"Davud Hoca ile HTML - CSS" |
"HTML renmeniz iin hazrladmz 7 saatlik bu kurs ile web tasarmna ilk adm doru atm olacaksnz.HTML tm web sayfalarnn taraycda sunulan halidir, Web sunucular i kodlar sonucunda tarayclarna anlayaca ekilde kodlara dntrrler, ite bu kodlar HTML kodlardr.HTML ok basit ve keyiflidir, hi bir zorluu yoktur. Eitimde HTML iin gerekli olan tm konular rneklerle aklanmtr.HTML rendikten sonra CSS, Bootstrap ve Programlama dilleri ile devam etmek gerekmektedir.HTML eitiminde grmek zereDavud Hoca"
Price: 19.99

"Test your Knowledge in Banking Credit Analysis Process" |
"Welcome to this course onTest your Knowledge in Banking Credit Analysis Process.This is a Practice Test course only and you can test your knowledge on the various topics.Each and every section will have various questions framed as Multiple Choice Questions.You will be given a time frame and cut off marks for clearing the course.You can expect questions on the following topics:a) Financial Statementsb) Ratio Analysisc) Cash Flow and Fund Flow Analysisd) Term Loan Appraisale) Working Capital Managementf) LC and BG"
Price: 1280.00

"Beat Google HummingBird And Reclaim Your Google Ranking" |
"Google Hummingbird was implemented in August 2013, and according to Google itself, it's the biggest change in Google search engine technology in the last 15 years. This has changed the way you do business online, and the way pages are ranked on Google. In this nearly 3 hours video course, I talk about Google HummingBird, how it works, what's the technology that runs it, how it changes the search engine, and what you'll need to do get ranked on Google henceforth. If you own a blog or an Internet website, you need this course to make sure that you retain your rankings, and you are able to exploit this wonderful new opportunity to rank highly on Google. This course also covers bad SEO techniques that you're already using, which will harm your site, and the good SEO techniques that you must start using to get good Google rankings. "
Price: 189.99

"Pinterest Marketing Roadmap" |
"Pinterest is the new kid on the block as far as social media networks go, but it's got a strong following of its own. With over 150 million active monthly users now, and a strong domination of women users, Pinterest is a wonderful place for marketers.No matter what you're promoting online, Pinterest can get you high quality visitors. Specially if you're targeting the home market.In this course we start from the very basics, assuming you know nearly nothing about Pinterest and proceed from there guiding you gently through Pinterest features and the opportunities you have to get traffic.We also show you what to avoid, and what to do, to maximize your returns from Pinterest.So if you are interested in unlocking a new traffic source for your business, get started with this course today and make Pinterest a success story for yourself."
Price: 74.99

"Complete SQL Bootcamp using PostgreSQL." |
"Learn how to use SQL quickly and effectively with this course with PostgreSQL database management system. You'll learn how to read and write complex queries to a database PostgreSQL using one of the most in demand skills - SQL. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as - MySQL, - Microsoft SQL Server, - Amazon Redshift, - Oracle- Hadoop- IBM DB2 and many more...Learning SQL is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills! In this course you'll learn quickly and receive challenges and tests along the way to improve your understanding! Who this course is for:Anyone interested in learning more about SQL, PostgreSQL, or basic data analysis!"
Price: 199.99

"Introducing the Value Innovation Process" |
"This course introduces you to the proven 10-step Value Innovation Process (VIP) and some enabling tools (templates, case studies, processes, etc.). The VIP helps you to define your most important customers unmet needs. It guides you in the development of new products & services that align with those unmet needs. Ultimately the VIP drives sustainable business growth and profitability for your organization. Value Innovation is defined as delivering exceptional value to the most important customer in the value chain all the time, every time and shows you how it can be used to drive structured, sustainable business growth in your organization. The key learning objectives are: 1. Introduce you to the 10-Step Value Innovation Process. 2. Define a project using the project definition template. 3. Define a Value Chain for your business using the provide tools. 4. Identify your most important customers using the provided template. 5. Understand the power of the Value Curve with Metrics, our quantitative tool and method for evaluating value. 6. Understand how to uncover your most important customers unmet needs & the tools to accomplish this. The course is delivered in 5 sections, each accompanied by a video and slide deck. Each lecture has Key Points at the beginning and Learnings/Takeaways at the end. Tools Provided: 1. PDF of the Value Innovation Process 2. PDF of the enabling tools set 3. Template you can use to define your project including instructions 4. 3 Questions template to identify your Most Important Customer 5. Instructions on how to develop the Value Chain The next course to view is Value Innovation Process Success Stories and can be found here: www.udemy.com/value-innovation-process-success-stories/ If you have questions, send Dick Lee an email (dick_lee@valueinnovations.net) or call him at +1-720-291-0758 and he will respond within 48 hours."
Price: 49.99

