"Fashion Brand Launch: Wholesale Strategies" |
"This is the course you will need to understand how to effectively implement and lean and mean sales strategy.The sixvideo course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:Wholesale Strategies (Boutiques, Department Stores, Drop-Ship, etc)#1 Sales Metric in Retail: Sell-ThrusStaffing for SalesHow to Find Target RetailersTradeshows to attend & showFashion Industry Seasonal TimelineHow to Determine what credit terms should be extended to boutiquesBONUS: Homework AssignmentThe course will allow every entrepreneur a chance to step back and make sure that your idea is one that can penetrate the marketplace. Rather your idea has been honed or is in the beginning stages, these courses will give every participant a clear starting point to make sure you carve out a niche in the market and have a reason to draw consumers to your brand.The course videos last roughly atotal of 40minutes.The course is structured into 6 lectures.If you have any questions relating to the course, please feel free to contact me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating if you think it is appropriate to do so. :)If you enjoyed this Course you may like to consider my other Courses here on Udemy: Fashion Brand Launch: Corporate Filings & TrademarksTestimonials:~ Very informative. A great detailed overview of the necessities needed for launching a brand. Great amount of knowledge and insight presented. From practical to inspirational - Stevyn~ It was jam packed full of info I was really looking for! - Cassy~ Great visual aids & amazing webinar overall; extremely appreciative of the wealth of knowledge shared - Shayna~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ A lot of people start a business and don't know the first thing about starting a business, so this was helpful. - Crystal~ I really enjoyed this. I don't know much about business but have an Idea and dream so this is very helpful and I can follow. This will give me a guideline. Thank you - Mona~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ I LOVE WARD & FIFTH!! - TG"
Price: 54.99

"Sounds True's ""Flames that Light the Heart"" with Mark Nepo" |
"The point of experience is not to escape life but to live it.Mark Nepo Flames That Light the Heartbrings you into the company of author and teacher Mark Nepo for a rich conversation on the life of transformation and the heartwork that is required to be a spirit in the world. The intention: To help you live with meaning, truth, and kindness in your own personal way. Each of us carries some wisdom waiting to be discovered at the center of our experience, and everything we meet, if faced and held, reveals a part of that wisdom, explains Mark. Still, time exposes the story of our lives with its friction, wearing away the film that covers our eyes and the calluses that guard our heart, till we can inhabit the wonder waiting under the skin of everything. How can we meet this process? How can we ready ourselves? Who and what do we listen to along the way? How do we listen to life and not to what life does to us when suffering and loss meet us at every turn? How do we make sense of our experience? My offering here is to explore these challenges and introduce you to your own wisdom and gifts, and through our time together to help you personalize the ways you can nourish the spark of life we each carry inside. Flames That Light the Heartis an invitation to ten video sessions where Mark will explore the passages that open us, as well as the skills and ways of being that help us meet the difficulties that life brings us. Using ancient and contemporary stories, poetry, journaling, and dialogue, Mark will explore what it means to be transformed by what we go through and how to access the skills and inner resources for learning, growing, and healing. Meaning, truth, and kindness are our constant teachers, Mark explains. They are flames that light the heart with a burning quality we must endure in order to receive that light. Join him in this intimate conversation on our shared growing pains of transformation and the art of living as an awakened part in an awakened whole."
Price: 159.99

"Introduction to Islamic Geometric Design" |
"This course will enable you to make patterns and to learn to understand Islamic geometric compositions. You will only need a ruler/straight edge, a pencil and a marker to make these patterns. You won't have to make any calculations, just follow my step by step instructions and you will be amazed at what you can create, using the same design techniques Islamic craftsmen have used for centuries. I will also show how to tessellate patterns in an efficient way and, importantly, how to embellish patterns. Islamic geometric design is not just about drawing patterns with black lines. What you do to the patterns after you have drawn them, how you make them more beautiful is a very important part of using your personal creativity. I will show some techniques and styles that have been used over the centuries in different part of the Islamic world to make geometric compositions more beautiful."
Price: 49.99

"Classical Guitar Essentials - The Basics Part 2" |
"The 2nd part of this serious which picks up where we left off. It starts with learning notes on the 5th &6th strings, then introduce the accidentals to fill in the spaces on the frets we left it.Scales is one of the major issues we going to discuss by playing 2 major scales and 1 minor scale, and explain why they are important for your development as classical guitarist. We gonna take a look at 5 basic chord shapes that will help your left hand adapt and stretch your fingers, so the pieces we will play later will not be that hard on the left hand.Then we going to switch our focus to the right hand, by learning the chord technique and how to play 2 or more notes at the same time. This section will be filled with exercises to make sure that you get the technique right, as this what differs the classical guitarist from other type of guitar playing like electric and folk. After that we will be playing 3 of the most famous studies by famous classical guitar composers such as F. Carulli, Mateo Carcassi, and Mauro Giulianithat will take your playing to a whole new level.Finally at the end we will take a look at one of the most important technique on guitar which is Arpeggio, and play one of the most famous Flamenco pieces of all time: The Malaguena.So, here is your chance to really play classical guitar. All the lessons are broken down in easy to follow steps. Iwill not leave a single note, or technique not fully explained.If you've playing guitar for months or even years and struggling to take your playing to the next level, this course is definitely for you. Reading standard music notation is a must for this course, so If you can't read it why don't you check out my first course in this serious then come back and continue with this one.Ireally hope that you enjoy every lesson here, Iknow I did.Thank you."
Price: 119.99

"Unlock the IELTS - Score band 7+ Reading/Listening" |
"Studying for IELTSexam can be a very frustrating experience, Iknow because Ihad to do it the hard way. Yet Imanaged to score a total band 8and Iam from Egypt!This course designed by me, anaverage Joe who successfully went through the hell of IELTS and scored above my intended score aim. You will be taken by hand through all my techniques Iused to crack the test, and exactly what Idid day by day, the whole study routine I did in a month to celebrate at the end.Iwill be sharing a lot of resources with you, like what books did Iuse in my study, website that helped me greatly to overcome my fear, PDFs specially in writing and speaking, and Iwill recommend a few courses here on UDEMY that helped me in certain areas. Plus, Iwill teach you what to do exactly in thelistening and reading test as these two exams are the most difficult.We will go through the types of questions in the latter tests, and I will show you what exactly to look for, and how to find the answers and beat the clock.So what are you waiting for? Start your study today and take this course, so you can achieve your dreams and live or study abroad. See you on the other side."
Price: 119.99

