"XML DOM - Crash Course for Beginners" |
"This course is for anyone who is interested in quicklylearn theXML DOM (Document Object Model)&it's power to utilize it in Web Development.Here I will teach you how to access the XML documents datanode using the JavaScript & modify them as per your project's requirements. XML DOM is the foundation of XML docs while reading or writing the data from XML files.Currently every web site or web service offer support toXML. This course will give you the strongbasic understanding of XMLDOM using practical implementation onscreen & help you implement it in your web development projects.I designed this course for anyone including non-technical person.So if you are not a developer and still interested in learning about the XML DOM & see how it works then this course is for you.Here we will start from zero & go tohigher level very quickly. You don't need multiple hours long course to learn XML DOM.This course will make you strong enough for the interviews, your college projects,office projects, your freelancing projects to build basic & complex Web Services as well asapplications."
Price: 129.99

"XML XPath - Crash Course for Beginners" |
"This course is for anyone who is interested in quicklylearn theXML XPath (Query Language for XML-based data)&it's power to utilize it in Web Development.Here I will teach you how to use XPath while querying the data from the XML files during the web development. There are many use-cases where you have to fetch the certain types of data based on any specific requirements of your projects. XPath will make it very easy for you to query any data from the XML file.Currently every web site or web service offer support toXML. This course will give you the strongbasic understanding of XMLXPathusing practical implementation onscreen & help you implement it in your web development projects.I designed this course for anyone including non-technical person.So if you are not a developer and still interested in learning about the XML XPath& see how it works then this course is for you.Here we will start from zero & go tohigher level very quickly. You don't need multiple hours long course to learn XML XPath (Query Language for XML Data).This course will make you strong enough for the interviews, your college projects,office projects, your freelancing projects to build basic & complex Web Services as well asapplications."
Price: 129.99

"XML XQuery - Crash Course for Beginners" |
"This course is for anyone who is interested in quicklylearn theXML XQuery (Query Language for XML-based data)&it's power to utilize it in Web Development.Here I will teach you the fundamentals of XQuery likehow to use XQuery while querying the data from the XML files during the web development. There are many use-cases where you have to fetch the certain types of data based on any specific requirements of your projects. XQuery will make it very easy for you to query any data from the XML file.Currently every web site or web service offer support toXML. This course will give you the strongbasic understanding of XMLXQueryusing practical implementation onscreen & help you implement it in your web development projects.I designed this course for anyone including non-technical person.So if you are not a developer and still interested in learning about the XML XQuery& see how it works then this course is for you.Here we will start from zero & go tohigher level very quickly. You don't need multiple hours long course to learn XML XQuery (Query Language for XML Data).This course will make you strong enough for the interviews, your college projects,office projects, your freelancing projects to build basic & complex Web Services as well asapplications."
Price: 129.99

"The Basics of DAO (Autonomous Organization) in Blockchain" |
"You might have heard about Blockchain & Other Cryptocurrencies. Do you know Blockchain can run a completelyautomated decentralizeddemocratic organization which will be controlled by token holders like share holders in real incorporations.In this course I will teach you what is Decentralized Autonomous Organization (aka DAO) in Blockchain. Technologies like ethereum have enabled anyone create and run the DAO.People have created a very large DAO and managed to raise big size of funding through crowdsale. In this course we will teach you the know how of the DAO, what is DAO,how they work, how they vote, how they operate etc.This course is for you if you are interested in understanding whether you need a DAO or not. DO you need to make your business as a DAO or not."
Price: 129.99

"Learn Solidity: Programming Language for Smart Contracts" |
"Have you heard of Ethereum & Smart Contracts?Have you ever thought of writing smart contracts or your own cryptocurrencies?Do you know smart contracts are written in Solidity Programming Language?Solidity is a programming language for writing smart contracts which run on Ethereum Virtual Machine on Blockchain.It is a contract-oriented, high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript and it is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine.In this course I will teach you everything related to Solidity to build Smart Contracts based Blockchain application on Ethereum. We will learn what:What is Ethereum, Smart Contracts & Blockchain?What is Solidity & Ethereum Virtual Machine?How to install & Setup Solidity Development Environment?How to write first basic smart contracts?Data types, control structure, functions, inheritance, mathematical operations, etc.How to deploy & test smart contracts in Solidity?Building 2 ApplicationsVoting Ballot on BlockchainFundRaiser ApplicationThis course will enable you to build any kind of Blockchain application on Ethereum using Solidity which is most common language for writing Ethereum Blockchain."
Price: 129.99

"Ethereum Developer: Create a New Cryptocurrency w/ Ethereum" |
"Have you heard of Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin,Ethereum & Smart Contracts?Have you ever thought of creating your own cryptocurrencies?Have you ever created any Smart Contracts?In this course I will teach you how to create your own personal cryptocurrency on top ofEthereum Blockchain and use it to represent any asset, game coins, gold coins or anything that has value to you or your business.In this course, we will create a basic coin from scratch and then keep modifying it to make it a perfect virtual coin or token. We will learn what:What is Ethereum, Smart Contracts & Blockchain?What isSolidity & Ethereum Virtual Machine?How toinstall & SetupSolidity Development Environment?How to write first basic smart contracts & Test it?How to write a Minimal Viable Token in Solidity?How to deploy & test the Minimal Viable Tokenin Solidity?Building a Cryptocurrency which is maintained by thousands of computers on Blockchain. Which has many features likeBlock reward to the minerCentral Administrator to mint the new coinsCentral Administrator to freeze or unfreezethe assetsAnd many more featuresThis course will enable you to build any peer-to-peer managed tokens on top of Ethereum which you can use to build your won business use casesetc."
Price: 129.99

"How to Build a Crowd Sale (ICO) App in Ethereum Blockchain" |
"Have you ever heard of Crowd Sale in Cryptocurrencies?Are you running a startup and looking to raise fund?How about raising a funding from people all over the globe?Well, many startups in theworld are turningtheir business ideas into a funded business through crowdsale. Cryptocurrencies provide you the best way to crowd fund you business idea while keeping the funders safe. In this course I will teach you how to build a crowd sale or crowd fund application (aka Initial Coin Offering) on top of Ethereum Blockchain.In this course I will show you a step by step process of creating a Crowd sale application.We will first setup the Mist WalletThen we will setup or code editorThen we will start writing the code and take you from smallest application to the full application.At the end of this courseyou will be able to launch your own ICO application in Ethereum and also extend it as per your need."
Price: 129.99

"How to Build Decentralized Auto Democracy DAO in Blockchain" |
"Have you ever heard of Decentralized Autonomous Organization in Cryptocurrencies?Are you running a startup and looking to raise fund?How about raising a funding from people all over the globe for a fully automated business?A Decentralized Autonomous Organization are the fully automated democratic organization which runs on Blockchain and allow the raised fund to be used based on the voting by the participants. many company's have build their product using this approach and got the trust from all the supporters & contributors. This is a best way to run a business if that business have very less involvement of human.In this course I will show you a step by step process of creating a Democratic Organization on Blockchain.We will first setup the Mist WalletThen we will setup or code editorThen we will start writing the code and take you from smallest application to the full application.At the end of this courseyou will be able to launch your own DAO in Ethereum and also extend it as per your need."
Price: 129.99

