"Learn to build console apps with Java from scratch" |
"Console applications are computer programs designed to be used via text only computer interface such as a text terminal, the command line interface of some operating systems like UNIX. Windows ,MacOS) .Learning to code can be both fun and rewarding . Java is a useful ,robust and popular programming language to embark on that journey. The best way to learn programming is my doing and getting your hands dirty.This course is a practical Hands-on course with simple to follow videos that will not overwhelm a beginner programmer.Java is a case-sensitive, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. One of the reasons Java is so popular is that it is platform independent . You only need to write java code once and then run it on any platform be it mac, windows or Linux.You will learn about: Primitive Data Types Basic Data typesVariablesArraysWe will also build 5 mini console based java projects"
Price: 109.99

"Microsoft SQL from scratch - Beginner to Expert" |
"Data is everywhere and growing at a rapid rate. Most Software application we interact with daily deals with stored data . From our interaction with our banks to social media.Due to the relevance and dependency on data , professionals that are skilled in SQL are always in high demand to help interact with various databases to help business intelligence and other sectors that relies on data.This course will teach you from absolute beginner to expert so you can be confident with enough skills to build simple to complex queries to communicate and interact with databases.SQL -Structured Query Language is an internationally recognised language used to communicate and manipulate various database systems.T-SQL - Transact SQL is Microsoft's implementation of SQL. There are a lot of similarities between them but also proprietary parts that are specific to SQL Server. We will be using Microsoft's version of SQL ( T-SQL ) popularly referred to as T-Sequel with Microsoft SQL Server .SQL Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS developed and owned by Microsoft.Thousands of companies all over the world use SQL Server for their data solution . What You Will Learn include:How to extract data from multiple Database Tables using JoinsHow to insert new data into database with SQLHow to update existing data inside a databaseHow to delete data from a databaseHow to filter dataHow to sort dataHow to create and query viewsHow to build a stored procedureHow to use Aggregate functions to summarize returned dataHow to group dataSQL can be used for Data Analysis to transform data already present in the database to valuable useful information that help companies and organisations make key business and management decisions.This course is a beginners guide to performing data analysis using SQL to interrogate SQL Server to provide answers to data related questions. You will learn to write useful SQL queries that is applicable to the Real World production environment.Everywhere data is being collected, every transaction, every web page visit,every paymentall these and much, much more are filling relational databases with raw data that can be analysed to provide useful information.There is a demand for people who can use data to perform reporting and analysis thus helping businesses and organizations make important and critical decisions."
Price: 109.99

"Learn SQL using PostgreSQL Server - Beginner to Expert" |
"SQL -Structured Query Language is an internationally recognised language used to communicate and manipulate various database systems.Data is everywhere and growing at a rapid rate. Most Software application we interact with daily deals with stored data . From our interaction with our banks to social media applications like Facebook and Instagram..Due to the relevance and dependency on data , professionals that are skilled in SQL are always in high demand to help interact with various databases to help business intelligence and other sectors that relies on data.This course will teach you from absolute beginner to expert so you can be confident with enough skills to build simple to complex queries to communicate and interact with databases.We will be using PostgreSQL Server to host our database.PostgreSQL Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS used by lots of companies all over the world What You Will Learn include:How to extract data from multiple Database Tables using JoinsHow to insert new data into database with SQLHow to update existing data inside a databaseHow to delete data from a databaseHow to filter dataHow to sort dataHow to create and query viewsHow to build a stored procedureHow to use Aggregate functions to summarize returned dataHow to group dataCreating viewsCreating TriggersCreating sub-queriesData Analysis with Analytic functionsSQL can be used for Data Analysis to transform data already present in the database to valuable useful information that help companies and organisations make key business and management decisions.Everywhere data is being collected, every transaction, every web page visit,every paymentall these and much, much more are filling relational databases with raw data that can be analysed to provide useful information.There is a demand for people who can use data to perform reporting and analysis thus helping businesses and organizations make important and critical decisions."
Price: 119.99

"Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from scratch" |
"This introductory course to HTML ,CSS and JavaScript is vital for anyone who wants to become a web developer..These three technologies are skills every web developer must learn and have.HTML : Used to create content CSS: Used to present the contentJavaScript : Used to create interactionThey are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects.This course will teach you the basics of these three technologies by creating a basic one page website and 7 other projects.What You will learn include:Introduction to basic HTMLCreating a very basic websitePlanning a basic websiteAssembling files and foldersWhat is HTMLHTML document structureAnatomy of HTML elementMarking up textLinksUsing commentsHTML AttributesIntroduction to basicCSSWhat is CSSWays to apply CSSCSS RulesetCSS basic selectorsStyling multiple elementsCSS Box modelUsing margin and padding propertiesChanging background colorCSS Display propertyCSS Font propertyUsing google fontsIntroduction to basic JavaScriptWhat is JavaScriptWhere to place JavaScriptVariablesData TypesOperatorsOperator precedenceUsing ConditionalsFunctionsEventsUsing Linting toolsAdding image changerAdding personalized messageProjects we will create :TodoListCalculatorInteractive quiz Image sliderCountdown timerWeight converter toolLoan calculator"
Price: 104.99

"Learn Professional Web Development Skills From Scratch -2019" |
"An app or a web service can have two broad parts: the frontend and the backend. The roles of these parts can be guessed from their names. The frontend is the part that you can see. It is the part that lets you interact with the app or service. The colours, animations, layout, and all the other cool stuff that adds to your experience of using the app or website is the frontend. The frontend is generally called the User Interface (UI). Example include HTML , CSS and JavaScript.The backend is the part that you cant see. It is the internal working of the application or website. This includes stuff like the server, the database, etc. Exaples include Ruby on Rails, Nodejs ,Python ,MongoDB, MySQL etc.If you are a complete beginner, web development can be challenging this course will guide you and provide enough detail for you to feel comfortable and learn the topics properly. You should feel at home whether you are a student learningweb development (on your own or as part of a class), a teacher looking for class materials, a hobbyist,or someone who just wants to understand more about how web technologies work.Topics include:HTMLCSSBootsrapJavaScriptNodejsExpressjsMongoDBCreate database Interacting with databaseRubyRuby on RailsCreating a basic websiteCreate apps that runs in web browserCreate a real-time chat application with Nodejs Expressjs MongoDB SocketioCreate a blog application using Ruby on RailsDeploying application on internetBasic introduction to Git and Github Chrome development tools"
Price: 129.99

