"Build a chatbot for your Drop Shipping Business" |
"Have you already heard of Chatbots?Chatbots areservicespowered by Artificial Intelligence with which you can interact over a Messenger Interface like Facebook Messenger.FacebookMessenger has now over 1bn. monthly active users which present a great opportunity foryour Drop Shipping Business.Learn how to get more customers and increase sales by marketing your Drop Shipping Business on Facebook Messenger. In this course Iwill show you how to build a chatbot for Facebook Messenger for your Dropshipping business using Chatfuel and drive traffic to it.Chatfuel is one of the best and most intuitive tools on the market right now which enables to build functional chatbots very quickly.So what are you waiting for?Start building a chatbot today to drive more traffic and sales to your business.This course is a basic introductorycourse for someone who wants to build their firstchatbot, this course is not for youif you are looking for a technicalcourse to deepen your knowledge about chatbot building.Have any questions?Send me a message, Iwill be happy to help you."
Price: 149.99

"Facebook Ads For Beginners in 2020" |
"Facebook advertising is one of the most effective tools that will help you grow your business in 2020!Through this fun, entry level, course, you will learn the practical steps to follow in order to build your Facebook ad and get results!My goal is to help you get as much traffic as you possibly can online, through the power of Facebook advertising.By The End Of This Course, You WillKnow the best ad type to select, for youKnow how to build a lead generation ad (to build your email list)Know how to build a conversion ad Be able to launch a retargeting ad (this is where the magic happens)Understand ad basics such as how to duplicate an ad, make edits and check ad performanceHave your conversion readings set up, just the way you like themKnow the Facebook best practice steps that will help you achieve better ad resultsRequirements:Computer with Internet connectionFacebook business page (public figure, local business, company, brand, etc.)Research completed (so you know your keywords and target audience, have your visuals or videos ready to go, and have an idea of what your ads should say to perform well)No previous Facebook ads knowledge needed!Top reasons to take this course: If you are new to Facebook ads, this is an extremely step-by-step course with lots of details and examples. It is a very thorough program for those at a beginner level. The instructor is a digital marketing expert who has run multiple ad accounts for various clients in a variety of industriesCourse Goal: to help you easily create Facebook ads that get results, without a large budget, without the hassle and without needing to hire a marketing professional!"
Price: 124.99

"I Am In Control - CBT, Mindfulness & Neuroplasticity" |
"Updated for April 2020. This course has been ranked Best Seller in Self-development on Udemy. Certified Course.Key words in the course: Meditation, Mindfulness, CBT, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Ego, Neuroscience, NeuroplasticityWelcome!My name is Peter Torok and I would like to welcome you to my Mind-mastery course. This combination of lectures and training was designed to let us learn how the mind really works so that we can access a higher aspect of ourselves and leave behind any undesirable ego identifications. Please check out the free previews! Why learn about the mind?Self-awareness training is powerful a psychological tool. There are things we all share, like our desire for love and purpose. The fundamental processes of our mind are also the same. Why do we have certain feelings and problems? Most of the philosophies say, that we are looking for the causes externally rather than looking inside. This is what modern psychology argues as well, and neuroscience, CBT, Schema therapy and mindfulness are the most effective ways thorough which we can connect to, and understand our inner self.I have been researching the nature of the mind for over a decade, and as part of that I did a social experiment: I committed to two-years of 100% honesty in all of my interactions, no matter what the outcome may be. Imagine talking to your boss and really telling them your critical views about their work ethic, or talking to a difficult relative and pointing out everything that they are not willing to face. -It was challenging Why is it impossible to be 100% honest about what we say, really? Constant evolution of Self-awarenessIt is because there is a sense of self that is part of us, which reacts automatically in situations. We can call it the ego or part of the subconscious mind. In what other situation does this part react automatically? Whenever our `pain body` has control over us: when we`re suffering. Our automatic reactions are part of our evolved survival mechanism, however, we have evolved into social, intellectual beings, and the brain`s focus on pure survival mode is no longer beneficial for us. What`s really important is that in our everyday disagreements and power struggles with others, or when we are anxious, our subconscious sense of self that I mentioned feels as threatened as if we were still in the jungle, where a conflict with a tribe member would determine our survival. Life in society is no longer about protecting our lives from othershowever the subconscious part of the brain doesn`t know this! These automatic reactions are the cause of most conflicts between us and others. And the same automatic reactions are the cause of our internal problems, like depression, anxiety and so onTechniquesIf we truly wish to understand our self, the root of our problems and to recognise that we have power to change anything in our life -we need to take a helicopter ride, which lifts us up from our everyday perspective and lets us take a look at ourselves from above, from the outside to take a peak into our mind. The aim of this course is, to gain one more layer of awareness, which enables us to recognise our automatic reactions and patterns, to enable us to choose the way we feel. To give us the ability to look at a problem or challenge and immediately focus on the solution, rather than allowing to be overpowered and pulled into negative emotion. Believe me, even the wisest person on Earth doesnt have complete control over their mind. This material takes you through my personal journey through stories, psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness and meditation.This training is intended to serve as a manual for the mind, and it`s for anyone who wants to take control of their life.Mindfulness during the day may lead to a new type of awareness in our dreams too, called lucid dreaming. If you are interested, check out my 10 Day Lucid Dreaming course. Why learn from me?Personal - I share the story about how I use mindfulness practice & meditation for self-development, joy and healing anxieties. I demonstrate the power of introspective work through my own examples.Expertise - I began to study the mind in 2010 because I wanted to know the psychology and the neuroscience behind my meditative states and my out of body experiences.Experience - Over the years, I have developed my own meditation technique, which I have taught one to one and on retreats. I visited Hindu and Buddhist masters in India and Nepal. I am also a qualified teacher.Mindfulness - I think that by today I found my passion. I like to learn about the mind and consciousness. Meditation, mindfulness, introspection and lucid dreaming have become the core part of my life. Community - You gain access to my Facebook community, in which you may discuss your progression with other practitioners Check out the free previews!I'm confident that you'll love the course and that once you take action, you will revolutionise your self-development practice! I hope to see you soon,Peter What my students said:`It is difficult to put into words what I think about it. For me, the material was very positive. I`d like to begin with your voice...it put me in such a calm state in which I managed to shut out all outside noise. I found the things you have said very interesting and I feel that I must listen to it again. Thank you very much for sharing it with me.` -Anett N. `I am grateful for the video -I have listened to it more than once. I think it is the most valuable video on the topic. I am going to listen to it many more times! Thank you very much. ` -Yvett S.T. ""Super enthusiastic about the course. Very accessible and well structured to understand easily. Love it very much"" -Ilse"
Price: 199.99

