"From 0 to 1: Bond Theory and Valuation" |
"Course DescriptionA zoom-in, zoom-out, connect-the-dots tour of Bond Theory and ValuationLet's parse that'connect the dots':Bonds is an relatively safe investments instrument with steady stream of income. The various attributes of bonds can make it conceptually complex - the various bond options just add on to the complexities. This course makes sure the concepts are made crystal clear.'zoom in':Getting the details is very important in bond valuation - All attributes influence each other in some way or the other. This course gets the details right where they are important.'zoom out':Details are important, but not always. This course knows when to switch to the big picture.What's Covered:Credits:Explained with example what credit is, why is it needed, the borrowers and the lenders.The issuers of Bond:Why are bonds issued, the credit ratings and their importanceAttributes of Bond:Grilling down the Bond Certificate to get to the specifics of bonds: Coupon Rates, Principal, Maturity, Duration.Yield Curve:Explanation of what Yield curve represents, the factors that impact the yield, discounting and Yield computationBond Risks:Interest rate risks, reinvestment risk, liquidity riskBond Options:Examples relating to put and call options, interest floor optionsDuration:Modified Duration, Macauley DurationConvexity: Derivation of Convexity, how it eliminates error margin"
Price: 99.99

"Break Away - GMAT Problem Solving - 65 Solved And Explained" |
"The Problem Solving questions on the GMAT are the easiest on the test - which puts the pressure on you, the test-taker, to nail them all.The adaptive nature of the GMAT makes easy questions hard. Why this paradox? Because when you get an easy question, the pressure is on you to nail it - and nail it fast. If you miss on an easy question, the adaptive GMAT will relegate you pretty quickly to a lower tier score. And trust me, the pressure this puts on you can often lead you to get an easy question wrong. This is the paradox of the easy-but-hard questions on the GMAT.Problem-solving questions, unlike data sufficiency questions, are very predictable indeed. So - don't fear them. Adopt a methodical, workmanlike approach to these questions, and you will get them right with a minimum of fuss. That's what this class will help you do.Oh, and quick mathematical shortcuts are a big contributor to success on the GMAT. Use these shortcuts to solve questions in record time, or to confirm an answer you already arrived at using a more conventional technique. This course covers loads of such mathematical mnemonics.What's covered65 high-quality problem-solving problems, original, and prepared to span the range of such questions on the GMAT5 hours of step-by-step reasoning, so you can learn to think like the test-settersVisual highlights so that you really get why alternatives are right or wrong"
Price: 99.99

"Case Studies in Macro Economics" |
"Course DescriptionThis is a tour of historic economic events decoding them to understand core concepts in Macro-Economics.Let's parse that'why macro-econ':Central bank and Government budget decisions effect an individual's financial situation. Knowing what are the stimulators of these decisions can smooth out financial planning. This is where learning Macro-Economics will help sail your boat.'story-telling':Macro-economics is nothing but an engaging story of how, why and in what way do People, Government and Central Bank react to economic events. No wonder that the process of learning Macro-Economics should also be a story. We have done exactly that. By looking into historical events with a magnifying glass, we elaborate every little concept that literally govern economic decisions.'the big picture':Half knowledge is always dangerous. Everything in macro-economics connects in some way. Understanding how everything intersect in the bigger picture of things only would assure sound decisions. This course helps you understand why recession follows boom, or why interest hike trails inflation. We will connect the dots of major macro-economic concepts.What's Covered:Recession of 1970s:Cause and effect analysis, Government Decisions, Fiscal and Monetary policiesUnemployment and inflation:Effects on aggregate demand and supply, relation between unemployment and inflationGDP and Income:4 components of GDP, Concept of Value Added, Nominal and real growth, Price Index, National Income, Disposable Income, Consumption and SavingsHow does GDP Grow?:Analysis of the growth stories of Japan, China and SingaporeInvestments and Interest Rates:Expectation, Revenue and Costs, why do interest rates change, Controls on Money Supply2008 Global Economic Recession:Root causes demystified, effects of recession and interplay of macro-economic factorsBalance of Payments:Current account and capital account transactions broken downForeign Exchange Rates:Purchasing Power Parity, determinants of real exchange rates, connection of Oil Prices and exchange ratesThe bigger picture:Why spike in oil prices are followed by recession and how does everything connect."
Price: 99.99

