"Photoshop For Professional Photographers" |
"This Photoshop for Photographers: How to Use Photoshop Professionally course has been designed to give any serious photographer a solid understanding of Photoshop and the essential skills to achieve professional results, in the shortest possible time. This recurring criticism of Photoshop is that it's too complicated and takes too long to learn. This Photoshop for Photographers course overcomes that with 20 short, over-the-shoulder tutorials that you follow along with, completing the exact same steps on the exact same images, on your own computer. This helps you learn each technique correctly so you can master this powerful software in just a couple of hours. Take this Photoshop for Photographers course and learn how to use Photoshop professionally.</p>"
Price: 29.99

"Login and Registration from Scratch with PHP and MySQL" |
"Do you already know PHPandyou're developing a website that needs user registration and login? By taking this course you'll learn how to develop a system from scratch where users can sign-up for a new account, login, and be provided with personalised content.This course will teach you how to add the following features to your PHPwebsite or web application:User sign-up, including account activation by emailLogin and logoutProtecting content for logged-in users only""Remember me"" functionality: remember the login even after closing the browserSecure password reset: let the users reset their own passwords when they forget themUser administration: create, view, edit and delete users.Additional lectures include improving the usability of the site with new HTML5 and JavaScript techniques.Taught by experienced web application developer and online educator Dave Hollingworth, this course takes you in easy steps through the entire process of creating a website that includes user authentication. This course will take you step by step through the project until all the principles have been covered.All the source code is included with the lectures, with clear comments in the code and all the guidance you need to create your own user authentication system.This popular course has been completely rewritten and re-published in April 2015, replacing every lecture and adding over 20 brand new ones, with improved, more secure source code, and an entirely new user administration area."
Price: 19.99

"Software Simulations with Adobe Captivate 5.5" |
"Description: In this self-paced, video-based course you will learn best practices for getting started using Adobe Captivate 5.5, as well as how to get the most out of recording and editing software simulations.Content: The course includes at least 12 videos and roughly 2 hours of content.Why take this course? These videos will help you master your skills in developing software simulations in Adobe Captivate."
Price: 19.99

"Essential SEO Training For Successful Web Marketing" |
"Master the art of SEO and Web Marketing for Web Entrepreneur. In this training course for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) fundamentals, expert author and internet marketer, Kevin Bates takes you through the sometimes confusing world of web site optimization for search engines. This SEO tutorial is designed for the beginner, and you do not have to have prior knowledge of SEO - however some HTML knowledge and website experience are recommended. You will start with the basics of what SEO is, how search engines operate, and some of the tools available to you. Once you are comfortable with the basics, Kevin delves into the technical side of SEO - sitemaps, redirects, nofollows and how to handle dynamic content. You will learn about on and off page optimization, how to measure, track and test your optimization, and even how to use paid search effectively. By the conclusion of this video based training for search engine optimization, you will be familiar with the process of optimizing your website, choosing keywords and the basics of paid search marketing to generate more traffic for your website. Course Goals: Learn highly effective SEO techniques that boost rankings Learn how not to trip over optimization penalties that could lead to your site being sandoxed or banned. Learn to reverse engineer your Competitors SEO Strategies and turn them to your advantage Learn how to find niche keywords with a high conversation rate Learn how to use Google's own reporting to find untapped commercial traffic Gain an Understanding of Commercial Intent and learn how to capitalize on it. Learn the fundamentals of Paid Search and how to make it profitable Learn effective use of Social Media Marketing"
Price: 49.99

