"Fitness for Women" |
"Say goodbye to fitness frustration. I know what it's like to start and stop a different fitness program every month. I have a huge DVD library collecting dust at home. how about you?I want you to finally get the fit lifestyle that you have been dreaming of. When you take this course you will learn why every program you have tried in the past couldn't possibly work. More importantly, you will learn what to do to change that.Together we will build a new foundation that will support becoming the fit person you have been longing to be. By the end of the course you will be the best ""super-fit"" version of yourselfpossible.I am so excited to be able to take you on this journey. My goal for you is to make fitness easy. That is not to say that you won't have to put in effort. Yes, you do have to do the actual work. But with this course, I will make doing the ""work"" fun and something that you are motivated to do.Let me be the first to tell you - you have done nothing wrong and there is nothing wrong with you. You just haven't had the right information to succeed. Let's go on this journey together so you can find the solution that has been missing in your life. I promise you that with the information in this course, you can stick to any workout you desire.I can't wait to get started. Click Enroll Now and I will see you inside the course.A lifetime of fitness awaits you!"
Price: 54.99

"The Self Care Guide for Women" |
"How much stress are you under? Most women are suffering from chronic stress but don't even realize or acknowledge it. Saying you are ""crazy busy"" is often treated like a badge of honor. However, all this craziness and busyness is taking a toll on your health. In this course you will learn what is slowing sneaking up on your and your well-being. There are dangers on the horizon if you keep living the way you are.The good news is that there are simple ways to combat stress and the negative effects on your body. You will learn about self-care and how you can start right away in building your own self-care routines.As TonyRobbins is known to say - never leave the site of learning without taking action.You are encouraged to take action as soon as you complete this course. You can start to feel better just 30 minutes from now. The course also comes with a companion 100 page journal to help you get started on your self-care journey.Click the Enroll Now button and let's get to feeling better!"
Price: 19.99

"Summer Bucket List Challenge" |
"Doesnt summer seem to fly by way too fast?How would you like to stretch out your summer and make it the most memorable summer of your life? Wouldnt that be great?Heres the problem the average person faces when it comes to summer - they fail to plan. Yes, most people do plan a vacation but thats it. They dont think about each of the precious 10 weeks (or so) of summer. I invite you to rise above the average person and have a great time doing it. This summer take a different approach - make a Summer Bucket List and take the Challenge!Challenge participants take the time to plan the 4-6 things they would really like to experience, learn, see and do this summer. When you take on the Challenge, you will be guided through a planning process that ensures you create many fabulous memories this summer. Make this summer a success by achieving and accomplishing more than you ever have before.Imagine having something to look forward to each week. Imagine the feeling of relief and relaxation knowing that you have all your bases covered and you just have to let the good times roll. This joyis possible with a little planning now.Take the Summer Bucket List Challenge and get ready for the best summer of your life. Click Enroll Now and start fulfilling your summer dreams."
Price: 19.99

"Annual Travel Planner" |
"Do you love to go on vacation? Wish you could get more of it? Wish it cost a little less for each trip?In the Annual Travel Planner you will learn how to take a whole-year approach to your vacations. You will learn how big picture planning can save you money and headaches and give you more vacation options.If you are someone who loves to get away but just seems to have trouble making it happen each year, this course is for you. You will go through a fun and unique process to come up with vacation ideas and then walk step by step through the planning of your entire year's worth of vacations.You will be so excited by the time you finish this course that you will want to start booking your trips right away. Further, you will always want to take the Big Picture approach to planning your vacations.Be sure to share your experiences and your planning fun with your family and friends. That way you can all benefit and plan trips together. I am looking forward to helping you start a fun vacation journey inside. Hit the enroll now button and let's get started."
Price: 19.99