"Innovators and innovation: Travel through time!" |
"Ever wondered how and why machines were invented? Are you curious on what went into creating the very machines that led to the industrial revolution? What were the life stories of the greatest innovators of the pre-industrial society?Then this course is perfect for you!This course is a journey through time exploring the lives of 13 innovators and the working of 13 innovations in the 18th century with rich, visually attractive illustrations, comic strips and more.Pre-industrial Society:We will explore the society, the aspects of life, occupations, before there were any machines, mechanisation or mass production. This course will talk in detail about the pain-points of the society which triggered the brains of the innovators.Who started it all:We will focus on the two biggest innovation of the industrial revolution. Thesteam engineand thespinning jenny.We will travel through the 17th and 18th century following the life story of 13 innovators:Hero of Alexandria, Denis Papin, Thomas Savery, Thomas Newcomen, James Watt, Richard Trevithick, George Stephenson, Charles Parsons, James Hargreaves, Richard Arkwright, Samuel Crompton, Edmund Cartwright, Joseph Marie Jacquard.All their stories are very inspirational. We will get many life lessons from the stories.First machines, first factory:The course will explain in a plain, simple, visual way, the parts and working mechanism of 13 innovations:First vending machine, first wind powered machine, Aeolipile, Steam Digester, Savery Engine, Newcomen Engine, Watt Steam Engine, Steam Locomotive, Spinning Jenny, Water Frame, Spinning Mule, Cartwright Power Loom, Jacquard Loom.We will check out the first factory in the world.Its all connected:All inventions are connected. One invention's drawbacks triggers another invention. Capabilities of one invention makes another invention possible. This course covers a proper structural evolution of the innovations, the causes, effects and impact on society.Who can take this course:This course is for everyone - you don't need to know anything in mechanicsor engineering."
Price: 99.99

"GMAT Verbal-Critical Reasoning-150 Original-SolvedAndExplain" |
"The Critical Reasoning questions on the GMAT are all about precision of thought - an attribute that can easily be learned.The hardest part about this question type is that most practice material out there does not 'sound' right. That's where this course scores:150 questions with the real 'GMAT' feel, just the right turn of phrase, and the right tricks to mimic the real thing.Critical Reasoning questions areapplied common sense, and so are not easy to 'game'. If you are thinking straight, you will nail them. If you aren't, you are sunk. This course will make sure you are never sunk. You'll be nailing these questions in your sleep by the time you get through 15 hours of grueling practice.What's covered150 high-quality sentence correction problems, with the real GMAT feel15 hours of step-by-step reasoning, so you can learn to think like the test-settersVisual highlights so that you really get why alternatives are right or wrong"
Price: 99.99

"GMAT Data Sufficiency- 50 Original Qs - Solved And Explained" |
"The Data Sufficiency questions on the GMAT are cunning- an unusual term to apply to a question type, but one that fits! Never fear - honest practice wins over cunning every day of the week.Questions can be cunning- particularly so on the Data Sufficiency parts of the GMAT! The test-setters almost hope that you will commit the rookie error of trying to actually solve these questions.Rookie errorscan cost you your dream of studying a top business school. If you actually set out to solve a data sufficiency problem, and find a specific solution, your score will sink, and so will your prospects of MBA glory.Honest practice beats cunning every day of the week -Just practice enough, and avoiding these rookie errors will become a part of 'muscle memory'. Honest practice is all it takes, honest.What's covered50 high-quality Data Sufficiency problems, original, and prepared to span the range of such questions on the GMAT.6 hours of step-by-step reasoning, so you can learn to think like the test-setters.Visual highlights so that you really get why alternatives are right or wrong."
Price: 99.99

"Show And Tell: Sikuli - Pattern-Matching and Automation" |
"SikuliX isvery unusual - a scripting/automation technology that relies on patternmatching,and is available for use via Python or Java. Developed at the User Interface Design Group at MIT, is a powerful and easy-to-use technology that uses image recognition to automate just about anything that appears on-screen.Sikuli is rather hard to slot- it offers all of the functionality of an automation or scripting tool, but it also offers some powerful and very novel image-matching functionality for truly novel use-cases that revolve around image search. Inadditionit has an OCR-mode, in which image matches are performed after converting those image patterns to text. This gives rise to some pretty new applications.The OCR-functionality is powered by Tesseract, an open-source optical character recognition engine whose development is sponsored by Google."
Price: 99.99

"GCP: Complete Google Data Engineer and Cloud Architect Guide" |
"This course is a really comprehensive guide to the Google Cloud Platform - it has ~25hours of content and~60 demos.The Google Cloud Platform is not currently the most popular cloud offering out there - that's AWS of course - but it is possibly the best cloud offering for high-end machine learning applications. That's because TensorFlow, the super-popular deep learning technology is also from Google.What's Included:Compute and Storage- AppEngine, Container Enginer (aka Kubernetes) and Compute EngineBig Data and Managed Hadoop- Dataproc, Dataflow, BigTable, BigQuery, Pub/SubTensorFlow on the Cloud - what neural networks and deep learning really are, how neurons work and how neural networks are trained.DevOps stuff- StackDriver logging, monitoring, cloud deployment managerSecurity - Identity and Access Management, Identity-Aware proxying, OAuth, APIKeys, service accountsNetworking - Virtual Private Clouds, shared VPCs, Load balancing at the network, transport and HTTP layer; VPN, Cloud Interconnect and CDNInterconnectHadoop Foundations: A quick look at the open-source cousins (Hadoop, Spark, Pig, Hiveand HBase)"
Price: 99.99

