"YouTube Success for Musicians & Artists" |
"Build and Grow your Fanbase on YouTubeWould you like to Create a Super Successful YouTube Channel? Now is your chance to take action and build a YouTube Channel that will grow your audience and fanbase as a music maker and artist, by implementing amazing strategies, special tricks, and by creating a master plan for your YouTube Journey.Examples of things you will LearnHow to Kickstart your YouTube ChannelHow the YouTube Algorithm WorksYouTube SEO and Keyword Research21 Step Quick Guide to YouTube SuccessStart TodayGet ready to Kickstart your YouTube Channel as a Music Maker and Artist!Invest in yourself today, and thank yourself tomorrow.Friendly regards,Mikael ""Mike""BaggstrmMusic Composer Sound Designer YouTuber"
Price: 49.99

"Music Composition - Master Chords & Harmony" |
"DO YOU WANT TO MASTER CHORDS AND HARMONY IN MUSIC COMPOSITION?After this course, you will be able to use the true power of chords and chord progressions in your music. You will be able to control the emotional core of your music, and to support your main theme and melodies. Because chords, is what add depth and mood to music. Chords make music fuller, deeper, and more powerful.YOU WILL LEARNThe Foundations of Chords and Harmony in MusicPractical use of Chords in Your Music10 Powerful Guidelines on using Chords in your MusicAFTER THIS COURSEIn the end, by practicing and implementing all the concepts, guidelines and tricks, you will be able to unleash the true power of music composition, by mastering the use of chords and chord progressions in your music.START NOWI welcome you to start this course right now, and learn the true power of chords and chord progressions, to add emotion, mood and depth to your music, to support your lead melodies and hooks. Unlock the Secrets of Chords, and use them in your Music Compositions.Friendly regards,Mikael ""Mike""BaggstrmMusic Composer Sound Designer"
Price: 199.99

"How to Create your Artist Brand" |
"Welcome and Congratulations!For choosing to learn, create and implement your own brand. You are going to create one of the most powerful aspects of your own business, your brand. Yes, as a professional composer, you are your own boss, and your own business.You will LearnHow to Create your own Brand - Step by Step10 Professional Guidelines on BrandingActionable Tips, Tricks and SecretsIn the end you will be able toCreate your own Professional BrandElevate your Authority and Online PresenceLevel up as a Composer from the Power of BrandingTake Action NowComplete this course to Learn how to Create your own Professional BrandWhich will be huge for your Composer Career and Business Success."
Price: 49.99

"Music Composition - How to compose Corporate Music" |
"Music Composition - Uplifting Corporate MusicWelcome! And congratulations for choosing to advance your skills and knowledge as a music composer. My course will take you on a learning journey. And your end goal and destination for this journey, is to unlock the secrets of composing corporate music.YOU WILL LEARNLearn the Foundations of Corporate MusicFind out Your Vision & MissionCreate a Professional Project PlanGet 10 Powerful Production GuidelinesMaster the Sound Palette for this StyleComplete a Creative Songwriting SessionAFTERTHISCOURSEYour final project will be to compose your own track in the style of corporate music, including following all the steps of a professional project as a composer.STARTNOWNow before we continue, I want to ask you: Do you want to learn how to compose corporate music? Are you prepared to complete this course, and take action on everything you learn? Are you ready to level up as a composer?Then lets start your journey, right now! =)"
Price: 74.99

"Music Composition - Master your Low End" |
"Do you want to Master Bass in Music Composition?Hello, and welcome to my course that will teach you how to get powerful bass in your music. Congratulations for choosing to advance your skills and knowledge as a music composer and producer. My course will take you on a learning journey. And your end goal and destination for this journey, is to unlock the secrets to bass.This is not a course on how to play bass. No, this is a course where you will learn the sounds, the playing styles, the sound design and the performance styles of bass in your compositions.For example a driving electric bass...a noble orchestral bass...or a dirty synth bass.Here are the benefits you will gain, by taking this journey.Learn the Foundations of BassMaster the Sounds of BassLevel Up your Bass Writing SkillsGet Powerful Guidelines on BassBoost your Professional Experience in MusicNow take ActionNow before we continue, I want to ask you: Do you want to learn how to get a powerful bass sound and performances in your music? Are you prepared to complete this course, and take action on everything you learn? Are you ready to level up as a composer?Then lets start your journey, right now! =)"
Price: 74.99

"Music Composition - Create Drive & Energy" |
"Do you want to Master Energy &Drive in Music Composition?Welcome to my course on mastering the energy & drive in your music. My course will take you on a learning journey. And your end goal and destination for this journey, is to unlock the secrets to energy & drive in your music, by the power of rhythm.Not rhythm in the form of drums & percussion. But driving, energetic rhythms from any instrument that can play notes. What I call, melodic rhythm.Get Powerful Guidelines on Rhythm & DriveGet practical guidelines on using rhythm & drive, so that you can use the full power of drive and energy in your music productions.Master the Playing Styles of Driving RhythmsLearn the fundamental playing styles and sounds of driving rhythms. So that you can create, shape and add energy and drive into your music. For example: strumming guitars...pulsing synthesizers, or ostinato string patternsLearn Amazing Workflow Tools & TechniquesLearn some of the amazing workflow tools and techniques, so that you can create and shape new driving rhythms much faster. For example: arpeggiators, step sequencers, and rhythmic gate effects.Now take ActionSo are you ready to level up as a composer, by learning how to create, shape and use: driving rhythms in your music?Then lets start your journey, right now! =)"
Price: 74.99

"Omnisphere - Master the Foundations in 2.5 hours" |
"Your Journey in OmnisphereWelcome, and congratulations for choosing to dive into Omnisphere. You are about to learn and master the foundations of one of the greatest and most powerful software instruments of all time. The version used in this course is Omnisphere 2.5.Master the Power of OmnisphereImagine if you had the power and knowledge to use Omnisphere to its full potential. To find, to create, to shape, to design and to control the sounds in Omnisphere.Are you ready to:Master the Foundations of OmnisphereLearn my Best Power Tips & TricksBecome a Power User of OmnisphereAfter this course you will be able to use Omnisphere more creatively, efficiently and with a huge boost in your knowledge and practical skills. You will be well on your way to becoming a power user of Omnisphere.Now take ActionLets start your adventure in Omnisphere, right now! =)"
Price: 74.99

"Sound Design - Create your own Transition FX" |
"Welcome, and congratulations for choosing to learn how to create, design and shape your own transition effects. These sound effects are made for transitions between sections in your music.Imagine having the power and knowledge to create your own transition sounds, instead of having to buy lots of sample libraries, and sit and browse through presets. If you create your own transition sounds you will also have more control over designing and shaping the sound, as well as the timing and response curve. Basically, when you sound design yourself, you have unlimited options and flexibility.Now are you ready to?Master the Foundations of Transition EffectsLearn my Best Power Tips & TricksBoost your Sound Design PowersAfter this course you will be able to create your own transition sound effects to use in your music productions. Stop browsing endlessly after the right sample in folders, or presets in plugins. Learn how to sound design transition effects yourself instead.Now lets start your adventure in transition effects sound design, right now! =)"
Price: 74.99

"Complete course in web programming + programming news blog" |
"html css "
Price: 199.99

"Online Game Learn To Programming Online Browser Game use PHP" |
"In this course I will study how to program an online browser game. In this course, I will explain how to use the programming languages of the web to program this game.I also used Photoshop In the graphic design of the gameiam using php, mysqli, paypal, css, graphic design , html5 , javascript"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Array-Related Functions in PHP From Scratch" |
"In this course I explained all arithmetic functions in PHP programming languageI explained each function in a way and how to use it in PHP language and also hit examples of how to deal with functions in advanced programmingI also explained the functions that are important to the files, so I find that in the course I explain the functions slowly so that the students understand each point separately so I used the program appserv for the work of a personal server to implement the functions used in the Arrays"
Price: 19.99

"Construction of hatchery project on pic microcontroller" |
"I explained how to program a small chicken egg incubator to depend on the temperature and humidity so that if the temperature rises, the system operates a fan that moisturizes and reduces the temperature and return to the right temperature and also programmed the hygrometer so that the moisture meter works on the ground, Water ratio The system withdraws the amount of water suitable for the skimmer to raise the humidity to the appropriate humidity"
Price: 19.99

"Examinations in HTML language" |
"In this exam you can answer the questions carefullyWhere in each exam there are 10 precise questionsYou are considered successful in every exam if you answer X questions out of 10Of course you do not get a certificate in any exam just test your abilities in HTML languageHowever there will be upcoming exams with reliable certificates we will give students"
Price: 19.99

"Programming a free business site from scratch using PHP lang" |
"NotesThe course did not end and every day I submit new videosIn this course, explain how to program a free business site where students register and offer their services for certain prices and buyers buy these services for taking from the seller where the buyer to pay the account at any price wanted to be shipped on the site to be able to buy any service from the site for When the purchaser buys the service, the money goes to the seller at 95% of the value of the amount and remains suspended for 14 days so that the site is paid to the seller and 5% goes to the site. The period of 14 days is a period during which the buyer is able to recover his money or submit the complaint to the site even if Received the service and M not as agreed upon with the sellerPayment will be via Paypal and also purchaseHe continued the course to know its advantages"
Price: 19.99