"How to become a sports writer? Sports Writing Fundamentals" |
"Welcome to the how to become a sports writer course! Learn how to write attractive headlines, write match reports, features, and interview articles, optimize articles for SEO, as well as how to create your portfolio, find work and more!We'll cover everything you need to know to get started in the world of sports writing, whether you're looking to get your first job, whether you're a professional looking to change careers, or whether you're a freelancer that wants to add sports writing as part of your side hustle.Get paid for your passion. The problem is, everyone wants to become a sports writer, which makes this industry very competitive and there are very few courses out there that teach you the entire process from A-Z.The good news is, as long as you have a good grasp of English spelling and grammar, there aren't many barriers to getting a job in sports writing. It's simply a case of putting in the work and learning how you can get your foot in the door. Plus, once you're there showcasing a portfolio of your writing, nailing the interview, and understanding how to negotiate. And you can do all this in a matter of weeks!The benefits of taking this course are:To understand the different styles of sports writing (match reports, features, and interview articles)To open your own personal sports writing blogTo learn how to edit your articles effectively (and give feedback to others)To set up your digital reputation and create your sports writer brandTo become part of a community of fellow sports writersTo get insight from experts in the industryTo prepare all the tools you need for your job huntTo be able to calculate your personal freelance rateTo nail the interview and win full-time or part-time work, as well as freelance gigsAll this for an investment of $199.99. If you aren't 100% happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked. Register for the course now and get started today.As a student, youll get lifetime access to:70+ engaging and practical lecturesAccess to our private LinkedIn group for sports writing jobsWriter privileges on our course blog publication to receive individual article feedbackPre-made templates for outreach: Cover letter templates, Interview request templates, etc.Step-by-step tutorials: how to create an article outline, how to calculate your freelance rate, etc.Checklists: to help ensure you gather all the research you need for match reports, to help you go through the editing process, etc.With high-quality videos and valuable downloadable materials, this course is designed to be both engaging and practical. There will also be frequent updates to the course, giving you more value as time goes on.What are the requirements? A good understanding of English spelling and grammar. We will briefly touch on some common grammatical errors, but as we will be giving and receiving feedback to each other in the course, the assignments, for now, must be completed in English.What am I going to get from this course? Ultimately, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to write sports articles and a portfolio of work we complete during the course that will enable you to go out and find a paid sports writing job."
Price: 199.99

"Stop the Fall BEFORE it Happens!" |
"One of the greatest threats to anypopulationis a lack of balance and coordination. This can lead to falls and other accidents that are entirely preventable. The exercises in this class will help you or your family memberimprovetheir balance and coordination. Furthermore, stretching has been shown to increase elasticity of muscles, which is necessary for positive muscular health, and it just feels good to stretch. This directly leads to injury prevention and increased mobility. Accidents, and especially falls, have a negative impact on health, function and independent living. Learn to enjoy the benefits of being flexible and having great balance with this class!"
Price: 19.99