"Value Innovation Process Success Stories" |
"This course shares six Value Innovation Process success stories to show you how the companies used the process, and the results they achieved. It builds on your knowledge of the Value Innovation Process and its enabling tools. You can use the process to develop a new business model, new packaging, new delivery methods, new product and new services and solve problems. Our goal is to increase your awareness of Value Innovation which is defined as delivering exceptional value to the most important customer in the value chain all the time, every time and show you how it can be used to help you in your business or organization. The course is delivered in 8 sections . Each section has a video and pdf file of the ppt deck that was used Each lecture has Key Points at the beginning and Learnings/Takeaways at the end In section 1 we provide a pdf of the Value Innovation Process and a pdf of the enabling tools. You should be able to complete each section in 30 to 45 minutes. It is up to you how fast you want to learn. We recommend that at a minimum you complete one section a week. If you want to work on your own project using these tools, you will invest more time If you have questions,send Dick Lee an email (dick_lee@valueinnovations.net) or call him at +1-720-291-0758 and he will respond in <48h."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Revit Families by Example" |
"Welcome to this course on Revit Families. We're going to jump right into creating families, so this course assumes you have some knowledge with working in Revit projects. If you've been wanting to delve into family creation, but don't have the time or don't know where to start, then this course is for you. When learning new software, doing by example is a great approach. So these videos are structured so that you can follow along in small projects. We will cover creating many types of fully parametric Revit families. From curtain panels, and furniture, to detail components and more."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Roteiro - Teoria e Prtica" |
"Este ocurso online para quemquer se tornar um roteirista!Ao longo de vrias video-aulas, vou te ensinar acriar e analisar roteiros de Televiso,Cinema, Histrias em Quadrinhosou qualquer outra mdia.No vou mentir pra voc, estecurso tem muita teoria!Por outro lado, eu ensino roteiro desde 2006 e meesforo ao mximo pra explicar conceitos super complicados da maneira simples,mostrando tambmcomoeles funcionam na vida real.Uma coisa eu posso te garantir: depois deste cursovoc vai ver filmes de maneira diferente!Vai entender melhor como construda aquela virada pica do seu seriado favorito eperceber porque as pessoas so viciadas em fico e tem at abstinncia quando no recebem sua dose diria de dramaturgia."
Price: 99.99

"GIMP - Editor de Fotos Profissional (Software Grtis)" |
"Criar e Manipular imagens uma necessidade cada vez mais comum a todas as pessoas. As famosasferramentasdaAdobedo conta desta tarefa, porm seu preo elevado o torna inacessvel para muitos indivduos e empresas. Se voc busca o poder doPhotoshop ou do Lightroom sem o seu custo, o GIMP soluo perfeita para este problema, pois um software 100% gratuito e open source!Durante o curso, vamos abordar todas as principais funes do GIMP, tais como:Interface do programaManipular imagens usando camadasCorrigindo problemas de imagemTrabalhar com textoFerramentas de pinturaExplorando os filtrosCriando efeitos fotogrficosAlm disso, o aluno ser orientado e desafiado a criar diversas peas grficas ao longo do processo de aprendizado:Criar uma colagemCriar uma FotocolagemAjuste de foto escuraRestaurao de foto antigaRecriar um personagemCriar um LogotipoCriar um FlyerCriar Efeito CartoonEntre outros!"
Price: 159.99

