"PowerPoint 2010 - Curso Completo con Profesor Certificado" |
"Descubre todas las funcionalidades de PowerPoint de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te ayudar a dar un paso adelante y hacer que tus presentaciones sean profesionales, dinmicas e impactantes. Conseguirs captar la atencin de tu pblico de principio a fin sacndole el mximo jugo a todas las opciones de la herramienta. Mejorars tus presentaciones integrando elementos grficos, video y audio, les dars vida con animaciones y transiciones, tomars el control organizando el contenido en secciones y fijars los tiempos de la presentacin para mostrar tu dominio y conocimientos a tu audiencia. En definitiva, esta herramienta te permitir mostrar todo el potencial de tu trabajo captando el inters de tu audiencia e impactarles con una presentacin llamativa, con vida y sobretodo profesional. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! PRESENTACIN CON POWERPOINT 2010 I. La interfaz de PowerPoint 2010 Parte superior de la interfaz Parte inferior de la interfaz Parte central de la interfaz La vista Backstage Las opciones de PowerPoint Personalizar la cinta de opciones Personalizar la barra de herramientas de acceso rpido II. Abrir y guardar una presentacin Abrir una presentacin existente Guardar y Guardar Como Guardar y Enviar Comprobar la compatibilidad de mi presentacin Autoguardado III. Las vistas Las vistas de presentacin Opciones de Zoom Mostrar mltiples ventanas Cambiar el tamao de los paneles IV. Las diapositivas Iniciar la creacin de una presentacin Tamao y Orientacin de las diapositivas Insertar diapositivas Volver a usar diapositivas Diapositivas del esquema Organizar las diapositivas Eliminar y Ocultar diapositivas El tema Estilo de fondo El pie de diapositiva Crear secciones Patrones de diapositivas V. Introducir y editar texto Vietas y numeracin Mover el texto Editar el texto Copiar el formato Crear cuadros de texto Editar el formato del cuadro de texto Editar el tamao de un cuadro de texto Editar formas especificas Organizar los cuadros de texto Ajustar el texto en el cuadro Ms opciones para la edicin de texto VI. Insertar elementos grficos y multimedia Dar formato a los elementos grficos Orden de apilamiento Hipervnculos Imgenes Quitar el fondo de una imagen Crear y modificar lbumes de fotos WordArt Formas Imgenes prediseadas Copia de pantalla Insertar un SmartArt Editar un SmartArt Convertir un texto a SmartArt Insertar audio Insertar vdeo VII. Tablas Insertar una tabla Insertar una hoja de clculo Excel Editar una tabla de Excel Herramientas de tabla - Presentacin Herramientas de tabla - Diseo VIII. Grficos Insertar un grfico Modificar los datos de un grfico Cambiar el formato de un grfico El cuadro de dilogo IX. Transiciones y animaciones Aplicar efectos de animacin a un elemento Agregar y copiar una animacin Trayectorias Trabajar con animaciones Ms opciones Transiciones X. Revisar, Proteger y Compartir Opciones de revisin Revisar la presentacin El panel de referencia Buscar y reemplazar Trabajar con comentarios Comparar y combinar presentaciones Inspeccionar elemento Establecer contraseas Marcar como final Aadir una firma digital Compartir presentaciones XI. Realizar y grabar presentaciones Herramientas de presentacin Configuraciones de presentacin Crear presentaciones personalizadas Fijar los tiempos de la presentacin Ensayar Grabar presentaciones XII. Imprimir presentaciones Imprimir presentaciones Imprimir notas Imprimir documentos"
Price: 199.99

"Email Marketing con MailChimp" |
"El canal Email debe ocupar un lugarmuy importante en tu estrategia de Marketing Digital.En este curso aprenders todolo que debes saber sobre Email Marketing y enfocar la estrategia de email marketing para conseguir los mejores resultados.Al finalizar este curso dominars la plataforma Mailchimp, referente a nivel mundial como herramienta de email marketing, para disear y ejecutar campaas de Email Marketing altamente eficaces.Consigue llegar a los clientes por medio de uno de los canales de comunicacin ms rentables del Marketing Digital!"
Price: 119.99

"Curso de Google Tag Manager" |
"Google Tag Manager, que se ha convertido rpidamente en uno de los sistemas de administracin de etiquetas ms usados del mercado.Con este curso podrs controlar qu etiquetas se agregan a los contenedores a travs de una interfaz web simple.Evitars la necesidad de usar los servicios de un webmaster yimplementarsetiquetas en tu sitio web con rapidez:Google AdWords, Google Analytics, ...Convirteteen un especialista enGoogle Tag Manager y alcanza todos tus objetivos de medicin y analtica web con esteCurso deGoogle Tag Manager"
Price: 119.99

"Optimizar el SEO con Google Search Console" |
"Google Search Consolees una herramienta gratuita que Google pone a nuestra disposicin y que s o si tienes que tener controlada si tienes una web.Dominar esta herramienta, a travsde la cual el mismo Google teaportainformacin sobre el estado de tu web, tepermitir mejorar el rendimiento de tuweb y tu posicionamiento orgnico.En este curso, iremos viendo paso a paso toda la informacin que te aporta Search Console y aprenders averificar que el rendimiento de tu sitio web es el adecuado, detectar posibles problemas que estn afectando a tu sitio web, conocer cmo Google encuentra yvalora el estado de tu sitio web o analizar el rendimiento de tu trfico orgnico."
Price: 119.99