"VRAIMENT Bien Comprendre Javascript" |
"Ce cours est spcial: rien que le titre dj:VRAIMENT Bien Comprendre Javascript!!!Cest pas un peu exagr tout a ? Et bien non Sachez que cest le cours le plus compliqu que jai fait jusqu prsent.Pourquoi compliqu ?Parce quon va rentrer dans les dtails des dtails.Vous allez rellement comprendre comment fonctionne Javascript en profondeur.Dailleurs pour vous lancer dans ce cours,vous devez dj connatre un minimum les bases de Javascript.Le but cest de comprendre toutes les subtilits de ce langage.Au final, vous ferez partie du peu de gens qui peuvent se vanter de matriser JavascriptVous pourrez dchirer vos entretiens !Et oui ! Vous serez capable de rpondre tous ces petits tests quadorent donner les recruteurs.Mais surtout, vous comprendrez enfin lenvers du dcor et a fera de vous des meilleurs dveloppeurs.Mais alors attention !Devenir un monstre en Javascriptaun prix !Il va falloir vous accrocher car je vous prviens tout de suite: vous allez transpirer du cerveau cest pour a que jai mis une casquette dailleurs.Bref dans ce cours, il va falloir vous donner 100%.Maintenant sachez que je ferai TOUT pour vous simplifier au maximum les secrets de Javascript.On va tout passer au microscope bien comme il faut.Et pour checker que tout est bien intgr dans vos ttes,je vous donnerai un quiz chaque fin de partie.Alors ce nest pas un quiz comme dhabitude !Vu quon parle de choses complexes, jai tenu vous donnerune correction dtaille en vido pour chacune des questions du quiz.Comme a je suis sr que vous ne passerez pas ct.Rien nest laiss au hasard pour vous aider comprendre,on va aussi appliquer directement votre nouveau savoir au Projet du Serpent: le Snake.Cest--dire quon va amliorer ce projet avec tout ce quon a appris.Bon alors voil ce quon va apprendre dans ce cours !GROS PLAN SUR LES VARIABLESJe vais commencer par vous parler desdiffrents types de variables. Quels sont les diffrences entre lestypes primitifset lesobjets?Quelle est aussi la diffrence entrenull,undefinedet lerreur is not defined.Et sinon vous savez cest quoi lehoisting? Et bien je vais vous lexpliquer.Et je finirai cette partie en vous montrant comment les nouveaux mots cls dES6:letetconstvont changer la donne pour nos variables.GROS PLAN SUR LES SCOPESAlors les scopes cest chaud et on va bien dcortiquer tout a.Je vous parlerai descontextes dexcution, dobjet des variableset de lachane des scopes.Et l encore, on verra quavec ES6, on pourra maintenant utiliser un nouveau genre de scope:le scope de bloc.GROS PLAN SUR LES FONCTIONSEn Javascript,les fonctions sont des objets de premire classe. Et je vais vous expliquer un des sujets qui fait le plus peur aux dbutants:Les Closures.Je vous montrerai aussi ce que sont lesIIFEset comment elles pourront nous tre utiles pourprotger nos variables.Et sinon il y a un autre sujet qui cause beaucoup de problmes certains dveloppeurs, cest le mot-clthis.Alors pas de crainte, je vais tout vous expliquer et je vous montrerai comment le manipuler avec les fonctionsBind,CalletApply.Et on finira par lesfonctions flches: ce sont des fonctions dun nouveau genre quon peut utiliser depuis ES6.GROS PLAN SUR LES OBJETSLhomme descend du singe et quasiment tout descend de lobjet.Ca veut rien dire ?Attendez un peu cette phrase aura beaucoup plus de sens quand vous arriverez cette partie je vous le promets !Je vais vous expliquer en dtail ce que sont lesprototypeset on examinera lachane des prototypes.On finira cette partie en utilisant lesclasses dES6.Voil je pense que vous lavez compris, on a un programme trs trs charg alors ne perdons pas de temps.Cest parti !!!"
Price: 149.99

"Dveloppement Moderne Javascript et ES6,ES7" |
"Dans ce cours on va parler de Dveloppement Moderne en Javascript.Pourquoi Dveloppement Moderne ?Pour 2 raisons:La premire cest au niveau du code !Nouveauts ES6 ES7Des nouveauts, il y en a pas mal, on peut dire quES6 nous a particulirement gt.Les variables, quon peut maintenant dclarer avecletetconst, qui nous permettent dutiliser lesscopes de bloc.Lesfonctions flches, on va voir que nos fonctions peuvent aussi utiliser lesparamtres par dfautou lesparamtres REST.Il y aussi le nouveloprateur SPREAD, la bouclefor of, lesTemplates Stringset mme ce quon appelle leDestructuring.Bref ! On en a des nouvelles choses apprendre.Classes ES6Alors il y a certaines nouveauts plus impactantes que dautres et qui mritent quon sy attarde plus.Par exemple lesClasses ES6: on verra comment une classe peuthriterdune autre classe, on pourra mme crer des classes quihritent directement des lments intgrs Javascript.On verra ce quest unemthode statiqueet comment contrler laccs au proprits de nos objets avecgetetset.Modules ES6Une autre nouveaut majeure dES6, ce sont lesModules.Avec lesimportet lesexport, on va pouvoir utiliser des lments dclars dans dautres fichiers: cest le principe du module et cest obligatoire si vous travaillez sur des gros projets.TerminalLa deuxime raison pour laquelle jai appel ce cours Dveloppement Moderne , cest quon va dcouvrir lesoutils modernes du dveloppeur!On va apprendre maitriser le terminalpour excuter des commandes.NpmAvecNpm, vous allez installer des packets Javascipt en quelques secondes et tout sera configur automatiquement dans unfichier package.jsonWebpackOn va dcouvrir un autre outil fantastique:Webpack!Il va empaqueter tous nos fichiers en un seul !Mais ce nest pas tout ! On va lutiliser pour crer un serveur local qui dtecte les modifications de notre code et les charge directement dans le navigateur. Plus pratique pour coder !Cest aussi important dtre bien organis !On va apprendre structurer notre projet: un dossier pour les fichiers source et un pour ceux de production.BabelEt le dernier outil dont on va parler cestBabel!Car ES6, ES7 cest bien mais si les navigateurs daujourdhui ne le supportent pas encore 100%, on a rien gagn.Donc je vais vous montrer comment utiliser letranspiler Babelainsi que lespolyfillspour rendre votre code compatible avec tous les navigateurs d'aujourdhui.Projet du SnakeAlors je ne lai pas precis mais toutes ces choses quon va apprendre, on va aussi les mettre en pratique directement dans un vrai projet !On va donner un petit lifting notre projet fil rouge: le jeu du Serpent ! Le Snake.Bon vous lavez compris, on a pas mal de boulot !Allez cest parti !"
Price: 149.99