"Smart & linked Objects in Photoshop CC" |
"This class will give you the quick overview andbasic you need to know to start using smart objects and linked objects in Adobe Photoshop CC.Many times I faced the issue working on design and need to create Flyer Design with Instagram and Facebook version. Or sometimes there is a poster involved.In some cases, the client may decide at a later stage to add extra templates, different layouts or resolution. This is where the use of linked objects and smart objects will help you to revise designs quickly and undistracted.Using smart objects and the new option in Photoshop CClinked objects will make your work process more fast, more productive and easy to amend at any time without wasting time of working on separate files."
Price: 19.99

"Understanding DISC Profiling" |
"Full training onDISCprofiling including key blends. The course explains in a simple understandable way, what makes people tick. It shows you how to recognise and understand other people's behaviour as well as your own.By the end ofthe course you will be able to:Communicate betterBuild rapport almost instantly with anyoneImprove your selling techniqueManage others more effectivelyHelp motivate othersHave improved relationshipsNote you do not have to have taken DISC profiling test to engage on this course. An option is provided to enable you to take the test if you so choose."
Price: 24.99

"AutoCAD 2017 3D para iniciantes" |
"Durante as 47 aulas o instrutor descreve de maneira simples e direta as principais ferramentas 3D do AutoCAD dentro do desenvolvimento de um projeto prtico.O curso capacita o aluno a utilizar os recursos fundamentais para criao, edio e renderizao de modelos, para criar, visualizar, editar e renderizar modelos tridimensionais, utilizando os comandos do AutoCAD 2017"
Price: 144.99

"Linux Debian Server 8" |
"Nestecurso o instrutor descreve de maneira simples e direta desde a instalao dosistema operacional Linux Debian 8 at o gerenciamento dos maisdiversos servios de um servidor Linux.Estecurso prepara o profissional para trabalhar em ambientes de computao que usamLinux como sistema operacional de clientes/servidores em um ambientecorporativo, dando suporte, implementando e administrando qualquer mquinacliente/servidor em um ambiente Linux."
Price: 144.99

"Linux Ubuntu Server" |
"Nestecurso descrito de maneira simples e direta os principais recursos e funes deum servidor, desde a instalao do sistema operacional Linux Ubuntu Server ato gerenciamento e instalao de diversos servios de rede em um servidor Linux.Este curso prepara o profissional para trabalhar em ambientes de computao que usam Linux como sistema operacional de clientes/servidores em um ambiente corporativo, dando suporte, implementando e administrando qualquer mquina cliente/servidor em um ambiente Linux. Mesmo que voc seja um iniciante e nunca tenha trabalhado com servidores e com o Linux Ubuntu, voc ser capaz de acompanhar o curso e criar um laboratrio virtual para estudo. O Linux Ubuntu um dos lderes de mercado de sistema operacional de servidor. Ele utilizado para controlar e gerenciar redes de pequenas empresas aos maiores datacenters do mundo. Tenha uma nova profisso: O Administrador de Redes o profissional responsvel por atuar com desenvolvimento de solues e administrao de servidores Linux e redes de dados em ambiente Data Center. Um Administrador de Redes atua no atendimento a usurios e configurao da estrutura de rede. Este um dos profissionais mais requisitados e bem pagos do mercado de TI. Com o curso de Linux Ubuntu server voc dar os primeiros passos na aprendizagem desta profisso."
Price: 144.99

"Windows Server 2016" |
"Neste curso de Windows Server 2016, alm de voc conhecer os conceitos bsicos de gerenciamento de servidores, voc tambm ir conhecer as inovaes que um dos maiores data centers de nuvem do mundo, o Microsoft Azure, podem agregar a segurana e a funcionalidade para a infraestrutura de pequenas e grandes empresas O instrutor explica de maneira passo a passo desde a instalao do sistema operacional at a conexo com os servios de nuvem, entre eles backup, domnio, gerencia de aplicativos em nuvem etc.Mesmo que voc seja um iniciante e nunca tenha trabalhado com servidores e com o Windows Server 2016, voc ser capaz de acompanhar o curso e criar um laboratrio virtual para estudo."
Price: 144.99

"Dreamweaver CC com PHP: Criando uma loja virtual" |
"A inteno deste curso preparar o aluno a utilizar o Dreamweaver CC juntamente com o PHP para criar lojas virtuais compatveis com dispositivos mveis, como celulares e tablets, de uma maneira simples e objetiva.O curso abrange as ferramentas do Dreamweaver que facilitam o desenvolvimento do cdigo HTML/CSS e explica de maneira passo a passo a utilizao do PHP para a manipulao de dados dinmicos via banco de dados.Ao decorrer das aulas so explicados deste a criao de um menu responsivo at a finalizao da loja virtual criando um carrinho de compras, entre outras funes, como:Criaode usurioRealizar logon de usurioRealizar logon de usurio administrativoCriaouma rea administrativa para incluso e edio de produtosUpload e edio de imagem no servidorAcesso restrito de usurioFormulrio de contato e envio de emailEntre outros recursos"
Price: 144.99