"Using Elasticsearch and Kibana" |
"Elasticsearch wears two hats: Itis both a powerful search engine built atop Apache Lucene, as well as a serious data warehousing/BI technology.This course will help you use the power of ESin both contextsES as search engine technology: How search works, and the role that inverted indices and relevance scoring playThe tf-idf algorithm and the intuition behind term frequency, inverse document frequency and field lengthHorizontal scaling using sharding and replicationPowerful querying functionality including a query-DSLUsing RESTAPIs - from browser as well as from cURLES as data warehouse/OLAP technology:Kibana for exploring data and finding insightsSupport for CRUD operations - Create, Retrieve, Update and DeleteAggregations - metrics, bucketing and nested aggsPython client usage"
Price: 99.99

"Building Apps Using Amazon's Alexa and Lex" |
"Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google Now - voice-activated personal assistants are one of the hottest trends in technology these days. They are a great way to convey complex information to your customers in a free-flowing, conversational way. Alexa is a great way to build them -an AWS service for building conversational interfaces for Echo, FireTV and a host of Alexa-aware devices.Alexa and Lexarestate-of-the-art, with support for new devices being added all the timePowered by a deep learning based engine that parses user voice and resolves the contents of user utterances to API calls and parameter valuesNo deep learning or natural language processing expertise is needed to build even complex voice and chat appsProvides an intuitive way of specifying the conversational interfaceAutomatically and dynamically adjusts conversational responsesEasy to build, test and publish appIn the sections on Alexa we will cover:The big picture - voice and text interfaces andcurrent trends in human-computer interactionHow Alexa, Lex, Echo and the other bits of the Amazon ecosystem come togetherInteraction models: Utterances, intents, slots, prompts and their resolution into API callsFulfilment models: Using AWSLambdas to fulfiluser intents, and how AWSlambdas provide smooth, no-ops, auto-scaling code endpointsIn the sections on Lex we will cover:Interaction models: Utterances, intents, slots, prompts and their resolution into API callsFulfilment models: Using AWSLambdas to fulfiluser intents, and how AWSlambdas provide smooth, no-ops, auto-scaling code endpointsThird-party integration: How a chatbot can be added to your Slack workspace"
Price: 99.99

"Hands-on Chatbots with Google Dialogflow" |
"Chatbots are voice-aware bots, i.e. computer programs designed to simulate human conversations with users.This course introduces Dialogflow, Google'sconversational interface for bots, devices and applications.DialogFlow is state-of-the-art, launched in September 2016No deep learning or natural language processing expertise is needed to build even very complex botsProvides an intuitive way of specifying the conversational interfaceAutomatically and dynamically adjusts conversational responsesEasy to build, test and publish appsSupports one-clickintegration with other chat platforms such as Slack and FacebookIn this course, we will cover:The big picture: How conversation flows in DialogflowInteraction models: Intents, entities, contextsand their resolution into API callsManaging dialogs: Handling the flow of conversation using linear and non-linear dialogs.Fulfilment models: Using webhooks to fulfilluser intentsand how toconnect to external services to respond to queries.Deployment: Deploying a flask app to Heroku, and a Cloud Function to the Google Cloud PlatformThird-party integration: Integrating a bot with Slack"
Price: 99.99

