"Beginner ProShow Gold/Producer Slideshows: ProShow Slideshow" |
"Do you possess images that evoke memories you'd like to retain... maybe even immortalize?Family? Friends? Vacations? Marriages? Births? Even deaths?What about photo albums? Event announcements? Or corporate advertisements?ProShow is the bestWindows based software tool for producing professional quality image and video slideshows.For fun or for profit, in this one hour training course I will...First, I'll demonstrate how to create a wedding video slideshow in just 6 minutes using ProShow themes to handle all the details.Then, after showing you the finished wedding slideshow, I'll explain in detail just how I managed to create that slideshow in just 6 minutes using only 4 steps:I. Select Your Slideshow Theme Using the WizardII. Organize and Select Your ArtIII. Select and Time Your MusicIV. Produce Your Finished Slideshow VideoIn the first course project, you'll be guided through the process of creating your own ProShow theme based slideshow in just 6 minutes.Additional video instruction explains how to upload your slideshow video to Youtube and share it in the Q&A section of this course (or Facebook).Then we dig a little deeper:I. Free Images and File OrganizationII. Add Images to the Slide ListIII. Apply a Style to Each SlideIV. Add Slide CaptionsV. Configure Transitions and TimingVI. Add Music and Adjust Total TimingVII. Produce Your Finished Sideshow VideoFollowed by a second, more detailed course project.1.5 hours2 Sections2 Projects.And you're outta here! Honestly, that's all Iask of you.By the end of this course you'll be a (relative) ProShow expert but stillwanting more...I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Amazon Self-publishing: Self-publish a Kindle/Paperback Book" |
"Have you written a fantasticmanuscript but now you're unsure what to do with it?Please allow me to make a suggestion...This is a course that advocates self-publishing over traditional publishing. At the same time it takes a potentiallycontroversial stand by suggestingthat you should be publishing exclusively with Amazon companies.This class also serves as an introduction and guide to publishing on Amazon KDP.But before getting all tangledup with a whole course, the first four lecturesin this coursecover short but important topics that need to be nailed down before we can proceed:Why You Should Self-publish Your BookWhy You Should Self-publish on AmazonWhy You Should Enter the Kindle Select ProgramWhy You Should Publish a CreateSpace POD PaperbackWhy You Should Watch the Rest of the Amazon Self-publishing SeriesThe next section inthe course is wherethe rubber hits the road...In the second section you'll learn how to format your manuscript using Microsoft Word for publication on Amazon Kindle. This is the first of a pair of sectionsto dealing with publishing on Amazon Kindle, the second being how to actually publish your book through the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) web based interface.I'd recommend that you pause the course after each lesson in order to perform the task just described using your own manuscript. By the time you finish the class you'll have a formatted manuscript.In the third section you become a published author...In the fourth and final section, you'll learn how to price your book at the sweet spot to be sold and to name your book using keywords so that it can be found. These two steps are probably the most crucial in marketing your Kindle book.The two topics addressed in the final sectionare:Price Your Book to SellName Your Book to Be FoundBe sure to watch the entire course if you're interested in self-publishing.I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Camtasia Screencasting: Camtasia Studio 8 w/PowerPoint 2016" |
"Would you like to become a Udemyinstructor?In the initial sectionfor budding instructors, you'll learn to record a screencast, a presentation and awebcam using the Camtasia Studio 8 Recorder.In this section we'll cover the following topics:How Camtasia Studio 8 WorksRecord a ScreencastRecord a PowerPoint PresentationRecord a WebcamHow I Record LessonsIn subsequent sections you'll learn to edit your videos using the Camtasia Studio 8 video editor and upload your videos to Udemy.Record a Screencast and/or WebcamVideo Editor Basics & ProductionSimple PowerPoint PresentationCreate a Udemy CourseCreate a Udemy Course Promotional VideoI'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Beginner Moho Pro/Anime Studio: 2D Illustration-Animation" |
"Have you triedto learn Moho but gottenstuck? Well, you're not the onlyone -- I've been where you are now.Maybe youtriedpiecingtogether YouTube videos but couldn't findwhere to begin or theorder in whichto watch themMaybe youtried other online video courses but found they wereoutdated (no longer matched your version of the software), were too specific orwaytoo advancedMaybe you tried an introductory course which was nicebut it was too shortI created this course to specifically address these issues. They arewhat I viewed as a gaping holein the previously available body of Moho knowledge; namely, a decent introduction.This course provides a detailed, easy to follow introduction to the latest version ofMoho Debut and Pro, version 12(notAnime Studio 11, 10, 9...). This introduction is 8 hours in length (not onehour) because itaddressesall the phases of 2D developmentusing Moho (not justone phase) including:IllustrationRiggingAnimationIt even includes a lengthy section on lip syncing a character manually and using a semi-automated process based on the freePapagayo product from Smith Micro.Though this course is for beginners it delves into advanced topics such as:Smart BonesReference LayersTarget BonesAfter completing this course, you'll know Moho very well. You'll certainly be able to tackle more advanced YouTube lectures to honeyour skills to perfection.Don't forget the Udemy 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee. If you're not happy with this course, justreturn it. That makes yourdecision to enroll a no-brainer, doesn't it?Click on the Enroll button in the upper right to begin learning the most powerful 2D illustration and animation software in the world: Moho Debut/Pro.I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Intro to Moho Pro/Anime Studio 2D Illustration-Animation" |
"I designed a challenge for myself: createan introduction to Moho that would teach illustration, rigging and animation allin under 3 hours. During the course, create a human character and provide an animation demonstration. Welcome to myintroduction toMoho Debut/Pro 12 (formerly Anime Studio). Moho is a 2D vector illustration, rigging and animation package all in one. You can use it to create easy to professional 2D animation (e.g. cartoons and promos).To meet my challenge Ihad to:Address only the most fundamental and important topicsBe extremely organized in my presentationKeep moving!The core topics addressed include:Build Solid BoneStructureUnderstandingPose, Proportion, Perspective, Joints and ConstraintsDesigning an Optimal Skeletal Structure for YourCharacterIllustrationConstructing Perfect Knee and Elbow JointsDrawing Your Character TorsoTracing Your Character Head and FaceCartoon Eyes Option Using Layer MasksRiggingBinding Bones to YourCharacterSwitch Layers and Smart Bone DialsAnimationWalk CycleLip SyncingCamera and Background AnimationThis course is the first in a series of Moho courses that includes:Introduction toMoho Pro Illustration, Rigging and AnimationBeginner Moho Pro Illustration, Rigging and AnimationDon't forget the Udemy 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee. If you're not happy with this course, just return it. That makes your decision to enroll a no-brainer, doesn't it?Click on the Enroll button in the upper right to begin learning the most powerful 2D illustration and animation software in the world: Moho.I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Beginner's Guide To Infographic Design Using Canva" |
"Welcome to the Infographic Design course, where I will teach you tocreate infographics using Canva, afree online tool,so that you can get your message out there in a bigger way and make more of an impact.This course was designed to be the fastest and easiest video training course for beginner's to learn how to create a professional-looking infographic in under one hour.The video training provided in this course is the result of our hands-on experiencedeveloping infographics professionally for our customers.After years of creating 1000's of infographics, we've created, documented, and recorded a uniquetime-testedprocess that is repeatable by anyone possessing basic computer and Internet search skills. Each lesson takes you through the details and inner workings of the infographic design method that we'vedeveloped and use every day in our business.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Check if you can answer ""Yes"" to any of these questions:Are you a beginner andcurious about creating Infographics?Would you like to see some tips, tricks,and secrets we have about Infographic Design?Want to be able to create your own Infographics in less than 15mins using free tools?Can you follow simple step-by-step directions?If you can answer ""Yes"" to any of those questions, then this course might bejust the thing for you and your future. So if you're a person that wants to create a beautiful infographic, then this is the place to start. It's okay if you don't have a creative flair, because we'll share some secrets that anyone can use for creating magical infographics.WHAT WILL YOU LEARNAfter completing this course, you'll possess the knowledge and skill set toduplicate exactly what we do for our clients, andyou'll be able to create amazing Infographics in under 15 minutes!MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEWe offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for this course. If you're not happy with it, you can return it for a full refund. You can't lose!HURRY AND GET STARTED NOW!Enroll in this course and get immediate lifetimeaccess to this course and begin changing your life today."
Price: 29.99

