"Aprende Oracle PL/SQL desde Cero" |
"Durante este curso, vas a aprender a usar PL/SQL, el lenguaje de programacin de las Bases de Datos Oracle. Este lenguaje permite desarrollar aplicaciones complejas dentro de Oracle. Empezaremos con lo ms bsico y llegaremos a conceptos avanzados, que te permitirn desarrollar aplicaciones PL/SQL de forma profesional.El curso vale tanto para 19c, 18c, 12c y 11g. Aunque no es un curso especfico para certificacin, si que tiene muchos de los conceptos que necesitas para certificarte como desarrollador PL/SQL de OracleCon una mquina virtual ya preparada para trabajar. Aunque durante el curso veremos como instalar todo lo necesario, para aquellos que queris ir directamente al grano, hemos creado una mquina virtual en Fedora para que empecis a trabajar desdebv el minuto 1.El curso es eminentemente prctico. Mediante ejemplos y ejercicios iremos viendo las caractersticas del lenguaje y como puedes utilizarlo.Los puntos que veremos en este curso son:Introduccin a PL/SQLBloquesComandos y estructuras de ControlExcepcionesColeccionesCursoresProcedimientos y funcionesPaquetesTriggersNo necesitas grandes conocimientos, ms all de saber algo de programacin y de SQL.Espero que te guste y cualquier duda estamos a tu disposicinUn SaludoSergio"
Price: 19.99

"IDoc Trouble Shoot,Processing and Re-Processing for SAP FICO" |
"The One and Only Course on Udemy Which Explain All About IDocs with Great Reviews.What Some of Our Students Says About this Course'GosiaMJC' Says ""It completely covered my need and curiosity. I just only wanted to know a bit about how to see what the problem is with an IDoc and what can I do with that.""------------'Nicolas Lavalle' Says ""The course provided the information I needed. Author has very good knowledge of the subject. Author needs more teaching practice.""------------'David Hoffman' Says ""Quick Crash Course, Loved it. Will be Very Helpful in my SAP Career.""------------'Pontress Tousant' Says ""In the process of interviewing for a position that contains IDOC and EDI/ALE support. A great source of information that will allow me to be better prepared. It is also more detailed than what I'm currently doing. Easy to understand and build on my skills working in SAP.""------------'Sajish Says' ""I'm a functional consultant and I got all the information I was looking for. Great explanation and easy to understand way of presentation. Much appreciated!""------------'Alusine Kamara' Says ""Enough details to understand the concept and adapt setup and/ or troubleshooting according to module of expertise. Especially appreciate the extra effort in providing supplementary content to respond to students queries. Bravo! ""------------'Martyna' J Says ""This is a very straight to the point course, teaches you everything that you need to know about iDocs. Just the overuse of the word 'basically' and 'obviously' by the course provider gets a bit annoying after a while but all in all, good course. Thank you!""------------'GosiaMJC' Says ""It completely covered my need and curiosity. I just only wanted to know a bit about how to see what the problem is with an IDoc and what can I do with that.""------------This is Step-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of SAP, ""IDoc Trouble Shoot,Processing and Re-Processing for SAP FICO"".This Course is Designed Based on Insights from Real Time Experience in Handling SAP IDocs Processing Issues and Contains Detailed Information How to Search, Troubleshoot, Process and Re-Process an IDoc in SAP with Detailed Overview of Application Link Enabling, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and EDI Sub-System Process in SAP.This Course is a Must for People who Wants to Learn Deep about IDoc, IDoc End to End Processing Cycle in SAP, Application Link Enabling (ALE), EDI and EDI Sub Systems Processes.In This Course We Will Cover Important Bonus Topics Around IDoc Searching, Troubleshooting, Processing, Re-Processing and Reporting.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of End to End IDoc Processing in SAP, EDI Process Overview, Application Link Enabling (ALE) Overview and you will be highly Proficient in End to End IDoc Processing in SAP, And at the End of this Course you can Confidently Add IDoc Processing, Troubleshooting, Re-Processing with Basic Understanding of EDI and ALE on your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!Disclaimer:SAP is a Registered Trademark of SAP AG Globally and We are Not Associated with SAP by any Means.SAP Software and GUI are Proprietary SAP AG. Neither me or Udemy are Authorized to Provide SAP Access. You can Officially Get SAP IDES Access to Practice on SAP System from SAP's website. I am Not Allowed by Udemy to Place Link Here. Please Google ""SAP IDES Access"" and you will Find Respective Links."
Price: 49.99

