"Writing For The Aspiring Writer Part 2" |
"Part 2 picks up where part 1 left off. In this part we discuss developing a title,front and back cover book design, professional photography, and the internal structure of the book. The signature page, dedication, Introduction (Preface), and about the author. We also discuss story flow, and the connection between the writer and the reader."
Price: 19.99

"Writing For The Aspiring Writer. Final - Part 3" |
"In this final part, part 3, best selling Author Caesar Rondina picks off where part 2 leaves off. This segment is an in depth look into copyrights, and different methods of publishing such as self-publishing, hybrid publishing, and commercial publishing, and the pro's and con's of each. We will discuss publicists, literary agents, book signing, and marketing techniques."
Price: 19.99

"Writing - Story and Character Development" |
"The course is designed to assist in the learning and implementing the process of story and character development. All aspects from the story theme, plot, and sub-plots, will be discussed. The introduction, rise to actions, climax, conflict resolution, and resolution will be discussed in great detail. The course will also assist the student in learning and implementing the process of character development. This includes, developing character personalities, changing personalities, introducing characters and character identification. I will also discuss how these all tie in together, and end the course will a discussion on how to end your book and why."
Price: 24.99

"Marketing Your Book" |
"In this course you will be introduced to many aspects of book marketing and budgeting. You will learn which to prioritize with the budget you have, and how to maximize the gain from the platforms you use at the lowest cost. Book marketing and your advertising are two completely different things. By the end of this course you will understand the difference, and be able to form your strategy. My next tutorial will be creating book video trailers with on screen demo's. Thank you."
Price: 24.99

"CS101 Learn to Code with Python" |
"Hello Students!Welcome to CS101 Programming with Python.This is very similar to an ABET Engineering board approved Python course that I teach at the City University of Seattle. You get all the experience of a trained and talented university instructor who is alsoan engineer with over 20 years of experience.I also have a Bachelors and Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Master level Certifications in Python,Java and Machine learning. I have been programming in numerous programming languages for over 20 years.Learning to code is handson endeavor.I show you how to download Python 3 for free. I also show how to use an online Python 3compiler so you canget started right away no download no install just jump right in.I teach you basic Python with 5projects designedto be taught in a 10 week course. I give you the basic information in advance to complete the projects, I assign the project providesome tips and thenchallenge you to complete the programming project. After your challenge I provide the full solutions to the project. Feel free to ask questions in the shell and discus the assignments with your classmates just like in a university setting.Once you work through the 5programming assignments you will understand and be able to program basic Python at a professional level."
Price: 194.99

"Keto Kickstart: Get Faster Weight Loss With A Ketogenic Diet" |
"TRIEDOTHEREATINGPLANSWITHOUTSUCCESS?If so, you need to eat a ketogenic diet. I've helped a ton of people be successful eating keto and I can help you too!FEELING STUCK?If you're unhappy with your weight and have tried everything with no results....cutting calories, fad diets or hitting the gym for hours, then you are NOT alone!For the last 50 years our way of eating has been driven by governmental guidelines that tell us to move more and eat less. Or that eating low-fat will make you healthier.The low-fat eating experiment has been an epic failure.The problem is simple...You've just been focusing on the WRONG EATING PLAN.But there's another BIG problem...The internet! It's full of misinformation and contradictions.With information overload, it's hard to make sense of it all!You want to make a change and be successful, but just don't know where or how to start.And so you end up not starting at all. Keto is incredibly effective when done right.So I created Keto Kickstart to help people do keto the right way.In this course, you'll learn:What it means to go keto and what a keto eating plan looks like. How keto works in your body to improve many common health conditions. Yes, there is a keto advantage for weight loss. How to determine your carb target to get fast and sustainable results. What foods to eat and what to avoid when going keto. A5-step action plan that walks you through the process of implementing a keto diet. How to overcome some of the common challenges when starting a keto diet. And you get 3 juicy bonuses...Bonus #1: The Ultimate Keto Food ListBonus #2: Keto Dining Out GuideBonus #3: 7-day meal planYou are probably asking this question...How is this course different from all the other keto courses on Udemy? My guess is that I'm the only college nutrition professor teaching a ketogenic diet course. I've seen people change their lives through the power of food. As a PhD and a registered dietitian, I'm not willing to risk my credentials by providing a bunch of bogus information. I want to help more people (that's you) by making a high-quality course full of practical information that gets you results.I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SUCCESS.See you inside!JJMayo PhD, RDN, CSCS"
Price: 49.99

"100% Official NLP Practitioner Certification iGNLP / ABNLP" |
"Unlike other 'self certification Practitioner Training courses '- The Official Neuro-Linguistic Programming - NLP Practitioner Program provides a full NLP Associate Practitioner Certification and is the only course of its kind on Udemy accredited by a genuine NLP board. - Don't end up disappointed - check who certifies the other NLP courses on here.""Does it work? Yep. I followed the steps of Matthew Barnett after finishing all chapters and trainings in this course. After a couple of days (not even weeks) I recieved the official certificate and membership information of the American Board of NLP. Ordering a coffee at Starbuck's is more complicated. "" Marco Beohm (student) Study your NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Certification 100% online . This is the only course to effectively deliver the internationally agreed standard minimum syllabus for an NLP Practitioner training on Udemy. This is a very complete NLP Certification training that is similar to an in person training, only a lot more accessible and affordable ***** (5stars) WOW!!! Im utterly impressed with this course! Extremely well done and presented! I would give it 10 Stars if I could! If you are at all interested in NLP, take this course. It is outstanding! -Nicola Kluge, Ph.D. ---------------------------------------On completion you will be eligible to join the iGNLP - the International Guild for NLP & the American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ABNLP) as an NLP Practitioner (Associate level). (terms apply) Why take THIS course? The only course trained by a fully certified NLP trainer certified by The iGNLP (International Guild for NLP) & The American Board Of Neuro-Linguistic Programming on Udemy The only iGNLP NLP Practitioner Certification (associate level) on Udemy with an Internationally recognized certification The only iGNLP NLP Practitioner Training program (associate level ) on Udemy that meets the standards of a third party certification body (other 'trainers' certify themselves through their own 'certification body') The only course that meets the bare minimum standards for an NLP Practitioner (associate) training program on Udemy The only course that exceeds the minimum standards for an iGNLP NLP Practitioner (associate) training program. The only course that will enable you to apply for membership as an NLP Practitioner (associate) to the iGNLP International Guild of NLP or American Board of Neuro-Lingsuitic Programming ( ABNLP)"
Price: 149.99

