"Computer Science 101: Master the Theory Behind Programming" |
"Master the Theory to Becoming a Good Programmer!If you're looking to learn the theory that makes great programmers,you've come to the right place!This course is perfect for anyone interested in learning the fundamentals to Computer Science Theory.No Previous Experience Necessary!Computer science and technology are often thought of as things only for ""analytical minds"". I believe however that technology and it's theory are for everyone. So I designed thiscourse toteach each topic in a variety ofeasy to digest ways. Through these multiple reinforcing steps, I believe anyone can follow along and succeed!Why is the Theory of Programming Important?UnderstandingComputer Science theory is what sets apartGreat programmersfrom average ones. Programming theory is something that transcends a single programming language. It gives you skills and techniques you can apply to any programming language you touch. Learning the theory behind programming is just as important, if not more important than learning a singular programming language like Java or C++.Programming is all about problem solving. Analyzing a problem, and being able to figure out a way that a computer can help with that problem. Computer Science is the practice of this analysis process. It goes over the techniques and knowledge necessary to design efficient and sustainable code.So if you want to begin setting yourself apart from the average programmers, this is the course for you!Enroll Now and you'll Learn:Binary Number SystemN NotationBig O NotationHow to Analyze a ProgramArrays andtheir AdvantagesNodes and their ImportanceLinkedLists and their Advantages and ImplementationsStacks implemented with Arrays and LinkedListsQueues Implemented with Arrays and Linked ListsVarious Sorting Algorithms and Their ComparisionsTrees and Binary Search TreesAnd Much Much More!MyGuaranteeI am so confident you will enjoy this course, I offer a 100%30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy.If you are not happy with your purchase, I have no problem with giving your money back!Are You Ready to Get Started?I will be waiting for you inside the course!Remember, this is an online course, so you can take it at your own pace.Are you busy right now?That's okay. Enroll today, and take the course at your own pace.Thanks so much for your interest in this Computer Science 101 Course!See you inside!Kurt"
Price: 49.99

