"QR Codes" |
"A QR code (Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode first designed for the automotive industry. The system has become popular outside the industry due to its fast readability and large storage capacity compared to traditional UPC barcodes. This introductory course will discuss the definition, uses, and history of QR Codes. It will also present a few technologies like barcodes and barcode readers, intelligent mail barcode, MSI Barcode, Plessy Barcode, and Automatic Equipment Identification."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced AC Drive- VFD, Servo & Stepper - Powerflex & Delta" |
"This course will teach you step by step How to Install & program AC Drives i.e. VFD- Variable Frequency Drives and Servo Drives in any control system. AC Drives are used to control the Speed, Operation, Torque & direction of Motor. This course includes High Quality AC Drive Video Tutorial on various Programming parameter which makes the motor control Operation Intelligent. We have made explanation by Real Time LIVE Camera & Designing Software to understand the concept clearly. Course Outline High Quality AC Drive Video Tutorials Includes Presentations VFD and Servo Circuit Diagrams PLC-VFD and PLC- Servo Interfacing Examples VFD which are covered in this course are: Delta M Series Allen Bradley- Powerflex 4M Servo which is covered in this course is Delta B Series Circuit diagrams & Manuals are added in the supplement material. For any help, pop me a question! About Us: NFI is an Industrial Automation Training Academy exists to bridge the skill gap between Industries & Engineering Colleges. We train students/professionals in Automation skills that can help them in securing their path to success. NFI provides quality education in the field of Industrial Automation Control Systems that are being installed across industries. The course material is designed in a way that helps students in acquiring knowledge of these systems and use revolutionary thinking to keep the productivity and profitability high while reducing downtime of machines and troubleshoot the systems faster NFI offers E-Learning Industrial Automation Courses to facilitate the students & engineers far across the world. NFI uses motivational Learning tools & software with self-learning Video tutorial for flexible & easy learning. Enrolled candidates gets FREE Software's & circuits which are used in the training programs. This helps them to practice for themselves after the course ends."
Price: 49.99

"Repeat Business Skills For Techies" |
"If you're an ambitious techie - and entrepreneur - you'll know that having technical savvy is just not enough. You need to get that expertise recognized and valued by others, and to build your client relationship skills to do that. To give advice at a strategic level and to grow your business, you'll need credibility, authority and reputation. Research shows new clients or customers cost at least 7 times as much as repeat business - but repeat business depends on great client relationships. So here you'll learn how to attract clients, build trust, influence and negotiate with clients, as well how to become an authority and trusted adviser. Once you've gained these skills, repeat business follows, giving you less need to market constantly and more time to make great stuff... In this highly practical course, we teach you these skills through short videos, questionnaires, quizzes and practical suggestions, along with articles and external links. By the end of the course, you'll be able to clearly identify and plan what you need to do to progress from a techie operative into a consultant and trusted adviser. 'Great course for nerds and consultants and customer development One of the better Udemy courses that are worth learning from.' Background Story We made this course after building a start-up together, and then we piloted it with technical experts, through Software Alliance Wales at Swansea University. We're a quite specific combination of software engineer and business psychologist: the engineer being interested in psychology, and the psychologist having worked in tech businesses. The engineer challenges the psychologist when she's being woolly - and she challenges the engineer when emotional intelligence goes awol..."
Price: 24.99

"Valuable Stock Market Investing Strategies for Beginners" |
"Join 20,000+ students in a best-selling completestock investing course on Udemy!Introduction:Hi, my name is Matt Bernstein, successful Udemy instructor with over 175,000+ students across 198 countries. From an investing standpoint, my most successful investments in 2008 were, Google and Apple. In 2012 they were, Facebook, Tesla, and Netflix. Most recently, investing in Twitter at $14.50 in 2017. Check my Quora account if you don't believe me ;) Which, Iwas a top writer in 2017.In this course, you'll discover great investment to make in 2018 and 2019!Description:Investing in the stock market can be mastered by anyoneand for those who really learn the key concepts and best practices they will be more prepared for retirement.Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practicesthat make the difference between success and failure when investing in stocks.Not boring theory.You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor No inheritance or luck just good sound actions over the years that you will learn about in the course and can replicate for your own personal situation.No get rich quick scheme or a course that is designed to sell you consulting services this course has one mission and that is all about sharing of experience and wisdom from a successful long-term stockinvestor and teaching you how you can apply it to your own goals and time horizon.Highlights:Discover and invest in stocks that outperform the DOW and S&P 500. Maximize your return on investment.Understand the history of the stock market so you will not be doomed to repeat other people's mistakes.Decide whether a financial adviser is right for you.Think rationally about the stock market and think long term.Determine your risk appetite investing in stocks.Calculate textbook stock valuations.Stocks to Buy:You'll gain access to updated content showing you which are the best stocks to buy now. The video series will be called, Mom!Please Buy This Stock!"" because, Iam not licensed/certified to give anyone financial advice. Therefore, I'm not telling you to buy anything, I'm telling only my mom to buy it :)To your success,Matt Bernstein"
Price: 99.99

"SQL Server FAST TRACK - Temp Tables and Table Variables" |
"This is an in depth course about programming with TEMP TABLES and TABLE VARIABLES in SQL Server. It assumes that the student has at least a rudimentary understanding of database concepts and architecture and gets right into the meat of the subject. Temp tables and table variables can solve a lot of the trickier challenges faced by developers so you need to become expert with them. This course will get cover all of the following: TEMP TABLES Temp Tables and the Temp Database (tempdb) Persistence Persistence in STORED PROCEDURES Persistence - TSQL vs STORED PROCEDURES Command Line TSQL examples IDENTITY column usage STORED PROCEDURE usage Command Line TSQL vs STORED PROCEDURE TEMP TABLES vs REAL TABLES TABLE VARIABLES No Persistence Command Line TSQL examples IDENTITY column usage STORED PROCEDURE usage USER DEFINED FUNCTION usage Table Variables vs Temp Tables: How they are similar and how they differ Benefits and drawbacks to each type"
Price: 69.99