"Master Microsoft Word Beginner to Advanced" |
"Material was recorded using Microsoft Word 2013/2016 on a Windows machine, but is relevant to Word 2010, 2013 and 2016. MACusers, since the videos are recorded with the Windows version of Microsoft Word, the interface will be a bit different.This Course Includes 3 SectionsMicrosoft Word 101 - Introductory LevelMicrosoft Word 102 - Intermediate LevelMicrosoft Word 103 - Advanced LevelEnroll now to go from beginning Word to Advanced user. This course will take you through a comprehensive understanding of the most popular word processing tools on the market. As yourinstructor I will use my 15+ years of Microsoft Office training to guide you step by step as you further develop your skills in Microsoft Word. Even if you are a seasoned Word users you will be amazed at the techniques and tools you pick up to help you become more productive and efficient in Word.At completion of this course you will have mastered the most popular and sought after Microsoft Word tools and come away with confidence to complete many Word tasks with efficiency and grace. Below are just a few of the topics you will master:Creating Dynamic Microsoft Word DocumentsEffectively Formatting a Document with StylesPrepare Documents for Printing and ExportingManage Large DocumentsWorking with Page and Section BreaksControl Page OrientationCreate and Manage Table LayoutsWork with Tab Stops to Align Content ProperlyInsert Media and ImagesPerform Mail Merges to create Mailing Labels and Form LettersBuild and Deliver Word FormsManage TemplatesProtect Documents from EditsTrack and Accept/Reject Changes to a DocumentBuild Dynamic Table of Contentsand much, much more...So, what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step in mastering Word and go from Word Newb toWord Guru!-------------COMINGSOON----------------WordMacros and VBA"
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Dashboard Reporting" |
"Microsoft Excel is one of the most powerful and popular data analysis desktop applicationon the market today. By participating in this Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Dashboard Reporting course you'llgain the widely sought after skills necessary to effectively analyze large sets of data. Once the data has been analyzed, clean and prepared for presentation, you will learn how to present the data in an interactive dashboard report.The Excel Analysis and Dashboard Reporting course covers some of the most popular data analysis Excel functions and Dashboard tools, including;VLOOKUP() Function for Looking up InformationINDEX()/MATCH()Functions a PowerfulAlternative to VLOOKUPTEXT() Function for FormattingCHOOSE() for Ultimate Flexibility in Presenting DataAdvanced FilteringSummarizing Data with PivotTables and Pivot ChartsInteractive Features to Create User Friendly ReportsVBAMagic to Create Dynamic Contentand more...What's Included in the Course:30+ Video Lectures to Follow Along and Practice the Concepts of Excel Data Analysis and Dashboard ReportingDownloadable Exercise FilesInstructor Support through the QASection Found within the Course - Ask Your Questions!Build a Real World Excel Dashboard30 Day Money Back GuaranteeJoin me in this course and take your Microsoft Excel skills to new heights. The skills you learn will help streamline your efforts in managing and presenting Microsoft Excel data.See you in the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Complete Python Programming Masterclass Beginner to Advanced" |
"Python is used in thousands of applications around the world, by some of the most recognizable companies. Python is used for various types of applications, including;Web DevelopmentScientific ComputingEducationDesktop GUIsSoftware DevelopmentBusiness Applications Needless to say, Python is one of most sought after programming skills on the market.WHATYOU'LLLEARN INTHISPYTHON COURSEThis Python course starts with the basics and by the end you'll be mastering advance level Python concepts. Some of the topics include;Python Programming FundamentalsPython Syntax (How to write Python Code)Use the Command Prompt to Write PythonUnderstanding Whitespace in Python CodePython VariablesPython Data TypesPython OperatorsExecute Python Code in the Python Shell and Write Re-Useable Code in the Python IDLEPython Logical Statements (If...Else)Python Loops (While, For Loops)Python Intermediate/Advanced TopicsPython Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples and Sets (Collection Objects)Gather Input from UsersPython FunctionsPython ModulesPython Classes (Object Oriented Programming)Create Custom Python ClassesHandling Files with PythonError HandlingThroughout the course you will find quizzes to gauge your understanding of the material and build your confidence. The video lectures will walk you step by step through mastering key Python concepts, while each section will build upon the knowledge you gain from the previous section. Additional resources, including PDFs, completed Python files and web resources will provide you will additional information. All course material, including the video lectures are available for download so you can learn offline.After you've mastered key Python programming concepts, you'll find projects to challenge your understanding. Each project will give you an opportunity to put what you've learned to practice by creating games and interacting with business data using Python.Create a Magic 8 Ball GameRead and Write .CSV filesAs you go through the course, participate in the QA section to ask questions, share what you've learned and interact with your instructor and other students. With Udemy's 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, you'll find comfort in learning how to program using Python. And, at the end of the course, you'll receive a Certificate of Completion that you can print and proudly share with friends, co-workers and the world.So, don't lose another moment, Enroll Now and begin learning how to program with Python."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Vuejs Course: Vue.js + Nuxt.js + PHP + Express.js" |
"If all you still think jQuery can completely replace JavaScript and want to learn Vue.JS, then this course is PERFECT for you because you will learn EVERYTHING you need here. Minumum Requirement: This course is designed for students with zero ES6 foundation, BUT you do need to know basic ES5. If you know how to set background color for a DIV using native JavaScript and jQuery, then you are good to go. <div class='div' id='one'>Set a background color...</div>Course Contents: This course has 46 sections and covers 17 areas:Vue JS Basics (Section 1-27)Ajax (Section 28)Connecting Vue to PHP and MySQL (Section 29)Command Line Instrument (Section 30)NPM (Section 31)Babel (Section 32)JS modular system, including module.exports, import and export (Section 33)Webpack (Section 33)Vue CLI (Section 34)Vue Single-file Components (Section 34)Vue Router (Section 35)VueX (Section 36)Axios (Section 37, 38, and 39)Vue UI Library: iView (Section 40)Advanced JavaScript: scope, scope chain, JavaScript Garbage Collection, Closure, IIFE(Instantly Invoked Function Expression), THIS, etc. Node.js and Express.jsConnecting Vue to Express and MySQLNuxt.jsNote: The Vue version taught in this lesson will be 2.0+Content Description:Your VueJS study is made of two stages.In stage one, you will learn Vue basics like Vue instance, directives, components, etc. In stage two, you will learn Vue single file component, Vue router, VueX and a Vue UI library called iView. Between stage one and two, you will learn command line, npm, Babel, and Webpack. You need these skills to take the leap from stage one to stage two. By the way, skills you learn between stage one and stage two are not just for Vue. You will also need them when you are learning other modern JS-based frameworks. A frontend program alone is useless until it is connected to backend program and database. We will teach you how to connect Vue to PHP and MySQL via Ajax and Ajax-based techs like Axios. Throughout the course, you will be working on several projects so that you will always have a chance to practice and apply what you have learnt. "
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript Infrastructure: CLI, NPM, Babel 7 and Webpack 4" |
"This course covers four topics: command line, NPM, Babel 7 and Webpack 4. This course is designed for absolute beginners. You will start with command line and NPM. Then you will learn Babel 7 and Webpack 4.At the end, you will learn how to integrate Babel and Webpack using babel loader. The main focus of this course is Webpack. To help you master Webpack as soon as possible, your Webpack study is made of three stages. Stage one covers all the basics you need to know about Webpack. Stage two teaches you how to create the most efficient bundled file. The last stage shows you how to integrate Babel and Webpack using babel loader. At the end of each stage, there will be a review session and a practice session. You will learn Theory first and then Apply and Practice everything you have learnt in a real project. By the end of this course, you will ""TAP"" command line, NPM, Babel 7 and Webpack 4 ! "" ^_^Bonus section: CommonJS and ESM (ES6 import and export modules)"
Price: 99.99