"Business English Idioms" |
"You have studied English grammar and have a wide vocabulary. The problem is that you find it difficult to communicate effectively in English at work. Native English speakers use lots of idioms which can be confusing. You might understand the individual words in each idiom, but you don't understand what the expressions actually mean. For example, if your boss tells you that you are working in a 'dog eat dog' industry, what is he trying to tell you? You understand the words but the idiom surely means something else.Understanding and using English idioms at work will help you express yourself more effectively in your job. Idioms are often used as a short cut, a way to express a concept or idea in a short and memorable way. Humans use idioms to engage their listenersand emphasise their ideas and opinions. If you use idioms, you will be able to express yourself in a more colourful and natural way.This course will teach you lots of common English idioms used at work. You'll be able to build rapport with your English-speaking colleagues and clients by using the language they speak.Each video is about 3 minutes long and gives you a definition and an example of the idiom used in a business context. There are a couple of questions about each idiom. Think about these questions to help you remember the idioms. Finally, idioms are generally fixed expressions - you cannot change the words or the order because that will make the idiom sound strange. At the end of each lesson, you will be asked to decide if the idiom is used correctly or not in an example sentence."
Price: 29.99

"Learning Path:Building Grunt-ified Web Application Workflows" |
"Dont like having to use repetitive parts of a development workflow? If so, this Learning Path is for you. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and step-wise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.Why go with Grunt? Grunt, the JavaScript Task Runner written in Node.js, is the industry-standard tool to perform important repetitive tasks such as minification, compilation, and unit testing. Its wealth of free plugins available online empowers you to reduce the development time and minimize human errorsjust what a developer wants.This Learning Path will start by helping you build your workflow from installing and using Grunt to a basic degree. Youll move on to advanced configurations, creating your own plugins, and building high-quality applications and sites. The goal of this Learning Path is to make you a Grunt expertfrom complex configuration to plugin authoring.About The AuthorDan WellmanDan Wellman is a JavaScript developer based in the UK. He has a decade of hard-earned experience working for companies big and small including local boutique design agencies, and more recently, the Skype division of Microsoft.Dan has written and co-written nine books for Packt, mostly centered on jQuery and jQuery UI, and he regularly creates immersive video tutorials for various websites and companies.Bertrand ChevrierBertrand Chevrier is a professional JavaScript developer with 10 years of experience in large-scale software development and architecture. He uses Grunt every day for his professional and personal projects. As a Grunt plugin author, hes part of the Grunt community and his work is widely used. He also used to teach Grunt to his team mates and speaks about Grunt in conferences and user groups.He's also a strong believer and advocate of free and open source software. By day he works for OAT SA, the company behind TAO, the open source e-testing platform, where hes in charge of front-end development and architecture, and by night he contributes to open source software."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Android N Application Development" |
"Android Nougat is the 7th major version of the Android operating system. Nougat introduces notable changes to the operating system and its development platform, including the ability to display multiple apps on-screen at once in a split-screen view, support for inline replies to notifications, as well as an OpenJDK-based Java environment, support for the Vulkan graphics rendering API, and ""seamless"" system updates on supported devices.This course begins with an introduction on Android Nougat. By getting to know all its new features, get started building your own application. Start off by creating its UI with Androids key developer tool the Android Studio and Android SDK. Networking concepts with the API are the next in line, followed by creating an application that will give you a practical hands on experience such as a News Reader Application. Complete the building process by implementing fire base Analytics and Crash Analysis to measure the success and health of your app. Once youve got a good grasp on these concepts, enhance your skills in maintaining hi-quality apps by learning the testing principles.By the end of this course get acquainted on how to publish your application on the Play Store and leverage the well-known, best practices in Android, known typically only to the initiated.About the AuthorSoham Mondal has worked with Android for about 4 years now and his own app Skyro Voice Recorder has around half a million downloads on the Play Store and has been featured there a couple of times. Apart from that, he has consulted with a bunch of start-ups on Android/UX and was an organizer with Blrdroid, one of the largest Android groups in the world."
Price: 124.99

"Automated UI Testing in Java" |
"Test automation, a formalized testing process, can automate repetitive but necessary tasks that would be difficult to do manually.This video is a practical step-by-step guide to developing UI test automation frameworks from scratch, and is targeted at Java developers. Well explore Web Driver, Appium (for mobile applications), and Cucumber-JVM. While working through the video, you will master the step-by-step test automation framework development process and see how it changes the shape of tests. At the end you will have a vision of what a framework is, what it looks like, and what items should be covered at the beginning of test automation development.About The AuthorMykola has been involved with test automation since 2004, including creating test automation solutions from scratch, leading a test automation team, and working as a consultant for test automation processes. During his career he has worked with different test automation tools such as Mercury WinRunner, MicroFocus SilkTest, SmartBear TestComplete, Selenium-RC, WebDriver, Appium, SoapUI, BDD frameworks, and many other different engines and solutions. He has worked with multiple programming technologies based on Java, C#, Ruby, and so on; and in different domain areas such as healthcare, mobile, telecoms, social networking, business process modeling, performance and talent management, multimedia, e-commerce, and investment banking. He has been a salaried employee at ISD, GlobalLogic, Luxoft,and has also worked as a freelance; he was invited as an independent consultant to introduce test automation approaches and practices to external companies.He co-authored (together with Gennadiy Alpaev) On-line SilkTest Manual and participated in creating the comprehensive TestComplete tutorial, available in RU-net.Also, he has reviewed books such as:TestComplete Cookbook (ISBN: 978-1-84969-358-5)Spring Batch Essentials published by Packt Publishing Ltd (ISBN 139781783553372)Mastering Data Analysis with R (ISBN 13: 9781783982028)"
Price: 124.99

"Designing AWS Environments" |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides trusted, cloud-based solutions to help you meet your business needs. Running your solutions in the AWS Cloud can help you get your applications up and running faster while providing the security to meet your compliance requirements.This course begins by familiarizing you with the key capabilities to architect and host applications, websites, and services on AWS. Well explain the available options for virtual instances and demonstrate launching and connecting to them. Using practical examples, you will be able design and deploy networking and hosting solutions for large deployments. Finally, the course focuses on security and important elements of scalability and high availability.About The AuthorWayde Gilchrist started moving customers of his IT consulting business into the cloud and away from traditional hosting environments in 2010. In addition to consulting, he delivers AWS training for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and international consulting firms. When he is not out visiting customers, he is delivering training virtually from his home in Florida."
Price: 124.99

