"From Zero to Flask: The Professional Way" |
"***Learn Flask Development using the latest Flask version 1.0.2 ***This course will teach you, assuming no prior coding knowledge, how to develop back end web applications the way professional coders do in the top internet startups. How do I know this? Because Ive been leading tech teams in both large enterprise as well as startup companies in New York City for the past 15 years.I have seen a lot of courses and free tutorials and I can tell you 90% of them just teach bad habits while promising to turn you into a real web developer.This course doesnt promise to turn you into a professional back end developer after you complete it -- it takes much more than the 4 hours of of this course (and probably hundreds of hours of self-practicing) to do that, but it will give you a solid foundation from where to start and continue your training, knowing the right path to become a real professional backend web applications developer using Python.The course goes through a step by step process of setting up your environment, introducing Flask. It then moves to explore SQL databases, using MySQL and finally showing you how to develop a blogging application using all these learnings.Best of all, you dont need to own a computer to take this course, if you dont own one. You can complete this course from an internet or cyber cafe, as we teach how to to use both locally installed files or an online coding platform.At the end of the course students will be challenged with a final project where all the course material will need to be used to complete it. Students that finish the final project will be eligible for special future promotions.If you are interested in learning how to code from zero and without prior knowledge, but do it using best industry practices towards becoming a professional backend web developer, this is the course for you.The course is divided in 7 sections:IntroductionYour Development EnvironmentSay Hello WorldSetting up our DatabaseA Visitor CounterFlogger: A Personal Blog ApplicationFinal ProjectThe course has more than 4 hours of video tutorials as well as the source code of all the lessons, so that you can see exactly what the whole project looks like in each stage.The course can take anywhere from 7 days to a month to complete based on how much material the student completes daily.Additionally were constantly updating the course, adding contents thanks to the feedback of our students.So stop looking around and start the right path to becoming a professional Python backend web developer with this course!"
Price: 49.99

"Pintura al leo de un cuadro. Mi proceso, tcnica y secretos" |
"Recorreremos el trayecto desde el inicio de la idea para pintar un cuadro al leo, pasaremos por la ejecucin de los bocetos previos, la investigacin de los diferentes elemento y finalmenteveremos el proceso completo del cuadro pintado por Antonio Garca Villarn. Con este viaje conceptual podrs tener herramientas para crear tus propias obras originales aprendiendo el proceso que lleva este artista con una experiencia de ms de 30 aos pintando."
Price: 34.99

"Business Skills: Email Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Know" |
"According to Business Insider, ""the average U.S. employee spends about a quarter of his or her time at work combing through the hundreds of emails each employee sends and receives each day "". But despite the sheer volume of emails we send and receive, many business professionals do not use email appropriately. Inappropriate email etiquette can negatively impact on perceptions of professionalism, on efficiency and can increase a company's risk of liability.This course helps you minimise that risk by coaching you in exceptional email etiquette. Naturally, that includes a focus on professionalism in the workplace, behaviour, email structure, formatting, spelling, the importance of spelling and grammar, the all-important subject line and much more.Based on my eleven years' experience training professionals in more effective business communication, this course is your go-to guide to write right, every time.Join me for video and text lectures, hands-on activities, quizzes and more. Download handy resources. Get personalised feedback via the Q&A board, share your experiences and contribute to a growing knowledge base created by professionals just like you from all over the world.Ready to put your best foot forward? Fantastic. Looking forward to seeing you in the course."
Price: 99.99

"Seven Key Components of a Performance Management System" |
"""Our people are our greatest asset""Are they really? And are you managing their performance as effectively as possible?The reason why companies such as yours are interested in a Performance Management System (PMS) is that it represents for top managementa legitimate means for you to lock in your employees to contribute their best efforts toachieve the business goals of the company and to implement its constantly updatedstrategic directions.Our goals in this course is to ensure you:Implement efficient and effective performance appraisals Understand the structure and the key risks of a performance management system Analyse areas for improvement in their company's or business unit's performance management system How do we do this?By examining seven key components of a PMS, analysing risk, identifying opportunities, and setting you to work completing tasks which solidify your knowledge, understanding and skills.This is a hands-on course requiring your participation, and active involvement ensures the greatest rewards.Let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"Management Masterclass in Leading Winning Teams" |
"Companies increasingly resort to establishing and deploying teams to develop and deliver goods and services, and consequently the capabilities of the leaders of those teams is often the deciding factor in success or failure.Leadership is one of those concepts that can easily generate heated argument. The use of the term leader, it is said, necessarily entails the consequence that there are followers. The leadership argument runs a bit like the nature-versus-nurture argument: Is leadership innate/something a person is born with, or is leadership a set of competencies and behaviours that can be acquired?This course is not interested in the qualities of a charismatic Leader. Nor is this course interested in how leaders have good relationships with their teams and nurture their development.Team Leaders have one core mission: to get results from a group of people brought to work together in an entity identified as a team. This course is about how leaders can apply tools and frameworks to fulfil that core mission.Our special guest instructor, Chris O'Connell, is going to draw on his 50 years of experience in identifying leaders and supporting team development processes to achieve change in arenas.We look forward to seeing you in the course and accompanying you on your journey."
Price: 149.99