"Google Analytics, Curso completo con Profesor Certificado" |
"La Analtica Web es una de las disciplinas ms demandadas del sector onlineyGoogle Analytics es una potente herramienta de analtica web que te permite analizar con detalle el trfico que llega a una determinada web.Gracias a este cursos podrsadquirirun conocimiento slido en analtica web,determinar qu tipo de trfico llega a tuweb y cmo mejorar la conversin detusitio web.El otroobjetivodel curso esque puedas obtenerelexamen de certificacin oficial IQ de Google Analyticsque certifica de manera oficial el dominio por parte del alumno de la herramienta Google Analytics.Este curso deGoogle Analytics estaorientadoal desarrollo de tus propios proyectos de marketing online y al crecimiento de tu negocio."
Price: 149.99

"How to Lower Blood Pressure and Overcome Hypertension" |
"Hypertension is a serious condition that can lead to coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral vascular disease, vision loss, chronic kidney disease, and dementia. Clinical physicians try to control blood pressure with prescription medication and lifestyle changes (diet & exercises). Modern research shows that clinical physicians are years behind cutting edge medical research. When you visit a physicians, you think that you are getting medical advice based on the most recent knowledge & data. Unfortunately, this is not true! [See reference 1 below] . Physicians simply do not have time to keep up to date with current science. There are two types of research: - Pharmacological research: investigates effects of medications - Non-pharmacological research: investigates the effect of non-pharmaceutical interventionsPharma companies invest millions of dollars into marketing novel pharmaceuticals to the clinicians. Within the past 15 years, science has seen a tremendous level of non-pharmacological research that can benefit patients. Unfortunately, scientists do not have millions of dollars to market their discoveries to the clinicians. As a result your treatment is heavily biased towards medications that bring tremendously negative side effects.At SOMA SYSTEM CLINIC we use cutting edge scientific research to create treatment programs relying on non-pharmacological methods. In this course, ""How to Lower Blood Pressure and Overcome Hypertension"", you will learn how to control and lower your blood pressure without using medications. Standard clinical protocols for hypertension treatment include lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. We go beyond diet and exercise!Modern research unequivocally demonstrates that hyper activation of your sympathetic nervous system plays a paramount role in genesis and maintenance of high blood pressure. [2-4].Instead of developing methods to down-regulate sympathetic nervous system, pharma companies develop drugs that aim to prevent effect of the hyper-activated nervous system on the your blood pressure, heart and the cardiovascular system.What if we could depress activity of the sympathetic nervous system?In fact, modern research shows that we can do this without using drugs. This requires learning, understanding and changing all factors that over activate sympathetic nervous system, such as: - Poor quality sleep and insufficient sleep - Abdominal fat, poor nutrition & insulin resistance - Muscle Pain & Tension - Loneliness and lack of authentic and warm relationships - Lack of purpose in life - Lack positive emotions - Depression & Anxiety - Sedentary physiology As you can see these factors span all major systems: physiology, psychological and emotional factors, social factors, exercise and many others. To lower your blood pressure, you need to learn to work with your entire BodyMind and this is exactly what you will learn in this course. References:[1] Morris, Zo Slote, Steven Wooding, and Jonathan Grant. ""The answer is 17 years, what is the question: understanding time lags in translational research."" Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 104, no. 12 (2011): 510-520. [2] Esler M, Lambert E, Schlaich M. Point: counterpoint. Chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system is the dominant contributor to systemic hypertension. J Appl Physiol. 2010;109;19961998.[3] Esler, Murray. ""Sympathetic nervous system moves toward center stage in cardiovascular medicine: from Thomas Willis to resistant hypertension."" Hypertension 63, no. 3 (2014): e25-e32. [4] Huggett RJ, Burns J, Mackintosh AF, Mary DA. Sympathetic neural activation in nondiabetic metabolic syndrome and its further augmentation by hypertension. Hypertension. 2004;44:847852."
Price: 199.99

"Fiverr A to Z 2017 : Ultimate Freelancing Success Guide" |
"Course OverviewWelcome to my course landing page if you are reading this, It means you are bit interested for sure. This is the course of How to start your career and business with FiverrIt's really simple to get started from basics to advance with growth hacking and you are able to sell any type of skills on Fiverr. I have provided all simple steps how you can take your skills sets to next level and reach to more buyer.Here in this course, you can get easily everything because all stuff is online even you can check everything so no bluff. And get everything that I told in the intro. From A to Z.Who can join?Everyone can join this course who are willing to take action and stand out from others. It's no trick to get quick rich but it's for business who believe to work hard, And the long lasting business with good sales all the time.Beginner: Join and start and give a Fresh start in this business.Intermediate: Expand to next level.Advanced: What things you need to improve and how to hack growthSo It's for all and who don't have skill sets they also can join. Start with research section and get dive into the market.Why take this course?Right now If you don't have any extra resource of income then this course for you It has many branches even you don't think about it that things which you can sell here. (i.e. Write person name at the unique place or object and sale that photo, You read that right. ) It's course for all the people who want to get more buyer/client and customer so It'll lead to conversion and get more sales.This course is very useful for everyone and learns new skill which leads to selling more on Fiverr and some tricks to get more sales if you have already an account.This course not just to create an account it's all about how to grow from zero to the hero and I can say A to Z.Course MaterialIn this course, I have covered all major area of Fiverrwhich is necessary for the seller who wants to use as a business platform. Don't wait to join and dive into great content which will help to craft your career easily and fulfil your dream.All the best."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Azure, SCRUM and MicroServices with .NET" |
"In an increasingly crowded market how do you STANDOUT from the crowd?What are the key technology skills in HIGHDEMAND today?Do you want to elevate yourself above the competition and INCREASE your earning power? Then this is the course for you!I'll teach you the step by step how to understand and use:Microsoft AzureAzure DevOpsSCRUMMicroservicesTake your career to the next level and learn how the top developers can demand bigger salaries! Freelance & contract developers with these skills can make upwards of $800 a day, and the demand is increasing each year. Completing this course will open your eyes to a new world of potential earnings. With the development community growing each year, it's becoming harder and harder to impress potential customers or employers - but what separates the high earners from the rest is knowing how to use the latest tools, technologies and methodologies.In this course Iteach you how to get setup and started for free with Microsoft Azure and start building environments with Virtual MachinesWeb & APIAppsSQLAzureDocumentDbAzure FunctionsI'll then show you how to setup a SCRUM project, recording and managing user stories, tasks and sprints.Finally we will use Azure's offerings to start building applications around Microservices architectures, building, testing and deploying automatically into Microsoft Azure using DevOps pipelines.By the end of the course you will be comfortable with building enterprise applications using the latest technologies with seamless and repeatable deployments.For Freelancers &Consultants you will;Get Happier CustomersMore Easily Estimate &Manage ProjectsGain Faster More Accurate FeedbackStand Out From Your CompetitorsDemand Higher FeesFor employees;Wow EmployersDemonstrate Credible KnowledgeStand Out From The CrowdDemand Higher SalariesAnd of course, being part of Udemy you get: FREE lifetime access to this courseALL future lectures and upgrades (of which there will be many!) included for freeUdemy's Unconditional 30 day money back guarantee - so there's NO riskSo Elevate yourself today and get started RISKFREE!"
Price: 29.99