"SAP ABAP Programmierung auf einen Blick" |
"Wollten Sie schon immer einmal wissen wie SAP Programme, so genannte ABAP Reports, funktionieren und aufgebaut sind? Wollen Sie wissen, wie SAP Daten im Data Dictionary abspeichert werden oder wie Bildschirmausgaben funktionieren?Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig! Dieser Online SAP Kurs bringt Ihnen genau was er verspricht: einen schnellen Einblick in die Welt der SAP Software-Entwicklung mit ABAP. Jetzt die Basics von ABAP Programmieren lernen!"
Price: 24.99

"SAP ABAP Programming In A Nutshell" |
"Have you ever wanted to know how SAP Programs, so-call ABAP Reports, work and are structured? Do you want to know how SAP stores data in the ABAP Dictionary or how outputs to the screen work?If yes, then you are right here! This online video course will deliver you exactly what he promises: a quick look into the exciting world of SAP software development with ABAP.We will discuss the following topics and you will learn:How to write your first Hello World ABAP programHow data declarations workHow the ABAP dictionary works with a focus on data elements and domainsWhat the most important ABAP statements are and how you can look up for help to see which parameters they have, etc.How database tables work in SAPHow SAPs native query language ""OpenSQL"" works to get data from the databaseHow to make graphical screens called ""Selection Screens""How to display list data in a graphical way with the Advanced List Viewer (ALV)"
Price: 24.99

