"Intermediate Microsoft Word 2010" |
"Are you looking to quickly learn some of the newest features Microsoft Word 2010? We have the course for you. Designed by Webucator, a global training partner, this course covers all of the best activities to get you started. And its packed with readings, trainer presentations, and exercises! Students in this Intermediate Word 2010 training class should already be able to create, edit, and print Word 2010 documents on Windows. In this Word 2010 class, students will learn advanced formatting, use Word 2010 drawing tools, create and manage tables, and work with column layouts. Class Goals Learn to use Word 2010's advanced editing tools. Learn to work with images, including placing and sizing images, wrapping text around images, and using borders and effects. Learn to adjust page orientation and layout. Learn to work with columns. Learn to work with page and section breaks. Learn about document views, using the navigation pane, and viewing multiple windows."
Price: 49.99

"Classroom Management Essentials" |
"Classroom management is consistently identified as a major concern for teachers. Yet, it is absolutely an essential component of effective teaching. This course helps teachers learn how to effectively manage a classroom. The primary goal of the course is to introduce a practical model for understanding and deconstructing the tasks involved in the process of classroom management and on learning practical, easy to implement strategies that enable teachers to spend more time teaching rather than disciplining! Specifically, participants in this course will learn: Common misconceptions about classroom management How to develop effective rules and routines The role relationships play in ones classroom management plan Techniques for preventing misbehavior Strategies for dealing with minor and more serious misbehavior Plus much, much more! The course is divided into seven chapters. Each chapter begins with a lecture presented by Dr. Tracey Garrett, a specialist in the field of classroom management. Then, each chapter has a self-guided component where participants can review and expand on the material presented in the first lecture at their own pace. Finally, the remaining lectures in each chapter are interviews of teachers at different grade levels offering insight into their practice."
Price: 49.99

"Excel Deep Dive: Pivot Tables Workshop" |
"Master Excel Pivot Tables and save the world! This course discusses one of the most powerful tools of the Office Ninja's arsenal, Excel Pivot Tables and how to use pivot tables. It's potential for analyzing and summarizing data is legnendary, but few have mastered its intricacies. Through a series of easy to follow lessons on how to use pivot table in excel, you will be introduced to the concepts, techniques and powerful features of this mysterious excel tool, and can follow along with each step with the included sample file. We will cover: Pivot Table Concepts Creating A Pivot Table Modifying Pivot Table Elements Filtering Extraneous Data (the Slicer tool) Creating Multiple Pivot Tables Creating Pivot Charts Advanced Analysis Techniques Learn how to use pivot table in excel today."
Price: 94.99

"Java Swing (GUI) Programming: From Beginner to Expert" |
"This course teaches you how to create desktop and web-based applications using Java Swing, Java's built-in user interface toolkit. Each tutorial is fairly self-contained; but we'll also build two complete applications step by step along the way, so you can choose either to work through the whole course or to dip in and out. Among other things we'll look at nearly all Swing widgets, we'll take a look at JDBC for database access, the graphics API, model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, serialization for saving data, the listener-event model and even basic animation. When you finish the course, you'll be an advanced Swing developer, capable of creating complex and scalable Swing GUI applications."
Price: 34.99

"7 Day Yoga Routine: Increase Energy & Balance Your Chakras" |
"This seven day Chakras for Beginners course is a holistic approach created tohighlight the power of the chakras and chakra balancing through meditation,journal writing, yoga postures, and breathing techniques. Studying the chakrasseparately one day at a time breaks down the information so the depth of eachcan be easily digested. This Chakras for Beginners course will show you how effectiveconsistent practice with clear intention can be for finding and keeping peace.Studying the energy within guides you to find a deeper understanding ofyourself. Following my instruction you will learn what the chakras are and howfocusing on balancing chakra will bring you greater self-understanding,self-confidence, and less stress.So what is a chakra?The term chakra translates to wheel or disk. Within our body there are sevenmajor chakras, which can be thought of as energy centers. Each chakracorrelates to our levels of consciousness, from the most primitive totranscendent. The seven chakras are: Muladhara (root), Svadhisthana(sweetness), Manipura (lustrious gem), Anahata (unstuck), Vissudha(purification), Ajna (Command Center), and Sahasara (thousand fold). The firstchakra starts with the most primitive level of consciousness and graduallydevelops until you reach the seventh chakra and highest level of consciousness. "
Price: 49.99