"Learn MariaDB SQL for beginners from scratch" |
"MariaDB is great for its open-source innovation and enterprise-grade reliability, as well as its modern relational database. SQL -Structured Query Language is an internationally recognised language used to communicate and manipulate various database systems.Data is everywhere and growing at a rapid rate. Most Software application we interact with daily deals with stored data . From our interaction with our banks to social media applications like Facebook and Instagram..Due to the relevance and dependency on data , professionals that are skilled in SQL are always in high demand to help interact with various databases to help business intelligence and other sectors that relies on data.This course will teach you from absolute beginner to expert so you can be confident with enough skills to build simple to complex queries to communicate and interact with databases.We will be using MariaDB Server to host our database.MariaDB Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS used by lots of companies all over the world What You Will Learn include:How to extract data from multiple Database Tables using JoinsHow to insert new data into database with SQLHow to update existing data inside a databaseHow to delete data from a databaseHow to filter dataHow to sort dataHow to use Aggregate functions to summarize returned dataHow to group dataUsing AliasesUsing various Operators"
Price: 109.99

"Website Hacking & Penetration Testing (BUG BOUNTY)" |
"This course includes all necessary information to start your carrier in the Cyber Security field. This course aims to teach you how to perform full penetration testing on web applications.JOIN OVER 11000 STUDENTS IN THE Website Hacking & Penetration Testing (Real World Hacking!) COURSE#############################################################################Web applications hacking course is not like other courses. I will not teach you the boring hacking stuff that you can get from Google. All the videos in this course are simple, short and practical. You will practice web applications Hacking / Penetration Testing against a number of real-world web applications.You will learn how to discover Web Applications vulnerabilities through Penetration Testing. You will learn how to hack the web security.I will start by teaching you the basics of any vulnerability and then exploiting it with pure technical skills. The web applications hacking and penetration testing course is designed to cover all the latest vulnerabilities of Web Applications like Web Applications Attacks, CSRF attacks, Injection attacks, and many more.In this course, we will answer the following questions:How do hackers hack websites?The Best Ways to Hack a Website.How to Hack a Web Application?In this course, you will learn the following:Hacking a website database.Hacking a website using sql injection.Website hacking by php source code.Website hacking exploits.Website ethical hacking.Website ethical hacking tools.Website hacking techniques.Ethical hacking tools.The ethical hacking process.Ethical hacking basics.OWASP top 10.*This Course Is For Educational Purposes Only*------Don't be evil------Student reviews:*********************************************** I like the way the instructor is explaining the course. As of now I am happy with the contents and support I am receiving for my queries. This is one of the best courses on Udemy! ***********************************************Very good course, enjoying it so far. the instructor is, helpful, clear and direct to the point with practical tutorials. ***********************************************Excellent course! The Course was amazing. I learned a lot of things about ethical hacking and the instructor was awesome. I think that the course is definitely worth way more than it's asking price. "
Price: 169.99

"Mobile Application Hacking and Penetration Testing (Android)" |
"This course includes all necessary information to start your carrier in Cyber Security field. This course aims to teach you how to perform full penetration testing on Android Mobile applications.Course at a glance:- Start from Android architectures basics.- Covers Mobile applications reverse engineering.- Practice onreal world mobile applications.- Build your ownhome lab on mobile application security.- Provides you the skills necessary to perform Penetration tests of mobile applications.Syllabus:Introduction To Mobile Apps.Mobile Application Security.Mobile Application Penetration Testing.The most common areas where we find mobile application data resides.The Architecture of Android.The App Sandbox and the Permission Model.AndroidManifest.xml File.Android Compilation Process.Android Startup Process.Android Application Components.Setup a testing environment.Android Debug Bridge (adb).Digging deeper into Android (ADB tool).intercept and analyze the network traffic.Reversing an Android application.OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities for mobiles.Install DIVA (Damn insecure and vulnerable App).Insecure Logging Issue.Insecure Data Storage.Database Insecure Storage.Insecure Data Storage Inside Temporary Files.Hardcoding Issues.Input Validation Issues - SQL Injection.Input Validation Issues - Exploiting Webview Vulnerability.With this course you'll get24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 10 hours.NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only."
Price: 179.99

"Modernes JavaScript (ES6): jQuery, node.js, und viel Praxis!" |
"JavaScript - Profis werden heutzutageberallgesucht - egal ob fr Webseiten oder Apps. Lernemit diesem Kurs die Programmiersprache JavaScript und bringe deine Karriere einen guten Schritt vorwrts!Genau deswegen habe ich diesen Kurs entwickelt:JavaScript hat sich in den letzten Jahren massiv verndert, und zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Deswegen mchte ich dich fit machen, damit dunach Abschluss dieses Kurses ein gefragter Entwickler bist.Um das zu erreichen, darf natrlich die Praxis nicht zu kurz kommen. Alle Beispiele zeige ich dir nicht nur in der Theorie, sondern auch in der Praxis.Dadurch wirst du perfekt fr die zuknftige Anwendung vorbereitet.Dazu schauen wir uns verschiedene Themen an, und schauen auch ber den Tellerrand. Du lernst also nicht nur die Konzepte, sondern auch,wie du es in der Praxis einsetzen kannst. Dazu gibt es auch nochviele Beispiele: DocumentObject Model (DOM) jQuery Ajax JavaScript auf dem Server (node.js) Webserver inExpress Konzept:Event LoopZudem:Diverse PraxisprojekteDieser Kurs macht dich fit fr die Zukunft.Gerade im Zeitalter des Internet of Things wird JavaScriptzunehmend noch weitere Verbreitung finden. Inzwischen kannst du sogar Spiele in JavaScript entwickeln.Und genau dafr ist dieser Kurs konzipiert:Um dich fit zu machen fr das JavaScript, welches in den nchsten Jahren wichtig ist.Lass mich dir noch heute die Programmiersprache JavaScript beibringen, und dich auf deinem Weg zum gefragten Programmierer untersttzen."
Price: 124.99