"Beginner's Guide To Product Sourcing For Online Arbitrage" |
"Join A Community OfOVER 1,500Students WorldwideThat Are Enrolled In This Course !This course was designed to be the fastest and easiest video training course for beginner's to learn more about the Simple Online Arbitrage method we developedwhile using Craigslist forproduct sourcing. Because the profit of an itemis made during the acquisition, this course is focused on thebuying activity.This course is all about finding profitable items.Itdoes notprovide guidance on flipping the product through of the various online outlets such as eBay or Amazon FBA.The video training provided in this course is the result of our research into developing asimple method of online arbitrage. After years of testing and fine-tuning, we've created, documented, and recorded a patentable uniqueprocess that is repeatable by anyone possessing basic computer and Internet search skills. Each lesson takes you through the details and inner workings of the Simple Arbitrage method that I developed over time.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Check if you can answer ""Yes"" to any of these questions:Are you a beginner andcurious about Online Arbitrage?Want to know someinsider details about Online Arbitrage and how you can get started?Would you like to see the tips, tricks, hints, and secrets we have about Online Arbitrage?Can you follow simple step-by-step directions?If you can answer ""Yes"" to any of those questions, then this course might just be the thing for you and your future.WHAT WILL YOU LEARNAfter completing this course, you'll possess the knowledge and skill set toduplicate exactly what we've done for ourselves to build a business based upon theonline arbitrage techniques we teach.MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEWe offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for this course. If you're not happy with it, you can return it for a full refund. You can't lose!HURRY AND GET STARTED NOW!Enroll in this course and get immediate lifetimeaccess to this course and begin changing your life today."
Price: 29.99

"Blockchain Technology 101 - Beginner's Guide" |
"Welcome to the beginner'scourse, to Blockchain Technology,where I will teach you the fundamentals in less than one hour. This course was designed to be the fastest and easiest video training course for beginner's to learn:What Is A Block And ABlockchain?How Is A Block Built AndHow Does A Blockchain Work?What Is Asymmetric Cryptography And Why Does It Matter For A Blockchain?How IsDecentralized Data Implemented And Why Do I Care?What Is The ""Magical"" Mathematical Fingerprint? How Is It Used In ABlockchain?Why Is A Blockchain Considered Highly Secured?This course reveals the answers to these questions and a lotmore.The video training provided in this course is the result of our hands-on experiencedeveloping infographics professionally for our customers.After years of creating 1000's of infographics, we've created, documented, and recorded a uniquetime-testedprocess that is repeatable by anyone possessing basic computer and Internet search skills. Each lesson takes you through the details and inner workings of the infographic design method that we'vedeveloped and use every day in our business.DOES ONE OF THESE MATCH YOUR SITUATION?Check if any of the following describe you:You don't know anything aboutblockchain technology, but you wantto learn the essentials quickly and easilyYou're in a hurry to learn the basic fundamentals ofa blockchain andhow it worksCan you watch animated videos andfollow simple step-by-step explanations?If you can answer ""Yes"" to any of those questions, then this course might bejust the thing for you and your future. So if you're a person that wants to create a beautiful infographic, then this is the place to start. It's okay if you don't have a creative flair, because we'll share some secrets that anyone can use for creating magical infographics.WHAT WILL YOU LEARNAfter completing this course, you'll possess the basic knowledge and rudimentary understanding of Blockchain Technology so that you can begin your journey into the next disruptive technology since the Internet.MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEWe offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for this course. If you're not happy with it, you can return it for a full refund. You can't lose!HURRY AND GET STARTED NOW!Enroll in this course and get immediate lifetimeaccess to this course and begin changing your life today."
Price: 29.99