"Productivity Hacks: Free Up Your Time & Live Better" |
"Let's be honest, most ""productivity hacks"" just don't work. We start them with the best intentions, but along the way we get distracted or discouraged. You may start strong, but your internal voice starts saying things like,Theres no way I can get all of this done.Maybe Ill feel better if I do something else... Whats new on Facebook?Where did my day just go? I was busy but dont feel like I did anything important!If I didn't have so many distractions, I could actually focus on one thing."" If you're like I was, you're probably overwhelmed, on the edge of burnout and feeling pulled in a million different directions. You're doing a lot of tasks that are wasting your time and aren't giving you the money or life you want. But it doesn't have to be that way. This course is for you if...Youre constantly looking for ways to improve yourselfYoure looking for faster ways to get work done so you can make progress every dayYoure juggling a million things and know you need to prioritize or delegate them You have great ideas but need to focus on accomplishing one task at a time Here are just a few of the things you can start learning today: How to find where every hour of your day goes to be more productive. How to evaluate whether that time is actually making you money or not. How to create step-by-step systems in your job or business to help it grow without you being there. (And not feel guilty about it.) The exact questions to qualify people you delegate your work to. Why I can leave my business for a week of vacation and come back without anyone knowing. How to leverage your strengths and delegate your weaknesses. (You will learn from top experts on exactly how to outsource everything you should not be doing yourself.) How to start outsourcing projects for as little as $5! How to be a more effective communicator to close more deals, hold shorter meetings and master email. Get a behind-the-scenes look at my business and get the exact tools I used to grow and automate my company. The one tool that will enable you to never have to write the same email or proposal more than once again. The secret to starting every day off successfully. New York Times Bestselling author, Dan Miller's exact process for creating Mastermind Groups so you're always surrounding yourself with the best people. ...and much more! I've made the first (and longest) video in this course completely free so you can see my exact process for finding out where your time is going and how to make your day more profitable. One Final Note If you don't own a business, that's OKAY. These productivity strategies have helped thousands of people who work for small and large businesses as well. I've taught these strategies to everyone from sales teams to CEOs. There is a better way to approach your day and you can start immediately. Please don't put this off. If you are reading this, you know something needs to change. This is a risk free way to make that change. Remember, you have a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Every hour you hesitate is TWO hours of profitable work you could have done. Click ""Take this course"" and join me today! See you inside, Joel Widmer"
Price: 124.99

"Outsmart the mass media and get Maximum exposure online" |
"This Course is about to introduce you with the Hottest buzz of todays online marketing world: Native Marketing. Asi Ace Meir will show you how to use the two new and strongest platforms of this field. These Platforms will allow you to generate quality traffic for your website, increase sales and reach your PR goals. This course will be taguht via presentations and screenshares and will take you step by step by the hand into the world of native marketing. You will learn how to activate those platforms on the most efficient way. This course will take no longer than 1.5 hours of your time in by the end of this time you will hold powerful tools, known only for a few. These tools will get you massive exposure and reach enourmous nomber of people, all with the backing of the well established websites online."
Price: 19.99

"How To Change Someone's Mind" |
"If you've tried everything - rational arguments, raising your voice, mild bribery and tricksy language patterns - it's time to do something different to get your boss, partner or friend to see things your way. Based on the results of recent research in embodied cognition, this approach exploits that fact that the body, as well as the brain, thinks, to provide a step-by-step route to ""Yes"". This six-video course is the ""prequel"" to my more substantial course, Intelligent Influencer."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing on Google Plus" |
"Welcome to this Three Sixty Academy course exclusive to Udemy. Here with Three Sixty Academy you can study online towards making your Google Plus page create a larger impact. Our course is comprised of 6 sections all focused on helping you create a stronger Google Plus presence. Introduction The Reasons To Use Google Plus Creating Your Google Plus Page Using Google Plus For Marketing Conclusion Bonus Lectures More than enough to turn that Google Plus page of yours from zero to hero, using our proactive and practical approach backed up with real life examples. Good luck and we hope you enjoy our course! Please note: This is an introductory course."
Price: 19.99

"Business Diet Lifestyle" |
"Business Diet Lifestyle ONLINE COURSE Would you like to be Happy, Good-looking and Wealthy, while having Fun with what you do? You dont need to be an Indian Maharajah to achieve that... Want tips to achieve the life of your dreams? >> Click Here to do the Business Diet Lifestyle TEST! Click Here to Attend the FREE Webinar So Here's Everything You Get.. 7 Lessons will provide you with Practical Tools Easy to Apply Straight Away: 1st Lesson: Creativity How to become more curious and be able to find a new inspiring perspective to your daily activities 2nd Lesson: Productivity How to manage your time better to do more things in a shorter time and rest more 3rd Lesson: Food Easy tips for looking younger, be slimmer and more energized and satisfied with eating in the same time 4rd Lesson: Lifestyle How to make your life beautiful and meaningful 5th Lesson: Energy How to take care of your energy level without ups-and-downs 6th Lesson: Rest How to slow down to nourish your mind, properly relax and get a good sleep 7th Lesson: Unblock Your Potential How to unclutter your work, living space and mind in the same time You will learn the secrets of holistic living based on real-life examples You will see immediate improvements in 3 domains: Business, Diet and Lifestyle This course will give you much more energy and freedom to direct your life the way you want You'll immediately have more fun & success with what you do"
Price: 34.99

