"Premiere Pro CC" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro8131Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018VSO10PremierePhilip Ebiner Video School Online 2011Top102015VSO50Pr - Jeff Gilbert- Tim Clark - Jerilson Duarte"
Price: 29.99

"After Effects CC" |
"Ae- Louis Matarazzo, After Effects 2018Adobe After Effects CCAfter Effects CCCCCS6CS5PhilAfter Effects400000Phil EbinerAfter Effects 2018.- Cavett Robert- Dragan VukicevicPhil.- Patrick GilmourAdobe After EffectsAfter Effects CCAfter Effects CCrotoscopingAfter Effects CC301"
Price: 29.99

wedding-photography-course-chinese |
"VSO15William Carnahan 2006 20082010LMU2011ESPN2013Will Call CinematicPhilip Ebiner Video School Online 2011Top102015VSO50- Gergana Tzoncheva - Peter Dee - Aubrey KvasnickaLrPs"
Price: 29.99

"Azure Machine Learning in the cloud without coding" |
"Machine Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Cloud Computing (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud,...) have become Buzzwords in the media. And there are good reasons for this.These topics will shape the world of tomorrow and will tremendously influence our future working environment. So it is up to all of us to start diving into these subjects(Machine Learning, AI, Cloud) and understand what they mean and how to use them. This will be a key factor and open up new and better job opportunities.The big question is how? How can we dive into these topics? What if you can't code or do not like to do it? What if you are not a mathematician or data scientist? Is there still an option?Short Answer. Absolutely! Were there is a will, there is a way! And this way is exactly what I would like to show you here. Together we will learn a high level understanding of important machine learning concepts and create our own machine learning experiments in the cloud.We will learn to use both technologies together and create own machine learning experiments. The best of allNo coding requiredNo addtional fees - we will use the cloud for freeexited? I really hope so.Let's get into it! I see you in the first lecture"
Price: 119.99

"The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & Presenting" |
"The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & PresentingImagine yourself with the storytelling ability to captivate every audience. You can become a captivating speaker and presenter after you earn the techniques of expert storytelling.Becoming good at storytelling is not a difficult art reserved for highly talented and gifted. Speaking expert TJ Walker breaks down all the steps needed to become comfortable and skilled at storytelling.This comprehensive storytelling course is the longest and most through of any on this platform. The course will not only serve you well in the short term but provide a handy reference for you on every aspect of storytelling for years to come.Attention: TJ Walker will personally critique your storytelling abilities. Each student is asked to post several videos of themselves delivering stories. This is the most meaningful and helpful part of the storytelling course.***Please note: this is a course on how to tell stories while presenting and delivering speeches. The instructor demonstrates and teaches this storytelling skill by speaking directly to you, the student. If you are looking for a course with lots of graphics, edits, sound effects, and other distractions, this course is not for you."
Price: 199.99

"Functional Programming using Elixir - The Complete Course" |
"Elixir is a programming language used by application developers of all kinds and it is best for building scalable and maintainable applications. There are lot of people that are jumping on board with Elixir because it sort of has elegance. Elixir is a functional language and it runs on the top of Erlang virtual machine, which implies it is also inherently concurrent and distributed, whereas the syntax is very straight forward, its unlike any other functional languages. The emphasizing reasons why people typically get excited is because, it is fun to read and write, and it has lots of built-in features for building reliable systems. Our course is designed keeping newbies and freshers in mind, the course separates language into simple bits and pieces that enables you grasp the language easily and furthermore help you to start programming quickly. In this course we are going to start with basics of functional programming which is for example quite different from object oriented programming. We will even dive deep in the basics of Elixir and how it is different from other popular language with all the specifications. How it work with the processes and makes its stand apart. In the next section we will see what is node, tasks, and agents. You will also learn how to work with GenServer i.e. the part of OTP framework that comes from Erlang with the applications in Elixir with all the dependencies. What are supervisors and how they can ensure for the tool runs. Thats not all, you will also see what is Mix tools that comes with Elixir along with the Metaprogramming concepts. We have designed this course for newbies, everything is packed in this course that a developer need. We can say that Elixir is not only a great programming language that allows you to build powerful applications, but also because it has all the goodness provided by Erlang, it has many tools under the belt which makes it very easy for newcomers to built complex systems. You don't need any third party solutions to go through all the processes, or to introduce all the parallel execution of the code, to store your data in the memory, because there is even a separate database management system that is available for Erlang in Elixir. We really encourage you to try Elixir because while alluring this language you will have the possibility to look at the process of programming from a different angle. All these new concepts will allow you to think a bit differently. With our simple to learn course, you won't just take in the nuts and bolts but will advance further to more complex functional programming ideas. So, what are you waiting for? Lets get started."
Price: 49.99

