"Learn Ukrainian with songs. Part 1." |
"You will start speaking the language after you sing songs, watch videos and read lots of books in the language you study!I offer you to watch the Ukrainian songs with English subtitles, learn new words and phrases from those songs and with some repetition and slow speed mode of the videos you will automatically (subconsciously) remember what you have heard.This method - listening to songs -is proved to be useful. With the help of melody and visual part (text, subtitles) 2-5 times to listen to a songcan be enough to memorise some daily phrases in a rhyme.Probably you also have suchexperience that when you were a child you could easily remember a song after having heard it just once or twice.So if you are already familiar with the Ukrainian language, this course will help you enrich your vocabulary with hundreds of useful words."
Price: 24.99

"Domina Hospedaje para WordPress" |
"Si vas a crear un blog con WordPress, necesitas dos cosas: Contratar un Hospedaje para WordPress Instalar WordPress en tu recin adquirido Hospedaje o Alojamiento Cmo Elegir un Hosting WordPress A la hora de adquirir un Hosting para WordPress el primer paso es analizar las caractersticas de nuestro proyecto y en funcin a ests elegir alguno de los 3 tipos principales de Hosting WordPress que existen: Hosting WordPress Compartido o Shared Hosting Como su propio nombre indica se trata de compartir un servidor con otros usuarios. Esta es la opcin ms econmica y ms comn. Si no tenemos especiales requerimientos (procesos, memoria, etc) esta opcin suele ser suficiente. VPS (Virtual Private Server) En un nivel superior tenemos la opcin del Servidor Virtual Privado. En este caso al igual que en el anterior, todos los usuarios comparten servidor, pero con la diferencia fundamental de que cada usuario opera independientemente del resto. Es decir, si un cliente est consumiendo ms recursos de los que se le permiten, solo le afectar a su funcionamiento y no al resto de clientes. As se goza de inmunidad respecto a los malos vecinos que sobrecargan el servidor. Es una opcin muy adecuada cuando tenemos que alojar varias pginas web o nuestro proyecto es de cierta envergadura, tiene mucho trfico web, etc. Servidor Dedicado Cmo su propio nombre indica, se trata de contratar un hosting WordPress nica y exclusivamente para nosotros. Esta opcin es la ms segura y la ms cara, pero muy interesante para las empresas que no desean tener ningn tipo de problema de seguridad o con cadas del servidor. Qu caractersticas debe tener un Hosting para WordPress Dado que los sitios web realizados con WordPress usan una base de datos MySQL y aplicaciones PHP, para que un servidor sea adecuado para WordPress deber tener ciertos requisitos mnimos. Especialmente si deseamos complementar la pgina con algunos plugins, que tambin consumen recursos. Entre las caractersticas bsicas que se nos presentan a la hora de adquirir un hosting WordPress destacan: El Ancho de Banda o volumen de transferencia de datos por mes Memoria RAM Memoria en disco Nmero de cuentas de correo Nmero de dominios Copias de seguridad o backups Up-time o tiempo en que el servidor est funcionando, sin cadas Soporte tcnico"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo de Programacin C Sharp (C#)" |
"Este curso est dirigido para todas aquellas personas que estn comenzando a programar o que ya son programadores y quieren conocer el lenguaje de programacin C Sharp (#).Este curso proporciona un enfoque prctico con ejemplos paso a paso que le ayudarn a aprender y poner en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos. Al finalizar este curso aprenders: Comprender los principales conceptos de la programacinComprender los principales conceptos de .Net FrameworkConocimiento de las principales caractersticas del lenguaje C Sharp (#) para poder aplicar en los diferentes entornos de desarrollo donde se puede aplicar C Sharp: consola, desktop, web, mobile, Comprender y manejar los elementos bsicos del lenguaje de programacin C Sharp (#) Comprender y manejar los elementos ms avanzados del lenguaje de programacin C Sharp (#)Comprender los principios bsicos de la programacin orientada a objetosComprender y manejar Colecciones (Collections) y Genricos (Generics) en C Sharp (#)Comprender como trabajar con archivos en C Sharp (#)Comprender los conceptos bsicos del lenguaje LINQ y las expresiones LambdaComprender y manejar la Excepciones para la gestin y el control de errores en C Sharp (#)Comprender la programacin con hilos (Threads y MultiThreading) y la Programacin Paralela en C Sharp (#)Comprender como funciona la serializacin en C Sharp (#)Comprender como funciona la Reflexin (Reflection) en C Sharp (#)El objetivo de este curso es que el estudiante aprenda a manejar las principales caractersticas del lenguaje de programacin C Sharp (#), para que de esta manera pueda desarrollar aplicaciones en mltiples entornos de desarrollo y frameworks como .Net, Xamarin, ASP.NET MVC, UWP, Mono, etc... y que el estudiante ya tenga la base de un lenguaje de programacin slido como es C Sharp que le ayudar a sacar el mximo rendimiento a estos entornos de desarrollo y frameworks."
Price: 104.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Swift Programlama Dilini renin!" |
"Bu kurs ile sfrdan balayarak hibir programlama bilginiz olmadan iOS uygulamalar gelitirmek iin kullanlan Swift ProgramlamaDilinirenebileceksiniz.Kendi iPhone veya iPad uygulamalarnz gelitirebileceksiniz.Kurs tamamen Trke ierie sahiptir.Kurs ierii reniminizi en st dzeye karacak ekilde tasarlanmtr.Kurs ierisinde anlatlan ve kullanlan tm kaynakkodlar kurs materyali olarak eklenmitir. Dilediiniz gibi indirip kullanabilirsiniz.Kurs ierisinde verilen rnek uygulamalar ile uygulama gelitirme deneyiminizi bir adm teye tayacaksnz.Ayrca kursun ierii srekli dinamik tutulacak, gn getikeyeni rnek uygulamalar eklenecektir.Bu kursubir kez satnaldnzda mr boyu sahip olursunuz. lerleyen zamanlarda ekleyeceim eitli rnek uygulamalara da eriebileceksiniz.Yorum ksmnda aklnza taklan sorular sorarak interaktif renme ortamna da erimi olacaksnz.Swift programlama dilinde yer alan:String, integer,bool, double gibi veri tiplerideikenler (variables) ve sabitler (constants)classes (snflar)structuresfor inve while dngleriif, else if ve switch yaplarfonksiyonlargibi yaplar detayl bir ekilde rnekler verilerek anlatlmtr."
Price: 49.99