"Theoretical & Practical Game Development With Unity + Game" |
"HelloNotesThe course is a video and the programming code will be placed during the explanationThe course was not completed every day I put many videosFollow the description because it changes every dayThis course was created according to the students' desire. Some students sent me a message on my Udemy account and some of the messages I received through my Facebook account. These questions asked me to create a full course for Unity and explain its full features so I decided to do this adventure with you. Create this course for you.This course explains all of the Unity program.Of course this course contains a description and explanation of the practical explanation of the program and also I will develop advanced lessons until you enter the field strongly.HolaNotasEl curso es un video y el cdigo de programacin se colocar durante la explicacinEl curso no se complet todos los das puse muchos videosSigue la descripcin porque cambia todos los dasSe estableci este curso basado en el deseo de los estudiantes que tienen algunos estudiantes me ha enviado un mensaje en mi cuenta en Udemy y algunos de los mensajes que he recibido a travs de mi cuenta en Facebook y estas preguntas me pida que puedo crear un ciclo completo del programa de la Unidad y explic las caractersticas completas as que decid hacer esta aventura con usted para que Crea este curso para ti.Este curso explica todo el programa de Unity.Por supuesto, este curso contiene una descripcin y explicacin de la explicacin prctica del programa y tambin desarrollar lecciones avanzadas hasta que ingrese al campo con fuerza."
Price: 19.99

"Learn PHP From Scratch in 16 Hours" |
"I created this comprehensive course in PHPSo I used some books in the establishment of the course until the simplest information and explanation for the students because I see that there are students from several countries and several different dialects so I set up the course pastures all the conditions of students.First : PHP Basic Sectionyou create a section that explains the basics of language.I have explained this section to all the basics of language so you will find that everything is explained tightly.Second: Miscellaneous Functions Overview In PHP SectionThisSectioncontains functions for the following tasks:Working with constantsconstant() Returning the value of a constantdefine() Defining a named constantdefined() Checking whether a given named constant exists Ending script executiondie() Outputting a message and terminating the current scriptexit() Terminating the current scriptEvaluating strings as PHP codeeval() Evaluating a string as PHP codeRetrieving information about the capabilities of a browserget_browser() Telling what the users browser is capable of Performing syntax highlighting for PHPhighlight_file() Syntax highlighting of a filehighlight_string() Syntax highlighting of a stringshow_source() Syntax highlighting of a fileThird: String Functions in PHP SectionStrings are one of the most important parts of the PHP language. Most textual data is represented asstrings, and a good portion of many scripts are dedicated to processing, cleaning, escaping, parsing,and transforming text.Not surprisingly, PHP has a wide range of functions for dealing with string data.Fourthly: Array-Related Functions SectionThis group of functions provides a great deal of power for dealing with PHP arrays. There are functions for sorting (in various fashions), constructing, deconstructing, analyzing, and otherwise manipulating arrays. These functions are built into PHP by default and can only be disabled by editing the source code and recompiling or by using the disable_functions directive in php.ini.Fifthly: Apache-Specific Functions SectionThese functions enable you to access Apache internal featuresthey form a high-level interface to someApache API functions. Consequently, these functions are available only if you have compiled PHP as anApache module. Its important to remember that these functions are case-sensitive. Functions such asapache_note()make a distinction between uppercase and lowercase variables, just like normal PHPvariables."
Price: 104.99

"Programming Framework (MVC) & Freelancer WebSite Using PHP" |
"In this course you explain how to create an MVC and a site for mini-worksThe course continues and daily download videos for this courseThe first section is explained how to create MVCThis was explained in full detail and up to completion of the sectionSecond, I set up the system to enter the site and the system was programmed on the MVC systemThirdly, I set up a system for setting up the services, displaying them and displaying each service in a page about pressing themAnd then I created a section explaining the programming of a modern interface to use the site"
Price: 84.99

"How to Make Money Using a PHP" |
"In this course I will teach you how to use the PHP programming language to bring moneyFirst by building an effective website and uploading google adsense ads on itOr by hosting other companies' advertisements or even visitor adsSecondI will teach you how to work through freelance sites and the ways you accept businessFinally you will have to build a website with my follow up"
Price: 199.99