"DaVinci Resolve 14 - Edio de Vdeo - Montagem de Cinema" |
"na edio ou montagem, como conhecida no cinema, que um filme ganha vida. A viso da direo s pode se expressar atravs das escolhas tcnicas e artsticas do editor. Por outro lado, todo bom diretor deve ter slidos conhecimentos de montagem para filmar qualquer cena adequadamente.O DaVinci Resolve hoje o software que evolui mais rapidamente na indstria audiovisual. Nos ltimos anos, diversas atualizaes comprovaram que a BlackMagic quer fazer deste o principal sistema de ps-produo para vdeo, cinema e televiso. O DaVinci Resolve gratuito para usar, sem restries de tempo de uso. o melhor software para quem est comeando ou para aqueles que buscam se alinhar com as tendncias dos aplicativos mais usados.Este curso faz parte de uma srie, nos prximos cursos abordaremos contedos mais avanados, como correo de cor, color grading, mixagem e masterizao, entre outros."
Price: 99.99

"Algebra I: Straight To The Point" |
"Boost your confidence in Algebra I with our course! We offer over 200 worked examples from the most important topics of the course and hundreds of practice questions (including answers). And here is what our online students are saying about our teaching method & video explanations: "Thank you soooo much, you saved my life!!!!" "THIS WAS PERFECT! WHY COULDN'T MY TEACHER EXPLAIN IT LIKE THIS? THANK YOU SO MUCH!" "The explanation was very good. Not like others who assume that the person they are explaining to already knows the basics." "Great video and explanation! Keep up the great work" "Thanks a lot!!!!! If only my teacher can explain like this!" "Thanks so much. I have a huge test today and it finally makes sense! Thanks again man!" "Bless you for these explanations!" "This is really great, it really made it easy as you said. Thank you so much." "Thanks man for making stuff that seems impossible to most people so easy and accessible. You that make the world a better place." "I wanted to thank you for this. I looked at many, many explanation videos and could not figure this out but you made sense to me. Thanks!" "You sir are a genius." "Your explanations are great, learning heaps from them..." "Yay! that makes sense! Thank you so much for the explanation!" "I have a test in a few hours and I did not understand this at all. Thanks to you, now I do! Thank you so much!" "Very nice explanations, thanks!" "Thnx much, best explanations!" "Thanks for this... It was very helpful and clear! Just what I needed." "Thank you so much! I love you soooooo much!" "This helped me out a lot. Thank you." "Thanks man this helped my understanding greatly" "Thanks a bunch! I have a test tomorrow morning and I couldn't figure out how to do that. (I should probably go to the lectures). But you are a grade saver." "I got 90%%%% on my test, I did no study except watch a few videos, including yours, THANK YOU" "YOU ARE FREAKING AMAZING!!!!" "Oh my gosh thank you sooooo much I finally get it now. Thank god because I have a quiz tomorrow." "wow great help!!!" "You're great!" "very helpful ! Thank you" "Great videos nice & short" "Thanks! This really helped!" "Thank you for the tutorial definitely helped me with my exams. :)" "This helped a lot thank you!" "[The explanations videos were] short and too the point! Thank you!" "Wonderful work sir. Your website, vids and tutorials are saving my life right now keep it up!!!" "Thanks, now i understand it, my professor doesn't explain much" "Thanks soo much...My teacher taught me this in long as way, you way is soo much easier and way less work" "Wow amazing, this was so clear thanks so much" "Clearly presented and beautifully simplified!" The instructor will answer questions posted on the course on a bi-weekly basis: every second Sunday."
Price: 104.99

"Produce a Retro Disco Boogie Record using Ableton Live Music" |
"This course gives you the insight and knowledge on how to produce a retro sounding Disco Boogie record inspired by the early 1980's producers such as D-Train, Shep Pettibone and record labels such as Sam Records and Prelude Records. The course is designed for Ableton Live users and should take around 3 hours to create. The course is set out into different sections starting with beat programming right on through to mastering the track. It is structured in a simple and easy to follow manner. You should take this course if you want to extend your genre styles within music production and to gain useful tips on how to create classic Disco music with modern technology."
Price: 19.99

"Spelling Rules Refresher" |
"How confident are you in your ability to spell correctly? Are those simple proofreading errors or troublesome misspellings? How many spelling rules can you recall? Do not allow language weaknesses to compromise your personal or professional message on social media, in the classroom or in the workplace. Correct spelling still matters! In this class, ""Spelling Rules Refresher,"" learn basic American spelling rules and how they apply to developing good grammar skills. The video lectures and spelling exercises provide clear, practical instruction on how to spell effectively. Regardless of your skill level, everyone can benefit from a refresher on spelling rules for personal and professional development. Perfect for ESL and English as second language students.Join the course and boost your writing skills!"
Price: 54.99