"Intermediate French - Improve and reach the next level" |
"Do you love travelling and would like to makethe best out of your trip? Learning French to the next level will allow you to blend in while visiting France, Switzerland and Belgium and be more comfortable.If you want to fully immerse in the country you'll visit or would like to be able to get all the help you need while travelling, learning the language more deeplycan be a good solution. Learning French to an advanced level is actually the best solution, according to me, of course ;)Most natives tend to be more patient when foreigners make the effort to speak another language. Learning the language means you care about respecting the culture and the natives, and it will help you with every aspect of your trip, such as ordering food, explaining a problem, ask for directions, etc... Also, you will challenge your mind while learning a new language and maybe open more job opportunities !Are you ready to learn?I am ready to teach you !Remember, you can't learn a language in a day, the content of the course is compact and shouldn't be finished in a hurry."
Price: 34.99

"French for beginners - From zero to pro in 60 minutes" |
"Do you love travelling and would like to makethe best out of your trip? Learning the basics of French will help you improve your experienceand will decrease the stress while travelling.If you want to fully immerse in the country you'll visit or would like to be able to get all the help you need while travelling, learning the language can be a good solution.Having an emergency or a problemabroad can be a stressful experience, and you probably have heard a friend say ""if I spoke their language, things would have gone faster or better"", why not make the first step and actually learn the basics? Most natives tend to be more patient when foreigners make the effort to speak another language. Learning the language means you care about respecting the culture and the natives, and it will help you with every aspect of your trip, such as ordering food, explaining a problem, ask for directions, etc...Are you ready to learn?I am ready to teach you !Remember, you can't learn a language in a day, the content of the course is compact and shouldn't be finished in a hurry."
Price: 34.99

"Productivity - Stop being lazy & reach your goals this year" |
"If procrastination,lack of motivation or fear of failure are the reasons you can't succeed, then get ready to finish all your projects and stick to your new year resolutions !Being successful is a choice !Yes, you read it right, it's a choice. And you're the only one able to change your life.In this course you will learn:How to identify the reasons or people that made you failHow to finally get things done by motivating yourself with awesome tricksHow to identify good hobbies and time-wasting hobbiesHow to stop wasting your time by analyzing the way your day goesGood news, if you're WILLING to become successful, you already made a big step that most people don't do.This is a condensed course giving a little bit of information about a lot of subjects on the theme of motivation and productivity.This course was selected as part of the Top 20 Personal Development courses ranking on ""online courses review"" website."
Price: 69.99

"Angular with TypeScript" |
Price: 144.99

"How to Ace Your Work Performance Review" |
"See THREEFREE Preview lectures below!This course is perfect for anyone eager to learn about or how to give/receive performance reviews.+++++++++++Give and receive quality performance reviews now! Get the results you are working towards now!Receive your certificate on completion of this course!+++++++++++As the co-founder of a successful non-profit organization, a former policy analyst in the Office of the Presidency of South Africa and a Master's in Public Administration degree holder from the BushSchool ofGovernment I have extensive experience in the field of performance reviews.And nowI want to sharemy experience and insight with you so you can improve how you use performance reviews to inform performance, communicate results throughmeaningful dialogueand sharpen organizational culture.++++++++++++ 8+Lectures and Over 1hourof content! Easy to Learn Materialfree template download available to get startedApply what you learn to your contextFollow the Best Practices of Top Corporations For Your ContextFive-Star Review: Perfect for beginners.Here are some facts aboutperformancereviews:Today, organizations continue to utilize performance reviews to optimize organization effectiveness.This is what research says about the importance of performance reviews:Managers who received feedback on their strengths showed 8.9% greater profitability.69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognizedCompanies who implement regular employee feedback have turnover rates that are 14.9% lower than for employees who receive no feedbackHere's what we will cover in this course...We start with the basics of performance reviewsand thendescribe how to give and receiveeffective reviews.Don't forget to check out the free preview lectures to sample my course.Are you ready to learn with me?By the end of this course students will know:How to give a performance reviewHow to receive a performance reviewPrepare for a performance reviewEffective performance review phrasesDon't wait another day to start learning how to execute and receive effectiveperformance reviews.CLICK ""TAKE THIS COURSE"" TO GET STARTED NOW!"
Price: 64.99