"Writing Functional Design Document(Real Time Project Based)" |
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of Writing Effective Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document in Information Technology.In this Course Iwill walk you through Writing a Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document Based on Real Time Project ofBuildingInterface Between SAP and SalesForce.This Course is Designed Based on Real Time ProjectInsights, This CourseContains CompleteInformation AboutProject Life Cycle Including Pre-Requisites Before Writing Functional Specification Document Including Raw Requirement/User Stories, Requirements Gathering, Requirements Finalization,Writing Functional Specification Document, Development Process, UnitTesting, QA Testing,End User Testing, Cut over Activities,Project Go Live, Hyper Care Period and Post Go Live Support.This Course is a Must for People who wanted to Learn End to End Project Cycle in Information Technologyand Wanted toPrimarilyBecome EfficientWriting Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document in Information Technology.You will Get Sample Functional Specification Documents (FSD) Templates for DesigningProcesses, Custom Programs,Interfaces and Reports Developments along with CompleteDetails of What is Functional Specification Document, Propose of Writing Functional Specification Document, Audience of Functional Specification Document, Key Features of Functional Specification DocumentandWho Writes Functional Specification Document.In This Course We Will Cover VeryImportant Bonus Topic of Technical Specification Documents(TSD)/Technical Design Document IncludingWhat is Technical Specification Documents, Types ofTechnical Specification Documents,Who Writes Technical Specification Documents along withSample Technical Specification Documents (TSD) Templatesfor DesigningProcesses, Custom Programs,Interfaces and Reports Developments.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of Writing Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document Along with End to EndProject Cycle in Real Time Environment and Good Understanding of Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document.At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Designing Processes,Writing Functional Specification Documents/Functional Design Documents in Information Technologyon your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!"
Price: 49.99

"Writing Technical Design Document (Real Time Project Based)" |
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of Writing Effective Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document in Information Technology.In this Course Iwill walk you through Writing a Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document Based on Real Time Project ofBuildingInterface Between SAP and Trendset.This Course is Designed Based on Real Time ProjectInsights, This CourseContains CompleteInformation AboutProject Life Cycle Including Pre-Requisites/Pre-Phases Before Writing Technical Specification Document Including Functional Specification Document Walk through, Development Process, UnitTesting, QA Testing,End User Testing and Post Phases After Writing Technical Specification Document Including Cut over Activities,Project Go Live, Hyper Care Period Support and Post Go Live Support.This Course is a Must for People who wanted to Learn End to End Project Cycle in Information Technologyand Wanted toPrimarilyBecome EfficientWriting Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document in Information Technology.You will Get Sample Technical Specification Documents (TSD's) Templates for DesigningProcesses, Custom Programs,Interfaces and Reports Developments along with CompleteDetails of What is Technical Specification Document, Propose of Writing Technical Specification Document, Audience of Technical Specification Document, Key Features of Technical Specification DocumentandWho Writes Technical Specification Document.In This Course We Will Cover VeryImportant Bonus Topic of Functional Specification Documents(FSD)/Functional Design Document IncludingWhat is Functional Specification Documents, Types ofFunctional Specification Documents,Who Writes Functional Specification Documents along withSample Functional Specification Documents (FSD) Templatesfor DesigningProcesses, Custom Programs,Interfaces and Reports Developments.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of Writing Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document Along with End to EndProject Cycle in Real Time Environment and Good Understanding of Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document.At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Technical Designing Processes,Writing Technical Specification Documents/Technical Design Documents in Information Technologyon your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!"
Price: 49.99

"Tips and Tricks for General Ledger Accountants/Clerks in SAP" |
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of SAPGeneral Ledger Accounting.This Course is Designed Based on Real Time Day to Day Activities and End User Needs of General Ledger Accountants and Clerks, this Course will Help General Ledger Accounting End Users to Make their Job More Cozy in SAP.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of Important Tips and Tricks Around SAP General Ledger Accounting, Installation of SAP GUI in Computer,At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Your Knowledge in that Domain in SAP on your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!Disclaimer:SAPis a Registered Trademark of SAPAG Globally and We are NotAssociated with SAP by any Means.SAP Software andGUI are Proprietary SAP AG. Neither me orUdemy are Authorized to Provide SAPAccess. You can Officially Get SAP IDES Access to Practice on SAP System from SAP's website. I am Not Allowed by Udemy to Place Link Here.Please Google ""SAP IDES Access"" and you will Find Respective Links."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Legacy System Migration Workbench(LSMW)Tool in SAP" |
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of Data Conversion Using SAPData Conversion Tool Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW).This Course is Designed Based on Real Time Processes of Data Conversion, Data File Preparation and Data Validation in SAP, this Course will Help to Get Detailed Understanding ofData Conversion Process in SAP Using LSMW.Data Conversion Process is Key/Essential Element in any SAPImplementation Project.By Taking that Course You Can Learn End to End Data Conversion Process and Get Expert in Data Conversion Activities.Having Knowledge in that Domain Will Help you to Open New Doors of Opportunities in your Career. After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of Data Conversion Process, Data File Preparation Process and Data Validation Process in SAP Using LSMW,At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Your Knowledge in that Domain in SAP on your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!Disclaimer:SAPis a Registered Trademark of SAPAG Globally and We are NotAssociated with SAP by any Means.SAP Software andGUI are Proprietary SAP AG. Neither me orUdemy are Authorized to Provide SAPAccess. You can Officially Get SAP IDES Access to Practice on SAP System from SAP's website. I am Not Allowed by Udemy to Place Link Here.Please Google ""SAP IDES Access"" and you will Find Respective Links."
Price: 99.99

