"Improv your Agile or Scrum Stand-up" |
"Stop having daily status meetings! My name is Todd Charron, and I'm an Agile Coach and an Improvisor. Most Agile and Scrum stand-up meetings are boring, lifeless, status meetings that don't provide any real value. In this stand up meeting course I'll teach you Agile & Scrum Standup Meeting Rules and how to take that status meeting and turn it into a collaboration meeting where everyone is listening, working together and engaged."
Price: 24.99

"Meditation For The Soul" |
"I've just started your course on Udemy, it's one of the best meditation courses I have done. Thank you for making it so accessible. Namaste. x""- H Wen GohWould you like to experience a feeling of inner peace and a more loving relationship with yourself and others? Then join me for this magical 10 week meditation program.Yoga teacher and Radical Transformational Therapist Teagan Fea and music composer Angel Sananda will take you on an incredible Meditation journey for 10 weeks, a journey that could change your life.Are you aching to connect with yourself and do you want to be nourished and nurtured emotionally, mentally and spiritually?Now you can. Most people I meet feel a deep need to connect more fully with themselves. They find it difficult however because of their commitments. They may find time to catch a yoga class or go to the gym however they still feel that they are rushing from one thing to the next.Learn to find peace and stillness in every day.My yoga teacher once told me that life is about relationships. She was right. But the fundamental relationship we don't focus on is our relationship to self. When we spend time in spiritual practice on a daily basis, we nurture the soul, our creativity and ultimately our relationships with others. We learn to experience a level of peace that is so fulfilling it profoundly changes our lives.This Program Includes...10 MP3 meditations10 videos & supporting PDFsDaily reflectionsEach week you will listen to an MP3 meditation. Each meditation is between 15-25 minutes long. You will also have access to supporting information including videos and PDFs and details about the practice for that day.The topics covered over the 10 weeks are as follows: Week 1: Letting go Week 2: Balancing the energy centres Week 3: Breath awareness Week 4: Embodied awareness Week 5: Connecting with the heart Week 6: Developing presence Week 7: Connecting with the divine feminine Week 8: Connection with the divine masculine Week 9: Intergrating both sides of your nature Week 10: Cultivating joy and abundance Each day you will receive an intention to focus on for that day. The intention will help to keep you in the retreat zone.Here's what others say about this program:""I hope you do this program again because I would really love to recommend it to people. I would love to do more of this sort of work, so I hope you continue. I loved that it was so easy to access and brought new awareness and joy to my life. Great! Thank you so much for your support throughout the ten weeks"" LC Melbourne, Australia""What a beautiful way to start the morning! Thank you so much for creating this. It happened just at the moment when I started to waiver back into old mean habits."" GC Perth, AustraliaNB: Because meditation is a component of this retreat, and we are using visualization, if you have a mental health condition please check with your doctor to see if this is appropriate for you. Teagan Fea does not accept any liability for injury caused by undertaking this retreat.</p>"
Price: 49.99

"Advanced C++ Programming Training Course" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Course Duration: 6.5 Hours - 80 Lessons About This Course In this Advanced C++ training course, expert trainer, author and developer Professor McMillan teaches you advanced tools and techniques for developing programs with C++. This tutorial continues where Professor McMillan left off with the Beginners Learning C++ training course from Infinite Skills. You jump right in to the training with a review of Inheritance. You will learn advanced topics in this training course such as Polymorphism, creating templates, working with exception handling, stream input/output management, associative containers, algorithms, stacks, queues and binary trees, different search and sort methods, namespaces and working with advanced string class methods. By the completion of this advanced training course for C++, you will have an in-depth understanding of how to apply advanced programming techniques to achieve your software development needs. Working files are included to allow you to learn using the same files that the author using in this video training course for C++ About Infinte Skills InfiniteSkills is an innovator in the field of technology computer software training. The firm's progressive approach teaches complex topics by focusing on task-oriented training.This allows users to intuitively grasp a wide range of skills they can seamlessly integrate into their daily workflow. This Advanced C++ course is just one course from the huge selection of training videos offered by Infinite Skills"
Price: 49.99