"Programming Advanced MVC From Scratch Using PHP" |
"http://localhost/bu/post.php?id=1http://localhost/bu/post/1You have created a framework using PHP programming languageIn this context I have used the advanced MVC method used by large companiesStyle MVCIs an advanced programming style that allows the possibility of separating the templates from the programming code so that it is easy for the programmer when you return to edit the templates or code everythingSo this method is found by a user in the largest international companiesSo I decided to offer a full course in programming and developing this method"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps - Beginner to Expert" |
"Spring Boot is the No 1 Java Framework for Building Microservices and REST API. Do you want to Learn the Magic of Spring Boot - Auto Configuration, Spring Initializr and Starter Projects? Do you want to build an Awesome Web Application connecting to a Database with JPA/Hibernate using Spring Boot? Do you want to build a Basic REST API using Spring Boot? Look No Further!******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* This course was perfect not only for beginners but for experienced engineers such as myself trying to get up to speed on spring boot quickly. Thank you so much for the great material! Looking forward to taking another course from udemy and in28minutes! One of the best Spring Boot course! I found this course to be very thorough. Good balance of theory and hands-on coding. Every important aspect of Spring Boot is demonstrated by way of useful, almost production grade coding exercises, unit and integration testing. This course has everything you would require to get up and running as spring boot developer. I liked this course and recommend highly to anyone interested in learning about Spring Boot. This is the one of the best spring boot courses I have enrolled. Ranga Karan explains each and every bit and shows practically. I would recommend to anyone who wants to learn spring boot Great instructor!! I'm a beginner to Spring Boot framework, and I find this tutorial absolutely awesome! The instructor's lecture is crystal clear! Thanks for providing this tutorial!!!******* Course Overview *******Spring Boot has a lot of magic going for it. Developing REST Services with Spring Boot is cool and fun. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can just run. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration.This course is now updated with new sections. Updated with Spring Boot 2 and Spring 5. In this course, you will learn the features of Spring Boot and Spring Boot Starter Projects with hands-on step by step approach developing:Basic Todo Management Java Application using Spring Boot with Login and Logout functionalitiesBasic REST Service to manage Survey Questionnaire You will get introduced to REST Services, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.You will learn about Spring Boot step by step - in more than 100 steps. This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to Spring Boot.You will learn aboutBasics of Spring BootBasics of Auto Configuration and Spring Boot MagicSpring Boot Starter ProjectsSpring InitializrBasic REST Services using Spring Boot Starter WebREST Service Content Negotiation with JSON and XMLEmbedded servlet containers : Tomcat, Jetty and UndertowWriting Unit and Integration tests using Spring Boot Starter TestProfiles and Dynamic Configuration with Spring BootSpring Boot Data JPASpring Boot ActuatorSpring SecuritySpring Boot Developer Tools and LiveReloadHere is a quick overview of different sections of the course:Introduction to the Power of Spring Boot in 10 StepsDevelop a Todo Management Web Application with Spring Boot in 25 StepsIntroduction to Unit Testing with JUnit in 5 StepsIntroduction to Mocking with Mockito in 5 StepsAdvanced Features of Spring Boot in 28 Steps - We learn these developing a simple API for managing survey questionnaire.Introduction to JPA in 10 StepsConnecting our Todo Management Web Application to JPA in 8 Steps******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******Web Application with Spring Boot in 33 StepsStep 01: Part 1 Basic Spring Boot Web Application SetupStep 01: Part 2 Pom.xml, Spring Boot Application and application propertiesStep 02: Part 1 First Spring MVC Controller, @ResponseBody, @ControllerStep 02: Part 2 Understanding HTTP Request FlowStep 03: Demystifying some of the Spring Boot magicStep 04: Redirect to Login JSP - @ResponseBody and View ResolverStep 05: Show userid and password on welcome page - ModelMap and @RequestParamStep 06: DispatcherServlet and Spring MVC FlowStep 07: Your First HTML formStep 08: Add hard-coded validation of userid and passwordStep 09: Magic of SpringStep 10: Create TodoController and list-todos view. Make TodoService a @ServiceStep 11: Architecture of Web ApplicationsStep 12: Session vs Model vs Request - @SessionAttributesStep 13: Add new todoStep 14: Display Todos in a table using JSTL TagsStep 15: Bootstrap for Page Formatting using webjarsStep 16: Let's delete a TodoStep 17: Format Add Todo Page and Adding Basic HTML5 form validationStep 18: Part 1 Validations with Hibernate Validator - Using Command BeanStep 18: Part 2 Using JSR 349 ValidationsStep 19: Updating a todoStep 20: Let's add a Target Date for Todo - Use initBinder to Handle Date FieldsStep 21: JSP Fragments and Navigation BarStep 22: Preparing for Spring SecurityStep 23: Initial Spring Security SetupStep 24: Refactor and add Logout Functionality using Spring SecurityStep 25: Exception HandlingStep 26: Adding Dependencies for JPA and H2Step 27: Configuring H2 ConsoleStep 28: Create Todo Entity and JPA RepositoryStep 29: Insert Todo using JPA RepositoryStep 30: Update, Delete and Retrieve Todos using JPA RepositoryStep 31: Data initialization with data.sqlStep 32: Connecting JPA to other databasesStep 33: Upgrading to Spring Boot 2 and Spring 5Spring Boot Deep Dive With a Small APIStep 01: Setup and Launch Spring Boot Application with Maven and EclipseStep 02: Creating your first RestControllerStep 03: Understanding Spring Boot Magic : Spring Boot Starter WebStep 04: Understanding Spring Boot Magic : Spring Boot Starter ParentStep 05: Spring Boot vs SpringStep 06: Create all Services for Survey and QuestionsStep 07: What is REST? Creating REST Service with @GetMapping and @PathVariableStep 08: Second REST Service to retrieve a specific questionStep 09: Spring Boot Developer Tools and LiveReload : Develop faster!Step 10: Create a REST Service to add a new question to survey : @PostMapping, Postman Step 11: Understand Content Negotiation. Deliver XML Responses from the REST ServicesStep 12: Spring Initializr : Create Spring Boot Projects on the fly!Step 13: Spring Boot Actuator : Monitor your Spring Boot applications!Step 14: Understanding Embedded servlet containers : Switch to Jetty or UndertowStep 15: Adding Dynamic Configuration to your application : YAML & More..Step 16: Basics of ProfilesStep 17: Advanced Application Configuration with Type Safe Configuration PropertiesStep 18: Spring Boot Starter : Spring Data JPA with CommandLineRunnerStep 19: In Memory Database H2 Console and add a new JPA Repository MethodStep 20: Spring Boot Starter : Introduction to Spring Data RestStep 21: Spring Boot Integration TestStep 22: Adding Integration Test for POST RequestStep 23: Small Refactoring to organise ourselvesStep 24: Writing Unit Tests with Spring Boot and MockitoStep 25: Writing Unit test for createTodoStep 26: Securing our services with Basic Authentication using Spring SecurityStep 27: Configure Spring Security user roles for survey and other servicesStep 28: A Deep Dive into Spring Boot Auto ConfigurationStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Java Web Services and RESTful API with Spring Boot" |
"REST API? Yes. Spring Boot ? Yes SOAP ? Yes Best Practices ? Yes Hands-on ? Of course. Do you want to Master Building Great Java Web Services - both RESTful and SOAP - with Spring Boot? ******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* This is the best course if you like to learn how REST API exactly works. The instructor is awesome. I had a great time watching his videos and doing coding for this course. It really helped me to do a coding assessment for the company. This course gave me an excellent head start with creating Restful web services! It is such an awesome course, I have now got an idea to create production level restful services As an experienced JEE developer unfamiliar with Spring Boot and developing web services within it, this was simply an awesome course for becoming knowledgeable and comfortable in applying it in a real-world context. This is my first spring boot course. I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you very much Ranga for delivering such a high quality course. I've learned a lot spring boot from you. If someone want to learn spring boot, this is one of the best courses to pick up.******* Course Overview *******Developing SOAP and RESTful web services is fun. The combination of Spring Boot, Spring Web MVC, Spring Web Services and JPA makes it even more fun.Architectures are moving towards microservices. RESTful web services are the first step to developing great microservices. Spring Boot, in combination with Spring Web MVC (also called Spring REST) makes it easy to develop RESTful web services.There are two parts to this course - RESTful web services and SOAP Web Services.In the first part of the course, you will learn the basics of RESTful web services developing resources for a social media application. You will learn to implement these resources with multiple features - versioning, exception handling, documentation (Swagger), basic authentication (Spring Security), filtering and HATEOAS. You will learn the best practices in designing RESTful web services.You will be using Spring (Dependency Management), Spring MVC (or Spring REST), Spring Boot, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Spring Boot Actuator (Monitoring), Swagger (Documentation), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE), Postman (REST Services Client) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.While the use of SOAP Web Services is on the way down, there are still considerable number of web services using this approach.In the second part of the course, you will learn the basics of implementing SOAP Web Services developing a few web services for a course management application. You will learn to use a Contract first approach - defining XSD (XML Schema Definition) for your requests and responses. You will learn about WSDL (SOAP Header, SOAP Body and SOAP Fault), XSD (XML Schema Definition) and JAXB (Java API for XML Binding). You will implementing three SOAP web services with exception handling and basic security (with WS Security).In this part of the course, you will be using Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Web Services , Spring Boot, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE), Wizdler (SOAP Services Chrome Plugin) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.You will learnWhat is a Web Service?What is a RESTful Web Service?How to implement RESTful Web Services with Spring and Spring Boot?What are the best practices in designing RESTful Web Services?How to design Resources and GET, POST and DELETE operations?How to implement Validation for RESTful Web Services?How to implement Exception Handling for RESTful Web Services?What is HATEOAS? How to implement HATEOAS for a Resource?What are the different approach in versioning RESTful Services?How to use Postman to execute RESTful Service Requests?How to implement basic authentication with Spring Security?How to implement filtering for RESTful Services?How to monitor RESTful Services with Spring Boot Actuator?How to document RESTful Web Services with Swagger?How to connect RESTful Services to a backend with JPA?What is a SOAP Web Service?What is WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)?What is SOAP Header, SOAP Body and SOAP Fault?What is an XSD (XML Schema Definition)?How to write an XSD for your requests and responses?What is JAXB (Java API for XML Binding)?What is an Endpoint?What is a Contract First approach?What are the different steps in building SOAP Web Services with Spring Web Services & Spring Boot?How to build different SOAP Web services for GetCourseDetailsRequest, GetAllCourseDetailsRequest and DeleteCourseDetailsRequest?How to use Wizdler to execute SOAP Requests?How to implement exception handling for SOAP Web Services?How to implement basic security with WS Security for SOAP Web Services?******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******RESTful Web Services Step 01 - Initializing a RESTful Services Project with Spring BootStep 02 - Understanding the RESTful Services we would create in this courseStep 03 - Creating a Hello World ServiceStep 04 - Enhancing the Hello World Service to return a BeanStep 05 - Quick Review of Spring Boot Auto Configuration and Dispatcher Servlet - What's happening in the background?Step 06 - Enhancing the Hello World Service with a Path VariableStep 07 - Creating User Bean and User ServiceStep 08 - Implementing GET Methods for User ResourceStep 09 - Implementing POST Method to create User ResourceStep 10 - Enhancing POST Method to return correct HTTP Status Code and Location URIStep 11 - Implementing Exception Handling - 404 Resource Not FoundStep 12 - Implementing Generic Exception Handling for all ResourcesStep 13 - Exercise : User Post Resource and Exception HandlingStep 14 - Implementing DELETE Method to delete a User ResourceStep 15 - Implementing Validations for RESTful ServicesStep 16 - Implementing HATEOAS for RESTful ServicesStep 17 - Overview of Advanced RESTful Service FeaturesStep 18 - Internationalization for RESTful ServicesStep 19 - Content Negotiation - Implementing Support for XMLStep 20 - Configuring Auto Generation of Swagger DocumentationStep 21 - Introduction to Swagger Documentation FormatStep 22 - Enhancing Swagger Documentation with Custom AnnotationsStep 23 - Monitoring APIs with Spring Boot ActuatorStep 24 - Implementing Static Filtering for RESTful ServiceStep 25 - Implementing Dynamic Filtering for RESTful ServiceStep 26 - Versioning RESTful Services - Basic Approach with URIsStep 27 - Versioning RESTful Services - Header and Content Negotiation ApproachesStep 28 - Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring SecurityStep 29 - Overview of Connecting RESTful Service to JPAStep 30 - Creating User Entity and some test dataStep 31 - Updating GET methods on User Resource to use JPAStep 32 - Updating POST and DELETE methods on User Resource to use JPAStep 33 - Creating Post Entity and Many to One Relationship with User EntityStep 34 - Implementing a GET service to retrieve all Posts of a UserStep 35 - Implementing a POST service to create a Post for a UserStep 36 - Richardson Maturity ModelStep 37 - RESTful Services Best PracticesSOAP Web ServicesStep 01 - Initialize a Spring Web Services application with Spring BootStep 02 - Overview of creating SOAP Web Service using Contract First ApproachStep 03 - Define Request and Response XML StructureStep 04 - Define XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Request - GetCourseDetailsRequestStep 05 - Define XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Respone - GetCourseDetailsResponseStep 06 - More about XML Schema Definition and Implementing XSD Best PracticesStep 07 - Introduction to Java API for XML Binding (JAXB) and Configuring JAXB 2 Maven PluginStep 08 - Configuring an Endpoint for GetCourseDetailsRequestStep 09 - Spring Web Services Configuration - Message Dispatcher ServletStep 10 - Spring Web Services Configuration - Generating WSDLStep 11 - Using Wizdler to execute SOAP RequestsStep 12 - Implementing a service - Course Details Service - backend with in memory array listStep 13 - Implementing SOAP Web Service for GetAllCourseDetailsRequestStep 14 - Quick introduction to different parts of a WSDLStep 15 - Implementing SOAP Web Service for DeleteCourseDetailsRequestStep 16 - Improving the DeleteCourseDetailsRequest - Using an Enum for StatusStep 17 - Exception Handling and SOAP Fault ResponsesStep 18 - Implementing Security for SOAP Web Services with WS SecurityStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Spring & Spring Boot Interview Guide" |