"Arabic Language The Ultimate Arabic Course (Level 2) 2020" |
"Hello and Welcome to the Ultimate Arabic Course Series (Level 2) - Updated for 2020 Learn Real Arabic Courses are the Best Selling Arabic Courses on Udemy Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) This Arabic course is for you because: You will master Arabic writing system1 Writing is one of the 4 skills of any language, and you should learn the 4 skills at the same time, the Ultimate Arabic Course (level 1) takes you step-by-step and teaches you the Arabic writing system correctly.2 This is the first online Arabic course of its type that teaches you the 2 common ways of writing in Arabic (Naskh printing and Roqah handwriting styles) 3 You will learn the most common mistakes most students make when writing Arabic words and you will learn how to avoid them.4 You will learn a new 4-steps technique on how to write any Arabic word even if it is your first time to hear that word. You will Say goodbye to any textbooks for beginners1 This amazing comprehensive Arabic course is a complete guide that teaches you everything you need to learn from the beginning, you will not need to buy any Arabic textbooks or tutorials for beginners to learn the basics. You will never need to adapt to any other methods, you can start from scratch and get unimaginable results in short time.2 This Arabic course has been created and developed in 15+ hours of comprehensive video lessons and free access to answers to questions submitted by other eager students like you.3 Unlike other Arabic courses out there, you have direct contact with your teacher and if you have any questions about any lesson, you can ask your questions at any time and get answered fast. You will master Arabic pronunciation system1 One of the common problems in learning Arabic is pronouncing words correctly from the early beginning, mispronouncing letters from the beginning will make you to mispronounce words accordingly.2 In this course you will learn how to pronounce letters and words correctly from the early beginning and you will learn the common mistakes when pronouncing Arabic letters and words and how to avoid them.3 You will learn Arabic pronunciation and points of articulation compared to English sounds and points of articulation (deep analysis) with examples.4 You will learn new techniques on how to differentiate between soft sounds and amplified sounds short and long vowels in words with many examples. What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language to Arab natives and non-natives for more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courses which I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses. My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system. Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you. My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message. I want to make my courses the best Arabic online courses. So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell me and I'll work with my team to make it happen. Join Over 10,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before. 30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund. Frequently Asked Questions Question: When does the course start and finish?Answer: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish. Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete. There is NO TIME LIMIT for finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace. Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer: We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get full refund in the first 30 days. Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer: How does LIFETIME FULL access sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own. Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonest click here. What my students are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Thanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot. Hanne Joe I really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point. Emma Jonas Haytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things. Grayson Christopher What I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses. Thomas Eli What Popular Arabic Teachers & Linguists are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Learn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online. Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UK This program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step. Maram Ryad Arabic Translation Expert USA The method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced. Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University Egypt I have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic language fast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends. Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Arabic The Ultimate Arabic Course (Level 3) 2020" |
"Hello and Welcome to The Ultimate Arabic Course Series (Level 3) - Updated for 2020 Learn Real Arabic Courses are the Best Selling Arabic Courses on UdemyThis is a new Arabic course you need to start after learning the basics from Level 1 and Level 2 and here is what you will learn. You will learn everything about the 3 types of words in Arabic language including nouns, verbs and particles and much more Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language to Arab natives and non-natives for more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courses which I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses. My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system. Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you. My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message. I want to make my courses the best Arabic online courses. So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell me and I'll work with my team to make it happen. Join Over 14,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before. 30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund. Frequently Asked Questions Question: When does the course start and finish?Answer: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish. Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete. There is NO TIME LIMIT for finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace. Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer: We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get full refund in the first 30 days. Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer: How does LIFETIME FULL access sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own. Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonest click here. What my students are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Thanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot. Hanne Joe I really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point. Emma Jonas Haytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things. Grayson Christopher What I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses. Thomas Eli What Popular Arabic Teachers & Linguists are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Learn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online. Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UK This program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step. Maram Ryad Arabic Translation Expert USA The method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced. Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University Egypt I have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic language fast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends. Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Arabic Language The Ultimate Arabic Course (Level 4) 2020" |
"Hello and Welcome to The Ultimate Arabic Course Series (Level 4) - Updated 2020 Learn Real Arabic Courses are the Best Selling Arabic Courses on UdemyThis is a new stage you need to start after taking Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 and in this Arabic course you will learn everything you need to know about how to do the typical syntax analysis (eraab) of the sentences in Arabic including verbal and nominal sentences in Arabic with examples and much more Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language to Arab natives and non-natives for more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courses which I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses. My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system. Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you. My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message. I want to make my courses the best Arabic online courses. So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell me and I'll work with my team to make it happen. Join Over 10,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before. 30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund. Frequently Asked Questions Question: When does the course start and finish?Answer: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish. Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete. There is NO TIME LIMIT for finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace. Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer: We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get full refund in the first 30 days. Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer: How does LIFETIME FULL access sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own. Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonest click here. What my students are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Thanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot. Hanne Joe I really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point. Emma Jonas Haytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things. Grayson Christopher What I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses. Thomas Eli What Popular Arabic Teachers & Linguists are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Learn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online. Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UK This program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step. Maram Ryad Arabic Translation Expert USA The method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced. Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University Egypt I have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic language fast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends. Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Arabic Language The Ultimate Arabic Course (Level 5) 2020" |
"Hello and Welcome to The Ultimate Arabic Course Series (Level 5) Updated 2020 Learn Real Arabic Courses are the Best Selling Arabic Courses on UdemyThis is another level in Arabic language you need to take after taking Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 and in this Arabic course you will learn everything you need to know about demonstrative pronouns in Arabic language and how to form questions in Arabic language and how to do the typical syntax analysis (eraab) of Enna and its sisters in Arabic language and much more Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language to Arab natives and non-natives for more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courses which I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses. My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system. Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you. My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message. I want to make my courses the best Arabic online courses. So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell me and I'll work with my team to make it happen. Join Over 10,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before. 30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund. Frequently Asked Questions Question: When does the course start and finish?Answer: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish. Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete. There is NO TIME LIMIT for finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace. Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer: We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get full refund in the first 30 days. Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer: How does LIFETIME FULL access sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own. Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonest click here. What my students are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Thanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot. Hanne Joe I really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point. Emma Jonas Haytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things. Grayson Christopher What I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses. Thomas Eli What Popular Arabic Teachers & Linguists are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Learn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online. Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UK This program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step. Maram Ryad Arabic Translation Expert USA The method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced. Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University Egypt I have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic language fast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends. Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Arabic The Ultimate Arabic Course (Level 6) 2020" |
"Hello and Welcome to the Ultimate Arabic Course Series (Level 6) - Updated for 2020 Learn Real Arabic Courses are the Best Selling Arabic Courses on Udemy This Arabic course helps you to master Arabic verbs in shortest time!In this Arabic course you will get access to the following 3 modules:Module 01: Arabic Verb Forms and patterns Module 02: Arabic Verb Subjunctive Mood Module 03: Arabic Verb Jussive Mood Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language to Arab natives and non-natives for more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courses which I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses. My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system. Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you. My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message. I want to make my courses the best Arabic online courses. So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell me and I'll work with my team to make it happen. Join Over 10,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before. 30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund. Frequently Asked Questions Question: When does the course start and finish?Answer: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish. Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete. There is NO TIME LIMIT for finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace. Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer: We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get full refund in the first 30 days. Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer: How does LIFETIME FULL access sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own. Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonest click here. What my students are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Thanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot. Hanne Joe I really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point. Emma Jonas Haytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things. Grayson Christopher What I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses. Thomas Eli What Popular Arabic Teachers & Linguists are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Learn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online. Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UK This program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step. Maram Ryad Arabic Translation Expert USA The method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced. Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University Egypt I have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic language fast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends. Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Arabic Language The Ultimate Arabic Course Level 1 (2020)" |