"How to Write an Effective Research Paper" |
"Over the last decade, the expectation for publishing research papers has increased significantly in academia, in professional communities, and in science and technology disciplines worldwide.In scientific fields (especially in academia), both graduate students and faculty are expected to publish the results of their research work in journals and conference proceedings. Publication of research or journal papers has also become a key measure for tenure and promotion assessments. In fact, U.S. News, National Research council, and other external organizations often consider publications as a critical metric in their analysis and ranking of programs and institutions. An increasing number of highly ranked universities, worldwide, now require publication of papers in SCI indexed journals as a per-requisite to receive a doctoral degree. Unfortunately, despite the widespread standard of writing and publishing research papers, most Universities dont offer any formal training or mentorship on how to write effective papers. The lack of guidance and resources has made it difficult, and at times frustrating, for graduate students and young researchers to properly organize and structure their papers for acceptance into publications. Whether you are a graduate student, conducting research, working towards a tenure, or you would like to advance your professional career in science, technology or academia, you will find this course greatly helpful. You will no longer have to struggle or spend countless hours figuring out how to start your research paper, only to have it turn out not as good as you hoped. If you are a beginner, you can simply follow along with the easy steps outlining each section of your paper; even if you are more experienced, you may be surprised at how much you can improve your research writing technique from the strategies and examples presented in the course videos.This Writing Research Papers: How to Write Research Paper Effectively course will provide you with the valuable research guidance from a scholar with over 36 years of experience in research and teaching in higher education. Dr. Mohammad Noori has published over 250 technical and professional papers, 6 advanced level text books, has been the guest editor of over 20 special journal volumes and technical books, and has given over 100 keynote, plenary and invited talks, currently serves as the technical editor, associate editor and a member of the editorial board of several prestigious journals and as a series editor for CRC/Taylor& Francis, and has presented numerous workshops worldwide on this topic.Take this Writing Research Papers course now and learn how to write research paper effectively. In a near future this course will be thoroughly revised to include topics on the latest web-based tools and scholarly resources that provide invaluable resources for conducting research and publishing high quality papers.</p>"
Price: 64.99

"Persuasive Presentations: Write, Deliver and move audiences!" |
"COURSE LAST REVIEW: AUGUST 2020JOIN OVER 3500 STUDENTS IN MY COURSES!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making effective presentations is a skill that can make or break careers and is crucial to spread messages and ideas (even if you don't buy this course keep it in mind). This Persuasive Presentations: Write, Deliver and move audiences! course helps you deliver better communication by focusing on what matters and avoid common mistakes. There is no schoolbook to follow to be a better presenter but we can take a page from the great communicators.Follow these principles and public speaking will become one of your tremendous assets.Almost 50 video lectures and extra available to address public speaking in an engaging and fun way. This Persuasive Presentations: Write, Deliver and move audiences! course covering all the key factors like: Preparation. Check how do you prepare a presentation against the rotated square framework.Delivery. Improve your communication and avoid common pitfalls that can damage your credibility or effectiveness.Visual aids. The vast majority of them hinders speakers rather than support them. Learn why, how to design and use them to your advantage.Engaging. Get your audience involved from different perspectives, including the emotional one, fundamental for moving people.Feedback. How important it is, learn to master it and together with practice make yourself a better presenter each time.If you want to move audiences and improve a terrific asset for you and your messages then this is your course! You will get: Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Effective public speaking boosts your message and your career, don't waste opportunities: enrol now! "
Price: 194.99

"Enter your Business successfully in LATIN countries!" |
"I will give you a FREE 20 minutes interview through a Webinar during the course, to solve you doubts or give u real contacts and advices in these countries. I have been making Business with latin people since 1999, when I was studying an MBA in IE Business School in Madrid. I realized that each country has his own idiosyncrasy, culture and different ways to make the same. So you should adapt to each situation if you want to get success.Now everybody knows that there's a HUGE opportunity to make business in LATAM; 200 million Internet users, growh of 30% per year, and much more positive indicators in the same direction. But Latins have their own way to make Business, to close agreements, to make the PPRR & Social Media activities... and they act diferent than people form te States. We must learn a lot about them.So In this course you will learn: How to priorize the entering to different countries depending on your goals.What are the most interesting countries for your products or services.How to catch the attention of first users and media contacts.How to priorize SEO an Social Media tactics depending on the region. How to priorize activities to get you goals in a minimun cost.Growth Hacking tactics that run in LATAM countries.DON'T SUBESTIME THE SUBCULTURES AND LATIN STYLE; IF YOU TRY TO DO THE SAME THAN IN THE STATES, BE SURE YOU'LL FAIL. Take this course and learn to think like a Latin. You'll understand more about the way they make business, and your strategy will be more successful both in LATAM and the US, because you'll know much more your [new] users and they will perveive you as a 'better comany' to work with."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Selenium IDE and Webdriver" |
"This Selenium Training: Selenium IDE Tutorial and Webdriver Tutorial course is delivered as a highly hands-on session, with extensive live examples. The instructor has more than 15 years of experience working as an employee and consultants for many leading companies, including Apple, Visa, Fidelity Investments and Subaru. Currently, he provides consulting services at Apple Inc., in Cupertino, CA. In this Selenium training course, attendees will learn the following: Selenium IDE 1. Download and installation 2. Working with Selenium IDE UI 3. Record and Playback 4. Selenium Commands 5. Selenium Test suites and test cases 6. Working with conventional and Ajax based websites Selenium Web driver 1. Setting up Eclipse IDE for Selenium Web driver 2. Downloading and Installing Web driver 3. Working with Page elements 4. Driver, WebElements and other key concepts 5. Using Selenium Webdriver to test multiple types of websites Who should attend in this Selenium Training: Selenium IDE Tutorial and Webdriver Tutorial course? Following professionals should plan on joining: Someone who wants to start his/her career as a Selenium Automation Tester.QA Engineers who want to learn Selenium Automation Tester.Automation EngineersQA ManagersProgrammers Take this Selenium Training: Selenium IDE Tutorial and Webdriver Tutorial course now and learn how to automate your web and mobile applications with Selenium.</p>"
Price: 39.99

"Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 Tutorial Video - Infinite Skills" |
"In this training course for Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, expert Andy Anderson teaches you about the tools and techniques that are available in this powerful software used for managing and editing your photos. More than just the basic photo organizer it once was, Elements includes tools to manage, edit and enhance your digital photographs.You will start learning Elements 11 in this tutorial from the very basics, with no prior knowledge assumed. Andy starts by showing you where all your tools and panels are located, and how to access them. You will learn how to import your images to the organizer and how to use that to find your images quickly and easily. Some of the techniques and tools covered are - cropping, straightening, whitening teeth, removing red-eye, color balancing, working with layers, working with camera RAW files, filters, adding text, distortion, and much, much more - over 12 hours of video based training in all!By the end of this training course, you will have a clear understanding of how to use the powerful tools available to you in Photoshop Elements 11 to organize, manage and manipulate your digital image library. Extensive working files are included to allow you to work with the same source files the author does throughout the training course."
Price: 49.99

"Project Photoshop: Customizing Photoshop" |
"Photoshop can be overwhelming with all of its choices, settings, tools - and all the things you have to remember. In this course you'll learn how to customize Photoshop, to make it look and operate the way YOU want. You'll see how Presets can be the best thing ever invented, and how to customize preferences, panels, menus and shortcuts - all to your liking."
Price: 49.99

"PowerPoint Psychology - Creating Amazing PowerPoint Slides!" |
"Lots of people make PowerPoint presentations, and lots of people make really bad presentations! In this course, you will learn (and put into practice) psychology-based PowerPoint strategies and techniques, well beyond the normal ones you may have heard. This is the class that everyone needs. It's not just about using PowerPoint, it's about using it well! Armed with this information, your PowerPoint presentations will be the envy of the office."
Price: 49.99

"Office 2013 New Features - Learn Now!" |
"Learn all about the new Office 2013 new features. Tons of new features are sure to delight mobile and desktop features. Use this in-depth look to learn all the new features, or to decide if upgrading is right for your organizaiton. "
Price: 39.99