"How To Install Ruby On Rails On Windows" |
"Have you ever tried to install Ruby on Rails on a Windows computer?Tough, isn't it!! Most Ruby on Rails courses assume you already have Rails installed. Chances are, that's not the case! And Rails is one of the harder web frameworks to install; it's easy to get messed up!In this course I'll walk you through it step by step.We'll install all the software you need such as Node.js, Git, Git Bash, and the Heroku Toolbelt.I'll also show you how to set up version control, and how to push your version control up to Github.Finally, I'll walk you through deploying your app on Heroku, a professional web hosting service (we'll use the free version).If you've ever tried to install Rails and failed, this is the course for you!See you on the inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99

"Start a Profitable Tutoring Home Business Complete Course" |
"Start a Profitable Tutoring Home Business Complete CourseHow to create a profitable home tutoring & coaching business with little to no experience necessary. In this class you will learn how you can create your first online and offline business as a tutor. I will start with the basics, my background and how I got into this business then show you how you can do exactly that. We will explore all the websites where you can teach online even if you have little to no experience. Find topics that you are good at and how to eventually start your own profitable coaching business. Finally a business you can start fast easy and simple without any experience necessary and even having internet access is optional helpful but is not required. You can start this business online or in your local area I will show you every possible way to increase this business and take it to the next level. Why should you listen to me? I have been doing exactly that and I am still doing it. This is one of the easiest and most flexible business you can get into and everyone can do this.Course Focus...* Explore teaching websites* Began a Consulting business* Start Tutoring & Coaching business* What niche, price and get organize * Creating business cards & Website* Work online or locally* Where to applyTo sum it up this course will teach you how to get your first online job. How do I know this and why do I teach it? It is because those are exactly the same websites I applied when I first started teaching online and some of those sites are those that accepted me to them on them. Best of all no qualification is needed to teach on many of them. What are you waiting for see you on the inside. To your success see you on the inside.Your Instructor,Sergey Kasimov************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 199.99

"EIGRP Comprehensive Labs Course" |
"In this course, students will learn advance knowledge on EIGRP for Real World & certification purposes.It will help students practice EIGRP with several comprehensive labs that are included here to help drill down the knowledge necessary for a work environment.This will also help those that are ready to take the CCNA and/or CCENT (ICND1) or ICND2 certification exam."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Node.js REST API Masterclass" |
"This course will introduce you to Express the most popular Web Application Framework used in conjunction with Node.js runtime. Master the basics of webapp folder structures and Express Middlewares, and build your own RESTAPIs, securing them with JSONWeb Tokens (JWTs).You will begin learning all about Express, including:Obtaining query parameters and parts of the URLReading a POST form submission in the serverRendering a view in the server, and understanding loops and conditional statementsHow to create a hard-coded login screenFrom here, you'll build a simple RESTAPI, where you will: Build a simple get/post APIDevelop and authentication flow using RESTUnderstand the different REST types and more."
Price: 199.99

"Managing Employee Performance" |
"This program is part of the New Management Fundamentals Series. The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn and apply a practical approach to managing the performance of employees in a way that will achieve organizational results while enhancing the development and engagement of employees. Our performance management process is designed to get past the traditional annual performance plan and presents tools, templates and skills that reflect the current reality managers are facing -- dynamic, fast moving, complex, team-based, and cross-functional. Learners will complete each stage of the process, understand the management skills required to put it into practice as well as identify future opportunities for development.This IAAP-certified counts for 0.50 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"Understanding NPM - Node.js Package Manager" |
"In this course I will explain you what is NPM and how it is used.You will learn how to initialize new project, how to install new dependencies and explore their child dependencies.We will also discuss what is Semantic Versioning and what Major, Minor and Patch versions mean.You will also understand what is the purpose of the package-lock.json file.I will explain you what is the purpose of the NPMscripts and how they should be used. We will talk about built-in NPM scripts and custom script. Also we will combine several NPMscripts in a one using npm-run-all external package.You will understand what is executable script and what is the purpose of the .bin folder in the node_modules folder. I will explain you what is shebang line and how it is used on the Unix-based system and on Windows.Happy learning!"
Price: 129.99