"Creating Online Help Using Adobe RoboHelp 2017" |
"In this course, you'll learn how to create complete online help systems using Adobe RoboHelp 2017, the leading online help creation application available today. Eric Butow is your instructor. RoboHelp allows you to create and integrate online help into your software or web app so your users can find answers to questions about your app quickly and easily. If you're a technical writer or an app developer who wants to support your users with online help, this course is for you. This 6-hour course is divided into 13 sections that progressively show you how to create your own online help project. Each lecture contains a video demonstration that shows you how to perform the lecture task in the RoboHelp window.Topics covered in the course include:Learn about the menu bars, toolbars, and windows within the RoboHelp app windowCreate a project, add project topics, and format topic textDesign your topics with styles, links, and framesGo further by building forms, creating tables, and inserting graphic and multimedia filesUnderstand how to create user variables, add conditional build tags, and add scriptsMake it easy for your users to find information by learning how to add a table of contents, index, glossary, and see also keywords to your projectGenerate your project in a variety of different formats so your users can view your online help on any device from smartphones to computersand even in a printed manualAt the end of most sections, you'll be able to create various parts of your help project in an exercise that tests how much you learned in that section.When you finish this course, you'll have all the knowledge you need to create online help systems for your users that are truly helpful.Please note:The use of text-to-speech software in this course has been approved by Udemy's Trust& Safety Team."
Price: 139.99

"FOUND: Connecting with Customers in the Digital Age." |
"Today's customers are harried, glued to their smartphones and more pressed for time than ever. To reach them with your message, your company must communicate differently than it has in the past. And while many marketers accept that digital marketing is the key to doing so, far too few approach the matter with a methodology that works. The FOUND course teaches how to blend social media marketing, search engine marketing, and content marketing into a formula that reaches the right audience at the right time. Bring this course to life, follow along, and never be without these digital marketing tools with your copy of FOUND. Start winning new customers with search, social and content marketing! Let's get started. Let's get FOUND."
Price: 29.99

"How to Create a Sales Leads Funnel for Your Business" |
"Without daily leads, your business will suffer. This is why you need to learn how to create an iron clad sales funnel that generates leads on a daily basis for your business.The ups and downs of your cash-flow will be a thing of the past when you discover how lead funnels work for your business 24/7. Its like having a sales person selling for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The best part is that you dont have to pay them, or deal with ineffective sales people.But be careful because all leads funnels are NOT created equal.A lead funnel that works for a construction company, may not work for an attorney. This is why its very important to know the different types of funnels, the right tools to use and how to properly implement them in order to get maximum return on investment. This video series will help you set up the best funnel system for your business."
Price: 49.99

"SEO Training - Complete SEO practical guide with Free Tools" |
"Lets demystify the hype. Shell we ?If you are looking of one of the followings...this course is for you -New Career as SEO Expert -Thinking to Start SEO Agency -Already running a business but do not want to pay 1000s to Agencies to maintain SEO for you -Wants to learn the art of SEO Ranking -Wants to learn new skill to earn Passive Income -Or Just want to expand your knowledge about SEO World If the answer to any of the above Question is Yes- then Sign up and lets make the difference. My Name is Baraq A. I am a student first thenan entrepreneur and technology evangelist. I like to share my skills so the people can take leverage from my gains and also ishare my mistakes so they can learn and avoid them. In this course I will teach SEO (Search Engine Optimization) step-by-step from beginner to Advance level and considering your time is very valuable, I have included everything practical with Free tools so you may not only learn it but practice with professional tools.This intensive course is divided into 4 sectionsSection 1We will coverIntroduction to SEO and establish understanding of Google Webmaster Guidelines and practical approach for Google Search ConsoleSection 2We will take SEO to next level and implement Onpage SEO with in depth research and free tools that will allow us to optimize any page.Section 3We will learn how google helps us for OffPageSEO and will learn 10 amazing strategies to create Back Linkswith skills and tools available.Section4Finally we will learn how to conductcompetitors research online and how to build a plan to outrank any website !I tried to make this course to be the most comprehensive course but since i am student of technologies as well, together we will make it to the next level.let's learn, grow and succeed together."
Price: 199.99

"Google Webmaster Guidelines & Search Console Training" |
"Let's understand Google and Rank high in google SERPs Resultswe don't know, what we don't know and sometimes knowing things from the source helps to improve swiftly. Google Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console are two primary keys to understand the dynamics of your website, performance measure and how it will Ranks in Google Search Engine.This course will give you step-by-step training, and will provide you detailed understanding of Best Practices to Rank high. We will cover Google Webmaster Guidelinesrecommended by Google, We will understand Black Hat and White Hat approaches and also ""what not to do"" so we can establish a long term Business.We will cover:- What is SEO and job of SEO Expert- Theory of keywordcompetition- Google Webmaster Guidelines & Best Practices- Google Recommendations ""DO's &DON'T""- How to verified your website for Google Search Console- How to submit your website sitemap- Google Search Appearance Module- Google Search Traffic Module- Google Index Module- Google Crawler Module- Google Security Issues- Recovery process, in case of Hacking- Google search Console- Conclusionlet's make your website more safer, stronger and popular !"
Price: 19.99