"Learning Haskell Programming" |
"Haskell is a powerful and well-designed functional programming language designed to work with complex data. Its emphasis on ""purity"" makes it easier to create rock-solid applications which stay maintainable and error-free even as they grow in scale.This video would begin with the fundamentals and building blocks of Haskell programming language with special emphasis on functional programming. It will be covering how Haskell variables, syntax work alongwith Haskell datatypes and functions.You will learn how to solve programming problems while creating an application with hands-on experience. You will then move on to learning writing expressions and high-order functions.At the end of the video, you will be able to build a complete application with Haskell alongwith learning the important functionalities.About the AuthorHakim Cassimally learned the basics of Lisp 15 years ago and has been interested in functional programming ever since. After Audrey Tang developed the first prototype of Perl6 in Haskell (Pugs), he got seriously interested in Haskell and has written, spoken, and evangelised about learning and writing Haskell since 2006.Even when developing in other functional languages such as XQuery or traditional scripting languages such as Perl or Python, lessons learned from Haskell inform his approach and prototypeswhether its training software for a start-up, just-in-time sequencing systems for a car manufacturer, or data imports for a national media corporation.His latest personal Haskell project is a Cryptic Crossword solver."
Price: 124.99

"Android Game Development for Beginners" |
"Creating games can be one of the most fun-filled ways to learn about a coding language or a platform. This course will take you on an exciting ride where you will not only learn about the latest Android N SDK, but also about the other APIs. Youll find out how to create highly interactive and interesting games with it. The course will show you how to create a complete game from scratch designed for the Android platform.The course starts by showing you how to set up the Android SDK and other repositories. Youll also find out how to customize your development environment.As we progress, youll learn to work with moving images, creating sprite animations, particle explosion, design in game entities, and create Bitmap fonts efficiently. You will also learn to use LibGDX to enhance the games features and make it stunning.By the end of the course, you will get a clear idea on improving game physics and collision system and shift your game from 2D to 3D.About the AuthorJames Saeed a hobbyist computer programmer, and has been for the last 6+ years. He specializes in programming languages such as HTML, Python, Java, C#, and Apple Swift (in which he has also attained certification).Along with a portfolio of projects that he has produced over the yearsand uploaded to the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, he has also become highly successful on YouTube for teaching computer programming.On the channel, he has attained over 3 million video views, and over 30,000 subscribers, which has resulted in over $10,000 in ad revenue in the past few years. In his spare time, he is also a musician, rock climber, wrestler, and MMA fighter."
Price: 124.99

"Unity 5 Scripting and Gameplay Mechanics" |
"Develop your Unity skills further by exploring scripting and gameplay mechanics. In this course, Alan Thorn helps you understand the fundamentals of using C# scripts in Unity to build valuable gameplay elements, such as timers and moving objects. Then, youll move onto building a solid foundation for engineering more complex behaviors. By the end of this course, youll have established a firm intermediate knowledge of Unity.This course will get you familiarized with the best practices for Unity 5.x and component based designs. Youll also be able to improve your 3D modeling and animation skills. Testing and Debugging using different functionalities and techniques will also be incorporated in this course.About The AuthorAlan Thorn is a multidisciplinary game developer, author, and educator with 16 years of industry experience. He makes games for PC desktop, mobile, and VR. He founded Wax Lyrical Games and created the award-winning game Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok, working as a designer, programmer, and artist.He has written 20 technical books on game development and presented fifteen video training courses. These cover gameplay programming, Unity development, 3D modelling, and animation. He has worked in game development education as a visiting lecturer for the National Film and Television School, as a lead teacher for Uppingham School, and as a senior lecturer at Teesside University."
Price: 124.99

"Django by Example" |
"Django is a powerful Python web framework designed to develop web applications quickly, from simple prototypes to large-scale projects. Django encourages clean, pragmatic design, and provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools to build scalable web applications. This video will walk you through the creation of four professional Django projects, teaching you how to solve common problems and implement best practices.The video begins by showing you how to build a blog application, before moving on to developing a social image bookmarking website, an online shop, and an e-learning platform. You will learn how to build a search engine and implement a user activity stream. Furthermore, you will create a recommendation engine, an e-commerce coupon system, and a content management system.The video will also teach you how to enhance your applications with AJAX, create RESTful APIs, and setup a production environment for your Django projects. After going through this video, you will have a good understanding of how Django works and how to integrate it with other technologies to build practical, advanced web applications.This course uses Django 1.8, while not the latest version available, it provides relevant and informative content for legacy users of Django.About The AuthorAntonio Mele holds an MSc in Computer Science. He has been developing Django projects since 2006 and leads the django es Spanish Django community. He has founded Zenx IT, a technology company that creates web applications for clients of several industries. Antonio has also worked as a CTO for several technology-based start-ups. His father inspired his passion for computers and programming."
Price: 124.99

"Unreal Engine 4.x Projects" |
"If you want to do more with Unreal Engine 4 and dive deep into the amazing capabilities that it has to offer, then this video is the right choice for you. In this video, you will learn how to create 2 different Unreal Engine 4 games.The design complexity of each game increases gradually to give you a complete overview of Unreal Engine 4 and its amazing features. You will learn to implement advanced shading techniques, create stunning graphics, leverage the rendering power of Unreal Engine to get the best out of it.The experience of creating a variety of games from scratch will help you get a clear grip on Unreal Engine 4 and enable you to become a pro game developer with Unreal Engine 4.About The AuthorMike Sill is a 3D Artist from Cleveland, OH, working in Los Angeles, CA. He has used Epics Unreal Engine since 2007 and professionally since 2012. Mike has had the honor of working alongside the likes of Jesse Schell, Patrick Hanenberger, and Dan Gregoire. Mike currently works as an Engine Artist making pre-viz and post-viz sequences for theme parks, Hollywood films, and AAA videogame titles.Some of Mikes notable worksMike was in charge of the Hero SHD Agent customization and loadout as well as others. He set dressed environments and handled lighting for many shots. Among other tasks were rendering snowfall, as well as exporting/importing motion capture and other prop, vehicle, and camera animations.Mike set dressed the launch bay, sculpted planets, and procedurally generated the entire 37,000km terrain of Terra Nova. The Ride was rendered with the awesome power of Unreal Engine 4."
Price: 124.99