"Accent Reduction, American Accent Training" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 12th, 2020Many people want to lose their accent or at least modify it so that they can be more easily understood. This course will give you step-by-step instructions which will tell you how to lose an accent. You will learn to say difficult sounds in English quickly and to reduce your accent in as little as 5 weeks. Would you will learn: Losing your accent is really learning to speak using a non-regionally specific dialect. Watch English TV with English subtitles but do remember native English speakers oftenhave regional accents. You don't want to lose your own accent only to start sounding likeyou are from Manchester because you've been watching Coronation Street. In English most of the consonants are paired, i.e., they are made the same way in themouth. The only difference is that one of the pair is made without switching on the voice in the throat (making sound in the throat), and one is made with voice activated, e.g., /p/ and /b/ Try about 15 minutes of practice every day for a few weeks. As you expand the ability of the ear, speaking becomes an automatism. When the earcan hear a sound the mouth has a better chance of producing it. Do not put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth to make the sound of an R!This makes the sound of an L; in order to make the sound of an L press your flat tongue to the roof of your mouth, not the tip. To make the sound of an R your tongue should be relaxed and on the bottom of your mouth, not involved in the sound process. A large part of learning a new accent is learning the sounds, rhythm, stress, pitch, intonation and structure of that accent. To do this you need to attune your ear to the particular accent. Rhythm is about timing within a phrase or sentence. This mainly equates to where we place the strong or weak stress in a sentence. When learning a new accent it is also important to learn where the stress is placed. Learn local expressions. Learn what words are used frequently in your area to describe things (e.g. loads vs. lots vs. heaps) As a child your ability for the ear to process different frequencies of sound is expanded, enabling you to distinguish and reproduce the sounds of the languages that surround you. To effectively learn a new accent you must expand the ability of your ear by listening over and over to examples of the accent... and so much more.Who this class is FOR: This class is designed for students 18 years or older (only parents permission) you how to reduce their accent. Even if English as their first language. Students will learn to understand what an accent is and how it develops. So that they can better understand how the reduction process actually works. They will learn many exercises and techniques for reducing their accent, such as vocal exercises and singing and listening to speeches and other voices on audio files will help to reduce the prevalence of their unwanted accent by the end of this course students will have all of the skills and knowledge necessary to begin their accent reduction journey.Who this class is NOT for: This class is not designed for students who are looking to reduce a medical or neurological speech condition such as stuttering. As this may require advanced medical related speech therapy in treatment that can only be given by qualified medical professional, this class is merely designed to help those with a prevalent foreign or regional accent that they wish to reduce.My Guarantee:I'm so confident that you're going to love this course and find a tremendous amount of value in it, that I guarantee that if you're not 100% satisfied, that I'll give you a full refund within 30 days of your purchase.This course could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. I personally know of Speech Pathologist out there who are charging hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a fraction of the information contained in this Udemy Course. And they charge that for a simple 1hour callAs with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $ 150, but will next increase to $ 250You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to speak English with a neutral Accent ? Do you really want to enjoy the full benefits of being confident abut speaking in public? in the classroom? During an Interview?PSSS: It will take some trial and error. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building some serious"" accent reducing skills "".This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added over the course of the first year, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you "" "".....Scroll up and Enroll Now! "
Price: 199.99

"Create Your Future NOW" |
"Whether you've taken the time to plan and write out your goals for the future you want, or if you simply have some wishes in the back of you're mind, some part of you wants tokeep movingin that direction.Maybe you want make more money.Or grow your business.Or have some change in your health or relationships.What if your goals were soeasy to achievethat they seem to manifest automatically?How would you like to learn the secrets of unconsciously aligning with your goals, and making sureyou get them easily and effortlessly?There are only a few very simple reasons why some people seem to keep getting their goals they want. These people appear to have the Midas touch, everything they touch turns to gold. These people create goals a certain way. They store them in their minds a certain way. They take actions a certain way. In short,you need to learn those specificsif you want to get anything that you desire in your business, your health, or your relationships.If that sounds good to you, then check outCreate Your Future NOW! a course focused on giving you a toolkit for setting andreachingyour outcomes.In this course you will:See acrystal clear pictureof exactly what it will be like when you reach your goalIdentify what obstaclesare likely to pop up and hold you backKnow exactly what actions to take toconsistentlymove you toward your goalFeelabsolutely certainand confident that you will reach your goal"
Price: 34.99

"How to communicate with more Influence & Impact" |
"Of all of the useful skills in every area of life, the ability toInfluenceothers is by far one of the most valuable and universal.Whether you are an entrepreneur, manager, teacher, salesperson, employee, or parent, we all need topersuadesomeone to assist us, buy from us, follow our suggestions, or simply listen to us. And whatever impact we want to make on the world, the community, or the people around us, you must understand thesubconsious mindin order to do that effectively.Drawing from little known elements of Psychology, Hypnosis, and Neurolinguistic Programming, this course will cover:The role and rules of theunconscious mindThe 8 pillars ofinfluenceThe 5-stepSales ProcessThe 4 ingredients to aneffective presentationThe key elements ofnon-verbal communicationTheconversational hypnosistechniques used by the mastersAnd much more!"
Price: 199.99