"Con este curso aprenders la importancia que tiene la composicin en nuestras fotografas. Despus de cursarlo podrs mirar la fotografa de otra manera.Este curso esta creado con mimo, desde el respeto a la tcnica y analizando todas y cada una de las reglas de la composicin mas usadas por fotgrafos profesionales. En este curso descubrirs que la fotografa es mucho mas que pulsar un botn, en la fotografa creamos con la mirada y donde colocamos cada objeto tiene un motivo. Independientemente de como manejes tu cmara o si aun las fotografas las realizas con el mvil, este curso te servir para descubrir el potencial, ya no del equipo tcnico si no el tuyo como creativo.Existen algunos cursos sobre composicin pero en ninguno encontraras tanta informacin de valor junta. Han sido varios aos de estudio, pruebas y finalmente muchas horas depositadas concario en este curso. Aos de aprendizaje condensadosen unas cuantashoras para quepuedas llegar a cambiar la manera de realizartus fotografas por completoAlgunas de lascosas que aprenders:La Regla de los Tercios como pilar de la fotografa y fundamento para iniciarteUso de la Espiral Aurea. El famoso Golden Ratio aplicado a las fotografas creando verdaderas maravillasConocers al famoso fotgrafo Cartier-Bresson que revoluciono el mundo de la composicin fotogrficaLeyes de la mirada y organizacin de objetos en el cuadroLa fascinante Psicologa del color, no todos los colores no cuentan lo mismoIdentificar las lineas de lectura de una fotografaCuando nos referimos a las lineas de lectura hablamos de una linea que queda escrita en el subconsciente pero que primero hemos tenido que disear cuando hacamos esa fotografa.Disear como queremos las lineas de lectura en nuestra fotografa es uno de los muchos retos conseguidos en este curso.Rompe esquemas, entiende desde el principio a lo mas complejo como se forman cientos de fotografas que analizamos en este curso, identifica el color, donde colocar el horizonte, que tercio es mejor usar, porque la espiral urea es una de las mejores composiciones del mundo, siempre ha estado ah y nunca le hemos prestado atencin.Esto y mucho mas en este curso.Sobre lvaro Prez y Felinu Academylvaro Prez:A nivel profesional, hatrabajado como locutor de Radio, Diseador Grfico, Fotgrafo de Moda, Montador de Video.. y un sin fin de trabajos ms. Actualmente, se dedica a la promocin audiovisual de empresas, fotgrafo de moda, realizador para eventos en directo, diseador grfico y, entre tanto, tengo tiempo para dedicarlo a mi aficin, la fotografa.Felinu Academy:Nuestras formaciones se caracterizan por las ganas de aprovechar y exprimir el tiempo que tan valioso es para todos. Por lo que, tras meses de estudio y muchas personas involucradas, trazamos un mtodo de Aprendizaje Acelerado para que cualquiera pueda aprender mucho en poco tiempo. Actualmente disponemos de ms de 25.000 alumnos entre las diferentes plataformas de formacin y crecemos da a da."
Price: 199.99

"Affinity Photo para iPad: El poder de la edicin en tu mano" |
"Con este curso aprenders que realizar una tarea profesional de retoque fotogrfico es fcil de conseguir y solo necesitamos como aliado un iPad.Existen muchas maneras de entender la fotografa, de hacerla e incluso de retocarla. En este curso rompemos por completo los esquemas, proponemos una manera diferente de entender el retoque fotogrfico. Durante todo el curso no nos ha hecho falta un ordenador para hacer todos y cada uno de los procedimientos que normalmente seguimos y en ciertas ocasiones con un iPad hemos llegado antes al resultado que con un ordenador y Software tan avanzados como Adobe Photoshop o Adobe Lightroom.No encontrars otro curso de habla hispana que hable sobre este tema tan importante. Por que un iPad? Un iPad nos cabe en un pequeo bolso o incluso dentro de una mochila fotogrfica de tamao pequeo/ medio, su duracin de batera asciende a ms de 10 horas con uso continuo. Es pequeo y manejable, incluso lo podemos usar para ensear el trabajo ya terminado al cliente o incluso para hacer nuevas ventas.Por que Affinity Photo? A da de hoy es la herramienta ms potente que sabe exprimir al mximo todo el potencial que ofrece un iPad. Es la nica aplicacin real sobre retoque fotogrfico y revelado que podemos encontrar. Existen muchas aplicaciones al respecto pero ninguna est destinada a un pblico profesional, por lo que el resto no son importantes cuando hablamos de sustituir nuestro Workflow comn de un ordenador por un iPad.Algunas de las cosas que aprenders:Importar fotografias y organizarte en Archivos de iOSRevelar fotografas RAW usando los mismos ajustes que puedes usar en LightroomRetoques avanzados de fotografas en el modo FotoCreacin de formas vectoriales como logotipos en apenas unos minutosSelecciones personalizadas para aplicar mscaras o modificacionesUn largo etcteraReconoce que el peso importa y que si pudieras llevaras ms de 10 objetivos para tu cmara de fotos. Pero, existen algunos problemas, el primero es que no tenemos el nivel econmico suficiente para tenerlos todos y segundo aunque s que lo tuviramos, Donde lo guardamos? Si a da de hoy no tienes ni hueco para tu PC. Llevar tanto potencial en un dispositivo que no mide ms de 20cm de largo y menos de 1cm de grosor ahora es una realidad. El tamao, el peso, la batera, el uso, Affinity Photo y la profesionalidad con la que trabajan juntos es lo que hace que este curso pueda cambiar tu manera de ver la fotografa. Y claro est, una de las cosas que ha hecho que nos pongamos a trabajar en este curso para ti.Esto y mucho ms en este curso.Sobre lvaro Prez y Felinu Academylvaro Prez: A nivel profesional, ha trabajado como locutor de Radio, Diseador Grfico, Fotgrafo de Moda, Montador de Video.. y un sin fin de trabajos ms. Actualmente, se dedica a la promocin audiovisual de empresas, fotgrafo de moda, realizador para eventos en directo, diseador grfico y, entre tanto, tengo tiempo para dedicarlo a mi aficin, la fotografa.Felinu Academy: Nuestras formaciones se caracterizan por las ganas de aprovechar y exprimir el tiempo que tan valioso es para todos. Por lo que, tras meses de estudio y muchas personas involucradas, trazamos un mtodo de Aprendizaje Acelerado para que cualquiera pueda aprender mucho en poco tiempo. Actualmente disponemos de ms de 25.000 alumnos entre las diferentes plataformas de formacin y crecemos da a da.-----""Serif"" y ""Affinity"" son marcas comerciales registradas de Serif Europe Ltd. Apple, el logotipo de Apple, Macbook Pro, iPad y iMac son marcas comerciales de Apple Inc. registradas en Estados Unidos y en otros pases. Mac App Store y AppStore son marcas de servicio de Apple Inc."
Price: 99.99