"Gane dinero con eBay Dropshiping," |
"Inscrbase en este curso y aprenda los conceptos bsicos de la creacin de un negocio basado en el hogar de Amazon a eBay Drop-Shipping en este Curso Dropshipping Starter.Este curso est hecho para cualquier persona que quiera un ingreso extra y un negocio secundario basado en el hogar que se puede administrar desde cualquier parte del mundo sin un almacn o inventario fsico. Usted puede seguir siendo un empleado y ejecutar este negocio en su tiempo libre o entrar en el negocio de eBay Drop-shipping a tiempo completo.El curso lo llevar paso a paso en la configuracin de los conceptos bsicos de un comercio electrnico y eBay Drop-shipping BusinessUsted aprender a abrir sus cuentas de eBay y PayPal y fuente de productos calientes de Amazon para vender con rentabilidad en eBay, usted descubrir cmo configurar su cuenta de eBay y automatizar su negocio con fcil de usar Drop-shipping Software Automation.Todo lo que necesitar para tomar este curso es una computadora (escritorio o porttil), una conexin a Internet, unas pocas horas a la semana y una mente abierta para aprender algo nuevo.Este curso le ser de utilidad en cualquier etapa de la vida, ya sea que se est uniendo a la fuerza de trabajo o a la jubilacin.Este curso est dirigido a aquellos que estn listos para hacer los primeros pasos crticos en la creacin de un negocio de eBay Dropshipping o para aquellos que todava lo consideran y le gustara saber ms antes de decidir si es para ellos.El curso incluir videos, presentaciones, resmenes fciles de seguir y materiales de bonificacin para aquellos serios acerca de convertirse en un exitoso Drop-shipper de eBay.Vamos a compartir las tcnicas, consejos y trucos que el empresario exitoso Aviv Malka ha utilizado para convertirse en un Top-Rated eBay Drop-shipper y Platinum Level eBay Vendedor con ms de 350.000 dlares de ventas en el ltimo ao.David Levine, un empresario de eBay, Dropshipper & Trainer estar enseando el curso basado en las tcnicas de Aviv (y como el hablante de ingls nativo en el equipo responder a la mayora de las preguntas de los estudiantes).Si desea ahorrar incontables horas de prueba y error al configurar un negocio de eBay Drop-shipping por su cuenta y empezar a ganar dinero en su tiempo libre, entonces ENROLL en este curso."
Price: 19.99

"Ganhe dinheiro no eBay com Dropshipping" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como criar seu negcio prprio no eBayutilizando um modelo de negcios conhecido como dropshipping ou arbitragem.No dropshipping voc publica produtos para serem vendidos em um site de destino ( Por exemplo no eBay ), e somente apos seu cliente ter feito a compra, voc entra no site onde viu a oferta inicial e faz a compra (Por exemplo, no site da Amazon )Dropshipping um excelente metodo para iniciar no comrcio eletrnico (e-Commerce)Voc vai aprender todos os segredos do DropShipping do Amazon para o eBay passo, desde como abrir e configurar corretamente sua conta, selecionar produtos quentes para serem vendidos no eBay ate os passos finais de compra e envio dos produtos aos clientes.Voc vai aprender tambem como utilizar um software exclusivo para fazer todo o processo de maneira 100% automtica.A grande vantagem deste metodo que permite que voc crie seu prprio negcio sem ter de investir para ter seu estoque prprio, podendo assim comear seu negcio praticamente sem nenhum investimento inicial.Dropshipping um metodo comprovado: Existem hoje dezenas de milhares de pessoas no mundo que ha fazem Dropshipping, seja como renda extra ou seja para gerar uma renda principal em tempo integral.Este curso foi construido em parceria com um de meus clientes que TOPSELLERPLATINUMLEVELno eBaye se baseias nos resultados positivos de centenas de usuario"
Price: 579.99

"-> Describe ospf implementation in Juniper Routers-> Describe Area0 and 'B' bit and ABR description-> Explain Virtual-Links and how they are implemented-> Explain various BITS in OSPF Header-> Explain OSPF Authentication-> Explain OSPF Path Selection process-> Explain STUB,T-STUB and NSSA Areas-> Explain OSPF Summarisation-> Explain Overload bit in OSPFThis is purely done keeping one thing in mind as i have re-iterated earlier, the goal of this course is to make it as practical as possible along with exploring the user-friendly options where students who enrol for this course can take a better advantage by setting up their own systems without worrying about hardware. I have also made sure that this entire course can run on a single VMX Instance of Junos which consume a 2GB ram and 2vcpuI hope you enjoy this course as much as I did developing it.Cheers"
Price: 19.99

"The course primarily aims in understanding and implementing MPLS technologies- MPLS Header and Packet- LDP and Implementation-RSVP-CSPF-Traffic Engineering-SRLG-Traffic protection Mechanisms-MISC MPLSTopics- All of the course Documentation is available in Lucid chart for easier exam reviewwww<dot>lucidchart<dot>com/invitations/accept/3186e11a-7812-4930-828c-73fe0653eaab - Please review the content and Intro Videos and if they are as per your liking go ahead and Enroll the course.This Course primarily aims at best practices and standard implementation procedure and certification should be a by product of your learning."
Price: 24.99

"Smart Tips To Dominate Social Media #1" |
"In this course you'll learn Smart Tips To Help YouDominate Social Media,including:Tips on choosing which social media site to useTips on getting started with a social media siteTips on keeping subscribers glued to your accountTips on using multimedia contentTips on using languageTips on how to expand the reach of your social media accountTips on outsourcing work and taskTips on dealing with trolls, & HATERSThis is the first part of the series, so make sure to keep an eye for the other parts"
Price: 94.99

