"F5 Load Balancer Administrator In 7 Days" |
"COURSEOBJECTIVE Would you like to know how a majority of web sites and applications are able to scale so easy, even without downtime? Maybe for a new job?Do you want to learn one of the most implemented load balancer hardware & software technologies?My step-by-step training will initiate you into F5 load balancers installation, licensing, best practice configuration, maintaining and basic troubleshooting for such technology. When you are done with the course, you will understand how Internet clouds (like Amazon/Azure/Google) are distributing the connections for a website or an application and much more.My hope is that my training will motivate you to become f5 certified administrator and get a promotion or a new ITjob. WHAT IS ALOADBALANCER?A load balancer is a device that acts as a man-in-the-middle and distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers. Load balancers are used to increase capacity (concurrent users) and reliability of applications. They improve the overall performance of applications by decreasing the burden on servers associated with managing and maintaining application and network sessions, as well as by performing application-specific tasks.Load balancers ensure reliability and availability by monitoring the ""health"" of applications and only sending requests to servers and applications that can respond in a timely manner.The F5 load balancing operating principles are common for any other network technologies.TOP 3 BENEFITS OF LEARNINGF5 LOADBALANCER ADMINISTRATION1: Increased worldwide demand Having in mind the overwhelming demand for content delivery, such as web, video, audio etc., there is no doubt that load balancing technology will be used everywhere for internet services.2: F5 is one of the most used load balancer technologiesF5 works with many of the worlds leading technology companies to improve integration and interoperability : Cisco, IBM, Dell, Oracle, RedHat, VMware, Huawei and many others. F5 technologies are available in the data center and the cloud, including private, public, and multi-cloud environments based on platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and OpenStack.3: Stay on top of your job market competitorsF5 load balancer knowledge and experience is a requirement for a lot of network jobs at all levels, from juniors to architects. A simple search on any well-known job websites will reveal the requirement for such skill. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhy should I choose this F5 course and not another free one?The course contains best practices and real life/experience trainers recommendation, along with theoretical knowledge and step-by-step configuration. Its a complete training, from the moment you decide to use F5 until you become an administrator for high availability production traffic.Will this training make me an administrator for F5 load balancers?This training should incite and stimulate you to use F5 load balancing technology for its great capabilities. But the best way to become an administrator is to use it in your lab or real life traffic. So hands on configuration will strengthen the knowledge accumulated during the course.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions asked just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card. ARE YOU READY TO BECOMEA F5 LOADBALANCERADMINISTRATOR?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 189.99

"Kibana Visualization Beginner To Pro (ELK & ElasticSearch)" |
"COURSEOBJECTIVE The primary objective of this course is to help students and beginners to learn all the various GUI options of Kibana . In this course, you will learn :How to create and read advanced graphs and charts with Kibana VisualizationsHow to install Kibana How to create and manage Kibana index patterns ELKstack fundamentalsHow to use Kibana Search Filters to get require data How to use Kibana Visualizations and to create dashboardsYou will also get an overview of how to interact with Elasticsearch by using Console and how to use Timelion to do time series analysis of data. In addition to this, I have added a separate section of an Elasticsearch which helps students to understand basics of an Elasticsearch such as its features, Terms and Aggregations along with its Installation procedure. To help students for understanding how the data indexing is happened in Elasticsearch, I have added lecture which contain overview of preconfigured Logstash configuration file. Along with theory part, I have covered practical stuffs performed in the demo machine so that students can try out and understand various course topics better. WHAT IS KIBANA?Kibana is data exploration and analytics tool of ELK stack. ELK stack is Log Management Platform and a collection of three open-source products Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. All three products are maintained by Elastic Company Company. Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database; Logstash is a log pipeline tool used to export normalized data to Elasticsearch and Kibana is a visualization layer that works on the top of Elasticsearch.Kibana seamlessly integrates with Elasticsearch and provides very effective Visualizations options such as charts, maps, data tables, metric etc. to visualize data. It can be used as handy web interface to setup various business use cases such as Logs and Time series analysis of data, Application monitoring, Business intelligence, Anomaly Detection, Operations intelligence etc. Data indexing is done by Elasticsearch itself and through Kibana you can visualize it.Even if you have multiple indices in your single Elasticsearch instance, Kibana can work with them seamlessly. TOP 3 BENEFITS OF USINGLEARNINGKIBANA1. Powerful Visualization Capabilities: Kibana is a powerful visualisation tool that is integrated with Elasticsearch and allows you to create meaningful graphs and charts by making full use of Elasticsearchs aggregation functionality. By using Kibana Visualizations, it will be very easier for you to lookup connections and correlations between data. Furthermore, you can create Dashboards to put all required visualizations at once to perform statistical analysis of data. 2. Time Series Analysis of Data and Development Tools : You can use Timelion to perform time series analysis on your Elasticsearch data. You can use its powerful and simple functions to search and visualize data. By using development tools, you can directly interact with Elasticsearch through its powerful but simple REST API and process indexed data. 3. Huge Demand: ELK stack is a technology through which you can setup variety of use cases of data mining such as log analytics, monitoring systems activity, anomaly detection etc. Due to its various capabilities, there is high demand for log analysis for each service and find where problem happens. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWill it be required having prior knowledge of Elasticsearch to enroll in this course? No. this course covers a separate section of Elasticsearch which contains basic overview and some important fundamentals of Elasticsearch. Who are you? My Name is Shubham Shah. I am having 5 years on an experience in Network and Information Security domain in India. I am working as an analyst in Security Operations Center. I am having great experience in Log and Event management, UTM and SIEM device Management, Vulnerability Management, Linux Administration, Open Source Threat Intelligence and Many more. GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions asked just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card. ARE YOU READY TO LEARNKIBANA?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 189.99

