"C# Programming For Beginners With Windows Form" |
"C# Programming For Beginners With Windows FormHey Guys, I hope you all of fine, I have shared C# Programming for Beginners with Windows Form Course. Do you want to learn Develop Desktop, Web Application or Android Applications with the help of C# Programming? You need to learn C# Programming. Basically, C# Programming one of the best securable High-Level Programming Language, Which used to Develop Desktop, Web and Mobile Applications.C# is purely OOP (Object Oriented Programming) Language, C# Developed in 1999 by Andres Hejlsberg. There are many OOP Supported Programming language available such as PHP, Python, and Java etc. But C# one of the best High-Level OOP Supported Programming Language. There are a lot of Web Applications developed in C# ASP Dot Net Framework, Ihave been using C# Dot NET Web Application like Hotmail, Payza, Godaddy, NameCheap etc since a long time.C# Programming most securable and trusted language, I seen more Online Banking Web Applications developed in C# ASP Dot Net. However, if you want to develop Desktop and Web Application, you need to learn SQL Server Database, C# Programming and Finally ASP Dot NET.The .NET Framework is an infrastructure that is used to:Build, deploy, and run different types of applications and services using .NET technologies. Minimize software development, deployment, and versioning conflictsWith improvements in networking technology:Distributed computing has provided the most effective use of processing power of both client and server processors. Applications became platform-independent with the emergence of Internet, which ensured that they could be run on PCs with different hardware and software combination. Communication with each other has become possible for the clients and servers in a vendor-independent manner.All the transformations are supported by the technology platform introduced by Microsoft called as .NET Framework. Data stored using the .NET Framework is accessible to a user from any place, at any time, through any .NET compatible device.The .NET Framework: Is a programming platform that is used for developing Windows, Web-based, and mobile software. Has a number of pre-coded solutions that manage the execution of programs written specifically for the framework. Is based on two basic technologies for communication of data:eXtensible Markup Language (XML)The suite of Internet protocolsFollowing are the key features of XML:It separates actual data from presentation.It unlocks information that can be organized, programmed, and edited.It allows Web sites to collaborate and provide groups of Web services. Thus, they can interact with each other.It provides a way for data to be distributed to a variety of devices.Apart from XML, the .NET platform is also built on Internet protocols such as:Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)Open Data Protocol (OData)Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)In traditional Windows applications:Codes were directly compiled into the executable native code of the operating system. Using the .NET Framework:The code of a program is compiled into CIL (formerly called MSIL) and stored in a file called assembly. This assembly is then compiled by the CLR to the native code at run-timeThe CLR provides many features such as:Memory managementCode executionError handlingCode safety verificationGarbage collectionCommon Language Specification (CLS):Is a set of rules that any .NET language should follow to create applications that are interoperable with other languages.Common Type System (CTS):Describes how data types are declared, used, and managed in the runtime and facilitates the use of types across various languages.Base Framework Classes:These classes provide basic functionality such as input/output, string manipulation, security management, network communication, and so on.Microsoft introduced C# as a new programming language to address the problems posed by traditional languages.C# was developed to:Create a very simple and yet powerful tool for building interoperable, scalable, and robust applications.Create a complete object-oriented architecture.Support powerful component-oriented development.Allow access to many features previously available only in C++ while retaining the ease-of-use of a rapid application development tool such as Visual Basic.Provide familiarity to programmers coming from C or C++ background.Allow to write applications that target both desktop and mobile devices.C# Programming For Beginners With Windows FormAfter learning C# Programming, you are able to develop desktop and Web Applications as well. Basically, I have designed Course C# Programming for Beginners with Windows Form Application, especially for newbies or beginners. They are interested in C# Programming language. In this course, you will learn Basic to Advance C# Programming and Also usage of Windows Form Application GUI. Then you will learn Windows Form Application with SQL Server Database to perform Operations like Insert, Update, Delete, View, Search and Also Export Application Data into Excel Sheet and also Design Application in Windows FormApplication. So, if you want to learn C# Programming or Any Other High-Level Programming Language. I prefer you must learn JavaScript and C Programming, then you will easily understand any OOP Supported Programming language.Basically, I also followed them, then Im able to understand OOP Supported Programming language and also develop Application as well. If you follow my instructions, you will easily understand any High-Level Programming languages without any difficulties.Furthermore, after learning C# Programming you are able to Develop Desktop Application without a database. If you want to develop Desktop Application with the help of C# Programming and SQLServer. You need to learn SQL Server.Guys, Above mentioned topics we will cover, Iwill teach you to step by step with practically. You can easily learn and remember the C#Codes.I also update the course forever, I will mentioned new things that are help you to develop the applications with the help of C#."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft SQL Server For Beginners With Project" |