"Hollywood Film School: Filmmaking & TV Directing Masterclass" |
"Join over 30,000 Students who are learning from our courses.""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate CarrollWant to learn how great directors create award-winning films? Want to learn how to become a working Hollywood director in Television or Film?In this online course you'll learnWhen to Move the Camera in your next film and video production.The key here is that camera movement must be invisible. It should serve the story without calling attention to itself. Next, learnHow To Move the Cameramost effectively by systematically fulfillingFive Taskswhen designing each moving master shot. Finally, learn how a master of visual design like Zemeckis customizes his application of theseFive Tasksto the unique demands of each scene.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!THIS COURSE IS AMAZING!!! I'm learning SO FREAKIN MUCH from it, and it's totally blowing my mind. Thanks so much to Gil and Alex for putting this course together. I'm a director working on my first horror film, which has a bit of action in it, and this course is totally giving me rocket boots. If you have more courses from Gil, please let me know and TAKE MY MONEY! -Colby R RiceExcellent content. But you'd better pay attention or you will miss something. This course is packed with loads or useful and well explained stuff. -Mr Mick FarmerInstructor is clearly in command of craft and engages with questions, simple explanations and familiar examples. Video and audio are excellent. -Bill HalfordVeteran film and television director Gil Bettmanwill teach you how to enhance drama and heighten action by using different lenses. This is the key toLensmanship the technique which Spielberg borrowed from Wells, Kubrick and others to transform the look of today's films.Once you have graspedLensmanshipyou are ready for the final lesson-- How to Shoot Action Sequences. Gil will show you how Kathryn Bigelow, John Woo and others ignite the screen by putting the camera in the right place and using the right lenses. Here's what will be covered in the course.Why you must shoot with a moving cameraWhen to move the cameraWhy all camera movement should be invisibleThe three kinds of camera movement that are always invisibleHow to move the camera shoot the best moving master shotThe five tasks of a moving master:Establishes geography and believabilityEliminates editsGenerates eye candyFocuses the audience on the center of the dramaPicks up coverageHow to customize the five tasks to each sceneExamples: dailies from:Movies for TVLow budget featuresBig budget features directed by Bob ZemeckisLensmanshipHow the look of 3 different lenses is the key to understanding all lensesThe three ways that lenses change the look of a shotPerspectiveField of VisionDepth of FieldShooting ActionThe 3 key components to shooting actionPut the camera in the right placeBreaking down your shotsPut the right lens on the cameraHow lenses affect motion in the frameGet the right number of piecesHow coverage heightens energyHow to shoot a chaseHow to shoot a fightVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi TsitsuSo what are you waiting for. Jump start your filmmaking career as a film director."
Price: 174.99