"Welcome to the Ultimate Arabic Course Series (Level 1) Updated for (2020) #1 Best Selling Arabic language Course on Udemy In this Arabic course you will discover that Arabic is easy to learn. This Arabic course covers all major topics a beginner needs to learn. The topics are arranged in logical order which makes the learning process smooth without getting frustrated or getting lost in the mid of the course. Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Don't waste your time and learn Arabic from an Arab native professor. Im thrilled to share The Ultimate Arabic Course Series with you! I created this custom Arabic course with my team because I wanted a better understanding experience for my students. They deserve the best.After sharing it with my students, I received thousands of requests from other students who wanted to enroll too, and so The Ultimate Arabic Course series was born.I have put a great effort in creating and developing this course to make sure that every lesson is well-explained and to make sure that you dont feel lost or frustrated in the middle of the course. What Makes me Qualified to Teach You?Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language to Arab natives and non-natives for more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All Arabic courses which I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses. My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system. Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you. My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message. I want to make my courses the best Arabic online courses. So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell me and I'll work with my team to make it happen.Always Up-to-Date Contents! I make great effort to keep my course contents always fresh and updated, when you enroll, you will get free access to all future updates and you will get access to answers to questions submitted by other students like you. Unlike other Arabic courses, this Arabic course is designed in special order to make you not to feel lost or frustrated during the course. You will get full lifetime access to 8+ hours of comprehensive contents recorded in high quality full HD Video Lessons.. Join Over 14,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before. With our excellent support team and dedicated Arabic teachers, youll be in a great company. Stop wasting your time and learn Arabic correctly from the beginning.1 Using wrong method from the beginning will cost you a lot! Many students start their Arabic course randomly without a proven system, they start learning how to say certain phrases but as a beginner this is wrong! And actually this is the main reason that makes you to feel lost or frustrated while learning Arabic. 2 Before anything, you should start with understanding Arabic writing system and Arabic pronunciation system. 3 Learning these 2 systems correctly from the beginning will help you to understand how Arabic words are written and pronounced correctly. 4 The Ultimate Arabic Course (level 1) is the single course that helps you to master the 2 systems from the beginning. 30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THE COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic. Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion: When does the course start and finish?Answer: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-20 minutes to complete. There is NO TIME LIMIT for finishing the course. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace.Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer: We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get full refund in the first 30 days.Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer: How does LIFETIME FULL access sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons - across any and all devices you own. Here is what my students are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Thanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot. Hanne Joe I really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point. Emma Jonas ""Haytham is the best Arabic teacher - He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things."" Grayson Christopher ""What I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses."" Thomas Eli Here is what Popular Arabic Teachers & Linguists are saying about Learn Real Arabic Courses Learn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone who's willing to learn Arabic online."" Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant - UK This program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step. Maram Ryad Arabic Translation Expert - USA The method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced. Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University - Egypt I have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic language fast - ranging from total beginners all the way to pros - definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends. Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University - Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Arabic Language The Ultimate Arabic Course (Level 7) 2020" |
"Hello and Welcome to The Ultimate Arabic Course Series (Level 7) - Updated 2020 Learn Real Arabic Courses are the Best Selling Arabic Courses on UdemyThis Arabic course covers everything you need to know about Kaana and its sisters and Typical Eraab and Arabic case ending analysis Arabic Syntax Analysis (Eraab) and much more Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. in TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language to Arab natives and non-natives for more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courses which I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses. My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system. Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you. My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message. I want to make my courses the best Arabic online courses. So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell me and I'll work with my team to make it happen. Join Over 10,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before. 30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund. Frequently Asked Questions Question: When does the course start and finish?Answer: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish. Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete. There is NO TIME LIMIT for finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace. Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer: We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get full refund in the first 30 days. Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer: How does LIFETIME FULL access sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own. Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonest click here. What my students are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Thanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot. Hanne Joe I really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point. Emma Jonas Haytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things. Grayson Christopher What I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses. Thomas Eli What Popular Arabic Teachers & Linguists are saying about Learn Real Arabic courses Learn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online. Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UK This program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step. Maram Ryad Arabic Translation Expert USA The method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced. Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University Egypt I have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic language fast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends. Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Arabic Language Course Learn Arabic from Proverbs (2020)" |
"Hello and Welcome to This new amazing Arabic language course.How to Learn Arabic from Proverbs Using NEW Teaching Approach! Learn Real Arabic Courses are theBest Selling Arabic Courses on UdemyThis is the single online Arabic course thatteaches you Arabic languagethrough proverbsFor the first time you will be able to learn Arabic language through proverbs. You will learn how to do theTypical Syntax Analysis (Eraab) of each proverb in Arabic language and much more Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. inTAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language toArab natives and non-nativesfor more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courseswhich I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses.My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system.Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you.My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message.I want to make my coursesthe best Arabic online courses.So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell meand I'll work with my team to make it happen.Join Over 10,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before.30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund.Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion: When does the course start and finish?Answer:The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish.Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete.There is NO TIME LIMITfor finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace.Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer:We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get fullrefundin the first 30 days.Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer:How doesLIFETIME FULLaccess sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own.Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonestclick here. Whatmy studentsare saying about Learn Real Arabic coursesThanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot.Hanne JoeI really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point.Emma JonasHaytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things.Grayson ChristopherWhat I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses.Thomas Eli WhatPopular Arabic Teachers & Linguistsare saying about Learn Real Arabic coursesLearn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online.Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UKThis program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step.Maram RyadArabic Translation Expert USAThe method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced.Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University EgyptI have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic languagefast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends.Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Arabic Phrasal Verbs Course Arabic Language Course" |
"Welcome to this Arabic course ""Learning Arabic Phrasal Verbs"" Learn Real Arabic Courses are theBest Selling Arabic Courses on Udemy This is the single online Arabic course thatteaches you Arabic phrasal verbs Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. inTAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language toArab natives and non-nativesfor more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courseswhich I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses.My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system.Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you.My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message.I want to make my coursesthe best Arabic online courses.So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell meand I'll work with my team to make it happen.Join Over 10,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before.30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund.Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion: When does the course start and finish?Answer:The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish.Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete.There is NO TIME LIMITfor finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace.Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer:We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get fullrefundin the first 30 days.Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer:How doesLIFETIME FULLaccess sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own.Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonestclick here. Whatmy studentsare saying about Learn Real Arabic coursesThanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot.Hanne JoeI really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point.Emma JonasHaytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things.Grayson ChristopherWhat I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses.Thomas Eli WhatPopular Arabic Teachers & Linguistsare saying about Learn Real Arabic coursesLearn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online.Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UKThis program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step.Maram RyadArabic Translation Expert USAThe method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced.Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University EgyptI have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic languagefast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends.Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Arabic Language Mastering Nominative Case in Arabic Part 1" |
"Learn Arabic Language (Comprehensive Arabic Course) Learn Real Arabic Courses are theBest Selling Arabic Courses on UdemyWelcome to Mastering Nominative Case in Arabic Language (Part 1)In this course you will learn: The substitute of the doer of a sentence (also called the subject of the passive) Formula 1: How to convert singular masculine noun to singular feminine noun Formula 2: How to convert singular noun to dual masculine noun with examples Formula 3: How to convert singular noun to dual feminine noun with examples Formula 4: How to convert singular noun to masculine sound plural noun with examples Formula 5: How to convert singular noun to feminine sound plural noun with examples Formula 6: Broken plural different forms with examples Understanding the hidden doer and typical syntax when it is singular Understanding the hidden doer and typical syntax when it is dual masculine and dual feminine Please Note This Arabic course is created and designed according to and inline with:1- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and2- ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)What Makes me Qualified to Teach You? Teaching Arabic Language is in my DNA :)I was born in a family of Arabic teachers, starting from my father to my youngest sister, I hold a Ph.D. inTAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).I have been teaching Arabic language toArab natives and non-nativesfor more than 12 years. I have over 10 years of experience in professional Arabic language training, consulting, and education, I have served at universities and leading associations.All courseswhich I have created and developed, are always inline with common European countries framework of reference for language procedure.For the past 10 years, I have been encountering 100% of satisfaction with all students who undertaken my courses.My passion is inspiring my students through my offline and online courses which I have created and developed using my Learn Real Arabic teaching system.Since 2003, thousands of students have taken my Arabic courses (online and offline) - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you.My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about course content or anything related to any lesson, you can always post a question in your course dashboard or send me a direct message.I want to make my coursesthe best Arabic online courses.So if there is any way I can improve my courses, just tell meand I'll work with my team to make it happen.Join Over 10,000 Happy Students enrolled in Learn Real Arabic Courses!Already, thousands of students are enrolled in Learn Real Arabic courses, they are learning new techniques and shortcuts to learn Arabic faster, and they make more progress than before.30 Days Money Back GuaranteeIf, for any reason, you dont like this amazing course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with Udemy friendly support team and theyll either help you out until you get the result you need or give you a swift refund.Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion: When does the course start and finish?Answer:The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course you decide when you start and when you finish.Question: How much time is needed?Answer: Each lesson takes about 5-30 minutes to complete.There is NO TIME LIMITfor finishing the course. It has 100+ lessons, so you can do one or two or more lessons per day. However, if you need more time, you can study at your own pace.Question: What if I am unhappy with the courses?Answer:We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get fullrefundin the first 30 days.Question: How long do I have access to the courses?Answer:How doesLIFETIME FULLaccess sound? After enrolling, you have full unlimited access to all lessons across any and all devices you own.Question: I still have questions, how to contact you?Answer: If you have any questions about our courses, please contact our 24/5 support team, we would be happy to answer your questions. send us an email and one of our student support team will get back to you soonestclick here. Whatmy studentsare saying about Learn Real Arabic coursesThanks Haytham! It is awesome I love this video course. From the first few lessons I can say that lessons are very comprehensive, the voice is very clear I can hear it clearly, the video quality is very good, and your on-screen writing helped me a lot.Hanne JoeI really learnt a lot from the content of this course; it is very different and actionable. The instructor is professional and makes you feel at ease, his delivery is clear and to the point.Emma JonasHaytham is the best Arabic teacher He is very helpful and did an excellent job. Thanks for this amazing course. I have learned many things.Grayson ChristopherWhat I can say is Awesome! I have been learning Arabic for quite some time now, however I have learned many new things from this course. definitely I will buy the other courses.Thomas Eli WhatPopular Arabic Teachers & Linguistsare saying about Learn Real Arabic coursesLearn Real Arabic courses are really good for Arabic learners of all levels. Lessons are well-explained in step-by-step approach and it helps you to learn Arabic fast, I sincerely recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to anyone whos willing to learn Arabic online.Sami Morsy, Prof. Arabic Language Consultant UKThis program is by far the best that I have seen, particularly for teaching Arabic to beginners. It is clearly designed using Modern Standard Arabic. The videos are very comprehensive and step by step.Maram RyadArabic Translation Expert USAThe method used is creative and it successfully teaches you a wide range of Arabic vocabulary, Arabic grammar, and sentence structure in an easy way, I highly recommend Learn Real Arabic courses to all Arabic learners beginners and advanced.Somayya Mohsen, Dr. Helwan University EgyptI have been working with Haytham for quite some time now. Haytham has helped more people learn Arabic languagefast ranging from total beginners all the way to pros definitely I will recommend the Learn Real Arabic courses to my friends.Khalid Jamil, Dr. Islamic University Malaysia"
Price: 199.99

