"Create an Idle Tycoon Game using Bolt & Unity - NO CODING!" |
"Welcome to the very first Bolt Course on Udemy!!!I'm happy to release this course and look forward to your feedback. Even if you do not choose to purchase my course I strongly encourage you to give Bolt a try. It's a great tool for beginning or experienced developers. Why Use Bolt for Making Fun Video Games?Developing Games can be very fun and rewarding once you know how. And withUnity &the Bolt Visual Programming asset it has never been easier to build full robust games without any programming. I've been a business application &game developer for over 30 years. Ihonestly think Bolt is one of the best visual programming tools that Ihave worked with. In this course you too will quickly see the real power of Bolt as we almost effortlessly build a fun idle tycoon game like adVenture Capitalist. Even if you have never programmed before, this course will allow you to get started building the game in a matter of minutes.Over the past 30 years I've developed games in a variety of platforms and languages. On Udemy alone I have successful game courses on Odoo, Python, C#, and PlayMaker. Ireally cannot say enough good things about Bolt. It is easy to use and integrates nearly seamlessly with the Unity Editor. How does Bolt compare to Playmaker?In addition to Bolt, Unity has several other popular visual scripting assets available. One of the most popular is Playmaker. Playmaker allows you to use finite state machines to build games. Bolt also provides state machine diagrams that perform much like Playmaker in managing states. The big benefit of Bolt however is that the scripting flow diagrams themselves map directly to the C# and UnityEngine libraries.This gives you a great advantage if you already know C# when coming into Bolt. Once I understood how to connect units and create flow graphs Iwas able to build games with virtually no learning curve at all as I already know C#. Playmaker however uses custom actions that you use to power your state diagrams. These work well and Playmaker is a great asset.Unfortunately having to learn proprietary actions and commands is a big drawback of playMaker. Especially for those who intend to further their game development skills by learning C#. Bolt can help you learn C#If you are a new C# programmer who is finding the syntax of the code gets in your way Ican't recommend Bolt enough. Even better, you can configure it to use real C#syntax in the visual units. I really enjoy how I can use real C# methods with the exact same arguments I would use in real C# scripts. It's like intellisense on steroids. This tight tie in with C# makes it that much easier to incorporate what you learn from Bolt into improving your C# skills. Bolt allows you to focus on game design and achieving results rather than all the syntax of writing code. If you are an experienced C#developer you owe it to yourself to take a look at Bolt for prototyping and approaching game design from an alternative perspective. Bolt offers a rich API so it is easy to integrate your own C# scripts with Bolt's flow graphs.NOTE:To follow along with this course you must purchase or have already purchased Bolt from the Unity Asset Store."
Price: 49.99

"Odoo 12 Essentials - Learn the CRM Application" |
"Odoo 12 offers a simple yet powerful CRM (Customer Relationship Management)Application that allows you to easily manage your sales pipelines. In this course we use a real-world example to demonstrate how to setup an Odoo.Create a sales Pipeline from scratchUse Odoo's integrated communication features to keep customers and team members informedLearn how to schedule activities and meetingsCreate custom stages to better structure a sales pipeline for your businessConfigure your own custom activities that allow you to chain together activities to create a powerful CRMworkflowSee how to setup leads to pre-qualify your customers before they become opportunities.Learn with real-world examplesUnlike many Odoo functional courses that just walk you through menu items or provide contrived examples, OdooClass uses real-world cases that we have actually worked through with real clients using Odoo. Along the way you learn tips and tricks to configuring Odoo CRM that you simply won't find anywhere else."
Price: 19.99

"Odoo 12 Essentials - Learn the Sales Application" |
"Odoo 12 has a powerful SalesApplication that is one of the primary applications that many companies install. Like many Odoo applications many of the advanced options and settings are hidden until you need them. This provides you a simple easy to use sales application that can grow with the needs of your company. In this course we use a real-world example to demonstrate how to setup Odoo Sales. Topics includeCreating a new Odoo database and Installing the Sales ApplicationGet a complete overview of the Odoo Sales cycle from creating a quote, to invoicing to receiving payment from the customerLearn about all the options available in the customer and product recordsUnderstand how to use product variants and optionsImplement multiple units of measureLearn how to use quotation templatesLearn with real-world examplesUnlike many Odoo functional courses that just walk you through menu items or provide contrived examples, OdooClass uses real-world cases that we have actually worked through with real clients using Odoo. Along the way you learn tips and tricks to configuring Odoo Sales that you simply won't find anywhere else."
Price: 34.99

"Introduccin a Java" |
"El curso est hecho para quienes no tengan conocimiento previo en programacin orientada a objetos enfocado al lenguaje de programacin Java.Toma una metodologa dinmica y abstracta para explicar el concepto de Programacin Orientada a Objetos y a su vez profundiza en detalles de Java que son poco usuales que se expliquen en cursos."
Price: 19.99

"Create and Manage a Wordpress Multisite Network" |
"WordPress powers more than 25% of all websites across the globe, and there's never been a better time to learn how to build an income and a business using this platform.Do you want to master WordPress multi-site? Great! Then you're in the right place!WordPress is open source. Everyday thousands of developers are building resources for it. But it still takes quite a bit of learning to become a master at building and managing websites. It's not just learning the WordPress software, there are additional skills needed, such as a small amount of graphic design knowledge, hosting and server management, troubleshooting broken sites or problems by hacking into the back end and server setup, and properly staging development environments around new sites or when performing updates and changes on existing sites.Throughout my course, I will teach you everything I've learned and mastered about WordPressmultisiteMy business allows me work on my schedule and pace, be my own boss and gives me an unlimited ceiling for profit and income and time freedom.Without learning to code or programming anything, I'm able to leverage what's already been done with WordPress to create modern, robust and functional websites for clients of all types.During this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to start or improve your own WordPress website business.Who is the target audience?- Anyone who manages multiple websites- Web designers- Graphic designers- Anyone who wants to manager make extra income"
Price: 19.99

