"El camino ms simple para mejorar tus ingresos en Internet" |
"Internet nos provee de diversas herramientas y aplicaciones que nos son tiles para mejorar nuestros ingresos, pero la mayora no las utiliza aunque las conozca.No las usa porque no tiene un plan, mucho menos estrategias.Al no tenerlas, hace lo mismo que la mayora, obteniendo los mismos resultados de siempre.Si quieres mejorar, debes hacer las cosas de forma diferente.En este curso aprenders cmo cambiar tu forma de ser y actuar."
Price: 39.99

"Consigue el xito con tu libro evitando estos errores" |
"En el 2004 se public mi primer libro.Desde ese ao me propuse aprender cmo tener xito con la venta de mis libros.Todos estos aos he ido desarrollando diferentes estrategias para que se vendan ms de mis libros.Y en ese camino he descubierto varios errores.Muchos los comet y otros los han cometido varios autores.Te comparto estos errores para que los evites.Evitndolos tendrs xito con tu libro."
Price: 39.99

"Cmo ayudar a tu hijo para que consiga el xito financiero" |
"Te has dado cuenta que tus padres tenan ms posibilidades de conseguir tu libertad financiera que t o tus hijos?La mayora de personas no se ha dado cuenta que actualmente es ms complicado conseguir el xito financiero. Es complicado por una serie de factores, incluyendo las polticas sociales, educativas y culturales.Y si no pones atencin en estos factores, tus hijos sern slo empleados que trabajan muchas horas diarias sin conseguir salir de sus problemas econmicos.S, ya sabes de sobra que la educacin que reciben tus hijos debe cambiar, pero puedo apostar que no sabes exactamente qu tienes que hacer.Sabes exactamente lo qu tienes que hacer para que tus hijos consigan su libertad financiera?Educar a tus hijos para conseguir el xito financiero es la mejor herencia que puedes dejarles a tus hijos o nietos.As no dependern de nadie para conseguir sus sueos.En este curso aprenders qu tienes que hacer, para ayudarlos."
Price: 39.99

"Erstelle einen 3D Jump and Run Plattformer mit Unity 3D" |
"Mchtest Du ein eigenes 3D Jump and Run Spiel entwickeln knnen?Dann bist Du hier genau richtig. In diesemKurs lernst Du fortgeschrittene Funktionalitten von Unity3Dkennen, in dem Du Schritt fr Schritt ein 3DJumpand Run Spiel, hnlich wie Super Mario 64, entwickelst.In diesemKurs lernst Du nicht nur wie man dieses spezifische Spiel entwickelt, sondern viele zustzliche Fhigkeiten, mit denen Du eigene Spiele entwickeln kannst.Beispiel der Features die Du nach diesem Kurs beherrschen wirst:Erstellung von 3DLevels in wenigen MinutenVerwendung des Animators und vonAnimationen inUnityPlattformbergreifende Spiele Programmierung fr den PC, aber auch Android und iOSEinfgen vonGegnerfiguren und Belebung dieserProgrammierung von Scripts - welche die Funktionalitt von Spielelementen erweiternMenfhrungenGame Over BildschirmePunktesystemeVerwendung von Physik in SpielenSzenenwechselPowerUpsGegner ttenund vieles mehr...Du wirst also komplett in die Lage versetzt, Deine eigenen Spiele zu entwickeln und lernst viele neue Fhigkeiten.Die Grundlage fr diesen Kurs ist, dass Du zumindest Grundkenntnisse in Unity und in C# hast. Dabei ist z.B. mein Kompletter Unity 3DKurs zu empfehlen. Jener Bietet die ideale Grundlage fr diesenKurs.Dir steht wie bei allen meinenKursen, ein super Support zur Seite, damit Du alles aus diesemKurs rausholen kannst."
Price: 199.99

"Xamarin Forms: Erstelle Native Cross Plattform Apps mit C#" |
"Hast du eine Idee fr eine App und mchtest sie endlich umsetzen knnen?Dann ist das auf klassischem Wege gar nicht so einfach.Denn wenn du eine App fr's iPhone verffentlichen willst, musst du Objective C oder Swift knnen. Fr Android brauchst du Java oder Kotlin und fr Windows brauchst du C#...Klingt nach jede Menge Kopfschmerzen... Es sind ja nicht nur die verschiedenenProgrammiersprachen sondern auch die ganzen verschiedenen Programmierumgebungen (Xcode, Android Studio und VisualStudio).Warum muss es so kompliziert sein?Muss es nicht, denn zum Glck gibt es endlich eine anstndige Alternative -> Xamarin Forms.Xamarin Forms ist ein UIFramwork mit dem man native Cross PlattformMobile Apps mit C# programmieren kann.Genau, NUR C#. Du musst deinen Code also nur ein mal schreiben, der Xamarin Compiler wandelt ihn dann fr die verschiedenen Plattformen um. So einfach geht das. Du brauchst also keine 4 verschiedenen Sprachen und Umgebungen zu lernen.In diesem aus dem englisch stammenden Kurs von Mosh Hamedani lernst du in einem pragmatischen Schritt fr Schritt Verfahren wie man native Mobile Apps fr Android, iOS und Windows mit Xamarin Forms und C# entwickeln kann.Im Detail wirst du:Lernen wie die Architektur von Xamarin Forms istDie Grundlagen von Xamarin Forms verstehenBenutzer-Interfaces mit XAML und zustzlich mit Code erstellenMit Bildern arbeitenDaten in schnen und interaktiven Listen darstellenMehrseitige Apps mit Navigation, Tabs, Master/Details Seiten erstellenFormular und Einstellungsseiten erstellenDaten speichern und auslesen und das auf verschiedenen Wegen (Dateisystem, SQLite datenbanken und RESTful Servicen)Implementieren des Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Architectural PatternsFalls du einen meiner Top Kurse bereits besucht hast, dann weit du was dich erwartet :)In diesem Kurs konnte ich sogar nochmal eine bessere Herangehensweise whlen und bin noch viel mehr ins Detail gegangen, was sich im Hintergrund von Xamarin abspielt.Du erhltst ber 8 Stunden qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte. Jede Minute ist optimiert und auf geballtes wissen getrimmt.Der Kurs ist vollgepackt mit Beispielen aus der wahren Welt, bungsaufgaben und ""Best Practices"" .Du lernst also nicht nur wie man Xamarin Forms verwendet, sondern erhltst auch Tipps dazu wie man sauberen und wartbaren Code entwickelt.Die Lektionen sind voller herunterladbarem Source Code, sodass du mitprogrammieren kannst, whrend du die Videos schaust.Wenn du also nach einem Xamarin Forms kurs mit:einem passionierten Coder und Dozenten der sich auskenntperfekter Strukturidealer Balance aus Theorie und PraxisPrzise und saubere hppchenartige VideosVielen Beispielen aus dem wahren Leben und ProgrammierbeispielenHerunterladbarem QuellcodeDetails zu Best PracticesWeltklasse Audio und Videoproduktionsuchst, dann bist hier genau richtig. Also schreibe dich direkt ein und lerne wie man Native Mobile Apps fr Android, iOS und Windows mit Hilfe deiner vorhandenen C# Fhigkeiten erstellen kann.VORAUSSETZUNGEN:Alles was du wissen musst um diesen Kurs belegen zu knnen sind Kenntnisse in C#. Zumindest solltest du dich mit Klassen, Interfaces, Events, Delegates und Lambda Ausdrcken und ein bisschen mit LINQ auskennen.HUFIG GESTELLTE FRAGEN:1- Brauche ich einen Mac um diesen Kurs zu belegen?Nein! Denn das verwendete Visual Studio gibt es auch fr Windows. Du kannst also mit einem Windows PC alles im Kurs nachmachen. Nur wenn Du dann deine Apps fr iOS verffentlichen willst, brauchst du einen Mac. Fr Android und Windows kannst du auch mit deinem PC exportieren.2 - Muss ich mich mit Xamarin.Droid und Xamarin.iOS auskennen?Wieder nein. Xamarin Forms ermglicht es mit nur einer einzigen API Cross Plattform Mobile Apps zu entwickeln.Xamarin mappt also deinen Code intern automatisch fr das entsprechende System."
Price: 199.99

"Der Unity 2017 & Blender Komplettkurs: Erstelle Top 3D Games" |
"Hast du Lust deine eigenen Spiele zu entwickeln?Hast vielleicht sogar schon eine coole Idee?Willst alleine oder mit deinen Kumpels an dem Spiel arbeiten?Dann ist Unity 3D und dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. Unity 3D ist die beste Spieleentwicklungsumgebung unseres Planeten! Das bringt dir extrem viele Vorteile, wenn du es erst einmal gelernt hast :)Sehr Kurzer Weg zum ersten eigenen SpielViele offene Stellen - wenn du denn als angestellter Entwickler arbeiten mchtest.Eine riesige Community - folglich viele Lsungen zu FragestellungenDetaillierte DokumentationUmfangreichster Asset Store - Du brauchst also kein Designer oder Musiker seinDas alleine sind schon super grnde Unity zu lernen.Nun kommt ein weiterer Top, wenn nicht der beste Grund: Dieser Kurs!Denn in diesem Kurs wirst du an der Hand gefhrt und lernst auf dem einfachsten und schnellsten Wege die Entwicklung von wunderschnen 3D Videospielen.Du lernst:Alle Grundlagen von C# die man zur Spieleentwicklung brauchtTiefes Verstndnis der objektorientierten ProgrammierungErstellung von GameObjectsErstellung von 3D Grafiken mit BlenderVerwendung von Physik in SpielenGenerierung einfacher und schner UI (Benutzeroberflchen)Nutzung des Asset Stores fr deine ZweckeVerwendung von Sounds und Musik in SpielenGeld verdienen mit Spielen via In App Purchases und Ads/WerbungNutzung von TimernErstellung von Levelsystemen - mit denen man super einfach eigene Levels Designen kannExportierung der Spiele auf verschiedene PlattformenErstellung von Online Bestenlistenund vieles MehrAll das lernst du nicht in trockener Theorie - nein - das wre zu de. Nur mit echter Praxis kommst du ans Ziel, daher haben wir komplette Projekte vorbereitet und entwickeln diese mit dir.Du lernst also die Erstellung von wunderschnen kompletten Videospielen.Die Spiele die du entwickeln wirst sind:Pong - der mega Klassiker um ein erstes Gefhl fr die Spieleentwicklung zu kriegenZig Zag Endless RunnerEin umfangreiches Aufbau - Strategie Spiel in dem du lernst wie man ein Spiel dieses super beliebten und erfolgreichen Genres entwickelt.EinenFruit NinjaKlonAll diese Spiele stehen dir mit Code zur Verfgung und du kannst sie jederzeit erweitern (vor allem bist du nach dem Kurs dazu in der Lage) und sie als deine eigenen Spiele im Store verffentlichen.Du lernst von einem der Erfolgreichsten deutschen Kursersteller und einem erfahrenen Indie Developer. Daher kannst du dir sicher sein, dass die Projekte einerseits dem Qualittsstandard von Entwicklerbuden entspricht und andererseits super einfach zu folgen und verstehen ist.Was hlt dich noch auf? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und erstelle schon in wenigen Wochen deine ersten eigenen Spiele!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete C# Unity Developer: Create Games and Learn to Code" |
"If you want to learn coding the fun way, unity game development is your choice! Learn to make your own games and grab a job in the tech or gaming industry!Start this coursenow to get there in just a few weeks!The Complete C# Unity Developer course is completely project based. You are going to create 6 fully featured games from scratch using theUnity 3D Game Engine.Have you ever had an idea for a game, or wanted to work as a game developer?Then you are at the right place!You will love Unity 3Dand will even learn to love C#!In this course you are going to discover how to make games with Unity 3D - arguably the best game development engine in the world. Which allows you to create amazing indie titles but also triple A games for nearly every platform.What will I get from this Unity 3D course?Advanced C# coding skillsAdvanced Unity 3Dgame development skillsBasic blender skills to create your own 3D assetsSupport in the discussion forumsWhichprojectswill be covered?Pong CloneEndless Runner (e.g. ZigZag Clone)MinesweeperFruit Ninja CloneFarm Ville CloneBitblaser XL CloneWhat you will learn:Use and adjust theUnity interfaceAdvanced C# programmingImport assets from the asset store and use the work of others to your advantageCreate andPlay soundsMove objects dynamically or manuallyCharacter AnimationsUsinguser input in many different ways, e.g. klick, button taps, keyboard taps, touchscreen input etc.Using scores and highscoresSwap and reset scenesUsing physics materials to bounce or slow down objectsUsing different types of collidersUsing Raycast to check which element is selectedMake objects follow the mouse of the playerCreate a 3D map with beautiful 3D assets from the UnityAsset StoreCreate a beatifull UICreate 3D models withBlenderRotate gameObjects on middle button pressImplementation of a ""hover"" functionalityUsing Unity Ads to make money with your gamesExporting a game to AndroidGame Development Conceptsand much moreWho is your instructor?I'm Denis Panjuta,an Instructor whotaught over 40k Students how to code already and my mission is to teach coding to 100k students by 2019! I received mybachelor degree in engineering at the HTWGKonstanz in Germany and love making video games with Unity and teaching others how to do the same.How you will get from zero to hero in game development with Unity 3D:Bringing an Idea to life isone of the best feelings one can have. But the path to get there is often full of challenges. So we have created a course that makes this path as easy as possible!You start off by learning the basics of Unity Physics and player movement. Then you learn to code in C# one of the most advanced and best programming languages available, within a couple of hours.Once you are learned the basics of C#you will start off with Pong a huge success. This will teach you how to create UIs, basic physics, player movement and even a basic AI. This is already the basis for nearly every game you're ever going to make.So you can start the course with no coding experience what so ever. Having the desire to make games is the only prerequisite to start with this course and make that desire reality.We live in a world, where knowledge and work is shared more than ever, so using assets provided by others is a huge boost to your progress. You will learn how to use 3D assets to make an endless runner inUnity 3D. Then youll use animations, reset the game, use particle systems and finally create a map procedurally. Thats quite some advanced stuff right there.As coding is an extremely important skill to make your own complex games, you will get a huge boost to your coding skills in the third game, Minesweeper, a huge success of the nineties and still a highly addictive game. You learn to build random fields, make dynamic User interfaces, use timers and much more. Equipped with those skills, you're already able to build far more complex games on your ownI know that learning to code and making games can be hard at times, and sometimes you just get stuck. But no worries, we are there for you. We answer each question as quickly as we can and make sure that you reach your goal of becoming a game developer.This Unity 3Dand C#course teaches you how to make use of stunning graphics and effects, available as ""ready to use"" assets from the internet. In addition, you're going to learn how to create and modify them on your own, so you can build every single aspect of your game on your own by then.Ever wanted to slice some fruits on your phone? Then you will love the fifth chapter, where you will learn to build a fruit ninja clone, a huge mobile success. In this chapter you will see how you can build such a successful game within less than two hours from scratch. In this chapter you will also learn how to prepare a game for mobile and export it to and test it on an Android device.Building a Bitblaster XL clone you will learn to make different enemy types, extend a game as you go, use multiple different shooting types, create random enemies, use tags and much more. You could even simply take that game and make it your own.Making a construction game like Farmville or Anno 1800 is a huge dream of many developers, so we have created a whole chapter covering just that. You will learn how to make your own 3D House and Wind Mill assets, place buildings on the map, while in play mode, create a resource system, make a beautiful ui using assets from the asset store, upgrade buildings and of course how to save and load the game using serializable classes.Upon completion of this course you will know C# perfectly and will be able to take your own ideas and make complete games from themwith Unity 3D!So dont waste any more time and start to make your dreams and ideas come true by taking this coursenow!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Python 3 Masterclass - From Beginner To Pro" |
"This course makes you a professional Python 3 developer- no matter if you are a Python beginner, have already programmed a bit, or just want to discover the advanced features of Python 3. It is the ideal Python for beginners course.This course contains over 250 lessons, countless quizzes, tests, practical projects, fact sheets, and exercises - the easiest way if you want to become a Python 3 developer.NO PROGRAMMING SKILLS ARE REQUIRED - PYTHON FOR BEGINNERSFirst a small overview of what this course offers you:Understand the basics of Python 3 developmentUnderstand object orientationDevelop your own applications in Python 3 developmentChallenge your knowledge with various quizzes and exercisesEasy repetition of knowledge: Extensive fact sheetsVarious practical examples:Extract data from web pages with a web crawlerWrite real desktop applications with QtDevelop a web server with FlaskApply Data Analysis with Python 3Develop a face detection softwareDevelop a simple machine learning applicationAnd much more...Python 3 is an incredibly cool programming language that can be used for various purposes. Therefore, it is not only important that you learn Python yourself, but also which tools complement Python perfectly. And that's why I developed this Python for beginners course - to make you a highly skilled in Python development, no matter what direction you want to go after the course.After completing this Python for beginners course you can write desktop applications, master Python website development, extract data from other websites, collect additional data via cool forms, and evaluate it automatically with Python - the complete workflow.To this end, we will look at various additional tools in the course:The Data Science - Stack: Numpy, Pandas and MatplotlibWeb - Crawling with ""requests"" and ""beautifulsoup""Web - Development with FlaskInteractive programs with Jupyter notebooksDesktop applications with PyQtMy goal is that after completing this Python for beginners course you will be very good at Python development - no matter what purpose you want to use Python for later. This makes you perfectly prepared for future jobs and projects.Frameworks allow you to save loads and loads of effort and time, when building your programs.NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays.In computer programming, pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series for maximum Python development capabilities.Build a web crawler with ""requests"" and ""beautifulsoup"" which allows you to read data from a website and reuse it how ever you like.This is a super powerful tool, which comes in handy in so many occasions.With Flask you can build websites with Python. Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is classified as a microframework because it does not require particular tools or libraries. So you can get started with it super fast.In this Python for beginners course you will also learn how to use PyQt. With PyQt you can build beautiful GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces). Either with code, or by just using the Qt Creator, which allows you to drag and drop your UI elements onto your Window. That is not only convenient, but also decreases the development time, required to build desktop applications.Machine learning is a super interesting and demanded area. Python is the programming language to go with, when it comes to Machine Learning. So hop aboard and ride with the Python hype train. As you will learn the basics of machine learning with Python in this Python for beginners course. At the end you are skilled in Python development to the highest degree.HOW IS THE PYTHON FOR BEGINNERS COURSE STRUCTURED:First you learn, how the very basics of Python work. This includes variables, functions, loops, if statements, etc.Then you learn how to use object oriented programming. These skills whill not only help you with Python programming, but also with other programming Languages. As soon as you feel confortable with those skills, you will learn more advanced topics and build more and more interesting and real world applications such as a web crawler, a twitter bot, a website with flask, data science with numpy, pandas and matplotlib.Each chapter contains multiple quizzes, leaflets/handouts and exercises, which help you to progress steadily.So you see, the course will make you a complete Python developer in no time.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?The course is for anyone, who wants to learn Python and wants to become professionally good in Python programming. No experience is required what so ever. It is for total Python beginners. It is designed that anyone who can handle a mouse and keyboard will succeed finishing it. The only real requisite is the desire to learn.30-DAY FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis Python for beginners course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture, and do the exercises, and if you feel like this Python for beginners course is not for you, ask for a full refund within 30 days. All your money back, no questions asked.ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTOR:My name is Denis Panjuta and in my courses I have taught over 50.000 students how to code. I have a Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Constance (Germany). I love teaching and creating high quality courses. My mission is, to teach programming to over 100.000 people! As you see, this is the only Python course you will ever need!You will learn all the Python fundamentals, all Python basics and everything that you need to know to succeed in Python programming and building your own cool applications.So dont waste any more time and start to make your dreams and ideas come true by taking this course now!"
Price: 199.99