"Create Whimsical Art in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Make Whimsical Illustrations andDesigns in IllustratorA practical guide to using Illustrator that focuses on making fun stuff Are you ready to learn Illustrator? Do you want toincrease your Illustrator knowledge?Are you ready to take your graphic design skills to the next level? Great! Welcome! This course is for you. It's afun and a practical way to learn Illustrator. Here you'll ""learn by doing"" as you create a range of whimsical designs in Illustrator. You can use these designs for stock images, backgrounds, and scrapbook papers and embellishments. You can upload them to Spoonflower to make fabric and wallpaper, you can print them on book covers and mugs. There are literally hundreds of ways to make use of the designs you'll make in this course and you'll be soproud whenyou say ""I made that"". What will you learn? When you complete this course,you'll: - be able to create a range of whimsical designs in Illustrator - have extended your knowledge of Illustrator tools - have learnednew tips and techniques that you can use every day - be able to confidently render whimsical style illustrations for a range of design and commercial uses Do I hear you say ""...but I don't know how to use Illustrator (and frankly, I'm scared of it)""? I understand! I've been there. Illustrator can be really scary to use when you first start out. but I've created a better way to learn Illustrator. One that makes it a lot less scary and a whole lot more fun. You see, you'll learn by actually making art that you can sell, give away on your blog, and use yourself. So you'll be making designs that you can do something with at the same time that you are learning Illustrator. There's no waiting! There's no hours of learning before you can get started actually doingsomething. In fact you can start today. Complete the first few lessons and you'll have your first design made! Do I hear you say ""... butI hate the Pen tool!""? I understand! Most people hate the Pen tool. You are not alone! I believe that Illustrator is so much more than its (dreaded) Pen tool so we'll use the pen tool only when we have to (which is practically never) and you'll see just how much you can achieve without it. Do I hear you say ""... butI can't draw""? No problem! If you can use a mouse you can completethis course. Quite simply, you don't need to be able to draw. In fact many designers can't draw and yet they make fantastic designs and great products. If youcandraw great! If you can't draw don't worry, you'll be able to do succeed in this course even if drawing isn't a skill you have mastered. If drawing is needed in this course I will give you reference images you can use so you can trace over them. Are you ready to extend your Illustrator skills? If you already know the basics of using Illustrator, taking this class will elevate your skills to a new level. You'll learn to use tools and techniques in a practical situation. No laboriously making shapes just to learn what the pathfinder tool does. No! In this class you'll learn the pathfinder because you need it, you'll draw shapes intrinsic to the design you are making - you'll be putting your skills to practical use from the first lecture. You'll reinforce your existing knowledge as you apply it to real world designs. And if we use tools you'venever used before-great! You'll learn to use them fast and easily so you understand how you can put them to work in your daily workflow. Do I hear you say ""Please don'twaste mytime""? If there is one thing I hate its wasting time and you probably do too. So, I don't say ""um"", I don't fluff about,I don't make mistakes, I know my stuff and I show you how to do things efficiently and effectively. I speed up the videos where appropriate so you don't get bored or distracted. I'm 100%focused on helping you learn. In short, I'll get straight to the point and Ill maximize what you learn in every class. So, I'll learn all there is to know about Illustrator in this course? I'm sorry, no you won't. No one can truly promise you that. What I will do is to teach you to use a range of tools in a practical setting so you can apply these tools to your own work in future. My hope for you is that you will fall in love with Illustrator and leave the class feeling excited about the creative possibilities ahead. How will I learn? Thiscourse is made up 100% ofvideo content. You'll watch my screen as I show you howeach step is performed. I'll explain what I am doing and why so you can learn as you watch. If resources are needed, I'll either give them to you to use or give you download links so you can download them yourself. Join me... I hope you will join me in this Illustrator class.I look forward to meeting you and I invite you to contact me if you have any questions as you work through the lectures. cheers! Helen"
Price: 19.99