"How about Quickly Revising all the Important Spring and Spring Boot Concepts in about 6 Hours before an interview?Spring ? Yes. Spring Boot ? Included. Spring MVC ? Yes. Spring REST ? Yes. Spring AOP ? Yes. Spring JDBC? Included. Spring Data JPA? Yes. Of Course. Hibernate? Yes. Web Services? Yes. SOAP? Yes. Of Course REST API? Absolutely!******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* It is a short and sweet for Spring Framework review course. It will refresh most of the topic at Spring & Spring Boot. It is the course who want to refresh their knowledge at Spring framework in short-period. Best course to refresh the spring concepts and syntax in short time to prepare the interviews. Very good course expaining details of the Spring Framework. The widely discussed topics Spring (Framework, MVC, Boot, Data, JDBC, JPA), Unit and Integration Testing, etc. will help everyone to understand these not-so-easy issues in a deeper way. A well Crafted Course. Thanks to Ranga Karanam!******* Course Overview *******Spring Framework is the Most Popular Java Framework ever. It continues to evolve with changing architectures. Spring Boot is one of the most popular Spring projects. Spring Boot is the most used Java framework to develop RESTful Services and Microservices.Preparing for Spring Interview is tricky. There are a wide range of Spring Modules and Spring Projects you would need to recollect and be prepared to answer questions on. You would need to get a Good Understanding of the new features of Spring and have a Firm Grasp of the concepts you implemented in your projects. This course helps you prepare for Spring Interview with code examples covering 200+ Spring Interview Questions and Answers on Spring, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, JPA, AOP, RESTful Services and SOAP Web Services. ******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Questions Discussed in this Interview Course *******SpringWhat is Loose Coupling?What is a Dependency?What is IOC (Inversion of Control)?What is Dependency Injection?Can you give few examples of Dependency Injection?What is Auto Wiring?What are the important roles of an IOC Container?What are Bean Factory and Application Context?Can you compare Bean Factory with Application Context?How do you create an application context with Spring?How does Spring know where to search for Components or Beans?What is a Component Scan?How do you define a component scan in XML and Java Configurations?How is it done with Spring Boot?What does @Component signify?What does @Autowired signify?Whats the difference Between @Controller, @Component, @Repository, and @Service Annotations in Spring?What is the default scope of a bean?Are Spring beans thread safe?What are the other scopes available?How is Springs singleton bean different from Gang of Four Singleton Pattern?What are the different types of dependency injections?What is setter injection?What is constructor injection?How do you choose between setter and constructor injections?What are the different options available to create Application Contexts for Spring?What is the difference between XML and Java Configurations for Spring?How do you choose between XML and Java Configurations for Spring?How does Spring do Autowiring?What are the different kinds of matching used by Spring for Autowiring?How do you debug problems with Spring Framework?How do you solve NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException?How do you solve NoSuchBeanDefinitionException?What is @Primary?What is @Qualifier?What is CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection)?Does Spring Support CDI?Would you recommed to use CDI or Spring Annotations?What are the major features in different versions of Spring?What are new features in Spring Framework 4.0?What are new features in Spring Framework 5.0?What are important Spring Modules?What are important Spring Projects?What is the simplest way of ensuring that we are using single version of all Spring related dependencies?Name some of the design patterns used in Spring Framework?What do you think about Spring Framework?Why is Spring Popular?Can you give a big picture of the Spring Framework?Spring MVCWhat is Model 1 architecture?What is Model 2 architecture?What is Model 2 Front Controller architecture?Can you show an example controller method in Spring MVC?Can you explain a simple flow in Spring MVC?What is a ViewResolver?What is Model?What is ModelAndView?What is a RequestMapping?What is Dispatcher Servlet?How do you set up Dispatcher Servlet?What is a form backing object?How is validation done using Spring MVC?What is BindingResult?How do you map validation results to your view?What are Spring Form Tags?What is a Path Variable?What is a Model Attribute?What is a Session Attribute?What is a init binder?How do you set default date format with Spring?Why is Spring MVC so popular?Spring BootWhat is Spring Boot?What are the important Goals of Spring Boot?What are the important Features of Spring Boot?Compare Spring Boot vs Spring?Compare Spring Boot vs Spring MVC?What is the importance of @SpringBootApplication?What is Auto Configuration?How can we find more information about Auto Configuration?What is an embedded server? Why is it important?What is the default embedded server with Spring Boot?What are the other embedded servers supported by Spring Boot?What are Starter Projects?Can you give examples of important starter projects?What is Starter Parent?What are the different things that are defined in Starter Parent?How does Spring Boot enforce common dependency management for all its Starter projects?What is Spring Initializr?What is application.properties?What are some of the important things that can customized in application.properties?How do you externalize configuration using Spring Boot?How can you add custom application properties using Spring Boot?What is @ConfigurationProperties?What is a profile?How do you define beans for a specific profile?How do you create application configuration for a specific profile?How do you have different configuration for different environments?What is Spring Boot Actuator?How do you monitor web services using Spring Boot Actuator?How do you find more information about your application envrionment using Spring Boot?What is a CommandLineRunner?Database Connectivity - JDBC, Spring JDBC & JPAWhat is Spring JDBC? How is different from JDBC?What is a JdbcTemplate?What is a RowMapper?What is JPA?What is Hibernate?How do you define an entity in JPA?What is an Entity Manager?What is a Persistence Context?How do you map relationships in JPA?What are the different types of relationships in JPA?How do you define One to One Mapping in JPA?How do you define One to Many Mapping in JPA?How do you define Many to Many Mapping in JPA?How do you define a datasource in a Spring Context?What is the use of persistence.xmlHow do you configure Entity Manager Factory and Transaction Manager?How do you define transaction management for Spring Hibernate integration?Spring DataWhat is Spring Data?What is the need for Spring Data?What is Spring Data JPA?What is a CrudRepository?What is a PagingAndSortingRepository?Unit TestingHow does Spring Framework Make Unit Testing Easy?What is Mockito?What is your favorite mocking framework?How do you do mock data with Mockito?What are the different mocking annotations that you worked with?What is MockMvc?What is @WebMvcTest?What is @MockBean?How do you write a unit test with MockMVC?What is JSONAssert?How do you write an integration test with Spring Boot?What is @SpringBootTest?What is @LocalServerPort?What is TestRestTemplate?AOPWhat are cross cutting concerns?How do you implement cross cutting concerns in a web application?If you would want to log every request to a web application, what are the options you can think of?If you would want to track performance of every request, what options can you think of?What is an Aspect and Pointcut in AOP?What are the different types of AOP advices?What is weaving?Compare Spring AOP vs AspectJ?SOAP Web ServicesWhat is a Web Service?What is SOAP Web Service?What is SOAP?Waht is a SOAP Envelope?What is SOAP Header and SOAP Body?Can you give an example of SOAP Request and SOAP Response?What is a SOAP Header? What kind of information is sent in a SOAP Header?Can you give an example of a SOAP Header with Authentication information?What is WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)?What are the different parts of a WSDL?What is Contract First Approach?What is an XSD?Can you give an example of an XSD?What is JAXB?How do you configure a JAXB Plugin?What is an Endpoint?Can you show an example endpoint written with Spring Web Services?What is a MessageDispatcherServlet?How do you configure a MessageDispatcherServlet?How do you generate a WSDL using Spring Web Services?How do you implement error handling for SOAP Web Services?What is a SOAP Fault?RESTful Web ServicesWhat is REST?What are the key concepts in designing RESTful API?What are the Best Practices of RESTful Services?Can you show the code for an example Get Resource method with Spring REST?What happens when we return a bean from a Request Mapping Method?What is GetMapping and what are the related methods available in Spring MVC?Can you show the code for an example Post Resource method with Spring REST?What is the appropriate HTTP Response Status for successful execution of a Resource Creation?Why do we use ResponseEntity in a RESTful Service?What is HATEOAS?Can you give an Example Response for HATEOAS?How do we implement it using Spring?How do you document RESTful web services?Can you give a brief idea about Swagger Documentation?How do you automate generation of Swagger Documentation from RESTful Web Services?How do you add custom information to Swagger Documentation generated from RESTful Web Services?What is Swagger-UI?What is ""Representation"" of a Resource?What is Content Negotiation?Which HTTP Header is used for Content Negotiation?How do we implement it using Spring Boot?How do you add XML support to your RESTful Services built with Spring Boot?How do you implement Exception Handling for RESTFul Web Services?What are the best practices related to Exception Handling with respect to RESTful Web Services?What are the different error status that you would return in RESTful Web Services?How would you implement them using Spring Boot?What HTTP Response Status do you return for validation errors?How do you handle Validation Errors with RESTful Web Services?Why do we need Versioning for RESTful Web Services?What are the versioning options that are available?How do you implement Versioning for RESTful Web Services?Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Hibernate and JPA with Spring Boot in 100 Steps" |
"Hibernate is the most popular Java ORM framework. Almost every Real World Project today uses JPA and Hibernate in combination with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA.Do you want to Learn JPA & Hibernate and use them in combination with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA? Do you want to Learn about Entities, Relationships, Entity Manager, JPQL, Native Queries, Inheritance Hierarchies, Criteria API, Transaction Management, Caching and Performance Tuning with JPA & Hibernate in combination with Spring Data JPA and Spring Data REST? ******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* I really loved this course. The instructor explains features of JPA and Hibernate clearly and also very deeply. Especially I liked explanation of the transaction management what I didn't seen in other courses.By the way this course helped me to develop the persistence layer of a commercial application for my customer. Absolute brilliant course, I was struggling using books but this course helped me understand using code to demonstrate how Hibernate and JPA work. Each video builds on the next and is at a pace that does not overwhelm you. I thoroughly recommend this course if you need to improve your Hibernate and JPA knowledge. It is really state of the art and how spring boot and hibernate are used nowadays! This course was very helpful in my new job, since in the project we use spring boot and hibernate. Thank you! This course exceeded my expectations, I thought I knew about hibernate but I discovered I didn't, I really recommend this course. Thanks Ranga for the wonderful course on Hibernate and JPA with Spring Boot! It's a long course and well worth it. Keep up the great work!