"Gesto de Projetos e Tarefas com Microsoft Planner" |
"Presente no Office 365, o Planner da Microsoft , assim como o Trello, um gerenciador de projetos com o objetivo de facilitar o trabalho colaborativo. Com o app fica mais fcil organizar e atribuir tarefas para uma equipe, criando novos planos para determinados responsveis e ainda acompanhando o andamento da produo.A ferramenta pode ser usada tambm para gerenciar eventos e promover o debate de ideias sobre uma tarefa. Pode ser utilizada para trabalhos acadmicos em grupo, na gesto de recursos humanos, alm de vrias outras atividades.Com este treinamento, ns te capacitamos na ferramenta e te tornamos apto a dominar todos os recursos e funcionalidades."
Price: 69.99

"Creating Renderings from Sketchup with Podium" |
"Podium is a photo rendering program that you can utilize to create beautiful photo-realistic images. Podium is an inexpensive, easy-to-learn program that works within your SketchUp interface. Since Podium runs within SketchUp, its somewhat intuitive to learn. It has a simple interface and versatile presets to speed up your learning curve. However, you still need a basic understanding of the various settings in Podium. Well talk about light and material properties and how to accurately define them. Well discuss using sunlight, artificial light, and pre-made light fixtures most efficiently. Ill show you the Podium browser and how to utilize this resource most effectively. And Ill help you determine the best output settings to efficiently move from base renderings to your final project. Well then work through a series of projects to understand how to use all this knowledge to make the best workflow to quickly create beautiful renderings. And finally, well talk about Post-processing and where to find more resources. Podium provides afree trial version to work through this class and determine if its the right software for you. Check out their website for more examples of images created with the program."
Price: 59.99

"LinkedIn Profile Business Development Blueprint" |
"Welcome to my course,LinkedIn Profile Business Development Blueprint!I am very excited to share with you my knowledge gained from building a list of over 3000 qualified leads to which I have been developing business and selling products throughout the past 4 years of my career.It took a lot of trial and error to get there. More error actually. I have decided to compile the methods that have actually worked in a course so beginners in this field will have a much shorter learning curve in generating leads through LinkedIn.In this course I will be going through:Setting up a Superstar LinkedIn Account from scratch.Using SEO techniques to take your Linkedin Profile to the next level.Generating Leads both actively and passively.Communicating with your leads to ultimately develop your business and get sales.I look forward to see you inside and hope to hear from your success utilizing this course!"
Price: 19.99

"SketchUp & Twilight for Interior Designers" |
"[Update April 18 from Kim:In an effort to give full disclosure to future students I'd like to let you know that I'm undergoing treatmentfor Stage 4 Lymphoma. I hope and aimtomake a full recovery by next year!This meansI'm not able to participate as an instructor as much as I'd like to but students have excellent reviews of my courses and asksurprisingly few questions - I hope that means that my courses are complete enough without needing lots of clarification. Please remember there is a money backguarantee so if you purchase my coursethen decide you would needmore instructor input you can utilise that feature. So remember life is short -take the course - learn the skills - makethe move-do the thing - eat the cake - and rememberto always check that what you are doing makes you happy!]If you're an interior designer you need this course!Organise with layers, styles and scenes so that you can easily switch between architectural drawings and 3D design viewsProduce electrician drawings, plumbing drawings and section cuts at the click of a button - all within SketchUpRender photorealistic images with reflective surfaces, lighting and custom textures using Twilight from within SketchUpReceive a full PDF copy of my publishedworkbook that compliments this course, available on Amazon/Kindle/Apple Books but FREE to all course membersIts likely that you've used and liked SketchUp - the once-Google software now owned and operated by Trimble that is free at entry level and easy to use. SketchUp makes it easy to build furniture, buildings and entire towns all from your imagination or replicating reality. Perhaps, like me, you started your Interior Design journey by obsessively building and designing room after room in SketchUp.Now its time to either go back to SketchUp or improve your experience of it - by harnessing the powerful system that harnesses SketchUp's Layer organisation, styles and scenes. This system means that you can switch between a designing view and a 2D plan, a wireframe and a cross section, a view of the clients home with existing items in grey and proposed changes in green, a view that shows only the internal fixtures of your design or one that shows only the walls.Without this system it is likely that the only way you could do these things was to copy your model and modify it for specific uses - deleting what wasn't needed in each one. But any changes in one model would need to be copied into others. This is of course highly inefficient and ultimately unworkable - the system covered in this course will revolutionise your workflow to use just one model to cover everything. Make the change once thenjust switch views to see the technical plans, elevations and sectionswith the new change reflected.Its not only the organisational system we're covering. We're also going to learn how to use Twilight Render. This is a SketchUp plugin, again free at entry level,that works directly from within SketchUp to render photorealistic images. We're finally going to be able to:display bumpy textures without modelling the bumps into the modelhave reflective surfaces such as mirrors and shiny surfaceshave realistic 'scenery' seen outside windows without modellingcreate light sources that brighten your room as per your own lighting design and set upAll this will help you to make SketchUp your main oronly softwareto do your Interior Design work. You'll be able to produces workat a new speed and efficiency. Small changes now no longer mean hours of extra work tweaking all the architectural drawings. You are just one click away from a plumbers plan to an electricians plan, a cross section and an ideal view set up ready to render.Have a look at the free preview videos to see the system in action and I can't wait to see you inside the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Chess Strategies: How To Play Pawn Endgames Successfully" |
"This course is aboutpawn endgames. Sometimes pawn endgame seems to be equal: both sides have equal material. In this course I teach you how to use your king activeness, better pawn structure and reserve tempos forcing your opponent to worsen his position.If you are a strong chess player, you may know that deep calculation helps to win pawn endgames, and I would agree with you.But anyway if you know what plan to apply in a certain position, you may calculate fewerlines.This course consists of 15 lectures. In every lecture I cover a certain motif which can be applied in any pawn endgame. At the end of the course I prepared a quizfor you.I designed this course for beginners and club players with FIDE rating from 1200 to 2000. But if you dont have FIDE rating, this is not a problem and it shouldnt stop you from taking this course. Even if you are a strong player, you may notknow some tricks which can be applied in pawn endgames. Learn them from this course!After finishing this course, your chances to win approximately equal pawn endgame will improve.With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,game examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeSincerely,Viktor"
Price: 194.99