"HOME I/O- Bringing Home Automation" |
"Home I/O is an educational software which simulates a smart house and allows you to learn and improve your skills in home automation, heat transfer, energy efficiency and much more. It can be as simple as controlling any of the available devices, like a motorized garage door or a thermostat, or as sophisticated as setting up a network to enable centralized control of the entire home. What this course includes? High Quality Video Tutorials which will explains "How to use Soft PLC Logics to control Home I/O Environment"? Digital & Analog Signal Manipulation Latching & Unlatching Operation Study of Motion Detection, Security Lock & Intruder Alert by Soft PLC Logics Soft PLC Fundamental Logics- NO, NC, SR, RS, TON, TOFF, CTU, CTD, CTUD, ASSIGN, Real Time Control Supported Manuals & Documents What Home I/O Consist? 174 Controllable Devices More than 400 I/O points. Interact with all the lighting, heating, motorized, intrusion security and domestic safety devices in one of the three available Modes: Wired, Console and External. Home Automation Console Practice centralized control of the house by creating specific scenarios in the Console Mode for different situations like Vacations, Security & Monitoring or Energy Management. Connect External Technologies Use Connect I/O to get unlimited possibilities by accessing and controlling Home I/O through external technologies, like PLC, microcontrollers, etc. Heat Transfer A simplified model was created to enable a real time representation of how heat transfers between different bodies. It's advised to use the faster than real time mode to observe these phenomena since they are typically slow. The existing coloured Minimap allows you to see how temperature changes inside every room. Analyse And Learn About Energy Efficiency Alter all the parameters of the house and learn about energy efficiency by observing and analysing the consumption of energy or cost per hour, day, week and month."
Price: 19.99

"The Art of Parenting" |
"The Art of Parenting is a course about how to raise well adjusted children who are empathic, loving, intelligent, and happy. It includes video lectures, power points, and short quizzes to help cement the concepts discussed. It will take about two and a half hours to complete and is structured in 29 lectures of about five minutes each. This course should be taken by anyone who wants to interact with a child in a constructive way. New parents will benefit especially by learning basic concepts that are not talked about in many books and magazines but are research based and effective."
Price: 19.99

"Como organizar tus horarios con ptima eficiencia" |
"En este curso aprendes que herramientas necesitas para manejar tus horarios en forma eficiente. Cmo hacer para tener tiempo para ser excelente, y adems divertirte, salir con tus amigos, compartir con tu familia y hacer las cosas que te gustan sin estres. Aprendes a manejar las herramientas que te permiten visualizar tu tiempo de una nueva manera muy dinamica y ordenada Esta organizacion podras aplicarla en todo lo que hagas de aqui en adelante en tu vida Qu dicen mis alumnos y sus padres? Diego Fernndez Mariaca - Ing. Comercial Universidad de Chile El penltimo ao de clases mis notas empezaron a bajar, los requerimientos del colegio eran ms altos que los aos pasados y yo tena dficit atencional. Claramente necesitaba alguna solucin. Estudiando las posibilidades decid ir a probar una clase donde Esther. Al principio estaba muy escptico pero varios de mis amigos me la recomendaron a ciegas y me dijeron que ella definitivamente era la persona que me poda ayudar. Apenas llegu donde Esther empez el cambio, no solo me enseaba fsica, matemticas o qumica si no que al mismo tiempo me enseaba como estudiar. Despus unas semanas decid hacer un anlisis de lo que haba aprendido; me di cuenta de que haba aprendido a hacer resumes eficientes, plantear problemas de manera correcta, sabia las maas de los ejercicios, me enfrentaba a los exmenes mejor que antes, aprovechaba mi tiempo mucho mejor que antes y lo principal, mis notas haban subido considerablemente. Todo esto me motiv a seguir estudiando y el problema de la concentracin se volvi mnimo ya que disfrutaba lo que haca. Fue entonces que decid tomar clases con Esther de manera regular puesto que si bien haba aprendido mucho todava quedaba mucho por perfeccionar. Adems el ambiente de estudio era muy agradable con ella y el tiempo renda muchsimo ms. Si alguien me preguntara como es una clase con Esther yo le dira: Sera una hora extremadamente productiva, donde te exigirn orden y rigurosidad y lo mejor de todo es que saldrs con la confianza de saber perfectamente lo que viste con ella. Ya creo haber mencionado las aptitudes que aprend con Esther que aunque parezca extrao me estn sirviendo aun ms ahora que estoy en la universidad que cuando estaba en el colegio. Es por eso que recomiendo a ciegas a Esther tal como me la recomendaron mis amigos. Sin duda, si conozco a alguien con virtudes para ensear esa es Esther. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catalina GONZALEZ DECKER - Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris Collge Universitaire d'tudes Ibriques et Latinomricaines Cuando busqu a Esther, pens que iba simplemente a tomar clases de matemticas. Para mi sorpresa, no fue as. Supe que no era una clase comn y corriente desde las primeras consignas: Lo nico que necesitas es un lpiz, una goma, ser ordenada con tus clculos y divertirte. Nunca haba tenido problemas en ninguna materia en el colegio, y por primera vez me senta incapacitada a entender. Esa frustracin se solucion con rapidez. Al empezar las clases con Esther, mis notas en matemticas ascendieron inmediatamente. Logr notas por las que ya me haba dado por vencida. Pero independientemente de las notas, logr comprender y disfrutar de lo que estudiaba. Le estuve agradecida a Esther hasta el da en el que sal bachiller, pues con ella haba superado el primer obstculo al que me vi enfrentada acadmicamente. Sin embargo, tuvieron que pasar unos aos ms para que me diera cuenta de que lo que de verdad le agradezco a Esther no son solamente las notas alcanzadas en matemticas. Creo que lo diferente de la experiencia con Esther, es que ella no slo logra efectos inmediatos, sino tambin siembra en sus alumnos cosas que se hacen tangibles una vez que estos ya la han dejado. El da de hoy, ya universitaria, las bases con las que trabajo son aquellas que adquir en esas clases de matemticas para el colegio. El simple hecho de ser ordenada en mis cuadernos y de saltar lneas entre cada clculo, hacen que hoy sea organizada a la hora de trabajar y estudiar en cualquier materia. Hoy soy capaz de estudiar con rigor, pero tambin de manera dinmica y sobre todo con placer. Aprendiendo de la mano de Esther, me hizo tambin ser consiente de que siempre hay una goma para volver a escribir en el papel, pues si se comenten errores al aprender, siempre hay una vuelta atrs: perd los miedos a atreverme a lograr cosas por ms riesgos que corra. Asimismo, hoy estoy segura de que los obstculos se presentan en nuestro camino para sobrepasarlos y no para darnos por vencidos Por eso y mucho ms Esther, Te voy a estar eternamente agradecida! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macri Bastos. Madre y psicloga clnica. Macri Bastos - Intercambios Culturales Bolivia Esther Iberkleid, no es slo una extraordinaria profesora de ciencias exactas, especialmente de matemticas, es un Maestra que sabe inculcar en sus estudiantes, el Amor por lo exacto, los nmeros, el razonamiento lgico. Ella es muy respetuosa de las limitaciones con las cuales sus estudiantes llegan, trabaja en ellos la auto-confianza, la alegra de aprender aquello que siempre han temido o no les gustaba. He tenido el gusto y el privilegio de que Esther sea la profesora de mis hijos. Ambos esperaban con entusiasmo asistir a sus clases, y llegaban con la dicha de haber aprendido cosas nuevas. No slo mis hijos han sido recomendados para tomar clases con ella, tambin los hijos e hijas de mis amigas. Uno paga la hora en Oro, pues sus clases no tienen precio, debido a la experiencia que los chicos reciben de desarrollar el gusto por la ciencia y la lgica. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sergio Hernn Rovira - La Paz, Bolivia: Gracias a ti Esther s que todo puede ser posible en esta vida y a veces miramos con nuestros ojos y no asi con el corazn como ser en el futuro cercano. Me cambiaste la vida desde la primera clase. Me sient y me siento revitalizado, grande que puedo hacer cosas que creia que eran literalmente imposibles, pero una charla contigo es un cambio de universo. Una realidad (esta) donde nada es inalcanzable, donde todo es posible y especialmente: DONDE NO EXISTEN LOS LMITES Gracias"
Price: 99.99