"Summer Fitness Challenge" |
"What big hairy audacious fitness goal can you set for yourself this summer? Stretch yourself to do something you have never done. Get outside your comfort zone a bit or a lot. Take advantage of the extra energy of the summer and really push yourself to accomplish something incredible.By the end of the summer, not only will your body be in better shape as a result of your quest, you will be on an emotional high. Make this summer memorable and incredibly healthy at the same time. Its a win-win for your body, mind and spirit.In this course you will beguidedstep-by-step through the process of identifying a ""stretch"" fitnessgoal and then mapping a plan to achieve it. You will create your own workout program or follow the best of the best for your particular fitness challenge.You will learn how to detail your fitness plan, track your results and even reflect on your healthprogress. You can workout at home or at a gym - or make the great outdoors your gym.You will have so much joy and satisfaction when you complete your Summer Fitness Challenge that you will want to make it an annual summer event.Recruit your friends and family to do their own challenge as well or join you in yours. This fitness course is designed with women in mind but men can certainly participate as well.Get started today with your fitness training today! Your personal fitnesschallenge awaits! Enroll Now."
Price: 19.99

"Summer Photo Storytelling" |
"Storytelling is a great way to preserve memories. Add photos to your storytelling and you can transport yourself back in time and relive special moments.This summer you are invited to craft a photo story that tells about your experiences. Capture the mood of summer, the story of your child, a special event or go abstract and tell the story of the nature of summer with photography storytelling.The Summer Photo Storytelling coursewill guide you through the steps necessary to tell the story of your summer in photos and captions. You will learn how to craft your story and take amazing photos. Use storytelling photography to preserve this summer so that you can revisit it for years to come."
Price: 19.99

"Summer Reading Challenge" |
"This summer I challenge you to take your summer reading in a new direction. Ichallenge you to learn a new skill that will help you in your career, build a new business, become a better parent or develop a passion.Whether you want to become a subject matter expert or learn about a foreign country you would love to visit, you can use this course to design your own challenge.Don't let ""someday"" continue to linger out in the future just out of your reach. Take steps this summer to accomplish one of your dream goals.Why not expand your knowledge while sitting poolside this year?Click Enroll Now and design your own Summer Reading Challenge."
Price: 19.99

"Change Your Life By Harnessing the Power of Your Imagination" |
"Does your life feel stale? Is everyday the same old, same old? Are you completely out of touch with your intuition and creativity?Do you know you can change your entire world by exercising your creative imagination? Your imagination is one of the most powerful tools you have at your fingertips.In this course you will learn how easy it is to access your imagination with a simple imagination game and a creative thinkingtechnique. You can start using this technique right away. No special skills are necessary.Why not start right now by learning how to use your creative mind? Imagine a different life for yourself. What would your life be like if you were 50% happier than you are right now? Imagine it.Feel it. Taste it.You have absolutely no idea how powerful your imagination is but you are about to find out. Become the imagineer of your life and experience a creative breakthrough in just 24 hours. Click enroll now.As a special bonus the course also comes with a PDF download that will help you get into the creative flow andimplement the course content right away."
Price: 19.99

"Finding Freedom" |
"Do you sense there is something missing - something off - with your life? Are you enjoying all the freedom you can be?Finding Freedom outlines where and why you have lost everyday freedom. You will discover that you lost it little by little without even noticing it.You will learn the types of freedom you experience everyday. Once you have this foundation, you will be free to chose the life you want. There are several small freedom exercises to get you started moving your freedom muscles.After doing these exercises, you will feel more freedom in your life and you will see how you can explore and expand your sense of freedom throughout your life.The key to happiness is freedom and the key to freedom is courage.Do you have the courage to experiment with your life? Do you have the courage to push the limits of your cage and find new freedom?Click the Enroll button now and let's find out."
Price: 19.99