"Business Analysis: Ultimate guide to kick start your career" |
"Itstarted as an idea, the next amazing job you are going to get. Perhaps youllhelp developing the next big thing, add a feature your users have been waitingfor a long time, help putting a man on Mars or land a rocket on a boat orsimply reinvent the car; the world of possibilities for a Business Analyst islimitless. Butfirst you need a plan, a road map to get there, land that dream job that willopen you the door to this world of amazing opportunities. You need to have allthe essential ingredients in place to launch your career as a Business Analyst.Thereis no set way to make a plan to effectively land a career 100% of the time,nothing you do can get you from zero to hero. But there are a handful ofstrategies, an entire ecosystem of tips and tricks and at least a dozen ofproven ways to help you get there faster and improve your chances of success. Thisis where all of your hard work and preparation have been heading; it is time tolaunch your career! I know that this is an exciting and nerve-wracking time butlet me be the first one to congratulate you you have worked hard to get to this point.Equippedwith all the techniques presentedhere and following this practical guide, youwill be able to launch your rocket and kick start your career as a BusinessAnalyst. This isnt to say that there wont be challenges, but by doing a bit ofprep work and steering yourself using the strategies presented here you will beable to get most out of your career.In this guide you will learn everything youneed to know about how to land a job as a Business Analyst. Youll finddetailed overviews of the most popular strategies, advices from BusinessAnalysts from around the world, advices from hiring managers, roundups of thebest tools to help you get that dream job. It is everything you need to planthat rocket launch and make sure it lands in the right place.Whois this guide for?Thereare many paths that can lead to a career in business analysis and there are manydirections and avenues that can lead you to your desired end result. And it mayseem complicated at first, but it isnt.Regardlessif you are at the beginning of the road or you are a mid-career professionaland want to do change of scenery, this guide will get you up to speed with themost recent trends in hiring professionals as Business Analysts.Thiscourse is for everyone looking to land a job as a Business Analyst. No matterhow experienced or inexperienced you are in the Business Analyst role, you needto know the fundamentals of how to search for a job, apply for it and ace theinterview.By the end of this course you will be able to understand if the Business Analysis is the right career choice foryou, if you currently have what it takes to become a Business Analyst or you need to fill any competency gaps, you will learn how to look for a job, how to build a successful resume and what to expect during the interview for a Business Analyst position. Moreover, once you aced the interview, the course will help you employ the best strategies for getting the best salary that you could obtain. While this course is targetting the Business Analyst career, anyone looking for a job can benefit out of it, as the methods employed for searching for a job and building a resume are universally valid."
Price: 94.99

"Beginner Object Oriented Programming In C# and .NET Core" |
"Object Oriented Programming (OOP) just sounds unnecessary complex. It is not complex. In this course I want to take you on to a journey where I show you, in simple and succinct examples, how Object Oriented Programming (OOP) works. Specifically I show you how Object Oriented Programming (OOP) works in C#and .NETCore.I will not be using confusing academia jargon in order to sound smart or glossing over details too quickly to leave you out in the dark. I will be here with you each and every step of the way until you fully grasp what Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is. You will also learn about C#and about .NETCore.Now a question you might have is WHYlearn Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?Great question and the answer is money. That is correct money. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in short teaches you how to organize your program in a way in which it makes it maintainable, scalable and readable. These are the main aspects for which you get paid for as a software developer or a web developer.Now let's look at some numbers. .NET (and more specifically C# (C Sharp))developers make anywhere from 80K - 100K+ (obviously the range would depend on where you reside), but the point is that C#(C Sharp) is not only a valuable skill but a profitable one as well.Now the market is full of people who are switching from other majors to get into software development or web development but the problem is that they are clumsy coders. The reason is because... as you have already guessed:they don't know how to write maintainable, scalable and readable code. By learning Object Oriented Programming (OOP) you are differentiating yourself from a sea of developers and getting to the top of the hierarchy. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is not flashy, it is not a crazy new mobile development platform or methodology, in other words it might not sound so exciting at first, BUTwithout knowing Object Oriented Programming (OOP) one can not be a well rounded developer and will inherently write bad code - you don't want to be that guy. Once you start learning Object Oriented Programming (OOP) you will realize that it is actually a lot of fun which then will make you want to learn even more. It is a nice upward cycle, but you have to start it up first.Even if you are a freelancer and have no reason to look for a job you still WANTyour code to be maintainable, scalable and readable. Of course you do.Object Oriented Programming (OOP) teaches you how to think clearly about your code by letting you visualize your problems in terms of objects. This allows you to have a high level view of the problem which then allows you to come up with a much better solution. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) will not only help you solve problems while programming but will help you solve problems better in general. It will help you plan your life since that is just yet another problem waiting to be solved. I can testify to this since it has done it for me.Another upside to learning Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the fact that it is not specific to C#or .NETor .NETCore. You might think that at first but it is not so at all. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a way of thinking, it is a methodology that is implemented in a language such as C#or Java and many others. So once you understand the methodology in one language you can then apply and transfer your knowledge into another language.Now as a beginner you will enjoy this course because I am not going to be focusing on writing complex software. All of the code written is going to be pretty simple since I am going to be spending all of my energy and focus on explaining the core concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). The 4 main pillars of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) are going to be demystified and by the end of this course you will be a master at defining what each of pillars mean and how they work most importantly.Inheritance, Polymorphism - static and dynamic, Encapsulation and Abstraction. These are the 4 main pillars of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) you need to understand and as already mentioned I will be dissecting them one by one in this course so that by the end of it you are fully competent at taking these concepts and using them in you own applications.I look forward to having you as my student and sharing with youall that I have gathered along the years of practice, hard work and listening to my own mentors."
Price: 199.99

"Impact & Influence: Pro Secrets to Exceptional Social Media" |
"Do youfeel that yourmessageon social media doesnot have the impact it has in 'real life'?This course is the key to find your ownvoice,increase your visibility and to share your gifts with the world.By usingsocial media in a different way, you can be(come) a true influencer; your messages will havemore impact, youropinion will be valued, your messages will be shared and your products and services will be in demand.I'll share my secrets onhow tomake social mediaeasy and have fun in the process. Even if you are already an experienced social media user or even an influencer, you will learn valuable lessons andenjoy the creativeexamples.Who's that girl?My name is Esther Jacobs and I am one of the top 10% of social media influencers in the world, just below Madonna and above Angela Merkel. This is surprising, because I am from The Netherlands, which is only a tiny country, and I have a relatively small following. I am certainly not as famous as these ladies. My secrets to being a top influencer are: 1) Be authentic2) It's notabout you 3) Always provide added valueI learned how to be successful offline first, long before social media started. I collected 16 million for charities by figuring out how free publicity works. I have been featured in the media over 500 times and I have beenon most of the TV shows in my country various times. I still apply the same principles to everything I do, and it works. In this course, I will show you exactly what to do (and what NOT to do) to make your social media exceptional. BenefitsThis course will teach youwhat to post,how to add value, tofind your own voiceandexpress your core values in everything you do. You will learn toturn average posts into exceptional ones. It has almost 8 hours of expert advice, examples and practical tips that you can start applying immediately.Your social media posts will be unique and interesting, resulting in more people following you, interacting & sharing your message.Ideal student Youre an expert in your area, maybe you have a gift you want to share with the world. (Author, speaker,consultant, coach,freelancer etc). Anyway, you are good at what you do and people value your work, but somehow your social media does not reflect that (yet). It could be that you just dont like social media very much, or dont know what to post. You probably think you dont have time for social media, or maybe feel like you dont want to be in the spotlight. If you feel this way, this course is going to change everything completely. Maybe youve tried outsourcing your social media (or areconsidering to do so), but you still feel your social media doesnt really reflect your unique take on things. You wantyour social media to beengaging and effective. I designed this course specifically for people who already have some social media experience. Its not about setting up your account, or the technical stuff, just about finding your own voice and adding value.Are you ready to make your social media as exceptional as you are?"
Price: 199.99