"Habit Building 2.1" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again On 7th of May 2017OVER 2,091SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN THIS 5-STAR COURSEI FAILED at going to the gym 3 times per week. I FAILED at getting out of the bed when the alarm went out. I FAILED at trying to make changes last. And I wasn't alone in this. I was one of the many people who failed to keep their commitments, especially the commitments to themselves. Then I started learning about myself. I studied hundreds of books and I've done numerous mini projects to test my limits. From leaving a chocolate on my nightstand to publishing my jogging sessions on social media. I've studied techniques on the internet. Some of them work, some of them don't. Some might work for others but may or may not work for you. Developing effective habits is a challenge in itself. This course is here to guide you into implementing effective, downto-earth strategies to achieve your goals. This is not a listing of hundreds of techniques. In this course we talk about practical things, the things that work. Things like: - habit linking -> an effective strategy to remember your habit at the exact moment you need to activate it - the 3 elements of a habit -> the only theory in the course (but we aren't stopping here, after this lesson you'll be able to better understand your habitual actions and how to rewrite them according to your needs) - the SBS technique and how you can use it to keep yourself motivated over long periods of time All of the techniques come from personal experience. In this course I'll tell you how I lost 22 pounds, how I exercise daily (and how you can too, in only 30 minutes) and you'll get useful bonuses, bonuses that will complement the content of the course. The Challenge! After you've internalized the necessary strategies for breeding long-lasting habits and gone through the practical exercises, then you are ready for the secret challenge. In this challenge you'll have to implement a simple habit starting from the first day. At the end of your first month, if you've implemented the habit daily, you'll win a prize and a place in the Hall of Fame. Note that this is not a guide for eliminating bad habits (though some principles found here might be useful in doing just that). This guide offers practical strategies to get your first successes. And after the first few steps, the others will come easily. Join this course now and create your own habit in the first lesson. See you in the private section."
Price: 19.99