"Content Marketing for Brands, Businesses and Blogs" |
"On the age of information, content is king. But the problem is... everyone want to be the king... every marketeris fighting for attention.So, how do you differentiate yourself from others and actually get your content seen?Content marketing is indeed the most effective way toreach more people.Every step of the purchasing journey, from visitor to raving fan, content is there to supply every content need.On this short course you'll learn all the content marketing fundamentals, from how to set your content's goal to actually how to create content that spreads itself.On this course we cover:Elements of great contentContent marketing strategyBrand awarenessThought leadershipCustomer AcquisitionCustomer retentionEngagementSocial sharesThough theoretical knowledge and practical examples, you'll see what industry leaders are doing withtheir content marketing strategies and you'll learn how to apply them yourself regardless of the niche you're in.This course is suitable for every type of marketer.Whether you have your own product, are an affiliate marketer or own your own start-up, you'll be able to nurture yourself with the lectures presented on this course.Take this course if you want totake your content marketing to the next level,effectively communicateyourmessage and squeeze even the last drop out of your content."
Price: 119.99

"Landing Page Optimization & Design for Digital Marketing" |
"Did you know the human attention span is shorter than a goldfishs? Goldfish = 9 seconds Humans= 7 seconds Your landing pages has a lot of work to do in a short amount of time. With attention span shorter than a goldfish, its a must that you capture your visitors interest in the first few seconds.On this course we'll break down hundreds of the top performing landing pages online right now and see what they are doing (or failing to do).With over100+ Real Landing Pages Analyzed,we will see the strategies and design elements they use to retain people's attention, inspire action and boost conversions.You'll also learn how to optimize your landing page designs for maximum conversions by increasing the effectiveness of individual elements like:HeadlinesCall-to-actionsBackgroundsImagesand more!Every landing page needs to have a clear and focused goal as well. By having a particular action in mind, like a button or an email form, you will be able to guide your visitors into taking a specific action, whether it's a purchase or an email subscription, that's entirely up to you.So, take this course now and let's start designing stunningly effective landing pages!"
Price: 119.99

"Google Analytics for Beginners" |
"Hello, my name is Grigor Yovov.I am Certified Google Analytics Expert. I'd love to help beginners in Google Analytics 2018 to properly set up their accounts.I have more than 10 years of experience in managing google analytics accounts in variety of niches. Greate course, easy to follow and very practical oriented! -Zlatan Ivanov A useful and understandable course for Google Analytics. Thank you! - Elitsa Kaloyanova Perfect explanation of basic thing needed for GA - Grigor NikolovI create this Google Analytics for Beginners course because I find a lot of people suffering from missing or incorrect google analytics major settings.As an example, do you know how to restore yours google analytics data if exigently create a wrong filter or other mistake?Let me help you you cant!Yes, you heard me right!Google analytics data is one-way ticket and if you damage it. You cannot turn it back!And there is no automated backup, so you need to create one as soon as possible to protect your data.In this course Ill show you how to create such a backup.Other example are the signals!Do you know that you dont need to open google analytics every day to track important information, if you adjust signals in your account?They will save you a thon of time and will alarm you if important event occurs.There are bunch of other important settings you need to properly adjust for yours google analytics account if you are a beginner.Like:How to link google analytics with adwords?How to create signals and goals?How to create email reports and remarketing lists?And many others.The course is structured precisely to be really actionable for beginners in Google Analytics!Every lesson is divided to introduce you what well do.Why it is important.And how to make it click by click.The idea of the course is to let you open yours google analytics account and just repeat the proper settings.At the end of the day you will have fully functioning google analytics account.You will be able to properly monitor your website visitors and analyses the correct data in this Google Analytics for Beginners course.Enroll today and boost yours google analytics!"
Price: 194.99

"The Ultimate Goal Setting Blueprint" |
"Do you have big goals you like to achieve, but you feel like something is holding you back? Have you ever tried to achieve a big goal but you fell flat on your face? Or have you lacked motivation or inspiration to even start achieving your goals? If you answered yes to another of those questions, then this course is going to be perfect for you.Here's just a fraction of what you're going to discover in this blueprint.First and foremost you're going to discover the 10 commandments for goal setting that are crucial to your success. This is the number 1 reason why people fail to achieve these goals, because not only do they not know about these, they also don't implement them. Next I'm going to walk you through the 4 big steps when it comes to turning your dreams into reality. You'll discover things like how to figure out exactly what you want. How to create your own road map for getting you from point A to point B in the quickest amount of time.How to guarantee you're taking the best steps to achieving your goals. How to eliminate distractions and get laser like focus. And so much more!So if you're looking to finally achieve your goals and get your life moving in the right direction, then you need to enroll in this course right now. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99