"MBA Business Tools That Get Results--Free Workbooks Included" |
"** ACCORDING TO THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: ""Businesssuccess relies on a solid combination of innovativeleadership, evidence basedmanagement and sound financial literacy.""THISCOURSEISBUILTTOPROVDETHESESKILLS!** SPECIAL FREE BONUS WORKBOOKS INCLUDED:**Master Over TwentyStrategic Thinking And Decision Making ToolsUtilize a Free Excel Balanced Scorecard, perfect for start-ups or established enterprisesMap out your strategies to a Strategy Map for improved results:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & even more fun and engaging! **Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Lead excellent and diverse teamsThink and act strategicallyConduct performance reviews that lead to improved employee performanceAnalyze and use financial statementsOperationalize a Balanced Scorecard for your organizationThis course includes important topics such as Key Performance Indicators (KPI's), Supply and Demand Costing, Idea Generation,Strategy and Vision Maps and much much more!I will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as an education innovator andentrepreneur with global experience in for profit, start up and corporate settings.I used these networks to survey entrepreneurs asking them one simple question: What do you need to know to be successful?I collected all their answers and designed this course, working closely with them each step of the way. The result is a course thatties together both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a dynamic, practical and applicable way.Ready to take your skills to the next level? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 64.99

"Theory of Change: Align Your Strategies to Achieve Results" |
"** ACCORDING TO THESOCIALVELOCITY: ""The Theory of Change Builds Vision, Mission and Strategy So That Any Organization Can Achieve It's Goals."" ** SPECIAL FREE BONUS** EXCEL WORKBOOK INCLUDED. In order to further improve the student experience, there is a free download of an Excel workbook packed withready to use activities. This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & even more fun and engaging! ** Are you a for profit or non-profit organization professionalready to take your organizational strategy to the next level? In this course, you will learn a step-by-step process to developing a powerful tool used by organizations in the private sectorsuch as the WorldBank and non-profit organizations such as Oxfam and Standford Social Innovation to achieve their goals. This course covers important topics such as how to craft your mission, identify your target audience, align your strategies and reflect on your results.You will leave this course with a fully-fledged Theory of Change! The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as a Policy Analyst in The Office of the Presidency of South Africa, founder of Grow2Lead, a leadership and non-profit organization in South Africa and a Data Associate for a leading Education nonprofit in New York City. I received a PhD from Texas A&M University and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the Bush School of Government. This course ties together both my theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a dynamic, practical and applicable way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students of this course will enjoy learning the step-by-step process to developing a Theory of Changeandexperienceother useful demo lectures that discuss tools such as the SWOT analysis, Balanced Scorecard, Logic Model and Decision making tools. Use this course to take your organization to the next level! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------What are the requirements? Come ready to learn :) What am I going to get from this course? Develop a Theory of Change for your Organization Join a global community of students! Superb reviews! Use the model to achieve your results! After this course you will have the tools / skills needed to craft a Theory of Change for your organization. Who is the target audience? Anyone in the for profit or non-profit field looking to align their strategies with their results."
Price: 49.99

"Balanced Scorecard: Master Your Data Driven Performance" |
"** ACCORDING TOKAPLAN: ""The Balanced Scorecard is one of the most powerful tools any organization can use to achieve it's goals.""** SPECIAL FREE BONUS** EXCEL BALANCED SCORECARD AND COURSE WORKBOOKINCLUDED. In order to further improve the student experience, there is a free download of an Excel BalancedScorecard andworkbook packed withready to use activities. This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & even more fun and engaging! **Are you a for profit or non-profit organization professionalready to track all the important components of your organization in one place?In this course, you will learn a step-by-step system used by organizations such as Wells Fargo, ThomsonReuters, UPS and University of Virginia.The Balanced Scorecardis perfect for:Analyzing your organizational strategyGrowing your bottom lineAligning your tasksChanging what you do so it aligns with your mission.This course covers important topics such as Key Performance Indicators (KPI's), Dashboard integration, Strategy and Vision Maps and Action Plans.The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as a Policy Analyst in The Office of the Presidency of South Africa, founder of Grow2Lead, a leadership and non-profit organization in South Africa and a Data Associate for a leading Education nonprofit in New York City. I received a PhD from Texas A&M University and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the Bush School of Government. This course ties together both my theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a dynamic, practical and applicable way.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students of this course will enjoy learning in a very practical way how to use this system to stay at the pulse of their daily operations and plan their short, medium and long term goals.Use this course to take your organization to the next level!---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 54.99