"Beginning C++ Game Programming - Part 1" |
"This video course is all about offering you a fun introduction to the world of game programming, C++, and the OpenGL-powered SFML using three fun, fully-playable games. These games are an addictive frantic two-button tapper, a multi-level zombie survival shooter, and a split-screen multiplayer puzzle-platformer.We will start with the very basics of programming, such as variables, loops, and conditions, and you will become more skillful with each game as you move through the key C++ topics, such as OOP (Object-Orientated Programming), C++ pointers, and an introduction to the Standard Template Library. While building these games, you will also learn exciting game programming concepts such as particle effects, directional sound (spatialization), OpenGL programmable Shaders, spawning thousands of objects, and more.This course uses Visual Studio 2015, while not the latest version available, it provides relevant and informative content for legacy users of Visual Studio.About The AuthorJohn Horton is a coding and gaming enthusiast based in the UK. He has a passion for writing apps, games, books, and blog articles about programming, especially for beginners. He is the founder of Game Code School, which is dedicated to helping complete beginners start coding using the language and platform that are best for them. John sincerely believes that anyone can learn to code and that everybody has a game or an app inside them, and that they just need to do enough work to bring it out. He has authored around a dozen technology books, most recently the following:Beginning C++ Game ProgrammingAndroid Programming for BeginnersAndroid Game programming by ExampleJava Building Android Games"
Price: 124.99

"Python: Web Development and Penetration Testing" |
"Do you want to quickly build web applications that are highlyscalable and secure by design?Are you keen on using your existing Python skills for web developmentinstead of learning a completely new language?This carefullystructured course combines text, video and assessment content.It focuses on Python, starting out with core coverage of the Django framework. You'll learn how to build web applications from the ground up, in a responsible and scalable way. The latter sections then detail how you can take your web application and run it through a suite of comprehensive tests that prepare it for real-world security threats and exploits.By taking this courseyou will not just learn about web development with Python.You'll understand how to build web applications properly, in a manner that lets you test and improve them responsibly to a professional standard.Why should Ichoose this course?We've spent the last decade working to help developers stay relevant. The structure of thiscourse is a result of deep and intensive research into what real-world developers need to know in order to be job-ready. We don't spend too long on theory, and focus on practical results so that you can see for yourself how things work in action.What detailsdo you cover?This course makes use of Django, which is one of the world's leading web development frameworks. As it sits within the Python ecosystem, it makesyour application developmentexperience extremely easy to approach without compromising onefficiency. We start off by learning aboutclass-based views, so that you can start building pages that respond to specific requests and URL structures. Well thendive into creatingcustom middleware, which will help us reuse code,resulting ina more complete introductory web application.Have you ever wanted to build a complete REST API? Our next step is todo just that.Starting out with basic read-onlyfunctionality, we'll alsoaddkey-based authenticationso that we canproperly implement a CRUD (Create,Read, Update and Delete)feature set.The latter part of the course willstart with an overview of the web application penetration testing methodology. We also dive into thesuite oftools used by real-worldprofessionalsso that you can start compiling your veryown toolkit.We don't just cover the background to penetration testing. We'll show you how tointercept HTTP techniques andinteract directlywith web applications using Python and the requests library. We'll also show you severalweb crawling techniques,on top of highlysought afterSQL injectionmethods.You'll also lean how to write and develop your own custom tooling and reference scripts to save you time, just like the professionals.By the time you reach the end, you'll have gone through the entire process of building and validating web applications with Django and Python. We've complied this into one easy reference that reflects the working habits of actual penetration testers to deliver the most accuratelearning experience as possible.We combine the bestof the following Packt products:Mastering Django Web Development byKevin Veroneau andMatthew NuzumPython Web Penetration Testing Cookbook by Cameron Buchanan et al.Learning Python Web Penetration Testing by Christian MartorellaTestimonials:The source content have been received well by the audience. Here are a couple of reviews:""Excellent videos with real case scenarios and code examples. Good explanations (e. g. how to find SQL code injection gaps).""- Anonymous Customer.""I loved the books and learnt new skills.""- JatandarMeet yourexpert instructors:Christian Martorellahas been working in security testing for more than 10 years. He is the author of multiple widely used penetration testing tools like Wfuzz, Metagoofil, theHarvester, and Webslayer, all of them included in Backtrack and Kali, and written in Python. He haspresented security research in many conferences such as OWASP Summits, OWASP Meeting London and Barcelona, BlackHat Arsenal, Hack.lu, and OSIRA.Matthew Nuzum has been developing web applications since 1999 and has worked for several start-ups including Canonical, the makers of Ubuntu, as well as several otherFortune 500 companies. He has a passion for helping others learn new technologies and has written numerous tutorials and help documents as well as running a web-focused user group based in his hometown of Des Moines.Kevin Veroneauis a highlyactive Python and Django developer who has worked for many start-ups,. He has an active Python blog, and has worked on a magnitude of Python projects over the years.Cameron Buchanan is a penetration tester by trade and a writer in his spare time. He has performed penetration tests around the world for a variety of clients across many industries. Previously, he was a member of the RAF.Meet your managingeditor:This course has been planned and designed for you by me, Tanmayee Patil. I'mhere to help you be successful every step of the way,and get maximum value out of your course purchase. If you have any questions along the way, you can reach out to me and our author group via the instructor contact feature on Udemy."
Price: 199.99