"Zabbix Network Monitoring Beginner To Pro In 7 Days" |
"THEMOSTCOMPREHENSIVEZABBIXCOURSE- EVERYTHINGISCOVERED!Would you like to learn how to use Zabbix for network monitoring?Do you want to learn solid network monitoring skills that will help you get that system administrator job you always wanted?My step-by-step training will initiate you into the world of Zabbix Network monitoring.You will learn:How to setup a Zabbix monitoring system from scratchBest practice configurationPractical theory and concepts you need to understand about network monitoringHow to monitor the condition of your environment and discover issues like like CPUoverload, network channel load etc. before it's too lateMuch much more...When you are done with the course, you will be ready to set up your first Zabbix network monitoring system and use it in your ITjob. WHAT IS ZABBIX?Zabbix is an open-source monitoring solution. As a network/system administrator, you must be aware of the condition of your environment. E.g. what is the load of your network channels, or if your servers CPU is overloaded etc. You must be notified about issues beforehand, so that doesnt affect services and clients. Zabbix offers you that opportunity.It is a very competent network monitoring software that can do everything a paid solution can do, but it's 100%free open source. Size of your IT environment doesnt matter, Zabbix can collect over 10 000 000 metrics.It's backed by a big community of passionate open-source developers, constantly working to improve the builds. TOP 3 BENEFITS OF LEARNINGZABBIXNETWORKMONITORING1: Increased worldwide demand Being a competent network monitoring software that is 100% open source, Zabbix is growing in popularity worldwide. Companies wants to save money, so many are switching to Zabbix. That means that Network Administrators that knows Zabbix are in great demand and the demand is only increasing. 2: Fast-growing softwareThe Zabbix team is working constantly to improving the product everyday. They listen to the community of users and release new versions with the best features frequently. Being a part of the Open Source community is very exciting, as you get to directly affect the direction of the software. 3: Stay on top of your job market competitorsZabbix network monitoring knowledge is a requirement for a lot of network jobs at all levels, from juniors to architects.er admins, that does not. A simple search on any well-known job websites, will reveal the requirement for the skill FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhy should I choose Zabbix, when there are many other monitoring solutions out there?Zabbix has communities in many countries and many languages. It is open-source. It is scalable and can be used as an all-in-one solution, or in a cluster. If you think there should be a new feature or there is a bug, you submit it on ZBX-NEXT and get response from Zabbix team support quickly.Why do I have to install and support Zabbix? My servers are OK?You think that everything is OK until some component goes down. You cannot predict and react beforehand if you do not monitor. Not having a software like Zabbix running can be catastrophic with lots of downtime and decreased earnings. Zabbix solves this. GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions asked just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card. ARE YOU READY TO LEARNZABBIXNETWORKMONITORING?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 199.99

"Understanding the Tarot." |
"Tarot Cards have been around for a very long time, and with then, a great deal of wisdom.""Understanding the Tarot"" is going to be a very straightforward, yet smooth and enjoyable to understand. Through the course of the centuries, Tarot gained a lot of rules and complications. However, it is much easier than it appears to be. In this course, you will get a good foundation about Tarot Cards, your Intuition, and how to combine both to provide amazing readings. After a few foundations classes, I will be sharing the symbolism of the cards themselves, in a way that you will learn to connect that symbolism with your intuition and interpretation. You will not need to learn by heart everything I am saying. You will need an open mind and allow the information to blend with your knowings. While you are going through each of the cards, I will be sharing additional tips and lessons, so it becomes much more enjoyable! It is the best way to learn, especially when talking about Tarot.Do not hesitate to check out my Intro video. I am sure you are going to enjoy this course and learn lots!Note: ""Understanding the Tarot"" has new classes. One of them is about Questions and Answers, while others are more topics that will help you with Tarot. New classes with the new ""Conspiracy Tarot"" will arrive as well."
Price: 94.99

"Entendiendo el Tarot." |
"Las cartas del tarot han estado alrededor por mucho tiempo, y traenmucha sabidura.Este curso va a sermuy sencillo, pero fcil y agradable de entender. Durante el curso de los aos, elTarot gan un montn de reglas y complicaciones, sin embargo, es mucho ms fcil que parece ser. Y este curso se centra en eso.En este curso, obtendrs una buena base sobre el Tarot y su simbolismo, tu intuicin y cmo combinar los dos juntos para proporcionar lecturas sorprendentes. Despus de unas cuantas clases de base, compartir el simbolismo de las cartas mismas, de una manera que aprenders a conectar ese simbolismo con tu propia intuicin e interpretacin personal. No necesitars aprender de memoria todo lo que estoy diciendo, slo necesitars una mente abierta y dejar que la informacin se mezcle con tus propios conocimientos. Esta es la mejor manera de aprender, especialmente cuando se habla sobre el Tarot.No dude en ver mi video de introduccin. Estoy seguro de que va a disfrutar de este curso y aprender mucho!"
Price: 94.99