"Learn VirtualBox Server and Network Virtualization!" |
"In this short course, you will get a detailed overview ofOracle VM VirtualBox.This course is set up togive the student anunderstanding of the components that make up a virtual environment.Youwill grasp the concept of what virtualization is and how it is used incorporate and in home environments.You will learn what the settings within Oracle VM VirtualBox control and how to use them to configure your own home lab.You will gain a hands-on experience because each lecture has a pdf attached with instructions.This detailed overview will start you on your way to understand virtualization and its many uses!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft SCCM/Endpoint Configuration Manager for Beginners" |
"NEWS FLASH - Please read as of 6/24/2020You asked for it, and we listened. So now you got it!! We have just updated the course with nearly 3 1/2 hours of NEW videos. Now you can update SCCM to version 1910 or the latest 2002. And much, much more to come!If youve made it to this page, chances are youre currently at SCCM Noob status (or are at least unfamiliar with the latest version), and you need to upgrade your skills FAST. Youre either:Already a Windows sysadmin who just had a newly installed SCCM server dropped into your lap, and now you have to figure out how to work it properlyAn IT professional whos recently been promoted into a role where Congrats! youre now in charge of getting SCCM deployed for your entire organization (even though you have zero experience with it)Working with a client and an SCCM install is part of your project scope, but youve never done it beforeExperienced in SCCM 2012, but your organization has decided to move to a newer version of SCCM, and you need to know whats changed and how the new features workOr just simply an IT enthusiast looking to add another technical proficiency to your resumeRegardless where youre starting from, the consensus is in:The worst thing you could POSSIBLY do is jump into an SCCM production environment without understanding how to use it. Hang around sysadmin forums long enough, and youll hear the horror stories of re-imaging 1,000s of machines incorrectly and burning your businesss infrastructure to the ground.Thankfully, that type of gloom and doom is incredibly rare. But the point remains: you need to find some effective SCCM training to get you up to speed before you jump in.The problem is, most SCCM courses are books do more talking than showing, leaving you with a rough idea of what SCCM can do and how to use it... But mostly just half asleep at your desk, and still confused when you go to actually implement it. We did something different.With System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) For Beginners weve built the entire course around establishing a working test lab on your laptop and walking you through a real, functioning ConfigMgr environment.Our goal is to teach you the fundamentals of SCCM as quickly and painlessly as possible, so that you can walk away from this course with the ability to deploy and administrate SCCM as soon as youre done.After taking this course youll be able to:Install and configure SCCM from the ground up including downloading and installing the latest SCCM, SQL, and all of the necessary server roles and schemaUse the Configuration Manager Console, including managing users, creating boundary groups, and user discovery methods.Create and push out applications to the Windows PCs on your network to the appropriate users (plus how to monitor whether its progress and any errors that pop up)Deploy an Operating System to a machine on your network, without worrying about making an OMG what did I do? type mistakeIntegrate Endpoint Protection with SCCM to prevent network security threats and keep your users safeUpdate Configuration Manager to the latest version.And overall, administrate the latest version of SCCM like a proAll with easy-to-follow, high quality videos and downloadable reference PDFs.No more scrolling through Microsoft forums trying to figure out which features apply to the latest version of SCCM, and which are outdated...No more trying to decipher the advanced language youll find in SCCM communities online. That stuff may make sense to them, but boy is it rough for beginners...And no need to attend expensive in-person training or trying to read through dense SCCM books that are filled with vast wall-of-text explanations and only a sparse screenshot here or there...You can work at your own pace, watch us work through each configuration screen and pause where you need to, and youll have lifetime access to the material once you register.But dont just take our word for it though. Heres what just a few of our IT students say about our courses:Great course! Paul and Robert do an amazing job here. Highly focused and straight to the main concepts, no fluff! ~ Chris Vazquez""Paul is a great instructor. The examples shown are easy to understand and follow. Love it."" ~ David MurvaiI picked this course due to the topics it covers but also the reviews that have been left and I have been very impressed with everything Paul has provided... ~ GrahamVery detailed course. Paul isn't boring and keeps you engaged throughout the course. I learnt some very important skills that will push my career forward. Thanks Paul!! ~ Kevin NeddPlus, in addition to the core course content, youll also get:Section follow-up quizzes to test your comprehension. What youll learn in the course wont stick unless you make sure youre not just watching and thinking, but putting your knowledge to the test so we built that right into the course itself.Direct access to the course instructors (Paul and Robert). You can ask questions and discuss the course content and how to deploy SCCM within your specific application.Continually updated course content. We routinely amend and update the course content in response to your feedback and questions, as well as SCCM updates, so if theres something else youd like us to cover just ask! A certificate of completion that you can put on your resume, show to your manager, and join the ranks of the SCCM administrators community... Something that could go a long way towards earning you a promotion and more job security.So if you're ready to go from SCCM Noob to Expert in short order, you can instantly join the course today.The best part about it?You get a rock solid 30-day money back guarantee. So you can quite literally take the entire course, implement what you learned, and if you're unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever, request a full refund with no questions asked. Zero risk on your part.All you have to do is click the green Buy Now button at the top right of your screen, and you can instantly access the course in under a minute.Hope to see you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Windows PowerShell 5.1" |
"This course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation of Windows PowerShell 5.1. We will start with the basics of PowerShell 5.1 and end with you writing your own powerful automation scripts.In this course we will cover the following major topics:The basics of Windows PowerShellWindows PowerShell system requirementsInstalling and Updating Windows PowerShellHow to use the CLI (Command Line Interface)How to use the ISE (Intelligent Scripting Environment)How to get help and find commands within the CLIGetting Started with Windows PowerShellGetting Help and Finding CommandsThe Language of PowerShell - Command Syntax, Objects and Properties, and the PipelineSetup your own PowerShell On Premises IT LabBasic Active Directory Domain Administration with Windows PowershellAn introduction to Desired State Configuration made simple!And MUCH more!Once we have covered this foundation, we will move on to writing PowerShell scripts. We will start with simple tasks before moving on to more advanced and complicated script writing."
Price: 199.99

"Windows Server 2019 Training for Beginners" |
"This introductory course is designed to give you a solid foundation and understanding of Windows Server 2019.In this course you will learn about the following topics:Windows Server 2019 system requirementsWhat's new in Server 2019Licensing optionsHow to setup your own ITlab with Server 2019How to install Windows Server 2019 (desktop experience and server core)How to complete basic Server 2019 configurations with both the GUI and server CoreHow to upgrade Windows Server 2019What are domain forests, domains and treesActive Directory Domain Services basicsHow to install the ADDS server roleMUCH more!"
Price: 199.99