"Praxisprojekt: A/B-Test mit PHP" |
"In diesem Kurs programmieren wir Schritt fr Schritt einen kompletten A/B - Test in PHP.Aber was genau ist ein A/B - Test?Die Idee dahinter ist, dass du auf einer Webseite z.B. einen Button zum Kaufen eines Produktes hast.Ist es jetzt besser, diesen Button oben oder unten auf der Seite zu platzieren? Wann kaufen mehr Leute im Online - Shop ein?Und genau bei solchen Fragen kannst du einen A/B - Test laufen lassen. Es wird also mal die eine Variante (Button oben), und mal die andere Variante (Button unten) getestet. Gleichzeitig werden Daten gesammelt, welche Variante besser funktioniert.Nach Abschluss des A/B - Tests weit du also, welcher Button besser funktioniert. Dadurch sparst du dir teure Fehlentscheidungen.Was genau bringt dir dieser Kurs?Ich fanddieses Thema unglaublich spannend, weil hierBigData in der Praxis angewendet wird. Ich habe aber nur mehr oder weniger theoretische Informationen gefunden, mir fehlte eine Schritt-fr-Schritt - Anleitung, wie ich denn genau einen A/B- Test entwickeln kann.Und genau deswegen habe ich ich in das Thema hineingearbeitet, und diesen Kurs entwickelt. Du lernst hier, wie du von einer mathematischen Idee bis hin zur Implementation in der Praxis kommst.Wie gehen wir hier in diesem Kurs vor?Zuerst schauen wir uns das Beispiel (PHP), welcheswir optimieren mchtenDanach programmieren wir einen einfachen A/B - Test inkl. AuswertungAnschlieend schauen wir uns die mathematischen Grundlagen an - wann wissen wir, dass der A/B- Test abgeschlossen ist?Wir knnen den A/B - Test noch weiter optimieren. Dazu gibt's dann noch ein paar weitere mathematische Grundlagen...... die wir anschlieend nach PHPumsetzen."
Price: 29.99

"Data Science, Apache Spark & Python: Analysiere echte Daten!" |
"Neu:Fr Spark 2.1!Auswertungen von""Big Data"" werden immer wichtiger, Experten werden hnderingend gesucht. Du lernst in diesem Kurs die heieste Technologie,Apache Spark kennen. Dieses wird bereits von unzhligen Unternehmen verwendet, darunter Amazon, eBay, Groupon, TripAdvisor!Lerne jetzt Apache Spark - ganz bequem auf deinem eigenen Computer.In diesem Kurs wertest du echte Daten aus. Dadurch macht dieser Kurs nicht nur richtig viel Spa, die Beispiele sind auch besonders anschaulich und bereiten dich perfekt vor - sei es weil du selbst ein paar Daten auswerten mchtest, oder du dich fr einen Job als Data Scientist bewerben mchtest! Verstehe dieSpark Basics:Das Resilient Distributed Dataset Entwickle Spark - Programme in Python Fordere dich mit bungsaufgaben heraus und festige nebenher dein Wissen Analysiere auf deinem Computerriesige Datenmengen mit ein paar Zeilen Code in Apache Spark Lasse ein echtes Spark -Cluster auf der Amazon Cloud (Elastic Map Reduce)laufen (optional) ndere den Beispielcode aus diesem Kurs ab und analysiere noch schneller deine eigenen DatenNach Abschluss diesesKurses kannst Datenstze eigenstndig auswerten und visualisieren- und hast das schon zig mal gemacht. Du hast Gletscherstatistiken analysiert, Taxi - Daten visualisiert, Hufigkeit von Wrter in einem eBook bestimmt, sowie Geburtsstatistikender USAausgewertet. Dadurch bist du perfekt fr eigenstndige Auswertungen vorbereitet, und kannst z.B. deinen Chef mit aussagekrftigen Analysenbeeindrucken!"
Price: 119.99

"Baue Webseiten mit HTML5 & CSS3: Vom Anfnger zum Profi!" |
"Umfangreich und praxisnah wird der Kursinhalt sehr gut vermittelt. Es macht dabei riesen Spa seine eigene Seite parallel mit aufzubauen. Danke fr den tollen Kurs!(Toni Frisch,)Herzlich willkommen in derWelt der Webentwicklung. In diesem praxisorientierten Kurs mache ich dich fit auf deinem Weg zum Webentwickler.ESWERDENKEINEPROGRAMMIERKENNTNISSEBENTIGTZuerst ein Kurzer Ausblick, was du nach Abschluss des Kurses allesmachen kannst:Entwickle Webseiten, die berall gut aussehen - egal ob auf dem PC, Tablet oder SmartphoneFhle dich sicher beimZusammenspiel von HTML + CSSProfitiere von unzhligen Praxistipps und Best-Practices aus unzhligen Jahren an ErfahrungPerfekte Grundlage fr einen Job in einer Webentwickler - AgenturSetze eigene Projekte um oder steige als Freelancer in die Webentwicklung einDieser Kurs ist ein echter Praxiskurs. Schritt fr Schritt wirst du zu einem fhigen Webentwickler.Ich habe diesen Kurs entwickelt, um dir zu ermglichen, schnellstmglich in die Webentwicklung einzusteigen. Dabei ist die Praxis in diesem Kursunglaublich wichtig, Schritt fr Schritt zeige ich dir, wie du als Entwickler eine Webseite in HTML + CSSentwickelst.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses hast du dann eine richtig schicke Webseite, und hast nebenher alle wichtigen Technologien der Webentwicklung kennengelernt. ber jQuery, PHP, Modernizr, SASS, JavaScript, responsive Design, bis hin zu einem funktionierenden Kontaktformular inkl. E-Mail-Versand mit PHP- dieser Kurs deckt alles ab.Warum solltest du diesen Kurs belegen?Dieser Kurs macht Spa:Anschauliche Praxis statt grauer TheorieWerde in krzester Zeitzu einemfhigen WebentwicklerBlick ber den Tellerrand:Profitiere von meiner BerufserfahrungVerstehe en Detail, wie HTML, CSS, JS, und PHPzusammenspielenWie ist dieser Kurs aufgebaut?Zuerst lernst du die Grundlagen in HTML&CSSNach bereits2 Stunden hast du eine einfache Webseite entwickeltAnschlieend lernst du Webdesign kennen, Schriftarten, Verwendung von Bildern und IconsJetzt kommt das Praxisprojekt: Wir entwickeln Schritt fr Schrittein komplettes DesignWir vereinfachen unseren CSS-Code mit SASS......und machen unsere Webseite fit fr Smartphone und Tablet... schauen uns ein paar Basics in JavaScript, jQuery und PHPan,... und laden die Webseite auf einen Webhoster hoch (optional)Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses hast du also eine eigene Webseite entwickelt und online gestellt!Hinweis: Im Kurs verwenden zeige ich euch, wie ihr die Webseite aufden Hoster ""Checkdomain"" hochladen knnt. Dafr msst ihr euch dort registrieren. Alternativ funktioniert das ganze natrlich 1:1 auch mit jedem anderen Hoster."
Price: 149.99