"Todo el tiempo el aprendizaje de excel en el internet est diseado para crear una base slida para el uso de los software de negocios mas populars del mundo Para organizar y analizar informacin. Los participantes en este curso se Iniciaran estableciendo las habilidades fundamentales y las mejores prcticas eseciales para utilizar excel. Se iran con un conocimiento avansado de las formulas y las funnciones igual que emplementar el conocimiento de claves para organizar, formatear, y administrar los datos en una hoja de clculo. el aprendizaje de excel en el internet, esta disenado para individuos con cambios de carrera y mejorar sus habilidades</p>"
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Access 2010 Training - Advanced" |
"Ideal for those seeking to advance their careers by developing top-notch database skills, the Microsoft Access Training: Learn Microsoft Access 2010 course by Simon Sez IT provides 8 full hours of expert quality training videos. Learn Microsoft Access 2010 - Advanced takes the seemingly overwhelming concept of advanced database management and breaks it into several easy to understand, detailed chapters. A general understanding of previous versions of Microsoft Access will make this Microsoft Access Training: Learn Microsoft Access 2010 course comfortable and will be a great base from which to build. Beyond just getting data into the database, you will be taught to create both form and function. Discover how to create switchboards, autoexec functions, macros, creative reports, custom buttons, deep custom queries for detailed data analysis, and reports that shinein terms of how they look on paper and the data they provide. Additionally, you will learn best practices to employ during initial design and creation steps. These will help you minimize headaches as the database design evolves, and enable mass distribution as the amount of data and number of users increases. Plus, when you sign up for our class, youll also get these 5 BONUSES in addition to the 40 online course videos: Downloadable & printable keyboard shortcuts - to help you save time and get your work done faster. An online quiz (40 questions) - to test what you've learned. Downloadable & printable transcripts (over 160 searchable pages) to give you another learning option, if you prefer reading but dont have time to take notes. 8 hours of downloadable MP3s to play on your favorite audio device - to help you learn in the car, while you walk, or in the gym. A certificate of completion to tell everyone you've aced the course. Where else can you find so many extra tools to help you master Access 2010?!?! So start learning today. Because being a technology dinosaur isnt going to get you a promotion or raise! All of our videos are high-definition videos, therefore, they are best viewed with the HD setting on, and the videos enlarged. What our customers are saying: "Thank you very much for an extraordinaire online tutorial of Access, it has helped me a lot and even enabled me to get a job. Now I work for an asset management bureau in Paris programming and updating databases from Bloomberg on a daily basis!" - Lisa R., France. Take this Microsoft Access Training course now and learn Microsoft Access 2010 advanced level."
Price: 74.99

"Time Management Training with Outlook" |
"Organizing with Outlook will identify key organizational concepts inherent in all time management approaches, and show what Outlook can do to meet your particular needs. From automating the sorting process, to prioritizing your tasks, to using the outlook calendar on a mobile device or your day planner of choice, this course will reveal the most effective tools to incorporate into your current organizational system."
Price: 49.99

"MS Office - Advanced - Efficiency Training" |
"In this Microsoft Office Tutorial you will learn the most important time saving tools and shortcuts in Outlook, Excel, Word and PowerPoint. You will learn how to modify the programs to fit your needs, and discover key tools and Microsoft Office Shortcuts that will make your life easier, no matter what your work requires."
Price: 24.99

"Presenting Financials with Excel and PowerPoint" |
"This course is designed for individuals who want to combine the data analysis tools of Microsoft Excel with the presentation capabilities of Microsoft PowerPoint. You will learn how to uncover the key values for your business, turn those values into well designed, user friendly charts, and incorporate those charts into a professional PowerPoint Presentation. Make your next financial presentation easier and clearer. "
Price: 49.99

"Learn about Eastern Medicine and Energy Psychology" |
"The Principles of Eastern Medicine and The Definition of Energy Psychology course gives a general overview of Energy Psychology and the main schools of this discipline: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Thought Field Therapy (TFT), and Neuro Emotional Technique or NET, and describes in detail and with illustrations the particulars of energy psychology, especially the principles of Eastern Medicine and Applied Kinesiology, the foundation of this discipline. The Principles of Eastern Medicine and The Definition of Energy Psychology gives a general overview of the fundamentals of Eastern Medicine. This includes all levels of energy in and around the body with special emphasis on the meridian and chakra systems. Several polarity balancing techniques are discussed and shown with detailed illustrations. Eastern medicine and applied kinesiology (muscle testing) form the basis of energy psychology. This course is useful for both the lay person who wishes to learn the basics of energy psychology and is essential for professionals. The exciting field of energy psychology is only 30 years old. Although not well known, it is one of the fastest growing techniques in psychology. This is due to the amazingly quick and painless results that people experience with energy therapists. These techniques have proven more effective than traditional cognitive, talk therapy for addictions, phobias, obsessions, depression, anxiety, and especially Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)."
Price: 39.99