"Make Creative Assets in Adobe Illustrator Masterclass" |
"Are you ready to make digital items you can sell online or give away as collateral to readers, subscribers and followers? Are you ready to learn Illustrator in a practical way - actually making things?Great!Welcome!This course is for you. It's afun and a practical way to learn Illustrator and start building collections of assets you can monetize. These can be sold online to digital scrapbookers (digiscrapping), to designers for use in their design projects, for social media use and printables. In this course, you ""learn by doing"" as you make a range of creative assets suitable for scrapbooking, digital projects and social media marketing purposes. You will learn to make scrapbook papers, seamless repeating patterns, type elements, graphic photo overlays for social media, digital art, and much more. These designs can be sold on Etsy or other online market places, they can be uploaded to Spoonflower to make fabric and wallpaper, they can be used at print on demand sites as book covers and mugs, and can be sold as vector or bitmap stock images. There are so many ways to monetize the designs you'll make in this course.Who is your trainer?I'm Helen Bradley and I've taught thousands of students to use Illustrator and Photoshop. I don't fluff about and I'm focused on helping you learn to use Illustrator in a practical and smart way. My workflows are carefully structured for maximum success and I explain everything so you know the 'why' as well as the 'how' of any process. I have a huge commitment to my students' learning - I answer all student questions and I often add extra videos to a course to help students with questions that others might also benefit from learning from.What will you learn?When you complete this course,you'll: be able to create scrapbook papers, type elements and ancillary graphics in Illustratorbe able to color coordinate a collection of itemsknow how to package a product line for salehave extended your knowledge of Illustrator toolshave learnednew tips and techniques that you can use every daybe able to confidently create graphic assets for a range of design and commercial useshave developed new graphic design skills and workflowsDo I hear you say ""...but I don't know how to use Illustrator (and frankly, I'm scared of it)""?I understand! I've been there.Illustrator can be really scary to use when you first start out. but I've created a better way to learn Illustrator. One that makes it a lot less scary and a lot more fun. You see, you'll learn to make items you can sell, give away on your blog, and use yourself. So you'll be making designs that you can do something with at the same time that you are learning Illustrator. There's no waiting! There's no hours of learning before you can get started doing something. In fact you can start today. Complete the first few lessons and you'll have your first scrapbook paper made! Do I hear you say ""... butI hate the Pen tool!""?I understand! Most people hate the pen tool. You are not alone! I believe that Illustrator is so much more than its (dreaded) Pen tool so we'll use the pen tool only when we have to (which is practically never) and you'll see just how much you can achieve without it. Do I hear you say ""... butI can't draw""?No problem! If you can use a mouse you can completethis course. Quite simply, you don't need to be able to draw. In fact many designers can't draw and yet they make fantastic designs and great products.If you can draw great! If you can't draw don't worry, you'll be able to do succeed in this course even if drawing isn't a skill you have mastered. In those sections of the course where you learn to digitize hand drawn sketches I will give you some of my sketches you can work with so you can master the skills even if you don't yet have drawings you can use.Are you ready to extend your Illustrator skills?If you already know the basics of using Illustrator, taking this class will elevate your skills to a new level. You'll learn to use tools and techniques in a practical situation. No laboriously making shapes just to learn what the pathfinder tool does. No! In this class you'll learn the pathfinder because you need it, you'll draw shapes intrinsic to the design you are making - you'll be putting your skills to practical use from the first lecture. You'll reinforce your existing knowledge as you apply it to real world designs. And if we use tools you'venever used before-great! You'll learn to use them fast and easily so you understand how you can put them to work in your daily workflow. Do I hear you say ""Please don'twaste mytime""?If there is one thing I hate its wasting time and you probably do too.So, I don't say ""um"", I don't fluff about,I don't make mistakes, I know my stuff and I show you how to do things efficiently and effectively. I speed up the videos where appropriate so you don't get bored or distracted.I'm 100%focused on helping you learn. In short, I'll get straight to the point and Ill maximize what you learn in every class. Do I hear you say ""... butI can't afford the latest Illustrator version""?Again, I understand. I teach thousands of students who can't afford the monthly Creative Cloud payment. If you're using practically any version of Illustrator you should be able to complete most of this course. That said, a small number of the designs we'll make require the use of the Pattern Make tool which was introduced inIllustrator CS6 (and which is in IllustratorCC). So, if you are using Illustrator CS5, or earlier you may want to skip those sections.Will I just learn to make things?Well Yes, and No!Yes, you'll learn to make all sorts of creative assets, but you'll also learn to use tools such as the Transform tools and Type tools and you'll learn techniques and tips for working everyday in Illustrator.You'll get plenty of practice using Illustrator and you'll grow in confidence with every lecture.How will I learn?Thiscourse is made up 100% ofvideo content. You'll watch my screen as I show you howeach design is made. I'll explain what I am doing and why so you can learn as you watch.At the end of each section is an optional assignment you can do to test and reinforce your learning.Join me...I hope you will join me in this Illustrator class.I look forward to meeting you and I invite you to contact me if you have any questions as you work through the lectures.cheers!Helen"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Chinese HSK 1 Beginner Intensive Reading Course" |
"Learn Chinese With David (LCWD) is series of courses, designed for foreigner to learn mandarin, suitable for beginners from ZERO to higher level.(8 HD Videos, Total 220 Minutes) It is also ideal for examination preparation, such as Chinese GCSE, IGCSE, A1, A2 Chinese, Chinese IB, Chinese AP, HSK etc.Learn Chinese with David (LCWD) is a product of many years painstaking labour carried out with the passion and devotion to the cause of Chinese Teaching.We have taken into consideration the latest research on Chinese teaching to foreigners, the impact of online learning and our many years experience on the front line of Chinese teacher to foreigners.Sections: Text Read and Explanation; Sentence Builder, Vocabulary Builder, Vocabulary Camping, Listening, Pin Yin and Rhyme; Talk in Chinese, Writing with Flash to show strokes, Writing Dictation, The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK 1 (level I), HSK 2 (level II), HSK 3 (level III), HSK 4 (level IV), HSK 5 (level V), and HSK 6 (level VI).Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.New HSK VocabularyHSK 1 (Level 1) 150HSK 2 (Level 2) 300HSK 3 (Level 3) 600HSK 4 (Level 4) 1200HSK 5 (Level 5) 2500HSK 6 (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 129.99

"Cambridge IGCSE Chinese Intensive Reading Course 0547-2015" |
"Cambridge CIE IGCSE Chinese A* Reading Skills - the Intensive Revision Courses by referring to GCSE, IGCSE past reading paper 2015By referring to GCSE, IGCSE past papers with our in-depth , students can achieve good result in short time. The target students is 14 to 16 year olds students are taking GCSE Chinese /IGCSE Chinese in school or students who are going to attend Mandarin Chinese GCSE, IGCSE examination.Cambridge IGCSE is the worlds most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year old. It is recognized by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success. Developed over 25 years ago, it is tried, tested and trusted by schools worldwide.This syllabus is designed for learners who are learning Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies. Cambridge IGCSE Chinese aims to offer insights into the culture and civilization of countries where Mandarin Chinese is spoken, encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of foreign languages. Make many people confused, there are total 3 examination body offering GCSE Chinese /IGCSE Chinese, namely:1 Cambridge IGCSE Chinese2 Edexcel International GCSE Chinese2.1 Edexcel International IGCSE Chinese (since 2009)3 AQA GCSE Chinese (Mandarin)Comparing with Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK) which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners.The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows: GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000 IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 169.99

"Learn Chinese HSK 2 Beginner Intensive Reading Course" |
"The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).II. Test LevelsNew HSK Vocabulary HSK (Level I) 150HSK (Level II) 300HSK (Level III) 600 HSK (Level IV) 1200 HSK (Level V) 2500HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 99.99

"Learn Chinese HSK 3 Intensive Reading Course H31001" |
"Dear All: There are few improvements based the feedbacks and my experience. 1. PDF past paper and Audio file just uploaded, you can download to practice as the real exam.2. The Practice Test are just done. You can do many time you can. 3. More HSK Intensive course are coming, under preparation now. It is tough for me. I hope few more different sets will cover more topics and help you master Chinese better. Meanwhile, the Version 2018 has the following improvements: More detail explanations, Origin of Chinese Characters Chinese Radicals More Pictures PDF Vocabulary list More Practice More Test and Quiz As an instructor, I want to share the best I know and what I know best. Please give good ranking to encourage instructors. Cheers to others are blessing to you also. Thanks. (November 07, 2018 )The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).II. Test LevelsNew HSK Vocabulary HSK (Level I) 150HSK (Level II) 300HSK (Level III) 600HSK (Level IV) 1200 HSK (Level V) 2500HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 149.99