"Dominate The Hidden Job Market Of The Future" |
"Jobs Youll Love Multiple Offers Bidding WarsLet me guess You are fed-up with the comedically horrible career advice out there. Good luck finding anything truly helpful on Google! That is to say, career advice these days has reached epic levels of unhelpfulness. The information is either false or obviousor it fails to keep in-step with the changing job market. People frequently rely on computers and recruiters to access jobs. If you are one of these people, youve already lost. The careers and jobs that everyone truly wants are not found in the traditional ways. You cant get them by blasting out resumes. Your chances at landing one are nil, regardless of how many career portals you log into or submit buttons you click. That is, unless you go direct and follow a system. Beneath the surface of job boards and self-interested career pimps there lies a promised land of vocational bliss. You only need but a few key tweaks to start catching whiffs of its oh so sweet scent. Down here, you can take your time and explore your true calling. Its a land reserved for those with the gumption to think for themselves and go beyond the dumbed down appearance of things. The system as you see it now is all one big gatekeeperwith big ugly mediocrity guarding the path and imposing itself on search results. Heres the good news: you never have to see any of this again. Once you stop trying to enter through the front door along with the infinite throngs of everybody else, all of this goes away. Its a matter of simple discovery and action. This course is your wormhole to the dimension of awesome hidden jobs that you actually want. The very best jobs never make it onto the internet. People applying for jobs through ads and job boards are fighting for the very worst jobs in the economy. How do I know this? Because the best jobs are filled long before they need to be advertised. Companies do not allocate spending on jobs everybody wants. The best jobs are reserved for those that demonstrate a knowledge of this game. By the end of this course, youll know the nature of the game and how to win. The job market on a whole is one big test. You fail the test when you follow the crowd. When you follow the crowd, this indicates to companies that you are fit for the same jobs as everybody else. All of that changes right now"
Price: 199.99

"Interview Like A Champ!" |
"This course represents a few firsts when it comes to career advice and interviewing mastery...First of all, for all of you that have take my other course called Dominate the Hidden Job Market of The Future... ... you know that I'm not a fan of obvious advice... the goal is always to keep things fresh and useful. And this course-- Interview Like A Champ! -- is 100% actionable with scripts and step-by-step instruction that you can pretty much use word-for-word if you want to. Here's another first: This course is not just for job-seekers and it's not just for people who conduct interviews... it's for both! Each are meant to gain extremely helpful insight from cutting edge strategies on both sides of the 'interview table' Never before has there been this much access into the minds of job seekers and hiring professionals. By the end of this course, you will be 'in their head'so, in other words, job seekers: you will know precisely what the hiring manager wants to hear and see in almost every conceivable situation. Hiring managers and recruiters: you can finally shed the dead-weight questions that lead to nowhere-- the ineffective and essentially random strategies that are practiced in most hiring organizations these days. This course will teach you to understand what makes the candidate tick and how to cut to the real issues, to what is really relevant to you, to get the real story and control the situation. Job Seekers: you in turn gain more power by viewing the hiring manager's strategy through the window that is this course. By the end of this course, here are just a few of the life and career-changing things that you will know: How to show rather than tell about your value and what you bring to the table How to identify the problem that companies you are interviewing with are hiring you to solve How to ensure that the candidate you are interviewing is the right problem-solver How to construct cheat sheets for yourself that help you to be prepared but also to be in the moment and be at your best when it really counts How to develop the optimal routine for the day of your interview How to uncover candidate upside and also lowlightshow to reveal the things that the candidate isnt telling you How to uncover candidate reasons for change and what constitute valid reasons for change How to adapt to new developments in the candidates job search situation How to identify the questions behind the questionsthe real interview game being played and how you can ace these tests By the way, thats all in part 1 For the interviewer, you will know how to control the interview and how to maintain a high level of respect from candidates.Throughout this course, both sides will learn how to level the playing field when the power dynamic is imbalanced.Interviewers:youll learn how to create sharply effective questionsones that are extremely precise and relevant -- there will be no need for you to search Google for 'interesting' interview questions any longer.And of course, wecover in a huge amount of depth how to answer questions in the most effective value-telegraphing waysways that show your value rather than telling about it because as you know, talk is cheap. Both sides will also know, by the end of this course, how to negotiate in the interview--youll learn from exact scripts that are provided.Lastly, youre going to know how to adapt to curveballs, youll know what to do when you get stumped, and youll know how to adapt to various interview formats. All of this is covered in this course in a way that youve never seen before. I guarantee it.There you have it Interview like a champ! Lets get cracking. I will see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Optimized Interview: For Hiring Managers & Recruiters" |
"Are you struggling with turnover and a track record of unsuccessful hires? Are your interviews failing to produce enough reliable information to pick consistent winners? Are you missing out on the best candidates, often losing them to the competition?Whether youre a seasoned HR professional or an entry-level recruiter, job market insider and hiring strategist Ryan Lecour shares his refreshing blueprint to guide you through the interviewing and hiring process with a step-by-step method that secures the best fit every time.The interview is the only window you have for observing candidates. Business-building and team-transforming decisions are based on these limited and precious hours. Many take credit for the quote a company is only as good as its people'. Truer words cannot be said. And the interview is ground zero for determining how good your company is going to be.In this course, Ryan teaches invaluable foundations on interview planning & execution. Students will learn essential strategies for question building, test administration and candidate evaluation. Theyll also learn key tactics for achieving clarity and verification with candidate profiles, personalities and work history. The course upholds a constant respect for the crucial role the interview plays in determining the fate of companies in areas of team-building and employee selection.Learn to hire consistent winners with proven interview techniques from a leading recruiting strategistThe following are some of the key things you will learn how to do in this course:Cut to the heart of the truth with penetrating sequences of probing questions that reveal critical details surrounding the candidates career change historyIdentify the elements of strong and weak candidate questions and learn to evaluate how they contribute to the overall strength of the candidacyBring awareness to unconscious biases that tend to creep into the process and mitigate or eliminate their effect while restoring objectivity and sound evaluationLead the stakeholder synchronization meeting with an organized method that efficiently captures the various dimensions of the position and sets the table for the interview planEstablish preemptive compensation discussions early in the interview process and setup foundations for favorable offer negotiationsBuild an interview kit that guides the interview and ensures the best use of time for all personnel involved in the processRyan draws on nearly a decade of experience witnessing how the interview has the power and influence to make or break companies. From supplying key personnel to the offices of Apple, Google and many other Fortune 100 companies, to starting and operating his own successful HR firm, Ryan has learned that decisions on matters of hiring are difficult and almost always based on incomplete information. The interview is the key tool that hiring professionals can wield in order to bridge this gap in hopes of bringing consistent success to candidate selection. The success of a company hinges on the effectiveness of its interviewing."
Price: 199.99