"The Basics of Hyperledger Fabric" |
"Blockchain technology is making so much buzz now a days. You might have heard about some interesting technologies based on Blockchain. The Hyperledger Fabric is one of the most talked about Blockchain in the Corporate World due to it's amazing features for the corporation.TheHyperledger Projectis an open source, collaborative effort to create a blockchain for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) transactions. IBM was one of the founding members of the Hyperledger Project, donating 44,000 lines of blockchain code to what became the first project under incubation, Hyperledger Fabric.In this course, I will teach you all the basics of Hyperledger Fabric technology so that you can use it in your projects with better understandting & clarity. During this course I will answer or talk about below topics:What is Blockchain, Ethereum & Smart Contracts?What Hyperledger?What is Hyperledger Fabric?Comparison of Hyperledger Fabric with Other Technologies like Ethereum, Ripple,Bitcoin etc.Architecture of Hyperledger FabricKey Components of Hyperledger FabricFeatures & Advantages of using Hyperldedger FabricHow Hyperledger fabric works?After attending this course you will have the clear understanding of Hyperledger Fabric & youwill be able to betterchose between multiple available technologiesin the market.This courses is for anyone who have no understanding of the Hyperledger Fabric or Hyperledger Project & want to understand this in short time in simple language."
Price: 129.99

"Professional Retouching Course in Photoshop" |
"Do You want to Learn, Portrait, Beauty, and Outdoor Retouching?You are in the right place. I am Marcin Mikus, Photo Retoucher and Photoshop instructor. For Years I have been exploring photoshop to finally settle in retouching area. I know how difficult is to find the right course where You can learn retouching for different kind of Photography - thats why i came with this course where i cover different retouching with different images.In this course You will get over 80 lessons and 6 hours of content. Whats best - You will also get high quality raw images - so you can follow me and my retouching process, as well as practice retouching on Your own. And of course - great actions and other resources which allow You to speed up Your workflow!Dont worry if you are beginner because we are going to cover whole process from very beginning till the final touch ups. I will show You how to do raw processing using camera raw as well as capture one. And also, if You are a little bit more advanced user, I believe You can find a lot of new informations on processing and retouching Your Images and color grading techniques. The course is separated from different sections, leading You from basic Portrait Retouching to Beauty and Outdoor Image retouching. 1. We will discover great software as capture one, I will show You pros and cons of this software of my choice for Raw Processing. Don't worry if You don't want to use capture one - I am also showing how to do Raw processing using Adobe Camera Raw.2. We will be analysing each image before we start our retouching, so You will know what need to be done on specyfic image whether it's portrait, beauty or outdoor image. After that we will start retouching process - where I will show You the best tools for skin and hair retouching without any confusing techniques that might lead You in the worng directions.3. One of most important retouching technique is dodge & burn. In this course we will truly master this technique! You will see how You should dodge & burn different images. How much need to be done on specyfic image - to not overdo or underdo Your retouch! I am not presenting You many different ways, I am choosing one - most effective to make Your retouch easy and comfortable.4. Through the lessons I will teach You different methods working with lights and shadows so You can know what works best for any image! We will compare and see reall examples of applying contrasts to the Images.5. Every single retouch will be finished up with final color corrections. I will show You most effective adjustment layers for color grading. How to work with specyfic color as well how to select specyfic area for Your color corrections - which is going to give You most satisfying results!And of course, You will get High Quality Raw Images, Actions, and other resources, so Your retouch will be fast and easy as never!If You want to become retoucher, or just retouch images as a hobby. This is Your chance,And I will see You - in the first lesson.Marcin"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Selections and Masks in Photoshop" |
"Do You want to be better at Photoshop?There's two things about Photoshop You need to master to take your work to the next level - selections and masks. Let me explain to you in few words why they're so important.You use selections in most of the work in Photoshop. Do you need to to cut out the object, make smooth edges, compose things into your image? You will more likely need selections to do such a tasks.In this course we are going to start very simple - I am going to show you basic things at first like marquee tools and quick selections tools so you will be able to do simple tasks. After we master everything whats basic we will be moving to more advanced things about selectioins as well as we will make introduction into the masks - one of the most important things about photoshop.In the second part of the course we will be mainly focused on masks which we will be using to do certain things in photoshop. At first I will show you how by using masks and color range you will be able to change background of your image. After that we will move to other creative work like working with shadows and highlights, working with colors and setting up the contrasts.This course is must have for everyone who thinks seriously about getting into photoshop!Best,Marcin"
Price: 99.99

"Mastering Advanced Color Grading in Photoshop" |
"What is color? If someone would've ask You that question what would You say? How You describe to person how red looks like, or how blue feels. We cannot really explain colors without describing them by the name, but we are able to express them through the stories.In this course I am going to have deeper look on how color affects the images, and how we can build all atmosphere of the image by working with color. The process of enhancing and and processing the color is called Color Grading.I have to agree that every part of retouching is important for the image, although color is the one which has biggest impact on the final outcome and on how Your images will be percieved. Why color are so important in photography?Remember that images are not only the frame from peoples life. Images tell tell the stories, And colors are its content. You want people feel when they look at the images, You want to show them what You feel through the image, no matter if You are photographer or retoucher as I am.To me, as a retoucher colors are most important part of the image and information behind them. It is also my favourtitte part of my work. Working with reds to show strong emotions, going with pink to Make it soft, or Working with blue colors to make it comfotable for our eyes.This is what I am teaching You. Why this course is so special? Because I am not going to talk only about theory, but mostly we are going to work on real examples, on work that was published, so You know it is not some ametour experiment. I cover few different subjects in Photography, outdoor photography, Studio fashion and Beauty as well as Street fashion Photography. So You know this course is for You.What You will find in this course:1. In the first part of the course we will be working on natural light photography - one of the most popular photography in recent years. - I will make sure you will know how to process your raw images, no matter if you will use adobe camera raw, or capture one software.- I will show You how to clean up portrait images including dodge & burn process.- I will teach you how to do color grading using most effective adjustement layers, as well as other techniques to let you choose your own way of retouching.- I will teach you how to choose color theme for your image that most suit certein kind of photography.2. In the next part we will jump into studio fashion and beauty images.- I will teach you more techniques on general retouching including cleaning up process as well as working with contrasts on advanced level.- You will learn how to grade images selectively on shadows and highlights, as well as how to work with images with complementary color harmony.- You will learn how to correct colors of the image, how to take down certain color off your image as well how to fix color and stauration shifts.- I will show You how to do final touch ups for your image in camera raw, to make them look perfect.3. In the last part of the course we will do something much more creative. We are going to work on street fashion images with different color palettes.- I will show you the way to process such an raw images.- You will learn how to work selectivaly with each color no matter which part of the image you want to work with, sky, clothes, hair. You will know how to improve each color.- You will learn how to work with the images from the same set. How to make their colors have one main theme. - Including with final touch ups I will teach you simple trick that allows you to break off strong color transitions.Marcin"
Price: 199.99