"GDPR - How to apply the General Data Protection Regulation" |
"The GDPR has been in force since May 2018 as an EU-wide set of regulations and must be applied. Companies without principal office in EU-countries, but who collect and compute personal data from EU-citizens, are required to follow the GDPR rules. Is your organization ready to embrace a more rigorous privacy regime as espoused by GDPR? Since the penalties for data protection violations have been drastically increased, violations are punishable up to $20 Million or 4% of worldwide sale, a foundational understanding of the GDPR is necessary in order to prevent serious financial damage, not to mention a potential loss of your companys reputation.GDPR is complex and everyones requirements will be different but its imperative that everyone is aware of their responsibilities. If you work with personal data from EU citizens, or have a branch office in the EU, this course is right for you. You need to be familiar with the intention and scope of the GDPR, the basic principles of data protection (Prohibition of Data Processing and Exceptions to Consent, Purpose of Data Collection,Data Collection Limits,Data Security, Transparency), the foundation of data processing (Privacy by Design, Privacy by Default) the rights of the subject (Right of Access, Right to Erasure, and more), the responsibilities of a Data Controller and Processors and what the tasks and responsibilities of a Data Protection Officer is. After completing this course, you will be able to identify which requirements of the GDPR apply to your specific handling of data and need to be observed, you will be able to take vital information back into the workplace. You will learn: Why Data Protection - What Exactly is the GDPR?The Five Basic Principles of Data ProtectionThe Foundations of Data ProcessingRights of Data SubjectsResponsibility of Data Controller or ProcessorThe Data Protection OfficerSummary"
Price: 19.99

"Yogi's Guide to WordPress" |
"This course will help you in building websites using WordPress. Dr. Yogendra Pal will help you in all technical aspect of starting and running your own WordPress website. You will learn complete basics of WordPress and you will learn all WordPress related terminology. The information presented in this course will help you to build basic websites using WordPress. You will learn from very basics."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de Excel para principiantes desde cero" |
"Este Curso de Excelexplica paso a paso, desde cero y basado en ejercicios sencillos y prcticos, la interfaz del programa, los comandos, las herramientas y las funciones. Los usuarios quedarn en capacidad de crear hojas de clculo de manera amena, rpida, eficiente y profesional. El curso comienza desde cero para las personas que se estn iniciando en Excel. De forma progresiva y secuencialmente, alcanzarn los conocimientos bsicos e intermedios necesarios. Orientado a mejorar la productividad y para que, estrategicamente, el usuario logre concretar tareas y crear hojas de clculo profesionales con Excel.El curso est basado en la versin 2016 de Excel, que es la ltima a la fecha, pero tambin puede ser aplicado perfectamente a la versin 2013, que es la versin inmediatamente anterior."
Price: 109.99

"Health and Nutrition Life Coach Certification (Accredited)" |
"Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 20 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 20 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Are you passionate about health, nutrition, and/or physical fitness?Do you want to help people enhance their well-being, improve their quality of life, prevent illness, and live a happy, healthy lifestyle?Would you like to learn proven processes and powerful tools for helping your clients reach their nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness goals?Would you like to earn a fitness and nutrition certification and become a life coach? Being healthy and living a happy and fulfilled life is the ultimate goal for billions of people worldwide, making it the perfect time to earn a fitness and nutrition certification by enrolling and becoming a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL:Learn powerful motivational techniques and hands-on practical tools to guide your clients to support their emotional, behavioral, physical, and nutritional wellbeing. Develop a strong foundation of health theory related to human anatomy, nutrition, and physical fitness, so that you can be a confident and effective health and nutrition life coach through this nutrition certification. Learn core, professional life coaching skills, such as how to develop rapport with your clients, work together to set achievable goals, and support them using powerful communication and questioning techniques and hands-on practical tools. Learn proper interview and screening methods designed to help you determine a clients needs and their readiness to change. Plus, youll receive detailed fitness and nutrition assessments to use with your clients, allowing you to develop a customized step-by-step nutritional and exercise program that will get them the results they are looking for. Develop a strong understanding of the psychology of behavioral change so that you can help your clients get past self-defeating habits, avoid relapse, and overcome resistance so they can create lasting lifestyle change.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This fitness and nutrition certification program will give you everything you need to design your own health and nutrition life coaching package based on your own experience and knowledge and the areas of wellness that you are passionate about. At the end of the course you will be a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach and you will become an advocate for healthy living, a health educator, and an active partner that helps each client unlock their potential through healthy lifestyle choices.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++In summary this fitness and nutrition certification will provide the following: This life coaching certification will assist you in creating a step-by-step nutrition and exercise program to use with your clientsThis fitness and nutrition certification program will give you the tools to design a custom health coaching package that is focused and in alignment with YOUR unique passions and experienceBegin your fitness and nutrition life coaching practice with done-for-you assessments and proven tools and processes to use with your clients, saving you time, stress, and money. This fitness and nutrition certification will also provide proven life coaching best practices, including life coaching models, personality theory, health psychology, and professional life coaching communication techniques. You will also develop a thorough understanding of human anatomy and physiology, nutrient density, macronutrients, micronutrients, and dietingThrough this fitness and nutrition certification you will learn how to screen clients, conduct the initial interview, and assess clients readiness, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, core stability, and nutritionLearn life coaching skills and psychological principals of behavioral change and how to motivate your clients to achieve their fitness, nutrition, and life goals and prevent relapseThis fitness and nutrition certification will leave you feeling confident as a health and nutrition life coach because you have developed a strong foundation both of theory and practical application. By earning your fitness and nutritional certification you will also have the credibility that your clients are looking for by being able to say that you are a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach.So, are you ready to help your clients transform their lives through health, nutrition and fitness? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MEET THE INSTRUCTORSThis course is taught by 3 experts in the field of life coaching, fitness and health. Sanda Kruger is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, health life coach and professional dancer. She is a certified fitness professional and is the creator of two original fitness programs, called BellyCore Fitness and AquaCor. Joeel and Natalie Rivera have over a decade in the life coaching field and have trained tens of thousands of coaches. They have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. They have a background in social services, psychology, education and as entrepreneurs. Joeel has a Masters in Counseling and is completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with a focus on happiness. "
Price: 199.99