"Learn Chinese HSK 4 Intensive Reading Course H41001" |
"Dear All: There are few improvements based the feedbacks and my experience. 1. PDF past paper and Audio file just uploaded, you can download to practice as the real exam.2. The Practice Test are just done. You can do many time you can. 3. More HSK Intensive course are coming, under preparation now. It is tough for me. I hope few more different sets will cover more topics and help you master Chinese better. Meanwhile, the Version 2018 has the following improvements: More detail explanations, Origin of Chinese Characters Chinese Radicals More Pictures PDF Vocabulary list More Practice More Test and Quiz As an instructor, I want to share the best I know and what I know best. Please give good ranking to encourage instructors. Cheers to others are blessing to you also. Thanks. (November 07, 2018 )Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.New HSK Vocabulary HSK (Level IV) 1200 The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).II. Test LevelsNew HSK Vocabulary HSK (Level I) 150HSK (Level II) 300HSK (Level III) 600HSK (Level IV) 1200 HSK (Level V) 2500HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 179.99

"Learn Chinese HSK 5 Intensive Reading Course H51001" |
"Dear All: There are few improvements based the feedbacks and my experience. 1. PDF past paper and Audio file just uploaded, you can download to practice as the real exam.2. The Practice Test are just done. You can do many time you can. 3. More HSK Intensive course are coming, under preparation now. It is tough for me. I hope few more different sets will cover more topics and help you master Chinese better. Meanwhile, the Version 2018 has the following improvements: More detail explanations, Origin of Chinese Characters Chinese Radicals More Pictures PDF Vocabulary list More Practice More Test and Quiz As an instructor, I want to share the best I know and what I know best. Please give good ranking to encourage instructors. Cheers to others are blessing to you also. Thanks. (November 07, 2018 ) This course is forTest takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.New HSK Vocabulary HSK (Level V) 2500The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).II. Test LevelsNew HSK Vocabulary HSK (Level I) 150HSK (Level II) 300HSK (Level III) 600HSK (Level IV) 1200 HSK (Level V) 2500HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Chinese HSK 6 Intensive Reading Course H61001" |
"Dear All: There are few improvements based the feedbacks and my experience. 1. PDF paper and Audio file just uploaded, you can download to practice as the real exam.2. The Practice Test are just done. You can do many time you can. 3. More HSK Intensive course are coming, under preparation now. It is tough for me. I hope few more different sets will cover more topics and help you master Chinese better. Meanwhile, the Version 2018 has the following improvements: More detail explanations, Origin of Chinese Characters Chinese Radicals More Pictures PDF Vocabulary list More Practice More Test and Quiz As an instructor, I want to share the best I know and what I know best. Please give good ranking to encourage instructors. Cheers to others are blessing to you also. Thanks. (November 07, 2018 )This course is forTest takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper, who plan sit forHSK (Level VI), to achieve the level thatcan easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.This course is also perfect for student who want study in China University or for the professionals who intend to work or live in China.New HSK Vocabulary HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).II. Test LevelsNew HSK Vocabulary HSK (Level I) 150HSK (Level II) 300HSK (Level III) 600HSK (Level IV) 1200 HSK (Level V) 2500HSK (Level VI) Over 5,000Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level IV) can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows:GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 199.99

"Art of War -The 36 Strategies- Ancient Chinese War Tactics" |
"""Thirty-six Strategies"" or "" Thirty-six Stratagems ""refers to the ancient Chinese thirty-six tactics of war, originated in the Northern and Southern Dynasties ( 420 AD 589 AD), formed a book in the Ming Dynasties (1368 AD 1644 AD) and Qing Dynasties 1644 AD1912 AD.It is a military strategic book based on Chinese ancient excellent military thinking and rich experience of the War struggles, is one of the long-lasting cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.We present The 36 Strategies in plain style Chinese, together with the best possible English translation we can, and our unique way of ""Vocabulary Builder"".The whole series are suitable for the foreigners who are in the intermediate and advanced level (similar to HSK 4, 5, AS, IB, SAT and AP)Our Edeo (Education video) approach, which integrated the video, audio, PowerPoint, explanations and online quizzes, will give you a new experience of online learning."
Price: 189.99

"Top 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of Characters V1" |
"Chinese is a pictorial language and is the only Language which has no Alphabet. Chinese Characters originated from picture. According legend, Cang Jie () created Chinese Characters or scripts. Inspired by the trace of bird and animal, he created Chinese Characters or scripts by observing the nature shape such as Sun, moon, wood. Around one third of the total population on the earth are still using Chinese Characters. The creation and evolution of Chinese Characters is closely interwoven with the development of Chinese Culture and has long lasting impact on Japan, Korean, Vietnam, and Thailand... etc. Chinese Characters are an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging idea. Chinese Characters contain information and will never be replaced by Alphabet in other languages. It is a daunting challenge to foreigner as well as native Chinese. But good news for you, we have secrets to share with you how to study Chinese in a smarter way: Guessing! Guessing by Chinese Radicals. There are around 220 Chinese Radicals in my collections. But the Most Common 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of total Chinese Characters. We will arrange the Chinese Radicals according their importance and give you the most important 60 Chinese Radicals in 3 courses. Overall, there will be two series to cover Chinese Radicals and boost your vocabulary. 1 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals, Quick View 2 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in Details Quick View of Chinese Radicals will give you a big picture of Chinese Characters, something like a key to open the treasure. HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in details We will explain Chinese Radicals with the most common Chinese Characters in HSK 1 - 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1-6). After boot camping of Chinese Characters, we will test your understanding by reading quiz. In each video, there is a section call ""Vocabulary Builder"", which is our many years effort in Chinese teaching as a secondary language. The main features of ""Vocabulary Builder"" are: 1 The best possible English translations. The English translation is referring to Oxford Dictionary and other online dictionaries. Clear English translation is SO important for foreigner students to learn Chinese. Each Character and even phrases may have many meanings. Accurate English translation will give you a crystal clear view on Chinese phrases. 2 Up-to-date and updating. We have go thought the whole Oxford Dictionary and other recourses to collect more than 60,000 phrases with the best translation possible for our reference in editing materials. We are updating more than 5000 new phrases into our collections to reflect the ever-never fast changing China. 3 Indicating the difficulty level of Phrase according to HSK levels. You will not see such Classifications in any other dictionaries. Our unique classification provides a framework for selecting of articles. Choosing material suitable for students level and evaluate their progress is an Art of teaching. 4 The most important thing is the Vocabulary Builder. This is more than just a vocabulary list. It is a Language Builder based on the Chinese languages special features and our 25 years' experience. The Vocabulary Builder will find and list out the connections among Chinese Characters, expand into more phrases. We will use sentence to show how to use the new phrase in context, to point out the common booby trap. Vocabulary Builder actually is our natural process of Language Building."
Price: 189.99