"Java Programming using Eclipse: An Introduction" |
"An introductory but fairly comprehensive set of java tutorials for beginners on Java programming using the eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE). I will cover all the basics of Java programming, starting with the Java Virtual Machine and variables all the way to Java Generics and some of the Collection classes such as ArrayList and HashMap.This is a good java online training for people new to programming who like to learn by doing.The second chapter, on the eclipse IDE, can safely be skipped until after taking the whole course. So absolute beginners can get started with this java tutorials for beginners. I welcome all suggestions on how I can make this a better java online training course."
Price: 19.99

"Writing for English Composition: College Essays" |
"This 10-lecture course can be used as either a review or preview of what it means to write with the three main qualities of all effective writing: unity, coherence, and clarity. I will explain what each of these terms mean, show you examples of effective and ineffective writing, and give you lots of hints and tips for completing paragraphs and essays that demonstrate these three qualities. The course follows the writing process taught in most high school and undergraduate composition courses: prewriting and brainstorming, organizing and outlining, drafting, revising and editing, and formatting. The course also covers additional requirements that are sometimes difficult for students, including how to write effective thesis statements, creating topic sentences, drafting introductions and conclusions, and how to use transitional words and phrases. The course includes an opportunity to write a final essay for evaluation. Best wishes for a successful course!"
Price: 19.99

"Final Cut Pro X Training" |
"This Final Cut Pro X Tutorial will walk you through the key fundamentals of using Apple's Final Cut Pro X software.PLEASE NOTE:Apple has changed the Final Cut Pro X interface as of 10.2.3, which means several functions are now in different locations from what is shown in the video lessons.There are 68 lectures divided into 9 sections that include lectures on the interface, importing media, video editing, working with audio, creating titles, and adding effects. There are also quizzes after certain sections to re-enforce critical concepts on How to Use Final Cut Pro X. Lesson updates are provided for those running Final Cut Pro 10.1 There is also downloadable media so you can follow along."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Photoshop CS6 Tutorial. Self-Paced and Easy to Follow" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Are you looking to master Photoshop CS6 and learn the secrets of professional image editing ? Would you like to be taught by one of the World's leading trainers and learn how to really leverage the power of Photoshop CS6 ? This course is without doubt the most comprehensive learning resource on Photoshop CS6 available. Covering over 13 hours of content, each topic is broken down into a series of simple to follow stages. The lessons are clearly presented and use an unique teaching method that boosts learning and aids retention, it's never been this easy to learn Photoshop. Right from the start, you will learn professional image editing and photo correction techniques that really are used by the pros. The course starts by building a solid understanding of the fundamentals of image editing. Once the basics of Photoshop have been outlined, the course moves on to cover more advanced topics, with each passing lesson your knowledge of Photoshop will expand as the author shows new tools and the creative way they can be employed to great effect. The only pre-requisite for this course is the desire to learn and create stunning digital imagery. You will quickly learn how to leverage advanced features like curves, layers and masks to produce amazing digital imagery. By the conclusion of this course, you'll have developed the skills and creative insight to use Photoshop CS6 to a very high level, you will be an expert of digital imagery. Course objectives: Learn about the new tools in Photoshop CS6 ; see how to build workflows that take full advantage of the new tools Learn how to get organized with your images, and use Adobe Bridge to increase your workflow. Learn the basics of the application layout and how all the functions interact with each other. Understand the primary core tools of Photoshop CS6 and how they can be combined to cover almost 85% of all editing tasks. Learn the basics of color control, learn how to correctly set up your editing environment to accurately output color. Learn the power of layers and how to use simple but highly effective techniques for none destructive editing Learn the principles of image correction and master and build an understanding of which tools to use in any given situation to perform the perfect correction, from basic contrast to advanced levels and curves. Master the art of selection, learn how to use selections, masks and channels to isolate an area for correction with pin-point precision, from simple shapes to masking out hair. Learn the power of blending modes, adjustment layers and layer styles, these are the powerhouse tools used by the pros to create truly amazing images Learn how to use Photoshop filters to add effects and adjustments. Learn the power of actions, see how you can carry out batch edits on 100s of images in seconds. All this and a whole lot more is covered in great detail. To help improve the learning experience and increase retention, we also provide detailed working files that allow you to follow along with the instructor and replicate what's being taught. If you want to master Photoshop CS6 at your own pace, this is the training course for you. "
Price: 49.99