"Microsoft SQL Server For Beginners With ProjectGuys, Recently I designed Microsoft SQL Server For Beginners With Project Course for Absolute Beginners. They are interested to learn SQLServer Database. This course especially for beginners or newbies, Basically, Database one of the major part of Develop Applications, you can learn any type of Programming language. You need to have good knowledge in Database. Guys, There many other Database available such as Oracal, MySQL, and many others, but SQLServer on e of the best Database . I'm using SQLServer Database to Develop the Application using C#. However, I will teach you each thing that are help you to design any type of application database. I included the projects, you will learn How to Design the Application Database, once you learned that, then you can design applications database without face any difficulties.I mentioned each thing which are used in the SQLServer Database, You need to look at that and get ideas from it. Once you understand each thing which are used in SQLServer Database. Then you will easily understand working process of Database or SQLServer.Microsoft SQL Server For Beginners With ProjectOrganizations often maintain large amounts of data, which are generated as a result of day-to-day operations. A database:is an organized form of such data. may consist of one or more related data items called records. is a data collection to which different questions can be asked. For example:What are the phone numbers and addresses of the five nearest post offices?' orDo we have any books in our library that deal with health food?' Data and Database:When this data is gathered and analyzed, it yields information. Intelligent interpretation of data yields information. Information helps to foresee and plan events. A database is an organized collection of data such that its contents can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. A phone book is a database consisting of names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Database Systems:Database Systems evolved in the late 1960s to address common issues in applications handling large volumes of data, which are also data intensive. Databases are used to store data in an efficient and organized manner. A database allows quick and easy management of data.At any point of time, data can be retrieved from the database, added, and searched based on some criteria in these databases. Data storage can be achieved even using simple manual files.Database Management System (DBMS) A DBMS is a collection of related records and a set of programs that access and manipulate these records and enables the user to enter, store, and manage data. In a centralized database system, the database is stored in the central location which everybody can have access from their machine. A database is a collection of interrelated data, and a DBMS is a set of programs used to add or modify this data.Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)Relational Model is an attempt to simplify database structures. Represents all data in the database as simple row-column tables of data values. An RDBMS is a software program that helps to create, maintain, and manipulate a relational database.A relational database is a database divided into logical units called tables, where tables are related to one another within the database. Tables are related in a relational database, allowing adequate data to be retrieved in a single query (although the desired data may exist in more than one table). By having common keys, or fields, among relational database tables, data from multiple tables can be joined to form one large result set.Microsoft SQL Server For Beginners From WithProjectAbove All about Microsoft SQLServer Database, You can learn Microsoft SQLServer For Beginners step by step with live examples. There are two ways to use SQLServer, First one is Design or GUI Mode Second one is Query Mode. So, We Will use Query Mode in SQLServer.If you will develop the applications with the help of Any Programming languages, you need to write the Database Queries to perform the operations such as Insert, Update, Delete, View, Search etc. We will learn step by step working process of SQLServer Database Queries.Once you learned all about Database Queries, then you can easily use any Database Queries in Programming Language. Another important thing you can also work with another database such as MySQL and Also Oracle Database. Those database are queries and working process are similar.You need to know Working Process of Database and also usage of Queries, You can use Similar Queries on MySQL Database as well. I hope you Will understand everything in SQLServer and You must be Work on SQLServer Queries. However, In the last course section, You will learn How to Design ApplicationDatabase. Basically, You need to know How to use SQLServer Database to Design the Application Database.Once you understand Design the Application Database, then you will able to design the any type of application database as well, hope you will enjoying the course."
Price: 199.99