"A Beginners Guide To SQL. Master SQL Quickly" |
"This SQL training course from Infinite Skills teaches you how to use SQL to manage data that is held in relational databases. This training course is designed for beginners who have no previous experience with SQL of any kind. You will start by learning how to use SQL (Structured Query Language) to select and filter data from a database, including sorting the data, filtering date columns, and working with null or empty values. The course then teaches you about common SQL functions, such as text manipulation, and how to group and summarize. This video tutorial also covers topics such as joining tables, data modification, and creating new tables and views. Finally, you will learn about the powerful subquery, and the main variances in SQL between database types. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have a fundamental knowledge of what SQL is and how you can apply it to different database types. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Master Adobe Edge Animate CC - Edge Animate Made Easy" |
"This Adobe Edge Animate CC training course from Infinite Skills teaches you about the tools and functions available in this web development tool. This Edge Animate course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Adobe Edge or Edge Animate is required. You start by learning the basics of the interface, such as how to arrange your workspace, use the code panel, and learn various shortcut keys. Tony will show you how to import images and teach you about Photoshop and Illustrator integration. This video tutorial will cover topics including the code panel, exploring type, basic animation, creating and editing symbols, and creating labels and setting shape colors. You will learn how to create labels for buttons, import button images, and add text to buttons. Tony will also show you how to create a drop-menu, add sound to buttons, and control audio volume. Finally, you will learn responsive staging and scaling, how to create, import, and export and share a template, and export files for HTML and WordPress. Once you have completed this video based training course, you will have a complete understanding of how to use the tools and functions available to you in Edge Animate to create animated, interactive content for your web projects. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Productos Notables" |
"Este curso te ensenara la metodologa que te permitir razonar . en forma rpida, fcil y efectiva. La misma esta basada en mi experiencia con estudiantes de distintos pases, culturas y diferentes idiomas que lleva continuamente a la excelencia de mis alumnos. Requieres de un cuaderno un lpiz colores y una goma para borrar si te equivocas. Completas este curso acorde a la dedicacin que des al mismo y te sugiero que rehagas los ejercicios Qu dicen mis alumnos y sus padres? Diego Fernndez Mariaca - Ing. Comercial Universidad de Chile El penltimo ao de clases mis notas empezaron a bajar, los requerimientos del colegio eran ms altos que los aos pasados y yo tena dficit atencional. Claramente necesitaba alguna solucin. Estudiando las posibilidades decid ir a probar una clase donde Esther. Al principio estaba muy escptico pero varios de mis amigos me la recomendaron a ciegas y me dijeron que ella definitivamente era la persona que me poda ayudar. Apenas llegu donde Esther empez el cambio, no solo me enseaba fsica, matemticas o qumica si no que al mismo tiempo me enseaba como estudiar. Despus unas semanas decid hacer un anlisis de lo que haba aprendido; me di cuenta de que haba aprendido a hacer resumes eficientes, plantear problemas de manera correcta, sabia las maas de los ejercicios, me enfrentaba a los exmenes mejor que antes, aprovechaba mi tiempo mucho mejor que antes y lo principal, mis notas haban subido considerablemente. Todo esto me motiv a seguir estudiando y el problema de la concentracin se volvi mnimo ya que disfrutaba lo que haca. Fue entonces que decid tomar clases con Esther de manera regular puesto que si bien haba aprendido mucho todava quedaba mucho por perfeccionar. Adems el ambiente de estudio era muy agradable con ella y el tiempo renda muchsimo ms. Si alguien me preguntara como es una clase con Esther yo le dira: Sera una hora extremadamente productiva, donde te exigirn orden y rigurosidad y lo mejor de todo es que saldrs con la confianza de saber perfectamente lo que viste con ella. Ya creo haber mencionado las aptitudes que aprend con Esther que aunque parezca extrao me estn sirviendo aun ms ahora que estoy en la universidad que cuando estaba en el colegio. Es por eso que recomiendo a ciegas a Esther tal como me la recomendaron mis amigos. Sin duda, si conozco a alguien con virtudes para ensear esa es Esther. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catalina GONZALEZ DECKER - Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris Collge Universitaire d'tudes Ibriques et Latinomricaines Cuando busqu a Esther, pens que iba simplemente a tomar clases de matemticas. Para mi sorpresa, no fue as. Supe que no era una clase comn y corriente desde las primeras consignas: Lo nico que necesitas es un lpiz, una goma, ser ordenada con tus clculos y divertirte. Nunca haba tenido problemas en ninguna materia en el colegio, y por primera vez me senta incapacitada a entender. Esa frustracin se solucion con rapidez. Al empezar las clases con Esther, mis notas en matemticas ascendieron inmediatamente. Logr notas por las que ya me haba dado por vencida. Pero independientemente de las notas, logr comprender y disfrutar de lo que estudiaba. Le estuve agradecida a Esther hasta el da en el que sal bachiller, pues con ella haba superado el primer obstculo al que me vi enfrentada acadmicamente. Sin embargo, tuvieron que pasar unos aos ms para que me diera cuenta de que lo que de verdad le agradezco a Esther no son solamente las notas alcanzadas en matemticas. Creo que lo diferente de la experiencia con Esther, es que ella no slo logra efectos inmediatos, sino tambin siembra en sus alumnos cosas que se hacen tangibles una vez que estos ya la han dejado. El da de hoy, ya universitaria, las bases con las que trabajo son aquellas que adquir en esas clases de matemticas para el colegio. El simple hecho de ser ordenada en mis cuadernos y de saltar lneas entre cada clculo, hacen que hoy sea organizada a la hora de trabajar y estudiar en cualquier materia. Hoy soy capaz de estudiar con rigor, pero tambin de manera dinmica y sobre todo con placer. Aprendiendo de la mano de Esther, me hizo tambin ser consiente de que siempre hay una goma para volver a escribir en el papel, pues si se comenten errores al aprender, siempre hay una vuelta atrs: perd los miedos a atreverme a lograr cosas por ms riesgos que corra. Asimismo, hoy estoy segura de que los obstculos se presentan en nuestro camino para sobrepasarlos y no para darnos por vencidos Por eso y mucho ms Esther, Te voy a estar eternamente agradecida! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macri Bastos. Madre y psicloga clnica. Macri Bastos - Intercambios Culturales Bolivia Esther Iberkleid, no es slo una extraordinaria profesora de ciencias exactas, especialmente de matemticas, es un Maestra que sabe inculcar en sus estudiantes, el Amor por lo exacto, los nmeros, el razonamiento lgico. Ella es muy respetuosa de las limitaciones con las cuales sus estudiantes llegan, trabaja en ellos la auto-confianza, la alegra de aprender aquello que siempre han temido o no les gustaba. He tenido el gusto y el privilegio de que Esther sea la profesora de mis hijos. Ambos esperaban con entusiasmo asistir a sus clases, y llegaban con la dicha de haber aprendido cosas nuevas. No slo mis hijos han sido recomendados para tomar clases con ella, tambin los hijos e hijas de mis amigas. Uno paga la hora en Oro, pues sus clases no tienen precio, debido a la experiencia que los chicos reciben de desarrollar el gusto por la ciencia y la lgica. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sergio Hernn Rovira - La Paz, Bolivia: Gracias a ti Esther s que todo puede ser posible en esta vida y a veces miramos con nuestros ojos y no asi con el corazn como ser en el futuro cercano. Me cambiaste la vida desde la primera clase. Me sient y me siento revitalizado, grande que puedo hacer cosas que creia que eran literalmente imposibles, pero una charla contigo es un cambio de universo. Una realidad (esta) donde nada es inalcanzable, donde todo es posible y especialmente: DONDE NO EXISTEN LOS LMITES Gracias"
Price: 99.99

"Pontius Pilate" |
"This is a comprehensive course on the life and career of Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Rome to the Province of Judea and the person most responsible for sentencing Jesus to death. The course examines his background, the origins of his office, his rise to prominence, his family and the challenges that he had with the Jewish community that made the death of Jesus unavoidable."
Price: 24.99