"Chess Opening Traps You Must Know" |
"This course is aboutChess Traps!Sometimes there are moves that appear to be following good principles but which are bad for specific tactical reasons. You make ordinary developing moves, but then you find out that you are trapped and your opponent gets advantage. In this course I show a few traps that you should know not to be trapped!Of course, it's not possible to demonstrate all the possible opening mistakes here, but I tried to list the most popular ones.However, there are a number mistakes commonly made by beginners and novices in the opening stages of the game and I will show how to react to them.This course consists of 15 lectures. In every lecture I cover a certain trap. Some traps are good and you can apply them during your games, other are bad and I demonstrate them for you only to learn how not to get trapped, if your opponent tries to outwit you.I designed this course for beginners and club players with FIDE rating from 1200 to 1700. But if you dont have FIDE rating, this is not a problem and it shouldnt stop you from taking this course. Learn them from this course!After finishing this course, you will learn some of the traps and may apply them during your games. I believe you will improve your performance!With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,game examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeSincerely,Viktor"
Price: 124.99

"Learn How To Play Chess From Scratch" |
"This course will teach you how to play chess! I start from the very beginning.I explain how to move and capture with your pieces and pawns in all details. I also tell you about special moves and rules in chess. I teach you the simplest ways to checkmate: how to checkmate with 2 rooks, with the only queen and with the only rook.And in the last lecture I explain you how to play the openning, what principles you should take into account, so you may apply them in your own games and make your pieces interact!This course is designed for people, who want to learn how to play chess, but dont know the rules. If you know the rules, but feel yourself unconfident when playing chess, because there was something unclear for you, you may also pass this course.I believe after you pass this course, you will be able to play a chess game and finish by a checkmate. I also prepared quizzes for you, so you can check yourself!With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,game examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeSincerely, Viktor"
Price: 194.99

"Chess Strategies: How To Make A Game Plan" |
"This course is aboutchess plans.Thecourse is devoted to how to make a game plan in a certain position. I know its very hard to teach what plan to do, because positions are always different. There is no certain algorithm to make a successful plan. Everything depends on the position and concrete weaknesses of your opponent.Everything is shown by examples. We analyze the games played by famous grandmasters and I explain you their plans such as:How toFix Pawn Weaknesses in the EndgameSchematic ThinkingAttacking in a Closed PositionImprovingthe Position of the Worst PieceAttacking the Pawn Weakness and Weak SquareCreation of 2 WeaknessesHow to Realize AdvantageHow to Play an Equal EndgameHow to PlaySymmetrical PositionsHow to Use the Activeness of Your PiecesI designed this course for beginners and club players with FIDE rating from 1200 to 2000. But if you dont have FIDE rating, this is not a problem and it shouldnt stop you from taking this course. This course will also help youto improve your positional playing skills.After finishing this course, you will be able to apply these plans in your own games and I believe it will improve your performance!With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,game examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeSincerely,Viktor"
Price: 194.99

"Chess Strategies: Learn How To Checkmate" |
"This course covers checkmating patterns:Back-Rank MatesQueen & Pawn MatesRook & Bishop MatesRook & Knight MatesBishop & Knight Mates2 Bishops MatesThis course really helps to see the whole board and to learn how to make yourpieces interactand checkmate the enemy king with only 2 pieces!I will demonstrate not only the concept of these tactical chess manoeuvres but also the logic behind finding these moves in your own chess games.This course is broken down into 6 sections (one for each pattern). In each section you will find one or a few patterns andpuzzles to solve.Also each section contains an analysis of a game played between two chess grandmasters to demonstrate how effective these mating patternscan be. And finally Iprepared aquizzfor you to practice.I look forward to seeing you in class!Sincerely,Viktor"
Price: 194.99

"Chess Strategies: How To Play With Or Against Isolated Pawn" |
"If you want to become a strong player, its very important to know the strategy how to play with or against an isolated pawn. The importance of this topic is related to the fact that isolated pawn can arise from a huge number of openings: Queens Gambit, Queens Indian Defense, Nimzo-Indian Defense, French Defense, Caro-Kann Defense (Panov Attack) and even Sicilian Defense.This course covers all possible plans how to play the positions with an isolated pawn.There are 4 strategies how to play against isolated pawn:Obstructenemy piecesPass the game into the endgameSimplify the positionTurn an isolated pawn into a pairAnd there are also 4 strategies for players who like to play with isolated pawn:Make a breakoutHold the enemy weak pawnStart the attack on the kingsideUse c-fileEvery strategy is explained by example of real game between 2 grandmasters.And finally I prepared aquizzfor you to practice atthe end the course.With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,game examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeI look forward to seeing you in class!Sincerely,Viktor"
Price: 194.99

"Forex Trading: How To Optimize Expert Advisors in MT4" |
"Interested in Forex Trading Using Algorithms?Then this course is for you!You will learn how to use built-in Strategy Tester to optimize your expert advisor and make it profitable:How to make a backtestWhich input parameters to optimizeHow to define the duration of backtest, forward-test and test on real money accountWhat criteria to use to choose the best settingsAnd more!Plus within this course you will get the expert advisor which can be profitable if you optimize it from time to time.I learned all of this through my thirteenyears of Forex Trading experience and, of course, made a lot of mistakes before start to earn.You can learn all the same things in just less than anhourin this course!So what are you waiting for?Enrol today and start earning money with expert advisors!With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,live trading examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeRegards,Viktor"
Price: 194.99