"MJ Steps & Gliding Combos" |
"MJ Steps is a training course for beginners/intermediate level dancers that teach you all of the late great, Michael Jacksons best moves.Have you ever wished that you could dance like Michael Jackson, have you always wanted to learn some of his moves? If this is been in your mind then you are not the only one because Michael Jackson has inspired many people to dance and to learn hip hop dancing. Nowadays Michael Jacksons moves have become part of hip hop dancing and you can see a lot of hip hop dancers incorporating Michael Jacksons moves into their own dancing. So if youre interested in learning Michael Jacksons best moves then I recommend you enrol in MJ Steps where I will be teaching you MJS best moves step by step, therefore making it easier to understand and to learn. In addition I will also be teaching a variety of hip hop dance gliding combinations to add to your hip hop dance repertoire within a new series called Gliding Combos. This bonus series is for intermediate level dancers who have already learned the basic hip hop dance glides such as Side Glide and Circle Glide.So if youre interested in learning Michael Jacksons best moves as well as some cool gliding combos then enrol into this course."
Price: 29.99

"7 GIORNI per essere SPECIALE" |
"Essere te stesso significa essere diverso da tutti gli altri, quindi SPECIALE. Essere speciale per anche un po' essere RIBELLE, nel senso inteso da Francesca a Gino, il cui libro REBEL TALENT ha ispirato questa esperienza e che ringrazio per la sua autorizzazione a citare in italiano alcune parti del suo materiale.Il corso suddiviso in 7 ipotetici GIORNI, durante i quali compirai diversi passi verso il tuo essere ribelle e la tua consapevolezza di quanto sei speciale.Ogni giorno suddiviso in 3 parti:PRONTI, ATTENTI, VIA! E' il messaggio che ti consiglia come impostare la tua giornataLa SFIDA del giornoSono i dettagli della SFIDA di ogni giorno.Il PERCH della sfidaSono le motivazioni e il senso della sfida proposta ogni giorno."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo vencer el miedo a hablar en pblico?" |
"Cuantas veces has necesitado comunicar lo que piensas de un tema y no puedes por miedo? Cuantas oportunidades has perdido por que ese miedo de hablar en pblico te disminuye? Vez que otros hablan mejor que tu, sientes que son ms especiales que tu?Si alguna de las preguntas anteriores ha sido respondida afirmativamente, este curso es para ti.Quiero transmitir en un curso prcticolas lecciones, ejercicios y conceptos que durante 15 aos me han ayudado a desarrollarme profesionalmente, utilizandola comunicacin asertiva,tanto persona a persona como en pblico. Algunas de estas lecciones las tuve que aprender en mi propia vida, y creme, eso realmente forma. Otras han sido fruto de compartir experiencias con mentores y colegas, y otras tantas obtenidas por la academia, libros y otras ayudas.Espero poder transmitir, con entusiasmo y de manera prctica, toda esta informacin. Adelante, inscribete."
Price: 29.99

"Become a superstar audio editor with Audacity" |
"In this course, you'll become a superstar audio editor by learning about the basics of audio editing using the free tool Audacity. We'll also go into a few advanced techniques and by the end of this course, you should be able to comfortably edit audio for yourself, your business and for your friends. Do note that the tool that I'm concentrating on is Audacity because it's free to use. But keep in mind that the techniques that you learn can be used in other audio editing tools as well.Sample of reviews from students:Len Grates - ""Easy to understand and very comprehensive. Really enjoyed it!""R Kishan Boddapati - ""Very well done! In a few hours time, to get such an in-depth look and understanding of Audacity is pretty darn awesome. Thanks!! Even better, I can view this again, as I make my progress and need to refer back. Great. Thank you very much!!""Melvyn Hungerford - ""very informative"""
Price: 54.99

"SQL for Beginners in under 3 hours" |
"Have you ever wondered if there is a course to help you learn the basics of SQL quickly without getting bogged down in details? This is the course for you then! We cover all the basics of SQL and even take on a few advanced topics - all in less than 3 hours. Join in and you'll end up being a confident SQL user at the end!Sample of reviews from students:Navyashree N - ""Firstly thank you for the course.The course helped me a lot about basics of SQL and the way of lecturing is good.""Mohamed Afridi - ""It was very usefull in short time. I learn something i don't known thanks you for your course""Lakshmikumar kongaru - ""its really gave me a good understanding on sql and its really interesting to know about it.""Richard Conaway - ""Informative and straightforward. Great introduction into the subject.""Tafara Shamu - ""Enough for a refresher course, and amazing for a beginner."""
Price: 39.99

"Screenwriting 101: Writing for Film & Television" |
"My name is David Titcher. After attending UCLA Film School, where I was part of the most successful screenwriting class in the history of the film business, I've been a professional screenwriter for thirty years. I've written film screenplays for Around the World in 80 Days, with Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and for Morgan Stewart's Coming Home, with Jon Cryer and Lynn Redgrave. I created the Librarian franchise with Noah Wyle and Bob Newhart that's led to three TV movies and which got me nominated for a Writers Guild of America Award and a Saturn Award and has since been turned into a TV Series, ""The Librarians, which was the highest rated TV Series premiere for all cable in 2014. I am a Writer, Executive Producer, and Co-Creator of FOX's new TV Series, ""Houdini & Doyle."" I wrote the miniseries The Curse of King Tut's Tomb featuring Malcolm McDowell and Hallmark's last Valentine Day's movie, Be My Valentine which starred Billy Baldwin. I wrote for sitcoms like Whos The Boss, Punky Brewster, and The Love Boat, as well as for various Disney animated series. Ive sold scripts and pitches in every possible genre and medium, including high-budget feature films, low budget films, TV sitcoms, TV dramas, TV movies, TV miniseries, and animation. Ive worked for practically every studio and network. I'm going to take you on a journey in writing to hopefully expand your process and your career. This course will take you through screenwriting from premise to outline to script and finally to the business and selling that script. It is perfect for any screenwriter, from those trying to breakout to those with a career trying to improve their work. The course is broken down into the sections above and is primarily video lectures and PDFs. You will take it at your own pace and should be able to complete the roughly 2 hours of material within a week or two. The best way to take this course would be to work on a screenplay during it and completing each section as you advance."
Price: 59.99