"Sounds True Presents: Qigong Master Key with Robert Peng" |
"Is it possible to maintain a youthful flow of abundant vitality throughout our entire lives? Qigong masters such as Robert Peng know that we canby using time-tested practices to amplify our physical, mental, and spiritual energy. WithThe Master Key video course, this renowned teacher presentspowerfulinstruction inChinese energy practices to enhance our health, sustain our happiness, and bring us into effortless alignment with the flow of life.Recorded in beautiful settings and enhanced with computer animations, this series brings viewers a comprehensive progression of Qigong's most valuable teachings. Join this exceptional teacher as he guides you through:The BasicsFollow Robert's own journey into Qigong through the teachings of his master, the legendary monk Xiao Yao. You'll then establish the foundations of your practice with exercises to awaken and balance your Three Dantians, the primary energy centers of your body that govern wisdom, love, and vitality.EmpowermentsLearn the practices of the Hologram Palm Empowerment of the Upper, Middle, and Lower Dantians, the Breathing Empowerment of the Central Meridian, and Awakening Awarenesspractices to build inner harmony and a strong connection to the energetic resources of the world around you.Three Treasures Standing Meditation and 4 Golden Wheels ExerciseTwo essential Qigong practices for deepening your experience of your subtle energy flow. You will learn to harmonize the forces of Heaven, Earth, and your body, and discover an essential restorative exercise to fill you with buoyant vitality each day.Lotus Meditation and Connecting UniverseTake a journey to the source of divinely inspired love: the awakened heart. After completely cleansing your body in the Lotus Meditation, you'll learn the Qigong meditation for opening and energizing the Central Meridian channel that connects you to the universe.""The way of Qigong allows you to deepen your capacity for wisdom, love, and vitality,"" teaches Robert Peng.Adapted foron-demand streamingfrom its original DVD format, here is an unparalleled resource of Qigong practices to reawaken your inner fountain of youth, balance the forces within and without for harmonious living, and open clear and abundant channels for life energy to flow."
Price: 49.99

"Criatividade e Rupturas" |
"Este curso de nvel INICIANTE e no ideal para os avanados.O que sentes, quando ests inspirado? E naqueles momentos em que te falta incentivo? Para que serve uma obra de arte? O que a histria da Arte? Existe algum cdigo de linguagem?Na primeira parte do curso, vais saber os significados da Cultura, da Arte e da Histria da Arte. Na segunda parte do curso, vais saber quais so as funcionalidades e as caractersticas das linguagens da Arte como discurso. Por fim, vais ouvir os casos prticos Portugueses e Brasileiros para que possas entender e analisar os seus projectos artsticos.ATENO: Este curso (mdulo inicial) est integrado no programa do componente de Formao Cientfica da disciplina de Histria da Cultura e das Artes no ensino secundrio portugus.O curso no segueas normas do novo Acordo Ortogrfico Portugus. Tambm apresenta as legendas em portugus - Portugal para toda a comunidade surda oralizada e sinalizada para que possa l-las rapidamentee ter uma melhor compreenso ao curso!"
Price: 24.99

"Edio grfica para materiais didticos no Canva" |
"Este curso de nvel INICIANTE e no ideal para os avanados.Todos sabemos da importncia de saber criar os materiais didcticos que so capazes de facilitar o processo de ensino/aprendizagem. Estes aliam o contedo de qualidade a um design encantador e envolvente que motivam a leitura aos alunos e aos interessados. Neste curso, vais conhecer as noes bsicas de design de materiais, entender a funo e o uso adequado da tipografia, das cores, das imagens, do desenho vectorial, do cone e da infografia para poder melhorar o aspecto grfico dos seus projectos. Tambm vais aprender a trabalhar o Canva, uma ferramenta online e gratuita que permite a criao de diferentes tipos de materiais. Vais poder criar o teu primeiro modelo, fazer uma apresentao multimdia, construir um infogrfico, desenvolver um e-book interactivo e por fim, compor um certificado sofisticado. Assista as aulas disponveis para a visualizao gratuita e para todas as suas dvidas, no hesite em contactar-me. Todos os meus contactos esto no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy."
Price: 44.99

"Edio grfica para materiais didcticos no Powerpoint" |
"Este curso de nvel INTERMEDIRIO e no ideal para os iniciantes.Sabemos a importncia do uso dos materiais didcticos para facilitar o processo de ensino / aprendizagem. Os materiais didcticos so capazes de cumprir o seu papel nesta metodologia e aliam-se aos contedos de qualidade a um design cativante e envolvente para uma melhor leitura. 1 parte do cursoVais ter as noes bsicas de design nos materiais didcticos: funes e usos adequados da tipografia, da cor, da imagem, do desenho vectorial, do cone e da infografia. 2 parte do cursoEm seguida, vais poder pr estes conceitos em prtica nos softwares gratuitos e editores online para que possas melhorar o aspecto grfico nos teus projectos. 3 parte do cursoPor fim, vais inserir e aplicar todos os contedos no Powerpoint. Vamos construir uma apresentao multimdia, dois infogrficos, um e-book e um certificado duma forma clara, elegante e apelativa!"
Price: 34.99

"Teoria de Design" |
"Este curso de nvel INICIANTE e no ideal para os avanados.O que DESIGN e quais so as suas funes?Quais so os princpios de DESIGN?Quais so os elementos de DESIGN?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ATENO: O curso no segueas normas do novo Acordo Ortogrfico Portugus. Tambm est preparado para os surdos oralizados e sinalizados para que possam ler as legendas e terem uma melhor compreenso ao curso."
Price: 19.99