"Learning CSS3 - A Comprehensive Tutorial For Web Developers" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. CSS powers the visual side of the internet, and anyone looking for a real understanding of web design must know what it can do and how it works. This Learning CSS3 Tutorial Course simplifies the standard of cascading style sheets into its most basic elements, and then gradually advances to help you gain a well-rounded understanding to creating layouts and stylistic elements for the web. This beginner-friend CSS3 training course is led by expert Geoff Blake, who draws from his background as a designer to help you see how various graphical elements and settings can work together to form a complete user experience. Because the training is built around CSS3, you'll also learn features that are specific to the newest standard of the style sheets protocol. Get ready to learn layout, layering, typography and special effects in this unique and engaging 8-hour course. What You Will Learn -How to create complete website layouts using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) according to best-practice professional standards. -How to manipulate and modify onscreen graphical elements within a site, including text, menus, lists, borders, and graphics. -How to enhance a website's appearance with subtle special effects such as drop-shadows and transparency. -How to use CSS in conjunction with standard HTML to develop and enhance pages and sites. Who Should Take This Course -Anyone who wants more control over the visual appearance of their current websites or ones they are planning to build. No experience is needed. -Anyone who wants to know how HTML and CSS work together on modern pages and sites. -Anyone who has tried working with CSS but found it difficult in the past. What People Are Saying "I knew some basic HTML but my layouts were flat and boring. Now that I understand layers and CSS it's a whole different ballgame. Thank you Geoff!" -Marty Self "Coming from a graphics background, these videos helped me learn how to create artwork suited for the web...and even better, how to place them on my site for maximum effect." -Roy Ramirez "Loved the section on special effects and transparency...web design CAN be fun." -Jennifer Blockman"
Price: 49.99

"Master Your Mindset & Brain: Framestorm Your Way to Success" |
"Do you also find yourself in an ever-changing business environment? In the midst of complex decision-making processes? And with expectations of constant peak performance? If so, this course is for you! The course helps individuals and teams grow their mental flexibility and self-regulation so that they can succeed in business. When you take this course, you: - learn a unique three-step reframing method, Framestorm - understand the key neuroscientific principles behind Framestorm and how to apply them - get inspired via a lot of powerful cases Framestorm is a registered, brain-based and elegant multiple reframing method. It helps you to cope with - and transform - mental hindrances. And it helps you move from resisting and feeling stuck, angry, sad or fearful to feeling optimally resourceful and at choice. If facilitating change, staying cool under pressure, collaborating with others and/or decision making and problem solving is your business - or if you want to boost your innovation and communication skills - this course is definitely for you. In a typical ""Anette Prehn fashion"", this course makes complicated things seem easy to grasp and wonderfully fun to apply. If you liked ""The Neuroscience of Reframing - And How to Do It"", you are going to love this master class. For more about Anette Prehn's down-to-earth training style and the gain of the participants, feel free to check out the testimonials of ""The Neuroscience of Reframing - And How to Do It"" or visit www.anetteprehn.com/testimonials"
Price: 99.99

"MongoDB Complete Training" |
"NoSQL databases have received a lot of attention in the last few years, and MongoDB is currently the most popular one. If youve been looking at MongoDB for a while now, but arent ready to take the plunge away from good old MySQL, this course should be exactly what you need to get started with the wonderful world of NoSQL databases. With "MongoDB Step-By-Step", you will learn everything about MongoDB, even if you've never used it before! The full course has several video lectures, divided into several chapters. Each chapter will give you a new level of knowledge in MongoDB. We'll start from the basics of NoSQL to more advanced topics. "MongoDB Step-By-Step" will give you a new perspective on how the NoSQL works and after you completed the course you will be able to create your own Apps using Node.js and MongoDB. Hope you enjoy! NOTE: In order to keep you up to date in the world of MongoDB all the chapters will be updated regularly with new lectures, projects, quizzes and any changes in future versions of all the programming languages covered on the course. Why Learn MongoDB? The internet is the fastest and largest platform ever created for humans to learn, communicate, share, or create businesses of any kind, and all of this in just 15 years! It is estimated that in the next 2 or 3 years more than 80%%%% of the companies around the world will become internet dependent which will cause a huge demand for data storage. As the World Wide Web grows DBMS needs to upgraded proportionally. MongoDB Step-By-Step will give you the opportunity to start ahead of other competitors by giving you the knowledge of the most recent web technologies and how to better apply them on your future projects. Knowing MongoDB will give you the ability to control and create anything on the web. I promise you would have never had such kind of learning experience. Welcome to "MongoDB Step-By-Step""
Price: 19.99