"Die komplette Web-Entwickler Masterclass" |
"ber 20.000 Teilnehmer haben im zweiten Teil (""Der komplette Webentwickler 2.0"") alle Details ber die moderneWebentwicklung gelernt. Jetzt gibt es einekomplett berarbeitete Fassung mit einer gnzlich anderen Herangehensweise. Frische Inhalte, besserer Video- und Audioqualitt. Mit 32 Stunden Kursmaterial bekommst du alles was du ber die Front- und Backend-Webentwicklung wissen musst!Massimo schrieb ber den Kurs""Ich absolviere diesen Online-Kurs neben einem Web-Developer Lehrgang und bisher bin ich sehr zufrieden.2 sympathische Dozenten, ein angenehmes Tempo, sehr angenehme Stimmen. Gefllt mir wirklich gut bisher. Bin gespannt was noch alles kommt! LG aus der Schweiz!""**Aufbau des Kurses**In ber 15 Kapiteln behandelnwiralleDetailsder Webentwicklung. JedesKapitel enthlt bungsaufgaben, die einensicheren Umgang mit dem neuen Wissen garantieren.Los gehts mit den Grundlagen. Du lernst die richtigen Programme und Tricks kennen, so dass du schon in wenigen Tagen die Basics vonHTML5, CSS3 und Javascript beherrschst.Danach geht es an fortgeschritteneThemen und Techniken, dieDir beispielsweiseermglichen Responsive Websites zu erstellen. Dazu gehrtjQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, PHP7, MySQL5 und .Entwickle Webseiten wie sie im Jahr 2018 geliebt werdenBis dahin wirst duin der Lage sein eigene Blogs, Portfolio-und eCommerce Seiten mit Wordpress zu erstellen.Wie wir alle wissen, macht bung den Meister. Daher ist dieserKursmit interessanten und spannendenbungsaufgaben vollgepackt, um das neu gelernteWissen direkt umsetzen zu knnen.Natrlich findest du auch jede Menge Quizze, die dir helfen dein Wissen zu prfen.Du entwickelst dynamische WebseitenNatrlich sind dynamische Webseiten der Standard. Die Sprache berhaupt dafr ist PHP. Hier lernst Du sie kennen.Mit diesem Wissen befindest Du Dich in guter Gesellschaft. Viele erfolgreiche Projekte setzen darauf. Groe eCommerce Lsungen wie Magento, Content Management Systeme wie WordPress und Typo3 und viele andere Projekte.Sicher kennst Du auch die prominenteste PHP-Webseite der Welt: Facebook! Im Kurs lernst Du die Sprache kennen, mit der die grte Webseite der Weltarbeitet.**Inhalte des Kurses**Wie funktioniert das WebWie setzt man seine eigene Webseite aufHTMLCSSJavascriptjQueryBootstrap und Responsive DesignContentmanagementsysteme wie WordpressSEO(Suchmaschinenoptimierung)PHP ProgrammierungMySQL DatenbankenErstellen von zwei kompletten und umfangreichen Projekten - von 0 bis 100Anders als in bisherigen Kursen, in denen nur die Grundlagen der Themen behandelt werden und ein paar kleiner Beispiele gezeigt werden, werden in diesemKurs zwei komplette Projekte umgesetzt.Du lernst hierbei wie man alle erlernten Grundlagen direkt in einem ECHTESPROJEKT einsetzt und dieses effizient und sauber umsetzt.Dazu werden wir nach jedem greren Meilenstein direkt in die Umsetzung gehen und an dem Projekt weiterarbeiten.Z.B. nachdem du HTML, CSSund Javascript gelernt hast, wird das Projekt ausgebaut und nutzt alle diese Sprachen.Wenn dies bewerkstelligt ist, geht es daran die Seite wunderschn zu machen, mit jQuery und Bootstrap, geht das heutzutage am besten. Sobald du dann noch die Grundlagen der Backendentwicklung mit PHPund MySQL gelernt hast, wird ein Backend zur Projekt Webseite hinzugefgt und die Daten in der Datenbank gespeichert.**Was Du sonst noch kriegst**EineCommunity die Dir bei jedem Schritt hilft.Persnlichen Kontakt mit uns und unseren technischen AssistentenLebenslangesZugriffsrecht auf alle Kursunterlagenbungsaufgaben um alles zu verinnerlichenVerstndnis zur Programmierung und DesignDeine einmalige Chance ist JETZTDas digitale Zeitalter hat gerade erst begonnen. Du hast die Chance ein Teil dieser Entwicklung zu sein, eigene Ideen umzusetzen, Geld als Entwickler zu verdienen - die Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft aktiv zu gestalten. Lass sie die Chance nicht verstreichen. Ergreife diese Gelegenheit. Handle jetzt.Wir freuen uns dich in diesem Kurs als neuen Teilnehmerbegren zu knnen und sind berzeugt, dass du mit den frisch angeeignetenFhigkeiten neue Aufgaben im privaten und beruflichen Bereich bernehmen kannst. Bitte melde dich bei Fragen oder Unklarheiten direkt bei uns!"
Price: 199.99

"Online Course Creation Masterclass - Udemy - Unofficial" |
"Do you want to be truly free?Free to wake up when ever you want, work when it fits you, have time for your friends and family, take a day off without needing permission?Do you want to be free to do what you love every day?Then this course is for you, as freedom is exactly what this course is all about. What you need to get there, is a passive income stream. That's exactly what online courses can give you. I started to create video courses four years ago, and quit my job one year after I published my first course on Udemy.Ever since I never looked back.Creating a course and publishing it, is an amazing feeling. You can teach thousands of people what you know, make their lives better and make some substantial many by doing so.Making and selling online courses allowed me to live the live I have always dreamed of. I have loads of time for my daughter and can be with here for all the important moments. I was there when she made her first step, said her first word (it was mama of course :D) when she sat for the first time (in Mallorca - Spain).You want to have that freedom too?Then join me in the course and learn everything I have learned over the last four years.You will not only learn all the good and right things to do, but also the ones that just don't work. This can save you months and years of wasted time.THISCOURSEWILLTEACHYOU HOWTO:Create amazing online courses that sellFind the right topic for your next successful online courseValidate your course Idea to make sure it will sellCreate a course structure that is engaging and easy to followUse the right tools to make your live as an instructor easy and smoothUse the right equipment to create high quality coursesUse ins and outs of recording for the best quality lessonsLaunch your course with a boom, to get it going from the startGrow your fan base by applying simple techniquesUse YouTube to sell your courseTHISCOURSEWORKSFORNON- ENGLISHSPEAKERSASWELLI have started out with German courses. The German market was very small (it still is in comparison to the English market). I still managed to make a great living from it and you can do that too. In this courseI share loads of tips specific to non-English markets.You will not only get video content, but there are many bonuses:BONUSES:Downloadable resources and guidesTo do lists that will get you goingTwo instructors that want to see you succeedI TEACHYOUEVERYLITTLEDETAILILEARNEDABOUTCREATINGSUCCESSFULCOURSESOVERTHELASTFOURYEARSThe tips and tricks you will learn in the course are not some infos Iread somewhere on the internet. It is all proven and testes by myself and my co instructor Jannick Leismann.NOWISTHETIME- YOURONLINECOURSEBUSINESSCANNOTWAITTOBESTARTEDRome wasn't built in one day, neither does an online business.But you can start now and make the first step, the other steps will follow quickly.You don't need expensive gear, a huge audience, years of experience or already know how the market works.You just need to get going and be persistent. It takes time, but it just works. Set your goal, give your mind some time and let it show you the way. The rest, is what you will learn in the course :)WHYDOISHAREALLOFMYSECRETSWITHYOU?I love teaching and it allowed me to live a life that I never thought was possible. I was miserable in my job and needed to break free. I see that with many people, andI just want to help out those who take action. It's just a fulfilling feeling, when you see that you made the life of someone better, to simply give back.I have tried many different things, and creating video courses just works.DON'TWASTEANYMORETIMEANDSTARTNOWI can't wait to see you in the course and help you start your own online course business.Denis"
Price: 199.99