"Chess Strategies: How To Play Minor Piece Endgames" |
"Sometimes when you pass the game into the endgame and the material is equal, for example, only a few minor pieces and a few pawns left, you think that it should be a draw. But very often it is not so. You can win if you have a positional advantage or an extra pawn on one of the sides.Of course, the winning plan usually is not clear. That's why you need this course to learn what typical minor pieces endgames plans are. It will help you to improve your skills of playing the endgames.This course contains 24 tips about how to play minor pieces endgames. The course is divided into 4 sections:Bishop EndgamesKnight EndgamesBishop vs Knight EndgamesKnight vs Bishop EndgamesAnd in each sectionI demonstrate you positions from real games between Grandmastersand explain the winning plans!And finally I prepared aquizzfor you to practice atthe end the course.With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,game examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeI look forward to seeing you in class!Sincerely,Viktor"
Price: 194.99

"Chess Strategies: How To Play Queen Endgames Successfully" |
"This course is about queenendgames.Queen Endgames are the most complicated: there is always a chance for a perpetual check and a lot of mating threats, and, of course, many stalemating ideas. Moreover, sometimes its impossible to find the right move yourself, if you dont know this position and principles of playing queen endgames.This course consists 2 sections: How to play with you queen versus passed pawn or a few passed pawns and how to play with the Queen and pawn versus Queen. There are 31 lectures in the course. And each lecture covers a certain motif or problem that arises in Queen Endgames.At the end of the course I prepared a quizfor you.I designed this course for beginners and club players with FIDE rating from 1200 to 2000. But if you dont have FIDE rating, this is not a problem and it shouldnt stop you from taking this course. Even if you are a strong player, you may notknow some tricks which can be applied in queenendgames. Learn them from this course!After finishing this course, your chances to win queen endgameswill improve.With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,game examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeSincerely,Viktor"
Price: 194.99