"Instalaciones Sanitarias con REVIT MEP!" |
"Saludos Colegas!Bienvenidos a este curso de Instalaciones Sanitarias con Revit MEP.Ventajas:Dominars desde la interface hasta la creacin de planos.Aprenders con lo ms comn, un proyecto residencial real de 4 niveles.Te guiar paso a paso, no asumir que sabes nada sobre Revit, ni sobre Sanitaria.Si te arrepientes o no es lo que esperabas, puedes pedir tu devolucin.Se seguir desarrollando con el tiempo, agregando mejoras y actualizaciones.NOTA: El contenido de YouTube te ensea a usar el programa pero es desorganizado y no conoce normas ni criterios de diseo. Saber usar REVIT MEP no es saber Hidrosanitaria, ni cualquier otra rama tcnica como elctrica o estructural. Te invito a comprobarlo tu mismo.Aqu aprenders a utilizar las herramientas necesarias para crear planos hidrosanitarios para cualquier proyecto de edificacin. El contenido de este curso se puede clasificar en diferentes secciones, en el que cada unadesarrolla una etapa importante del diseo hidrosanitario:Descripcin del Contenido:Agua Fra y Caliente con Revit MEP.Primer Mdulodel programaBIM con Revit: Instalaciones Sanitarias.Aqu aprenders a utilizar las herramientas necesarias para iniciar un proyecto en Revit, cargar familias sanitarias y crear sistemas de tuberas de agua fra y caliente. Adems aprenders a auto-dimensionar estos sistemas con las herramientas de clculo que ofrece el programa.Primera Seccin - Introduccin y Aparatos:Aprende a cargar un plano arquitectnico y los aparatos sanitarios.Segunda Seccin - Sistemas de Tuberas:Aprende a cargar y conectar tuberas de forma manual y automtica.Tercera Seccin - Agua Caliente y Dimetros:Aprende a integrar agua caliente y calcular dimetros automticamente.Drenaje y Ventilacin con Revit MEP.Segundo Mdulodel programaBIM con Revit: Instalaciones Sanitarias.Aqu aprenders a utilizar las herramientas necesarias crear sistemas de drenaje y ventilacin, incluyendo componentes importantes como los sifones. Adems, tendrs la capacidad de crear rplicas de un diseo para trabajar proyectos simtricos y edificios rpidamente.Primera Seccin - Drenajes:Aprende a colocar desages y a crear los sistemas de drenajeSegunda Seccin - Sifones:Aprende a editar familias y a corregir interferencias entre sistemas.Tercera Seccin - Rplicas:Aprende a duplicar diseos cuando se trabaja con edificios o plantas simtricas.Cuarta Seccin - Ventilaciones:Aprende a crear ventilaciones para conectarlas al sistema de drenaje.Componentes Hidrosanitarios con Revit MEP.Tercer Mdulodel programaBIM con Revit: Instalaciones Sanitarias.Aqu aprenders a cargar o modelar bombas, autoclaves, cisternas, registros, spticos, trampas de grasa y otros componentes hidrosanitarios de diferentes formas.Primera Seccin - Componentes de Suministro:Aprende a cargar bombas y tanques. Adems aprende a modelar una cisterna.Segunda Seccin - Componentes de Recoleccin:Aprende a modelar registros y trampas de grasa de distintas formas.Creacin de Planos con Revit MEP.Cuarto Mdulodel programaBIM con Revit: Instalaciones Sanitarias.Aqu aprenders a crear etiquetas, llamadas, secciones, tablas, detalles y otros elementos necesarios para la presentacin de los planos hidrosanitarios de cualquier proyecto de edificacin.Primera Seccin - Planos, Etiquetas y Llamadas:Aprende a etiquetar tuberas y aparatos, aadir notas tcnicas y a trabajar con diferentes escalas en un mismo plano.Segunda Seccin - Tablas, Secciones y Detalles:Aprende a cuantificar los elementos con tablas de cantidades y a importar detalles importantes de distintas fuentes externas.NOTA: Este curso fue desarrollado con la versin 2018. El 99% del contenido se mantiene igual, sin embargo verifica los foros de discusin para cualquier modificacin importante."
Price: 199.99