"How to Build an Affiliate Marketing Blog with Wordpress" |
"In this value packed course you are going to learn the basics on how you can set up your own affiliate marketing blog. You will get past all the technical set up that may seem daunting when you are new to creating a website online.After completing this course you will be ready to create your very own blog and be adding content and getting traffic on a daily basis as long as you take action on what Iam teaching you here."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Java Programming Complete Course" |
"If you want to learn Java to advance your skills, then this is the course for you!If you have no previous knowledge or experience in Java, you will like that the course begins with Java basics. Even if you have some experience in programming in Java, this course can help you learn some new information you had missed before. Each section of the course is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned and each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help students in their process of learning. Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to write programs that have real-life applications.What I think is the best about this course is that you can search questions others have had, post your own questions, and get answers to challenges you are currently facing in learning and using Java. If you haveany suggestions on topics that have not been covered, youcan send them via private message. I will do my best to cover them as soon as possible.Thank you for reading this. I hope to see you in the course soon and I hope you will enjoy your time learning as much as I have!"
Price: 194.99

"Lower Back Pain Relief" |
"With the help of a specialist you will be able to learn some back pain causes, symptoms, diagnosis andmost importantly, exercises and helpful relief that will help you to get rid of your pain.Learn and apply exercises and helping tips that will permanently resolve the pain in the lower back.Explanation and definition of 10 different signs and symptoms that cause painExercises for pain relief depending on the type of symptomsPreventive measures that should be practiced on a daily basis Exercises for Strengthening the lower back areaAdvices for reducing a back pain by proper sitting on a chair, in the officeIn this course, I don't just tell you what to do, I show you how to do it. Through this course of 10 lectures you will get familiar with back pain causes, different types of symptoms and diagnosis. This course is very informative, as well as practical. Each part contains detailed explanation of exercises. Students compliting the course will have the knowledge to self-heal with carefully selected exercises, for precisely defined symptoms.Regardless of your experience, this course is designed to provide you everything you need to achieve your goal. Every information is explained very well and clear for anyone no matter of their level of understanding.Lastly, you will learn some additional exercises for strengthening the lower back and also get some tips how to reduce long-term sitting on the chairs in the office to the minimal load level for your back."
Price: 194.99

"NodeJS from Beginner to Advanced" |
"If you are looking for a NodeJS course in order to advance your skills, then look no further. You are going to love this course!Do not get discouraged if you have no previous knowledge or experience with programming in NodeJS. This course starts off with the mere basics in the beginning. Even if you do have some previous knowledge, there is always room for improvement. Each section of the course is related to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned. All the covered subjects come with loads of examples to aid students in the process of learning and improving their skills. This course should be considered useful and interesting for both beginners and advanced students alike. The explanations are completely straightforward and simple, making the topic easy to understand and even easier to pick up on. Furthermore, what is also a great advantage to this course is that you get to view all the questions that other students such as yourself have already had and their respective answers/solutions. You also have the liberty of posting your own questions and inquiries and having them answered by our very own IT professionals.I thank you for taking the time to read through this description and hope that you decide to continue learning with me!"
Price: 194.99

"ExpressJS from Beginner to Advanced" |
"If you want to learn ExpressJS to advance your skills, then this is the course for you!If you have no previous knowledge or experience in ExpressJS, you will like that the course begins with the basics. Even if you do have some experience, this course can help you learn some new information you had missed before. Each section of the course is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned and each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help students in their process of learning. Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to write programs that have real-life applications.What I think is the best about this course is that you can search questions others have had, post your own questions, and get answers to challenges you are currently facing in learning and using ExpressJS. If you have any suggestions on topics that have not been covered, you can send them via private message. I will do my best to cover them as soon as possible.Thank you for reading this. I hope to see you in the course soon and I hope you will enjoy your time learning as much as I have!"
Price: 194.99

"Introduction to Statistics with R" |
"This course provides a basic introduction to statistics and the use of R a popular programming language. During the course we look at many fundamental ideas in statistics within the framework of analysis in R Studio. For students and those who want exposure to statistical analysis this is a course for you."
Price: 19.99

SimpleR |
"This course exposes individuals to basic ideas of how prepare data and develop models using machine learning algorithms in the Rlanguage. By the end of this course. You will be able to follow all of the rudimentary steps of machine learning analysis while using R and the IDERStudio."
Price: 19.99