"EMF Protection for Home: Reduce Electromagnetic Field by 95%" |
"While no one can tell you with precision what the actual health effects are of exposure to EMF radiation, there are literally thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies linking EMF exposure to numerous harmful health effects including infertility, cancer, permanent genetic damage, sleep disruption and even asthma and obesity in children.As this body of evidence grows, wireless companies continue rolling out new EMF emitting technologies, leading to an exponential growth in your exposure to these harmful waves, without any consideration of the effect on your health.Before the invention of the lightbulb, there was no human-made EMF on the planet. Then came the lightbulb. Then came the electrical grid to power the light bulb. Then came radio, home appliances, television, cordless phones, cell phones, WiFi. Then bluetooth and other wireless devices. Now its smart meters and 5G. We are literally blanketing the planet with a type of radiation that didnt even exist 150 years ago. Weve created a sea of electrosmog that humans have not evolved to cope with on a biological and physiological level.Evidence of some harmful effects (Quick facts):* There is now 10 billion times more radiation in our environment than there was in the 1960s.* EMFs radiation adversely affects the blood cells of ALL individuals, whether they feel the effects or not.* EMFs radiation damages cell membranes, causing them to leak calcium and create many health issues, such as altered brain function, autism, infertility, EHS, hypocalcaemia, DNA damage, thyroid problems, osteoporosis, endocrine imbalances, early dementia, asthma, neurological disorders and multiple chemical sensitivities.* Autism in children is doubling every five years, paralleling the rise of EMR, and there is now a 1-in-50 chance of a child developing or being born with autism in North America.* Electromagnetic radiation breaks down the all-important bloodbrain barrier, causing the death of neurons, which can result in early dementia and Alzheimers disease.* Just 5 minutes of Wi-Fi exposure can cause cell mutation, oxidation and rouleauxall of which are associated with illness and disease.* The average cumulative whole-body exposure from a Smart meter at 3 feet is about 100 times more than that from a cell phone.Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are everywhere. For example, the visible light is an electromagnetic wave. Then, where is the problem?The problem is that EMFs are most of them invisible and have different wavelenght and some more have energy than others (Low frequencies have long wavelengths and low photon energy. Higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths and higher photon energy). We are not aware that the devices and appliances that we use everyday at home may be a source of EMFs at a higher level than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggest.While the earths magnetic field has around 7.83Hz, the 4G signal coming off your iphone can oscillate up to 2.7 billion times per second (2.7GHz) and it implies much more impact on our bodies.It is the distance, strength and length of exposure that determines your health risk. With the proper setup of your environment, you will be able to live around without health issues.Electrical appliances produce toxic electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These fields can layer, one upon the other, creating a harmful level of radiation. Thats why the kitchen is a hotspot for harmful EMFsbut other rooms are affected, too. The mG exposure at three feet is up to three mG for a blender, up to four mG for a washing machine, up to six mG for a hair dryer or a television, and up to 40 mG for a vacuum cleaner. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that you limit your exposure to 0.5 mG to 2.5 mG. At home under 1mG is considered safe (because we may expend a lot of time, isnt it? )When you are three feet away from a microwave, you are exposed to up to 25 mG. Didnt you know? I will give you real measurements in contrast with the recommended limits that EPA suggest.Every EMF frequency is also associated with a wavelength and an inherent level of quantum energy. The quantum energy is the energy of the individual light particles known as photons. Low frequencies have long wavelengths and low photon energy. Higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths and higher photon energy. In this course I would like to give you a practical educated perception of the EMFs from devices and appliances and you will know how to mitigate or eliminate it. I use an EMF detector for measure the EMFs at home. So you will see as examples the emission from a lot of different devices. No speculation, no jokes... You will see real data to take in consideration a responsibly use of appliances.We will see the real data measured from de EMF meter and we will compare with the ""official"" safe limits. We will measure EMFs from keyboards, screen TV, wifi networks, smartphones, bulb lights, everyday appliances and smart meters.Even you will get a document attached to kindly offer to your neighbordhood (in reference to wifi mainly). This is:""Awareness Campaign to Reduce Emfs in Your Neighborhood"".It may help you to reduce the EMFs from your neighborhood that penetrates into your house (wifi waves reach until 330 feets).Four specific types of EMFs have been linked with adverse health effects:- Radio frequency (RF).- Magnetic Fileds (MF).- Electric Fields (EF).- Dirty electricity (DE).These four types of EMFs are emitted by specific sources and can be reduced or avoided using different strategies.We are exposed to a lot of EMF radiation from many human made sources. At levels approximately 10 billion times higher than back in the 1960s.You dont need to complete the course of Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist and spend thousands of dollars in the course to understand and have a clear perception of strenght of EMFs, where they come from, the standard ""official"" safe limits and how to decrease dramatically the impact in your body.My career is industrial enginering in UPC (Politechnic University of Catalonia) in Barcelone . I am engineer with electronic specialization inside the industrial field.I also coursed a postgraduate in Electromagnetic Fields in UPC (Politechnic University of Catalonia). So I will assess you with scientist practical knowledge."
Price: 99.99

"JotForm Training" |
"The JotForm online form builder is a very popular tool, trusted by millions of users worldwide. The software makes it easy to design, test, and publish beautifulforms for any purpose.By completing this course, you'll learn how to:Build conversion-friendlyformsDefine your form strategyCreate automated follow-up sequences for leadsAutomatically send form submission datato your CRMSchedule appointments without lifting a fingerUse JotForm widgets to get more work done (with less effort)Export and save your submissiondataAutomate your marketing and back-office operationsReady to make the most of your JotForm account?Try this course today!*Notes:JotForm is a trademark of JotForm, Inc. If you accept personal information from residents on the European Union, please consult with your legal counsel before building any webforms."
Price: 49.99

"Master Java Reactive Programming with RxJava 2" |
"Reactive Paradigm is used widely in multiple projects around the world with a variety of programming languages. Reactive Approach use a higher level of abstraction than traditional approaches, where developers focus much more on what they need to do instead of how to do it, this approach is called the declarative programming. It uses also an event-driven approach where the application updates itself in response to external and internal events in a form of notifications to controllers. We use it much more on the MVC Pattern as the view is getting all the data it needs from controller in a reactive way, thats why RxJava works perfectly with pattern designs.In this course, we will be using RxJava 2.0, which is the latest version. It includes all the features of Java 8 Lambda expressions and also Modularity and Streams of Java 9 & 10.The course is subdivided as following:Observable and Observers: working and manipulating data streams in a much more seamless wayRxJava Operators: we will use lambda expressions in operators to transform, reduce, suppress and even perform all sorts of actions on data streamsCombinations and multicasting: combining techniques like zipping and merging to put all different observables into one observableFlowables: a great alternative when dealing with huge data sets and with higher velocityConcurrency operators: to make rxjava applications multithreadedTransformers: to compose our own operators and be able to create new ones if neededTesting and debugging: with rxjava testing operatorsWith this comprehensive curriculum student will have a solid knowledge in rxjavaSo lets rock it guys !"
Price: 79.99

"Build your own cigar box Ukulele!" |
"This course is far more in depth than most how-to guides. In addition to detailed construction steps for making a partial kit, we cover safety, a source for a complete ukulelebuild (1917Popular Mechanics),a little music theory and troubleshooting. Even if you do not plan on everbuilding a stringedmusicinstrument, these organizedlessons will apply tosimilarconstruction project."
Price: 19.99

"Hurricane Survival: The Quick Guide" |
"A quick guide based on the longer and more detailed course called :Survive Your First Hurricane; available on Udemy. This course allows you to hit the high points in Hurricane Preparation, Recovery and Risk. Use the parts that work for you but also do your own research! The journey through this material will give you a road map that you and your loved ones can use to be safer and more comfortable and to know what to expect!"
Price: 24.99