"Shopify for Newbies: Basic Guide to Drop Shipping on Shopify" |
"Shopify Dropship Store: Newbies Basic Guide to Drop Shipping********************************************************In this class you will learn the essentials of starting you own home business from home with Shopify. Learn how to escape from 9-5 by learning how to build a Shopify store and the foundation of a successful online arbitrage business. This course will teach you how to start a Shopify store, learn the basics about Alibaba and AliExpress and the concepts needed to master online arbitrage.In this course you will learn...1) Register your account2) How to open a Shopify Store fast3) Learn the basics about Alibaba************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99

"Curso Online de Adobe After Effects CC. Animao" |
"Este curso abre portas para o mercado que mais cresce no mundo todo, o mercado udio visual....Ao final deste curso o aluno estar mais perto de oportunidades de emprego e poder aderir a iniciativa empreendedora pela produo de vdeos....Aprender edio de vdeo para efeitos especiais e animao lhe capacitar para produzir vdeos animados que aos olhos do pblico so mais atrativos.Esse curso de nvel intermedirio e o aluno ir aprender motion graphics com foco em animao na plataforma da Adobe.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Projects in React Native: Learn By Building Real World Apps" |
"Become a master appdeveloper with this Comprehensive React Native Course!Astechnology grew, developers had to settle for building apps that arelaggy, or spend hours having to learn a new language, but ReactNative changed the game it allowed developers to build apps withtrue native capabilities without having to learn a new language or acomplicated technology.ReactNative is a framework, built by Facebook on its React JavaScriptlibrary. It uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as Nativeapps, react Native builds apps that are smooth, dynamic and alsoallows using native capabilities such as GPS, camera, fingerprintsensor, etc.Our course is theperfect place for you learn this amazing technology in a systematicmanner using a hands-on approach!Designedkeeping beginners and intermediate students in mind, this course willhelp you breakdown the fundamentals of React Native framework andthen will go on to help you understand exactly how you should useReact Native to build actual apps.Thecourse will start with a detailed introduction into React Native,including installing the React Native framework, learning how to setup the environment on multiple operating systems such as Android andiOS, setting up React Native on Windows and Mac, learning about filestructures, components, props, states, and other similar concepts. Butthats not all. You will also learn how to build 5 different appsthat range in complexity to help you solidify your learning and teachyou exactly how to use this framework in practical applications. 5 Apps that you willcover in this course:React NativeBusiness App In this basicapp, youll learn about page component setup, styling, addingcontent, textinput, buttons, switch, state and even toolbars.Book Finder Adding to the basics above,this app will teach you things such as navigator, ListView,PressRow, etc.FirebaseItemlister Learn aboutFirebase, Statusbar, and other important Firebase components in thisproject.Project Manager Learn about storage systems,App set up, Forms and so much more in this advanced project.Text Translate App Learn how to incorporatetranslate components, including fetching translations from the API.Notime to waste! You dream app is waiting for you, so lets getstarted!"
Price: 39.99

"Google Certified Educator Level 1 Technical Training" |
"In this course, you will learn all of the technical skills necessary to take and pass the Google Certified Educator Level 1 exam. After watching the training videos and completing the sample assignments you will be ready to become a Google Educator. You will learn about Google Mail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Classroom, Calendar, Chrome, Groups and more! All assignments come with video answers for you to self-assess your work.*All course videos are currently being updated to reflect the newest version of G-Suite and to fix some audio issues. (7/12/2020)"
Price: 99.99

