"How to Solder Electronic Components Like A Professional" |
">>> In this Course you will learn how to Master Soldering in no Time <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 1600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:David Elsbree says, ""This course is exactly what I was looking for, I have some hobby experience soldering, but found that it is difficult to find good information about tools and very little about ""how to"".""Kenneth Long says, ""Good, covers the very basics of soldering.""Welcome to this course.1.5 Hour of HD Content 1 Hour of Practical Videos 1500 StudentsSTOP Wasting Time, Money and Effort on Bad Soldered boards, Start Solder correctly to have a long lasting Fully functional Board.Ever Wondered Which Soldering Iron is right for you?Did you ask Yourself why My soldering doesn't look or feel like a professionally soldered board like you see in most online videos and images or even in boards that you purchase?This Course Have all the answers for youYou will learn how to master soldering, and use the right tools for the jobYou can count on these results:Learn how to choose the right soldering IronLearn how to change the soldering Iron tip headLearn what is the best solder out there, and why it is the bestLearn how to clean your soldering IronLearn how to extend soldering Iron life span Learn what are the right tools you need to have to keep yourself safe while soldering and solder the right wayLearn the difference between good soldering and bad soldering with real life examplesBasic soldering is a skill that's easy to learn and not hard to master. It just takes practice! There is a huge range of soldered situations out there, from tiny chip resistors on circuit boards to large UHF connectors. There is also a large variety of irons, tips and solder to choose from, and it certainly does help to have the right tool for the job. Good luck, and remember.... Good soldering takes practice! Warning :You are working with HOT liquid metal, it is a matter of time before you will get burned. Be careful! Contents that will be introduced in this CourseSoldering ToolsSoldering AccessoriesStep 1: PreparationStep 2: TinningStep 3: SolderingCleaningTips and Tricks"
Price: 199.99

"Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Raspberry Pi" |
">>> Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 700 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Sam Ander says, ""Thanks, good information""Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside thiscircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Ultrasonic Sensor, IR Sensor, Motor Driverand ending with resistors.You will know what is the actual working principle of Ultrasonic Sensor andIR Sensor and how to interface and configurethem correctly so that you can detect objects in the surrounding with your Raspberry Pi Powered device easily and effectively.After this course you will be able to make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Raspberry Piandthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:- Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it Internet Based.Whatyou will learn in this Course- How toConnect Motor DriverModule toRaspberry Pi.- How toConnect Ultrasonic and IR SensorstoRaspberry Pi.- How to Detect the presence of objects and takeActions Using Raspberry Pi.- How Ultrasonic and IR SensorsActually Works.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Raspberry Pi.- How Raspberry PiCan make your life easier.- How Program, burn a code and wire Raspberry Piand different Modules.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.- Why using Control with Raspberry Pi is better than traditional Control Methods."
Price: 199.99

"Arduino Alarm Clock Using a Real Time Clock and LCD Screen" |
"Welcome to this course.This course will teach you ways to create your own Arduino alarm clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date Variables efficiently and effectively, This Guide will take you in a very step by step manner to understand what each component inside this circuit is, and what it does and the way to wire it up, starting with the RTC DS3231 Time and Date Module and ending with resistors.You will know what's the particular working rule of the RTC Module and the way to interface and configure it correctly so you'll make your Arduino Powered alarm, and look at the time and date additionally to initiate alarm action.After this course, you'll be ready to make your own Arduino alarm clock employing a Real-Time Clock and LCD Screen and therefore the choice is yours to use it and apply it with any application that comes in your mind and may make your life easier since all connections are explained in details.We are aiming to set the specified alarm time inside the code using an Arduino. The RTC Module will take care of the time and date values.>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 10k STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Orven Bregu says, ""Project was explained into details. I've learned new things :)"""
Price: 199.99

"Arduino Wireless Power Transmission" |
">>> Make your own Arduino Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless Power <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Nathan Johnnie says, ""Precise Course""Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino WirelessPower Transmission Project and light electronic components and devices with wireless power efficiently and effectively, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the wireless power transmissioncircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the winding coilsand ending with things as simple as aresistor.You will know what is the actual working principle of WirelessPower Transmission and how to use,interface and configure Arduino correctly so that you can make your own ArduinoWireless Power Transmission device.After this course you will be able to make your own wireless power transmission deviceandthe choice is yours to use it and apply it withany application that comes in your mind and I assure you that thiscan make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:- Make your own Arduino Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless PowerWhatyou will learn in this Course- How toConnectArduino with other electronic componentsto turn it to a wireless powertransmitter.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How to Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Coils.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects."
Price: 199.99

"PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power Transmission" |
">>> Make your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless Power <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own PIC MicrocontrollerWirelessPower Transmission Project and light electronic components and devices with wireless power efficiently and effectively, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the wireless power transmissioncircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the winding coilsand ending with things as simple as aresistor.You will know what is the actual working principle of WirelessPower Transmission and how to use,interface and configure PIC Microcontroller correctly so that you can make your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power Transmission device.After this course you will be able to make your own wireless power transmission deviceandthe choice is yours to use it and apply it withany application that comes in your mind and I assure you that thiscan make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:- Make your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless PowerWhatyou will learn in this Course- How toConnectPIC Microcontroller with other electronic componentsto turn it to a wireless powertransmitter.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with PIC Microcontroller.- How PIC Microcontroller Can make your life easier.- How to Program, burn a code and wire PIC Microcontroller and Coils.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects."
Price: 199.99

"Arduino Car Parking Assistant" |
">>> Make Your Own Arduino Car Parking Assistant in a Step by Step Manner, learn and have fun Practicing Arduino <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4.2 Star More Than 2000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino Car Parking Assistant at home using Ultrasonic Sensor and set the distance at which you want to be alerted while parking, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component is, why we use it, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the basics of Arduino and ending with distance measurement Ultrasonic Sensor.You will know what is the actual working principle of distance measurement, what is Ultrasonic Sensor and how to interface - wiring -and codeit correctly so that you can control the distance at which you want your alarm system to fire indicating that you are really close to a wall or an object, make your Arduino Powered Car Parking Assistant system and initiatealarm action will seem really easy after taking this course.After this course, you will be able to make your homemade very own Arduino Car Parking Assistantandthe choice is yours to use it and apply it withany application that comes in your mind that might include:- Level Measurement- Door Closing Mechanism - Counter- Height MeasuringAll connections are explained in details, and you can choose the type of output and the range at which the alarm will alert you that you are close to a wall while parking or an object.We are going to set the desired distance inside the codeusing an Arduino. The Sensor will take care of the distance calculationvalues with the help of Arduino Board and some coding that will be explained in much details.Goal From This Course:- Make your own Arduino Car Parking Assistant that works efficiently and effectively.Whatyou will learn in this Course- How to makeArduino Car Parking Assistant.- How to Deal with Distance SensorsUsing Arduino.- How to set an alarm Action depending on the data that you take from Ultrasonic Sensor.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects?"
Price: 199.99

"Automatic Weight Measuring Machine using Arduino" |
">>> AutomaticCoin operated Weight Measuring Machine using Arduino <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 6000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Rishab A says, ""Excellent Course. I was able to complete the course in one go. Instructor was very clear on the concept. I have already ordered my hardware and I will complete the same very soon. Thanks for making this course. I would recommend this to all interested in making this project.""Ji ustek says, ""Good Course for Beginners""Welcome to this course.(LoadCell Interfacing with Arduino)This guide will help you make Arduino Coin Operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine in a Step by Step MannerThis Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino Coin Operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine and interface Load Cells with Arduino, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside thiscircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Load Cell Moduleand ending with resistors and Leds.You will know what is the actual working principle of Load Cellsand how to interface and configureit correctly so that you can read data from it and convert this data to weight in Grams, Ounces or Kilograms and display the output data on LCD, 7 Segment display or any other type of display of your choiceAfter this course you will be able to make your own Fully Functional Coin operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine that you can place in any public place, to make passive income, or to use it to measure your own weight from time to time instead of buying a weight measuring machineWhatyou will learn in this Course- How tomakeArduino Coin Operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine- How to Deal withLoad CellsUsing Arduino.- How to read data from Load Cell and display it on LCD or 7 Segment Display.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How toProgram, burn a code and wire Arduino andLoad Cell.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects. -This Course will cover how to use the circuits and codes to make passive income by creating a state of the art device that you can place in public places to gain money by offering automatic weight measuring service with this coin operated device."
Price: 199.99

"Program PIC Microcontrollers On Board with ICSP" |
">>> You will Program and Re-Program PIC Microcontrollers On Board with ICSP without swapping it or removing it from its socket <<<Programming an enormous DIP(Dual In Package) chip is fairly easy. Pop it into a socketed programmer, burn, and return to the appliance circuit.Things get harder with smaller (surface mount) chips. There are not any standard sockets for QFN, SSOP, QFP, or maybe the big SOIC .300 packages. There are really expensive ($100s) clips that may attach to, and program, these chips. for every chip type and pin count you utilize you need a unique clip.ICSP is that the alternative ICSP means 'in-circuit serial programming. it's the way of programming a PIC while it's still attached to the appliance circuit. no more chip swapping. Why using ICSP? PIC ICSP gives you a convenient way of programming PIC Micros without removing the chip from the event or production board. In fact, it's the sole way to program PIC microcontrollers so you'll find the ICSP interface on all devices.There are not any programming sockets for little package chips. Clips are expensive.Its a pain to maneuver chips in & out of the programmer during development.Its impossible for surface mount parts to be removed and placed on the commonly used programmers.Removing an IC from boards usually comes with the danger of breaking the IC Legs of breaking it.If you're taking this course now, you'll calculate these leads to just a couple of hours!Program any Microcontroller while on board.Stop removing ICs from boards to Program them."
Price: 199.99