"Teoria da Arte" |
"Este curso de nvel INICIANTE e no ideal para os avanados.O que ARTE e para que serve? Existem cinco teorias da ARTE e quais so as suas caractersticas?Quais so os elementos da ARTE?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ATENO: O curso no segueas normas do novo Acordo Ortogrfico Portugus. Tambm est preparado para os surdos oralizados e sinalizados para que possam ler as legendas e terem uma melhor compreenso ao curso."
Price: 19.99

"Histria Universal da Arte (sucinta)" |
"Este curso destinado para INICIANTES.O que te diz a Arte? Como originou a Arte?Aonde pra a Arte?Quais so as categorias implementadas no mercado artstico?Qual a diferena entre Arte e Design?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ATENO: O curso no segueas normas do novo Acordo Ortogrfico Portugus. Tambm est preparado para os surdos oralizados e sinalizados para que possam ler as legendas e terem uma melhor compreenso ao curso."
Price: 34.99

"Histria Universal de Design (sucinta)" |
"O que te diz o Design? Como originou o Design?Aonde pra o Design?Quais so as profisses praticadas no mercado profissional?Qual a diferena entre Arte e Design?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ATENO: O curso no segueas normas do novo Acordo Ortogrfico Portugus. Tambm est preparado para os surdos oralizados e sinalizados para que possam ler as legendas e terem uma melhor compreenso ao curso."
Price: 24.99

"Wordpress[.]com, Pixlr Express, Canva e Redes Sociais" |
"Este curso de nvel INICIANTE e no ideal para os avanados.Brevemente, as legendas pt_PT estaro completas para que a comunidade surda (oralizada/sinalizada ou oralista/gestualista) e os estrangeiros possam l-las rapidamente e terem uma melhor compreenso no curso! Queres ser empreendedor(a)?Queres comear do zero?Ests preparado(a) para novos desafios?Queres ter rendimento extra no mundo online?J ouviste falar da tipografia? O que para ti a cor? O que achas das imagens com fraca qualidade?Costumas tirar as fotos no teu smartphone ou no IPhone?Gostavas de aplicar alguns filtros nas tuas fotografias?No queres comprar domnio e nem alojamento?Queres construir um site sem gastares um tosto?Queres divulgar os teus servios, produtos, artigos, sugestes e crticas nas redes sociais?Vais saber as regras bsicas do bom uso da tipografia, da cor, da imagem, do desenho vectorial, do cone, da infografia e do vdeo.Vais aprender a tratar das fotos atravs dos filtros do Pixlr Express.Vais elaborar uma estrutura do site e depois, vais desenvolver um site no worpdress(com) sem teres grandes conhecimentos de HTML e CSS.Vais construir grficos profissionais e sofisticados com a ajuda dos temas pr-concebidos no canva.Vais criar uma pgina de Facebook, colocar o teu primeiro tweet no Twitter e divulgar as imagens no Instagram.ATENO: O curso no segueas normas do novo Acordo Ortogrfico Portugus."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Fcil de Packaging y Estilo Shabby Chic con CorelDraw" |
"Aprende muy fcilmente, cmo Crear con el programa CorelDraw, distintos tipos de Packaging para utilizar como Souvenirs en una Fiesta con temtica Shabby Chic (Caja Cubo, Pochoclera y Cajas de tamao Personalizado. Adems aprenders a disear una Temtica Shabby Chic ORIGINAL desde CERO. Son 2 Cursos en 1!Como bnus especial, inclumos el truco que te permitir disear Cajas ms grandes que el rea de impresin que tenga la impresora.Adems aprenders cmo preparar tus archivos para imprimir en imprentas y vers todo lo concerniente al corte y armado del proyecto ya terminado.El Curso es prctico para que realices paso a paso desde la comodidad de tu hogar en tu Computadora o Notebook. Este Curso es la continuacin del ""Curso de Candy Bar y Diseo para Eventos con CorelDraw"" realizado por el mismo autor y que se encuentra disponible de forma online en el sitio de ""Cursos PMEC""."
Price: 99.99

"IT Recruitment: Beginners' Guide" |
"Beginners' Guide: Practical, fun, easy-going, matter-of-factish guide for anyone who wants to become a professional IT Recruiter in a staffing agency for the highly competitive USA market, might be applicable but to a much lesser extent for high latency markets or executive searches. No prior IT or HR knowledge is required. The course provides the basic information( IT basics for IT recruiters, recruitment workflow, screening resumes, competitive tricks, real job examples etc.) that can help you to determine whether you should consider a job orientation shift towards IT Recruitment and will help you to work more efficiently after being hired as an IT Recruiter."
Price: 19.99