"Dein Einstieg in React JS & Redux" |
"Aktuell ist die beste Zeit, um React zu lernen. React ist in den letzten paar Jahren zunehmend populrer geworden, und ist jetzt eine der Top Frameworks, um eine interaktive Webanwendung zu entwickeln. Zudem werden zunehmend Entwickler fr React gesucht - jetzt ist also der perfekte Zeitpunkt fr dich, in das Thema einzusteigen.Nach Abschluss des Kurses...hast du gelernt, wie du mit JSXund React coole JavaScript - Anwendungen entwickeln kannstverstehst du die Unterschiede zwischen props und stateweit du, wie du skalierbare Anwendungen in React entwickeln kannsthast du eine gute Grundlage fr deinen Job als Webentwickler gelegtkannst du dein Wissen verwenden, um mit React Native sogar native Apps fr iOS /Android zu entwickelnIch habe diesen Kurs entwickelt, damit du mglichst schnell fit mit React bist. Daher lernst du alles, was du fr deinen Einstieg in React bentigst:React: Ein modernes Framework von Facebook, welches z.B. fr Instagram eingesetzt wird.JSX:Eine kompakte Schreibweise fr React - Code, die dir sehr viel Arbeit ersparen wirdRedux:Redux bringt Struktur in deine App. Absolut notwendig, sobald du mehr als 2 oder 3 Buttons in deiner Anwendung hast.React-Router:Damit kannst du mehrere Unterseiten haben. Wird in praktisch jeder React -Anwendungbentigt.Webpack, Babel, ES6:Der typische ""Stack"", der verwendet wird, um React auszufhren. Dank ES6 kannst du React in der neusten und komfortabelstenSchreibweise programmieren, Webpack und Babel sorgen dafr, dass jeder Browser den Code dann ausfhren kann.Abfragen einer API:Wenn du selbst eine Anwendung mit React entwickelst, wirst du hchstwahrscheinlich Daten von einem Server abfragen mssen. Und genau deswegen zeige dir am Beispiel der Wikipedia-API Schritt fr Schritt, was du dabei alles beachten musst.Konnte ich dich fr meinen Kurs begeistern?Dann freue ich mich, dich in meinem Kurs begren zu drfen :)"
Price: 99.99

"Visualisiere Daten mit Python - auch fr Anfnger!" |
"Dieser Praxiskursmacht dich fit, wenn du mit Python Daten auswerten mchtest, und daraus schicke Diagramme erstellen mchtest!Programmiererfahrung ist nicht erforderlich - am Anfang des Kurses bringe ich dir die Basics in Python bei!Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses bist du in der Lage, Excel-Dateien einzulesen (auch mehrere gleichzeitig), die Daten mit Python zu extrahieren, und daraus schicke, interaktive Diagramme zu zeichnen.Zudem gibt es viele praktische Beispiele, sodass du immer weit, warum ein bestimmtes Thema fr dich wichtig ist.Dazu lernst du in diesem Kurs:Basics in der ProgrammiersprachePythonMatplotlib:Hiermit kannst du schicke Diagramme zeichnenPandas:Hiermit kannst du Excel-Dateien mit Python ffnen, und die Daten daraus extrahierenCartopy:Cartopy bentigst du zum Zeichnen von schicken KartendiagrammenJupyter Widgets:In Kombination mit Matplotlib kannst du damit interaktive Grafiken erstellenDatumsfunktionen:Damit wirst du immer wieder zu tun haben, wenn du echte Daten auswerten mchtestEin komplettes Excel-Projekt:Hier schreibst du ein Python-Programm, was Daten aus mehreren Excel-Dateien kombiniert, und daraus eine interaktive Grafik erstellt!Dieser Kurs macht dich fit zum Visualisieren von Daten. Anschlieend kannst du, wenn du z.B. in deinem Job viel mit Excel-Daten arbeitest, dir dort einmal ein kleines Programm schreiben, was dir die ganze Arbeit abnimmt, und bist schneller mit der Auswertung fertig!"
Price: 99.99