"Filmmaking Using DaVinci Resolve. Free Software Included" |
"Take your filmmaking and video creation to a new levelwithDaVinci Resolve!If you are looking for a video editing programthat is will help your filmmaking,easy to use, super powerful and also FREE, DaVinci Resolve is for you. DaVinci Resolve is the industry leader in color correction but also haspowerful editing abilities.Ipersonal edited my feature film and a show for Legendary Pictures on DaVinci Resolve.Professionals all over the world are using Resolve as their complete post production option.This full course is the best way to get startedand start editing your projects.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Alex Ferrari, founder of Indie Film Hustle and a Hollywood editing/post production professional with over 20 years in the business. I've edited, color graded, post supervised or VFXsupervised easily over 1000 projects in my career. Editing and post production is how Imake my living.Some reviews of my other courses:A ton of great information included derived from actual experience and a get-in-there-and-get-it-done perspective. Lots of value here. - It's MeThis is an insightful and refreshing revelation of what it takes to produce a short. What a rich learning experience. Thank you. -Randy HendricksMy Promise to YouI'm a working editing and post production professional, as well as an online educator. I'll be here if you have questions on your journey to learn how to edit on DaVinci Resolve. Maybe you already are a professional editor using AVID, FCPXor Adobe Premiere and just want to add a new software package to your toolbox or you might be a film student just starting out. Either way this course is for you.So what will this course cover?In this course you will learn everything you need to learn to get started editing with DaVinci Resolve right away. You'll get inside the mind of a professional editor.In this course Iwill cover:How tostart a projectTimeline editingAdding videotransitionsProject SettingsArchiving/RestoringYour ProjectVideoSpeed ChangesOrganizing MediaImporting MediaExporting your video for high-quality playback on any deviceKeyboard Short cutsTake your Filmmaking to Another Leveland a ton more!Learn from an actual working professional editor who been in the business for over twenty years and has worked on projects with million dollar budgets.COURSEBONUS: I'll be also including bonus lessons and articles on post production that will help round up your education and save you tons of time.When you are finished you'll be able to edit your project using DaVinci Resolve.What are you waiting for?Join over 20,000 students already learning from my other courses.Click the enroll button, and I'll see you in on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Regular Expressions In JavaScript: The Animated Guide (2020)" |
"Build Your Own Client-Side Validation System? You'll do it. Animated Explainer Videos To Learn Regular Expression concepts? It's here!--------------------This is the most interactive course online for mastering Regular Expressions In JavaScript with tips & tricks, visual illustrations, and a lot of animated explainer videos.When you begin to learn Regular Expressions for the first time, it might seem like a random string of nonsense. While they might look awkward at times, they are very useful. Once you have a solid understanding of regular expressions you will become a much more effective programmer. To fully understand regular expressions you need to learn the basic concepts which you can build upon.1. So What Is A Regular Expression?A regular expression, regex or regexp (sometimes called a rational expression) is a way to describe a pattern to work with strings by using special syntax.By formulating a regular expression you can...Search for text in a string,Replace a sub-string in a string,Extract information from a string.2. A Little History About Regular Expressions.Regular Expressions began to emerge as a way to describe regular languages.In the 1950s, Regular expressions originated when mathematician Stephen Cole Kleene described regular languages by using his mathematical notation called regular sets. Regular expressions later became an important part of the tool suite that emerged from the Unix operating systemthe ed, sed and vi (vim) editors, grep, AWK, among others. But the ways in which regular expressions were implemented were not always so regular. They really began to show up in the programming world during the 1970s.A variety of programming languages like: C#, C, C++, VB.NET, VB 6, Delphi, Java, Groovy, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, VBScript, Python, Go, Ruby, Tcl, PowerShell, R, and more support Regex very well.3. Situations Where Regex Can Be Used.Common applications include data validation, data scraping (especially web scraping), data wrangling, simple parsing, syntax highlighting systems, text or string processing tasks where the data need not be textual, and in search engines such as Google in order to determine an algorithmic match to the query a user is asking.Now have you ever wondered how you get feedback from an online form informing you that you had entered invalid information?How did it know you entered invalid information?The answer is that behind the scenes Regular Expressions is used to validate your input.Almost every programming language implements regular expressions. JavaScript is one of the programming languages with regular expressions support directly built-in. Since you can also run JavaScript on the server with Node.js, the Regular Expression Concepts In JavaScript is the same as Regular Expressions In Node.js4. What You Will Learn In This CourseThis course aims to introduce you to JavaScript Regular Expressions in a simple way by using annotations, tips & tricks, images, and a lot of animated explainer videos. Here is exactly what you're going to learn:Difference Between A Character And A String.How To Match Simple Specific Characters.How To Match Different Characters In A Single Position - Character Sets.How To Define A Character Range To Match Different Characters In A Single Position - Character Ranges.How To Define A Negated Character Set OR Range.How To Match Any Character With A Period Or Dot (Except For A New Line).How To Escape (Turn OFF Special Meaning) Reserved Regular Expression Characters By Using The Backslash """" Character.How To Match Any Word Character (Alphanumeric).How To Match Any Non-Word Character.How To Match Any Digit.How To Match Any Non-Digit.How To Match A Character Either Zero OR One Time.How To Match Either Zero OR More Repetitions Of A Character.How To Match Either One OR More Repetitions Of A Character.Line Anchors - Assert The Start And The End Of A String.How To Specify The Exact Amount Of Repetitions To Match.How To Specify The Least (Minimum) Amount Of Repetitions To Match.How To Specify The Minimum And Maximum Amount Of Repetitions To Match.How To Match Alternate Strings OR Words.How To Create Regular Expressions In JavaScript.JavaScript Regular Expression Flags.JavaScript Regular Expressions Methods.Validating A Username By Using Regular Expressions And JavaScript.Validating A Password By Using Regular Expressions And JavaScript.Validating An Email By Using Regular Expressions And JavaScript.You will also get some practice using regular expressions"
Price: 199.99

"Etabs Course" |
"We are a skilled team that work in consultancy in Lebanon and Gulf Area, We want to shoot our Udemy course for those who want to excel in design and engineering in our lives, and to help our community (CivilsPro) keep this course as their bible so we can come out with the best design ever"",Software,https://img-a.udemycdn.com/course/750x422/3327792_72dc_2.jpg,en,USD
3321912,Shortcut to Having More - Breakthrough,49.99,https://www.udemy.com/course/shortcut-to-more/,Are You frustrated because of spending Your TIME & MONEY on various Prosperity & Wealth generation Programs"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced CSS Training" |
"In this Advanced CSS Tutorial, you will learn to use CSS to format forms, create list-based navigation, do advanced page layouts, and create stunning background effects. You will also get CSS Training in coding conventions and shorthand properties."
Price: 49.99

"Computer and Network Hacking Mastery: Practical Techniques" |
"LAST UPDATED: 07/2020Do you want to learn real-world hacking techniques but dont know where to start? This is your chance. This course covers security loopholes and techniques to broaden your knowledge of security systems. Anyone whos interested in ethical hacking or security systems can benefit from this welcoming hacking community and in-depth course. Learn To Implement Security Hacking Techniques from The Pros Intercept Information in a Network with SSL EncryptionFind the Vulnerable Spots of a Website or an ApplicationSecure Your Passwords Recognize a Remote Operating System Using Fingerprinting MethodsIT Security Experts Teach You How to be an Ethical Hacker Certified hackers are given free reign when it comes to identifying and getting rid of security threats. They are encouraged by clients to use all known malicious hacking techniques, so that the computer or computer network in question can be best protected against criminal hacking attempts. Content and Overview In 11 hours of content, this course will cover the ins-and-outs of ethical hacking. To get the most out of this course, you should be familiar with programming and scripting language. Most videos are accompanied by documents, so youll walk away with a hacking textbook to accompany your studies. Youll learn how to protect your network and system against major hacker threats: Recover lost passwords and intercept information.Obstruct encrypted data and attack SSL sessions as well as how to hide files using kernel modules. How to handle overflow attacks and recognize remote attacks.Identify application attacks, like string attacks and overwriting.Build network security and exploiting the ICMP protocol. Identify the operating system, netfilter and security systems.Secure your own system with scanners, detection and patches. Prepare for attacks on operating systems: Entering via back door stealth attacks, kernel-level errors, and shellcodes.After taking this course, you will have the required information, training materials and professional practice environment to implement proven hacking techniques. Youll possess the tools necessary to test the security and vulnerability of your own computer or computer system, and you will have the required information, training materials, community, and professional practice environment to implement proven hacking techniques. If you are a beginner, don't worry. You will understand all the techniques during your training. Ready to join us? We heartily invite you to join our community. You are welcome here. We will teach you the proven hacking techniques and we will provide you with all the required information, training materials and professional practice environment. We guarantee your 100% satisfaction or you will get your money back. You have 30 days to decide if the Hacking School training is for you. You will get access to the whole system. If for any reason you're not satisfied with your training, we will give you full refund. No questions asked. Does it seem fair to you? We wish you the best,Andrew Harper Hacking School Team "
Price: 99.99