"JIRA Visual Reference: Issue Administration" |
"In this course we'll cover all of the features in the Issue Administration of JIRA. While many online tutorials intend for you to watch them from start to finish, this course is intended to be a visual reference meaning you can hop in at any point to learn exactly what you need.We'll start by covering Issue Types in JIRA. We'll learn what they are, how to use them, how to create them and how to apply them to projects. Then we'll learn what Workflows are, how to create them and dive deep into the various transition options we have for them. Along the way we'll learn about WorkflowSchemes to apply them to projects.From there we'll keep moving along as we learn about Screens, Fields, Issue Features, Issue Attributes and many, many more features in JIRA.While this course is not necessarily intended to be something you watch from start to finish, this course is intended to be there when you need it. To be that reference guide you can jump back to as you're working in your own JIRA instance. That said, of course youarewelcome to watch it from start to finish so you can get an incredibly in-depth look at exactly how you can administer issues in JIRA."
Price: 99.99

"Setting Up a Real-World Project in JIRA" |
"Inthiscourse, we'lllearnaverypracticalapproachtosettingupaprojectinJIRA. Asthetitleofthecourseimplies, thisisn'tanexampleproject, butratherit'sareal-worldprojectthatwillbeusedonadailybasis. We'llstartbygettingthebackstoryfortheprojectsowe'llknowwhattheneedsare. Thenwe'llstartbuildingtheproject, customizingJIRA tofulfillourneeds. Alongthewaywe'lllearnaboutprojects, issues, issuetypes, screens, schemes, workflows, timetrackingandmuchmore."
Price: 44.99

"Understanding Confluence for users, managers and admins" |
"This Introduction to Confluence course is intended to be to get you up to speed on how to be more productive and effective in Confluence. With almost 5 hours of content, we'll focus on thethree main types of users in Confluence. The modules in this course are broken up for each of these types, so no matter which one you are you'll be able to quickly access the things you need.In the second module, we'll look at Confluence from an end user's perspective. What are the key things you'll need to know as someone who's just using Confluenceat your company?That's what we'll look at in the second module.When you're a team leader or manager using Confluence, there's some things you can do to help your team be more effective. So we'll look at some of these things in the third module.Finally, as a Confluence administrator there's a lot of ways you can help your company by setting them up for success in Confluence. In the fourth module, we'll look at JIRAfrom an administrator's perspective.Now even though this courseis organized for different types of users, Iwanted to make it so no matterwhat type of user you are you'll benefit from watching all of it if you wanted. For example, even if you're only using Confluence as an end user you can find it beneficial to understand how Confluence workflows and processes work so you can ""speak the language""when you're asking your Confluence administrator for something."
Price: 99.99

"SAP BI / Business Objects (BO) Zekas Eitimi" |
"Tek Trke SAPBO eitimiyle Bi Developer olmak iin ilk admnz atn. hayatnda en ok kullanlan i zekas aralarndan biri olan SAPBusiness Objects ile 0 'dan tm ihtiyalarnz giderecek seviyeye kadar raporlama yapmay renin!SAPBO sanlann aksine sadece SAP sistemlerinde kullanlmak zere tasarlanmamtr, SAPBO ile 10 'nun zerinde veritaban sistemine balanp raporlarnz yapabilirsiniz.Bu kursta tamamen 0 'dan balayp Sanal Makine Kurulumu, Windows Server Kurulumu, SQLServer 2016 kurulumu ve Business Objects Server kurulumlarn yapp sonrasnda dilediiniz raporlar yapabileceksiniz. Kurstan iyi bir ekilde yararlanabilmeniz iin Temel SQLbilgisi gereklidir. Kurs boyunca ilenen tm konular rnekler zerinde olacaktr, baz konularneden sonu ilikisinikolay kurabilmeniz iin kursun sonuna braklmtr.Bu kursu bitirdiinizde altnz/alacanz i yeriiinBOServer ' kurup raporlarnz hazrlayabileceksiniz.Neden irketler bir Zekas arac kullanmal?Artan verileri doru ve hzl bir ekilde raporlayabilmek gn getike daha da zorlamaya balamaktadr, kiilere bal ve excel-ler de hazrlanan raporlar irketlerin kurumsallamalarnn nndeki engellerden biridir.erikBu kursu tamamladnzda aadaki maddeleri yapabiliyor olacaksnz.BOServer KurulumuUniverse TasarmBOYnetim Paneli Kullanm (Kullanc Oluturma, Zamanlanm Raporlar in Hedef Oluturma vs)"
Price: 49.99

"Effective Property Management Advanced Course Module 2" |
"By now you may have decided to become a landlord and successfully manage your properties orthe property of others BUT there is still a lot to learn.In module 2advanced courseyou will even learn more about property management. I discuss Utility Bill Records, the Need for Inspecting a Rental unit -( Did you knowin most states, tenants dont have to let you enter their rental units unless you have a legal reason and have given proper advance notice?.) I discusstheNew Rental Agreement,How To Evaluate Current Rent, the Takeover Procedure for anunoccupied rental property, How To get Your Property Ready For Prospective Tenants,How To HandleVacancies,Renovating& Upgrading of a unit,What Does Prospective Renters Actually Want,Curb Appeal, Preparation OfaProperty, Safety Items,and much, more. I offer an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee if the course does not live up tostudent's expectations. Course duration - 1 hour"
Price: 199.99