"C++ Bootcamp: Vom Anfnger zum C++ - Entwickler!" |
"Erstelle coole Programme in C++ - sowohl einfache, textbasierte Programme, als auch coole Desktopanwendungen (Mac, Linux, Windows)mit Qt und bringe dadurch deine Karriere voran!C++ ist mit eine der wichtigsten Programmiersprachen -jeder Entwickler sollte sie in dem eigenen Toolkit haben!Dieser Kurs bringt dir Schritt fr Schritt alles bei, was du zum Thema C++ wissen musst:Grundlagen:Datentypen, Variablen und Funktionen, KontrollstrukturenObjektorientierung: Konzept, inkl. verschiedenenBeispielenDatenstrukturen:Arrays, Vektoren, Listen, Sets, Maps, usw.Fortgeschrittene Konzepte:Referenzen, Pointer, Iteratoren, Namespaces, Exceptions, ...Zudem gibt's am Ende des Kurses noch einen Bonus (ca. 2.5 Stunden), in dem ich dir zeige, wie du mit Qt coole Desktopanwendungen entwickeln kannst. Zudem entwickeln wir anschlieend ein kleines Spiel (Galgenmnnchen)mit Qt.Zudem gibt es in diesem Kurs vielePraxisbeispiele und bungen. Dadurch lernst du C++ nicht nur theoretisch, sondern kannst das Wissen anschlieend auch anwenden.Nach diesem Kurs bist du in derLage, C++-Anwendungen zu programmieren. Du hast alle wichtigen Konzepte der Programmiersprache C++ verstanden, und kannst objektorientierten Code schreiben - wichtig sowohl fr den privaten, als auchprofessionellen Einsatz, und fr dein nchstes Jobinterview!"
Price: 174.99

"Chrome Developer Tools: Vom Anfnger zum Profi!" |
"Du mchtest ein echter Profi fr die Webentwicklung werden?Dann musst du auf jeden Fall mit den Chrome Developer Tools umgehen knnen. Mal eben schnell das Design berprfen, ein Bild mal eben ein paar Pixel nach rechts schieben, bis hin zu umfangreichen Performanceanalysen - alles kannst du mit den Chrome DevTools machen.In diesem Kurs schauen wir uns Schritt fr Schritt den WebInspector von Google Chrome an. Zuerst zeige ich dir, wie du die DOMinspizierst, Elemente auswhlst, Eigenschaften nderst, und das Design anpassen kannst.Anschlieend schauen wir uns aber auch fortgeschrittene Konzepte an, wie du z.B. Ausgaben in der Console erzeugen kannst, diese gruppieren kannst, oder Performance-Messungen durchfhrst. Zudem zeige ich dir auch, wie du fehlerhaften JavaScript - Code sauber debuggen kannst.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses kannst du leichterAnpassungen am Design der Webseite vorzunehmen, du kannst Memory-Leaks in JavaScript aufspren, und die Ladezeit der Webseite massiv optimieren.Dieser Kurs ist perfekt fr alle Leute, die bereits Erfahrung mit der Webentwicklung haben,und jetzt en Detail lernen mchten, wie sie mit dem Webinspector umgehen knnen."
Price: 24.99

"Python Bootcamp: Vom Anfnger zum Profi, inkl. Data Science" |
"DieserKurs macht dich von null zum Python Profi - und zwar egal, wofr du Python brauchst. Angefangen bei den Grundlagen lernst du alles bis hin zu Webseiten, Desktop-Apps, Data-Science-Auswertungen und Machine Learning.Ein hervorragender Kurs! Sehr klar strukturiert und gut erklrt(, Alexey Vidanov)Dieser Kurs enthlt ber 300 Lektionen, unzhlige Quizze, Tests, Praxisprojekte, Merkbltter, und bungsaufgaben - der einfachste Weg, wenn du Python Profi werden mchtest.ESWERDENKEINEPROGRAMMIERKENNTNISSEBENTIGTZuerst ein kleiner Ausblick, was dir dieser Kurs alles bietet:Verstehe die Grundlagen von PythonVerstehe ObjektorientierungEntwickle eigene Anwendungen in PythonFordere dein Wissen mit diversen Quizzen und bungsaufgaben herausLeichtes Wiederholen von Wissen:UmfangreicheMerkbltterDiverse Praxisbeispiele:Extrahiere Daten aus Webseiten mit einem Web-CrawlerSchreibe echte Desktop - Anwendungen mit QtEntwickle einen Webserver mit FlaskWerte Daten automatisiert mit Python ausUnd viel mehr...Dieser Kurs enthlt diverse Praxisbeispiele. Du lernst also nicht nur die Programmiersprache Python, sondern auch, wie du mit ihr echte Anwendungen entwickeln kannst.Python ist eine unglaublich coole Programmiersprache, die fr verschiedenste Zwecke verwendet werden kann. Daher ist es nicht nur wichtig, dass du Python selbst lernst, sondern auch lernst, welche Tools Python perfekt ergnzen. Und genau deswegen habe ich diesen Kurs entwickelt - damit du zu einem fhigen Python - Entwickler wirst, egal welche Richtung du nach dem Kurs einschlagen mchtest.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses kannst du Desktop - Anwendungen schreiben, Webseiten entwickeln, Daten aus fremden Webseiten extrahieren, zustzliche Daten ber coole Formulare erfassen, und automatisiert mit Python auswerten - also wirklich der komplette Workflow.Dazu schauen wir uns im Kurs diverse, zustzliche Tools an:Der DataScience - Stack:Numpy, Pandas und MatplotlibWeb - Crawling mit ""requests"" und ""beautifulsoup""Web - Entwicklung mit FlaskInteraktive Programme mit Jupyter NotebooksDesktop - Anwendungen mit PyQtMein Ziel ist, dass du nach Abschluss dieses Kurses ein fhiger Python - Entwickler bist - egal fr welchen Zweck du Python spter konkret einsetzen mchtest. Dadurchbist du ideal fr zuknftige Jobs und Projektevorbereitet."
Price: 199.99

"T-shirt Branding & Packaging Course" |
"The Ultimate Guide to making your little T-shirt business look like a BIG T-SHIRT. This course will teach you the odd & ends of branding your T-shirt. I'll teach you how to take you bare T-shirt to look. Adding & removing back labels. Adding printed labels adding woven label etc. I also show you how to add and create hang tags, size stickers & so much more. The other side of the course is packaging. In this portion I give you some of the most awesome, artistic, original packaging ideas you have ever seen. So what are you waiting for?! Get the course today your T-shirt Business will never be the same.Thanks"
Price: 59.99