"Born to Fly: Study Yoga Philosophy, Inversions, and Kirtan" |
"I want to introduce you to two powerful game changers for those traveling a yogic path-whether you are a new student or a skilled teacher. One is a physical change: how to strengthen and improve your yoga practice by adding inversions and arm balances. I present simple and advanced techniques to help dismantle fear and personal limitations. Secondly, this course fosters the deep and practical understanding of bhatki--the philosophy and motivation behind our yoga practice. To practice yoga can revolutionize the body, and for deeper understanding we explore the philosophy of bhakti: the yoga of love. As we move, work and play in this world, our devotion and ever-refining intention can revolutionize our lives. Includes incredible, noteworthy guest-speakers who are experts in yoga and yogic philosophy."
Price: 99.99

"Cmo hacer un Plan de Negocio o Business Plan" |
"Seguramente te has planteado alguna vez empezar tu propio negocio o, simplemente, quieres aumentar los beneficios de tu empresa actual. Independientemente de tus metas y objetivos, lo que realmente necesitas para conseguirlo es un PLAN DE NEGOCIO. Alguna vez has querido ir a un sitio y no tenas las indicaciones para llegar? Es frustrante, no? Pues digamos que el Plan de Empresa es el GPS de tu negocio: te marca las directrices para llegar a tu destino, los pasos que debes dar para conseguir tus objetivos. Cuando se tiene una idea de negocio, elaborar un Plan de Empresa es absolutamente fundamental, no slo para poder presentar el proyecto a potenciales inversores, sino tambin para centrarse y hacer un estudio muy exhaustivo de la idea y el camino para convertirla en negocio. QU ES UN PLAN DE NEGOCIO? El Plan de Negocio o Plan de Empresa es un documento detallado que incluye la descripcin del concepto de negocio, su entorno, sus clientes, sus estrategias y su viabilidad financiera para llevarse a cabo. No te asustes. Redactar un Plan de negocio no es complicado, slo hay que seguir las pautas que te voy a ensear para plasmar y defender tus ideas en un papel. POR QU ESTE CURSO ES PARA TI? Si eres un emprendedor con una gran idea que quieres convertir en negocio, este curso te proporcionar las herramientas para crear el camino, solicitar la financiacin o conseguir socios. Si eres un pequeo empresario, aprenders a enfocarte en los parmetros justos para hacer crecer tu empresa. En definitiva, en este curso aprenders las pautas para garantizar tu xito empresarial y minimizar el riesgo de fracaso. Conseguirs, por fin, que tu sueo se haga realidad. CMO APRENDERS? A travs de clases explicadas en vdeo paso a paso con todo detalle El curso est diseado, si lo prefieres, para ser slo escuchado Podrs descargar la presentacin del curso en pdf para recordar los aspectos clave Tendrs acceso a ms de 1000 modelos de Planes de negocio en multitud de sectores que te servirn de ejemplo Analizamos, paso a paso, un Business Plan real para que veas, en la prctica, cmo redactarlo A QU ESPERAS? No lo pienses. Saca el emprendedor que llevas dentro y lucha por tu idea ya!"
Price: 49.99

"Twitter For Business: Attract 200+ Lifelong Customers a Day!" |
"Twitter Success System: Grow your account with hundreds of Genuine and Relevant Twitter followers and potential customers EVERYDAY! Guaranteed to work with all accounts! Do you ever feel like your not taking full advantage of the 610 000 000 people on Twitter?... Do you want 200+ genuine and targeted new people to see and follow your business every single day? Despite all of your time and effort you put into your account... Do you ever feel like you are Tweeting at a brick wall... Then Ive got some awesome news for you.... This Twitter Followers Success System reveals exactly how to optimize your Twitter account and attract thousands of genuine, and targeted Real Followers and customers to follow your account! Best of all, it will only take less than 5 minutes every day!! Say goodbye to your frustration of talking to a brick wall and hello to the land of having a relevant engaged empire of passionate followers on your Twitter Business account! Skeptical? Just take a quick look at what all the incredibly good-looking people below whove reviewed this course and gave it 5 STARS have said.... BY THE END OF THIS COURSE YOU WILL HAVE: An exact blueprint to optimize your Twitter account to maximise your following and engagement. A full-proof simple system of how to automatically increase your Twitter reach and Influence. An amazing strategy for exposing your Twitter profile to 1000 RELEVANT AND REAL PEOPLE everyday in your desired niche! I wanted to share the secrets, and simple strategies that I learned in order to save you the countless amount of hours, effort and mistakes that I repetitively made. So I have compiled them in a comprehensive step-by-step guide so that you can see the same results in a matter of days with your Twitter account! "Knowledge is power only if a man knows what facts not to bother with" - Robert Lynd The majority of the largest personal accounts and All of the "Top 40 brands of Twitter" including Ford, Jet Blue, Southwest Airlines, the NBA, the NFL, HR Block and the Travel Channel use cosmic sized budgets just to outsource these strategies to third party companies! FORTUNATELY, with this course - you're going to have access to the same exact methods without having to invest massive amounts of money. I have personally helped countless of clients with these exact strategies, and even built my own personal account to over 42,000 genuine followers in less than 6 months of work at just 2 minutes a day, and this is far from my largest account! (Check me out at @benjibluee for proof!) You may have tried or even invested in a Twitter product or strategy before with limited results. But let me take this opportunity to tell you why this system and training is different. I have made this course very direct. The Twitter Success System take as very logical and linear approach to employing proven strategies that anybody can easily learn and implement! We will even review the most common mistakes that people make so that you know exactly how to avoid them. Whether you are new to Twitter or are a highly sophisticated user you will receive proven strategies that will pay for this investment 10 fold in results! I can confidentially say this because I have worked with everyone from people who have never used Twitter before, to large businesses whose accounts were already impressive and just wanted to hugely increase their growth using he exact information and strategies in this course. I know the power of having a massive audience on one of the world's most important social media platforms and I can't wait to help you get there! See you on the inside :) - Benji"
Price: 99.99