"IB Chinese B- SL Revision Course PAPER 2-2014" |
"The International Baccalaureate offers Diploma Programme (DP) which is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16 to 19age range. It is a broad-based two-year course that aims to encourage students to be knowledgeable and inquiring, but also caring and compassionate. The minimum prescribed number of hours is 150 for SL and 240 for HLThe IB Mandarin is offered as:IB Language A (in short, for native speakers, ) higher level (HL), and standard level (SL).IB Language B (in short, for non-native speakers, with 3 years language study background) higher level (HL), and standard level (SL).The language course is one of the complicated combination of various subject. Please refer to IB website to choosing the right combination.Language A: language and literature comprises four partstwo relate to the study of language and two to the study of literature.Language B: See the Chart of Core and Option topics combination for higher level (HL), and standard level (SL)We offer IB Chinese B Revision Course for higher level (HL), and standard level (SL) based on the past papers and mock.This will make students familiar with the examination format.In addition to Examination Skills, Tips and Guide, we will expand our explanation to enable students to gain more on vocabulary, knowledge and culture."
Price: 199.99

"IB Chinese B- HL Revision Course Paper 2-2013" |
"The International Baccalaureate offers Diploma Programme (DP) which is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16 to 19age range. It is a broad-based two-year course that aims to encourage students to be knowledgeable and inquiring, but also caring and compassionate. The minimum prescribed number of hours is 150 for SL and 240 for HLThe IB Mandarin is offered as:IB Language A (in short, for native speakers, ) higher level (HL), and standard level (SL).IB Language B (in short, for non-native speakers, with 3 years language study background) higher level (HL), and standard level (SL).The language course is one of the complicated combination of various subject. Please refer to IB website to choosing the right combination.Language A: language and literature comprises four partstwo relate to the study of language and two to the study of literature.Language B: See the Chart of Core and Option topics combination for higher level (HL), and standard level (SL)We offer IB Chinese B Revision Course for higher level (HL), and standard level (SL) based on the past papers and mock.This will make students familiar with the examination format.In addition to Examination Skills, Tips and Guide, we will expand our explanation to enable students to gain more on vocabulary, knowledge and culture."
Price: 199.99

"HSK 1 Intensive Reading Course V2017 Set 2" |
"This is the second series afterHSK 1 Beginner Intensive Reading Course H10901. More vocabularies andsentences are provided and more in-depth explanations to help prepare better for HSK 1 examination and also served as test base forIGCSE Chinese, GCSE Chinese,IB Chinese, SAT Chinese, AP ChineseBeginners.Learn Chinese With David (LCWD) is series of courses, designed for foreigner to learn mandarin, suitable for beginners from ZERO to higher level.(20 Videos, Total 300 Minutes) It is also ideal for examination preparation, such as Chinese GCSE, IGCSE, A1, A2 Chinese, Chinese IB, Chinese AP, HSK etc.Learn Chinese with David (LCWD) is a product of many years painstaking labour carried out with the passion and devotion to the cause of Chinese Teaching.We have taken into consideration the latest research on Chinese teaching to foreigners, the impact of online learning and our many years experience on the front line of Chinese teacher to foreigners.Sections: Text Read and Explanation; Sentence Builder, Vocabulary Builder, Vocabulary Camping, Listening, Pin Yin and Rhyme; Talk in Chinese, Writing with Flash to show strokes, Writing Dictation, The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK 1 (level I), HSK 2 (level II), HSK 3 (level III), HSK 4 (level IV), HSK 5 (level V), and HSK 6 (level VI).Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.New HSK VocabularyHSK 1 (Level 1) 150HSK 2 (Level 2) 300HSK 3 (Level 3) 600HSK 4 (Level 4) 1200HSK 5 (Level 5) 2500HSK 6 (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 89.99

"Chinese Characters You Must Know for HSK 1-2 Volume 1" |
"Chinese is a pictorial language and is the only Language which has no Alphabet. Chinese Characters originated from picture. According legend, Cang Jie () created Chinese Characters or scripts. Inspired by the trace of bird and animal, he created Chinese Characters or scripts by observing the nature shape such as Sun, moon, wood. Around one third of the total population on the earth are still using Chinese Characters. The creation and evolution of Chinese Characters is closely interwoven with the development of Chinese Culture and has long lasting impact on Japan, Korean, Vietnam, and Thailand... etc.Chinese Characters are an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging idea. Chinese Characters contain information and will never be replaced by Alphabet in other languages.It is a daunting challenge to foreigner as well as native Chinese. But good news for you, we have secrets to share with you how to study Chinese in a smarter way:Guessing! Guessing by Chinese Radicals. There are around 220 Chinese Radicals in my collections. But the Most Common 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of total Chinese Characters.We will arrange the Chinese Radicals according their importance and give you the most important 60 Chinese Radicals in 3 courses.Overall, there will be two series to cover Chinese Radicals and boost your vocabulary.1 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals, Quick View2 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in DetailsQuick View of Chinese Radicals will give you a big picture of Chinese Characters, something like a key to open the treasure.HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in detailsWe will explain Chinese Radicals with the most common Chinese Characters in HSK 1 - 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1-6).After boot camping of Chinese Characters, we will test your understanding by reading quiz.In each video, there is a section call ""Vocabulary Builder"", which is our many years effort in Chinese teaching as a secondary language.The main features of ""Vocabulary Builder"" are:1 The best possible English translations. The English translation is referring to Oxford Dictionary and other online dictionaries. Clear English translation is SO important for foreigner students to learn Chinese.Each Character and even phrases may have many meanings. Accurate English translation will give you a crystal clear view on Chinese phrases.2 Up-to-date and updating. We have go thought the whole Oxford Dictionary and other recourses to collect more than 60,000 phrases with the best translation possible for our reference in editing materials.We are updating more than 5000 new phrases into our collections to reflect the ever-never fast changing China.3 Indicating the difficulty level of Phrase according to HSK levels.You will not see such Classifications in any other dictionaries. Our unique classification provides a framework for selecting of articles. Choosing material suitable for students level and evaluate their progress is an Art of teaching.4 The most important thing is the Vocabulary Builder.This is more than just a vocabulary list. It is a Language Builder based on the Chinese languages special features and our 25 years' experience.The Vocabulary Builder will find and list out the connections among Chinese Characters, expand into more phrases. We will use sentence to show how to use the new phrase in context, to point out the common booby trap.Vocabulary Builder actually is our natural process of Language Building."
Price: 144.99