"Selenium WebDriver Basics for Java" |
"From configuring the development environment through identifying elements on the page, this course will instruct students in the essential functionality of Selenium for Java. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:configure their development environmentinstantiate a WebDriver session using different browsers and browser drivers.understand the functionality of the WebDriver and WebElement classes.use Chrome Developer Tools to identify web page elements and create locators to retrieve those elements using automation."
Price: 19.99

"SAP MM Purchasing Simplified for Beginners" |
"Allcompanies need to procure something and many large or medium-sized businessesuse SAP solutions. It is therefore advantageous to acquire appropriateknowledge. And with this course, you get a head start on purchasing processingin SAP ERP.Get familiarwith the various steps involved in procurement. Get to know the essential dataand documents for purchasing in SAP. You'll see, it's not that difficult tooperate in the SAP system. At the end of the course you will know all the necessary masterdata and purchasing documents to confidently start working in SAP's Purchasingcomponent."
Price: 69.99

"SAP SD - Order to Cash Simplified for Beginners" |
"All companies need to sell their products and many large or medium-sized businesses use SAP solutions. It is therefore advantageous to acquire appropriate knowledge. And with this course, you get a head start on sales processing in SAP ERP.Get familiar with the various steps involved in sales. Get to know the essential data and documents for sales and distribution in SAP. You'll see, it's not that difficult to operate in the SAP system. At the end of the course you will know all the necessary master data and sales documents to confidently start working in SAP's SD component."
Price: 69.99

"Mit Embarcadero Delphi schneller zum Ziel -2-" |
"Dieser Embarcadero-Delphi-Kurs macht dir komplexere Vorgnge in der Programmierung leicht verstndlich. Auf einfache Weise wirst du an schwierige Dinge herangefhrt, sodass du anschlieend in der Lage bist, diese zu verstehen und anschlieend selbst zu erstellen. Ich zeige dir kompliziertere Mechanismen der Eventsteuerung, mit deren Hilfe du ein umfangreichkonfigurierbares Lernprogramm fr's Kopfrechnen erstellst. Ich habe es ""Nussknacker"" genannt. Schritt fr Schritt bauen wir dieses Programm gemeinsam auf und klren, wie es in seinem Innenleben funktioniert. Ganz nebenbei erstellst du eine wiederverwendbare, ntzlicheFunktionsbibliothek.WICHTIG!!! Dieser Kurs ist neu und wchst tglich. Mein Ziel sind 30 Stunden undmehr. Alle Lektionen, die hinzukommen, musst du nicht separat zahlen, sie sind inklusive - auch wenn dusie noch nicht siehst."
Price: 49.99

"Econometrics: Solved Questions and Mathematical Proofs" |
"'Econometrics: Solved Questions and Mathematical Proofs' is a course for anyone studying Introductory Econometrics at University Level.What other students are saying about this course?''Clear and well organised course'' - Johnson Nyella''This is surely very helpful. Whenever I have some doubt regarding concepts, I go through this course and the questions help a lot'' - Ananya NathMost of the times, even if students understand the Econometrics concepts, they struggle with connecting the dots. Consequently, they end up getting confused and make silly mistakes in the exam. This course can help you in building a strong foundation of Econometrics so that you could avoid that confusing state of mind and ace your exam. This course contains solutions to exam style questions for the following topics: Hypothesis Testing and Confidence IntervalsSimple Linear RegressionMultiple Linear RegressionFunctional formsDummy VariablesMulticollinearityHeteroscedasticityAutocorrelationThis course comes with:A 30 day money-back guarantee.Support in the Q&A section - ask me if you get stuck!I really hope you enjoy this course!Shubham"
Price: 49.99

"Cherokee Shuffle on Guitar Learn the Bluegrass Fiddle Tune" |
"Cherokee Shuffle on Guitar Learn the Bluegrass Fiddle TuneLearn the basic concepts and building blocks that you will need to play Cherokee Shuffle on the guitar.A Part, B Part and Chords - Plus 31 backing tracks to play along withWhat is required for this course?You will need a guitar and a pick.Why take from this gal?My passion is inspiring others to feel more confident in themselves and their playing. I feel like music can do that. After years of performing and teaching over 50,000 students all over the United States at workshops, out of my home and through multiple schools, I was asked by many of my students to make videos of my lessons.Building a strong foundation:Learn the melodic structure of Cherokee ShuffleLearn the A PartYou will learn the B PartLearn the chords to the songPlus you will get 31 backing tracks to practice and jam along withBonus Lesson:You will also get the A Part to get you started on a new fiddle tuneWho is the target audience for this course?Anyone interested in learning fiddle tunes on the guitar For those who want to play fiddle tunes for enjoymentAnyone who wants to be a performer or a musicianGreat for anyone who wants to jam at bluegrass festivals but really doesn't know how to get started.Questions Feel free to send me any questions you might have on this course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.Thanks Thanks for taking the time to look at this course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside of this course and teaching you how to become a better guitar picker. Sandi Millar Lesson Pros - Building Confidence Through Music"
Price: 19.99

