyetli kiilerin ki bunlar ieriden ve dardan kimseler olabilir biliim alt yaplarmza zarar vermesi ve bilgilerimize erimesi engellenmi olur. te bu eitimde temel network penetrasyon testlerini giri seviyesinde renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 79.99

"Ubuntu Linux Terminal Komutlar Eitimi" |
"Bugn iletim sistemi dnyasnda Windows hakimiyeti olsa da sunuculardan gml sistemlere, RassperyPi vb. tek kart bilgisayarlara kadar bir ok yerde Linux iletim sistemi kullanlmaktadr. Linux'un gc komut satrndan kullanlan bir iletim sistemi olmasdr.Linux ustalar Linux'u terminale yazdklar komutlarla kullanrlar. Siz de Linux ustas olmak veTerminal komutlarn renmek istiyorsanz bu eitime katlmalsnz."
Price: 79.99

"Cisco Switching Eitimi" |
"Birok eitim kurumunda Sistem ve Network Uzmanl eitimi beraber verilir. Mfredata baktnzda byk ksmn Microsoft'a ayrldn grrsnz.te bu nedenle piyasadaki sistemcileri hedefleyen ayn zamanda Cisco Switch yaplandrmalarn renmek isteyenler iin bir Udemy eitimi hazrladm. Sistemciler in Cisco Switching Eitiminde Cisco 2960 (Layer2) ve 3560 (Layer3) switchlerin temel yaplandrmasn, Vlan ,Vlan routing, Ethercannel, Port Security ve Spanning Tree yaplandrmalarn gerek dnya senaryolar ile reneceksiniz."
Price: 99.99

"Natural Resilience: Freedom from Panic Attacks & Anxiety" |
"Are you scared anxious and overwhelmed, depressed, angry, scared, miserable. Are you feeling withdrawn from activities you once loved. what really annoys me about anxiety programs is that you have to learn a bunch of stuff before you get any benefitand frankly i cant be arsed to learn hours of video and put even more pressure onmy mind and even more to rememeber and worry about grrr!! This course course is different re-access you innate natural resilience what is resilience and how can it help you?Psychological resilience is the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly. Resilience exists when the person uses ""mental processes and behaviors in promoting personal assets and protecting self from the potential negative effects of stressors. Take the Natural Confidence QuizI will teach you to access your resilient powerful nature. Create behaviour change quickly and get you doing stuff that will relax you and calm you downwhat is the healing power of nature?The idea that spending time in nature can make you feel better is intuitive. We all feel this to be true, and many of us have anecdotes of our own or from friends or family that support that idea. People who have been suffering from stress, sickness, or a trauma can spend quiet contemplative time in gardens or taken to the mountains or woods to heal. But nature is not just wilderness. The benefits of nature can also be found in our communities parks and green spaces.I will show you how to connect with nature wherever you can find it and bring yourself back to life and clarity whilst boosting you mental and physical health.Researchers are amassing a body of evidence, proving what we all know to be true: nature is good for us and has both long and short term mental and physical health benefits. Trust your gut and make better decisions anxiety free.Overcome anxiety and Panic attacks from your life by doing stuff that relaxes you and develops your confidenceLater deepen your understanding of how your mind already works in your best interest.Increase your well being and confidence. Discover how the amazing power of thought can work for you not against you. Re-awaken your clarity, creativity and relationships. Sleep better The course is structured using video and audios and tasks and activites easily done in the home suitable for lockdown period.Bonus live Q&A zoom meeting group coaching to increase your wellbeing To your health and happiness realization! Trev Let's get started."
Price: 49.99

"Quran Level 1 - Qaida Nuraniyah (Old Edition)" |
"You DONOTneed to take a hefty course in order to learn to read Quran. In fact, you can learn to read Quran even if you do not understand it. This course isA-Z, Yes, all you need torecite the Quran with correct Tajweed. This course covers the following topics: Arabic Letter and correct Pronunciation Vowels (Fathah, Kasrah, Dammah) Tanween (Double Vowels) - The Implied Noon Letters of Madd (Stretch) - Alif, Yaa, Waaw Letters of Leen (Swift Madd) Rules of Extra Madd (Stretch Due to Hamzah) Sukoon (Resting Sound) & Qalqalah (Bouncing Sound) Shaddah (Pressure and Emphasis) Madd Laazim (Longest Madd) Rules of Noon Saakin & Meem Saakin These are not merely theoretical lessons. Rather each lesson is 100% Practical."
Price: 39.99

"Arabic Level 2 - Complete Arabic Writing Course" |
"Well, writing Arabic could not get any easier.In Just 9Sections containing 31 live audio/video lectures and practical/ hands-on exercises, you are about to see the magic of writing Arabic. From writing letters to joining them into words and writing paragraphs, this course is designed to take you on a smooth journey of writing Arabic with ease and delivering you to the goal of WRITINGARABICWITHCONFIDENCE.Are you ready to challenge yourself?"
Price: 39.99