"Python: Step into the World of Machine Learning" |
"Are you looking at improving and extending the capabilities of your machine learning systems? Or looking for a career in the field of machine learning? If yes, then this course is for you.ML is becoming increasingly pervasive in the modern data-driven world. It is used extensively across many fields, such as search engines, robotics, self-driving cars, and more. It is transforming the way businesses operate. Being able to understand the trends and patterns in complex data is critical to success. In a challenging marketplace, it is one of the key strategies for unlocking growth.The aim of the course is to teach you how to process various types of data, including how and when to apply different machine learning techniques.We cover a wide range of powerful machine learning algorithms, alongside expert guidance and tips on everything from sentiment analysis to neural networks. Youll soon be able to answer some of the most important questions that you and your organization face.Why should I choose this course?This course is a blend of text, videos, code examples, quizzes, and coding challengeswhich together makes your learning journey all the more exciting and truly rewarding. It includes sections that form a sequential flow of concepts covering a focused learning path presented in a modular manner. This helps you learn a range of topics at your own speed and also move towards your goal of learning machine learning.Testimonials:The source content have been received well by the audience. Here are a couple of reviews:""The author has communicated with clarity for the individual who would like to learn the practical aspects of implementing learning algorithms of today and for the future. Excellent work, up-to-date and very relevant for the applications of the day!""- Anonymous Customer.""Very helpful and objective.""- Fabiano Souza""I would definitely recommend thisto people who want to get started with machine learning in Python.""- Spoorthi V.What is included?Lets dig into what this course covers. Since you already know the basics of Python, you are no stranger to the fact that it is an immensely powerful language. With the basics in place, this course takes a hands-on approach and demonstrates how you can perform various machine learning tasks on real-world data.The course starts by talking about various realms in machine learning followed by practical examples. It then moves on to discuss the more complex algorithms, such as Support Vector Machines, Extremely Random Forests, Hidden Markov Models, Sentiment Analysis, and Conditional Random Fields. You will learn how to make informed decisions about the types of algorithm that you need to use and how to implement these algorithms to get the best possible results.After you are comfortable with machine learning, this course teaches you how to build real-world machine learning applications step by step. Further, well explore deep learning with TensorFlow, which is currently the hottest topic in data science. With the efficiency and simplicity of TensorFlow, you will be able to process your data and gain insights that will change the way you look at data. You will also learn how to train your machine to build new models that help make sense of deeper layers within your data.By the end of this course, you should be able to solve real-world data analysis challenges using innovative and cutting-edge machine learning techniques.We havecombined the best of the following Packt products:Python Machine Learning Cookbook andPython Machine Learning Solutions byPrateek JoshiPython Machine Learning Blueprints andPython Machine Learning Projects byAlexander T. CombsDeep Learning with TensorFlow by Dan Van BoxelGetting Started with TensorFlow by Giancarlo ZacconePython Machine Learning by Sebastian RaschkaBuilding Machine Learning Systems with Python - Second Edition by Luis Pedro Coelho and Willi RichertMeet yourexpert instructors:Prateek Joshi is an artificial intelligence researcher, published author of five books, and TEDx speaker. He is the founder of Pluto AI, a venture-funded Silicon Valley startup building an analytics platform for smart water management powered by deep learning. He has been an invited speaker at technology and entrepreneurship conferences including TEDx, AT&T Foundry, Silicon Valley Deep Learning, and Open Silicon Valley. His tech bloghas received more than 1.2 million page views from 200 over countries and has over 6,600+ followers.Alexander T. Combs is an experienced data scientist, strategist, and developer with a background in financial data extraction, natural language processing and generation, and quantitative and statistical modeling.Dan Van Boxel is a data scientist and machine learning engineer with over 10 years of experience. He is most well-known for ""Dan Does Data"", a YouTube livestream demonstrating the power and pitfalls of neural networks. He has developed and applied novel statistical models of machine learning to topics such as accounting fortruck traffic on highways, travel time outlier detection, and other areas.Giancarlo Zaccone, a physicist, has been involved in scientific computing projects among firms and research institutions. He currently works in an IT company that designs software systems with high technological content.He currently works in an IT company that designs software systems with high technological content.Sebastian Raschka has been ranked as the number one most influential data scientist on GitHub by Analytics Vidhya. He has many years of experience with coding in Python and conducted several seminars on the practical applications of data science and machine learning. He has also actively contributed to open source projects and methods that he implemented, which are now successfully used in machine learning competitions, such as Kaggle.Luis Pedro Coelhois a computational biologist. Heanalyzes DNA from microbial communities to characterize their behavior. He has also worked extensively in bioimage informaticsthe application of machine learning techniques for the analysis of images of biological specimens. He has a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, one of the leading universities in the world in the area of machine learning. He is the author of several scientific publications.Willi Richert has a PhD in machine learning/robotics, where he used reinforcement learning, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian networks to let heterogeneous robots learn by imitation. Currently, he works for Microsoft in the Core Relevance Team of Bing, where he is involved in a variety of ML areas such as active learning, statistical machine translation, and growing decision trees."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Path: Modern DevOps" |
"Ready to get more efficient and effective in overcoming day-to-day IT infrastructure challenges? Lets take advantage of the DevOps revolution!Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.DevOps looks at software development in a whole new way. You can automate and build configurations for infrastructure servers and then address areas of automation, continuous deployment, containers, and monitoring. Git, Docker, and Puppet are the foremost tools in the modern DevOps world.This Learning Path covers a deep dive into DevOps with the Mastering DevOps section. We then cover the basics of version control using Git with the Learning Git section. Further on, we move towards mastering containerization using Docker in the Mastering Docker section. Finally, we learn how to leverage Puppet to ease configuration management in our IT infrastructure.We have designed this course keeping in mind what modern DevOps engineers require to fully utilize the resources in hand.About The AuthorThis Learning Path is authored by some of the best in their fields.Dave MangotDave Mangot is the director of operations for Librato and Papertrail and an accomplished systems engineer with over 20 years of experience. He has led transformations of multiple companies both in operational maturity and in a deeper adherence to DevOps thinking.Sam SlotskySam Slotsky is a software engineer and saxophonist and is currently employed by Ackmann & Dickenson, Inc., Minneapolis, specializing in backend web applications, databases, and JavaScript.Shrikrishna HollaShrikrishna Holla is a full-stack developer and entrepreneur based in Bengaluru. He builds and maintains sigalrm.io, a service that provides actionable alerts, allowing your engineers to take immediate remedial measures.Thomas UphillThomas Uphill is a long-time user of Puppet. He has presented Puppet tutorials at LOPSA-East, Cascada, and PuppetConf. He has also been a system administrator for over 20 years, working primarily with RedHat systems. He runs the Puppet User Group of Seattle (PUGS)."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Path: Spring and Spring Boot Projects" |
"Have you often felt that when you create complex and robust applications the focus usually drifts from the functionality to the infrastructure? This is where Spring MVC and Spring Boot come to the rescue. They are lightweight frameworks that will help you develop flexible and robust stand-alone applications without much hassle. This Learning Path is designed to introduce you to advantages of having frameworks, such as Spring MVC and Spring Boot, while developing apps. A Video Learning Path from Packt essentially contains multiple video courses that are logically tied together to provide you with a larger learning curve. Lets dig into what this Learning Path does. It gets you started with creating, deploying, and running a Spring MVC project using Spring Tool Suite and then moves onto building a Spring Boot application. It will also show you how to integrate model and business services based on an example of an online e-commerce chocolate store! Once you have gained hands-on experience with Spring MVC, the course will introduce Spring Boot. Then move on to learn Spring Boot by scaffolding an application and understanding different aspects of it. In addition to that, you will also learn to secure applications against malicious behavior. After completing the course, you will be able to successfully create stand-alone, Spring-based applications using Java that work on multiple platforms!About the Authors:For this Learning Path, Packt has brought the works of two authors who are working very closely with Java, Spring, and Spring Boot. Koushik Kothagal has over 12 years of professional experience working with various server-side technologies and developing web applications. He has worked extensively with Java, Spring, Oracle, and other enterprise technologies. He loves teaching, and when hes not coding Java, hes probably teaching it! In his spare time, he runs the tutorial website Java Brains which covers various enterprise Java technologies.Greg L. Turnquist has developed software professionally since 1997. From 2002 to 2010, he was part of the senior software team that worked on Harris' $3.5 billion FAA telco program, architecting mission-critical enterprise apps while managing a software team. He provided after-hours support to a nation-wide telco system and is no stranger to midnight failures and software triages. In 2010, he joined the SpringSource division of VMware, which was spun off into Pivotal in 2013."
Price: 199.99