"Path to Success - 5 Life Hacks to reach abundance." |
"Are you seeking changes in your life? Do you want to empower any area of your life?If you answered yes, then definitely this course is for you!You will learn five easy techniques. You will not be required to buy additional stuff or to make significant changes in your life. I know that sometimes, schedules are very demanding. However, you can apply these techniques during your free time. No free time? No problem! We all can find five-ten minutes during the day to work on these, and I will help you how. You will be surprised at how easy are these techniques.I have been transforming my life through the last several years, slowly shaping and improving these techniques. I have shared with hundreds of people these techniques, and I received fabulous feedback when these were applied. For this reason, I have decided to create this course!NEW: This course is upgraded! Five additional bonus lesson content. Make sure to keep posted since this course will only expand!EVEN NEWER: I revamped all the classes, and also, there are two additional classes.MORE UPDATES: I added a few more bonus classes, up to October 2019!Now, you can go through this course (as you can see, it is not a very long course!) and start to applying these techniques TONIGHT! I can guarantee that while these techniques look easy (and are easy) in the short term, and especially in the long run, it will bring astronomical changes in your life!See you there!"
Price: 94.99

"Camino al xito - Cinco tcnicas para alcanzarlo." |
"Estsbuscando cambios en tu vida? Quieres fortalecer cualquier rea de tu vida?Si has respondidoque s, entonces definitivamente este curso es para ti!Aprenders cinco tcnicas muyfciles. No tendrs que comprar cosas adicionales o hacer cambios importantes en tu vida. S que a veces los horarios son muy exigentes. Sin embargo, puede aplicar estas tcnicas durante tu tiempo libre. Me dices que no tienestiempo libre? No hay problema! Todos podemos encontrar cinco a diez minutos durante el da para trabajar en estos, y yo te ayudar cmo. Te sorprenders de lo fcil que son estas tcnicas.He estado transformando mi vida a travs de los ltimos aos, dando forma lentamente y mejorando estas tcnicas. He compartido estas tcnicas con cientos de personas;y he recibido comentarios fabulosos cuando se empezaron a usarlas tambin. Por esta razn, he decidido crear este curso!Ahora, puedes completar este curso(como se puede ver, no es un curso muy largo!) yempezar a usar yaestas tcnicas esta mismanoche! Puedo garantizar que mientras estas tcnicas parecen fciles (y son fciles), a corto plazo, y especialmente a largo plazo, traer cambios astronmicos en tu vida!Te veo en clase!"
Price: 94.99

"Explore the Universe through Astral Projection" |
"Do you want to Astral Project?Do you want to visit your own Akashic Records?Do you want to visit other worlds and meet amazing beings?Do you want to leave your physical body and reach absolute bliss?If you have answered ""yes"" to any of these questions, then this course is for you. I am Fernando Albert, and I am a natural Astral Projectionist and Lucid Dreamer. I have been Lucid Dreaming and Astral Traveling consciously my entire life. Thanks to Astral Projection, I am who am I today! You will find out that I created this course from my personal experience. I am going to explain everything in a way you can relate to. I will be basing this entire course on my own experiences and learnings. Also, a lot of literature through books, discussion forums, and blogs way and giving it my personal touch.During this course, you will learn all about Astral Projection:The works of the Astral Body and the Astral Realm.To debunk all unnecessary and mistaken myths about astral projection.How to reach a profound state of mental and physical relaxation, required for Astral Projection.How to exit your physical body will simple visualization techniques and without any additional aids.I will share the wonders about astral projection, just in case you are still not convinced about traveling astrally.This course is complete and direct. You will love this course. I can assure you. If you follow all the tips and bits of advice from this course, I can assure you; you will be astral traveling in no time.The Astral Plane awaits! Get out of your body NOW!!"
Price: 94.99

"Explora el Universo a travs de un Viaje Astral" |
"Quieres tener un Viaje Astral?Quieres visitar tus propios Registros Akshicos?Quieres visitar otros mundos y conocer a seres increbles?Quieres dejar tu cuerpo y llegar a un estado de regocijo?Si has contestado ""si"" a alguna de estas preguntas, este curso es para ti!Soy Fernando Albert, y llevo toda mi vida haciendoViajes Astrales ysoando lcidamente. Gracias a los viajes astrales, soy de la forma que soy hoy! Te dars cuenta que he creado este curso desde mi propia experiencia. Voy a compartir las cosas de una forma que las entiendas y puedas conectar. Nada de tecnicismos. Todo este curso est basadoen mis propias experiencias y lo que he ido aprendiendo,y tambin me ayudo de lo que he ido aprendiendo a lo largo de los aos a travs de libros, blogs y foros, pero todo con mi toque personal.Durante este curso, aprenders todo sobre los Viajes Astrales:Cmo funciona elCuerpo Astral y elPlano Astral.Todos los mitos y mentiras acerca de los viajes astrales.Cmo llegar a un estado profundo de relajacinmentalyfsica, requerido para viajar astralmente.Cmo salir de tu cuerpo a travs de simples visualizaciones y tcnicas sin la necesidad de ayudas exteriores.Compartir las maravillas sobre los viajes astrales, por si an no ests del todo convencido.Este curso es muy completo y directo. Te encantar este curso, te lo puedo asegurar. Si sigues los consejos de este curso, te aseguro que empezars a viajar astralmente enseguida!El Plano Astral te espera!Sal de tu cuerpo AHORA!!!"
Price: 94.99