"Remote Viewing Advanced - Intuition of Billionaires" |
"Discover the Advanced skills of Remote Viewing. Prepare yourself for expanded intuitive abilities in every aspect of your life, and understand what success means. Opportunity is the lifeblood of success, and without intuition there is no opportunity. In this course, you'll be given the opportunity to deconstruct complex targets (with other students), which could be a once in a life-time event to join a quest and solve a mystery. Join other students by working in teams to unravel enigma targets and learn the truths others only speculate.Pick winning horses at the track and Off-Track-Betting. Toss the templates and use the full potential of your intuition. Learn how professional Remote Viewers do their work with little more than blank sheets of paper and a pen.Hear from those who know what it takes to become a billionaire, and harness that potential by learning this skill.Explore your potential with Blind Targets and discover the pitfalls of Front Loaded targets.Learn how to free yourself from the daily grind of working for someone else, without vision, without unlimited growth. Become what you've always wanted, unearth your full potential and have the confidence that your path is how you succeed, where others fail.If you're looking to take your intuition to the next level, you need this course. In this course, you'll need blank sheets of paper, a black pen, a printer and an unyielding thirst to know the unknown and be successful. If you've never said to a missed opportunity, "Man, if only I had known that..." then this course is not for you. If you're tired of always missing out on success. Never knowing the best option, and always choosing the wrong way, then you really need to learn Remote Viewing and turbo charge your intuition to obey your wants, and protect you from being your own worst enemy."
Price: 199.99

"Remote Viewing Basics- Turn Intuition into Super Psychic" |
"This course will teach you the basic Remote Viewing protocols developed by the United States Military to turn regular off the street people how to become psychic spies. Well take your natural intuition that society has told you to ignore and give you confidence through positive response based affirmation. Thereby imprinting verifiable intuitive data on the mind, the same way muscle memory is created in Martial Arts, sports or Ballet. Youll also come to understand that Thinking and Knowing are truly counter-intuitive. The only known quantum computer in the Universe is the human brain. It receives over 20 million bits of information every single second, yet only processes 15 thousand bits per second. We spend the vast majority of waking state editing out that information. Its why people are so very tired at the end of the day, even working a desk job. The level of concentration used, just to block the massive amount of data streaming into the brain, is hard work. What is all that other information? Everything youve ever wanted to know about the past, present or future. The Universe is a gossip that wants to tell you anything you want to know, you just have to know how to listen and ask the right question. Just like doing a search on Google, ask one way and get over a million different answers, ask the same question a different way and *poof* what you want to know comes up. However, in this case, you and your brain are Google. In this course youll learn how to know anything about a person, place, thing or event anywhere in space/time. Here you will discover how to take your natural intuition and turn it up to 11 through the scientifically proven skill. Commit a weekend to train your brain, like others train for the Ironman race, and your mind will start to work for you in ways you never realized were possible. Downloads provide you with all the material you'll need to print out. Bring a BLACK pen and your intuition."
Price: 199.99

"Hoodoo and Conjure for Beginners" |
"This is a beginner course in Hoodoo and Conjure whosecultural roots of thesouthern United States are born of the African slave trade. The cross-over from various African Tradition Religions (ATR) is obvious and admittedly respected. However, there are huge differences in practices and dogma from the ATR.We will touch upon these similarities and where appropriate cast distinctions. One distinction from the ATRs like Santeria, Voodoo, Voudun, and Palo Mayombe, etc.. is that Hoodoo and Conjure do not require initiation into the Priesthood of a tradition. Its for the lay-person to use. We will be covering: Candle Magic use of types, colors and works such as herbs, oils and powders within.Magical Herbs herbal remedies that amplify intent of a goal (often found in the spice rack)Petitions How to cast, or state your case with various entities or personifications.We will also be offering step-by-step spells in: Money How to have luck in games of chanceCareer How to motivate a boss or co-worker to your goals.Love How to attract or keep a lover.We will also be going over cleansing, such as baths and spiritual colognes. Which is the most important part of this entire course.Hoodoo and Conjure are the McGyvers of the magical world. Simple items lying about, like nails, string, dirt, twigs and herbs can be combined in such a way, as to change the outcome of an event to your favor.This is what youll learn, and give you the necessary knowledge to continue learning more spells or works, and understand how and why they work."
Price: 199.99

"The Talking Dead - Basics of Spirit Communication" |
"Since humanity learned to walk upright, it has sought the wisdom of the ancestors. It is part of our inheritance to communicate with those who understand our trials and tribulations. We are hard-wired to do so, but for a learned conditioning through social norms, we have forgotten how to it.In this course, youll learn to reach out to those already watching over you, to better understand this life and to be a service to those in need of the very same thing. Youll be able to: Open your mind and understand what kind of natural abilities you already possess. What it takes to develop a relationship with your protecting guides Hold Sances with groups in an effective and productive manner Guard against negative entities who would disrupt Control and set boundaries on communication for maximum development When youve completed this course, youll have a solid understanding of what is required to be a medium, and be well on your journey to life-time of understanding and fulfillment. You will never feel alone again."
Price: 199.99

"Prepper's Guide To Food Storage" |
"This course is the continuing education of Disaster Preparedness. In this course you'll learn best practices for medium and long term storage of food. How to prepare, store and protect your food stocks in the event of a personal disaster resulting, lean times, economic downturn, or even a catastrophic one.The Department of Homeland Security's newly published report exposed some very disturbing information. Saying that in the event of a total collapse of the electrical grid, (that lasts 6 months or more), either due to a terrorist attack or a solar weather event, 90% of the population will die. This is due to the fact that most homes only have 3 days worth of supplies on hand at any moment. These finding in the report expose three very obvious things:The Government has zero confidence it can prevent such an event.The Government does not have the resources to help when it does happen.The responsibility of your survival is yours, and yours alone. The Calvary is not coming."
Price: 199.99

"The Talking Dead - Sance" |
"In this second installment of ""The Talking Dead""course series, the focus is completely upon conducting a Sance. Why it's important and how to do a successful Sance in a dignified way with all the respect deserving of the spirits. You'll learn:Importance of doing Seances for spiritual development. Why the selfless act of elevating spirits actually elevates you.Reasons NOT to conduct a Sance.Style of Sance is right for you and your group.How to perceive information from the dead.Different methods by which information from the spirits is communicated. Tools necessary for best results.Pitfalls to avoid when conducting a Sance.When you complete this course, you'll have a greater understanding of the responsible way to hold a Sance and respect for the process of spirit communication. Spiritual development takes effort and the Sance is by far the best way to get as much mileage as possible out of the process."
Price: 199.99