"Web Application Development using Redis, Express, and Socket" |
"Looking to build scalable and real-time applications in one of the simplest ways possible? Youve come just to the right place! This is one of Packts Video Learning Paths which is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.In this Learning Path, we look at implementing real-time applications on websites using SocketIO, Express, and Redis. SocketIO has been used in creating many real-time chat and blog applications because of its powerful real-time engine. Yes, Socket. IO features one of the fastest and most reliable real-time engines. This makes it almost perfect for real-time analytics, instant messaging, and two-way communication between the browser and web application. Redis opens doors by making data quick and easy to fetch. Lastly, Express helps by making full-featured web applications easy. A powerful combination of these three will give you awe-inspiring application experiences and youll be able to create fast, scalable, and dynamic real-time apps in no time!Essentially, this Learning Path is a practical guide on integrating Redis and NodeJSand making a site realtime using Node.js and SocketIO. By the end of the Learning Path, you will be a competent SocketIO developer and will be able to create fast, scalable, and dynamic real-time apps.About the authors:This Learning Path, contains the best works of Joshua Johanan and Tyson Cadenhead who are experienced at creating applications.Joshua Johanan is currently a web developer with over 7 years of experience writing sites and applications in many different languages. These languages include PHP, Python, JavaScript, and C#. Using many languages also means using many frameworks, including Zend Framework, Django, and .Net MVC. He is the author of two books, Building Scalable Apps with Redis and NodeJS and Web Developers Reference Guide.Tyson Cadenhead works as a senior JavaScript engineer at Aloompa in Nashville, Tennessee. He has dedicated his professional career to building large-scale applications in JavaScript and Node. Tyson addresses audiences at various conferences and programming meetups on how to build real-time web applications with SocketIO or MeteorJS."
Price: 199.99