"Chinese Characters You Must Know for HSK 1-2 Volume 3" |
"Chinese is a pictorial language and is the only Language which has no Alphabet. Chinese Characters originated from picture. According legend, Cang Jie () created Chinese Characters or scripts. Inspired by the trace of bird and animal, he created Chinese Characters or scripts by observing the nature shape such as Sun, moon, wood. Around one third of the total population on the earth are still using Chinese Characters. The creation and evolution of Chinese Characters is closely interwoven with the development of Chinese Culture and has long lasting impact on Japan, Korean, Vietnam, and Thailand... etc.Chinese Characters are an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging idea. Chinese Characters contain information and will never be replaced by Alphabet in other languages.It is a daunting challenge to foreigner as well as native Chinese. But good news for you, we have secrets to share with you how to study Chinese in a smarter way:Guessing! Guessing by Chinese Radicals. There are around 220 Chinese Radicals in my collections. But the Most Common 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of total Chinese Characters.We will arrange the Chinese Radicals according their importance and give you the most important 60 Chinese Radicals in 3 courses.Overall, there will be two series to cover Chinese Radicals and boost your vocabulary.1 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals, Quick View2 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in DetailsQuick View of Chinese Radicals will give you a big picture of Chinese Characters, something like a key to open the treasure.HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in detailsWe will explain Chinese Radicals with the most common Chinese Characters in HSK 1 - 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1-6).After boot camping of Chinese Characters, we will test your understanding by reading quiz.In each video, there is a section call ""Vocabulary Builder"", which is our many years effort in Chinese teaching as a secondary language.The main features of ""Vocabulary Builder"" are:1 The best possible English translations. The English translation is referring to Oxford Dictionary and other online dictionaries. Clear English translation is SO important for foreigner students to learn Chinese.Each Character and even phrases may have many meanings. Accurate English translation will give you a crystal clear view on Chinese phrases.2 Up-to-date and updating. We have go thought the whole Oxford Dictionary and other recourses to collect more than 60,000 phrases with the best translation possible for our reference in editing materials.We are updating more than 5000 new phrases into our collections to reflect the ever-never fast changing China.3 Indicating the difficulty level of Phrase according to HSK levels.You will not see such Classifications in any other dictionaries. Our unique classification provides a framework for selecting of articles. Choosing material suitable for students level and evaluate their progress is an Art of teaching.4 The most important thing is the Vocabulary Builder.This is more than just a vocabulary list. It is a Language Builder based on the Chinese languages special features and our 25 years' experience.The Vocabulary Builder will find and list out the connections among Chinese Characters, expand into more phrases. We will use sentence to show how to use the new phrase in context, to point out the common booby trap.Vocabulary Builder actually is our natural process of Language Building."
Price: 149.99

"Chinese Characters You Must Know for HSK 1-2 Volume 5" |
"Chinese is a pictorial language and is the only Language which has no Alphabet. Chinese Characters originated from picture. According legend, Cang Jie () created Chinese Characters or scripts. Inspired by the trace of bird and animal, he created Chinese Characters or scripts by observing the nature shape such as Sun, moon, wood. Around one third of the total population on the earth are still using Chinese Characters. The creation and evolution of Chinese Characters is closely interwoven with the development of Chinese Culture and has long lasting impact on Japan, Korean, Vietnam, and Thailand... etc.Chinese Characters are an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging idea. Chinese Characters contain information and will never be replaced by Alphabet in other languages.It is a daunting challenge to foreigner as well as native Chinese. But good news for you, we have secrets to share with you how to study Chinese in a smarter way:Guessing! Guessing by Chinese Radicals. There are around 220 Chinese Radicals in my collections. But the Most Common 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of total Chinese Characters.We will arrange the Chinese Radicals according their importance and give you the most important 60 Chinese Radicals in 3 courses.Overall, there will be two series to cover Chinese Radicals and boost your vocabulary.1 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals, Quick View2 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in DetailsQuick View of Chinese Radicals will give you a big picture of Chinese Characters, something like a key to open the treasure.HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in detailsWe will explain Chinese Radicals with the most common Chinese Characters in HSK 1 - 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1-6).After boot camping of Chinese Characters, we will test your understanding by reading quiz.In each video, there is a section call ""Vocabulary Builder"", which is our many years effort in Chinese teaching as a secondary language.The main features of ""Vocabulary Builder"" are:1 The best possible English translations. The English translation is referring to Oxford Dictionary and other online dictionaries. Clear English translation is SO important for foreigner students to learn Chinese.Each Character and even phrases may have many meanings. Accurate English translation will give you a crystal clear view on Chinese phrases.2 Up-to-date and updating. We have go thought the whole Oxford Dictionary and other recourses to collect more than 60,000 phrases with the best translation possible for our reference in editing materials.We are updating more than 5000 new phrases into our collections to reflect the ever-never fast changing China.3 Indicating the difficulty level of Phrase according to HSK levels.You will not see such Classifications in any other dictionaries. Our unique classification provides a framework for selecting of articles. Choosing material suitable for students level and evaluate their progress is an Art of teaching.4 The most important thing is the Vocabulary Builder.This is more than just a vocabulary list. It is a Language Builder based on the Chinese languages special features and our 25 years' experience.The Vocabulary Builder will find and list out the connections among Chinese Characters, expand into more phrases. We will use sentence to show how to use the new phrase in context, to point out the common booby trap.Vocabulary Builder actually is our natural process of Language Building."
Price: 119.99

"Chinese Characters You Must Know for HSK 1-2 Volume 7" |
"Chinese is a pictorial language and is the only Language which has no Alphabet. Chinese Characters originated from picture. According legend, Cang Jie () created Chinese Characters or scripts. Inspired by the trace of bird and animal, he created Chinese Characters or scripts by observing the nature shape such as Sun, moon, wood. Around one third of the total population on the earth are still using Chinese Characters. The creation and evolution of Chinese Characters is closely interwoven with the development of Chinese Culture and has long lasting impact on Japan, Korean, Vietnam, and Thailand... etc.Chinese Characters are an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging idea. Chinese Characters contain information and will never be replaced by Alphabet in other languages.It is a daunting challenge to foreigner as well as native Chinese. But good news for you, we have secrets to share with you how to study Chinese in a smarter way:Guessing! Guessing by Chinese Radicals. There are around 220 Chinese Radicals in my collections. But the Most Common 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of total Chinese Characters.We will arrange the Chinese Radicals according their importance and give you the most important 60 Chinese Radicals in 3 courses.Overall, there will be two series to cover Chinese Radicals and boost your vocabulary.1 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals, Quick View2 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in DetailsQuick View of Chinese Radicals will give you a big picture of Chinese Characters, something like a key to open the treasure.HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in detailsWe will explain Chinese Radicals with the most common Chinese Characters in HSK 1 - 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1-6).After boot camping of Chinese Characters, we will test your understanding by reading quiz.In each video, there is a section call ""Vocabulary Builder"", which is our many years effort in Chinese teaching as a secondary language.The main features of ""Vocabulary Builder"" are:1 The best possible English translations. The English translation is referring to Oxford Dictionary and other online dictionaries. Clear English translation is SO important for foreigner students to learn Chinese.Each Character and even phrases may have many meanings. Accurate English translation will give you a crystal clear view on Chinese phrases.2 Up-to-date and updating. We have go thought the whole Oxford Dictionary and other recourses to collect more than 60,000 phrases with the best translation possible for our reference in editing materials.We are updating more than 5000 new phrases into our collections to reflect the ever-never fast changing China.3 Indicating the difficulty level of Phrase according to HSK levels.You will not see such Classifications in any other dictionaries. Our unique classification provides a framework for selecting of articles. Choosing material suitable for students level and evaluate their progress is an Art of teaching.4 The most important thing is the Vocabulary Builder.This is more than just a vocabulary list. It is a Language Builder based on the Chinese languages special features and our 25 years' experience.The Vocabulary Builder will find and list out the connections among Chinese Characters, expand into more phrases. We will use sentence to show how to use the new phrase in context, to point out the common booby trap.Vocabulary Builder actually is our natural process of Language Building."
Price: 119.99