"Portrait Retouching Essentials in Photoshop" |
"Do You want to turn Your bad images into good one,and good images into amazing one?You dont want to spend countles hours on watching courses and getting tips You dont need?Do You want to get course that is straight to the point - whats right, and whats not?Then, I am sure this course is for You.My name is Marcin, i am internationaly published fashion and beauty retoucher. And today I am coming to you with this amzing course on retouching essentials. I am going to teach you everything what's important about non-destructive retouching.I am not going to give You any shortcuts or tips about weird techniques.I am just going to tell You what i do, and what You should do to make Your images looks great.What will You get in this course?1.I am going to show you how to do raw conversion to make your retouching easier - in camera raw, as well as in capture one!2. I will show youhow to clean up the image in non-destructive way - using just simple tools.3. Probably most demanding part - I will show you how to do dodging & burning. Also I will deliver you actions which help you to speed up your worflow.4.I am goin to give You my best method for working with contrasts, shadows, and highlights to have full control on every detail.5.I will show You how I work with colors - how towork selectively with certain areas like shadows highlights and midtons to adjust colors.6.Final touches - my final steps to make sure your image - will look perfect.What else - resourses that supports your work in photoshop and exercise files. Lifetime acces to course, and my personal support.See You in the course!Marcin"
Price: 99.99

"Practical Lightroom - Learn Lightroom by Working with Images" |
"Adobe Lightroom is one of The Most Powerful Imaging Software in the World right now.In this courseI will make sure that you will be ale to master this amazing Tool and create outstanding images.This course is design to teach you by doing real work. What does it mean? Except the fact I am telling you what the tools do, and explaining my steps, I am also sharing with you all of the images I am working with - so you can follow and copy my steps, and even better - apply your own changes.I believe this way of learning is most effective - ecause theory doesnt matter if we cannot apply it to reality.Images can e magical, by to make them that way you need to get to know how to work with them, know how colors work and what need to be done on each and every image.I am going to start very simple to make sure even beginners can easily follow the lectures.At first we are going to talk about Importing Images and Basic Panel - where most of the things happen and you can get full control on lights and shadows. As the course progress I am going to talk aout other panels that are most important for your workflow.When I will be sure you know everything and you are ready to work, we will start working on some landscape images I have taken during my travel. We will e using the knowledge that you've got in previous lessons.This course is universal, thats why after landscape images we will be working with amazing portrait Images taken by Ariel Grabowski. I will show you how to approach and edit portrait image, how to clean up the image, how to work with contrasts, even how to do small dodge & burn in Lightroom. And finally how to make your image stand up by working with colors.As a second example of portrait editing, I will show you how to work with lack and white images to make sure they're dramatic enough to impress!Enjoy the course,Marcin"
Price: 99.99

"Professional Outdoor Photography Retouching Techniques" |
"Hi there!Before you start the course I am sure you want to known more about your instructor - me.I am Marcin Mikus and I am Internationaly pulished fashion, commercial and beauty retoucher.Ive been featured in Jute Magazine, Lucys, Lofficiel and many others. Except beaing retoucher I am also photoshop educator,with over 50k subscibres and over 5 milions views on youtue. And my premium courses were purchased by over 60 thousands students. So I am having high believes I am someone who can really teach you retouching.In this course I am sharing with you images taken by Ariel Grabowski, so you can follow everything step by step on the same images as me - you just need to download them.So What you can get from this course?We are going to start very simple, from the raw conversion in Caprture One as well as I am going to show you how to do raw conversion in Camera Raw or aay other software.After this, we jump into photoshop where I teach you how to clean up the images easily, quickly and non destructive.You will learn dodge burn retouching which is the major technique you need to learn to retouch the skin.Ine the next step we will be working with shadows and highlights - the key to adjust contrast on the image. I will teach you how to get full control over your mask, to define shadows and highlights just on point!Of course we cannot miss color grading and lesson about how color harmonies works.All of this will be ended with final steps in photoshop and Camera Raw just to make sure image looks perfect!Over this course we will work on the two image examples, and to make it even better, i share with you my actions which going to help you automate your workflow.So, lets jump into this amazing experience together!"
Price: 99.99

"Krzywe w Photoshop - Kompletny Kurs Od Zera Do Pro!" |
"Dlaczgo Krzywe? Dlaczego zdecydowalem sie zrobic kurs o tej jednej warstwie dopasowan. Jaka jest przewaga krzywych porownujac je na przyklad do poziomow czy innych ustawien w photoshopie.Jeli chodzi o dostosowywanie kontrastow, tonw i cieni- nie ma nic bardziej wydajnego niz krzywe. Daja ci one niesamowita kontrole nad dopasowywaniem cieni, swiatel, kontrastow, jasnosci i kolorow w photoshopie. I co w tym wszystkim jest najlepsze! - Jesli nauczysz sie uzywac krzywych w odpowiedni sposo, pozwoli ci to orobic i retuszowac cale zdjecie od poczatku do konca.Jesli nie wiesz jak to zrobic, lub jestes kims kto chce poznac photoshop i retusz lepiej - Ja jestemtutaj by pomoc i dac wszystko najlepsze co mam do zaoferowania.W ciagu kilku godzin nauczysz sie wszystiego co musisz wiedziec o krzywych. Nie przejmuj sie jesli jestes poczatkujacym - zaczniemy prosto! Zrobimy sobie dokladna analize podstawowych krokow przez rozne tematy w kilku osobbnych sekcjach.Porozmawiamy o teorii wystarczajaco bys byl pewny siebie w tym co robisz. Jesli chodzi o praktyczne rzeczy - Bedziesz wiedzial wszystko o cieniech, swiatlach kontrastkach, kolorach, tonowaniu, naprawie tonow, naprawie ekspozycji i pracy z odpowiednimi trybami mieszania! Nauczysz sie jak pracowac efektywnie z maskami by iec pelna kontrole nad karzda czescia zdjecia. I w koncu - nauczysz sie jak retuszowac z krzywymi! Od poczatku do konca - nie wazne czy pracujesz ze zdjeciami studyjnymi czy poza studiem!Do zobaczenia w pierwszej lekcji!"
Price: 309.99