"Google Search Console Essential Training" |
"Let's understand the Google Search Console and Configuring your website to improveperformance and ranking in google SERPs ResultsGoogle Search Consoleisaprimary keyto understand the dynamics of your website, performance measure and how it will Ranks in Google Search Engine based on critical yet vital factors.This course will give youstep-by-step training, and will provide you detailed understanding of Google Search Console. Also we will learn, how Search Console helps to monitor your website traffic, important keywords, demographics and performance for smart devices.We will cover:- How to verified your website for Google Search Console- How to submit your website sitemap- Google Search Appearance Module- Google Search Traffic Module- Google Index Module- Google Crawler Module- Google Security Issues- Recovery process, in case of Hacking- Google search Console- ConclusionThis course is ideal if you want to run a successful Website or Ecommerce store.let's make your website more safer, stronger and popular !"
Price: 19.99

"SEO OnPage Optimization - A Practical Guide with Free Tools" |
"OnPage Factors - demystify the confusionsLearn OnPage optimization along with Google recommended methods and improve the page ranking with killing strategies included in this course.In this course you willlearn:How to Verify your website for Google Search Engine and Search consoleHow to Submit your website sitemapGoogle Search Appearance , Traffic, Index, Crawler and Security ModulesHow to Optimize WebPageHow to Optimize Image (Advance Technique)How to Optimize Content with KeywordHow to Install/Use Wordpress Plugin effectively for SEOHow to Analyze webpage for SEO factorsFree Resources and Tools that can help with SEOLet's Learn Grow and Succeed TogetherI'll see you in this course.Baraq A."
Price: 19.99

"SEO Backlinks Strategies - Free tools to Rank High" |
"let's build some backlinks with the most effective strategies that are available today !The purpose of this course is to equip you with knowledge and skills necessary to build effective backlink strategy. We will cover how Google helps us to create backlink with Advance Search Queries. Also we will learn how we can harness and take leverage of free tools to get the powerful backlinks.Now a days, when Google is penalizing more for spamming links and black hat approaches, we need fresh ideas to generate high quality, relevant links. I am sure in this course, you will find valuable knowledge and strategies that how you can achieve it.Backlinks from high Authority websites including backlinks from wikipedia and edu sites.let's increase the authority of your website by having quality links and of course it will bring free Traffic !"
Price: 19.99

"SEO Competitor Analysis - Spy Like a Pro" |
"SEO Competitor Analysis is integral part of any SEO strategy as this helps to lay down the foundation or initial plan to check the market competition and possible opportunities to rank high with precise method.Why you should take this course ?To find out the market competition you are operating inTo check the competitors position and strategies they are using to drive TrafficTo create a formal plan of action that will lead you more traffic, ultimately sales.To Analyse organic and PPC keywordsfor potential ideasTo observe what is working for others and how you can simulate the same or improved model.We will take a practical approach and will conduct competitor analysis of particular niche. Also, we will explore some Industry Leading Tools that helps to conduct the analysis. Finally we will devise a strategy that how we can improve our website based on the data we had gathered throughout the course.Excited to share this skills with you - Hope to see you in the course.Learn, Grow and Succeed Together."
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress Security Master Class Protect Your Business Today" |
"Wordpress Security Master Class Protect your Business TodayCreating anOnline Businessrequires a lot of planning anddedicatedresources. Without securing it, all of your investment and time can go invain orwasted in simple word. Let's talk about some statistics, everyday more than 50 thousands websites get blacklisted, hackers are winning big times due to the vulnerabilities available in wordpress websites as usually people forget to protect them through already available solutions.Let's understand, what it takes tosecurea wordpress websiteand save you money and time in long run.In this course we will cover, theSecurity as a whole and eliminatesecurity threat on each 3 levels. We will learnour online adversaries,Hacker's intentions, how they exploit someone's Business to gain money and how we can stop them andcreate a ring fence.When 10's ofThousands of websites are at risk every singleday, it is important to understand how you canavoid being on that listby following some simple rules that i have defined in this course.What we will cover in this course ?> We will cover 3 levels of security> what tools and techniques are available to ring fence online business> How we can protect wordpress login attacks> how different plugins can help to stop Bruteforce attack and SQL PenetrationWe will discuss how we can protect our front door by changing the login page and implementing 2 Factors AuthenticationThis is not all, we will go in depth and understand how we can protect directories and will take LIVE EXAMPLE that how people can lose money if they don't take proper measures.> After preventive measures, we will explore what are detective measures> which toolcan help to scan website for malware and different between premium and free tools> We will explore how we can automate scanningOnce we will cover the Preventive and Detective measures, we will discuss the Backup Strategies and Solutions available.> How we can conduct backups on regular basis> How we can automate this process with help of free and paid toolsFinally we will cover all stages and prepare Master Plan or contingency Plan.In this plan we will discuss, what steps we need to take in case our website get compromise and how we can bring our website back to Business As UsualI am sure there is a lot more so let's start this course today and protect your Business.I'll see you in this course. Thanks"
Price: 199.99