"Music Theory for Electronic Music Producers - Complete Guide" |
"Are you producing Electronic music? Do you struggle with Music Theory and always wanted to learn but always felt like it was too hard or not really necessary to learn how to play piano? Do you want to know how to learn Music theory for electronic music producers?Welcome to this course where I will learn you Music Theory for Electronic Music Producers. In this course, all of the music theory is made in the Piano Roll and you will only learn what is relevant to us Electronic Music Producers out there. In just a day, you will learn how to create your own chords, how to understand rhythms, how to detect different notes and learn other cool tricks that will help you to understand and creating those cool Chord Progressions that all of the big guys do out there. Trust me - this is the only course you need. After taking this one you will be able to create chord progressions, extract bass-lines from chords and learn how to remix popular songs with just one single rule!Learn Music Theory the easy way and create chords and melodies with just the Piano Roll.Create Chord Progressions and learn how to extract Bass and Melodies from a Chord Progression.Learn how to remix commercial tracks by using This Music Theory Method.This Music Theory Method is being used by many Electronic Music Producers today.There are a lot of different Music Theory courses out there and they cover A LOT. When I watched a course here on Udemy I got bored after watching just 15 minutes. I don't really want to know how to play Piano or Guitar since I'm not a musician that plays instruments. I use my computer as my instrument and that is why I've chose to skip the boring parts. I will learn you a method that big producers uses such as Avicii and Afrojack.I'm a Music Producer from Stockholm, Sweden and I have been producing music since 2006 for other producers. I started out with music production on the same Swedish music platform as Avicii did and shared a lot of different techniques over there, like this particular technique that I'm showing in this course. Since then I have produced music for several electronic music producers and artists both big and small.All of this + many more tips and tricks will make your productions a lot more sense - and you are now able to create your own chord progressions and melodies!That's it guys, see you in the course :)"
Price: 194.99

"Logic Pro X: Deep House EDM Music Production in Logic Pro X" |
"Do you want to create music that has the same quality as the big producers in the Deep House genre? Do you want to create a full track from scratch?Do you struggle to lay out ideas and to get inspiration quickly for your Deep House track and want to get help with your Music Production in Logic Pro X? Are you running in to writers block easily these days? Then this course is for you!Welcome to this course where I will learn you how to create a Deep House Track in Logic Pro X. In this course - you will learn how to create a ""modern"" Deep House track fast and how to get ideas quickly. We will remix a popular track from Calvin Harris and remake it from scratch into a Deep House track. In just a few hours you will learn how to overcome writers block and arrange your track fast. Logic Pro X Template is included for FREE! We also included FREE Sample Packs as a Bonus!These Sample Packs are included:4 Project Ideas for Logic Pro X1 Full BONUS Deep House Project1 Original Logic Pro X Project File (The one that you will learn creating in this course)Snare Rolls Pack 1 - 70 Snare Rolls Samples - Complete Snare Rolls to use in your next project.Up & Downlifters 1 - 50 FX Samples for great transitions between different parts in your song.Kick Toolbox 1 - 100 Professional Kick Drum Samples in different pitch.Reversed Reverbs - 120 Reversed Reverb Effects to use to introduce parts in your arrangement.One Shot EDM Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!One Shot Deep House Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!Clap & Snare Toolbox + MIDI Groovy Tools.I have produced electronic music ever since I met DJ's like Avicii, Alesso or Otto Knows (they actually went to the same High School as me in Stockholm, Sweden) and that is for a long time - over 10 years now - and a few years ago I got to a point where I couldn't get past writers block and I didn't know what to produce anymore. The genre ""Electronic Music"" started to get generic and after a while the style got slower in tempo - from 128BPM to 110BPM and even slower. After trying to experiment with tempo and different style I became a lot more inspired to create music again. A whole new world opened up to me. I just wish that someone would tell me how to do these different tricks and how to experiment without thinking so much about whats wrong and what right. This course will help you a lot - take it as a guideline at the same time as creating a track that is ""Modern"".First we're going over how to create an initial idea and just getting in to an creative stage where we just throw in different sounds that we like and without thinking about any rule at all. There is no rules when you are creative - that way it is easier to get your own unique sound instead of just copying every other producers music styles.After that we are going to arrange our track and cleaning up the project. I like arranging my track as soon as I have a proper idea laid out in Logic Pro X. That way it is a lot easier to see what kind of sound you need to add in, like FX and different transitional elements to make your track stand out and sound professional as well as not sounding static and robotic - since this is electronic music.When we are done creating our track and adding all sounds that we both need and that we want to have there we want to create a proper mixdown and master our track so it sounds great on every sound system there is. We want to have our track to sound great on both car stereos, our iPhone's and on a big club sound system as well.So let's see you in the course :)"
Price: 194.99

"Logic Pro X Workflow Guide - Work Fast in Logic Pro X Course" |
"In this Logic Pro X workflow guide, I will show you how to work up a nice and fast workflow when creating music productions. We will cover different topics such as how to create default templates to always start with your favourite sounds & presets from scratch, how to manage the piano roll, grouping tracks together or stretching audio files. There are a lot of different workflow tips & tricks covered in this course - which you can see all of the topics covered within the course curriculum.This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in music production within Logic Pro X. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using as well as limiting ourselves to create music production with ONLY Logic's stock plugins and free plugins - as well as working in the box. This Course Includes All You Need To become a music producer.We are also including 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions - and you can use them however you want in your own tracks since they're royalty free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. Just a few of the things you'll learn in this Workflow Course For Logic Pro X:How To Work Fast With Cut, Copy & Merge in Logic Pro XChanging Tempo Of Audio Files FastGetting Rid Of Latency Inside Logic Pro XPlaying With One Shot SamplesManaging Backups Of Project FilesDefining Song LengthRenaming Tracks Tips & TricksWorking With MonoChanging Colours And ThemesCreating Arrangement MarkersImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to build up a nice and fast workflow inside Logic Pro X.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 99.99