"Walking Challenge" |
"Walking is a great form of fitness. Whether you are simply walking the neighborhood or doing Nordic walking - the benefits are huge.This course teaches fitness for women and men using the simplicity of regular walking habits. You will learn the many different styles of walking, including meditation walking,and how walking will improve your health and fitness.If you want to lose weight, get into better shape, sleep better, have more energy and better mental focus, then you will want to incorporate walking into your day.Join me in this course and design your own Walking Challenge. You can make it as long as you want and mix it up any way that appeals to you. You will have all the knowledge you need to design you own walking challenge by the end of the course. You will also have access to a PDF guide that will reinforce what you learned in the course and help you design your challenge.Click Enroll Now and start on your journey to a healthy life."
Price: 19.99

"The Smoothie Challenge" |
"Do you want to lose weight or improve your health? Did you know that smoothies are a great way to lose weight and eat more fruit and veggies. If you struggle to get enough nutrients in your busy day or if you have poor eating habits - smoothies can be your savior.Smoothies are such an easy way to improve your health. They are easy to make on the run and help you meet your dietary goals without a lot of meal prep. Plus they are delicious - think beyond making green smoothies.There are so many recipes on the internet that are pleasing to look at and to drink.If you are tight on time, low on energy and high on desire to feel better - take the Smoothie Challenge. You will be on the path to better health in no time at all.You will learn all the benefits of drinking smoothiesandhow to design your own challenge around the benefit you want most. Plus get access to a PDFguide to track your recipes and your progress."
Price: 19.99

"Companion Workbook to the 5 Second Rule" |
"Would you like to be free of your bad habits? What does it really take to lose weight, stop smoking, stop procrastination and stop worrying?Learn a simple technique you can start using 5 seconds after taking this course. Anyone can use it. No special skills or learning is needed. No complicated affirmations to memorize. Nothing more than counting down from 5. Can you do that? Of course you can. You will learn how to rid yourself of lifelong bad habits and how to increase your productivity and your happiness.Don't procrastinate right now. Click the enroll button and learn how to lose those bad habits today."
Price: 19.99

"Thank & Grow Rich Workbook" |
"This course enables you to put what Pam Grout teaches in Thank &Grow Rich into practice. This coursefollows the published book and comes with a PDFworkbook.If you read Thank &Grow Rich and were overwhelmed by the content, then this book will help you sort through the 27 Party Games that Grout details. If you haven't read the book, this course will outline the book and walk you through each of the Party Games and how to use them to increase your feelings of gratitude.The intent of the course is to raise your energy level by helping you focus on all the things that are going right in your life or COULD go right in your life. You will find the confidence and the enthusiasm to move forward and see what the Universe has in store for you.You do need to subscribe to the Law of Attraction to truly understand this book and gain benefit from it. I have tried several of the Party Games from the book and had great results.I will share my stories as we go through the course.This course also comes with a 100+ page workbook in PDFform so that you can do the exercises mentioned in the course. Be sure to look in the BONUS section for the guide."
Price: 19.99

"Productivity Tips for Udemy Instructors (Unofficial)" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.In this course you will learn how to be productive and efficient with your Udemy course creation. I will show you the process and the tools I used to create 11 courses in 11 weeks plus write an e-book for each course.You will learn how to set up Trello to keep you on track. I will share an actual board that you can copy and use for your own course creation.You will learn how to develop ideas for an entire 12 months and how to craft those ideas so that they support students buying multiple courses from you.This course does not cover course marketing or promotion. The focus is strictly on how to produce quality courses consistently, week after week. My goal is to help you create a flow and a system so that you can work faster and help more people."
Price: 19.99