"Non-Profit Management Tools For Success--Workbooks Included" |
"** ACCORDING TO THE GUIDESTAR.ORG: ""There are more than 1.5 million non-profit organizationsacross America all competing for the nation's charitable contributions.Because of this, non-profit managers require leadership, financialandevaluationskills.""THISCOURSEISBUILTTOPROVDETHESESKILLS!** SPECIAL FREE BONUS WORKBOOKS INCLUDED:**Master Over TwentyStrategic Thinking And Decision Making ToolsTheory Of Change: Align Your Strategy With YourResultsHow toConduct A Needs Analysis**Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Lead excellent and diverse teamsThink and act strategicallyConduct program evaluations reviews that lead to improved organizational performanceAnalyze and use financial statementsOperationalize a policy analysisThis course includes important topics such as financial statement analysis, Diversity and Inclusion, Idea Generation, Performance Reviewsand much much more!I will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as an education innovator andentrepreneur with global experience in for profit, start up and corporate settings.I used these networks to survey non-profit professionals asking them one simple question: What do you need to know to be successful?I collected all their answers and designed this course, working closely with them each step of the way.The result is a course thatties together both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a dynamic, practical and applicable way.Ready to take your skills to the next level? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 59.99

"Salesforce Training and Implementation Made Easy" |
"** This course is perfect for anyone wanting to design an in-house Salesforce training program to empower employees to perform better.****ACCORDING TO BURNING GLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforce demand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python, .Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""**Every year, companies spend thousands of dollars on Salesforce consultants to train employees to input data, run reports and build dashboards. Managers using Salesforce spend up to 25% of their time filling skill gaps in employees and not on managing for optimal performance.This course is perfect for:-Managers who are responsible for trouble shooting Salesforce issues with direct reports-Human resource managers who onboard new employees-Existing trainers in the organisation who are tasked with migrating from another CRM system to Salesforce.The contents of this course are all based on our work experience and Warren's qualification as a ADM201 Certified Data Associate. I use Sales force on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. And now, I want to share my knowledge and expertise with you.By the end of this course you will know and be able to do the following:1. Follow eight simple steps to design and execute a training program from scratch.2. Use the provided curriculum and lesson plan to teach editing and inputting Salesforce data.3. Teach employees how to run reports using scenarios and requests.4. Advance employee knowledge of dashboards with a practical project.5. Assess learning with helpful tools and exercises.I will work with you throughout the course to support your journey to mastery!Ready to train others to use Salesforce? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 39.99

"Salesforce Admin Certification: Ace the '17 ADM201 Exam!" |
"INCLUDESEVERYTHINGYOUNEEDTOKNOWFORTHE2017 SUMMERRELEASE SALESFORCEADMINCERTIFICATION** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite, Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017 with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**THISCOURSEISBUILTTOHELPGETYOUCERTIFIED INNOTIME!** INCLUDESSPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LICENSE, PRACTICEQUIZ's, CHEATSHEETSANDMUCHMUCHMORE**Learn what you need to know in rapid timeUtilize the practice resources to master each section of the testHave full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as an ADM201CertifiedData Associateandentrepreneur with global experience infor profit, start up and corporate settings.Iuse Salesforce on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. My certification has lead to increased opportunities andadvanced my ability to administrate effectively.And now, I wantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Answer Exam questions, apply knowledge and demonstrate Salesforce Administration competenciesDescribe the components of the company profileIdentify the steps to set up and/or maintain a userExplain the various organization security optionsDescribe the standard object architecture and relationship modelDescribe the options available when creating or customizing a report This course includes important topics such as Chatter, AppExchange,and Security and AccessApplications!I will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!Ready to pass your certification Exam? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce: How to Input Data, Run Reports and Strategize" |
"**HARNESS THE STRATEGIC POWER OFSALESFORCE ANDBOOST PERFORMANCE! LEARN HOW TO INSERTDATA ANDBUILDREPORTS(Tabular, Summary,Matrix and Joined Reports)!**** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**** INCLUDESSPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LOGIN, SUPPLEMENTARYCONTENTANDMUCHMUCHMORE**Learn what you need to know in rapid time--GO FROM MEASURING TO MANAGING, TO INNOVATIONUtilize the practice resources to master reporting and turn this information into powerful tools of practice.Have full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **The contents of this course are all based on our work experience and Warren's qualification as aADM201CertifiedData Associate.Iuse Sales force on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. And now, Iwantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Respond to real-life requests by building Tabular, Summary, Matrix and Joined Reports!Practice your skills by asking diagnostic and strategic questionsLearn how to mass input and manually input dataI will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!Ready to pass your harness the strategic power of Salesforce and learn about reports and inserting data?Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 39.99

"Master Salesforce Classic Reports, Dashboards and Listviews" |
"**LEARN HOW TO BUILD SALESFORCE REPORTS (Tabular, Summary,Matrix and Joined Reports), DASHBOARDS AND LISTVIEWS TO ANSWER REAL WORLD SITUATIONS: BECOME A PRO IN RAPID TIME!**** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**** INCLUDESSPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LOGIN, SUPPLEMENTARYCONTENTANDMUCHMUCHMORE**Learn what you need to know in rapid timeUtilize the practice resources to master reporting, dashboards and listviewsHave full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **The contents of this course are all based on our work experience and Warren's qualification as aADM201CertifiedData Associate.Iuse Sales force on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. And now, Iwantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Respond to real-life requests by building Tabular, Summary, Matrix and Joined Reports!Master Listviews to edit many records at once!Build, customize and interpret a DashboardThis course includes important topics such as Chatter, AppExchange,and Security and AccessApplications!I will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!Ready to ace Salesforce Reports, Dashboards and Listviews?Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 49.99