"3d GameStudio crie jogos fantsticos em 100 videoaulas" |
"3D GameStudio (tambm chamado de GameStudio, ou 3DGS) um motor de jogo para criao de jogos em 2D e 3D. Ele suporta duas linguagens de script, bastante semelhantes, lite-C e C-Script. Com ele voc poder criar jogos simples, por ser muito simples.Aprenda o que o 3D GameStudio, como baixar e instalar o programa e como comear a trabalhar com ele.Voc aprender a:Montar cenrios para games, maquetes eletrnicas e muito mais. Depois mostrado como usar ou criar sua prpria textura e aplicar nas paredes, portas, janelas. Aprenda a criar portas e janelas, abri-las com e sem chave.Criar os scripts de programao no brao.Colocar chaves para acionar portas e elevadores. Aprenda a colocar e manipular plataformas e elevadores.Colocar efeitos de partculas: fogo, chuva, som de trovoadas etc.Inserir texturas de cu com movimentoInserir models, armas Nas armas aprender vrios efeitos de bala, controle de tiros, fumaa e muito mais!Criar vidros no Photoshop e colocar no seu game. Assim, poders criar maquetes eletrnicas ou games com portas e janelas com vidros.Alm disso, aprender a programao no 3D GameStudio. Voc aprender a programar funes, Actions, sons, imagens, partculas, menus, ect tanto em um arquivo nico como separando em camadas.A programao indispensvel para voc consiga dominar o game, assim, poder fazer literalmente o que voc quiser no seu jogo.A B A I X O V E J A O C R O N O G R A M A D E S T E C U R S Oaula 3514 3d GameStudio - Apresentando o curso de 3dgamestudioaula 3514 3d GameStudio - Baixando e instalando o 3dgamestudioaula 3515 3d GameStudio - Introducao ao 3dgamestudioaula 3516 3d GameStudio - Conhecendo a interface e manipulando um objeto cuboaula 3517 3d GameStudio - Criando o primeiro exemploaula 3518 3d GameStudio - Criando um cenario tipo cubo no braoaula 3519 3d GameStudio - Finalizando cenario tipo cubo no braoaula 3520 3d GameStudio - Aplicando Texturas ao Cenario standard_wadaula 3521 3d GameStudio - Usando Hollow Cube e Criando a propria texturaaula 3522 3d GameStudio - Ajustando Textura com a propriedade SURFACEaula 3524 3d GameStudio- novas texturas e gravando standard_wadaula 3525 3d GameStudio- mais propriedades e texture lockaula 3526 3d GameStudio - Criando portas e janelas CSG Subtractaula 3527 3d GameStudio - Luz do Sol Map Properties Sun Ambient Elevation Azimuthaula 3528 3d GameStudio - Mais detalhes sombra em objetos e textura surfaceaula 3529 3d GameStudio - Adicionando claridade com add Light e textura apropriadaaula 3530 3d GameStudio - Introducao a linguagem de programacao e personalizando Ceuaula 3531 3d GameStudio - Introducao a texturas Ceu Sky baixandoaula 3532 3d GameStudio - Criando Script Resources Script Files Map Propertiesaula 3533 3d GameStudio - Preferences Configurando Editor de Script SEDaula 3534 3d GameStudio - Programando C-Script Sky flags cube visible layeraula 3535 3d GameStudio - Aplicando Diversos SkyCube via programacao C-Scriptaula 3536 3d GameStudio - Mais SkyCube a5_template_projectaula 3537 3d GameStudio - Implementando Ceu SkyDome via programaoaula 3538 3d GameStudio - bmap panel d3d Criando uma tela de aberturaaula 3539 3d GameStudio - centralizando abertura pos_x pos_y screen_size waitaula 3540 3d GameStudio - finalizando abertura sleep bmap_purgeaula 3541 3d GameStudio - testando e abrindo script criado anteriormenteaula 3542 3d GameStudio - Iniciando programacao no braco string function main level_loadaula 3543 3d GameStudio - programacao no braco panel path wait sleep bmap_purge visibleaula 3544 3d GameStudio - programacao no braco sky freeze_mode unico arquivoaula 3545 3d GameStudio - include organizando programacao em varios arquivos WDLaula 3546 3d GameStudio - lidando com a posicao da cmeraaula 3547 3d GameStudio - fireworks para importar e exprtar imagensaula 3548 3d GameStudio - criando tela menu do jogo no fireworks e botesaula 3549 3d GameStudio - criando no braco arquivo menu WDLaula 3550 3d GameStudio - criando botoes iniciar sobre sair Over Upaula 3551 3d GameStudio - inserindo button via programaoaula 3552 3d GameStudio - programando e criando funcoes para os botesaula 3553 3d GameStudio - mouse_mode ativando mouse e executando funcao sairaula 3554 3d GameStudio - finalizando programacao no braco Menu ON_ESCaula 3555 3d GameStudio - Abertura de fundamento feita no photoshopaula 3556 3d GameStudio - Instalando e usando a versao 7 do 3dgamestudioaula 3557 3d GameStudio - Templates e testando codigos e exemplos em ambas versesaula 3558 3d GameStudio - Inserindo Objetos Pre Fabricadosaula 3559 3d GameStudio - Finalizando objetos pre fabricadosaula 3560 3d GameStudio - MED model editor objetos animaoaula 3561 3d GameStudio - usando modelos warlock pistol cbabe outrosaula 3562 3d GameStudio - baixando modelos e usando no cenrioaula 3563 3d GameStudio - Criando o primeiro jogo Player_walk a5_template_projectaula 3564 3d GameStudio - Adicionando arma e configurando ela weap_m16 miraaula 3565 3d GameStudio - Adicionado inimigos e configrando acoes para elesaula 3566 3d GameStudio - Armas Weapons Action GUN skill flags Rotate Silent Bob Repeataula 3567 3d GameStudio - Armas Skills Ammotype Bulletspeed municao balas velocidadeaula 3568 3d GameStudio - Armas Skills Weaponnumber Firetimeaula 3569 3d GameStudio - Armas Skills Firemod efeitosaula 3570 3d GameStudio - Armas Skills Firemod via programaoaula 3571 3d GameStudio - Criando uma arma tipo revolver via programacao scriptaula 3572 3d GameStudio - Configurando e testando a arma via programacao scriptaula 3573 3d GameStudio - Mais Armas Script e Modelosaula 3574 3d GameStudio - Criando uma arma tipo metralhadora e configurando vidasaula 3575 3d GameStudio - Usando AMMOPAC para pegar munioaula 3576 3d GameStudio - Jogo Tiro com Shooter_Project PlBiped01 plBipedWeap00aula 3577 3d GameStudio - Rotacionando Objetos com ent_rorate scriptaula 3578 3d GameStudio - Criando entidades portas para abrir e fechar no jogoaula 3579 3d GameStudio - Interacao com o usuario abrindo e fechando portasaula 3580 3d GameStudio - Interacao com o usuario criando janela abrindo e fechandoaula 3581 3d GameStudio - Door skill endpos angulo force velocidadeaula 3582 3d GameStudio - Door skill script abrindo e fechando automaticamente as portasaula 3583 3d GameStudio - SCAN scrip manual funcao de evento das entidadesaula 3584 3d GameStudio - C_SCAN TILT PAN vetor para posicao e angulo cmeraaula 3585 3d GameStudio - C_SCAN scrip manual para abrir portaaula 3586 3d GameStudio - C_SCAN while my pan action portas manualmenteaula 3587 3d GameStudio - Sons ent_playsound SOUND arquivos volumeaula 3588 3d GameStudio - Criando entidade para abrir porta somente com chaveaula 3589 3d GameStudio - trigger_range enable_trigger ent_remove function e action para chaveaula 3590 3d GameStudio - msg_show funcionando liberacao abrir porta com chaveaula 3591 3d GameStudio - usando door e key do template para liberar porta com chaveaula 3592 3d GameStudio - iniciando elevadores e plataformasaula 3593 3d GameStudio - elevadores e plataformas time My Z Action Scriptaula 3594 3d GameStudio - action criado no braco para subir e descer plataformaaula 3595 3d GameStudio - Finalizando plataforma elevador feita no braoaula 3596 3d GameStudio - movendo plataforma para frente tras lados cima baixoaula 3597 3d GameStudio - action elevator triiger_range keytype forceaula 3598 3d GameStudio - girando objetos via programacao script while PANaula 3599 3d GameStudio - implementando programacao zoom de camera ARCaula 3600 3d GameStudio - zoom bruto e zoom suave programadas no braoaula 3601 3d GameStudio - TGA Vidros Alpha no photoshop e importantoaula 3602 3d GameStudio - janela vidro fixo oriented passableaula 3603 3d GameStudio - banner letreiro identificacao photoshopaula 3604 3d GameStudio - Coloando Animacao Sprites 2d tga pcxaula 3605 3d GameStudio - Animacao Efeito Fogo Easy Particleaula 3606 3d GameStudio - Function e Action Script para Animacao Efeito Fogoaula 3607 3d GameStudio - Efeito luz fogo animacao scriptaula 3608 3d GameStudio - via programacao criando efeito chama do fogoaula 3609 3d GameStudio - melhorando codigo para fogoaula 3610 3d GameStudio - chuva efeito usando gotasaula 3611 3d GameStudio - configurando habilidade skill atraves do DEFINEaula 3612 3d GameStudio - entity ent_create criando entidadeaula 3613 3d GameStudio - executando musica media_loop volumeaula 3614 3d GameStudio - media_stop media_handle parando a musica a reiniciando"
Price: 34.99