"English punctuation made easy" |
"Is YOUR punctuation letting you down? YOUR SURVIVAL GUIDE Are you sick of people telling you that your writing is like a ten year old's? You know exactly what you are trying to convey, but your punctuation fails you? Does it almost make you feel-afraid when people are about to read what you 've written? Well, you're not alone, and yet punctuation is dead easy! In just thirty minutes TOTAL, I can teach you everything you need to know to punctuate your sentences perfectly. Marshalling your arguments properly, making you more persuasive and making your work a joy to READ. Never again will people laugh at your punctuation. In this course - just a few, very brief videos each one focusing on a single learning-point, you will enjoy being in control of everything you write. No jargon. No grammar lessons. Just simple A-B-C rules. And, as with all my courses, you get hard-copy notes to download. In all my courses, I show you how to DRIVE the car, without teaching you how to strip down the engine. And l try to entertain you along the way. Book it now! It's fun, it's EASY. It's your Survival Guide. See you in class!"
Price: 19.99

"Go Capture: The Art of Capturing Your Ideas" |
"Learn to focus your ideas, communicate them to clients and team members, work more efficiently and master the basic skill of creativity: CAPTURE. You'll learn how to apply right and left brain techniques to achieve creative flow, clear structure, control and passion. Whether you're writing, animating, painting, sculpting or designing apps, this course will help you capture your ideas faster and better than ever before."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Conditional Formatting Master Class" |
"Hello, my name is Igor.Id like to invite you to join over 1400 students to learn Excel conditional formatting in this course.Excel offers you quite a few amazing tricks that can instantly create a huge difference in your professional life - if you take just a little bit of time to learn.In this course, youll discover the amazing secrets of conditional formatting that will transform your spreadsheets from excruciatingly boring to infinitely more exciting - super-powerful and hyper-useful.The best part, it is so embarrassingly easy, youll be wondering why you havent decided to learn it before.In fact, you may feel that enrolling in this course may be one of the best decisions youve ever made - to improve your Excel skills.Now when you take this course, youll get to enjoy several important benefits.First and foremost, this course will teach you how to transform your flat spreadsheets into colorful, dynamic, actionable reports.So you can immediately see whats important in your data and make a decision faster.As a result, youll tremendously boost your productivity - since youll no longer need to squander your precious time squinting - looking for whats important in your spreadsheets.This course may skyrocket your career as well. Because nothing in Excel creates the wow factor as conditional formatting. Youll be astonished.And so will everyone else.What you are about to learn in this course will knock the socks off your boss, your clients, and your colleagues.Its like taking a couch potato from 1950s and placing them in front of the latest LED HDTV panel. Theyll think you are a God from the future.Imagine what itll feel likeLet me now quickly share with you the story of this courseEarly in my training career, Ive discovered that we learn better by attacking and solving specific problems.I also found that only about 10 percent of excellers take time to learn how to benefit from conditional formatting. Thats why Ive designed this course to help you solve specific real-life example problems. As you enjoy your way up through the material, youll learn by solving these problems .This is a learn fast and use it immediately kind of training, where Ill quickly guide you step-by-step through the most essential elements of the conditional-formatting toolkit.So you are completely ready to take it and use it during the course of your own work.As a result of this training you willLearn how to use the conditional formatting tools for maximum efficiency and productivity.Learn how to use text-based conditional formatting tools, so you can quickly identify important data at a glance - immediately.Learn to take advantage of the date-based conditional formatting rules to zero in on specific dates quickly by automatically highlighting them.Discover how to quickly highlight duplicate data by using conditional formatting formatting techniques. Know how to use top and bottom conditional formatting rules to identify your winners and losers.Get astonished by the amazing power of the range-based conditional formatting rules. Such as Data Bars, Icon Sets, and Color Scales.Go deeper and learn to exploit the mega-flexible custom conditional formatting rules.Get even more astonished and learn how to benefit from formula-based conditional formatting rules for keeping close tabs on your constantly changing data.Learn secret and creative ways to use the super-powerful VLOOKUP function in your formula-based conditional formatting rules for maximum flexibility. (This is huge!)And so much moreAgain, I invite you to step up and enroll in this course right now. Its easy. Just click on the Take this Course button and begin to learn.With the mega-generous unconditional 30-day money back guarantee, its absolutely risk free for you to join the hundreds of students who have already had a chance to enjoy this course.Their response has been amazing:Very methodical and easy to understand. I thought myself pretty much a master at conditional formatting but I learned some new tricks from this course. I would sign up immediately (Jawad Niazi)I learned so much from this course! The instructor is very easy to follow. He talks at the right speed and explains things well. I was able to follow along with the example files easily and recreate each lesson. The instructor has an easy to follow teaching style and breaks everything down concisely. I highly recommend this course to others who want to learn more about Excel conditional formatting. (Davd P.)It's an outstanding course. I am doing the exercises as I learn and Igor is a great explainer. Great course! (Richard Sandler)Great course, great teaching style, Igor you really break it down to fully understand. The real world examples are great. I am an experienced Excel user, but actually did not use conditional formatting that much with the exceptions of the bars graphs and icon sets. Your course opened up all new possibilities for me. Great course, I highly recommend. Thanks for a great learning resource. (Stephen Davanzo)This course was absolutly worth it. It feels like i'm on another level, thanks true this lessons. The course itself is great, the way its presented and the way those video's are made. I really loved the course from start to end. Like to see more from your knowledge. Thank you Igor. (Eduard Bogaets)Great class, clear delivery of material and good applications for work All in all a good course. (Kaye Campbell)Enjoy taking this course very much, felt at ease with the instructions given by the instructor. Well worth the time and effort to learn this course. (Florentino Detres)Well laid-out material, good delivery pace, and plenty of examples illustrating concepts. Igor's delivery is very good and polished. I had some experience with conditional formatting prior to this course and now I have a more complete picture of Excel's capability. Overall a very good value and money well spent. (Alec)It's easy to find a good excel course, no doubt. ..But Igor's Excel Courses dive you into the strong distinction between just to learn using excel and be really superior in working with it! Thank You! (Svetlana Neskovska)It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that I studied the ""Easy Excel Conditional Formatting"" course by Igor it was such that I have taken another course by Igor he is explaining everything in a very thorough way! ""Easy Charts with Excel"" was the other one. You really need it when you are new to charting! Thanks Igor (Theo Witteveen)One more time, come along - join the course now.You are gonna love it.Igor Ovchinnikov."
Price: 74.99