"Choose the Right Microcontroller" |
">>> Step by step Guide to Choose the Right Microcontroller to Save Time, Money and Effort in current and future Projects <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<Welcome to this course.When you run a 'microcontroller' search you will get tons of result in the search page. But Which one should you choose?At the start of a project there is a great temptation to jump in and start selecting a microcontroller before the details of the system has been hashed out. This is of course a bad idea.I used to use any microcontroller, whatever available at hand, but that cost me time, money and effort without even knowing it, so after experimenting and looking deep on what to consider when choosing a Microcontroller, I can up with few steps that will help you master the art of choosing the right Microcontroller for your project.The number of different microcontroller chips available was pretty limited. You got to use whatever you could manage to buy, and that narrowed down the choice to a small number of chips, so you didn't have many choices, But with more companies in the Microcontroller market, more types and more choices came up, which left the end user in a bit of confusion.Which one should you learn?Which one should you use for your project?Is the one at hand is the best one for your project?Selecting the right microcontroller for a product can be a daunting task. Not only are there a number of technical features to consider, there are also business case issues such as cost and lead-times . At the start of a project there is a great temptation to jump in and start selecting a microcontroller before the details of the system has been hashed out. This is of course a bad idea. Before any thought is given to the microcontroller, the hardware and software engineers should work out the high levels of the system, block diagram and flowchart them and only then is there enough information to start making a rational decision on microcontroller selection.To help you pick a microcontroller to use, In this course we will look at what do you need the Microcontroller to a complish, how it can accomplish it, and which is the right Microcontroller that will accomplish it for you, Im sure that you will enjoy this course, it will open your mind to new possibilities, and help you save money, time and effort."
Price: 199.99

"PIC18 Microcontroller: Step By Step Guide" |
"You will enter PIC18 Microcontroller world, Know the main differences between PIC16 and PIC18, when it is better to use PIC18, and what are the wiring and programming differences between PIC16 and PIC18In this Course i will teach you how to program PIC 18F Microcontrollers using MikroC Pro compiler. But you should be familiar with the basics of PIC Programming using MikroC compiler. If you are a beginner to this field, please Check our Course: PIC Microcontroller Step By Step your complete guide . There are a lot of advantages for PIC 18F microcontrollers compared to 16F. And we will discuss these advantages and why sometimes its better to go with a PIC18 instead of PIC16.The PIC18F product family also has an 8-bit CPU and offers extended performance over the PIC16F device family. The PIC18F device family can operate at speeds up to 12 MIPS and has a hardware multiplier for faster calculation of control algorithms. There are variants in the PIC18F family with specialized motor control peripherals, including a 3-phase motor control PWM peripheral and a quadrature encoder interface (QEI). Other PIC18F variants have the ECCP module found on the PIC16F device family. Source code developed for the PIC16F device family can be easily migrated to the PIC18F family. Devices with the motor control PWM module are well suited for variable speed 3-phase motor applications, while devices with the ECCP module are useful for brush DC and stepper motor applications. This course is designed to introduce the PIC18 Microcontroller hardware and programming environment to get you started on building projects as soon as possible. Unleash Your Inner Hero With this CoursePIC Microcontroller Inner structure and Programming IntroductionLeds, Resistors and Push buttonsDIY Projects and Quick TipsThis course is designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design. No experience is required, and all you need is PIC Microcontroller and several low cost components. With hours of content in many lectures, this course will take you from zero experience in electronics or programming to PIC Microcontroller Master."
Price: 199.99

"PIC Microcontroller Simulation: Unleash the power of Code" |
"Start your PIC Microcontroller Simulation Journey by working with different PICMicrocontroller without buying them. Unleash the power of code in Simulation>> PIC Microcontroller is an easy-to-use Microcontroller. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors. PIC Microcontroller affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects and in this course, we will make it easy for you to Code and Simulate PIC Microcontroller and Start Testing Your Codes Freely. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<Welcome to PIC Microcontroller Simulation Course.In this course, you will learn how to real-time Simulation ofPIC Microcontroller usingdifferent Boards and Schematics in A Professional Simulation Environment. It will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any of the Training boards, you just need to write your code and upload the hex file to the Simulation Software.This course will help you test your codes and schematics for PIC Microcontrollerwithout the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.Be sure that you will learn a lot from this course and it will help you advance your Microcontroller Career. As a result, you willsave Money and Time when simulating MicrocontrollersContents and Overview This course is designed for anyone interested in learning PIC Microcontroller and Simulate differenttype of it with different components without buying any of them and for FREE. You don't need to have any previous experience, and all you need is a computer. The Simulation Software is FREEWhy You Should Take This Course?Save Circuit design and Simulation Time, since you will be able to simulate using a real-life board that is designed to meet all your needsYou don't need to hock or connect any wire, write the code and uploads it to the free simulation software.Save money, since this software is for FREE, you wont have to pay anything, you dont even have to buy any components before testing your code, write the code, upload it to the software, test it then you are good to go.Real-time debugging and tracking of signals and data memory.Proteus Simulation software cost around 450$ and another cost up to 1000$. The software that I will teach you how to use it for free.You wont have to pay anything, download and install then you are good to go. Start using it in no time.PIC Microcontrollers that you will be able to Simulate.PIC16F84, PIC16F628 or PIC16F648,PIC16F777, PIC16F877A, PIC18F452, PIC18F4520, PIC18F4550 or PIC18F4620,ATMEGA328Boards that you will be able to SimulateLabtools development board McLab1,Labtools development board McLab2,Microgenius development board PICGenios,Arduino Uno development board"
Price: 199.99