"How To Push Django Python Apps To Heroku for Web Hosting" |
"Do you know how to build Django apps with Python, but aren't sure how to get your app up onto the Internet?This course if for you! In this course I'll teach you how to host your Django Python app on Heroku. We'll build a cool address book app in Django 2 and Python 3. The main reason for this course, though, is to teach you how to get your Django apps off your computer and hosted live online.So many instructors teach Django courses that don't show you how to make your app 'live' online. Why?Because it can be tricky!That's why Ibuilt a course that focuses just on that!We'll learn how to:InstallPythonInstall DjangoInstall and use VirtualenvInstall git Bash for WindowsInstall the Heroku ToolbeltTweak a Django app's Setting to work with HerokuPush our Code to Github and HerokuSet up Postgres databases in the cloudBuild a cool little address book appAnd much more...I'll be walking you through this course on a Windows computer, but if you're on a Mac or Linux, you should be fine too. Itry to point out any differences along the way.If you've ever been confused by pushing code to a professional web hosting provider in Django, then this is the course for you.See you on the inside!-John ElderCEOCodemy. com"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Access 2016 - Intermediate" |
"Everything You Need To Know About Microsoft Access -- Delivered In Easily Searchable, Highly Informative Video ModulesMicrosoft Access lets ordinary users develop powerful apps customized for their business needs. In this course experienced Microsoft Access trainer Kathy Jones will walk you through building your first Microsoft Access database, including creating tables, using queries, and implementing forms and reports."
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft PowerApps for beginners - build your own apps" |
"Do you use apps? Have you ever thought about creating apps yourself? You would like to create your own apps but you don't know how to start? You have no programming experience? And in addition to that - you don't have much time?Perfect! Then you are at the right place at the right time!Join me and explore Microsoft PowerApps. Let me empower you to create your own business apps in no time without coding!Invest a few hours of your life and learn the fundamentals of Microsoft PowerApps. This tool allows you to learn business app-development in no time. You can get started for free without additional costs!After finishing this course you will be able to create your first own customized apps within minutes. You will also learn how to integrate PowerApps into Microsoft PowerBI (a business analytics tool that delivers visual data insights ).You will master the fundamentals (bread and butter) and you will be eager to start creating your own customized apps for yourself as well as your organization. Equipped with your new knowledge you can also use available app templates and adjust them further to your own needs.Creating Apps doesn't have to be difficult. Let me show you a different way which does not require Android or iOS knowledge to get started.Learn the fundamentals of app development in Microsoft PowerApps and start designing your first app today!see you there"
Price: 89.99

"LinkedIn Marketing - Como fazer anncios no LinkedIn" |
"Com vrias redes sociais, fica cada vez mais difcil encontrar pessoas certas e qualificadas para divulgar os anncios. Usando uma rede profissional como LinkedIn, podemos explorar pessoas interessadas em fazer negcios e com segmentaes avanadas como Setor da empresa, Tamanho da empresa, Cargo, Funo e outras opes. Se voc procura encontrar pessoas mais qualificadas e cargos de deciso para seus produtos ou servios, o Curso de LinkedIn Ads Bsico destinado para voc fazer anncios para esse pblico.Aprenda toda introduo em anncios no LinkedIn e inicie a criao de anncios pagos nesta poderosa rede social."
Price: 19.99