"Jenkins 2 Introduction for Beginners on Windows" |
"This is a beginner'scourse designed to show how to setup and run a Jenkins CI server starting with continuous inspection (build, test and analysis) for users of Windows-based systems. This course provides a strong foundation for implementing continuous inspection andintegrationat your company or studio. In order to keep the course short and to-the-point, several decisions were made in order to provide a complete path to continuous integration.The pipeline created in this course consists of the following:Jenkins CI server installed and configured on WindowsGit as the source control systemJava as the main programming language of build projectsMaven as the build toolThis set of tools provides a comprehensive, end-to-end implementation continuous integrationpipeline. Jenkins can be installed on many operating systems and supports a myriad of tools and technologies -- which means, this course provides tremendous value to those comfortable or interested in other operating systems and/or technologies.Course OutlineIntroductionprovides an overview for the course, which leas to theCore Conceptsfor Jenkins. This provides a foundation for the remainder of the course.Quick Installationprovides an abbreviatedstep-by-step instructions on how to setup Jenkins and all the related tools specifically on Windows. Full Installation details is covered in the bonus section of the course.Jenkins Basicsprovides a first look at Jenkins at work with a very simple ""freestyle"" project. This allows us to learn the Jenkins interface and the key features it provides.After our initial introduction to Jenkins, we Manage Jenkins plugins and global configuration.Then, we dive intoMaven Projectsspecifically -- since Jenkins canunderstand Maven and thus provides special features for Maven projects -- with the right plugins installed.We venture beyond the basics with Scheduled Projects and periodicallyPolling Source Control, which are closely related. Then we look at how to Link Projects together by calling upstream and downstream projects. Finally, we organize our projects with Views.Course FeaturesPresentations provide audio/video training of conceptual ideas in each major area or introduction of new concepts.Screencasts provide a video of the instructor's computer system with any actions, commands, or screens displayed and narrated. There are several hours of screencat video content -- it makes up the vast majority of the course. Any command line based screencast will include a command listing in the lecture downloads."
Price: 19.99

"Jenkins 2 Introduction for Beginners on Mac OS" |
"This is a beginner'scourse designed to show how to setup and run a Jenkins CI server starting with continuous inspection (build, test and analysis) for users of MacOS-based systems. This course provides a strong foundation for implementing continuous inspection andintegrationat your company or studio. In order to keep the course short and to-the-point, several decisions were made in order to provide a complete path to continuous integration.The pipeline created in this course consists of the following:Jenkins CI server installed and configured on WindowsGit as the source control systemJava as the main programming language of build projectsMaven as the build toolThis set of tools provides a comprehensive, end-to-end implementation continuous integrationpipeline. Jenkins can be installed on many operating systems and supports a myriad of tools and technologies -- which means, this course provides tremendous value to those comfortable or interested in other operating systems and/or technologies.Course OutlineIntroductionprovides an overview for the course, which leas to theCore Conceptsfor Jenkins. This provides a foundation for the remainder of the course.Quick Installationprovides an abbreviatedstep-by-step instructions on how to setup Jenkins and all the related tools specifically on Windows.Full Installationdetails is covered in the bonus section of the course.Jenkins Basicsprovides a first look at Jenkins at work with a very simple ""freestyle"" project. This allows us to learn the Jenkins interface and the key features it provides.After our initial introduction to Jenkins, weManage Jenkinsplugins and global configuration.Then, we dive intoMaven Projectsspecifically -- since Jenkins canunderstand Maven and thus provides special features for Maven projects -- with the right plugins installed.We venture beyond the basics withScheduled Projectsand periodicallyPolling Source Control, which are closely related. Then we look at how toLink Projectstogether by calling upstream and downstream projects. Finally, we organize our projects withViews.Course FeaturesPresentations provide audio/video training of conceptual ideas in each major area or introduction of new concepts.Screencasts provide a video of the instructor's computer system with any actions, commands, or screens displayed and narrated. There are several hours of screencat video content -- it makes up the vast majority of the course. Any command line based screencast will include a command listing in the lecture downloads."
Price: 19.99

"Icon Animation in After Effects - Animate Vector Icons" |
"========================================================================ANIMATEICONSINAFTEREFFECTSLIKEABOSS!WORKONREALLIFEPROJECTSINTHISCOURSE - FROMSTARTTOFINISH========================================================================Icon animation is one of the best looking motion graphic pieces you can prepare, and After Effects is the perfect software to create such animations. With the techniques Iteach you will be able to either create the icon yourself or use a ready vector you already have to properly prepare it in Adobe Illustrator. Then you will have no problems using that file to create the icon animation from scratch until a ready and finished proejct.In the class you will learn: anentire icon animation workflow and AE tricks,how a Illustrator to After Effects workflow looks likehow to create, prepare and use a vector within after effects,how to package, prepare, export and use it anywhere we like!Become better at motion graphics by creating a design that is in demand and trendingI prepared this short course to show you a complete Adobe After Effects workflow, from finding, selecting or creating the icon to completing the entire animation. You will learn a few basics about the software and definately have fun creating the project itself, since it involves a lot of useful tricks.The course isproject based and straight to the point to both teach you the tools & software and let you create real-life after effects projects right away together with me. It doesn't require any prior deep knowledge of After Effects at all - but it will be helpful if you know a little about Illustrator, Photoshopand After Effects in general or are familiar with other Adobe softwares.========================================================================NOPRIOREXPERIENCEINAFTEREFFECTSNEEDED!MAKEABEAUTIFULICONANIMATIONANDENJOYIT:)========================================================================Don't get me wrong, learning After effects cc or even the newest after effects cc 2017 version from scratch, tool by tool, handle by handle, element by element is an amazing journey and I also have recorded a comprehensive After Effects course in that fashion,but some of you who are already a bit familiar with video editing, animation or motion graphics (fade in, fade out, keyframes, graph editor)would like to start right away.This course is perfect for students,who want to start learning a little bit aboutAfter Effects on the go, from the animation / motion graphics side to create fun proejects for you or your clients. This course will be optimal for people who just want to get a basic grasp of the motion graphicpossibilities After Effects provides!Don't wait any longer... Enroll Now!"
Price: 49.99

"Profesjonalne Szablony w PowerPoint - Kompletny Kurs" |
"Czy chceszprzypieszy, usprawnioraz zmodernizowa sposb, w jaki posugujesz si programemMicrosoftPowerPoint?Zastanawiae(-a) si, jaktworzyprofesjonalneszablony PowerPoint dla firm, klientw czy na uytek wasny?Czy przydaby Ci si certyfikat potwierdzajcy Twoje umiejtnoci w programiePowerPoint?Stwrz ze mn kompletn prezentacj od pocztku do koca!Ten kurs wkompleksowy sposb rozwie wszystkie powysze zagadnienia oraz zrobi z Ciebie prawdziwego mistrza Microsoft PowerPoint.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tre kursu uoona jest bardzo starannie, aby zarwno pocztkujcy jak i zaawansowany uytkownik atwo i swobodnie nauczy si prezentowanych zagadnie. Rozpoczniemyod zagadnie dotyczcych sposobu prezentacji, poprzez obsug programu oraz zaawansowane sztuczki (importowanie wektorw, praca z przejrzystoci), do tworzenia zaawansowanych slajdw do prezentacji oraz szablonwPowerPoint. Wszystkie lekcje s niezmiernie ciekawe, zwize oraz nagrane w wysokiej jakoci. To pozwoli Ci si skupi na nauce i czerpa przyjemno ze swoich postpw!W kursie oprcz wielu zagadnie, zrealizujemy dwukrotnieStudium Przypadku:Raz tworzc wysokiej jakocislajdy do prezentacji PowerPoint, uczc si wielu ciekawych sztuczek i mechanizmw wydajnej i efektywnejobsugi programuDalej natomiasttworzc szablon Prezentacji PowerPoint, o ktrego sposobach przygotowania wiedz tylko profesjonalici-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dlaczego to wanie ten kurs jest idealnym wyborem dla Ciebie:Lekcje s zwize, wyrane i konkretne,Nabierzesz biegoci w projektowaniu slajdw,Nauczysz si tworzeniaszablonw PowerPoint,Poznasz tajnikiprogramu PowerPoint od profesjonalisty,Wszystkie projekty wytumaczone i pokazane s krok po kroku,Przyswoisz now wiedzz zakresu grafiki, prezentacji,prezentowania,Caa tre kursu nagrana w wysokiej jakoci (zarwno dwik jak i video)...i masa innych ciekawostek :)Po prostu przejrzyj spis lekcji!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A wic, czego tak waciwie dokonamy:Nauczymy si, skd czerpa inspiracje i jak wybiera schematy kolorw,Dowiemy si, jak wprowadza ilustracje wektorowe do PowerPointa,Zaprojektujemy profesjonaln prezentacj skadajc si z 20 slajdw,Dowiemy si jak uywa animacji, w jaki sposb animowa slajdy,Zaprojektujemy szablon PowerPointa, nauczymy si z niego korzysta,oraz poznamy mas dodatkowych zagadnie dotyczcych prezentacji!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeeli chodzi o program PowerPoint, nic ju nie bdzie dla Ciebie tajnikiem. Kurs ten jest kompletnym kompendium wiedzy, treci opiewaj na ponad 7 godzin materiau (!) i uoone zostay w profesjonalny sposb.Nie wane, czy uywasz PowerPointa w wersji 2010, 2013, 2016, wersji 2011 na MACczy penegopakietu Office 365, rnice omawiane s w lekcjach a nauka jest uniwersalna i moe by zastosowana do kadej z tych wersji programu.Nie martw si ju dugim, mudnym i nieporcznym klikaniem w PowerPoint, kiedy moesz znacznie przypieszy swoj prac, tworzy zaawansowane szablony oraz zaskakiwa jakoci swoich slajdw przyjaci, znajomych z uczelni czy praktykw biznesu. Zosta mistrzem w swojej dziedzinie, podnie kwalifikacje oraz zarabiaj na tworzeniu prezentacji. Przystp do Kompletnego Kursu PowerPointa zaprojektowanego przez Andrzeja Pacha...Nie czekaj, przystp ju teraz!"
Price: 99.99

"PowerPoint Masterclass - Presentation Design & Animation" |
"Do you want to DESIGN TOP-NOTCH SLIDES like a professional designer? Do you want to GET COMFORTABLE WITH ANIMATION in PowerPoint? Do you want to CREATE VIDEOS in PowerPoint that are ready to publish online? Would you like to GET BETTER AS A DESIGNER, entrepreneur, business professional, or ?This course will prepare you with all the tools, knowledge, and skills that you need to reach the goals in the questions above. With this course, you can master PowerPoint and become a more capable and complete designer!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Avoid frustration by learning an efficient workflow from a professional designer. I will take you by the hand and teach you to design great presentation templates and slides with confidence. You can be sure that your end results will be of the highest quality. Great presentations involve far more than just making nice PowerPoint slides they influence your branding, appearance, personal skills etc. so you want to make sure that those are on the highest level.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course has a core of six comprehensive chapters to teach you everything you need to know:1. POWERPOINT BASICS - Learn to use the software properly and get a brief grasp over its most important components and tools. I will show you the essentials, so we can work swiftly in PowerPoint going forward. 2. ANIMATION BASICS Learn how to properly use animation. Discover the different types of animation and how to properly work on the animation timeline. This will make your animation work much easier. 3. SLIDE DESIGN This chapter is the main slide and presentation design section of this course. Since you already learned the basics in the previous chapters, it's time for us to roll out the big guns and design like a madman (or woman)! I will teach you a consistent, well-prepared design to give you a great starting point for your PowerPoint presentations. 4. ANIMATION DESIGN In this chapter, well animate some of the slides we prepared and then youll learn how to make simple explainer videos or kinetic typography in PowerPoint. I will show you several outstanding tricks which you can use in your daily workflow! 5. VIDEO CREATION - Learn how to create explainer videos and online lectures using only PowerPoint. Ill show you how to record a presentation with your microphone and export a video that will be ready to publish anywhere online 6. POWERPOINT TEMPLATES - Every respected PowerPoint designer knows how to create PowerPoint templates. For your business, your clients, or as products for sale, making templates is an essential skill to have and utilize!AFTERWARDS: MORE SLIDE DESIGN, MORE TRICKS, MORE ANIMATION PROJECTS! Once you have a solid foundation of slide design and animation, we can explore other possible projects to do. We will create a few more animations, text reveals, and videos that are useful for creating more of your content.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After completing this course, you will:Have a solid understanding of how to work efficiently in PowerPoint without wasting time and effortBe able to produce top-quality slides and presentations (including videos) to the highest industry standardsGain complete control of the animations you want to createGet better at designing, presenting, and animating to help you advance as an active entrepreneur, creator, and content publisher-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):I'm a total beginner in PowerPoint, is this course right for me?This course will teach you all the necessary basics and advanced tools, but it's not a PowerPoint 101 for beginners. I mention basic tools and techniques, but I assume that you are computer savvy and know how to find your way around PowerPoint already.I'm enrolled in your Master PowerPoint presentations course. Should I get this one or is the other one enough? Which one is better?Good Question! Both courses are top PowerPoint courses that teach you the knowledge and tools to create outstanding presentations, animations, and templates. They are just two different versions that use different slides and unique content respectively. The benefit of that is you can follow a different design path on each course. Students who finished the first master course were asking me for more, and I'm happy to provide more if there is demand for it. If you already feel super-comfortable with PowerPoint, one course is enough. But if you seek even more design ideas and slides, and if you like my content and the way I teach, you won't go wrong by taking both courses. With both courses, you can reach a similar level of PPT knowledge, but in different ways and different designs. Each of those two courses has several unique sections that allow them to expand your knowledge on their own way.I've been using PowerPoint for 15+ years and think I know the most already, will I learn anything? I'm an experienced PowerPoint instructor with over 250 YouTube tutorials and more than 10 published PowerPoint courses and series. Over the past few years, I have learned from both beginner and advanced students which areas to address to best influence your workflow in a positive and impactful way. My courses help you to boost your efficiency, using shortcuts and on-trend designs to help you to reach a modern, top-level standard of quality. If you need something that is not already in the course, you can always ask me about topics to add to courses that interest you.I'm still not sure if I want to invest into this course. I don't know if I want to focus on design or on animation? Is there any fall-back plan?Of course! First, you should watch the promo videos and watch the free preview lessons. They will give you a good understanding of the course content, pace, and what to expect from taking the course. Apart from that, you have Udemys 30-day Money Back Guarantee with no questions asked!"
Price: 199.99