******* Course Overview *******Hibernate is the most popular implementation of JPA. It was the most popular ORM framework option before JPA emerged and it provides additional features on top of JPA. We will use Hibernate as the JPA implementation in this course.The Java Persistence API provides Java developers with an api for mapping java objects to relational data. In this course, you will learn about the Hibernate, JPA API, JPQL (Java Persistence query language), Java Persistence Criteria API and how you can perform ORM (Object Relational Mapping) with JPA and Hibernate. During this courseYou will learn the basics of JPA and Hibernate - Entities, Relationships, Inheritance Mappings and AnnotationsYou will understand approaches to querying data using JPA and Hibernate - JPQL, Criteria API and Native QueriesYou will understand JPA and Hibernate Relationships in depth - One to One, Many to One and Many to ManyYou will use a variety of Spring Boot Starters - Spring Boot Starter Web, Starter Data Jpa, Starter TestYou will learn the basic of performance tuning your JPA application with Hibernate - Solve N+1 Queries Issue. You will learn the basics of caching - First Level Cache and Second Level Cache with EhCacheYou will understand the basics of Spring Data JPA and Spring Data REST******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******Journey from JDBC To JPAStep01 - Setting up a project with JDBC, JPA, H2 and Web DependenciesStep02 - Launching up H2 ConsoleStep03 - Creating a Database Table in H2Step04 - Populate data into Person TableStep05 - Implement findAll persons Spring JDBC Query MethodStep06 - Execute the findAll method using CommandLineRunnerStep07 - A Quick Review - JDBC vs Spring JDBCStep08 - Whats in the background? Understanding Spring Boot AutoconfigurationStep09 - Implementing findById Spring JDBC Query MethodStep10 - Implementing deleteById Spring JDBC Update MethodStep11 - Implementing insert and update Spring JDBC Update MethodsStep12 - Creating a custom Spring JDBC RowMapperStep13 - Quick introduction to JPAStep14 - Defining Person EntityStep15 - Implementing findById JPA Repository MethodStep16 - Implementing insert and update JPA Repository MethodsStep17 - Implementing deleteById JPA Repository MethodStep18 - Implementing findAll using JPQL Named QueryJPA/Hibernate in DepthStep01 - Create a JPA Project with H2 and Spring BootStep02 - Create JPA Entity CourseStep03 - Create findById using JPA Entity ManagerStep04 - Configuring application.properties to enable H2 console and additional loggingStep05 - Writing Unit Test for findById methodStep06 - Writing a deleteByID method to delete an EntityStep07 - Writing Unit Test for deleteById methodStep08 - Writing a save method to update and insert an EntityStep09 - Writing Unit Test for save methodStep10 - Quick Review and Debugging TipsStep11 - Playing with Entity ManagerStep12 - Entity Manager Methods - clear and detachStep13 - Entity Manager Methods - refreshStep14 - A Quick Review of Entity ManagerStep15 - JPQL - BasicsStep16 - JPA and Hibernate Annotations - @TableStep17 - JPA and Hibernate Annotations - @ColumnStep18 - JPA and Hibernate Annotations - @UpdateTimestamp and @CreationTimestampStep19 - JPA and Hibernate Annotations - @NamedQuery and @NamedQueriesStep20 - Native Queries - BasicsStep21 - Entities and Relationships - An overviewStep22 - Defining Entities - Student, Passport and ReviewStep23 - Introduction to One to One RelationshipStep24 - OneToOne Mapping - Insert Student with PassportStep25 - OneToOne Mapping - Retrieving Student with Passport and Eager FetchStep26 - OneToOne Mapping - Lazy FetchStep27 - Session vs TransactionStep28 - OneToOne Mapping - Bidirectional Relationship - Part 1Step29 - OneToOne Mapping - Bidirectional Relationship - Part 2Step30 - ManyToOne Mapping - Designing the databaseStep31 - ManyToOne Mapping - Retrieving and inserting Reviews for CourseStep32 - ManyToOne Mapping - Generalizing Insert ReviewsStep33 - ManyToOne Mapping - Wrapping upStep34 - ManyToMany Mapping - Table DesignStep35 - ManyToMany Mapping - Adding Annotations on EntitiesStep36 - ManyToMany Mapping - Fixing two join tables problemStep37 - ManyToMany Mapping - Customizing the Join TableStep38 - ManyToMany Mapping - Insert Data and Write Join QueryStep39 - ManyToMany Mapping - Retrieve Data using JPA RelationshipsStep40 - ManyToMany Mapping - Insert Student and CourseStep41 - Relationships between JPA Entities - A summaryStep42 - Introduction to Inheritance Hierarchies and MappingsStep43 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Setting up entitiesStep44 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Setting up a RepositoryStep45 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Single TableStep46 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Table Per ClassStep47 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - JoinedStep48 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Mapped Super ClassStep49 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - How to Choose?Step50 - JPQL - Courses without StudentsStep51 - JPQL - Courses with atleast 2 Students and order byStep52 - JPQL - Courses like 100 StepsStep53 - JPQL - Using JoinsStep54 - Criteria Query - Retrieving all coursesStep55 - Criteria Query - Courses like 100 StepsStep56 - Criteria Query - Courses without StudentsStep57 - Criteria Query - Using JoinsStep58 - Introduction to Transaction ManagementStep59 - Transaction Management - ACID PropertiesStep60 - Understanding Dirty, Phanthom and Non Repeatable ReadsStep61 - Understand 4 Isolation LevelsStep62 - Choosing between Isolation LevelsStep63 - Implementing Transaction Management - 3 Things to DecideStep64 - Introduction to Spring Data JPAStep65 - Testing the Spring Data JPA Repository with findById.Step66 - Spring Data JPA Repository - CRUD MethosdStep67 - Sorting using Spring Data JPA RepositoryStep68 - Pagination using Spring Data JPA Repository Step69 - Custom Queries using Spring Data JPA Repository Step70 - Spring Data RESTStep71 - Introduction to CachingStep72 - Hibernate and JPA Caching - First Level CacheStep73 - Hibernate and JPA Caching - Basics of Second Level Cache with EhCacheStep74 - Hibernate and JPA Caching - Second Level Cache Part 2Step75 - Hibernate Tips - Hibernate Soft Deletes - @SQLDelete and @WhereStep76 - Hibernate Soft Deletes - Part 2Step77 - JPA Entity Life Cycle MethodsStep78 - Using Embedded and Embeddable with JPAStep79 - Using Enums with JPAStep80 - JPA Tip - Be cautious with toString method implementationsStep81 - JPA Tip - When do you use JPA?Step82 - Performance Tuning - Measure before TuningStep83 - Performance Tuning - IndexesStep84 - Performance Tuning - Use Appropriate CachingStep85 - Performance Tuning - Eager vs Lazy FetchStep86 - Performance Tuning - Avoid N+1 ProblemsHibernate Tips & TricksWhen does Hibernate send updates to the database?When do we need @Transactional in an Unit Test?Do read only methods need a transaction?Why do we use @DirtiesContext in an Unit Test?How to connect to a different database with Spring Boot?How do you approach designing great applications with JPA?Good Practices for developing JPA ApplicationsStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud" |
"Do you want to Learn to Build Amazing REST API with Spring Boot? Do you want to learn what the Hype about Microservices is all about? Do you want to Build Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud? Look no Further!******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* Anyone willing to learn Spring Cloud API's and Spring Rest must enroll for the course without second-thoughts. Probably I can say this is best tutorial for Spring boot as well as Micro Service for the learners who have just started there work/projects on these technologies. This was an excellent course! The instructor provided great examples that were straight-forward and easy to understand.. I would highly recommend his courses if you want to solid introduction to spring boot and the spring framework. Very helpful for the beginners as well as experienced people to gain knowledge on Restful Web-services and Spring boot. Thank you for such a nice tutorial. This was perfect course to get introduced to the world of microservices. Instructor explained each topic by first listing the problems that the particular solution is going to solve. Great course, the teacher explains everything in a good way making good examples that makes easy to understand how this knowledge can be use in real project. All the courses of in28minutes are great, i'm waiting for the next great course. The instructor's has a unique style of teaching which is very uncomplicated , up-to-the point and very effective. Great job! This one is the most awesome course that I have ever purchased in udemy!******* Course Overview *******Developing RESTful web services and REST API is fun. The combination of Java, Spring Boot, Spring Web MVC, Spring Web Services and JPA makes it even more fun. And its even more fun to create Microservices.There are two parts to this course - RESTful web services and MicroservicesArchitectures are moving towards microservices. RESTful web services are the first step to developing great microservices. Java and Spring Boot, in combination with Spring Web MVC (also called Spring REST) makes it easy to develop RESTful web services.In the first part of the course, you will learn the basics of RESTful web services developing resources for a social media application. You will learn to implement these resources with multiple features - versioning, exception handling, documentation (Swagger), basic authentication (Spring Security), filtering and HATEOAS. You will learn the best practices in designing RESTful web services.In this part of the course, you will be using Spring (Dependency Management), Spring MVC (or Spring REST), Spring Boot, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), Spring Boot Actuator (Monitoring), Swagger (Documentation), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE), Postman (REST Services Client) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.In the second part of the course, you will learn the basics of Microservices. You will understand how to implement microservices using Spring Cloud.In this part of the course, you will learn to establish communication between microservices, enable load balancing, scaling up and down of microservices. You will also learn to centralize configuration of microservices with Spring Cloud Config Server. You will implement Eureka Naming Server and Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin. You will create fault toleranct microservices with Zipkin.******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******RESTful Web Services Step 01 - Initializing a RESTful Services Project with Spring BootStep 02 - Understanding the RESTful Services we would create in this courseStep 03 - Creating a Hello World ServiceStep 04 - Enhancing the Hello World Service to return a BeanStep 05 - Quick Review of Spring Boot Auto Configuration and Dispatcher Servlet - What's happening in the background?Step 06 - Enhancing the Hello World Service with a Path VariableStep 07 - Creating User Bean and User ServiceStep 08 - Implementing GET Methods for User ResourceStep 09 - Implementing POST Method to create User ResourceStep 10 - Enhancing POST Method to return correct HTTP Status Code and Location URIStep 11 - Implementing Exception Handling - 404 Resource Not FoundStep 12 - Implementing Generic Exception Handling for all ResourcesStep 13 - Exercise : User Post Resource and Exception HandlingStep 14 - Implementing DELETE Method to delete a User ResourceStep 15 - Implementing Validations for RESTful ServicesStep 16 - Implementing HATEOAS for RESTful ServicesStep 17 - Overview of Advanced RESTful Service FeaturesStep 18 - Internationalization for RESTful ServicesStep 19 - Content Negotiation - Implementing Support for XMLStep 20 - Configuring Auto Generation of Swagger DocumentationStep 21 - Introduction to Swagger Documentation FormatStep 22 - Enhancing Swagger Documentation with Custom AnnotationsStep 23 - Monitoring APIs with Spring Boot ActuatorStep 24 - Implementing Static Filtering for RESTful ServiceStep 25 - Implementing Dynamic Filtering for RESTful ServiceStep 26 - Versioning RESTful Services - Basic Approach with URIsStep 27 - Versioning RESTful Services - Header and Content Negotiation ApproachesStep 28 - Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring SecurityStep 29 - Overview of Connecting RESTful Service to JPAStep 30 - Creating User Entity and some test dataStep 31 - Updating GET methods on User Resource to use JPAStep 32 - Updating POST and DELETE methods on User Resource to use JPAStep 33 - Creating Post Entity and Many to One Relationship with User EntityStep 34 - Implementing a GET service to retrieve all Posts of a UserStep 35 - Implementing a POST service to create a Post for a UserStep 36 - Richardson Maturity ModelStep 37 - RESTful Services Best PracticesMicroservices with Spring CloudStep 01 - Part 1 - Introduction to Limits Microservice and Spring Cloud Config ServerStep 01 - Part 2 - Setting up Limits MicroserviceStep 02 - Creating a hard coded limits serviceStep 03 - Enhance limits service to pick up configuration from application propertiesStep 04 - Setting up Spring Cloud Config ServerStep 05 - Installing GitStep 06 - Creating Local Git RepositoryStep 07 - Connect Spring Cloud Config Server to Local Git RepositoryStep 08 - Configuration for Multiple Environments in Git RepositoryStep 09 - Connect Limits Service to Spring Cloud Config ServerStep 10 - Configuring Profiles for Limits ServiceStep 11 - A review of Spring Cloud Config ServerStep 12 - Introduction to Currency Conversion and Currency Exchange MicroservicesStep 13 - Setting up Currency Exchange MicroserviceStep 14 - Create a simple hard coded currency exchange serviceStep 15 - Setting up Dynamic Port in the the ResponseStep 16 - Configure JPA and Initialized DataStep 17 - Create a JPA RepositoryStep 18 - Setting up Currency Conversion MicroserviceStep 19 - Creating a service for currency conversionStep 20 - Invoking Currency Exchange Microservice from Currency Conversion MicroserviceStep 21 - Using Feign REST Client for Service InvocationStep 22 - Setting up client side load balancing with RibbonStep 23 - Running client side load balancing with RibbonStep 24 - Understand the need for a Naming ServerStep 25 - Setting up Eureka Naming ServerStep 26 - Connecting Currency Conversion Microservice to EurekaStep 27 - Connecting Currency Exchange Microservice to EurekaStep 28 - Distributing calls using Eureka and RibbonStep 29 - A review of implementing Eureka, Ribbon and FeignStep 30 - Introduction to API GatewaysStep 31 - Setting up Zuul API GatewayStep 32 - Implementing Zuul Logging FilterStep 33 - Executing a request through Zuul API GatewayStep 34 - Setting up Zuul API Gateway between microservice invocationsStep 35 - Introduction to Distributed TracingStep 36 - Implementing Spring Cloud SleuthStep 37 - Introduction to Distributed Tracing with ZipkinStep 38 - Installing Rabbit MQStep 39 - Setting up Distributed Tracing with ZipkinStep 40 - Connecting microservices to ZipkinStep 41 - Using Zipkin UI Dashboard to trace requestsStep 42 - Understanding the need for Spring Cloud BusStep 43 - Implementing Spring Cloud BusStep 44 - Fault Tolerance with HystrixStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn JShell with Java 9 - Step by Step" |
"JShell is a new feature in Java 9 which allows you to run code quickly and easily. In this course, you will learn how to use Java REPLJShell to become a more productive programmer. You will learn how to explore Java with JShell and understand the various JShell commands. Added in are tips and tricks to make you a JShell expert.Here are the step by step details:Introduction to JShellInstalling and Launching JShellJShell Basics - JavaVariables and ExpressionsJShell Basics - Few important tipsJShell Commands - list, drop and historyJShell Basics - Multiple LinesJShell Tip - Implicit or Scratch Variables and Feedback optionsJShell Basics - JavaMethodsJShell Basics - JavaImportsJShell Tip - Forward ReferencingJShell Basics - JavaClassJShell Basics - JavaAuto completionMore JShell Tips : Exceptions, var, methods and types Commands and HelpSaving and Reloading JShell SessionsJShell - Setting Custom Start OptionsJShell - Playing around with an External LibraryMore JShell Tips"
Price: 99.99