"Python Stats. Basics" |
"1. Friends, please take the time to review the curriculum carefully before buying so you can see exactly whether this is the right course for you. Please do not join until you have completed this step. 2. Please watch the free preview videos so you can see whether the presentation style works for you. Please remember Iam just one person, and Imake my videos often after Ihave been working for many hours already. Please do not join until you have completed this step. 3. If something needs fixing, please let me know. Again, I'm just one person and not a big team of people. Iwill try to fix it as quickly as possible. Thank you.Course Overview:1. This is a course for those interested in basic statistics. 2. This course talks about Python, measures of central tendency, variability measures and graphing. 3. There are exercises placed throughout the videos. 4. This is a beginners course, and everything is shown step by step. 5. All the code is typed step by step.6. This is not meant to be an exhaustive treatment of stats or Python.7. There are no fancy graphics in this course. 8. This course doesn't have a talking head. 9. You must be ready for some basic math like roots, exponents, addition, subtraction and fractions.10. All the videos were made in HD. 11. The audio is made with a studio quality microphone, so it's clear and crisp. Thank you for reading and enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"Applied Machine Learning With R" |
"Machine learning is here and it is changing the way businesses work! From Netflix recommendation engine to Google's self-driving car, it's all machine learning. Machine Learning explores the development and use of algorithms that can gain from data. ML Algorithms provides the ability to learn with an accelerated pace as more and more data set is available for training. It is very similar to how human mind learn many things. Our course on Applied Machine learning with R uses the powerful data manipulation language R for solving the ML problems. This unique course will help you get started on the journey of becoming an AI and machine learning developer. In this course you will also learn about machine learning and deep learning and will see how R can be used as a tool for showing up the output and how you can use R for your ML projects also. The course also covers the packages that implements machine learning with Tensorflow and H2O. Tensorflow is the python package that is implemented in R as well. The course also covers artificial neural networks. Here you get to learn how to create our own neural network and implement them in R. Last but not the least, the sixth module is Decision Tree and Text mining. It is a well know pattern that is involved in data science, again a new concept of machine learning. All the above modules will throw light on how machine learning implementation is easy and simple using R. So what are you waiting for? Begin your epic journey to be an awesome ML programmer with this applied R course."
Price: 49.99

"Battle Tested Study & Exam Skills! Pass Your Exams Today!" |
"PASSYOURTESTSANDEXAMSTODAYwith the tips and tricks you learn in this incredible course!WHY SHOULD YOU TAKE THIS COURSE?By the end of this course, students will have the skills and expertise to:1. Study Faster!2. Get Higher Grades Overall!3. Pass MOREEXAMS SUCCESSFULLY!If you've got an exam or test coming up and need all the help you can get to pass it, or at the very minimum need tips and tricks and techniques to obtain higher grades and pass more often, then THISCOURSEISFORYOU! I was once like you, FRUSTRATED with exams and tests, but over the years I learnt so many incredible tips and techniques that allow me to pass time and again!Now I'm here to share with you how I've been able to score 80's, 90's and even ACEEXAMS!!I'm here to teach you how YOU can do it too with this amazing course! Here you will learn some of the most incredible BATTLETESTEDmethods that have helped me in countless tests and exams since my high school years all the way up until now many years later!INSTRUCTOR INVOLVEMENT: Due to the busy schedule Nav has as he is developing new games and apps, speaking at seminars around the world, running his various companies, building new programs and courses, and ofcourse spending time with his family, fans and other students, etc. it will naturally be a challenge for Nav to be available all the time. Note: Please make sure your questions are related to this course when asking questions as Nav has several courses on various topics. If you have a question on another course or topic that Nav teaches that is outside the scope of this course, please ask it in that specific webinar or discussion section.WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?This course is aimed at beginners who are either students in high school or university. This is also aimed at full time employees and parents who need to take professional tests that involve scantron and they may have been out of the academic scene for some time and need some additional ideas on how to pass their exams for their job or to secure a new certification or degree.WHY TAKE THIS COURSE?1. You've got an exam coming up or take frequent tests and exams which happen withScantron or Multiple Choice Question format.2. You're looking to get more control over your exams and get better grades and pass more often!3. You want to increase your FINALMARKS by learning methods and tips to give you an ADDED EDGE over your competition.PASSTHATEXAM NOW - TAKE ACTION TODAY!Important information before you enroll:In case you are not fully satisfied with the course, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questsions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates I may add to the course over time."
Price: 199.99