"Guitar Solo: Interval Training and Guitar Improvisation" |
"Learn to play a great guitar solo! Start with a clear understanding of how and why a great guitar solo works by learning to use and play intervals. Youll learn how different note choices will convey different emotional impacts. But, even more importantly, students in this course will discover that a holistic approach to music encourages each player to develop their own style. Most courses teach students to reuse a collection of pre-fabricated licks and riffs. This course dives into the art and science of playing great solos that are unique and original.Super-concise lectures with hands on practiceIntuitive, graphically enhanced lecturesEscape the shapes (or ""How to stop just running scales"")Learn to play what you hearPlay a guitar solo over any chord progression, in any genreThis may be the last guitar solo course you'll need!Whether youre a beginner, a regular performer or just looking to develop a more individual ""style"", this course will provide a refreshing and engaging perspective. You'll go beyond scales and technical wizardry into the realm of real self-expression. Hands-On exercises will help you gain a holistic command of your guitar.Content and OverviewThis course is ideal for intermediate and advanced guitarists (and any musician who wants to learn to craft a great guitar solo). Each of the thoughtfully crafted 34 lectures contains clear and concise explanations. You'll get focused, useful instruction that will teach you a holistic approach to playing your next guitar solo. Each section of this course begins with in-depth lectures that cover the essential information you need to know. Each section teaches powerful skills related to a single, clear goal. Each skill is taught in 2 lectures: Lecture 1 is always an explanation of the principles while Lecture 2 is always a hands on lesson that is carefully designed to demonstrate how to apply your new skills.Its best to learn by doing, so youll be encouraged to play along, following chord diagrams, guitar tab and music notation for each exercise. Youll understand why and how a great guitar solo hits you in the gut. Youll learn how to use your ears to play the music in your head and improvise a great solo in realtime.As a performing musician and private instructor with over 14 years of professional experience, my methods explain how music fundamentals work logically. In addition, my teaching style leans heavily on demonstration - especially where there are interconnected relationships that are essential to understand if you want to play a great guitar solo by ear and from the heart.What are the requirements?Students should be able to play major and minor scales on the guitar with ease.Students should have an interest in lead guitar styles and players.What am I going to get from this course?Learn how to play by ear, improvising the music in your head on the guitar in realtimeImprovise solos across the entire fretboard, using music theory and fretboard theory.Develop a personal expressive style, NOT juscanned solos, riffs and licks.What is the target audience?This course is perfect for intermediate and experienced players who want to learn how to improvise better guitar solos.This course is intended for students that are motivated to practice and learn new material and techniques."
Price: 59.99

"Electronic Music Live Performance: Ableton and MIDI" |
"When you'reon stage andperforming electronic music it is a thrill!But, it can be undercut if your MIDIrig is unreliable, confusingor hardto use.Great electronic music needs to be ""playable"" and not rely entirely on triggered loops. Modern MIDIequipment can makelive performance incredibly flexible and powerful - if you know how to do it. Configuring it all and getting your MIDI routing correct can be an insurmountable challenge for many artists.Learn how to reliablyuse an iPad as performance ""dashboard""Work faster and better with tested apps and tools that the pros useGet creative with instruments, loops and samplingCustomize your own tweakable parameters and get expressive on stage!Don't waste your time tinkering. Instead,follow this clear, conciseguide and startdesigning and building your own, highly personalized MIDI rig for live performance today. This course is ideal for performing artists who want to modernize their rig with an iPad (or simply more flexible MIDI-based performance control.)Content and Overview:Using the tips andwalkthroughs in this course, you can design and usea much more empowering set of modern MIDI-based tools to integrate your instruments, keyboards and other MIDI controllers. Plus, your new MIDIrig will be totally reliable, easier to troubleshoot and more expressive when you go out toplay live! This course will helpmake your music more original, make performances moresuccessful and allow you more creative freedom to express yourself than you ever though possible!In the first major section of the course, you'll develop a complete understanding of the tools, apps and technologies that will form the basis for your awesome live MIDIrig.You'll watch walkthroughs of installing and configuring you're devices for maximum power (and minimum distraction). Ableton users will benefit from tips and tricks related to devices, chains and racks. However, users of many DAWs will still be able to use the foundation of this course to make a powerful MIDIrig. After all, MIDIis the main ingredient.In the following section, you'll learn how to get inspired and be creative while on stage. Find out what holds most electronic musicians hostage - pre-fab loop triggering - and liberate yourself by setting up the best iOS apps the right way. Learn about creating tweakable parameters (like filter cutoff, reverb, envelopes and more).In the final main section, you'll learn about automating tempo changes, discover the power of LEDfeedback and learnhow to optimize your rig with:More flexibility (scene/program changes)Increased reliability (hardwire vs. bluetooth and wifi)Distraction-free artistic expression (""blue hand"" MIDImapping)Throughout the course, you'll benefit from concise and to-the-point lessons. Each lecture focuses on one topic and cuts to the chase fast without leaving out the details. I've condensed over 3 years of live MIDI and synth performance into a concise and powerful course designed specifically for active electronic musicians who need powerful, modern and reliable tools."
Price: 59.99