"American Accent Training for IT Professionals" |
"What you will learn in your American Accent for IT Professionals courseThis courseis designed forIT professionals who want to communicate clearly in American English.developersprogrammersenterprise architectsconsultantsThe course vocabulary is customized for the IT workplace.Relevant vocabularyIn thecourse I've recordedthe lessons that have worked most effectively with the IT professionals I've worked within my coaching program.You'll learn to pronounce 120+ IT vocabulary words clearly & correctlyYou'll learn to pronounce IT industry sentences with a clear & engaging paceYou'll learn rules & patterns for speech that's easy for Americans to understandImmediate applicationSince you'll be learning to say words and sentences that are relevant to the IT industry including:developerprogrammerenterprisedatabasealgorithmThis means thatyou'll be able to practice and applythe rules you'll learn in this course right away.DeliveryLessons are delivered usingvideo, PDF and audio files. I'm continually making updates to the course. I'll notify you when new lessons are posted.Video case studiesThe video case studies that you'll use in this course are powerful way for you to learn exactly how IT industry leaders including:Steve JobsVic GundotraVideo case studies are downloadable lessons. Course timelineAccent change takes time and LOTS ofrepetition. I recommend that you take each lesson at least three times. MORE is even better!However, you must practice the words in each lesson more than once in order to internalize the rules and patterns for speaking clear American English.You will not ""lose your accent"" by taking this course.Proven methodsThese are the very same lessons that I use with my private clients, so I know they work.If you're an IT professional who wants to learn the FUNDAMENTAL RULES for clearAmerican English communication, I know that you'll be really excited by content in this course.Let's get started!Susan Ryan"
Price: 49.99

"WordPress for Wedding Photographers" |
"Are you a wedding photographer that wants to have a better looking website? Or, a website that you own and can make changes whenever you want without having to pay someone and wait for all the changes to be made? Well, you can take control of your website with this training course on Wordpress for Photographers. These videos are also great for anyone who works in the wedding industry. Youll be able to create your own website and customize it the way YOU want. Ill show you How to Make a Photography Website and easily change the design of your website in a few simple clicks. "
Price: 49.99

"How To Build An Online Business Using Wordpress" |
"This course will Guide to using Wordpress for Business and you will Learn How to Start an Online Business.</p>"
Price: 24.99

"A Beginners Guide To Setting Up A WordPress Blog" |
"Starting a Wordpress blog might be an amazing experience for someone new to the field. In this course, you will learn Setting Up Wordpress and How to Start a Wordpress Blog."
Price: 24.99

"Final Cut Pro 7 from Scratch: Become a Great Video Editor" |
"Student lands job after taking this course - read more here. In this beginning editing course, professional video editor and educational technology guru Phil Ebiner takes you through the basic skills using Final Cut Pro. If you are using another editing software, this course will still be beneficial as the content is universal. Here is what you'll be covering: Story and Editing Final Cut Basics Importing Video Editing Basics Sound Color Correction Titles Special Effects Transitions Green Screen Exporting Landing a Job and more! Even if you aren't using Final Cut Pro, you should take this course to learn the basics of editing. Phil Ebiner teaches everything you need to know to create a great video for your business, documentary, music video, feature length film, short narrative, etc. Learn from someone who is currently working in the industry, who knows the most current editing techniques, and who has a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Television Production from one of the country's top film schools. I look forward to teaching you! Let me know if you have any questions."
Price: 99.99

"Take Inventory of Your Self & Gain Authentic Self-Knowledge" |
"Take a journey inside of yourself to gain a level of self-knowledge that is priceless. When you have clarity about who you are it is easier to live a purposeful and joyful life. This class will assist you to know yourself in ways you may not have considered. You will gain new perspectives that will broaden your view of your life and your possibilities. Learn about the nine dimensions of authenticity and the three pillars that define your authentic voice. Get ready to accelerate your life with a level of joy that provides clarity, confirmation and the courage to truly be you. Enjoy!Take the Authenticity Assessment prior to watching Lesson #1 by going to this link: http://www.AuthenticityAssessment.comDownload the Authenticity Assessment and use it throughout the lessons at this link: http://www.normahollis.com/authassess.pdf"
Price: 34.99