"La dtection des mensonges dans le verbal" |
"Dtecter les mensonges quand la personne est face vous, dans des conditions optimales, c'est bien.Pouvoir dtecter les mensonges dans n'importe quelles conditions, des plus abominables aux plus impensables, et ce mme si la personne n'est pas devant vous, c'est mieux !Et c'est exactement ce que l'on va dcouvrir dans cette formation.La dtection des mensonges est un sujet qui me passionne depuis des annes. J'en ai mme fait mon mtier. Alors quand j'ai vu que les personnes que je formais taient trs vite coinces par le non verbal (pour les raisons que j'explique dans le premier module), j'ai dcid d'y palier. Et la science est venue m'aider !Parce que oui, il est impossible de parler de dtection des mensonges sans parler de science. Sinon a reviendrait parler voiture sans parler mcanique...La science nous aide comprendre ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas pour dtecter la tromperie et le mensonge alors pourquoi s'en priver ?Inutile d'enfiler son tablier blanc et ses lunettes de scientifique, j'ai tout simplifi pour que cela soit facile comprendre pour vous et surtout, que vous puissiez l'utiliser tout de suite, c'est dire d'ici quelques minutes ;)"
Price: 54.99

"Apprendre la vido avec son drone" |
"Vous aussi vous possdez un drone vido?Et vous aussi, vous aimeriez pouvoir prendre ses vidos, coupler le souffle, qui se partagent en masse sur Youtube, Facebook ou encore Instagram ?C'est possible !Partagez vos souvenirs... Partagez vos vacances... Partager vos inspirations...Partager vos uvres... Avec un look ultra pro ?Tout a, c'est possible !Transformer vos petits films de vacances en production professionnelle en seulement quelques tapes.Cette formation s'adresse tout le monde :- Que vous soyez dbutant ou connaisseur- Que vous utilisiez votre drone pour le temps libreou pour le travail- Que vous souhaitiez filmer des films nature ou des productions cinmatographiqueVous allez apprendre en quelques tapes matriser votre drone de A Z pour en faire le prolongement de vos yeux !Figez ce que vous voyez afin de le partager aux autres de la plus belle des manires qui soit.Atout de suite dans la formation !"
Price: 49.99

"Curso Completo Microsoft Project 2016" |
"No h curso no Brasil com mais detalhes das funcionalidades do que este.O Project 2016 ajuda voc a se manter organizado com funcionalidades simples que tornam mais fcil planejar, executar e manter seus projetos sob controle. Organize-se e mantenha seus projetos sob controle com a melhor ferramenta de gerenciamento de projetos existente.O curso completo de MS Project 2016 possui 94 vdeo aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender trabalhar com o MicrosoftProject 2016 para planejar e gerenciar seus projetos.Durante todoo curso sero apresentados exerccios prticas para que o aluno possa assimilar todo contedo de forma efetiva, utilizando exemplos reais do dia a dia de um gerente de proejtos.Adquira j o curso e aprenda a planejar e acompanhar seus projetos.O Microsoft Project 2016 oferece meios abrangentes e funcionais para o gerenciamento de projetos eficiente, possibilitando ao profissional que domina esta ferramenta um diferencial no mercado.Aps a concluso deste curso, voc saber lidar com grandes projetos, realizar um planejamento assertivo, a resolver a superalocao de recursos, problema do caminho crtico, acompanhar a evoluo do projeto, as melhores formas de atualizar o projeto e tambm analisar os resultados de seus projetos atravs dos inmeros relatrios e vises disponibilizadas no Microsoft Project.Capacitar o aluno na ferramenta do Microsoft Project 2016, onde ir aprender de forma rpida e objetiva como planejar, controlar seus projetos de forma eficiente, definir tarefas, controlar recursos e custos, acompanhar a execuo e emitir relatrios gerenciais. O curso um ponto de partida para o profissional que quer ingressar na rea de planejamento e gerenciamento de projetos para posteriormente, se desejar, obter certificao. O aluno que participa deste treinamento ser um grande diferencial no mercado de trabalho."
Price: 114.99

"The Easiest & Quickest Guide to Build Your Website Today!" |
"In this flash course you will learn how to create an informational website for yourself or your business. We will go over the basics of Wordpress, and build together a website for a restaurant with a blog, menus, contact form and more!If you've heard about Wordpress before and always wanted to learn how to work with it - this is the course for you. It is straightforward, fast and has all the important basics you should learn in order to start working with the system.Your website can (and should) be up in the air today!"
Price: 24.99