"Arabic Level 1 - Complete Arabic Reading Course" |
"Reading Arabic is not rocket science...With least amount of effort and time and an expert level instruction and instructor, you are just days away from reading Arabic with confidence.With only 6sections containing 23,100% live lessons with Audio and Video, you are about to experience the magic of learning Arabic Reading.Section 1: Arabic LettersSection 2: Single & Double VowelsSection 3: Long VowelsSection 4: Absence of VowelsSection 5: EmphasisSection 6: Reading ExercisesLiterally, in a matter of days, you will be able to read Arabic. I believe in my skills and my students."
Price: 39.99

"Learn The Ip Man Wooden Dummy Wing Chun Form" |
"Nothing compares to the sound of someone working on the Wooden Dummy in an martial arts school.I remember it was the first thing that I noticed when I first walked into a Wing Chun school. I didnt care about anything else but reaching the level where I could final y work on the dummy, just like in the old Kung Fu movies, just like Ive seen in the photos of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chans movies. When I finally did start working on the wooden man, I learned that there was more to this piece of equipment that meets the eye. The wooden dummy is an excellent tool. We call it the second trainer, because it fixes your angles, it fixes your position, it allows you to grow more power and to improve your structure. Heres what you get in this video course: How to step while using the wooden dummyWooden dummy form demonstration from different anglesThe full wooden dummy form and explanationsHow to do the form if you dont have a wooden dummyHow to visualize defending yourself from multiple opponents attacking you while doing the Wooden Dummy FormI am looking forward very much to having you as a student in this course and I cant wait to read your feedback and your questions"
Price: 49.99

"Facebook Messenger Bots For Beginners Using ManyChat" |
"The step by step video training that teaches you facebook messenger bot using manychat.Not just how to create them but how to market with them.Includes the complete of creating a facebook chatbot, so that you can access the 1 billion people a month (which is half of the people on facebook) who are using fbchatbot tocommunicate.By capturing their details via a chatbot, which is as simple as simple as pressing a button for them or clicking a link, you can communicate with them again and again and again.This training shows you step by step how you can use manychat to but facebookchatbotto get more engagement, leads and sales."
Price: 19.99

"SAP SD Advanced Training" |
"** Disclaimer ** - I do NOT do Live Training.SAPis a registered trademark of SAPAGin Germany and many other countries. Iam NOT associated with SAP.SAP software and SAPGUI are proprietary SAPsoftware.Neither Udemy nor me are authorized to provide SAPAccess. You can officially get SAPAccess to practice on SAPsystem from SAP's website. I am not allowed by Udemy to place a link here.Please google ""SAPAccess"" and you can findthe URL for the same.What is this course all about ?After having learn't the basics of SAPSD, most people tend to get stuck in no-man's land. They can neither go for an interview ( for fear of failure ) nor stay comfortable where they are. Why is that ?Say youarealready trained or knowledgeable in basicSAP Sales and Distribution (SD). What next ?You need to go beyond the basics and step into the advanced topics. This course is designed to give you exactly that.What is the focus of this course ?This course is focused exclusively on one and one area only.Explanation of AdvancedSAPSDScenarios in plain English.How are these scenarios delivered ?The goal of this course is to give you detailed explanations of advanced SD configuration. Keeping to that goal, we doNOTfocus on the basics - For example, when we talk about group conditions in Pricing, we do not talk about how a pricing scale behaves. If this kind of training throws you off, just go back to the drawing board and finish up a basic SDcourse.The topics are broken down into manageable pieces - For example, pricing is broken down into multiple sections based on the level of complexity. However, Ihave taken extra care to ensure that the topics do not overwhelm a newbie with a basic understanding.Who this course is NOT for ?If you are brand new to SAPor SAPSDIf you already have a job in SAPSD"
Price: 199.99

"R Programming For Absolute Beginners" |
"If you have decided to learn R as your data science programming language, you have made an excellent decision! R is the most widely used tool for statistical programming. It is powerful, versatile and easy to use. It is the first choice for thousands of data analysts working in both companies and academia. This course will help you master the basics of R in a short time, as a first step to become a skilled R data scientist. The course is meant for absolute beginners, so you dont have to know anything about R before starting. (You dont even have to have the R program on your computer; I will show you how to install it.) But after graduating this course you will have the most important R programming skills and you will be able to further develop these skills, by practicing, starting from what you will have learned in the course. This course contains about 100 video lectures in nine sections. In the first section of this course you will get started with R: you will install the program (in case you didnt do it already), you will familiarize with the working interface in R Studio and you will learn some basic technical stuff like installing and activating packages or setting the working directory. Moreover, you will learn how to perform simple operations in R and how to work with variables. The next five sections will be dedicated to the five types of data structures in R: vectors, matrices, lists, factors and data frames. So youll learn how to manipulate data structures: how to index them, how to edit data, how to filter data according to various criteria, how to create and modify objects (or variables), how to apply functions to data and much more. These are very important topics, because R is a software for statistical computing and most of the R programming is about manipulating data. So before getting to more advanced statistical analyses in R you must know the basic techniques of data handling. After finishing with the data structures well get to the programming structures in R. In this section youll learn about loops, conditional statements and functions. Youll learn how to combine loops and conditional statements to perform complex tasks, and how to create custom functions that you can save and reuse later. We will also study some practical examples of functions. The next section is about working with strings. Here we will cover the most useful functions that allow us to manipulate strings. So you will learn how to format strings for printing, how to concatenate strings, how to extract substrings from a given string and especially how to create regular expressions that identify patterns in strings. In the following section youll learn how to build charts in R. We are going to cover seven types of charts: dot chart (scatterplot), line chart, bar chart, pie chart, histogram, density line and boxplot. Moreover, you will learn how to plot a function of one variable and how to export the charts you create. Every command and function is visually explained: you can see the output live. At the end of each section you will find a PDF file with practical exercises that allow you to apply and strengthen your knowledge. So if you want to learn R from scratch, you need this course. Enroll right now and begin a fantastic R programming journey!"
Price: 39.99