"Java p/ Web V" |
"Java para Wev VBem vindos ao fantstico curso Java para Wev V, onde voc vai aprender a criarSites e Sistemas web com Front-end totalmente responsivo usando(Html5, css3, javascript, Booostrap e AngularJS), no Back-end (Java, JPA, Hibernate, Wildfly, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon, JAX-RS (Web Service JSON e XML).MVC: O sistema inteiro foi feito usando MVC (Model, View e Controller), separando toda a programao em camadas.Esse curso incrvel, pois voc aprender a criar sites/sites 100% responsivos. divididoem 2 partes:Front-end: a primeira parte do curso o Fron-end, ou seja, a VIEW, ou seja, aquilo que os usurios iro enxergar ao entrar no site. Nessa parte foi usadohtml5, css3, javascript e bootstrap. Aqui foi usado tambm o AngularJS, que far o papel de controller entre o Front-end e o Back-end.Back-end: foi criado totalmente em java e como ide foi usado o Eclipse. Nele foi usado especificaes e implementaes java (JPA, Hibernate, CDI,JAX-RS (Web Service JSON e XML). O servidor de aplicaes o Wildfly que o sucessor do JBoss. Como banco de dados foi usado oMySQL ePostgreSQL. Por fim, tambm foi ensinado como fazer deploy naAmazon,Assim,podemoster equipes individuais, uma no front-end e outra no back-end, pois a comunicao entre eles totalmente via webservice usando JSON.So 79 videoaulas de muito contedo, um dos melhores cursos que eu j fiz. Lembre-se que os fontes do curso sero entregues para voc, assim, no somente poder assistir as videoaulas como tambm ver e usar os fontes a sua vontade.No eclipse, foi usado o plugin JBoss Tools para facilitar o desenvolvimento e a comunicao com o servidor de aplicao WildFly.Chegou a sua vez de aprender de verdade e ter uma profisso muito rentvel. Prof Neri."
Price: 34.99

"Criao de Sites Gustavo" |
"Aprenda a criar sites.Inicialmente ensinado HTML5 e CSS3, e depois com uma ferramenta mostrado como criar um sitetotalmente moderno, bonito e responsivo, ou seja, que vai se adaptar perfeitamente em celulares, tablets etc.No site mostrado a parte de Menus, links, cabealhos com slides e videos, galeria de imagens,espao para depoimentos, rodap com informaes da empresa e mapa. Tambm mostrado comoimplementar um carrinho de compras conectando com o paypalPor fim, mostrado como registra o site e com o Filezilla, aprenda a publicar o site em umprovedor (nesse exemplo usamos a Locaweb).Veja o cronograma das aulasAULA 01 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - Introducao ao curso e HTML5AULA 02 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - HTML5 e CSS3AULA 03 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - Baixando e usando a ferramenta para criacao de sitesAULA 04 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - Criando os menus e inserindo a logomarcaAULA 05 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - criando cabecalhos com imagens e videoAULA 06 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - conteudo com texto e imagem e linkAULA 07 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - informacoes de cursos com texto e imagemAULA 08 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - galeria de imagensAULA 09 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - inserindo comentarios de alunos com textos e imagensAULA 10 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - extensoes e sincronizando com facebbokAULA 11 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - criando rodape e mapaAULA 12 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - editando o codigo html5AULA 13 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - criando nova e menusAULA 14 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - instalar mais extensoes e carrinho de compras com paypalAULA 15 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - registrando o dominio do siteAULA 16 criacao de sites Gustavo Neitzke - publicando com o FileZilla e finalizando o curso"
Price: 114.99

"Adobe PhotoShop Lightroom" |
"OAdobe Photoshop Lightroom umsoftwarecriado pela aAdobe SystemsparaMac OS XeMicrosoft Windows, designado a edio rpida e o armazenamento defotosdigitais. Ele permite que o usurio importe uma grande quantidade de fotos automaticamente a partir de uma cmera ou carto de memria, podendo organiz-las em pastas e fazendo diversos ajustes.Ainda permite salvar as configuraes para futuros trabalhos. sabido que o mercado da computao grfica constitui-se como uma das maiores reas de expanso na indstria da informtica, estando presente em diversas reas de consumo, necessitando assim de profissionais especializados e aprimorados com constantes renovaes de tcnicas e de fundamentos. Desta forma, o presente curso visa proporcionar ao aluno o aperfeioamento dos recursos de tratamento para fotografia digital. Sendo curso completo designado a edio rpida e o armazenamento defotosdigitais. Ele permite que o usurio importe uma grande quantidade de fotos automaticamente a partir de uma cmera ou carto de memria, podendo organiz-las em pastas e fazendo diversos ajustes. Ainda permite aplicar efeitos digitais, curvas, alm de montar livros e slides digitais para a internet."
Price: 129.99

"Adobe Audition CC" |
"Tradicional e Poderoso programa da Adobe , para gravao, composio e ajustes de sons. Curso completo designado para a gravao, edio com efeitos, mixagem de sons, diferenas em formatos de arquivos de som, taxa de Bit Depth, Sample Rate, e exportar em diversos formatos.Essa poderosa estao de udio foi desenvolvida para acelerar os fluxos de trabalho de produo de vdeo e finalizao de udio, bem como fornecer uma mixagem refinada com som puro. Encontre a melhor ferramenta de limpeza, restaurao e edio precisa de udio para design de efeitos sonoros, vdeo e podcasting."
Price: 129.99