"How To Get Traffic From Pinterest Through Pin- Boosting" |
"At Last You Can Now Discover How To Generate Traffic With Pinterest and Get More Clicks With This Simple and Easy to Follow System.Did you know that it is easier to make money from Pinterest than any other Social Media Platform?Well, you may ask why?Fact is that that Pinterest is huge and has tons of customers waiting to give you money. An analysis of over 25,000 online stores showed that the customer who initially comes to Pinterest will eventually spend about twice as much as those who dont. Now, these are just one of the countless amazing statistics from Pinterest. According to the latest (summer 2018) research,25% of consumers reported purchasing a product or service after discovering it on Pinterest.Compared to most social media sites, Pinterest reduces the amount of steps users take from discovering something interesting to making a purchase. But the problem is the following...Most people marketing on Pinterest Is Doing It WRONG! In fact, you may have tried it and not gotten any results and thought, This doesnt work. However, you have to do it properly - you have to provide what I call Pin Worthy images.(Quick example from this course ""the secret image type and shape that converts the best""). After all, youre competing against thousands of other images, so how do you survive?What should you put in your images? How should you lay out your funnel? Is there a blueprint or a formula to this madness?Course duration - 1.0 hour.ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNINGThis course will be regularly updated to bring you the latest tips and information! Get live access to NEW and UPDATED content at zero additional charge after enrolling in this course.**************************************************30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEEYou can choose to cancelthe course if itis not to your likingwithin the first 30 days and get a full refund of your money.**************************************************Now go and click on the""EnrollNow""button on top and I will see you on the course page"
Price: 199.99

"Monster Truck Stunts - iTunes Connect And Amazon App Store" |
"Are you ready for an adventure?! Join Udemy's class and learn how to Reskin your own iOS andAmazon App! No prior programming experience necessary.Thank you for your interest in this course, my name is Dusan Grujin, I will be your instructor.With this course we will give you the full Source Code of a game called Monster Truck Stunts for iOS and Amazon Platform.We'll walk you through everything needed to reskin and submit your App to the iTunes Connect andAmazon App Store.Im assuming you know nothing or very little, and Im gonna help you succeed having your very own game, published on iTunes Connect andAmazon App Store, without having to write not even one single line of code!This game is easy to pick up, fun, and extremely addictive. It have all important ingredients needed to make it to the Top Charts of bothApp Store.By the way this game will bring you passive income because the Source Code comes with Advertising already integrated for you. We will need just to changeAdvertising ID to yoursand you will be able to received money from Ads that appear in game.Now, if you ever wanted to create a game really quickly, this is the right course for you.I dont have to tell you that in the Mobile App Industry, these are priceless skills to add to your toolbox.Make the right decision and join us now. Ill see you in the classroom."
Price: 34.99

"Trading with professionals: CFTC reports for private traders" |
"In comparison with private traders, large market participants have more important information on possible price movements in financial markets. Professionals express their opinion on the prospects of any asset when buying or selling it.The statistics of these market participants actions is priceless since it lets a private trader see how exactly the most experienced traders act in the current realities.Understanding the major players opinion on the market condition makes it possible to better study the logic of price movements in financial markets.This information is displayed in CFTC reports that is the basis for the ""Trading with professionals"" training course.We will analyze in detail the logic of key traders and the principles of using COT net position indicator, which reflects the major players opinion on the market. This information can be used as an additional filter for determining market entry points, searching for points of new trends emergence and the strongest market movements.The options for integrating the COT net position indicator into the trading plan are also discussed within this course. To learn more about the course content, you can refer to the lesson plan. This course contains 12 video lessons with a total duration of more than 2 hours.The course was initially created in Russian and then it was translated into English."
Price: 49.99

"Grammar Mastery: Learn the Fundamentals of Grammar" |
"In this course you'll learn to master grammaras youunderstand basic grammar rules.We'll coverspelling, grammar and punctuation including commas, colons, adverbs and prepositions, meaning you will be able to write English better enhancing both your personal and professional skills. This course also examines sentence structure, correct verb forms, pronouns and much more!This course is idealfor those working in the business world that are already fluent in English. This course will help those improve their writing skills andgive an excellentrefresher on basic grammar. This course isalsogreat for anyone that islearning the English language. If you just started learning English, you first need to know some basic rules of the language. Developing a solid foundation in English grammar will not only help you create your own sentences correctly but will also make it easier to improve your communication skills in both spoken and written English."
Price: 19.99

"WordPress Blogging : How To Start A WordPress Blog (2019)" |
"Do you want to start a WordPress blog the right way? I know that starting a blog can be a terrifying thought especially when you are not geeky. Guess what - you are not alone. Having helped over thousands of users to start a blog, in this course, I will give you exact instructions on how to start a blog from the scratch on WordPress.This course is the only guide you need to setup your WordPress Blog websiteKnow how you can pick the right niche for your blogCreate a blog you are passionate aboutSetup your blog in just 5 minutes (yes you read it right, only 5 minutes)Choose the best possible WordPress theme for your blog websiteInstall free WordPress plugins for blogging successOptimize your blogging website for better SEODiscover ways to build the traffic and earn from your blog websiteThe first thing we are going to do in this course is we are going to pick the right niche for your blog. Create a blog you are passionate about. Find a passion that will also make you earn in the process.Once you decide on your blogging niche the second thing it that choose a unique but effective domain name for your blog website. I will walk you through the process of choosing a great domain name for your blog website.After choosing a domain name, time is to go live. I will walk you through the process of how to setup your blog in just 5 minutes with WordPress and without any coding. Choose a right WordPress theme for your blog website is also an important.In this course, you will understand the top WordPress plugins for your blogging website success. You will also understand what is SEO and discover the top WordPress SEO tips to help you improve your WordPress blog website SEO and get more organic traffic.At the end, I am going to show you the best methods to get free traffic to your blog. The great ways you can start right away. Also, I will show you the best ways to make money from your blog. Understand the audience to discover the best ways to earn.The course is easy enough for a newbie blogger to follow, yet also theonly guide you need to get your blog fully functional andlive.Be sure to visit bonus video materialfor more videos on the specifics of how to complete any of the actions discussed in the course.A webinar on How to Make $500 with a Blog as a Bonus material inside the course.We dont want you to have a disappointment, if you dont like the course for any reason then you can request for the refund in first 30 days from your purchase. Also, remember that this course comes with lifetime access to the course, that means you will get access to all the future lectures at FREE of cost.Thanks for your interest in this course, hope youre as excited to get started.Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 199.99