"Profesjonalny Retusz w Photoshop" |
"Chcesz sie nauczyc profesjonalnego retuszu?Jestes w odpowiednim miejscu by to zrobic. Nazywam sie Marcin Mikus, jestem profesjonalnym retuszerem jak i instruktorem photoshop. Przez lata odkrywalem ten program by w koncu zadomowic sie z dziedzina retuszu. Wiem jak trudno jest znalezc odpowiedni kurs dla roznych typow fotografi - dlatego pojawiam sie ja z tym kursem, gdzie ucze retuszu na roznych przykladach zdjec - w niedestruktywny sposob.W tym kursie otrzymasz prawie 5 godzin video rozlozonych na 40 lekcji. Co najlepsze - dostaniesz rozniez wysokiej jakosci zdjecia RAW - wiec mozesz sledzic lekcje krok po kroku przed swoim monitorem jak i praktykowac na wlasna reke. I oczywiscie - nie zapominajmy o akcjach ktore rowniez dolaczam do tego kursu!Nie martw si jeli jestes poczatkujacym poniewaz zajmiemy sie tutaj calym procesem od samego poczatku do ostatnich krokow retuszu. Pokaze Ci jak zrobic procesowanie zdjecia raw uzywajac programu camera raw jak i rowniez bardzo popularnego capture one.Jesli jestes nieco bardziej zaawansowana osoba w retuszu, jestem pewny ze znajdziesz mnostwo dodatkowych informacji dotyczacych procesofania i retuszowania twoich zdjec - jak i pracy z maskami. Jesli chcesz zostac retuszerem lub po prostu retuszowac zdjecia jako hobby - to jest Twoja szansa! Do zobaczenia w pierwszej lekcji!Marcin"
Price: 609.99

"Mastering Camera Raw - Create Breathtaking Images" |
"Discover with Marcin Mikushow to create the most beautiful images possible, with the least number of steps possible, by harnessing the power within Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), now also available as a Filter right within Photoshop!Get ready to master the hottestAdobe Photoshopediting tool. Join me in this amazing adventure in anintroduction to AdobeCamera Raw.I demistifyCamera Raw(available both as a filterand an application within the Bridgeapplication). Youll learn about usingCamera Rawas a flexible image-polishing tool that enhances your photographs inno time.Whether youre aAdobe Photoshop beginner or a long-time user, youll leave this course with the tools needed to easily create stunningimages with less effort."
Price: 49.99

"Master Fashion Retouching in Photoshop" |
"Fashion images are something more than just a picture. It takes much more effort to master it - fashion is an art, and thats how you should be treating retouch of such an images.This course gives you all you need to make a creative step up and learn non destructive retouching and color processing techniques in Photoshop.My name in Marcin Mikus I am professional commercial, fashion and beauty retoucher as well as photoshop educator with over 5 years of experience. You can easily google my name and find acces to my retouching work and publication I have had as well as find more about my educational side - focused around retouching.In this course I will walk you through whole process of retouching fashion images - working on few different image examples.Of Course I will start with raw conversion in camera raw - base of every retouching. For those who are not using camera raw - just like me - I also prepared lesson teaching you raw conversion in Capture One - the software of my choice.After showing you everything what you need to know about raw processing we will jump into photoshop and start from the skin retouching.In this part I will show you how to clean skin professionaly using basic tools - only one right way to clean up your images. What is the difference between them and to what you need to pay attention. Of course I couldnt miss Dodge & Burn Process - the superior technique when it comes to non-destructive skin retouching technique.In the next section you will learn everything you need to know about contrasts - and It will give you huge boost of information and you wil fully master working with masks. I will show you how to create very precise masks to define perfect line between shadows and highlights. After this I will show you how to get control over every part of the image - even such a small details like shoes! And work with the lights on each and specyfic area.Using knowledge from masks we will move into color tonning and color corrections. Using advanced masing we will be doing color corrections with understanding of color theories - so you know you wont be just putting colors randomly - but the way to make the entire composition look amazing.At the end of the course we will jump to my final steps where I polish the images - incuding hue, saturation and luminosity values of the Image.Except all of the video lesson You will get my new actions prepared jsut for this course!Enjoy,Marcin"
Price: 99.99

"Doskonalenie Retuszu Fashion w Photoshop" |
"Zdjcia fashion to co wicej ni po prostu zdjcie. Kosztuje to mnstwo wysilku by osiga perfekcje - moda jest sztuka i tak powinnien by traktowany retusz takich zdj.Ten kurs da tobie wszystko co potrzebujesz by zrobi kreatywny krok do przodu i nauczy si niedestruktywnych technik retuszu jak i procesowania koloru.Ja nazywam si Marcin Mikus i jestem profesjonalnym komercyjnym retuszerem fashion i beauty, jak i rownie nauczycielem photoshopa z 8 letnim doswiadczeniem. Mozesz atwo wygooglowa moje imi i znalez dostp do mojej pracy retuszera i publikacji ktore miaem, jak i rownie dowiedzie si wicej o mojej pracy jak edukatora - skupionej na retuszu.W tym kursie pokaz wam caly proces retuszowaia zdj fashion - pracujc na kilku ronych przykladach zdj.Oczywiscie zaczniemy od wywoywania zdj raw w programie camera raw - co jest podstaw kazdego retuszu. Dla tych ktrzy nie uywaj camera raw - tak jak ja - rwnie przygotowaem lekcje na temat wywolywania zdjec w Capture One - programie mojego wyboru.Po tym jak pokaze wam wszystko co musicie wiedziec o procesowaniu zdjec raw przejdziemy do photoshopa i zaczniemy od retuszowania skory.W tej czesci pokaze wam jak profesjonalnie wyczyscic skore uzywajac podstawowych narzedzi - jedynej prawidlowej drogi by niedestruktywnie wyczyscic skore. Oczywiscie nie pominiemy procesu Dodge & Burn - absolutnie wyjatkowej technice kiedy chodzi o niedestruktywny retusz skory.W nastepnej sekcje nauczysz sie wszytskiego co musisz wiedziec o kontrastach - i to da tobia naprawde podezna dawke informacji dzieki ktorym nauczysz sie i udoskolanisz prace z maskami! Pokaze Ci jak tworzyc precyzyjne maski tak by dokladnie zdefiniowac linie pomiedzy cieniami i swiatlami na zdjeciu. Nastepnie pokaze Ci jak uzyskac kontrole nad kazda czescia zdjecia - nawet nad tak drobnymi detalami jak buty!Uzuwajac wiedzy ktora zdobedziemy przy maskach przejdziemy do pracy z kolorem i tonowania zdjecial. Uzywajac zaawansowanych technik pracy z maskami dokonami korekty kolorow ze zrozumieniem harmoni kolorow - wiec mozesz wiedziec ze nie bedziesz uzywala kolorow w sposob przypadkowy! Na sam koniec kursu dokonamy kilku finalowych krokow tak by udoskonalic nasze zdjecie - uzywajac wartosci koloru, nasycenia i jasnosci na zdjeciu.Oprocz tego otrzymacie oczywiscie akcje kolorystyczne do zdjec fashion ktore mozecie wykorzystac przy odpowiedniej okazji!Powodzenia,Marcin"
Price: 309.99