"Besser Fotografieren: Dein Start in die Fotografie" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du aus dem Automatik Modus Deiner Kamera heraus zu gehen, richtig zu belichten, besser zu fokussieren und wie Du Bilder so komponierst/erstellst, dass sie richtig gut aussehen.Der Kurs ist in 2 Teile untergliedert: Teil 1: Grundlagen & Teil 2 Kreative Mglichkeiten (beide Teile sind in diesem Kurs) Whrend wir im ersten Teil die Grundlagen der Fotografie und den Kamera Einstellungen durchgehen, beschftigen wir uns im zweiten Teil mit den kreativen Mglichkeiten der Fotografie. Du lernst Bildkomposition und viele Tricks zur Gestaltung Deiner Motive kennen.Die bungen helfen Dir die verschiedenen Aspekte besser zu verstehen und zu vertiefen.Wenn Du den Kurs durchgearbeitet hast, dann kannst Du Deine Kamera sicher bedienen und Deine Bilder werden deutlich besser sein als das jemals der Fall gewesen ist. Von daher auch der Titel Besser Fotografieren.und jetzt, hol Dir den Kurs und wir sehen uns in im nchsten VideoHerzliche Gre Ren"
Price: 199.99

"Create an online training course, how to build elearning" |
"You may be considering a new career?, looking for new ways of earning passive income or just wish to share your skills and knowledge with others. Whatever your goal in creating online courses we have designed a course that will take you through the process from A-Z. Including choosing a platform, understanding how adults learn, content creation, evaluation, choices available etc.We know it can be daunting to create something new and innovative but we also understand how to get past that feeling of overwhelm, with a planned method of moving forward.We include engaging films of online course as an example of what can be created, to inspire and help you envisage your own style and brand content.Complete our assignments and you can create your own blueprint.This course takes into account our 30 years plus of expertise of creating training on and off line and includes assignments and action plans to support you in creating your own online course.Online learning is booming internationally with the online market expected to exceed $350 billion in 2025, make sure you don't miss out of your slice of the action!"
Price: 194.99

"Le Growth Hacking de A Z" |
"Encore inconnu il y a quelques annes le gros hacking est devenu un terme trs la mode, un vritable phnomne largement mdiatis par les succs incroyables obtenus par certaines start-ups telles quAirBNB, Uber, DropboxToutes ces entreprises parties de zro ont russi en moins de 10 ans atteindre le statut dentreprise milliardaire grce des techniques de croissance extrme.Cestde ces techniques dont nous allons parler tout au long de cette formation durant laquelle je vais vous donnerun plan prcis, compos de 4 tapes qui vont permettre de pirater la croissance de nimporte quelle dactivit, de la start-up la boucherie de quartier.Au travers de ces quatre heures de formation vido, vous apprendrez comment vous forgez une mentalit de Growth Hacker. Car loin des ides reues le growth hacker est surtout quelquun qui est passionn par les chiffres, les tests, les process et qui doit tre trs organis.La principale activit dun growth hacker est de mener des tests, beaucoup de tests car la croissance et le growth hacking aiment la vitesse (russir ou chouer...mais vite). Il doit donc tre capabletrouver des ides, de les prioriser, de les implmenter rapidement et de mesurer leur efficience.Plus de 9 fois sur 10, ces tests ne seront pas concluants. En revanche lorsquon trouve une ppite il faut tre capable de la dployer grande chelle afin den tirer tout son potentiel de croissance.Cest de cette manire quAirBNB a largement utilis Craiglist pour se lancer : ils ont tout dabord aliment leurs bases de donnes en logements en mettant en place un processus pour contacter tous les propritaires qui dposaient une annonce sur Craiglist, puis ils ont dvelopp un robot qui permettait chaque annonceur dAirBNB de poster en un clic une annonce sur cette liste pour obtenir plus de rservation pour son logement. Ces deux hacks de croissance ont permis lentreprise cre en 2008, de peser 30 milliards de dollars de valorisation en 2016.Il serait fou de penser quAirBNB na pas men des dizaines voire des centaines de tests afin didentifier une bonne mthodologie pour aspirer le trafic de Craiglist.videmment le Growth Hacking ne transformera pas votre petite entreprise en multinationale, mais elle peut largementvous aider atteindre des croissances 2 ou 3 chiffres avec des budgets et des moyens trs limits.Je vous prsenterai lafin de sa formation une tude de cas qui illustre parfaitement cette ide puisque nous verrons comment Growth Hacker un barbier.Vous allezdcouvrir quil est tout fait possible dutiliser la technologie actuelle pour remplir un commerce qui est trs loin de lunivers des start-ups."
Price: 49.99