"Create Animated Explainer Videos with PowerPoint" |
"Are you envious when you see those professional explainer videos certain companies have?Did you ever watched an animated YouTube video and wondered, if you just could do something that good and engaging?With help of this course I will go with you step-by-step and teach you how you can create outstanding animated explainer videos usingonly PowerPoint!You surely heard that more than 70% of the current web traffic is consumed via Video so it's obviously one of the most preferred and well recieved ways of promoting any product, material or content. This is why you should be able to make good quality content that people will want to watch. You can also use the skills to create videos for oyur clients.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course focuses on creating Explainer Videos with PowerPoint. I want to teach you advanced animation techniques and make sure that I explain you everything you need to know during that process. We will learn:How to gather resources for our workHow to prepare templatesHow to properly build scenesUsage of typography and kinetic typography in your workExport high quality and ready, animated videos-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We will create 3 types of animated videos in this course:An animated Product Promo video with multiple products shuffling around on the screenAn animated Character Explainer Video in powerpoint with a custom downloaded characterAn explainer video with the use of Morph transitions - the newest powerpoint 2019 function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With help of this course you will get better at PowerPoint and become very confident working with any type of animation.We will also explore new features that PowerPoint offers by utilizing it's newest Morph transition function. Ihighly encourage you to take this course and have some fun inside PowerPoint with me, see you inside!Enroll now!"
Price: 149.99

"Meet the Hebrew Alphabet" |
"Meet the Hebrew Alphabet through their five families of shapes. Then learn the sounds of the letters through Hebrew words that you already know. Learn the Hebrew Alphabet by Learning the Five Basic Shapes and Sounds.Goals of this course:Recognize the 22 Hebrew letters through 5 families of shapes.Recognize the 5 Hebrew letters that are modified when they are at the end of wordsLearn over 22 Hebrew vocabulary words. Learn sounds of the Hebrew Alphabet through English words that are Hebrew words too.Prepare for the E-Vreet reading course or a traditional Biblical Hebrew course.When you first look at the Hebrew alphabet, they don't even look like letters--they look like 22 weird shapes. Well, E-Vreet discovered that each letter belongs to one of the Five Families of shapes.Instead of trying to learn 22 shapes all at one time, meet the Five Families of the Hebrew Alphabet. Each family has special a family traits. Every letter has that family resemblance. The purpose of this section is to help you get used to the shapes of the letters in order that you can recognize them in later courses. SECTION 1: S H A P E S Meet the Five Families: The HornsThe CirclesThe StaffsThe Squaresand finally, the UniquesOh, and find out about the Endings: 5 letters from these families that do something different.VISUAL STIMULUS: You'll meet the five families flying through Israel. They are so big that you feel like you can touch them, and that's the whole point--to actually feel like you can feel them--it helps imprint them in the language center of the brain.AURAL STIMULUS: Why is Music so important in learning? Music also helps calm the brain to learn new things as well as helping it to focus--so E-Vreet has carefully selected different kinds of music to go with each family to help you learn as you watch the videos.BRAIN EXERCISES: E-vreet doesn't just present you with the material--like in the gym, it gives you different exercises for your brain in order that you will be able to subconsciously recognize the Hebrew letters.SECTION 2: S O U N D SNow that you have met the Hebrew letters, you are ready to learn about how they sound. E-Vreet has a special methodology to help you match the Hebrew letter with the sound.VOCABULARYThere are many Hebrew words that you know--but you just don't know what they are. The first thing E-Vreet does is uncover 22 of these key words for you. Like magic, you know 22 Hebrew words that you didn't know before and you didn't have to study!Why 22 words? Because each of these key words begins with one of the 22 Hebrew letters. You already have these key words in your brain. You know what they sound like. E-vreet matches the first letter or sound of each word to a Hebrew letter. By associating the key word with the corresponding Hebrew letter, your brain can build on what you already know by grasping the Hebrew letter and cement it to the key word. IMAGESFrom the beginning, E-Vreet uses an image with the key word and Hebrew letter. For instance, Adam's letter has a painting of Adam next to it. Once your brain has started to recognize the Hebrew letter with the key word, E-vreet only uses the image to stimulate your brain to remember the Hebrew letter. Imaging is an important step in learning how to read Hebrew. Since you only have an image to help you with the sound, your brain is beginning to rely more on the Hebrew letter to register the sound.NOT LEARNING THE NAMES OF THE LETTERSWhy doesn't E-vreet teach you the names of the letters? Because at this crucial point, E-Vreet wants your brain to focus on processing the letter only with the target sound. Learning the names of 22 letters entails another learning process which E-Vreet uses in the next course, ""Learn Hebrew through the Bible.""GAMESEach section has games after the lessons in order to help you remember what your brain just received. You get to reinforce what you have learned and help the letters stick in the language part of you brain.PDF There is a pdf file on each lesson in which you can review the lessons to prepare for the games at the end of each section. Print them out and have a hard copy so you can look at the letters when you are not at your computer.This is a quick course to map your brain and get it used to seeing the Hebrew letters. It is based on the principles of semiotics and neuro-linquistics. So don't try to memorize anything. Just enjoy! This course prepares you for E-Vreet's next course that will teach you how to read called ""Learn Hebrew through the Bible."" And remember, when you say E-Vreet, you are saying Hebrew--in Hebrew."
Price: 94.99

"Learn to Read Hebrew in the Bible" |
"This course takes a non-academic approach to guide you through your journey into learning how to read Biblical Hebrew by teaching you to recognize ""sight words"" in bible verses as you learn Hebrew letters. Instead of trying to memorize 22 different symbols all at the same time, you learn the Hebrew letters by seeing them in action: making words that you can use, giving you new insight into scripture. Learn to read the Biblical Hebrew language using cutting-edge methods. Start to learn Biblical Hebrew as a living language where you can express your thoughts--making the language real. The course is fun but is serious about helping you start reading Biblical Hebrew. It builds a strong foundation that allows the student to learn more complicated grammatical items as it progresses. Many have memorized prayers and blessings in Hebrew but don't really know how to read Biblical Hebrew. Now they have that opportunity.Learn how to Start Reading the Hebrew Bible.Learn the names of the Hebrew letters and what their names mean.Recognize Biblical and Modern Hebrew vocabulary from words you know in English.Learn how to write each Hebrew letterLearn over 100 Hebrew sight words as you learn the Hebrew lettersRecognize these sight words in Bible verses and learn how to write them.Make sentences from the words you have learned.Learn why some Hebrew letters don't always have the same sound.Learn about the way Hebrew works through E-Vreet's English translation.Get new insight into scripture.Prepare to take a course in Modern Hebrew.Prepare for a traditional Biblical Hebrew course with the niqqud (vowel points).At the End of the Course: You'll Open a Hebrew Bible and Start Picking Out Words.Sight words, often also called high frequency sight words, are commonly used words in the Bible that you can automatically recognize without having to use any strategies to decode.There are no lectures or talking heads in this course. Instead, E-Vreet helps you study, engaging you in activities that help you practice what you have learned. It is carefully designed to guide you in a step-by-step process from recognizing the Hebrew letters to being able to actually read simple sentences. It builds on what you just learned, so you are always reviewing previous lessons. This course is great for home-school as well as college.This course does not cover the vowel points but contextualized the letters in meaningful sight words and sentences. At the end of the second lesson, you can read and write a simple sentence in Hebrew. 1. Introducing the letterEach lesson focuses on one Hebrew letter. Find out the name, meaning, and English letter equivalent. The names and place that you already know like Adam, Bethlehem, and David, will help you learn how to recognize the target letter. You will also see how a words that have been borrowed from English--avocado, banana, and guitar--look in Hebrew. 2. Treasure Hunt in ScripturesGo on a treasure hunt with the help of our friend, Ben Abraham, (not unlike Bart Simpson). Your mission, (if you choose to accept it), is to find the target letter on signs on roads and shops all over Israel. Then, like Indiana Jones, you will search the ancient scriptures for the target letter. Usually, the verses come from the book of Genesis. The scriptures have been carefully selected for simplicity and to inspire you. 3. The English translation mirrors the Hebrew structureTo help you get familiar on how Hebrew makes sentences, the English translation of the verses will reflect the Hebrew format. For instance, the English translation will hyphenate words that are one word in Hebrew: ""In-the-beginning."" In later units, it will show you how Hebrew changes the verb: ""And-said-David."" Take time to read the verses in English. By familiarizing yourself with the Hebrew format through English, you will be prepared learn the grammatical principles in a more advanced course. 4. Special FeaturesFind out about the Special Features of the target letter--its extra sounds, weird sounds or if it is sticky! Find out how sticky letters help you put sentences together.5. Learn the write the target letterGet video instructions on every stroke that you need to make in order to create each Hebrew letter. You will also be given instructions on how to write words and sentences.6. Snap together the lettersAs soon as you learn the first letters of the Hebrew alphabet, you will learn how snap together the letters--like lego blocks--to make simple words. Just as you did with the letters, you will travel through Israel and locate these words on signs in Israel and in Hebrew verses of scripture. Finally, you snap together the words and that you have learned to form sentences. 7. Listening to Biblical HebrewIn order that you can get used to hearing Hebrew, there is even an extra video of the target letter's section of Psalm 119 where you can follow along. Some of the verses are also in mp3 format. 8. Understanding Ancient Isreal's Culture is key to the languageClick on links that cover ancient Hebrew traditions and major Jewish Holidays. Each lesson or lecture is about ten minutes long. Some letters have two to three lectures, depending on their special features. Try to schedule at least 15 minutes a day for the course. Little and often is the key for people with busy schedules. 9. The course studies for you. The course does a lot of the work for you: it has be especially designed to constantly review material--it helps you study and retain the material. Try to find someone else with whom you can study--this is the traditional way. You can even have a class at your home with a few like-minded friends. We encourage you to join other students for discussions and to ask questions to learn from each other at our Facebook group called E-Vreet. And I am always available. Don't hesitate to message me on Udemy. Students are encouraged to join our Facebook group to discuss what they have learned.When you say E-Vreet, you are saying Hebrew...in Hebrew. Rachel Levy P.S. Please not that we do not teach Biblical Hebrew using the vowel pointings or nikkud. The E-Vreet method teaches Hebrew using context, words and sentences. After completing the E-Vreet courses, the student is ready for the traditional courses that teach the nikkud."
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning na Prtica" |
"Este curso est (em constante)desenvolvimento!Atualmente analistas de dados esto recebendo alguns dos maiores salrios na rea de tecnologia. E sinceramente, o trabalho muito interessante e divertido!Se voc tiver alguma experincia em programao, este curso vai te mostrar as tcnicas que so utilizadas pelos cientistas de dados, preparando voc para atuar nesta rea ou utilizar seus conhecimentos nos seus produtos. Oobjetivo entendero que mais importante saber. Entendendoos fundamentos e as ferramentas certas, fica muito mais fcil identificar as solues certas para os problemas apresentados no seu dia a dia.Voc ser capaz de analisar os dados, identificar pontos de melhorias extraindo caractersticas, criar seus modelos e validar se o mesmo est com uma performance correta, seguindo as melhores prticas do mercado.Todas as ferramentas utilizadas aqui so utilizadas por as maiores empresas de tecnologias no mundo e poder ser utilizado em qualquer lugar, no necessrio investir em uma ferramenta!Neste curso tomei o cuidado de disponibilizar uma srie de funes e ""Boilerplates"" que podem ser utilizados em praticamente qualquer projeto com poucas ou nenhuma alterao.O que voc est esperando? Esta rea traz um mundo de novas possibilidades para voc na sua carreira e na vida! Comece agora este curso!!!!!!Atualizaes:Maro/2018:Aula de anlise e processamento de dados completamente remodeladaNovas aulas de modelos deregressoAbril/2018:Publicao das aulas relacionadas a modelos de classificaoMaio/2018:Adicionados novas explicaes sobre modelos de classificao"
Price: 399.99

"SAP WM Gestin de Almacenes" |
"SAP WM es la funcionalidad que SAP ofrece para la gestin de inventario en ubicaciones.Aunque no es necesaria en todas las organizaciones, es un mdulo que cualquier consultor o usuario en el rea logstica debera conocer.SAP WM permite subdividir los Almacenes de Gestin de Inventario de SAP en diferentes ubicacionesespecficas y al mismo tiempo ofrece toda la funcionalidad relacionada con la entrada y salida de mercancas de los mismos.Contiene tambin diferentes funcionalidades de integracin con el resto de los mdulos logsticos (SAP PP, SAP SD, SAP QM, ...).Aprende todos los conceptos de SAP WM con este curso:Qu es SAP WMQu Unidades Organizativas podemos usar y para quQu Datos Maestros debemos crearCmo se pueden configurar los procesos de Entradas a AlmacnCmo se pueden configurar los procesos de Salidas de AlmacnCmo interacta con otros mdulos (por ejemplo aprovisionamientos para Fabricacin)Demuestra en tus entrevistas de trabajo y en tu CV que conoces SAP Warehouse ManagementLa nica manera de dar con la mejor solucin para cualquier organizacin es conocer todas las distintas alternativas. Y esto incluye toda la funcionalidad disponible en SAP.Con este curso conseguirs conocer y entender todas las Unidades Organizativas WM y sus Datos Maestros. As como los distintos procesos disponibles para configurar SAP.Si eres nuevo en Logstica, tambin adquirirs un conocimiento de los procesos ms comunes compartidos por las grandes empresas en esta rea.ContenidoEste curso comenzar con una introduccin a SAP WM para aquellos sin experiencia previa en este ERP.A continuacin, se mostrar una definicin de las principales Unidades Organizativas y de los Datos Maestros en este mdulo.Finalmente, se describirn los principales procesos en Gestin de Almacenes en SAP.Todos los diferentes puntos sern introducidos con una presentacin terica para entender el concepto y con algunas demos para ver cmo interactuar con el sistema."
Price: 94.99