"The Online Business Cheat Sheet Collection - 5 Courses In 1" |
"If you're looking to get the shortcut to your online business, then The Online Business Cheat Sheet Collection is going to be the best collection of courses for you. Backed by many years of experience, these video slideshow presentations will focus in the most CRUCIALaspects of success and give you various examples to help guide you as your business builds and grows.Consider this like the unfair advantage for your online business.Do you want to know how to get started even on a shoestring budget? Consider it done! All you have to do is make sure you're following the cheat sheet which will give you multiple ideas for getting started without breaking the bank.Do you want to know how to create the highest converting lead capture page in your niche? Consider that done, too. All you have to do is simply follow the important steps and get ready to really increase your optin rate. After all, if you double your optin percentage, you potentially double your business.Ever thought about making email marketing and product launches work for you too? No problem! Once again, all you need to do is follow the crucial checkpoints on the cheat sheet to maximize your success. Lastly, you'll also be getting the popular Instagram Marketing Cheat Sheet as a bonus for being an awesome costumer. With that, you'll be able to leverage Instagram for more traffic, leads, and sales.With 5 courses packed into one, you just simply can't miss out on this. So be sure to enroll now and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99

"The Sales Funnel Cheat Sheet Collection - 4 Courses In 1" |
"If you're looking to get the shortcut when it comes to putting an online sales funnel together,then The Sales FunnelCheat Sheet Collection is going to be the best collection of courses for you. Backed by many years of experience, these video slideshow presentations will focus in the most CRUCIALaspects of sales funnelsuccess and give you various examples to help you along when building a profitable sales funnel.Consider this the unfair advantage for creating online sales funnels.First we'll start off with one of the most important aspects of a sales funnel: the sales letter. Follow along as I walk you through a template of checkpoints you can use to sale anything, regardless of your niche. Next, you'll discover how to increase your sales sevenfold with the ultimate upsell cheat sheet. All you have to do is copy the steps I reveal and use them with any offer that compliments a customers original purchase. After that, we will move onto the ultimate back end sales funnel as I'll reveal many little known spots for increasing customer satisfaction while increasing your revenue at the same time. Last but not least, you'll also be getting a bonus course where you can watch over my shoulder as Iquicklycomplete a full sales letter in one sitting.With 4 courses packed into one, you just simply can't miss out on this. So be sure to enroll now and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99

"Create Engaging Instagram Posts Without Spending A Dime" |
"If you've ever wondered how to create those jaw-dropping posts that you see onInstagram that get thousands upon thousands of likes, then this short course is perfect for you.Did you know that having low quality posts is the number one reason why Instagram users don't grow their following? I mean think about it for a second, how is anyone going to see your posts if there isn't any good engagement on it? Here's just a few of the big benefits you're going to discover after completing this course.How to create highly engaging Instagram posts that will allow you to grow your following...And how to create them without even spending a dime.The #1 free tool used to create these high engaging posts (even if you have zero graphic design skills).How to get thousands of free pictures that you can use for your Instagram posts...And how to never run out of them either!The best strategy for discovering what types of posts you should create.My favorite free app for identifying the best posts from some of the biggest Instagram influencer accounts.And a bunch more!Face it, if you want to get better engagement and more followers on Instagram, then something needs to change quickly. So be sure to enroll now and I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99

"How To Do Affiliate Marketing For Instagram" |
"If you've ever wanted to leverage Instagram to send targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing offers, then this quick course is going to be perfect for you. Here's just a fraction of what you're going to discover in this step by step system.The anatomy of a high converting profile and how to set it up for maximum effectiveness and optimization.The ONE thing you need to focus on when quickly putting your profile together.3 types of Instagram profiles and how to accurately choose which profile is going to be best for YOU.4 red hot proven niches that you can use to shortcut your results.Swipe my template used for picture perfect posting and maximum engagement.Where to find the hottest affiliate offers and how to get accepted into affiliate networks.The rapid setup used to get your affiliate link ready to receive targeted traffic.Watch over my shoulder as Ishow you the simple steps used to send traffic to your affiliate link.The BIGGEST mistake many Instagram marketers make and why you should avoid it at all costs.And so much more!So if you're newer to Instagram, you have less then a few thousand followers, or you haven't made that many affiliate commissions, then this course is going to be perfect for you.Be sure to enroll right now, and I will see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99

"Mental Math Secret" |
"Welcome to mental math secretsI want to thank you for taking the time tovisit, a place where youwill be learning all about mental math secrets.What is mental math secrets?Mental Math secrets is a variety of math techniques that will help you solve math problems like youve never been able to solve them before.What you will be learning by taking this course:The most important mental math secretHow to quickly add single column problemsHow to quickly add double digit column problemsHow toquickly multiply 2 digit numbersHow to quicklymultiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbersHow to multiply any number by 11.The best and most important part is that after taking this course you wont need a pencil and paper to solve basic math problems, I look forward to showing you my mental math secrets so enroll in the course now and lets get started."
Price: 99.99

"Quickly Master Pre Algebra" |
"Welcome to Quickly Mastering PreAlgebra. Pre-Algebra is one of the most important topics in the world of math, it helps build the foundation that will help you Learn and conquer Algebra, Algebra 2 and geometry. In this course we will be focusing on the most important topics in pre algebra which will give you a tremendous advantage over your classmates and help you pass all your test with ease while impressing your math teacher at the same time.I know math can be very frustrating, Just like you I was someone who always struggled with math while in school, but after years of hard work and practice I've developed numerous shortcuts and strategies and I would like to share them with you.I can assure you after some of thetips andtricks you will learn in this course youwillbesolvingproblems like you never thought possible.In this course we will be covering the most important fundamentals concepts of Pre Algebra such as:Real NumbersThe Number lineGreat than Less than and equal toAdding IntegersSubtracting IntegersMultiplying IntegersDividing IntegersPowers & ExponentsOrder of Operations"
Price: 99.99