"The Focused Entrepreneur: Double Your Productivity" |
"Ever feel generally overwhelmed even though you work your butt off? Struck by that you do everything you can to get ahead, yet seem to be sinking beneath all you need to be doing? Maybe you have a million things to do you and you sit not really knowing where to start, feeling like you are doing something wrong when you look at all the successful people out there... THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO FIX THIS As an entrepreneur (or aspiring one) you will be faced by the most menacing and persistent distractions that will cause you to fail if you let them. Staying focused and effective to build a successful business is one of the most difficult aspects of entrepreneurship (as well as working in business), but that's exactly what this course will walk you through, step by step. This course is about the specifics of ensuring you maintain laser focus, cut through all the BS, and maintain constant efficiency without burnout. This is taught through 4 primary sections: 1. Efficacy: Sorting through all the minutiae to focus on the few things that REALLY matter in your business, and ignoring or outsourcing the rest. 2. Efficiency: Now that you are focused on doing the things that actually matter, it is time to be uber productive and power through as much as possible so that you are always on top of things. Maximizing output while minimizing input. 3. Avoiding distractions: This goes far beyond text messages and email notifications...there will be new threats constantly and fundamentally derailing you unless you do THESE things. 4. Common pitfalls of entrepreneurs: Let's face it, entrepreneurship is hard! This section details all the common problem areas that startups and entrepreneurs encounter that almost everyone goes through, but I want to help you avoid. Destroying some conventional wisdom here, so some of these WILL surprise you... These lessons combine the best practices of entrepreneurship with advanced techniques in ADHD management. Why you ask? Because being in the chaos and distractions of entrepreneurship is quite similar to ADHD in its challenges, and because if entrepreneurs who actually have ADHD (extremely common) can succeed in being focused, then so can you, utilizing some the same lessons learned. Even the downloadable tools alone are worth the price of this course. Get started today and start avoiding the massive sinkholes of time, energy, and money that you will inevitable encounter in your business. What have you got to lose? Let me give you laser focus in your business today. See you on the other side, Grant Weherley, APA, ADDA, Serial Entrepreneur, Author of Break the System"
Price: 19.99

"Intelligent Influencer: Use How Bodies Think To Change Minds" |
"X-Ray Listener Judy Rees explains how you can use the fact that bodies, as well as brains, think to become more credible, authoritative and persuasive - honestly. The course includes new research from the field of embodied cognition as well as insights from Clean Language, NLP and related fields. It is accessible to anyone, but will offer most value to those who are curious about what makes people really tick and how that information can be used to help facilitate change for the better. Previously published as "Become an Intelligent Influencer" in 2012"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Introductory HTML5 and CSS3 Training Tutorial" |
"Learn HTML5 and CSS3 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering HTML5 and CSS3 Made Easy features 125 video lessons with 3.5 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises. You will learn the HTML language from scratch, while exploring all of the techniques to add the various elements of a website text, links, images, CSS and much more. If you are completely new to HTML or CSS, or just need a refresher, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user of HTML. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch the easy-to-use interface, click to start a video lesson or open the manual and youre on your way to mastering HTML."
Price: 19.99

"Dashboards 101 - Using Metrics to Improve Performance" |
"This is a basic introduction to the use of dashboards for Business Performance Management (PM) and Business Intelligence (BI). Dashboards are used to: "Run a Business by the Numbers, Improve it Constantly and Project What Will Happen to be Ahead of the Competition!" Dashboards are an advanced tool of management to move a person, company and department away from low level management techniques, like micromanagement, to more advanced techniques like Management By Exception (MBE). They are an auto-pilot as well as a way to look into the future by seeing trends and connections in cause and effect. Dashboards allow you to get your business down to a science with known inputs and outputs of key processes that create value. They set up a busienss for constant improvement in quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness. Every business with more than a handful of employees needs a dashboard. Every department with more than five or six employees should also have a dashboard. This course tells you how and why they work magic to improve a company, team and department."
Price: 34.99

"Excel for All: Beginner to Experts" |
"Microsoft Excel is by far the most widely used and useful software there is! It is the most basic tool that is used when dealing with data - data in any format. This simple yet sophisticated tool has a use for everyone, from keeping a simple tab your daily expenses, to analyzing and presenting a complex profit and loss statement, from keeping a tab on attendance of students to analyzing and presenting data on world hunger! Excel when used intelligently makes for one of the most powerful yet simple reporting engine. Such is the power of Excel. But despite this, Microsoft Excel in most cases is not used to its full potential even though it one of the most easiest skill to pick up. With this course, aimed at beginners, intermediate and Expert users we begin by introducing the basic functionality of this software and then work upwards, along the way covering very simple tips that will profoundly increase your speed and efficiency while using Excel. At a high level the course is structured in the below format. - Data Cleaning - Data Processing - Data Summarizing (As A Template) - Data Presentation (As A Dashboard) - Automation of the above process using VBA Macros The course comprises of videos, key points /summary of each video is available as downloadable material. We suggest that you give a quick run through the downloadable material before you begin watching any video. This is will allow you to understand what it is that you will be learning in the attached video. The short videos take you through each concept step-by-step and allow you to practice while studying. This course as indicated is one for those just beginning with Excel and for those who need to master their Excel skills."
Price: 24.99