"Music Theory Basics for Ableton Electronic Music Production" |
"Gain creative confidence and have fun! Learn to use the undeniable power of music theory to make better electronic music. This course is compact and covers every single music theory fundamental in existence. Plus, it has been designed for electronic musicians instead of academic music majors. Don't be fooled - it doesn't take 12 hours of video lectures to learn how to build and use a major scale. This class presents no-fuss, bite-sized videos that explain AND demonstrate each topic very clearly. Plus, electronic music with Ableton and Push 2 is so ""hands on"" that you need lots and lots of hands-on demos - exactly what this course offers. Learn the Language of Music TheoryDeveloping confidence with music theory (and using it in your electronic music) starts with a firm grasp of the fundamentals. You'll quickly learn about major and minor scales, triads and intervals. If you don't know what those are, you're making electronic music harder than it needs to be. Scales, triads and intervals are the alphabet of the musical language and its hard to do much without them. So, you'll find this course is packed with condensed lessons that explain everything from half steps and whole steps to common intervals (the basis for creativity with scales and chords). Music theory is a wide, wonderful world and you'll need to know the language if you want to succeed.Unfold Both Major and Minor Scales and ChordsSince this curriculum is intended to help electronic musicians who use Ableton and Push 2, most of the demonstrations and walkthroughs are presented directly in Ableton and/or on Push 2. This means that learning music theory like major or minor scales and chords is different. You'll learn the concepts in a way that makes more sense with Ableton and Push 2. There are definitely useful aspects of traditional music theory which is why *some* lessons ALSO demonstrate triads, intervals and scales on a traditional keyboard (Novation LaunchKey 49), so you'll see how music theory is based on piano. Making Beats the Right WayThere is way more to this course, once you get past the essentials. You'll learn how to master rhythm, discover melody-writing tools and strategies, production tips for reverb and EQ and even using roman numerals to understand chord progressions. Plus, most of the terms, concepts and formulas that you'll be learning are shown in hands-on demonstrations to help you get up and running much, much faster. Most demonstrations are in Ableton Live and/or on Push 2. You'll not only get a complete introduction to concepts such as beats, rests, repeats, measures and tempo. But, you'll actually USE what you learn to make beats for House, UK Garage and 2-Step (3 super-important electronic music styles).Discover the Recipe for Great MelodiesOnce we've armed you with the language of music theory, chords progressions and some decent beats, you'll discover what makes a great melody. Great electronic music needs a hook... and the hook needs to be simple, but catchy. You'll discover that you can make a great melody every time, using the power of chord tones. You'll see and hear examples of melodic phrases that are built from music theory concepts called motives. You'll also learn to write a solid bass line, using the same recipe. No matter what you do, you're electronic music will fall flat if it lacks a solid bass line and a catchy melody. So, this course has you covered - chords, beats, melodies and more. Plus, everything is visually presented in hands-on demonstrations using Ableton and Push 2. Tips, Tricks and Project ProductionThis course is designed from the ground up as series of live demonstrations on Ableton and Push 2. Electronic music uses non-traditional instruments (like synthesizers and FX) which is why the final project walkthrough includes looping, Ableton scenes, reverb and EQ lessons. Everything is presented in Ableton and/or Push 2, so you'll know exactly what to do once you're back with your gear, making music. As the curriculum wraps up, you'll watch a walkthrough that uses music theory to craft an original, complete (if basic) electronic music track. Everything is done using Ableton and Push 2 and you'll understand everything that goes into the chords, melody, beat, bass line and FX.Move Beyond the LoopAs an electronic musician, you want to express yourself, right? There is no doubt that music theory will greatly expand your creative choices. Once you understand the music theory explanations in this class, you'll be free to move beyond the loop.It can be frustrating hacking loops together and hoping for the best. Most electronic musicians would rather make their own, totally authentic, electronic music from scratch. You may already know a bit of music theory and his course will help youfill in the gaps with tried-and-true music composition theory principles and methods. Every essential topic is covered here in one united, organized series of video lessons. All topics are presented in Ableton, so it will make sense to Ableton and Push users. The lessons are organized to make learning music theory fun, easy and immediately useful!This course is filmed in extremely high definition 4K HD and streams in crystal-clear 1080p HD (where available). Throughout this course topics are demonstrated in hands on video lessons on Novation LaunchKey 49, Push 2 and Ableton Live 9 Suite. Each video demonstration has crisp image quality so that you can see exactly what is happening, learn faster and use the lessons in your own music, with your own gear.Once you've completed this course, you'll have the tools to write original chord progressions (harmony), melodies, bass lines and beats! You'll have the knowledge to maximize your creativity and make better electronic music. Each section of this course features a quiz, so you can evaluate your skills as you go. As you're instructor, I'm always available on the discussion board to help and answer questions. You can also message me directly if you have questions you'd like answers to. Don't waste anymore time relying on loops and hoping for the best. Enroll in this course and you'll be hours away from gaining the creative confidence to make better electronic music using Ableton and Push 2!"
Price: 59.99

"More Expressive Music Theory for Ableton & Electronic Music" |
"* 2019 Comprehensive Update! *This course has been completely overhauled to improve video and audio quality. Electronic music can be daring and bold. Music theory makes it easier to make great tracks. Ableton Live and Ableton Push 2 provide AMAZING tools for electronic musicians. Plus, Ableton Push 2 makes live electronic music performance and improvisation easier than ever before. Are you a beginner at electronic music production who wants to inject your tracks with compelling textures and professional composition techniques? Enroll now and discover compositional power tools for writing, recording and performing expressive electronic music using music theory in Ableton Live!5-Stars - ""Clear and concise way of explaining the various theory concepts, and how it can be applied to Ableton and the push 2"" - Jason (Udemy Student)Learn Inversions - the key to smoother, more emotional chord progressionsUnlock Asynchronous Polyrhythms - compelling, evolving beats on autopilotUse the 12 Bar Blues ""Sandbox"" - the ideal ""sandbox"" for any musical experimentationExpress Yourself with Macros and Aftertouch - Ableton's technical tools for expressive, realtime performancesUnderstand Side-chaining and much more...Transform and ElevateMusic theory has the power to transform and elevate any electronic music production. This course will introduce students to specific concepts in harmony, melody and rhythm that you won't find on your own. Each short video either introduces at topic or demonstrates its use in the real world (on real instruments). Plus, every demonstration was filmed, hands-on, in crystal-clear HD quality, so you can learn faster and see what's going on. Ableton Live (with Ableton Push 2) has several features that are only useful to electronic musicians who understand music theory. Using scales, swing and polyrhythms are examples of features that many beginners never use (correctly). These powerful features will benefit you even more once you understand the age-old musical language that all great music relies upon - music theory. Each lesson is likely to inspire a new direction - either in performance or composition.This coursemoves beyond very basic music theory (I cover that in another course) and gets on with the good stuff!We'll focus on intermediate music theory and rhythm theory concepts. The topics presented here will make a measurable difference in your tracks and will directly build on your understanding of music theory basics (triads, scales, etc.)Concise and To-The-PointEvery lesson is concise and to the point. Explanations are complete and the collection of topics will undoubtedly open new frontiers for beginners. Let music theory inspire you! For example, you'd be amazed how a polyrhythm (alone) can elevate a seemingly uninteresting track. Once you get to know the 12 bar blues, you'll hear it EVERYWHERE - from classic R&B to disco, rock, jazz and pop. Students may experience one side effect: you're ears will begin to ""understand"" what they're hearing!Beginners will discover new musical textures that they can use on day 1. You'll understand chord inversions, syncopation, color tones and much, much more! Bite-sized video lectures make it easy to learn about everything from augmented chords to developing a better synthlead patch.Plus, see it all done live on the Push 2.Use MIDIfor expressionDiscover expressive sound design principlesGet hands-on with sampling the ""Amen"" breakContent and OverviewBegin expanding your knowledge of harmony with the introductory series of hands-on video lessons. You'll learn about how to properly play chords and practice inversions using the Ableton piano roll, traditional keyboards and Ableton Push 2.Chords and chord progressions (a.k.a. harmony) will provide the significant boost to your tracks. Harmony defines an emotion, guides the listener's experience and defines what your melodies can (or can't) do.5-Stars - ""Do yourself a favor and take this course!"" - Matthew (Udemy Student)Next in the curriculum, maximize your beat-making flexibility with a series of 10 video lessons discussing rhythm-related topics. You'll learn about syncopation, swing and beat-making patterns AND get clear guidance for practicing these aspects for yourself. I'll walk you through creating a pattern on Push 2 for these genres:DubstepTranceJungleDrum and BassTechnoOnce your harmony and rhythm skills are up to scratch, You'll learn to redefine your EDM melodies with melody theory lessons in Section 4. Learn to discern different tone types - especially ""color"" tones and use them intentionally to deepen the emotional impact of your melodies. Skim through familiar chord progressions (that everyone's been using since the dawn of time) and learn how to make catchy, irresistible melodies to go over the top. This course presents many insights related to the relationship between catchy melodies and harmonic choices.I've always felt that the performance is where its really at. So, my goal is to help you get ready to rock a stage. We'll start by setting up an arsenal of expressive MIDI controls using Push 2. Watch hands-on lessons about configuring macros, aftertouch and other expressive performance tools. Plus, gain insights on how and when to ACTUALLY use these expressive tools to make each performance fun, authentic and totally original.Plus, the course includesin-depth lessons on compression, limiting and sound design techniques. EDM is known for pumping side-chain compression and I'll show you how its done. For beginners, the lessons on compression and limiting will undoubtedly raise the stakes for your finished tracks - in the studio and on stage.Finally, this course provides practice tips for beat-making as well as developing your live improvisation skills. This course was filmed in 4K and streams in crystal-clear 1080p HD (where available). Throughout this course topics are demonstrated in hands-on video lessons on Novation LaunchKey 49, Push 2 and Ableton Live 9 Suite. It is not necessary for each student to have this equipment, but be warned - you'll want to get hands-on to have the most fun with this course! Each video demonstration has crisp image quality so that you can see exactly what is happening, learn faster and use the lessons in your own music.Enroll now and begin making more expressive electronic music on day 1. As your instructor, I'm always engaged and available. I look forward to keeping in touch and helping you develop your electronic music!"
Price: 59.99