"Build 9 PIC Microcontroller Engineering projects today!" |
">>> Learning by theory and Simulation is only half the answer, but connecting, wiring and burning a code to an actual Microcontroller, not a simulated one is the other more important half, and this is what we will cover in this course, you will learn by making PIC Microcontroller Practical Projects. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 55k STUDENTS on All of our Courses!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to this course.Learning By doing is what makes the difference between someone who learn and someone who applies what he learnedIn this course you will get the chance to see PIC Microcontroller in Action, starting from simulation and moving forward to connecting the hardware and testing the code in real life. This will help you make sure your circuit works as expected and you can witness yourself building your first PIC Microcontroller fully functional.The most important thing to note here is that when a circuit work with you in simulation, that doesnt mean that it will work in real life, in more than 85% of the cases the simulated circuit doesnt work when you connect it.What is the best way to Learn, you ask?Learning by doing PIC Microcontroller Practical Projects is the learn by practice approach that I preferThis approach allows you to not only master new PIC Microcontroller skills but also gain practical knowledge along the way.Only a few people are satisfied with simulation, but if you want good results you must move on and hook up your circuit and test it out using real-life hardware parts.I'm trying to help you gain real world practical experience in PIC Microcontroller, so let's start.PIC Microcontroller: Garage Door System Ultrasonic SensorThis guide will help you make a Garage Door System using Ultrasonic Sensor in a Step by Step Manner at home in no time.>>> This course will help youMake aGarage Door System Systemusing Tools that you already dealt with to Make Your Life Easier and more secure, You can make that Garage Door System using Ultrasonic Sensor..<<< >>> Continues Updates <<<4.7 Star More than 2200 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Nl Ghsays, ""Full of information and explained well good job""Welcome to this course.You will get a step by step tutorial on what needs to be done to get full control over any doorthat you want to add more security to and to make your life easier.This is a courseon interfacingGarage Door lock, LCD, Ultrasonic Sensorand other device with PIC Microcontroller to achieve the ultimate goal of creating that Garage Door System. It will give you the ability to make morehigher level Projects.You will know how to use the technology embedded in your Microcontrollerto make your everyday life away much safer.Motion Detector Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerYou will Be Able to detect motion and protect your home, work or any area using this PIC Microcontroller step by step>>> You will Be Able to detect motion and protect your home, work or any area using this PIC Microcontroller step by step <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4.3 Star More Than 2600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Avishai Levy Poorun says, ""Very good course on electronics""Welcome to this course.Who didn't face a situation in which You cam a cross a door and it opens by itself once it detect your presence, or installed a security system and wondered how it functions and how it detect a thief.We all know that there is something called Motion detectors, but very few know the science behind it, so today in this course I will teach you the very basics of Motion Detectors and how to interface them with a Microcontroller and Program the system to fire alarm,turn a light or even display (AThief is Detected), sky is your limit once you know how it works and how to interface it.Do you want toInterface Motion Detector with PIC Microcontroller and have full control on how your system functions?We are announcing our brand-new courseMotion Detector Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerHD Contentthat will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of Motion Detectorbut also thedetails of how motion detector work andthe method we use, how it works,it's wiring diagramand how your code can handle the motion once it's detected.What You will get in thiscourse?To know how toInterface Motion Detector with PIC Microcontroller and have full control on how your system functions?To get familiar with Motion Detectors.To Get FamiliarwithCoding and Interfacing Motion Detectors.To Get Familiar with New Programming Techniques that will help you get the Most out of Your System.Learn By Practicing,Practical Work?Interface and ConnectMotion Detectorto PIC.Send Output Signal to alarm, buzzer and LCD once the Motion is Detected.Write a C program to Interface Motion DetectorwithPIC Microcontroller.Understand the Working Principle behind the Method Used in this CourseIf you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!PIC Microcontroller: Make an Electronic Door Lock SystemThis guide will help you make an Electronic Door Lock system in a Step by Step Manner at home in no time.>>> This guide will help you Make Electronic Door Lock using PIC Microcontroller in no Time <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 1700 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Bobbie Smith says, ""The presentation and explanations are excellent. Thank you.""Welcome to Make Electronic Door Lock using PIC Microcontroller course.>>> This course will help you Make an Electronic Door Lock System using Tools that you already dealt with to Make Your Life Easier and more secure, You can make that Electronic Door lock using a keypad or a Computer via serial terminal and serial communication protocol. <<<You will get a step by step tutorial on what you needto do to get full control over any home, car door or any other door that you want to add more security too.This is a course on interfacing Door lock, Computer, LCD, Keypad and other devices with PIC Microcontroller to achieve the ultimate goal of creating that electronic lock. It will give you the ability to make higher level Projects.You will know how to use the technology embedded in your Microcontroller to make your everyday life away much safer.Things You Will be introduced to in this Course:Door lock an electronic oneLCD (Liquidcrystal display)Keypad 4*3 or 4*4PIC MicrocontrollerWires, Resistors and other basic electronic stuffBreadboardSoftware that will be used in this Course:MikroC Pro for writing the C code that will be used by PIC MicrocontrollerProteus For Simulation Purposes, we will use it to draw the schematic and test out the code before doing the practical partAt the end of this course, you will be able to Program PIC Microcontroller to control an electronic door lock and make it open or close using a number that you will enter via keypad, you will also display the entered data using LCD Display.PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power TransmissionMake your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless Power>>> Make your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless Power <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own PIC MicrocontrollerWirelessPower Transmission Project and light electronic components and devices with wireless power efficiently and effectively, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the wireless power transmissioncircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the winding coilsand ending with things as simple as aresistor.You will know what is the actual working principle of WirelessPower Transmission and how to use,interface and configure PIC Microcontroller correctly so that you can make your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power Transmission device.After this course you will be able to make your own wireless power transmission deviceandthe choice is yours to use it and apply it withany application that comes in your mind and I assure you that thiscan make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details. Goal From This Course:- Make your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless PowerWhatyou will learn in this Course- How toConnectPIC Microcontroller with other electronic componentsto turn it to a wireless powertransmitter.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with PIC Microcontroller.- How PIC Microcontroller Can make your life easier.- How to Program, burn a code and wire PIC Microcontroller and Coils.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.Dot Matrix LED Display Interface with PIC MicrocontrollerYou will enter Dot Matrix LED Display world of wonders, Write Anything and Make it shine using A Matrix of LEDsYou will enter Dot Matrix LED Display world of wonders, Write Anything and Make it shine using A Matrix of LEDs>>> Continues Updates <<< More Than 2000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to this course.A dot-matrix display is a display device used to display information on machines, clocks, railway departure indicators and in this course you will learn it's internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to a Microcontroller and Write codes to display letters, numbers and even sentencesDo you want to Goto the next level in Displaying Data using Dot Matrix LED Display?We are announcing our brand-new courseDot Matrix LED Display Interface with PIC MicrocontrollerHD Contentthat will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of Dot Matrix withPICMicrocontroller, but also learn the very basics of Dot Matrix LED Display internal structure, how it really works, its parts and how your code is handled by it.What You will get in thiscourse?To know how Dot Matrix function and learn about its internal structure.To get familiar with interfacing Dot Matrix display to PIC Microcontroller.To know how to display numbers and letters.To know how to move numbers, letters and words on Dot Matrix.Learn By Practicing,Practical Work?Interface and Connect Dot Matrix to PIC and Turn on aColumnDisplay a Letter on 5*7 Matrix DisplayWrite a C program to display the letters from A-Z on 5*7 Matrix DisplayWrite a C program to display a Moving Word Your Name on 5*7 Matrix DisplayIf you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!LCD Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerYou will enter LCD Display world of wonders, Write Anything and Make it shine using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)>>> You will enter LCD Display world of wonders, Write Anything and Make it shine using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) <<< >>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 3300 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to this course.LCD Display is a display device used to display information onclocks, calculators, watches and other devices and in this course you will learn it's internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to a Microcontroller and Write codes to display letters, numbers and sentences. Do you want to Goto the next level in Displaying Data using LCD Display?We are announcing our brand-new courseLCD Interfacing with PIC MicrocontrollerHD Contentthat will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of LCD Display withPICMicrocontroller, but also learn the very basics ofLCD Displayinternal structure, how it works, its parts, it's wiring diagramand how your code is handled by it.What You will get in thiscourse?To know how LCD Display function and learn about its internal structure.To get familiar with interfacingLCD Display to PIC Microcontroller.To know how to display numbers and letters.To know how to move numbers, letters and words onLCD Display.Learn By Practicing,Practical Work?Interface and Connect LCD Display to PIC.Display a Letter on LCD Display.Write a C program to display Words and Sentences onLCD Display.Write a C program to moveWords and Sentences onLCD Display.If you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!PIC Microcontroller: Learn By Building Practical ProjectsLearn PIC Microcontroller By Creating Real Life Practical Projects with your own Hands in this Step By Step Guide>>> Learning by theory and Simulation is only half the answer, but connecting, wiring and burning a code to an actual Microcontroller, not a simulated one is the other more important half, and this is what we will cover in this course, you will learn by making PIC Microcontroller Practical Projects. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 800 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Nathan Johnnie says, ""It is a great course; well done. ""Mike D. says, ""Excellent delivery, full of useful information, already started making my first motion detector, many thanks to you ""Welcome to this course.Learning By doing is what makes the difference between someone who learn and someone who applies what he learnedIn this course you will get the chance to see PIC Microcontroller in Action, starting from simulation and moving forward to connecting the hardware and testing the code in real life. This will help you make sure your circuit works as expected and you can witness yourself building your first PIC Microcontroller fully functional.The most important thing to note here is that when a circuit work with you in simulation, that doesnt mean that it will work in real life, in more than 85% of the cases the simulated circuit doesnt work when you connect it.What is the best way to Learn, you ask?Learning by doing PIC Microcontroller Practical Projects is the learn by practice approach that I preferThis approach allows you to not only master new PIC Microcontroller skills but also gain practical knowledge along the way.Only a few people are satisfied with simulation, but if you want good results you must move on and hook up your circuit and test it out using real-life hardware parts.I'm trying to help you gain real world practical experience in PIC Microcontroller, so let's start."
Price: 199.99