"Python for Beginners - Go from Java to Python in 100 Steps" |
"Python is one of the most popular programming languages for beginners. Python offers both object-oriented and structural programming features. Learning Python can be an awesome experience.Learning Python will open up great options as a Programmer because Python is one of the most requested skills in 2018!So, do you want to be a kickass Python programmer without a lot of effort? Do you have a little bit of Java Programming Experience?Why not use your Java Programming Experience and learn Python Step by Step at F1 Speed?Im Ranga Karanam, the founder of in28minutes and Your Instructor for this awesome course. Ive designed this Python Programming Masterclass just for you! This Beginner Python Programming Course takes an hands-on Step By Step Approach using more that 100 Code Examples. We use a combination of Python Shell and PyCharm as an IDE to illustrate more than 100 Python Coding Exercises, Puzzles and Code Examples. We convert a number of Java Examples to Python.******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* The tutorial remains focused on what was promised in its title. The flow is quiet good and answers (almost) all the thought questions as and when it comes to mind. I feel transition to the lovely python syntax and capabilities, but difficult to start with for a java programmer, have been quiet nicely done in this tutorial. ""Java programmers go for it."" Detailed explanation with good hands-on. Best course for those who know Java and new to python, and want to learn by comparison. Very informative course . The instructor does a great job explaining the details. I feel confident that I create Python programs with accepted standard patterns and style now. Amazing course - very helpful in transitioning to Python from a Java mindset A java developer can quickly go through all the videos without practicing any example[But recommended to do exercises if you have time and not really eager to know python]. Once you complete all the videos, you can come back and start referring/practicing as per your need."" I think it was clearly laid out and well done. Lots of good ideas from an experienced software developer. Will look for more classes. Thank you. Great Course"" ""I'm glad I took this course because a lot of projects that I'm working on now contain Python code as part of the project, and I want to understand what the code is doing. The instructor is easy well-organized and easy to follow."" ""In acquiring a new skill when you know an existing one, learning by comparison is the best way. Putting out Java and Python code side-by-side is like a short-circuit, but without the shocks!""In about 100 Steps, we explore the most important Python Programming Language Features that every Beginner Python Programmer should know:Basics of Python Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing OutputPython Conditionals and If StatementMethods - Parameters, Arguments and Return ValuesObject Oriented Programming - Class, Object, State and BehaviorBasics of OOPS - Encapsulation, Inheritance and Abstract Class.Basics about Python Data TypesBasics about Python Built in ModulesConditionals with Python - If Else Statement, Nested If ElseLoops - For Loop, While Loop in Python, Break and ContinueImmutablity of Python Basic TypesPython Data Structures - List, Set, Dictionary and TuplesBasics of Designing a Class - Class, Object, State and Behavior. Deciding State and Constructors.Introduction to Exception Handling - try, except, else and finally. Exception Hierarchy. Throwing an Exception. Creating and Throwing a Custom Exception.Here are the complete step by step details of the Java to Python Course:Getting Started With PythonStep 01 - Hello World in PythonStep 02 - Hello World in Python - Making SenseStep 03 00 - Importing-Java-Code-into-EclipseStep 03 01 - Your First Python MethodStep 04 - Your First Python Method - A Few TipsStep 05 - Passing Parameters and Your First Python LoopStep 06 - Exercises with Python Methods and For LoopStep 07 - Python For Loop - PuzzlesStep 08 - Writing Java Example in Python - Part 1Step 09 - Writing Java Example in Python - Part 2Step 10 - Returning values from methodsStep 11 - Introduction to Basic Data Types in PythonStep 12 - Python is Strongly Typed and Dynamic LanguageStep 13 - Numberic Operators and Functions in PythonStep 14 - Boolean Operators in PythonStep 15 - Python Text Data Type - StringStep 16 - Data Type Conversion - PuzzlesStep 17 - Strings are immutableStep 18 - There is no seperate Character data typeStep 19 - String moduleStep 20 - Exercise - is_vowel, print lower case and upper case charactersStep 21 - String - Exercises and PuzzlesConditionals and LoopsStep 22 - Overview of Conditionals and Loops in PythonStep 23 - Shortcut If StatementStep 24 - If Else and Elif in PythonStep 25 - If Elif Exercise - Java to PythonStep 26 - Conditionals - Java vs PythonStep 27 - For Loop - A ReviewStep 28 - For Loop - A few examplesStep 29 - While Loop in Python - Introduction and ExerciseStep 30 - Implementing Do While with WhileObject Oriented Programming with PythonStep 31 - OOPS in Python - An overviewStep 32 - Your First Python Class - Empty Class and InstancesStep 33 - Instance Variables and Constructors in PythonStep 34 - Exercise - Part 1 - Add an attributeStep 35 - Exercise - Part 2 - Create a new ClassStep 36 - Constructors in Python - A few tipsStep 37 - Adding instance methodsStep 38 - OOPS Under the HoodStep 39 - Inheritance in PythonStep 40 - Multiple Inheritance in PythonStep 41 - Every class extends objectStep 42 - Creating an Abstract ClassStep 43 - Representing an Interface using Abstract ClassStep 44 - Polymorphism and Duck TypingStep 45 - Static Variables at Class LevelStep 46 - Static Methods in PythonPython Data StructuresStep 47 01 - Introduction to Data Structures in PythonStep 47 02 - Operations on List Data StructureStep 48 - Puzzles with Strings Lists Step 49 - List SlicingStep 50 - List Sorting, Looping and ReversingStep 51 - List as a Stack and QueueStep 52 - List with a custom class - Country and representation TODO EDITStep 53 - List with a custom class - Part 2 - sorting, max and minStep 54 - List ComprehensionStep 55 - Introduction to SetStep 56 - Introduction to DictionaryStep 57 - Puzzles with Data StructuresStep 58 - TuplesException Handling in PythonStep 59 - Part 1 - Overview of Exception HandlingStep 59 - Part 2 - Exceptions in PythonStep 60 - Exception Handling with try except else finally blockStep 61 - Throwing Custom Exceptions in PythonFunctional ProgrammingStep 62 - Functions are First Class Citizens in PythonStep 63 - Introduction to LambdasStep 64 - Filtering a list using filter methodStep 65 - Mapping a List with map methodStep 66 - Reduce a List to one result valueStep 67 - Combining map, filter and reduce - Example 1Step 68 - Combining map, filter and reduce - Example 2Python TipsStep 69 - Tip 1 - Using Predefined Python ModulesStep 70 - Tip 2 - Math Module and Decimal ClassStep 71 - Tip 3 - Statistics Module - find mean and medianStep 72 - Tip 4 - Collections Module - deque for Queue and StackStep 73 - Tip 5 - Date ModuleStep 74 - Tip 1 - Loop - Getting Index ElementStep 75 - Tip 2 - Enum in PythonStep 76 - Tip 3 - Methods and Arguments - BasicsStep 77 - Tip 4 - Methods and Arguments - Keyword ArgumentsStep 78 - Tip 5 - Methods and Arguments - Unpacking Lists and DictionariesStep 79 - Tip 6 - PEP8 - Python Style GuideStep 80 - Tip 7 - PEP20 - Zen of PythonStep 81 - Tip 8 - Creating Custom Modules and Using ThemStep 82 - Tip 9 - NoneStep 83 - Tip 10 - repr vs strStep 84 - Tip 11 - No Switch in PythonStep 85 - Tip 12 - Generating Random Values in PythonStep 86 - Tip-13 Returning Multiple Values using Tuples v02Step 87 - Tip 14 - Implementing Data Classes with namedtupleStep 88 - Tip 15 - Getters and Setters is Python Anti PatternStep 89 - Tip 16 - Implementing Property DecoratorsStep 90 - Tip 17 - Operator Overloading - Adding and Subtracting amountsStep 91 - Tip 18 - Operator Overloading - Other OperatorsStep 92 - Tip 19 - Comparing equality of objectsStep 93 - Tip 20 - Using greater than and less than to compare objectsStep 94 - Tip 21 - Total Ordering - Simplifying object comparison"
Price: 199.99