"iOS 7 Development Workshop - iOS Media Library" |
"This iOS Media Library training course from Infinite Skills teaches you how to work with the various media options available in the iOS media library. This course is designed for developers that already have a fundamental understanding of how to create an iOS App. You will start by learning about the image gallery in the media library. This course will teach you how to take a picture using the camera and how to share the photo. You will also learn how to record audio and video, as well as play audio and video files. Finally, this video tutorial will show you how to access the media library. By the completion of this computer based training course, you will be able to navigate and work within the iOS media library. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Mi hijo es agresivo II" |
"Tu hijo tiene problemas de comportamiento? Ensale a adaptarse y a relacionarse con los dems sin ser agresivo. Tu hijo insulta a sus compaeros? No sabes hasta qu punto es una simple actitud de defensa? Superpadres.com tiene todas las respuestas en Mi hijo es agresivo II, la Solucin online que te aportar los recursos necesarios para manejar el comportamiento provocador de tu nioy potenciar su autocontrol. Tu hijo tiene entre 6 y 12 aos, es agresivo y -En su relacin con otros nios muestra reacciones provocadoras. -No quiere ni compartir ni colaborar con el resto. -Tampoco quiere cumplir rdenes de los adultos. -Ests angustiado por su comportamiento. -No sabes qu hacer. Si te sientes identificado con alguno de estos problemas, no te preocupes. Superpadres.com ha creado esta Solucin para que, con la ayuda y el rigor de nuestro equipo de profesionales, ensees a tu hijo a sociabilizar en base al respeto. Qu contenidos incluye la Solucin? -VDEOS Y AUDIOS prcticos y amenos. -MATERIALES de rpida consulta. -RESPUESTAS concretas a tus dudas. -CONSEJOS, pautas y herramientas de fcil aplicacin. -FORO de padres y madres con los que podrs compartir experiencias, resolver dudas y aprender unos de otros. -CONTENIDO realizado por pedagogos, psiclogos y especialistas en desarrollo infantil. Temas especficos presentados en PDF, vdeo y audio: Cmo modificar la agresividad? Cmo saber si mi hijo es agresivo? Qu factores influyen en esta actitud? Cmo resolver la agresividad? Un entorno positivo que ayude a gestionar la agresividad. Un repaso prctico al problema. Desde Superpadres.com os ayudamos a desarrollar el talento de toda la familia para un futuro mejor. Te sumas al reto?"
Price: 19.99