"Career Mind Mastery: Interview Success Blueprint" |
"Career Mind Mastery: Learn How to Face an Interview - Your performance in the interview is all that stands between you and the role you want. The good news is that once you know the blueprint for Interview Success, making a great impression and nailing the interview is much easier than you think. In this course I'll uncover our step-by-step blueprint for Interview Success, no matter what job you're going for, no matter who the interviewer is and no matter what questions they ask. Take this ultimate Career Mind Mastery course and learn how to face an interview. Photo by Kieran Doherty - http://www.kierandoherty.com/ 2012 Kieran Doherty Photography"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe InDesign CS6 Tutorial - Beginners to Advanced Training" |
"This Adobe InDesign CS6 training course from O'Reilly Media teaches you how to use this powerful digital and print layout software. With the introduction of amazing new digital layout features, InDesign CS6 really is the industry standard when it comes to not only traditional media layouts, but also EPUB and other digital standards. Starting with the absolute basics, this course assumes you have no prior knowledge in InDesign. This video based training begins with how to setup preferences and work in the InDesign interface. You will learn how to start you layout and begin adding text and objects to your design. As you continue on you cover features such as formatting your text, working with tables and graphics, adding color and effects, and even making your layout interactive. Finally you cover eBooks and how InDesign can expedite creating your EPUB publications, as well as publishing or printing your layouts. By the time you have completed this computer based training course for Adobe InDesign CS6 you will have a deep understanding on how to utilize the powerful tools and techniques available to you in this software to create your own high-quality layouts. Working files are included to allow you to work with the same files that the author uses throughout the training course. </p>"
Price: 49.99

"How to Bring the Right Business Ideas to Life" |
"This is a 90-minute course, broken into 10 lectures. There are 4 accompanying PDFs full of resources for your use to create your multiple streams of income. You will learn which of your ideas, experiences and opinions have merit and can easily be transformed into a residual income opportunity for you. Youll learn how close Insta-Cash really is and how to tap into it. After you go through the Idea Fest and Insta-Cash lectures, youll see the potential profit centers that you can tap into. Using your Self-Inventory information, youll be able to identify the things that you can do to start flowing more money to you instantly. Side note: Our video editor, just doing some fact checking while publishing this course for us, ended up making over $200 by following one lead. Its just that easy... EJ Thornton & John Clark Craig have written dozens of books between them and helped hundreds of authors realize their dreams. After teaching those authors how to capitalize on the income streams that are generated from having a book project, they realized that you dont have to have a book project to capitalize on this money. You just have to have an idea. Using their real-life experience as a case study, theydemonstratehow quickly and easily anyone can start creating their own new paychecks. They then ask you to compare your life experiences with theirs, so that you realize how much you have to offer this world. Then they give you the tools to start mining your own money."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo tener una Web Efectiva en tu Empresa y Posicionarla" |
"Este es el objetivo del curso de 1 hora que hoy quiero poner a vuestra disposicin para hacer crecer vuestro negocio en Internet.Ahora puedes hacer que todo cambie y comenzar a usar Internet de manera que consigas ms trfico, ms potenciales clientes y ms ventas"
Price: 24.99

"Breathing Made Easy - To Manage Stress and Reduce Anxiety" |
"Join our community of over 1900 students learning to manage stress better! Umm, I think I already know how to breathe. Yes, almost certainly. And you also know that when you are stressed or anxious your breathing changes. These shifts can feed forward and produce additional symptoms of stress, including lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pressure, a tendency to increase muscle tension, and paresthesias (numbness and tingling in the extremities). The stress response developed to help us cope with marauding tigers, but it also switches on when we're confronted with an angry boss, screaming kids, orthat lookfrom our partner. It produces changes in various parts of our body that we're not used to controlling directly. It would be great to have a handle we could use to ramp stress down - something influenced by stress but over which we also have clear conscious control. That handle is proper breathing. This course provides instruction in four-stage breathing, an exercise designed to activate the diaphragm, enhance awareness of the distinction between diaphragmatic and intercostal breathing, and provide a strategy you can use to enhance your control over the stress response. You'll start out practicing when you're calm and relaxed, then use it in gradually more difficult situations, until you can practice in the middle of that challenging business meeting - and no one will be the wiser. You'll get a series of twelve brief lectures, plus downloadable PDF text material on diaphragmatic breathing exercises and how to link your practice to stressful situations. 30 Day Guarantee: Not sure? You don't have to be. We have a 30-day complete money back guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 59.99