"The JavaScript Design Patterns and Best Practices Collection" |
"Have you ever felt as if you rely too heavily on third party JS libraries and frameworks? Concerned about being able to write clean and maintainable code?This uniquely structured course combines text, video and assessment content. It aims to get you up to speed on expert-level techniques that will help you grow as a software developer. Whilst we focus on JS, many of the patterns we use are also applicable to broader software development. These design patterns will act as solutions to your frequently occurring development problems. This course will build your understanding of tried-and-true design patterns in JavaScript. You will learn how to build robust applications and libraries. Moreover, this course will make you capable enough to identify places where the right pattern could improve the readability and maintainability of your code. Why should Ichoose this course? We've spent the last decade working to help developers stay relevant. The structure of thiscourse is a result of deep and intensive research into what real-world developers need to know in order to be job-ready. We don't spend too long on theory, and focus on practical results so that you can see for yourself how things work in action. What detailsdo you cover? Weve all reached a stage where we struggle to write simple and expressive code. Its in these cases where design patterns come to our rescue.We start off this course with idiomatic JavaScript, helping you get to grips with modern JS. From stabilizing our foundation in OOP coding, we will move on to cover DOM manipulation in a simple and approachable manner.Well then move onto one of the most common concerns presented to us by front-end web developers.- When creating a cross-browser application, how do you know if a feature is supported or not?As a bonus, we also dive into the latest JS refresh that is ES6. ES6 is an exciting collection of new language features and paradigms and well get you started with using polyfills and transpilers right away.Once you are well-acquainted with all the tips and tricks of JavaScript, wellmove on to design pattern techniques. Starting with an introduction to design patterns, we look at creational, structural, and behavioral patterns. We include also include coverage of functional programming, model view patterns, patterns to build web applications, and messaging. A number of very interesting advanced JavaScript patterns such as dependency injection and live post processing are also detailed in a practical context.On completion of this course you will have seen over 20 modern and classic design patterns in action, so that you can apply them to tackling the challenges that arise in real-world web application development. We combine the bestof the following Packt products: Mastering JavaScript by Ben FhalaJavaScript Design Patterns 20 Patterns for Advancing Your JavaScript Skills by Ben FhalaMastering JavaScript Design Patterns, Second Edition by Simon TimmsMastering JavaScript by Ved AntaniTestimonials:great job done ! Always a pleasure to see practical implementation of patterns ""in real world"". --Volodymyr Yaremenko This course is stellar! There is nothing worse then people designing courses and putting expert or advanced and it is NOT. THIS IS!! It is so organized and detailed. The teacher is awesome. --Michael Bruce Meet your expert instructors:Ved Antani has been building scalable server and mobile platforms using JavaScript, Go, and Java since 2005. He is an associate vice president at Myntra and has previously worked at Electronic Arts and Oracle.Ben Fhala isan Adobe ACP. He has developed applications for members of the US Congress, Prime Ministers, and Presidents around the world. His commercial experience includes companies like Target, AT&T, Crayola, Marriott, Neutrogena, and Nokia. He has technically directed many award-winning projects and has been part of teams that have won three Agency of the Year awards. Simon Timmshas a BSc in Computing Science from the University of Alberta and a Masters from Athabasca University. He is interested in distributed systems and visualization. He is involved in the local .NET and JavaScript community, and speaks frequently at conferences."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Path: Python Web Development" |
"Are you new to Python and are yet to explore all that it can do? Yes, Python has more to it than just data science and application programming. With the help of frameworks like Flask and Django, it can also build scalable web applications. The following are some popular web applications that are majorly written using Python or Django:PinterestInstagramPreziPython has two powerful frameworks: Flask and Django. The question is which framework should we choose? A common route is to begin building small, interesting projects with a simple framework, like Flask, and move on to Django as you begin to grasp the basics.This Learning Path is designed to mold you to a complete Python web developer. Yes, this is not a course; it is a Learning Path. What this essentially means is that it contains multiple video courses that are logically tied together to provide you with a larger learning curve. Lets dig into what this Learning Path does. Since you already know the basics of Python, you are no stranger to the fact it is an immensely powerful language. With the basics in place, this Learning Path takes a hands-on approach and demonstrates how to build fully functional real-time applications from scratch. The Learning Path begins with building interesting projects with Flask, gradually introduces the more challenging frameworkDjangoand then moves on to the complex concepts in it. It covers concepts such as how to build up and structure an effective web API that can be used by any client application accessing it over the HTTP protocol, and how to use the Flask and Django ecosystem efficiently to create web applications. So after completing this Learning Path, you should be able to create web applications as good as any of the popular applications mentioned above. Yay! About the author:For this Learning Path, we have combined the best works of five extremely esteemed authors: Gergo Bogdan, Alexander Putilin, Jack Stouffer, Matthew Nuzum, and Kevin Veroneau. Gergo Bogdan is a software engineer with over 8 years of experience in the IT industry. He has vast expertise in multiple technologies, including .NET to Python, JavaScript, and Java. Alexander Putilin is a professional programmer and has several years of experience in languages such as Python and C++. He has worked for a lot of years in specializing in Internet-related services and products. He has also worked in the Search Engine department.Jack Stouffer is a programmer who has several years of experience in designing web applications. He switched to Flask three years ago for all his projects. Matthew Nuzum has been developing web applications since 1999 and has worked for several start-ups including Canonical, the makers of Ubuntu, as well as Fortune 500 companies. He has a passion for helping others learn new technologies and has written numerous tutorials and help documents as well as running a web-focused user group based in his hometown.Kevin Veroneau is a very active Python and Django developer who has worked for many start-ups, has an active Python blog, and has worked on a magnitude of Python projects over the years."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Path: Efficient JavaScript Application Development" |
"Do you want to make efficient use of your time by quickly performing tasks? How will you do it? Your answer is Grunt! Grunt will help you automate repetitive tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, and more.Grunt is everywhere. From JavaScript projects in jQuery to Twitter Bootstrap, everyone's using Grunt to convert code, run tests, and produce distributions for production. We will begin this Learning Path with an advanced configuration and customization of the Grunt environment, focusing on practical examples of creating a customized Grunt environment that will support large-scale web development.Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.Half way through this course, you will gain a deep understanding to create server-side applications with the most popular Node.js framework.Finally, we will focus on creating a data-intensive application with MongoDB, use AngularJS to create a frontend application, and learn to utilize Bootstrap to create a truly responsive web app. The goal of this course is to make your application development process smoother and efficient.About The AuthorBertrand ChevrierBertrand Chevrier is a professional JavaScript developer with 10 years of experience in large-scale software development and architecture. He uses Grunt every day for his professional and personal projects. As a Grunt plugin author, hes part of the Grunt community and his work is widely used. He also used to teach Grunt to his team mates and speaks about Grunt in conferences and user groups.Bertrand is also a strong believer and advocate of free and open source software. By day he works for OAT SA, the company behind TAO, the open source e-testing platform, where hes in charge of frontend development and architecture, and by night he contributes to open source software.Fernando MonteiroFernando Monteiro is a full-stack engineer, speaker, and open source contributor. He has built and made some of his personal projects open source, such as Responsive Boilerplate, Frontend Boilerplate, Angm-Generator, and TrelloMetrics, written in AngularJS, Node.js, Less, and SASS.With around 16 years of experience in information technology, his current focus is on web and mobile JavaScript applications. He has a strong understanding and experience with all phases of the software engineering life cycle, including source control, design, build/release, and automated testing.He has worked as a manager of e-commerce and a UX designer for various companies and products, including mobile applications.When not programming, Fernando enjoys riding Harley Davidson bikes, making his ownbeer and watching movies with his family."
Price: 199.99