"How to Optimize Udemy's Marketplace Insights-Unofficial" |
"This course describes how UdemyInstructors can take advantage of the New Udemy Marketplace Insight Tool.Udemy has opened the door toinstructors who can nowchoose their course topics and reach more students through the Marketplace Insights tool...But how can you take advantage?This practicalcourse describes the the Insights tool, shows you how to use it and talks about how you can integrate it into your course creation routine.**It also includes tips on how to use the UdemyRevenue Report to Boost Your Udemy Marketing Plan**We cover:1. What is the Insights tool?2. How do you know if a course is a good idea?3. What can you do once you have chosen your topic?4. What weeksof the month, days of the week should you be marketing your courses?You will learn all of this and more in this step by step course.What are you waiting for?ClickTake this course now to get started!"
Price: 64.99

"Salesforce Classic Reports: From Beginner To Advanced!" |
"This course is perfect for anyone wanting to learn how to build reports in Salesforce Classic!** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**THISCOURSEISBUILTTOHELP YOUMASTERREPORTSINNOTIME!** INCLUDESSPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LICENSE,PRACTICEQUIZ's, CHEATSHEETSANDMUCHMUCHMORE**Learn what you need to know in rapid timeUtilize the practice resources to master each report typeHave full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as an ADM201CertifiedData Associateandentrepreneur with global experience infor profit, start up and corporate settings.Iuse Salesforce on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. My certification has lead to increased opportunities andadvanced my ability to administrate effectively.And now, I wantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Learn in a practical environment to build reports using the QRS approach:Question,Report, StrategyMaster reports in Salesforce ClassicBuild Tabular, Summary, Matrix and Joined reports, including chartsShape your report using cross filters and filter logicThis course includes important topics such as User Setup an Custom Objects.I will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!Ready to master Salesforce Reporting? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 49.99

"Salesforce Classic Masterclass - The Complete Guide" |
"This course is perfect for anyone wanting to learn everything they need to know about harnessing the power of Salesforce Classic!** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**THISCOURSEISBUILTTOHELPYOU MASTERSALESFORCE CLASSIC INNOTIME!** INCLUDESSPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LICENSE, SCENARIOBASEDLEARNINGANDMUCHMUCHMORE**Learn what you need to know in rapid timeUtilize the practice resources to master each report typeBuild DashboardsMass Input DataHave full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as an ADM201CertifiedData Associateandentrepreneur with global experience infor profit, start up and corporate settings.Iuse Salesforce on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. My certification has lead to increased opportunities andadvanced my ability to administrate effectively.And now, I wantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Learn in a practical environment to build reports using the QRS approach:Question,Report, StrategyMaster reports, Dashboards and Listviews in Salesforce ClassicMass Input DataCraft the User and Organization SetupThis course includes important topics such as User Setup an Custom Objects.I will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!Ready to master Salesforce Classic? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 99.99

"Master Salesforce Lightning Reports, Dashboards & Listviews" |
"You may be asking:What is the difference between Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning? Why two different courses?The answer:Salesforce Classic is the standard version of Salesforce, Salesforce Lightning is theupdated version of Salesforce.Because of the many unique features of the new Salesforce Lightning Experience, it needed it's own course.This course is perfect for anyone wanting to learn how to run Reports,Build Dashboards and Edit using Listviews in Salesforce Lightning!** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**** INCLUDESSPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LOGIN, SUPPLEMENTARYCONTENTANDMUCHMUCHMORE**Learn what you need to know in rapid timeUtilize the practice resources to master reporting, dashboards and listviewsHave full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **The contents of this course are all based on our work experience and Warren's qualification as aADM201CertifiedData Associate.Iuse Sales force on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. And now, Iwantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Respond to real-life requests by building Tabular, Summary, MatrixReports!Master Listviews to edit many records at once!Build, customize and interpret a DashboardI will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!Ready to ace Salesforce Reports, Dashboards and Listviews?Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 49.99

"Salesforce Lightning Reporting: All You Need To Know!" |
"You may be asking: What is the difference between Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning? Why two different courses?The answer: Salesforce Classic is the standard version of Salesforce, Salesforce Lightning is theupdated version of Salesforce.Because of the many unique features of the new Salesforce Lightning Experience, it needed it's own course. This course is perfect for anyone wanting to learn how to build reports in Salesforce Lightning!** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**THISCOURSEISBUILTTOHELP YOUMASTERREPORTSINNOTIME!** INCLUDESSPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LICENSE,PRACTICEQUIZ's, CHEATSHEETSANDMUCHMUCHMORE**Learn what you need to know in rapid timeUtilize the practice resources to master each report typeHave full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as an ADM201CertifiedData Associateandentrepreneur with global experience infor profit, start up and corporate settings.Iuse Salesforce on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. My certification has lead to increased opportunities andadvanced my ability to administrate effectively.And now, I wantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Learn in a practical environment to build reports using the QRS approach:Question,Report, StrategyMaster reports in Salesforce LightningBuild Tabular, Summary, Matrix and Joined reports, including chartsShape your report using cross filters and filter logicThis course includes important topics such as User Setup an Custom Objects.I will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!Ready to master Salesforce Reporting? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 49.99