"Dreamweaver CS6 Training - Tutorials Created By Experts" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.About This CourseIn this training course for Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, expert author Andy Anderson introduces you this top notch web editing software from Adobe. Whether you are new to Dreamweaver, or have used it before, Andy will show you how to get the most out of Dreamweaver to create amazing web pages!Starting with the basics, Andy shows you step-by-step how to use Dreamweaver. You begin with a tour of Dreamweaver and its interface, and how to setup the software to make web design easier. Once you have that down, this tutorial will show you how to add text, create links, add pictures, style your content and layout, add tables and work with forms. You will learn about working with behaviours, how to use Spry, templates, libraries and snippets, how to edit in code view, and how to add and work with multimedia.By the completion of this computer based training video for Dreamweaver CS6, you will be familiar with the tools and techniques at your fingertips, to create incredible websites. Working files are included with this training video, to allow you to learn alongside the author with the same files that he is using to teach with!</p>"
Price: 49.99

"Yoga For Insomnia: The 4-week Cure" |
"There is a sleep crisis in this country. Insomnia is an epidemic affecting millions of people. Yoga is a natural solution to the stress and anxiety that feeds insomnia. Yoga is a perfect antidote to sleeplessness precisely because it is so deeply soothing and relaxing for both the body and the mind. In this simple yet effective Yoga for Insomnia course you will learn how to overcome insomnia with yoga which is designed and taught by Eddie Marashian, one of the top yoga instructors in Los Angeles. Eddie is an expert at demystifying yoga so that all people can receive the benefits of this ancient healing practice. In this course you will receive:4 Motivational talks providing insight, inspiration, food for thought and positive intentions3 Routines of Yoga posesAM, PM and Chair (perfect if you are injured, out of shape or stuck at the office)2 Calming breath exercises4 Healing, guided meditations4 Audio sleep-time relaxations2 Schedules--full and short--depending on the amount of time you can spend each dayI designed this Yoga for Insomnia course for anyone who has trouble sleeping. You dont have to be flexible or physically fit in order to subscribe to learn how to overcome insomnia with yoga, and complete beginners are most welcome. If you can't dedicate 1 hour per day, I've also included a short version of the course that will only take 10-20 minutes. To be successful in this course, all you need is a desire to heal your insomnia and the commitment to follow through. Here's how it works: In the full schedule, each day you will:Start with a motivational talk (5 min.)Practice a basic routine of yoga poses to relax your body (15-20 min.)Pause for a centering breath exercise before dinner (10-15 min.)Follow a guided meditation before you get into bed (10 min.)Listen to a sleep-time relaxation as you fall asleep (15-20 min)In the short schedule, each day you will: Choose one segment from the full routine to practice (5-15 min) Listen to a sleep-time relaxation as you fall asleep (15-20 min) You can change your life in 4 weeks! I believe in your potential to heal. Are you willing to give yoga a try? Ill be right here with you, supporting you each step of the way. Namaste, Eddie"
Price: 19.99