"Expand your chakras and get the most out of your life!" |
"Do you know the chakras? Discover everything you can learn.These are our main energy organs, and it is imperative always to have them ready. Life asks us more and more, and it is increasingly necessary still to be ""ready."" In this course, you will learn to understand each of your chakras. How to enhance them and even exercises to keep them always in balance. You will realize that when you take all the potential out of your chakras, you will have great results in life.You will realize that this course is straightforward and direct, focused on your chakras, and the expansion of these. You will discover how to extract all the potential from your chakras straightforwardly and directly:You will experience how you feel the chakras in balance.You will learn about each of the chakras. For what they are and how to keep them in balance.Every day you will have a small exercise to do, some of them will ask you to do visualization; for others, we will do a little practice. You will experience a profound meditation that will work all your chakras.I will explain why it is essential to have the chakras in balance. You will discover many benefits that you can bring to your life, such as, for example, higher success at work, better self-esteem, greater spirituality, and much more. You will find that this course has:Information about each chakra, such as:What are they suitable for?Why is it important to be healthy?A mantra for each of the chakras.Practice exercises.A powerful guided meditation.You will also find a practical written guide as well as a ""growing course"" since I bring new bonus classes all the time.What are you waiting for? Get your chakras in balance now!"
Price: 94.99

"Expande tus chakras y lleva tu vida al siguiente nivel." |
"Conoces a los chakras? Descubre todo lo que puedes aprender.Estos son nuestros rganos energticos principales y es muy importante tenerlos siempre a punto. La vida nos pide cada vez ms, y es cada vez ms necesario estar siempre a punto. En este curso aprenders a entender cada uno de tus chakras, como potenciarlos e incluso ejercicios para mantenerlos siempre en balance. Te dars cuenta de que cuando le sacas todo el potencial a tus chakras, tendrs grandes resultados en la vida. Este es un curso muy sencillito y directo, centrado en tus chakras y la expansin de estos. Descubrirs cmo sacarles todo el potencial a tus chakras de una forma muy sencilla y directa:Experimentars cmo se sientes los chakras en balance.Aprenders sobre cada uno de los chakras. Para qu son y cmo mantenerlos en balance.Cada da tendrs un pequeo ejercicio para hacer, algunos de ellos te pedirn hacer una visualizacin, para otros haremos un pequeo ejercicio.Experimentars una meditacin muy profunda que trabajar todos tus chakras.Te voy a explicar porque es muy importante tener los chakras en balance. Descubrirs muchos beneficios que podrs traer a tu vida, como, por ejemplo, mayor xito en el trabajo, mejor autoestima, mayor espiritualidad y mucho ms:Descubrirs que este curso tiene:Informacin sobre cada chakra, como por ejemplo:Para qu son buenos?Por qu es importante estar sano?Un mantra para cada uno de los chakras.Ejercicios de prctica. Una poderosa meditacin guiada.Tambin encontrars una gua prctica escrita al igual que este curso, que esta en permanente creciendo.Que estas esperando? Haz que tus chakras estn en equilibrio ahora!"
Price: 94.99

"Awaken your Channeling potential & connect with your guides." |
"Do you want to talk about your spiritual guides? Thanks to the channeling, you can get messages from your spiritual guides, and loved ones, automatic experience writing, and even transmit healing from light sources to other people or yourself. Channeling is something that, with a little work and perseverance, you can achieve. In this course, you will learn everything about channeling, from an easy to understand point of view. You will find some exercises and a mantra that will help you to develop your channeling skills.This course is very simple and direct, focused on channeling and how to carry out the technique easily. You will discover how to take full advantage of your connection with your spirit guides:You will learn everything about channeling and why it is excellent in your life.You will learn the necessary steps to follow when wanting to obtain information from channeled beings.You will discover a dormant potential that gives you access to a more accurate source of information.You will learn to have a lot of peace in your day today, and you will have a great connection with your guides. Do you want to talk about your spiritual guides? Thanks to the channeling, you can get messages from your spiritual guides. Also, loved ones or automatic experience writing, and even transmit healing from light sources to other people or yourself. Channeling is something that, with a little work and perseverance, you can achieve. In this course, you will learn everything about channeling, from an easy to understand point of view. You will find some exercises and a mantra that will help you to develop your channeling skills.Your guides will change your life!"
Price: 94.99

"Despierta la canalizacin en ti y conecta con tus guas." |
"Quieres hablar con tus guas espirituales? Gracias a lacanalizacin,podrs obtener mensajes de tus guas espirituales y seres queridos, experimentar laescritura automticae incluso transmitir sanacin de fuentes de luz superiores a otras personas o ti mismo/a. La canalizacin es un dote que, con un poco de trabajo y perseverancia, podrs alcanzar. En este curso vas a aprender todo sobre la canalizacin, desde un punto de vista fcil de entender. Encontrars unos ejercicios y un mantra que te ayudarn a poner desarrollar tus dotes de canalizacin.Este es un curso muy sencillito y directo, centrado en la canalizacin y como llevar la tcnica a cabo fcilmente. Descubrirs como sacar todo el potencial a tu conexin con tus guas espirituales:Aprenders todo sobre la canalizacin y porqu s que puedes alcanzarla.Aprenders los pasos necesarios a seguir a la hora de querer obtener informacin a travs de una canalizacin.Descubrirs un potencial dormido el cual te da acceso a una fuente ms certera de informacin.Aprenders a tener mucha paz en tu da a da y tendrs una conexin estupenda con tus guas.Tus guas te van a cambiar la vida!"
Price: 94.99