"Jerusalem's Ridge on Guitar Learn the Bluegrass Fiddle Tune" |
"Bluegrass Fiddle Tune Jerusalem's RidgeLearn the basic concepts and building blocks that you will need to play the Bluegrass Fiddle Tune Jerusalem's Ridge on the guitar.A Part, B Part, C Part and D Part and Chords - Plus 31 backing tracks to play along withWhy take from this gal?My passion is inspiring others to feel more confident in themselves and their playing. I feel like music can do that. After years of performing and teaching over 50,000 students all over the US. at workshops, out of my home and through multiple schools, I was asked by many of my students to make videos of my lessons. So here is the result.I hope you will join me on the inside of this course where you will learn fiddle tunes on guitar.Building a strong foundationLearn the melodic structure of this fiddle tuneLearn the A PartYou will learn the B PartLearn the chords to the songPlus you will get 31 backing tracks to practice and jam along withBonus LessonYou will also get the A Part to get you started on a new fiddle tuneWho is the target audience for this course?Anyone interested in learning fiddle tunes on the guitarFor those who want to play fiddle tunes for enjoymentAnyone who wants to be a performer or a musicianGreat for anyone who wants to jam at bluegrass festivals but really doesn't know how to get started.QuestionsFeel free to send me any questions you might have on this course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.ThanksThanks for taking the time to look at this course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside of this course and teaching you how to become a better guitar picker.Sandi MillarLesson ProsBuilding Confidence Through Music"
Price: 19.99

"Play Fiddle Play on Guitar - Learn the Fiddle Tune" |
"Play Fiddle Play on Guitar - Learn the Bluegrass Fiddle TunePlay Fiddle Play Guitar Song - Learn Play Fiddle Play The Most Popular Bluegrass Jam Tune TodayLearn the basic concepts and building blocks that you will need to play ""Play Fiddle Play"" on the guitar. This course goal is to help you feel more comfortable and confident jamming.A Part, B Part and Chords - Plus 62 backing tracks to play along withWhy take from this gal?My passion is inspiring others to feel more confident in themselves and their playing. I feel like music can do that. After years of performing and teaching all over the US. at workshops, out of my home and through multiple schools, I was asked by many of my students to make videos of my lessons. So here is the result.I hope you will join me on the inside of this course where you will learn fiddle tunes on guitar.Building a strong foundation:Learn the melodic structure of this fiddle tuneLearn the A PartYou will learn the B PartLearn the chords to the songPlus you will get 31 backing tracks to practice and jam along withBonus Lesson:You will also get the A Part to get you started on a new fiddle tuneWho is the target audience for this course? Anyone interested in learning fiddle tunes on the guitar Anyone who wants to play fiddle tunes for enjoymentAnyone who wants to be a performer or a musicianGreat for anyone who wants to jam at bluegrass festivals but really doesn't know how to get started.Questions Feel free to send me any questions you might have on this course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.Thanks Thanks for taking the time to look at this course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside of this course and teaching you how to become a better guitar picker. Sandi Millar Lesson Pros -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Price: 19.99