"Guitar Basics - For Total Beginners" |
"Whether you're a complete beginner who has no idea how to even tune a guitar or just a part-time dabbler who wants to be able to break through and make music for the first time on guitar, this course will help you get started and stay focused.In this course, you'll start with the basics and end up improvising solos and playing along with your favorite songs. The essentials of good musicianship are presented, plus you'll learn how to play guitar solos and read chord diagrams. This course is packed with the most useful topics that take up the first few months of private guitar lessons - take it from me... I've been teaching years and I've taught thousands of lessons.While many self-taught guitarists can eventually find their own way to knowing everything in this course, many of them take years to get there (stumbling without a focus). Worse yet, many never make it past buying their first guitar because they don't know what to practice or learn first, second, third...This course presents 3 main sections - each one dedicated to a fundamental goal and set of skills:Knowing enough to play music casually with friends and other musicians.Refining your sense of timing and rhythm, so your playing ""works"" and sounds greatUnderstanding how to use easy fretboard patterns to make up basic (but good-sounding) guitar solosContents and OverviewAfter a brief introduction, this course settles into a natural flow of lectures and practice, with each topic being presented completely and concisely to save you time and keep you focused. Music lessons can be overwhelming at the beginning, so this course stays laser-focused and walks you through step-by-step. Your lessons will also show you how to use fretboard patterns to learn to play the major scale - the building block for all western music.You'll discover a musical ""recipe"" called the 12-Bar Blues and use it to practice everything from rhythm playing to soloing. You'll understand how to properly use a metronome to optimize your practice time and ensure the most rapid progress possible. Each topic will set guidelines for you to follow and achieve (goal tempos, recommended repetitions and hands on demonstrations of complex concepts).You'll learn how to think (and talk) about rhythm in music. But, more importantly you'll learn how to actually play with great rhythm and practice getting better every day... You'll revisit the 12-Bar Blues with each of the 3 main topics and see how music pulls rhythm, chords and melody together into a cohesive recipe for music.Next, you'll discover, define and learn to play fretboard patterns for arpeggios (which are like chords, but used to play guitar solos and write melodies). Using the finger and fretboard patterns in this course, you'll have a clear path to playing solos off the top of your head. We call arpeggios the ""scaffolding"" of a great solo and you'll learn why and how that is completely true!Lastly, you'll watch a complete hands-on demonstration of a guitar solo made up of arpeggios. You'll gain insights into how lead guitar is possible - even for beginners - and begin to break through the beginner phase of guitar playing into more interesting intermediate creativity.Along the way, you'll discover new terms and concepts. You'll learn to read chord diagrams and guitar tab. The course contains helpful PDFs, audio recordings and jam tracks to help you advance at your own pace. Join this course and start playing guitar the right way, by understanding the fundamentals and developing great musicianship from day one."
Price: 49.99

"Self-Massage to Improve Blood Circulation" |
"This is a full course of Self-Massage to Improve Blood Circulation. This course is contains 16 lectures and 32 minutes of video.The main objective of this course is to teach that you can help prevent many diseases and ailments yourself.This Self-Massage technique can be combined with other cosmetic procedures and other massage techniques: can be combined with abdominal massage and can be used as part of the Massage Treatments for Cellulite massage.Massage does not require anything, you will only need to use your hands.This the Self-Massage course is easily understood by beginners. This Self-Massage can be done by everyone for themselves and does not have any negative effects.After these courses, you can significantly improve your blood circulation. You will feel much better, will look more beautiful. You will be able to avoid bad illnesses and diseases."
Price: 19.99