"Data Structure - Part 2" |
"In the second part of Data Structure course, we are going to cover following topics Binary TreesBinary Search TreesTree TraversalMorris TraversalThreaded Binary TreesAVL TreesHuffman EncodingHeap Data StructureDisjoint SetThis course is focused on lots of drawings to help you visualize and help you get comfortable with coding the above mentioned data structures. The materials in this course is put in such a way that an average person without a CS background with some knowledge of basic Java programming. In addition to that, we have explained not only Data Structure and its relevant algorithm, but also the instructor has debugged the code and explained the flow of code line by line. We have experienced that mostly students understand the algorithm but they feel difficulty in understanding the code implementation and its complexity. So, we have given special focused on this point for the convenience students.We would strongly suggest you to please give us your feedback and valuable input.Also, suggest us the topics on which you would like to see more courses."
Price: 19.99

"How to Lose Weight: Keto + Paleo + Intermittent Fasting 2020" |
"How to lose weight... BUT IN A HEALTHY!!! + FAST WAY!!! Updated for December, 2019... Get a jump start on feeling great for 2020!If your sick of the extra weight... the low energy... the poor sleep... the feeling that you could easily be a better version of yourself IF you could just get on track with a few healthier habits... then this course is for you. Knowing WHAT to do is the easy part... I've laid that all out for you step-by-step... It's getting yourself to actually DO what you need to do that's the challenge... and I cover that too... step-by-step-by-step...There is no shortcut. You've got to change how you live your life if you ever hope to get thinner and healthier. But the good news is once you do finally take charge of things and start doing what you need to do to create a healthier you... you become addicted to doing those healthy things just like your addicted to doing the unhealthy things now, so that getting lean and healthy becomes your natural, automatic default.You just have to suck it up and do things that make you healthier for a few weeks... then they become automated habits and you won't even think about them! They become your natural default!Lose YOUR Weight FASTER By Combining Todays 3 Best, Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Plans : The Paleo Diet +The Keto Diet + IF (Intermittent Fasting)... This course shows you exactly how to to do this! [Newly Updated For 2019 With Mindset Optimizing Tips For Weight Loss + Health]Are you sick of all the many diets and weight loss plans that promise you'll lose weight, but only if you follow a super strict diet that counts calories or weighs out each bite you take? Or makes you exercise like crazy each day? That's Crazy! It's far simpler to lose weight in a HEALTHY way by just treating your body the way it was DESIGNED to be treated. Work smarter to be healthy, NOT harder! In this course I'll show you exactly how to do thisOur human bodies are very smart: If you feed your body the right type of simple, whole, tasty food, get plenty of sleep, and move your body moderately each day, your extra weight will just melt off of you... It's really that simpleThe Primal Fast Diet is a healthy, simple fat loss AND health gaining system that combines three of todays most effective and scientifically proven fat loss diets into one, easy to use plan. I show you how to lose weight fastUsing the Paleo diet, the Keto diet, and Intermittent Fasting is hands down the fastest, simplest, and healthiest way to lose weightYou'll start to see rapid fat loss results in a few days with this healthy, rapid weight loss system, which uses the power of nutrient dense, Paleo style food, Intermittent fasting, and a Keto DietOne of the best parts of this diet is that not only does it help you lose your extra fat in a fast and super healthy way, but you'll also massively boost your overall health, due to the nutrient dense foods and lifestyle upgrades that you'll makeThis is an awesome way to lose weight in a super healthy way. Change your life for the better today! Learn how to lose weightLearn how to lose weight fast in an easy, simple and healthy way using the knowledge in this course"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to play Greek music on the keyboard instrument" |
"Inthese lessons we will start from the basics. Iwill introduce you to the keyboard instrument andthen we will start to learn the music theory which is the basic thingyou need for being a musician. In music theory section there arevideo presentations that teach you all from the start. On the nextsection there are exercises to practice and improve your fingersmovements. The we willlearn the Greek musical scales.Inthe next section I willteach you how to playinstrumental ""Zeibekiko Tis Evdokias"" written by thecomposer Manos Loizos, andI will teach you also how to play the song""Siko Horepse Koukli Mou"" ofStelios Kazantzidis.Each song include normal and slow speed video. Thiscourse contain all what you need to learn howto play Greek music on your oriental keyboard.So if you have a keyboardand you're ready toplay a Greek music on it,all you have to do is to sign up for this course."
Price: 99.99

"Learn how to make Greek music with Cubase" |
"In this course you will learn how to use Cubase to produce Greek music. I will teach you how to producethe Greek instrumental ""To Zeibekiko tis Evdokias"" from scratch step by step using VST instruments starting from creating the drums track to guitar backing, bass and piano. We will also will learn how to add and record an audio track. In the final stage you will learn how to export and mix down the tracks into a Wav file. We will also explore Greek insturmentals and songs projects that was created with Cubase and the drums patters of the Greek rhythms."
Price: 74.99