"Membership Sites: How To Start an Online Community or Forum" |
"""Great intro course if you're not sure you want to have an online community / forums. She's very honest so you know exactly what you're getting into. I'm glad this is the first course I've taken in this topic."" Laura Rajsic-Lanier********************************""She shares her real life experience as a community builder. Forum building is a broad subject. This course can help you to kick start your first community website."" Yuee Hoi Sing********************************Have you ever dreamed of creating and running your own online community or forum?Are you passionate about a specific topic and want to share it with the rest of the world?If you like social networking platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter, then creating your own online community or forum is for you.This course will teach you the following:You will learn the difference between general social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and your own niche-based online community or forum (membership sites).You will learn about software available to create your own online community or forum.We will cover commitment level and technology needed to start, build and sustain an online community or forum that will attract your target audience.I will show you my own online community's back office and what it takes as the forum creator and admin to maintain your own online community.If you love typing, building community, and communicating with a global audience, then learning how to run an online community from anywhere on the planet is for you.Join us today!********************************""The instructor presented this course well, sharing vital points and the software she personally used to create her online community and answered the daunting questions I had about creating an online community for my church. I am encouraged, excited , and plan to implement my own ideas utilizing the strategies in this course."" Sandra Thompson********************************""This course is great! It gives you the information you need and how to put it into action. I love that that right from the beginning she tells you the good and the bad, she doesn't fill her course with fluff. This is real, practical and applicable. Thanks so much I loved this course."" Margaret Doxey********************************Keywords:#how to build a community online, #how to start a community, #online community examples, #online community platforms, #types of community, #online message board, #online forum for business, #phpbb forums, #best forums, #forum website, #types of social media platforms, #social network platform, #how to build a community, #building an online community platform, #creating an online forum, #membership site, #vBulletin, #Xenforo, #Cha~zay, #CoreFreedom,"
Price: 179.99

"Automate Your Hypnotherapy and Meditation Business (No. 2)" |
"""Great course! Thank you so much for all the info and step by step instructions. It was so worth the time and money investment. Even though I consider myself pretty tech and business savvy, I couldn't have figured this out on my own."" Lori Clemmons****************************************""I am pleasantly surprised to have so much good information in such a small taste of the course. Excellent presentation and information."" Carol Kurtz****************************************Are you creating meditations, guided visualizations, hypnotherapy sessions and you don't know how to monetize them and bring them to the world at large?Then this course is for you!This course is not for newbies but for those who already know how to create meditations and guided visualizations. This course is for those who want to learn how to place your meditations online so listeners can purchase and download your meditations completely on auto-pilot.In other words, if you have beautiful meditations sitting on your computer's hard drive and you are not currently having them set up as one of your passive income streams, then this course is for you.I will show you how to use your own website and third-party sites to upload your large audio files and make them downloadable only after someone has purchased the file. All on auto-pilot, without you moving a finger.My motto:Say it onceSet itForget itI will share with you sources that would gladly list your meditations on their site and free you from the arduous task of marketing. You will also receive a generous sign-on bonus and an even more generous completion bonus for a job well done.Why this course? If you're called to heal the planet, animals and fellow humans - with your voice - then I want to help you with the business aspects to getting your voice out to a global audience.To date I have over 40 passive income streams and almost all of them were created using my voice. Why is this important to you? Because your voice in a world of technology can reach far beyond the street you live on, the town you live in, and the people you talk to on a day-to-day basis. You can, and should, reach people with your healing voice around the globe. This means millions of people ought to hear your healing voice!This course will show you how you can do so easily and quickly.SPECIAL NOTE: This course provides you with 3 bonuses. The first bonus is a sign-on bonus. You will also get a course completion bonus and a special mid-course bonus, which is one of my 50-minute meditations. All bonuses are absolutely free of charge (for Udemy students only). I am providing you with this meditation to show you how I do my meditations and to show you the process of how I make them available to my clients. Registering for the meditation will show you exactly how I have set-up my meditations for purchase, even though you will get the meditation for free. You do not need to download the meditation or accept the bonus in order to go through this class. This is for those who want to see my system and duplicate something similar for themselves.****************************************""I have been studying recording for marketing online for some time now and I learned a lot of new things in this course."" Diane Miller****************************************""This course is exactly what I wanted and is easy to understand and gives the resources that I need to get started."" Diane Ferron****************************************""Wow! I've been a hypnotherapist since 1994. I've been wanting to record sessions for clients, but had no idea where to start. I feel like I have come of age. This is an exciting course!"" Bonnie Poirier****************************************Keywords: #hypnotherapy business, #how to start a hypnotherapy business, #how to sell your hypnotherapy recordings, #how to sell your meditations, #how to make money with your meditations, #how to create an automatic hypnotherapy business, #passive income with meditations, #passive income, #residual income, #be your own boss,"
Price: 94.99