"Google Analytics Reports and Dashboards with Data Studio" |
"Recent reviews:""thanks, it was well presented and at a good pace. Examples and practical activities relevant too.""""Very concise examples. Great Practice exercises. And the pace is just right - video not too long or too short.""""This course helped me in creating my own dashboards for the data I require daily - fantastic""In this course you will learn the BEST techniques and tools for turning data into MEANINGFUL analysis using Google Data StudioThis course is lead by Ian Littlejohn - an international trainer, consultant and data analyst with over 50 000 enrollments on Udemy and consistently high reviews. Ian specialises in teaching data analysis techniques, Excel Pivot Tables, Power Pivot, Microsoft Power BI and Google Data Studio. **** Life time access to course materials and practice activities. ****How do you make sense of all your data within Google Analytics? If that is a question you want answered, THIS course is for you. You will learn how to easily create your own custom Google Data Studio reports and dashboards that will make it easy to understand your Google Analytics data.Google Data Studio is Google's latest report and dashboard creation tool. Using a drag and drop interface reports can be created and running in minutes. Google Data Studio also makes it incredibly easy to share your reports with other users.In this course we are going to teach you the following:CONNECT to the Google Analytics data sourceUNDERSTAND the Google Data Studio interfaceCreate SCORECARDS displaying key information such as Sessions and UsersCreate Time Series / Trend graphs displaying how Sessions and Users changes over timeHow to setup different FILTERS for your dataDisplay information using column, bar and pie CHARTS Create effective MAPS and geographical analysisCreate powerful INTERACTIVE dashboardsThis course is for anybody who wants to effectively analyze and understand their Google Analytics data."
Price: 49.99

"Complete Introduction to Google Data Studio 2020 Edition" |
"**** Updated July 2020 - this bestselling Udemy course has been updated ****Recent reviews:""Excellent systematic explanation by the instructor.""""I am very happy with the content and delivery of this course. Ian, you did a great job!""""Very nice course, highly recommended. I passed from zero to do the most complicated dashboard at the agency I work in, involving complex filters and data consolidation of big databases. Thanks for all your support""In this course you will learn the BEST techniques and tools for turning data into MEANINGFUL analysis using Google Data StudioThis course is lead by Ian Littlejohn - an international trainer, consultant and data analyst with over 95 000 enrollments on Udemy and consistently high reviews. Ian specialises in teaching data analysis techniques, Excel Pivot Tables, Power Pivot, Microsoft Power BI and Google Data Studio. **** Life time access to course materials and practice activities. 100% money back guarantee ****In this course we are going to show you how to SUPERCHARGE your Google Sheets into Interactive Dashboards and INCREDIBLE reports. Google Data Studio works seamlessly with your Google Sheets data to create amazing data analysis in minutes.Google Data Studio is an incredibly easy to use drag and drop tool that allows a multitude of different visualizations to be created in minutes. The addition of filtering tools produces stunning reports that will take your data analysis to the next level.Google Data Studio is available free to people with a Google or Gmail account. In this course we are going to teach you the following:How to connect Data Studio to Google SheetsLearn how to calculate Averages, Highest values, Lowest Values and number of Unique ValuesCreate Scorecards to display key metrics and KPIsCreate powerful trend analysis graphs to help with forecastingCreate Year to Date, Month to Date and Previous Month calculations with the click of a mouse buttonLearn to gain powerful analysis from Stacked Bar and 100% graphsCreate powerful Time and Category filters to easily create interactive reportsLearn to share your Reports and Dashboards with other usersGoogle Data Studio is truly an amazing product for creating insight and intelligence from your Google Sheets data."
Price: 99.99

"Inbox Domination: How To Stop Wasting Time In Email" |
"Join over 340+ Successful Students and Discover How I Went From 247 Emails a Day Clogging Up My Inbox to Nothing Left In My Inbox (aka Inbox Zero)... ...And I Did It Without Just Selecting All and Hitting Delete! (I know you've thought about it) How many emails are in your inbox right now? Too many? And I'm guessing that a bunch of these are still unread from months ago (if not longer), right? If that's you... Take this course to discover the step-by-step strategies I used to take control of my inbox, reduce the stress and frustration of managing my emails, and increase my daily personal productivity. For example, inside you'll learn... 4 ways to get your inbox to "empty" and keep it that way! 5 techniques to speed up and simplify the way you use email The simplest filing system to use that ensures you always know where to find that IMPORTANT email. (no more time wasting hour long searches) and much more... ** YES! ... these strategies work with ALL email client (eg. Gmail, Outlook, Mac Mail etc..) ** This course is perfect for you if you find yourself sitting in your email inbox all day every day (eg. business owners, office workers etc...) and waste countless hours consumed by responding and receiving emails rather than focusing on more productive or interesting tasks. Unchain Yourself From Your Email Inbox!! This training has been simplified into 3 big foundational topics and broken down into actionable steps that work across all Email Software/Platforms... This is the perfect course to tame the email monster. Click "Take This Course" to get started. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: I give you my personal promise that this course will show you how to become the master of your email inbox. When you put these strategies and tactics into practice, you will have more time to spend on money making activities or spending time doing what you enjoy. If you don't agree that this training will get you those results then I don't want your money. Simply ask for all your money back 100% anytime in the first 30 days."
Price: 24.99