"Local Business Web Design In a Weekend: Easy Bartering" |
"Did you know that bartering has been around for centuries?Inside this course I'm going to be showing you step by step how you can get paid to build simple websites for local businesses.In turn I'm also going to show you how you can barter web design services for just about any service you want.The benefits of this approach to business are that you can easily get more referrals, barter for home improvements AND get paid for your work all at the same time. Consultants are discovering that bartering can be a great way to boost sales for many reasons.1. Its a great vehicle during downtime.2. Its a way to attract new customers.3. It frees up cash for other expenses.4. It gives you exposure.5. It helps you network.6. It often leads to cash work.Bartering is a great way to get products and services that might otherwise be unaffordable.Say you are a consultant who has faced chronic back problems.You may be able to work a trade with a local chiropractoror licensed acupuncturist who agreed to provide treatments in exchange for web design, SEO ranking, etc.You may need a portrait sitting or wedding photos for your daughter's wedding.A local photographer may be willing to do the work in exchange for digital services you provide.In both examples, the barter allowed both parties to receive goods and services they wanted, so it would be a 'win-win' solution for both. Frankly the examples are endless.This Isn't New...Its 1,000 years Old.For centuries, merchants, explorers, craftsmen and even kings have been known to exchange goods to get what they needed.Everything from furs, to tea, to horses, and of course, gold.Fast forward to the 21st century and barter and trade are still more common than you know. Local businesses of all sizes are open to a barter deal, IF it makes sense to them.Is Cash Always King?Not always as barter arrangements can help a consultant in so many ways;Barter can provide local consultants with new clients and permits the consultant to expand beyond their current cash-paying clients.Barter also helps in conserving cash. Instead of spending dollars to purchase select goods and services, consultants can exchange their services to pay for those things they need to run their business.Or, they can do so for their personal needs...such as dental care, travel or landscaping or remodeling. Again, with bartering more cash stays within the business, providing better cash flow.What Works For Consultants?Direct or one to one bartering works when two parties are offering exactly what each other needs at a similar value and quality.For example, Larry Smith of Smith Accounting would like a new website and articles placed on a blog every week.Smith is approached by a local digital consultant who offers to build the accountants site, manage it and provide content for a blog each month.The consultant suggests an exchange of bookkeeping services for the digital marketing services.They outline the terms of the trade and shake hands.It can really be as simple as that!So Why Doesnt Every Consultant Barter?1. They dont know how.2. They're afraid they'll get turned down.3. They think they're losing money!4. They think the client will never want to pay cash anymoreThe Truth? Its ALL False!If you do bartering the RIGHT way, you can almost never lose. BUT, nobody is teaching how local consultants should barter for big profits.That Is, UNTIL NOW...You Can Get Thousands In Free Services Value from local businesses In only a few months...While Avoiding the ""Barter Blunders""You'll Trade For Services like:Home RemodelingDental ServicesAppliance repairHandyman ServicesAccounting/bookkeepingChiropractic careAuto RepairCarpet CleaningDriveway repair/sealingLandscapingHair StylingPaintingGym MembershipLegal servicesRestaurants and MealsPrinters (discounted)Much, Much MoreHere Is What You're Getting...18 Training Videos 8 Case Study Videos1 Complete Marketing GuideThis course covers everything you need to know to start finding Barter deals.When youre finished you'll know more than 99% of businesses that seek barter partners.We like to say,""You'll be the Local Barter Expert!""It doesnt take a rocket scientist to do this, it takes a motivated individual who is willing to put in the necessary work.All that's great, right?....but its NOT enough.""We are willing to train my new partners in all aspects of theBartering business so no prior knowledge is required.""We show you how to get serious value when you barter your services.It can even be a key part of your business once you get it rolling...which will happen faster than you think.Here Is Some Of What You Will Discover...The Easiest Ways To Find Good Barter ProspectsFinding Business Barter prospects With Free AdsHow To Immediately Get The Attention Of Local Businessesthat already said 'YES'Why this is PERFECT for a brand New consultant!How The basic proposal worksHow to determine the business is a good fit for you.What To Say And Do If They're unsure.The No-Nonsense Way To Price Your Own work value so you come out with a fair barterWhy getting a much better deal than the barter partneris a big mistake!How to use a software sitebuilder that eliminates the need to ever outsource website design.Sometimes the barter partner will trade more than labor...Here's how to influence thatWant more barter offers from the client? heres what to say.How to handle ""Part-Barter-Part-Cash"" dealsThe reason most consultants miss the best barter deals.Getting referrals for MORE barter dealsFrequently Asked QuestionsQ: What is different about your barter course?A:Just knowing barter is possible or knowing the basics is not enough.This is much more than that. This course teaches you how to find good candidate businesses for a barter deal, how to approach them, how to get negotiate in a cooperative manner, and how to get agreement...and profit handsomely.Q: Which services are the best for consultants to offer?A:They're are many but we find one of the best is website design. We show you a unique web building tool (thats probably new to you) and how to use it and other tools to construct very sharp websites in almost no time at all...yet they look like you spent lots of time.Q: Speaking of time, does this take a lot of time?A:Each barter client takes maybe 30 minutes to negotiate and get agreement, once their interest is shown. Beyond that, you will need to build the site or perform the agreed digital service.Q: Will these same businesses now be unwilling to Pay for services in the future?A:Not at all. These barter arrangements are SPECIFIC to a time, a business and a single service. In the future they may ask about a barter again, but that's your decision whether to agree to further barters.Q: Does this work outside the U.S.?A: Yes!At first you wouldn't think so, but its all in how you approach the barter prospect....and what service you are in need of. If the barter partner can perform the service digitally, long distance, this can work.OR if both parties are in the same area in another country, the same system should work as well.Q: If It's such a good opportunity Why Don't you charge more?A:Yes, we could... We actually make our earnings from Local Clients, not from product launches like this. My last 4 launches, including this one,many customers tell me I'm charging too little...but I'd rather make it affordable for more people...especially this Barter System.Q: Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to local businesses?A:For the most part, this barter system can be 'location independent' can be done entirely by email and/or phone.Q: ""Why would a business need my help?""A:Most local businesses feel they are paying too much in merchant service fees. They see that statement every month and it can sting. If they sell more they pay more. Its not hard to interest them in getting a free comparison.Q:Do businesses really consider Barter arrangements?""A:Youd be surprised. Some surveys show up to 70% of local businesses have barteree for products and services at one time or another. Where a business can avoid laying out cash they are interested.Q:""Will I need to spend money to save money?""A:No. You can do this with no money, just your own time and effort. A little money for an outsourcer (explained in the training) will make it go faster, but its not necessary. Being broke is not a hindrance with this method.Q:""Won't barter clients be distrustful?""A:Nope.Thats because we show you exactly what to say and how to proceed. As soon as you have a few deals under your belt it will be easy to make the proposals...and if a business says 'No', you'll just move on.Q: ""Will I need Employees?""A: NO(Unless YOU Want Them). If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource thats fine. But the prospecting and and follow-up is very easy to do.Q: ""What can I expect in the way of barter deals in the first 60 days?""A:If you take action you will likely have made 2 to 3 deals in a month so say 4 to 7 in a couple months. Obviously this is just a raw estimate and your own efforts will determine the outcome. I cannot guarantee any number of barters, but I can assure you there are plenty of businesses out there that will barter with you.."
Price: 29.99