"How To Influence & Persuade People - 30 Min Course" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** Would you like to have more influence?Would you like to persuade people?Would you like to become a better leader?My name is Alain W. and I am a communication expert. I have already helped more than 60'000 people in 16 countries to become more confident and develop better social skills.In this course, you will learn how to influence, persuade and become a better leader.I have shared with you my most powerful tools and techniques in this course.Go ahead, enroll in this course"
Price: 94.99

"Create High-End Products: From Digital to Physical Products" |
"""I thought I was ready to create physical products but after watching these lectures I realize how many things I missed! Thank you so much for creating this course, you've just saved me a lot of money and headache creating a product that I would have to fix later. The extra voice over lectures were priceless and funny, resources are invaluable and I love how you went the extra mile to stay within each lecture by means of green screen videos. My head is spinning with lots of new ideas, thanks!"" Mara K.D.********************************Do you create digital products such as online courses, webinars, teleseminars, ebooks, podcasts, meditations or guided visualizations? Are you perhaps a public speaker or want to give in-person presentations and youre missing that physical product to sell or give away? This course is all about turning your digital products, no matter what they are, into physical, shippable items that you can sell as high-end products. Research and basic human psychology have proven again and again that the perceived value goes through the roof when we can touch a product, rather than just a product that gets emailed to us.I will show you how I turned my $297 six-week Teleseminar course into a $997 physical product that shipped all over the world. Once I had a physical product to show off, increasing the cost for the digital version to $597 was easy and expected. Give people a choice and get paid for your expertise! WHY CREATE PHYSICAL PRODUCTS? Perceived Value! Offering a digital product is great because its convenient and offers instant delivery. It also reduces returns and complaints due to damaged goods. The upside to turning your digital products into physical products are manifold. You get to charge a lot more for your physical product because people love paying for something they can touch and feel. A digital product doesnt offer the same high-end feeling that a physical product can offer. Add to this that if youre ever speaking in front of a group of people, having a physical product is an absolute must-have! Not having a physical product for sale when giving a live presentation can even cost you the opportunity because having a physical product is often a requirement to getting hired as a live speaker. People are expecting a physical product from an expert who takes the stand. Digital products are out of sight out of mind much faster than a physical product that sits on a clients book shelf or coffee table. A product, such as a CD, can be taken into the car and listened to without the need for internet.EXPERT STATUS Physical products instantly turn you into an instant expert. Writing an ebook is great but turning it into an actual print book available on Amazon is taking your ebook to a whole other level. The same applies to your online courses, your webinars, teleseminars, videos, interviews, and other things you now offer as digital downloads.Learn how to turn your digital products into CDs, DVDs and Workbooks now!********************************""The instructor shared great strategies from her own experiences for creating digital courses as well as tips and resources for creating high-ticket digital products. This is a good reference to refer back to as I am creating my own future courses."" Sandra Thompson********************************Keywords:#digital product, #shippable product, #physical product, #public speaking, #sales funnel, #back end sales, #product upsale, #custom packaging, #CDs, #DVDs, #binders, #duplication, #replication, #packaging, #print-on-demand, #online fulfillment, #media duplication, #high-end product, #expert status, #fulfillment, #online courses, #course creators, #expert status, #best-selling instructor,"
Price: 179.99