"Learn Black and White Photography Retouching in Photoshop" |
"Are you trying to get the perfect black and white images but still something is missing?You are in the best place to start.Get your skills to the next level and create outstanding black and white images in Photoshop.In this course i will show you something that no one did. I will teach you how to make your images dynamic, clean and full of contrasts.I am professional fashion and beauty retoucher as well as photoshop educator with well over 5 years of experience. I work with magazines, tv, websites, fashion designers, hairdressers just to make sure their images look great.One of my favourite and most outstanding images are those in black and white. But its not so easy to master it.I know the right way.We will start simple from raw conversion and I show you to what you need to pay attention from very beginning. I will also show you how to clean up you image.After that we will jump to fun stuf! I will show you how to get the perfect contrasts - I will show you how to adjustthe contrasts by simply working with masks. I will show youhow to create and work with luminosity masks as well ashow to use color range to work with lights and shadows, how to get the perfect selections and get amazing control over the light - which is criuical for bw images. You will be true PRO in working with masks.This is not everything. Because I will show you work to work even with most detailed things like lips, eyes, ahir or part of the warderobe. Except getting everything whats best from the masks and using power of channels, I will show you how to get even more contrasts by mastering Dodge & Burn Technique. You will see what areas can be dodge and burned to not ovedo or destroy your image!At the very end of each section I will be showing you my final steps of work with camera raw software, which is very poerful in adjusting the final contrasts or working with the grayscale.And all of this working with this beautiful portrait and beauty images!Which is not everything because in the final sections we will jump to the fashion images and i will show you how to get the strong look and perfect balance between the black and white!Do you want to push your photography and retouching to the highest. This is the course for You!Enjoy!Marcin"
Price: 199.99

"Profesjonalne Gradowanie w Photoshop" |
"Czym jest kolor? Jakby odpowiedziana zadane pytanie? W jaki sposb opiszesz kolor czerwony, jak wyglda magenta, lub jak wyrazi kolor niebieski? Nie jestemy w stanie wyjani koloru bez nazywania ich, jednak jestemy w stanie to wyrazi je poprzez opowiadanie historii.W tym kursie dogbnie przyjrzymy si kolorom wpywajcym na zdjcia, lub jak moemy zbudowa atmosfer na zdjciu poprzez prac z kolorem. Proces poprawy i procesowania koloru nazywamy - Gradowaniem.Musze si zgodzi e kadacz retuszu jestwana dla zdjcia, jednak kolor jest tym elementem ktry ma najwikszy impakt na finaowy odbir i na to jak twoje zdjcia bd widziane.Dlaczego kolor jest tak wany?Pamitaj, e zdjcia to nie tylko klatka z ludzkiego ycia. Zdjcia opowiadaj historie, a kolory s kontentem zdj. Twoim zadaniem jest sprawi by ludzie czuli emocje patrzc na zdjcia. Chcesz pokaza co Ty czujesz poprzez swoje zdjcia, nie wane czy jeste fotografem, czy retuszerem podobnie jak ja.Dla mnie, jako retuszera kolory s najwaniejsz czci obrazu i informacji stojcym za nim.Jest to rownie ulubiona cz mojej pracy. Pracowanie z czerwieni by pokaza silne emocje, pjciew roe by doda delikatnoci, czy praca z kolorem niebieskiem by odbiorca mog poczu komfort.To jest to czego was ucz. Dlaczego ten kurs jest specialmy? Bo nie tylko bdziemy tutaj rozmawia o teorii, a w wikszoci czeka nas praca na prawdziwych przykadach.W tym kursie bdziemy pracowali na kilku przykadach, na zdjciach przy naturalnym swietle, studyjnym, portrecie, jak i modowym. Wic nie wane czym si zajmujesz - na pewno znajdziesz co dla siebie.Marcin"
Price: 609.99

"Tworzenie LUTw w Photoshop - Dla Zdj i Video" |
"Edytowanie wideo moe by duym wyzwaniem. To jak edytujemy wideo lub zdjcia czsto zaley od wielu rnych elementw. Jednym z najlepszych sposobw pomagajacych przypieszy prac sa LUTy!LUT oznacza Look Up Table co w wolnym tumaczeniu moemy nazwa Tablicowaniem. Uywaja one kanalw RGB danej warstwy, ktre mog by zaaplikowane na zdjcie lub wideo zmieniajac jego wartoci RGB. Co rwnie oszczdza mnstwo czasu.Wic dlaczego LUTy sa takie wane i jak moga poprawi twoja prace? Wyobra sobie, e masz set zdj ktre wymagaja tego samego zestawu kolorw. W takim wypadku moesz uy jednego zdjcia by stworzy dany efekt i zapisa go jako LUT, nastpnie po prostu uy dokadnie ten sam efekt w postaci LUT na wszystkich Twoich zdjciach bez starty czasu! Lub moe pracujesz na wideo na ktrym chcesz uy kreatywnych kolorw. Moesz uy swoich LUTw na wideo by stworzy kolory jakie chcesz bez tracenia czasu.W tym kursie bdziemy pracowali na tworzeniem LUTw 3D. Ktre daja ci dokadna i realistyczna kontrol nad kolorami poprzez dodanie kolorw do szecianu(kostki) 3D zawierajacej dopywy i odpywy kanaw RGB. LUTy sa niezwykle poyteczne dla poprawy tonw i wiate na wideo i zdjciach bez spdzania godzin przy edytowaniu. Nauka jak tworzy LUTy pozwala wam na dopasowanie gradowania dla waszych wasnych potrzeb, lub pomc wam w sprzeday waszych LUTw dla innych osb ktre szukaja rozwiaza pozwalajacych oszczdzi czas.W tym kursie naucz was wszystkiego czego bdziecie potrzebowali by tworzy wysokiej jakoci LUTy, Zaczniemy bardzo prosto od wprowadzenia was do photoshopa i warstw dopasowa ktre sa niezbdnym elementem kiedy chodzi o tworzenie podstawowych LUTw.Nastpnie, z pomoca generatora LUT zajmiemy si tworzeniem bardziej zaawansowanych LUTw z uyciem warstw dopasowa jak i filtra Camera Raw, ktry daje mam niesamowia kontrol nad kadym kolorem jak i rwnie pozwala wam dopasowa kontrasy w niezwykle precyzyjny sposb.Co jest przyjemnym bonusem zwieczajacym ten kurs to dostp do 13 LUTw ktre stworzymy na przestrzeni tego kursu, jak i rwnie dostp do zdj ktre pozwola wam tworzy wasne LUTy w przyszoci.Powodzenia!Marcin"
Price: 189.99