"Bootstrap 4 ile Sfrdan Kendi Admin Panelimizi Tasarlyoruz" |
"Batan sona bir admin panel tasarmn bu kurs ierisinde sizinle birlikte yapacaz. Bir admin panelde bulunmas gereken tm zellikleri bize gerekli olma lsne gre ileyeceiz. Bootstrap 4 CSS HTML ve Jquery kullanarak sfrdan bir web admin panel tasarlayacaz.Admin Dashboard, Portlets,Form Elements,Basic Table, Data Table, Modals, Tooltip, Alert, Sweet Alert, Pnotify, Form Validation, Popover ve daha bir ok sayfay bu eitimde batan sona ele alacaz.Bu kursun sonunda gzel bir tam donanml admin panel temas yaplmaktadr.HTML5CSS3BootstrapJavaScriptDOM ManipulationjQuery"
Price: 49.99

"CSS con Semantic UI un framework web para personas" |
"Semantic UI es un framework para crear el diseo de interfaces de manera responsiva utilizando HTML/CSS legible, al igual que otros frameworks, se basa en componentes tales como grids, botones, formularios, headers, mens, segmentos y un largo etc.Semantic UI se ha convertido en el framework preferido por muchos diseadores, ya que permite optimizar el tiempo.En concreto aprende a disear pginas web multipantallas con HTML y CSS en tiempo rcord, usando toda la potencia de Semantic UI"
Price: 54.99

"CCMM: Learn How to Grow Your Professional Network" |
"Learn the CCMM PersonalNetworking Strategy in Less than 90 MinutesUse LinkedIn to make new connectionsConversational etiquette and small talk strategiesTalk about yourself and your goalsExpand your network fast through 2nd-degree connectionsThere are no prerequisites to participating in this course. Participants who are capable of using LinkedIn will realize additional benefits from some hands-on lectures that make use of the professional social network. Perfect for Early or Mid-career Professionals, Entrepreneurs, and FreelancersThough this course can be applied across function, level of seniority, and geography, some audiences that will align well with Eazls CCMM approach to professional networking are:Early-career professionals who are on the job hunt or looking to define a career pathMid-career professionals who are looking to make career changes or move to a more senior position in their industry or within large enterprisesEntrepreneurs interested in building relationships with industry leaders, financiers, groups of users, and peers in their industryFreelancers interested in finding professionals that compliment their skillset, leads or clients, or collaboratorsIf you want to learn how to build a valuable professional network, then this course is for you. Eazl's CCMM Professional Networking Strategy introduces you to a systematic approach to professional networking in the modern, digital world. In this course, youll learn how to develop connections, qualify new connections before investing additional time and energy, steer new relationships in the earliest days, and expand your network by using a 2nd-degree networking strategy. Youll learn how to do it fast and with Eazls innovative, fun, visual online course format thats both engaging and informative.In this course, you will:Take a human-centered approach to professional networking that allows you to be authentic as you develop relationshipsSource new connections with inbound, referral, and proactive networking strategiesPlan offline meetups as a way of positioning yourself as a thought leaderQualify new connections by using short conversations to determine alignmentMeet new professional connections for the first time (either in-person or virtually)Expand your professional network fast through the practice of mushroomingThis course is also chock full of activities that allow you to practice what youre learning. Work with me over 3 exercises to craft your 8-second career pitch, use helpful technologies to automate and communicate with your network at scale, and develop a strategy for working with a new professional connection for the first time.Why is Professional Networking a Useful Skill?Learning professional networking can benefit you professionally as you gain access to well-aligned professionals and develop relationships that can generate professional opportunities, revenue, and connections to other professionals. It is a skill that people working inside larger companies and on their own can use to and boost your career prospects.Why Learn with Eazl?Learning authentic, human-centered professional networking can be challenging and complex. To navigate this maze, you need a course that offers a systematic approach, training on the use of modern digital tools, and real examples that enable you to see these skills in practice. Your instructor, Davis Jones, is a former Fortune 500 recruiter in the San Francisco Bay Area and an award-winning online instructor. He has experience applying this system in corporate, freelancer, and entrepreneurial environments. Hes taught career management and professional networking for over 5 years to more than 100,000 students.In addition to Davis instruction, youll likely enjoy Eazls unique production style that blends animation, on-screen visual reinforcements, and real-world examples.By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently apply the CCMM approach to human-centered professional networking and qualify for a verifiable certificate should you wish to demonstrate your work to clients or employers.Join me on this adventure today! Well see you inside the course."
Price: 44.99

"[2020] Negotiating: Learn Negotiation Skills in 70 Minutes!" |
"Version 2 Fresh as of November 2019!5/5 Stars: ""I was very impressed with the material in this course. The information was communicated clearly with good examples and the presentation was well organized."" - Ashley Dixon5/5/ Stars: ""Really enjoyed the course. It was broken down into bite-sized chunks that contained exactly the information that I needed."" - Paul WalshUpgrade Your Negotiation Skills Fast and Earn a Career-Boosting Certificate!Successful negotiation through collaborationGenerate or limit alternatives as a strategic approachPersuasion, influence, and reciprocal negotiationUsing negotiation psychology and subjective valueLeadership in negotiations the preparation and managing alternativesPerfect for Recruiters, Salespeople, Account Managers, Brokers, and EntrepreneursSome audiences that will likely find immediate applications for their new integrative bargaining skills are:Recruiters and HR professionals involved in compensation package negotiationsSalespeople and account managers looking to close deals while preserving long-term relationshipsBrokers involved in negotiating the sale or purchase of high-dollar assets (e.g. businesses or property)Entrepreneurs or freelancers looking to get fair value for their work while building strong relationships with clientsIf youre interested in learning how to be a leader at the negotiation table then this course is for you. Eazls Negotiation Certificate Course introduces you to integrative negotiation, the BATNA, and other upgrades to your negotiation skillset. In this course, youll learn how to prepare for high-stakes negotiations, how to create value while claiming value, how to close more deals and more. Because youre learning with Eazl, youll learn how to do it in a way thats both informative and engaging.In this course, you will:Create value for all parties though integrative bargainingClaim value while collaborating with your counterpartiesUse pro-social framing to elevate negotiation discussionsClose deals through deal creativity and subjective valueEarn your negotiating certificate in less than 90 minutesThis course is also chock full of activities that allow you to practice what youre learning. Youll work with your instructor over 3 exercises prepare a negotiation strategy, label concessions, and analyze major cases when negotiations both failed and succeeded. Why Further Develop Your Negotiation Skills?Learning how to lead negotiations can benefit you professionally as you gain the ability to collaboratively make deals and structure relationships between people and organizations. Leading as a negotiator can be challenging and complex. To navigate this maze, you need a resource that brings research from Harvard, MIT, and other top institutions with practical applications presented in an engaging format. Your course leverages Davis Jones experience as a headhunter in the San Francisco Bay Area, the research of Eazls subject-matter expert community, and Eazls award-winning approach to creating online learning experiences. Davis Jones has taught managers in more than 180 countries and more than 100,000 students worldwide. By the end of the course, you will be able to prepare for and lead in negotiations and youll earn a verifiable certificate issued by the Eazl team. Join us on this adventure today! Well see you inside the course.---------------------------Content Upgrade JournalVersion 2 (November 2019): In this update, we've done a massive update to the study guide and included links to all of the scholarship that powers the course curriculum. We've also added those links as external references to your lectures on the platform, and added full English-language captions to the lectures. Enjoy the update!"
Price: 49.99