"Email Marketing: Become a Lead & Sales Machine" |
"Compared to just about every other form of digital marketing, Email is still the most cost effective. It can form the bedrock of your communications strategy and 'join the dots' between your other online activities. It is quick, easy to implement, inexpensive and reliable. The challenge, however, is standing out in an increasingly noisy marketplace. Your customers are drowning in too many email messages. This means it's harder than ever to reach them and grab their attention. This Email Marketing training course is designed to help you improve. You will learn how the elements of Email Marketing work together. You'll discover how to form your strategies, set realistic targets and design engaging email content that gets delivered,opened, read and acted upon."
Price: 94.99

"How to Build a Supply Chain Model in Microsoft Excel" |
"A detailed demonstration of the development of a multi-echelon supply chain model in Microsoft Excel is provided. First, the conceptual model for the supply chain is explained and developed in Microsoft PowerPoint. The monthly bucketed supply chain model is then developed in Microsoft Excel starting with a blank workbook. Inventory coverage, inventory value, replenishment planning, production planning, etc is covered at multi-levels of the supply chain. The student should leave the course with an understanding of the key requirements for modeling a supply chain as well as how to create a model in Excel. "
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to Strategic Marketing" |
"Join over 6200 marketers and excel as a Digital Marketing expert with 14 Courses in One.+++ 30,5 Hours - 223 AWESOME VIDEO LECTURES, SLIDES, ARTICLES and CASE STUDIES +++IMPORTANT: this course is very substantial, and updated on a regular basis. However, do not be scared! You can decide to learn specific topics OR go for the entire course. If you feel you know already some parts you can skip them and focus on other ones. Remember we are always here to help you!Our Digital Marketing material has been developed with the support of top professionals from The Oxford College of Marketing. All our speakers have at least 15 years experience in working and consulting for the top UK and US companies.TEN GOALS YOU CAN ACHIEVE FROM ""DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT.""Apply the latest Psychology and Neuromarketing techniques to Outperform your competitorsIncrease the Conversion Rate of any of your marketing activityDefine a Social Media Strategy to drive traffic and leadsAvoid common mistakes that can cost you a fortunePerform market research to validate your idea Write Copy That SellsFine tune your email marketing strategyOptimize your search engines ranking with SEOCreate ads with Google Adwords that make you profitsMeasure results and track success with Google Analytics14 TOPICS INCLUDED AND UPDATED IN THIS COURSE:Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)Social Media Strategy for Business GrowthWeb CopyWriting Web Analytics Social Media Channels Email Marketing SEO - Search Engine Optimization PPC Web Usability (UX) Content Marketing Campaign Planning Digital Marketing Research Affiliate MarketingNeuromarketing "
Price: 199.99

"Learn Microsoft Excel 2010 Advanced Course" |
"Ideal for those seeking to enhance their Excel 2010 knowledge, the Learn Excel 2010 Advanced by Simon Sez IT is a 7-hour training course covering advanced level Excel topics. Microsoft has added very powerful tools to Excel over previous versions. Understanding these tools will save you time and energy combing through information. Learn how to create eye-catching charts and graphs (formatting axes and gridlines, showing basic trends, complex trends, even trends over time). Learn the differences between the various types of charts, relationships in data, and ways to show differences. Discover methods to make your exceptions stand out so you can attack the anomalies and use the data to make your operations better. Excels tools are covered in depth which includes discussions on and are setting up live charts, Sparklines, color scales, and icon sets. Your data will become alive as you identify key action items and understand the meaning behind the numbers. Learn how to use Pivot Tables combined with Pivot Charts in powerful ways. You can move columns and rows to understand how the numbers relate more easily than ever before. Finally, once you have analyzed the data you will need to share it; ascertain the method for exporting charts and graphs for the best presentation. Plus, when you sign up for our class, youll also get these 5 BONUSES in addition to the 30 online course videos: Downloadable & printable keyboard shortcuts - to help you save time and get your work done faster. An online quiz (35 questions) - to test what you've learned. Downloadable & printable transcripts (over 120 searchable pages) to give you another learning option, if you prefer reading but dont have time to take notes. 7 hours of downloadable MP3s to play on your favorite audio device - to help you learn in the car, while you walk, or in the gym. A certificate of completion to tell everyone you've aced the course. Where else can you find so many extra tools to help you master Excel 2010?!?! So start learning today. Because being a technology dinosaur isnt going to get you a promotion or raise! All of our videos are high-definition videos, therefore, they are best viewed with the HD setting on, and the videos enlarged."
Price: 74.99