"How to get a new job in 30 days (or get a refund)" |
"Feb 2018Update: Over 11,900 people have now taken this course, securing the job of their dreams. Some even at places like IBM.Stop trying to figure all this stuff out on your own, let me show you step by step, how to find and secure a better job!My mission is simpleI will teach you how get a new job within 30 days of purchasing this course. Or get your money back.Don't believe me?Here's what people are saying about this course:""I got THREE job offers after taking this course"" - Elizabeth Arata McLean""Andrew is just an amazing guy, he is very engaged and honest. The lessons are well prepared and I enjoyed the way he explains things"" - Carlos Becerra""The Holy Grail of Job Interview - Just got the offer, thanks Andrew! I got the job and position I dreamed of for years"" - Jae Vernon Aquino""I'm an HR professional, have hired hundreds of people over the years and think this is one of the most clear and informative pieces I've seen on the topic"" - Susan OlsenSo let's start with the facts...FACT #1 - It's still a crappy economy out there and good jobs are hard to come by.FACT #2 - There is a huge amount of competition for the jobs that do come up.FACT #3 - You're sick of applying for job after job, without hearing anything backFACT #4 - You're fed up with people saying things like It's not what you know, it's who you know""FACT #5 - You know you want a new job, but you feel bad for not figuring it out"" yetOver the last five years I have been working in and around this small, yet critical area of career development. I've worked with long term unemployed people, I've interviewed recruitment managers and specialists, I've coached and mentored corporate managers and I've seen pretty much everything there is to see on both sides of the interview desk. I've even published a book on the subject of Military personnel make the transition to civilian life!Over this time, I have seen thousands of Resumes/CV's, I've observed the major mistakes that bright, intelligent people make in interviews, I've trained countless corporate managers on the selection and filtering process for candidates and now, in one place, I've created a system that you can easily follow to get you a new job in 30 days - or your money back.Bold claim huh!So what's inside this course?In this course you will:Follow a system where you take advantage of the hidden job marketCreate a killer Resume/CV and cover letter that will WOW the employerPrepare for the job interview in systematic way, that will beat the competition almost every timePrepare for your interviews with 10 different mock interviewsDevelop an ability to handle the most difficult job interview questions with easeLearn how to negotiate salary/pay related questions in a cool, non sucky wayBoost your confidence and communication skills for every application you go forLand a new job in 30 days (or your money back).This course is specifically targeted at:People who hate their job and need to get a new one fastPeople who want a job that pays more moneyPeople who want to work for a better company with better conditionsPeople who want to take the next step in their career in a new rolePeople who want to change sectors/industriesPeople who are ready to work for what they want, but need a guide to followThis course is not suitable for:People who want a quick fix without putting any effort inPeople who aren't prepared to watch the entire course and make notesPeople who will put this off for a few weeks. The 30 day money back guarantee starts from the date of purchase.People who are not qualified or experienced to pursue the job they want (This is the wrong course to take. Improve your skills and experience first, and then come back)If you think this course is for you, then go ahead and click Take This Course"" and I'll see you on the other side.If you're still undecided about purchasing this course, then think about this.You take this course and you get a new job in 30 days. Winner.You take this course and you DON'T get a new job in 30 days. Get a full, no questions asked refund, anytime within the first 30 days of purchase.You like the idea of this course , but don't believe it'll work Check out some of the reviews that other satisfied people have left for this course. Over 85% of the reviews are 5 stars. FIVE STARS. And if 85% of my clients are wrong - Ask for a refund!You like the course, but you aren't sure about the instructorSearch for me on twitter and say hi. Let me convince you to purchase this course in person.Here is a recent review from 25th June 2015 by Elizabeth:""I was under qualified for the job - but got the offer anyway!This course helped me to prepare for the question that would be asked and how I should answer them. Andrew doesn't provide the answers, that info comes from your own experience. For me this was more about the body language and tone of confidence that interviewers are looking for. I have told so many people about this course. I got three job offers after taking this course! I actually enjoy the interview process now instead of being nervous! Thank you Andrew this course exceeded my expectations!""..........................................................................................................................................C'mon, let's make your life better in the next 30 days - click on the blue button that says Take This Course""Remember: The clock starts the day you purchase this course. A full no questions asked"" money back guarantee is in place as part of Udemy's terms and conditions, upto 30 days after you purchase the course. If you purchase this course and sit on it for three months before starting it, the money back guarantee does not apply. And you won't have a new job - duh!"
Price: 74.99