"Coaching y PNL: S el Mejor Gestor de tu Vida" |
"Es un programa completo de 47 clasesendonde te llevar a tu propia transformacin, desde el cambio de creencias negativas, a la gestin de las emociones ysuperacin de miedos.47clases on line donde te enseo paso a paso como conseguir tus sueos y anhelos,con todas las herramientas y los ejercicios escritos para que lo puedas desarrollar+ vdeosde casos prcticos as verssu aplicacin real.Podrs hacerme consultas en privado y via skype tantas veces como lo necesites.Acceso al curso, durante el resto de tu vida, para que puedas escucharlo tantas veces como quierasEn cada mdulo, compartir contigo todos los pasos y secretos de una forma sencilla y divertida para que te sea til y fcil de aplicar.Al final de la clase oirs las dudas y preguntas de los alumnosTambin dispondrs de los pdf de ejercicios y de la clase, para que puedas practicar de inmediato.Vdeos de casos prcticos para que veas su aplicacin real.Tambin, me podrs mandar tantos emails como quieras y te responder dentro de las 48 horas siguientes.Si prefieres un contacto directo, podremos hablar por skype tantas veces como lo necesites.ESTE CURSO EST PENSADO PARA TI SITE IDENTIFICAS EN ALGUNA DE ESTAS AFIRMACIONES:Si a pesar de que eres bueno en lo que haces, te sientes estancado,Si ests cansado de pensar que estas desperdiciando tu vida.Si tienes sueos y anhelos, pero piensas que no estn a tu alcance y ya estas harto de tanto lucharSi te parece que tu vida ya no es excitante y apasionante y aunque te esfuerzas en cambiar, no lo consigues.Si sientes que las personas de tu entorno, laboral y personal no te valoran ni te entienden.Si te resulta difcil mantener el buen humor y deseas avanzar para vivir la vida que quieres.CONTENIDO DEL CURSO COMPLETOCmo funcionan los cambiosPor qu a veces nos resulta tan difcil conseguir un sueo y a otras personas les resulta ms fcil? Cmo lo puedo hacer?Una visin holstica del cambio para generar contexto y saber el nivel de dificultad en la consecucin del objetivoCal es realmente mi sueo?y como lo puedo llevar a cabo. Porque a veces te pierdes en el camino de bsqueda y se te olvida lo que queras.Casos reales Qu es lo importante para m y cmo mantener la coherencia en todo momento? El poder de la autoestima y del contacto con mi ser y mi sentidoTransforma tus bloqueos en acciones potentes y perseverancia para superar los obstculos: Que el pasado te de alasComo cambiar hbitos: Convertir las creencias limitantes en potenciadoras del cambioCasos realesFocalzate en lo que quieres y cambiar tu enfoque mental. Convierte tus emociones en tus aliadas para seguir adelante, liberar emociones, tcnicas de meditacin y respiracinDate poder: Cambia tu sistema de explicaciones para retomar tu libertad emocional: Sobre la culpaCasos realesDate poder:Cambia tu sistema de explicaciones para retomar tu libertad emocional: Cmo la verdad os har ser ms eficacesDate poder:Cambia tu sistema de explicaciones para retomar tu libertad emocional: La comunicacin asertiva y comprensivaCasos realesDate poder: Cambia tu sistema de explicaciones para retomar tu libertad emocional : Cmo encontrar la mejor versin de mi mismopara conseguir resultadosDate poder: Cambia tu sistema de explicaciones para retomar tu libertad emocional : La importancia de las relaciones y estar conectado con el mundo desconexinCasos reales y dudasDate poder: Cambia tu sistema de explicaciones para retomar tu libertad emocional : La rabia y las emociones como motoR de cambio y como gestionarlasDate poder: Cambia tu sistema de explicaciones para retomar tu libertad emocional : Sobre los prejuicios, superar esta manera de explicarnos la vida que no tiene fundamento y no lo podemos sostener. Casos realesUna alianza poderosa con la vida, fluye para que todo tu entorno vaya equilibrado y en armonaPon orden, ordena fuera para ordenar dentroCasos realesLos temas pendientes, el coste de la postergar temas pendientes y como equilibrar los temas fallidosLa generosidad y el agradecimientoCasos prcticosOptimizando tu vida y tu esencia: Los ciclos de la eficacia emocional, corporal y mentalOptimizando tu vida y tu esencia: Trabajar tus talentos, conocerlos y reconocer el talento de los demsCasos realesEl secretos de las relaciones: comprender y conectarse con los demsMas sobre la comunicacin,Equilibrando nuestras inteligencias: emocional, intuitiva, relacional, racional, fisica...La gestion del tiempo y ciclos de eficaciaCasos realesEl secreto y la grandeza de la Fe y del AmorAcorta tus tiempos para alcanzar tus sueos: Cuando tu esencia y tu espritu guan tus pasosCasos realesReconocer y trabajarlas sombras de tus sueos y objetivos para poderlos sostener en el tiempoConsolida la obra de tu vida.Casos reales"
Price: 59.99