"The Psychology of Excel & PowerPoint" |
"This course introduces you to some new and interesting ways to communicate your ideas. A lot of the work PMs do involve getting things done or moving things along a path to some goal. And the common tools to help get the job done is thisduo of Microsoft Office products: Excel & PowerPoint. In most office environments it'sprovided as the standard Microsoft Office suite of applications when people get their computers. These software tools have had spectacularlygood outputs andspectacularly bad outputs.Unfortunately, most of the time (if not all of the time) the bad instances of the Excel or PowerPoint were not due to the tool, it was due to the use or the user.This course is going to focus more on what to think about when using these tools rather than how to use some specific part of the tools, even though later it willcover steps on how to use the features of Excel and PowerPoint through a beginning to endexample. This is also not an in depth presentation of what features can do this or that; that will beleftup to the hundreds of books and online resources that cover this. It's meant togive some key ideas and show how thefeatures in each of the applications can perform so you can learn how to use some of the concepts presented in a short amount of time.The first part of this will cover the psychology before youd start up Excel or PowerPoint, and the second part covers how to do it with an example."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Simple Self-Hypnosis Anyone Can Master" |
"Description:From the way you handle money to what you eat, to the people you choose as your friends and companionsThere is a specific reason for every single thing you do in life .. Even the reasons why you have failed to change your life before.Now you can have it you way Get what you really want Think, feel and become the real you in only minutes a day. But you HAVE HEARD all of this before So why has this program become a must have training?Build a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with easeWe all have that friend who seems to get it all. They seem to live life in the moment, stroll through stressful situations will poise, motivate people around them with their casual outlook of life, and they seem to magnetize luck and reward to them.From getting the promotion, attracting the love of their life, magnetizing prosperity directly to them and it seems that they are controlling an invisiblepower, or they have access to their own real genie that grants them their deepest desires.Wouldn'tlife be grand if you could just have a slice of the good life?Believe it or not, without knowing, this person has fundamentally tapped into a resource we hall have access too. Maybe just through genuine luck or hard work, they have activated the switch of this triumphant life.A powerful skill at your finger tips:And the good news for you reading this We are teaching you exactly this. How to locate this switch and push it permanentlyso you can put your dreams on autopilot.This is an introduction to self hypnosis based on the Conversational Hypnosis Academy's New Self Hypnosis 2.0"
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Advanced Hypnosis Seminar 2" |
"An extremelyrare opportunityto see conversational hypnosis in action with worldrenowned therapist Scott Jansen.NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE .........Is This Your Time To Ascend To The Next Stage Of Hypnosis Evolution??Its close to REAL mind controlNow you can have your clients think and feel anything you want them to Should this unconventional style of conversational hypnosis be available to just any Hypnotist ? You be the judge.The Hypnotic System That Will Remove YOUR Mechanical, Clunky And Awkward Approach To Hypnosis And Have You OUT-HYPNOTISING Even The Best In Field, With Little To NO Effort.Welcome To An In-depth Training Into Spotting Unconscious Moments LIVE For Hypnotherapy. Live Coaching From Scott Jansen ( Himself ) The Advanced Hypnosis HACK Made So Simple.Welcome to a once in a lifetime hypnosis training that will have you being coached through a variety of hypnotic scenarios and interventions.Consider this .. What would you discover about yourself as a professional hypnotist if you were restricted from using any hypnotic language, methods or techniques ?How impactful would your hypnosis be if this were the case ? .. Now you may be thinking that you would fail, and you would not have the power or ability to influence the unconscious mind that will promote change in your client.Now this would have been true . If you had not uncovered the power of spotting unconscious moments for hypnotherapy in a sequence that Scott Jansen will reveal to you in this very training.If you were to fast forward to your career 30 yrs from now. You would find yourself in this very position as a hypnotist. We are just cutting through all the years of heartbreak and frustration and giving you the system NOW.If you could see yourself 30 years from now you would be astounded at your ability. Your hypnotic instinct would be so strong, your effort so little, and your trances so deep and profound . And the secret is due to your OWN unconscious ability to run all your sessions for you.We know our clients must change unconsciously, NOW ITS YOUR turn to flick the switch and grow your hypnotic instinct to the levels of pure genius.Introducing The Spotting Unconscious Moments For Hypnotherapy Program : The ultimate System For Cheating Your Way To Becoming A Hypnotic GuruWith the Spotting Unconscious Moments Program, you finally have a road map for getting to the level of conversational hypnosis only ( 5 10 % ) of Hypnotists will ever reach.This is a bold claim, but its also a truth that will become so obvious throughout this program it will reshape the way you become a Hypnotist ( if this doesnt get your heart racing, you better check your pulse )And believe it or not, this program was never designed to be released to the public. The premise was to invite 15 Hypnotherapists and give them exclusive access to a raw, unedited and unscripted conversational hypnosis event, that even shocked us with the uncommon results and techniques taught by Scott.We could never have imagined that this was even possible.How else could we have achievedsuch a high level of success without the utilization of real issues, with real emotional attachments. Meaning we asked the students to be involved in spontaneous Hypnotherapy interventions, to reach out, explore and illuminate the very nature of using unconscious moments as the only vehicle of hypnosis expertise.From demonstration to demonstration you will see the raw and unedited emotional roller coaster the students are out through while mastering an uncanny ability that almost seems that arrivals are being created.This training was designed to not follow a linear approach to hypnosis. Nor to conform to the traditional rules and strategies of hypnosis. Why do we decide this? We felt that this approach had been discussed and explored enough and no no evolution was being created. Thus the unlimited power of hypnosis was being lost in translation, with no new territory being explored, this would continue on into infinity. Instead, we assess the level of the Hypnotherapists on the day and navigated through this training based on the issues, concerns and lack of skill live in the momentAnd this did something we never could imagine. This created a no rulesstrategic advantage and speed up the unconscious competence of the students, so in 2 days they had knocked off years from their study time to reach a level of mastery that we knew existed ( from watching Scott ) but had no idea it could be replicated so efficiently.With spotting unconscious moments as the base for this training, this meant we had access to a diverse tool, that could be demonstrated in a multiple of ways, based on what the students desired at the time and for each specific ailment.Spotting unconscious moments: The very use of using natural trances to induce hypnosis through conversation. This tactic alone reveals how actually using less created techniques and more on the spot ( as you see it ) natural hypnotic cues, you gain a lot more miles from hypnotic principlesHypnotic principle vs technique:The very use of traditional techniques was restricted to diversifythe need for developing a hypnotic instinct, to spot natural trances and to become so creative in your execution you never have to think again of what to say and do. This was about creating a relationship with the unconscious minds of the students, so they could rely on it when they needed it.Exploring the basic and advanced tactics:.To prove the diversity of hypnotic principleswe tasked each student, from each demo with a specific tool they had to include the live intervention, as their only fallback strategy. This opened up a world of possibilities and allowed more of a casual and effortless conclusion to use conversational hypnosis.Integration of specifics:Once the blueprint had been created a more freestyle approach was included to avoid alerting the conscious mind of your hypnotic scheme ( this is one of the biggest issues, Hypnotists will come across ). By taking out the obviousness of hypnosis and almost hiding the skills inside a natural and fluent conversation without language patterns, traditional strategies or even hypnotic protocol. you get immense unconscious influence.Think of this style as hypnosis without hypnosis. A style that can be replicated anytime and anywhere regardless of the context, the personality of your clients or audienceand best of all, a style that can be adapted to you and your approach.Principles executed:Natural trance cues, created trance cues, pausing, extendedpausing, utilizing hypnotic voice through speed and delivery, process instructions and timing of instruction, instruction methods for conscious interference, repetition of unconscious moments with meaning, spontaneous metaphors, adverse reaction strategies, eye contact with intention, hypnotic phenomena, working with resistance, testing, advanced testing, integration strategies and much more.But Getting To This Level Wont Come Easy Unless You Are Prepared To Let go of the classical rules. And if you can do this long enough you will arrive at some intense ah ha moments, as the dots gets connected, the fluency becomes natural, and the place where you always wanted to visit with conversational hypnosis but found most techniques to be too good to be true is waiting for you.This is not a training in what to do with specific clients and problems. Instead, its a training in how to execute the perfect hypnosis session regardless how intense the problem seems to be and how desperate your client wants it fixed. We let the cat out of the bag with this one We are putting the conversation back into conversational hypnosis and bypassing all the usual blocks and stagnant pitfalls.1. Advanced Conversational Hypnosis With SimplicityEverything youre about to learn is based upon over 17 years of clients experience with Scott Jansen. It is from the experience that we can break all the rules and deliver such a diverse event, previously unseen by the public. All Hypnotists believe the true power of the unconscious but never rely on this fact when using hypnosis as a therapeutic tool.2. We put you in the front seatWhere else will you find an event, where mistakes are made, slip ups are common and confusion is embraced. Meaning that this raw footage is constructed from live coaching as it happens. Its spontaneous and unrehearsed.3.Exclusive access to an event that never happenedAs stated previously, this was not meant for public viewing. This invite-only event was only to be accessed by the participating students. But after careful debate we are bringing it LIVE to you.4. The backbone of the greatest HypnotistsWho else wants to know how the greats do and have done what they have done so flawlessly? Well, now you can. By excluding whats is said to be possible, and prove what is during the demonstrations,you get to see and hear conversational hypnosis in a style like no other.5. Created with the Hypnotist in mindIt was crucially important not to create another one size all fits the program. Its not to say that these do not have their place, its just to say we wanted to shake things up a bit. By releasing never before taught strategies devised by Scott, used by Scott and honed by Scott, you get to see what really works based on experience. These are things that are intangible, and can not be taught by reading a text book."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Advanced Hypnosis Seminar 3" |
"Is This Your Time To Ascend To The Next Stage Of Hypnosis Evolution??Its close to REAL mind controlNow you can have your clients think and feel anything you want them to Should this unconventional style of conversational hypnosis be available to just any Hypnotist ? You be the judge.The Hypnotic System That Will Remove YOUR Mechanical, Clunky And Awkward Approach To Hypnosis And Have You OUT-HYPNOTISING Even The Best In Field, With Little To NO Effort.Welcome To An In-depth Training Into Spotting Unconscious Moments LIVE For Hypnotherapy. Live Coaching From Scott Jansen ( Himself ) The Advanced Hypnosis HACK Made So Simple.Welcome to a once in a lifetime hypnosis training that will have you being coached through a variety of hypnotic scenarios and interventions.Consider this .. What would you discover about yourself as a professional hypnotist if you were restricted from using any hypnotic language, methods or techniques ?How impactful would your hypnosis be if this were the case ? .. Now you may be thinking that you would fail, and you would not have the power or ability to influence the unconscious mind that will promote change in your client.Now this would have been true . If you had not uncovered the power of spotting unconscious moments for hypnotherapy in a sequence that Scott Jansen will reveal to you in this very training.If you were to fast forward to your career 30 yrs from now. You would find yourself in this very position as a hypnotist. We are just cutting through all the years of heartbreak and frustration and giving you the system NOW.If you could see yourself 30 years from now you would be astounded at your ability. Your hypnotic instinct would be so strong, your effort so little, and your trances so deep and profound . And the secret is due to your OWN unconscious ability to run all your sessions for you.We know our clients must change unconsciously, NOW ITS YOUR turn to flick the switch and grow your hypnotic instinct to the levels of pure genius.Introducing The Spotting Unconscious Moments For Hypnotherapy Program : The ultimate System For Cheating Your Way To Becoming A Hypnotic GuruWith the Spotting Unconscious Moments Program, you finally have a road map for getting to the level of conversational hypnosis only ( 5 10 % ) of Hypnotists will ever reach.This is a bold claim, but its also a truth that will become so obvious throughout this program it will reshape the way you become a Hypnotist ( if this doesnt get your heart racing, you better check your pulse )And believe it or not, this program was never designed to be released to the public. The premise was to invite 15 Hypnotherapists and give them exclusive access to a raw, unedited and unscripted conversational hypnosis event, that even shocked us with the uncommon results and techniques taught by Scott.We could never have imagined that this was even possible.How else could we have achievedsuch a high level of success without the utilization of real issues, with real emotional attachments. Meaning we asked the students to be involved in spontaneous Hypnotherapy interventions, to reach out, explore and illuminate the very nature of using unconscious moments as the only vehicle of hypnosis expertise.From demonstration to demonstration you will see the raw and unedited emotional roller coaster the students are out through while mastering an uncanny ability that almost seems that arrivals are being created.This training was designed to not follow a linear approach to hypnosis. Nor to conform to the traditional rules and strategies of hypnosis. Why do we decide this? We felt that this approach had been discussed and explored enough and no no evolution was being created. Thus the unlimited power of hypnosis was being lost in translation, with no new territory being explored, this would continue on into infinity. Instead, we assess the level of the Hypnotherapists on the day and navigated through this training based on the issues, concerns and lack of skill live in the momentAnd this did something we never could imagine. This created a no rulesstrategic advantage and speed up the unconscious competence of the students, so in 2 days they had knocked off years from their study time to reach a level of mastery that we knew existed ( from watching Scott ) but had no idea it could be replicated so efficiently.With spotting unconscious moments as the base for this training, this meant we had access to a diverse tool, that could be demonstrated in a multiple of ways, based on what the students desired at the time and for each specific ailment.Spotting unconscious moments: The very use of using natural trances to induce hypnosis through conversation. This tactic alone reveals how actually using less created techniques and more on the spot ( as you see it ) natural hypnotic cues, you gain a lot more miles from hypnotic principlesHypnotic principle vs technique:The very use of traditional techniques was restricted to diversifythe need for developing a hypnotic instinct, to spot natural trances and to become so creative in your execution you never have to think again of what to say and do. This was about creating a relationship with the unconscious minds of the students, so they could rely on it when they needed it.Exploring the basic and advanced tactics:.To prove the diversity of hypnotic principleswe tasked each student, from each demo with a specific tool they had to include the live intervention, as their only fallback strategy. This opened up a world of possibilities and allowed more of a casual and effortless conclusion to use conversational hypnosis.Integration of specifics:Once the blueprint had been created a more freestyle approach was included to avoid alerting the conscious mind of your hypnotic scheme ( this is one of the biggest issues, Hypnotists will come across ). By taking out the obviousness of hypnosis and almost hiding the skills inside a natural and fluent conversation without language patterns, traditional strategies or even hypnotic protocol. you get immense unconscious influence.Think of this style as hypnosis without hypnosis. A style that can be