"Slash rent and bills, travel the world, live freely." |
"In the past 18 months, my partner and I have been pursuing ways of living without paying rent and other recurring expenses. Without these expenses one can freely spend their time without worrying about going broke and homeless. You can follow dreams, travel the world, make art or whatever it is that drives you.It started off as something we fell into but then with some careful planning and decisive action we were able to change our lifestyle to dramatically reduce these expenses.Most of our friends could not believe we could do this and the amount of money we had saved by doing so and they started asking many questions. That's when we realised that other people might want to know about it too.Therefore we created this course.In it we show you exactly what we did, how we did it and all tracked expenses for doing it.We leave nothing out and even include our upcoming plans to continue doing it. This course will be perfect for:Young people wishing to save for a house, travel or other.Anyone wanting cheap accommodation while travelling.Retired couples wanting a getaway.Artists who wish to create with less financial burden.Really anyone who wants to spend less on recurring bills and rent.Sounds good you might think, but it can't be that easy. Well it isn't hard:You need no special skills to do it.Upfront costs are about $60 per year.We spend less than 1 hour a week on average. Zero most weeks.Thats it. Super simple but takes some lateral thinking. We've done that and now are sharing it.If you take this course and cant make it work, I will personally help you out. If after I have helped you and you prove it still doesn't work, you will be refunded!"
Price: 94.99

"Bake San Francisco Style Sour Sourdough Bread" |
"You will learn:The secret to baking real ""sour"" sourdough. Not many know how to obtain a natural sour in a sourdough bread. A technique for a long fermentation. There's something you MUST do for a long fermentation.How to obtain the real San Francisco sourdough flavor.One small change to increase oven spring.What type of flour to use. Tips for increasing dough strength. For years the holy grail of sourdough baking, here in the USA, has been an authentically ""SOUR"" sourdough bread, like they used to bake in San Francisco. It is so sought after that bakeries will add a substitute sour like vinegar or ""sour salt"" (which is citric acid). The added ""fake"" sour flavor tastes fake and it isn't authentic. There's something quite wonderfulabout baking a real sourdough loaf that you can make as sour as you like, or for that matter, as mild as you like.I've experimented for years, going on 14 now, to get a consistent ""sour""in my sourdough bread. It's easy to get a sour bread by adding whole grains or even using all whole grains. However, to obtain a white flour San Francisco style sour loaf has been just beyond my grasp. I've baked plenty ofsour loaves, but the consistency just wasn't there, my bread was sour sometimes and not other times. Part of the reason is because the literature insists that you need to use low hydration, cold bulk ferment to obtain the ""sour."" Inever thought that was true but it held me back because I felt they must know what they're talking about. After all, it's in print right? ;)So Ifinally went off the deep end and started experimenting with my own ideas and pre-conceived notions. And guess what? I figured it out. Ican now bake a real authentic ""SOUR"" sourdough loaf with no more than white flour, sourdough culture, salt and water. Ido have some variations from the all white loaf as well.This course is not to teach you how to bake with sourdough, Ialready have ten courses that show you how to do that. So please don't join this course and get upset that it doesn't show you the basics (although there will be a lecture on how to make your own sourdoughstarter). This course is exclusively intended to show you how to bake a loaf of San Francisco Style bread that is ""SOUR"" like the authentic loaves of our past, that we here in the USA love so much.This type of bread flavor is not usually sought after by other countries, indeed, they probably think we are crazy to love our deeply sour loaves, but there you have it! Come on and join me and discover (Finally) how to obtain the SOURin sourdough.Gluten Free consumers are now coming full circle as science discovers that long fermented dough is usually well tolerated by those with intolerance to glutenand other grains. It isn't for everyone and you should always ask your doctor, but perhaps you are one of the lucky ones who can indulge in real, chewy, thick and delicious sourdough bread. If so, welcome back to real bread!Teresa"
Price: 79.99

"Fight Dis-ease! Don't Feed It" |
"Learn how to improve fight dis-ease with holisticnutrition.Build a Strong Knowledge Base on the Subject of NutritionLearn how to ward off sickness by eating healthierObtain holistic healthstrategies thatare attainable, effective and long-lasting.Discover natural ways to improve your healthLearn the difference between physical hunger and physiological hungerLearn all about conscious/mindful eatingTo embark upon a holistic approach to nutrition takes courage. It may cause you to step away from lifelong habits, family traditions, and maybe even cultural behaviors.This class is appropriate for all learning levels with 5lectures and 30 minutesof content. This course will arm you with the tools you need to lose weight, eat healthier, have more energy andfight dis-ease.You'll study all about holistic nutrition and establish a solid understanding of how to implement it into your own lifestyle to improve your current health status.Each section is comprised with a short exercise, putting your newly learned skills into practical use, instantly.This course will teach you what to eat,when to eat andhow to eat.Upon completion, you will gain a strong understanding of holistic nutritional health practices that will change your life.Students completing this course will be able to improve their health with all natural and drug free remedies. Also, you will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 34.99