"Success Beyond Sales" |
"Online Sales Training Program: SuccessBeyond Sales course Description:This Online Sales Training Program is about theunprecedented success beyond the normal sales dynamic. The innovation captures the cutting edge innovations fromtransformational empowerment. Your ability to succeed in all areas is built onyour ability to persuade, influence and enroll people into your ideas, projects,and most importantly into you! The successyou will know in your love life, in money, in career, as a parent and all areasdepends on this ability to enroll and influence. All sales occur at the momentone has a direct experience of the value. This breakthrough is assisting peopleto experience their dreams. Learn toquickly and skillfully connect your product or service to their dreams orvisions. In every area of your lifewhere you want specific results, there will be an enrollment conversation thatcould bring you those results. Yet, thereis a specific place within the sales conversation where you will stop. Where youwill back down, shut down, back away, dance around it, go unconscious and putyour head in the sand. This all boilsdown to the following: The only thing between you and your dreams is theconversations that you DONT WANT to have! Have them, and success is now available. This powerful breakthrough will ignite the gift you are to your business,your loved ones and your legacy!Take this Online Sales Training Program andincrease your sales.</p>"
Price: 74.99

"QuickBooks Pro 2012 Training the Easy Way" |
"Learn how to manage your business's finances using this popular small business accounting software.During this QuickBooks Pro 2012 video training course, learn to use QuickBooks to manage your business's finances. Your certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor trainer will show how to create accounts to organizing customer, vendor, and item records. Discover how to setup QuickBooks Pro 2012 for the first time, pay employees, create reports, reconcile, work with sales tax, setup inventory, receive payments, and much more. This course is designed to be an introduction to the features offered by QuickBooks Pro 2012. This is not an accounting course. Each business and home financial situation is unique, with different procedures required in response to various rules, laws and policies. Please consult your accountant, employer, QuickBooks ProAdvisor or other appropriate expert with regard to specific requirements or guidelines.All of our videos are high-definition videos, therefore, they arebest viewed with the HD setting on, and the videos enlarged. body p { font-size: 24px; }"
Price: 99.99

"Photoshop Flyer Design Secrets" |
"The idea behind Photoshop Flyer Design Secrets is simple. You will learn how to use Photoshop to create designs that people pay for. The goal is to teach you how to use the tools to create the designs that you want to create.You will learn how to use Photoshops Tools, Menus, and Layers to create designs for print and web. You're going to learn the importance of image resolution and how to make designs of all sizes, from business card size up to poster size with ease. You will also learn how to use Photoshop's powerful selection tools to make accurate selections around complex images, even hair!This course contains video tutorials on how to use the tools and interface as well as a special section on how to create accurate selections in your images. Students will also learn how to use Photoshops "Color Modes" and how to make sure documents are "Print Ready".In addition to the basic tutorials there are also several design walk-throughs in which the student gets to virtually look over the teacher's shoulder as he creates designs from scratch! You'll get to take advantage of the instructors 18 years of experience using Photoshop as a design tool.As a paid student of the course you will receive the Flyer Design Secrets Revealed Industry Guide E-Book that is full of tips, tricks and resources for Photoshop designers, and includes: Wholesale printing resources, Tips on finding images and illustrations, Learning how to use the right fonts, Understanding printers marks "The Money Making Flyer Design Formula" that will teach you how to make a profit on every flyer you design for others!"
Price: 39.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Tutorial - MasterClass Training" |
"About This Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 tutorialIn this training course for Adobe Premiere CS6, expert author Jeff Sengstack introduces you to the powerful tools that are available to you in this video editing software from Adobe. Designed for the beginner, this Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 tutorial begins with the basics, and gradually teaches you everything you need to do to create high-quality video projects.You begin by learning what a video production workflow actually is, and how you are going to utilize this. You will learn about non-linear editing, and how to setup Premiere Pro to suit your own needs. As you progress through this computer based training course, you will learn how to create projects, edit them, add video and audio transitions, and even add video effects. Jeff introduces you to other editing concepts such as color correction, compositing, effect animation, adding titles and graphics, working with audio and much much more! Of course, you will also learn how to export and share your projects with the world. By the conclusion of this video based Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 tutorial, you will be comfortable creating visual masterpieces with your own video using the powerful non-linear tools that Premiere provides for you. Working files are included to allow you to work alongside the author throughout this Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 tutorial. "
Price: 49.99

"WordPress for Your Wedding Business" |
"Are you a wedding professional that wants create a better looking wedding website? Or, a website that you own and can make changes whenever you want without having to pay someone and wait for all the changes to be made? Well, you can take control of your Wordpress wedding website with this Create Wedding Website training course. These videos are great for anyone who works in the wedding industry. Youll be able to create wedding website on your own and customize it the way YOU want. Ill even show you how to easily change the design of your website in a few simple clicks. Take this Wordpress wedding website creation course now and create a wedding website of your own."
Price: 49.99