"Unreal Game Development For Beginners" |
"A complete guide for creating a real professional 3D game using Unreal. We have created a simple and easy to understand course with smart pedagogy to help you quickly master Unreal for making real world games. You will create everything along with the instructor and by the end of the course you will have expertise in Materials, Physics and game design. You can extend the game and add more features as you complete each of the sections.You will be confident enough to start working on your own games after this Unreal engine course. This course is ideal for new and intermediate developers."
Price: 49.99

"Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Basics: Gain Solid Understanding" |
"In the world of 'Continuous Improvement Culture' with organizations struggling to gain operational efficiency and deliver quality products or services to their customers, the to gain additional skill set of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Basics: Gain Solid Understanding becomes inevitable.Are you facing issues with unorganized work space, poor workflows, ineffective communication within your organization, or plenty of re-work with lower quality products or services within the enterprise arena? Look no further - the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Basics: Gain Solid Understanding course will give you the required skills to cater to all such issues and take you organization to a higher level.Course DescriptionAre you a company or a project manager, IT administrator, architect,consultant, enterprise architect, data protection officer, programmer, data security specialist, or someone wanting to gain additional skills with Lean and Six Sigma,and want to gain fundamental and intermediate level skills andenjoy a fascinating high paying career?Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking to a whole new level?Welcome to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Basics: Gain Solid Understanding - A one of its kind course!It is not only a comprehensive course, you are will not find a course similar to this. Taught live by the instructor gives you the one-on-one coaching experience like no other course. Be sure to preview the lecture 'Structure of the course & meet your instructor""In this course, you'll learn and practice:Learn Lean Principles along with Six Sigma MethodologyGain solid understanding of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)Understand DMADVLearn basics of SPSS and hands-on Pareto Chart Learn Standard Normal Distribution and other core Statistical conceptsUnderstand JIT, Kaizen, Communication, Quality Control, best practices, andmuch more....You will alsoget all relevant resources and with little practice you can even appear for your Six Sigma Green Belt Certification exam after completing this course!We've built this course with our TeamClayDeskof industry recognized enterprise project managers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- start your lean six sigma manager career and consult companies, this course is for you- gain marketable skills as a management professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for advanced level students...thisLean Six Sigma Green Belt Basics: Gain Solid Understanding courseis exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completion)Weve left no stone unturned.See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all concepts related to Six Sigma and Lean,and I would without a doubt recommend it to anyone looking for a completeLean Six Sigma Green Belt Basics: Gain Solid Understandingcourse.-Jennifer CooperThis is such an awesome course. It is like live classroom learning. I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! Mary Anne.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As a Senior Project Manager managing Global enterprise levelprojects with PhD in Management along with a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer & Trainer, my experience with Lean Six Sigma and process improvement has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inLean Six Sigma Green Belt Basics: Gain Solid Understanding course today and revolutionize your learning and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed & Team ClayDesk"
Price: 99.99