"Build 11 Arduino Practical Projects today!" |
">>> Learning by theory and Simulation is only half the answer, but connecting, wiring and burning a code to an actual Arduino, not a simulated one is the other more important half, and this is what we will cover in this course, you will learn by making Arduino Practical Projects. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 55k STUDENT on All of our Courses!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to this course.Learning By doing is what makes the difference between someone who learn and someone who applies what he learnedIn this course you will get the chance to see Arduino in Action, starting from simulation and moving forward to connecting the hardware and testing the code in real life. This will help you make sure your circuit works as expected and you can witness yourself building your first Arduino fully functional.The most important thing to note here is that when a circuit work with you in simulation, that doesnt mean that it will work in real life, in more than 85% of the cases the simulated circuit doesnt work when you connect it.What is the best way to Learn, you ask?Learning by doing Arduino Practical Projects is the learn by practice approach that I preferThis approach allows you to not only master new Arduino skills but also gain practical knowledge along the way.Only a few people are satisfied with simulation, but if you want good results you must move on and hook up your circuit and test it out using real-life hardware parts.I'm trying to help you gain real world practical experience in Arduino, so let's start.Arduino Motion Detector: Step By Step GuideMake your own Arduino Motion Detector and start Catching Intruders, Control devices and lots more Cool Application>>> This Course willshowyou how to build an Arduino Motion Detector Device that will Fire an Alarm once an Intruder is detected in a range of 6 to 7 meters, it will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the device circuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4 Star 1500 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Bobbie Smith says, ""This course gives you excellent information and clear instructions on creating a motion detector. Thank you.""Welcome to this course.You will know what is the actual working principle of Motion detectors that you see in banks and in door opining and closing mechanismsand what you can do with it and how to interface it with your own Arduino and make it execute and action using simplecodes freely, you will no longer needs to buy a motion detector or customize it since you can make the device yourself.After this course you will be able to make your own Motion detector andthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course: - Connect a Motion Detector Sensor to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it work.Required Materials Hardware: Arduino or an Arduino clone board (freeduino), or you can make your own custom Arduino board.PIR Motion Sensor.A piezo buzzer or an 8-ohm speaker.9V Battery and connector.Connecting wires.Software: Arduino IDEArduino Radar: Step By Step GuideCreate your Own Radar using Arduino and get a Green Map Showing Objects at your own Screen in no time>>> This course will take you in a step by step guide on how to make your own Radar using ArduinoBoard. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4 Star More Than 3000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Nathan Johnnie says, ""As always Excellent! ""Donald R. Lyons, Sr. says, ""The course is concise and to the point. There is not a lot of wasted discussion.""Welcome to this course.You will get to know how to wire each of these elements, how it works, and why we are using it inside this Project, in no time you will find yourself making your own Radar that shows different object and the distance between you and each object.A Radar station is a device that collects data related to objects in the surrondingenvironment using Ultrasonicsensors and a Servo motor to cover wider area.The aim is to make a portable Radar DeviceFeatures it should haveDistanceAngleMap that show different objectsYou will wire sensors and motorto Arduino UNO board and start testing the code yourself, every piece of code is well explained so that you can easily know what each segmentdoes.A lot of information is waiting for you inside this course, join now and start making your own.Arduino Web Control: Step By Step GuideMake your own Arduino Web Control and start Controlling any device that you imagine using A Simple Webpage and Arduino>>> This Course will teach you how to use a Web Page to Control anything using Arduino, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside this circuit is, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Ethernet shield and ending with resistors. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More than 5000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Bobbie Smith says, ""The instructor is thorough and concise. Thank you.""Susi Kumar Prava says, ""Great, Thank you""Kalid Al-ahmadi says, ""I love It very nice""Welcome to this course.You will know what is the actual working principle of Ethernet shield and how to interface and configure it correctly so that you can access your Arduino Powered device from anywhere with an internet connection, and control any device with simple clicks in a webpage.After this course, you will be able to make your own web controlled device and the choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier since all connections are explained in details.We are going to control LEDs from a web page using an Arduino Ethernet module. The Ethernet module will create a server using the router and we will set a web page for this server.We will use the HTML commands to print the data and to make the buttons on the web page.When the button on the web page is pressed, we will get some data on the serial monitor. We will save this data in the string and will use this data to turn the LEDs ON or OFF.Goal From Arduino Web Control Course:- Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it Internet Based.What you will learn in this Course- How to Connect an Ethernet Module to Arduino.- The Right way to Detect Online Actions Using Arduino.- The Working principle of Internet Control.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Ethernet Module.- Choose the right tools to start making amazing projects- Why using Online control with Arduino is better than traditional Control Methods.Automatic Weight Measuring Machine using ArduinoThis guide will help you make Arduino Coin Operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine in a Step by Step Manner>>> AutomaticCoin operated Weight Measuring Machine using Arduino <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 6000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Rishab A says, ""Excellent Course. I was able to complete the course in one go. Instructor was very clear on the concept. I have already ordered my hardware and I will complete the same very soon. Thanks for making this course. I would recommend this to all interested in making this project.""Ji ustek says, ""Good Course for Beginners""Welcome to this course.(LoadCell Interfacing with Arduino)This guide will help you make Arduino Coin Operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine in a Step by Step MannerThis Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino Coin Operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine and interface Load Cells with Arduino, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside thiscircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Load Cell Moduleand ending with resistors and Leds.You will know what is the actual working principle of Load Cellsand how to interface and configureit correctly so that you can read data from it and convert this data to weight in Grams, Ounces or Kilograms and display the output data on LCD, 7 Segment display or any other type of display of your choiceAfter this course you will be able to make your own Fully Functional Coin operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine that you can place in any public place, to make passive income, or to use it to measure your own weight from time to time instead of buying a weight measuring machineWhatyou will learn in this Course- How tomakeArduino Coin Operated Automatic Weight Measuring Machine- How to Deal withLoad CellsUsing Arduino.- How to read data from Load Cell and display it on LCD or 7 Segment Display.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How toProgram, burn a code and wire Arduino andLoad Cell.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects. -This Course will cover how to use the circuits and codes to make passive income by creating a state of the art device that you can place in public places to gain money by offering automatic weight measuring service with this coin operated device.Automatic Irrigation System with ArduinoMake your own Automatic Irrigation System and stop wasting time on checking your Soil manually and Start Automating Life>>> This Course will teach you how to Make an Automatic Irrigation System with Arduino, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the system is, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Soil Moisture Sensor, Nokia 5110 LCD Screenand ending with resistors. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 3000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Sunil Thakur says, ""Excellent course for starting in Arduino especially for farm irrigation.""Welcome to this course.You will know what is the actual working principle of Soil Moisture Sensor and how to interface and configureit correctly so that you can get accurate data with thisArduino Powered device and automate the Irrigation system.After this course you will be able to make your own Automatic Irrigation System deviceandthe choice is yours to use it or sell it or start a business, or doanythingthat comes in your mind, this willmake your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it Internet Based.Whatyou will learn in this CourseHow to connect Nokia 5110 LCD to Arduino.How to connect FC-28 Soil Moisture Sensor to Arduino.How to Detect Land condition Using Arduino.How Irrigation Process Actually Works.How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.How Arduino Can make your life easier.How Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Soil Moisture Sensor.What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.Why control with Arduino is better than traditional Control Methods.Arduino Weather Station: Step By Step GuideCreate your Own weather station using Arduino and get Temperature, Humidity and Time at your own home in no time>>> This course will take you in a step by step guide on how to make your own Arduino Weather Station that can get Temperature, Humidity, Time and Date using LCD Crystal display and Arduino Board. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 900 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Joan Davis says, ""Very precise explanations. Proving resources for purchases help for planning the project. ""Orven Bregu says, ""Interesting course ""Welcome to Arduino Weather Station course.You will get to know how to wire each of these elements, how it works, and why we are using it inside this weather station, in no time you will find your self-making your own station.Arduino is a Microcontroller that enables a lot of geeks, students, andengineers to make great projects, turn any idea that comes in their mind to a real life fully functional device, and in this course, we are using it to make something useful and informative.A weather station is a device that collects data related to the weather and environment using many different sensors, like humidity and temperature sensors, to get accurate results and display the outcome of these sensors on a display.You will get to know and connect Sensors likeWindHumidityRainTemperaturePressureAltitudeThe aim is to make a portable weather station that you can take anywhere and use whenever you want to get accurate results on time, date and weather conditionsFeatures it will haveTemperatureHumidityTime and DateYou will wire sensors and LCD display to Arduino UNO board and start testing the code yourself, every piece of code is well explained so that you can easily know what each does, code and schematics will be explained in details.A lot of information is waiting for you inside this course, join now and start making your own.Arduino Multicolor RGB LED Lamp Controlled Using BluetoothIn this Course You will learn How to Interface Arduino With a Mobile App via Bluetooth and Control RGB Multicolor Leds>>> In this Course You will learn How to Interface Arduino With a Mobile App via Bluetooth and Control RGB Multicolor Leds <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 4000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Eric Dion says, ""I learn a lot about the Arduino bluetooth module in this course. The course is not very long but it is a good introduction to the Arduino bluetooth module.""Welcome to this course.In this Course you will be introduced to Mobile Apps, Bluetooth Control, RGB Leds and how to interface all of these Items to get an amazing output that you can show to your friends and brag about it, this will really help you add something cool to your collection of projects that you already made, or even to your office.Arduino Programming Courses onlinecontains lots of unnecessary information that will surely distractbeginners and make them feel odd when they first come to the Arduino World.The instructor is a very high experienced hardware developer who has strong background in Arduino development, and made this course to help new comers to the Arduino world.At first glance, RGB (Red, Green, Blue) LEDs look just like regular LEDs, however, inside the usual LED package, there are actually three LEDs, one red, one green and yes, one blue. By controlling the brightness of each of the individual LEDs you can mix pretty much any color you want.We mix colors just like you would mix audio with a 'mixing board' or paint on a palette - by adjusting the brightness of each of the three LEDs. Get ready to see Colors that you have never seen below.No experience is required, and all you need is an Arduino and few simple electroniccomponentsThis course is designed for anyone interested inArduino with zero background knowledge.Arduino Bluetooth: Step BY Step GuideControl Your World and Surrounding using Your Own smartphone in this Step by Step Guide that Will Make Your Life Easier>>> This course will help you Control Your World using Tools that you already have which is Your Own smartphone to Make Your Life Easier, You can make any electronics device easily controlled by bringing it alive using Bluetooth Technology that you have in your phone and start playing with Arduino Bluetooth module interfacing in No Time. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More than 600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to Arduino Bluetooth course.You will get a step by step tutorial on what you need to do to get full control. In the end, you will be able to control any home appliance, project, car or any device using Bluetooth.This is a course on interfacing Bluetooth module with Arduino. Eventually, It will give you the ability to make higher level Projects like Home automation using a smartphone, Smartphone controlled robot and much more.You will know how to use the technology embedded in your phone. As a result, making your everyday life away much easier.What is Bluetooth?Bluetoothis awirelesstechnology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelengthUHFradio wavesin theISM bandfrom 2.400 to 2.485GHz) from fixed and mobile devices, and buildingpersonal area networks(PANs). Invented by Dutch electrical engineerJaap Haartsen, working for telecom vendorEricssonin 1994,it was originally conceived as a wireless alternative toRS-232data cables.Bluetooth is a standard wire-replacement communications protocol primarily designed for low power consumption. It has a short range based on low-costtransceivermicrochipsin each device. Because the devices use a radio (broadcast) communications system, they do not have to be in visual line of sight of each other.Range is power-class-dependent, but effective ranges vary in practice.This course will help you:Start using Bluetooth Module with Arduino BoardKick-start communication using this amazing wireless technology.Join this course now and start learning this awesome, must-know topic in the Arduino Field.Arduino Wireless Power TransmissionMake your own Arduino Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless Power>>> Make your own Arduino Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless Power <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 600 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Nathan Johnnie says, ""Precise Course""Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino WirelessPower Transmission Project and light electronic components and devices with wireless power efficiently and effectively, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the wireless power transmissioncircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the winding coilsand ending with things as simple as aresistor.You will know what is the actual working principle of WirelessPower Transmission and how to use,interface and configure Arduino correctly so that you can make your own ArduinoWireless Power Transmission device.After this course you will be able to make your own wireless power transmission deviceandthe choice is yours to use it and apply it withany application that comes in your mind and I assure you that thiscan make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:- Make your own Arduino Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless PowerWhatyou will learn in this Course- How toConnectArduino with other electronic componentsto turn it to a wireless powertransmitter.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How to Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Coils.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.Arduino Alarm Clock Using a Real Time Clock and LCD ScreenMake your own Arduino Alarm Clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date efficiently and effectively>>> Make your own Arduino Alarm Clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date efficiently and effectively <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 3900 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Orven Bregu says, ""Project was explained into details. I've learned new things :)""Welcome to this course.This Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino Alarm Clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date Variablesefficiently and effectively, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside thiscircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the RTC DS3231 Time and Date Moduleand ending with resistors.You will know what is the actual working principle of RTC Module and how to interface and configureit correctly so that you can make your Arduino Powered alarm system, and view time and date in addition to initiate alarm action.After this course you will be able to make your own Arduino Alarm Clock Using a Real Time Clock and LCD Screenandthe choice is yours to use it and apply it withany application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.We are going to set the desired alarm time inside the codeusing an Arduino. The RTC Module will take care of the time and date values.Goal From This Course:- Make your own Arduino Alarm Clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date efficiently and effectively. Whatyou will learn in this Course- How toReal Time Clock and LCD Screen toArduino.- How to Deal with Time and Date variablesUsing Arduino.- How to set an AlAarm Action depending on the data that you take from RTC.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and RTC Module.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects."
Price: 199.99