"Your First Steps from Programmer to Software Architect" |
"Becoming a Software Architect is the Next Step for a Programmer. The Path to Become a Software Architect is NOT very clear. Do you want to understand How to Become a Software Architect? Do you want to know what is Involved in Building Great Architectures? Do you want to Know What You Can Do TODAY to become a Great Architect?******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* It is a great course for Engineers who want to become an Architect. Really appreciate the good work done by the Instructor. Instructor is very knowledgeable and has given a very good introduction to the topic and has given me the right direction to improve my knowledge in this area and also to identify gaps in my knowledge and resources to find answers to them.******* Course Overview *******How to become a Software Architect? This is the number one question that Im asked when talking to Programmers and Senior Developers. And this course provides an answer to that question. In this course, You will learn how to start your journey towards becoming a Software Architect. You will understand what Architecture is all about and what your goal as an Architect should be. You will understand the thought process of successful Software Architects.You will learn about the fundamental pillars of Sofware Architecture - Technology Skill, Domain Knowledge and Soft Skills. You will understand the importance of Enterprise and Application Standards with examples of REST API and Microservice Standards. You will learn about the importance of having Good Governance as a Software Architecture Team. You will learn how to make your teams productive.In this course, we will NOT discuss about specific architecture patterns. The objective to get your mindset right.******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******01 - Need For Architecture02 - Goal of an Architect03 - Fundamentals of Software Architect - Overview04 - Fundamentals of Software Architect - Technical Capabilities05 - Fundamentals of Software Architect - Domain Knowledge06 - Fundamentals of Software Architect - Soft Skills07 - Enterprise Standards - Overview08 - Enterprise Standards - Important Standards to Start With09 - Enterprise Standards - Process10 - Tip Don't worry about Terminology11 - Tip Thought Process of Successful Architects12 - Enterprise Standards - Design13 - Enterprise Standards - Tools14 - Enterprise Standards - Example - REST API Standards15 - Enterprise Standards - Example - Microservice Standards16 - Enterprise Standards - Monitoring and Governance17 - Enterprise Standards - Conclusion18 - Application Standards - Overview, Defining and Monitoring19 - Enabling Productive Teams as an Architect20 - Where can I start - First Steps to Architect?21 - FAQ and ReferencesStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and Angular" |
"Welcome to this Amazing Course on Full Stack Web Development with Angular and Spring Boot. This course is designed to be a Perfect First Step as an Introduction to Angular and Full Stack Development for Java & Spring Developers.Zero Experience with Angular, TypeScript and Modern JavaScript? No Problem. Start Learning Now!******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* This is the perfect course for Java developers to use to get familiar with Angular and do it beyond just an elementary kind of familiarity. Very good job, instructor. Thank you! Yes the Journey was Amazing, the Tutor is Awesome. Not a single doubt & error i faced while following Step-by-Step videos. I would suggest this course to all those who really want to Learn Spring Boot + Angular. The Explanation was clear and systematic. I would like to thank Mr. Rangakaran as he is the best Tutor... :) Wonderful course with practical content taught in a very intuitive way; building from lesson to lesson. As a web application developer with some experience in both Spring Boot and Angular, this course was perfect when providing a clear way use both technologies together. I really appreciate this instructor, and look forward to more courses. Video explanations clear and easy to follow. Recommended! Very good course. The instructor is very knowledgeable about the material and walks you through it in a clear way. Good start to learning about Full Stack development. Awesome explanation, great course specially for Java developer who wants to groom herself/himself to full stack java development using Spring boot and Angular.******* Course Overview *******Developing your first full stack web application with Angular and Spring Boot is fun.In this course, you will learn the basics of full stack web development developing a Basic Todo Management Application using Angular, Spring Boot, and Spring Security Frameworks. You will build the Todo Management Application step by step - in more than 100 steps. You will be using Angular (Frontend Framework), TypeScript Basics, Angular CLI(To create Angular projects), Spring Boot (REST API Framework), Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization - Basic and JWT), BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (dependencies management), Node (npm), Visual Studio Code (TypeScript IDE), Eclipse (Java IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.Angular is a complete front end framework with a wide range of features. Spring Boot is an awesome framework to build RESTful API and Microservices. Let's combine these frameworks and create an awesome full stack web application.******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******OverviewStep01 - Understanding Full Stack Application ArchitectureStep02 - Quick Overview of Modern JavaScript and TypeScriptStep03 - Installing Angular CLI - Awesome Tool to create Angular ProjectsStep04 - Creating and Launching Angular Application with Angular CLIStep05 - Importing Angular App into Visual Studio CodeStep06 - Exploring Angular CLI Commands - test, lint, e2e, serve, buildStep07 - Exploring Angular CLI Project StructureGetting Hands on With AngularStep08 - Introduction to Angular Components - BasicsStep09 - Introduction to Angular Components - Playing with AppComponentStep10 - Generating Welcome Component with ng generateStep11 - Language Variations With an Example - Java, JavaScript and TypeScriptStep12 - Generating and Setting up Login ComponentStep13 - Understanding Event Binding - Adding click event on Login PageStep14 - Using ngModel with 2 Way Data Binding in Login PageStep15 - Quick Review of Data Binding ApproachesStep16 - Adding Hardcoded Authentication to Logic Component - ngIf directiveStep17 - Implementing Routes for Login, Welcome and Error ComponentsStep18 - Implementing Routing from Login to Welcome ComponentStep19 - Adding Route Parameter for Welcome ComponentStep20 - Create List Todos Component with ng generateStep21 - Create a Link to Todos in Welcome ComponentStep22 - Best Practice - Create a Todo ClassStep23 - Quick Introduction to Angular ModulesStep24 - Understanding Bootstrapping of Angular App with Root Module and ComponentStep25 - Quick Review - Angular Modules and ComponentsStep26 - Overview of Next Few Steps - Bootstrap, Menu, Footer and RefactoringStep27 - Adding Bootstrap Framework and Creating Components for Menu and FooterStep28 - Using Bootstrap to Create a Menu with Navigation LinksStep29 - Styling Footer and Other Components with CSS and BootstrapStep30 - Good Practice - Use RouterLink instead of href for RoutesStep31 - Creating an Independent Authentication Service ComponentStep32 - Using Session Storage to Store User Authentication TokenStep33 - Enabling Menu Links Based on User Authentication TokenStep34 - Implementing Logout to remove User Authentication TokenStep35 - Securing Components using Route Guards - Part 1Step36 - Securing Components using Route Guards - Part 2Step37 - Quick Review - Authentication Service, Dependency Injection and Route GuardsIntroduction to Web Services and RESTStep41 - What is a Web Service?Step42 - Important How Questions related to Web ServicesStep43 - Web Services - Key TerminologyStep44 - Introduction to RESTful Web ServicesGetting Up and Running with REST and Spring BootStep45 - Initializing a RESTful Services Project with Spring BootStep46 - Creating a Hello World ServiceStep47 - Enhancing the Hello World Service to return a BeanStep48 - Quick Review of Spring Boot Auto Configuration and Dispatcher Servlet - What's happening in the background?Step49 - Enhancing the Hello World Service with a Path VariableConnecting Angular Frontend to Spring Boot Restful ServicesStep50 - Connecting Angular Frontend with Restful API - 1 - Creating Data ServiceStep51 - Connecting Angular Frontend with Restful API - 2 - HttpClientModule and HttpClientStep52 - Connecting Angular Frontend with Restful API - 3 - Understanding ObservableStep53 - Connecting Angular Frontend with Restful API - 4 - Understanding SubscribeStep54 - Connecting Angular Frontend with Restful API - 5 - Handling Error ResponsesStep55 - Calling Welcome HTTP Service with Path VariablesStep56 - Designing RESTful Services for Todo ResourceStep57 - Creating REST API for retrieving Todo ListStep58 - Connecting Angular Frontend with Todo List RESTful ServiceStep59 - Creating REST API to delete a Todo - DELETE Request MethodStep60 - Adding Delete Todo Feature to Angular FrontendStep61 - Creating Todo Component and Handle RoutingStep62 - Designing Todo Page with Bootstrap FrameworkStep63 - Creating Retrieve Tod0 Service and Connect Angular FrontendStep64 - Improve Todo Page AppearanceStep65 - Creating REST API for Updating Todo - PUT Request MethodStep66 - Creating REST API for Creating a Todo - POST Request MethodStep67 - Implementing Update Todo Feature in Angular FrontendStep68 - Implementing New Todo Feature in Angular FrontendStep69 - Improving Todo Form - Validation and Form Submit on Enter - ngSubmitStep70 - Enhancing Validation Messages on Todo PageImplementing Spring Security with Basic AuthenticationStep71 - Overview of Security with Basic Auth and JWTStep72 - Setting up Spring SecurityStep73 - Configure standard userid and passwordStep74 - Enhancing Angular Welcome Data Service to use Basic AuthStep75 - Configure Spring Security to disable CSRF and enable OPTION RequestsStep76 - Creating Angular HttpInterceptor to add Basic Auth HeaderStep77 - Configure HttpInterceptor as Provider in App ModuleStep78 - Create Basic Authentication RESTful Service in Spring BootStep79 - Create Angular Basic Authentication ServiceStep80 - Connect Login Page to Basic Authentication Service - Part 1Step81 - Connect Login Page to Basic Authentication Service - Part 2Step82 - Refactoring Angular Basic Authentication ServiceStep83 - Refactoring HttpInterceptor to use Basic Authentication TokenStep84 - Best Practice - Use Constants for URLs and TokensConnecting Spring Security with JWTStep85 - Introduction to JWTStep86 - Importing JWT Framework into EclipseStep87 - Quick Tip - Resolving JWT Compilation ErrorsStep88 - Executing JWT Resources - Get Token and Refresh TokenStep89 - Understanding JWT Spring Security Framework SetupStep90 - Creating a New User with Encoded PasswordStep91 - Using JWT Token in Angular FrontendConnecting REST API With JPA and HibernateStep92 - Setting up Todo Entity and Populating DataStep93 - Connecting GET REST APIs to JPA RepositoryStep94 - Connecting POST, PUT and DELETE REST APIs to JPA RepositoryStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Cleaning Up Voice Overs" |
"There are many, many applications to this course. Whether you're a Voice Over Artist, Video Editor, YouTuber or any one that comes in contact with an audio clip of someone speaking, chances are that voice clip you hear could be vastly improved with some painless tweaks.Using Adobe Audition, we'll be going through common problems you'll find in voice overs:Low RumblesBackground NoisePlosives(Air hitting the microphone on letters that shoot out quick breath, such as thepuhsound in P)Inconsistent VolumeQuiet Voice OversUnnatural BreathingMouth Sounds that are difficult to removeThis course is extremely beginner friendly and fairly inexpensive in terms of the cost of software. You can find Adobe Audition for only $19.99/month with their subscription program.While learning about audio editing for voice over, I'll be giving you small projects to test out what you've learned and a big messy clip to fix up as your final project.Hope to see you there!"
Price: 19.99