"Secure Wordpress in 1 Hour with Free Plugins Step by Step" |
"Secure Wordpress in 1 Hour with Free Plugins Step by StepWe all know the Google stats speaks louder than words that everyday more than 10,000 websites get blacklisted and compromised. Wordpress Security is not difficult but it requires little effort to implement and monitoring.In this course, Ihave covered WordPress Security in condensed form and created a 8 Steps practical Guide so you can follow the steps and implement WordPress Security in less than 1 hour.So the whole idea is to implement the security with the help of free plugins in quickest time period.We will cover, antivirus and malware installation, protection of Directories and file permissions, BruteForce Protection and Login Page restrictions, backup strategy and how to automate backups, Malware scanners and much more.So let's grab a cup of coffee and complete this pending task !I'll see you in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Create Deliverable Brand Identity Package" |
"Brand Identity creation is exciting but tedious task so most of the time packaging and delivery takes less concentration. In designing world, delivery and presentation is the most important stage as this is the time your client see the impression of your work or you can create WOW experience. In this course, we will design a packaging of Logo Identity assets; we will quickly learn three, different software and this include Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. We will look into the presentation concepts, how we can package the Brand Identity Asset along with Logo guideline, color guide and Typographical guide. Also how we can get the client attention and what solutions are available to share the contents with version control. What is Brand, Identity and Logo How to create Logo, Brand Identity set, Guides How to package the final deliverable What clouds solutions are available to share the contents with clients and maintain the variations"
Price: 19.99

"Create an awesome blogging website Fast - Step by Step" |
"Let's Create an awesome blogging website Fast - Step by StepThis course will teach you how to create a professional looking blogging website from start to finish. This website is based on Premium Fevr Theme and will cover all major steps that are required to buy domain, hosting and building a website.In less than 2 hours, we will cover vast range of tasks and i'll guide you step-by-step that how we can create..- Domain and Hosting Selection- Installing WordPress Platform- Installing Theme- Creating Menu, Post, Pages and ServicesYou should take this course, if you want to start your own blogging website or want to upgrade to a Brand New responsive, professional theme.So let's start this course now and learn a new skill !"
Price: 19.99

", Gulp. Gulp JavaScript. Gulp . - Node.JS. Gulp , -. . , Gulp . GULP: GULP Windows Linux GULP JSWatcher Browser-syncProduction , GULP ."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Microsoft Bot Framework" |
"Hello andwelcome to Microsoft Bot Framework tutorial.In this course you will learn how to build your own bots with Microsoft bot framework and Node.JS.Your users talk in many places; your bot should too. The Connector will have your bot talking in full fidelity on the most popular conversation experiences, no additional coding necessary."
Price: 19.99

"Corso Completo di Sviluppo Web: crea da zero il tuo business" |
"Stai cercando una guida/tutorial ben organizzato che ti possa aiutare a diventare unosviluppatore web? O stai cercando nuove opportunit di lavoro nel campo dello sviluppo IT?Qualsiasi sia la tua motivazione per diventare unosviluppatoreweb, ti trovi nel posto giusto al momento giusto!Il corso partir dalle basi fondamentali, con le quali potrai partire ad impostare edorganizzare i tuoi progettiedaffrontarli con serenit, qualsiasi sia la loro difficolt.Questo corso veloce ed efficace ti porter dall'avere zero conoscenze del mondo webad un livello di buona confidenza col codice HTML, i fogli di stile CSS e SASS, e con il PHP, capendo come queste varie tecnologie operano tra di loro e quali potenzialit offrono a te come sviluppatore.Partiremo dalla base fondamentale, ovvero il linguaggio HTML, a cui aggiungeremo il CSS, che ti permetter di dare sfogo al tuo gusto estetico nella creazione delle pagine web.Passeremo poi allutilizzo del SASS, che ti far risparmiare tempo nella stesura del codice CSS e ti permetter di avere fogli di stile pi flessibili e snelli, aumentando la performance delle tue applicazioni web.Proseguiremo, poi, con il PHP: un linguaggio di programmazione server side, grazie al qualepotrai regalare un esperienza dinamica ai tuoi visitatori.Struttureremo anche un databaseutilizzando un approccio logico e schematico, e gli daremo vita appoggiandoci al linguaggio SQL.N.B. Una serie di contenuti (qualiSQL, Gestione Clienti e altro) sono in produzione everranno aggiunti a breve all'interno del corso!Ti insegner tutto questo, e molto altro, anche attraverso la costruzione di una vera web app, che svilupperemo passo per passo in seguito ad ogni tecnologia nuova che andremo ad trattare.Sar l con con te in ogni momento e ti guider attraverso l'intero procedimento,spiegando ogni singola riga di codice!Sei pronto a iniziare?Partiamo!"
Price: 149.99