"WordPress SEO Tips and Content Creation Guide" |
"Search engines are often the biggest source of free traffic for most of the websites. It is important for all WordPress users, business owners, bloggers to make their website and their contents search engine friendly, so that they can maximize traffic.Google and other search engines use advanced algorithms to understand and rank pages appropriately in search results. But those algorithms arent perfect, they still need your help to understand what your content is about. If your content isnt optimized, then search engines wont know how to rank it.This course is the only guide you need to improve your WordPress website SEOSetup your WordPress website for better SEOSetup Yoast a WordPress SEO pluginOptimization your website contents for better SEOUnderstand Google Panda and Google Penguin updateLink building ways and strategies for better SEOFind the right topics and create great contentOnce you have a WordPress website set up, you need to ensure your website is designed for SEO, so Ill explain how to do this.In this course, you will discover the top WordPress SEO tips to help you improve your WordPress SEO and get more organic traffic. This course has several actionable steps that you need to take to properly optimize your WordPress SEO.Installing a good SEO plugin is a must, because it can take good care of numerous SEO aspects of your blog automatically. Setup Yoast SEO plugin, which goes the extra mile to take care of all the technical optimization, it is the first and foremost helps you write better content.The Google Panda update was the largest ever made by Google and affected 12% of all search engine rankings. Google's second largest update was in 2012 is referred to as the Penguin update. Understand Google Panda and Penguin updates, which were focused on the quality of SEO and the important of natural link building. Discover the ways to building links and traffic for your site.This course also guides you to choose the right and hot topics for the content creation. The right topics and the great contents makes it easy for search engines to find all your content. Discover how to create great content with iWriter very easily.The course is easy enough for a newbie blogger or site owner to follow, yet also advanced enough for well-trained and veteran content creators to benefit from.Bonus material inside the course will walks you through what's working best about the WordPress SEO and content creation for big name brands and bloggers today.We dont want you to have a disappointment, if you dont like the course for any reason then you can request for the refund in first 30 days from your purchase. Also, remember that this course comes with lifetime access to the course, that means you will get access to all the future lectures at FREE of cost.Thanks for your interest in this course, hope youre as excited to get started.Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!"
Price: 199.99

"Affiliate Marketing 101: The Basics of Affiliate Marketing" |
"Discover how to generate revenue through the use of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is the concept of earning a commission in exchange for sending quality leads, sales or actions to other websites and brands. In this course you will learn the basics of affiliate marketing, while also setting yourself off in the right direction to have a side-hobby, part-time or even a full-time online business of your own.One of the most crucial benefits to starting an online business is that you get to connect and partner with some of the biggest brand names in the world today, like Amazon, Walmart, Target and many others.When getting started with affiliate marketing, it's important to understand the many different ways to target traffic and create content for your audience. This and more will be covered in this course in great detail. Expect to become a master at affiliate marketing once you make your way through this training material."
Price: 199.99

"Google Adsense 101: How to Get Started with Google Adsense" |
"Google Adsense has quickly become one of the most effective ways for site owners and bloggers to monetize the content on their site. Since Google has millions of advertisers already buying traffic through pay per click marketing in the search engine, Adsense allows site owners to display these same advertisers on their own sites while earning a commission in the process. In this course you will discover how to get the most out of Google Adsense and see what's working best for site owners and bloggers today."
Price: 199.99