"Social Network Engagement" |
"Have you ever got "caught up in the hype". Well thats where you need to be in the hype, all the social networks will make your business move to victory. This course is designed to keep you engaged within a strong structure. We will teach you how to tweet when you while your sleeping or attending a meeting with out getting dirty looks. Google search can be your best friend or your worst enemy. In this course we will teach you how to get the most out of google through the masses. If social networks were a night club, Facebook would be the V.I.P, twitter would be the dance floor and pinterest would be the bar. In this course we will teach you how to work the entire club to your advantage. We also offer the opportunity to learn in a private one on one setting with out social networking guru. Get involved!"
Price: 19.99

"The Marriage Between Marketing Materials And Strategies" |
"Marketing materials and marketing strategies go hand-in-hand. In this lecture this is the focal point to getting things done right. Learn how to gain the exposure your looking for when it comes to your website. In this course we are going to show you the basics when it comes to getting exposure you desire. "
Price: 19.99

"Learn Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010" |
"In Learn SharePoint Foundation 2010, discover how to make team collaboration better. SharePoint Foundation 2010 is Microsofts web-based platform that takes the complication out of sharing business intelligence and managing content. During this 10-hour online video training, your professional instructor will introduce you to SharePoint and the programs useful features for maximizing team communication. Youll learn to set-up your own custom SharePoint site and build it out with wikis, blogs, surveys, and more. To keep your content organized, youll then discover simple ways to create libraries and lists. Find out how to manage challenges that arise from team members using different versions of software. Get valuable tips on backing-up and resorting files. And protect your site by implementing security measures. Ensure you know how to collaborate effectively and keep up with the rest of your team. Perfect for beginners as well as those already using SharePoint who are looking for more advanced knowledge. Plus, when you sign up for our class, youll also get these 4 BONUSES in addition to the 44 online course videos: Downloadable & printable keyboard shortcuts - to help you save time and get your work done faster. An online quiz (40 questions) - to test what you've learned. 10 hours of downloadable MP3s to play on your favorite audio device - to help you learn in the car, while you walk, or in the gym. A certificate of completion to tell everyone you've aced the course. Where else can you find so many extra tools to help you master SharePoint 2010? All of our videos are high-definition videos, therefore, they are best viewed with the HD setting on, and the videos enlarged."
Price: 99.99

"HTML5 APIs For JavaScript - A Course For Web Developers" |
"In this training course, expert an expert author teaches you how to take full advantage of the new HTML5 API's for JavaScript. The tutorial assumes that you already have a basic working knowledge of JavaScript programming, HTML, CSS and general web concepts.You will start off with a general introduction to browser APIs, and what they are. You will explore the Document Object Module (DOM) and how to access it with JavaScript. Craig then teaches you how to handle browser events and about the event object, dealing with form events, working with timers and animation, and introduces you to Ajax. Once you have a firm grasp on those concepts, you cover HTML5 APIs for audio and video, canvas, SVG, geolocation, and file handling. You will finish off with lessons on persistance storage, and advanced debugging tools and techniques.By the conclusion of this JavaScript HTML5 API programming tutorial, you will have an in-depth grasp of how to access and manipulate your web projects using JavaScript. Working files are included to allow you to work alongside the author using the same files that references throughout the training course."
Price: 49.99