"Bluegrass Guitar Licks - Guitar Improvisation" |
"Licks Unlocked, Guitar Solos, Leads, Guitar ImprovisationLearn the basic concepts and building blocks that will help you become a better lead player (Playing Guitar Solos). This course goal is to help you feel more comfortable and confident playing in the Key of G on the guitar. Why take from this guy?My passion is inspiring others to feel more confident in themselves and their guitar playing and playing solos. I feel this course can help wonders with your soloing and playing leads out of the key of G on guitar. After, performing and teaching all over the US. at workshops, out of my home and through multiple schools, I was asked by many of my students to make a guitar lick course.I hope you will join me on the inside of this course where you will learn the building blocks to get started soling on guitar. Building a strong foundationLearn how to get started playing some licks in the Key of GBonus Lessons:Learn about different picksLearn about a couple of guys that inspired me to become a better guitar player Who is the target audience for this course? Anyone interested in learning a few licks on the guitarFor Intermediate Guitar PlayersFor Advanced Guitar PlayersAll ages Questions Feel free to send me any questions you might have on this course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.Thanks Thanks for taking the time to look at this course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside of this course teaching you how to become a better guitar player. Clint Birtzer Lesson ProsLicks Unlocked, Guitar Solos, Leads, Guitar Improvisation - Guitar Licks to help you play Leads, Soloing, Breaks, and improvisation in the key of G Guitar--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"QuickBooks Business To Personal Equity Transactions" |
"Business Owners MUST withdraw money from their company to live. They Must Invest their own personal money to create the business. Very often they must spend business money from non-business accounts or pay non- business personal expenses from the business bank account. These transactions are normal! You will learn how any company would record them in to QuickBooks.In this QuickBooks Desktop Course, you will learn and master every idea that relates to owners equity and transactions that involve owners equity accounts. QuickBooks will create these equity accounts in the chart of accounts. You will understand the meaning and reason for each of them. You will finally get a clear explanation about opening balance equity and retained earnings and how they are used in QuickBooks.You will also learn everything you need to know about tax mapping in QuickBooks. You will see how to change the company type as well as change the company tax form. The main focus of this course is to give the QuickBooks user an understanding of how to record transactions where the owner spends from his or her personal funds for business reasons or spends business funds for non- business reasons. You will also have a clear understanding of retained earnings and how it behaves in QuickBooks regarding the fiscal year end. It is easy and clear to do all of these things after taking this course.You will know the meaning of every different Company Type available in the QuickBooks Desktop set up. You will learn what each different equity type of account in QuickBooks, as well as general accounting, is used.The course is made with QuickBooks desktop for windows. However, the ideas apply to QuickBooks online as well as QuickBooks for Macintosh and Enterprise solutions.I'm right here for you if you have any questions or need support. I hope you learn well and enjoy the course!-Mark"
Price: 19.99

"QuickBooks Desktop Bank Feeds And Importing Transactions" |
"In this QuickBooks instructional course, you will learn and master every feature of QuickBooks desktop bank feeds. You will see clearly how to: add, match, un-match and remove transactions to and from your QuickBooks desktop bank feeds center. You will learn how to navigate the review list and set up rules that allow QuickBooks bank feeds to input the accounts, customers and vendor names for you. This will save you time. You will also learn every possible way to transfer data to and from your QuickBooks desktop software. You will learn how to import transactions using the QuickBooks desktop accountants edition. You will receive a nice overview of how to import transactions using IIF files. The training course is made with QuickBooks desktop for windows. However, the ideas apply to QuickBooks online as well as QuickBooks for Macintosh and Enterprise solutions.I'm right here for you if you have any questions or need support. I hope you learn well and enjoy the course!"
Price: 19.99

"QuickBooks Online Bank Feeds And Importing Transactions" |
"In this QuickBooks Online course, you will learn and master every feature of QuickBooks Online bank feeds. You will see clearly how to: add, match, un-match and remove transactions to and from your QuickBooks Online bank feeds center. You will see how to navigate the review list and set up rules that allow QuickBooks bank feeds to input the accounts, customers and vendor names for you. This will save you time. You will also learn every possible way to transfer data to and from your QuickBooks desktop software. You will learn how to import transactions using CSV and QBO web connect files. This QuickBooks instructional training course was made in 2017 and the QuickBooks ideas for this topic are exactly the same today.I'm right here for you if you have any questions or need support. I hope you learn well and enjoy the course!-Mark"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering QuickBooks Online" |
"In this QuickBooks Online Video Course, you will learn everything you need to know about QuickBooks Online. There is no special software to install; we will use the free 30-day trial version that everybody gets for free. You could also use the accountant's edition that is currently free. The perfectly clear, step by step instructions will show you how to navigate through every part of QBO. We will perform the complete set up together. You will then experience every common transaction type that can be entered in to QuickBooks Online. You will see how to manage and customize the most important reports in QBO. You will be able to find and fix data entry mistakes and even find anything ever entered in to your QuickBooks Online account. The projects and tests replicate real life challenges that I will show you how to overcome when using QuickBooks Online. Any industry specific tasks that you might need can be learned from watching those topics in the QuickBooks Desktop videos. This course will give you the ability to apply those specialty topics to QuickBooks Online.The transactions we learn are what any company would need when using QuickBooks Online. We enter invoices, sales receipts and customer payments in to the QuickBooks online account. The training includes deposits and QuickBooks bank related transactions as well as entering vendor's bills and paying bills in QuickBooks Online. This QuickBooks Online video instructional course even includes Petty Cash and other cash back related transactions. I continuously give QuickBooks Tips and QuickBooks tricks along the way to help students have total control over all your QuickBooks Online records. The important QuickBooks Online functionality features will help you become an expert in QuickBooks Online.I'm right here for you if you have any questions or need support. I hope you learn well and enjoy the course!-Mark"
Price: 44.99