"Bessere Bilder in Lightroom CC" |
"Haben Sie auch Bilder fotografiert, die man am liebsten niemand zeigen mchte ?Entweder total unterbelichtet, schlechter Bildausschnitt, flaue Farben?Dann sollten Sie sich dieses Video-Tutorial ber Lightroom CC ansehen.Ich zeige Ihnen anhand verschiedener Fotos, die sicher jeder von uns so einmal gemacht hat,was man noch aus solchen Bilder herausholen kann.Dabei geht es nicht um Profifotos, sondern Bilder, die man im Urlaub oder Alltag""geknipst"" hat. Sei es vom Strand, Essen, Meer, etc.Lightroom CC bietet ihnen alle Werkzeuge, um Ihr Ziel besserer Fotos zu erreichen.BONUS:1 Workshop Tokio Bildentwicklung dazu.Alle Workshop Bilder imRAW-Format auch noch dazu."
Price: 149.99

"Hard Surface Modelling in Zbrush (Deutsch)" |
"Wolltest Du schon immer Hard Surface Modelle in Zbrush erstellen, und wusstest nicht wie?Dann sieh dir diese Lernvideos an.Anhand eines Retro-Roboters zeige ich dir, wie man diesen in Zbrush 4R8 erstellt.Und zwar Schritt fr Schritt.Du lernst dabei die wichtigsten Werkzeuge in Zbrush 4R8 kennen und auch zu benutzen.Danach drfte es dirkeine Probleme mehr bereiten, deine eigenen Modelle zu erstellen.Sprache: Deutsch.BONUS-KapitelBonus Kapitel mit interessanten Themen, wiePanel LoopsZmodelerClip-,Insert- und TopologyBrush"
Price: 149.99

"Benefits of Forgiveness" |
"When we are offended, we have in essence, been struck emotionally. We get angry and we carry the emotional burden everywhere we go. Forgiveness Discipleship Module 1, Benefits of Forgiveness will teach you how to get rid of this pain, anger, and resentment through the power of forgiveness. This book will help you to preserve your social relationships. Carrying a heavy emotional burden will affect your physical health. This book will show you how to avoid the health hazards you risk when being unforgiving. You will learn what the Bible says about the definition and the importance of forgiveness."
Price: 39.99