"Visual Basic for Excel - Microsoft VBA Excel Tutorial" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. In this Visual Basic for Excel training course, you will learn how to apply the VBA programming language to make your Excel spreadsheets much more powerful. This course starts you out with the basics of VB programming, and teaches you to use it to its fullest potential within Excel.The tutorial extends your knowledge past editing odd Macro, directly into creating custom scripts using the VBA Programming Language. This Visual Basic for Excel tutorial will teach you about VBA structures, the difference between Functions and Subroutines, how to manipulate Excel Cells, interacting with the user and very importantly, error handling. Designed for the beginner, you do not have to be a programmer already to understand, and implement what you will learn in this software training course. By the conclusion of this Visual Basic for Excel training course, you will be familiar with the VBA programming language, as it applies to Microsoft Excel. You will be able to apply this knowledge to make interactive and fully functional spreadsheets. Working files are included to let you work alongside the author as you learn Visual Basic for Microsoft Excel in this video tutorial."
Price: 49.99

"How to Shoot Portraits on a Budget with Off-Camera Flash" |
"Here's what you'll learn in this video series Learn how you can save money and take amazing photos with off-camera flash—the new, easy, inexpensive, portable way to take professional photos without expensive studio gear! Discover the four crucial, inexpensive pieces of equipment you need to get the flash off your camera (and don't worry, if you don't have a flash yet, I'll tell you which kind to buy to avoid over-spending) Watch me go through 4 photo shoots with live models, revealing all my off-camera flash secrets. Learn advanced techniques using multiple flashes, colored filters, reflectors, and other optional equipment, for creating photos that make viewers say "Wow!" Watch over my shoulder as I edit the photos in post-production, adjusting them to look their best. Learn from my mistakes! I show you the reality of each shoot, including what goes right and what goes wrong and how to fix it. Discover the foolproof 4-Step-Formula for choosing the perfect ISO, Shutter, and Aperture for your flash photos. Never wonder what to do in "M" mode again! Plus you get two additional bonus videos if you sign up right now Outdoor Portriaits Using a Reflector The Glam-Blur Technique for Portrait Retouching These bonuses are offered for a limited time and can't be guaranteed if you wait until later to register. RECENT CUSTOMER COMMENTS "Your videos are fantastic—the perfect balance between technical detail and simple explanation. I especially appreciate your shopping tips and reviews of the various products that are available, as that can be pretty overwhelming. Thanks so much!" — Beth M., Olympia Washington "I've been a pro landscape photographer for around 5 years now and am moving into the portrait and wedding market. I soon realized that my knowledge of flash and how to best utilise it was pretty none existant. Until i came accross your videos! I've learned more in 4 or 5 videos than all the photography books i've read. Thanks, Phil, for advancing my photography in a matter of minutes which would normally have taken weeks!" —Martin Sanderson, Carlisle, England "I just finished watching your speedlight class and I had to tell you how much I enjoyed it! As an instructor, I see a lot of this sort of material, and so much of it misses the mark. But yours offers useful, real-world information without the useful fluff. It's great to see such a clear and concise discussion. Home run, Phil! — Michael Corsentino—Award Winning Photographer and Author of the Canon Speedlite Digital Field Guide"
Price: 44.99

"Public Speaking, presentations - painless and powerful" |
"Learn how to enjoy giving business presentations and public speaking - and captivate your audience Giving a presentation is one of those things you just cant escape these days. And for most people its a painful experience. This course is dedicated to them. Its also dedicated to anyone who has got past the I hate doing presentations... I hate public speaking' phase to the How do I become a stellar performer? Over the years, Len Smith has given literally thousands of presentations, across Europe and North America. Everything from small boardroom sessions to theatre-style multilingual roadshows. In this course he reveals all. Even if you are already a proficient speaker, you will almost certainly benefit from learning some of the techniques that can add power to any presentation. You will discover: how to project ideas with confidence a simple, proven structure that works every time controlling panic and using nerves timing - how to pace a talk and stay within time handling questions with ease turning round an unresponsive or hostile audience easy ways to maintain interest brain death - how to cope with every speaker's worst fear covert rehearsal - eliminating the pain ensuring your visual aids really do add impact Anatomy lesson We look at the anatomy of a successful presentation. You will learn a simple structure that will cover the requirements of almost any business presentation you will ever have to give. A structure that can enable you to prepare a presentation in minutes. And remember, a speaker working to a structure, a speaker who at all times knows where they are going, is a confident speaker. Len has trained speakers from start-ups to family businesses and multinationals. His style is lively, entertaining and very engaging. He has presented on BBCs Executive Business Channel, as well as producing presentations for organizations such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, IBM, Welcome and Pharma Systems."
Price: 89.99