"Hibernate: Advanced Development Techniques" |
"This course covers advanced Hibernate development techniques. You will learn how to easily use Hibernate to map Sets, Lists, Embeddable, Enums and Inheritance.---You will type in every line of code with me in the videos ... all from scratch. I explain every line of code that we create. So this isn't a copy/paste exercise, you will have a full understanding of the code. ---Live Coding - I code all of the real-time projects from scratchAll source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hours---PDFs of all lectures are available for downloadProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)---Why You Should Take This Course?Hibernate is an amazing framework for object-to-relational mapping. It is fairly easy to get started with Hibernate. However, when you need to apply advanced development techniques, it is hard to find helpful, up-to-date information. There is a ton of information available for free on the Internet, but most of it is outdated or poorly written.This course provides the up-to-date information on advanced Hibernate techniques. In the course, we demystify the concepts and show you practical examples that work using the latest version of Hibernate. Also, you will receive technical support if you have questions about the course material.You Will Learn How To Create mappings for Java Sets, Lists (both unsorted and sorted)Integrate embeddable components in Hibernate entitiesAdd support for enums with HibernateApply various Hibernate inheritance strategiesCompare the Hibernate inheritance strategies in terms of performance and table designQuality MaterialYou will receive a quality course, with solid technical material and excellent audio and video production. This is my seventh course at Udemy. My first six courses on Udemy were:Eclipse IDE for BeginnersJava Database Connection (JDBC)JavaServer Faces (JSF) for BeginnersJSP and Servlets for BeginnersSpring and Hibernate for BeginnersDeploy Java Spring Apps to the Amazon Cloud (AWS)These courses have received rave 5 star reviews and over 200,000 students have taken the courses. Also, these courses are the most popular courses in their respective categories. I also have an active YouTube channel where I post regular videos. In the past year, Ive created over 300 video tutorials (public and private). My YouTube channel has over 4 million views and 32k subscribers. So I understand what works and what doesnt work for creating video tutorials.No Risk Money-Back Guarantee Finally, there is no risk. You can preview 25% of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose, sign up for this course and learn how to apply advanced Hibernate development techniques! Target AudienceJava Developers with basic Hibernate experience"
Price: 199.99

"Cisco CCNA 200-301 en espaol" |
"Mas de 13000 estudiantes inscritos en mis cursos!!! Curso destacado como MAS VENDIDO en Udemy :)Este curso se enfoca en proporcionar a los estudiantes las habilidades y el conocimiento para entender el funcionamiento de las redes, as como la teora y prctica como base para la certificacin de Cisco CCNA en Routing and Switching.En este curso se cubren todos los tpicos que necesitas saber sobre CCNA. Es una excelente gua tanto para las personas que se inician en el tema de Redes con equipos Cisco o bien para aquellos que ya tienen algunos conocimientos y desean repasar algunos temas importantes.El estudiante tendr una buena base terica y adems podr realizar prcticas guiadas basadas en los laboratorios que se presentan en el curso.As que si desea iniciarte en el tema de redes, este es un excelente comienzo ya que tendrs acceso al curso en video y adems podrs realizar las consultas que tengas al instructor utilizando mensajes privados.Este curso tiene como objetivo adicional, que el estudiante pueda aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en la presentacin de su examen de certificacin y en su vida laboral.Hemos puesto nuestro esfuerzo en este curso y continuaremos mejorndolo para su mejor aprovechamiento.Nota: Todas las marcas o derechos de cualquier tipo, nombres registrados, logos o insignias, usados o citados en este curso, son propiedad de sus respectivos dueos. El nombre CISCO y/o Packet Tracer o cualquier otro nombre mencionado se utiliza como referencia del fabricante."
Price: 139.99

"OSPF para CCNP" |
"Curso de un nivel avanzado de OSPF, diseado con el fin de que pueda dominar el tema de OSPF. Te servira tanto para comprender la teora detrs de OSFP, como para adquirir las habilidades necesarias para configurar OSPF en la practica.Con presentaciones tericas cortas y concretas que te permitirn comprender cada concepto de forma fcil.Los laboratorios fueron diseados para que comprendas desde lo mas bsico hasta configuraciones avanzadas.Recomendando para personas que quieran profundizar en el tema de OSPF, ya sea para estudiar para un examen o bien para utilizar los conceptos en su trabajo."
Price: 99.99

"CCNA 200-125 en espaol: Laboratorios" |
"Preparate para el examen de CCNA de fomra practica con este curso enfocado unicamente en Laboratorios!! Asi es aca encontraras muchos laboratorios practicos, explicados de forma clara y directa.El curso incluye laboratorios en donde el instructor muestra un escenario con tareas especificas las cuales se configuran durante el video. El estudiante podra realizar sus propios laboratoios encasa siguiendo los videos del profesor y lograra tener la practica suficiente para dominar los temas presentados.Este curso de ira actualizando y agregaremos mas videos con laboratios y mas recursos para el estudiante.Mas de 8700 estudiiantes inscritos en mis cursos!!!Bienvenidos."
Price: 139.99

"PMP Certification Practice Test Exam-High Quality Questions" |
"PMP Practice Exam - Carefully selected PMP Exam Questions to help you pass on your first attemptPractice the most Highly Tested PMP Questions from topics that appear on the actual PMP exam. Full Practice Exam with High Quality PMP Questions and Answer ExplanationsWhen it comes to the PMP (Project Management Professional) certification, it is important to review PMP Practice test/ Practice Exam questions that are most similar to the ones tested on the actual exam.After months of dedicated research, I created this High Quality Practice exam to deliver the same experience as that of the Actual PMP exam.This exam contains :The Most Asked Questions on the Pmp ExamAnswer ExplanationsSituation Based QuestionsNumerical and mathematical questionsKnowledge area specific questions (All knowledge areas have been covered)Concept Definition Based QuestionsBased on PMBOK 6 Syllabus Each question is supported by answer explanations which will allow you to understand the reasoning behind the correct answer choice."
Price: 49.99