"Self Confidence Training - Accredited Certification Course" |
"+++++++++++ Note: Our courses have been taken by over 70,000 happy students from 170 countries and we have now over 10'000 Top reviews showing our students' satisfaction. This course is professionally presented by Libby Seery, a leading psychotherapist, counsellor, and therapeutic life coach and Alain W., a leading transformational coach, international speaker and swiss entrepreneur. We are actively involved and answer questions WITHIN A FEW HOURS. We have many BEST SELLING courses on Udemy in the personal development field. +++++++++++Unleash Your Confident Self & Finally Live The Quality Of Life You Deserve!Learn how to become truly confident, boost your self esteem, develop your inner confidence, become perceived as a confident person, believe in yourself, eliminate social anxiety and nervousness, reach success with your goals, have a confident body language and ultimately how to become confident at anything.You will learn how to become confident in the workplace, in dating, in finance, in giving presentations, in setting goals, in social situations and so many other situations! This course provides the best applicable tools and proven techniques to unleash your confident self! Not only, you will become more confident after watching this course but you will also be able to teach others how to become confident!Becoming self confident is important because it helps you create the quality of life you deserve and become the best version of yourself. Self confidence is proven to reduce stress & anxiety, to help you tackle life's challenges with more certainty & ease, become happier, become comfortable socially, being healthier, perform better at work and get better sleep. But most importantly, it unleashes your personal power to make your life a masterpiece.Imagine a life where you would be 100% self confident. You would dare to act for what is important to you. You would be confident in every area of your life; finance, relationships, at work, dating, etc. You would become someone people would be inspired by. You would be an example for people that you love. They would see your best self, your confident self. You would never let another opportunity pass by and you would be able to achieve anything you want. How would that improve your life? What are you waiting for? Enrol in this course right now so you can start your transformation!This course has a 30 day money back guarantee. You can try this course and see how it will improve your life by unleashing your self confidence! Why not trying? You can only be more confident from this deal!"
Price: 199.99

"Social Skills: How To Make A Great First Impression" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** This course is taught by asocial skills coach with 15 years of experience60'000 satisfied studentsenrolled in my courses1500+ TOP reviewsin my courses30 Money Back Guarantee- You have 30 days to watch the course and decide if that's for youLATEST: Course Updated Again for November 2017When you meet someone new, studies have shown that the other person will judge you and make decisions about you in the first 7 seconds! To make sure that you will be well remembered, you will learn the art of making an outstanding first impression consistently.Learn To Make A Good First Impression With Everyone ConsistentlyLearn to make a good first impressionLearn social skills secrets to be likedLearn to be the most memorable person in the roomLearn how to master the first 7 secondsBecome socially successfulThis Course Reveals Social Skills Secrets That Few People Know!You don't have a second chance to make a good first impression that's why it is important to know exactly how to make a good first impression consistently.Content & overviewYou will learn exactly what to say & what to do when you approach someone new so this person will say that you are the most interesting person he met that day. You will learn the most effective ways to approach people, what to say & what to do so they will like you consistently.You will learn the charismatic way of approaching anyone, how to remember the names of the people you meet, how to remove the fear of approaching someone so you can be friendly & socially attractive, how to be confident & hide your stress gesture when meeting someone new, how to attract people like a magnet with your eye contact & smile, how to have an interesting conversation with everyone and know exactly what to say, how to never have the awkward moment of not knowing what to say..and so much more!This course has a 30 day money back guarantee. You can try this course and see how your first impression improves! Why not trying? You can only gain social skills from this deal!"
Price: 199.99

"Develop Amazing Social Skills & Connect With People" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER 60'000+ happy students from 179 countries have enrolled in my courses and have left 1'500+ TOP ReviewsPresented by the social skills expert, Alain W., who is a recognized expert in the field of social skills and communication skills with over 15 years of experienceThere is a 30 day money back guarantee. I am 100% confident that this course will help you communicate better with people so try it risk FREE!In this course, you will learn all the social skills you will ever need! You will learn the art of approaching people and becoming unforgettable so you can make new friends, get new clients, or simply attract more opportunities to your life. You will learn how to make a powerful first impression with everyone you meet. You will also learn how to be more confident and comfortable in social events. You will also have the tools and techniques to be more charismatic and become the most interesting person in the room. So my question to you is:Would you like to learn the art of having great interactions with people constantly?I don't want to convince you to take this course. I would like you to try it and see how it can transform your life. If you don't like it, return it! The 30 day money back guarantee is here to make you feel 100% comfortable with the decision of enrolling in this course.Everyone can learn social skills. It is like playing sports. You can hire a coach and he will help you to develop your skills. Everyone can become socially successful as long as they have the best advices. My style is direct, to the point, no fluff and I only share what works & will give you the results you want fast. Obama learnt social skills, shy people learn social skills everyday. This course is for people who would like to develop better social skills & communication skills in any category of your life; work, family, personal life, etc. If you are socially shy, I'll go over the basics so you can improve your social skills. If you already have good social skills, I'll share many advanced concepts & techniques so you can develop even more extraordinary social skills.You will learn how to start any interaction, exactly what to say, how to never run out of things to say, how to remove your fear of approaching, how to connect with people, how to make friends, how to be confident & comfortable in social interactions, how to be the most interesting person in the room & so much more!There is a 30 day money back guarantee, so you can enroll in the course, watch the entire course, learn some social skills in the way and if you decide that this course is not for you, you can get your money back within 30 days with no questions asked. You have zero risk! You can only improve your social skills from that deal.Go ahead and enroll in the course now. See you on the other side.WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE:""this course inspired me with a lot of points before making my new year plan"" Basma ""Just awesome."" Shah ""I'm enjoying every second of this course! Super helpful information and I'm learning a lot. The instructor is an outstanding presenter, warm and engaging, with a great sense of humor. It's more like listening to a best friend haring his skills than a lecture. Thank you for this course!"" Caroline ""The presenter have broad knowledge on the subject and explain in details on the course."" Abdul ""absolutely deserve 5 stars"" Osama"
Price: 199.99