"How to Forgive" |
"Why is it so hard to forgive? Maybe you are ready to forgive, but the one who offended you refuses to own up to their errors and apologize. Or you may reason, Why should I forgive when I am living with the painful consequences of the offense? Forgiveness Discipleship Module 2, Steps to Forgiveness looks squarely at Christian forgiveness, why we need to forgive, and the various reasons it is so hard. But more importantly, this book shows how to overcome the hurdles. You will also learn how to forgive yourself for the sins youve committed against God and against others. You will realize that no sin is beyond pardon. This book will teach you how to forgive by taking practical steps and it will teach you much more."
Price: 39.99

"The Forgiving God" |
"Have you ever wondered if God could ever truly forgive all your sins? You will learn the various words God uses to portray His all-encompassing forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ. You will not be left with any doubt of the willingness and readiness of God to forgive you."
Price: 39.99

"AutoCAD 3D: Projetos na Prtica" |
"Ao fazer o Curso de AutoCAD 3D: Projetos na Prtica voc aprender os principais comandos para desenhar em 3D e ainda ir desenhar dois projetos completos na prtica .Este curso composto por 47 vdeoaulas distribudas em 5 mdulos onde voc aprender tudo sobre esse incrvel programa, desde o bsico aprendendo como visualizar os desenhos em 3D at a criao de imagens fotorrealsticas dos desenhos. um curso completo e destinado a voc que quer aprender a desenhar em 3D no AutoCAD."
Price: 294.99

"Word Problems Made Easy! Version 2" |
"Are you enrolled in an Algebra course in high school or college? Are you struggling to solve word problems?Word problems, also called story problems, are understandably a source of frustration for many math students taking an Algebra course. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this course, I put together twelve years of classroom teaching experience into a set of strategies that will help you solve most common word problems that you'll see in a typical Algebra class. An emphasis here is put in on how to read the word problem, how to organize and analyze the information given, and not be overwhelmed by all the numbers being thrown at you.I have been teaching Mathematics, mainly in the two-year college system, since 2006. I have Masters Degrees in Mathematics Education, and in Statistics from Rutgers University. I have taught Algebra many times and I know that this subject unfortunately has a lot of negative stigma, and word problems in particular are a major source of frustration. I want to share techniques that I've used in my own classroom over the years.This course is designed for students currently enrolled in an Algebra class who struggle with solving math word problems. This course does not cover algebra skills such as solving equations. You should be comfortable with linear equations, and for a few examples quadratic or rational equations as well."
Price: 59.99

"COBIT 5 Practice Exam Questions and Answers" |
"COBIT is a good-practice framework created by international professional association ISACA for information technology management and IT governance. COBIT provides an implementable ""set of controls over information technology and organizes them around a logical framework of IT-related processes and enablers."" These questions are the best start to get ready and practice for your COBIT 5 foundation certification process, and are almost identical with the exam questions."
Price: 19.99

"Affiliate marketing hacks #2: Video takeover campaigns" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!If you are an affiliate marketer or an online entrepreneur or business owner and want to create affiliate marketing campaigns that work, then this is the right place for you to be today!Using these simple yet powerful hack and software will help you build affiliate marketing campaigns that get ready faster, convert higher, and build you instant likeability and authority with your target audience fast!Why join this course?During the past 5 years I've been working online as an online entrepreneur and one of my main income streams for all these years was and still is: affiliate marketing!I've made every newbie mistake you can think of, and I learned the hard way and today I am sharing with you one of my best hacks that will make your life as an affiliate marketer much much easier!this hack is using a smart tool to make affiliate campaigns easy and quickly and to make sure my campaign is going to convert!at this time I am helping over 17000 students on Udemy alone and more than half of them are affiliate marketers and my short and to the point courses have helped hundreds of affiliates get their first commission and even their 100th commission!and also as a mentor it is my duty to empower you not only with information but also with all the tools you need to make things happen and a full action plan to get stuff done!that's why I am including free lifetime access to the 1 software tool I mention in the course for you as my student (tools alone are worth $297) (you get the tool in 1:3 business days after finishing the course)so? still thinking? click that ""take this course"" button and I will see you on the other side!"
Price: 194.99