"The Beginner's Ultimate Guide to Affinity Designer" |
"""This course made me realize the power of Affinity Design. I am understanding the various tools and methods of creating any design that I visualize in my mind. I would recommend this video course to any who really wish to gain knowledge in Design in a very short time.""Charles Margrave""This is a good methodical look at Affinity Designer along with an bit of information about use cases. The content is exactly what I was looking for in the course.""Ben HoltzmanA TRUE alternative to Adobes overpriced software has finally come.Meet Affnity Designer a piece ofvector graphic design software that will allow you to easily create awesome designs without ruining your bank account. So if youve been looking for a cheaper and yet super powerful alternative to Adobes products, now youve found it. This course is all about you learning how to use Affinity Designer. Its a beginners comprehensive guide that will allow you to independently use all the tools and effects to create any design you wish. Inside you will find 50+ lectures in 14 sections Clear and concise explanations with lots of visual aids for easy understanding Tons of supporting material (design files and presentations) so you can practice as you learn Let me take you take you step-by-step through all the tools, effects and techniques that come with the software. This course is not for advanced Affinity Designer users, but if you are a total beginner you will love the course content. Heres a comprehensive list of goodies you will find inside: If you want to create glamorous designs, you need to have something to create them in. You need Documents that you can create fast and easy and you need to know how to manage them. Thats Section 3. Whats a design if it doesnt have shapes? Affinity Designer makes creating objects funand easy. Thats why Section 6 is so fun.You dont only want to create artwork, do you? You also want to easily customize it, so it looks perfect. That is why customizing and transforming your artwork is covered not in one, but in TWO sections: 7 and 8. Once your nifty design is ready, you probably want to put in front of all your friends faces, right? In section 12 you will learn how to save and share your work with the world of internet.In the bonus section you will learn how to use the pixel tools in Affinity Designer, should you wish to quickly tweak your photos, too.I assume that you are a total beginner so in the first section you will learn what Affinity Designer is and what its core features are, including a unique concept of 3 different tool sets called Personas.Looking at any piece of software that you are unfamiliar with can cause headaches. Thats why Section 2 is all about painless learning how to use Designers interface.Are you thinking about becoming a web designer? Then you need to know how to create and use artboards, so your workflow is fast and professional. Have a look at Section 4.If pixel perfect designs are all you are dreaming of, jump right into Section 5.Almost each and every of your designs is going to use some form of text. If you want to quickly learn how to add and transform type in Affinity Designer, have a look at Section 9.The software comes with powerful panels. The most important of them is the Layers panel. You will learn all about panels and layers in sections 10 and 11.Now you can create stunning logos, web layouts, mobile app designs for a fraction of a price that Adobe is asking for their products MONTHLY!Because the best part about Afffinity Designer is that there is NO subscription... You pay for it ONCE and its yours to keep! Say good-bye to forking out hundreds of dollars for software every year even if you are just a hobbyist, a student or a freelancer just starting out your design adventure. And yes, as always, you are completely covered by a 100%30-day money back guarantee. If after 30 days you wont be convinced that you can use the software independently, simply ask for a refund and you will receive it promptly. No one will ask a single question about your reasons. It's your call now.Click the Enroll button and...Enroll now!DawidPS One more thing. As a SPECIAL BONUS, you will get a How to get started with Affinity Designer e-book for FREE (worth $29.97). Its almost 200 pages, with more than 200 images to compliment your learning process, if you are not in the mood for watching videos or you prefer the old school type of learning. PPS You will also receive a comprehensive list of ALL the shortcuts used in Affinity Designer. A true professional knows how to use shortcuts to make his or her workflow super speedy."
Price: 194.99

"Every Adobe Illustrator Effect Explained" |
"Have you ever stuck with your design project in Illustrator, because you wanted to apply a certain effect, but it was just too confusing? And arent you tired of trying to figure them out on your own, because the more you try to understand them, the more overwhelming they get? If you are like me and like simple solutions to things that seem too complicated to make real use of them, then you will love this course. Because inside you will find only the practical, straight- to-the point yet thorough answers to all your questions about Illustrators effects. Take a look at just a humble fraction of the Illustrator goodies covered by this course: More than 50 (yes, fifty!) effects explained in a thorough yet easily digestible manner, so you can use what you learn straight away.Tons of supporting material, including design files for you to follow along and learn in the most efficient way. All the sections and lectures are neatly organized so you can jump straight into that particular lesson that interests you at the moment. You don need to go through all the lectures one by one to benefit from the course.If you want to take your Illustrator knowledge up one level (or even two levels up) and finally learn all the effects that will make your designs and design skills stand out on the market, you have to give this course a shot. And I know that many designers are put off by Illustrator thinking that its too complicated to learn. Let me tell you something: Its easier to learn than Photoshop! You just need the right instructions. And you will get them in this course So if you want to know how to Create amazing 3D effects in Illustrator (I admit, they look awesome!)Transform shapes so they get that professional hand-drawn feel, even if you dont how to drawOr how to stylize your designs to give the modern lookEnroll in the course. Note that this course is not for absolute Illustrator newbies. This course is a perfect fit for you if you already know some things about the software. You already know how to use the essential tools, layers etc. And in case you dont like the course, you can always get your money back. You are fully protected by a 100% money back guarantee. And no one will ask for a reason. Now is the time to finally discover everything that Illustrator offers and hides. Enroll now! Dawid PS. Oh, did I mention that this course comes with a complimentary e-book? Inside you will find all the courses content served in a traditional, written manner. If you dont feel like watching videos, you can read some instead and still benefit from the course just as well."
Price: 144.99

"Web Design in Affinity Designer Masterclass" |
"If you are thinking about starting out as a web designer you have probably tried to harness Photoshop sometime in the past. You probably spent countless hours trying to figure out that monstrous program. I know the pain. I remember spending days after days, weeks after weeks just to remember how tools and effects work. Luckily we live in times when if you want to start a career as a web design freelancer, you can just put Photoshop aside. Hi, my name is Dawid Tuminski and in this course you will learn how to use Affinity Designer to design websites from A-Z. This course is packed with valuable info any web design rookie should know, such as: How to choose the BEST colors and fonts for your websites What makes a professionally designed website What are the modern web design trends you should know about How to build websites visual guides, such as wireframes and grids and thats just the introduction! Because the real bread and butter of this course is inside its practical parts. We will get our hands dirty and explore all the tools and techniques professional web designers use to design a website inside Affinity Designer. That includes: Building wireframes and grids the building blocks of every website Using assets to make the design process ultra-fast Creating text styles that let you change fonts in a blink of an eye And of course designing a websiteYou will learn how to design it form opening a file, through placing images, adding text and backgrounds right up to exporting the design you would ultimately hand out to a client. Theres a lot of good stuff to cover and I truly believe that once youve completed the course and practiced on your own, you will start creating amazing website designs in Affinity Designer in no time. And to make things easier, this course comes with a lot of downloadable resources: Presentations you can open up on your tablet or smartphone to revise the lecture when you are commuting The design files you can explore to get the real feel of a website design And images and icons needed to make recreating the design effortless This is a more than a 4 hour long web design and Affinity Designer bundle. Every step of the process is explained thoroughly, but without the yaaaaaawn parts. Please notice one thing. This course is not about learning all there is to know about Affiinity Designer. Its a course for those who already got the basics of the software and would love to learn how to use their skills to design websites. We wont be looking at each and every tool to find out what it does. We will however go deep on those tools that we will be specifically using for web design purposes.I mean, if you dont know jack about the software, you can always take a look at my Affinity Designer for Beginners course here on Udemy.But of course, if you have any questions along the way, I will be more than happy to answer them. I am here to help, so you can rest assured that you wont be left out on your own when something is not clear and needs a more personalized explanation. Also, dont forget that you are totally covered by a 30-day money back guarantee.No questions asked.So if you dont want to spend ages on learning overly complicated software and you dont want to visit your bank to ask for loans just to get that software, give Affinity Designer a try. Give this course a try. And Id love to see you inside!"
Price: 194.99