"Neo4j : Learn Leading NoSQL Graph Database from Scratch" |
"Learn everythig you need to master the most popular NoSQL Graph Database Neo4j and start developing apps using Neo4j. Lean how tostructure and query datausing graph database, Neo4j and how toptechnology driven comapanies are using this Graph Database to gain insight from the huge amount of data generating every day.In this course, you will learnthe fundamentals of usingNeo4j,the World's leading Graph Database, withits query language Cypher, and then we will move to cover the most advance topics. This is be the most comprehensive course available on the Neo4j covering most of the concepts you need to know to get started with the actual development project. Be assured about the topics covered as this course will be updated frequently with updates so that you never miss anything on this Graph Database Neo4j.This course designedfor beginners to help them understand the basics of Neo4j and then slowly move toadvanced concepts of Graph database Neo4j.At the end of thiscourse, you will be have knowledge and hands-on experience tobuild queries, design, and develop graph databases from scratch, and so you will be able to make progress in your career and if you are a student, you will be able to get a good career options andwhere you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise.For more information on the what are the topics covered, please have a look at the curriculum section."
Price: 54.99

"Elasticsearch 6.0: Learn Elasticsearch, Kibana from Scratch" |
"Elasticsearch is a real-time distributed and open source full-text search and analytics engine based on Luceneandused in Single Page Applicationprojects. Elasticsearch is open source licensed under the Apache anddeveloped in Java. Elasticsearch is the most used Big Data technology after Hadoop and many believe that it would be surpassing Hadoop very soon and Elasticsearch is becoming popular since NoSQL tech space is also growing rapidly.In this course we will learn about Elasticsearch and Kibana.Elasticsearch, along with Kibana and Logstash forms the Elastic Stack or ELK Stack. Kibana isan analytics and visualisation platform and Logstach isa data-collection and log-parsing engine.Knowledge and experiecne of working with Elasticsearch and Kibana could be very useful in Big Data related job searches and the projects you get to work in your career. Elastic Stack is considered to be the most sought after Big Data Technology in coming years.This course will help you getknowledge and working knowledge ofElasticSearch & Kibana so that you can run and operate your own Elasticsearch cluster."
Price: 49.99

"Como fazer com que seus filhos cooperem" |
"""Desde que comecei o curso j consegui observar varias vezes meus filhos escutarem o que eu digosemresistncia"" -Depoimento de uma me. ""Oi Robin,eu aprendi a primeira tcnica em menos de 20 minutos ede imediato j foi funcionando, isso incrvel!Este curso est sendo aplicado com sucesso em diversos lugares do mundo como:Europa,sia,fricae agoratotalmente traduzidoe dublado para Lngua Portuguesa.Este curso usado em mais de 280 escolas nafricado Sul como parte dos programas de treinamento de professores! Voc j se perguntou se existeuma frmula secreta para que seus filhos ouam e cooperem com voc?Voc gostaria de conhecermelhoro que se passa dentro da mente de seus filhos oucomo seus filhos se sentem? Como alguns paisconseguemque seus filhos fiquem felizes e cooperativos de modofcil? Que tal conhecer a frmula que ir economizarmais de 80 minutos por dia,todos os dias? (Sem truques, sem subornos, semameaas,sembater).Agora esses segredos e essafrmulaso reveladospasso a passo em um curso fcil deassimilar! Sevocno quer depender s deesperana, mas de maneira respeitosa quer ser responsvel pela mudana do seu filho, conscientemente aprendendo como usar a chave que lhe permite ter domnio nas lutas pelo controle da situao, ao passo que seu filho permanece com sorriso no rosto, ento esse curso paravoc!Basta assistir e ouvir os segredos que transformaram os pais comuns em mes e pais habilidosos que esto obtendo excelentes resultados todos os dias! De forma bem objetiva, sem atalhos, sem perda de tempo e sem falhas.Apenas passos simples, comprovados e incrivelmente eficazes para determinao de limites e comosucesso, um sorriso no rosto de seu filho!D a chance de um recomeo,inscrevendo-se neste curso que pode significar a mudana na sua vida e na suafamlia,entono espere mais tempo einscreva-se agora mesmo,cada momento adiado, no s vocperde, mas tambm o futuro sucesso do seu filho.Todas as atualizaes futuras deste curso so gratuitas O valor uma taxa nica que voc nunca mais precisarpagar e ter acesso vitalcio aocurso. Se dentro de 30 dias, voc no se sentir satisfeito, voc poder facilmente conseguir a devoluo total do seu dinheiro, sem qualquer obstculo. extremamente importante para mim que voc alcance o sucesso. Esta a minha promessa pessoal para voc e seus filhos! Voc realmente no tem nada a perder! Na verdade, estou to confiante daquilo que ensino, posso at dizer que dentro dos primeiros 20 minutos, voc j aprender uma tcnica que lhe permitir economizar 20 minutos por dia, todos os dias."
Price: 99.99

"Wireshark ve A Adli Biliim Snav" |
"Wireshark,TCP-IP ve A Adli Biliim konularnda kendisini gelitirmek isteyen arkadalara 100 soruluk bir kaynak hazrladm. Bu sorular zerken hem Wireshark hem Network Forensic konularnda deneyim kazanacaksnz.Bu snav zmeden nce Wireshark ve Network Forensic , Wireshark ile Network Trafik Analizi kurslarma bakmanz tavsiye ederim.Saldrganlar ve zararl yazlmlara ait ipular bulun.Kendi network trafiinizi rahata analiz edin."
Price: 49.99

"HOW TO DRAW EVERYTHING: From the beginner to PRO" |
"""HOW TO DRAW EVERYTHING: From the beginner to PRO"" is an intensive training course for people who dream to learn how to draw. This course is designed so that anyone can get or improve their drawing skills and gain an understanding of what the drawing is made of. And most importantly - this course is suitable, both for people without any experience of drawing, and for those who are already actively studying drawing and want to improve their skills."
Price: 19.99

"Mac App with Swift 3 and XCode 8" |
"If you are a programmer who wants to learn how to get started with developingan app for Mac, then you are at the right place.In this course I will take you through a fun ride, where you will learn to code a simple but complete app from scratch.Here are some salients point of the Course:You will get the complete source code of the app at the end of the course.You will be able to get started with the Xcode.You will be able to utilise some of the basic user interface controls like buttons,labels,textfields.You will learn how implement the tables, and the basic coding behind.You will also learn basics of validation and showing error messages.I hope you will enjoy the fun ride as much as I enjoyed making this course for you. Do put up some queries you have in the discussion forum. I will try to help you out."
Price: 39.99