"[2020] Recruiting: Talent Acquisition & Hiring (Version 2)" |
"Be able to hire great people by learning from a former Fortune 500 recruiter!5/5 Stars: It is a good match as someone with no prior background in recruitment. I have an immediate and good understanding of the key aspects of finding the right candidates for the company I work for. - Kamara Archer5/5 Stars: It is definitely a good match. I have learned so much from identifying the right candidates through choice, match and communication to the power of referral-based modality, the candidate journal and hacks to wind up with the best candidate. - Vivian FelicenHow to Hire: Your 5-Step Roadmap to Hiring Employees!Lead the HR / hiring process for your company or teamWrite compelling job descriptions that attract candidatesRecruitment of candidates through referrals and from the general publicUse of LinkedIn as a recruiting toolPerform phone screens and interviews with candidatesNegotiate salaries and contracts with new hiresManage the decision-making process and extend job offersEarn your Recruiting and Hiring Certificate fast!Perfect for Team Leaders, HR Professionals, and EntrepreneursWhat drives the performance of most companies? Great people. While professionals at many levels of seniority and across many geographies will benefit from this course, some audiences that will likely find immediate applications for these skills are:Recruiters and HR professionals looking to make great hiresTeam leaders who need to recruit or filter through internal candidate applicationsEntrepreneurs or business owners responsible for managing their own hiring processIf you want to make great hires then this course is for you. Eazls Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring certificate course introduces you to a roadmap to making a great hire that was developed by a Fortune 500 recruiter in the field. In this course, youll build an ideal candidate profile, write a job description, onboard teammates strategically into your hiring process, and make a job offer and youll learn how to do it in a way thats both informative and engaging.In this course, you will:Define an ideal candidate profile that includes skills and issues related to culture fitWrite a job description that attracts candidatesAttract high-quality candidates through referral recruiting and, in some cases, by maintaining a passive candidate stroke fileUse phone screens to filter out unmatched candidates and save time on interviewsInvite constructive engagement with stakeholders while working to eliminate biasNegotiate compensation agreements with new hiresThis course is also chock full of activities that allow you to practice what youre learning. Youll work with your instructor over 4 exercises to build an ideal candidate profile, write a job description, create and share a candidate interview journal, and make the final decision through a structured collaboration that you manage. Why Learn how to Recruit, Interview, and Hire?Learning how to make great hires can benefit you professionally because research shows that A players tend to create exponentially more value than their peers. Recruiting, interviewing, and hiring are excellent skills for human resource professionals, team leaders, and entrepreneurs to master. The impact that exceptional people can have on organizations is self-evident.Why Learn from Eazl?Learning how to recruit, interview, and hire can be challenging and complex. To navigate this maze, you need an online learning experience built out of the field experience of an expert that integrates Eazls award-winning production techniques, a full suite of resources and templates, and real-world examples. This course brings Davis Jones experience recruiting in the San Francisco Bay Area for Robert Half, the worlds largest HR consulting and recruiting company to you in a fun and engaging format. Mr. Jones has taught topics related to the labor market to more than 60,000 students in more than 180 countries for over 5 years as the bestselling author and creator of Eazls Career Hacking course.By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently navigate the hiring roadmap presented in this learning experience. Youll also have lifetime access to a suite of resources that will enable you to work across teams in this capacity. Join us on this adventure today! Well see you inside the course.------------------------------------Content Upgrade Journal:Version 2 (November 2019): In this update, youll get brand new content that includes a series of interlinked, interactive assignments that put you at the head of a hiring project. This will enable you to apply your new skills by participating in a real case study. We hope you enjoy Recruiting 2020! Mariana from Eazl's team has also developed full, accurate English-language captions for Recruiting Version 2 to enhance your learning experience further."
Price: 64.99

"[2020] Customer Service 2.0: Learn Digital Customer Service" |
"Version 2, fresh for 2020!5/5 Stars: ""This course has been an amazing experience for me because it helps me to learn new ways to provide better support. Thanks for all the lessons, you are a great teacher!"" - Mazharul Islam5/5 Stars: ""I just loved the format of this presentation. the short segments made it easy for me to complete this course quickly with all the interruptions I usually get during the day. Thank you!"" - Genevieve ClementCustomer Service 2.0: Upgraded for the Social Media EraCustomer service leadership and communication skillsAuthentic customer support for the social media / smartphone worldDiagnosing, prioritizing, and solving customer issuesLeverage customer support for product managementLoyalty and customer relationship managementEarn your Digital Customer Service Certificate fast!Perfect for Early-career Professionals, Product Teams, and EntrepreneursWhile professionals in many functions and across many geographies will benefit from this course, some audiences that will likely find immediate applications for these skills are:Early-career professionals looking to join customer service teams (a great place to start at many companies)Product Teams that recognize the value of constructive customer engagement for rapid product iterationEntrepreneurs who use social media and other digital tools to communicate with customersIf you want to learn how to serve the population of more than 2.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, then this course is for you. Eazls Digital Customer Service Certificate Course introduces you to customer service for the smartphone era. In this course, youll authentically engage with your customers, diagnose and solve customer issues, and foster loyalty that results in increased revenue for your organization. Youll learn how to do all of this in a way thats both informative and engaging.In this course, you will:Use the IPX system to diagnose and solve customer issues in a community-first context thats appropriate for the social media eraMirror tone and provide social customer care for a global base of digitally-connected usersMonitor your brand on social media, blogs, and other digital channelsGenerate revenue through compassionate customer serviceThis course is also chock full of activities that allow you to practice what youre learning. Youll work with your instructor over 4 exercises to diagnose a customers problem, solve a customer service issue, provide social customer care, and prioritize customer service inquiries.Why Learn Customer Service for the Social Media Era?Learning digital customer service can benefit you professionally as you gain the ability to solve customer issues in a community-first context. This is an excellent skill for a world where more than 100 million new people get access to smartphones annually and more than 7.2 billion people in the world are connected to the Internet by a mobile device of some kind.Why Learn with Eazl?Learning digital customer service can be challenging and complex. To navigate this maze, you need a learning experience thats engaging (thats why we animate our lectures!), based on real-world examples (thats why we have fun case studies!), and includes great supplementary materials. Thats what youll find inside.Your instructor for this course will be Davis Jones who has taught more than 100,000 students in more than 180 countries. Youll also have access to Eazls private student groups and customer support team.By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently, compassionately serve people in the social media era. Join us on this adventure today! Well see you inside the course.--------------------------------------------Content Upgrade Journal Version 2 (November 2020): Your course now has interactive assignments that enable you to watch real footage of scenarios that require the kind of customer care you're studying in the course, then take actions based on what you've learned (thanks Udemy for building the cool new Assignments feature!). Mariana from the Eazl team has also done full captions for this course for the version 2 update to make your learning experience even better!"
Price: 44.99