"TechSmith Camtasia Editor 9" |
"Existem diversas ferramentas pra edio de vdeo, tanto programas para editar no celular, como programas profissionais para desktop, usados por produtoras de vdeos e emissoras de televiso. Dentre todos, alguns so mais limitados e outros muito profissionais e difceis de se aprender, mas temos o Camtasia Editor 9. Um excelente e poderoso conjunto de ferramentas especialmente desenhado para aqueles que adoram editar os seus prprios vdeos de forma rpida e profissional. O programa permite ao usurio que logo aps salve o vdeo, edite-o. Tambm pode transformar vdeos paraAlta definio(HD) na janela Editing Dimensions(Edio de Dimenses, em portugus). Curso completo designado a edio profissional de vdeos e fotos, mixando musicas e udio atravs da TimeLine. O Aluno tambm vai aprender a colocar efeitos de vdeo, efeitos de cor, filtros de cor, textos animados, efeitos de sons, grave sua prpria voz dentro do Camtasia, recorte em CROMAKEY, retirando o fundo do vdeo, deixando a produo ainda mais profissional. Com esse poderoso editor de vdeos, tudo fica mais fcil e didtico, pois, com suas ferramentas e o modo arraste e solte, em pouco tempo voc se tornar um profissional na edio de vdeos para o youtube e vdeos comerciais. Depois de finalizado, ainda poder exportar diretamente para o youtube ou formatos de vdeo como .MP4, .WMV e .AVI, em diversas resolues(Tamanhos). Explore todas as opes em edio de vdeo para o youtube. Crie, Edite, Divirta-se com o Camtasia Editor 9. O Editor de vdeos fcil e rpido da TechSmith."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Windows 10" |
"Microsoft Windows uma famlia de sistemas operacionais desenvolvidos, comercializados e vendidos pela Microsoft.curso completo, mostrando todos os aspectos e conceitos do novo sistema operacional da Microsoft, bem como: Desktop, Atalhos, cones, Barra de acesso rpido, Programas do menu Iniciar, alterar data/hora, Painel de Controle, Contas de Usurios, Criar Atalhos, desinstalar aplicativos, Gerenciador de arquivos, copiar, colar, criar pastas e arquivos, utilizar formatar pendrive, etc. Windows 10 umsistema operacionaldaMicrosoft, sua primeira verso de testes pblica foi lanada a1 de outubrode2014e apresentou uma srie de mudanas em relao ao seu predecessor, oWindows 8.1. Entre elas, esto a volta do menu Iniciar, mltiplos ambientes de trabalho, novo navegador (Microsoft Edge), aplicativos renovados (Foto, Vdeo, Msica, Loja, Outlook, Office Mobile e at oPrompt de Comando) e da unio das mltiplas plataformas (inclusive o app Xbox).Alm das mudanas, a Microsoft anunciou que disponibilizar a nova verso do Windows tanto para quem utiliza o original tanto para quem utiliza o pirata. Porm, os utilizadores com o sistema pirata no tero direito a suporte da marca.Este sistema operacional o NT 10.0, saltando do 6.3 do Windows 8.1."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Word 2016" |
"OMicrosoft Word umprocessador de textoproduzido pelaMicrosoft. Foi criado porRichard Brodiepara computadoresIBM PCcom o sistema operacionalDOSem1983. Mais tarde foram criadas verses para oApple Macintosh(1984),SCO UNIXeMicrosoft Windows(1989). Faz parte do conjunto de aplicativosMicrosoft Office. Utiliza atualmente como extenso padro dos arquivos de texto: "".docx"". Ele possui interface intuitiva,layout bonito e possui ferramentas poderosas paraedio dos seus documentos. muito fcil usar o programa e aproveitar todos os recursos que ele disponibiliza, o que agrada bastante. Personalize seu documento da forma que desejar com ferramentas poderosas de formatao que permitem que voc crie documentos eficazes com mais facilidade. O Word oferece os recursos de design de documento para atender s suas necessidades especficas."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Excel 2016" |
"OMicrosoft Office Excel um editor de planilhas produzido pelaMicrosoftpara computadores que utilizam osistema operacionalMicrosoft Windows, alm de computadores MacintoshdaApple Inc.e dispositivos mveis como oWindows Phone,Androidou oiOS. Seus recursos incluem uma interface intuitiva e capacitadas ferramentas de clculo e de construo de grficos que, juntamente com marketing agressivo, tornaram o Excel um dos mais populares aplicativos de computador at hoje. , com grande vantagem, o aplicativo deplanilha electrnicadominante, disponvel para essas plataformas e o tem sido desde a verso 5 em1993e sua incluso como parte doMicrosoft Office. Utiliza atualmente como extenso padro dos arquivos de texto: "".xlsx"".Ele possui interface intuitiva,layout bonito e possui ferramentas poderosas paraa criao de suas planilhas. um programa poderoso utilizado tanto para planilhas de oramentos domsticos, como grandes planilhas financeiras de empresas.Personalize sua planilha da forma que desejar com ferramentas poderosas de formatao que permitem que voc crie planilhas e frmulas sempre atualizadas. O Microsoft Excel 2016 oferece os recursos de design, formulas, tabelas, recursos nicos que tornam o Excel o melhor software de planilhas do mundo.O Excel tambm est presente no Google Drive, como componente do pacote nuvem."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Excel Avanado 2016" |
"OMicrosoft Office ExcelAvanado, vem oferecer recursos mais avanados para os que j trabalham e conhecem o Microsoft Excel. Neste curso voc vai se aprofundar ainda mais nesta poderosa ferramenta.Alm de revisarmos funes e conceitos bsicos do programa, vamos aprender muito mais recursos como: Entender mais sobre os tipos de mscaras das clulas, onde vamos deixar valores negativos em vermelho; Vamos criar e resumir tabelas com os filtros avanados e tabelas dinmicas; Vamos aprofundar os conhecimentos com as frmulas CONTSE, SOMASE, FUNO E e FUNO OU, funo CONTVALORES, REPT, MOD. Funes de texto como a funo TEXTO, e o suplemento funo EXTENSO, e demais frmulas avanadas. Vamos criar grficos simples, grficos de 2 eixos, grficos dinmicos e vamos construir um belo e objetivo grfico de caracteres; Vamos renomear, mover, copiar planilhas, e ainda, importar dados externos para dentro do Excel; Vamos aprender a trabalhar com painis e estrutura de tpicos, deixando nossas planilhas mais organizadas e limpas. Veremos tambm como utilizar formatao condicional utilizando frmulas; Como mostrar e utilizar o menu Desenvolvedor para trabalharmos com os botes de controle, aperfeioando nossa planilha; Criar lista de dados com validao de Dados, permitindo apenas que sejam inseridos dados que voc permita. Vamos criar uma planilha de estacionamento, para aprender a trabalhar com horas; Vamos utilizar recursos de Atingir Metas e como trabalhar com CENRIOS, para colocar em dia nossas planilhas domsticas; Vamos criar um recibo de texto, dentro do EXCEL, utilizando dados de outra planilha, e configurando modos avanados de impresso. Vamos criar um controle de cheques completo, com frmulas avanadas para voc usar no seu empreendimento, ou ainda, poder auxiliar algum. Um controle de cheques simples, mas poderoso. Vamos aprender a criar e executar Macros e programao Visual Basic Application (VBA). O Curso de Excel Avanado envolve muito mais contedo para voc tirar de letra os trabalhos do dia-a-dia."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint 2016" |
"O Microsoft PowerPoint um programa utilizado para criao/edio e exibio de apresentaes grficas, originalmente escrito para o sistema operacional Windows e portado para a plataforma Mac OS X. A verso para Windows tambm funciona no Linux atravs da camada de compatibilidade Wine. H ainda uma verso mobile para smartphones que rodam o sistema Windows Phone.O PowerPoint usado em apresentaes, cujo objetivo informar sobre um determinado tema, podendo usar: imagens, sons, textos e vdeos que podem ser animados de diferentes maneiras. O PowerPoint tem suporte a objetos OLE e inclui uma ferramenta especial de formatao de texto (WordArt), modelos de apresentao pr-definidos, galeria de objetos grficos e uma gama de efeitos de animao e composio de slides. O formato nativo do PowerPoint o PPTX, para arquivos de apresentaes, e o PPSX, para apresentaes diretas. A partir da verso 2007 do programa, a Microsoft introduziu o formato .PPTX. Neste curso o aluno vai aprender como criar Slides, formas de layout desse slide. Vai ver como mudar cores, formas e texturas desse Slide. Vamos ensinar como criar Slides baseado em Templates(modelos prontos). Como utilizar o Slide Mestre. Como inserir comentrios Salvar e Abrir Apresentaes Inserir imagens Inserir Tabelas Inserir Formas geomtricas(desenhos) Inserir Tabelas Inserir Sons e Msicas Inserir Vdeos - Animar Objetos e Slides Transies de Slides Inserir Textos Caixa de Texto WordArt Inserir Diagramas e Organogramas Inserir Links e Hiperlinks Criar Jogos etc."
Price: 129.99