"Chinese Characters You Must Know for HSK 3 Volume 9" |
"Chinese is a pictorial language and is the only Language which has no Alphabet. Chinese Characters originated from picture. According legend, Cang Jie () created Chinese Characters or scripts. Inspired by the trace of bird and animal, he created Chinese Characters or scripts by observing the nature shape such as Sun, moon, wood. Around one third of the total population on the earth are still using Chinese Characters. The creation and evolution of Chinese Characters is closely interwoven with the development of Chinese Culture and has long lasting impact on Japan, Korean, Vietnam, and Thailand... etc.Chinese Characters are an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging idea. Chinese Characters contain information and will never be replaced by Alphabet in other languages.It is a daunting challenge to foreigner as well as native Chinese. But good news for you, we have secrets to share with you how to study Chinese in a smarter way:Guessing! Guessing by Chinese Radicals. There are around 220 Chinese Radicals in my collections. But the Most Common 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of total Chinese Characters.We will arrange the Chinese Radicals according their importance and give you the most important 60 Chinese Radicals in 3 courses.Overall, there will be two series to cover Chinese Radicals and boost your vocabulary.1 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals, Quick View2 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in DetailsQuick View of Chinese Radicals will give you a big picture of Chinese Characters, something like a key to open the treasure.HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in detailsWe will explain Chinese Radicals with the most common Chinese Characters in HSK 1 - 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1-6).After boot camping of Chinese Characters, we will test your understanding by reading quiz.In each video, there is a section call ""Vocabulary Builder"", which is our many years effort in Chinese teaching as a secondary language.The main features of ""Vocabulary Builder"" are:1 The best possible English translations. The English translation is referring to Oxford Dictionary and other online dictionaries. Clear English translation is SO important for foreigner students to learn Chinese.Each Character and even phrases may have many meanings. Accurate English translation will give you a crystal clear view on Chinese phrases.2 Up-to-date and updating. We have go thought the whole Oxford Dictionary and other recourses to collect more than 60,000 phrases with the best translation possible for our reference in editing materials.We are updating more than 5000 new phrases into our collections to reflect the ever-never fast changing China.3 Indicating the difficulty level of Phrase according to HSK levels.You will not see such Classifications in any other dictionaries. Our unique classification provides a framework for selecting of articles. Choosing material suitable for students level and evaluate their progress is an Art of teaching.4 The most important thing is the Vocabulary Builder.This is more than just a vocabulary list. It is a Language Builder based on the Chinese languages special features and our 25 years' experience.The Vocabulary Builder will find and list out the connections among Chinese Characters, expand into more phrases. We will use sentence to show how to use the new phrase in context, to point out the common booby trap.Vocabulary Builder actually is our natural process of Language Building."
Price: 119.99

"Chinese Characters You Must Know for HSK 3 Volume 11" |
"Chinese is a pictorial language and is the only Language which has no Alphabet. Chinese Characters originated from picture. According legend, Cang Jie () created Chinese Characters or scripts. Inspired by the trace of bird and animal, he created Chinese Characters or scripts by observing the nature shape such as Sun, moon, wood. Around one third of the total population on the earth are still using Chinese Characters. The creation and evolution of Chinese Characters is closely interwoven with the development of Chinese Culture and has long lasting impact on Japan, Korean, Vietnam, and Thailand... etc.Chinese Characters are an important tool for extending, spreading and exchanging idea. Chinese Characters contain information and will never be replaced by Alphabet in other languages.It is a daunting challenge to foreigner as well as native Chinese. But good news for you, we have secrets to share with you how to study Chinese in a smarter way:Guessing! Guessing by Chinese Radicals. There are around 220 Chinese Radicals in my collections. But the Most Common 20 Chinese Radicals which account 51% of total Chinese Characters.We will arrange the Chinese Radicals according their importance and give you the most important 60 Chinese Radicals in 3 courses.Overall, there will be two series to cover Chinese Radicals and boost your vocabulary.1 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals, Quick View2 HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in DetailsQuick View of Chinese Radicals will give you a big picture of Chinese Characters, something like a key to open the treasure.HSK Reading Skills-Guess by Chinese Radicals in detailsWe will explain Chinese Radicals with the most common Chinese Characters in HSK 1 - 6 (Chinese Proficiency Test Level 1-6).After boot camping of Chinese Characters, we will test your understanding by reading quiz.In each video, there is a section call ""Vocabulary Builder"", which is our many years effort in Chinese teaching as a secondary language.The main features of ""Vocabulary Builder"" are:1 The best possible English translations. The English translation is referring to Oxford Dictionary and other online dictionaries. Clear English translation is SO important for foreigner students to learn Chinese.Each Character and even phrases may have many meanings. Accurate English translation will give you a crystal clear view on Chinese phrases.2 Up-to-date and updating. We have go thought the whole Oxford Dictionary and other recourses to collect more than 60,000 phrases with the best translation possible for our reference in editing materials.We are updating more than 5000 new phrases into our collections to reflect the ever-never fast changing China.3 Indicating the difficulty level of Phrase according to HSK levels.You will not see such Classifications in any other dictionaries. Our unique classification provides a framework for selecting of articles. Choosing material suitable for students level and evaluate their progress is an Art of teaching.4 The most important thing is the Vocabulary Builder.This is more than just a vocabulary list. It is a Language Builder based on the Chinese languages special features and our 25 years' experience.The Vocabulary Builder will find and list out the connections among Chinese Characters, expand into more phrases. We will use sentence to show how to use the new phrase in context, to point out the common booby trap.Vocabulary Builder actually is our natural process of Language Building."
Price: 119.99