"Twitter Ads: Twitter Advertising 2020 Certification Course" |
"Version 2: Fresh as of November 2019 Used by Teams at Spotify, Pepsi, Twitter, and other leading organizations5/5 Stars: ""Very useful. Extremely interactive. Knowledgeable presenter."" - Jennet Ingram5/5 Stars: ""A great course, easy to follow if you already have some experience with digital marketing. It's a short and to the point introduction to Twitter ads, and a practical one as well. You'll create various campaigns alongside this course, see how the platform works, get tips on what could work best."" - Ioana DragosYour Complete Twitter Advertising Learning Experience!Install the Twitter tracking pixel and use it for retargetingDeploy all of Twitters objective-driven ad campaignsTarget Twitter users based on a variety of characteristics and behaviorsBuild and use Twitters custom creative formats like Twitter CardsLearn to analyze the success of campaigns using real dataEarn your Eazl Twitter Ads 2020 CertificatePerfect for Digital Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Community Managers, and Public Relations It seems that people are increasingly numb to advertising that tries to take you from a complete stranger to some company and turn you into a client right away. Today, people like to discover brands for themselves. Luckily, theres a great network for that: Twitter. Twitter is a network where users go to discover new things, see what peers and influencers are doing, and learn whats happening. Thats why its a great place to advertise. Youll likely love this course if youre a...Digital marketer who wants access to the most educated social network in the worldEntrepreneur wanting to introduce your products, services, or ideas to the worldSocial media or community manager looking to engage an existing followingPublic relations professional looking to control the narrative in important conversationsIf you want to be able to launch Twitter Ads almost instantly, this course is for you. Eazls Twitter Advertising Certificate Course is a well-crafted learning experience thats hands-on, concise, and engaging. In this course, you will:Learn about the Twitter user base and their behavior patternsParticipate in an interactive simulation game based on a real Twitter Ads case studyDeploy campaigns with your instructor to build your intuition on the platformUse multiple advertising strategies and see their resultsIntegrate digital marketing tools like Google Tag Manager and Google AnalyticsThis course is chock full of activities that allow you to practice what youre learning. Youll work with your instructor over multiple Eazl Side-by-Side exercises to craft creative assets specific to Twitter Advertising, install the Twitter Ads Pixel, target Twitter users, and deploy each of Twitters objective-driven ad campaign formats. Why Learn with Eazl?If Eazl is a reincarnated spirit, it was someone like Harriet Tubman in a past life: a rebel humanitarian. Since publishing Eazls breakout course called Career Hacking in 2014, Eazl has become one of the most powerful forces in independently-produced online education. By channeling Eazls service-oriented heart, the Eazl team has successfully built a community of more than 150,000 professionals worldwide. When you learn with Eazl, its like youre learning with your smart business family. Clear, fun, practical, and human-oriented learning experiences have made the Eazl course catalog and community what it is today and were just getting started.Join us on this adventure today! Well see you inside the course."
Price: 99.99

"Advanced Excel Formulas and VBA User Defined Functions" |
"(Please note that this course is designed for experienced Excel users.If you are still shaky on the basics of Excel formulas, have a look at the Udemy course ""Essential Excel Formulas and Functions"".)The ability to write, understand and maintain complex formulas is the key to mastering Excel. Complex formulas make use of multiple functions to achieve a specific operation; and it is the need to nest one function inside another that can sometimesmake Excel formulas seem so impenetrable.This course will show you how to create, comprehend and maintain complex Excel formulas; those which use multiple Excel functions in combination.A key feature of the course is the use of explanatory diagrams. The course features dozens of diagrams saved in PDF format. You will have access to all of these diagrams. You can study them at your leisure.You can print them out; make notes on them; whatever you find useful.Another key feature of the course is that wewrite our formulas on multiple lines and make strategic use of indentation. This makes it easier to read complex formulas, since it helps to make it clear when one function is nested inside another.Well also encounter examples of using formulas to build formulas; mega formulas, sometimes dozens of lines long, which would be very hard to write manually.We begin the course by looking at conditional functions, since these are the most versatile of Excels functions.Then well move on to look at building formulas for manipulating text; for manipulating numbers; formulas for performing complex lookup operations. And well also discuss the use of array formulas; as well as formulas for importing XML-based information into Excel, both from the web and from local XML documents.And finally, well move on to look at the creation of custom, user-definedfunctions using VBA. These functions can be included in any workbook and can greatly enhance your Excel solutions.Many courses which teach Excel user-defined functions will waste your time by showing you how to create VBA functions which replicate functionality which could be created by regular Excel formulas. Not on our course!Well focus on writing VBA functions which provide results that simply cant be produced using Excels own built-in functions: for example displaying the users Windows login name, or the names of all the worksheet tabs; or displaying information from the folder in which a workbook is saved.So, if youre looking for a challenging course which will provide you with strategies for creating powerful and complex Excel formulas, then this course is exactly the course you need: Complex Excel Formulas and VBA user-defined functions."
Price: 59.99

"Power BI Bookmarks: A Power BI Game-Changing Feature" |
"This course has been specifically designed for existing users of Microsoft Power BI, who already have some experience. However, if you are new, and intending to take this course on Power BI Bookmarks, look at the Udemy Course entitled, Power BI Business Essentials: Introduction to Microsoft Power BI, as it covers all basic to intermediate skills required for enrolment in this course. Microsoft Power BI bookmarks allow you to create an unlimited number of virtual pages to which the user can navigate. It is a truly game-changing feature which enables report-creators to design narrative-based reports tailored to a particular audience. This Power BI Bookmarks course will show you how to leverage the Power BI Bookmarks and Selection panes to add interactivity to your business narratives. You will learn how to create a web-style navigation bar complete with hidden buttons which hyperlink to your bookmark content; and how to use the Selection pane to create slicers which control the user experience, but which remain completely hidden from the user. The course discusses the building of an interactive Power BI report from the ground up, using the Power BI Bookmark feature. We start by discussing the page itself; its shape, its dimensions and how you can use page backgrounds to add impact to your reports. We also discuss the use of a percentage-based grid and the creation of placeholders as an aid to report design. No substantial Power BI report can be built without some degree of data wrangling; therefore, the Power BI Bookmarks course also provides users with further practice on creating DAX formulas using key functions such as CALCULATE, FILTER, ALL and VALUES. We also discuss the benefits of using unlinked, disconnected tables to store narrative data; and the DAX measures required to retrieve data from unlinked tables, based on user actions. In short, if you are looking to quickly get up to speed on the benefits provided by Power BI Bookmarks, this is the only course you will need."
Price: 59.99

"Excel VBA: Hyper-disambiguated Excel VBA Programming Part 2" |
"If you know the basics of Excel VBA macros and are looking to expand your knowledge, this course could be just what you need. Moving on from the creation of Excel VBA macros, this course shows you how to write code which responds to events. (Macros are covered in the Udemy course: Excel VBA Macros: Hyper-disambiguated Excel VBA Programming). During the course, we will continue to use a style of Excel VBA programming which emphasizes the significance of each line of code that you write. This means that when you revisit the code, the meaning of each line is apparent from the syntax, rather than becoming more and more unfamiliar. This is a hands-on, project-based course which will help you to expand your Excel VBA programming skills by building mini applications. Youll learn how to create a workbook which can only be opened by a list of authorized users. How to create a chart event drill-down solution. You will learn how to create an accessible workbook which provides dynamic audio feedback to its users. You will create a solution which allows users to apply a filter to all tables within a workbook. You will build a sophisticated activity logging solution, which records every user action in a hidden worksheet. You will build an application which forces users to enter data via a user form while the underlying worksheet remains hidden. And youll learn how to add an alternative right-click menu and how to make it a permanent feature of Excel. Whether you are looking to enhance your career prospects by adding Excel VBA to your C.V., save your company money or increase your productivity, this series of Excel VBA courses will help you to broaden your Office programming skill set. You can download all of the materials used in the lectures, so that you can follow along. (Please, remember to unZIP the downloaded files.)"
Price: 199.99