"Fashion Blogs - How to Start a WordPress Fashion Blog 2019" |
"Fashion blogs are all over the place. Now the question is, would you like to start a fashionblog of your own? If so, this is the ONLYblog training course you will ever need. Not only willIbe showing you what it takes to create a successful fashionor fan blog, I will also be walking you through the process step-by-step in my ""7 Day Blog Challenge"", (my best selling blog training course valued at $195)which I've included for free in this course.This course is the only guide you need to start your fashionWordPress Blog or websiteKnow how you can pick the right niche for your fashionblogCreate a fashion blog you are passionate aboutSetup your fashion blog in just 5 minutes (yes you read it right, just 5 minutes!)Choose the best possible WordPress theme for your blog websiteInstall free WordPress plugins for blogging successOptimize your fashion blogging website for better SEOHow to analyze the competition and see where otherfashionblogs rankDiscover the bestways to buildtraffic and earn from your fashion blog websiteThe first thing we are going to do in this course is we are going topick the right nichefor your fashion blog. This is an extremely important part of the process, as it will lay the groundwork for the success of your blog in days and weeks to come.Create a fashion blog you are passionate about, which we will help you discover. Find a passion that will also make you earn in the process. Since we already are going to be focusing on a ""fashion"" concept, it's just a matter of finding which direction and content topic you want to go after.Once you decide on your fashion blogging niche the second thing it that choose a unique but effectivedomain name for your blog website. I will walk you through the process of choosing a great domain name for your blog website. Make sure you come up with an original domain that represents the content on your site, but also making sure it's something that is easy to remember and spell in the process.After choosing a domain name, it'stime is to go live with yourfashion blog. I will walk you through the process of how tosetup your blog in just 5 minuteswith WordPress and without any coding. Choosing the rightWordPress themefor your blog website is also an important, so Iwill lay out these guidelines for you as well -- along with showing you some of my favorite sites where Iget my own premium themes.In this course, you will also get tounderstand why and how to use thetop WordPress pluginsthat are requiredfor bloggingsuccess. You will also discover howSEO worksand whichWordPress SEO tipsyou should be following to help you improve your WordPress blog website SEO and get more organic traffic. The more you focus on your site content and SEOnow, the more chance you will have for ranking forfashionrelated keywords and search phrases.At the end, I am going to show you thebest methods to get free trafficto your blog. There are many ways to reach traffic on the internet today, but I'm going to only focus on four methods that I continue to use today -- these are SEO, guest blogging, infographics and social media.I will alsoshow you thebest ways to make moneyfrom your blog. If you truly want to profit from your site, you will need to focus on your content creation and marketing efforts. This is something I have continually mastered and will show you how to as well.In summary,this course is easy enough for a newbie blogger to follow, yet also loaded up with more than enough actionable tips and resources to teach veteran bloggers and marketers something as well. This istheonly guide you need to get your blog fully functional andlive.Be sure to visit bonus video materialfor more videos on the specifics of how to complete any of the actions discussed in the course.A webinar on How to Make $500 with a Blog as a Bonus material inside the course.As with all of my courses, Iknow they are top notch and the best around. If you dont like the course for any reason then you can request for therefund in first 30 daysfrom your purchase. Also, remember that this course comes withlifetime access to the course, that means you will get access to all the future lectures at FREE of cost.Thanks for your interest in this course, hope youre as excited to get started.Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Celebrity Gossip Blogs - How to Start a Celeb Gossip Blog" |
"Celebrity gossip blogs are all over the place. Now the question is, would you like to start a celebrity gossip blog of your own? If so, this is the ONLYblog training course you will ever need. Not only willIbe showing you what it takes to create a successful celebrity gossip or fan blog, I will also be walking you through the process step-by-step in my ""7 Day Blog Challenge"", (my best selling blog training course valued at $195)which I've included for free in this course.This course is the only guide you need to start your celebrity gossipWordPress Blog or websiteKnow how you can pick the right niche for your celebrityblogCreate a celebrity blog you are passionate aboutSetup your celebrity blog in just 5 minutes (yes you read it right, just 5 minutes!)Choose the best possible WordPress theme for your blog websiteInstall free WordPress plugins for blogging successOptimize your celebrity blogging website for better SEOHow to analyze the competition and see where othercelebrity gossip blogs rankDiscover the bestways to buildtraffic and earn from your celebrity blog websiteThe first thing we are going to do in this course is we are going topick the right nichefor your celebrity blog. This is an extremely important part of the process, as it will lay the groundwork for the success of your blog in days and weeks to come.Create a celebrity blog you are passionate about, which we will help you discover. Find a passion that will also make you earn in the process. Since we already are going to be focusing on a ""celebrity"" concept, it's just a matter of finding which direction and content topic you want to go after.Once you decide on your celebrity blogging niche the second thing it that choose a unique but effectivedomain name for your blog website. I will walk you through the process of choosing a great domain name for your blog website. Make sure you come up with an original domain that represents the content on your site, but also making sure it's something that is easy to remember and spell in the process.After choosing a domain name, it'stime is to go live with yourcelebrity blog. I will walk you through the process of how tosetup your blog in just 5 minuteswith WordPress and without any coding. Choosing the rightWordPress themefor your blog website is also an important, so Iwill lay out these guidelines for you as well -- along with showing you some of my favorite sites where Iget my own premium themes.In this course, you will also get tounderstand why and how to use thetop WordPress pluginsthat are requiredfor bloggingsuccess. You will also discover howSEO worksand whichWordPress SEO tipsyou should be following to help you improve your WordPress blog website SEO and get more organic traffic. The more you focus on your site content and SEOnow, the more chance you will have for ranking forcelebrity gossip related keywords and search phrases.At the end, I am going to show you thebest methods to get free trafficto your blog. There are many ways to reach traffic on the internet today, but I'm going to only focus on four methods that I continue to use today -- these are SEO, guest blogging, infographics and social media.I will alsoshow you thebest ways to make moneyfrom your blog. If you truly want to profit from your site, you will need to focus on your content creation and marketing efforts. This is something I have continually mastered and will show you how to as well.In summary,this course is easy enough for a newbie blogger to follow, yet also loaded up with more than enough actionable tips and resources to teach veteran bloggers and marketers something as well. This istheonly guide you need to get your blog fully functional andlive.Be sure to visit bonus video materialfor more videos on the specifics of how to complete any of the actions discussed in the course.A webinar on How to Make $500 with a Blog as a Bonus material inside the course.As with all of my courses, Iknow they are top notch and the best around. If you dont like the course for any reason then you can request for therefund in first 30 daysfrom your purchase. Also, remember that this course comes withlifetime access to the course, that means you will get access to all the future lectures at FREE of cost.Thanks for your interest in this course, hope youre as excited to get started.Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Sports Blog - How to Start a WordPress Sports Blog" |
"Sportsblogs are all over the place. Now the question is, would you like to start a sportsblog of your own? If so, this is the ONLYblog training course you will ever need. Not only willIbe showing you what it takes to create a successful sportsor fan blog, I will also be walking you through the process step-by-step in my ""7 Day Blog Challenge"", (my best selling blog training course valued at $195)which I've included for free in this course.This course is the only guide you need to start your sports gossipWordPress Blog or websiteKnow how you can pick the right niche for your sportsblogCreate a sports blog you are passionate aboutSetup your sports blog in just 5 minutes (yes you read it right, just 5 minutes!)Choose the best possible WordPress theme for your blog websiteInstall free WordPress plugins for blogging successOptimize your sports blogging website for better SEOHow to analyze the competition and see where othersportsblogs rankDiscover the bestways to buildtraffic and earn from your sports blog websiteThe first thing we are going to do in this course is we are going topick the right nichefor your sports blog. This is an extremely important part of the process, as it will lay the groundwork for the success of your blog in days and weeks to come.Create a sports blog you are passionate about, which we will help you discover. Find a passion that will also make you earn in the process. Since we already are going to be focusing on a ""sports"" concept, it's just a matter of finding which direction and content topic you want to go after.Once you decide on your sports blogging niche the second thing it that choose a unique but effectivedomain name for your blog website. I will walk you through the process of choosing a great domain name for your blog website. Make sure you come up with an original domain that represents the content on your site, but also making sure it's something that is easy to remember and spell in the process.After choosing a domain name, it'stime is to go live with yoursports blog. I will walk you through the process of how tosetup your blog in just 5 minuteswith WordPress and without any coding. Choosing the rightWordPress themefor your blog website is also an important, so Iwill lay out these guidelines for you as well -- along with showing you some of my favorite sites where Iget my own premium themes.In this course, you will also get tounderstand why and how to use thetop WordPress pluginsthat are requiredfor bloggingsuccess. You will also discover howSEO worksand whichWordPress SEO tipsyou should be following to help you improve your WordPress blog website SEO and get more organic traffic. The more you focus on your site content and SEOnow, the more chance you will have for ranking forsports gossip related keywords and search phrases.At the end, I am going to show you thebest methods to get free trafficto your blog. There are many ways to reach traffic on the internet today, but I'm going to only focus on four methods that I continue to use today -- these are SEO, guest blogging, infographics and social media.I will alsoshow you thebest ways to make moneyfrom your blog. If you truly want to profit from your site, you will need to focus on your content creation and marketing efforts. This is something I have continually mastered and will show you how to as well.In summary,this course is easy enough for a newbie blogger to follow, yet also loaded up with more than enough actionable tips and resources to teach veteran bloggers and marketers something as well. This istheonly guide you need to get your blog fully functional andlive.Be sure to visit bonus video materialfor more videos on the specifics of how to complete any of the actions discussed in the course.A webinar on How to Make $500 with a Blog as a Bonus material inside the course.As with all of my courses, Iknow they are top notch and the best around. If you dont like the course for any reason then you can request for therefund in first 30 daysfrom your purchase. Also, remember that this course comes withlifetime access to the course, that means you will get access to all the future lectures at FREE of cost.Thanks for your interest in this course, hope youre as excited to get started.Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Influencer Marketing Strategy - How to Become an Influencer" |
"Discover how influencer marketing is quickly changing the way individuals, brands and businesses attract attention and reach new audiences in the world today. In this course, we will be covering some of the most effective ways to put content creation and outreach to work for your passion, business or branding efforts.Such methods include content creation, social media, outreach, expert roundups, Quora, Pinterest, Instagram and more. We will also be taking a look at what methods are working best for others online.This course is the only guide you need to establish yourself as an online influencer with aWordPress Blog or website.Know how topick the right niche for yourblogCreate ablog or online business you are passionate aboutSetup your WordPressblog in just 5 minutes (yes you read it right, just 5 minutes!)Choose the best possible WordPress theme for your blog websiteInstall free WordPress plugins for blogging successOptimize your online profiles andblogging website for better SEOHow to create content that not only gets seen by influencers, but also shared by them as wellDiscover the bestways to buildtraffic and earn from yourblog website in the processBonus Video Material and Interviews on How to Become an Authority and InfluencerIf you want to find the most success in the world of content creation, branding, and becoming an online influencer, you need to learn from what is already working well for others. Through my online training and bonus video material, you will discover what social platforms are being used most, how often and how I've established myself as a leader expert in the world of affiliate marketing and blogging. I'll also be showing you all of my recommended tools and resources.Thanks for your interest in this course, and I hope youre as excited to get started as Iam for you!Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Strategy Techniques to be the Analyst Rock Star" |
"Last Update: 24th May, 2020Within this course, we look at all the strategic Business Analysis tools that are imperative for a BA. What is a feasibility study and what tools can you use to complete it properly? Do you know what a latent requirement is and what Porters 5 Forces are? Not only are these subjects covered, we describe what they mean to you as a Business Analyst. Are all these techniques used on their own? We give you real-life examples how we have used then throughout our careers. Each course in Udemy offers the learner a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked. You have nothing to lose. Sign up now!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn How to Get Decision-Makers to Say Yes to Your Proposal" |
"Last Update: 05th March, 2018Do you have great business ideas, but they never seem to get approved? Or maybe youre just not happy how project decisions are made. You know there is a need for your proposal, and it can save the organization all kinds of money, but you watch time and time again how others in your company who dont have nearly the technical wherewithal that you do seem to get all of their projects approved. To make that situation worse, they always hand over such projects to you to work out the technical details.Does that sound familiar? For the longest time, I was the one who had all kinds of ideas, and all my peers thought they were great. Where I seemed to falter was when I made these suggestions to my superiors. They didnt understand most of the technical details I was describing, and most of my proposals were based either on some improved architecture, or a new application that I knew both internal and external clients would love, and then of course I would jump into describing how all of this should be setup, and I couldnt for the life of me understand why my superiors were interested. Lets face it. Businesses today cannot afford not to have a financial justification for starting projects, and if you want to gain approval, then you need to give upper management the ammunition to say YES. In this course, we start with the big picture by looking to organizational strategy and why companies do what they do. Then we move on to cover all those elements which are absolutely necessary to make your proposal viable. What is an executive summary, and why you lose upper management if its not compelling. What problem are you solving and why do we need to solve it anyway? We show you how to collect information on all those people in your company who would be affected by your proposal and how you can gain their support. You know your solution is great, but that doesnt get it approved. In this course, you learn to describe why your idea is the best. But we dont stop there. You need to show your superiors that you followed a through process to get to THE ideal solution, and you need to give them a justification why YOURS is the best. We should never forget that a project is a financial investment, and you need to show how your idea saves money or makes the company money.or both. Give upper management the means to see the value in your proposal, and you will find all the support you though you would never get. Let us show you how. Join our course.Come joinour more than 95,000 online students.Enroll now!Each course in Udemy offers the learner a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked. You have nothing to lose."
Price: 19.99