"Curso OnLine de Adobe Flash CS6" |
"O Curso de Adobe Flash Professional abrange de forma ampla e muito completa os recursos da ferramenta.Uma ferramenta que apesar de descontinuada continua como mimo de muitos profissionais que amam o segmento e a Adobe.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso OnLine de Web Design com Adobe DreamWeaver CS6" |
"OCurso ir abordar os conceitos fundamentais de web design com a plataforma do adobe dreamweaver em sua verso CS6. Iremos demonstrar o uso do HTML e CSS para web designers.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"PMP Certification Exam Course PMI PMP Preparation Course" |
"Learn PMP Certification Exam Course PMI PMP Preparationwith real world example on project management. We have made this fast paced PMPTraining course for professional who wish to learn about project management as well as for those who are planning toappear for PMP Examination.This course is notlike other courses where trainers just read the slide and explain theoretical concept about PMP. We have made thecourse tokeep you engaged and learn faster using:Visual Content - Helps to build visual memory about the PMP conceptsQuiz - Will help you test yourself after every sectionReal Life Example - To understand concept betterGet high paid job in project management, here are some facts about earning opportunities for Project Management Professionals:US $33,000 -US $ 43,000(Annual average salary)10353+Jobs opening for professional with PMP as part of theirskillsetCompanies likeIBM,GE,Dell,McKinsey & Company and many more MNC need project managersBenefits of taking this fast paced PMP training course are: Within 5 hours, Get 34 hours of PMP Training andyou will be ready to give exam (Last-minute PREP) Will learn key concepts on PMP with real world examples Complete coverage of the entire PMBOK Guide, Fifth edition Full coverage of the wholePMP exam objectives Certificate of Completionat theend of course Module exams (120+practice questions) covering every chapter of the PMBOK Guide, Fifth edition Math and concept worksheets for PMP exam formulas 30-day satisfaction guaranteedElementscoveredin the course based on PMBOK Guide:Project Management FrameworkProject Integration ManagementProject Scope ManagementProject Time ManagementProject Cost ManagementProject Quality ManagementProject HR ManagementProject Communications ManagementProject Risk ManagementProject Procurement ManagementProject Stakeholder ManagementProject Management Essential MathematicsAuthor: Mr.Kiran Rajeshirke (Senior PMIChampion)He is certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and also holds MBA degree from thepremium business institute in India.He has around 10+ years of experience in Project Management & Consultation in Banking Domain, IT and has worked with the Major Global Banks & Captive Units.He has expertise in functional specification analysis experience & exposure to any structured SDLC methodology; agile/iterative development.He is adroit at analyzing information system needs, evaluating end-user requirements, custom designing solutions, troubleshooting for the applications and presentations.Learn PMPCertification Course PMIPMPPreparation Course in Udemy"
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Advanced Excel Dashboard : Zero To Hero (Complete)" |
"Microsoft Excel Dashboard help user visualizes complex scenarios and problem better. Manager with the help of Advanced Excel dashboard can make better business decisions.Our course is meant for professional working at different levels of careers, i.e., From MIS executive to Data Analyst.MS Excel made it easy to make Dashboards for any Analytics. Business user can easily analyze data to create powerful reports and dashboards in a fraction of the time of traditional spreadsheets.In this course, you'll learn to make dashboard in Excel in different ways:Dashboard using Pivot Table like Multiple Pivot, Interlinked Pivot, Slicer buttons to control charts, Advanced Charts, etc.Text Function in ExcelNaming the dynamic data and the using it in functionCreate Chart for comparison from the Pivot tableCreate Trend line from the Pivot tableCreating Pie Chart from Slab Report from Pivot tableInserting Slicer using Chart & Customize Slicer Settingmore..Dashboard using Excel Functions:Importing Data from the InternetConverting Line Item into a Currency Table Calculation of Currency using INDEX and MATCH AverageIF for calculating Country Wise Salary Dynamic Dropdown List longitude and latitude with plotting data on dashboard Using REPT Function based on the percentage calculationAdvanced INDEX and MATCH with multiple references Insert World Map into the chart Plotting Data on Map Chart and Controlling Map Preview from drop-downPreparing the base by removing duplicate for Dashboard more..Dashboard using Excel Macros & FunctionsImplementation of OFFSET for dynamic dataUsing macro to update pivot table based on the Job Type Preparing data for Spiderweb chart and change the graph settingUse of Array functions like MAXIF and MINIF with single and multiple parametersCreating Name Range using shortcutmore..This course is for all business users who want to learn how to create management reports, analyze data and create interactive dashboards using Excel 2010 and later versions.Important information before you join:Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates I'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Access to all videos 24 x 7 - learn online from anywhereA 30-day money back guarantee (we want you to be 100% satisfied) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have read this far, next action is JOINING this course. Invest 4 hrs. for the benefit of lifetime Ninja status on Advanced Excel Dashboard Course."
Price: 99.99