replicated anytime and anywhere regardless of the context, the personality of your clients or audienceand best of all, a style that can be adapted to you and your approach.Principles executed:Natural trance cues, created trance cues, pausing, extendedpausing, utilizing hypnotic voice through speed and delivery, process instructions and timing of instruction, instruction methods for conscious interference, repetition of unconscious moments with meaning, spontaneous metaphors, adverse reaction strategies, eye contact with intention, hypnotic phenomena, working with resistance, testing, advanced testing, integration strategies and much more.But Getting To This Level Wont Come Easy Unless You Are Prepared To Let go of the classical rules. And if you can do this long enough you will arrive at some intense ah ha moments, as the dots gets connected, the fluency becomes natural, and the place where you always wanted to visit with conversational hypnosis but found most techniques to be too good to be true is waiting for you.This is not a training in what to do with specific clients and problems. Instead, its a training in how to execute the perfect hypnosis session regardless how intense the problem seems to be and how desperate your client wants it fixed. We let the cat out of the bag with this one We are putting the conversation back into conversational hypnosis and bypassing all the usual blocks and stagnant pitfalls.1. Advanced Conversational Hypnosis With SimplicityEverything youre about to learn is based upon over 17 years of clients experience with Scott Jansen. It is from the experience that we can break all the rules and deliver such a diverse event, previously unseen by the public. All Hypnotists believe the true power of the unconscious but never rely on this fact when using hypnosis as a therapeutic tool.2. We put you in the front seatWhere else will you find an event, where mistakes are made, slip ups are common and confusion is embraced. Meaning that this raw footage is constructed from live coaching as it happens. Its spontaneous and unrehearsed.3.Exclusive access to an event that never happenedAs stated previously, this was not meant for public viewing. This invite-only event was only to be accessed by the participating students. But after careful debate we are bringing it LIVE to you.4. The backbone of the greatest HypnotistsWho else wants to know how the greats do and have done what they have done so flawlessly? Well, now you can. By excluding whats is said to be possible, and prove what is during the demonstrations,you get to see and hear conversational hypnosis in a style like no other.5. Created with the Hypnotist in mindIt was crucially important not to create another one size all fits the program. Its not to say that these do not have their place, its just to say we wanted to shake things up a bit. By releasing never before taught strategies devised by Scott, used by Scott and honed by Scott, you get to see what really works based on experience. These are things that are intangible, and can not be taught by reading a text book.TestimonialsWent home and tore up my scriptsIve studied NLP and hypnosis before and was restricted to scripts. After I completed one of Scotts training, I went home and tore up the scripts and have never looked back. My ability to use my new skills as a business coach has doubled my income and for the first time ever i have a waiting list for clients. Thank you Scott !Insane The Amount Of Money Im MakingMy career has just catapulted so fast and I am loving every minute of what I do .. I havent advertised anywhere except Facebook and I am booked out nearly every day .. And every client is a referral from the previous clients I have done. Financially its insane the amount of money I am making in a week is hard to accept as I have never earned this kind of money in my life ever.I was taught from Day 1 how to put someone in trance without a scriptScotts teachings and courses have made it easy for me to master hypnosis. I was taught from day one on how to put clients into a trance with not a script in sight! The training has seemed too easy at times but it has helped me achieve phenomenal success with some of the clients Ive been privileged to help with this type of therapySessions Are Awesome And EmpoweringAmazing, wonderful, spectacular 3 days learning how to be a Hypnotherapist. I can highly recommend Scott Jansen and Conversational Hypnosis academy. The experience taught my what power we all have (unrecognised) within us to excel to be the best we can be and help other to be the best they can be. The way Scott Jansen delivers the sessions is awesome, empowering and scary however well worth the effort you put in.Trained With Richard BandlerBefore I tell you about Scott and the Conversational Hypnosis Academy, I feel you should know a little about my background.I studied Neuro Linguistic Programming in the UK under Richard Bandler, the Co Creator of NLP. It was whilst studying for this that I discovered Hypnosis as Richard was able to do things like cure peoples fear and phobias by talking randomly to them. I quickly discovered what Richard was doing was hypnosis and I thought to myself Id love to do this.I trained formerly in the UK but it was script based hypnosis which wasnt really what Richard was doing.When I moved to Australia I was still looking for the style of Hypnosis that Richard had shown me previously and he has learnt from Milton H Erickson. I saw an advert for a course on Conversational Hypnotherapy so I thought I should go along to see what it is all about but to be honest my expectations were not really that high.How wrong can one person be ! Scott is very eloquent in the way that he speaks and very precise in the way he teaches. I was totally blown away from the word go. Even though I now know what Scott is doing my unconscious still goes into trance every time. I feel privileged to be a part of the Conversational Hypnosis Academy and equally privileged to know Scott. For me Conversational Hypnosis is where Hypnosis should be. None of the best hypnotists in the world rely on scripts as they understand how these can hinder the therapeutic needs of the client. Scott goes beyond what I expected from a teacher and I also look forward with eager anticipation to his courses.Still In TranceThe pleasure was all oursyou were amazing..never a dull momenthands on fabulous training .Im still in trance but hey its a better world in here!!!Had NO ExperienceHad no experience at all. I attended this course and with in the first hour I had placed someone into a trance. If you are looking for a challenge that is exciting, energising, and so useful then this is the course for you. This course will change the way you think, the way you work and the way you view life. It is worth more than what you pay for it. I just cant say enough good things about it. Do it, enjoy the experience or not Its up to you.Everything I NEED !I have had a phenomenal experience learning with the Conversational Hypnosis Academy. They have not only given me everything I need to go out and be a Hypnotherapist but they have given me the confidence to do it without scripts using only the power of conversation. So I can take it anywhere and treat any client.Scott is very knowledgeable and an excellent facilitator. If you want to put somebody into a trance within the first 30 minutes of the training, this is the place to be.Restored My Faith In Hypnosis Trainers.And thanks for restoring my faith that there are good trainers out there with strong ethics and values in the field!Amazing new skill setYour delivery is excellent and engaging presented in such a way that is easily absorbed and with lots of practice and discussion amongst participants. Ive gained an amazing new skill set and it was a lot of fun as well!I went from a NON believer to a believerWanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the knowledge you gave me. I went from not believing I could be hypnotised to having a huge breakthrough! I always believed in hypnotism and what it stood for just didnt believe it would work on me how wrong was I! Thank you so much and I really look forward in doing some more courses with you in the near future! You are a wonderful gentle guy and I will most definitely miss not seeing u.The AHA moments I hadScott Jansen Thank You for the last 3 days learning. The pops and aha moments I have had, and the new learnings that I can put into my business, will be amazing. I cant wait to put everything into action.The course was extremely practical step by step, making it easy to understand, and put into action.Thanks again. Highly recommended all of Scotts courses.New hypnosis tools for my NLP PracticeVery excited to add new tools to my Hypnosis & NLP practice! I have now completed a different teaching style of hypnosis! Thanks Scott Jansen, thoroughly enjoyed your different approach to hypnosis, especially no scripts. Looking forward to using my new tools!You Are An InspirationHi Scott. Just wanted to say thank you again for the amazing training I have just completed in Adelaide with you! Im feeling totally pumped (and extremely nervous) about this new venture, but Im going to dive in and see what happens. I cant find where I can post this on your page so hopefully you can do it for me.Youre training was easy to follow and not how I had imaginedIve learnt so much myself from this 3 days and am totally blown away with my new skills! Thank you again, you are an inspirationDidnt Feel Like StudyAs a total novice I turned up for a 3 day course feeling more than a little nervous. I neednt have worried Scott creates such a relaxed fun learning environment that it didnt even feel like study. I learnt valuable skills on this course and would recommend it to anyone interested in starting a career in hypnotherapy or just to improve your communication skills for life.Now I can do it without thinkingThanks again Scott Jansen, you are a great instructor. You show us how to do it and than make us do it. Now i can do it without thinking. Its amazing how much stuff went in during 3 days of trance. Im so glad i didnt learn the hard way.Love the idea of never using a script againI have done a few other courses on hypnotherapy but they have all focused on scripts. I love the idea of never having to use a script again and being able to help people anytime and any where. Being able to get people into trance from just having a conversation with them and help them in such a short time.Iv finally found my passion !Ive learnt so many wonderful techniques to add my skill set and have decided now is the time to start on the path at opening my own practice. I miss my business very much and have been looking for what fits with me and what types of therapies I should offer since I finished my Masters. Ive finally found the passion I need that fits with my new business plan! Im also going to add in Career Counselling as well. Watch this space for great things my friends.Mind blowing 3 daysThank you for an absolutely Mind blowing three days of learning .I can see such great potential for this for every teacher in education!!Can do such great things with this for the children that I teach I see new ideas to reach particularly those children who schooling has conditioned to feel less a person from daily assessments that we do to categorise and label them as ABCD or E l!!I have spent years studying the brain with specialists in cognition and affect ( emotions) for my Phd working with but in three days you have shown and inspired a new way of thinking. Now I see it as common sense but somehow I missed it until now ??? Thank youA Great teacherI would like to thank Scott Jansen for an incredible three days of learning. He was a great teacher showing us how to see unconscious moments and the our clients do there own healing I would recommend this Conversational Hypnosis to everyone.Will remember for a long timeWanted to say a quick thank you for the Hypnotherapy training course! It was definitely quite an experience and I have learnt a lot about myself and the way people think. Seeing hand levitate against persons will, people falling into deep trance and solving their personal problems all in a spin of 3 days was definitely something I will remember for a long time.Blown AwayThank you Scott Jansen for an interesting and mind blowing 3 day course, I was amazed by the skills you have taught us and was especially blown away by the hand levitation skill you showed us!! who wouldve though you could make someone move their hand up in the air without much effort at all !! I enjoyed all the prac we did in groups, a great way to learn. You are also fantastic to watch with clients in our group and are really someone to aspire too. Best Wishes to youNot to much JargonFinished and enjoyed this course. I learnt how to do Hypnosis in a different style than that taught at University. I enjoyed most that Scott Jansen presented in an easy to grasp way without too much Jargon.Phenomenal !The Academys 3 day certification was mind blowing, the team are amazing and Scotts approach to hypnosis was phenomenal, I can not wait to continue my training Did not let me downScotts ability to take what is suppose to work in hypnosis and create such an easy step by step is amazing. Iv been taught by other training courses and spent $1000s and given a bunch of scripts to read and told that it works with all clients. Only to find out that my client would ask for refunds and id feel like a fool. Scotts training was my last hope and it did not let me down. As a marketing executive i have implemented a lot of strategies and am booking therapy clients all the time, i love it ! Im booking in every training i can So profound!Just loved it. I can honestly say it was the best decision i ever made. I would have payed millions to learn what i did. I have studied for over 30 years to work out a congruent way to treat my clients and subjects. This is just to easy to execute and so profound. Where has this guy been hiding !Absolute MagicThe last 3 days were absolute magic I have stepped into a much more powerful person another part of who Iam and Iam close to my biggest dreams I see them much clearer; as I stepped on fear and allowed myself to work through things as they came up flowing, energys allow release spells fear (my take on it) It can be confronting when your body does things due to fears as the mind takes on its own movie of outcome, I couldve gone home after the first half day due to fears. Someone said a good word to me and I felt the energy of that word affect my entire body like a bomb had gone off in front of me the impact took a turn of events that could be viewed as my physical crumbled. I now have a much deeper understanding of the unconscious moment the mind and the power of words. So if a good word can do that due to my life views, beliefs, unconscious programming, experiences, and other people etc what is the effect of a bad word? Gets you thinking as Im so sensitive to energy. So the timing of letting certain things surface and magically move through while in a different type of trance is beautiful timing. Thank you to Scott Jansen for posting your mind bending content an befriending me as it opened the door to new changes in my life. I now have so much more to provide my clients through their transformations. Also thank you to everyone these last 3 days so much happened I could write a book, I even had two ladies walk over to me tears in their eyes as they could see and feel the power of my gifts very touching"
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Advanced Conversational Hypnosis Seminar" |
"DescriptionMaster the art of conversational hypnosis without the use of scripts, that will teach you how to use powerful hypnotic language strategies and create intense COMALIKE trances all hidden inside a conversation.Build a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with easeHypnotic language masteryHow to use unconscious moments like a hypnotic geniusHow to unleash the power of natural trances with just wordsHow to work with even the most resistant of clients and subjectsA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips:We send you a warm and inviting welcome to the latest installment from the Conversational Hypnosis Academy, as we answer and reveal the untaught secrets of how to master the hypnotic language without a script, develop unconscioustrancesand prove the existence of hypnosis with even the most resistant people.Where else will you gain exclusive access to witnessing conversational hypnosis in action than a 1-day event dedicated to the practical elements of hypnosis?"" We teach you WHAT to say and WHEN to sat it "" ( so you get it right every time )Content and Overview:The art of crafting the perfect mindset of the expert hypnotist ( the hypnotic attitude switch )To understand the simple system that put your clients into a therapeutic trance, every time, and in the exact depth of trance needed to create change in a client's realityTo gain the elite format of hypnotherapy that creates conversational change in your subjects even without a formal induction.The 10 language based conversational hypnosis categories to sound like a hypnotic wordsmithTo learn how to create the exact setup that must be done before any session that creates therapeutic change in minutes not hoursHow to elevate psychological energy that you can dictate and direct towards anything you want your clients to think of feelHow to use language buffers that prevent the conscious mind from interfering and rejecting ideas.How to take control of any conversation when your subjects disprove the theory of hypnosisHow to discover the profound and simple to follow knowledge of not just becoming a good hypnotherapist but a truly great one.Ho to generate deep unconscious rapport without being caught or using mechanical rapport strategiesAnd much moreWhy take this program:We can look at the cycle of the Hypnotist as such...The beginner: Dedicates his or her time to learning, scripting and memorizing words, statements and strategies that he or she has seen other Hypnotists demonstrateThe Novice: Still takes to road most traveled and occasionally inputs their own style to gain more range and fluidity.The Master: Does none of the above. They have created an instinctual approach to hypnosis that relies on principles of the mind and principles of Hypnosis, that makes them seem to be able to perform miracles without any of the hiccups.Now while we can not instantly catapult you to master level, we can, however, drop you in between the novice sweet spot.This means that you bypass all the mistakes of the modern Hypnotist, while not missing out on the structural learning that these mistakes can teach."
Price: 24.99