"Chinese Culture Reading Course - China & Taiwan Fables" |
"Fables is the soul of a nation. Unfortunately, TraditionalChinese culture was destroyed in Chinese Culture revolution. There are few millions Chinese migrated to Taiwan in the past 600 hundred years and 4 millions retreated to Taiwan in 1949 after civil war, my uncle is one of them. The traditional Chinese culture and value are preserved well in Taiwan. That's the reason why most of the Fables are from Taiwan.Fables reflect traditional culture, virtue and value. I found most of the teaching are the same as my hometown old folks story I heard fromgrandmaand neighbors. This course is good for intermediate level students to explore Chinese culture, enrich your knowledge about China and Chinese, expand your vocabulary through my elaboration using my unique Vocabulary Builder and Sentence Builder."
Price: 129.99

"Quick Chinese Grammar referring to Fast Changing China Vol 1" |
"The greatest truth are the simplest! In simple way, there is no grammar in Chinese language!Chinese Grammar is just the sequence construction of Characters, like my LEGOO name. Grammar we called now actually is a borrowed concept from western language just around 100 years ago.That's why we can claim there is no Grammar in Chinese in certain senses. I met a writer who wrote a very meticulous book on Chinese grammar, the preface and the title wroteby my grandfather. He poked my why I should have a English name call David.I tossed a question: there is no grammar in Chinese language, do you agree with me?In the complicated way, Chinese Grammar can drive you to crazy like his book! In this course, I will show you the simplest truths in my own way, if not academic way!This basic grammar course will guidance you the most common 300 Chinese sentence patterns. Due to the length of the topic, there will be around 6 episodes for this topic. This is the volume one. The sentence chosen willreflect fast changing modern China."
Price: 129.99

"Dummy's Spoken Chinese General Expressions" |
"Chinese is not as hard as most people thought! There is evenno grammar in Chinese language in certain sense!The greatest truthare the simplest!Chinese languageis just the sequence construction of Characters, like my LEGOO name. I tried use the simple way to present Chinese using direct English translation or literature translation. The video I uploaded into YouTube is gaining greatpopularity and reaching more than300,000views within 3 years. The dummy's way works very well. That encourage me to create more courses. Here are theDummy's Spoken Chinese, whichcontains 2 sister courses:Dummy's Spoken ChineseGeneral Expressions &Dummy's Spoken Chinese Situational Expressions. See the Free preview in the course.Comments from Customers:C'est une super vido !SuperEleonorah 28 May 2016You are really the best and better than school....jim parsit 24 May 2016I simply love the way you teach, so far you are the best. I have been teaching myself the Chinese out of my passion for it, but your lessons drove all the points home, thank you so much for your amazing job!Alvera Zikama 24 May 2016David, I went through hundreds of UTube learning Chinese, you are the best because of simple, clear style. What I like most is that you put English at Chinese word by word without considered of English sentences. I can develop a new sentence by putting these words together, just like put each puzzle into one picture.jim parsit 10 May 2016great job sir most important wards you shared i was searching them at last foundMuzahir Hussain 01 May 2016GREAT JOB, VERY GOOD WAY TO LEARN CHINESEBuffalo Bill 01 May 2016Hello Mr David Yao, thank you for this video. Very good and clear!Sophia Tang 01 April 2016Once you understand the structure, it no longer seems insurmountable! Just lots of vocabulary words to be learned. I really like you presentation.RC S 01 April 2016This is really useful materials for igcse students :)!Bedroom Learn Chinese, 01 May 2016Wow! You are a talented and passionate teacher. Thank you for your noble heart to share this many hours of excellent planning of this wonderful lesson.Stephen Goh 12 October 2015This man's video is absolutely brilliant and even though he doesn't always get the, lets say perhaps the correct word, he still makes himself very clear and one can easily interpret what he means.For example at the start when it says ""What's the callings for Chinese or Mandarine"" and one things to oneself ""hmmm, callings now what does he mean. Ah, the name.What are [not is] the names [many names] for Chinese or Mandarin"" of which I've learnt many. There are so many rubbish teaching resources on Youtube but this video is one of the very few that are any good or worthwhile bookmarking to use as a major resource for learning Madarin [because there are some very useful Youtube vids also]. He's very to the point just what the learning doctor ordered. I'm going to search the rest of his series as this is one of 76 so 75 to go hopefully they can be found via Youtube or may be one has to subscribe to his website. Love Chinese and am so going to conquer it.11kwright August 18,2015"
Price: 89.99

"Learn Chinese like Kids -Pre School Core Reading Course K1T1" |
"The full combined worksheet I just created ""Kindergarten Chinese Core Reading Course CRC K1T1-T3 -Writing Worksheets 20200503"" was uploaded in Lecture 8. Please check. David Yao May 3, 2020. I can read Kids' mind through their eye! Through the experience raising up my son and daughter, I understand their learning pattern. Especially in the Tri-Languages environment in Malaysia, Chinese, English and Malay. Based on my 23 years' experience teaching for oversea students, I decide to touch ground to develop a set of Courses for Pre-School level. There are two sets in General: Pre-School Chinese Core Reading Course (CCR), Pre-School Children's Chinese Song (CCS), Pre-School Chinese Core Reading Course (CCR) will serve as a main teaching materials, like textbook. The contents will be organized at kids' eye level: what they see and conceive. Pre-School Children's Chinese Song (CCS) can be used as a supplementary. It will make Kid's learning more fun and engaging. This is my past 6 years pain-staking effort and used in many International Schools as test stone. Step by step approach and write worksheets proven that my Pre-School Chinese Core Reading Course is effective and unique!The main Features: - Topic Oriented (Kids can start with any courses independently)- Step by step in Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.- Animated illustration - Unique Chinese feature explored: like Character story, Pin Yin.- Video Support (the standard pronunciation and teaching)- Reduce teachers' burden prepare class teaching- Reduce the rely on the teachers' experience and availability.- Writing worksheets available- PowerPoint presentation provides interaction, flexibility of teaching Pre-School Chinese Series includes: The Levels: KG3 (age 1.5-2)KG4 (age 2-3) K1 (age 3-4) K2 (age 4-5) K3 (age 5-6) "
Price: 129.99