"Illustrator w praktyce dla pocztkujcych i nie tylko" |
"Wiem, jak to jest, kiedy uruchamia si Illustratora i z przeraeniem i zniechceniem patrzy na puste okno programu. Czowiek wtedy myli: No i co teraz?Pamitam ile czasu spdziem na szukaniu najlepszych sposobw na stworzenie projektw w Illustratorze.Filmy, ksiki i poradniki, ktre znalazem zawsze pozostawiay we mnie poczucie niemocy. Mysaem: Musi by jaki prostszy sposb, eby to wszystko jako ogarn.I na szczcie go znalazem, a teraz chc si nim z Tob podzieli w tym kursie.Poniewa ten kurs to: Esencja najpotrzebniejszych i najprzydatniejszych funkcji programu, ktre w naprawd krtkim czasie pozwol Ci zacz uywa go samodzielnie. 10 praktycznych projektw, penych tehnik i sztuczek uywanych przez profesjonalistw z brany kreatywnej. Zwize, proste w zrozumieniu lekcje, pozwalajce na natychmiastwe zastosowanie zdobywanej wiedzy w praktyce Filmy w penej rozdzielczoci HD, i o wysokiej jakoci dwiku. Do kadego projektu dodane materiay rdowe, dziki ktrym moesz atwiej wykonywa polecenia w kursie. To skondensowana i atwa do przyswojenia bomba praktycznej wiedzy na temat najwaniejszego programu do tworzenia grafiki wektorowej, jaki obecnie istnieje.Koniec z poczuciem frustracji, bo nic Ci w illustratorze nie wychodzi. Koniec ze straconym czasem, ktry mgby przeznaczy na tworzenie projektw, zamiast zastanawiania si jak osign dany efekt. Ten kurs pomoe ci: Samodzielnie pracowa z Illustratorem Stosowa zaawansowane techniki w prosty i atwy do zapamitania sposb Tworzy projekty w stylu flat designBez duyzn. Bez zbdnych ozdobnikw. Bez poczucia marnowanego czasu i pienidzyPrzystpujc do tego kursu, dobrze by byo jakby mia jakie dowiadczenie w pracy z Illustratorem. Jeli kiedykolwiek uruchomie program, prbowae co zrobi ale si zniechcie, ten kurs przywrci ci wiar w Illustratora.Jeli natomiast jeste kompletnym nowicjuszem, to z pocztku moesz si czu, e kurs toczy si niecoza szybko, ale ju po 2-3 pierwszych projektach, powiniene poczu si duo swobodniej.Poza tym, jeli co bdzie niejasne, zawsze moesz miao zapyta. Chtnie pomog!Ten kurs nie jest jednak dla Ciebie, jeli czujesz si ekspertem z Illustratora. (Cho przyznam, e czsto jestem zadziwiony (i ucieszony), jak osoby z wieloletnim staem w pracy z Illustratorem mwi mi, ile nauczyy si dziki moim kursom).Ponadto, jeli z jakiegokolwiek powodu kurs nie speni Twoich oczekiwa, zawsze moesz w cigu 30-dni poprosi o zwrot pienidzy.Nikt nie spyta dlaczego, a pienidze wrc na Twoje konto bez zbdnej zwoki. Zatem, jeli chcesz Zdoby praktyczne umiejtoci obsugi Illustratora Nie chcesz na nauce spdza zbyt wiele czasu Uczc si od razu tworzy interesujce projekty Zapisz si na kurs teraz. Kliknij zielony przycisk Kup teraz i wierz, e spotkamy si niedugo. Dawid"
Price: 489.99

"Modern Flat Design Masterclass in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Affinity Illustrator is an industry standard when comes to creating vector graphics In fact, it can be the only program you will ever need if you want to create digital illustrations and posters custom graphic elements like icons and styles logos, business cards and websites All in one piece of software! But the abundance of options can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, you can learn all the things that will quickly allow you to work with Illustrator independently in one place. In this more than 8-hour long (and counting) course you will learn how to easily use Illustrator by designing modern flat design illustrations. If you are thinking about starting your career as a graphic designer and want to learn Illustrator or you just need solid design software skills for work, you will find all that is necessary for that in this course. Because it teaches you through hands on learning and doesn't bore you with technical details before you start. Inside you will find Gorgeous yet easy to create modern flat design digital illustrations that you can use for your own portfolioHigh quality, perfect-paced flat design projectsTons of useful skills and shortcuts to make your own designs happen Easy to learn ways of getting things done in Adobe Illustrator Practical supporting files for you to use in your own work Each project carefully designed to allow you to develop in-demand graphic design skills. Because this course is not just about creating digital illustrations. It's first and foremost about you developing software skills that will allow you to shine among design wannabes. This course will let you build your very own portfolio of modern flat design digital illustrations and application icons. So if you are tired and bored with courses not showing you how to practically use the tools and skills they teach, give this course a shot. Its ultimate goal is for you to have skills you can use for the rest of your design career. Hope to see you inside! Dawid"
Price: 199.99