"Travel Photography: Take Beautiful Photos on Your Adventures" |
"Welcome to the Complete Travel Photography Course!Come home with photos that truly capture the magic of your experiences!We are so excited to help you take better photos on your next adventure. You'll learn everything you need to know to take better photos with any camera - DSLR, mirrorless, smartphone, or point-and-shoot. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?Here are all the skills you'll learn in this travel photography course - starting with what you need to know before your trip, followed by how you actually shoot better photos on your trip, and finally with how you edit and share your photos like a pro!Preparation:Get ready for your next tripBring the best equipment for travelingChoose the right lenses to capture your style of photographyKnow the accessories you need to get great photos (tripods, filters, etc)Taking Better Photos:PortraitsLandscapesStreet PhotographyArchitectureNight Long ExposureEditing Photos:Use the best photo editing apps for travelersLearn how to edit your photos to make them look amazingSharing & Branding:Share your photos with the world, get more followers, and inspire othersBuild a travel photography brand using Instagram and other social media platformsCOURSE BONUSES:Downloadable photos to practice editing withLive demonstrations - follow Sam on a travel photography shootDownloadable travel checklistPremium support from your instructorsWHY TAKE THIS COURES FROM US:So, why should take this course from us? There are plenty of travel photography courses to choose from. We believe that we've created a course that can truly help you take better portraits in less time, better than anything else out there!Video School Online has created some of the best selling online photography courses, and we always strive to help you learn new skills in a fun and engaging way!Lastly, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee! Try out this course, and see if you like it. There's absolutely no risk!We can't wait to see you in the course"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Catalyst Course for WordPress Bloggers" |
"Just bought Catalyst WordPress theme and dunno what to do next?Are you frustrated by the amount of"customization" of CatalystwordPress theme?Want someone to explain in plain English what Catalyst cando?This course has been the catalyst to getting bloggers, justlike you, to unleash the full potential of what this premium theme can offer.Here is how it does it:Easy Video Walkthroughs.In simple English.From bloggers just like you!We will take you step-by-step through the entire process,from creation to completion.By the end of this course you will have learned: The Basics of Catalyst WordPress theme Catalyst Training 101 Catalyst Advanced Techniques"
Price: 19.99

"BGP Mastery For The CCNP ROUTE And TSHOOT Exams" |
"BGP is the toughest CCNP exam topic out there - and it's on two different exams, ROUTE and TSHOOT! I cover BGP thoroughly in both my CCNP ROUTE and TSHOOT courses here on Udemy and on my DVDs, and I've created this separate course for those who don't want the full $97 course, but who need the help with BGP. Every single lesson from those courses are right here - over four full hours of in-depth BGP study! Thanks for enrolling, and for making The Bryant Advantage part of your CCNP success story! Chris BryantCCIE #12933""The Computer Certification Bulldog""chris@thebryantadvantage.com"
Price: 19.99

"Authentic Yoga Experience Series 1 - 3" |
"Learn yoga online with Perumal for personal growth, health, energy optimisation and stress reduction.The video courses are easy to follow since the cameras provide detailed viewing from 3 different angles, all asana (postures) are realized in a lateral, frontal and overhead perspective. The combined video courses are complete with pranayama, preparatory exercises for joints, sun salutation, strength, stretching and relaxation/meditation to feel refreshed, relaxed and simultaneously energized.A step by step progressive course approach to learn yoga online allows the student to achieve the right state of flow in order to improve mobility, breathing and circulation while strengthening muscles, tendons and ligaments leading to genuine mental and physical well being. Those following these video courses feel results of calm and clarity along with highly increased energy while experiencing stress reduction.The most important aspect of Yoga with Perumal video courses is the ability to grow progressively from yoga forms and a sequence that may be followed at ones own pace from beginner through advanced. These courses are thorough with easy to comprehend video edits and supportive text enabling the realization of the hidden aspects of yoga from videos to supportive manuals. Now, you have the opportunity to learn yoga online, get started with the most authentic yoga experience today!"
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Beginning, Intermediate, & Advanced)" |
"Award winning teacher David Lieberman leads you through all levels of Adobe Illustrator CS5 through these Illustrator CS5 tutorials. His trademark style is fun, but he also makes things easy to understand. David is a real designer, so he gives tips that cover how to use Illustrator, and how to use it well.These Illustrator CS5 tutorials also include real-world "homework" assignments to help you practice your new skills. Don't worry; you don't have to turn anything in.Adobe Illustrator CS5 is the design tool for designing websites, brochures, business cards, fliers, and any other print or screen design. You will dig it. This Illustrator CS5 tutorial based course covers all levels of Adobe Illustrator CS5. Anyone can learn all levels."
Price: 29.99