"Logic Pro X: Learn Creating Pryda EDM Style in Logic Pro X" |
"In This Audio Production - Learn Creating Pryda Style in Logic Pro X, I will show you how to create a full music production from scratch to the complete product - arranged, mixed, and mastered. This course will teach you how to make this track with Logic Pro X stock plugins as well as a few pairs of paid third-party plugins and free third party plugins. All paid third-party plugins that are used in this Course do have Demo versions with full usage within a period. You Can Use The Same Principles you will learn music For Both EDM, Hip Hop, or Even New Music Genres - it will work for all Genres!This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using as well as limiting ourselves to create music with Logic's stock plugins and third-party plugins - as well as working in the box. Everything that is done in this Course is made in the box only - so all you need is a laptop with macOS such as MacBook Pro or a macOS desktop computer such as an iMac.This Course Includes All You Need To Create a Full Music Production. Everything that you need to use is included in this course and inside the included project file. Some plugins require installation of free demo versions to work for this Course.We also include 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your tracks - all royalty-free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used Logic Pro X before, that's totally fine as well. This Course includes an introduction section where we will download Logic Pro X and show you how to manage the most basic functions of Logic Pro X to get you started.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this Audio Production Pryda Style in Logic Pro X course:How To Make A Full Music Production Including Arrangement, Mixdown, And MasteringLearn Creating Chord Progressions quickly without knowing music theory.You Will Learn How To Start With Music Production Instead Of Getting Into Writers BlockStart Finishing Music Instead Of Going To An Idea And Just Leave It Like ThatImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full Music Production with Logic Pro X with Mixdown and Mastering.Unlike other Music Production courses, this course will cover everything from scratch and improve your overall music production level as well as getting you motivated to finish your music instead of letting your music ideas die within your project file.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"GarageBand: The Complete GarageBand Course Music Production" |
"In This GarageBand for Mac & iOS Tutorial Course - Complete Beginners Guide I will show you how to Master GarageBand from knowing nothing to create three different complete full tracks. This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in music production techniques. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers use in the real world to get professional sounding productions in the box with the FREE high quality software that GarageBand is.This Course Includes All You Need To Create Music and to Get Your Musical Ideas to GarageBand - You Will Only Need a Mac and / or an iPhone / iPad (or a Hardware with iOS) and an Internet Connection.There are a plenty of different Music Production courses out there where they focus on a lot of different things - but in this course I rather focus on the Music Production Stage and how to actually lay out ideas on GarageBand quickly instead of messing around with unnecessary knobs and other settings that you won't need to use ever in GarageBand.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used GarageBand before, that's totally fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download GarageBand on the Mac App Store and on the iOS App Store and show you how to get the big additional sound library that comes bundled with GarageBand as well.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this GarageBand for Mac course:How To Get Your Musical Ideas Quickly To GarageBandProduce Three Full Songs From Ideas Inspired Out Of Apple Loops & Plugins That Comes With GarageBandGet You Familiar With The GarageBand Interface And LooksIntroduce You To The Music Production Software From Apple and Show Why You Should Upgrade To Logic Pro XImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Quality Music in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create two different tracks with only GarageBand sounds and plugins without any third party plugins.Whether you prefer creating music or learning different production techniques and methods such as workflow, this course will suite you perfect.Unlike other music production courses, this course will cover everything from how to learn GarageBand from scratch to how to come up with the idea.About the instructor: Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"Sylenth Synthesizer - Audio Production Synthesis Course" |
"This is the only Sylenth Synthesizer course you will ever need. In this course, I will show you how the synthesizer works from scratch, without going through too many ""hard words"" that synthesis can be for a lot of people.We will create different sounds from scratch as well as comparing presets with big commercial music productions. I will also show you where to get high quality presets that a lot of the biggest guys in the music industry is using.This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production and synthesis. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using - everything is done in the box, meaning that you don't need any kinds of extra hardware besides your computer.This Course Includes All You Need To Learn Sylenth From Scratch. Everything that you need to use is included in this course. You don't have to own a copy of Sylenth to attend this course - There are Demo versions of the software synth out which we also cover where to find in the course.We also include 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your tracks - all royalty-free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this Sylenth Synthesis course:Learn Sylenth From ScratchLFO's, Modulation, Portamento, ADSR, and other typical Synthesizer parameters.How to create presets & banks.Learn Creating own Sounds like Bass & Synth soundsImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level.Unlike other Music Production courses, this course will cover everything from scratch and improve your overall music production level as well as getting you motivated to finish your music instead of letting your music ideas die within your project file.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"Beat Drum Programming - Audio Editing & Create Drum Loops" |
"Welcome to the Beat Drum Programming Course. In This How To Make Drum Loops & Beatmaking Course, I will show you how to create drum loops from scratch. We're going to chop, copy and paste from different drum loops and re-create them to our own. This course will teach you how to create drum loops from scratch with Apple Loops and Logic Pro X. This course can still be used with other DAW's such as Logic Pro X, Ableton Live or FL Studio. This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using as well as limiting ourselves to create music. Everything that is done in this course is made in the box only - so all you need is a laptop such as MacBook Pro or a desktop computer such as an iMac.This Course Includes All You Need To Create Full Drum Loops. Everything that you need to use is included in this course.We also include 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your tracks - all royalty-free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used Logic Pro X before, that's fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download Logic Pro X and show you how to manage the most basic functions of Logic Pro X to get you started.Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full Music Production with Logic Pro X with Mixdown and Mastering.Unlike other Music Production courses, this course will cover everything from scratch and improve your overall music production level as well as getting you motivated to finish your music instead of letting your music ideas die within your project file.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 70,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"FL Studio 20 - Music Production In FL Studio for Mac & PC" |
"In This FL Studio - Learn Music Production in FL Studio for Mac & PC, I will show you how to manage FL Studio in just one day. Did you know that FL Studio is now supported by both Windows & Mac?We're going to cover everything from how you download FL Studio, to choosing the right version for your needs, as well as going in-depth to the software. This course is perfect for beginners!We will end the course with a music production stage where we re-make two songs from well known released songs. We're also covering arrangement, mixing stage, and mastering stage as well.This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using as well as limiting ourselves to create music. Everything that is done in this course is made in the box only - so all you need is a laptop such as MacBook Pro or a desktop computer such as an iMac.This Course Includes All You Need To Create Music Production in FL Studio. Everything that you need to use is included in this course.We also include 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your own tracks - all royalty-free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used FL Studio before, that's totally fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download FL Studio and show you how to manage the most basic functions of FL Studio to get you started.Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full Music Production with FL Studio with Mixdown and Mastering included.Unlike other Music Production courses, this course will cover everything from scratch and improve your overall music production level as well as getting you motivated to finish your music instead of letting your music ideas die within your project file.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"FL Studio 20 Workflow - Learn How To Work Fast in FL Studio" |
"This is the only FL Studio course for beginner to professional users that you need to take - this course will increase your workflow speed by at least x5!This course is perfect for both beginners & professional users of FL Studio!This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in the music production process inside of FL Studio. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using as well as limiting ourselves to create music. Everything that is done in this course is made in the box only - so all you need is a laptop such as MacBook Pro or a desktop computer such as an iMac - FL Studio also works great with Windows.This Course Includes All You Need To Create A Fast Workflow Speed Inside Of FL Studio - Start Finishing And Releasing Tracks Fast.We are also including 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your own tracks - all royalty free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used FL Studio before, that's totally fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download FL Studio and show you how to manage the most basic functions of FL Studio to get you started.Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level.Unlike other Music Production courses, this course will cover everything from scratch and improve your overall music production level as well as getting you motivated to finish your music instead of letting your music ideas die within your project file.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99