"Live FX Trading on Real Account With Gravity" |
"The COG Channel Strategy is one thatI am using as Portfolio Manager illustrating my trading activity on70K+ Managed Account.The course starts with some theoretical conceptssuch asunderstanding the philosophy of long-term investing,while thereafter presenting on real account my actual trading activity.As a trader who has been trading since 2008, I believe that patience, discipline and strategic implementation are the key ingredients forsuccess.Why am I presenting my setups if I could keep them to myself?The answer is quite simple. Discipline and patience are the components that make this strategy work successfully.If as a traderyou do not develop these two features within your subconscious mind youwill end up nowhere.SIMPLICITY IS THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION TO COMPLEXITY. Keep things simple!"
Price: 199.99

"The Shopify Sales Funnel via ClickFunnels" |
"Shopify is great.It's fast, stable, secure, has a ton of apps, and typically looks pretty good.It is a very solid shopping cart platform and one I highly recommend (I personally have two stores).However, editing your sales pages is nearly impossible without being a master coder, leaving your store looking like everyone else's.And, the bigger problem with Shopify is that there's no great way to build a sales funnel with it... and we LOVE funnels!Sure, there are a couple apps;however, they all have drawbacks...Some of the tools arefrustratingly buggy while others restrict what you can do... leaving you stuck with their ""proven"" template.Enter ClickFunnels.ClickFunnels is a tool that gives you the power to create awesome sales funnels with ease!Your sales pages, OTO pages, downsell pages, order confirmation pages... everything can look like whatever you want!You have FULL control!Of course, ClickFunnels has its own set of problems... it does a lackluster job in handling customers/orders, it doesn't notify customers when their orders ship, and it doesn't integrate with nifty dropshipping apps like Dropified and Oberlo.So, we have the best funnel builder tool and the best shopping cart platform, all we need to do now is combine the two... which is what this course teaches you!"
Price: 199.99

"Get Clients Now Funnel (Client Acquisition, Lead Gen)" |
"Do you sell high-end services, coaching, or consulting?If so, there's a funnel to make the client acquisition process as smooth as butter!I call it the ""Get Clients NOW!"" funnel; by utilizing proven strategies and tactics in combination with marketing automation and retargeting, you'll have more clients than you know what to do with!The funnel consists of 3 Phases:Phase I: Make Cold TrafficWarmThis is accomplished by showing offof high quality content to cold traffic and embedding you, and your company, in your visitors' mind!Phase II: Capture Contact Info & Prove Your WorthYou'll capture your visitors' contact information by offering value in the form of a PDF document. This PDF is designed to set you apart from your competition, solidify you as an authority, and even qualify your prospect so you don't waste time with people who aren't a good fit!Phase III: Give, Give,Give = ReceiveDuring this phase of the operation, you're going to give your prospective client so much value that they won't be able to say no! Closing deals is going to be so easy, you'll probably need to hire a whole new work force to help you with the amount of work you're generating!"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate ClickFunnels Training Course + FREE Funnels!" |
"*** New Course Added August 2020 ***Customer acquisition costs are rising.A few years ago, you could buy clicks for pennies ... now, you're lucky to spend less than $1 per click.Instead of spending $1 per new customer, you're now spending $10.You can't market the same way you did a few years ago.Think about it ...You could buy clicks for pennies, send the person straight to an ugly sales page, and still make money.This eventually stopped working because everyone was doing it and ad costs outpaced sales.Then, someone came up with the bright idea of implementing a squeeze page to capture contact information so you could sell to them again, and again, and again.Hence, the whole ""the money's in the list"" ideology was born.Email marketing became all the rage ... until, of course, everyone began doing it, causing inboxes to become flooded and open and click-through rates to plummet.While email marketing still ranks #1 with regard to ROI compared to other marketing channels like Facebook and Twitter - it's nowhere near as good as it used to be.So, what's the ""next big thing?""Sales funnels.Which, coincidentally, aren't a new concept. It's just digital marketing was so easy for so long we didn't have to work at it.Now, the times they are a-changin'.We have to do a better job marketing.We have to actually have strategy, tactics, and skill.The sales funnel concept has been reborn because it dramatically increases customer lifetime value ... allowing you to spend more on customer acquisition.""Ultimately, the business that can spend the most to acquire a customer wins. - Dan Kennedy""ClickFunnels is an amazing tool that gives individuals and small businesses the power to build insanely awesome sales funnels without forking over tens of thousands of dollars or having a full-time marketing and dev team.ClickFunnels is da bomb."
Price: 199.99

"Master iPhoto & iMovie for iOS Devices" |
"iPhoto Taking Pictures with your iOS Device Objective/Activities Take pictures using the various options including, high dynamic range (HDR), square and panoramic Import pictures into iPhoto Create albums for viewing, and organizing media Share images with others Use Rule of Thirds where appropriate Editing Pictures in iPhoto Objectives/Activities Crop, rotate and adjust images Apply basic processing, i.e., color correction, exposure, cropping Editing pictures with brushes to adjust minor imperfections Apply special effects i.e. colors, ink and artistic lighting Creating and Editing iPhoto Slideshows"
Price: 19.99

"Kindle Publishing Machine - How to Profit with Kindle eBooks" |
"Discover MY Secret Formula for Achieving a Six Figure Kindle BusinessMy name is Jason Bracht and I have made over 200,000 US Dollars publishing Kindle books that I didn't even write. Seriously...I've coached most of the people trying to teach this stuff today. Just Google my name.I'm not saying that to impress you...but rather impress upon you that I know what it takes to be successful in this business and what it takes to get you successful.I have spent the last year developing the best Kindle Publishing program in the world. A proven Step by Step interactive course packed full of videos, audio, and downloadable PDF's that sharethe EXACT system I used to create a successful Kindle business that makes twenty-thousands dollars a month on auto-pilot month after month!If you follow this program exactly how it is laid out there is no doubt in my mind that you will duplicate or even surpass my results. The path is clear and now you have a choice. Continue spinning your wheels OR take some DAMN ACTION and start living the life you deserve on your terms.I think you know what you need to do.One of the Secrets.....I use the power of outsourcing to find talented writers and e-book cover designers to create high quality books and I publish on the Kindle store.And in my NEW course K Money Machine - Kindle Publishing Secrets I'm going to show you Step-by-Step exactly what I did.What You'll Learn Inside:How to scale up your business and create apublishing empire that makes money for you around the clockHow to indentify SUPER HOT niches that instantly catapualt your books up the Amazon chartsThe tactics you can use to DESTROY the competition and make money month after monthHow to create the most perfect and dialed in books that make your audience love you and want to buy from you again and againA Step-by-Step template to creating amazing books that customers loveHow to hire the best writers and book cover designers for pennies on the dollarCreating a step-by-step Kindle publishing businessis probably easier than you think, but it does require some training. In this course, you'll get access to the exact methods I have used to make 6 figures a year on Kindle as well as taught thousands of others to make a living publishing books.Rock Solid Training. This isn't a bunch of theory . . . it's high impact, it's fast paced, and it's all about getting solid results.I am going to work with you to build a Kindle business that makes you money 24/7/365. Your Kindle business can start off small but like a tiny seed, this seed can grow into a huge tree because of all the planning, preparation, and execution that you will learn in K Money Machine.If you are ready for a proven system that harnesses the worlds biggest store (Amazon) with an explosive growth market (Kindle books) then look no further because this is for you!I'll show you how to take this business from zero to six figures a year.The training modules follow a logical progression that take you by the hand and show you how to craft a book from beginning to end. You'll learn how to make best selling books that leave readers on the edge of their seats. . . without having to ever write a book yourself.So what are you waiting for. Lets get busy and start changing your life one book at a time.See you on the inside,Jason"
Price: 29.99