"How To Build A Successful Freelance Consulting Business" |
"** This course is perfect for anyone wanting to build a Freelance Consultancy from scratch****Learn How toEfficientlyPlan and Manage Your Business,Convert Your Audience To Customers With These Marketing StrategiesandFoster Customer Loyalty Through Quality Customer Support After SaleThis course is perfect for:--Anyone withskillsthey can use to generate extra income in their spare time--Freelancers looking to professionalize theirbusiness--Freelancers looking for their next customersBy the end of this course you will know and be able to do the following:1. Increase your income, audience, and customer base with specific strategies2. Produce high quality goods and services through establishing a robust business foundation3. Convert your audience to loyal customers through tried and tested social media marketing strategiesI will work with you throughout the course to support your journey to mastery!Ready to build your financial freedom? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!"
Price: 29.99

"Bite-Sized French: Future Verb Tenses" |
"You will learn the two mainways to speak and write in the future, in French.This is a great course for those wanting to learn the future tenses or for those wanting a quick review of French verbs in the future.-in just a short timeyou will be able to use French verbs to talk about something that will take place in a future time. You will learn:le futur proche (or the near future tense) andle futur simple (or the simple future tense)Together, we take a step-by-step approach to this course. You will watch video lessons, do practice exercises and assignmentsto try out what you have learned about the future. Many supplemental resources have been included in this course.In addition, the future tenses are incorporated in ""virtual visits"" to Qubec city and Montral. Discover what you might like to see in your future visits to FrenchCanada!Looking forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 24.99

"English Grammar : The Four Past Tenses" |
"Welcome to English Grammar: The Four Past Tenses. This is course that takes you step-by-step through the past tenses of English. Youwill learn: How to identify each past tense in English How to form the tense The differences between North American English and British English when forming verbs in the past tenses When to use each past tense (and when to avoid certain tenses) How to choose between two tenses in the pastHow to write sentences in the negative using this tenseHow to write questions correctly the common irregular verbs in EnglishWho should take this course? Your first language is not English, but you have a highbeginner or intermediate level of the language You could also be a native English speaker who wants to improve your knowledge of grammar You are a student who is ready to do the exercises provided in the courseThe course contains: apretestso that you will see where you need to practice video lessonswhere each tense is demonstrated a variety ofexerciseswhere you can practice what has been taught review activitiesfor each section a final activityso you can measure your progress Last updated: December 2017"
Price: 24.99

"Language Learning in the 21st Century:" |
"In this global village, we are fortunate to have access to many language-learning resources from traditional classes to podcasts, online speaking buddies, language-learning software and more. This class helps you navigate a path through this bewildering array of possibilities and provides suggestions for developing your own, personalized language-learning plan.Specifically, the class will provide you with:guidelines for your consideration when starting to learn a new language10 tips for language learningsuggestions for ( mostly) free resources that you might want to use on the path to fluency in your target language"
Price: 19.99

"After Effects - Expresses e Scripts" |
"Filmes, videoclips, novelas, propagandas, telejornais... Todos tm uma coisa em comum: a presena de vinhetas ou elementos de motion graphics. O design de elementos grficos em movimento se tornou parte integrante de qualquer produo audiovisual moderna.O curso prepara o aluno para trabalhar com ps produo e animao profissional de vdeo, shapes, imagens, com a utilizao de expresses e scripts. Estes so capazes de agilizar o nosso processo de animao, deixando nossos projetos cada vez mais profissionais."
Price: 54.99

"Master Number Base Conversion" |
"Welcome to a course that will teach you different Number Base Conversions, and how to do Arithmeticsin those bases.Number bases are different ways of writing and using the same number. In this course you will learnwhat we mean by number bases and you will also learn the important numbers bases like Base 2, 8, and 16.You will learnhow to convert from Base 10 to base 2, 8 and 16 and back.Also at the end, you will learn how to convert any Base to base 10 and vise versa.Number bases are very important and one of the skills which is useful to programmers is an understanding of the relationship between number bases. When you understand how numbers are represented in base 2(Binary), base 8(Octal), and base 16(Hexadecimal), you will understand different aspects in programming better.How is it delivered?I know visually seeing a problem getting solved is the easiest and the most direct way for a student to learn so I designed the course keeping this in mind. The materials are deliveredthrough videos to make thesubject easy to understand.How do I learn better?There are quizzes after each section so you can test your knowledge and see how much of the material has sank in. I suggest you go through each lesson several times to better understand the topics."
Price: 19.99