"Mi hijo es tmido" |
"Tu hijo tiene problemas de timidez? Acta ante sus dificultades de sociabilidad y aprtale autoconfianza. Tu hijo se ha convertido en un nio serio, callado y miedoso? No sabes qu hacer para que supere su inseguridad? Superpadres.com te brinda Mi hijo es tmido, la Solucin online que te ayudar a identificar el cuadro de timidez de tu nio y le aportar los recursos necesarios para que supere su vergenza. Tu hijo tiene entre 6 y 16 aos, es tmido y -No est asumiendo correctamente sus cambios fsicos y sociales. -Empieza a tener problemas de relacin entre adultos y nios de su edad. -Se avergenza de s mismo. -Te preocupa que tenga problemas graves de sociabilidad en el futuro. -No sabes qu hacer. Si este es tu caso, aqu tienes la respuesta que esperabas: Mi hijo es tmido, la Solucin con la que, gracias al conocimiento y consejo de nuestro equipo de profesionales, ayudars a tu hijo a vencer sus sentimientos de inseguridad y logrars que ste disfrute de una relacin sana y positiva con los dems. Qu contenidos incluye la Solucin? -VDEOS Y AUDIOS prcticos y amenos. -MATERIALES de rpida consulta. -RESPUESTAS concretas a tus dudas. -CONSEJOS, pautas y herramientas de fcil aplicacin. -FORO de padres y madres con los que podrs compartir experiencias, resolver dudas y aprender unos de otros. -CONTENIDO realizado por pedagogos, psiclogos y especialistas en desarrollo infantil. Temas especficos presentados en PDF, vdeo y audio: Cmo gestionar la timidez? Qu es la timidez? Cmo se manifiesta la timidez? Cmo puedo afrontar la timidez de mi hijo? Un entorno positivo que le ayude a superar la timidez. Un repaso prctico al problema. Desde Superpadres.com os ayudamos a desarrollar el talento de toda la familia para un futuro mejor. Te sumas al reto?"
Price: 19.99

"Mi hijo es desobediente II" |
"Tu hijo cada da es ms desobediente? Obtn de nuevo la autoridad sobre tu hijo y orintalo hacia la disciplina y la felicidad. Tu hijo es cada vez ms contestn y no sigue las normas? Superpadres.com te ayuda a cambiar su actitud con Mi hijo es desobediente (II), la Solucin online donde encontrars las claves para recuperar tu autoridad como padre, a travs de unos valores y una actitud firme. Tu hijo tiene entre 6 y 12 aos, no hace caso y -Intenta negociar todo el sistema de valores de la familia. -Se salta el lmite de las normas. -Sientes que no tienes autoridad sobre l/ella. -Has perdido las riendas de su educacin. Si ya no sabes cmo manejar los problemas de desobediencia, no te preocupes, Superpadres.com ha diseado esta Solucin para ayudarte. A travs de nuestro equipo de profesionales recuperars la autoridad y conseguirs que tu hijo sea disciplinado de nuevo. Qu contenidos incluye la Solucin? -VDEOS Y AUDIOS prcticos y amenos. -MATERIALES de rpida consulta. -RESPUESTAS concretas a tus dudas. -CONSEJOS, pautas y herramientas de fcil aplicacin. -FORO de padres y madres con los que podrs compartir experiencias, resolver dudas y aprender unos de otros. -CONTENIDO realizado por pedagogos, psiclogos y especialistas en desarrollo infantil. Temas especficos presentados en PDF, vdeo y audio: Autoridad y desobediencia. Mi hijo hace lo que quiere. Qu factores influyen en la desobediencia? Cmo actuar cuando desobedece? Un entorno positivo que ayude a que el nio obedezca. Un repaso prctico al problema. Desde Superpadres.com os ayudamos a desarrollar el talento de toda la familia para un futuro mejor. Te sumas al reto?"
Price: 19.99