"Top Five Leadership Behaviors" |
"Every Leader Needs To Gain Their Team's Trust And You Can Do So Using These Top 5 Leadership BehaviorsBeing a skilled leader is just one of the abilities great people managers must develop in order to be effective and successful in their work. However, it is one of the most critical abilities. We actually begin all our management training workshops with Leadership for this very reason. Our goal is to set the stage for you to understand Leadership Behaviors so that you can really work that muscle!In this easy-to-digest course we walk you through several real-life examples of successes and failures that will help you shape your leadership skills and develop these critical behaviors. It is packed with in-depth exercises to dive deep into each behavior. These exercises are to be applied to your own situation at your company -- they are NOT theoretical. You will have opportunities throughout the course to apply the behaviors and skills you will learn in an actionable way."
Price: 164.99

"Roadmap to Leadership" |
"Leadership skills and behaviors have been studied and written about for many years.And its intense! But, youre in luck! You dont have to read all that research because weve sifted it down to the most important elements that truly elevate your leadership abilities. Transform your behavior, your thinking and your actions. All of which will help you to better serve your team when facing leadership challenges that require courage, empathy and decisiveness. In this course, you will learn to recognize several different leadership styles and which leadership approach is best to use with your team, based on the teams level of competency and commitment, not just yours. There is a huge difference between being a manager and being a leader and BOTH are important to an organization.Do you know the difference? You will after completing this course! Most people tend to manage rather than lead and you need a balance for both. What happens when there is conflict among team members under your leadership? Learn how to recognize the stages of conflict and how to resolve issues quickly and easily. Lateral leadership is often overlooked in leadership development, but this is the prep stage for future formal leaders and you need to become adept at it yourself, then be able to coach others to become good lateral leaders. Be deliberate in your leadership, not accidental. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Do something different. Earn the credibility and level of respect you deserve! Throughout the course you will complete exercises that will help you strengthen your own skills. Some of the exercises will be for the business owner or top leader and some will be for the leader/manager. But even if you dont fit into ANY of those categories, you can complete the exercises using your colleagues as your team. So Who Am I and why should you take this course? Im Donna Galatas, CEO of The Galatas Group. We are a Human Resources coaching company and we specialize in working with start-up and small businesses who need help building a strong culture. Together with my business partner, Jackie Torres, we have over 40 years of experience as corporate and field HR leaders working with organizations of all sizes, including Fortune 500 companies. Now, as business owners ourselves, we are excited to bring our expertise to you. This course is designed to help you master your role as leader. Lets get startedsign up now!"
Price: 194.99

"Programming Internet of Things - Beginning to Advanced Level" |
"This course is meant for DIY enthusiasts, Engineers, Professionals and College Learners. This course starts from very basics and then slowly moves towards the advanced concepts. It uses very easy and interactive language, i.e. LUA Script to do programming for Internet of Things. The tutorials primarily use ESP8266 development board.This course contains interesting projects using various sensors and actuators like, LED module, Motion Sensor, DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Digital push button etc. The course contains detailed projects using various clouds like ThingSpeak and CloudMQTT etc. The course explains the concept of MQTT and IFTTT services in detail. The course explains in detail about the advanced concepts like HTTP to MQTT bridge using AWS, controlling things using voice commands etc."
Price: 29.99

"Create your own stunning videos at home using green screen" |
"Over 2000 students and counting....Video is all around us from social media to streaming and broadcasted programmes. In fact we are all so used to seeing slick, professional videos that most people dont realise the huge amount of equipment, resources and money that goes into producing a programme. Imagine then if you could get that same look, feel and quality with your video production, without the need for the vast equipment, production team and expense. The good news is that you can, by using green screen.If you have ever tried filming at home, you will know that finding a professional looking background is often a challenge. Filming outside is not easier because you have other people that could get in your shot, weather, lighting issues and stray noises to contend with. Not with green screen! You can film your background outdoors and then film yourself against a green screen in a controlled environment. The magic comes when you composite both bits of footage together and can control everything. For example, if the wave sounds on your beach are drowning out your voice, you simply turn them down, as they are on a separate layer. If you are using a budget camera but want to blur the background and create a depth of field look, you can, simply add blur in the editing process. In fact, green screen production offers you so much flexibility, that once you start using it, you will be hooked! In this ideas-packed course, you will discover exactly what you need to do to so that you can create your own videos with stunning sets and backgrounds using green screen production. Discover how green screen works and what you can do with itHow to light your green background for the best results - this is critical for successHow to get sound from a budget video camera without a mic input socketWhere to purchase everything you need.How to film so that you can zoom into your footage without losing any qualityHow to create the whole green screen production whenmoney is really tightDiscover how to edit your footage and replace it with your new backgroundA step by step process for putting yourself into a virtual TV studioThe mistakes that people make and how to avoid themIf you enjoy making videos or are just curious about how green screen production works, then this is for you. It will give you a whole new perspective on video production. In the past you may have felt like you just dont have the budget, equipment or location to make great videos. After working through this ideas-packed training program, complete with comprehensive notes, you will know how to create videos that most people wouldnt imagine is possible.Contents and Overview This training course with 23 easy to follow lectures, comprehensive notes and a quiz will fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle regarding creating professional , stunning videos without needing a crew, a ton of equipment and a massive budget. Upon completion of this course, you will have all the tools and strategies you need to start creating your own stunning green screen videos.The sooner you start the course, the sooner you will be able to start creating your own videos!"
Price: 19.99