"Mastering The QuickBooks Online Phone App" |
"In this QuickBooks Video Course, you will learn everything you need to know about the QuickBooks Online Phone App. You will see how to install the app and navigate around all of the app screens. Together, we will record every type of transaction possible in the QBO phone app. You will be able to find any transaction you recorded in the app. You can edit the transactions you recorded and send invoices via email right from your phone. You will see how to adjust report dates and graphs for more accurate feedback on how well your company is running. You can edit and enter list items such as customers and vendors that you can access from your phone. This fantastic feature of QuickBooks Online allows you to download transactions directly from your bank account, company credit card account or PayPal in to your QuickBooks phone app. You can approve or reject transactions on the go. You can edit the downloaded transactions and save them right from your phone. This QuickBooks Online Instructional course is the best training for using the QuickBooks Online Phone app.I'm right here for you if you have any questions or need support. I hope you learn well and enjoy the course!-Mark"
Price: 19.99

"Deploy Microsoft Dynamics 365 For Business & Start Using It" |
"What students are saying:Vicky says""This is a great course if you want to get started to prepare for Microsoft Dynamics 365 certification examination (MB2-715) or to learn the basics of the application. I cannot wait to have more advanced courses from Abhay coming up to ensure my success for the exams.""-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ziad says ""Abhay explains the stuff pretty good. This course fullfills my requirements and the purpose. Looking forward for his new Advanced courses.""-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eatsam says""The course is very detailed and the instructor has full knowledge of MS Dynamics CRM. The contents of the course is covering all the functions and it is very easy to follow the instructions. I personally find it very useful as I had only basic knowledge of the MS Dynamics CRM before taking this course and now I feel confident in deploying it successfully in any organisation. I am ready to sit in the MCSA exam and confident in passing it in my first attempt. I thanks Abhay for delivering a very informative course"".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danny says ""Brilliant course and enthusiastically presented. Provided a great overview of Dynamics CRM 365 and the basic knowledge to continue on with more detailed learning. I recommend this course to anyone interested in becoming familiar with Dynamics CRM 365 implementation and functionality. Thank you for putting the course together and making available.""==========================================================================================================Did you know, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud based Enterprise Business Solution that help companies inSales Force Automation, Improve Customer Experience,Field Service management, Project Service Automation, Manage Financials and Operations for any business?Dynamics 365 is one of the primary focus of Microsoft and a lot of innovation is happening towards the improvement of this product and thecompanies who use Dynamics 365.This is the course which helps you deploy Microsoft Dynamics 365 for your business so you can get started quickly to boost your business growth.If you are a Consultant or an aspiring Consultant, then this course will help you understand the basics of Dynamics 365 and how you can deploy the same for businesses that will pay you.In this course, you will learn:Why Dynamics 365?What is Dynamics 365?Why Businesses Should Consider Dynamics 365?Why Consultants Should Consider Learning Dynamics 365?Learn The Basics of Dynamics 365What are the system requirements?Web Browser SupportDynamics 365 For Outlook SupportDynamics 365 Mobile Device SupportPlan For Your Successful Dynamics 365 DeploymentOrganization Discovery & Strategy (Very Important)Do you need Single Sign-on?Integration with Office Applications?What Are The Security Measures?Other Important Things To ConsiderSteps To Successful Deployment &Start Using MicrosoftDynamics 365Choose the Best Model To StartSign Up For Dynamics 365 30-Day TrialGetting Dynamics 365 Up & RunningDynamics 365 - Add Users & Manage SubscriptionsDynamics 365 - Identify & Assign Roles As Per NeedsUnderstand Basics of Sales ModuleUnderstand Basics of Marketing ModuleUnderstand Basics of Service ModuleUnderstand Basics of Project Service ModuleUnderstand Basics of Field Service ModuleUnderstand Basics of FinancialsUnderstand Basics of OperationsStart Using Dynamics 365 For BusinessAdminister Dynamics 365 DeploymentDynamics 365 - Understanding InstancesDynamics 365 - Sandbox InstanceDynamics 365 - Production InstanceDynamics 365 - Manage Your DataDynamics 365 - Basics of CustomizationsWhat's NextLearn Dynamics 365 FunctionallyLearn to Customize Dynamics 365Learn to Manage Microsoft Dynamics Projects (For Consultants)If you are abusiness owneror anentrepreneuror aconsultant oranaspiring consultant, then you should learn todeploy Microsoft Dynamics 365 for a businessbecause this solution will help youboost yourcareer andbusiness growth!So, go ahead and take this course &start learning today!I'm really excited to be teaching you this amazing stuff.To Your Success,Abhay SharmaPS:This course covers 70% of the MB2-715 exam preparation material. I'm working to update the course with remaining and new additions. If you are looking for 100% preparation material, please don't enroll now."
Price: 124.99