"HIPAA Compliance Complete Course" |
"HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Act of 1996), HITECH Act (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health)of 2009, and the finalOmnibus Rule 2013 were all put in place to:Help protect patient's privacy rightsProtect ""Protected Health Information"" (PHI)Impose Regulations on Covered Entities and Business AssociatesHIPAA Compliance Course is an easy to understand course that will transformsomeone who knows nothing about HIPAA, to a person who has basic HIPAAunderstanding.This course covers understanding:What is HIPAAProtected Health Information (PHI)HIPAASecurity RuleHIPAA Privacy RuleCovered EntitiesBusiness AssociatesHITECH ActHIPAA Violation PenaltiesMalwareEncryption, and more.HIPAA Compliance is very important because it protects patient's Protected Health Information. In addition, fines for not complying with HIPAA can be huge and can ruin the reputation of the doctor, dentist, hospital, or other medical facilities and practices."
Price: 19.99

"Make a Spotify Clone from Scratch: JavaScript PHP and MySQL" |
"Do you want to become an expert in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL? Do you want to build a real music streaming site just like Spotify? If so, youre in the right place! This course will guide you step by step in creating your own Spotify clone COMPLETELY from scratch. Were talking the kind of website that will amaze anybody that sees it. The kind of website that will get you hired in no time!Why let me teach you?I work as a Software Engineer at Microsoft where I build products used by millions of people all over the world! I want to take the skills Ive gained through years of working with some of the best developers in the world and transfer them directly to you! Ive taught thousands of students here on Udemy and created some of the most popular development courses on Udemy!Okay so whats the course about?I will personally guide you, step by step, in creating your own music streaming site just like Spotify complete with:User registrationSearch for all their favorite artists, albums and songs in real time!Create and customize their ownplaylistsControl the music with all the usual controls such as play, pause, skip, previous, shuffle, repeat etc.And much, muchmore!Whether you are a complete beginner* or an experienced programmer, this course will be massively beneficial to you. Why should I take the course?In the programming world, the big 4 often consists of Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon. To get a job at any of these companies, you absolutely MUST know the essentials: HTML, CSS, PHP, JQuery, JavaScript and MySQL. If you take this course, you will have nothing to worry about because we use all of these skills extensively! Skills:There is so much to learn!In the course, you will become very familiar an excellent range of technicalskills such as HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery andMySQL. Any good developer will agree that these skills are KEY to becoming an excellent developer/software engineer. If you're just starting out, after completing this course, you will be in a very good position with a fundamental foundation of skills.Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have the COMPLETE support of a Microsoft Software Engineer (me). I'm always ready to answer any question you may have. Programming issues, errors, feature requests, general programmingadvice - it doesn't matter,I'm always happy to help! Ialways aim to respond to questions within afew hoursand it's also worth noting that I've answeredEVERYSINGLEquestion asked so far onallof my courses.Future course discounts:By enrolling in this course, you will get access toALLofmy current and futurecourses for the lowest possible discount we as instructors are capable of offering on Udemy -FOREVER.Project portfolio:The site you create in this course will be the highlight of your project portfolio!Any potential employer who see's this project on your resume will want to hear all about it. The reason?Theyknowthat a project like this means you're familiar with the wide range of technical skills they need their employees to know.Fun!Finally, this project is a lot of fun and Iknow you'll have a great time implementing your own unique ideas as well as the ones we implement together. What are you waiting for?*You don't need any experience to take this course, however a basic understanding of HTMLwould be great. I will explain everything as Igo, but some things I spent more time on than others.I don't spent a huge amount of time on the absolute lowest level basics e.g. what is HTML. So if you have absolutely no experience programming, you areabsolutely fine to take this course, just ask me to explain things furtherif you would like a more detailed explanation :)"
Price: 49.99

"Make a Google search engine clone: JavaScript PHP and MySQL" |
"Do you want to become an expert in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL? Do you want to build a real search engine just like Google? If so, youre in the right place! This course will guide you step by step in creating your own Google clone COMPLETELY from scratch. Were talking the kind of website that will amaze anybody that sees it. The kind of website that will get you hired in no time!Why let me teach you?I work as a Software Engineer at Microsoft where I build products used by millions of people all over the world! I want to take the skills Ive gained through years of working with some of the best developers in the world and transfer them directly to you! Ive taught thousands of students here on Udemy and created some of the most popular development courses on Udemy!Okay so whats the course about?I will personally guide you, step by step, in creating your own search engine just like Google complete with:Site searchImage searchComplete pagination systemImage full screen previewAnd much more! Whether you are a complete beginner* or an experienced programmer, this course will be massively beneficial to you. Why should I take the course?In the programming world, the big 4 often consists of Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon. To get a job at any of these companies, you absolutely MUST know the essentials: HTML, CSS, PHP, JQuery, JavaScript and MySQL. If you take this course, you will have nothing to worry about because we use all of these skills extensively! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have theCOMPLETEsupport of a Microsoft Software Engineer (me). I'm always ready to answer any question you may have. Programming issues, errors, feature requests, general programmingadvice - it doesn't matter,I'm always happy to help! Ialwaysaim to respond to questions within afew hoursand it's also worth noting that I've answeredEVERYSINGLEquestion asked so far onallof my courses.Future course discounts:By enrolling in this course, you will get access toALLofmy current and futurecourses for the lowest possible discount we as instructors are capable of offering on Udemy -FOREVER.Project portfolio:The site you create in this course will be the highlight of your project portfolio!Any potential employer who see's this project on your resume will want to hear all about it. The reason?Theyknowthat a project like this means you're familiar with the wide range of technical skills they need their employees to know.Fun!Finally, this project is a lot of fun and Iknow you'll have a great time implementing your own unique ideas as well as the ones we implement together. What are you waiting for?*You don't need any experience to take this course, however a basic understanding of HTMLwould be great. I will explaineverythingas Igo, but some things I spent more time on than others.I don't spent ahugeamount of time on theabsolutelowest level basics e.g. what is HTML. So if you have absolutely no experience programming, you areabsolutely fineto take this course, just ask me to explain things furtherif you would like a more detailed explanation :)"
Price: 49.99