"MBA in a Box: Business Lessons from a CEO" |
"Welcome to MBA in a box: Business lessons from a CEO!This is the only online course you need to acquire the business acumen to: Start up your own business Grow your existing venture Take your career to the next level Get promoted and apply managerial, financial, marketing, decision-making and negotiation skills in the real business world Have an all-around view of why some companies (and people) succeed when doing business and others do not This course is jam-packed with the same useful information and real-life case studies MBA graduates acquire throughout their training in top-tier business schools. We have even made it more interactive by preparing a gamebook for you. Yeah, thats right! Learning business and finance need not be boring! The gamebook will test what you have learned and will simulate a real-world environment in which your decisions as a business executive will have real monetary consequences for a company. Can you think of any better way to reinforce what you have learned? An exciting journey from A-Z. If you are a complete beginner and you know nothing about business or finance, dont worry at all! In each of the five main modules of the course, we start from the very basics and will gradually build up your knowledge. The course contains plenty of real-life examples and case studies that make it easy to understand. Five modules MBA in a box is a collection of the five courses that are most frequently taught to MBA students. We have carried out extensive research and explored the curriculums of the most successful MBA programs around the world including Harvard Business School, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, INSEAD, Booth School of Business, London Business School and others. This is the reason the following modules have been included in this program: Business Strategy Management and HR Management Marketing Communications and Marketing Management Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis Decision Making, Persuasion, and Negotiation Teaching is our passion For over six months, we worked hard to create the best possible MBA course that will deliver the most value for you. We want you to succeed, which is why the course tries to be as engaging as possible. High-quality animations, superb course materials, a gamebook simulation, quiz questions, handouts and course notes, as well as a glossary with new terms are some of the extra perks you will get by subscribing. What makes this course different from the rest of the Business courses out there? High-quality production HD video and animations (This isnt a collection of boring lectures!) Knowledgeable instructor (CEO of an 8-digit business) Complete training we will cover all major topics and skills you need to become an entrepreneur, a successful investor, or a business executive Extensive Case Studies that will help you reinforce everything that youve learned Gamebook - solve our Gamebook and make this course an interactive experience to test what youve learned while taking the course Excellent support - if you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 1 business day Dynamic - we dont want to waste your time! The instructor keeps up a very good pace throughout the whole course Bonus prizes - upon completion of 50% and 100% of the course, you will receive two bonus gifts Why do you need these skills? Salary/Income - it is not a coincidence that MBA graduates earn 40% more than their peers they have the skills and knowledge that allow them to see the bigger picture. This course will give the same to you a holistic view of why certain businesses succeed and what needs to be done to improve their performancePromotions - MBA students acquire valuable technical skills, which makes them the leading candidates for senior roles within corporations Secure Future - there is a high demand for skilled business executives in the job market, and you wont have to be concerned about finding a job Growth - this isnt a boring job. Every day, you will face different challenges that will test your existing skills This course comes with Udemy's 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. So, you have nothing to lose! Subscribe to the course and give it a try!Click the 'Take this course' button now!This will be one of the best decisions in your professional career!"
Price: 194.99

"Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis" |
"Is statistics a driving force in the industry you want to enter?Do you want to work as a Marketing Analyst, a Business Intelligence Analyst, a Data Analyst, or a Data Scientist?Well then, youve come to the right place! Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis is here for you with TEMPLATESin Excel included! This is where you start. And it is the perfect beginning! In no time, you will acquire the fundamental skills that will enable you to understand complicated statistical analysis directly applicable to real-life situations. We have created a course that is: Easy to understand Comprehensive Practical To the point Packed with plenty of exercises and resources Data-driven Introduces you to the statistical scientific lingo Teaches you about data visualization Shows you the main pillars of quant research It is no secret that a lot of these topics have been explained online. Thousands of times. However, it is next to impossible to find a structured program that gives you an understanding of why certain statistical tests are being used so often. Modern software packages and programming languages are automating most of these activities, but this course gives you something more valuable critical thinking abilities. Computers and programming languages are like ships at sea. They are fine vessels that will carry you to the desired destination, but it is up to you, the aspiring data scientist or BI analyst, to navigate and point them in the right direction. Teaching is our passion We worked hard for over four months to create the best possible Statistics course which would deliver the most value to you. We want you to succeed, which is why the course aims to be as engaging as possible. High-quality animations, superb course materials, quiz questions, handouts and course notes, as well as a glossary with all new terms you will learn, are just some of the perks you will get by subscribing. What makes this course different from the rest of the Statistics courses out there? High-quality production HD video and animations (This isnt a collection of boring lectures!) Knowledgeable instructor (An adept mathematician and statistician who has competed at an international level) Complete training we will cover all major statistical topics and skills you need to become a marketing analyst, a business intelligence analyst, a data analyst, or a data scientist Extensive Case Studies that will help you reinforce everything youve learned Excellent support - if you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 1 business day Dynamic - we dont want to waste your time! The instructor sets a very good pace throughout the whole courseWhy do you need these skills? Salary/Income careers in the field of data science are some of the most popular in the corporate world today. And, given that most businesses are starting to realize the advantages of working with the data at their disposal, this trend will only continue to grow Promotions If you understand Statistics well, you will be able to back up your business ideas with quantitative evidence, which is an easy path to career growth Secure Future as we said, the demand for people who understand numbers and data, and can interpret it, is growing exponentially; youve probably heard of the number of jobs that will be automated soon, right? Well, data science careers arethe ones doing the automating, not getting automatedGrowth - this isnt a boring job. Every day, you will face different challenges that will test your existing skills and require you to learn something new Please bear in mind that the course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee? We are certain this course will provide a ton of value for you. Let's start learning together now!"
Price: 149.99