"Blender Modeling and Animation (Full Version)" |
"In this Blender course, you will learn a variety of animation techniques, including an easy to follow automatic lip-sync technique that can have your characters talking in less than a minute. You will also learn how to model, rig, texture paint, and animate.This is the ideal online class if you want to learn how to rig and animate a character. Blender Modeling and Animation (Full Version) provides you with the foundation to create your own original animation. In addition to animation techniques, you will also learn how to sculpt in 3D to create objects and characters. Other topics include creating different types of materials (glass, glossy, brick, etc.) If you're interested in learning Blender to make your own animation, enhance your film project, start your career in 3D modeling, create a unique video to promote your business or spice up your YouTube page, this class can help you realize your creative goals."
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to build a HTML 5 Login Framework Web Application" |
"This course will show you how to build aHTML Login Framework.If you are wanting to learn how tobuild a html 5 based web application like this login framework perhaps tokeep parts of a websitesecure,this login framework project will teach you how to do it.With a HTML 5front-end (HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax &CSS) and a PHP / MySQL back-end.The course will take you step by step through building the JavaScript functions and Ajax functions that talk to the back end database via PHP.I show you step by step how to codethe PHP files forthe server side of the application.The project has fully documenteddownloadable source code so if you get stuck you can just look through the source code to see if you have missed something.The source code has comments almost ateach line and function to explain what each piece of code is doing.When you have completed this course you should understand how all the components like HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP and MySQL all work together to form the completed project.If you need help while building the project please feel free to ask questions along the way using the udemy contact section in the course. i will respond to your questions as promptly as possible as I understand how important your learning experience is toyou."
Price: 19.99

"Character Art School: Complete Character Drawing Course" |
"With over 6500 5-Star reviews, join thousands of Artists in training in the best Character Drawing Course in the world!What is Character Art School?Character Art School is a learn-anywhere video course where you learn how to draw professional characters for books, games, animation, manga, comics and more. Ive hand-crafted the Character Art School: Complete Character Drawing course to be the only course you need to learn all the core fundamentals and advanced techniques to drawing and sketching characters well. If youre an absolute beginner or youre already at an intermediate level, the course will advance your current drawing ability to a professional level. The course is a comprehensive 10 module guided video course, where the only limit to your progression is your determination and engagement in the rewarding assignments.Whether you want to draw character design concept art for films and games, illustrations, comics, manga, Disney style or other styles, this is the course you need to get you there.Ill teach you to draw without fear, and Ill teach you to draw well - quickly.Finally, Learn Character Drawing WellWhether youre a complete beginner, or intermediate at character drawing, youll learn things you never knew you never knew. Seriously. Inspired by masters and built on the theory of giants, Character Drawing Academy is one of, if not the most comprehensive character drawing course out there. Im so convinced of this, Ill give you a no-questions asked refund if youre not satisfied.Clear, Easy to Understand LessonsCrystal clear in fact. Learning character drawing and how to draw people effectively means having information presented in a logical and coherent way. The Character Academy Course is modular by design, easy to grasp, and allows you to learn in a well paced, structured way. Engage in the course chronologically, then revise each module at your leisure. Grasp concepts, such as how to draw lips, eyes, faces, and more, faster than you ever have before theres no fluff here.Assignments that are RewardingBridging the gap between theory and practice, each modules assignments have been designed to both reinforce theory, and feel rewarding. Ive taken the core of the theory, and purpose built each assignment to help you rapidly progress, and youll see the difference in your own work almost immediately. Art is about doing, so lets get started- lets draw something awesome!What's Your Style?Whether you want to learn Character Drawing to draw for games, comics, cartoons, manga, animation and more, this course has you covered. I'm not teaching you a 'method' or a 'way' to draw, I'm teaching you to be fundamentally good at drawing characters, whether you prefer traditional pencil drawing or draw digitally.What are Students Saying about the Course?""Probably the best art course I've ever taken -- online or in college. Wonderfully presented, it helped me correct mistakes I'd been making that were really holding my artwork back. I've seen phenomenal progress after 30 days practice of the course material. Highly recommended."" Dan Rahmel ""Just a perfect 5 stars rating. It's really complete and filled with advice, theories and concrete examples. As he said, it's probably the last character drawing course you'll take. It's all I wanted. Thank you so much Scott Harris!"" Mario ""Amazing course. I haven't even started drawing yet because I'm in awe of how simple the instructor makes even the most complicated techniques look. At last, drawing like a pro is within my grasp! I also like the fact that the instructor allows me to just watch the first time through without worrying about drawing until I'm familiar with the concepts. My next time through the course, I'll be prepared and more confident than ever to begin drawing. Even so, I've already used some of the concepts in this course for a sketch here and there when I feel inspired to draw, and I can tell worlds of difference between my former drawings and newer ones. Laid back instructor, but very knowledgeable. I highly recommend this course.""Eric Beaty "
Price: 194.99

"Character Art School: Complete Coloring and Painting Course" |
"What is Character Art School: Complete Coloring and Painting?Character Art School is a 6week learn-anywhere video course where you learn to become adept at coloring and painting professional characters. Ive hand-craftedthe Character Art School: Complete Coloring and Paintingcourse to be the only course you need, to learn all the core fundamentals and advanced techniques to coloring and painting characters well. If youre an absolute beginner or youre already at an intermediate level, the course will advance your current ability to a professional level. The course is a comprehensive 5module guided video course, where the only limit to your progression is your determination and engagement in the rewarding assignments.Whether you want to color and paintcharacter concept art for films and games, illustrations, comics, manga, Disney style or other styles, this isthecourse you need to get you there.Ill teach you to color and paint with confidence andwithoutfear. Ill teach you to color and paintwell. You will know all the core theory, workflows and practical application for professional level Character Coloring and Painting.Finally, Learn Character Coloring and Painting WellWhether youre a complete beginner, or intermediate at character coloring and painting, youll learn things you never knew you never knew. Seriously. Inspired by masters and built on the theory of giants, Character Drawing Academy is one of, if notthemostcomprehensive character coloring andpainting course out there. Im so convinced of this, Ill give you a no-questions asked refund if youre not satisfied.Clear, Easy to Understand LessonsCrystal clear in fact. Learning character coloring and painting effectively means having information presentedin a logical and coherent way. The Character Coloring and Painting Course is modular by design, easy to grasp, and allows you to learn in a well paced, structured way. Engage in the course chronologically, then revise each module at your leisure. Grasp concepts faster than you ever have before theres no fluff here. You'll also find that Coloring and Painting is grounded in very solid and complete theory. Learn rapidly.Assignments that are RewardingBridging the gap between theory and practice, each modules assignments have been designed to both reinforce theory, and feel rewarding. Ive taken the core of Color and Lighttheory, and purpose built each assignment to help you rapidly progress, and youll see the difference in your own work almost immediately. Art is about doing, so lets get started.What's Your Style?Whether you want to learn to color and paintcharacters for games, comics, cartoons, manga, animation and more, this course has you covered. I'm not teaching you a 'method' or a 'way' to color and paint, I'm teaching you to be a fundamentally good character colorist and painter."
Price: 194.99