"WordPress For E-Commerce Tutorial - A Definitive Guide" |
"In this training course you will learn how to use WordPress for E-Commerce. A+ rated training company InfiniteSkills teaches you how to extend the WordPress blogging platform to build an E-Commerce website by adding plugins and customizing your WordPress installation. This course is designed for the student that already understands the fundamentals of WordPress.E-Commerce has always been the domain of the geek, requiring complex programming and an in-depth understanding of website development techniques. As WordPress has become recognized as a platform capable of more than simple blogging, it has seen an influx of plugins and strategies to utilize WP as a complete front to back E-Commerce website solution. George takes you through the installation and configuration of some of the most popular plugins to add E-Commerce to your WordPress Website. He covers topics ranging from how to take payments, calculate taxes and shipping, deliver digital as well as physical products, and so much more.By the time you have completed this video tutorial, you will have an in-depth understanding of several WordPress plugins for E-Commerce, and will be able to make an informed decision on which will work best for you. You will understand how to install and configure your choice of plugin, and be able to begin selling your products to the world. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout this video based training course.</p>"
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop For The Web Tutorial. A Definite Training Course" |
"This training course teaches you how to manipulate graphics and video to use on a web site. Since the release of its first version many years ago, Photoshop has added numerous tools tailored for use with graphics destined for the web. In this video tutorial you will learn how to master these tools.This computer based training course demonstrates that Photoshop is capable of more than simply optimizing an image for the web. This course covers topics ranging from creating a web page mockup to understanding and applying the correct colour type to your images. You will learn about different image formats, which ones you should use, and when. Included are lessons covering vector versus raster imaging, preparing your images for the Internet, and working with layers. Andy even reveals tips and tricks to using Photoshop to create web-friendly videos, making basic animations, generating navigation graphics, and setting up automation and workflow to make you more efficient.Once you have completed this computer based training course on Photoshop for Web Design, you will have a strong grasp of the fundamental tools and capabilities that Photoshop has to offer, and how to apply those tools specifically to your web design related projects. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"GMail, IFTTT, Virtual Assistant - Ultimate Productivity Trio" |
"Gmail is Google's free email service, and it's amazing. It can become your ultimate productivity tools, allowing you to get more done in less time by enabling you to focus and act upon the most important information every day.I teach The Art of Less Doing, a framework for productivity I developed to help people optimize, automate, and outsource everything in their lives and be more effective. I'm constantly writing about new ways to save you time and get more done at my Less Doing blog. Having a clean inbox is an essential basis for being more productive which is why I created this course. Achieving an empty inbox is not that hard when you have the right methods and tools. This course begins with my philosophy and methodology for dealing with email. It takes you through the steps of getting started with Gmail and setting it up the way I reccomend.The second part of the course gives details on each of the amazing add ons or related services that I beleive are essential to maximize productivity. I chose to utilize videos produced by the creators of these products because they explain them better than I ever could. IFTTT is a free service that allows you to create automations between popular web services so you can "set it and forget it" and get back to the work you need to do.Virtual Assistants bring the whole process full circle by allowing you to outsource all of the tasks you don't want to do and haven't been able to automate.The value I hope you get from this course is my step-by-step, cohesive assembly of tools created by the tech community framed with my original content and methods for getting the most out of email. In addition you'll be able to ask questions on the course forum which will be answered by me and/or other students. I will also offer regular live sessions where you can ask me questions and make comments in real time."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering Microsoft Project 2010 Made Easy Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Microsoft Project 2010 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Project Made Easy features 67 video lessons with over 5 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our two printable classroom instruction manuals (Introductory and Advanced), additional images and practice exercises. You will learn introductory through advanced concepts including assigning and managing tasks and resources, tracking project tasks, developing dynamic reports and much more. Whether you are completely new to Project or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply click to launch a video lesson or open one of the manuals and youre on your way to mastering Project."
Price: 34.99

"How to Set Simple Goals and Achieve Massive Success" |
"Do you want a plan for your life? Tired of setting goals and not achieving them?If you could learn a way to effortlessly set goals and achieve amazing results, would you want to learn it?Goal Setting 101 is a course that will help you take all of your big ideas and put them on paper so that you can live your best life now! Nothing happens, no forward steps are taken, until a goal is established. Goals are essential to success as air is to life. No one ever stumbles into success without a clear goal. The course is designed to help you ask the right questions and reflect on your life and where it is you want to go. No one accomplishes more than he sets out to accomplish so in this course you will be challenged to visualize a big future.The course is designed with lectures and includes a worksheet that you can fill in for each section so that at the completion of the course all of your goals are written and you can take immediate action on accomplishing them.The course will take approximately 1 hour to complete."
Price: 19.99