"FL Studio 20.1 Upgrade Course - Learn FL Studio For Mac & PC" |
"In This FL Studio 20.1 Upgrade Course For Mac & PC, I will show you how to work with the new version of 20.1. The new features and workflow features are so great that it deserves it's own course!We're going to cover everything new in FL Studio 20.1 - all from how the new ""Audio Tracks"" & ""Instrument Tracks"" works (this new workflow are similar to how it works in Logic Pro X and Ableton Live) to new ways of recording audio and linking different tracks to the mixer in a way that makes much more sense that it did with previous versions of FL Studio.This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in music production. Everything that is done in this course is made in the box only - so all you need is a laptop such as MacBook Pro or other Windows laptop, or a desktop computer such as an iMac or a Windows computer.We are also including 20+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your own tracks - all royalty free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used FL Studio before, that's totally fine as well. We will include a brief overlook of FL Studio's interface in this course.Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 99.99

"Logic Pro X: Customize Logic Pro X & Work Like A Pro" |
"In this Logic Pro X Customize course, I will show you how to personalise Logic Pro X and make it look how you want. We will cover different topics such as how to create different themes that switches out the whole interface as well as bringing out different tools in toolbars and customizing them so you have the tools that you really need. There are a lot of different workflow tips & tricks covered in this course - which you can see all of the topics covered within the course curriculum.This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in music production within Logic Pro X. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using as well as limiting ourselves to create music production with ONLY Logic's stock plugins and free plugins - as well as working in the box. We are also including 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions - and you can use them however you want in your own tracks since they're royalty free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take you knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to build up a nice and fast workflow inside Logic Pro X.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016, and now has over 80,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 99.99

"Ace your ACT." |
"In this course, I will prepare you for every section of the ACT exam. The reading, English, math, science, and writing portion of the exam. I will be with you every step of the way in this process,with video presentations that show everydetail of thetest taking strategies for each section in particular. With my years ofexperience as a testprep tutor, I will also prepare you for test taking in general by giving you test-taking techniques, mentally preparing you for tests, andhelping youevaluateyour practice tests."
Price: 19.99

"TOTAL: CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+ (FCO-U61)." |
"Welcome to the IT Fundamentals; FC0-U61. The Total Course from Mike Meyers, Scott Jernigan, and Total Seminars.Be your own Geek. This course is for everyone who has had to call a help desk or a geek friend to help them with basic computer, laptop, mobile and network issues. You will learn about all kinds of computing devices (like PCs and Macs, tablets, and phones) as well as how to troubleshoot issues (like with networks, the Internet, and why your computer won't turn on). You will also learn about security, safety, and preventative maintenance, as well as the basics of databases and programming (basic IT skills everyone should know these days).Learn how to:Identify and understand basic computer components and what they doUnderstand operating systems, data storage, and sharingSet up and configure a basic computer workstationWork with applications and filesHandle basic software installationSet up and configure a mobile deviceConnect to networks and the InternetIdentify/prevent basic security risks Identify compatibility issuesUnderstand safety and preventative maintenance of computersUnderstand basic database conceptsLearn the fundamentals of programming code and languaguesThis course covers everything you need to know to pass the CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) Certification (FC0-U61) exam. Not interested in certification? No problem! The main goal of the course is to help users better understand, set up, configure, and troubleshoot all kinds of devices, and to understand basic IT concepts.The course covers all the CompTIA IT Fundamentals FC0-U61 objective domains: 1.0 IT Concepts and Terminology2.0 Infrastructure3.0 Applications and Software4.0 Software Development5.0 Database Fundamentals6.0 SecurityThe Total IT Fundamentals Course covers everything you need to know to be your own computer, mobile, network, and security Geek.Subject Mater Expert Scott Jernigan is editor-in-chief for Total Seminars, a provider of PC and network repair seminars, books, videos and courseware for thousands of organizations throughout the world. Scott has been involved in the computer, network and IT industry since 1996 as a technician, instructor, editor, author and speaker.Scott has written, edited, and contributed to dozens of books on computer literacy, hardware, operating systems, networking and certification. Scott co-authored the best-selling CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, the Mike Meyers A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs and the CompTIA IT Fundamentals All-in-One Exam Guide (all with Mike Meyers)."
Price: 49.99