"ProCreate Masterclass: How to Draw and Paint on iPad Course" |
"Turn your iPad into the most powerful drawing tool on earth with Procreate and Apple Pencil!ProCreate Masterclass: How to Draw and Paint on Your iPadThis is a learn anywhere video course, where you will be able to use all of Procreates features to draw and paint effectively on your iPad or iPad Pro. Ive covered all the core knowledge and practical theory you need to know in order to utilize Procreate to a professional level to create great art on your iPad. This course will get you up to speed on the tools and techniques in using Procreate, and contains vital information that you can use across a multitude of digital art apps.Structured and Clear LessonsThis course has been structured to be the clearest and fastest way to learn to draw and paint in Procreate. There's no fluff or unnecessarily long teaching - everything is straight to the point, so that you can get to what really matters - creating your characters, worlds, environments, comics, paintings and more!Ever Expanding and Free Resources!Software is being constantly updated - and so is this course! As Procreate grows and advances, so will this course, and I'll make sure that you have all the essential tools and resources you need to use your iPad for drawing and painting to the fullest! From new brushes for Procreate, to templates, shapes and more, I've got you covered.Now, let's get started, you've got art to make!"
Price: 199.99

"Advance CSS Shapes: Next Generation Websites (2020 Edition)" |
"Hi there,This course is the only course on Native CSS Shapes on udemy at the time of this launch. In this course, you will learn to build the most awesome delightful and clean web page layouts with amazing CSS Shapes. which is the future of web design.You will learn all the shape-outside property functions. circle()ellipse()inset()polygon()url()In order to create stunning, most beautiful web pages with real-world examples. you will learn all the possible css shapes keywords and settings in this course. this course packed with lots and lots of code examples.Exercise files are included in this course.After completing this course you will be fully confident to work with CSS Shapes and build modern web pages. so let's get started!"
Price: 194.99

"Up and Running with jQuery" |
"According to W3 Techs usage statistics, jQuery is the most widely used Javascript library in the world. More than 72% of allwebsites use jQuery for dynamic content. jQuery has become the backbone for all modern web frameworks like Angular js, Node js and Bootstrap. The reason for this is that Javascript alone takes much too long to develop in today's fast-paced startup culture. Web Development should be efficient and less error prone. jQuery addresses this very problem and employers now care more about the expertise you have in jQuery so that you can hit the ground running with whatever web-framework it is that they may be using. jQuery is really an essential library to do anything useful in a web project in a timely manner!My goal behind creating this course was to get you up and running in jQuery to the stage where you are desirable to employers. I've designed this course to leave no student behind so that anyone with a little bit of CSS and HTML knowledge can get up and running quickly with jQuery and acquire the in-demand skills such as DOM Traversal and Manipulation, Event handlingand Ajax. These are the 3 core areas neededfor claiming efficiency in thejQuery library required by virtually all employers. The course is full of practical assignments to test your knowledge with detailed solutions so that you can master the content. I'm certain that this course will prove tremendously valuable for you! I look forward to seeing you in my course."
Price: 84.99

"Master SQL For Data Science" |
"LAST UPDATED: JAN 2020This course will turn you into a SQL query wizard. You'll learn the skills you need to extract critical insight from data sitting in a database. There are over 100 puzzles scattered throughout the course with in-depth solutions providing plenty of opportunity for you to practice. After completing the course and all of it's assignments, I promise you, you'll never be afraid to look at a large SQL query again. Just like my other courses, I follow the no-student-left behind principle; which means that I start from the very basics. You do not need any prerequisites to take this course. We move step by step into more advanced topics as we delve into the world of advanced querying techniques using subqueries, aggregations, joins, rollups and cubes, window functions, transposing & ranking data and using conditional expressions in very interesting ways. With over 17,000 students and a 4.6 rating, you won't find a better source to learn SQL for Data Science elsewhere. Dont just take it from me, take it from other students that have taken this course. Heres reviews from real students that took this course You really can't beat this course for the value. The instructor is excellent (clear explanations, easy to understand, extremely knowledgeable), and his style of constantly requiring the student to apply what they've just learned with practice queries proves to be a very effective method of learning. He covers an amazing amount of ground in just 9 hours. It was just the refresher course I needed after not having done much SQL in the past year. Just one word - Exceptional!! Don't give a second thought, just go for it. Thanks a lot Mr.Imtiaz Ahmad. The way concepts are explained in the lectures are quite good. The assignments gave me so much confidence and I feel so happy that I am quite well versed in SQL now. Watch the videos, try out the assignments on your own and practice as much as you can with different problems. It's a brilliant course that can help to understand SQL from easy concepts to difficult tasks. Besides, the explanations are always clear, so they let me learn a lot without searching for additional information in Internet. The course contains lots of practical tasks that allowed me not only to understand queries, but to also use them correctly. Great! I really like the exercises that are included. They are essential to learning the course content. After attending the course and doing most of the exercises, I feel very confident in SQL world. The course is designed well and every lesson gives you good amount of knowledge. Explanation and exercises are worth learning and practicing.Topics covered in this course:What is a DatabaseInstalling PostgresCreating TablesSELECT StatementWHERE ClauseAND & ORFiltering OperatorsORDER BYLIMITDISTINCTRenaming ColumnsFunctionsGROUP BY & HAVING ClausesAggregation QueriesSubqueriesCASE ClauseCorrelated SubqueriesTable JoinsINNER and OUTER JoinsUNION, UNION ALL and EXCEPT ClausesWindow Functions for Analytics+ over 100 puzzles distributed throughout the courseEnroll today to become a Master SQL Data Science Developer. As always, I offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied, but you won't need it."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Elasticsearch Masterclass with Logstash and Kibana" |
"LAST UPDATED Jan, 2020 - Elasticsearch Version 6Elasticsearch is the biggest player in the big-data space since Hadoop. I would actually vouch that it's the Hadoop killer!It's just now beginning to gain recognition and wider adoption in the no-sql big-data space and Elasticsearch has come a long way since it's first release. I'm sure that by just adding Elasticsearch on your linkedin profile your going to gain the attention of various companies investing in this technology. So get excited about Elasticsearch because it is a big deal. The average salary for an Elasticsearch engineer is over $100,000 and the demand for engineers is high. This course is most suited for people that want to not only power-up their resume with this new and exciting technology but also powerup their applications to be blazing fast by implementing Elasticsearch correctly. I've designed this course to be practical and easy to follow by repeating key concepts with step by step instructions and best practices for building a search Engine from scratch.By the end of this course you'll know everything there is to know about how to build a search engine using the most recent and popular version of Elasticsearch 6 for your application as well as how to perform powerful realtime analytics on your data.With over 20,000 student and a 4.4 star rating, this is a Udemy best seller course with thousands of students who have benefitted from the content.Dont just take it from me, take it from the students that have taken this course. Heres reviews from real students that took this course This is an awesome Masterclass. It provides all the basics to work with the ELK-Stack and gives a deep look in how the core Elasticsearch is working and how to use it. Thanks to some sketches he explains the structure behind the programs. Here he might use a tablet to make his drawings as professional as the rest of the course. Thanks for the great help. Instructor explains topics concisely and in depth. He provides resources that you can visit while watching the lectures to get better understanding of the topics he discusses. In addition, he encourages students to do some examples (challenges) that will solidify their understanding of the topics discussed in the course so far. The teacher is very clear and he explains with simplicity easy and difficult concepts Walked me through step by step in one lesson. I now have Kibana and Elasticsearch running locally. Awesome.. The instructor is very detailed and goes at pace that is easy to manage and follow along without adding excessive length to the course. Highly recommended for the people who wants to understand the eleastic seach . I am very happy with the course. When I started I had no idea about the subject but now i'm feeling confident about it. Imtiaz teaching style is great. You will simply love it.Topics covered in this course:Setting up Elaticsearch and KibanaDownloading and Configuring LogstashLogstashKibanaIndexing, Retrieving and Deleting DocumentsText AnalysisIndex SettingsIndex MappingSearching DSL Query ContextSearching DSL Filter ContextAggregations DSLIndexing Apache Application LogsKibana VisualizationsUsing FilebeatOlder Elasticsearch 5 Material There is a 30 day money back guarantee, so if you're not satisfied for any reason, you get your money back no questions asked!"
Price: 154.99

"Master Apache Spark - Hands On!" |
"Apache Spark is the next generation batch and stream processing engine. It's been proven to be almost 100 times faster than Hadoop and much much easier to develop distributed big data applications with. It's demand has sky rocketed in recent years and having this technology on your resume is truly a game changer. Over 3000 companies are using Spark in production right now and the list is growing very quickly! Some of the big names include: Oracle, Hortonworks, Cisco, Verizon, Visa, Microsoft, Amazon as well as most of the big world banks and financial institutions! In this course you'll learn everything you need to know about using Apache Spark in your organization while using their latest and greatest Java Datasets API. Below are some of the things you'll learn:How to develop Spark Java Applications using Spark SQL DataframesUnderstand how the Spark Standalone cluster works behind the scenesHow to use various transformations to slice and dice your data in Spark JavaHow to marshall/unmarshall Java domain objects (pojos) while working with Spark DatasetsMaster joins, filters, aggregations and ingest data of various sizes and file formats (txt, csv, Json etc.)Analyze over 18 million real-world comments on Reddit to find the most trending words usedDevelop programs using Spark Streaming for streaming stock market index filesStream network sockets and messages queued on a Kafka clusterLearn how to develop the most popular machine learning algorithms using Spark MLlib Covers the most popular algorithms: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression and K-Means ClusteringYou'll be developing over 15 practical Spark Java applications crunching through real world data and slicing and dicing it in various ways using several data transformation techniques. This course is especially important for people who would like to be hired as a java developer or data engineer because Spark is a hugely sought after skill. We'll even go over how to setup a live cluster and configure Spark Jobs to run on the cloud. You'll also learn about the practical implications of performance tuning and scaling out a cluster to work with big data so you'll definitely be learning a ton in this course. This course has a 30 day money back guarantee. You will have access to all of the code used in this course."
Price: 99.99