"Control other peoples mind" |
"[ Strategic Hypnotic Interview ( Intro to full program ) ]DescriptionBecome the Sherlock Holmes Of The 21st Century As You Unlock Hidden Clues That The Unconscious Mind Is Hiding From Your Clients That Is Preventing Life Long ChangeThis Hypnotic System Will Allow You To Strategically Investigate The Hidden Truths Hidden By The Unconscious Mind, And Redirect Thinking In An Instant Without Your Client Ever Knowing They Are Being HypnotizedBuild a strong foundation with conversational hypnosis and wow your clients and subjects with easeSpotting unconscious moments was the birth place of this program. By combining spotting unconscious moments as a function, conversational postulates to bring to life the naturalness of conversational hypnosis and the distraction of the conscious mind to slowly quieten it down, without setting off the alarm bells of danger, meant we had to rethink unconscious moments and diversify them and almost HIDE our investigation and hunt for themKnowing that when ever we converse with people, friends, family and even our clients, communication is tainted with 2 minds talking at once. And we had to believe firmly that when using hypnosis the conscious mind WILL ALWAYS BE READY to come back to life and ruin all the good work we have done, re-categorize the problem and interfere with unconscious change, we needed some sneaky tricks to absorb its attention and direct it elsewhere, over and over again, in a creative fashionknowing what do when we have direct interaction with the unconscious and how to communicate back. This is the very real assumption that direct language has no use in the unconscious mind. Meaning we had to learn to speak the way the unconscious mind could understand us, as the therapist. We needed to speak its language and also speak its delivery of language. This is why, previously it has been almost impossible for the classical Hypnotist to influence the unconscious mind long enough to completely destroy phobias, addictions, and real world problems.A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips:Did we really design a program just to teach you how to distinguish between how to listen for the unconscious mind talking and the conscious mind talking? You better believe we did. Gone are the days where hypnosis is just used as an additional tool. To use relaxation techniques to induce a level of trance, and expect the unconscious mind to give up the goods.Instead, we needed to create a formula to directly converse with the unconscious mind and listen for its direct response, that will always be hidden inside distracting conscious talk. If you have found you could never get to the finer details of a clients problem, you have experienced this very phenomenon and it ( without a shadow of a doubt ) the reason why Hypnosis fails over and over again""If you are finding that your intervention methods are going around in circles, problems are returning hours after your session and you never really get your client to a respectable depth of hypnosis for you to redirect their thinking, we have the solution"" Scott JansenContent and Overview:Everything you are about to learn is teaching you the functions of the unconscious mind in regards to using Hypnotherapy as a vehicle for change. Without understanding the 3 concepts of this program, it is impossible to how to directly communicate with the unconscious mind that is purposeful and long-lasting. Gone are the days of relaxation techniques and script based therapies. This is the key.Whereas traditional hypnosis is based on the therapy of relaxing a client, then telling the unconscious mind how to think and what to do. This programbuffers out all hiccups that this approach causes. Its not to say it doesnt have its place. It means that as society evolves so does our ability to use hypnosis in a real world context.Without knowing the hows, why, and when of unconscious moments as a signal for the correct therapeutic trance, your ability to evolve into hypnotic guru will be tough. We had to really reveal the secrets of unconscious moments to the public so your career as a Hypnotists speeds up in strides.Why take this program:With a mix of conscious conclusions, unconscious reasoning, assumptions and emotions, no wonder our clients problems seem so hard to penetrate and destroy.The majority of Hypnotists are missing out on a crucial part of any hypnotic interaction and are falling for the lies of the conscious mind when asking a client this important question What is the problem ?Believe it or not, the response from this question will define the outcome of your session. Your ability to decipher between conscious information and unconscious reasoning will be the elevation to mastery level only a small percentage of Hypnotists will attain. And even then a percentage of these Hypnotists will fluke it, and the others will lose track of how they did it, and why their hypnosis sessions instantly turned into the stuff of miracles"
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Advanced Hypnosis Seminar 4" |
"An extremelyrare opportunityto see conversational hypnosis in action with worldrenowned therapist Scott Jansen.NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE .........Is This Your Time To Ascend To The Next Stage Of Hypnosis Evolution??Its close to REAL mind controlNow you can have your clients think and feel anything you want them to Should this unconventional style of conversational hypnosis be available to just any Hypnotist ? You be the judge.The Hypnotic System That Will Remove YOUR Mechanical, Clunky And Awkward Approach To Hypnosis And Have You OUT-HYPNOTISING Even The Best In Field, With Little To NO Effort.Welcome To An In-depth Training Into Spotting Unconscious Moments LIVE For Hypnotherapy. Live Coaching From Scott Jansen ( Himself ) The Advanced Hypnosis HACK Made So Simple.Welcome to a once in a lifetime hypnosis training that will have you being coached through a variety of hypnotic scenarios and interventions.Consider this .. What would you discover about yourself as a professional hypnotist if you were restricted from using any hypnotic language, methods or techniques ?How impactful would your hypnosis be if this were the case ? .. Now you may be thinking that you would fail, and you would not have the power or ability to influence the unconscious mind that will promote change in your client.Now this would have been true . If you had not uncovered the power of spotting unconscious moments for hypnotherapy in a sequence that Scott Jansen will reveal to you in this very training. If you were to fast forward to your career 30 yrs from now. You would find yourself in this very position as a hypnotist. We are just cutting through all the years of heartbreak and frustration and giving you the system NOW.If you could see yourself 30 years from now you would be astounded at your ability. Your hypnotic instinct would be so strong, your effort so little, and your trances so deep and profound . And the secret is due to your OWN unconscious ability to run all your sessions for you.We know our clients must change unconsciously, NOW ITS YOUR turn to flick the switch and grow your hypnotic instinct to the levels of pure genius. Introducing The Spotting Unconscious Moments For Hypnotherapy Program : The ultimate System For Cheating Your Way To Becoming A Hypnotic GuruWith the Spotting Unconscious Moments Program, you finally have a road map for getting to the level of conversational hypnosis only ( 5 10 % ) of Hypnotists will ever reach.This is a bold claim, but its also a truth that will become so obvious throughout this program it will reshape the way you become a Hypnotist ( if this doesnt get your heart racing, you better check your pulse )And believe it or not, this program was never designed to be released to the public. The premise was to invite 15 Hypnotherapists and give them exclusive access to a raw, unedited and unscripted conversational hypnosis event, that even shocked us with the uncommon results and techniques taught by Scott.We could never have imagined that this was even possible.How else could we have achievedsuch a high level of success without the utilization of real issues, with real emotional attachments. Meaning we asked the students to be involved in spontaneous Hypnotherapy interventions, to reach out, explore and illuminate the very nature of using unconscious moments as the only vehicle of hypnosis expertise. From demonstration to demonstration you will see the raw and unedited emotional roller coaster the students are out through while mastering an uncanny ability that almost seems that arrivals are being created.This training was designed to not follow a linear approach to hypnosis. Nor to conform to the traditional rules and strategies of hypnosis. Why do we decide this? We felt that this approach had been discussed and explored enough and no no evolution was being created. Thus the unlimited power of hypnosis was being lost in translation, with no new territory being explored, this would continue on into infinity. Instead, we assess the level of the Hypnotherapists on the day and navigated through this training based on the issues, concerns and lack of skill live in the moment And this did something we never could imagine. This created a no rulesstrategic advantage and speed up the unconscious competence of the students, so in 2 days they had knocked off years from their study time to reach a level of mastery that we knew existed ( from watching Scott ) but had no idea it could be replicated so efficiently.With spotting unconscious moments as the base for this training, this meant we had access to a diverse tool, that could be demonstrated in a multiple of ways, based on what the students desired at the time and for each specific ailment.Spotting unconscious moments: The very use of using natural trances to induce hypnosis through conversation. This tactic alone reveals how actually using less created techniques and more on the spot ( as you see it ) natural hypnotic cues, you gain a lot more miles from hypnotic principlesHypnotic principle vs technique:The very use of traditional techniques was restricted to diversifythe need for developing a hypnotic instinct, to spot natural trances and to become so creative in your execution you never have to think again of what to say and do. This was about creating a relationship with the unconscious minds of the students, so they could rely on it when they needed it.Exploring the basic and advanced tactics:.To prove the diversity of hypnotic principleswe tasked each student, from each demo with a specific tool they had to include the live intervention, as their only fallback strategy. This opened up a world of possibilities and allowed more of a casual and effortless conclusion to use conversational hypnosis.Integration of specifics:Once the blueprint had been created a more freestyle approach was included to avoid alerting the conscious mind of your hypnotic scheme ( this is one of the biggest issues, Hypnotists will come across ). By taking out the obviousness of hypnosis and almost hiding the skills inside a natural and fluent conversation without language patterns, traditional strategies or even hypnotic protocol. you get immense unconscious influence.Think of this style as hypnosis without hypnosis. A style that can be replicated anytime and anywhere regardless of the context, the personality of your clients or audienceand best of all, a style that can be adapted to you and your approach.Principles executed:Natural trance cues, created trance cues, pausing, extendedpausing, utilizing hypnotic voice through speed and delivery, process instructions and timing of instruction, instruction methods for conscious interference, repetition of unconscious moments with meaning, spontaneous metaphors, adverse reaction strategies, eye contact with intention, hypnotic phenomena, working with resistance, testing, advanced testing, integration strategies and much more.But Getting To This Level Wont Come Easy Unless You Are Prepared To Let go of the classical rules. And if you can do this long enough you will arrive at some intense ah ha moments, as the dots gets connected, the fluency becomes natural, and the place where you always wanted to visit with conversational hypnosis but found most techniques to be too good to be true is waiting for you.This is not a training in what to do with specific clients and problems. Instead, its a training in how to execute the perfect hypnosis session regardless how intense the problem seems to be and how desperate your client wants it fixed. We let the cat out of the bag with this one We are putting the conversation back into conversational hypnosis and bypassing all the usual blocks and stagnant pitfalls.1. Advanced Conversational Hypnosis With SimplicityEverything youre about to learn is based upon over 17 years of clients experience with Scott Jansen. It is from the experience that we can break all the rules and deliver such a diverse event, previously unseen by the public. All Hypnotists believe the true power of the unconscious but never rely on this fact when using hypnosis as a therapeutic tool.2. We put you in the front seatWhere else will you find an event, where mistakes are made, slip ups are common and confusion is embraced. Meaning that this raw footage is constructed from live coaching as it happens. Its spontaneous and unrehearsed.3.Exclusive access to an event that never happenedAs stated previously, this was not meant for public viewing. This invite-only event was only to be accessed by the participating students. But after careful debate we are bringing it LIVE to you.4. The backbone of the greatest HypnotistsWho else wants to know how the greats do and have done what they have done so flawlessly? Well, now you can. By excluding whats is said to be possible, and prove what is during the demonstrations,you get to see and hear conversational hypnosis in a style like no other.5. Created with the Hypnotist in mindIt was crucially important not to create another one size all fits the program. Its not to say that these do not have their place, its just to say we wanted to shake things up a bit. By releasing never before taught strategies devised by Scott, used by Scott and honed by Scott, you get to see what really works based on experience. These are things that are intangible, and can not be taught by reading a text book."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Hypnosis For Sales" |
"Course Description:Lets Be Really Honest Here About Something Important To The Hypnotist With Success On The MindDoes This Sound Like You ?Have Got The Qualifications Completed Hrs & Hrs Of Study Attended Every Event Set Your Goals For A Flourishing Career Told Everyone Your A Hypnotist But No Clients Begging To See You ?Introducing A Unique Training On Persuasion And Influence Using Hypnotic Principles For The Ultimate Sales Training.Immediately,lets set the record straight about the over-hyped myth that hypnosis can be used to hypnotize anyone to buy anything you have.We hate to be the bearer of bad news but this is impossible. And it is important to mention for this particular training, as you are being trained in ethical persuasion and professional influence as a Hypnotist.Think of this program as the next step in your career, to connect all the dots and fill the gaps to hypnotic persuasion.If you are like the majority of Hypnotists, who have attended every event, have everything you can find on the subject, spent hours practising and were promised a career of your dreams based on your new certification, only to find the subject of how to present your product, sell your business and use ethical persuasion ( just likeevery marketing company, big business and sales guru on this earth ) was never really covered as an implemented subject.Leaving you wanting, wishing and desperatelytrying to sell yourself only to come across needy, desperate and pushy.Well, those days are gone. We bring to you, hot off the shelf, a program that not only promises to have clients chasing you for their business, but a program that allows you to use these hypnotic methods with any conversation, in any meeting, any social gathering and with anyone who is listening,all without being sleazy, desperate, pushy, needy and rude.And the best bit, you donteven have to be an expert on hypnosis, memorize language patterns or discover the buying strategy of everyone you speak too.Master the ability to increase your sales and make sales all with a simple conversation:Imagine This Scenario You are at a social gathering with friends and strangers. Someone says they know youre a hypnotist, and they want your help What do you do next?Do you give your price?Only for them to mention they cant afford it( we have all had this )Do you act as though you are too busy to create scarcity of your service?Do you offer a once in a lifetime special for them to book immediately?Do you offer a buy 1 get 1 free to increase value hoping they will say yes?Course overview:3 Elements Of Persuasive Success With This ProgramWe narrowed down 2 types of clients that will ultimately say either yes or no to your service, that you need to be on the hunt for. By noticing, if you have an emotionally attached or unattached customer, you can guarantee the likelihood of a sales conversion or a knockback. It is this important information that makes or breaks a sale every time, and is the reason why you are getting so many nos to hypnosis.Knowing that anyone you speak to has been pitched too, sold too and has either had a great or disastrousexperience, means you need to do a lot more work that just re-pitch yourself. We had to reveal how to actually make a truce with your clients previous experience and clear the slate to weave in your hypnotic influence without it being automatically rejectedThe most important aspect was how to train our students to avoid begging or being desperate for a sale. Even when times are tough and every sale is so important to you. This will be the killer of your career. Our job is to inform a clients mind of our service and build such high expectation of satisfaction that our clients chase us instead, and that can only be achievedonce we revealed the 5 key ingredients to ultimate persuasionWhat you will learn:The difference in selling vs persuasionIf all we did was recreate another sales program it would not have revealed anything new that hasnt been done before. Which is why persuasion, the art of communication and ethical influence was of top priority for this training. Meaning that we are not teaching you to sell with fancy language.Sell your business anywhere you areAll you need is one thing to make this program shine. A conversation. In addition, we actually teach you how to bring up the subject of what you do, and switch on your persuasive charm to illuminate interest in the topic.Introducing the 3Ps Persuasion SetTo make this program a no brainer we have jam packed every concept, method, set and strategy into 3 diverse stages that even the novice Hypnotist can master. We are combining natural conversation with a hint of conversational persuasion.Introducing the Happy VS Sad Room AnalogyIf you can wrap your mind around this module during your training, you are 95% of the way to having clients kicking down your door to see you. It was this thought experiment that Scott commonly taught to real estate agencies, sales teams, and marketing teams.Setting your authority as the Go To HypnotistThe very best bit; is the way from this day forward you can leave thought bubbles inside a potential clients mind to help sell your business for you and remember your conversation ( or pitch ) for a lifetime."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Conversational Hypnosis Demonstrations" |
"Course Description: If there was a secret key to mastering hypnosis it would be what you are about to witness. If you are familiar with Dr. Milton Erickson and other great Hypnotherapists like him, you will find common reports from their students stating that the best things they ever learned were from watching their master and mentor in action.So we are heading in the same direction to give you a front row seat to Scott Jansen in action.Nowhere else will you get access to this footage and advanced thinking when it comes to conversational hypnosis.Who is Scott Jansen?18+ years as a full time therapistClients ranging from Hollywood A-List celebs, Professional sports stars, professional athletes, singers and entertainersOwner of the Conversational Hypnosis AcademyBest selling author on hypnosisAnd much moreSo what does this mean for you ?This means you get to witness and study Scott Jansen in action as he demonstrates his skill through these conversational hypnosis demonstrations."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnosis: Advanced Hypnosis Seminar 5" |
"An extremelyrare opportunityto see conversational hypnosis in action with worldrenowned therapist Scott Jansen.NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE .........Is This Your Time To Ascend To The Next Stage Of Hypnosis Evolution??Its close to REAL mind controlNow you can have your clients think and feel anything you want them to Should this unconventional style of conversational hypnosis be available to just any Hypnotist ? You be the judge.The Hypnotic System That Will Remove YOUR Mechanical, Clunky And Awkward Approach To Hypnosis And Have You OUT-HYPNOTISING Even The Best In Field, With Little To NO Effort.Welcome To An In-depth Training Into Spotting Unconscious Moments LIVE For Hypnotherapy. Live Coaching From Scott Jansen ( Himself ) The Advanced Hypnosis HACK Made So Simple.Welcome to a once in a lifetime hypnosis training that will have you being coached through a variety of hypnotic scenarios and interventions.Consider this .. What would you discover about yourself as a professional hypnotist if you were restricted from using any hypnotic language, methods or techniques ?How impactful would your hypnosis be if this were the case ? .. Now you may be thinking that you would fail, and you would not have the power or ability to influence the unconscious mind that will promote change in your client.Now this would have been true . If you had not uncovered the power of spotting unconscious moments for hypnotherapy in a sequence that Scott Jansen will reveal to you in this very training. If you were to fast forward to your career 30 yrs from now. You would find yourself in this very position as a hypnotist. We are just cutting through all the years of heartbreak and frustration and giving you the system NOW.If you could see yourself 30 years from now you would be astounded at your ability. Your hypnotic instinct would be so strong, your effort so little, and your trances so deep and profound . And the secret is due to your OWN unconscious ability to run all your sessions for you.We know our clients must change unconsciously, NOW ITS YOUR turn to flick the switch and grow your hypnotic instinct to the levels of pure genius. Introducing The Spotting Unconscious Moments For Hypnotherapy Program : The ultimate System For Cheating Your Way To Becoming A Hypnotic GuruWith the Spotting Unconscious Moments Program, you finally have a road map for getting to the level of conversational hypnosis only ( 5 10 % ) of Hypnotists will ever reach.This is a bold claim, but its also a truth that will become so obvious throughout this program it will reshape the way you become a Hypnotist ( if this doesnt get your heart racing, you better check your pulse )And believe it or not, this program was never designed to be released to the public. The premise was to invite 15 Hypnotherapists and give them exclusive access to a raw, unedited and unscripted conversational hypnosis event, that even shocked us with the uncommon results and techniques taught by Scott.We could never have imagined that this was even possible.How else could we have achievedsuch a high level of success without the utilization of real issues, with real emotional attachments. Meaning we asked the students to be involved in spontaneous Hypnotherapy interventions, to reach out, explore and illuminate the very nature of using unconscious moments as the only vehicle of hypnosis expertise. From demonstration to demonstration you will see the raw and unedited emotional roller coaster the students are out through while mastering an uncanny ability that almost seems that arrivals are being created.This training was designed to not follow a linear approach to hypnosis. Nor to conform to the traditional rules and strategies of hypnosis. Why do we decide this? We felt that this approach had been discussed and explored enough and no no evolution was being created. Thus the unlimited power of hypnosis was being lost in translation, with no new territory being explored, this would continue on into infinity. Instead, we assess the level of the Hypnotherapists on the day and navigated through this training based on the issues, concerns and lack of skill live in the moment And this did something we never could imagine. This created a no rulesstrategic advantage and speed up the unconscious competence of the students, so in 2 days they had knocked off years from their study time to reach a level of mastery that we knew existed ( from watching Scott ) but had no idea it could be replicated so efficiently.With spotting unconscious moments as the base for this training, this meant we had access to a diverse tool, that could be demonstrated in a multiple of ways, based on what the students desired at the time and for each specific ailment.Spotting unconscious moments: The very use of using natural trances to induce hypnosis through conversation. This tactic alone reveals how actually using less created techniques and more on the spot ( as you see it ) natural hypnotic cues, you gain a lot more miles from hypnotic principlesHypnotic principle vs technique:The very use of traditional techniques was restricted to diversifythe need for developing a hypnotic instinct, to spot natural trances and to become so creative in your execution you never have to think again of what to say and do. This was about creating a relationship with the unconscious minds of the students, so they could rely on it when they needed it.Exploring the basic and advanced tactics:.To prove the diversity of hypnotic principleswe tasked each student, from each demo with a specific tool they had to include the live intervention, as their only fallback strategy. This opened up a world of possibilities and allowed more of a casual and effortless conclusion to use conversational hypnosis.Integration of specifics:Once the blueprint had been created a more freestyle approach was included to avoid alerting the conscious mind of your hypnotic scheme ( this is one of the biggest issues, Hypnotists will come across ). By taking out the obviousness of hypnosis and almost hiding the skills inside a natural and fluent conversation without language patterns, traditional strategies or even hypnotic protocol. you get immense unconscious influence.Think of this style as hypnosis without hypnosis. A style that can be replicated anytime and anywhere regardless of the context, the personality of your clients or audienceand best of all, a style that can be adapted to you and your approach.Principles executed:Natural trance cues, created trance cues, pausing, extendedpausing, utilizing hypnotic voice through speed and delivery, process instructions and timing of instruction, instruction methods for conscious interference, repetition of unconscious moments with meaning, spontaneous metaphors, adverse reaction strategies, eye contact with intention, hypnotic phenomena, working with resistance, testing, advanced testing, integration strategies and much more.But Getting To This Level Wont Come Easy Unless You Are Prepared To Let go of the classical rules. And if you can do this long enough you will arrive at some intense ah ha moments, as the dots gets connected, the fluency becomes natural, and the place where you always wanted to visit with conversational hypnosis but found most techniques to be too good to be true is waiting for you.This is not a training in what to do with specific clients and problems. Instead, its a training in how to execute the perfect hypnosis session regardless how intense the problem seems to be and how desperate your client wants it fixed. We let the cat out of the bag with this one We are putting the conversation back into conversational hypnosis and bypassing all the usual blocks and stagnant pitfalls.1. Advanced Conversational Hypnosis With SimplicityEverything youre about to learn is based upon over 17 years of clients experience with Scott Jansen. It is from the experience that we can break all the rules and deliver such a diverse event, previously unseen by the public. All Hypnotists believe the true power of the unconscious but never rely on this fact when using hypnosis as a therapeutic tool.2. We put you in the front seatWhere else will you find an event, where mistakes are made, slip ups are common and confusion is embraced. Meaning that this raw footage is constructed from live coaching as it happens. Its spontaneous and unrehearsed.3.Exclusive access to an event that never happenedAs stated previously, this was not meant for public viewing. This invite-only event was only to be accessed by the participating students. But after careful debate we are bringing it LIVE to you.4. The backbone of the greatest HypnotistsWho else wants to know how the greats do and have done what they have done so flawlessly? Well, now you can. By excluding whats is said to be possible, and prove what is during the demonstrations,you get to see and hear conversational hypnosis in a style like no other.5. Created with the Hypnotist in mindIt was crucially important not to create another one size all fits the program. Its not to say that these do not have their place, its just to say we wanted to shake things up a bit. By releasing never before taught strategies devised by Scott, used by Scott and honed by Scott, you get to see what really works based on experience. These are things that are intangible, and can not be taught by reading a text book."
Price: 24.99