"Develop Mobile Games for Android and iOS with Stencyl" |
"This course has been especially designed to take your complete beginner or intermediate level skills in Stencyl and build them up to the level required of a professional indie mobile game developer. Where as the foundation course (Create your First Computer Game with Stencyl), teaches you many important skills, concepts, and techniques necessary to implement core gameplay, utilize sound, and implement some basic AI, this course will teach you how to Create a complete, professional grade computer game which can be published on all the most popular platforms -- Google Play, IOS, Windows, Linux, Mac, Flash etc. From start to finish, you will develop a complete, playable game including all the advanced features and polish you would expect, such as: start menu social link buttons multiple, playable levels level selection screens saving and loadingin-app purchases and ads (for revenue generation) beautiful, unique art and animations parallax scrolling sophisticated gameplay We also cover less technical -- but none the less essential -- subjects such as marketing, design theory, game monetization paradigms and various other business and design tips and tricks for game development . After the core game has been developed, the course leads into sections on what it takes to publish it to the various Stencyl supported platforms (Desura, Steam, Google Play, Samsung Apps, IndieCity etc), including platform specific details such as certificates, marketplace restrictions, monetization methodologies etc. In short, when you've finished this course, you will have learned everything you need to know to start developing, publishing and monetizing professional quality desktop and mobile games with Stencyl. So let's get started!"
Price: 39.99

"Joomla 3 Paso a Paso, Fcil y Rpido" |
"Curso Diseo Web Paso a Paso con Joomla 3.2, en el cul vas a aprender a crear una pgina web paso a paso para tu negocio u otra compaa y empezar a ganar dinero haciendo pginas web, tambin aprenders cada uno de los elementos que componen el backend de un sitio de joomla, su estructura y funcionalidades as como la instalacin en local y remoto, y la migracin desde nuestra PC a un Hosting, Adems veremos como proteger nuestro Joomla con la mxima seguridad. Durante este curso usted podrs desarrollar su propia pgina web para su negocio o empresa sin tener que aprender los complicados cdigos de programacin y desde cero, o sea, usted no necesita tener conocimientos previos de pginas web, Usted mismo va a crear y editar su contenido en su pgina web. Aprenders a insertar video, slide, aplicarle seguridad a tu sitio web y ms... Aprende de primera mano las mejores tcnicas PROBADAS para la creacin de un sitio web atractivo y funcional de forma rpida y efectiva."
Price: 19.99

"Dashboards 201 - Intermediate - Running a Biz By The Numbers" |
"Dashboards 101 is a prerequisite for this course because it discusses foundational definitions and philosophy needed. Dashboards 201 is for managers and people responsible for using dashboards and contributing to the data collection and dashboard review processes. This course covers the four levels of reporting in a company, key philosophies to use dashboards properly, when and why dashboards are needed and reviews actual sample dashboards for sales and marketing."
Price: 49.99

"Reskinning Jump Chump iPhone & iPad Game - EZ, Quick & Fun" |
"Thank you for your interest in this course, my name is Yohann, I will be your instructor. With this course we give you the full source code of a game clone called Jump Chump, it reached the top charts in every app stores worldwide! This game is easy to pick up, fun, and extremely addictive. All the ingredients needed to make it to the top charts. I show you every single step you need to publish your own version of the game, and Im assuming you know nothing or very little, and Im gonna help you succeed having your very own game, published in the itunes app store, without having to write not even one single line of code! Ill show you everything, and I really mean EVERYTHING, from getting an iOS developer license to creating graphics with Adobe Photoshop,ann the way till you get your game to the app stores! By the way your game will bring you passive income because the source code comes with advertising banner already integrated for you. Now, if you ever wanted to create a game really quickly, this is the right course for you. I dont have to tell you that in the mobile app industry, these are priceless skills to add to your toolbox. Make the right decision and join us now. Ill see you in the classroom."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Marketing: A Step-by-Step to Your First 1000 Fans!" |
"**2015 VERSION UPDATED - JOIN 13,000+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS!** Do you want over 1000 Genuine and Targeted Facebook Likes for your Facebook Page? Do you want to reach these potential customers in the quickest time possible? Want to learn the simple strategies and techniques that pages with 100 000+ likes know? Best of all... Do you want to do this for FREE? Without spending a dollar of your money on ineffective and overpriced Facebook ads?! Then join our comprehensive course and community of Facebook page owners gaining hundreds of likes every single day using the knowledge and simple strategies contained in this course! I used to spend hours every day trying to find content that a handful of fans would find interesting, only to see my posts get ZERO INTERACTION and disappointedly watch my ""29 likes"" remain stationary for weeks! I was putting in hours of my time and effort just to see other pages gaining hundreds of Likes every day regardless that their content was poor!I was disappointed and confused... Instead of throwing money at my problems and spending $1000 on Facebook ads just to get 32 unengaged fans. I thought ""There must be a better way."" Through countless hours of research, interviews and experimentation I learned how to literally: Attract Thousands of Facebook likes EVERY DAY I EVEN IMPRESSED MYSELF GROWING A FACEBOOK FAN PAGE TO 1 600 000, yes 1.6 million, LIKES IN JUST 2 WEEKS! Does spending 15 minutes of your time a day to attract 1000 new customers to your Small Business Facebook page sound appealing to you? I wanted to share the secrets, and simple strategies that I learned in order to save you the countless amount of hours, effort and mistakes that I repetitively made. So I have compiled them in a comprehensive step-by-step guide so that you can see the same results with your Small Business Facebook Page! ""Knowledge is power only if a man knows what facts not to bother with""- Robert Lynd IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN: An exact blueprint to optimize your Facebook account to maximise your likes and engagement. A full-proof system of how to automatically increase your Facebook reach and Influence. Proven strategies for promoting your Facebook page to 1000's OF RELEVANT AND REAL PEOPLE everyday in your desired niche! The Video course is presented in easy to learn modules that first explain the theory behind these techniques, and then show LIVE demonstrations of them on my Facebook Pages. I have also included PDF versions of the slides these techniques super easy for easy future reference. If you have, or are planning on creating a Small Business Facebook Page I guarantee you that the knowledge and strategies in this class will be the quickest and most effective way to achieving to your first 1000 relative, genuine, and targeted fans! I will also personally respond to all questions and queries (and even provide my personal email address!) so that you can implement these simple strategies in a fool-proof way. I know the power of having a massive audience on one of the world's most important social media platforms and I can't wait to help you get there! See you on the inside :) - Benji"
Price: 199.99