"Fundamental Beauty & Contouring Technique" |
"FACE CONTOURING the Non-Surgical Facelift!Danessa Myricks brings the incredible techniques of Face Contouring and FundamentalBeauty together in this comprehensive course, which includes extensive Step-by-Step Demonstrations on how to contour yourface whileworking with various skin tones and face shapes.Learn how to use Tone and Texture to create flawless, naturalfinishes.Perfect how you strategically use foundations and powder to completelytransform the face.This face contouring course provides information on how to select the right tools andbuild a solid contouring kit and Danessa makes the principles of contouring andfundamental beauty dynamic and engaging with Quick Tips, Before and After Images and Excerpts from her Power ofContouring Book.Youwill learn how to reshape, recreate and enhance any face for any occasion!"
Price: 29.99

"iPhone Photography Secrets" |
"This is a thorough class where you'll learn the tools, techniques, and photography tips to create gorgeous iPhone photographs (using an iPod Touch or iPad as well). With more than 80 short video lessons - which you can access and review anytime, forever... you will learn the information and techniques to take your mobile photography to the next level. Learn to use 'the camera that's always with you' -- whether it's for travel, for business, for family, or just for fun with friends. View the short (3:00) video above for an overview & introduction to this course. Comments from folks enjoying this class: Very comprehensive, great pacing and instruction. Seth Love the enthusiasm & professionalism of Chet Davis already...can't wait to learn more. Farnoosh Chet has created a concise, easy to follow, set of lectures for the iPhone... To sum up, the course hits all bases and has taught me some new tricks, which makes using my new iPhone even more enjoyable! Chris As someone technologically challenged I appreciate how the viewer is walked through all the lessons. Very helpful and I highly recommend! Annette What You Will Learn in this iPhone Photography Course We start with the the settings and options in the iPhone camera app. You'll see up close and personal the Apps (iPhone Applications) that will give you great results - both in capturing photos, and in processing & editing photos right on your iPhone. Together we'll cover several techniques to improve your camera composition -- and hone your creative eye. And I'll share with you the easy ways to connect to a computer for sharing and archiving of your iPhone photographs. You can participate in this class via your desktop or laptop computer, but you can also enjoy learning using the Udemy App on your iPad. This free App is available in the App Store here: Udemy free App for iPad Comments from those who have learned from Chet Davis: ""I REALLY enjoyed your class. YOU make the class enjoyable and fun and you are so easy-going and an AMAZING teacher."" ""Chet is an amazing teacher. His clarity, knowledge, patience and warm personality are such a gift to any person lucky to be learning from him"" ""I wish I had you as a teacher in High School!"""
Price: 29.99

"Servlets and JSPs Tutorial: Learn Web Applications With Java" |
"In this Java web application tutorial I'll show you how to create dynamic websites using the core technologies of Java web programming. If you want to create your own interactive websites, if you know some Java and you want to take your skills to the next level, or if you want hot skills for the job marketplace, this Java web application tutorial course is for you. In this Java web application tutorial course you'll learn how to: Leverage the power of Java to create dynamic websites Deploy your applications for free on the Internet Use and understand core server-side Java web technologies I'll show you how to take your basic Java knowledge and use it to create websites using the same technologies (servlets, JSPs and JSTL) that everyone from self-employed web developers to huge corporations use to create modern interactive web sites."
Price: 34.99

"Advanced JavaScript Programming" |
"In this Advanced JavaScript Training class, you will learn advanced JavaScript techniques and good standard coding conventions. You will also learn advanced form validation with Regular Expressions, to manipulate the HTML DOM and to create jump menus and cascading select menus. Finally, you will learn to manipulate CSS with JavaScript to create applications using Dynamic HTML. Take this Advanced JavaScript Training course and become a JavaScript Pro.</p>"
Price: 39.99