"Photoshop CC: Lifestyle Photography Retouching" |
"Lifestyle Photography is one of the most pupular genre photography these days. And the reason for that is simple,Huge Social Media influencers in need for great images, as well as Countles, Lifestyle, Swimwear or lingerie Copanies exist on the market trying to grab their own piece of this huge market.One thing they all have in common is to have great images, and this is why I am coming to you this course.Whether you are photographer, or retoucher - in this course, I will give you all the important knowledge on how to process, retouch, and color grade your images in photoshop to make yourself and your customers fully satisfied.I am Marcin Mikus, Professional Retoucher and Photoshop educator with 7 years of experience in the field. Working wth fashion magazines, and on commercial campaigns. And o find the proof of it you can just findmy portfolio. My retouching knowledge and experience is what makes me different from other teachers - in my courses - you get real world experience.In this course you will learn:1.Processing RAW Images using camera RAW or Lightroom. You will know how to get the right colors at the start.2.Everything about skin retouching. You will learn how to clean up image non destructively with retouching tools as well how to use additional techniques like Frequency Separation. How to use other filters to remove fine details like body hair and uneven skin. And what is most important you will learn Dodge & Burn retouching with Curves, which is only one technique that provides 100% non-destructive results.3.You will learn how to create and work with layers masks till you achieve advenced knowledge on the subject.Understanding and creating masks will allow you to gain amazing control over the lights a shadows in adjusting contrasts.4. I will teach you how to understand define color palette and understand color harmonies to do goodcolor grading, and of course how to do funal touch ups to the images such as final touch ups and adjustements to colors, liquifying and adding subtle noise.5. As a Bonus section we will work on studio lingerie images, where we will polish our knowledge, learn other additional techniques helping you to retouch lingerie images, Create a soft atmosphere by adjusting lights and color grading.Withinthis course you will get resources such as retouching actions, dodge & burn bursh and images to practice your skills and speed up your workflow.. Enjoy the course!Marcin"
Price: 199.99

"Retusz w Photoshop: Komercyjna Fotografia Lifestyle & Bikini" |
"Fotografia Lifestylowa jest obecnie jedna z najpopularniejszych dziedzin fotografii. Powd jest prosty, social media influencerzy w potrzebie za dobrymi zdjciami, jak i rownie niezliczona ilo firm zajmujacych si bikini, bielizna, i produktami lifestylowymi. Kady z nich prbuje zdoby ten niezwykle duy rynek.Jedna rzecz ktora jest wsplna dla nich wszystkich to potrzeba dobrych zdj. I to jest powd dla ktrego stworzyem ten kurs. Niezalenie od tego czy jeste fotografem czy retuszerem - w tym kursie, zaprezentuj wam caa wiedz niezbdna do procesowania, retuszu i pracy z kolorem w photoshopie by tworzy zdjcia ktre zrobi wraenie na twoich klientach. Ja nazywam si Marcin Mikus, jestem profesjonalnym retuszerem oraz nauczycielem fotoszopa z 7-mio letnim dowiadczeniem w tej dziedzinie, pracujac z magazynami modowymi oraz nad komercyjnymi kampaniami. By znale tego dowd wystarczy ze sprawdzicie moje portfolio. Moja wiedza i doswiadczenie jest tym co rni mnie od innych nauczycieli - w moich kursach dostajecie przykad prawdziwej pracy od osoby ktora pracuje w tym biznesie. W tym kursie omwimy:Procesowanie zdj RAW uwajac Camera Raw lub Lightrooma. Dowiecie si jak dopracowa kolory ju na samym starcie.Wszystko o retuszu skry, nauczysz si niedestruktywnie oczyci skr wykorzystujac narzdzia retuszu jak i rownie jak wykorzysta dodatkowe techniki ktore pozwola dopacowa nierwnoci kolorystyczne i wietlne. Nauczysz si jak uzywa filtrw by usuna drobne detale takie jak woski na ciele lub niechciane zbyt ostre pory. I oczywiscie co najwazniejsze nauczysz si techniki dodge & burn wykorzystujac krzywe, co jest tyko jedna technika ktora gwarantuje cakowicie niedestruktywne rezultaty.Naucze was jak zrozumie i zdefiniowa palet kolorw oraz zrozumie harmonie kolorw by mc wykona odpowiednie gradowanie koloru. No i oczywicie jak dokona ostatecznych poprawek i dopasowa kolorw, ksztatu, czy kontrastw.W dodatkowej sekcji, bdziemy pracowa nad zdjciami bielizny w studio, gdzie bdziemy szlifowali nabyta wiedz, nauczymy si kilku dodatkowych technik ktore pozwola wam retuszowa zdjcia bielizny i bikini. Stworzymy rownie delikatna atmosfer pracujac ze wiatem i kolorem.Miego ogladania!"
Price: 549.99