"Rock Your Dog's Diet Crash Course" |
"Busy dog parent? No problem! This course reveals the essential diet strategies you need to optimize your dog's health.Global canine nutrition authorities W. Jean Dodds, DVM and Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, MS created theRock Your Dog's Diet Crash Coursebecause we know that you work hard, are limited for time and are just plain crazy-busy.But, even with your hectic life, you still want to take awesome care of your dog!Let's face it, your dog may be your best friend - or at the very least he or she ranks up there as a favorite family member!So, of course you want to do everything you can to ensure that your ""four-legged kid"" lives the healthiest, longest life possible.What you need are the key elements to feeding your dog for a healthy, long life that you can implement immediately. And, you need it to be delivered in a quick, easy-to-follow format so that you can fit it into your busy life.Enter the Rock Your Dog's Diet Crash Course!This course delivers quick, easy-to-follow steps that can implement immediately to transform your dog's health.Here are some of the essential nutrition nuggets you will uncover inside the course:The root cause of chronic disease in dogs and the steps you must take to avoid it in your dog.Ingredients in your dog's commercial food that could literally be slowly killing him or her - and how to get rid of them.The Three Keys you must use to ensure your dog receives a balanced home-prepared diet.The precise amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates to include in your dog's diet.Specific ingredients to feed your dog and how much of each.Must-have supplements and how much of each to use.Whether you're a busy dog-mom, dog-dad or you are a dog care professional looking to increase your knowledge of nutrition - the Rock Your Dog's Diet Crash Course is your essential ""go to"" course for the nutrition foundation you need.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Responsive design, fullscreen video using HTML5 & CSS3" |
"Hi there, Im Dan. In this course well learn how to create and edit a video for our website. Then well go and build the site from scratch. It looks fancy, but its not particularly hard.I built this course for beginners. You do not need to know how to code or how to edit video to take this class. Well start with the super basics. This could totally be your very first website, wouldnt starting with a video background be a super cool first project?Well go through the full process. Ill show you where to find some video, Ill show you how to edit it in Premiere Pro. Well do cool video effects like blurs, tints and transitions. Ill show you how to export the video so we can get the file size super small. Once weve created our video well build a basic website together and make our video all cool and full screen.Well also create a second option where the video peeks in through a specific box.In this course Ive got exercise files so you can play along. Ill also save my files as I go through each video so you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong. Well be using Dreamweaver & Premiere Pro but 95% of this can be done in generic web & video tools.Remember: Im happy to help & Im pretty handy with replying. Also - there is a handy cheat sheetyou can print out.The best thing - is that its not that hard. But asuper awesome video background will impress the heck out of your clients."
Price: 94.99