"OpenToonz 101: drawing tools demystified" |
"Do you want to draw in animation software that is used by professionals and it's absolutely free to use? You areatright place! In this course you will learn all the drawing tools OpenToonz has to offer. They are explained in a clear way onsimple examples, and after that you can participate in demonstration videosand try them in practice on more complicated examples.After watching this courseyou will be up and ready to make your own art in this powerful freedrawing and animation software."
Price: 59.99

"Portrait Photography for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the completePortrait Photography for Beginnerscourse!We are so excited to help you take better portraits. If you're a relatively new photographer, this is the perfect portrait photography course to help you with this new skill!You'll learn everything you need to know to take better portraits with any camera - DSLR, mirrorless, smartphone, or point-and-shoot.WHATWILLYOULEARN:Start with our 6 tips to photographing better portraits:Choose a better background and compose your shotLighting your portraitsProperly and creatively expose your photoPlay with depth of fieldThink about colorsInteracting and posing your subjectYou'll learn portrait photographywith real world demonstrations!JoinWill Carnahan, professional photographer and instructor, in a full demonstration to see how you can use our 6 tips in real life.Learn how to edit your portraits to look even better!Use free and professional photo editing apps on your phone, tablet, or computer. You'll learn how to use different apps to professionally make your portraits look even better.Share your photos on social media!Get modern tips for sharing your photos on Instagram and Facebook. Use these tips to advance your professional photography career -if that's what your goal is!COURSEBONUSES:Downloadable photos to practice editing withTips for how to shoot weddings, headshots, and family portraitsPremium support from your instructorsWHYTAKETHISCOURESFROMUS:So, why should take this course from us? There are plenty of portrait photography courses to choose from. But we believe that we've created a course that can truly help you take better portraits in less time.Video School Online has created some of the best selling online photography courses, and we always strive to help you learn new skills in a fun and engaging way!Lastly,we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee!Try out this course, and see if you like it. There's absolutely no risk!We can't wait to see you in the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Algebra 1 (Semester 1): A High School Curriculum" |
"Thiscourse is an intricately-designed, completeAlgebra 1 Semester 1curriculum. Itincorporates all aspects of a traditional Algebra 1 first semestercourse and also includesa unit on basicstatistics and probability. There are 9 units in this course (listed below), which cover one semester of Algebra 1. 10 more units are provided in the Algebra 1 Semester 2 course (purchased separately)for a total of 19 units.Whilethis course was designed to cater to high school Algebra 1students, adulteducation learners who are studying for High School Equivalency exams can alsobenefit from the information provided in this course.Similarly,teachers who would like supplemental material for their Algebra 1classroomshould take this course. If you are a teacher, feel free to download anduse these PDFs in your own classrooms.The units provided in this course are as follows:1.) Real Numbers2.)Fractions, Decimals, and Percents3.)Algebra Basics4.) Matrices5.)Properties6.)Solving Equations7.)Formulas8.)Ratios, Rates, and Proportions9.)Statistics and Probability"
Price: 19.99