"Business Writing" |
"This Business Writing Training class will give business professionals the tools they need to write effective, efficient business correspondence. Students will learn how to get started on a writing project, use appropriate business tone in the document, and discern between the different kinds of business correspondence. Students will learn how to decide what the appropriate vehicle is for written communication in business, electronic or hard copy."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to JavaScript" |
"In this JavaScript training for beginners: JavaScript Basics course, students will learn how to use JavaScript effectively to make their web pages more dynamic and functional and to reduce the number of round trips to the server. Take this JavaScript Training course and learn JavaScript Basics.</p>"
Price: 49.99

"Learning Adobe Audition CS6 The Easy Way" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. In this Adobe Audition CS6 training course we take you through the use of this audio editing software from Adobe. Narrated by an experienced Adobe Certified Instructor This video training course is designed for beginners, and no previous Audition experience is required. Starting with the basics of Audition CS6, covering audio fundamentals such as what sound is, and how Audition handles digital audio. The course then moves to the Audition workflow; importing your audio, editing it, creating multi-track sessions, and exporting the final product. Each of the workflow steps are covered step by step, with every new training video adding to what came before it. The course also covers Audition CS6 effects such as reverb, and echo. Finally, you will learn how to identify, and remove unwanted noise from your audio clips. By the conclusion of this video tutorial on Adobe Audition CS6, you will be familiar with all the various tools at your disposal as well as techniques you can use to clean, edit and export your audio files. Working files are included to allow you to learn with the same files that the author uses in his training."
Price: 49.99

"Developing Mobile Websites" |
"In this Developing Mobile Web Sites: How to Make a Mobile Website class, you will learn to use HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and other tools create websites that are responsive: sites that adapt their layout to the client device being used, whether it be a Smartphone, tablet computer, or desktop computer/laptop. You will learn to use CSS media queries, mobile-friendly HTML5 features, JavaScript enhancements, and various frameworks to build websites that look as good on an iPhone or Android as they do on a desktop or laptop computer. Take this Developing Mobile Websites course and learn how to make a mobile website.</p>"
Price: 44.99

"Aprende a Crear un Curso Online" |
"Si tienes alguna habilidad especial y te gusta la enseanza tengo buenas noticias! En estos momentos hay mucha gente quiere aprender de ti, y en muchos casos, incluso estara dispuesta a pagar por tener acceso tu sabidura.El ao pasado gan ms de 90.000 dlares vendiendo de un slo curso (este). En este curso aprenders con todo detalle exactamente como lo consegu para que t puedas lo mismo.Te voy a ensear cmo crear su propio curso en lnea, hacer que quede super profesional, promocionarlo, venderlo y ganar dinero con l.Suena bien? bien aqu te va lo que vamos a cubrir:Por dnde empezar: cmo desglosar tus conceptos, todas las herramientas que puede utilizar para crear un curso, y cmo hacer que sea interesante para que la gente realmente escuche!Como crear tu curso: Te voy a ensear cmo crear una presentacin con Keynote para que tu curso quede super cool y tu estudiantes puedan aprender incluso los conceptos mas complicados con facilidad.Cmo grabar tu curso: una vez que se cree la presentacin que usted necesita para registrarlo. Te voy a ensear cmo utilizar ScreenFlow para Mac para grabar la pantalla de su ordenador y Ud. mismo y la forma de editar todos juntos.Cmo promocionar tu curso: una vez que hayas creado su curso es hora de que el mundo sepa que existe! Te voy a ensear las formas ms eficaces de promocionar tu curso y encontrar estudiantes.Cmo ganar dinero vendiendo tu curso: cunto cobrar por tu curso? Te voy a ensear cmo crear una pgina de ventas ideal para su curso, cmo utilizar PayPal para hacer dinero vendiendo su curso, dnde venderlo, y mucho ms!Al igual que t he invertido miles y miles de dlares y muchos aos en mi educacin, en aprender nuevas habilidades. Es hora de compartir ese conocimiento tan duramente ganado con el mundo. Crear un curso en lnea es una de las mejores maneras de hacerlo, llegar a miles de personas y por qu no hacer algo de dinero extra que nunca viene mal :)Ests listo? Vamos a empezar!</p>"
Price: 44.99