"Hypnotherapy: Certified Hypnotist Day 1" |
"Description:A VERY RARE OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN ... How Our Students Master Conversational Hypnosis In '4 Steps' And Become The Go To Hypnotists In The Industry.Dear reader,Finally revealed the 4 step conversational hypnosis system to catapult your success. Scott Jansen's conversational hypnosis experience 3-day certification reveals what it takes to master conversational hypnosis like a true expert.Get a front row seat to Scott Jansen's very system that had him creating a 6 figure income in his first year as a Hypnotist and create a 4-month waiting list ...And believe it or not, you too can learn exactly what it takes to become a world-class hypnotist in 4 simple steps. This is a rare opportunity that will not be repeated.Why you need totake this program:Where this program truly excels is its ability to be broken down to suit even the most novice of Hypnotists, and also reveal new understandings to even the season vets of the industry.Where else can you become involved in a life changing seminar, be internationally certified, illicit your first hypnotic trance within the first half an hour, all without the use of argues techniques, hypnotic scripts and blended together lectures that can be a pain to sit through?We had to create a training based on real world application, repeated practice and most of all, a theory that would resonate with the Hypnotists listening.And we did it. It was even a shocking surprise for us to see students, who had no concept of what hypnosis was, perform marvelous hypnotic session that would even shock the best in the industry.What you will learn:STRUCTURED STEP-BY-STEP TECHNIQUES:We bring back to the basics and foundations of how to become a great Hypnotist. Without skipping a step or cutting edges we formulate an unbreakable foundation for you to build your hypnotic repartee on top of.TRAINED BY THE CREATOR OF THE 4 STEP HYPNOSIS FORMULA:How else can you reach such a high level of hypnotic integrity and know how, without being directly taught by the creator of the PHITTR formula and hypnosis pioneer Scott Jansen? Its real world experience meets real world application.NONSTOP INSTRUCTIONS IN HYPNOTIC PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES:Our goal has always been to deliver an event that would leave our students with a skill set that was instantly usable, and with the complete guide on how to use hypnosis in the 21st century. Some might say that too much information is confusing, we say that not enough information can be disastrous.BONUS SPOTTING UNCONSCIOUS MOMENTS:If you were looking to find a concept that would transform the way you become a professional Hypnotherapist in the shortest amount of time this is it. This uncanny concept has been the foundation for the Academys success and has broken through the traditional hypnotic scene with an all mighty blow.Your trainer; Scott Jansen:In this program, Scott shows you his concrete structure and frameworks to hypnosis to suit a formal and casual setting, using mastered skills only experience could teachFollowing the next 17 years. Scott becomes so well requested that his session rate was triple the average Hypnotist, and only acquired bookings from the socially elite, that could afford his prices.This ranged from International celebrities, singers and entertainers, Australia Idol contestants, NFL and NHL sports stars, Business men and women, and even current and ex-Olympic athletes.After a flourishing career, Scott's attention turned to giving back to the industry and opened an Academy to fill in the educational gap of hypnosis trainings, to within 2 years having personally certified close to 3000 students ( 2015 2016 ), indirectly trained over 35000 students through home-based courses worldwide, produced over 285 hours of audible content, and authored 3rd first book.Once you complete this program you will:Rapidly accelerateyour recognitionWith correct use of the PHITTR formula, you will be devising therapeutic trances that give you the power to instantly change the thoughts, images and feelings of your clients without being caughtMaster the Hypnotic Attitude with excellenceOn completion of this event, you will beacting, speaking and feelinglike a Hypnotist who has years of experience, even if this is your first time using hypnosis.Attract lucrativeclients with a specialty skill:Gain the industry advantage to gaining high paying clients with methods taught by Scott himself as he reveals his secrets to longevity in the industry, and elite client base.Experience a relationship with your own mindStudents who have completed this program historically report a dramatic shift in their life, to more positive and happier circumstances that have arisen from this powerful program.Connect with a concrete and failsafe hypnotic programWhere else can you learn a program so jam packed with hypnotic principles than from an expert who has rewritten the rules of traditional therapies and paved the way from the successful Hypnotherapist.Cultivate deep trances( script free )The name of the game is creativity and is the direct reason why we introduce you to over 85 separate subjects with aunique and experienced based inductions including the infamous Spotting Unconscious Moments procedures ( Scott's personal creation )Find yourself in producing Hypnotic trances immediatelyWhat makes this training so revolutionary is the fact that it has been designed to promote more practical elements so you get the most from your new skill. You will hypnotize a fellow student within the first half an hour, all without the use of hypnotic scripts.A powerful skill at your fingertips:Calling all Hypnotherapists, NLP practitioners, Lifecoaches, Personal Development gurus, Motivational speakers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and hypnosis enthusiasts wanting a first-hand glimpse at conversational hypnosis in action.If you are finally sick of reading scripts, practicing theory based techniques and given boring lectures from a book, then we have you covered.This event is to train you in the application of hypnosis, which is a rare treat.If mastering conversational hypnosis, therapy, and even your own personal development is high on your list of life goals, then who else would you turn to than a therapist who understands the ins and outs of the mind with a knack for spontaneous, raw and in your face therapy."
Price: 204.99