"HSE/GED/TASC/HiSET Prep: A Complete Mathematics Curriculum" |
"This course is an intricately-designed, completeHSE Preparatorycurriculum. It will prepare students to take any of the three HSEproficiency exams:the GED, TASC, or HiSET.The units, in order, are: Arithmetic Word Problems Negative Numbers Fractions Fractions, Decimals, &PercentsExpressions Matrices Properties Solving Equations Ratios, Rates, &Proportions Formulas Statistics &ProbabilityThese 12units incorporate all the topics you will see on your HSEexam.While this course was designed to cater to adult education learners who are studying for High School Equivalency exams, other high school studentscan also benefit from the information provided in this course.Similarly, teachers who would like supplemental material for their HSE classroom should take this course. If you are a teacher, feel free to download and use these PDFs in your own classrooms."
Price: 29.99

"Pre-Algebra: A Complete Middle School/High School Curriculum" |
"This course is an intricately-designed, completePre-Algebra curriculum. It will prepare students for middle school or high school Pre-Algebra.The units, in order, are: Real Numbers Introduction toFractions Fractions, Decimals, Percents, &Absolute Value Expressions MatricesProperties Solving Equations Ratios, Rates, &Proportions Formulas Introduction to Functions Graphing Linear Functions Graphing Systems of Equations &Inequalities Statistics &ProbabilityThese 13units incorporate all the topics you will seein pre-algebra.While this course was designed to cater to pre-algebra students, those studying for theHigh School Equivalency exam (GED, HiSET, or TASC)can also benefit from the information provided in this course.Similarly, teachers who would like supplemental material for their pre-algebraclassroom should take this course. If you are a teacher, feel free to download and use these PDFs in your own classrooms."
Price: 29.99

"How to publish a book: Idea to book in Kindle and Paperback" |
"Ever wanted to be a published author? Well here is you chance, with today's technology and collaboration with others you can make this a reality. I have 4 published books that I was able to publish in both Kindle and Paperback format using the same process that I share with you in this course.What tool do I need? To follow my exact steps you will need:Mindly (alternative is a just pen and paper) - $5 app on your phoneScrivener (alternative is to hire people to give you the properly formatted files) - $45 software programCamtasia Studio (alternative is to write your book or invest in a cheaper microphone not intended for Udemy courses) - $200-300 software for recording and editing videosWhat will I learn?Coming up with a book topic.Speaking your book into a microphone.Using Fiverr to find the exact helpers needed to make this process a breeze.Using Scrivener for organizing, formatting and generating the exact file types needed by Amazon.Uploading files to Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback format.Promoting yourself and your books.Why should you take the class?You will walk away with a proven process for getting your ideas into your very own books. An easy to follow set of steps to help you get your own ideas out to share with others in the world."
Price: 199.99

"A Complete Guide to Lean Controllers in iOS" |
"Are you interested in taking your iOS skills to the next level?Does your view controller consists of hundreds or thousands of lines of code?The answer to your headaches is ""Lean Controllers"".And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using Swift,Creating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3 and Mastering Sever Side Swift Using Vapor.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. At present Iam afull time iOS Instructor at The Iron Yardwhere I teach users how to create amazing iOS applications.Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""This course explains everything I wanted to know about Server Swift Development. It is really a benefit to my skills, that are now improved. Thank you very much.It's a great course, especially if you are an beginner and don't know where to start from. It gives you the start to build your own backend in Swift rather than learning a new language just to save some data in DB. Many thanks to the author and hope many others will start using Vapor and Swift on server :D It's amazing!!!Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Firstly, Iam using Xcode 8.2with Swift 3.0 with this course. Iwill show you how to build real apps that uses the principles of lean development. You will learn the techniques on how to write cleaner, leaner code by separating the concerns into multiple classes and components.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""t's a great course, especially if you are an beginner and don't know where to start from. It gives you the start to build your own backend in Swift rather than learning a new language just to save some data in DB. Many thanks to the author and hope many others will start using Vapor and Swift on server :D It's amazing!!!WhyLean Controllers?Controller'sjob is toorchestratethe flow of the application, yet it always end up with hundreds and sometimes even thousands of lines of code. This course discusses the best practices of iOS development which results in Learn Controllers.By creating reusable iOS components we can quickly build our application without copy pasting code into multiple places. The amazing techniques discussed in this course can setup your path from intermediate to advanced developer.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Lean controllers enforces best practices in iOS development and make your code easy to maintain for future iterations. Tired of writing thousands of lines of code in your view controllers. Tired of copy and pasting code all over the place in your application.Implementing your code using the best practices of Lean Controllers helps you deal with the above problems. You will learn to create reusable custom controls. You will implement generic data providers capable of fetching and persisting models of any type. You will create generic data sources which can be plugged with any UITableViewController.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 8 or above and Swift 3.0Good understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about converting your massive controllers into lean controllers.What am I going to get from this course?Take your skills to the next level by learning the advanced techniques used by iOS professionals.Learn the principles behind creating Lean Controllers.Write more maintainable and reusable code.Become a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloperApply the lean principles and climb the cooperate ladder from junior developer to senior developer.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages, Server Side Swiftand Swift 2.0courses.Anyone who wants to learn to code: Lean Controllers allows you to write more maintainable, reusablecode. Your journey towards greatness starts right NOW.Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 194.99