"Getting Started with Google Drive" |
"Are you constantly sending Word documents to coworkers? Do you lose track of where your documents are and who has made the last edits? Do want to be able to access your files anywhere, at any time? If so, this class is for you. Google Drive is a free tool that is provided by Google that allows user to create, share, edit, revise, and store all kinds of documents. This course is designed to teach you the basics of Google Drive and how you can use it to simplify your life. This course will walk you through account setup, basic document creation, tools, and everything else you need to get started on Google Drive."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2013" |
"This Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 training course from Infinite Skills teaches you the fundamentals of the latest version of Exchange. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Exchange is required. You will start by learning the basics of Exchange, including how it works, the terminology, and mail flow. You will then learn about the active directory, administration center, and the basics of database maintenance. This course will teach you mailbox basics, public folders, and how to manage Exchange data. This video tutorial will also teach you client access basics and configuration. Finally, you will learn how to back in Exchange 2013. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of working in this e-mail based communications server. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"JQuery UI - Interface Design In JQuery - UI Training" |
"This jQuery UI training course from Infinite Skills will teach you how to navigate the jQuery user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes that are built on top of the jQuery JavaScript library. This course is designed for the intermediate user that already has a working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to design websites. You will start by learning about the jQuery UI core and utilities, such as the core methods and selectors and the position utility. You will then learn about the various widgets available in the UI, including the accordion, progressbar, tabs, button, slider, tooltip, spinner, dialog, autocomplete, and datepicker widget. Once you have mastered the widgets, this teaches you about the themable CSS framework in jQuery UI. This video tutorial will also teach you about the interactions in jQuery UI, including selectable, resizable, draggable, droppable, and sortable. Finally, you will learn about the UI effects, such as color animations, class transitions, and how to show and hide effects. By the completion of this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of building complete interactive web applications using the jQuery UI toolset. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Cisco Networking CCNA OSPF" |
"Cisco Networking CCNA OSPFSams Courses have been taken over 30,000+ times by 20,000+ students all over the world. And now, hes ready to help YOU!If youre the type of person that doesnt like to waste time, learn at a quick yet easy pace, and follow along with state of the art Prezi guides and voice overs, then boy do we have the course for you! The average amount of lecture time for a course like this is 10 hours, but ours is 2. Its not less information. Its just exactly what you need to know. Coming from the mind of an industry expert with 20+ years of experience, Sam masterfully breaks down every last detail in a quick, easy to understand way. His teaching style is light and quick, and I just cant make myself bored Isaiah T. 5 StarsThis course makes CCNA topics like routing technologies and network device security as simple as possible. I really enjoyed it, and I will definitely being taking more of your courses. Trever Eason 5 StarsIn fact, theres mile long lists of people raving about our courses, and how much they love them, and we know you will too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is packed with essential, need to know info that is useful for tests. But most importantly, it gives you real world applications. Theres no reason to spend an additional 8 hours, following along as a boring, monotone voice reads off a pdf. Not when you can get this 2 hour, fast-paced work of art that keeps you on your toes and engaged the entire way through.Sam has successfully helped 20,000 students learn and understand various networking topics, and begin their journey on career success. Lets make you 20,001! Enroll Today!"
Price: 149.99

"Publish a Simple & Addictive iPhone Game that Monetizes" |
"Hi, My name is Yohann, I will be your instructor. I want to thank you for your interest in this course. This course comes with the Super Zombie Juggle source code. Now Im sure youve heard about the Flappy Bird game, havent you?. The source code we give you is a clone of the flappy birds owner second best selling game called Super Ball Juggling. Many of my students have been riding the Flappy Bird trends and made tons of money with it, and Ive got to admit I did too! If youve ever tried to make a mobile app, you know how hard it can be especially if youre missing a step, you could get stuck for hours or even days, and would end up giving up. Now youve come to the right place. In this course I show you every single step you need to get the game published in the app store, This game will bring you passive income because weve integrated advertising banners and in-app purchases right out of the box. Now the game Super Ball Juggling is gaining popularity and you dont want to be late to the party, So dont wait for another opportunity and come ride the wave with us See you in the classroom."
Price: 19.99