"High End Beauty Retouching in Photoshop 2.0" |
"Retouching beauty images had always been a huge challenge for photographers and retouchers. I made this course to introduce you non-destructive ways of retouching that will allow you to retouch fast and create beautiful portraits that you may see on magazine covers.What is Professional Beauty Retouch?Professional retouching or so called High End retouching is most advanced form of retouching that require a lot of practice and patience. For many people, retouching beauty images might take hours - in this course I teach you how to not waste too much time and retouch fast and effective. In such a retouch it's very important to work non-destructively, which means to not destroy the skin texture, face features or color harmonies. In prefessional retouch we don't blur or soften skin, we use advanced techniques to make image clean and dynamic, at the same time preserving the skin texture.To make great beauty retouch, you need to use the right techniques, which allows you to save the time and get perfect results.Who am I?I am Marcin Mikus and I am professional retoucher with 6 years of experience in the field. I specialise in fashion, beauty and commercial retouching. Choosing me as your teacher guarantee that you will get prefessional knowledge and practice from the real industry expert, working every day with images that can be found in magazines, lookbooks and fashion campaigns. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What This Course is about?For many photographers one of the biggest challenge they face is retouching process and making images look professional - with the right skin retouch, contrasts and color. Getting the final look requires knowledge of retouching tools, light and color grading techniques. Yet, It doesn't have to be overhelming process once you know how to manage your work and use the right tools. I cover up all of the important subjects of retouching such as:RAW Processing - A camera raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of a digital camera. Raw files are named so because they are not yet processed and therefore are not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphics editor. In this course I show you how to work with the RAW files straight out of your camera. I will teach you how to process images in such a softwares like Camera Raw, Lightroom or Capture One. No matter which software you are using - you will find lessons for you!Clean Up - In this course I teach you how to clean up your images. And not only the skin! First of all you will learn such a retouching tools as healing brush tool, spot healing brush tool, patch tool and clone stamp tool. You will know how to clean up background, how to retouch skin, hair, eyes, lips and every other part of the beauty image you could think of!As a part of this section I will teach you some additional things as usage of filters that allow you to remove fine body hair within seconds. I will teach you how to use Frequency Separation in the right way to correct light imperfections. And I will teach you how to restore skin texture that we could loose during demanding tasks with skin retouching!Nails Retouching - Small part of clean up but how important. With beauty images we need to make sure every element of the image looks great. Thats why I will teach you how to create natural nail reflections on the image!Dodge & Burn Retouching - Dodging and Burning is only one Non destructive technique used in Retouching. Learning this technique brings your skills to the new level of retouching, and allows you to achieve non destructive results You can see in Beauty Posters or Magazines. In this course I teach you dodge & burn technique using curves - most common and most popular way to retouch using D&B technique! Curves are the only one tool that allows You to retouch whole image. I will introduce You to the terms like dodging and burning and You will know how to work with Your image on a micro level to retouch small imperfections of the skin by controlling lights and darks. Contrasts, Lights and Shadows - Wrong is thinking that to get better perspective of the image we need to do global Dodge & Burn. It could lead us to destroing natural face features. Thats why in this course I teach you how to create precise masks that allows you to work selectively on increasing highlights and shadows to get the perfect contrats. I will show you few tricks that teach you how to get special look of the image, weather you look for something more dramatic or more of a film camera look.Color Grading - One of the most important part of retouching - often underrated. Now knowing how to work with colors we can easily destroy our final outcome of the image. Thats why in this course I teach you not only about color grading tools and adjustement layers but also about theory behind color harmonies. After that we will do very subtle color grading on our images working with tones and saturation values of the image.Final Touch Ups - At the end of each retouch we want to make sure that our images looks perfect, this is where we polish our colors, lights and saturation values. In this section you will know how to do each of this things as well as liquify image and add noise in non destructive way.And the best part of this course is that it comes with resources valued at over $500! I provide to you high quality images to practice taken by amazing fashion and beauty photographer Dominika Jarczyska. Shot in professional studio, with professional model and make up artist! And all of this specially for this course! Except the images you will get my retouching actions that will be big help in your retouching process and let you get the things done much quicker!Enjoy the Course!Marcin"
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop CC: Adjustement Layers, Blending Modes & Masks" |
"Have you ever wondered what are most important features in Photoshop that makes it so unique?Answer for this question is simple; Adjustement Layers, Masks, and Blending modes. Mastering this 3 features of photoshop allows you to achieve everything you want in photography or graphic work.Starting from the layers which are foundation of every work you do in Photoshop. Whether it's image, some graphic object, text - those elements of your work often lives on it's own layers and with combination of other layers it create the final image. And major part of you layers in photoshop will be the ones called ''adjustement layers''.Curves, Levels, Selective Color, Color Balance. Sounds familiar? Those are the names of just fewadjustement layerswithout which your work would be much more difficult. They help you with adjusting contrasts, lights, colors of the image. And they allow to do all of those things in non-destructive way.In this course I willwalk you through all adjustement layers in Photoshop as well as we will do few simple tasks using them as adjust contrasts, do color grading or fix color and exposure issues.To understand adjustement layers to it's fullest potential you need to understandblending modesin Photoshop, and you are in the right place because we will be explaining them in this corse. But forget about boring theory, I am just going to shop you with the layers behave with different blending modes, so next time you will be working with photoshop you know what to expect!And finally I am going to teach you layer masks. In this course you will find out what are masks, how to use them in basic way by switching from white to black. How to correct object in non-destructive way using masks. And we will end up with more advanced things such as creating precise masks for shadows and highlights, creating masks for separated colors, or even working woth luminosity masks to change color values of the images or fix exposure issues.Layer Masks are an essential tool for anyone who works with multiple layers in Photoshop.In this course you don't get just theory but you will actually see reall time work with adjustement layers, blending modes and layer masks!"
Price: 99.99

"Photoshop: Profesjonalny Retusz Beauty 2.0" |
"Retusz zdj beauty zawsze sprawia fotografom i retuszerom wiele kopotw. Stworzyem ten kurs by przedstawi tobie niedestruktywne sposoby retuszu zdj, ktre pozwola ci retuszowa szybko i efektywnie by tworzy portrety o jakoci ktra moesz zobaczy na okadkach magazynw.Czym jest retusz beauty?Profesjonalny retusz, rwnie nazywany retuszem High End jest najbardziej zaawansowana forma retuszu wymagajaca duo cierpliwoci i praktyki. Dla wielu osb retuszowanie zdj typu beauty moe zabra godziny - w tym przypadku ja ucz was jak nie traci czasu i retuszowa zdjcia szybko i efektywnie. W tego typu retuszu to co jest niezwykle wane to retuszowanie niedestruktywne, co oznacza by nie niszczy tekstury skry, anatomii twarzy lub naturalnej harmonii kolorw wystpujacej na zdjciu. W profesjonalnym retuszu nie rozmywamy skry, a uywamy zaawansowanych technik by zdjcia miay czysty i dynamiczny wyglad, w tym samym czasie zachowujac tekstur skry.By wykona wysokiej jakoci retusz beauty musisz uywa odpowiednich technik ktre pozwola tobie zaoszczdzi czas i osiagna perfekcyjne rezultaty.Kim jestem?Nazwam si Marcin Mikus i jestem profesjonalnym retuszerem z 7 letnim dowiadczeniem w tej dziedzinie. Specjalizuj si w modzie, beauty i komercyjnym retuszu. Wybierajac mnie jako swojego nauczyciela gwarantuje, e zdobdziesz profesjonalna wiedz i praktyk od prawdziwego eksperta, ktry pracuje kadego dnia ze zdjciami ktre mona spotka w magazynach, lookbookach czy kampaniach modowych. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O czym jest ten kurs?Dla wielu fotografw jednym z najwikszych wyzwa ktrym musza stawi czoa jest retusz oraz by sprawi, e zdjcia wygladaja profesjonalnie, z odpowiednim retuszem skry, dopasowaniem kontrastw i kolorw. Uzyskanie finaowego rezultatu wymaga znajomoci narzdzi retuszu, wiata oraz technik gradacji koloru. Jednak wcale nie musi to by przytaczajacy proces, kiedy wiesz jak zarzadza swoja praca i uywa odpowiednich narzdzi!W tym kursie poruszamy takie tematy jak:Konwertowanie plikw RAW - Surowy plik RAW zawiera minimalna ilo przetworzonych informacji. Nazwa ''surowy'' pochodzi od tego, e sa one nie przetworzone co znaczy niegotowe to wydruku lub edycji w photoshopie. W tym kursie poka Ci jak pracowa z plikiem RAW prosto z twojej kamery. Naucz ciebie jak przetworzy plik w takich programach jak Camera Raw, Lightroom lub Capture One. Nie wane ktrego z tych programw uywasz - znajdziesz tutaj lekcje dla siebie!Czyszczenie Zdjcia - w tym kursie poka ci jak oczyci zdjcia, i to nie tylko skr! Przede wszytskim nauczysz si narzdzi retuszu takich jak pdzel korygujacy, stempel czy atka. Nauczysz si jak oczyci to, skr, wosy, oczy, usta i kady inny element zdjcia! W tej sekcji rwnie nauczysz si dodatkowych technik i filtrw ktre na przykad pozwola Ci usuna drobne woski na ciele. Poka ci jak uywa techniki frequency separation w odpowiedni sposb by korygowa drobne przebawienia. Poza tym wszkim poka ci jak odbudowa na nowa utracona tekstur skry.Retusz Paznokci - Drobna cz retuszu jednak rwnie niezwykle istotna. Przy zdjciach beauty zawsze musimy si upewni, e kada cz zdjcia wyglada idealne. Dlatego naucz ciebie jak tworzy naturalny odblask paznokci na zdjciu!Dodge & Burn - Proces Dodge i Burn jest jedyna w 100% niedestruktywna technika wykorzystywana przy retuszu. Nauka tej techniki pozwoli tobie wej na kolejny poziom retuszu. W tym kursie ucz techniki dodge & burn uywajac krzywych - jest to najpopularniejszy i najatwiejszy sposb na prac z technika dodge & burn. Krzywe to jedyna narzdzie ktre pozwala retuszowa cae zdjcie! Przedstawi tobie skomplikowane terminy dodge i burn dziki czemu bdziesz w stanie pracowa ze zdjciem na poziomie mikro by retuszowa skr kontrolujac wiata i cienie.Kontrasty, wiata i Cienie - W tej sekcji ucz ciebie jak stworzy bardzo dokadne maski ktre pozwola tobie na selektywna prac ze wiatem i cieniami by zbudowa idealne kontrasty na zdjciu. Praca z Kolorem - Czsto niedoceniona cz retuszu. Uywanie kolorw ''na olep'' moe skutkowa tragicznymi rezultatmi. Dlatego w tym kursie ucz ciebie nie tylko jak uywa narzdzi do pracy z kolorem, ale rwnie teorii stojacej za harmonia kolorw. Po zrozumieniu teorii zajmiemy si naturalnym i delikatnym tonowaniem zdjcia.Finaowe Kroki - Na sam koniec kadego retuszu chcemy si koniecznie upewni, e nasze zdjcia wygladaja idealnie. Dlatego w tej sekcji pokazuj wam jak zrobi ostateczne poprawki kontrastw, koloru i nasycenia. Oprcz tego dowiesz si jak delikatnie poprawia ksztat na zdjciu czy doda szum w sposb niedestruktywny. Najlepsza czcia tego kursu jest to e w pakiecie dostajecie materiay treningowe o wartoci ponad 1500z! Dostarczam wam wysokiej jakoci zdjcia wykonane przez niesamowicie zdolna pania fotograf Dominik Jarczyska. Zdjcia byy wykonane w studio, z profesjonalna modelka i profesjonalna make up artist. Wszystko to specjalnie stworzone na potrzeby tego kursu! Poza zdjciami dostaniecie moje akcje do photoshopa ktre pomoga wam usprawni proces retuszu!Powodzenia!Marcin"
Price: 609.99