"The Business Travel End to End Process" |
"Throughout all my years working in the travel management business, I was always amazed how few of my colleagues had a thorough knowledge of the end-to-end processes. I knew why, but it still amazed me. OK, in smaller agencies, where everyone does everything, they will have a good idea, but there will be tasks that simply are not on their radar screen. Let me give you an example. Someone from a smaller agency will know how to build a profile, make a reservation, issue a ticket and write an invoice. They might even need to complete some accounting data. Explain then a profile tool, an HR feed, pre-trip reporting or even an online booking tool, and this is all terra incognita.So you have a situation, especially with the large Travel Management Companies, as I mentioned, where very few people have a grasp of all the end-to-end processes, and its a shame. Even worse. Theres a price tag you can put on it. Let me list off a few Productivity loss There is a definite cost we have if one is constantly making corrections and solving problems throughout the process chain, especially as a number of us know exactly where they come from What about productivity improvement? If you dont have an overview of the entire process, how can you know that all of it is necessary Travel processes are not as easy a lot of people think We have a number of systems and even more suppliers, where the business rules are becoming more and more conditional.There is a lot of money at stake, and I wondered why no one has tried to properly explain what these processes look like, and take a stab at best practice.so I decided to take up the challenge. In this course, I will go ahead and explain each part of the process, whos involved in which region of the world. Right, there are regional differences that very few people realize, and we look at the various issues to be found all along the way. I will give you real-life examples so that you can benefit from my 30 years of global experience within Travel Management. This quest starts at the time the client is implemented. I explain what to keep in mind at deployment. Where is the customer profile hosted? How many countries are being serviced? What online tools are being used? Is there one agency, or multiples that need to work together? Our next stop looking at both the customer and traveler profiles. How are they maintained? Do we just have one per traveler. You laugh. I think multiples might unfortunately be the standard. What are reference fields? Where does the travel policy fit in? What is a master profile? We move on to the booking process, and what needs to be done in the beginning to get it right. What is a Point of Sale? Anyone for pre-trip reporting? What are dynamic reference fields, and what happens when you dont get this data right? What is quality control? What are savings fields? Fulfillment is our next station. The GDS ate my filed fare. Once was once online has suddenly become offline. What do you do? What are EBTAs and what about virtual payment? Question to Americans do you know what BSP is? Question to the rest of the world Do you know what ARC is? Use the phrase mid-office, and different regions will complete completely different tasks for you. Ouch! You mean an invoice is not always what you think it is. What is a collective invoice? Then theres the electronic invoice, and they all look different wherever you are in the world. Anyone for EDIFACT? Congratulations. You have the ticket and invoice issued. Guess what. The traveler needs to rebook. Now what do you do? Our last stop on this quest looks at how the data is handed off for accounting, ticket reconciliation and global reporting. Find anything worth learning more about. I look forward to seeing you at our video lectures."
Price: 19.99