"FOTOGRAFA DE PRODUCTO La mejor forma de hacer DINERO" |
"La mejor forma de hacer DINERO si eres FOTOGRAFO. Vivimos en la fiebre del eCommerce y prcticamente podramos decir que es ms rentable tener una web con fotografas bonitas que un negocio fsico.El mundo ha cambiado y la forma en la que compramos, vivimos y disfrutamos tambin. Por ello te presento este curso en el que aprenders nuevas tcnicas que te permitirn aprovechar como nadie este boom digital del eCommerce y vivir de la fotografiaMs de 10 esquemas de iluminacin para fotografiar:Botellas de CervezaBotellas de Vino de una forma tradicionalCualquier recipiente plstico o de vidrioElementos de alta joyeraDispositivos electrnicos de cualquier ndoleY mucho msMejora tus fotografas, aprende nuevas formas de iluminar, cuida los productos como se merecen y GANA DINERO por tu trabajoSobre lvaro Prez y Felinu Academylvaro Prez:A nivel profesional, hatrabajado como locutor de Radio, Diseador Grfico, Fotgrafo de Moda, Montador de Video, DIT... y un sin fin de trabajos ms. Actualmente, se dedica a la promocin audiovisual de empresas, Es profesor en la Universidad de Almera (Espaa) y Director de Fotografia en Pelculas y Series de Televisin de gran repercusin Nacional e Internacional. Entre tanto no deja de lado su gran pasin, ensear fotografa por todos los rincones del mundo.Felinu Academy:Nuestras formaciones se caracterizan por las ganas de aprovechar y exprimir el tiempo que tan valioso es para todos. Por lo que, tras meses de estudio y muchas personas involucradas, trazamos un mtodo de Aprendizaje Acelerado para que cualquiera pueda aprender mucho en poco tiempo. Actualmente contamos con ms de 35.000 alumnos formados."
Price: 199.99

"Como Se Tornar Um Nmade Digital" |
"Aprenda os segredos de Andre Martins,quevive 100% como nmade digital desde 2014. empresrio e scio de duas empresas 100% online. Sua vida de nmade digital permitiu visitar3 continentes, conhecermais de 30 pases e aprender3 idiomas.Aprenda a planejar uma transio do emprego normal para uma vida de nmade digital.Conhea diversas formas de ganhar dinheiro pela internet trabalhando em casa em qualquer lugar do mundo."
Price: 84.99

"Como Criar o Primeiro Anncio no FACEBOOK" |
"Voc vai aprender a atrair o cliente certo, vender mais, mesmo que voc no tenha experincia.Ideal para pessoas ou empresas que precisam aumentar seus lucros cominvestimento otimizado.Transforme os seus seguidores do Facebook em compradores dos seus produtos ou servios.Aprenda com quem j administrouR$ 561.458,61 em anncios nos ltimos 4 anos de gerou mais de R$ 2 milhes de faturamento."
Price: 84.99

"Learn UV Unwrapping with Blender for Unity 3D Game Design" |
"This course was organized for Unity game developers who want to extend their abilities to include UV Unwrapping in Blender. Whether you're interested in Texture Mapping your own models, free downloads or working with purchased assets, this course can help you get through the learning curve and put you in the driver's seat. You'll learn to UV Unwrap like a pro with a good working knowledge of all of the most common tools for getting the job done quickly. The course also includes a handful of original custom models that you may use to practice solving problems and unwrapping. The models are yours to keep and use however you wish, just for enrolling in the course."
Price: 44.99