"Photoshop CC and Camera Raw - Make Images Beautiful" |
"This Course will be powerfull tool that will help you to create outstanding images in no time!What's behind this course?In this coruse I provide video lessons that will explain to you how Camera Raw and Photoshop work. You will learn how to use this knowledge for you own fast editing. From the resources you can download actions and color LUTs that will help you to speed up your workflow and enhance your images fast!For who?This course is for everyone who want to crate beautful images. If you treat photography as a hobby and want to learn how to enhance your images you will find useful tips in this course, and because of the resources I provide you will be able to achieve amazing results without spending hours in from of the monitor. If you are photographer, in this course you will learn how to process images in camera raw to get full control over the image. I will teach you how to clean up image and smooth out skin using my actions, and how to boost colors with my own LUTs. What am I going to teach You?I am showing you just the most usefull and the most powerful tools for photo editing. I explain every step of photo editing to make sure, you will create fantastic images with help of my resources."
Price: 49.99

"Learn How to Become a DJ with Traktor" |
"Welcome to the most comprehensive DJ course on Udemy.Learn How to Become a Dj in no time. Including basic and advanced mixing techniques, you can use with any DJ Software. Finally a comprehensive guide to using Traktor for your DJ Sets, Podcasts or Party Time. Welcome to this course dedicated to one of today's leading DJ software, the Traktor Pro Digital DJ Software. If you are looking for a complete DJ Mixing course, you are now in the right place!About this CourseThe course is divided into two parts.The first part explains some basic mixing techniques and many Traktor functionalities and configurationsThe second part of the course treats advanced mixing techniques to maximize your set and let your crowd scream. You will also understand how to promote you as DJ on the WEB in an efficient way.Even if you are an experienced DJ and if you want to go deeper and learn several advanced mixing techniques and many other tips and tricks, this course is what you need to take your DJ skill to the next level. Everything is explained with easy words and practical mixing examples, that is the best way to learn how to DJ effectively.Enrolling into this course, you will also be entitled to download for FREE all the songs used in this course.What will you learn? Together, we will understand:Traktor's basic functions and operationsHow to Mix Like a PROAdvanced Use of Effects, Filters and LoopsAdvanced Mixing Tips and TricksHow to Harmonically Mix your SongsHow to Record and Promote Your Mixes on the WEBUnderstand Electronic Music RecurrencesHow to use Traktor Effects and LoopsThe Aesthetic of Sound 3 Decks MixingHow to Gain Visibility Using Social NetworksExperience at your fingertips since 2007989Records is also Class DJ Courses in the northeast of Italy through its educational division. Today we want to provide you all the experience gained in years of face-to-face DJ Courses and direct student's feedback, allowing us to develop an effective method to teach the art of mixing to everyone who wants to start or improve basic and advanced DJ Skills.But theres more! A quiz at the end of each section will certify your preparation regarding the last treated topic: in this way you will be sure you can move prepared to the new section of the course. Thanks to the big text annotations and big zooms, you can also follow the course even from a mobile device with a small display, like your phone or tablet, wherever you are.Also, remember Lifetime FREE access to the course and full 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!So lets see together how this powerful DJ software works. Learn How to Become a Dj with Traktor today. Enroll today and Jumpstart Your DJ Career now!"
Price: 29.99

"Wireless Storage Device using CHIP" |
"This is a beginner to intermediate level course to convert atraditional USB storage device into a Wireless storage device.This course is great for people who want tocreate the device themselves.The advantages of sharing a storage device wireless are plenty, and the main downside to purchasing a wireless storage device is its cost. But, How cool would it be if you could convert a traditional USB storage device into a wireless storage device with the help of the 9$ computer-CHIP?In this course, I will teach you in detail to connect to the CHIP remotely using terminal based and GUI based software. You will then learn to install and configure network sharing software and then learn to share contents over your own WiFi Hotspot. Pretty Interesting. Yeah?!The entire course course can be completed over a period of 1hourassuming that you have all the hardware necessary.Do not worry if it takes you longer since the longer it takes, the more you will be learning and more the fun.By the end of the course, You will learn how toaccess the terminal and the GUI of the CHIP remotely and also convert your traditional USB storage device into your own wireless storage device!"
Price: 94.99