"Niche Marketing made EASY" |
"In my Niche Marketing class you will discover how a streamlined niche marketing strategy will help you to grow your customer base who is ready to buy from you. It doesn't matter if you sell products or services.To succeed in promoting your business, it is important that you do not waste your marketing budget on unfruitful exercises. You do not want to waste your marketing efforts on the wrong people, especially those people who could not afford your product or services, or even those who would not buy your service or product anyway no matter how hard you may try.Many people mistakenly believe that marketing any type of business means having to pay for online or newspaper adverts and the buyers will come and buy. While this would be fantastic, in reality though this approach just doesn't work long time, if at all. And before you come to realise this, your marketing budget will be depleated and you will come to the realisation that your 'business has failed'.It's time to rethink your approach and accept the fact that whatever you offer, products or services, will only appeal to a defined niche market. Let's say you are selling apples, then anyone who doesn't like apples will not buy from you, even though they may have seen your advert. This is the dilemma you need to address, which is done through targeted advertising to a niche market - ultimately the market in which you operate.My niche marketing class is full of valuable tips and advice which makes it easy for everyone to develop a marketing strategy that works and which helps to grow your customer base and business as a whole.I also share with you the 5-step niche marketing method which includes:Identifying and targeting your niche marketHow to find your niche marketCollecting testimonialsHow to create niche marketing materials for your businessWays of how to contact your niche marketRemember: Niche Marketing does not need to be scary or difficult.All you need to do is to put into practice what you have learned."
Price: 24.99

"Visual Basic for Microsoft Access Tutorial" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. In this software training course from InfiniteSkills, you will learn how to use Visual Basic with Microsoft Access. Knowing how to use Visual Basic with Microsoft Access gives you greater control of your Access forms and design. You will start with an introduction to VBA and the VBA editor, how to navigate and use the tools available to you to write VBA code. You will explore variables and constants, functions, sub routines, arrays and other VBA constructs. This video based training will teach you to use VBA for data manipulation, create and use recordsets, controlling objects, create and use dialog and message boxes, debugging, and creating error messages. Finally, you will learn to protect your VBA programs. By the completion of this training video, you will be comfortable with using Visual Basic for Access to exert greater control over your Microsoft Access forms and databases. Working Files are included to allow you to work alongside the author in this video tutorial."
Price: 49.99

"Android Programming for the Absolute Beginner" |
"In this beginning Android course you will learn everything you will need to start developing your very own android apps, which you can sell in the play store and start making money! The course is taught in a walk-through fashion by developing our own app and explaining a new key component in each video. The course will take anywhere from 5-15 hours depending on how comfortable you are with the new material of each lesson. Subscribe and go from zero to hero. Take this Android beginners course now and learn how to write android apps and start making money."
Price: 19.99

"Scala for Java Developers: Transition Up!" |
"This class shows you how to easily transition up from Java to Scala. Not only will you be shown the basics of Scala, but you will also see how you can integrate the Java -> Scala transition in your daily work-flow. There is no need to abandon the existing Java code base completely, this class will show you a) the basics of Scala, and b) how to transition smoothly, painlessly, and guarantee you a soft landing as a Java programmer in Scala. Over 2.5 hours in 8 lectures, and we're expanding and adding new material based on students' feedback!"
Price: 29.99

"Real Pilates 7 Day Core Strength & Stamina Transformation" |
"Real Pilates is hard-core training that will change your body from theinside out. By teaching you to work out smarter, this online pilates class will build afoundation you can use to transform your entire approach to exercise and shape,sculpt and strengthen your entire body. Experience this core program, designedto address each part of you from large muscle group to small and also challengeyour mind to become part of the new body you are about to build. Whether youare new to Pilates or just want to reinvent your practice, this Real Pilates is the perfect wayto reset your fitness routine. Welcome to Real Pilates."
Price: 19.99