"Affiliate marketing hacks #1: smarter campaigns" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!If you are an affiliate marketer or an online entrepreneur or business owner and want to create affiliate marketing campaigns that work, then this is the right place for you to be today!Using these simple yet powerful hacks and tweaks will help you build affiliate marketing campaigns that get ready faster, convert higher, and build you instant likeability and authority with your target audience fast!Why join this course?During the past 5 years I've been working online as an online entrepreneur and one of my main income streams for all these years was and still is: affiliate marketing!I've made every newbie mistake you can think of, and I learned the hard way and today I am sharing with you my set of hacks that will make your life as an affiliate marketer much much easier!these hacks cover almost everything from using smart retargeting like the super affiliates do, to the simple yet powerful way to create a freebie to build your email list and create bonuses that add more value to what you're promoting!at this time I am helping over 17000 students on Udemy alone and more than half of them are affiliate marketers and my short and to the point courses have helped hundreds of affiliates get their first commission and even their 100th commission!and also as a mentor it is my duty to empower you not only with information but also with all the tools you need to make things happen and a full action plan to get stuff done!that's why I am including free lifetime access to the 2 software tools I mention in the course for you as my student (tools alone are worth $397) (you get the tools in 1:3 business days after finishing the course)so? still thinking? click that ""take this course"" button and I will see you on the other side!"
Price: 194.99

"Easy eCom and amazon stores, no coding & no hosting needed" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!Being an online entrepreneur and/or affiliate marketer is great but sometimes things get overwhelming when you do not have the right knowledge, tools and plans! that's where I come in!in this short no fluff course I am sharing with you one of my smart ways to run my online business! I am showing you how I create Amazon affiliate stores, sales pages, digital product stores in minutes! not only am I sharing my knowledge with you BUT I'm also giving you the tool I use to make this happen! and instead of just telling you what you need to do, I show you everything in action step by step!after finishing this course you'll be ready not only to create your own Amazon affiliate store and Amazon seller store and any type of digital product store in minutes, but also you'll be able to sell this store creation as a service and charge whatever you like and keep %100 of the profits! Yes! you'll get a bonus pro membership of my InstaStore software (worth $297) as a student in this course!so? are you ready to have the knowledge, tools, and plans to make things happen for you?enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"Animated video creation for busy entrepreneurs" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!Having animated videos for our sales pages, squeeze pages, social media posts, and for our online businesses in general is essential and today I am handing you a secret software I've been using to create simple animated videos that will make creating animated videos more easy, fun, and profitable too!in this course I show you step by step how can you create animated videos for your business using a special software called: Video Vibe Pro, and not only I am teaching you about the use of the software, I'm actually giving you a lifetime license of this software as a gift for joining this course so you can have everything you need to get started and make better videos today!and to make this even more profitable for you, I've included my own hacks on how many ways can you make money with this software! to make it a toll to improve your business and your income at the same time!if you want to make animated videos fast and with no long learning curve, make more money, and save more time then this course is for you!click the enroll now button and join us today!"
Price: 199.99

"Video editing for busy entrepreneurs: edit video like a boss" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!As entrepreneurs, our main currency is not money, it is time! and we are always learning new skills to help us get more done in less time! and today I am sharing with you one of the best tools that helped me save more time, effort, and money on video editing and make my videos look more clean, impactful, and beautiful!in this course I am taking you by the hand and introducing you to Filmora video editing software and how can you master it in less than 1 hour and make better videos with it! and I'm also sharing my secret hack to save more time in video editing using Filmora! Not only this! but I'm also giving you a behind the scenes look on what sites I use to get beautiful looking stock images, stock videos, and audio files for my videos to help up your video editing game!time to start giving your videos the look they deserve and make the impact you're looking for with the power of video!join us today!"
Price: 199.99