"Affinity Photo for Total Beginners: Photo Editing Simplified" |
"Have you thought about creating beautiful or interesting artwork, but feared thatit is to complicated orexpensive?Then fear not!Because with this Affinity Photo Course, you will understand how to use simple tools to create whatever your mind is up to.First, i will show you where to find high resolution, FREEquality images to create your artwork.Then, you will learn the essential tools that will allow you to create whatever you desire.Finally, we will create a couple of robot illustrations from scratch,applying all of our freshly learned tools and techniques!So, what are you waiting for? Join me on this fun andenlightening experience and start creating awesome stuff!"
Price: 19.99

"Blender 2.79 Basic 3D Modeling.Create an Alien for Beginners" |
"IMPORTANT: This course was made for an earlier version of Blender (2.79), so some commands are different from the current version (2.8). Having said that, you will still learn plenty, as most modeling techniques taught in this course are still relevant and useful. Are you a Blender 3D Beginner that wants to start creating cool stuff?Then this is the course is for you! There is no fluff, only an hour with solid an actionable content that will show you how easy is to start creating on Blender, even if you are not a super expert on 3D.Don't let them fool you. You don't need hundreds of hours of training to create awesome 3d models. You Just need to know the most critical tools and how to use them.So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and let's start learning together."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe InDesign CC Complete Masterclass: Learn Adobe InDesign" |
"Are you new to Adobe InDesign, or have you used it for a while but have wondered what certain tools and functions do? Well, you've come to the right course. In this complete guide to InDesign CC, you will learn everything you need to know about the world's industry-standard graphic design and publication software. Instead of listing the tools and techniques in a list and going through them devoid of a context or project, I cover all the tools and techniques comprehensively, but in the context of projects. So, you will learn by designing a poster for a local business, a lookbook for a ski resort, and an annual report for a camera company. By the time you have completed this course, you will have mastered InDesign! And you will have projects to add to your portfolio.Besides the essentials and fundamentals of InDesign, such as placing and editing images, threading and formatting text, and using master pages, you will also learn more advanced topics, including advanced color and the preflighting/printing process.In fact, this course contains a complete guide to tables in InDesign as well as the complete guide to color in InDesign. You will also learn how to use both Photoshop and Illustrator with InDesign, in their own special sections. Adobe has made these programs so compatible, they work seamlessly together. I'm Chad, and I'm a graphic designer and full-time university professor. I've worked as internet development director at an award-winning advertising design firm, webmaster and advertising designer at a regional newspaper, and managing editor of two graphic design magazines. Whether it was laying out a newsletter for a client while working at an ad design firm, or laying out advertisements and using CMYK plates at a newspaper, having this professional experience has enabled me to relate these InDesign video lessons to real-world applications. For example, when we go over everything about adding and applying swatches, you learn when we would use spot colors vs. process colors, and I show example brand books and how they communicate their Pantone, CMYK, RGB, and Hex colors for graphic designers, and of course, how to apply those in InDesign.I have also taught InDesign for the past decade as a university professor, teaching classes like Digital Layout and Design as well as Magazine Design and Production. My students have become page designers, creative specialists, and creative directors at newspapers, magazines, and media companies after graduating. Teaching InDesign in-person has enabled me to figure out what teaching methods and exercises are most effective and what areas students have the most questions about.I love seeing what students come up with after mastering the technical side and using creativity and problem solving to produce amazing designs. Students in my Udemy courses have produced their own books after taking my InDesign courses. I look forward to seeing the work you design and produce in this course! Let me know if you have any questions by posting in the Q&A, or post your linked publications there for feedback."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Drawing Masterclass: From Beginner to Advanced" |
"Welcome to the complete drawing masterclass! In this online drawing course, you will go from beginner to advanced, by learning in various drawing projects. You will learn new drawing techniques, and build upon your drawing skills, to produce beautiful, amazing drawings.This course is your opportunity to advance in your career, whether you work in animation, logo design, graphic design, architecture, fashion design, video game character design, or ANY field that uses visual storytelling, such as marketing, public speaking, and more. Or, you simply want to draw for fun!By the time you complete this drawing course, you will have produced a portfolio of amazing drawings, including professional landscape drawings, accurate portrait drawings, artistic still life drawings, and much, much more.Once you enroll in this course, you get:Lifetime access to all of the content, including over 19 hours of on-demand, helpful video demonstrations and instruction.Various PDF handouts and support files.Access to our exclusive Drawing Club forum, for helpful feedback and critique from peers and me, the instructor of this course, Jonathan Simon.The sections in this drawing course build upon each other, to help you master the art of drawing:Gesture Drawing - You will quickly and easily learn the useful technique of gesture drawing, where we aim to capture the essence of subjects. Projects include drawing various objects, animals, and landscapes.Drawing Materials - Next, after you get started drawing, we go into more detail to explain various mark making, erasing, and blending techniques, as well as various drawing tools. However, if you only have a pencil and paper, that is fine for the projects in this course.Line and Contour Drawing - Learn various line drawing techniques, including contour, cross contour, and line drawing, as well as various exercises to practice hand-eye coordination and the portrayal of form and outline.Structural Drawing - Learn how to produce various shapes (e.g., cylinder, cone, cube) that can be used to build more complicated structures. Draw organic objects using structural drawing, in order to draw a still life.Tone or Value in Drawing - Learn how to add accurate lighting and shadows in drawings, including various techniques, including hatching, cross-hatching, and reductive or wipe out techniques, to add form and depth in drawings.Drawing in Perspective - Learn various ways to show depth in drawings, such as chiaroscuro method, atmospheric perspective technique, and many more. Learn how to draw in one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective, for realistic perspective, so you can draw city scenes or other scenes from your imagination.Block-In Drawing Method - This is the drawing method that I learned after my BFA and MFA, from another artist. It's the most requested drawing method I get from students. In this course, you will learn how to produce a detailed, rendered drawing of a still life, by using this technique.Art and Science of Drawing Portraits - You will learn about the anatomy and structure of the eye and mouth before learning how to accurately draw them, either from imagination or from a subject. You will also learn how to draw a realistic nose, hair, and ears, before producing the final project in this course, a portrait. As you draw the portrait, you will apply various methods you have learned throughout the course, including gesture, line, block-in, structural drawing, and applying tone or value.Enroll now and get started producing amazing, beautiful drawings! We'll see you in the course. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you don't like the course, you can get a refund. But we know you'll love this course, as you produce awesome drawings in this complete drawing course."
Price: 199.99