"Power BI Masterclass 8 - Python, Finance, and advanced DAX" |
"MS Power BI is an andvanced yet easy to get started self service business analytics / business intelligence solution provided by Microsoft which is currently in very hot demand. From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you master Power BI. Diving into data & analytics can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!Power BI is also a great tool for datascience too. A lot of data scientists like to use it for visualizing and presenting the findings. Therefore learning to use this tool can also be a valuable skill for datascience jobs.Power BI has a very strong active community and with Microsoft pushing this solution to it's enterprise customers, Power BI has a bright future ahead. And you can be part of this future!To help you getting into this highly rewarding and interesting career path the Power BI Masterclass Series has been created. It's an exclusive series currently consisting of 11 courses on udemy. Data science, python Power BI? Yes those can be used together! In this 8th Masterclass you will learn and apply additional advanded DAX expressions and calculations and dive deep into a business dataset dive into Python and leverage it's strength in Power BI (3 different ways)apply data science libraries from python in Power BI learn to create a balance sheet structure and how to evaluate the balance with a sanity check DAX measure apply custom visuals create your final dashboardWhat we learn in this course might also help you later with your Power BI certification exam as well as your data analytics or data science careerYou can follow along with the provided learning material in Power BI on your own computer at your own pace. Exited? You should be. So let's answer the question on how to master Power BI Desktop. Buckle up and meet me in the first lecture starting today!Update: The complete Power BI Masterclass Series on udemy1.Power BI Masterclass - beginners to advanced2.Microsoft Power BI Masterclass - Expand Excellence3.Power BI Masterclass - Data Analysis Deep Dive4.Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI5.Power BI Masterclass - DAX, Excel And More6.Power BI Masterclass - Your future in data analytics7.Power BI Masterclass - Learn Advanced DAX, R and Gateways8.Power BI Masterclass - Python, Finance and advanced DAX9. Power BI Masterclass - How to use CALCULATE in DAXTips and Tricks courses:10. The Power BI Masterclass - Tips and Tricks11. The Power BI Masterclass - Additional Tips and Tricks12. Power BI - Tips for your next data analytics project13. Microsoft Power BI Desktop - simple tips and tricks edition14. Power BI Desktop - Data Prep Challenges Each Microsoft Power BI Masterclass course will add to your knowledge base and enhance your skills further. After attending the complete series you will have honed your skills to an very advanced level and be able to succesfully dive into your Microsoft Power BI data analytics career."
Price: 194.99

"Introduction to JavaScript Animation with Anime.js" |
"The goal of this course is to teach you the fundamentals of JavaScript animation with Anime.js. And I'm hoping that by the end of the course you'll have all the necessary knowledge to create beautiful and engaging animations. If you are new to JavaScript and CSS, I would recommend learning the basics first, because this course only focuses on the topics related to Anime.js and animation design . We'll first start by creating a simple animation with plain JavaScript and then we'll dive into learning Anime.js. We'll cover all Anime's animation APIs and at the end we'll work on two practical animations. The first will be a loading spinner and the other will be a micro-interaction animation for a login form."
Price: 54.99

"Learn Arnold - Fundamentals of Shading and Lighting" |
"Arvid Schneider is an established artist, who has been working in the professional VFX industry for more than 10 years. He has worked on big blockbusters like Ready Player One, Jurassic World, Transformers and more.With his knowledge and expertise Arvid has prepared a detailed beginner and intermediate course which helps you to skip the line and become an experienced lighting and shading TD in today's competitive industry.Learn the fundamentals of ArnoldApply the knowledge to any other software package like 3DsMax, Maya, Cinema4D, Katana using Arnold.Understand the most important shading nodes, like Curvature, Noise, Occlusion, Surface and a lot more.Be able to use best practices in terms of stylized photographic lighting.Create physically correct shaders, which look appealing and render efficiently.Setup complex shading networks with advanced light rigs.What this course is NOTNot teaching how to work within Autodesk Maya.Not about modelling, texturing or animation.Not providing source files."
Price: 199.99

"2018 Tax Law Changes" |
"A major tax reform was approved by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on December 22, 2017. The IRS is currently working on implementing these changes that will affect both individuals and businesses for the 2018 tax season. This course will focus only on the changes to individuals, not businesses."
Price: 19.99

"Front Desk (Office) Safety & Security from A to Z" |
"This 8 hour course provides you with skills to prevent, protect, evaluate and recover when an emergency or violent event happens around you in the front desk and office environment. We also focus on being mentally prepared for modern day safety and security related events that affect us, our businesses, corporations, agencies, our coworkers and our communities. We will talk about communication skills and how successful preparation and practice for your mind will help you survive and in some cases prevent an incident or help you to recognize the time to remove yourself from the incident, before it escalates further."
Price: 129.99