"Double Your Assertiveness, Confidence & Communication Skills" |
"*Due to the success of this course, I've released a brand new course created for 2020! Updated & extended version with more content & examples!!!!***NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER 60'000+ happy students from 179 countries have enrolled in my courses and have left 1'500+ TOP ReviewsPresented by the social skills expert, Alain W., who is a recognized expert in the field of social skills and communication skills with over 15 years of experienceThere is a 30 day money back guarantee. I am 100% confident that this course will help you communicate better with people so try it risk FREE!WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSE:Learn Highly Effective Techniques To Deal With Any Conflict In Your Personal & Professional Life Communicate With Assertiveness & Confidence Reduce negative emotions & Discomfort When Communicating With People Speak Up, Share Your Ideas & Opinions In A Persuasive, Calm & Positive Way How To React & Defend Yourself When You Are Criticized How To Receive Negative Feedback Learn to Say NO When You Are Asked Unreasonable Requests Without Looking Selfish Provide Feedback To Others While Looking Good & Friendly Express What You Want & Your Rights With Integrity, Honesty & Respect For Others How To Deal With Confrontation, Challenging Situations & Difficult People WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE:""It is Excellent..."" Aditya ""Superb and well explained"" Deepakshi ""The instructor is a fantastic communicator."" Jackie Miller ""A relevant outline and presentation on how to become more assertive while improving your communication strategy. Interesting and engaging approach to getting your message understood"" Thomas Curry "
Price: 194.99

"Make New Friends: Boost Your Communication & Social Skills" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER 60'000+ happy students from 179 countries have enrolled in my courses and have left 1'500+ TOP ReviewsPresented by the social skills expert, Alain W., who is a recognized expert in the field of social skills and communication skills with over 15 years of experienceThere is a 30 day money back guarantee. I am 100% confident that this course will help you communicate better with people so try it risk FREE!Boost Your Social Skills & Develop Amazing New FriendshipsWould you like to be able to connect with people?Would you like to get new extraordinary friends?Would you like to boost your social skills?Would you like to get the social life of your dreams?Would you like to become socially successful?Welcome To The Complete Course That Will Teach You How To Make New Extraordinary FriendsHow would your life improve if you had incredible friends around you who could support you, motivate you, take care of you, share a great moment with you and become important people in your life?Boost Your Social Skills & Develop Amazing New FriendshipsMake New Friends EasilyDouble Your Social LifeConnect With People InstantlySocial Skills SecretsBuild Social ConfidenceSocial Skills Secrets: Boost Your Social Skills & Make New FriendsThis course if for people who would like to make new amazing friends who they can really connect with, boost their social skills & develop a more fulfilling social life. It has been adapted to help people with little scoial skills to boost their social life and people who already have good social skills to get the friends they 've always dreamt of!At the end of this course, you will become socially successful. You will learn powerful tools & techniques in this course that will show you exactly how to make new amazing friends & boost your social life.What are you waiting for? Enroll in this course right now so you can start your transofmration!This course has a 30 day money back guarantee. You can try this course and see how it can boost your social life! Why not trying? You can only improve your social skills from this deal!WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE:""Instructor is a wonderful speaker. Very motivating. He gives a lot of very good, positive advice. "" Jackie Miller ""Incredible. Mr Alain you are awesome and very helpful to me. thanks"" M. Khan ""5 stars because I have benefited well thanks"" Mohamed ""Very good!"" Nadezda"
Price: 199.99

"Construye tu Datacenter con Software 100% Libre" |
"Es un curso que ensea como crear un Datacenter con Software 100% Libre, con el objetivo de minimizar los servicios que requieran licencia y stos, a su vez, sean bsicos y crticos en una organizacin.Vamos a abordar desde temas sencillos como la virtualizacin hogarea hasta la implementacin de mquinas virtuales basadas en KVM, para customizar y dejar productivo un ambiente que contenga servicios como ser directorios activos, correo corporativo, voip, monitoreo de servicios, acceso web y dems.Es un curso que elabor pensando en todas aquellas personas en aprender un poco ms que esten decididas a evaluar la posibilidad de migrar desde entornos pagos o de utilizacin de licencias pagas hacia un ambiente completamente libre y a la vez seguro y estable.Utilizo gran parte de las distribuciones de Linux hasta hoy conocidas como ser Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS y al mismo tiempo muestro como utilizar herramientas libres para llegar a adecuar el datacenter desde una instalacin bare-metal (Proxmox VE sobre el hardware sera el caso).Arm una pequea gua con terminologa bsica para todos quienes esten comenzando en este maravilloso mundo de la administracin de redes, servidores y automatizacin de procedimientos.Dividido en ms de 20 clases podrs encontrar muchsimos nombres conocidos en el mbito del software libre, como ser: nagios, apache, bind, mysql, nginx, todos ellos integrados en mltiples plataformas y con clases 100% visuales, en donde muestro en forma detallada y paso por paso, el qu, el cmo y para qu hacer lo que estamos haciendo.Sin dudas, es una produccin que beneficiar enormemente al usuario que est pensando en un datacenter profesional, ordenado y estable.Espero verte en el curso! Bienvenid@!"
Price: 19.99