"Win Them Over with Web Video Part 2" |
"This is the most comprehensive Web Video Production course to follow up with the free overview. WIN 'EM OVER WITH WEB VIDEO PART 2: Stand Out and Move Up in Search Engine Results with Effective Web Video (HOW TO PREVENT A RAIN OUT ON YOUR FIELD OF DREAMS WITH WEB VIDEO): This is a beginner-friendly course for busy professionals who want to learn how to create effective web video AND boost their search engine optimization efforts. Students will learn the basics of web video production and search engine optimization. This course provides video, screen records, and sample files for busy professionals who want the most essential information presented to them in a manner that can be quickly and easily digested and applied in under a half day (4 hours). After successful completion, students will learn video production and SEO for Video basics. The course instructor is Kamala Appel, aka "the key" in KEA Productions. She has produced numerous documentary-style web videos for small business owners and non-profit organizations since 2002. Ms. Appel worked in Hollywood in licensing at Universal Studios and Business Affairs at International Creative Management (ICM) and in programming at the Sundance Film Festival. She is a graduate of Yale University and where earned a BA in American Studies with a concentration in Film Studies and USC's School of Cinema-Television, now Cinematic Arts, where she earned her Master's degree. She is also a certified SEO Practitioner. "What I love most about producing videos for small business owners and nonprofits is the opportunity to work with passionate professionals who are experts in their field. I feel very fortunate to be able to use my skills as a visual storyteller to help others. Unfortunately, I am not able to help every worthy business owner out there because not everyone can afford to hire a professional like myself to produce a video for them. That is why I decided to develop a course that could empower more businesses, start ups, and nonprofits compete and share their passion with the world." Ms. Appel has been a faculty member at a number of accredited offline colleges throughout the State of California. As an experienced film and multimedia instructor, she takes into consideration the three main learning styles: aural (listening- you can listen to the modules), visual (you can watch the videos with images that will hopefully stay with you), and kinetic (movement- you can exercise your kinetic learning style by taking notes and doing the quizzes). In addition to the modules or short training videos, there are samples and screen recordings * (Including FinalCut Pro and After FX demos) for all three stages: pre-production or planning, production or shooting, and post-production or editing; so that you can follow along throughout the process. To further your learning experience, there is an interactive coaching program that complements the e-learning course and supplementary materials. During the coaching calls we will delve more deeply into the materials with scenarios and go over the quizzes. Questions can be answered live and students can participate in interviews with other industry experts. As someone who has purchased this Web Video Production course, you get your first month's membership for free. So if you are a busy professional and you want to be able to have access to the information you need to take your business or organization to the next level with web video and SEO for video basics, then this is the course for you. If you want to positively persuade your target audience, your bottom line, and boost your SEO efforts, then again, this course is for you. Again, this is an accelerated course so that you can get through the materials in a manageable way while trying to stay sane throughout your busy life. Please note: The first several video modules are free to allow you to preview the style. These opening videos give students a chance to learn some history and the general philosophy that will influence the core content. The "meat" of the course is only available to paid subscribers who want to invest further in their online marketing efforts. TEMPORARY PRICE CUT in honor of 49ers winning season- sign up now and save over $100. </p>"
Price: 34.99

"Pro Tools 10 Tutorial - Makes Learning Pro Tools Easy" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. In this Pro Tools 10 video training course, expert Joe Godfrey takes you through the ins and outs of composing, mixing and editing with this powerful audio production software. This tutorial is designed for the beginner; no previous Pro Tools experience is required. You will learn from the ground up, building on what you are taught from chapter to chapter, until you are comfortable using the tools and techniques available to you. In this training course, you will work with the spoken word, apply sound effects, work with music tracks, and explore sound design. You will create music, work with video, as well as learn the Pro Tools interface, and about DSP (digital sound processing) concepts. This video tutorial also covers workflow tips, and techniques for saving and archiving your files. You will learn through the application of these tools in real, in-software, examples - this is not simply a video version of the Pro Tools manual! By the completion of this video tutorial for Pro Tools 10, you will be capable of creating, editing and sharing music tracks created in this powerful, industry standard software for audio professionals. Working files are included to allow you to work alongside the author throughout the training."
Price: 49.99

"Learning CSS" |
"Note: This CSS Course covers CSS 2.0/2.1 and requires a working knowledge of HTML/XHTML. You can learn HTML/XHTML free by subscribing to my course HTML Workshop. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used for describing the look and feel of an HTML/XHTML document. CSS is designed primarily to separate the document structure [HTML/XTHML markup] from the document presentation such as layout, colors, and fonts. Advantages of using CSS can be: Improving content accessibility. Providing a high level of flexibility to control the presentation of the WebPages. Enabling to share formatting information among multiple pages easily. Reducing the complexity to develop and maintain large websites and web applications. Helping markup to be rendered on multiple devices like a computer screen, smart phones and tablets. Understanding CSS can be your "Second Step" in the roadmap of learning the overall web design or development process. The CSS Training has been crafted to make you understand: What is CSS? Different CSS properties How to apply CSS on different HTML elements? </p>"
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Thesis" |
"This course shows you how to write a thesis that is research-driven, regardless of major, with simple, step-by-step instructions and exercises. No need to buy an expensive textbook. Save time and money!"
Price: 24.99

"Outsource Expert: Find Great Freelancers for your Projects" |
"Do you have an idea for a great new mobile app and need someone to build it for you? Are you looking for a web designer to redo your website? Are there features you would like someone to add to your website? This course on Outsourcing Web & App Development will teach you how to get on these Outsourcing Steps done by experts for a fraction of what it would normally cost you locally!</p>"
Price: 44.99

"Logo, Header and Image Basics for Online Business/Wordpress" |
"Familiar with these stopping pointsin launching or updating your website? "I need a header, still waiting on my graphic designer" "I don't have a logo yet, I'm working on that" "My sales page has no graphics, my website is bland..."These all seem like graphic designerthings that cost $100-1000 each, but let's cut the crap, you need tolaunch, now... this WordPress for Designerscourse is about the tactics to get you a working logo, header, and sales pageimages so you can move beyond that "stuck" point, WITHOUT agraphic designer, and without tons of time invested. In this WordPress forDesigners course we will learn WordPress tips and tricks and how-to instruction in the form of resourceful websites,text and video instruction that will be invaluable as an online entrepreneur.This course will erase the excusethat you MUST have a graphic designer to move forward.</p></p></p>"
Price: 34.99