"How to Draw and Sketch for Absolute Beginners" |
"Drawing and sketching can seem like magic if you don't know how to do it. It's not magic, it's a skill. that means it can be taught and I will be your instructor. Just like anything and everything you have learned you had to know the very basics. You can't do math without knowing how to count and you can't drive without knowing what the key looks like.This course is your ""key"". All drawing starts with lines, some are straight, some are curved and rough but all are lines.Lines are used to make shapes and shapes become volumes (3d shapes) and everything in the world is made from shapes.I will teach you to use those shapes. I will show you how to make lines shapes and volumes. You will learn to hone your observational skills and draw what you see, and even what is in your head if you study and practice enough.You need no experience in drawing. Absolutely zero ! There is no special software just a regular pencil and some paper.If you have always wanted to learn to draw this is the course for you. If you are a graphic artist that knows learning to draw will save you time and money, take this course. If you want to make comics or cartoons then this will be the course that will be your starting point.This is the beginner class. Often books tell you to start by making 3d shapes but what if you are having trouble with that? If you are , I got you covered."
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Android & Java Bootcamp - Material Design UI/UX" |
"PLEASE READ BEFORE ENROLLING:1.) THERE IS AN UPDATED VERSION OF THIS COURSE:""THE COMPREHENSIVE 2019 ANDROID DEVELOPMENT MASTERCLASS""CLICK ON MY PROFILE TO FIND IT. (PLEASE WATCH THE FIRST PROMO VIDEO ON THIS PAGE FOR MORE INFO)********************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************************** If you want to learn Android App development from scratch, then this is the course for you!This means the demand is not scarce. With Android and Java Skills you will always have a job, and companies all over the world will be coming to you! This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know about Java and Android Development in order to build high-end, efficient and scalable cutting-edge Android Material Design Apps. If you want to become: a highly paid Android Developer an expert Android Developer companies want to hirea Freelancer Android Developer who builds stunning Android Apps using the best UI/UX Design principles a person who can build their own business applications using Java Programming Languagean Android Developer and Designera well-rounded developer who understands both how to code and design Android Appsbetter at Java ( sharpen your Java Knowledge and go deep into learning Java, Android and Material Design)A rockstar developer... much more...Then this course is for you and much more.... You'll be immersed into Java and Android development and design from the first lecture to the end. You will also receive a Certificate of Completion so you can present to your potential employer.Why this Course? Why is this the best Course To Learn Android Development Build Material Design Apps?Well, if you are here is probably because you've either looked online for Android development tutorials, or maybe watched a lot of youtube videos and still can't really grasp core Android Development Principles. You see, out there on the Internet, you can find a lot of information, but the problem is that everything is scattered around and very frustrating to actually learn the right way since all you get is fragments of information. This is where this this course shines - it takes you from nothing to actually building amazing Android Apps, and MOST importantly, you'll learn the Ins and Outs of Java Programming Language along the way. With the knowledge you gain from this course you can build any Android Application you want! You will be able to master the app creation process, how to design stunning application using Material Design principles, how to leverage the Android OS and build amazing applications in no time!Here's a list of some of the things you'll learn: Java - Java keywords, Java lingo (operators, if statements, for loops, switch statements, while loops) and many other basic, fundamentals that will help you have a solid Java knowledge, since Java is the Language we will use to build Android AppsI will show you how to install all the tools you need in order to run Java programs such as IntelliJ ( which is the development tool used to code in Java and many other languages ). Also, will show you how to install the Java libraries onto your machine (Windows, Linux and Mac). By the way, if you are using Eclipse, Jedit, Notepad, Netbeans or any other IDE, it's all good - you will still be learning a lot from this course. How to think like a Pro Programmer when learning Android development.Java Object Oriented Programming so you can re-use code and write truly scalable and efficient code.Material Design Principles and libraries and build amazing App User Interfaces that will make your potential employers want to hire you right away!App creation - from paper to designing, coding and final appFragments - how to make sure your apps run on android phones as well as on Android tabletsAnd so much more....My goal in this course is to give you everything I know about Android and Material Design so that you can be the best Android Developer in the market! So that you become a Well-Rounded Android Developer and Designer! All I teach you is what I wished I had known when I first started learning to Android Development.Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses and my teaching style:""Very well thought-out course. Flows smoothly with great delivery. I have been developing Android Apps for several years and I still found this course to be informative, relevant, and helpful. I would recommend everyone take this course if you are new to Android or returning for a refresher course."" - Douglas Pillsbury""Great course. very easy in understanding and friendly learning. Good Job Sir. Thanks for this."" - Muhammad Adnan""I am very satisfied with this course. I have only attended the Android part because I had a basic knowledge on Java. I really like how Paulo teaches. He goes step by step and you can understand everything. My first language is not english, but he speaks very clearly, I can understand every word. Also, he is a happy guy, and you can hear that throug the courses that he really loves what he is doing. "" - Antal Bereczki""This course is ideal for beginners. This guy is a good teacher. As i get deeper, i feel i am gaining more and more power...haha"". Pablo""I honestly think this is the best money i have ever spent in my life. This course is worth the money 100 times over. OMG, this good."" - James""Paul, you are FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" - Sean""So far one of the best courses and instructors i have experienced in Udemy."" - Jim LandonAre you afraid that maybe since you are an experience developer, and have never done Java or Android Development before, you won't be able to learn Android Development? Take a look at what one of my students said about my course and teaching style:""As a web developer I always thought that learning Android development will be hard. But with this course it's piece of cake!"" - Saa LackoviStudents love my course so much that they can't even contain themselves... Look at what one student wrote:""If there's something more than 5 starts, I would have given to this course.Really great content along with detailed explanation.Keep going on by updating and enhancing the content of this course. Personally, I enjoy every lecture I attend.PAULO... YOU ARE BEST OF THE BEST :) Thanks a lot for this great course,Best regards."" - Bassel NasiefSign up today, and look forward to:Over 20 hours of HD 1080p video contentBuilding several fully-fledged Android ApplicationsAll the knowledge you need to start building any Android app you wantThousands of dollars worth of design assetsMy best selling ebook From Zero to a Pro Mobile Developer eBookIt's proven that the best way to learn something is by immersing yourself in the subject you are trying to learn. If you want to master Android Development, then you are in the right place.By the end of this course you will master Android and Java Development ( as well as Android UI/UX design) no matter the level of experience you are at right now. In this comprehensive course, you will be learning by doing, by coding alongside me. You'll understand exactly what I am doing and why. Why learn Android Development ?If you do a quick google search, you'll find that Android OS runs on more mobile devices than any other mobile Operating System in the World! And the good news is, the trend is growing! This means your Android/Java skills will always serve you well as more companies will be needing Android Developers to build apps. Can you see the potential of making a really good living by becoming an Android Developer? Give yourself the competitive advantage by learning Android Mobile App Development and UI/UX Material Design! If you know Android and Java, you'll always be competitive in the market. You will be at the top of the food chain!REMEMBER I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the Enroll now button and join the world's most highly rated The Complete Android Bootcamp - Material Design UI/UX"
Price: 199.99

"Flutter e Dart - Curso Completo de Criao de Apps" |
"Bem vindo ao Curso Flutter e Dart - Curso Completo de Criao de Apps para Android e iOS.Nesse curso, voc vai aprender o desenvolvimento de aplicaes nativas para dispositivos mveis (Android e iOS), utilizando apenas a linguagem Dart e o framework Flutter. exatamente isso, voc pode usar o mesmo cdigo para desenvolver aplicativos em ambos os ecossistemas (iOS e Android).Google Flutter uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento criada pela Google que facilita o trabalho rduo que os desenvolvedores sempre tiveram que fazer para criar aplicativos nativos. Felizmente, agora com Flutter, ao invs do trabalho rduo e longo, os desenvolvedores j podem rapidamente criar aplicativos para iOS e Android com mais rapidez e segurana; e ainda mais - usando o mesmo cdigo! O curso abrange os fundamentos de Dart - desde variveis, repeties, listas at aos conceitos principais da Programao Orientada Objetos.Aps aprendermos sobre Dart, iremos seguir para o aprendizado de Flutter. Vamos abordar, detalhadamente, sobre a anatomia dum aplicativo Flutter, dos pacotes de cdigo, widgets mais usados e muito mais.Ao longo do nosso aprendizado, vamos criar aplicativos para reforar o nosso aprendizado conjuntamente com vrios exerccios.Ao concluir esse curso, voc poder desenhar e desenvolver aplicativos iOS e Android de valor comercial, dessa forma, envigorando a sua carreira profissional.Esse curso tem como objetivo levar os iniciantes, assim como intermedirios ( e at profissionais) passo passo no aprendizado de Dart e Flutter. Portanto, se voc tem ou no tiver nenhuma experincia, no se preocupe:o curso tem matria para todos os nveis.Alm de aprender todos os fundamentos, criaremos projetos, inspirados em aplicaes j famosas e conhecidas por todos: Cadastro: Para ver como podemos criar uma tela para cadastrar usurios utilizando certos componentes visuais atravs de Widgets. Magnata:Para fixarmos os fundamentos do Stateful Widget e nos divertir com a nossa conta bancria virtual. Afazeres:um aplicativo com um base de dados relacional (SQFlite). Klimtico: um aplicativo de previso do tempo. Indice de Massa Corporal:Nessa aplicao, vamos reforar os fundamentos de manipulao de texto e dados provenientes de usurios e calcular o IMC. Comunidade (Conselho Comunitrio) - Baseada em Firebase - base de dados em tempo real onde usurios podero postar mensagens para o forum da comunidade. S para citar alguns! Assista as aulas abertas e veja os comentrios dos nosso alunos sobre a nossa didtica. No tenho dvida que voc estar fazendo um excelente investimento ao se juntar a nossa comunidade de mais de 50mil alunos em mais de 170 pases no Mundo.Muito obrigado pela ateno, e espero ver voc no curso!"
Price: 199.99

"GraphQL & Apollo with Android - From Novice to Expert" |
"GraphQL is the new way of building scalable, reliable and concise API's that any client can consume. If you want to master GraphQL with Apollo so you can then use, in our case, Android app as the client, then this course is for you.This course will get you up and running with GraphQLquickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build GraphQL API's and deploy them remotely, as well as incorporating Apollo middleware so you you can consume the data in Android applications quickly.GraphQL fundamentals?Is included. Building the backend with Node, Express, MongoDB and Apollo? Also included. Integration with Native Android App Development?You got it!If you are new to GraphQL, or if maybe you've dabbled in it for a bit but still want to get a better grasp of GraphQL, then this is certainly a course you should take. The course follows a linear structure for better retention. Here's what's included ( just a gist of it):Learn and understand why GraphQL is the desirable way of building succinct APIsLearn the fundamentals and basics of GraphQL: Scalable types and SchemasDeep understand of what Graph in GraphQL meansSetting up the server-side code with Node and Express and JavascriptSetting up MongoDB CollectionsGraphQL Queries and MutationsCreating relationships between your data objectsDeploy the server-side GraphQL project to HerokuAnd finally, create an Android App that interfaces with our GraphQL APIAs you can see, this course covers all you need to know to become a well-rounded developer. You'll learn the backend and the front-end as well. GraphQL is a big deal. So much that big companies, such as Facebook ( they created GraphQL ), Shopify, FairFax, Intuit, KLM, Paypal, Pinterest, Twitter and so many more use it! I created this course with you in mind - I wanted you to be able to get up and running creating your own amazing projects with the tools and technologies I cover in the course. By the end of this course, you will befluentlycreating GraphQL API's and tie them up with any client (be it web or Android client). And that's when you will call yourself a true well-rounded developer.See you inside.Paulo"
Price: 199.99