"MikroTik Hotspot with User Manager" |
"Have you ever been in a cafe, restaurant or a park where they offer internet on wireless? You normally get connected to their Wi-Fi and it is mostly asking you to enter a username and a password to be able to get access to the internet - This is what a hotspot is.You, as a MikroTik network engineer, may be asked to install and configure a Wireless hotspot in your company or at your customer place and things look too complicated to you to do this task. This course will help to go step by step using a lot of LABs to understand how to install a wireless hotspot and what are the best tips needed to be used to have the hotspot working well.In this course, I will start installing the hotspot from scratch and I will go through all the options available in the hotspot. Things like user management, profiles, bandwidth limitation,Walled garden, hotspot advertisement, IPbinding, connecting the hotspot to the user Manager, generating vouchers for users and many other topics will be covered in this course so you have the full knowledge of how to configure the wirelesshotspot when being asked.The course will be based on LABs to make things very easy to you when you want to deploy this in your real network. The LABs are designed on step-by-step methodology which is always used in all my courses.If you are interested to learn how to configure wireless hotspot on MikroTik, then join me in this course and let's get started."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Microsoft Access 2016 for Absolute Beginners" |
"During this introductory course on using Microsoft Access 2016, we'll teach the basics of using Microsoft Access 2016. We'll start with navigating the Access 2016 interface, including the Ribbon, Backstage View and the Quick Access Toolbar. Discover concepts to help you understand how to create database fields and tables, using numeric and indexed fields, and importing data from Excel into your database. Contents and Overview This easy to understand course starts at the very beginning, specifically designed for those with little or no Microsoft Access experience. The first task is to find the software and install it on your computer. Then we discover the new and improved features added to the 2016 version. There are new features that could be a big help in your job, your business, or in personal projects. We start with essential first steps. You will learn to create an Access database, save it, then open it. We show you simple ways to use Microsoft's powerful online and contextual help, so you are never left wondering when you have a question or encounter a challenge. Along the way we keep in mind you will want to personalize Access to accomplish the things you want. We learn all about Ribbons and Toolbars that make Access extremely flexible. Next, we move on to create tables and fields to store your data, in addition to discussing the use of indexed and numeric fields. All along the way there are plenty of exercises and quizzes that help you fully understand all the concepts and solidify them in your memory. This is the course you need to learn the most important ways to expertly use MS Access 2016. It assumes you are just beginning with Access and easily steps you through the process of being highly proficient with this widely used tool. This course is for absolute beginners, thus is appropriate for those new to Access and who appreciate a methodical, patient and conversational pace. Heres what our students are sayingI am using access and this course is very informative. I want to say think you for taking your time and explaining each step. I recommend this course to everyone who wants to improve their access knowledge.- Adam HanekAs a Windows users for a number of years, I have never used the Access database program. having the opportunity to begin to learn how it works is very useful; to to me. The instructor was very good and clear and understandable. I am now taking his advanced course.- Daryl BeechamOutstanding course! I will use the as a reference for years to come. I am 100% satisfied.- Larry ReidDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!** Updated July 2017. English close captions added"
Price: 19.99

"Learn The Internet's Oldest Profession - Cash For Content" |
"Did you know writing and selling content can be an extremely profitable business model and that anyone can use to generate more income? Becoming a freelance writer has many advantages including giving you the freedom to set your own hours, work from anywhere and most of all be your own boss! When it comes to turning content into cash, it can be an extremely effective way to increase your income and it has the potential to bring in a steady flow of profits for anyone who understands the power of the written word. My brand new ""Cash For Content"" crash course was specifically designed to show even absolute beginners how they can start making a very nice income by taking on simple writing jobs. With this series, you will receive 5 video/audio lessons packed with easy to understand information that you can start using to immediately impact your business! The Cash For Content Course Includes: 5 Easy To Follow Video Lessons PDF and Audio Versions of Each Lesson Here is what you'll learn from this course: Why they say ""Content is King"" and what that really means The exact kinds of content that people are willing to pay for How to get top dollar for your work as a freelance writer How to get more customers looking for you to work for them The top spots on the Internet to advertise your services How to make $5 and up starting right after taking this course How to earn $100's and possibly $1000's weekly freelance writing And much, much more Once you go through this course you will completely understand what freelance writing is and how you can take full advantage of everything this profitable business model has to offer!"
Price: 19.99