"Proxmox VE 5 - Estrategias de Virtualizacin" |
"En este curso abordamos desde el principio de Proxmox VE 5 -cmo est concebido desde sus orgenes- hasta la implementacin de un cluster con alta disponibilidad y manejo de copias de seguridad.Paso a paso, todo lo que necesitas saber para implementarlo en totalidad aprovechando todas las features de Proxmox VE.Claros ejemplos de virtualizacin con KVM y LXC, sobre diferentes sistemas operativos y una instalacion BAREMETAL que realizo en vivo sobre un equipo fsico REAL que hoy en da se encuentra en PRODUCCION.Te aportar muchsimas herramientas que mejorarn tu carrera profesional y te sentirs muy seguro en la implementacin de estas herramientas ya que todos los pasos estn explicados y detallados!"
Price: 24.99

"Responsive Web & Mobile Development in HTML,CSS & Javascript" |
"Course waslast updated on: 04/28/2018, Udemy'sBest in Web Development/Javascript!Over 15,000students enrolledworldwideand still counting!A Jump-start to Responsive Web and Mobile App Design with HTML, CSS and Javascript.HTML and Javascript started its journey as an open source blogging tool but now it has become more popular as a content management system (CMS). HTML and Javascript is built on PHP and MySQL. HTML and Javascript has really changed the way we do web development. HTML and Javascripts content management system makes it easy for developers to create rich and interactive websites. HTML and Javascript basically provides us themes and framework which help us to reduce coding effort. HTML and Javascript also comes with library of plugins. These themes and plugins take care of most of the coding for us. As a result, web developers can save a lot of coding time and focus more into the design concepts. HTML and Javascript do not require any knowledge of programming languages and non-technical people are able to create web pages with the help of HTML and Javascript. HTML and Javascript is a free tool but HTML and Javascript training courses are pretty expensive. Erudeversity likes to keep the training part free as well. HTML and Javascript aimed to create a free platform for everyone, but getting proper training lessons in using HTML and Javascript has not been as easy. Our free HTML and Javascript Training course discusses all basic concepts including HTML and Javascript installation, configuration, server setup, understanding HTML and Javascript settings, toolbar, creating posts and pages, and overview of HTML and Javascript. At the end, we give you a walk-through on how to publish your first HTML and Javascript site with free hosting! Now everyone can become a web developer. Our HTML and Javascript training videos are a comprehensive way to get started with web development. Just like our other courses, most of the course videos are available for preview so that you can test drive the quality of content. If you want to become an expert web developer, then this is the first step for you to get started. Get enrolled and take the opportunity to become an expert web developer without any prior knowledge of HTML and Javascript. You will also learn how to develop and convert your responsive website into hybrid mobile applications for android and iOs."
Price: 19.99

"Faa o seu Marketing Pessoal online e offline" |
"Formate alguns passos dentro de um plano de marketing pessoal que voc pode usar para se expor, da forma correta, online e offline em busca de mais reconhecimento e resultados ainda maiores. Conhea comigo estes passos e vamos construir juntos o seu plano de marketing pessoal, que fao com diversos profissionais desde 2006 - veja minha biografia e confira. Espero voc para seguirmos juntos ao sucesso."
Price: 84.99

"Chatfuel: Build Facebook Messenger Chatbots For Business" |
"Facebook Messenger Chatbots are the latest Facebook Marketing trend for social media marketers, entrepreneurs and small business owners. In this course I will show you how to build these chatbots with Chatfuel for some amazing results. I recently added over 60 new subscribers to my ConvertKit email list using Facebook Messenger Bots. I'll show you real-world examples of chatbots I built with Chatfuel to help grow my online businesses, so you can do the same with the power of Facebook Messenger.Why should you enroll?Brand New Chatbot for Business Course!This course will teach you how to build chatbots with Chatfuel.Chatbots Provide Results for BusinessSee Real-World Chatbots in action!Top Businesses like Uber Build their bots with Chatfuel!Did you know Facebook Messenger has 1.2 billion active users each month worldwide? Facebook Messenger consistently ranks as one of the most popular mobile apps in the United States. Messenger had close to 137 million unique monthly U.S. visitors. This is why you should consider chatbots as part of your social media marketing strategy if you are an entrepreneur, digital marketer, author, online course instructor, local business or small business looking to expand your reach! Right now there are very few businesses on Facebook using chatbots, which means you can get in early with the opportunity to start growing your business with this new and powerful marketing tool. Start creating chatbots for your online business now and stand out from the competition!Here are several reasons why you should be building Facebook Messenger Chatbots with Chatfuel:Lets you connect with your Facebook Page followers who subscribe to your chatbot.Let potential customers engage with your chatbot right from your website with the Customer Chat Plugin.Chatfuel generated Landing Pages let you share your chatbot via social media, email marketing and more.Gain new chatbot users through the comments on your Facebook Page.Increase your Email Subscribers by connecting Chatfuel Chatbots to your favorite email application using Zapier.High open and click-thru rates, compared to the average 25% with email marketing.Provide 24/7 Customer Service with immediate replies to those who contact your business via the ""Sent Message"" button.Powerful sales tool to find qualified buyers.Build Powerful Sequences with Chatfuel.Analyze chatbot performance with powerful data.Facebook Messenger Chatbots are perfect for entrepreneurs and small business owners to up their engagement on Facebook without spending a lot of money. Chatfuel makes it easy and inexpensive to create a chatbot for your Facebook business page. Enroll in this course today and start submitting your Messenger Chatbot listing to free chatbot directories."
Price: 19.99