"Invest in Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)" |
"Course updated on 10 September2017: Added bonus lecture on the real life application of ETFs, covering the topic of how retail investors like ourselves can invest in oil using ETFs!Do you want to invest but do not have the time or energy to research and monitor individual stocks?Are you looking for a passive investing strategy that allows you to invest and forget?Are you looking to diversifyyour investments intolow cost and lower risk*(than individual stocks)products?Look no further, exchanged traded funds (ETF) is for you!The ETF investing mastery course covers everything you need to know to be a profitable ETF investor.We will start with the basics and understand how an ETF worksWe will learn the different categories of ETFs, and the leading ETFs in the particular market or sectorWe will translate all this knowledge into action by screening for solid ETFs with appropriate fundamental and market criteriaWe will also set news alerts so you can live your life in peace while keeping up to date with the marketYou will learn everything you need to take action at the end of this course.If you want to start building your ETF portfolio within the next 1-2 months, if you are ready to bid goodbye to expensive mutual funds, this course is definitely for you."
Price: 149.99

"How To Draft Your Pattern From An Existing Garment" |
"I am super excited to deliver this to you.This course is designed for:- Fashion students.- Industry professionals.- Hobbyists.- Fashion enthusiasts.We will cover:- Taking a pattern of a simple vest top- Looking at gathers and tucks from a skirt- Looking at how to take a pattern of a dart- Taking a pattern of a frill- A brief overview of an elasticated waistband- Comparing your pattern back to your block- Taking the pattern of a simple sleeve- Using a fun technique by taking a front bodice pattern of a jacket by draping fabric onto the mannequinAll of the lectures are delivered by video. The content is a fabulous introduction to the wonderful world of Pattern Cutting & Making. Which is the key skill in garment making. At the end of the course you will be ready to move forward in your pattern cutting journey.If you want to enhance your career in one of the most competitive careers on the planet, then this is the course for you.See you on the inside."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Design for Augmented Reality with Zapworks" |
"This course is designed to encourage the students to develop Augmented Reality animations and display media contents using the ready-to-go Zapworks tools.The course starts with an explanation ofthe various tools,licenses and how to get started.There you will start to learn how to work withWidgets. To learn about Designer, you will make a Kids Party invitation card which shows an Augmented Reality video and also allow a basic poll on whether the guess intends to attend or not.The next topic dealwith is the use of Studio. This is the most flexibletool that allows the creation of fully customized Augmented Reality animations."
Price: 119.99

"The Vertigo Treatment: Simple Steps To Recover From Vertigo" |
"Based on the Amazon #1 Bestselling book The Vertigo Treatment, which has helped 1000s of vertigo sufferers worldwide, you are sure to be impressed with what the course has in store for you!Looking for a clear and simple guide on how to recover from vertigo? Then look no further, as you will learn everything you need to know here!Why should you take this course? This is the only course you will find online which is simple to follow and that will guide you every step of the way on how you can recover from vertigo. No matter what stage your vertigo is at, it will provide you with the necessary steps to overcome it.Having suffered from vertigo for more than 3 years and knowing exactly what it's like to be diagnosed with this condition, you will be learning from a certified personal and vestibular trainer, applied movement neurology practitioner, VEDA ambassador and someone who has invested more than 27,000 hours towards crafting a simple, step by step solution that you can use at any point of the day, allowing you to recover from vertigo. The Vertigo Treatment course isn't just limited to overcoming vertigo. Other vertigo related symptoms such as a lack of balance, migraines and sensory overload will also be improved and removed following the lessons provided within this course.Guarantee: You will be equipped with all the necessary lessons, techniques, exercises and drills that will allow you to improve your health, wellbeing and overcome vertigo. In this course you will learn: How to stop experiencing the sensation of vertigo or dizziness.All the essential exercises, drills and techniques that you can use for your vertigo, and most importantly, how to perform them correctly.Causes behind vertigo that not even your doctor may be aware of.Everything about the 3 main sensory systems and why deficits in these areas can lead to vertigo and other related symptoms.Why the vestibular blueprint is absolutely necessary for overcoming vertigo, dizziness and vestibular disorders.Various balance tests to assess your condition and see how well you're progressing.How to free your body from tension and stress, allowing you to relax and calm your nervous system.How to enhance balance, vision and proprioception - A MUST for smooth, coordinated and vertigo-free movement.And much, much more! The No Risk GuaranteeIf for whatever reason you feel like The Vertigo Treatment course isn't right for you, there is a 30 day no risk guarantee. Teaching others is imperative to me, and if you feel like you aren't getting enough value from this course, then you can get a refund within the 30 day period. Enroll Now & Take Action Join now and make the commitment of going through this course, I am certain that you're going to love it! I look forward to seeing you inside the course and remember to check out the preview lessons to get a sneak peek of the course. Keep on propelling forward! Bobby"
Price: 199.99

"SQL Basics for Beginners" |
"This unique introductory SQL tutorial not only provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the on-line SQL interpreter. You will receive immediate results after submitting your SQL commands. You will be able to create your own unique tables as well as perform selects, inserts, updates, deletes, and drops on your tables. . The basics of each SQL command will be covered in this introductory tutorial. Unless otherwise stated, the interpreter will support everything covered in this course.If you're already familar with the basics of SQL, you can still use this as a refresher, and practice some SQL statements."
Price: 54.99