"Low-Poly Vehicle Design in Blender for Unity Game Developers" |
"Learn to create low-poly cars, trucks, vans and other vehicles using Blender 3D for Unity video game developers. This course is designed for experienced Blender users with the intention of further enhancing improvisation and problem solving skills in 3D modeling. We'll break down each vehicle into smaller problems and bite off small pieces of the puzzle at a time, resulting in a clearer understanding and ultimately a more intuitive approach to designing models."
Price: 44.99

"Curso de Pygame" |
"O curso de Pygame com Python possui 55 aulas, este o quarto curso de Python, e o primeiro de Pygame, neste curso mostramos como utilizar o pygame para construir seus jogos com python, nele tambm aprendemos sobre a documentao e os novos comandos usados com o pygame, so desenvolvido dois jogos para colocar em prtica os recursos aprendidos, com o curso o aluno poder iniciar com a criao de games que tem sido uma das reas mais bem remuneradas hoje no mercado.Adquira j o curso e receba seu certificado, prepare-se para o mercado de trabalho, nosso curso te dar todo suporte necessrio."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de PHP 7 e Mysqli" |
"O curso de PHP 7 possui 40 aulas, nele o aluno aprender a trabalhar com essa nova linguagem do PHP entendendo as modificaes feitas quanto a conexo com o banco de dados e as novas implementaes do mysqli, ideal para quem pretende trabalhar como programador web, adquira j o curso e domine mais esta linguagem.Adquira j o curso e vire especialista na rea de programao web, receba j seu certificado e incremente seu curriculo, venha j estudar conosco."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Excel 2016" |
"O curso completo de Excel possui 33 Vdeo aulas e acompanham os arquivos e planilhas criadas no curso, este curso ideal para universitrios, estudantes em todas as reas, administrao e finanas, adquira j ao curso e aprenda tudo sobre o excel.Adquira j o curso e comece a trabalhar na rea desenvolvendo e elaborando suas planilhas administrativas.- rea de trabalho do excel- Formatando linhas e colunas- Selecionando as clulas- Inserindo frmulas e funes- Criando tabela de vendas- Formatando a planilha- Usando alsa de preechimento- Implementando funes- Inserindo comentrios e auto-filtro- Congelamento de clulas- Clculos com porcentaem- Funo SE e Procv- Validao de Dados- Funo somase e Proc- Formatao Condicional- Inserindo grficos- Grficos comparativos- Ajustes em grficos de linhas- Funes Financeiras- Inserindo controles de formulrios- Revisando o contedo aprendido"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de ASP NET C# com MVC 5" |
"O curso completo de ASP.NET C# com MVC 5 possui 61 video aulas, neste curso mostrado o passo a passo de como desenvolver sistemas na nova estrutura MVC, explicado sobre os models, controllers e views, tudo que o aluno precisa saber para entender esta excelente estrutura que o mercado de hoje tanto cobra dos programadores, adquira j o curso e se prepare para o mercado de trabalho.Fique por dentro do que h de novo no mercado de trabalho, esta estrutura em MVC 5 o que mais as empresas tem cobrado hoje em dia, seja um grande programador, poderei te ajudar nessa caminhada, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver seus sistemas web."
Price: 39.99

"O curso completo de ASP.NET C# com MVC 5 e SQL possui 53 video aulas, neste curso mostrado o passo a passo de como desenvolver sistemas em MVC com Banco de Dados SQL, os alunos aprendero a estruturar um projeto para receber diversos tipos de banco de dados no mesmo sistema com diferentes dominios, repositrios e muito mais.Fique por dentro do que h de novo no mercado de trabalho, esta estrutura em MVC 5 o que mais as empresas tem cobrado hoje em dia, seja um grande programador, poderei te ajudar nessa caminhada, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver seus sistemas web."
Price: 39.99

"Criando Sistema com ASP NET em MVC" |
"O curso completo de Sistema em ASP.NET C# com MVC 5 e SQL possui 66 video aulas, neste curso desenvolvemos um sistema de ordem de pedidos de produtos usando SQL com Entity Framework, mostrado o passo a passo de como aplicar MVC dentro de um sistema na prtica, adquira j nosso curso e comece a trabalhar na rea desenvolvendo sistemas.Fique por dentro do que h de novo no mercado de trabalho, esta estrutura em MVC 5 o que mais as empresas tem cobrado hoje em dia, seja um grande programador, poderei te ajudar nessa caminhada, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver seus sistemas web."
Price: 39.99