"Git Ultimate Essentials: Everything you NEED to know" |
"Do you want to become an expert in Git? If so, youre in the right place! This course will teach you everything you need to know about git if you're a developer/programmer of any kind. Why let me teach you?I work as a Software Engineer at Microsoft where I build products used by millions of people all over the world! I want to take the skills Ive gained through years of working with some of the best developers in the world and transfer them directly to you! Ive taught thousands of students here on Udemy and created some of the most popular development courses on Udemy!Okay so whats the course about?I will teach you about all the git commands Iuse every day at work:Staging changesMaking commitsPushing changes to remote repositories such as GitGubCherry picking changesBranching and merging And much more! Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced programmer, this course will be massively beneficial to you. Why should I take the course?In the programming world, the big 4 often consists of Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon. To get a job at any of these companies, you absolutely MUST know about git. If you take this course, you will have nothing to worry about because I'm literally teaching you all the commands Iuse each day! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have theCOMPLETEsupport of a Microsoft Software Engineer (me). I'm always ready to answer any question you may have. Programming issues, errors, feature requests, general programmingadvice - it doesn't matter,I'm always happy to help! Ialwaysaim to respond to questions within afew hoursand it's also worth noting that I've answeredEVERYSINGLEquestion asked so far onallof my courses.Future course discounts:By enrolling in this course, you will get access toALLofmy current and futurecourses for the lowest possible discount we as instructors are capable of offering on Udemy -FOREVER."
Price: 19.99

"Laravel User Follow System - PROJECT" |
"Hi dear reader and future student, Icreated this course for those wanting to learn how to make their current laravel apps more sociable. In this course you will how to implement a follow system that will add more interactivity between users in your current or future app but at the same time show you how to add more features.We start with version 5.7 of laravel on this course but once you know how to do it, you can implement it to any version you desire, as long as you know how its done and that is why I'm here; to teach you how to do it. Come join me in this small adventure!"
Price: 49.99

"Laravel - Creating Custom Commands & Scheduling Tasks" |
"On this small course you will learn how to create custom commands with Laravel. You will also learn to create and use cron jobs with Laravel so that you can make your App do automatic tasks.Laravel makes scheduling tasks real easy with its built in code ready to automate really awesome features in your application. Come and join me in this small but really important adventure in the Laravel world!"
Price: 19.99

"Laravel - Restful API with Passport Authentication" |
"In this course you will learn to build RestfulAPI's with Laravel and at the same time we are learning about Passport / oAuth. This course is small and every lecture is short and right to the point so that you can get what you want fast.Taking this course will allow you to jump a different level in the Laravel world and give you extra knowledge employers are looking for. Are you ready to to take it to another level? The let's do it!"
Price: 19.99

"Laravel - Learn How to Create Charts with Vue.js and Laravel" |
"On this short course students will learn to use VUE.js with Laravel to create custom charts to display data. Students will also learn to send and receive requests via VUE to the backend (PHP) where they then can process it.This is an excellent course for those wishing to learn this knowledge to apply it right away in their projects. We jump right to the point in this course without wasting too much time in trivial matters."
Price: 19.99

"Laravel - Single Page App & Vue CRUD" |
"We go straight to the point on this course, there is no wasting time explaining fundamental concepts of Laravel or Vue. You are expected to know how to use Laravel. This course will make a nice addition to your Laravel &Vue Skill Set. I decided to create small courses with right to the point projects because employers are looking for developers who can BUILD, create applications that will satisfy the needs of their companies. Nowadays you either know what you are doing or you don't have a job. Laravel / PHPis on demand since millions of websites use it. Laravel is one of the best PHPframeworks and every developer that wants to succeed in this market should learn it well.Come and join me on this small adventure, you won't regret it!"
Price: 49.99