"Dealing With Angry Customers" |
"We live in an age when its become impossible to doubt how important each customer is for a business. This course isnt about understanding how important customers are for your business, because Im sure you already know that. Its about a more delicate subject, namely how to handle those situations when it becomes really hard to put theory into practice, to believe that the customer is always right and to treat them by the book. Dealing with angry customers is the most unpleasant part of customer service. It takes the all the joy out of the job for most people. It makes them forget all they know about how important customers are for their business and it becomes a cause of ongoing frustration. The trouble is that angry customers dont really care about the customer service representatives feelings. They only want to resolve what got them angry as quickly as possible and their dissatisfaction to be acknowledged by the company. So, we need to talk about how to handle angry customers for two very important reasons: The first is to make interactions with customers more pleasurable and build rewarding, healthy relationships with them, that can eventually help us get our smile for the pleasure of helping others back. The second is to prevent angry customers from becoming completely dissatisfied and eventually leaving us for the competition. Weve focused this course on telephone interactions, as over 80% of customers prefer the telephone over other communication channels. However, most of the techniques outlined here also apply for face to face or live chat interactions. Id also like to tell you a few words about me and about what made me want to share this knowledge. Ive worked in customer service for close to ten years, six of which Ive spent training telemarketing and customer service representatives and supervisors. I have taught some 2000 people, working for over 50 companies operating in seven different countries how to handle customer interactions. People who attended my training sessions always asked for real, tangible techniques they can actually use in their daily jobs, so I strived to provide just that. The current structure of this course is the result of over three years of careful analysis of hundreds of phone calls and discussions with dozens of customer service representatives, supervisors and quality checkers. Some might argue that the best way to avoid customer dissatisfaction is to involve everyone in the company in the provision of spectacular services that customers have no reason to get angry about. In a perfect world, that could be true. But the fact is that things can go wrong for various reasons, and the purpose of this course is to prepare you for when they do. How can you minimize the negative impact these types of interactions have on both you and your customers? This course offers you some very specific suggestions on how you can achieve that. Its based on the assumption that customer service provision can be viewed as the effective use of a set of tools: just like a carpenter uses the hammer, the drill or the saw for working wood, in the same way a customer service representative uses a set of communication techniques to influence the behavior of customers and the outcome of calls. You will learn 5 communication skills and 16 techniques that you can use to handle specific situations when customers get angry."
Price: 19.99

"Liquid Substitutions in Soapmaking" |
"Learn to create soap using different types of liquids in this demonstration class, including beer, wine, coffee, tea, juices and purees. This is a comprehensive, course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. Youll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Benefits Differences in liquid substitutions in soap Composition of substitutions Choosing Liquids Making oil and tea infusions Methods of adding liquids Special considerations Step by step demonstration Learn to make: Cabernet wine soap Beer shaving soap Chocolate coffee soap Green tea infused soap Cucumber puree soap Strawberry puree soap Includes: Liquid Substitution Manual Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 89.99

"Packaging and Labeling Soap and Cosmetics" |
"Confused about how to label your products? Learn to properly label and package your products to sell to the public following government guidelines. This class will break down the guidelines in laymans terms. This is a comprehensive, course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. Youll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Understanding the government guidelines How to label soaps How to label cosmetics Listing ingredients Understanding content quantity Creative packaging and special circumstances Includes: Packaging and Labeling Manual PDF Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 89.99

"Advanced Swirling Soapmaking 1" |
"Love swirling but need some help? You've come to the right place. Not only do we show to make zebra stripes and elemental swirls in step be step video demonstrations, but we also explain the theory behind achieving the designs you love. This is a comprehensive course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. You'll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Pot and Drop Swirl (AKA Holly Swirl OR Swirl in a Swirl) Elemental Swirl Zebra Stripe swirl (AKA Dandelion) Snaking Swirl Hanger Swirl Mica marbling Squirt Bottle Swirl (AKA Impressionism) Step by step demonstration Tips & tricks And more Includes: Advanced Swirling 1 Manual PDF Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 119.99

"CP/HP Advanced Soapmaking Pro" |
"This class goes beyond the fancy designs of the intermediate and advanced soapmaking classes and dives into more of the chemistry of soapmaking along with troubleshooting and formulations. It is designed for soapmakers that want to develop a further understanding of soapmaking and explains all that is involved to give the soapmaker a thorough background beyond the beginner courses (although some of this is reviewed. It is recommended for experienced soapmakers wishing to prepare themselves for both beginner and advanced certification in the field. This is a comprehensive course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. You'll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Includes: CP/HP Advanced Soapmaking Pro Manual PDF Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 149.99

"Advanced Swirling Soapmaking 2" |
"Love swirling but need some help? You've come to the right place. Not only do we show you how to make peacock swirls and feathering in step by step video demonstrations, but we also explain the theory behind achieving the designs you love. This is a comprehensive course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. You'll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Mantra swirl Modified Mantra swirl Peacock swirl Feathering techniques Bouquet Swirl Butterfly Swirl Column pour Column pour variations Hand swirling Step by step demonstration Tips & tricks And more Includes: Advanced Swirling 2 Manual PDF Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 119.99

"Advanced Scenery in Soap" |
"Soap Scenery goes beyond simple layering and embedding. You'll learn to combine multiple techniques to create complex designs through step by step video demonstrations, plus we'll explain the theory behind achieving the designs you love. This is a comprehensive course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. You'll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Planning a scene Mountains and hills Oceans and beaches Trees and sunsets Hot air balloons Cityscapes Cherry blossom scenes Seasonal designs Step by step demonstration Tips & tricks And more Includes: Advanced Soap Scenery Manual PDF Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 119.99
